1. Intro: Hi, everyone. Welcome to my class in this class. I'm gonna take you from being advanced in Microsoft Word to beyond that level in this class , I'm going to talk about how you can use your documents to send emails to seven people without having to redo your document. Several times in this class, I'm gonna talk about illustrations, for example, how to use smart arts and shapes in your documents to represent an idea for for example, if you're presenting a document in a pitch or something, you can add drop caps and text boxes and pull quotes inside your document In case, for example, you're writing a book or or a research paper. I'm gonna teach you also out for matter document by separating it into several sections and columns by designing it by adding borders. Or, for example, if you're presenting a document to supervisor or if you're documented is classified, for example, you can add watermarks. I'm gonna teach you how to protect your documents so that for example, in case you want to share your document or in case you don't want people to touch your document, I will teach you how to protect it. I'm gonna talk about how to create a table of contents, gonna teach you how to add captions to your images and create a table of figure out at bookmarks to your document how to out citations and sources in case you're making your research paper and you need to add citations and sources. I'm gonna teach out at footnotes in case you're writing a book. And you'd like the readers to read about the word that has a footnote or in a note, I'm gonna teach you how to share your documents safely by protecting it by changing the properties so that you can, for example, right yourself as the altar. I'm gonna teach you how to track changes on your document so that you can share your document with your colleagues and in case they make any changes, you can track those changes except them, reject them and so on. I'm gonna teach you how to turn your document into a form into a filling form, for example, in case you'd like to print your document or to put it on the Web, or to send it as a document for people to fill it as a form and other restrictions to your documents so that they can only edit it as a form. I'm gonna teach you how to link Excel and Microsoft Word together. I'm gonna teach you also how to use your document as a webpage and then, for example, uploaded to WordPress and all those blog's. I'm gonna teach you as well how to work efficiently with Microsoft Word by customizing the ribbon to your specific needs or by creating macros and how to create those micro's. I'm gonna teach you how to add building blocks to your document and how to turn your document to a master document. And it would have sub document and this would be very beneficial when you're writing a book and at the end of this lesson, you would go from being advanced that Microsoft Word toe beyond that level
2. Using a document as a dynamic letter: if you have a document and you'd like to send it as a letter to several people and you don't want this letter to seem so pale and so static. But instead you wanted to be more dynamic and to add a personal touch to it, what you can do, you can open your document. And let's say, first of all, you would need to other dates since it's a letter and you want that whenever you open your document to print this letter, you want that this date is up is updated. So what you would do, for example, the date usually, and the letter is here, So let's put the insertion point here. Then we go to insert that we click on quick Parts. Then here we click on field and then we have to navigate to the date. Then here you get to choose the format that you'd like. Let's say in our case, we just care about the day, the month and the year. So we go with this one, and we'd like it to preserve the formatting whenever it updates. So then we click on okay, and now here we have the current date and whenever we'd like it to update. Either we close the document and we open it again or we just click on it and then we click on update and it would update the current date. So when you're sending the letter, it would be displaying the date of today. Now, in order to add a contact list, for example, because you want your letter to be dynamic and you have already the names and the addresses and the information about the people to whom you're sending this letter, what you can do, you can already build the contact list on Excel like, for example, how I did here in this list. As you can see, I have the first name and so on these field year, the first name, the last name, the company and address and an old. The rest will be used as fields. So, for example, later, when we add fields for this list, those fields will be automatically replaced. So, in case you will need your letter to have the address off this specific person, you can write it here and write the header as address. Same thing for the city. The last name, the first name. That's why it's important to give your Excel sheet heather and also I prefer, actually to create the contact list here rather than creating it on Microsoft Word. And I will show you later how to create it on Microsoft Word. But on Excel, you have more flexibility when you're creating your contact list, and that's why I prefer to do it on Excel. Now let's close it. Let's go to Microsoft, where here we have to click on mailings. Then you have to click on start mail merge and then, in our case, we would like to send the letter. We can even make it une mail message. But in our case, let's talk about letters now. Here we started the merge. Now, first of all, we need to import the list off recipients. To do that, we have to click on select recipients, and then we can either choose an existing list. We can create a new list we can choose from the outlook contacts, but in our case, let's choose an existing list. Let's navigate to this folder and then let's double click on contacts. And as you can see, we have a table and we have to check this check box that says First throw of data. Contains column headers Because, as you saw when I opened the Excel sheet, you have the first row here that represents Heather, so let's close it. Let's keep this option checked. Now let's click on OK, and now we have the list off all the recipients. Now let's say we would like in our letter to have an address block that represents the address off the recipient. Let's add it, for example, here on top of the document. So insert the insertion point here, then we navigate to write an insert fields. Then we click on address block. Now the address block is a field that would be replaced during the merge by the address of the recipient Here, it gives you an option off how you would like to display the elements in this field. For example, you just want to display the name you can choose to display. For example, the our own family. You can remove the company name. If you don't want to show it, you can remove the postal address. If you don't want to show it, you can even preview all the other ones, as you can see by clicking on the on the Atos here because it's a preview here, let's let's change it back to the normal one. Now let's click on okay. And as you can see, another's block has been added here. Now let's add a greeting block or a greeting line, which would also automatically be replaced, but by the recipient. So we navigate to write an insert fields with like on greeting line. And then we can choose, for example, the year or two and so on. We can even select a default greeting line in case there's an invalid recipient name, and even here you have the preview for it. Now let's go with deer. I will click on OK, now, whenever we merge the document, we will be able to see the values being replaced automatically. Now, let's add here, for example, the city, the city where the recipient lives. So to do that, I have to put my insertion point here than I have to click on insert Merge field. I click on it. Then, as you can see, you have the city, and here you can see all the fields that are available within the Excel sheet that I just imported. So let's go with City. And then we can preview how it would look like during the merge by clicking on preview results. Here we click on it, and as you can see, we have a preview. Here is the address block and here's the greeting. We can even click on the arrows here to preview the different values, and even the city here is being changed. Now it's grill. Now it's Munich and also you can just, like stop the preview. And then it would go back to normal. Let's say we would like to create our own recipient list. All we have to do We have to click on select recipients than we click on type and new list . Then we will have this dialog box. Let's say, for example, we don't want to add a title. What we can do. We navigate to custom columns than in this dialog box. We can remove any of those we can add others and we can name renamed them. And also, of course, we can move them down so that we can, for example, if you want to see the first name first year we can move it down or move it up and so on. Let's say we don't want the title, so we select it and then we click on delete. Then yes, Then we click on OK, and as you can see, the title has been removed. Now let's say I'd like to add myself. So then I say Company a address line. Whatever city, let's say Berlin, the 12345 Germany. And then let's say we are the doctor now. As you saw when I reached the end of the row and I pressed on top it created in euro for me , and that's really efficient for you to create entries quicker. Let's say the 2nd 1 would be called William. I'll create some entries and then I will be back. Okay, now that I have created some entries, all we have to do is click on OK and then we have to save it. So let's say new entries. Now we click on save. We can choose whatever we want to save it. Let's save them. In my data sources, we click on Save No. When I click on select recipients on I said. And I select use an existing list. I can see the list that I just created. It's here I selected, and I click on open now if I added my recipient list. As you can see, I have the ones that I just created. Now, here in this dialog box, you can sort the elements, so if you click on sort, you can sort them by the fields that are within your recipient list. So let's say I'd like to sort them by the company name. So our sword by the company name then if the company names are equal, for example, like here, let's sword them by the first name. When I click on OK, then they have been sorted. Now let's say I'd like to filter them, so let's filter them by the field company name. And let's say we want to filter it when it's equal to be. Now when we click on OK, we will only have two fields left. Now let's filter them and remove the filter so we clear all we click on OK, and they are back. Now let's find duplicates. For example. In this case, we don't have any duplicate records because they are all different. But when we have duplicates, they will be displayed here, and we can remove them so that we don't have a duplicated record within our document. Now let's click on Cancel. We can also find recipients in case we're looking for a certain recipient in a huge list, and we can validate addresses in case we would like to make sure that the addresses we have entered actually exist. But when you click on it, it will ask you to actually don't load in an external add on to verify the addresses. And you can choose to do so in case you are interested with validating the addresses in case you'd like to filter the content programmatically and in case, for example, you you want to filter out. For example, let's say you want that for certain people within your recipients list, the letter looks different than for other people. In order to do that, you would need to add mergers so the merger rules would make your life easier when it comes to filtering and differentiating certain people from other people. And that way you can shape your letter specifically to this group of people. So let's go here to write an insert field and click on rules in the rules. We have different criterias that we can choose from. In my case, I will talk about the if then else. So I click on it here I can choose which field name would be used as a criteria. The first name, last name company and so on. I will take the first name and I will say if the first name is equal to Peter, then insert Hi, brother. Because you know, I feel more friendly with the people that are called Peter. But if it's anything but Peter, then we would say hi. Hello, sir. Now, hello, friend, for example. Then we click on OK, and as you can see, it has been inserted here. Now, if we preview the results here, it says, Eli. Now, if I go back, it says Wilson. Hello, friend Peter High brother. Well, hello, friend. So as you can see, you can use this to manipulate how you want your document to behave depending on certain criterias. That way it would work faster on automatically when merging and when sending emails. So now, for example, when I click on finish and merge. Of course, you can send it as an email. You can print it or you can edit individual documents. Now, when I click on edit individual documents and I say that I would like all of them to be merged, I click on OK, It would merge them in one single document. And as you can see here, I have Peter and it says, Hi, brother. Now if I scroll down, I'll have the second letter, which is for another Peter. And it says as well High brother And the city has changed. The greeting has changed. Now let's move on to the next letter. We have William now in William. We have hello friend in a different city. So that's how you can see that it keeps changing automatically. And it saves you a lot off work when you need to send the same email to several people
