Map Making: Learn to Communicate Places Beautifully | Anne Ditmeyer | Skillshare

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Map Making: Learn to Communicate Places Beautifully

teacher avatar Anne Ditmeyer, designer + creative coach

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Taught by industry leaders & working professionals
Topics include illustration, design, photography, and more

Watch this class and thousands more

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Taught by industry leaders & working professionals
Topics include illustration, design, photography, and more

Lessons in This Class

    • 1.

      Welcome and Project Intro


    • 2.

      Hand Drawn Maps Exercise


    • 3.

      Inspiration of the Non-Digital Kind: Part 1


    • 4.

      Inspiration of the Non-Digital Kind: Part 2


    • 5.

      Imaginary City Exercise


    • 6.

      Digital Mapping + Integration - part 1


    • 7.

      Digital Mapping + Integration – part 2


    • 8.

      Tools and Techniques in Mapping


    • 9.

      A peek inside Illustrator (optional)


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About This Class

Map lovers, travelers, hosts, neighborhood enthusiasts & people who like to know where they’re going or where they’ve been, this class is for you. This is NOT a technical or professional cartography class, but rather focuses on seeing the world creatively through mapping.

What You'll Learn

  • Finding Inspiration. You'll look at current maps and start thinking about how you use them, what attracts you, and what puzzles you about them.
  • Hand-Drawn + Printed Maps. We'll focus on tangible maps, both mundane and experiemental.  
  • Mapping in the Digital Age. We'll look at stand alone digital maps, as well as examples that are integrated into blogs and websites

Note: This class filmed on a laptop + using screenshare, and may not be as flashy as some others, but amazing and inspiring work is created all the same!

Visit the online gallery to see the incredible range of projects!

Meet Your Teacher

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Anne Ditmeyer

designer + creative coach


I'm an American designer + creative coach based in Paris, France. I founded Prêt à Voyager in 2007 to explore the intersection of travel and design. I offer bespoke tours of Paris at and online trip planning tool 

I've worn many hats as a designer, but these days I'm most passionate about teaching others and encouraging exploration. I teach Map Making, Intro to InDesign, InDesign in 30 Minutes, Designing Professional Documents (Résumé Redesign) [geeky, but it's my favorite!], Presentation Design, and The Art of Travel Posters on Skillshare.

