1. 90% of People Struggle on Twitter: Hey there, my name is
Calvin and I just want to say a big welcome to
making Twitter friends. I'm the instructor and also, of course, the creator
of this course. And I hope you're excited
to get started because I M, So you're here today because
you want to kick-start your Twitter presence and you're wondering how to do that. Well, first, I really wanted
to tell you what happened to almost 90% of the people
who get on Twitter. First of all, let's look at
the goals that they set. Usually people get on
Twitter is because they want to grow the houses
of people around them, as we call audience, and then try to
sell them things. Well, if you have
this kind of goal, it really sets you up
for failure because you're not going to use
the right strategy. Second of all, how
they do things is that they look at all
these expert twitting, something really smart, like you should do this, you
should do that. Or here are the five
things to do to get to what kind of milestone
when you look at that, you want to do it like them. But these are the people at step five or even step ten
while you're at step 0. So usually it doesn't work. And lastly, the results, when you feel like
you're not getting the legs or the replies, it gets quite discouraging. So if you have been one of
these 90% of the people, well, we need a new strategy.
2. Why Making Twitter Friends Work: Now you might be wondering why you need to make friends online. Well, the answer is quite simple because behind
every business, behind every
transaction, there's always another person
sitting on the other side. So if you want to know
how to deal with them, you really need to
understand them. And a lot of people
would think, Hey, I can just stay behind
my screen or keyboard. And I can put a lot
of things online and I can make the
so-called passive income. Well, I used to think like that when I started out on day one. But soon I realized that, hey, actually behind every successful
person or entrepreneur, there's always a group of core friends that are
helping them out. So if you look at
this bilinears, well, those people would be executives and other really
successful entrepreneurs. But if you're
looking at yourself, I like step one. Well, you still need friends that are at
step one and step two around your online presence or Twitter to help you out. And this is why it's
so important to make friends when
you're starting out. So to guide you to make
friends on Twitter, I actually want to
approach it from a human psychology angle
because, you know, when I was a young boy, I was always the
quiet one in the room trying to observe what
everyone else was doing. So throughout this course, we'll approach it from
three different angles. Number one, why people actually follow a
particular person like you? Number two, there's so much
content and noise on Twitter, what people actually
want to read. And last but not least, when people do a
certain types of actions like liking a tweet, replying a Tweet,
making friends. What are they really
thinking about? If you're wondering whether
this is a new course? Well, this is actually not
because back in April 2021, I first created the making
Twitter friends email course. And within the first 12 months, without much active marketing, 2000s students took the course and we're passing along
to their friends. So the responses blew me away. And this is why I want to create this video course to give
it to more people like you now that you know
you cannot be successful alone and unique friends
along your journey, I cannot wait to start
less than one with you. So let's do it.
3. Discover Yourself First: Now we're on to lesson one, which is to discover
yourself first. So a lot of people would get on Twitter and they cannot wait to establish those
relationships and they want to talk to people. But what I want you
to do is take a pass. Because the truth is you are actually not ready
to do that yet. We have to work on you first. And the reason is
because when you don't have a good impression
to give to people, even though if you bring
them into your world, they are going to
walk away anytime. So the first thing
we have to work on is to find your
own interests. Like what are your hobbies? What do you like to talk about? What are you curious about? We need to bring
that on Twitter. Second of all, people
on Twitter are coming to you because they want to get something from you. So we need to understand
what you actually stand for, that one thing that
people come to you for. And lastly, we need to wrap
this all up and make it appealing so that when
people come into your door, they actually want to stay. And I would really
go on to say that your Twitter profile actually can make or break
your entire presence. And this actually goes beyond just writing your Twitter bio. It actually start from
discovering herself.
4. You Are Not Meant for Everybody: This is a very interesting
study by OKCupid back in 2011. And this is so fascinating because it really explains to us what our online profiles can
do to our entire presence. So let's look at this together. On the left-hand side, let's call her Ms. left. And if you look at the
score under Ms. left, it is a lot of threes and fours
as opposed to miss right, which has a lot of
ones and fives. So on average, will consider misled to
be more attractive. But the interesting
thing is that Ms. right, actually get three times
more messages on the app. And people are wondering why. And the result is because actually a lot of
the messages or reactions come from the people who give a five to miss right? Now you might be
wondering like what that means to your online
presence on Twitter. I still remember the
first few weeks when I got onto Internet
or on Twitter, I felt like I need to please
everyone because I have such a small circle and every single person is
super important to me. But this study shows me that I'm actually better off showing off something unique about me and
attract other fives and not worry about the threes and fours that actually I'll
just hang around me. And how this relates to our
online profile is that, Hey, actually this is a
great opportunity to tune up our uniqueness, the quirkiness, so that we can
attract more of the fives. Maybe you have already
heard of the doubts and true fans concept
by Kevin Kelly. Well, it's essentially the
same thing because you actually don't need a lot
of people to be successful. You just need to figure
out your niches. And people will say the riches are in the niches
and that's fair. You don't want to fall into the trap of trying
to serve everyone.