3. Designing with shapes: if you'd like to make your document more appealing by having designs to it like, for example, smart arts or text boxes or shapes. This is the perfect lesson for you in this lesson. I'm gonna show you, for example, how to create a document like the one I created for the intro. The one I created for the intro. As you can see, I have a picture here that can move around. I have a text box, which is this one and I had have set a background for it. I have those lines here. Those are shapes this next year. Is it textbooks as well? So here as you can see, for example, you have These are textbooks is this is a shape and so on. You have this as well. It's the textbooks. So I'm going to show you how to create something like that. So, for example, in case you wanna present a document that looks very well designed and very appealing for the I, I'm gonna show you how to create something like that. Let's say in our case, we have this document that's very pain, and we'd like to add for it a smart art that would actually display data in hierarchy, for example, And then we could display ideas. But in a smart art which is easier to understand and simpler on the I, and that's what we have to do. Now let's navigate to the end of the document to set our smart art here at the end of the document. Then we insert our insertion point here. Then we navigate to the insert ribbon top. Then we click on Smart Art. Here we have a list off which we can choose which type we would like to work with. Let's say we'd like to work with it hierarchy, so we click on it. Then we choose, for example, let's say this organization chart. Then we click on OK, then, As you can see, we have a chart that has been drawn here. Now let's say we click away, then we come back to the chart. You can see that here you have a pain where you can add your text or you can directly right . You're taxed on the graph. You can even remove this pain by navigating to the create graphic driven group found in the design top. You click on the tax paid, and then it would disappear. Now let's click on it again. Let's say our 1st 1 would be spices. Then we have to navigate the mouse to the 2nd 1 That's right. Hot spices, for example. Now let's fill the other three with, for example, spices from Europe, then spices from the Middle East, then spices from Asia. Now let's say we'd like to add one more box at the end of the tree. What we do, for example, here in spices from Asia. Now we press on enter, and as you can see, a new one has been added. Let's write, for example, spices from the s. Now let's say we'd like to add another child next to hot spices. We just put the insertion point here. Then we press on enter, and as you can see, there's another child. But we cannot do a backspace to remove the child, because if we do a backspace now, what would happen would be that the child has been promoted to a parent. And now this note that was a child before is now a parent to these Children, and the main parent before is now just a parent, too hot spices. And if you press backspace again, you can see that the next child in the tree has been promoted to be a parent. But you can simply do is control that controls that. And then, in case you'd like to remove this, you can just controls that and it's gone. Now let's say its back on you press on, delete. What would happen is that the next child in the tree would be promoted to an upper child of the tree, as you saw here. Now let's controls that. And in case you'd like to remove this box here without the controls that feature, which is the undo feature, all you have to do is select this box and then press on. Deal it. And, as you can see, it has been deleted without messing with the hierarchy off the tree. Now let's say we'd like to add it. The graph all week. All we have to do is select it, as it's done here, navigated the design top that we can choose, for example, different styles for it. Like we can make it look a bit three d. We can make it look like that we have several stars that we can choose from. We can also change the color. For example, we'd like the main part and to have a different color than the Children. We can also format the layout, for example. Let's say we'd like to format each not on its own. For example, we'd like to form at this main parents, so we select it. Then we navigate to four month. Then here we can, for example, choose one of those styles. We can fill it with a different color by doing the shape Phil, we can color it in a different outline. Give a different effects, and we can do this to each and every note. Within the tree, we can give word art styles for the words inside the box of. For example, spices here could have a different style. It could have effects glowing and so on. We can also navigate to the shapes and then enlarge it so that it's larger than the others . Since it's the parent, we can make it smaller. Then, for example, we can enlarge it live out, and then the second child in the tree wood be a bit larger now, Let's say we'd like the four Children to be resized together. What we have to do, we select one of them. Then we present control, and then we select the rest just by clicking on them. And then we can resize them. And as you can see as they get smaller, the other ones get bigger because they are set within one box and to and to stay proportionate to this box. These Children are getting smaller, and the other notes are getting bigger. Another thing that you can do. You can also change the shapes within this graph, for example. That's true is that the Children would have a circular shape, so we choose the Children. Then we navigate the shapes than in change shape. We choose the circle, for example. Then they have been changed to circular shapes. Now we can also resize them like that. Then we d select them. Then we select the upper child. Let's change it to a triangle. Now let's change the main parent, for example, heart. And as you can see, you can change the formatting off a diagram and the shapes and the styling just the way you'd like, so that it fits your purpose, that it fits your style and that it fits your document. Now, if you'd like to add some shapes inside your document, like the ones I added in the introduction, for example, like the arrow and so on. And it's something that I personally used so often when I'm presenting a document because we can't deny that they look very appealing. This is what you have to do. We have to navigate to the insert tub, and then here we have the shapes bottom, we click on it. Then let's say in our case, we'd like to dro a box which would contain a text and then an arrow to the result. Now, if you drag the mouse, really, as you can see, the box is not proportional, so you can draw it like that. You can draw it like that doesn't matter, but if you press shift while doing it, you can see that it holds a certain proportion and it's a square. So in case you'd like it toward a certain proportion, it's better toe. Keep your hand on the shift while dragging the shape. So let's say we'd like it to be a square like that. Now we'd like to add some text to it. What we have to do, we have to right click on it and then click on at text. Here we can write solution a then we d selected. As you can see. Now we have it inside. Now we add another square by doing insert shapes that she was this one as well. That's shift so like that. That's right. Result a. Now let's select this box control C control V so that we have another one. Now we set it under result A. Now we click inside it to edit the text we name its result be and let's edit the shape off this square. What we can do, we can right click on it and then click on edit points when we click on edit points. Now we can freely redesigned the shape. So when we navigate the mouse to this point here and we shape it like that, then we navigate the mouse from this point here and then we move it like that, for example, Now we have kind off the shape off it diamond. You can also add it. The points from here for example, let's say you wanted to be like that and like about and now it kind of looks like a plane like that. But that's how you can manipulate the shapes when it comes to drawing a shape and then editing the points. Now we'd like to add some arrow that would point from solution A To result A and from solution eight result be they go to insert, then we click on shapes. Let's say we'd like this auto repress on shift, and we create a narrow Now you that Let's say we don't want it proportionate. So we remove the shift, and now we dro the arrow like that. We said it in the middle, and the same thing goes to the auto. We can added the points. For example, Here you have this point here. If you drag it back, the auto had this bigger, and if you drag it forth, the arrowhead is smaller. So let's put the arrowhead like that, and if you selected from this point here, you can either make it thicker or thinner. So let's make it. Let's put it back to normal. Let's say like this arrow copy it based it so that we have so that we have another one. And now let's rotate it by using this button here like that and then drag it again, then put it here, then rotated box so that it's more pointing towards the other shape. Now, when we de select as you can see now, we have shapes within the document, and that's how we can manipulate them. Now there's this thing and Microsoft word that that whenever you add shapes, the newer the shape, the more forward there is when it comes to the previous shape. So, for example, now if I'd like this shape above this shape, as you can see this shape, it's forward when it comes to this shape, because this square shape has been created before the arrow. Now, if I click on the arrow and I right click on it and I click on sent back and of course you have these options, but let's send it to the back. As you can see now it's behind this shape, and if you right click on this shape and then you click on centre back, it has been sent behind this arrow and now all the arrows or any other graph would be in front of it. Now let's say we don't want these shapes anymore now in order to, for example, wrap your shape inside the text so that it looks like, for example, this text is talking about this shape, this solution or, for example, this shape here is a representation of this text, so it would make sense to actually put it inside the text and then put the text right next to it. In order to do so, we will use the text wrapping option and in order to do that, you have to do the following. So now you have to select this shape here. Now you go to four months. Here you have these two buttons that you can choose from. For example, if you click on position and then you choose, you wanted to be this one which is stop left with square text wrapping. As you can see, it is on the top left and then you have a text wrapping next to it. Andi, for example, here you could drive spices in ends it or, for example, you can insert a picture here, and then it would be right next to it. You can even change the tax trapping by clicking on this button here. Then you could say you want it to be tired. You wanted to be through. You wanted to be in front of text. As you see, it is in front. You wanted to be behind the text. As you see, it is behind and so on. You can manipulate this layout the way you'd like. All that happens within the format tub in the drawing tours and that you can choose how you want to wrap your text, how you want to position it, and so on.
