1. Course Introduction: polymer clay is a fabulous out material that you can use for making a wide variety of jewelry and gaps with an endless number of ideas and designs. So if you are interested in working with it, then the scores is for you. This course is divided up into two sections. The first section gives you a basic knowledge about polymer clay that includes information about its properties, have to condition it, how to bake it and how to glow with two metal better pendants. The second section includes a tutorial for making a Nicholas with a basket of flowers. It's a step by step tutorial that you can study for making your own designs later on. This tutorial will give you an idea of how to use problematically for making a projecting design independent and by trying out to make that design or maybe making something similar . You will get trained on using polymer clay for making tiny little flowers. And who knows? You might use that for designing your own jewelry or maybe to start a business out of it. I hope you will enjoy the course. Now let's get started
2. Materials and Tools: Welcome to the first video of this court. In this video, I'll show you the materials and the tools that I'm going to use during the course. First, we have polymer clay, which is a certain type of modeling clay that's available in the stationary. It's not Children modeling clay. It's a BBC clay that hardens by baking in the oven, and I will talk about it in details in an upcoming video. The main types that I use for my Kleber are primo primo accents and to flee. Certainly you can use whatever type you prefer at the technique are used in this course could be applied using any type of polymer Klay we all need. Also liquid polymer clay. I have here translucent liquid Skull P and FEMA liquid. These are two different friends. Any of them would work very well. Liquid polymer clay is really important here to make sure that the petals and the tiny pieces take well to the base, and it also works as a sealer for the peace. In order to protect the surface from anything that would scratch, I use a brush to apply the liquid clay on the sharks is I use it only for the liquid clay, and I never wash it because it's difficult to be cleaned up. And here I have the accessories that I will use to make the necrosis. I have been dependence, chain and class, and these are the tools that I'm going to use. Why, working with the chain and the class, we'll need a strong adhesive materials to glue the clay on the bizarre pendants. Here I use two types in order to make sure that the clay is taking to the bizarre. Very well on it will never detached from it. I used liquid superglue. This is a type that available here in Egypt. Any superglue type will be fine, and they used also be 6000 glue. The original friend of this glue is called E 6000 but here in Egypt we only have this Type two now. These can be easily found online or at stationary or hardware stores. I used the's to glue types together with the liquid stay, and this will be explained in an upcoming video. Usually while working with polymer clay it collects. Dust from the surface is so for cleaning the clay before baking I use wives and acetone. It works very well, even if the wives are dry and it's better than uncle in cleaning. Recreate. We'll need a catcher toe. Cut the play and to make the petals, you can either have some sculpting tools like these, or you can just use a toothpick or a pen or even a dry ink in any of these can be an inter knitted for the sculpting tools, as I will show you later in the videos so that if you are a beginner, you don't have to buy all these tools right now you can substitute with them with symbol available objects like this and generally with polymer clay. You can use any off the kitchen tools, but it's preferable to dedicate them for the use with boy Mercury and not to use them again in the kitchen for your safety. Among emitters that I used occasionally is Collopy signal, which helped shortening the clay. If it's hard and difficult to be conditioned, you can use baby oil instead of it, and in upcoming video, I will show you how to condition the clay. As you see polymer clay is colored and in most of the designs. You won't need to add any extra colors to it, although insulting cases I might use shocked Mr Color are acrylic panes to give different looks to the pieces. For example, in the design of the sunflower, I use orange and red soft pastel colors and approach to apply the color on the clay. This give the flower more realistic look. And in the design of the window, Nicholas, I'll be using brain Xterra pin to make some grain stems and leaves around the window. And finally, we'll need an often, which will put the pieces to Harvard. You can use any type of open electric or guys whatever, and you can use your kitchen often the to use for cooking. Just cover the pieces very well with aluminum foil and after baking, allow ventilation for the oven in the kitchen that don't bake their clay with the foot in the same often at the same time, more about baking temperature and duration will be in an upcoming video
3. General properties of polymer clay: polymer clay is a PVC molding play that you bake in the home of into hardened. It doesn't dry out in here so you can work with a piece of polymer clay for weeks, and it stays short. For example, I made this figure in in duration of about six weeks as I was busy and couldn't find the time to finish it. And while not working in it, I was just leaving it covered with a plastic bag till I have some time to continue making it. So as long as you keep polymer clay properly stored, it won't dry up. You can store any remaining polymer clay in a plastic bag in a normal room temperature and away from direct sunlight. Generally, polymer clay colors do not change after baking the color. Stay the same with a few exceptions, like in the case of Purple Skull, be where the color may get a little bit darker after baking, but generally the colors do not change. You can makes two different colors and get 1/3 1 For example, you can makes white with red to get pink and so on, but make sure that you makes the colors so that they become homogeneous and, as you want tohave different grades off colors in the same piece. You can also makes two different polymer clay types with each other. And in order to get a modernist, Mexi can use the pastor machine. It should be dedicated for the use of polymer Klay and not to use it again with food. It helps mixing and conditioning the clay very well with a minimum effort, although in this course I will not be using it. Being colored polymer clay allows you to make a variety of creative ideas off jewelry and charms. You can also apply some pains to give the clay a different look. For example, in this course, I will show you how to use this short Mr Colors in the Credit Pains with Parliament Klay and in and coming course from. Since I was cool, I assure you how to use the professional markers on polymer clay with lasting colors to make a bunch of stew like key chains and Children. This course will be available soon on, so it's all dirt on nine. So make sure that you sign up to our newsletter so we can seem to your winnings