5. Find Out What Represents YOU: Now let's find out
how you can best represent yourself
on a toilet profile. But first, I want to be
brutally honest with you. Actually people don't
care who you are at first because when they
don't know you or they can think about
is themselves. So what you want to do
is actually focus on saying the three things that you will
frequently tweet about. So when people follow you, they know exactly
what they're getting. Now I want to show you my Twitter profile
in the early days. Because if you're
just starting out, this really captures all
the things you need. A lot of people will put their title or role
in the Twitter bio. For example, founder, developer, content marketer or creator. Actually don't want really
cares about your row, because all they care about is what you actually talk about. So a better way to do it is talk about what you
will tweet about. My three things would be, I used transparency
to influence people. Not a lot of people talk about transparency and I want
to be that person. Next. I talk about building stuff. So I'm telling you that I'll
share a lot of my behind the scenes so you can actually watch me build
things as I go on. And lastly, I'll talk
about newbie fathering. So I'm a family-oriented person. So you might see some of
the parenting tweets or we can even see a family
photo of mine on my Twitter. Next, I really wanted to tell
people what I stand for. So I put in the hashtag
building in public to signal people that I
belong to this community. Next, I want people to know me for my content
and my deep writing. So I put it in my
mind library so that if they're curious about what I've
been writing about, they can click the
link to see it more. Next is my favorite
emoji, a broccoli. So a lot of people actually
asked, Hey, covenant, why do you have a broccoli
on your Twitter profile? Well, first, I want
to stand out and I want to have a bit of
quirkiness in my profile. And turns out a
lot of people are curious and they asked me about it and that creates a really interesting
conversation starter. Lastly, I would put DM open because as
someone starting out, you want to be inviting, you want people to start
conversations with you. So I encourage
people to do that. Lastly is the banner image. You'll see a lot of different
types of banner image. Some people would have an arrow pointing to the Follow button. Some people would have
a picture of the beach. At that point, I was thinking, I want to be someone who
is more philosophical. I want people to perceive
me as someone who can break down the concept of building in public for them. And that's why I have
this on my banner.
6. Lesson 1 Recap & Action: Let's do a quick
recap of lesson one. The first thing we learned today is you have to be interesting. So there are a lot of
people on the Internet, on Twitter and you want to
find a way to stand out. And the best way is to dig into your inner self and see
what's quirky about yourself. Number two is, if you're learning about how
to make friends, you really want to be
human in your language, in your behavior,
and to show people that you're a very
inviting person. Number three is what we said. No one cares about you
in the first place. So in the beginning, you really want to state
clearly what you're offering is and make sure that you stick to that three topics
all the time. Well, number four is
your Twitter profile. So you have your banner image, you have your profile image, and you have your pin tweet, make sure you utilize
those row este to give people a great
first impression. And now it's action time. I want you to take
a look at this and really take action before moving to less than two so that we can start
seeing some results. So let's look at this together. Number one, I want
you to write down three core topics that you would often talk
about on Twitter. Number two, write down a
topic space that you'll want to own and see how you
can add that to your profile. For example, for me is
building in public number three at two elements to show
your unique and human side. In emoji maybe, or some languages like family
or babies or farming. Number five, adding an action so that visitors can
know more about you. You can add a website link or you can kick off
a conversation. So now it's action time before you move on
to less than two, Let's take some action
today so that we can see some results right away. So let's look at this together. Number one is write down three core topics that you
will talk about on Twitter. Number to add in one topic
space that you'll want to own. So for me that's
building in public. Number 32, elements to show
your unique and human side. Maybe you can talk about
your family baby farming, surveying whatever you want. Number four, find
out which emoji that can best represent you
and put it on your profile. Number five in one
action so that visitors or anyone can learn more about you
if they want to. So it can be a website
to your personal blog. It could be dm is open
to invite compensations. And lastly, hey, pick a new profile picture or banner image that really
represent yourself. Show your face, put on a smile, and now people are going
to be attracted to you.