4. Styling and designing text in MS Word: in this lesson, I'm going to talk about another way to make your document look even better. So, for example, in the previous lesson, I talked about how to make your document look better. But with shapes in this lesson, I'm going to talk about how to make your document look better, but by redesigning the text. So, for example, you can redesign the text by adding it as a word art, you know, by adding art to this text. You know, I used to use this feature when I was a child. I used to love it so much because of all the options that it offers when it comes to text. And it kind of like comes as a built in fun. So, for example, you can use a A word art, and it would have its own fund along with the color, with with shadows and so on, which is very beneficial if you don't have the time to design your text and you'd like it just to come out of the box, you know, like to use something that just out of the box, I'm gonna also talk about how to redesign your tax. So for example. Let's say you're writing a book and I prefer you know, those books that have this, you know, at at the beginning of the of the chapter, for example, it has a drop cap. So the first letter is bigger than the other letters. I'm gonna talk about this cool feature in this lesson so that you can make your document look better and better designed by using the text. I'm gonna also I present to you how to link, for example, two text boxes to each other's because not always the text boxes they fit your text. And for example, let's say you have a textbooks on this whole page and your tax doesn't fit this whole text box, and it would be on the next page what you can do. You can simply link those two text boxes so that your text would continue in the next textbooks and your text would look smooth and your document would look like like it's going in one flow, you know, like it's continuous rather than stopping at some point and then continuing at the other point. Another thing that I'm also gonna teach you in this lesson is how to add pull quotes like Like, for example, if you'd like the other. Quote to your document and you like it. Stand out from the rest of the text and you like it to be, like in the center of the page or next to an image and so on. I'm gonna teach you in this lesson how to add this pull quote to make your document look better. Now, let's talk, for example, about word arts. You know, you like the ones that I talked about in the beginning. So in order to do them, you have to go to insert. Then you have here this option that says word art. You click on it and then you have all these built in word arts that come with Microsoft Word. Let's say you'd like this one. This one, for example, comes with this font and this size, this color and this shadowing, which you can edit, of course, in the formatting top. And this is very beneficial. For example, let's say I want to make you Heather and call it spices. In New Zealand, you can see the difference between a normal heather and a word art that actually looks better, has a better styling and stands out better than than just a normal plane sentence. Now, let's say we'd like to add a drop cap at the beginning off the document with the first letter after the to Heather's what we can do. We have to, for example, remove the T here and leave the insertion point there. Now we click on insert, and then here we choose drop cap. Now we click on it and we can choose. Either we want it to be dropped or we wanted to be in margin. And as you can see the option in margin, it puts the letter within the margin here. And the dropped would put the letter at the beginning of the paragraph. And also you can change the drop cap options by clicking on it and then choosing, for example, for the dropped option. How you want the fund to be. You can choose the phone that you'd like. You can choose how many lines to drop. So, for example, in our case it was dropping three lines. Let's drop it, for example. That's a two lines instead of three on the distance from tax. Let's leave it to zero. Let's click on OK, and as you can see here, it's dropping only two lines. Now let's change it to t. And at the age here. So now the history of spice and so on. As you can see now it works. Now let's change the A Here, for example, we click on Drop Cop. Let's make it dropped again. But let's change the drop cap options. Let's make a drop. Let's make a drop four lines and let's make a distance, for example. Zero point for now let's click on OK, and as you can see, it has been distanced. Candle looks ugly, though, but yeah, it has been distanced, and there is a four lion drop here. You can also edited by just clicking on it, selecting it, navigating to the drop cap button than drop cap options. And then everything gets, for example, to 0.1. Then you click on OK, and as you can see, it is space the bit just a bit but more than the T, for example, and it has been dropped, capped. Now let's say you'd like, for example, to have his shape. For example, it's Miley shape then you'd like to add a text right next to it. What you do, you click on the insert, and then here you click on text box. Then you can choose any of the text boxes that are already there. You have several preset choices that you can choose from, but let's throw our own text box to draw it. You have the plus sign, and then you click where you'd like to start textbooks and you let go of the mouse when you want the textbooks to be built. Now let's write some text here. Let's just copy this text and then basted here. Now let's resize this text box a bit and let's create another textbooks by clicking on insert than text box. Throw textbook. Let's throw it here. Now we have two separate textbooks. Now let's select this text box here and navigate to the creating button within the former top We create. We click on it. Now we have to select the other text box that's empty. That will be the destination when it comes to for the link. As you can see, there's this cursor here that says that this is the source box and Then when we navigate to the next box, we have that this this would be the destination box. So I navigate to this text box and then I click. And as you can see now, if I continue typing, let's say anything. As you can see, the text that has been typed in the upper text box is being continued in the next textbooks . Now, to break the link between these two textbooks, all you have to do you have to just select any of these two text boxes, either this one or this one. Then you navigate the format, and then you click on Break Link. And as you can see, the text has returned to this textbooks. And, of course, you can format your text books the same way you would for matter, shape or a word art and so on. By navigating to the former top and then choosing the style that fits your purpose. Let's create a pull quote textbooks. We have toe click on insert. Then we click on text box. Then here we have the Austin quote textbooks. For my thing, we click on it. Then here we put it here. Now we have this text box here, let's select the text, then start writing, for example, migration, for example. Now we have this quote here and we can change the tax. Trapping off this quote, for example, we can choose it to be in line with the text. We can choose it to be like that. Behind can use it to be like that as a square. We can trace it to be tired. We can choose anything we'd like when it comes to the formatting. Now let's choose it to be in front of text and let's selected and then drag it. Drop it here. And as you can see now we have this whole taxed a pull quote here and then the rest of the text.
5. Turning a document into sections: if you'd like to split your document into several sections and then be able to format each section on its own, like, for example, adding different headers and footers on each section, or adding different page number rings with difference formatting for these page number rings on different sections, this is the perfect lesson for you. For example, let me explain what it's his section. A section good could be one page, two pages, any number of pages. You are the one who defines what is a section. So, for example, a section could be this page alone, and another section could be the rest of the document or, for example, two pages and then the rest of the document or two pages, one page and then the rest of the document. You are the one who defines. So how many sections I'd like you to, How many sections you'd like to divide your document and how you'd like them to behave? And this is very beneficial. Like, for example, you're writing a book and the book in each chapter, for example, you'd like that the formatting off the heathers, the footers, the page numbering changes because, let's say the first chapter is a bit mysterious, so so you can format the headers footers and the page number rings to something mysterious . And then let's say the second chapter is romantic, so you can reshape and reformat the second section, which in this case could represent the second chapter to something more romantic. Now this lesson will teach you how to do that. And in order to do so, we have to do the following. And it's worth mentioning that in Microsoft Word, the normal standard behavior is that the document is just one section one block. Any change that you make anywhere in the document will affect everything. But once you split it into several sections, it changed that you make to a certain section, may or may not be reflected on the second section, depending on the settings that you choose not to split the document into several sections. For example, we can activate first the show non printing characters that's activated first. Here we can see that we have a page break. Let's remove it. Okay, that one has been removed. Let's okay now the page looks good. Let's say we'd like to split the document into two sections. The first section would be the first page. The second section would contain all the other pages. What we do, we have to put the insertion point here anywhere in this document. Then we click on layout. Then we click on breaks. Here in the section breaks, we have four different choices. We can either say that the next section would start at the next page. We can either say that the next section could start at this insertion point within the same page, or it would start on even pages or out pages. In our case, let's talk about it starting in the next page, which click on it and then, as you can see, it says here, section break next page. So now we have two different sections. And now if I click on margin while having the insertion point in this section, I click on Margin and I click on Narrow. Here in this page, you can see that it has a narrow margin, but if you go to the next page, you can see that the margin is still the same. Even if I change the orientation off this page to landscape all the other pages are still as portrait, and that's because of this section break here. Now, for example, if I remove this and I remove, let's say this non printing character. No, I'd have the section break radically starting after this page without creating a new page, and that would be how it works. Now let's say I would like to add a header to this page. What I have to do. I double click here and then I write, for example, Peter. Now, when I write Peter and I close header and footer and I navigate to the next page, you can see that Peter is still here and the other pages it's still here now we need toe unlinked them. So that's we can have two different Heather's when it comes to the two different sections that we have here. To do that, we have to click on the heather off the second section. Or, for example, let's say we have five sections. We have to click on the heather off the section where we would like the unblinking to start . So let's say here we would like it to start at the second section. So I click on it. As you can see here, it says Samos, previous and in orderto on link it what I have to do. I have to navigate the mouse to this button here, and I click on it. Now it has been unlinked, and then when you navigate to the footer, you can see that it's still linked. You can also on link it in case you'd like toe on Link it, or you can keep it the same in case you'd like the footers to be the same between all the sections. Now, let's say here I change this to, for example, example one. Then I closed the head header and footer. As you can see, it has been updated in all of the pages of the section. But if I go up to the first section, it's still as Peter. I can even change the four month off this heather, and it won't affect the heather off the first page because they are two different sections . But it would affect the heather off the other pages because the other pages belonged to the same section as this page. Now let's say I'd like to enter page numbering, but as a footer. So what I do I have to navigate to insert than page number. Then I'd like it on the bottom of the page. Let's say here, as you can see, this is the first section, and if you navigate down, it says here that it's too three and so on because it's same as previous. Now let's say this is what I want, but I'd like to add it the settings off the page numbering what I have to do. I click on page number. Then I click on format page numbers. Now let's say I'd like to Now let's say I'd like the first section toe. Have the number formatting off ABC And be careful. You have to make sure that it says here, continue from previous section that way, in case this is Section one, and this is Section two, so that Section two continues at Page two, for example, because here it's page one. Let's say you don't want them to be linked. You can specify the next section from Mary wanted to start. So, for example, here in the second section, when I added the properties of the page number formatting, If I choose here that I wanted to start that one. I can have here one and there won and I will show you how so now when I click on OK, here, you can see that the formatting has changed, but in the second section it will remain the same. So the page number formatting only affect the section on which you're working on, but it doesn't affect the other sections. So now if I click here and I click on page number and I click on format page numbers here, for example, I would like the number format to be the Roman formatting, and I'd like it to start at one, so I click. OK, so here it would start at one. The next one would be to, but the first page would still be a That's how you can separate page numbering between sections, and you can also separate the formatting. Also, you can you can continue a page numbering between a section and another, while also changing the formatting
6. Turning a document into columns: Now let's say you have a long document with many pages, and you'd like that this document is divided, for example, into columns. And instead of dividing the whole document, you'd like that just a certain section is made into columns. So here, for example, this whole document doesn't need to be changed as a column. So, for example, let's say I'd like to separate this section starting here, so I put my insertion point here. I click on breaks. Then I click on next page. Now, since I have another page break that's here, let's remove it and remove this one. Now, as you can see here we started a new section, and it's this one. Now let's remove the page breaks. Once again, that's just remove the page break. Let's remove this page break and this one. Okay, now we removed all the page breaks, so now all these pages are part off one section. Now let's place the insertion point anywhere within this section. Let's click on layout, then we click on columns. Then, for example, in our case, let's choose to so here, As you can see, this whole section has been divided into two columns here you have one. And here you have the 2nd 1 And as you can see, the previous section has not been affected by that. You can also, of course, change the number of columns you can take it. Three, for example, can make it to the left, and you can even click on more columns. You can choose how you want them to be. For example, you want them to be two. Columns can choose the with off each of these column. Let's say we'd like them to be now we're case. Let's say that that much. Let's say we'd like them to be this, and we can choose where we want to apply it to. We can apply to the whole document, this point forward or this section. Let's apply it to this section and also, you know we can. We can choose if we want the unequal column with In this case, this is what we want. So we click on OK, and now we can see that everything works perfectly. Now let's say we don't like how these pages look like because the columns don't look very good on the I because here you have one sentence coming from the other column. First of all, let's remove the non printing characters. You have one line coming from the other column and hear the same and here as well. So what we can do. We can just put the insertion point anywhere in this section. We then click on layout than we click on hyphenation. Then we click on Automatic. Now Microsoft Word would automatically fix the document so that it looks better and it's better organized. So here, for example, you can see that the sentence is within one column and you can see these two columns divided properly. Same thing goes for this page as well, but as you can see, it's not very perfect because it was automatic and it did it on its own. You can even manually do it, for example. Let's say, after doing the automatic hyphenation, you see that it doesn't really look that good. Still can just put the insertion point here, press the enter key several times until this text is at the beginning of the column. Then you can just, like put the insertion point, click on layout, then click on hyphenation and then click on manual not, It says the definition is complete after you did it manually. Then here you can see that everything now looks perfect. Now let's say I didn't fix it like that. Let's say I'll just undo everything I did. Okay, Now everything has been undone. What you can do to split this text into the correct columns you can just, like, put the insertion point here and then click on brakes. Then here in the page breaks. You have an option that says Column, and this would indicate that the text following the column break would start in the next column. So when I click on it, as you see here now, let's with backspace as you see here that this text started on the next column and you can do the same. For example, for this one, you can just, like click on breaks, then column, and then it would start in a new column. And if you click on home and then you click on show non formatting character, you can see here that there's a column break and same thing here, and that's how you can make your columns in a page look perfect and manipulate them the way you'd like
7. Designing a document with borders: another way to actually make your document look better is by redesigning the whole document . So we talked about designing text. We talked about designing by using shapes, but let's talk about how to redesign your document. Like, for example, if you'd like your document to come to life and at some colors to it that represent what you're writing. So, for example, light colors for happy text or dark colors for a darker mood. You can also add borders to your document in case you'd like your document to look more stylish. This lesson is perfect for that, and I'm gonna show you how to do that. You can navigate to the design tub and then here in the page in the page background. You can add, for example, a page color, for example. You can color it, let's say, in blue, in yellow, in purple, any color that you'd like. So let's say you'd like to add the page border to your page so that it looks more clean and you have a better design can just click on page borders, and then here you have the option. You can, for example, choose it to be in a box. Is it 1/2 shadows, for example? Then when you click on OK, here, you can see how it would look like. And then when you print it, for example, you can cut out these spaces. Then you click on page borders, for example, you can make them three d and then when you click on it, they would look like three D. Let's say you'd like them to be three D, and then you'd like Let's say this time and you'd like it, for example, to have some arts, let's say Christmas art and then you click on and then and then you'd like, of course, to apply to the whole document. You can apply it to just one section and so on. But let's apply to the whole document. Let's click on OK, and as you can see, you have this shape here off a Christmas tree, for example, let's say you'd like toe just have this section, for example, as a Christmas tree, and here you'd like, for example, a different border. So you navigate a design. You put your insertion point in this section, you click on page borders. Let's say you'd like to change them as a star. So you click on the Star, then you click on Apply to this section on Lee. When you click on OK than this section would have the Star Page borders, while the other section would have the Christmas three page borders.
