Making Fall Printables: Creating The Clipart | Lindsey Slutz | Skillshare

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Making Fall Printables: Creating The Clipart

teacher avatar Lindsey Slutz, Surface Pattern Designer

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Taught by industry leaders & working professionals
Topics include illustration, design, photography, and more

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Taught by industry leaders & working professionals
Topics include illustration, design, photography, and more

Lessons in This Class

    • 1.



    • 2.

      Turn Drawings Into Vectors


    • 3.

      Vector Clipart - Leaves and Pumpkins


    • 4.



    • 5.



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About This Class

Part one of creating Autumn/Fall themed printables. In this class we'll go through the process of turning drawings into vectors, creating vector leaves and pumpkins, and how to combine your motifs into one file that you can share with others. We will not be using the pen tool in this class. Enrolling Bonus: 2 Autumn/Fall Clipart documents & 1 computer wallpaper.

More Illustrator Classes:

-Create a half-drop repeat pattern in Illustrator
-Create a moodboard

Meet Your Teacher

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Lindsey Slutz

Surface Pattern Designer



Hi! I'm so glad you're here. My name is Lindsey Slutz and I'm a graphic & surface pattern designer, blogger and the founder of East Coast Charm. I'm known for my preppy style that comes organically from growing up near the coast of North Carolina. I also gather inspiration from my travels and hikes with my husband, Eric, and our dog, Willow. In my spare time, I enjoy photography, which lends to helping create beautiful color palettes.

To see more designs or to follow me, check out Instagram and Pinterest.