7. Build The Right Circle Around You: Hey there, now we're on to
less than two and less talk about how to build the right
circle around yourself. You might already have hundreds of followers on
Twitter right now, or maybe a few dozens. But my question to you is, can you really say
they're your friends? Because let's look at
followers versus friends. To me, followers or someone
who might like your tweet. But they're actually not
trying to learn more about you or initiate
a conversation. But on the other hand, a friend would really want to
know more about your work. They're asking about you. They would reply to your tweets, they're extending their
compensation or do what? Even cheer for you when
you launch something. I'll even say that your first 100 Twitter
friends will be so important that they will determine your circle
going forward. Because if you think about it, the tweets that you
start seeing from now on will be from this a
100 Twitter friends. And that means the people that they're hanging out
with, their meeting, their interact with will have a higher potential of
becoming your friends. So this is really
important to think about who you want to
be friends with first, do you want to be friends
with parents, entrepreneurs? Do you want to be
friends with marketers? Do you want to be
friends with Bootstrap, entrepreneurs, developers? You have to think about that. Now let's drill down a little
bit more and to understand what kind of friends you want to be surrounding yourself with. Just a quick reminder, a lot of people here might
be thinking, Hey, come on, I want to use Twitter
to sell eventually, maybe not now, but eventually. And I want these people to
be my potential customers. I would say that's a wrong move because at this point of time, you're not looking
for customers yet. You're looking to establish
your circle of friends and then you can start looking
into target customers. If you start off with
the mindset of I only want to get in touch with
my potential customers. That's too limiting and
that's going to limit your presence and your
network and your growth. To be honest, finding friends on Twitter can be really difficult. So here I have the best
way to help you out. So the first step I
would do is to look for influential names
under a certain topic. So if you're thinking
about content marketing, SEO, building in public, they're always like five to ten names that you can come up with that has a very
active circle around them. So these are the people that you want to keep it on your radar. The second step is you go into their latest tweets
and you start checking and interacting
with the people who actually reply to
this influencer. And step three is actually
to be friends with these people because they're
usually smaller accounts. They're really curious,
they want to learn, and they're super active on Twitter because
they are replying. And the tip here is a
lot of people with focus their attention on the
influential people here. But I would actually suggest
to don't worry about that because these people usually
have maybe twenty thousand, fifty thousand, or even a
100 thousands of followers. They tend to not have that
same attention to you as opposed to a smaller account
with like 600 followers. And to wrap this up, I want to remind you to not
follow everyone you can find in the replies of
an influential person. Because remember,
we talked about the first 100 Twitter friends. And you want to be careful
who you have in your circle. You want someone
who is supportive. You want someone who is curious, active, engaged, and
we'll be there for you. At this point. If you're thinking, hey Kev on, this sounds really hack take, this sounds like it's going
to take up a lot of my time. Then I would say yes, well good things start small. Good things takes time. And I guarantee you the first 100 friends are
a bit harder to find, but eventually this will
get easier and easier and things will start to snowball without
you touching it.
8. The Magic Number: 600: The first way to start
building your circle is to remember the
magic number 600. Why 600? Let me explain more to you
while you're looking for people with less
than 600 followers, and they also follow
less than 600 people. These are the small accounts
that I mentioned previously, and they're the best people
for you to network with. And the reason is because, well, these people started
not too long ago. So they're still looking
for connections. They're very curious
about the platform. They are hungry for more. Second of all, these people that don't get a lot
of attention yet. So if you are the one who is replying to their tweet
or talking to them, they will be super excited to start to go further with you. And also, when we talk about
the notification feed, if you talk to big accounts, most of the time they
don't see your tweet because they're
notification or exploded. But these people have
a very manageable feed and they would for sure see
that you're replying to them. And lastly, for people who have more than 600 followers or as follow more than 600 people, usually they have
figured out how Twitter play a role
in their business. They're very busy scaling up whatever they are doing right now and they don't really have time to interact with us much. So I still remember when I
first started out on Twitter, I have this friend
called pronounced. And he's actually a 15
years old boy in India. And he's super curious, is super ego to learn. And he's always
around my tweets, and he's always networking
with new people as well. He was one of my first
100 Twitter friends. I have here an
example of Materia, who is an early friend
of mine in my circle. And I want to show you why we pick the people under
600 to start with. So here's my tias account, and he has now 1300 followers. But when we first
started being friends, he has maybe two
or 300 followers. And yesterday I saw a
tweet from material. And because of his really
friendly approach, a lot of people are
replying to his tweets and are having amazing
conversations. And I just open up each of them to see like where they
are in their journey. So FAB here has 3.2
K followers wildly. One kay, Mahal, almost one K. Dan Gilbert is kind
of an outlier with 40 K, and then Dimitris has 1.4
K. And lastly, christine, 1.1 K. So these are all familiar faces to me because I also have them in my circle. And honestly I met most of them when they were like maybe
two or 300 followers. But you can see how
everyone is moving forward and we're still friends and we're still supporting
each other. And this is why you want to
focus on people under 600 because they're going to
be the pupil who stick with you and grow together.