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1. Welcome and Project Intro: Hi, everyone. Ah, welcome. Fiscal shares, map design. Learning to communicate places beautifully. I am and admire behind Good boy O J. Um, And I'm coming to you from Paris today. But don't worry. All these lectures are pre recorded, so you can watch him any time. They're meant to be short and sweet, so you can do it on your own time and kind of exploring between. So I wanted to welcome to class and thank you. Thank you. Thank you so much for signing up. Um, I'm so excited to have you all here. There. At least 21 countries represented all five continents. You guys are from around the world. Half of you don't live where you were born. It's really an amazing group. Um, super talented to be the target first illustrators, community managers, bloggers, world travelers, um, and people who are totally scared to be here because they don't have a creative bone in their body. But the glass is designed to be about half, um, hand drawn and non computer and about half computer. Um, And you can interpret it however you want and take your projects, which ever direction. You're what? Um, this is not like school, Um, that we had growing up. But you're supposed to have fun with it, meet some great contacts into interesting people. So I just wanted to give you a little background of how this all started. Um, I guess it was back in October, um, skill share reached out to me and they gave me the challenger. The offer Teoh create across the class of my dreams. And so I knew would be about travel a very visual person, as you'll see later in the lectures on Guy Wanted. And so anyway, but maps just seemed the natural fit. And I'm not a professional cartographer map maker, but neither you but the goals that we can all learn from each other. And I have some fantastic examples. And even since I first proposed this class, um, every day and discovering new things. So it's all about sharing. We have this online community. It's about connective iti and maybe sharing blinks and everything. So, uh, the goal of was also gonna add that one of the really exciting things about this class for me, as it has allowed me to kind of put a lot of the ideas I've had in my head for a really long time and put them into action. So I kind of want to you. Have you used this class as an excuse to do those projects that you've been dreaming about thinking about? But it's a great and protest toe, actually. Do it. I've taken several of use classes now from a wide range of teachers. I've learned so much. Um, and like anything, the more time you put into it, the more you're gonna get out of it. But it's also giving the tools so you can kind of do it on your own time. Um, Liniger, classically cath classmates Ashley New Dasher and I took the video storytelling class before the holidays, and it took us two months to finish our project. But our video on how to ride the Paris metro went off the live log, Um, last week. So in early February. So anyway, it's just proof that, you know, teachers aren't perfect either. And, um, you know, do things when you can. This is meant to be fun, not stressful. But I want to show you around the classroom a little bit. Just so you understand how it all works, and so you can use is it to the full advantage. So while you don't necessarily have to complete the project in the time allotted, it kind of benefits you to feed off the energy and work with your classmates. You conform groups on and ask questions and good ideas. And I'll do my best to answer all questions as well. But anyway, that is that. Let me check my notes rubric. Um, let's see. So I'm gonna go ahead and change over to share squeak screen so you can see a little bit of the online platform of skill share that you're going to get really used to in the coming weeks. This is the skill share, home page or class page that, um, you'll have become familiar with and probably how you are enrolled in the class. Um, so this is the main screen, um, in the background of the class. But you're in the class so ready for the next stuff. So in the coming days, I definitely want you to start a project board. And so it's in the student Projects tab and you click on the orange start your project button um, As you can see, we already have 23 projects started, which is pretty phenomenal for a class that has been started. You will have some amazing ideas. You know, really mundane things from the walks you take with your dog every day to, like, great design boutiques. Memories of your last trip recording. You know, your grandparent's track across Holland. Just really fantastic ideas. Um, And I hope you take the opportunity kind of click around and dig around, um, and see, see what people are doing. So I was given some problems and questions, Um, and just, you know, you can update this any time, Uh, and add more information. You can add images or links. Um, anything like then the third tab is the classroom tab, which is also quite important. Um, and this is how, over on the left to get into the discussions on. And this is where, um, this is where I asked Ah, a couple questions, But first, I'll show you while you're in the classroom. These are where the syllabus is. Are some by our, um I'm gonna be adding all the lectures here and additional resource is anything I show an example of and fast I'm going to share a link. Um, just because it's all about promoting people and learning about new artists in the same time. So you will start a discussion board as well. Um, to kind of continue sharing links. So this isn't the classroom. And then So the next thing is clicking onto the discussions Charity Haven't tab. Um, and the biggest post going right now is they introduce yourself to the class. Um, and when you click on it, this is the the message that you all have already received from me and all the information . We already have 99 comments, and I have to thank you all. You inspired me like none other. I've learned about some great great new resource is, too, but definitely take a peek at this and read what other people are doing and ideas. Um, and there's some fantastic contacts either for, you know, just making friends. Or perhaps you have ah, event company or what? And company need to hire people, get professionals and amateurs in this fast. Um, and you're really you know, it's a wonderful way to connect with people, um, and just share your passions and learn something new. So the other thing you can do is over here on the left. Join a group. Um, and so you conform a group. Either photographers or people who want to, you know, travel to Europe. Um, really, Anything is possible is you can see whenever your classmates has already started. One looking for a photographer so you can create one for any number of topics. Realize that people are not necessarily checking the classroom as much as you like, but feel free to, you know, labor clement on their project board. Or go back into that original post and leave a comment for them there and try to connect. So everybody, obviously is full time, not necessarily full time jobs. Full time lives in addition to this. And I just wanted to say there's no required reading or anything, but I wanted to tell you about to my favorite books that if you are interested, um, and getting some extra information or had start, um, or you're just at your local library airs, you know, museum shop. You'd probably be able to find these, but the first look is old from there, and it's um, or the books created for the hand drawn map association, and you'll understand more about this with our first exercise. But literally it is filled with hands on maps, and it's kind of nice because it has the stories that goes along with it. So once again it's called From here to There will be Sharing the Link, and it's by Chris Hurst Inskeep. So this is the first spoke I really recommend, and then the second book is called On the Map by Simon Garfield. This is the cover I have, but if you're searching in a bookstore or an Amazon, you might find a different cover. But Simon Garfield is the author of Just My Type for You Design of Files. It's a fantastic book of type, and this is his latest book on maps. Andi. There's a fantastic interview with him on NPR, and I have created um, I included the link in the first weeks lectures so you'll be able to find that, um, in the in the classroom. So and then I also did include one other link for a video clip from the West Wing. So once again, maps or in popular culture and it actually disk it discusses the issues, the maps and kind of other renderings. So some of the themes we're going to see popping up when you're working on this is, you know, his, like, historical accuracy or just perfection in these maps, Like how you know, do you have to be actually, um, spot on when you're creating these places? And the answer is no. So, um, you know, it's all about imprint interpretation and think of it as a communications challenge. So I think that just about, um, wraps things up. Um, while you're digesting everything, feel free to take out a sketchbook, pen and paper. Um, or if you're under computer, no pads sometime. Just write down a ton of ideas of places or the things you want include in your map. So I know it's really tempting to go on the computer and just start right into it. But really try to focus on the brainstorming phase and stay tuned for the the first exercise, which will kind of just make you take a step back and think about things in simple forms. So thank you so much for listening. Seizing of it 2. Hand Drawn Maps Exercise: - everyone welcome back for exercise one in this class. - I want to go ahead and dive right in. - This is going to be the shortest lecture. - Um, - I'd rather you go into it without a lot of preconceived notions. - So the first exercise is to draw a hand drawn map so you can go ahead and start doodling - while I'm talking, - Um, - or you can listen for a few more props. - But once again, - it was a little bit inspired by this book. - Um, - from here to there, - from the handmade hand drawn map association, - you go to hand maps dot org's for more information and inspiration there, - or take a peek at the book. - But I just wanted to let you know, - um, - the table of contents is divided into direction. - Maps found maps, - fictional maps, - artful maps, - maps of unusual places and explore explanatory maps. - So nets can be a lot about a lot of different things on, - and you know the places you could invent it. - It could be, - you know, - about anything, - or on anything when my favorites is this map on a napkin. - Um, - and in a blood post I did with my life and maps. - I shared a hand drawn map of Paris that I did from memory to size, - explaining to a friend how Paris is divided into 20 Ronnie small. - It's that curl around like a snail. - And he had been living here for four years, - Never realized that. - So I did this hands on map. - It was really funny to compare what my memory of the longest once a Paris are to the - reality. - So that's kind of one little exercise you can dio. - So, - um, - you another break map in here is a guy giving directions to a party that's down the street - . - So you says, - like, - this is number 70. - You literally draws in that Teoh number nine. - You can also taken existing map demo, - Marty, - just draw on top of it. - But I want you to take ideally cut in paper and sketch and Mr P while you're on the metro. - You know, - while you're waiting for somebody to come to a meeting, - you know, - no frills basic, - you can just, - you know, - communicate some idea, - um, - this fanciers artistic or, - you know, - whatever you want, - you can add little details. - I'll show a couple examples either at the end of class or if I add an extra lecture, - what people are doing. - And then, - um so I'd like you to you know, - it to be for your assignments. - Or it could be anything or, - you know, - I want to walk to the grocery store. - Um, - mundane is really great. - And I would like you to to share, - um, - one on your project page in the online classroom. - So if you could do it's been easy want, - But please edit yourself to five. - Um, - so editing is one of the key. - Things will be coming up. - Um, - but yet get creative. - You know, - rethink what hand drawn is really simple. - Nothing fancy. - Um, - and, - you know, - have fun. - But I look forward to seeing your hand drawn maps or your first exercise him last. - Okay, - um, - stay tuned or your next lecture was is all about inspiration. - See you later. 