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1. Introduction: hi and welcome to part one of creating fall principles in this part of the class will go through the process of creating clipper or more TIFs for your principal. Once you enroll, you'll be able to download the bonus files, which include clip art for you to use as well as a wallpaper. Make sure to share what you create with us in the projects have below. As always, please click like if you find this class useful so more students confined it. Now let's get started. 2. Turn Drawings Into Vectors: If you're anything like me, you like to draw and sketch and then incorporate this somehow into your design. So when I walk you through the process of taking your drawings and turning them into vectors so you can either scan your drawings or you can take a photo with your phone, which is what I do most often because I have my phone next to me. So if you've scanned your image, you don't have to worry about that. You can open it right into illustrator, but if you've taken the image on your phone, it's best to go into the edit feature on your phone or an app like after light. And then I typically will Brian the photo, and I'll usually bring up the exposure and the contrast until I have a bright white background and the drawing. The lines of the drawings looked dark. You can then either send it to your email and download it to your computer, or use an applique, Dropbox, iCloud or Google drive. Okay, go ahead and open Adobe Illustrator and then file open. Either you're scanned image or the file that you saved with your drawing and most of the time, your image will be larger than your last art board, so you can hit command and the minus scientist. Zoom out and then with your selection tool on the right tool bar or began your keyboard, select your image and then window image trace and then with your preset drop down select black and white logo. And if the lines aren't showing up the way that you want, maybe they're not all showing you can increase your threshold. Or if your lines are thicker than you would like, you can decrease the threshold, and it is very important every time you do image trace. You need to expand afterwards. What you can find in the top toolbar, right click on group and in Select your background and then with that drop down arrow in the top toolbar, select Phil and Stroke color and then delete, and that will delete all of your background. Now I like to go through and delete anything that I don't want any extra lines that are showing up, or I will start some sketches and I don't like them, so I kind of mark through them, and then after that, I like to group motifs. So with this acorn, I'm going to use the selection tool, Vienna keyboard and then right click group, and I like to move them around so it's easier to group other motifs. You can also select and then hit coming in G on your keyboard. Just continue to go ahead and group everything, and then once you have everything, group to go ahead and save your document file. Save as. And I like to save mine as Adobe Illustrator files, so name your new doodles on and you're done. 3. Vector Clipart - Leaves and Pumpkins: Now we're going to make vector leaves and pumpkins create a new document by going to file new and in this window you can change the color mode and the size of your art board. I share a lot of my artwork on Instagram, so I go with the standard instagram size of 10,080 pixels by 10,080 pixels. And I know that these motifs will be used for things that are being printed. So I'm going to change the color mood to see m y que and I'm going to use theologian stool you found on the right toolbar. If you don't see that the Ellipse you can press down on the rectangle tool and you will see a lips, after all, to the size that you would like. And then I'm going to turn thes stroke off and then change my fill color. I'm going to change it to an orange color since it is autumn or fall and spy GERD. And once you have a color that you like, click OK, and with the selection tool Marvin your keyboard, select the oval and then click Command C Command be to copy the Oval and pasted behind and you can rotate. We're going to the corner of your shape, and then I'm going to shrink it slightly in the hold shift to keep the proportions the same . And now, once again, select the Oval Command C Command F and rotate again and with command F that is, just pasting it in front once again with your selection tool RV in your keyboard. Select all three of the ovals and then in your pathfinder, click Unite, which is on the top left, and you have your first to leave. I like to use the line segment tool to create the stem. Click on hold shift to get a straight line and then add a stroke. I like to use the with tool or shift W on your keyboard to create the stem, select the line and then drag out. And after that, make sure to go toe object. Expand appearance and you will notice. There's a lot of points on the stem, which happens sometimes with with tool to go to object path and simplify, and this will decrease the number of points. Make sure that preview is selected, and then, with your curve precision, you can increase the amount of points, but I was happy with this. So go ahead and move your stem over the leave. Click all on the keyboard to duplicate the stem, and then I like to shrink the size and then rotate, and then you can select it and then was old on the keyboard again, duplicate and then rotate, and you have your completely. If instant, I'm going to start with the line segment tool again, and this time I'm going to change the stroke to a different color. I think I'm to go with a red and used the with tool again, and this time go to the very center of the line hips. Um, make sure the with Tulis selected, go to the center of the line and pull out, and now you have a different shape. Believe and select your line tool again. When make this one really long, someone added more. It leaves. Go ahead with a stroke. Change it to brown with tool. Once again, make sure that with tool is selected, um, selects the line and pull out slightly and expand appearance, select and then a relapse, leave and select the stem all on your keyboard and then shrink the size to keep the proportions of same. Make sure to hold down shift, then rotate and connect with the cemetery. Have select your leave and make sure to click Ault. When you're moving at, rotate and then select in your the top corner and hold shift to keep the proportions the same, and you can shrink the leaf. Just move until you're happy. Select both the stem and believe all on your keyboard and shift so that it stays in the same line as the one above. Select both of them and they'll go to object. Transform reflect. Click OK, once again holding shift so that it stays in the same line as the other side. And you can group them all by hitting command G when they're selected. And I'm going to decrease the size so more using the Ellipse tool, I'm going to create an oval and that I want to change the color to orange, using your selection tool RV in your