1. Intro to Email Marketing: Welcome to my mail Chimp email. Marketing mastery. Course I'll be teaching you everything you need to know about email marketing within the mail Chimp platform from A to Z. So who is this course for? Just like my clients of the past, I work for small business owners, local brick and mortar businesses, social celebrities and brands, corporate marketing professionals that want an edge at their current position or anyone looking to benefit from email marketing. By the end of this course, you'll understand mail chimp email marketing and especially, be a master of optimizing your own email marketing campaigns. So the topic is this. Course covers specifically includes the basics of creating your mail chimp account and what email marketing is all about. Next will cover up loading and creating email list and then creating hyper segmented email list to help increase your conversions and clicks even further. Next, I'll teach you how to build, opt in, sign up and subscription forms to capture emails and grow those email list. Then we'll optimize auto responders how to build our email campaigns, what content to put in them, how to design them and really, how to optimize them for open rates, click throughs and conversions. But remember, your email content is only as good as your subject line. People have to want to click that email before they even get to your email content, so teach you how to create open, worthy subject lines. Then I'll delve into a be split testing and how to set up those email campaigns so you can identify the key metrics that will make your email campaigns of success. And finally, I'll teach you how to analyze all of this data so you can overall improve your email marketing efforts. So I learned for me. I began my path into marketing as an engineering major. I started out by learning coding in various college courses, and then I started to build niche keyword websites and used growth hacking techniques to grow them and flip them for a profit. Ended up actually paying for my college education by doing this. So now it's over. A decade later, I've built, consulted and help market for over 500 businesses. One key thing that I've helped all of them do is to build a robust email list. So after finishing in the top eight for entrepreneur magazine Entrepreneur of the Year. Last year, I launched course envy with several engineering and marketing partners to begin and share our knowledge with the world. So sign up now if you're ready to master email marketing once and for all.
2. Email Marketing Basics : Now let's cover my email marketing basics. My number one rule is to always have a goal. So there's several reasons, too. Obviously, send an email first. You just want to share news, build your brand loyalty, educate your subscribers. Invite people to an event, drive traffic to your site to sell a product or service. But you need to ask yourself, What is your specific purpose Before you create an email? Think about the outcome you want. Are you trying to grow your business or email list? Are you trying to sell a product or are you trying to get donations? Have a goal in mind and tailor your information and your call to action to that idea or plan. Before I send any email, I asked myself, How am I trying to establish myself and my brand as an industry expert? And did this email come across? Is that my number two rule? Don't always be selling. Send an email newsletter with educational information tips. How twos and industry news. If you're constantly providing high quality, high value content to your customers via these emails, then they will be open to the occasional sales pitch for your product. or service. I like to follow the 80 20 rule. 80% of my emails are high value, high quality, free educational content. Then 20% of my emails are sales pitch emails selling my product or service. But make sure to send what you promised at sign up if subscribers signed up for tips and tactics delivered twice a week, That's what you should deliver. Part of keeping your email readers engaged is sending the information they actually subscribe to my number three rule male regularly. You want your email subscribers to think of your business when they need that product or service you offer, so remind them of your presence with an email for my clients. I mail at minimum once per month. Always include a mix of images and text, and make sure to include links back to your website products and services. I like to tell my customers what I want them to click veet called Action Click here to shop . Click here to enroll. Now sign up for your free. Many course by clicking here. Finally, make sure to include your postal address and an unsubscribe link at the bottom of your emails. This address and unsubscribe link is required by the can Spam act. Luckily, mail chimp does this automatically for you. My number four rule build high quality email list never by email addresses. This is a terrible idea, and the recipient is almost sure to unsubscribe. And not only will the unsubscribe, they'll talk badly about your company toe friends because they didn't sign up for your newsletter and they're considering this spam. The better quality your email list are, the more likely your email will get delivered red and clicked. Onley use opted in email addresses for your marketing. Those air people who have agreed to receive your emails. You'll see higher engagement and fewer UN subscribes or spam complaints when you actually email people who opted into this newsletter. Buying emails never works. Slow and steady list growth wins the race every time. Now, my final tip for email marketing is using E. S. P, an email service provider. An email service provider can help your small business generate and send emails to very targeted customer email list. Plus your E S P can store and grow your email list automatically. I think it's just crazy when I see some of these clients, I sign on for the first time. I see their email list are still in an Excel file. This is so inefficient. So start using an email service provider to help streamline not only your email campaigns but also your email list growth. So there's a lot of types of email service providers. All of them offer a variety of email services, such as building those email list, creating email templates, giving you analytics on your emails. You've sent offering a be split testing for your email campaigns and so on. So there's two types of email services. The 1st 1 is for small companies, and the second is for enterprises. Enterprise email services have all functional capabilities of small business services, but they have additional features like management tools advanced a P I advanced filters for segmentation and drag and drop email. Siri's Editors. The top enterprise platforms I use for big clients in general, there's no demo or free trial accounts for enterprise platforms. For the most part, you already have that massive email list, and you need to upload and manage it now. So you know, and you have to be willing to pay possibly thousands of dollars per year to manage that email list. But these air for databases that air 50,000 users. Plus, if my clients have less than 50,000 users, I usually use a small business email marketing platform. Most small business email marketing providers have that free demo option. Free accounts enable you to have email lists, usually less than 1000 to 2000 email addresses. The biggest email platform in the world is male Chimp. Some other top companies include a Weber campaign monitor. Get response and constant contact. Also note, though the male trim free plan includes up to 2000 contacts and up to 10,000 cents per month. So a lot of small businesses can stay on this free plan forever with male tramp meal. Chimp has the largest share of users on the market and really have an easy to use and friendly user interface. I use mail chimp for nearly 90% of my clients. Even as you grow, they have a really competitive pricing. For those, a large 50,000 plus email list sizes