3. Inspiration of the Non-Digital Kind: Part 1: - So this is all about inspiration. - And I'm gonna show you some physical example today and next week, - I'll show you a bunch of digital examples. - And that's not to say that the examples I'm showing right now didn't have a little help - from the computer. - Um, - but I want you to be thinking about format. - And you want something printed. - Do you want something digital? - Do you want something interactive? - Do you want a big Do you want it unfold like a poster? - Or do you want something small to keep in your pockets or something? - So you don't look like a tourist when you're traveling around using. - It s so I have a ton of examples around me and I'm just going to show them to you one by - one. - And as much as possible, - Um, - I will share links. - So the 1st 1 is the book fairs versus, - and I see by that better and I'm butchering his name, - You know, - she's of the mind. - And the American cover is white in the European with his yellow and minus faded Miller - because But I just kind of wanted to use his, - um, - book. - His first book is an example and show you how basic his sketches are At the bottom. - You can see Paris and New York as maps and some to use. - A super talented professional illustrator who is making his living is drawing very simple - sketches to express his ideas. - Um, - so the entire book is made of just justify juxtapositions between Paris and New York City - as to different places. - And so on the left. - Here you have Paris, - which is kind of all over the place, - and New York is much more rigid. - Um, - and so just something else to note that your places don't have to be real. - That could be created places. - Um, - and this is an example of New York superimposed onto Paris. - So once again, - it's just, - you know, - taking existing structure and disrupting it a little bit. - Um, - and she has another mess, - which is Paris. - That's what chance did if you conceive enough, - um, - Harris on to Manhattan and New York. - So taking the 20 different royalties most of Paris and putting them onto the map of New - York. - So I mean, - the rest of book is, - you know, - very various other ideas, - but not necessarily about maps. - So moving on. - Um, - uh, - this book is a couple of years old by ideo. - Um and when I first looked at it again, - I hadn't looked at it for a while. - It's a book about New York was looking inside, - and I noticed, - um, - that there weren't any maps. - Music? - That's really strange. - It's all about places, - um, - and really interesting places to go. - And then it occurred to me that each place has a number is 24 and it corresponds with the - cover of the book. - So thinking about how your map integrates into your project is another thing to consider. - See, - um, - another favorite are Chronicle Books has the Siris of city walks, - Calvert of cities, - and each one has a map. - They also have them for kids, - which a little bit more fun and colorful, - but they are a really great way to have focused. - Afternoon. - Um, - I tend to wander in wonder and get lost forever. - But you have a card, - and it has one zone of the location. - A fairly simple map, - and you can see this one happens to match the colors of the the case. - Um, - and then you see the red line is showing you where to go. - And this one happens to be from you to back in the 16 only small. - So it gives you a little bit of history. - It uses bold, - um, - to help call out the locations so you can think about how it's to be No, - maybe just a postcard. - Um, - but there's a whole Siri's off. - So once again, - the user by college books, - Um, - some of my favorite travel guides are smaller, - easy to hold in the pocket. - This limits for Berlin by enough, - uh, - not guides, - and you open it and each one is divided into neighborhoods and all the locations, - and then each one has a map inside. - So it's each neighborhood on Lee has the places, - neighborhood and photos to go with it and then a little bit more of a description of the - bottom. - So once again thinking about how any extra text or description address, - phone number hours, - they're open like fit into the project that you're working on. - And speaking of Berlin, - this is something I picked up when I was in Berlin. - Kelly IQ Seminary seven or so years ago. - It is all about colors, - so it takes photos. - And essentially, - it feels very much like a photo selector when you're you're wanna pay for room our wall in - your house. - But so you have the colors, - and then on the back of each one is the description ALS again, - a little bit of history. - It has a really little map to help zoning. - So what part of the neighborhood you are? - Description. - And then once again, - it's nothing fancy computer, - you know, - not but showing where you are. - So I think it's really easy to kind of. - She'll tell people I'll go here. - But you if you're new to a place or even if you live somewhere, - you just don't really know until you're you get there, - Um, - where you're going. - So another thing, - uh, - you all have probably seen eyewitness guides. - Eso it's until you start thinking about it. - Look at all the examples around Europe up in the local bookstore, - um, - or go to your library and flip through atlases. - But look at what's around you and kind of start thinking again about, - um, - how mounts are used and in various books. - So once again that I witnessed serious and folks This is for Cyprus are highly visual and - lots of images. - And so you have, - you know, - amount. - That's once again, - color is Ah, - keep you tool, - um, - to help. - Kind of designate different areas is in color coded in terms of the tabs that you flip - through. - So how color might be able to help use your map, - but this is an overall map. - But then often you have smaller neighborhood maps. - Um, - as you go in. - So once again, - I think about you know what? - What level of information you're hoping to share your, - uh, - this is using a jet traveler. - So easyJet airline in Europe and just kind of in the back. - They have very simple maps, - but because they're sharing multiple locations and that can be a nice way to kind of - contextualized where a story or this. - These are just travel tips of how to get to and from the airport. - But in your new place, - remember, - you have to kind of state the obvious sometimes, - and you don't necessarily know where you're going. - So speaking of magazines, - um, - you know, - magazines are often looking for editorial illustrators to add an illustration to add to the - story or into their publication. - But don't They're not necessarily all the same style, - but Anthology magazine was a U. - S based magazine entrance and just kind of It's interesting here how they use the map and - simple watercolor Teoh, - um, - show where the articles are taking place in the magazine. - So more and more I would like to know who the person is, - who the author is and where where it's happening are taking place. - So I think it's really interesting and kind of abs, - this cross cultural perspective and makes information richer. - Um, - another travel magazines, - a far the U. - S. - And so just even how, - um, - that could be an infographic so you can use it to communicate information, - various levels of depth, - um, - and use simple icons and colors, - um, - in different ways. - These are in no particular order, - just going to my world of fun maps. - This is just a postcard that you buy on the street in Paris, - but it's the Paris metro justice system. - So no somebody in class waas talking about redesigning the Dublin metro or transportation, - not redesigning the system, - but the maps that represent it so you can totally take a existing maps. - Somebody else had talked about doing a ski resort and thinking about how you can simplify - it or redefine it. - One of my favorite museums in the world is the London Transport Museum, - and they have That's really fantastic exhibit showing kind of help that London - transportation in London, - um to map has changed over the years in just simple changes. - And even in that NPR interview with Simon Garfield about his his new boat, - he mentions how, - um, - he's talking to somebody and they're not, - You know, - the distance is not the same. - Reality is it shows up in the map. - So transportation maps are really interesting. - Um, - concept to pursue. - I myself am a huge fan of public transportation. - Um, - two books to consider, - um, - are both by large Swindon's, - but the 1st 1 is called Transit Maps of the World. - And, - um, - it is just full of maps from different countries. - And once again, - you can see like transportation. - Maps are just color and lines, - and you could do that with the magic marker, - you know, - trace paper, - magic marker. - You don't have to use the computer for your final assignments, - but, - um you know, - Google images if intestine fantastic resource. - So if you even if you don't have these books, - you can you know, - Stevie, - and see a couple pages on Amazon. - But doing Google image search, - try looking and seeing what the London Transport Museum has, - but kind of looking at other places as a way to inspire the place that you can help you - during its and then once again by the same author. - This one is all about the Paris Underground, - and so you can see how