Make A Wooden Ring With Simple Tools | Danial Rees | Skillshare

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Make A Wooden Ring With Simple Tools

teacher avatar Danial Rees, Jewelry designer + Youtuber

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Taught by industry leaders & working professionals
Topics include illustration, design, photography, and more

Lessons in This Class

    • 1.

      Make A Wooden Ring Intro


    • 2.

      Make A Wooden Ring - Wood Prep


    • 3.

      Make A Wooden Ring - Glue Up


    • 4.

      Make A Wooden Ring - Finishing


    • 5.

      Make A Wooden Ring - Polishing


    • 6.

      Making A Simple Bent Wood Ring


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About This Class

How to make bent wood rings with simple tools. I want to show that you don’t need a lathe, a drill press or an expensive workshop to make breath taking wooden rings! All you need is elbow grease and some exotic wood.

Who is it for?

It doesn’t matter if you have no experience in crafting (I didn’t when I started) or if you’re a woodworking hobbyist there’s something here for you. This is an introduction to the art of making wooden rings and you will learn some of the beginner techniques I teach my students.

Perhaps you came here as you’re looking for tips on how to make your first wooden ring, maybe you’re seasoned wood turner looking for a new challenge or even a jewellery designer looking to jazz up your work. In any case I hope I can help get you started! So without further a do, let’s get into it!

Safety First

Please find a PDF attached with information about safety in your workshop - DO NOT SKIP THIS BEFORE STARTING THE CLASS!

Bare Bones Shopping List

So I hope you’ll see from this little guide that you don’t need a lot of tools to get started with making wooden rings (I certainly didn’t!). Here is a “bare bones set up” with the most basic of tools and materials. Here’s what you need:

Wood veneer

Locktite super glue

Cocktail sticks

Kitchen roll

Ring mandrel

Ring gauges



Cutting matt

Metal Ruler

Craft knife


Pan/water receptacle

Wet and dry sandpapers (240, 320, 400, 600, 1200 ideally)

Micromesh sheets (2400, 4000, 8000, 12000)

Surgical spirit or rubbing alcohol

Paint Brush

Burnishing cream/automotive compound

Latex gloves

Respirator mask with Chemical filters

Dust mask

Safety goggles

There seems to be a lot on this list but each item is pretty cheap and if you’ve done any crafting or woodworking before then there’s a good chance you have some of it lying around.