9. Make the First Move: So the second way to
build your right circle around yourself is to
make the first move. So this is really surprising to me because a lot of people get on Twitter and they
focus so much on twitting. They just focus on
what they want to say, but they don't really care about making the move on people. But to me, you know, everyone loves being
reached out to. So if you can be the
first person who collect the Follow button
to show your interests. If you can be the first person
to get into their tweets, to reply to them, to extend the conversation, to ask something about
their live instantly. People like you are
ready and maybe six out of ten of the people
that you reach out to, don't reply to you. But hey, focus on the
four people that you actually establish a
relationship with.
10. Be Vulnerable: Now let's talk about
being vulnerable. This is a fascinating topic because a lot of people
getting on Twitter, a super afraid of opening
up as themselves. They feel that when they
open up, be vulnerable. They're not as confident
and this is not the person that other
people want to learn from. And this is actually wrong. Because if you think about it, the more you show
your vulnerability, the more authentic you are, and the more people and friends you attract into
your own spherical. Think about your relationship
with your best friend. Why are you best friend
with this person? Because you are able to sit
down and have a deep chat and show all your struggles and mistakes and open
up to this person. So it's actually
exactly the same on Twitter that you just need to open up to invite people in. So here I have a really
good example about being vulnerable
by Spencer Jones. So here he basically
summarize in a tweet thread about the
recent failure that he had. And this really shows me that, hey, if you want
to be different, you really need to show
your vulnerability because all these people are only showing their goods
sites on Twitter. And second of all, sharing struggles or
even asking questions is a really great way to blend into an
existing community. If you think about maybe
back into your school days, when you form a
circle at a bonfire. When someone
actually open up and talk about their deep stories, everyone else is instantly
connected to this person. But if someone else is
just sharing something superficial on the
service level, then there's a wall between this person and everyone else. And my favorite part about
being vulnerable is that when you're sharing struggles
and asking questions, it is actually the best
conversation starter. People actually
come in and want to help out and wanted
to show support. And then that's a really
good touch point for you to establish a
better relationship.
11. Lesson 2 Recap & Action: Now let's talk about
the actions you want to take before you move
on to lesson three. The first thing you wanna do is fine 15 potential friends, and if you have time fine
30 to follow them first, then second of all, go to their latest
tweet and say something meaningful extent
that compensation right there in their tweets. And if you're tired of going
on Twitter every single day, then I have a trick for you. Block out 45 minutes on your calendar and title
it Twitter interactions. And maybe you do it one
or three times a week, up to you, up to your
schedule and your goal. And during that 45-minute stash your chance to engage
really deeply. You should be able to go through at least 20 compensations
and reply there. And lastly, I just wanted
to remind you that yes, this is a painful beginning, finding friends and
interacting with them. But trust me, once you have the first 100 Twitter friends, things will start to happen.
