1. Intro: I'm sure you're all getting ready to celebrate Christmas and welcome a beautiful Livia. Let's make this new Year even more special. Creating your own illustrate camp Hi and embassy tool if you I'm envy. Length of a Jew. A mother, an artist, A fashion designer from Germany in my class city, you're going to learn how to create your own list. Read Canada. In this class, you would learn how to create a candle using Adam Illustrator how to digitalize your illustration edited Color it and then put this into your counter. So I would say it would be great if you have a little bit off knowledge about love illustrator. But if you do not know the software, it's OK. Just fall of the steps in the class and then you will be able to create your own illustrated. So what are you waiting for? Enron joining my class and I'll see you there
2. Preparing Artboard: Hi, guys. Welcome back. Let's open a new documents a good file and new and then print. Emphasize. Keep it in millimeters. Keep the orientation as particle could bleed a zero if you have a bite bottles or else 0.25 Cala Modus seem like a And then here you need to keep Austrian baby I and then click, Click create. Now you have your blank are boot. You hear you have few options on the side. This is You can find a lot of options here that is imaged raise character transform, align Pathfinder strewn on that. So if you cannot find it right here on the side of the road, then go to windows and then from there you can select whichever option options need and then just click in port. I'll just show you for I'll just show you for an example. Go to type capital and then you have this This We just automatically bob up when you click that, and then you can just drag and drop it on this Finally here until it chose the flu color. And then you have some arrows here. But you can just know, Captain. And then here this arrow is for you. Get more options. That's about preparing your support
3. Calender making Type tool: Hello, guys. Building Bach will be using a few tools for this class Right now, Um, we will start with the selection tool and type two with type one selected. Click and drag on your boat to get a perfect square for a shift, a shift on your keyboard. Then click and drag, um, on your old pressed backspace tools. Molders content here and stop typing the days of the week. I'll just start typing in the days Monday Tuesday, Dennis Day, Thursday, Friday, Saturday on Sunday. Once you're done with this, just go to paragraph and click a line center aligned to center. Now, select this using the selection tool and go to type Gaeta type options Prevue. But he didn't see what you're doing at the number of rows and columns to seven. Doctor, I'm keeping a stew Longboat recites onto done hit. Okay,
4. Calender making Choosing Font: Now let's see how to choose the phoned for text. First, you need to select these days, which we have typed and then go to character. And here you can select the formed Click a phone, which you like playing with a little bird to see what you like, the best, and then select it. Now increase the size of the phone and you can see this automatically coming up to the top line if you're not getting a drive to stri, changing the form, style or form size until you get it right. 12 selected the phone. It's time to add in the dates to our calendar.
5. Calender making Adding Dates: Let's start adding the dates to our calendar. Go to dicks there, stop calendar and check when January 2019 starts and ends accordingly. Add this to your calendar, but this select type two and click me a Sunday and then press enter to go down to the next room and again enter will help you to shift position forwards and then start typing in the dates pressing. Enter after entering each date to finish the calendar dates for the month of John. - Now you can select all dates and go back to formed and choose a phone style you like.
6. Calender making Adding Month: typing in the month is really easy. Just go to type two and then type the names the month go back to formed, select a phone style you like, form, size, exit drunk and align it to the center. But I would like to show you one moving this option year, it makes the writing all in caps. Now, I will just select a phoned, then this option here it will make the text underlined. Then if you go to stroke, you can also increase or decrease its weight to stroke. Wait. So So this way I can add just a month the way I want. Like it just the way it looks. So I'm going to save my file, Um, so that I keep it safe. Okay. In the meantime, I'll just play a little bit more with the phones, style and size. You could also change accordingly according to what you lie. And we come back in the next less
7. Image trace: So here I have my calendar ready. Now let's bring in our art book. So let me just save my file. Once again, dig a new document and open up your scanned illustrated J pig file by dragging and dropping in tow on the new document. Now you can find image trees here on this panel, if not good windows, and you can find it out there. Let's first select our image using selection to and then go damage dress. Select ignore fight that is very important. Then let's increase that threshold on trees damage. Now let's hit Prevue to view would be a doing okay, so I feel this eyes a little bit too dark. So let's just decrease the threshold a little bit. By the way, it's in the black and wide mood. You can experiment with the other, moves to and see how the illustration looks on and see the outcome. And if you like it, you can use that now. It's converted into the vector phone, but the image selected Goto object and then click expand hit. Okay, then right click toe on Group it, and now it's individual illustrations. You can group it if any part of the individual illustration is separated from that particular illustration. So the last step is to remove the background, but that you can click and drag to select the background without touching the illustration . Go to select same fill color and then hit Delete. For me, it's already removed. That's it. We're ready for the next class.