8. Applying a watermark and a theme: If you'd like to add a watermark to your document, let's say you're sending your document to someone and you want them to know that it's classified or you'd like to add a watermark so that in case someone wants to replicate your document, your water markets still there in order to do so, you have to do the following, so you just put your insertion point anywhere in the document. Then you click on watermark and page background in the design top, you click on it, and then you can choose. For example, let's say you can choose a custom water marked by adding a picture by writing what you'd like to write. Let's choose one of the preset ones, for example, less shoes confidential. So now it says here that it's confidential and this watermark spans across the whole document. So now when you print it and you submitted the person that's reading, the document will know that this document is confidential and no one can see it. You can also add a team to your documents, so let's say you'd like to make it even prettier. You just navigate to the team's here you click on it and then you can choose any of these teams. But again, this team will only change the four month of the document. And, of course, not the background. Just the four months off, for example, let's say would like it to be with this team. So now it has changed the phone colors and the fun type and some phone sizes. And as you can see, let's remove the non printing characters and and, as you can see, it looks different now.
9. Protecting your design from changes: If you'd like to protect your document from someone changing the formatting or, for example, removing the watermarks that you just added, you can do the following in order to keep your document the way you want it to be. So, for example, when you send it to people, they won't be able to change it. They won't be able to do anything that you don't want them to do. And in order to do that, you have to do the following, have to navigate to the review top. Then you click on restrict editing and then you have this pain here. Here it says, formatting restrictions. So let's say we would like to limit the formatting. We click on settings. Then here we have the formatting restrictions dialog box. Let's click on limit formatting to a selection of style. So let's just limit the formatting to a certain styles. We click on it, then we can choose which stars we would allow to happen. Within our documents, we can say none we can save recommended minimum, and even if we say known, then the person who was working on this document after we apply this formatting restrictions will not be able to change these things. Let's say recommended minimum. And here in the formatting, you can block theme or schemes which inks are, for example, here we set a team to this document. If I block it here and I click on OK here, it says that the document may contain formatting and styles that are not allowed. If I click on, yes, it would remove them. So let's click on No. And let's just limit the formatting. From now on, we can also added the editing restrictions. So, for example, if I click here and I say I don't want to allow any changes to this document, I just wanted to be read only. But I can create some exceptions. For example, let's say this paragraph here, I'd like to make an exception to it, that everyone can edit it so I select it. Then I click on this check box here. Now everyone can add it. This paragraph. But they cannot edit this paragraph. As you can see when I select this paragraph, this check box here is not selected and then you click on Yes, start enforcing protection and then it would enforce the protection and then you can add a password and then if the person doesn't know the password, they cannot add it or change anything within this document.
10. Creating and editing a table of contents: Let's say you'd like to generate a table of content within your document. Let's say you have this document, for example, made off several pages Now, First of all, in order to be able to create a table of content, you need to have either heading one or heading to within your document. Now, in this case, I have this document, and here you can see I have this heather here and it's heading one, and here it's heading one and so on. So using these Heather's, I can create a table of contents now to do so. Let's say I navigate to this page. I put my insertion point here, and then I navigate to references. Then I click on a table of contents. Then I choose the automatic ones. I mean, you can choose one from the manual tables, but the difference is that if you choose the manual one, it wouldn't manually fill it, and you have to always manually change it. Now let's delete the stable of content and let's add a new one. For example, this one, and as you can see it, has been automatically formatted, and it has automatically fetched all the heathers Now what you can do. For example, you can see, like the stable of content, you can click on this button here. You can either remove it or change the way it looks, or you can simply just select it the navigate a table of contents. Then you click on custom table of Contents, and here you can choose whether you'd like to show the page number. You can choose what it looks like when it's on the Web, and then you can choose how many levels to show when it's this played. And also you can change the four month. For example, let's take the classical four month and let's add the tab leader, for example. The dots and I would click on OK, and it will say that it will replace the table. So I say yes. And as you can see, we have the stable of content. Now, For example, if you press on control and you navigate the mouse to the to the heather that you'd like to navigate to, for example, introduction, it's click on introduction. We would navigate to introduction. Now let's navigate, for example, to romantic influences, and there you go. We navigated to romantic influences. Now let's say you'd like to update the table of contents based on what you changed within the tax. So, for example, let's say the introduction year you changed the to introduction number to, and you rather the different Heather here, for example, that said, introduction number one. Now you have one more heather and you have another Heather that has changed. So in order for the table of content to take these new changes, all you need to do is click on it and then you have this button here that says update table . Now when you click on it, it would automatically update the table with the with the page numbers and the new contents . As you see all the new contents have been added.
11. Creating and editing a table of figures: Now let's say you'd like to add a caption to a graph or to an image or to a table, and this would help you later with the table of figures so that you can identify where's the image and so on. And even having a caption for your graphics is a very good idea to describe it. What's this image or table about, So to do so we have to navigate, for example, to this image. Now let's copy this text because we will need it actually will need this text and let's remove this caption. Then, in order to add a caption for this image, what we have to do, we have to select it. Then we have to go to references. Then we have to click on insert caption. Now, when we click on it, it automatically takes it as figure one because it's the first figure in this document. Then we have two ab our text, which is this one, and then we have to choose a label. We can either choose, but it's an equation, a table, a figure, or we can even add a new label. For example, we can name it whatever we want, and then it would be here for us to select. We can even exclude the labour from the caption. Now we can select which position we want it to be at. We can have it either above the image or under it. In most cases, it would be below the selected item. We can even change the numbering. So instead of it being figure, one can have it figure with the Roman numbering. But let's leave it as as one. Now we say Okay, and now we have this caption here that represents this figure. Now, after we have inserted captions for the images, for example, this one and this one what we do, we navigated the page where we would like to add the table of figures. So in this case, let's say we'd like to add it above this heather, so we'd like to add it here. Actually, let's add it under the table of contents, But let's make sure of something first, let's activate the non printing characters. As you can see, there's a page break here. Let's remove it. Let's actually you know what? Let's keep it, but let's put it lower here so that everything stays according to the right four months. Now let's put the insertion point here. Let's hide the non printing characters and let's now add a table of figures. So now we click on references, then we click on insert table of Figures. Then here we have the same dialog box as the one for the table of contents. We have a preview on how it looks, how it looks on the Web. If we'd like to show the page numbers and and so on, let's say we'd like the former at this time to be centred. And let's click on OK, now here we can, for example, go to home, then at, for example, an intense reference and then say table off figures and press on enter and then we have these two figures. Now, in case you'd like to navigate to this figure, what you have to do, we have to present control and then click here, and it would automatically take you to this figure. And if you'd like to go to this figure, if you present control and then you click, it would automatically take you to this figure. And, as you can see here, this is page seven. So here the seven is representing the page where this figure is up
12. Referencing to an object through text: Now let's say you'd like to add somewhere in your text a cross reference. Now a cross reference means that it would refer to something else within the document. Now, let's say, for example, we'd like to refer to this picture, but somewhere else in the document, let's say here, for example, talkin, we say in parenthesis, Let's right re fair to. And then we click on references, and then we click on cross reference. Now here it would add a cross reference for us. Now let's say we would like to reference a figure here. It would automatically display the figures that have a caption, and then we choose. For example, this figure since is the one that we want, and we have to insert the reference to. So, for example, we don't need the whole caption. For example, we can just ab the label and number. So in this case it would only out figure one, and we can insert as hyperlink because that way, when repress and control and click on it, it would directly take us to the to the image. So now when I click on insert Mexican close as you can see here, it has been added. Now, if I press on control and and I click it, it would take me to the image. Now let's say the figure to which this is referring to has changed. So, for example, we deleted some pictures. We added some pictures before this picture. So the numbering here has changed. So it went from, for example, from figure five to figure three, and here it would not automatically update, so it will still be figure three. So in order to update this, all you have to do is right. Click on it and then click on Update field, and it would automatically update.