12. Secrets to Building Relationships Online: Hey, there. Now we're on to lesson three, and let's talk about the secrets to building
relationships online. There's one thing so beautiful
about online relationship, and that is really
hard to go away. For example, if you imagine yourself building
offline relationships, you have to go to dinner, you have to grab a drink, you have to get coffee in order to maintain
that relationship. And now let's imagine you have a friend online called Denise. And all you need to do is
actually a small engagement every month or two to
maintain that relationship. And it is highly unlikely
for Denise to wake up one day and want to remove you
from her life forever. And the beautiful thing
about online relationship is that it has a very
strong compound effect. Well first you have the
capacity to build a lot more because you don't
need to get drinks or coffee. And then the
relationships you have, the faster the circle expense. But one thing you have
to be super careful with is when you
get a new follower, it is actually just the
beginning of the relationship. So you might be celebrating
like these two guys, like yay, new follower. But actually the
relationship is super fragile because this
person basically say, hey, I'm interested in you. I want to learn more, but this is kind of your
ticket to show me more. So as you can see, this is actually just
the first touch point of your relationship
with this person. So if you want this
relationship to get further, you want to find ways to make
them feel good about you.
13. Offer Help Voluntarily: Let's talk about offering
help voluntarily. So this is something
interesting. On Twitter, I get a lot
of direct messages and a lot of times
people would ask me to do something like CVD. Can I ask for your feedback
on my new product covenant? I have a product launch. Can you upvote it for me? And deep down, I'm thinking I'm getting so many
messages every day. Why do I need to help you? There's no relationship
established yet. So the key here is
the best way to form a new relationship
is when you have no ***, you're not asking for someone
to do something for you. And I have a really
good example here, which is me reaching out to
someone to ask for something. So the blue tax is actually me. And let's read it together. So first I was saying, hey, I stumbled upon your podcast, but the site doesn't
work for me. Is this the right link? And then the other
person replies, hey, come on, Thank you. Where do you see
the broken link? And then he said, oh, thank you. I fixed it. I jumped into asking
him for something. I said I was
brainstorming ideas of how to spread building in
public to more people. And I really want to see
if I can get on your show. And basically what he said is, I typically don't accept
requests to be on the podcast, but I want to return your favor. So what about a
10-minute costs so that we can start
to exchange ideas. And I was like,
Yeah, that's good. Let's do it. Now. I want you to pause for
a second and think about whether that is a good way to build a relationship or not. What do you think of
that interaction? And to me, I actually
consider that a bad example and let
me explain more. Well, first of all, I wasn't
offering help voluntarily. The conversation was
happening so fast that it might seem
like I was only offering help with
the broken link because I wanted to
get on the podcasts. So I was actually offering help intentionally instead
of being a nice person. But one thing I learned
is that people actually loved to return your favor
if you help them first. It is actually human nature
which happened here. It is just that approach it to intentionally instead of
trying to help voluntarily. So if you're someone who
reaches out to new people on Twitter because you want
something, I would say, let's not think about that right now and start reaching out to people because you just generally want to
make a new friend. When you are reaching out
to a new friend and you're thinking about how
you can offer help. I have a few examples
here where you can try. The first one is if you have
experienced in a space, you can actually write
down some insights or your experience
or your learnings to share it with that person. Or if you know a thing or
two about their competitors, you can share some
names and share some honest views
comparing them. The last thing is, if
there's something broken on their website or in
their piece of content, you can let them know. But you can see a
common theme here, which is something that you can offer to help the other
person move forward. That is always a
good starting point.
14. The Power of Retweeting and Tagging: Here comes one of my favorite
topics in this course, which is the power of re
tweeting and tagging, which are two functions
provided by Twitter. And I would even
say that this is the mastery of
human interactions. And I will tell you why. So now let's imagine you're watching the Oscar
and now you're seeing the winner walking up on the stage and start
thanking people, name after name, after name. Have you ever thought about
why they need to really name every single person to say
their appreciation while furs, these people really help him or her get to that achievement. Without them, it's impossible. But second of all, which is more important is that
these people and these relationships can further along they're acting career. Maybe they have a new movie
to work together with. Maybe there's some opportunities
that they can share. So this shows that it's
very important to give credits to the people around
you if they deserve it, and also to lift people
up as much as possible. And the best thing about
doing this on Twitter is that it's absolutely free. If you're retweet,
someone's tweet, It's free. If you take someone is free. So why don't we wanna
do more of that? And now we have to talk about a special function on
Twitter call retweeting. And if you look at my
Twitter wall over here, you can see that
under my profile, actually retweeted Ali's tweet, which has nothing to do with me. But it has my favorite people, Marie, Arvind and Ali. And they're talking about
building and public, which is something that
I talk about all the time and what my audience
is interested in. So I just wanted to
retweet it to show some support to get more