8. Live Paint Bucket Tool: Welcome back. Uh, let's see how to paint your artwork first. I'll just put all of these outwards on the side so that I can just focus on one illustration. Now here I have selected one illustration using the selection tool, and I want to color this. What a tool called life paint package to. Before using this tool, I need to close all the gaps. Zooming in is control and command, plus sign. Zooming out is control command minus or negative Sign. Now let's go back to brush tool blob Brush DoubleClick to get the options, and you can increase or decrease the brush size and then hit. Okay, When you're happy with the brush sites, just close gaps on your artwork any off those open ends that you see when you're done. Let's let's go toe pencil to double click and then you get this options. Click all key toggles to smooth tal and then hit. Okay, this is one way to use smooth tool when, uh, when you don't find small tool in your toolbox with your illustrations selected, press old and then click and drag on on any off these lines to smooth them. Small tool is basically usedto smooth in a little any lines or curves on illustration. It will give you a cleaner look. See you just use it to adjust the coves and lines on illustration. - So you get more options on my tool belt. I can just click this bottle right down here. Edit toolbar where you get to view all the tools, click on this button here on the top and then select advanced, and now you can see more options here on the toolbar. Now you can click this button to you all off them vertically in the line. Let's select the live paint back to this place. Just place your pointer on to the illustration, and then you can see this red line popping up, which indicates that you're you're all set to paint.
9. Making Color Palette: way. Before we start painting, we need to select a color palette for our calendar or make a color ballot. So for that I'm going to First Dragon some color inspirations to the outboard, which I have downloaded from Pinterest. So select images with color combinations, which you like. I have a few here, but to make you such a little bit more easier, I have made a color palette on my Pinterest boards, which you can take a look. And if you want, you could use them for making your color ballots even just, uh, downloaded to your desktop or laptop and then make the color felt according So if you want , you can just go to Pinterest and you can type in my name does Aegean. And then, um, you can just You can just select the odd, bold sorry Pinterest board, which is named as color palette, resize images and put them outside the outboard, the water rectangle toe and click and drag hitting shift at the same time, to get a small square shape, press control plus fault, along with the shift key to multiply it and to align it in the same life, then press control de to duplicate this as many times as you want to get the required amount of splits. So I have a now with the selection tool selected, click on one square than breast shift and then select the rest of the rest of the squares. If you press control G or command G, then all of them, all of them selected it will be grouped together. Let's go toe. I drop to Okay. Before that, let's untrue pit. If you press control or command, this will give you the previous stool which you have used, which is in my case selection toe. So if you release the control key, it will give me the eyedropper. So now you have to press control and select on the square and then release control key and choose the color using the eyedropper tool. - Now by the windows and select Fortress. Go to this option here you call a group. Yeah. Give a name to the scholar group. I'll do skill show skills calendar and hit OK, and then you see your new color ballot on the swash family. Now save this so that even use the scholars watch whenever you open. Illustrator for that. Click here saves watch library. Give a name. Now, If you want to open the color palette and mother file, go to this option Here, go down toe opens, watch library, user defined, and you can see the name off the color palette you have State. Select the color group, and it comes automatically on your source.
10. Painting Artwork: Now let's bean artwork. Select the life pain back tool from toolbar, and then we can click in the color we want to use on. Then click on each petals to color it. Now if you double click on a color in this watch, but you can adjust color a little bit. The way warned the color to me. You can play around with the colors a little bit and see what you like the best. See how it looks, how the colors, how the colors go along with your artwork. What color combinations goes well with each other and stuff like that. So just keep playing around and you can see what do you like the best construct. Now, if I place this point on the outline and click, I can change the color of the outline according to what I want. You can also make it no Phil and no outline here. Andi, even here on the toolbar. Once you're happy with your colors, you can, um, pasted along with your You can also navigate the colors on this pointer by just hitting the left or right are only people, so that's another way you can change the colors in stuff just going on clicking each time on the Swatch panel. Hit the right or left button, and then you can change the gentle color. Now I want to finish coloring weaken. Just drag this, Andi, Drop it in the calendar file. Only thing it should be open on kept so that you know, we could just drive it and drop it on the panel and then align it the way you want. If you want a line and don't besides getting the line, it's on the side. I want in the center, so I'm just giving him right there. And then I can just go to a line and then center it. Now we have made a calendar we have colored are that will be brought in our artwork tour calendar, and your calendar is almost ready.
11. Saving File for Print: Alright, guys. So the final stage we have come to the final stage and here they will save the calendar for printing. So go to file. And then they've asked on save Does it'll, pdf file Show you it's in the right location where you want to save it for me, it's and creative cloud files and calendar. So just give a file name. First exam now here optioning to go to 80 give or you could even opt as high court to print would a Moxon lead remarks and use document lead settings zero comma 1 to 5 on both sides. If you haven't done this on the initial stage A T initial stage When opening up a file, you need those venue Have illustrations coming from the sides. Show you how it looks. I'll just do not. There you are. You're all set to print your calendar page
12. Outro: Thank you so much for watching my class. I hope he enjoyed it. I hope you had fun learning about the software on creating your own ministry candle. If you like slows, please hit the like button. And please leave in a short review so that I get to know how you felt about this. Plus And yes, please do not forget to post your projects in the criticality. So thank you. Once again, this is not your average in signing off nama stay and Happy New Year.