13. Adding bookmarks to your document: if you'd like to add a bookmark to your document the same way. For example, you'd like to add a bookmark to your book. For example, you're reading a book. You usually put a piece of paper a small piece of paper in certain places so that you can come back to them later and read them again. Or if you'd like to refer to them again, it's the same thing. When it comes to Microsoft Word and Microsoft Word, you can add bookmarks and then come back to them later, which is very beneficial when going through a long document. And you know you will need a certain text and you know you will forget. So instead of writing it down on a piece of paper and saying, OK, come back to this page Later on, you can insert a bookmark in Microsoft Word, and in order to do so, you have to do the following. So let's say here I'd like to put a bookmark here, so I put my insertion point here. I click on bookmark in the insert Prevent Tab, I click on it and then I have to give it a bookmark me. Now you have to remember that the bookmark name cannot start by a number and it cannot contain spaces. So, for example, if you write, come back, you cannot add it. And if you start by one, you cannot add it. So let's say I write. Come back here later. No, I kick on odd, and it has been added. Now let's say later, I'd like to navigate to this bookmark. Let's say I'm here what I have to do. I have to go to the insert tab. Then I click on Bookmark, and here you can see it and I just click on Go to and close and it has taken me to the bookmark that I needed. Now, for example, you can even cross reference to a bookmark. So, for example, let's say here here, you'd like to add this bookmark so you can write C. Then you click on reference and then cross reference. And then here in the reference type, you have to choose bookmark, and then you can choose the bookmark that you have. For example, let's say we'd like to insert the reference to, let's say, page number. Now we click on insert and we click on close and now we have the page number where the bookmark is Now, if you press in control and you press on the seven, it would directly take you to where the bookmark is. And in this case, it is here and that concludes it on working with bookmarks.
14. Working with Citations and Sources: if you'd like to add citations and sources to your document. So, for example, you're writing a research paper and you'd like to add the citations and the sources. In order to do so, you have to navigate to references. And then here you have the citations and bibliography. Here, you can choose the style in which would like to present your sources and references at the end of the document. And this is very beneficial because I remember back when I was in the university, I wish I knew these these things because back then when I had to write my references and my sources in a certain style, I had to google that style. And then I had to copy paste it into the document. And then I was manually replacing my values inside the text that I that I copied. So instead of doing all that what you can do, you can just simply change the style from here and like, choose the style that that that is required from you. And then later on, you can simply click on insert citation. And then here, First of all, you have all the citations. Like, for example, you have this book that that I added, You have this this book and the data was written. You can add a new source here, and as you can see, it says bibliography, fields for a p A. Because it's the styling that I chose. So here I can just add the information that that I need to add. And I would say, If it's a book or something else, like, What's the source? That that I'm getting my my information from What's the type of off the source? And then I add all the required information I can choose in which language I'm writing this information and then I click on OK, and then when I click on OK, it will be here inside these, let's just add a citation that we already have, for example, lets out this one. And as you can see here, you have this citation that you can add it at any time by clicking on this drop down menu Here on gun clicking, for example, on Edit Citation, you can hide the author. You can hide the year or the title. You can add some pages. Let's cancel. Now let's click it again. You can even add it the source. So if you added the source, you can change, for example, the author name, the year, the city, the tag name and so on. And let's say you went to manage sources in the citation and bibliography you clicked on manage sources. You'll have the current list off all the place orders that you entered. So, for example, this place holder is the one that I attempted to create. But then I cancelled. You have all the other ones that have already been created. You can edit them. You can add a new one. You can sort them differently in case you'd like to see them and hear. For example, in case you'd like to update this citation, all you have to do you cake on, for example, this one you click on edit. Let's say you change it to 1997 then you click on OK, then click on close. As you can see, it has been updated. You can even add sources from a file. So, for example, let's click on manage sources and here, let's take brows. Let's click on sources that XML and as you can see here in the XML. We have several sources that we can use, and all we have to do is just copy them to the current list. The current list is the one being used in the document. The sources list is the one that we just import it in order to create a source file that you could use within the sources. You can either just like simply create your own fine here in this dialogue, or you can create one as an XML file. Alternatively, you can use the sources that XML that will be created by Microsoft Word that one would be created when you click on insert caption. Then you add the new source. When you don't have any sources within the document, then you add the source. You click on OK and then in the folder that's found in C users than your user name up data roaming Microsoft bibliography. Here you will be able to find sources that XML that you could add it really
15. Adding explanatory footnotes and endnotes: Now let's say we'd like the other with geography that would represent all the citations and the sources used within this document. We answer the insertion point anywhere. Then we click on references. Then we click on videography and let's say we'd like it to be bibliography. Now when we click on it, as you can see we have, or the sources and the citations that have been used and they are here, and that way we can display all the sources used within the document. And of course, we can deal with the bibliography the same way as the table of content and the table of figures. We can click on update in case something was updated within the document. We can click on this button to change how it looks like to filter the languages and so on. Let's say you'd like to add the footnote or N n No. A footnote is a note, for example, that would be added. Let's say I add a footnote to for Odo. You can see a number next to it, and when you click on it, it would take you to the footnote that's at the end of the current page, but an and note works the same way. But instead of taking you to the end off the current page, it takes you to the end off the current document. Now let's see how that works. Let's say I'd like to add a footnote for fraud. Oh, I put the insertion point here, and I navigate to references, and I click on insert footnote when I click on it. As you can see, it has automatically inserted the footnote here. Then I can write example for footnote. And here, next to photo, you can see that there's a one. And when you navigate over the one, you can see the text that I just wrote and it says example for four. Note. Since I did a mistake now, it would say example for Footnote. You can even change how the footnote behaves by clicking on the more options here. Then you can say, for example, you want the footnotes to be either of the at the bottom of the page or below the text. You can specify the number formatting. You can say if you want the numbering to be continuous or restart on each section or each page you can say where you wanted to start and you can specify Do what you want to apply it . So if it's for the whole document or for a specific section and so on, So here, let's click on apply. And since we didn't change anything now let's say you were here and you'd like to see the footnote off this whole documents or what you do, you click on show Footnote. It would take you to the first footnote that it finds, and then you can just simply click on next footnote And in case there's another footnote. It would just simply take you to it. And, of course, you can just click on the Drop down arrow here and go to the previous footnote. Now, let's say, like to add an end note. We place the insertion point, for example. Next to some, we click on insert and note, and as you can see, it automatically takes us to the end off the documents. So if I ride here, example for and not and you can off course again, click on the options and change how you want the number formatting to be, Let's say we want it to be ABC click apply. As you can see, it has happened. Now, if you click on show notes, it would take me to the footnote here and let's see what happened. As you can see, next to some, you have the A. If you navigate over it, it would give you example for and not.
16. Reviewing the document properties & statistics: Now let's say you would like to add it the document properties before submitting them. And you'd like, for example, to change the author who modified it and so on. You click on properties in the info section, you click on it. The nuclear gone Advanced properties here in the summary. You can, for example, change the type that changed the subject was the author, the manager of the company category, keywords and so on. You can even save it as a thumbnail for all the word documents that will be created on your computer. You can even check the statistics now when you click on statistics, it would show you when it was created, when it was modified when it was accessed last, who saved at last, how many times it was edited, how many minutes were spent on editing it. You have also the number of pages, paragraphs, lines, words, characters, and you have this option here that shows how many characters, including spaces, are contained within the document.