people to join this event. Second of all, you can see that here I retweeted vignettes, tweet about having
great relationships. And the relationship is awkward. Nine simple ways to
make it enjoyable. Well, since you're
in this course, you know that I care
about relationships. So for me, this is
a great tweet and I really don't mind showing
it to my audience as well, giving VNET and lift. And I do this
because I don't see my Twitter wall to be my
branding or my resume. I see it more like a
library of knowledge. And I'm the librarian creating the best things about
building in public, getting heard, having great relationships
on social media. So whenever I see something
that is relevant to this, I would want to add it to my wall so that
people can see it. And now here is actually
my question to you. With this new angle, do you still hold the same
perspective about pudding? And I would like to tell you more about what people think of someone who actually retweet
someone else's tweet. Well, for one, if
people see that you're someone who are able to
lift up other people, they know that you're a people, person and they
love you even more. Second of all,
retweeting is actually a great signal to the author because you
are showing them that, Hey, you create something valuable and I really
want to help you out. And that's usually a great
touchpoint to kick off a relationship or even just
to maintain a relationship. So now I'm sure your head is spinning because
you are thinking of so many ways you can
retweet someone's content. I also want you to be
careful because I see so many accounts where they
retweet, retweet and retweet. And out of the
latest ten tweets, nine of them are retweets. And that's something
you don't want to do because it actually
dilute your own voice. So in the ideal world, I would say 8020, if you can talk
about your own stuff and create value 80
per cent of the time. Then you have 20%
of the time that you can support other
people and lift them up. And now let's talk about
tagging because you might see a tweet like this
all the time on Twitter. People asking questions about who is the go-to
for certain things. And here's your golden ticket to actually support
someone else. Because you can actually
go in there and tax someone that
you know and say, Hey, this is the go-to
person for video editing. Hey, this is the go-to person
for a building in public. And this is actually a
great chance for you to open up a
conversation in private. Because think about it. That person will probably
appreciate your effort. And now you have something
to talk about SU, kickoff that private
conversation. So usually I don't recommend tagging accounts
because think about it. Would they know that you
actually lift them up a little bit out of the
noisy world they live in? Probably not. So this is actually an opportunity to lift up
the small accounts around. You.
15. Be Interested in Them First: One of the things
that you need to remind yourself over and over again is that you have to be
interested in them first. And this is because we
all have self-love, like most of us care about ourselves more than anyone else. We naturally feel good when
someone cares about what we do and we like to talk about
ourselves all the time. And I have an
example here today. I want to show you
here basically select whereas telling me three
hours ago that hey, commands block is very interesting and his
book find joy in chaos. So when I read
this, I don't know, so leak but I was like, really interesting, nice meeting you and thanks for
sharing my work. What brings you to
all my writing? I'm curious about you now. I'm being interested in them
first so that I opened up to him and he told me everything
he's trying to go through. And you can see here, the conversation
really extended. I haven't had time to reply yet, but I'm going to and
you can see how a new relationship that's
being built here. So if you're new
into a relationship, basically the rule
is don't talk about yourself and keep
asking questions. Learn all about the other
person as much as you can. But of course, you
don't want to be a robot and just do it
for the sake of doing it. You want to be
genuinely interested in this person because
as we mentioned, you want this friendship
to go a long way.
16. Form Deeper Relationships: Now that you are pretty good at forming new relationships, Let's talk about how you can strengthen and deepen
these relationships. And guess what? A lot of people actually
would go through that list and try to clean
up who they are following. I actually recommend
people to do it because you want to
keep your circle type. So when people do this, they're usually thinking about a few things before they
decide who to unfollow. And I'll give it to
you so that you can be mindful if you can achieve these three
things in people's mind. The first one is you're
offering so much value in your content that they
simply cannot unfollow you. So you're sharing good
stuff every single day. The second one is you become this really good friends
with the person. And even if you don't
have amazing content, you're there to support, to lift, and you're
just a good person to have around so they're
willing to keep you. And lastly, basically you're just full of joy
to be around you. If you're funny,
you're interesting. And even if you don't have great content or
you're not supportive, they just want to be around you. And this reminds me of a quick story I had when
I was 18 years old. So back then a bunch
of guy friends and me would go to
the club and we would be standing around and trying to approach girls and try
to make conversations. And usually that end up with them just walking
away awkwardly. And later on as I gain
more experience and try to figure out the magic
of human interactions, I realized, basically we
just need to have fun. We just need to enjoy ourselves. And when other people see that, we're just full of joy, they just automatically
come to join us. So that was my first
moment to know that, Hey, you just need to
have fun yourself instead of trying so hard
to get people to join you. And it is because everyone
wants to be around people who are fun, lively,
and friendly. So if I have to
sum it up for you, I would say be knowledgeable, have a unique personality, and be a good friend.