3. Sign up for MailChimp and Choosing a Plan : so if you have a database less than 2000 emails, you can sign up for a free mail chimp account. But this version of mail chimp will not include some features, such as some more in depth split testing, nor email and chat support. Also on this free account, the bottom of your emails will have this mail chimp logo in it, but nevertheless it is free. So if you're databases more than 2000 emails or you want to use all the platform features, which are really limited on free accounts, you have to pay for the pricing plan you need depending on your database size. So again, head to male trip dot com slash pricing and let's find what plans right for you. So for my subscriber list, I have an Excel spreadsheet of 12,560 subscribers. Plus, I know I need retargeting ads, an automation serious for my emails. I have custom templates that I will upload, and I know I'm gonna want advanced audience insights, so I fall under the standard plan. So we select this. So now that I've clicked on my plan, you'll see the pricing options for that many subscribers on this page, but note your monthly bill will increase as soon as you grow your last. But for this course, we're gonna show you how to get everything you can get out of male chimps for free to start . Then hopefully grow your email list toe over 2000 subscribers, and this is going to force you to sign up for a monthly plan. Fill out this registration, form your email user name, password and then click that create my account button. You will then be emailed inactivation email. Click the link inside that email to activate. After that, with that link, you click. You'll be able to continue your registration right your first and last name, and then fill out your organization. Information. This info mail chimp uses for internal statistics. On the next step, you'll be asked to fill out information about your company. It's very important because this information will be shown all your subscribers. Another important thing to do on this page is choose the industry. You working so right here in this drop down, choose the specific industry you work in. When you launch your first campaign meal, chimp will compare your results to the industry average of what their email marketing results are. So it's pretty cool how you can compare yourself to another company in your industry and see if your emails are performing better.
4. Mailchimp Audiences : Mailchimp audiences. With Mailchimp audiences,
you can manage one or more email audiences
for your business. In this section, we're going to discuss creating an audience, importing subscribers, your audience sign-up
process and other forms. E-mail authentication,
how recipients unsubscribe and
combining the audiences. By creating and maintaining an up-to-date and healthy audience, you are ensuring the
potential to generate the best return on investment from your
marketing campaigns. Users manage their
email subscribers under the audience
dashboard on MailChimp. Here they can create
multiple audiences, switch between them
easily and see an overview of each
audience including growth, organization, engagement,
and demographics. As your audience grows. So will your data, all of which you can
now easily view, organize, and manage via
your audience dashboard. This enables users to better understand and target their
subscribers more efficiently. We recommend you start with
one audience to begin with. Inside your single
master or main audience, you can organize it accordingly via groups, segments, and tags. So go to and login to your
Mailchimp account. Via the top right menu. Click that view dashboard. Now in the left
navigation menu of your Mailchimp account,
select audience. As your audience grows, you will discover there
are multiple types of contexts within
your audience. Subscriber. First, someone who's opted into your audience and actively
receives your campaigns. An unsubscribe or someone
who is unsubscribed, premier email marketing
on non subscriber. Someone who has
interacted with you, such as an e-commerce store, but they've not opted in to receive your e-mail campaigns. Cleaned contacts, contexts who were hard bounce or soft balance
multiple times or clean or removed from your list pending someone who has completed
your sign-up form, but they've not confirmed
the double opt-in yet. And archived archiving contexts removes them from your audience, but retains their profile data. Remember, subscribers
on subscribers and not subscribed
contexts all make up your contact count which can
affect your pricing plan. Archived, cleaned, and deleted
contacts do not count, not part of your contact count, and will not affect your
pricing plan on MailChimp. Mailchimp for customer
relationship management. Users can utilize MailChimp as a CRM tool to gain a clear
picture of their audience. Target specific messaging
to specific subscribers. You subscriber data to
inspire new campaigns. You subscriber
demographics to attract similar customers by creating a Mailchimp ad targeting
that demographic. Although it is possible to
use Mailchimp as a CRM, MailChimp also allows you to
integrate with other CRMs, such as Salesforce and so on. Make sure to check out all
of male chimps integrations, that
slash integrations. Before we get started
with audience management, it's important to remember
that Mailchimp has a set of audience guidelines
you must follow in order to maintain
a healthy audience. Failure to do so could get
your account suspend it. The two main rules
to follow are never import emails to
MailChimp audience that you've bought
from a third party. Second, ensure your
recipients have given you permission to include
them in your audience. You can learn more
about male chimps audience requirements here. Both of these rules are relevant to the
recent data privacy, including the EU GDPR. You can review all these
legal and data protections at and at slash illegal. The two main ones are the