Meet Your Teacher

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Danial Rees

Jewelry designer + Youtuber

Level: Beginner

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1. Make A Wooden Ring Intro: My name is Daniel. I'm a professional or wouldn't run Baker YouTube and Etsy Sala. And in this class I'm going to teach you how to make a wooden bring with simple tools. Your class project will be to make a bentwood ringing in whatever size of width you'd like. You learn all of the necessary techniques and the videos, as well as a list of tools in the description of the class, and a PDF resource to help you to create your own ringing. So I hope you enjoy the class. Please don't skip the safety PDF I've included and I'll see you at the end. 2. Make A Wooden Ring - Wood Prep: In previous videos you've heard me say that you don't need expensive tools, fancy equipment, or massive workspace to make beautiful wooden rings. And so in this video, I'm gonna show you how to make a high-end wouldn't ring with simple tools only. No power tools, just determination and some skills. This backward ring took me about an hour and a half to make. And I just used the bare bones tooling setup, which probably cost me under 60 pounds. I want to show you that you can make, you know, really high-end valuable wooden rings without a massive investment in tooling. And so I hope that this video helps. Not further ado that's going on with the tutorial and I'll show you how to make a high-end wouldn't ring with simple tools. These easiest way to make a wooden ringed with simple tools is to use the bentwood method. This involves bending a thin piece of wood around a former To create a durable and beautiful ring. Fathers projects, I used a tropical olive wood veneer, which is a beautiful exotic wood. And for all of my rings, I always use a 0.06 mils thick wood veneer. And the first step in making the bed would ring is to prepare the wood. So to do this, I use the shop craft knife on a metal ruler to cut a ten mill wide strip of veneer. And this strip would eventually become a six mil wide bentwood written. Before bending the wood, I use a 240 grit sandpaper to tape a one edge of the V01 veneer down to a paper thin point. To make the world more pliable. I soaked it in hot water for 30 minutes in a pan. 3. Make A Wooden Ring - Glue Up: With the wood nice and dandy, I rolled it around a wide socket and execute it in place with masking tape. This trains the wood to stay bent rather than reverting back to his original straight fold. I allowed the wood to dry like this for about 24 hours. But I will admit that sometimes I use a hairdryer to speed this process up. When the wood was dry, I just took the masking tape off and I was left with this beautiful swill of tropical olive wood veneer. So it's time for the next stage, which was the glue up. I selected a smaller socket. This one was about the width of a size 11.5 ring. And I needed to determine how much would, I didn't need to wrap around the socket three times. To do this. I did a test wrap Fest. And when I have three layers of wood around the socket, I use the scissors to cut away the excess for the earth. This left me with the exact length of wood I needed to form three layers of wood of my rate. Then before moving on to the glue up, I just sanded down the edge or just cut. So it was paper thin. Father glue up. I use locked eyes, superglue and cocktail sticks. The aim of the glue up is degree with a wood around itself, around a former without glare when the wood to the former, if that makes sense. So it seems like everybody has a different way of doing this, but this is my method. And that's the method that I found gives me the most consistent results. So I did my glue up section at a time by applying a few drops of superglue and then spread in the mouth with a cocktail stick. I was able to stick down sort of three or four centimeters at a time of the wood veneer. I repeated this gradual glue up until I formed my rough bet would bring ensuring each rapport layer was tight and that I didn't glue with a ring to the former. To avoid gluing my glove to the ring on the final flap, I just press down the last bit with cocktails deck and allowed it to cure. Which turned out really well. 4. Make A Wooden Ring - Finishing: The next step in the process, we're shaping the ring. So I started out by flattening down the edges of the Ring by sanding them in a figure of eight motion on a piece of sandpaper on the table. On this just helps to get a nice flat even edge on the brain. And I did this on the side and then flipped it over and just repeated sanding until the ring was about six mille white. When the ring was the desired width, I moved on to sanding each face of the ring with a range of Sam papers from 240 grit at the 600 grit. And I also use the sandpaper to put a taper on the inside and outside edges until I was eventually left with a really nice shaped bank would ring, ready for finishing. Before applying a finish, I needed to clean out the grain of the wood. So I just used some surgical spirit and a paintbrush and just give it a once-over so it was ready to apply a finish. To finish the ring, I use the CA glue or superglue finish using the lock tight superglue. I chose the CIA finish because there's durable. It enhances the aesthetics of the wood grain and it doesn't require any special tools to polish. So to apply the finish, I squeezed out a few droplets from the nozzle of the ball and then use the cocktail stick to spread them out. I'm, I did this for eight layers on each surface of the ring and cleaning the outer edges on inbetween layers or Coats. I used them activate to spray. This just helps the glue to keyword quicker on helps to avoid the blooming or bubbling or white spots. Let's say the only bad bet about CIA finishes that it does take a bit of practice. But by the time I was done applying my eight layers to each face, I was left with this rough looking ring, but that was ready then to polish. 