17. Never Get Into Fights: So far we have talked
a lot about building new relationships and
also maintaining them. But what about ending
a relationship? Because on the
Internet, on Twitter, a lot of online fights
can happen. On Twitter. It is especially easy to
have misunderstanding, and I would say is because of the 280 characters that
Twitter is set to each tweet. So if you think about it, a lot of people are condensing their thoughts
in such a short tweet. So a lot of contexts is actually taken out
from that tweet, and it's on purpose. And lastly, it is so
easy to cause people to have opposing views because
the contact has gone. So a lot of fights
tend to happen. And this is what
I do when I kinda sends that a fight
is coming my way. So first of all, a person might
show that they are challenging my thoughts
so I can sense that, oh, the argument is coming. And then I will take
a deep breath or even walk away from
my computer or my mobile phone because I need a moment to myself to think
about what to do next. And when I come back,
I usually click the Like button on
the tweet just to let the other person
know that I read it and then I would not
reply and move on. So here's the tip to you. Twitter fights only
start when you reply and they're
never worth it.
18. Lesson 3 Recap & Action: Here are the actions for less than three before you
move on to a less than four. And let's look at it together. So first of all, the new people that you follow, find three of them and take your time to learn all
about what they do. And I want you to message
them and offer your help. For example, is there
something broken about their products or
a profile or website? Can you give them
some honest feedback to one of their products, but please nothing offensive. And is therapies of
content you think might be relevant to what they do
and you can help them out. Next, I want you to practice a little bit about
retweeting and tagging. So fine two tweets
that you find valuable and try to read tweet using
the quote tweet function. This way you can write in
why you really enjoyed this tweet and give the
author some credits. Also, if you stumble upon tweets where people are asking
for recommendations, tack three of the friends
that you just make, and also spend some time to explain why there
were following. So you actually lift them
out and you promote them.
19. Write Tweets People Want to Read: Hey, now we're onto less
than four and less talk about how we can write tweets people actually want to read. So here are two tweets
which I call wisdom bombs. They're not something that
you'll want to write, but let's look at
them together first. On the left-hand side, I have the bulletproof
morning routine. Number one, get up
before the rest of the family member to avoid
checking your phone. Let's go to the last line, develop the discipline to
start each day of right. Then on the right-hand
side you can see, are you tracking
your time today? There are 168 hours in a week. Happy People don't waste
time at a job they hate. They have a common
pattern here which I call wisdom bombed
because honestly, everyone can write it. These are just
inspirational tweets and they don't have stories, they don't have contacts, is easy to copy and paste. And basically there's not
much value other than just to trigger that little
inspiration in people. The thing about this kind
of tweet is that is hugely dependent on whether the
account is successful or not. So for example, if someone with a 100 thousand
followers say this, people would be like Yay. If someone were 50
follower is saying that no one is going to like
no one is going to reply. So how do we actually write tweets that people
find valuable? We're going to cover this
in the next few videos.
20. Reflect on a Real Lesson: A great way to write
a valuable tweet is actually to reflect
on a real lesson. You might not think so, but your everyday stories
and learnings are actually super valuable content for
a lot of people out there. Because there are a lot of people actually just a few steps behind you and they want to
see how you're doing things. But now you might be
wondering what are the everyday stories and have four things I want
to share with you. The number one is you can set aside a time preferably six P M, so that you can reflect
what you just learned and, or encounter during the day. And then in your story
you can actually talk about what is causing
this to happen. Then you can also talk about how you handle the situation, what is the exact
things that you did? And lastly, you can have a very quick reflection about how you can do a
better job next time. So the everyday stories actually map really
well to a topic. I also talk about a lot
which is building in public. If you're interested,
you can actually click the link below
here to access the free guide
where you can learn all about it and also
get started today. And here I have a real example
here to show you how I actually reflect it and then share this with
everyone out there. Recently I hear a lot of people saying that
they want to move to LinkedIn because
they're not getting a lot of impressions on Twitter. So I've reflected about this
and I tell people, hey, actually I think this
is the best time to invest and stay on Twitter. So I actually wrote my
thoughts out and I say, Hey, we're all seeing this. There are so many wisdom
bomb blows out there. We're not getting impressions because of the algorithm change. But I love it because we're staying here and we're
making this a better place. And the trend chasers are
leaving the platform. And then I'll wrap it up
with three different ways where I still see a
lot of engagement. Like 50 replies, 50 likes. And I just tell
people how I see it. And you can see this tweet actually does pretty
well because it's getting 27 replies and 73 likes.