European Data Protection, that's the GDPR, and the
California Consumer Privacy Act. It's only a matter of time
before more countries, more states come on
board with this. So your goal is to be
compliant with these. Now, you might be
planning to import an existing client
database into Mailchimp or looking to grow your
e-mail audience organically. Or maybe a combo of both. No matter which path you
are planning to follow, your first step is to create
your MailChimp audience. Points to think about before
creating an audience, what variables affect
your audience? What products and
services are you selling? The location, the
seasonality of your brand. When you will be looking to send different types of content, email marketing, and so on to these different
sections of your audience. Mailchimp uses
different definitions for different types of
contacts in your audience. Before you get started
with an audience, it's good to familiarize
yourself with these. Again, subscribed,
unsubscribed, cleaned, non subscribed, and archived. And again, you should only
need to create one audience in Mailchimp and then organize that audience
appropriately via tags. Creating multiple
audiences can lead to issues with recipient crossover, double-spending and a
lot more headaches. Later in this
lecture, we'll talk about combining audiences into one main master
audience and then just tagging it appropriately
so you can send. Those e-mails to a certain
segment of your audience. You don't have to send it
to the whole audience. You can send it to these tagged sub-segments will
show you how to use tags and organize
your audience in the group segments and
tags in Mailchimp lecture. Creating an audience. Click the audience dashboard in that left navbar of
your Mailchimp account. We've already created our single audience
for this account. You can see on this audience
dashboard all our insights, our growth in data
for this audience. But if you need to create
one via this left menu here, manage Audience, click that drop-down and click
View audiences. On this view audiences page, we can view our audience names, manage the audiences, or create a new audience via
this Create Audience button. But again, we advise only using one main or
master audience. If your business requires
multiple audiences, make sure to select the
correct audience on this view audience page in the left drop-down menu next to the audience Name,
select Manage Contacts. Since we only have one audience, we manage our
entire audience via be-all contexts page in that left navigation
menu under audience. If you're totally new and you're creating that first audience. On the audience creation page, you'll be required to fill
out a number of details, including the audience Name, the from email address,
the from name. You'll also be able
to include a sentence reminding recipients why they
signed up to your audience, which will be displayed
at the bottom of all your campaigns
sent to this audience. For example. Thanks for
joining our newsletter or thanks from purchasing
from course You recipients, we will be able to see your
audience Name. So be sure to name it
something appropriately. For example, of course, and be free e-book or like ours. Of course, envy main audience. Or it can simply be your URL because it's
one audience for you, that entire URL, of
course, Also on this audience
creation page, you'll review, edit
your contact info, and include your home
or office address, which is required to meet
the FTC's can Spam Act. Meal tramp requires
these contact details when sending tiny audience. To learn more about these
anti-spam requirements, check out this link. And if you don't want to
put in your home address, here's an alternative link for different alternative
physical address. Next, you will have
the option to edit your audience Form settings
and notifications. If you choose not to check
the forum settings boxes, your form sign-up
process will be single opt-in for
all new subscribers. This means that when users
complete your sign-up form, they will automatically
be added to your mailing list from your audience dashboard in
that settings dropdown menu, select audience
Name and defaults. And it's here we can
edit our audience name, enable those forms
settings such as double opt-in, recapture, GDPR. We want our audience compliant
for now and in the future. And I only see Protection
Acts popping up more and more make your
audience compliant. Now you can email them and
future proof this audience. Another reason for double opt-in is to eliminate spam sign-ups. By adding this extra
confirmation step to your audience
sign-up process, it eliminates a lot of
these auto bots that'll spam and sign up to
your email list. And since we're
looking to ensure our list is always compliant
from Protection Acts, we enable these GDPR fields. Now it's time to add some new subscribers
to our audience. You have two options for this. First, import these recipients
from an existing database, or grow your audience organically via the
Mailchimp sign-up form. You can use either or both of these methods to help
grow your e-mail list. We're going to begin
by showing you how to import a database
into Mailchimp. A best practice here, you cannot import
a database into Mailchimp that you've
purchased from a third party. It's essential that you have permission from
all the recipients of your audience to contact
them via email marketing. Importing contacts. When you import a new
database to your audience, MailChimp will not
allow to upload the e-mails of subscribers who are ready in
your mailing list. Mailchimp will
automatically filter out any of these duplicates. This means you will not be sending subscribers
e-mails multiple times. Before you get started importing your
database to MailChimp, you're going to need to prepare
a database spreadsheet. You can use a program like
Google Sheets or Excel. And at minimum have these
three separate columns. Email, FirstName, lastname. But as you'll see, you can
add a lot of information, such as address, birthday. A custom field altogether. Just create it in
your dot CSV file. When your database spreadsheet
is ready to import, go back to your MailChimp
under Audience. Click all contacts on
this All Contacts page. Select the Add contexts
drop-down menu. In that drop-down,
select import contacts. On the following
page, you'll be given the choice of how you would
like to import your database. We're going to be specifically
looking at how to import a database
from a dot CSV file. Once you've selected how to import your database via a CSV, you'll be directed to this
page to upload your contacts. Just click that
Browse button and upload that file you created. Another best practice here, Mailchimp highlights
the importance of gaining permission. I know I keep repeating this, but to check your
understanding of this, here's a helpful link. Do not buy third-party list. They're gonna
highly unsubscribe. And it's going to hurt you as
an account or get you band. Next while importing