the Paris map has changed over time. - So, - you know, - that might not be the most effective way to get around. - So obviously things have changed over time, - so you can kind of look towards history, - so kind of inform your decisions. - So, - um, - you know the best designs decisions are often like really simple solutions, - but you have to get through a whole bunch of jumble mess in your head, - and in order to figure out which information you actually need to include 4. Inspiration of the Non-Digital Kind: Part 2: - his next example is a stitching postcard. - Um, - and so this is literally a postcard. - I bought it in Germany several years ago. - Um, - but it comes in a little plastic envelope, - and it's got a new don't thread. - Um, - and it's a postcard, - but this one is a map of Europe, - and they have several locations that they sell. - It is by lying her snagged elder, - uh, - and I will live to it. - But, - uh, - you know, - the idea is that you take the needle dread and you actually stitch your roots, - Um, - of where you're going or where you've been. - And one of your classmates makes these incredible embroidered maps that I will show when I - show some examples on, - uh, - the computer next week. - Um, - your map can be totally simple. - A great example is this business card for a restaurant. - So stay in Paris, - but it's just half of it, - but it's thinking about what information you need, - what color is used to communicate, - You know, - the size of type. - When you're designing for the Web, - your type needs to be bigger and probably darker. - Then in print, - you can get away with a lot smaller so if you are doing a print that printed out along the - way because you need to see what it's gonna look like when it's actually done because it - could look beautiful on screen. - And then you know who this is the work at all. - Um, - another transport map. - Big postcard. - So, - you know, - if you have, - um, - just to stay in your apartment a lot because they know a lot of you mentioned that, - um, - you can totally create something that you kind of leave them as a souvenir And how printed - there's four by six or mood dot com a bunch, - just different places online where you can have things inexpensively printed or go to your - local shop. - But this is, - ah, - larger size postcard that the Paris one. - Um, - but, - you know, - if you don't have to keep standard formats, - it'll, - um, - just to show you this is a pair of planted heavy and matt book. - Um, - actually find that I used in that book more than by I phone these days and think how we're - everybody's going approach. - This class is a little different now than it would have been like five years ago, - because we're all really dependent on cheap. - Yes. - So I think it's interesting thing about breaking down and kind of returning to the past. - I don't like to use my iPhone on the Paris metro just for pickpockets. - Sick s o. - You know, - you know, - returned to paper that wasting paper. - But you know, - every Parisian has this. - My French friends still tend to use their Met books instead of their phones. - But Paris is divided into 20 different around you, - Smalls. - And this is zones into which one you're in on the entire front of The book is located by - street name, - which Romney small, - in which coordinates to find the place. - So it's kind of my little Bible. - So you could always think about making your math into a book or a series. - Or, - um, - if you're going someplace or each vacation, - it all looks like a certain sense. - Um, - or maybe you're doing something totally different and reinventing what you're doing. - But you can think about things. - It's a serious or a book or a collection. - Uh, - this is a fairly tourist to shoot back off Boston, - but it's interesting to see of the front on the back. - You have the t transportation that and this is a pop up map. - So it unfolds and you have to zone places. - And the nice thing about this is that it's kind of coded, - and so if it gets wet in the rain, - it's not gonna like disintegrated immediately that this is just more typical paper. - But it fulls in and out. - Um, - and so on this side you have the information, - and on this side you have the map. - So while this is a touristy version of it's nice that it fits in the pocket, - and so you could think about that as an option. - Uh, - one of my favorite events in Paris every year is we've Walsh, - and it is means white nights, - and it's an all night party. - Are sleepless nights in Paris where their arts and cultural events around the city and - happens the first Saturday in October. - But anyway, - they create these great little booklets, - phone and online app. - But you can see how this is just, - uh, - you know, - one color, - but different shades. - Well, - what it's blue and then black and then white stuff really considered a color. - But if you look closely at this and just take like a little zone. - You can see it's just lines and shapes in dots with numbers, - but kind of less is more. - And that's the challenge in this assignment is editing down and seeing what information you - actually need to include in your map. - And so we're getting 20 ends of my naps. - But, - um, - if you haven't heard of Herb Leicester, - it is a great company based on the UK who works with professional illustrators to creek - create maps of different places. - So they're super affordable. - Amazing souvenirs, - lots of information. - But in a way, - I like to think that as a work of art. - And so this one's for Berlin and then on the back is all the information. - And so you could totally hang this on your wall as the souvenir or use it on your travels. - Each one is a little bit different. - This is one for Paris, - it's called It's nice to be alone in Paris. - So like coming up with a really specific theme or focus can kind of help dictate your map - in your design decisions, - from anything from color to the type of places you're choosing. - So this is the Paris map. - Once again, - it's done by a different illustrator, - and you know it's a professional illustrator. - But those are just lines and type. - So think about looking closely on the back. - Has the information, - has some hierarchy with old numbers and color, - but it's neatly organized into columns and the grid and, - you know, - breaks up the information with a few illustrations. - So and then on the back, - there's a this story on, - um, - you know, - sites is so many of you have blog's and we'll be showing a lot more examples of that. - But, - you know, - don't be afraid to put your website or your contact information. - This is something you're creating and other people are using. - Um, - so I think my love of maps kind of guys reignited when I was in Budapest last spring and - they went to this shop called Print Out, - which was a coffee shop printmaking studio where they give workshops and lessons, - um, - and, - uh, - gift shop yet coffee shop. - So then I saw this map and I was like, - Well, - meaning that's gonna cost a fortune. - And it was like something like three euros and it's completely hand printed um, - on a really nice Kraft paper. - And my friends, - you know, - I was with We ended up using this map and walking to the place we went to next. - And it's, - you know, - is my favorite souvenir from a place just outside out. - So in the back, - one of the things to keep in line to is, - if you want to keep it if you want a legend, - Orci, - um, - through it, - what these different things are for eat, - drink, - sleep, - um, - different ways of categorizing information. - And then you can see those icons are all used for the place. - And this map is kind of nice because it has, - you know, - it says daily attended 2010 to 8. - Um, - it hasn't phone number and the address, - so it's definitely bigger, - but you have more information. - The thing to keep in mind if you're doing you know, - not like this place is my close. - It's not necessarily as timeless as we would. - One would hope so. - Um, - there is that, - and I just help a couple more examples and see one of my favorite projects I've ever - discovered is called, - um, - the travel anywhere guide. - Um, - and Jack of the occasional travel. - And who's in this class who lives in Singapore? - There's a small chance, - yes, - in the shop, - but I'm not sure that she's making anymore, - but they're by, - um, - I kinda lived cuffed, - so I confuse international names. - But the idea is that their cards that you take anywhere you travel Teoh kind of challenge - you to do something different by a postcard and write down the description. - But this is my favorite one of the group. - I thought all of the map. - And so the idea is that true? - Start here and end here vice first that wherever you are in, - kind of see where it takes you So you could create in that to know where, - um and that would be perfectly acceptable. - So, - um, - the last map will show you because they know someday is leaving Oklahoma soon, - and we're talking about her map and the idea that she could make a poster or, - you know, - something memorabilia to take with her. - So this map is by Antoine and Nebula, - its screen printed in one of a series of sets and one of life's forges and life, - which wasn't that much of a splurge. - But, - um, - I'm not sure if you recognize it from another map I showed earlier, - but is the Paris Metro map, - But it's slightly inverted once again. - Simple lines, - and it's just taking elements like Sacra Crew for the Eiffel Tower. - Um, - and kind of reconfiguring that, - and it's not trying to be accurate at all, - and it's it's very backwards, - but it's the It's a work of parts, - and that's fine, - too. - Oh, - and then I did create a block coast, - Um, - the first day before class started of you know, - my my life story through maps, - and you're welcome to kind of explore that if you want to learn more about my background - old I've done. - But Judith Abdul ICS had posted this by walking. - Roberts and I have been saying his name right, - but also share the link to make this paper glow, - which is kind of fun, - and it took me three hours quarters, - but it is really great Dabble movie on and be working on something that wasn't my computer - . - So, - ironically, - this class is about online classes and connecting, - but I also want you to think about disconnecting and connecting with place so what? - One of my semester Studying abroad, - Um, - was on semester at sea, - and it was a 10 country, - um, - voyage around the world on essentially a cruise ship. - Um, - and so I decided sick. - That's from paint and kind of use. - This paper glowed as a way to document that journey. - So your maps can document something done or something you hope to dio. - Um, - and like I said, - look at it, - look to your costume. - It's for inspiration. - Asking questions. - Astra feedback. - Um, - you know any design you see like it didn't happen