17. Tracking and administaring document changes: your document might need to pass by several people within your team, and they need to review it before submitting it to someone. So, for example, you create this document, then you send it to your colleague. Your colleague makes some changes and then sends it back to you, and then you need to send that amount to the manager. Now, in order to track the changes that you're calling has done, you would need to use the feature that is called track changes in Microsoft Word. Because this feature allows you to either accept or reject the changes that have been made in order to track changes, all you have to do is click on track changes, and then whenever you do a change, it would automatically track it. For example, here I change this and I, right example Leaf. Now, as you see, there's a bar here. If you click on it, it would show you what happened and you click on it again. It would disappear. Now the thing is, you can specify the options when it comes to how word reacts to the track changes. You can do so by clicking on the options in the tracking driven group. Then you have this dialog box. You can specify what you'd like to see now, when you click on advanced options, you have this dialog box that allows you to specify how you want things to be displayed on . For example, when something is is inserted and the change has been tracked, it would show you as an underline. When something was deleted, it would it would show it as a strike through like now. When I deleted bay and I added example, and you want to check the changes, it would show you a strike through. On bay, you can even change the color. You can change several settings here when it comes to tracking changes. Now, let's keep everything as it is. Oh, and you can also change your user name so that, for example, when someone is reviewing your document, they know who it is, so they would see your user name as the person who changed it. So in my case they would see Peter Owen. Now, for example, let's say I removed bay and I wrote example. Then I had the choice to either accept or reject. So, for example, I sent this document to a colleague, and then they saw what I did, and they didn't like that. I wrote example. So all they have to do is click on reject, then reject again the fact that I deleted bay, they reject it again, and then they have it back. Now let's say I sent it again as example, and my colleague would like to accept it. So what he has to do, he just has to clear, can accept. And, as you can see, the except has accepted the change off me, adding example Now the next thing to check is whether my colleague, except that I deleted bay. If you accept, then, as you can see, the changes have been committed. And, of course, you have the option toe except all the changes. You can accept them and stop tracking. You can reject all of them. You can navigate to the next one or two the previous one by using the changes Ribbon group . Now let's say you'd like to view the changes based on the user what you have to do. You have to navigate to tracking. Then you click on show markup. Then you specify the person here in specific people now here. Since only I worked on this document, I would navigate to another document, this one, for example. Now, let's hide the changes. What you would do, you would click on show mark up and then specific people, for example, You you won't only see the one when it comes to Elise Shen. Now, when you check the changes, you would see that these changes have been made by a lease Shan only. And then again, of course you can just Riyadh, the other person that you'd like and then you would be able to see that person again when reviewing the changes. And as you can see, when you bring this other person back, you can see the changes that they did, and then you get to either accept them or reject them. But if you hide this person from the show mark up, you would see that the changes that they did would disappear. Look that one disappeared. And then here, if I put back this person, you will see that this person changed this and this person deleted this line. But if I remove this person again, everything here looks good and you don't see the changes that they did anymore. Now let's bring back this person, and I'd like to point out here that this text here is just comments. So this person added a comment and in order to other comment, what you would have to do is, for example, let's say I'd like to add a comment here. I put my insertion point here, and I click on new comments in comments, so I click on it. Then here you would see my name and then I would drive, make it bold, for example. And then I clicked somewhere else, and it has been added. Now let's say the next person after me is working on it. You would see it if he agrees on it. He would change this next to bold, and then he would click here on results. That would mean that this comment has been resolved, and what I suggested has been done. Now let's say you'd like to see all the changes that have been done to the document in one single pain. What you have to do, you have to navigate to the reviewing pain. Then you click on it. And then, as you can see that there are 12 revisions. For example, here the long in the long A has been deleted. The A here has been inserted. And then, for example, here you have a formatting off italic year. The long has been removed, a has been inserted, and it even shows you which user has done it. And you can also, of course, refresh the reviewing pain so that everything stays up to date. So, for example, after I refreshed it, you could see my comment and it was invisible before. Now let's say I have this document and I copy it. Now I open it. Let's say I start accepting some changes and I reject some changes. So in this document, let's say I accept the first change and I accept. I accept. I reject. I reject except except I'll continue doing that and I'll be back to you in a second. Now let's open the other document. Let's actually save that. Now. Let's open the other document. Let's do the opposite. So let's, for example, reject. Let's reject this one and accept on and reject this one as well. Let's reject here, let's except except except reject, reject Now we have two copies of the same document, and each one of them has a different list of changes. So, for example, let's say you're in a company and you have two or more copies of the document that are circulating between the colleagues and each one of them is making a change. So instead off merging those changes into one document manually, you can do as follows. You would go to the review tub within one document. Then you click on Compare and then you click on combine. Now you can just compare that way you would just compare both documents to see what changed . But in our case, let's combine revisions and then merge them into a single document. So I click on it. And then I say, for example, the original document would be this one and then this document here with B, this one. Now we click on OK, it gives you a choice here toe Either leave the set off formatting changes from this document or from the other document. Let's leave the one from this document. Now we click on, continue with merge now, As you can see, we have the main window here. That's the combined document. The window here, that's the original document. The one that I was working on the window here is the copy that I created, and now you get to choose which one you'd like to keep. So, for example, you have this revision here and this revision here. So, for example, let's say I like this revision. What I would do, I would click on the a r dr Click on it and I say, Reject insertion and I, right click on the Long and I say reject deletion so that it stays the same as that Another way to work with the changes would be with the pain here, because it's it's better, and it's much clearer. So, for example, here it says that I formatted the fund as not being italics. So if I right click here, I could accept the change or reject this change. I will accept it. And as you can see, it's not italic. Now here, for example, I deleted the long let's say I want to keep the long, and I don't want to accept the delusion what I would do. I would reject the delusion. That way you could compare both documents
18. Checking the compatibility of your document: Now, let's say you'd like to review everything that has been done within the document to make sure that everything's good. For example, the meta data, other comments and so on it would go to file. Then you would click on info. Then here you have this button here that says, Check for issues. You click on it and then you click on Inspect Document. Now hear this message year tells you that if you'd like to inspect the document, some meta data might be deleted automatically. And it will tell you if you'd like to save your document or not here, I would say no. Here you can choose what you want the document to inspect. Let's say we wanted to inspect everything. We click on this. Inspect. Then here we have the result of the inspection, for example, here it's saying that there has been changes for the headers and footers. You can remove them. You can also remove the document properties and the author that has changed. You can remove the revision marks and the comments and so on. You just have to click on, remove all and then you you close. Let's say all the changes have been made and everything was done. What you would do, you have to click on protect document, and then here you can mark it as final. And then once you market this final so everyone that receives this document cannot edit it anymore because it becomes read only in order to check, for example, for the compatibility off your document with other Microsoft Word versions. But you have to do you have to click on check for issues and then check compatibility. Now here, for example, you get to choose which version you would like. For example, let's say I just want to check worth 2007 or 2010 or or 2003 then here, for example. It would tell you that some textbooks positioning would change. For example, if facts on tax will be removed and it will tell you how many times it is happening, then that's it. Now you can know what might happen when you when your document opens on a different version of Microsoft Word
19. Turning your document into a form: you can create forms for three different purposes. For example, one you can create form so that it's used as a Web form, and then people could fill it on the Web. Another kind of form would be a printed form. So, for example, you create the form and then you print it so that people would fill it up. Or you can create a form that would be completed an M s word. And then people can just like open the document and then fill in the required information. Now form usually contains a label and the data for this labor. So, for example, in this case and employee information, we have employee code. That's the label. And here click here to enter text. That would be the data that would be linked to the label. And also, you can add content control. Now, the content control means that you'd like to control how the content behaves. So, for example, here you have the date of hire and you'd like to control that. This that the data for this label is a date that can be selected from the calendar so that it's a validate what you would do you would insert a content control that would manipulate the date. So, for example, when you click on this field here, you have this drop down menu and then you have a calendar where you can select the data, and then it would be added as a data to the date of hire. Now, in order to add content controls, what you would need to do first, you need to enable the developer option. In order to do that, you navigate the mouse to the ribbon top. Any ribbon tub, you right, click here and then you click on customized urban here in this dialog box. You have this option here that says, developer, you have to click on the check box and then click on. OK, now, when you go to the developer top, as you can see, it has been enabled. When you click on it, you have this option here that is used for controls and the controls here in our case, our the content controls. Now let's say, for example, you'd like to add a checkbook. So let's write, for example, first time applying, and then here and then, for example, you can just add a check box by navigating to the controls driven group, and then you click on this check box, and as you can see, it has been added. Now, for example, when you click here, then it would mean yes, and when you click again, it would mean no. Otherwise, for example, let's say you'd like to add just a normal normal text, for example, father's name. Then you would need to add a content control and, for example, to do that, you have to navigate here, and then you would need to choose either a rich text, content control or just a basic one. A plain text content control, the plain text content control. You cannot change the formatting and the fun styling and so on. With the rich text you can added how you'd like your formatting to look like. So let's click on rich text and then, as you can see here we have it. So now I can just enter whatever I want here. You can also added the properties off the content controls, and in order to do that, you just select the content control. Then you click on properties in controls Riven group. You correct you click on it and then you have the title. For example, let's give it a title name. Then you can say how you'd like it to be shown us. You can even change the color off the borders. Let's say you want them blue. You can even change the styling of the text Within this content control. You can say that it cannot be deleted, and you can say that it cannot be edited. Now. If you check this check box here, this content control won't be able to be edited anymore. So let's keep it like that. Let's click on OK, and as you can see now we have the name. We have the color, and when I try to delete the content control, it cannot be deleted. As you can hear, I'm trying to delete it. It doesn't delete another type of content control that you could add, for example, company. And let's say you'd like to add a list. For example, let's try this list here. Now you have a list, but it's empty now. In order to fill it, you just click on the content control. Then you go to properties and then here you can give it a title, for example, Company, then here in the drop down list properties, you should add some values. For example, A as company A, for example, Be for company B. C and so on. Now you kick on. Okay. And now when you click on the drop down Addo, as you can see, you have these choices. And of course, you can just simply add the drop down for the date picker. You can even ab a picture content control. So if you click on it here now, whenever the user clicks here, they can upload a picture. So that's useful in case you'd like the user toe below the picture in the form. And of course, you can edit the properties and so on. Now let's say you have finished editing your form and you'd like to submit it, but you don't want people to add it. These labels, you just want them to be able to fill in the form. In order to do that, you navigate to restrict editing in the protect ribbon group, you click on it and then you have this pain here. Now you click on I low. Only this type of editing in this document, and let's say we only want allow them to fill in the forms. Now, when you give it this permission on Lee and you click on yes, start enforcing protection. Now let's, for example, give it a password. No, let's try to, for example, to select this label here. As you can see, I cannot select it. As you can hear, I'm trying to select it, but I cannot. All I'm allowed to do is to fill in the form. So, for example, I cannot the picture. I can choose an item for the department. I can do all these things, but I cannot delete the labels. And let's say I'd like to stop the protection so that I can added the document again. All I have to do is click on Stop Protection with the password click on OK, and now it's back to normal. Now let's say you'd like to add it restriction to, for example, no changes only make it read only, and you'd like to add specific users as exceptions. So, for example, if you're sending it to your manager and to the rest of the team, you'd like only your manager to be able to edited by the rest of the team to only be able to read it. So in order to do that, you can add your manager as an exception here by clicking on more users. And then you can enter his user name on Microsoft, for example, in my case, Peter and then you put it's semi column, and then you would write his email address and he would be one of the exceptions that would be able to edit your document, and everyone else would just see your document as read only. It could also make more sense when you, for example, divide your document like that and you place some items within a table so that they are better formatted and they are spaced properly. And then you would have a form that would look like this that you could send to people, for example, as an employee evaluation. Then you would restrict the editing on it so that they can only fill in the forms, and then they can just fill their names, their supervisor name, their goals and so on. And, as you can see here, these fields, our content controlled. So now For example, if you see like this field, you right, click on it. You can see here remove content control because this is a content control that would allow the user to know what they should put here.