the subscribers. You may be prompted
with this pop-up. If your list is big enough, you may be bumped into the
next billing plant size. Because of your contact count. Just note and checkout the billing and
pricing for Mailchimp. For the size of
database you have. The free plan is 2
thousand or less. If you have 2 thousand
or less imports in your database, that's fine. You can look at these
Mailchimp account plans via your account page. In that bottom left, click your profile
icon, select account. And on this account page, click that Shop new
plans in the top navbar. And then as you can see
here, there's plan options. We are in the free plan, your current plan, a month,
2 thousand contacts. But again, you can check these
out and see the comparison of all
these pricing plans to see what's right for
your database size. Next on our import contacts
is organizing our contacts. We've uploaded our dot csv. On this page, we're
gonna check mark any groups these subscribers
should be added to. If we're updating
existing contacts. Uploading current users
with maybe a new column of data such as their name
or address or birthday, or maybe a tag. Then we will check mark that, update any existing contacts. For our status. We
set it to subscribe. Then we click the
Continue to tag button. Now we're on the tag your contact page of
our imports contacts. You'll first be prompted to
search for or create tags. Just type in the search box
to find tags you've already created or to create
new custom tags. Note, we can edit these tags later and add tags
in the future. Once ready, click that
continue to match button. You will then be
directed to a page where you will need to match
all the columns in your dot CSV file with the fields that can be included in your
MailChimp audience. Once you've successfully matched each of your columns
from the options available or added a
custom field name. You can click that
finalized Import button. So as you can see, we're on the match columns page. The dot CSV file did have an
error that is a red column, it's highlighted in red. So it was for the
address column. That field label has
not been used yet. So we need to create an address field for
our Mailchimp audience. Just click that pencil icon at the top of that red
highlighted column. In this pop-up,
edit column, label. First week, Select,
create a new field. Then in the creative
field label, type in the name
you want address. And this is a text datatype. So click Confirm. Once all the columns are
matched with no errors. So there's no red
highlighted columns. Click that finalized
the Import button. Finally, you'll be redirected to a page where you can review all the file information before importing it
into your audience. Once your import is complete, you'll receive an email
notification from mailchimp. You'll be informed
of any recipients who were not subscribed and why. You won't need to worry about subscribing any
previous balances or unsubscribes to this list as Mailchimp will detect these
for you automatically. This is another reason to only create one master
audience and Mailchimp. Because you can organize it
by groups, segments, tags. Again, we'll show
you how to do that in the lecture groups, segments and tags and Mailchimp. You may not have
any databases to import in your
MailChimp audience. Or maybe you want to
create a form for new contacts to subscribe via. Either way. If you want an easy way to grow
your mailing list, you're going to want to set
up a Mailchimp sign-up form. Mailchimp offers a number of
ways in which to do this. But this section. We're going to look at
the simplest method by utilizing the
Mailchimp form builder. The best part of using Mailchimp form builder tool is everything is automatically set up when
you create an audience. You can leave the
form builder set as default or you can
customize it as well. Show you form builder. Male chimps form builder tool is the platforms most
basic method of creating a sign-up form to
help grow your audience. Other sign-up form options and Mailchimp include
embedded forms, subscriber pop-up form
integrations, landing pages. You can learn more
about these in our Mailchimp lead
capture lecture. So on the sign-up forms page. So in that left
navbar sign-up forms, click the Select button to the right of the
form builder option. Scroll down on this
form builder page to the build-it section. To add a field to your form, simply click on one of these fields in the
right-hand column, and it will automatically appear at the bottom
of your form, which you can then drag and drop to where you
want it to appear. So you can edit that field by clicking on it and your form, and then editing it via
the right-hand column. Again, you can move blocks in your form by dragging
and dropping. You can duplicate sections
by clicking the plus icon. You can delete these
form fields sections by selecting the minus icon
and then typing and delete. Now the other two options in this form builder editing area, the design it and
the translate it. You can edit the
actual colors and style and you can actually
change the language of it. Also in this building section, you can add a welcome message at the top right in the click
to add a message field. You can share with people What's the value you're getting
for subscribing? Maybe a free e-book, maybe it's a newsletter. Give them that reason to share their email address and
sign up via this forum. You will notice
that Mailchimp has automatically included the
fields in your audience. This sign-up form, email
FirstName, LastName. For a very basic form, we recommend requesting your subscriber's email
first and last name. Think about being your
new potential customer. The last things to
fill out equals a lower barrier to entry
and more likely to sign up. If you're just meeting somebody, do you want to give
them your address, your phone number,
your birthday? You can ask for that later. To start make it
easy for them to handover email,
FirstName, LastName. You'll be able to browse
all these field options in your sign-up form builder
in this right-hand column. Again, the more you add, the more insights you can gain, such as address, phone
number, birthday. And the cool thing is that you don't have to
require them all. So you have the option to check market required or optional. As you can see in this example, check this box to make any field required for new subscribers. Now at the bottom of
the form builder, this is where you'll see the GDPR field and where we require at least
one option selected. They are opting in and
becoming GDPR compliant. You can enable GDPR fields
for your sign-up forms via the settings dropdown
menu on your audience page. Audience page settings. In that drop-down
select GDPR fields and settings on this page. Simply checkmark enabled GDPR. Once your form is complete, scroll up on this
form builder page and notice the sign-up
form URL field. Once you're happy
with the fields and design of your sign-up form, select one of the