in when one fell swoop. - It's a lot of process. - It's editing, - getting feedback. - And I know it's daunting to show people your work when it's still work in progress. - But you're really gonna get your best results. - So feel free to share some more examples on, - um, - thank you 5. Imaginary City Exercise: - Hi, - everybody. - Welcome back. - This lecture is part of your next exercise and originally had one idea. - But I wanted to give you three different options because everybody in class has a little - bit of a different personality. - So you're welcome to try all three exercises, - but otherwise at least choose one and shared on your project board. - Um, - so the idea is imaginary city. - Um, - So the first idea is just to take a piece of paper and scissors and cut it into all sorts - of shapes and sizes of any sort. - Um, - and then see what you can dio by piecing the shapes together. - The idea behind this exercise, - um, - is the, - you know, - cities are basic shapes. - And, - you know, - if you look at Paris vs New York and the layout of the city, - the streets are very different, - so you can cut circles and shapes. - You could, - you know, - make it a think of it, - this mosaic tiles and you're piecing together the city to work together. - So, - ideally, - you'll have a piece of colored paper on a white background. - But either, - um, - you know, - just make sure there's contrast so you can glue or tape it Or just lay it out on your table - that just take a picture so you can get is involved, - as you like in that s o the second idea. - And this could either, - um, - be with the help of digital or just using a paper map on git. - Could be, - you know, - an official like government or issued meth or one of those, - like beautiful, - like vintage wallpapers are wrapping papers, - uh, - of an exit existing map. - And I want you just to take a little segment of it. - And use that and you can If you're using a computer, - you can open it and zoom in. - And so you're just looking at a small segment, - either a circle or square. - But for instance, - we have the Paris Matt, - but it's This map is handily divided into different grades, - so ideas just take like, - one little square of it. - E can seem to drop backwards on the computer screen, - but just take one small segment of an existing map of any kind and start to look at - different things, - like the shapes and lines and how everything fits together. - Also, - think about, - um, - you know, - thickness of lines and different ways. - They're using Teoh. - Communicate the information on and you can start thinking about Oh, - they're using color the color green for grass and the color blue for streets and yellow for - something else. - But just take its teeny segments of the map. - Um, - I don't know if you when you were in elementary school like I was, - we had to draw a big picture. - But in order to do what? - We made it a grade, - and we just looked at the lunch segments. - And when you're drawing at his individual segments, - it's way less scary than when you're trying toe, - you know, - take on a whole city or object your idea, - um, - and draw the whole thing. - So just take it any segments And so in a way, - that becomes its own imaginary city. - And then the third option is to also taken existing map of any kind on just take a piece of - trace paper and start tracing on top of it. - You can also do this digital away by scanning it in and creating another layer and drawing - on top of it. - Um, - but you're using in a nexus ting math to help guide you. - Um, - in kind of give you an idea of frameworks for how maps are laid out. - And I mean, - for your final project, - you don't have to use these grids. - You don't have to use these shapes. - But thats there just a few exercises to get you thinking about mats. - No differently. - Eso have fun. - And like I said, - you can upload, - um, - one or three, - But, - um, - pick your poison. - Have fun with it. - Onda Happy exploring. - See? - It's in. 6. Digital Mapping + Integration - part 1: - Hi, - everybody, - Welcome back. - So today's lecture is about digital maps, - and the idea did digital integration and how we can include them on blog's and websites, - um, - and have been live on Maura's maps. - But so people are actually interacting and engaging with them I'm and using them in - creative ways. - So I'm gonna walk you through a handful of examples, - and I'm gonna share all the links on the project on that classroom page so you'll be able - to consult them theirselves. - But I just yourselves. - But I just wanted to point out some of the interesting things happening, - Um, - so that you can kind of get inspired and think about creative ways you can use them. - So once again, - the idea is not to copy specifically immunized ideas, - but pick and choose those really interesting points that grabbed you and think about how - you can twist them and use them creatively yourself. - Um, - and just a reminder before we go forward too much. - I just wanted to make the point that for me, - I always be Steve. - Design is a puzzle, - and you don't have to be a designer. - Teoh have design in your life and in these maps and stuff, - So you're also an editor. - But I think if designed as a puzzle, - and when you change one piece, - it can impact the things around it. - So I want you to be, - you know, - constantly kind of looking back and forth and how these different elements, - uh, - interact in your mouth. - And you might have some idea that's so great. - But maybe it's better for another map, - so don't try to do too much. - Simplify less is more, - uh, - if you are doing a hand drawn map or something without the computer, - White space is a good thing, - even if you are using the computer white spaces, - good things. - Kenbrell doesn't have to be cluttered, - but clutter can be fun, - too. - So just think about the everything is the design choice, - Um, - and the communications choice. - So there are a lot of ways to approach this, - but again, - the point is just a have have fun in the process. - So I'm gonna go ahead and put on screen, - share and walk you through these examples Second. - Okay, - so we are on screen share now, - So the first example is probably the most common example, - and that would be Google maps. - And so I just wanted to show you that when you're in your Gmail or on Google up in the top - , - there's the map stab. - So that would get you into a map. - So this Google map is very us sent us centric. - Um, - but the world is a big place, - but you have the zoom feature, - the person, - various navigation elements over here. - You can choose a few on Earth, - you satellite view, - weather terrain there. - There are other options. - Um, - that you can play around with labels. - Um, - so it's quite fun to explore. - The thing that you're going to be interested in is to the my places button. - So I've gone ahead and open the taps just so we're not losing any time in clicking. - So here I am, - my places and this is my map I created earlier this week called We are Here. - Skill Share, - math making. - And this is the map of students that I made. - So if I were to click here, - I would get Teoh this page, - which is the class map. - So since many of you started signed up quite early for this class and you saw when we just - had a few dots. - But this is where you all are based right now, - which is pretty incredible. - Eso we have at least 38 U. - S states represented and 33 countries, - but I believe we've even added one or two countries since then. - So the nice thing about these maps is you can always update them. - There is this edit button. - I will warn you that I found this map a lot easier to make the first time. - But it's kind of a pain when I go and add new places I consume. - If I go ahead and click edit, - I consume around and just take the the place mark and drop it anywhere. - And then I add a little bit of text. - And, - um, - here it is. - Rockport, - Maine. - Added the exclamation point. - Just be fun. - The key thing is to be consistent. - I started this map when we didn't have all these individual cities, - and I was just interested in the country's or the States. - So think about consistency and kind of, - ah, - guidelines and visual standards from the beginning. - If you want to be very professional, - you have colors and links and you can customize your icons, - but it is fairly easy to edit later and you can see over to the left. - Here there is the list of all the places. - So once again, - I really should be more consistent. - Say, - San Francisco called the United States. - But I'm not perfect. - So here is the map. - You consumer out. - The other really important thing to know is this key chain. - This is where you can easily share the links. - So if you wanted to go find this map later, - I would not copy it from the the top two wire like normal, - I would use this chain. - I like using the short link, - which is especially if you're tweeting a map. - This is great. - It's condensed, - Um and then if you want to embed it into a block, - this is the code you use below and you are able to move it around a little bit. - Uh, - my blawg is 520 pixels wide, - so I would change that. - Here. - You can also change the height, - so maybe you want a long, - narrow map or a square map. - So that's where you do it. - And the new copy and paste the code here to add into your blawg. - So this is the block Coast I did of my life and maps. - And down here I added in the the map here. - So this is a live map from the Google map that I used. - So in the past, - maybe I would have used a screenshot here so it would show up, - Um, - in social media sharing, - it won't necessarily. - But the nice thing about having this Google map is any time I add a new place to my Google - map, - it's gonna automatically update to this blawg post, - which talks about a lot of fabulous students in my class. - So then I also wanted to show you, - um buzzfeed if you don't know what is just a fun way to get the news, - it's not necessarily the most serious, - but they also kind of use information and data to express things and creative ways and make - you think so. - This post is called 19 maps will help you put the United States in perspective. - And so here they use one of the tools in the Google Maps to draw a path. - So here they're putting Brazil's on top of the United States. - So you know it's it's giving a new perspective. - And in the links, - I will also be sharing a tutorial of how to make a Google map that is very helpful. - In terms of, - you know, - you can create lines like this or past. - You could add points, - so I'm using it just to show where the students your students are located. - But you can also do it as a very linear like here's your walking tour, - her path. - So this is just uninterested in way that a map is used kind of in an editorial way. - But it z not to have fun, - But you do think at the same