keyboard, Select the Oval and then in the top right corner. I'm going to drag it and slightly to make it smaller, holding chef to keep the same proportion and then rotate. Bring it out slightly and down. Now it's like the shape again and hold Ault to create that another object the same size and select these last two that command Z command be to copy and paste behind an object. Transform, reflect, hit okay and then holding shift so they stay in line, drag them to the right, and you can see there's a couple little areas and there want to fill in. So once again with the Ellipse tool, create another oval, Move it towards theseventies of the object. Select all of these ovals and then in your Pathfinder window. If you don't see it on the right, go ahead and go to Window Pathfinder, using the delete anchor point tool that you confined under the pen tool to lead the two extra points on the bottom of the leaf and then, using the line segment will again create another stem. Don't forget to add the stroke and used the with tool to create the stem, and then you're to object. Expand appearance, and I'm going to simplify this one a little bit. So path simplify. Okay, um, And to add a little detail to this leaf. I'm going to select the leaf and then command C command F to copy and paste in front and want to shrink the size slightly. I'm going to hold Ault, and then I'm going to move it out to the bottom so it matches up with the bottom of the leaf, and I'm going to change this to a little bit of a lighter orange and then hit okay and going to select the stem with all on the keyboard. Duplicate, rotate. And then I'm going to shrink the size again and which, happy with the position select hit all on your keyboard and to duplicate and then wrote hate and would make the stem of the slightly larger. So select the stem and then pull up and you have your third leaf. Um, Teoh. Make it slightly different, like maybe like it's blowing in the wind. Go to effect and then warp and art and make sure to click preview on and vertical, and then you can play around with the bend. Tell you like the way it looks, and I really don't do anything over 25. Make sure to go to object, expand appearance, select and I'm going to make the smaller. We're going to create a more detailed leaf this time. So with the Ellipse tool, create an oval and then it We're going to use the direct selection Julia confined on the right tool bar or a in your keyboard. Select your anchor point and drag down. Select the anger port on the other side and dragged down. And this looks like it's off a little bit. Someone to move it up so it's even and select your shape, go to effect and distort and transform and then zigzag. So we're gonna add some detail to the edge of this leaf. Make sure to click preview and then play around with the ridges per segment and the size until it's something that you like and under points. They're smooth and corner smooths, obviously smoother, and corner is more like a triangle sharp edge and make sure to expand appearance, and I'm going to change the color. Maybe green. Ah, go with orange and we're gonna create another leave, just showing the different ways you can change the edges of your leave on Go Teoh the, um, warp tool and just click around the edges of your leave. You can pull it out a little bit. You can push it in and that's just transforming the edge of that shape Handle. Make stems for this and I'm just going to do this. Bottom one. Expand it. Appearance? Yeah, Group Thies to command G. And then we're going to have this one moving in the wind as well. So effect or and Arc, make sure to always expand appearance and you have all of reliefs to create your pumpkin. Create a new document by going to file new, and we're gonna keep the same size art board and the same color mode. So click OK using your ellipse tool or l on your keyboard. Create on oval. And you can make this as tall and then or short, um, fat as you would like us. Using your selection tool RV in your keyboard hitting command C command be to copy and paste behind, and then just with the arrow key on your keyboard, nudge it over and then rotate it slightly and make this oval a little darker than the first , and we're going to duplicate that process again. So come and see command be nudge You're objects out and change the color to a little bit darker and wouldn't touch a little bit more and then select the last two of ALS and come and see command be Teoh. Copy and paste Goto object. Reflect and hit, OK, and I'm just gonna lodge these over with the keyboard. And what? You're happy with the position? Go ahead and rotate it slightly. Select your last two ovals and copy paste to the back. So command C command be and I am going to change the color once again slightly darker and nudge over towards the center and then up slightly. Command C command be again to those last two and nudge over. And these are not always the back. So you can right click arrange sent to back and some of them look like they're kind of together. I wanted to look a little bit like they're separated, so click in nudge over. That looks good. So I'm going to create the stem for the pumpkin and I am going to use once again the line segment tool that you can find on the right toolbar and the with the tool is also on the right toolbar and want to select at the very top and pull it out and again towards the bottom. And I'm going to use, like, always the very bottom and pull out further than the rest object. Expand appearance. And then I'm going to simplify this so object path. Simplify and play around until you get the shape that you would like and you can see. I mean, it will even create a rounded top if you bring it all the way down. So there's a lot you can do with the simplify once you like. The shape hit okay and dragged where you would like it. And I'm using the keyboard shortcuts, command and left bracket to place behind using the spiral tool you confined into the line segment tool. Just create a spiral close to the pumpkin at a stroke and using your direct selection tool or a on your keyboard, you can bring in that bottom point to your stem so close. So click on the bottom point and drag. Create another spiral. If you wanted to change the direction, just click on your art board. In that panel will appear going to rotate this and using the direct selection tool or a on your keyboard. You can select that last point and once again drag it to the stone to create an acorn. We're going to use the same process we've been using with the line segment tool and the width tool. So using your line segment tool, create a line and change the stroke to a light brown selector with tool and slipped towards the center of the line. Pull it out in order to get kind of the tip of the acorn. I'm going to pull that bottom point up slightly, and then I'm gonna bring this top out object, expand appearance and object path. Simplify. You can see how much that changes the amount of points. And when he used the Ellipse tool to create the top of the eight corn going to make it a darker brown color and then go to