options directly above the Form Editing area to share your form with potential
new subscribers. You have the choice of
either copying the forms URL that IEP, or sharing the form
directly, we have Facebook, Twitter or QR code will cover
embedding the sign-up form. In our later lecture, lead capture forums and
Mailchimp integrations. A common question I
get is how can we create different sign-up forms
for different offerings? Now, MailChimp only allows one
sign-up form per audience. You will need to create a new audience for
separate sign-up forms. But again, we only
like one audience. The recommended
approach is to use multiple landing pages to add the varying tags
to your subscribers. I could have a landing page
for people who sign up for the free e-book landing page for people who
purchase a course. I want to keep
everything separate and tagged so I can email
these segments later on. We highly recommend spending
some time familiarizing yourself with this editing
area of the form builder. Also notice these
other forms and response emails that are
automatically generated. At the top of your
form builder page. You can click this drop-down. When you click this form and response emails dropdown menu, you'll see a number
of different forms with the option to
customize them. Including thank you pages, profile update forums,
unsubscribed forms. For each of these
different options. You can edit the fields and messages your
subscribers who will see when they get
to that process. Such as the sign-up form, confirmation, Thank You page. Best practices when you create
an audience on Mailchimp, navigate to this form
builder page and go through each one
of these forums and respond to e-mails
to ensure they are displaying and saying exactly
what you want them to say. E-mail authentication. In order to ensure
all campaigns sent to your MailChimp audience had the highest level
of deliverability. You are going to want to check your e-mail
authentication settings to make things a
little easier for you. Mailchimp automatically
authenticates your campaigns with DKIM and SPF checks. In addition, every time you send a campaign from a
new email address, you're asked to
verify that domain. So if you want to ensure additional campaign
deliverability, you want to consider
domain authentication. Don't know what DKIM
and SPF stands for. These are domain keys, identified mail, and send
her policy framework. Both are a way of authenticating email addresses to help detect
any forged e-mail senders. And most commonly used to
protect against spam emails. We need to verify our domain. In that left navigation menu under websites, select domains. This domains page, click the add and verify
domain button. A pop-up will appear
to verify your domain. Simply enter your
domain email address. I'll put in info
at course Click the sand
verification e-mail. I'll check my email. Click the Verify
link will be good. We can now send our campaigns via this domain e-mail address. I highly suggest you doing
this verifying your domain to avoid your campaigns
from going in subscribers spam
and junk folders. To learn more about this. This is a great URL Mailchimp
provides. Unsubscribe. If you are new to MailChimp, it is likely you will
want to understand how your subscribers unsubscribe and what happens to them in your
audience when they do so. Mailchimp has made the
unsubscribed process for subscribers
simple and automated, meaning you shouldn't
have to do anything. So best practice, the
unsubscribed process only happens automatically
for the audience that your campaign was sent to. Mailchimp will not remove that same subscriber if they appear in
multiple audiences. Again, making it a great reason to only create one
master audience. In every campaign that you send, you'll notice Mailchimp
automatically adds a footer containing
various pieces of info, such as your accompany
details that address why the recipients
receive this campaign. How recipients can update their email preferences and the all-important unsubscribe. Best-practice. Mailchimp requires
you to include all the information
inappropriate links in this footer for every
campaign you said, when you create these emails, leave this as a default. Don't delete any of this copy. When it's subscriber clicks
the unsubscribe link. There will begin the
unsubscribe process. As per the forms that
were automatically generated via the
forum builder tool. Remember you can customize these forms VV
form builder page, and click that form and
response emails menu. Under that menu, CVs
three unsubscribe links. I can edit the unsubscribe form. I can edit the
unsubscribed success page. Navigate to audience left
sidebar, sign-up forms page. On the sign-up forms page, click the Select button
next to form builder. I'll click that forms in
response e-mail drop-down menu, and also lacked
unsubscribe form. So review and edit all of your forms and
respond to emails, including the unsubscribed
success page. So when they unsubscribe, there'll be asked for
their e-mail address and then be redirected to this unsubscribed
Successful page on which they'll be asked to tell you why they've chosen to unsubscribe
from your audience. We highly recommend
monitoring these reasons to ensure your campaigns remain relevant and less
people unsubscribe. Warning. If you receive a
high number of unsubscribes where recipients
report your emails as either inappropriate or spam, you could risk having your
Mailchimp account blocked. Again, always send
relevant content to your email list and do not span then combine audiences. Throughout this guide,
we've explained the mini reasons for
creating one audience and Mailchimp and organizing it via segments,
groups, and tags. If you have multiple
Mailchimp audiences with overlapping subscribers, you can encounter the
following issues. You are at risk of
contacting someone if they've already unsubscribed
from one of the lists. This can result in
high spam ratings. You are at risk of sending duplicate campaigns to the
same person multiple times. Another important reason to
only use one audience is that the same subscribers
are counted in all your audience's resulting in
new pain for them twice. If you have multiple
audiences or an old Mailchimp
account that used list. You may have encountered
one of these issues. So I recommend combining
your audiences into one master audience via the
combined audience tool. Before getting started
with this tool, remember the following tips. Combining multiple
audiences cannot be undone. You should always
backup your audiences before completing this action. You can combine as many
audiences as you like. Choose which audience who
would like to keep and repeat the combined audience
for each of your audiences. So I'll rename one
course AND main audience or XYZ brand That will be my main one. I'll combine all
of them into that. When note, when you
combine audiences, MailChimp will not
duplicate the subscribers. If they happen to appear
in both audiences. All data, including your