time, - so incarnated. - The love s, - um is a French blocked by Julie, - who is in this class as well. - And she is a graphic designer and has this really beautiful traveled log. - It's nice and clean, - and she's really smart in how she uses the the graphic elements. - So, - as you can see when you roll over these, - uh, - photos, - she is, - you have the location as well. - The black isn't French. - Cambodia's Cambodia, - New Zealand is New Zealand, - but just a very nice little touch, - and this is, - you know, - an added roll on. - So I'm showing you now as well some examples that if you are a little bit more tech savvy, - you can go crazy with. - So another tab is that she uses. - So I clicked inside. - The article about 10 here and on the top shoes is a Google map, - and so it's kind of visually interesting because you don't often see this long for is - Donald use of the maps? - So that is, - you know, - she's sharing photos and everything, - but it's nice to contextualize, - you know, - Here's the trip to Morocco, - and then finally she has in the block articles. - She has all the articles mapped by a location. - So on the rollovers, - it tells you about it. - And then, - and she is also using her icon, - which is the, - you know, - part of her own ball block branding and not just some generic button. - But she also has everything sorted here from countries and then over here to block trip or - jungle or literature of our hiker volcanoes, - music and festival in pools. - So it's kind of a fun way to search in multiple ways, - but the map takes center stage, - and that's very appropriate for a trouble blogged. - So the next project is they draw in travel, - and a lot of these maps are hand drawn or by illustrators. - And for any of you working on food now, - you should check out their other project on site called. - They draw and Cook, - which is all about food and recipes. - But, - um, - they use the Google map to cite and link all of the maps that are users committed and down - on the bottom left. - You can submit a map of your favorite place, - so if you're interested by all means, - use the standards of they drawn travel travel to create the guidelines for your map for - your final project, - and you could always submit it to them. - So I'm just kind of clicking throughout their map it on these flags, - and as you get more detailed with the flags to a specific location, - you can hover over it. - And this is a map Brazil, - and it shows the actual little image off the map, - and then you can click on it and visit the full map. - And so this project is really doing a great job of um, - capturing places from a local perspective and also a very creative and visual way. - So see if this loads So here are your three maps. - This is the woman looked at, - and there's a little bit of information about her. - So there's some really great inspiration in here. - All the maps are very different, - very different style. - But that mitt, - which makes it really fun, - Um, - another information. - So you can learn about the people as well as the places you know. - And there they used, - like, - simple rollovers, - But it's nice that it's about maps, - and they're charting the man. 7. Digital Mapping + Integration – part 2: - uh, - agreement is another French blawg. - They don't know what it is, - but the French love of travel is really coming out in their blog's and their travel blocks - . - But Emily is a designer, - stylist, - photographer, - traveler, - and her bloggers creates. - And this is a recent city guide for Iceland, - which is really incredible shoes. - These beautiful pictures. - She does integrate some design, - but Aziz, - you visit several of her place that she is, - um, - graphically created maps for the Post. - So this is not at all interactive, - but she does, - you know, - site things. - It doesn't have active rollovers. - But once again, - this is kind of an example of an illustration of a map in the map being integrated into a - blawg coast. - The next example is my little Paris. - And for those of you from the U. - S, - the closest example is daily candy. - But my little Paris is kind of an address book of great places. - And this map is actually from at least a year ago. - Possibly too. - But they have a serious of these maps and, - uh, - connect Go is there, - illustrator. - And so everything on their site is graphically similar. - But this is a map of places to stay warm in the winter for Parisians. - So Val show like mulled wine or Sasana. - There's a place with a fireplace salon. - Do take. - So this is using illustration and, - um, - some Web code and CSS and technology that is beyond me to create rollovers about places. - But, - you know, - they're not that many places on this map, - but it's nice cause there's something in a cage neighborhood and it's reading it out. - Um, - and it just keeps the look of the place it is featuring. - So the next site is ever places, - and this is one of my favorite ways of sharing places on the Internet, - and I'm still a little bit slow. - I'd like to have more places, - but there's so many trips I've taken our favorite places that I'm trying to edit everything - down and on my block. - I was serious, - called High Five. - The idea is that I'm taking my five favorite places in each city to share, - um, - and ideally, - arrange. - I know I've been overly ambitious on some my travels and tried to attack too much in places - or further away than you think. - And you don't know the city and it's nice. - Also, - get a little bit lost and explore. - So this is my ever places footage for probably a shape. - And so in the center you can see the map and all the places that I have featured so far and - over on the right, - you can kind of seem and that they high, - high, - high like them. - So I went to a block trip on in Copenhagen, - so that should be the next slide. - Sorry. - So you can upload a handful pictures. - I like to do everything with my own images so that it is very much me and my voice and my - experiences. - If you're using somebody else's images, - make sure you have permission. - Um, - flickers Creative comments is a great way to look for images. - But even if you're not this perfect photographer, - you know there's nothing saying you can't use illustrations or doodles are, - you know, - not Sonnier napkins. - So these are just a few places, - and so everything is kind of marked by place. - Um, - this is food. - This is shopping. - This is sleeping so fair to click on Myers Viguerie in Copenhagen. - You should get to this page. - So much for pre loading everything. - Okay, - so when you enter your new place, - you include the images, - but you include the address and there's the map, - which is essentially it is a is a Google map, - but with the nice Icahn, - and you can kind of zoom in and see what else is around there. - And then they include the description and kind of why I like it. - So you know, - you want to become a trusted source for people. - So the other great thing is that ever places has an app that is free, - and they do have some paying apse of that have been curated and custom made by various - people in various places. - But they haven't. - APA's well, - and you can kind of save these places for download so you can access them when you are in a - place. - And it's great for locals as well. - So, - you know, - maps are not just for travelers there also for people who live in the city, - you know, - in Paris we have a ton of travel. - Bloggers were always following each other on Twitter and kind of seeing what the new places - are. - Word of mouth and you know it Maps don't have to re just for new places, - but they convey places Been around your favorite places. - Um, - it's a great way to kind of support local businesses and, - hum, - you know, - spread the word. - So the next project act is called open street map, - and this is for you, - very techy people in that class. - So open street map is the free wiki world map. - So think about Wikipedia and how you can add information and edit it and change and have - biographies. - So in a way, - open street map is the same thing. - So the data is free to download and this open license and you can edit it. - So if you zoom in and there's a team working specifically on Paris And, - um, - anything from cycling maps to bus maps on and people can access this data, - I want to customize it over here on the right. - Here is a cycle map, - so you can search in various ways, - share information, - know if there is, - um you know, - routes to be avoided, - um, - or places to go and visit. - So that's one thing Can dio, - um, - it didn't share it, - but I just remember there's another one that uses this called real map dot org's, - and it's a map that, - um, - documents all the wheelchair friendly places in the world because you don't really think - about accessibility all the time. - But when you're in a wheelchair, - you can't go up and down stairs so it uses the the Wiki open street map to chart everything - . - Um and, - uh, - you know, - just just share information to make it public. - So tech list France is another site that is built using this open street map, - and it is you can search in various ways. - But the cool thing about this map is it has this little bit of a color coded system over - here. - But this map is all about start ups, - investors co working spaces. - So if you're an entrepreneur and you're looking for people who think differently or were to - find money or where you can work, - um, - or a service provider, - this map is collecting places for people to go so soon of everybody doing their own thing. - Ideas have been kind of collective knowledge everybody can learn from and share, - and there is, - um, - a way to add a company as well up here. - So that's kind of exciting just to see these interesting ways that maps are being used. - And you can see it's like a very simple, - pared down version of map. - But it gives you the information that you need, - which is great. - So another along that line, - just how you can use digital maps in creative ways. - Head garam it is. - Ah, - French blogged. - Alex is in the class, - and this is the hedge. - Oh, - map. - So high drama reached out to a handful of travel bloggers that they follow and created - little icons for them. - And so this blogged this page and map is set up via Twitter so we can hash tag to the map - and our place shows up on the map and so kind of control our location. - But it's just a really creative way of using the map and, - you know, - finding local experts. - So you know, - just the different ways we can push this information, - Um, - and also with that very important aspect of the element of design as a way to facilitate - communication, - it's always appreciate it. - So Matt Box does a new discovery for me that I came across when I was researching for this - class. - And essentially, - it's a paid version of custom maps. - So if