5. Make A Wooden Ring - Polishing: So to polish, I used the range of signed papers from 240 grit wet and dry up to 1200 grit wet and dry. And then because I was doing this by hand, I used a micro micro mesh to bring out a final shine. So I used up to a 12 thousand grit micro mesh. Now the polishing process, this actually took me about 40 minutes all in all from start to finish. But I just used progressively finer grits of sandpaper to send every surface of the ring. And the goal was really to eliminate a low spots, just leave the ring nice and smooth. This process can be sped up considerably using a laser. But I wanted to show in this video that you don't need any fancy tools to make a beautiful deadwood, right? So I did everything by hand. I'll just wear it through progressively finer grits of sandpaper and eventually moved up to the mike Ramesh. What do you do this by hand at first it feels like nothing's happening. But as you work through progressively finer grits, the ring kind of goes from this chalky appearance and just becomes more and more shiny. Eventually I was able to achieve this lovely sativa and finish. And I was pretty happy with that, but I wanted to kind of bring it to an even more powerful shine. And so to achieve that, I used a burnishing cream. Now, for this final stage of polishing, if you can't find a bearish and cream, you can use an automotive Polish like this, McGuire's ultimate compound. But I actually away prefer burnishing cream from Chestnut products in the UK. And pretty much I just applied a small amount of the branching cream to the ring on just the rubbed it in and just continue to work that around the inside and the outside of the edges until it was well, super shiny. And that's it. That's the end of the project. I really enjoyed making this and I'm very happy with the way that determined that. This is the way I used to make all of my rings. And I first started out and I didn't even have a laser the first two years. So I believe that anyone could make this ring, will rings like these with a few simple tools. I hope this class has inspired you to try making your own wooden rings. And in the next video, I'll go to show you how you can use a lathe and certain techniques to speed up the whole process. Thanks for watching so far. See you in the next video. 6. Making A Simple Bent Wood Ring: In this video, I'll show you how I made this lovely Santos Rosewood bentwood ring from start to finish with no steps skipped. So to begin the project, I used a standard thickness, 0.06 mill Santos Rosewood for DEA. On there just cut slice which is about 15 mil white, that sanded down one of the edges until it was paper thing. Before dunking it in some hot water from the cattle for about 20 minutes. After a short wait, I took the wood out of the water and wrapped it around a former. This case, I just used a sockets and wrap that up with a bit of masking tape and allowed to dry. This stage just trains the wood to kinda be bendy on round. So time for a glue up. All I did was I unwrapped the woods when it was dry and then got a test, wrapped it around my size Tang sockets on, just snipped away the excess moisture. Then I did the same as before and sanded galaxy edge-on, just cut until it was paper. So it would be nice and easy to glue up. For the actual glue up, I just used some medium thickness CA glue applying sort of a centimeter or two at a time with a cocktail stick and then wrapping the wood around the former, kind of making sure that each rap was nice and tight, no gaps, and that everything was nice and neat. I continue this all the way around the ring and then just pull you down that lost edge by using the cocktail stick to apply some pressure. And then I basically had kind of a rain blank. So assigns it to have one edge until it was flat using a figure of eight motion on some sandpaper. Then because I only needed like a five mil ring, just mocked a school line around the ring blank with my mock and Gulch. And then used a hand, raise a soul that the Hansel seem kind of go over and cutouts to the five mil ring. When I was done this rough looking 5-methyl wide ring. So again, I sanded down the edge, I just cut. I did a bit of shaping with some sandpaper, just working through the grits to 5000. And I just put a nice taper on the inside and outside edge is cleaned up the seams. Just got the Rain Ready for finishing. After sanding, I use surgical spirit, paint brush just to kind of wipe away any dust. And then he nasties. And then when that was Dr. I'll just moved on to CAA finishing. So you see here I have all my stuff. I've got plenty of ventilation in the workshop. And let's just use the cocktail stick to apply multiple layers of medium thickness CA, glue to the ring. In between every layer. I give it a nice generous nesting with, activate a spray. So i applies about eight layers every surface of the rink. So thus the inside, the outside, I'm both outer edges and sprayed activate the spray after every layer. And I was left with something kind of rough looking like this. After allowing the glue to cure, I moved onto polishing. So yeah, I'm doing everything by hand. So just work my way through the grits with wet and dry sandpaper. 240 grit right away, two to 1200 grit. And then for the outside, I've shown you the mangled. I used to kind of polish the outside on belief. But this could all be done by hand if you have the time. And then the last stage is I just whipped over this with some chestnut products, burnishing cream, the inside, on the outside. And I think that you'll agree that the ring is simple but elegant. I'm not sorry to make it into a ring.