tags of your audiences, will not be moved to
the master audience. You'll need to read tag
them after manually. On subscribes and
cleaned recipients will not be moved to
the master audience. Audience stats will not be
moved to the master audience. So click on the
audience dashboard and that left navigation bar in
the Manage audience menu. On the right-hand side. Click that in that drop-down
select View audiences. Now here's a screenshot from
a client's account that is a mess because they have so
many separate audiences. They should've started with one audience and
then captured leads via varying landing pages and
tagged them appropriately. But we can fix this. Let's combine these audiences. Select the audience you want to combine with your
single master audience. In this right-hand
drop-down menu, select combine audiences. Pop-up will appear asking you to select the
audience you want to combine with your
master audience. If your main audience
contains any groups, you'll also be
asked to select if this audience should be added to one or more of those groups. Once ready, click
that next button. Finally, your audiences will be combined and you'll be asked
to confirm this action. Mailchimp will also remind
you to download both of your audiences you're combining if you haven't done so already. Once this process is complete, you can delete your
old audiences. Best practice tip here. Be sure to update
your sign-up form and the form builder area for this
new main master audience. To ensure messaging remains
relevant to all subscribers. You should all now feel
confident in creating a male trip audience and
managing it accordingly. However, it is important to remember these best
practice tips. Permission cane go stale. If you've not engaged with your audience and over three months, we recommend inviting them to reconfirm their subscription. Next ensures subscribers have the option to update
their profile. Again, this is via a
campaign footer link. Finally, if after an attempt to re-engage with subscribers, you still have a number
of inactive users. We recommend you
remove them from your audience to save you
money on your MailChimp plant. I'd rather have a
higher open rate with a highly engaged, highly
subscribed audience. Instead of a high
subscriber count, they never opens my e-mails.
5. Mailchimp Campaigns : Mailchimp campaigns. Mailchimp users can choose
from a selection of different campaigns enabling you to connect with your audience. In this lecture, we're
going to discuss the different Mailchimp
campaigns, including emails, ad's landing pages, postcards, social posts, and sign-up forms. For each of these,
you can customize your campaign using
a wide variety of tools to get your message
across to your target audience. When selecting a
campaign type within MailChimp is important
to consider your goals. Each of male chimps
campaign types have different key
functionalities depending on what you're
trying to achieve. In each of our
step-by-step guides for these campaign types, it will be outlining
the key benefits to help you choose the most appropriate option
for your business. Mailchimp, e-mail campaigns are designed for you to send a message directly
to your audience. When creating a new
email campaign, you have different
types to choose from. Regular standard HTML
e-mail, a plaintext. This only contains texts to know formatting or AB testing
and multi-variant. This is for when
you want to test multiple versions and variables
within your campaign, such as subject line. Remember, email templates
can be created and edited via the campaigns
dashboard in Mailchimp. We will discuss how
to do this later in the tutorial regular
email campaign. To create a regular
e-mail campaign, select campaigns in
the left navbar. Then click the Create
Campaign button on your campaigns page. You can also click the
Create icon in the top left from this create page under
e-mail select regulator. Now you are on the email design page for
this regular email campaign. You can edit the to the from the subject and the content
of this regular email. So click that design
e-mail button next to the content section. Like I said, we can
add recipients. We can decide which e-mail we want to send
this campaign from. We can set our subject line. And of course design this email, the subject line for
your e-mail campaign, shooting Tice your
audience to open it. You should also try to
avoid using what is considered a spammy
subject line, such as all capital letters and multiple exclamation marks. At most I like to use
one all caps word, the entire subject line and add a relevant emoji at the beginning
or in the subject line. The following guide
contains helpful tips for crafting ideal email
subject lines. So as you can see in this
subject line example, you will not believe
this smiley face. It peaks their interest. They want to open it. And then you can set
your preview text. This is a 150 characters of preview text that appears in the inbox after
the subject line. So this pairs with the subject line to further
grabs subscribers attention, making them want to
open your e-mail. Once you've decided who
your recipients are, who you're sending from, and have that subject lines set. Let's click that
design e-mail button. And we teach via the
Classic Builder option. Select Classic Builder
in the pop-up. On the following page, you will need to select a
template for your campaign. Choose from mailchimp,
premade layouts. A theme designed
templates such as holiday is an e-mail
template you've previously created and saved
previously sent campaign or code your own by pasting
in your custom HTML. Once you've selected
your template, you'll be redirected to the
design area where you can edit every element of your
campaigns designed by dragging and dropping
these content blocks from the right sidebar into the left design box
campaign layout. You can also preview and test your campaign via the menu
in the top right corner. Like I mentioned, you can design an email template that you can select when creating a campaign. Via Saved templates. Create a template if you're
going to be sending out a regular newsletter and want
a common recurring theme, ready to input with
relevant content that will only be changing
text in every new campaign. You can create one of
these Saved templates via the campaigns
menu on the left, navbar under e-mail templates. And then just click
Create Template. Back to our regular
email campaign creation. When it comes to editing
our campaigns design, you have two areas to do this. First, use the left-hand
side of your screen. This is the email preview
and campaign layout area to select any preexisting
areas and content blocks. So just click that block in
the layout on the left side. And then on the right
side under content, you can edit that
actual blocks content, such as text links and more. Once you're done editing
that blocks content, click the Save and Close button. Then you can drag
and drop more of these blocks into