4. Conditioning polymer clay: before starting to shape the clean. You have the condition and very well so that it becomes easier for shaping. Conditioning is also important for preventing pieces breakage after baking. In the beginning, you would find the clay heart Toby so often, but after a while it will be easy and you will get used to fit. Here are a couple ways to condition and shorten polymer clay in the first way. You just get the clay into small slices. Flatten them with an acrylic crawler or any similar tool. Here I'm using an empty plastic bottle that just works. Find flattening, declare. Repeat, flattening the clay, she tell it, becomes short. This helps warming up the clay and making a stroke and easy to be shaped collected clay pieces and make a ball outfit. Roll it against the table using your forehand. Now we have a smooth surface bold that's easy to be shaped. You may need to repeat the process than the clay becomes easier for flipping. Another way to condition it is to use the best the machine if this is available, of course, if you are a beginner and you don't want to spend much money in the tools, then you don't have to bite in the beginning. But if you used it with unbaked clay, avoid using it with. Put again for your safety here I started by topping the clay Per and I started thinning the clay slices using the pastor machine by reducing the thickness gradually till I get a thin sheet. Okay, repeat the process several times to warm of the clay and salt in it. - You can also apply a few drops of Skopje straightener or baby oil to make the process easier, especially if the plays hard and difficult to be so sure here, the structure or the baby. I would help. Then you will be able to shape it into a bowl shape easily between your hands.
5. Baking Polymer Clay: and this video, I'll talk in depth about baking polymer clay. First, you can use any type of often electric or gays whatever, but you cannot use microwave for baking, and you can use your kitchen oven that you use for cooking. Just make sure that you cover the pieces very well with the aluminum card and after baking . Allow ventilation for the oven on the kitchen and no big the clay with the food in the same oven at the same time. The important thing regarding the often is that you have to adjust the temperature as required by the malefactor off the polymer clay that he used. The required temperature is always ready on the clay pack with the required amount of time for baking. Just know that the required amount of time for baking the clay as a stated here is for a piece with a thickness off six millimeters. So if you are making a piece with the larger thickness than the baking time should be longer than what's stated on the pack. Generally, you can bake the clay for a longer time, but not for a higher temperature. Then that stated on the back and there's my coast clay burning. If this is your first time to pick the clay and often make sure to test it using a small portray just to make sure that temperature of the oven is not so high and your precious pieces won't burn or it may you'd and often term ometer toe, adjust the temperature. That's because some opens are not calibrated accurately and are actually hotter than the temperature set on the dire. And finally make sure that you preheat the oven to the required temperature before putting your play into it. After baking, let the pieces cool down and never tried toe. Bend your pieces or press them down, as likely will be slightly soaked just after baking, and it needs to cool down in orderto hard and completely. You may also let it cool down inside the oven before getting it out. If it and don't worry, if the often still hot for a while, this wouldn't affect the clay badly at all. And remember this the longer you big weekly, the harder it will be as long as the temperature off the oven is accurate.
6. Gluing polymer clay to metal bezel pendant: in this video, I'll show you how to blue polymer clay to the biz abundant the top away. I'd like first tell you that polymer clay never stick to the metal pendant by its own. I so many online videos and rich people doing use any type of glue to stick the clay too. Dependent on this is completely wrong, because after align the polymer clay pert will detached from the metal pendant here and show you how to grow them correctly. Now I have a piece of a polymer clay that is conditioned, as shown earlier in a province with you. I'll press it over the business pendant, but I'm not let it reach the inches off the fizzle. I leave a small space so I can remove it again. Toe at the glue. - I used three different things to make sure that the piece of clay will stick to the basil pendant very well, and it will never detached from it. First, I'll put some liquid polymer clay to make sure that any space between the polymer clay peas and the metal basil will be filled with the liquid clay that certainly will harden with baking. Then I put some of the basic 1000 or E 6000 wherever you have, as I told you in the materials video that here in Egypt we have the B six talent and somehow sticky and viscous. - And finally, I'll put a few drops of the supergroup liquid supergroup. I add the super go at the end because it dries quickly, and I have to immediately put the clay beach after adding it. Now I'll put the clay peas back and the president against the fizzle till it reaches the age is off the bizarre. Perfectly. I do this while having a tissue nearby so that if any glue leakage came out while pressing , then I'll swept it immediately so that there will be no residuals left on the clay base and the base stays cream. And from the beginning, make sure that you don't add a large amount of glue in the business so that you don't have too much glue. Lick it on. Don't worry, you adjust this with practice. Now you can clean the surface of the clay if needed, using bites, even if it's dry, just use it with acetone, it hopes, cleaning the piece from dust or any small hair particles very well. This is really important if the surface is right or in a light color, as dust and dirt appears more in light colors, then on the dark rounds. Now independent is really for adding the first grade up. Now that's move to the next with you.