20. Creating a link between Excel and Word: Now let's say you'd like to add some objects to your Microsoft Word document. So in order to do that, an object can be, by the way, a spreadsheet like an Excel. She can be anything from the options that are available in Microsoft Word. Now let's first put the insertion point where we would like to add this content and then we click on insert and then we click on object. Here we have all the available objects that we could add to our documents so we can add, for example, a bit mapped image. An Excel chart, an Excel worksheet. We can even add the Microsoft PowerPoint slide or presentation. Let's odd, for example, Microsoft Excel worksheet. We can, of course, display it as an icon, but we don't want that. Let's just display it as normal. Now let's click on OK, now, as you can see, here we have this worksheet that has been added to our word document. Now, if you take away from the table and you click back into your document, you would navigate back to Microsoft Word and then you can continue editing your text. But if you click inside the table and you double click on it. It would take you to the controls as if you were in an Excel document. Now let's fill it, for example. Let's say here I'd like to have it checks that check cell that would say name last name email. Let's do that. Let's do this. Let's do the same for these. Let's just format these three cells as bad and then these three cells is good. Okay, now you have a basic Excel sheet. Now let's click away from the document. And as you can see, this is how it would be this plate in Microsoft Word. Now let's do something even more advanced. Let's for example, say, here we have the name last name and then the budget that's put a budget here and say, for example, 123123 Let's remove the formatting of this. Let's say we want it to be black. OK, let's do the same for this could be placed it here. Then they wanted to be good. That's for my Let's say we want the number to be 500 now. Let's right here. The total would be equal, the some off see to Andi C three. Then let's click. Let's close the parenthesis. Let's press on, enter and then we have the total off the budgets from these two cells. Now we click away from the Excel sheet. And, as you can see here we have the Excel sheet within Microsoft Word that has been added. Now let's say we'd like to add in existing Excel document rather than one that we just created for this specific Microsoft word document. In order to do that, we go to the insert stop, then we click on object. Then here we click on Create from File. Now here we have to browse in order to find the file, so lets navigate to the file. Now let's say we have this file here that we'd like to open as an Excel sheet. So we say, Insert. Then it will be here. Now you can check this box here that says linked to file. So if you link them, that means that when you edit the Excel sheet independently and separately from Microsoft Word, it would automatically be updated within Microsoft wear and everything that you added within Microsoft. Weird with automatically update the Excel sheet outside of Microsoft Word. But if you don't link them, any changes that you make within Microsoft Word or on Excel are independent from each other's. That's not link them in our case and click on OK. It is worth mentioning, though, that once you add it without the link, you cannot add a link again later on. So from the beginning, you should know whether you'd like it to be linked to the source file or not.
21. Creating charts for your document: You can also insert charts in Microsoft Word, and you can do so by going to insert and then in illustrations you can click on chart and then you can choose, for example, which kind of chart you would like. Let's say we would like, buy, chart, click on OK, and then, as you can see here we have the chart and we have an Excel sheet where we can edit the charts. Let's say we'd like them to be, for example, here would like to add that this number and say we'd like it to be then. And as you can see, the chart has been updated. Now, if I close this, the chart has been updated, and then you can add it it later by just right clicking on it than clicking on edit data. And it would automatically open this sheet here that you could use can even click on this button here, the added the Data and Microsoft excel, but as soon as you close excel here, it will be updated. But there is no link between the file that you that you will open in Microsoft Excel and here the link would die as soon as you close excel now you can also, of course, edit the styles of the chart from here, for example, would like it to look like that, or like that and so on. And here it can give you like an overview about what's within this chart. You can change the colors now, let's say, like to edit specific parts off this chart, for example, you'd like to edit this part. You double click on it. Then you have this pain here. Let's say you'd like to out shadows to it so you can add a shadow. And as you can see, the shadow is reflecting this part. Let's say you'd like to add the shadow for this part here. Now that this pain is open, you can just simply select the part that you'd like to add it. Now let's add the shadow to it. And as you can see now, it looks like that Now, for example, let's say we'd like that this chart would represent the data that we have in Excel. So let's say this is the Excel data, and this is the chart that we'd like to represent this data with. So let's double click on this data. Let's copy the values. Now let's click on this chart. Let's right click on it. Let's say at it at the data in Excel. Let's do that now Let's close it. And as you can see now, the chart has been updated based on the values that we have entered. So here we have northern, southern, eastern and Western, and here we have the value is proportional to these values.
22. Creating and editing web pages: Now let's say you'd like to save your form as a Web element Now, first of all, you can check how it would look like by going to view and then clicking on Web layout, and then you can see how it would look like on the Web. Now let's go to file, Save us grounds. Now let's save it here. But let's change the save as Type two weapons. Now you click on webpage. You can call it a bonus sales, and then you click on Save. Then, as you can see, it has been saved, as in HTM, and it has automatically opened in Microsoft Word so that you can even edit it and then save it back. As you can see here, for example, I can double click. Then I can add it, the data and and so on. And then you can save it and then use it as a webpage. You can also, for example, let's say I have this form. You can upload your document and, for example, your webpage to, for example, blog's directly like WordPress or any other block that you use. You can do so by clicking on file, then on share. Then here you can, for example, email a directly. You can present it online by, for example, to people who can watch it in a Web browser online. And the document will be made available for download so that they can download it or you can directly posted to a block. And here you have the block that you can posted on, for example, and then you click on post to Blawg. This is how it would look like on a blogged. Then you have to register a block account here, and then it would automatically be uploaded to that block.
23. Customizing the ribbon for efficient work: Let's say you'd like to customize the ribbon that's within your document, and in order to do that, you have to right click anywhere on the ribbon and then you kick on, customize the ribbon. Here you can, for example, choose how you want the main tops to be displayed. So, for example, here you have home that's first insert design layout and so on. Let's say you'd like the design to be before the insert. All you have to do is select it and then click on the arrow to move it up on the list, and then design would be directly after the home. Now, let's say, for example, you click on the plus sign for design. You can choose to remove some groups, for example. You would like to remove the document formatting you click on it, then you would remove it. Then let's say, for example, you'd like to add a new group for a design. You have to select design and then you click on new group, and then there would be a new group that's here. Let's click on rename, then you can, for example, give it an icon and you can rename it the nuclear going okay, and then you would have it. Then you would have to add some. Commence to it, and in order to do that, you select it and then you navigate to this list here, and then you can choose from this list. For example, you'd like to have the font color in this example. You'd like to have a phone size and so on. You can even choose from other commands, like all of them. You can even choose from Macron's that you have created, and I will show you later on how you create some macros. Now let's remove what we just did. Let's open it again. Let's create our own top. Let's create a new tab. Let's say this new top would be here directly after the home. Let's name it, for example. Favorites. Let's click on OK, now let's name the group inside of it. Let's give it an icon, for example. I say this. Let's call it my favorite commence. Let's click on OK, then we can choose. For example, I'd like to add the fund color. I'd like to add the Save us, and I'd like to add format painter like Click on, add. Then I click on OK, and as you can see now I have a new top that has been added, and when I click on it, you can see the commands that I just added, and I can just simply use them. So, for example, if I click on Save as I could save the document as something that I would like, you can also customize the quick access toolbar in the same fashion. So you right, click. Then you click on Customized the Ribbon. Then here you can select quick access toolbar, and you can add some buttons to the quick access toolbar. So in this case, for example, I only have the safe undo and redo. Let's say I'd like to have the save us as well to save my self some time, rather than going to file and then save as assuming that I don't have it here in my new top . Let's say I'd like to save us and I'd like as well, let's say to view markers. Now I click on OK, now, as you can see here I have these new buttons. This is the same as button, and this is the micro button. Now let's say I want to reset the ribbons, so I want to remove the changes that added to the ribbons. I can click on Customize ribbon. Let's say, for example, I removed the clipboard, the fund, the paragraph and I clicked on okay, and I removed all of these from the home top. As you can see here now, if I right click and I click on customize Urban, I would like to reset the home tub. What I do, I just select it. And then I click on Reset. And I say in this case, I only want to reset the home top. So I click on Reset only selected Repent up because if I click on reset all customization, even the ones like even the customization is that have been added to the quick access toolbar would be removed. So let's click on this bottom here now, As you can see, they have been added again, and now here you can see that they are back. Now let's remove the new stop that we added, and it's this one. Let's remove it. Let's now remove the buttons that we added in the quick access toolbar by clicking here. Now we select this button that we are. Did we click on a remove? And this commanders, Well, we click on, remove and then we click on okay, and as you can see, everything is back to normal. Now, let's say you'd like to save these changes so that you use them on different documents and different like versions when it comes to Microsoft word on or in case you'd like to send your settings to someone or you have to do as you have to click on the import export button and then you click on export all customization, and that way you could save your customization and then you send it to someone, for example, and then this person can just import it and use it.