your campaign layout. Say I want to add a
button or an image. I can drag that over
there into the left side. Now when you hover over a pre-existing content
block on this left side, you'll see the options
to move, edit, duplicate, or delete that block. So again, to add new content, click and drag one of
these content blocks from the right content sidebar into your left-hand side design
area in campaign layout. To edit these content blocks, click the element in the
left side layout area, then edit the block and the right-hand side
of the screen. In this screenshot, I
am editing a textblock. I first click the text block on the left than in the right eye. Edit the texts and utilize all these different
options such as font, links, merge tags. Next I'll click that style tab to edit the text
style and settings. When editing the text in
your e-mail campaigns, you can also use what
I called merge tags. Emerged tags are a way of
personalizing your campaigns. For example, F name. This populates the contacts
firstName in the emails text. Personalization is key,
especially in sales emails. By clicking that merge tags from the tool panel in this edit box, you can select a merged tag that is available
within your audience. What data did you collect? You collect e-mail, you collect firstName,
lastName, address. These are all dynamic
merge tags that can appear customized in
the user's email inbox. To learn all the merge tags, you can click this
cheat sheet URL below. When you select the edit
an image content block, you can choose to add or
replace an image edited, insert a link image
and include alt text. If we've already added it, we can click that replace
link to swap out that image. Again, we can use the
style and settings tabs to edit our block
style and settings. By selecting any
content box with an image in it and
clicking Browse, you'll be redirected to the content studio
area where you can select or upload a new image
and edit it if required. You can also upload a PDF file, such as an e-book or
import an image via a URL. In the Content Manager area, you can also select a product if your account is connected
to your e-commerce store. You can also search for a gift to insert
into your campaign. You can also connect with your Instagram account
to choose images. So when I click the
upload an image button, or if I've uploaded
something already, I can click the replace
link and it will take us to the content studio to select
one of these media items. For example, simply click
the replace link to swap this placeholder
image for an image in your content studio or upload
a new image altogether. So here we are in
content studio. You can select an upload
files to use in this campaign and later campaigns
under the files page. Then click the Upload button. But notice in this left
sidebar content studio, like I said, you
can also use gifts. You can also use product images linked from your
e-commerce store. You can use your Instagram
content and more. Now, let's click that creative assistant
option at the top. The creative assistant
gets to know your brand, then creates and
resizes designs for you instantly so you can build better marketing and
grow your sales. If you've ever used, it's a great Picture
creation site, very similar to that. They use text and images
to create these amazing, very custom looking, beautiful on-brand designs to
use in your campaigns. Next, you can add and edit
as social media sharing buttons so readers can
connect with your channels. This is via the social
follow content block. Once you add that
block to the layout, you will select the social media channels you want to use. Add links to those channels, edit your buttons, styles. We'd like to add the
social follow block to our email footer. It's a nice way to add color
to that dark boring footer. When editing a button block, use the Content tab to edit
the button text and link. Use the style and
setting tabs to edit its design alignment in size. When you have a long email, I like to implement
divider blocks to separate out sections
of your e-mail campaign. You can edit how your
divider looks and its spacing in this
right side panel. When you choose to add
a video content block, you'll need to add a link
from YouTube or Vimeo. You can then insert
a description about your video and change its
style and settings as well. If you're familiar
with HTML code. And we'd like to add
your own to the e-mail. You can copy and paste
HTML directly into a code content block
to learn more, navigate to this
HTML Basics page. All of male chimps pre-designed templates include a footer, edit the text just as you
would in a text content block. But in order to remain
GDPR compliant, it's recommended that you
keep all the default info, including merge tags,
mailing address, update preferences, and specifically on
Subscribe lengths. So like I said, merge
tags are dynamic. They update. Automatically, you can see some merge tags in this
footer such as current year, company name, and so on. Again, constantly be checking
the preview option in the top right
corner to make sure your layout looks as you wish. Don't forget when you're
editing any content block, click that Save and
Close button at the bottom of the content
block and the right sidebar. For Mailchimp users using
a standard plan or higher. You also have the option for dynamic content blocks
in your campaigns. This is a time-saving tool that allows you to tailor
your content for specific subscribers
without the need to create duplicate campaigns. Similarly to using
segments in Mailchimp, you can choose your
subscribers for dynamic content based
on your set parameters. For example, you may want all subscribers in the US to see one promo code and all subscribers in the UK to
see a different promo code. The parameters available
for dynamic content. Our audience subscriber
is or is not. In the field, would
be postcode, address, text and date, and possibly a
member of a specific group. Let's see a dynamic
content blocking action. Let's add a textblock. And while in the Editing area, we can choose if we want to make that content
dynamic or not. I select textblock, drag
it into the layout. And as you can see
above, the content, style and settings in
that right sidebar is the button set dynamic
content. I'll click that. And if you have not already selected an audience
for your campaign, you'll be asked to do so. And then from this field, you'll be able to choose your set audience,
field or group. Then choose if the
subscriber is or is not a part of
your chosen field, then enter your
audience field value or group name in the next box. Once you're happy with your
parameters, click confirm. If you want to start
again, click Reset. Finally click Save when you are happy with your newly
created dynamic content. So for this example, the dynamic textblock will
only display to contact who match this contacts who had their city data
set as London. So this textblock only appears. I can send it to
everybody in my list. But the textblock of this