you are a business, - you want to do something a little bit more technical. - This, - uh, - could be a good option for you so that books is the site, - and you can see there a few different versions here. - There is the button to the habits war, - but you can kind of play around with color and these tools and markers and settings. - And so it's a platform that lets you customise maps. - So I came across it through this block coast, - which will be sure and called innovative Matt powered designs. - And it is it just kind of shows different ways. - Companies are using the same tools, - and just how little tweaks can can make it interesting. - So along the this lines actually noticed that KLM and I'll share this in the notes is, - um, - they have an online service where people can plug in all their favorite locations, - and it will make a custom app that will send to you. - So a lot of companies are using this platform. - These platforms to, - you know, - facilitate communication and make things easier. - So my final example is geo cashing and actually have the app for this. - So this is kind of geeky. - Real life adults or Julich, - kid friendly. - Um uh, - scavenger hunt. - So it's all on big GPS. - And so there these things called caches that are hidden around town. - So I've done a couple in Paris and one was Emelec's Umberger Gardens, - and it was the other fail. - But we had a lot of fun trying to find it, - and another one was near the Eiffel Tower. - So basically, - it put you put on the GPS on your phone and and it gives you some clues and you follow the - coordinates. - And so the idea is that people have kind of lefties like treasures which are nothing fancy - . - But you find the box or whatever it iss. - You add your name to it and then you hide it again in the same place for somebody else to - find. - And you can also, - you know, - put something and then added to the geo cashing list so that pretty much brings us to be - end. - Um, - I will share the kale and link and the real chair map as well, - but thank you so much for tuning in our final lecture. - The third and final or six and final lecture will be all about, - um, - the tools you can use to help you make these maps being on the digital. - But for those of you who are afraid of photo shopper illustrator, - not so into the hand drawn maps. - You know, - maybe Google maps forever. - Places can help. - You also feel free to use thes maps kind of as a base for your your drawing. - I often use Google mounts as my base for my own maps. - So thank you so much else. - Do you see him? 8. Tools and Techniques in Mapping: - this lecture is devoted to some of the creative tools that you can use. - I know a lot of people are intimidated by this class thinking, - I don't know, - illustrator, - I don't know something or over home. - I can't do a hand drawn map, - so this class represents a little bit of everybody. - And my basic rule is if there's something that you're afraid of, - you should look, - get up and learn how to do it and not be afraid of it anymore. - So I'm going to show you some tools. - You're not required to use any of them. - You can stay with a hand drawn map. - You can use watercolor, - different pens, - crayons, - chalk, - um, - mixed media collage magazines, - existing Mac. - It's trace paper. - You can use any number of materials, - but if you want to bring them into an online or digital context, - you can also do that and at different layers. - So I wanted to share a few different tools. - Um, - and I will just go ahead and do that through screen share. - Let's see. - So here we are. - Deal. - You just get to it. - So the first thing I wanted to point out is that the Microsoft programs are not really for - designing. - But if you're not a designer, - it's not gonna make much of a difference. - So, - um, - if you'll do choose to use a Microsoft program, - Power Point actually is the best because it acts you have the most control over it on. - And, - um, - you could have layers and, - you know, - transparencies and trace and create basic shapes. - So essentially, - that's like a you know, - just, - ah basic, - dumbed down program that you know you don't need to do anything fancy. - So when there's that also, - if you have a Mac, - you can look in the iTunes store for pages, - which is a less fancy design program. - A swell. - But what I have on the screen here is dip and gimp is a free download, - Um, - for design, - and essentially it works like photo shop, - where you can manipulate images and make little collages. - In fact, - I know that there are a handful of major even designed the logs who'd only use gimp to - create those collages. - So don't think just because something looks really nice that it's you, - it's done using photo shop. - It's more about taking the principles and the ideas and putting them together. - I think the one downside to gimp, - if I recall correctly, - is that you do not have the capability of saving layers. - And layers are something that are quite nice. - Um, - and the perk of dealing with a program like photo shop or illustrator. - So that brings us to photo shop and illustrator or in design, - which are all adobe products. - So the creative suite is is in design illustrator and Photoshopped. - So Photoshopped tends to be photo based where as illustrator is vector based. - So the perk about doing a map in illustrator versus photo shop is it is vector based. - So if for some reason you wanted to make it as large as a billboard, - um, - you could do that and it would not turn into this pixelated mess. - Um, - and voter shop you're dealing with pixels on. - And that's where things are going to look like they're from the 19 eighties on and, - you know, - a little bit rigid. - So, - um, - Adobe TB Adobe TV actually has some great tutorials that are free from adobe. - So under channels found this, - um, - and chose design so you can learn kind of about design principles or various versions of In - Designer Illustrator. - You could always Google how to do how to use the pen tool on illustrator version and CS, - too. - So use the Internet. - It's a great tool. - This is the Adobe TV channel for elements, - which is the least expensive version of photo shop. - Well, - once again, - do not feel like you have to buy or use or do anything in this software. - I just want you to know where you can go should you choose to use these tools. - So sometimes Photoshopped could be Dowty or ugly or boring. - But one of my favorite resource is for um, - photo shop Tutorials is public pixels by Katrina, - who's in class as well. - And she just is so forthcoming and generous with her information and, - um, - on her block ugly pixel. - She has the tutorials page, - and she's always kind of doing updates. - If you're ever visiting her sight and it looks a little different, - she offer also offers a great CSS class. - If you want a little, - learn a little bit of code and make that a less scary. - But she's Photoshopped tutorials, - Um, - and just like anything from adding a little bit of touches or patterns. - Um, - how to use basic Photoshopped brushes. - You can see you can go into her archives and look around. - Um, - I once took a really fun one on how to use Photoshopped to make something look letter - pressed. - So that's where photo shop is really great. - And you're a little bit more limited and illustrator, - So there is a place for photo shop as well. - Just make sure you kind of look at what dp I you're using. - Um, - and when you set up your file size to begin with, - so don't make it too slow. - Malta start with. - But you should definitely dig around ugly pixel and they're free. - And then she also has some very full, - affordable, - downloadable extras, - the other tool that you can use and look into. - If you really want to pursue learning a little bit more about illustrator and photo shop in - a more professional way instead of some of the you know not I d less than ideal tutorials - you'll find on YouTube. - But they're all there. - But, - um, - I love lynda dot com as well. - It's a $25 a month sir subscription, - but you can watch as many as you want. - Um, - and they have, - um, - each version of in designer illustrator. - They have a ton of other subjects besides design as well. - Um, - but just be warned that some of these tutorials can run up to, - like, - 11 hours, - But everything is broken into really nice, - smaller trucks. - So there's that. - The other tool I want to point out was bamboo paper, - which Megan class told me about this. - And it is, - um, - on ipad app. - And there is a free version in advance. - Your version. - Um, - I use it with just a normal stylist that they do have. - Special stylist is style like, - but And, - um, - Anyway, - if you're interested in incorporating handwriting, - but in a digital way, - not paper you can always scan something even on paper onto your computer and translate it - that way. - Um, - but the bamboo is one of the several wake of tablets, - and those are the the boards for your computer for essentially illustrating digitally so. - But it's kind of fun for handwriting. - So the other thing I wanted to show you was just kind of to clue you in on hell. - I created this Paris map for class, - Um, - that you saw on the skill share class listing. - So basically, - I did this. - An illustrator and I started with a Google map, - and I I kind of looked at the different sections, - and I created a different layer for each. - I saved it an illustrator. - And then I opened it in photo shop and I tried toe uploading up online. - And some of the text was really light, - like 75010 Which is the Iran too small That it was fine being light, - um, - and my little credit down here, - But, - um, - I kind of you kind of need to test with the digital and you're gonna find with Grey's, - you have to go a lot darker than you would with print. - So sometimes you want to be real subtle and elegant, - but, - um, - sometimes that's too much. - Um, - you know, - I put my credit intentionally, - really small, - but it's you know, - it's bright enough. - They can see because just think about two that, - you know, - even if you're not sharing your image, - somebody could pin it on Pinterest. - I'm not a huge fan of watermarks personally, - but it is if it is something that you're sharing information or if it's a map, - I want to know who made it. - So don't be afraid to let give yourself credit. - It could be, - you know, - your love Goward icon or your initials. - Um, - you know, - if it's a beautiful piece of artwork, - you can sign it. - Um, - so definitely keep that in mind. - So, - um, - just to point out that So these streets, - I did kind of just use the pentacle on illustrator and outlined them. - I drew them. - But if I were to put this map exactly onto the Google Earth map, - not every street is perfect. - I want I fudged it just a little bit so that it would make a cleaner map. - Um, - I also to play around with