24. Creating and using Macros efficiently: Now let's say you'd like to record the matter. So, for example, in this whole document, you always need to create a table that will have three rows and four columns, and you'd like to do it very efficiently so that you don't have all the time to create it again and again and again and again what you can do. You can record it as a macro. And in order to do that, for example, let's set our insertion point here. Now let's click on view. Let's click on Micro's and then we clear Going Record Micro. Now let's give our macro name. Let's call it create table. And here we have the choice to either I sign it a button that would be created here somewhere, and then we can just click on it and it would run. Or we can assign it to the keyboard. And that means that we assign a shortcut for this micro. And whenever we click on certain buttons on the keyboard, the micro would be applied. Now let's first two is where we would like to store the macro. We can store it in all the documents or simply in the document where we are working. Let's story just in our document. Let's say in the description, create a table with three rows and for columns. Let's now click on button toe, assign it to the bottom and then here you have your new micro. Now what we can do, we can just simply add it to the to the quick access toolbar. So when we click on add, it would be added here later or we can customize ribbon, create a new tub. Let's call this stop favorite. Let's move it up, Emperor it After home, Let's rename the group as Micro's Let's give it this. I can let's click on OK, and now in this group, let's give it the micro that we just created by moving to Micro's. Then we click on the macro and then we click on add. Now we can click on OK, as you can see. First of all, this marker has been added here and then the macro is also added in the favorite. Now let's continue what we were doing now. For now, as you can see, the recording is working. Let's move to insert and let's create a table off three rows and four columns. As you can see, it has been created. Now let's go back as and as you can see also, the cursor has a like a recorder, and that's because the macro is recording. Now let's go back to view. Let's click on macros and let's stop recording now whenever I go to favorite and I click on this macro, As you can see, it has created a table for me. Let me do it again, for example, from here from the great Access Toolbar and as you can see, it has created the table for me. Let me create a new micro. Let's go to view macros record macro. Let's call it Create table with Heathers. Let's say it's for this document. Only. Create a table with three rows and four columns with a heather. Now we click on a button. Let's other to the quick access toolbar. Click on OK, now it's here. It's this one, actually, I think, Is this one? No, it is this one. Now it's recording. Let's go to insert. Let's add a table like that. Let's add Heathers. Let's say, for example, items name, last name budget. Let's select these four Let's make them boiled and let's center them. Now let's put out our insertion point here. Let's go to view. Let's click on the micro. Let's stop it now we can just apply this micro. And as you can see, this macro has been applied. Now all we have to do is just select the water again, Then click on home and then shape it as we'd like. But as you as you saw the micro's, when when we have so many like commence one after the other, it doesn't always save it perfectly and adequately. As you saw, we still needed to do some steps to kind of have the same thing we had here. But you could do instead you could just divide those microbes and to do the into two different macros. So, for example, let me do this. Let me create a new table here. Let's say for this one Let me just start recording. Let me call it. Okay, Macro one. I mean, recorded as a button. Let me out it. Click on. OK, now for this I'd like to for mothers to be in the center and to be boiled. Now, let's stop recording Now let's apply it to here by clicking from the macro. And as you can see, it works as intended When I recorded the macro. So a better idea. Then, like stacking all the things in one macro, for example, you could divide them into several smaller macro. So that way it could work flawlessly without the letter that you you saw earlier. Let's say you receive a document from someone as an email, and it contains macros. Microsoft word would automatically ask you whether you'd like to enable them, because it's like protecting you, and it's a security feature. You can easily disable that by going to file and then going toe options, and then you click on the trust center, and then you go to trust center settings. And then here you have the macro settings, and you can change that. From here, you can disable all microbes that come from an untrusted source without a notification. You can disable them with the notification so that you have the choice to enable them and so on. Let me now show you, for example, the microbes that have been only created for the other document in order to apply it. Let's go to view and then we click on Macro. And then here you can see that there is a macro here. If I click on run, as you can see, it has moved the tax to the center, as it did with the macro when I recorded it. Also, as you can see here, I do have the microbes that I added before and even in the favorite here I have the marker that I added before, but if I click on it, it doesn't work because I didn't make it available for the other documents. I only made it available for the document that I have been using. So even. And even now if I go to file and I changed the settings and I say enable all macros and I click on OK and click on OK, even if I click on it, it wouldn't work. And it's not because it has been disabled in the security settings is because simply it cannot be found. Now, let's say you'd like to copy your macros from this document where I created, like Three Micro's to the other document what you have to do. You just have to click on macros on this, I can hear you click on it. And then here you have your list off Micro's. You then have to click on organizer. And then here you can simply see that this new Mac rose is all the microbes that are within this document. And then here you have to close this file and then open the file where you like to copy your macro. So in my case, I want to copy the Mac Rose here. So I click on it and then I choose this new macros and I click on copy. Now click on clothes and those microbes have been copied to this document. So now if I click on this macro, as you can see, it is working. And if I click on all the other micro's, it will work. Now, for example, let's say I'd like to edit the macro that I created to create the stable to do so. I click on view. I go to Makro Psychic on this bottom. Then, for example, I choose this macro and I click on edit. When I click on edit, it would automatically open the Microsoft Visual basic for applications and For example, if you scroll down, you'll see the next mackerel, which is creative with data. This is create table with Heather's, and this is just a create table that I created Now here, let's say I don't want to create last name, for example, but I'd like it to create address here. It's saying that would be aligned to the center here, that there's a box base, for example. You can just, like remove that. For example, also here it is not. I teams it's items so we can fix that. We can remove the backspace. We can remove this. Now all we have to do is just save it here and then Kanye's. And then when we finish editing this, all we have to do is close this dialogue here. Now we can just simply apply the macro by clicking here. And as you can see, it has been fixed. Now items is fixed and everything looks better than how it looked before. Can also, of course, delete a macro from this dialog box by clicking on the icon and then you see, like the marker that you'd like to delete, and you simply click on delete. Then Yes. Then it would be deleted. But as you see here, it won't be updated in the great access toolbar. You would have to delete it manually. Now let's remove everything that we just added by clicking on customize ribbon. And then we select the reset and we do reset all customization. A click on Yes, I click on OK, and as you can see, everything is gone.
25. Working with building blocks: Now let's say we'd like to create a building block for our document. In order to do so, we have to go to insert and then quick parts. Just small, quick information about building blocks. Building blocks could be, for example, the cover page of the document and the headers footers and so on. You can simply insert them with a four month thing and styling, and it would be consistent all over your document. So you click on quick parts. Then you click on Building Blocks organizer. And then here you can choose what you'd like to include. For example, here, let's I'd like to insure my name so I click on insert, and, as you can see, it has been inserted. But this is not what I want. Let's say I'd like to insert a cover page, and as you can see here, you have several cover pages to choose from within the gallery off cover pages. Let's say I'd like this cover page, so I select it. I click on insert, and as you can see, Microsoft Word automatically inserts the cover page at the beginning off the document, and it would take the first text that you have entered year as a heather for the title of the document. And of course you can simply change it because it behaves like a content control. The same that I explained earlier. It gives you a name. It gives you the opportunity to change the title, to add the documents of title to say, Who is the author and so on? Let's say And of course, also add the year here. Let's say I'd like to remove this cover page. I don't want it anymore. That's check other choices. You're me. You can also add, for example, the footers. Let's say you added a sideline cover page or, for example, Austin cover pages you would navigate to the footers. And then, for example, you can take as well, Austin. And then here it would be displayed here at the bottom. Let's see it together. When I press on insert, you can see that it's here. Now let's remove it and close header and footer. Let's insert again, and also you can choose Heather's. You can choose page numbering and so on. You have different things you can choose from. You can even create a table for a calendar or a table, for example, with a sub heather, a matrix and so on. You can also open the quick parts in the building blocks organizer. You can, for example, select a building block. You can edit the properties. You can change its name. You can choose in which gallery. To put it in. You can choose in which category, for example, you can create a new category for it description, saving hours and so on. Now let's say you have, for example, this image that is used, for example, as a local to your company. In my case, it could be used as the logo off this class. What you can do, you can just click on it and then you go to insert. Then you click on quick parts and then you kick on safe selection too quick part gallery. So when you do that, you would add this within your quick parts and within the building blocks. So if I click on it now, I can give it a name. Let's say company logo. Let's say I'd like it to be in the quick parts. Not it's not a page number, not a header. And so on let's say quick part. Let's say the category is generally I can create a new one if I want here. I would write a description, the company logo, for example. And this is how it would be saved. And that's the options. I can either insert the content or inserted in its own page. So, for example, when I inserted it would just enter this one in the blank page, and then afterwards it would enter the rest. Let's do that. Let's click on that. Let's click on OK, now let's remove this picture. Let's put the insertion point here. Let's click on quick Parts and then, as you can see, we have it here in the general because it has been added. Or we can even find it in the building blocks organizer by navigating to it and you can navigate to it by, for example, let's say, sorting the table by the names and then you press for see, for example, and then you look for all of them, or you can just see it here. Here it is, and then you click on insert, and as you can see, it has been inserted and it took a whole page for itself. Also, it's worth mentioning that when you click on insert and then quick parts and you'd like to save a selection, for example, this one as a building block when you click on it here you have where you could save it in here. In this case, it's saving it in this template here. But let's say you'd like to have your own template where you could save these building parts so that you can share this template with other people in your organization or with other people. What you would need to do you would need to navigate to see, and then the users, then the user name than up data. And don't forget that update Eyes is hidden for there. You would have toe on hide it, then to roaming and then to Microsoft and then to document building blocks. And then you click here, for example, and then you click here, and as you can see, I have the building blocks that I just created. These are the built end building blocks, the ones that are already built in, and you can even share this filed with other people, or you can just add a new template here in this folder, and then it would automatically be fetched here in this dialog box. And then you could use it. Of course. In case, for example, you update your company logo, you can just like ad it again and then do the same procedure by saving the selection too quick part gallery. And then you would give it the same name as the previous logo. And then when you click on OK, it would give you the option to override it. And then that's what you do. You just overwrite it and then it would be updated.
26. Adding sub-documents to your document: Now let's say you'd like to have a master document and several sub documents that this would be very useful because, for example, let's say you're creating a book and you have several documents. Each document, for example, is a chapter and so on. You can add them all to one monster document, and that's how you could create your book. So in order to do that, let's say this would be the master document. And then, in order to do that, what you have to do is the following. You have to click on view, and then here you have to click on outline, and then you have to click on show document, and then you can click on insert sub Document. Now, when you click on insert here, for example, let's say I'd like to insert this sub document. As you can see, it has been inserted here. It is a sub document, but it looks like it's part of this document. Now, for example, you can put the insertion point before this document and then just like move it up or down . You can even collapse it by clicking on this button. As you can see it has been collapsed to the location off where it is. Let's expend it again Here. As you can see, you can, for example, create a new sub document. You can insert again another sub document or you can look the whole document. Now when you put the insertion point within the sub document, as you can see now you have the option toe unlinked the sub document. Now, if you're on link it, what would happen is that when you click on unlinked now, any change that you make on this document won't be reflected here. And any change you make here won't be reflected on the document. Now you cannot link it again because once you unlinked it, you could you cannot link it again. Now let's remove this text because now it became a text and no longer a document. Now let's click on show document. Let's insert the same document again. And then once it has been added, let's leave it linked so that any change that is made here would be reflected on their on the original document. Also, you can just double click on this icon here, and if you double click on it, it would open the document that it's linked to. And if you make changes here, these changes would be reflected here, as you saw. Now, in order to delete this sub document, all you have to do is first of all, unlock it Now, In order to delete this sub document, all you have to do is to click on this icon here and then press on delete and it would be deleted from the master document.