21. Teach a Quick Concept: Another way you can
write super valuable to wait is actually
teach a quick concept. So when a lot of people
scroll did with our feet, other than being entertained, they also want to
learn something new. So you wanna give it to
them in a very short tweet. Usually I would say, if you're new on Twitter, people with won't give
you so much time. So you want to keep
your tweet very short. So like Joss spectra here, let's read it together. Here's the simplest writing
tip I can give you. Delete the word debts
when you remove it 90% of the time your
sentence will be stronger. For example, you
believe that I'm lying but I'm not becomes new, believe I'm lying, but I'm not. So this is a really good
example because it's short and it's very actionable. Like people can actually
grab it and do it today. And this is something
that you want to aim for when you grow and when you have more trust and relationships that
can help you out, you can start writing
a bit longer and people will still give
you the time to read it.
22. Ask a Question: Another way to create really valuable tweet is
actually to ask the question. So a lot of people are
intimidated by this because they feel like
by asking a question, they are being vulnerable, they are being weak. But actually what I find is that when you're
asking question, it really gives you a chance to bring people closer to you and open up that compensations and they even get to know you. And the best-case scenario
is that everyone contributes a lot to that answer and people can learn
from each other. So I also have a
good example here, and this tweet is about where did the term building
in public originated? I heard a lot of people
who talk about it, but I'm not exactly sure. So a lot of people
will go in and explain the concepts and hey, everyone learn a thing
from here and you become the connector off
the whole community.
23. Lesson 4 Recap & Action: Alright, so now we're on to
the actions for lesson four, and let's look at this together. First, I think you
should really level up on how to write valuable tweets. And in the building
public guide, there's actually a chapter
giving you more tips on how to write better so you
can check it out for sure. Second of all, we
have talked about different ways to
write your tweets. So you can put together three tweets or
three tweet threads using the three approaches and shared across
the next few days. Here are some
questions to help you think about a lesson to share. What are you most proud
of at the moment? To do something specific
to make that happen? What was the struggle recently? And what did you learn? What was one mistake you
made in the last month? And what what's the
takeaway there? So once you get a hang of
how to make friends on Twitter and how to
write valuable tweets. I think it is a good idea to invest in a Twitter
tool or what I call a scheduler or automation tool to kind of bring you
to the next level. So I'll drop you the link
here where I kinda talk about my content creation process and what the tool actually
helped me out with. And you can check it out when
you get to the right stage.
24. What’s Next For You: Hey, congratulations. I just wanted to give
you a round of applause because you are
doing so well and you get to the end
of this course. And I'm so, so, so proud of you. And now I want to do a
quick recap with you about the entire course because I feel like we've achieved
a lot together. First of all, you
know how to set up an attractive Twitter
profile that is really you. Second of all, you know how
to make Twitter friends. Then you know how to build meaningful relationships
on the platform. You also know how to approach a relationship that
is super genuine. So if you like this course, making Twitter friends desk, your entry step into
the Twitter world. And if you'd like to
level up even more, I pretty much package all my learnings and
experience into this book, find joy in chaos. And the goal is very
straightforward. Basically, twitter is
a very chaotic place. There's a lot of noise, and there's a way to find joy, which is fine success
in your own ways. And I want to bring it to
you so that opportunities and connections can
come to you naturally. You can check out the
reviews on Amazon and Goodreads and you can get the
book on Amazon or gum road. I leave you the link
here in case you want to check it out
and you can type in, find joy in And lastly, I really want
to encourage you to reach out because I want to know
where you are in your journey. So we can find me on
Twitter at meet Caravan and then send me a private
message and then we can kick off the
conversation there. Alternatively, you can also
send me emails at Covent, at public laptop coal. And if you put a broccoli
emoji in the subject line, probably you will
get my attention, so I have a higher chance
of replying to you. Thank you so much for taking
making Twitter friends. I hope we're friends now. So I'll see you around. Bye bye.