the funds and the size. - Um, - Then I realized I numbered wrong. - Then I found a typo. - So if you are using one of the adobe programs you spell check, - it is amazing facing feature. - So what I did then was I saved. - This is two versions. - Um, - I saved it as the plain version and then I also saved it with this pink flamingo. - Um And so then I opened it in photo shop and I made an animated GIF. - And to make an animated GIF only need to do is Google how to make an animated gift. - So that's kind of a cop out. - Answer. - But once again, - the Internet is your friend, - and sometimes you just need to be inquisitive and look up the information so better than I - can show you how to do it. - You confined written versions. - You can find videos, - Um, - but I will share if I I'll try to find the best version that I used. - Um, - but look at it. - But I had Googled. - Also between in design versions are Photoshopped or any of the programs there. - Few changes each time. - So in general the principles apply. - But sometimes their new functionalities and newer versions or in some cases, - things become more complicated. - So I did Google held to make an animated GIF photo shop, - CS six, - just to be a specific as possible. - But it's just showing how you can add a little bit of fun. - I sent this around to a few people and, - like influential people on somebody who is ah, - journalist wrote back, - and you know, - it was the painful mango that caught her eye, - and we ended up having this conversation based on the painful mango. - But it's just nice to, - you know, - it's a subtle touches of fun, - but at the base, - this is a really simple map. - I did not include phone numbers or addresses, - but I did kind of tried to give a little bit of information or why you should go to this. - I wanted something that, - you know, - you didn't have to be connected to the Internet. - You're traveling. - It could have this, - like, - save to your phone or printed out, - um, - and be walking in the neighborhood and be able to find the places. - So that's just another thing to keep in mind. - So let me see if I'm going to try to change over screen share. - Teoh illustrate a real quick, - but I've pretty much giving you The process is it doesn't work. - But let me just try. - There I am again. - Hello. - So this is illustrator CS six, - and I'm not sure if you're gonna be able to see all the pop ups just knowing how, - um, - the Google hang out works. - But I'm gonna go ahead and turn off a whole bunch of layers so you can see that my layers - When I turned out the stars all the stars were turning off all the streets and the canals - Hope you know, - I have nothing but basically, - this is what I started with. - And this is just the layer that I've turned off in my final version. - But I just took a screenshot on Google Earth. - Um, - you know, - you could use a Google maps of you could take this and adjusted voter shopping. - Adjust levels. - Um, - but then I just kind of took the pen tool, - which is up here rooms. - It's knocking at my layers locked, - but it took the pen tool and I don't know what's over. - Um, - and then I just kind of drew on top of it. - So the penned tools, - what you use, - um I'm just turning on layers. - Little by little, - no, - go ahead and turn off the map. - I think I moved the map the last layer. - That's why it wasn't lying up on top of it. - So once again, - essentially, - this is how the animated GIF works. - And I'm just in the layers palette, - turning the flamingo on it off. - I added a headline Layer added titles. - Um, - and it's good if you're working layers and you want to change something graphically, - you can change it universally. - Um, - so let me just see if I can use the pen tool. - No. - Okay. - Well, - you Congar Google a tutorial in, - um, - how to use the pen tool on illustrator, - but it's basically curves and dots and use that. - So that's how I created this file. - I just wanted to give you a little inside peek. - Um, - I know that Megan Yard had in the inspiration board, - shared a map that she did in a place that had very few street names, - but she actually drew it by hand, - like tracing and then took a picture of it and then put it in voter shop. - So, - um, - feel free to use the discussion boards to share your process as well. - And we can all learn from each other and the way I've kind of worked with. - A lot of these programs are, - like, - you know, - fake it till you make it. - There are a 1,000,000 ways to do any one, - um, - kind of thing. - I'm not saying I do it right. - All the time, - but my ideas are changing. - You tested out, - so don't get stuck. - There are a lot of ways to do it. - Just think about how you can troubleshoot. - There's the help milk menu and illustrator, - Um, - but you see Internet, - use the classroom, - use each other, - and we can all help each other. - So thank you so much and share any questions or comments, - um, - in the dust Custom board. - As I said, - Oh, - and the last thing I wanted to point out to you is that if you do create, - um, - methods downloadable, - that's like larger or folding map. - You could always save it as a PdF, - which isn't gonna view in your block, - but you could save it is a link, - and if you want, - you could host it on Dropbox in a public folder. - So that way, - people can download it later, - and I have shared the bugaboo. - Day trips is kind of one example. - I'm not saying they use it on Dropbox. - If you have your own Web domain, - you could share it in a public folder there. - But if you are working on a free blood cot form, - I just wanted to kind of let you know that Dropbox is a nice work around. - Um, - just make sure you save it with a name that's appropriate. - That gives you credit. - Um, - you know, - with your Blaga dress. - Um, - and maybe if you do updates, - you might want to date it. - Um, - but just know if you ever take this but this folder off a dropbox, - um, - access to the meth will disappear. - A swell, - But that is just another way to share your information. - So if you have any questions, - ask away in the classroom. - Thank you so much. 9. A peek inside Illustrator (optional): - Okay, - so here I am an illustrator and I already have my art board set up, - and I've gone ahead and dropped in my screen capture of from Google Earth Google maps of - the canal area that I used in the map. - So as you can see over my layers palette in Illustrator, - uh, - this is my layer with the map. - So I could have also put little dots from the Google places by places, - and that's a really helpful thing to do. - But I know Paris well enough that on this particular version, - I did not. - So I could go ahead and lock this layer Another thing that, - um, - can be helpful. - More working on this and quick is gonna go ahead and highlight the map and change the - opacity to about 50%. - That makes it a little bit lighter and easier to work with when you're drawing over it. - But, - um, - you can always turn it on and off while your work. - So the first thing I did was I kind of worked with my central focal point and that was the - canal. - So here is the canal that I want to head Andrew with the pen tool. - I shared a tutorial for using the pencil. - I'll show you when I'm done with the map. - Just how a couple of tips and tricks. - But so I went ahead and drew the canal, - played with color and capacity. - I usually like to work with color as the last thing. - So sometimes working in black and white could be a really great trick of the trade as well - . - And then I went ahead and drew the streets, - and they're a little bit in perfect and don't match up perfectly. - Um, - but I was okay with that. - You know, - I'm trying to go for the general gist and you can see my layers. - I also played with something Layer I like to lay label might layers, - and this one's called Brush. - And so I tried to use the wakame tablet, - and I need to practice all that so they're different things and you can try try various - renditions, - and that's why Illustrator is helpful for that. - So then again, - then I went ahead and labeled my locations. - I used a star which an illustrator is under the cliffs palette, - so I went ahead and use the star and kind of used it in the color, - uh, - did appears on my website a lot on that, - Steve, - um, - something. - And then the numbers numbers were I needed to make sure they corresponded to the - appropriate star and then soon to the text over here. - But play with size. - Make sure that you can actually see them. - Make sure there's enough contrast. - If there's something in the background and that's what I did there and then the blurb, - I added a bunch of text. - So I'm gonna go ahead. - This map is getting pretty full, - so I'm going to go ahead and turn off. - There you go. - So you can see see everything kind of coming together. - So I kind of bid it in tow, - Manimal. - Manageable chunks. - And then I added, - Let's see the street names. - This I had to justice, - spacing or the turning, - um, - in between the letters just to make sure it fits. - Um, - you spell check, - check for typos on seeing the headline. - So this might be a little bit light, - so you have to kind of try and error, - ask people, - is the best way or printed out. - And then the thing that I did was the animated GIF so I can kind of mimic by turning on and - off click for mango. - But this again is something that I saved this version of the file and I saved it again as - this version. - And then I opened it voter shop and did that towards tutorial. - So real quickly, - I'll just show you the pen tool. - Um, - so you can click and hold shift to draw a line, - and you need to make you sure you have a stroke on. - So all these skills can be adapted Teoh two different programs, - but just kind of say good idea. - It works. - Um, - and then Okay, - history shape. - But then I'm gonna go ahead and click. - It's a spot and keep holding it down. - And that's how you start to get curves. - This is called a Busy Occurred have also included a tutorial. - So this is just kind of a basic We've got all these shapes going cause I haven't inside - color as well. - But I highly recommend, - um, - if you want to learn illustrator Brad Woodard, - he has two classes. - I've taken them both on skill share. - Really great tips and tools. - Um, - and also just just keep looking up the various tutorials. - So this is this just is the final note. - Um, - from here, - I would go ahead and export. - This is a pdf. - If I was opening it, - making it for my blogging. - Go ahead and open it in photo shop and save for Web and make it resize it there. - Another thing you could do is exported is the pdf. - And you could host it on either your website or Dropbox Azan. - External link ends. - You could have a button for people to download. - So thank you, - everybody for all your hard work. - I can't wait to see your projects. - Um, - and happy mapping.