affect oops. So make sure your object to selected and a fact war, and we will use the bulge. Make sure to slip to preview, and with vertical, I'm going Teoh change the bend on and just going to play around until I get the shapes that I would like for the top of the acorn and click OK, once again object, expand appearance and move to the eight corn bring in the sides and kind of the bottom of this ate corn to be larger. So I'm going to bring it down, and I'm going to pull the top of the shape up and the top down slightly to get the shape of the acorn and to add like a stem to this once again, we're going to use the line segment tool and then the with tool. After you add the stroke, make sure your stroke is that same. Color is the top of the acorn and with the with tool, um, play around with the different points online. You may have to zoom in using command and the plus sign. If you would like a better look at a or you could use the magnifying glass and object, expand appearance. An object path. Simplify and moved the stem over to the top of the acorn. I would like to add a little detail on two the cap of the acorn, so I'm going to use the blob brush tool that you confined on the right toolbar once you have the blood brush selected, you can decrease the size with the left bracket on your keyboard or increase with the right bracket on your keyboard. And when I had the details on do some lines and I don't really like this, I wanna go back a couple steps using Command Z on my keyboard and I want to start again, and I'm gonna group it all with the selection tool on then right click group, and you can play around with the size and zoom out using command zero, and you can move a corn over to the pumpkin if you would like to group them together. 4. PDF: If you would like to share your clip art, say, with followers on your website. Or maybe you want to sell them on websites like Etsy or Creative Market. This will be the process you can use to add Oliver Clip Art and Toe one file and still allow people to be able to use them. And this will work for either your drawings that you turn into vectors or the vector clipper that you created. And this process I'm just gonna use the leaves and pumpkin that we created. Create a new document by going to file new and I don't typically use a letter size for this , and I'm sharing this online. And because of that, I'm going to change the color moto RG be Click OK, and we'll start off with the pumpkin vector with the selection tool RV in your keyboard. Select both objects and dragged to the tab of your new document and go over to your leafs And this time with the selection tool, select all of them and something just leaves with the stems. Are you saying control? See to copy. And then in the new document, having control V to paste um I shrink all of these down slightly so they will fit onto the page and rearrange them so that they all fit. And I like the way that they look. Once you have all of your motifs and your new document, click on the text tool and add the title of your clip art, underscoring two years autumn clip art and increase the size so that it fits and the page you got to go to a window and tight and character. Select the fund that you would like. There's a lot of really good websites out there to find font. If you are selling your clip art, make sure you are using a font that you have a commercial license for and find the size that fits your page the best with the selection tool. Move it to the location. You would like it using the text tool again, I am going to add in my website at the bottom of this page. If you are sharing clip art or selling clip art, make sure to add in your website or your brand name so that people can find you again later on. Would it make it too large me. You don't want it to scream your name. You just want as a nice, simple reminder of where they got it from. I'm gonna move these Leafs around just a little bit more. And if you don't want a background, you can save it here file save as and change the format to pdf After you've named it and click save, make sure under options, you have preserved illustrator editing capabilities and save your pdf. I like to add in a background pages like this I'm going to go to file new and I'm going to change this to a 200 by 200 pixel square click. OK, and I'm going to use the rectangle tool or M on your keyboard, and I'm going to change with 200 the height to 100. Click OK, and I'm going to changes to an orange color. I want a light, muted orange since it is on the background something maybe a little more orange, and I'm going to center using the line tool. Make sure it's a line to art board. Then I'm going to center it horizontal and vertical and with the selection tool him want to select the rectangle and I'm going Teoh Command C command be hold, shift and rotate. I want to change the color to a brown and then I won't just like both of these and change the opacity to 60. You can change this lower if you would like. Um, I do want it to be muted since it is in the background. And I'm going to make a square 200 pixel by 200 pixels because I would like a white background behind it, since the lines are transparent and I'm also going to select that background, and I'm going to copy and paste behind and then change that to know, feel no stroke, and you can check in your layers to make sure there iss another layer. Um, so in your layers window, you can see the two stripes on white background and the no feel no struck. When you're positive, you have all of those layers. Select them and drag them into your swatches to test your pattern. To make sure it's repeating correctly, draw a rectangle or square and select your new pattern. Go to object, transform scale and make sure that the transform object is not checked and decrease the size so that you can see the pattern repeating and you see these lines. That's okay. Illustrator does that. You can zoom in or zoom out and you will see they were no longer there. It's just where the tile is repeating and what you save it outside of Illustrator, you won't see it any longer with your selection tool. Drag your pattern into your clip art pdf file and make a rectangle the same size as your document. Go to object to transform and scale, and I'm willing to make this larger once again. Make sure transform objects. It's not selected. It looks good. Click OK. I like Teoh. Change the direction of this pattern, so I'm going to go to rotate and 45 degrees and OK, right click. Arrange sent to back, and I want to decrease the A pass ity of this background. I don't want to show a little more than that, so go until it's not distracting, but you can still see it. Save it again and you are done 5. Conclusion: thanks again for signing up for this class. And I hope you enjoy creating your clip art. Make sure to share your drawings, work in progress and your final clip. Art. I'm really looking forward to seeing your work. Please let me know if you have any questions by adding them to the discussions tab below. Thanks again. And I hope to see you in part two of this class.