7. Use of super glue: one more precaution here. I advise you not to years liquid super glue alone. Two blue polymer clay to metal wherever the type of superglue use, even it's an expensive one because after a while the glue will harden on the former clay peas like this one, and the pitch will separate from the metal base. This would happen if you ring or pendant hell accidentally to the floor, so please make sure that you have that be or is excellent and the liquid polymer clay and use them the same way I did in the province with you.
8. Making the base: Hi there. Welcome to the flowers basket tutorial. In this section, I will show you how to make a pendant with a basket off flowers. Now let's make the polymer clay base and glue it to the middle busier pendant. This is a time lapse video as a quick review for what I have explained earlier in the first section, you can go back for the first section for a detailed explanation if you need to. Here I'm adjusting the size off the clay based first. I don't want it to be neither so clad nor so high on the metal pendant as I'm still having the basket toe. Add it on.
9. Making the basket: to make the basket. I'll use couple primo accent play. I'll cut a slice in condition it very well, so it becomes easy for shaping. Here is the first part of the basket. It feels approximately 1/3 the area off the base. Now the hand of the basket needs to be thinner than that. - Okay , let's make the detailed crisscross basketry. You can use the tip off the cutter like this already using the needle tool or a pen like this. - Now make the call shape off the basket hand. Here we go. Let's continue in the next.
10. Adding the flowers: Now let's go to the flowers. But before we start putting the flowers, I have a trick here. In order to make the flowers projecting over the basket, I put a piece of clay on this part to give some volume, and I will start putting the flowers on it. So now I can get the look off having too many floors that are getting out of the basket now start making the clothes. You can use your favorite colors. Here it choose toe. Have some bright colors to make, a contrast with the background that's majorly colored in beige grades. As you see, that includes the basket as well. Here I made a simple flower with five petals and the yellow inner centre to make contrast with the blue color. Then I will make something colored flowers the same way. As you see. I'm arranging the flowers in the homogeneous way so that I put a whole colored flour between every two cold colored flowers. And so here is a different flower shape that looks closed just for change, so that not all the flowers look the same while adding the floors. Try to make them look overlapping like this. - Okay , let's continue in the next pitch
11. Adding leaves: now at some green values. I guess that will be easy for you. It's just the simple shape of belief with a Chinese, a little group in the middle and make sure that it's taking well to the underneath service so it won't detach after baking. - And here we have some fulling petals and leaves. Now let's make somethin long leaves. They are just, Qinglong pleads that are spreading around the flower collection. Hey Mago! Now the design is ready for baking. Let's know how in the next video.
12. Backing the pendant: now the pieces really for baking. I covered the plate with animal and fired as polymer clay gets off a slight older while baking, I bake it for half an hour at a temperature of 1 30 degrees cities as seated on this ship Fleet Bank and here I have already created the often you can go back to the baking video at the beginning of the course. For more information about baking politically after baking, allow the pieces to cool down a little bit in the open while it's turned off and never pressed the pieces down. Why the K is what because it would break. It needs to cool down completely to be hard. While the pieces fight the war, I put the thin they're off liquid polymer Plato make a ceiling for the peace in order to protect it from scratches and so on. It's preferable to apply the liquid polymer clay, while the pieces warm but not too hooked. Because this flight one helps decreasing the risk rusty off the liquid polymer clay and helps in spreading it on the peace and covering the spaces between the objects and the base . Very well. But make sure that you don't apply the liquid polymer clay on the peace while it's to hurt , as the liquid clay will Harlan and you won't be able to spread it efficiently. You can use liquid skull P or female equipped for this purpose. After making both of them becomes transparent and do not affect the colors of the clay, make sure that the delicate parts off the peace are covered with a thin layer off the liquid clay. And at the same time, the liquid clay's shouldn't clog the required pours in the curvature of the design. After finishing this, I will put it again in the oven for 15 minutes so that the liquid clay hardens. As I told you before, it's okay to be a condom or clay for a longer period of time. Then that's stated on the bag. As long as the temperature is accurate and it's a kid that you bake your beast more than one time
13. Putting the clasp: Hi again. After making the beast for the second time, I really cool down completely. You can also leave it in the oven while it's turning off. Derek cools down now I'll put the chain in the car on the right side of the chain, Put the crash and link it to the chain with the metal ring and on the left side put a metal ring. - And here is our Nicholas. I hope you like this tutorial. See you in the next video.