only appears for people who have that dataset,
city equals London. Once you've added
dynamic content to any of your campaigns, you will see that
dynamic content enabled when you're in
the campaign editor area. For all draft and
pause campaigns, it is possible to edit your dynamic content
blocks as required. You can also edit your overall
campaign layout design by clicking the style tab. Here you'll be able to
change items including font types, two
background colors. We recommend that you take
some time to test out all the content and design
tools in the campaign editor. There's also an
option to take a tour with Mailchimp via mail slash help. The comments tab will
display any comments from recipients of your
campaign test e-mails. Again in that top right preview, in the preview drop-down, select, send a test e-mail. I'll send a test
email to my coworkers and have them comment
and say, Hey, not working link, hey, change this image, change
this header color. They give notes or comments
on my test e-mail. Great for providing feedback before you send
the final version. Before saving and sending
this e-mail campaign. Again, vital to
test the campaign. Use these preview
and testing tools to check for broken
links, display issues, mobile versus desktop view, and test sending to a
couple of different emails, Yahoo, Gmail, to ensure you're
not hitting spam filters. When you test your
e-mail campaign, choose from the
following options. Enter the preview
mode to see how it looks desktop and mobile. Make sure the merge
tags are working. Send a test email to
yourself and collaborators. Again, preview and mobile
push to mobile device. Use the open link checker option to confirm all the
links are working. Finally, social cards allow
you to preview and edit how your campaign will appear when it's shared on social
media channels. When you're happy
with your campaigns designed and tested everything, you are ready to click
the Continue button in the top right corner. You'll be sent back to your
e-mail campaign dashboard where you can edit any
of the sending data. Again, recipients,
the from email, the subject line,
and the content. As you can see in
the content section, MailChimp will notify
you if there's any issues to fix prior
to sending this campaign. So under the To field, we'll click that edit
recipients button. We can change the audience. We want to send
this campaign too. Or we can get more specific by targeting just a
segment or a tag. If you want to send your
campaign to multiple tags, segments or groups, select
group or new segment. In the new segments section, click the drop-down box
to choose what segment, group, or tag you want to send to within this main audience. You can add more by
clicking the Add icon. We want to target email
address is added in the last week and
we want to target the tag mod MBA student. It's only going to target or e-mail that portion
of our audience. I'd rather send an email
to ten people that are very engaged and
will open the email, then email everybody and only get ten out of 1000 open it. Targeted segmented emails
are where it is at. So click the Save button
when you're happy with this. Now at the bottom of this
campaign dashboard page, you can also decide to include additional ways to
share your campaign, even directly via URL link. Make sure to connect
your Facebook, your Twitter, and Instagram. Now at the very bottom of this campaign dashboard is the settings and tracking area. You can decide additional ways you would like to
track your campaigns. This can be via Google Analytics or another Mailchimp
integration. Click this link to
learn how to integrate your Google Analytics pro tip. We check mark these
four boxes minimum. Using Box to manage replies, track opens, track clicks, and Google Analytics
link tracking will name the campaign for
easy identification in Google Analytics, such as email campaign date 123. Scroll back to the top of this campaign dashboard
page and we're ready. We have everything set so we can either finish and save
this campaign draft later. We can schedule it to
send it a specific date. After you start sending
a few campaigns, you'll start to see
what's the best time, what's the best day for
the highest open rates? So why not scheduled for
that time in the future? And then finally,
if we want to send immediately, we can click Send. Just as you would create a
regular e-mail campaign. If you plan to create a
plain text or template or AB test or
multivariate campaign. Again, select that
create icon in the top left, then select e-mail. Your e-mail options will expand below it on that Create Page. E-mail templates. With male chimps template tool, you can quickly and easily create email templates
for your company. Choose from a selection of predesigned templates
or upload your own. Templates are great for
companies that sand a specific format, a newsletter. Here's a great case
study, checkout, this company making millions
sending a daily newsletter. Download this PDF and click
this link for Morning Brew. Remember, depending
on your pricing plan, you may not have access to male chimps full selection
of email templates. So make sure to see which
plan you fall under it. slash pricing. Also in creating templates, checkout this recommended
image sizes for creating optimize templates
have a fast load time and avoid spam filters. In the campaign tab in
the left navigation bar, click email templates. On the templates dashboard
you will be able to view any templates you've previously created to create a new one, click the Create Template
button in the right top corner. Select which template
you would like to use. You can choose from free ones, paid ones, or code your own. If you select the
code your own tab when selecting a template, you will have the
option to paste in your own custom code, import HTML, or
import a zip file. Unless you're using
a designer to create a custom e-mail
template for you. This area is recommended for experienced Mailchimp users
and developers. Only. Once you've selected your
template you'd like to use. You'll be redirected to the Mailchimp template
design area where you can drag and drop content blocks using the design features
on the right-hand side, right into the live template
preview area on the left. Again, via this
content Blocks tab, you can add a ton of things
to your basic template. Text, images, videos, social media links,
buttons, and more. Under the Styles tab
for your template, you can change the different
elements such as fonts, colors, alignment,
padding, and more. Before saving this
template, preview it, and send it as a test e-mail by selecting the preview and
test in the top right corner. You can choose to enter preview mode or
send a test email. When you're happy with
your new template, click the Save and Exit button in the bottom right corner. You'll be prompted to name
your template and save. From here, you'll be redirected back to the template dashboard where you will be able to see your newly created a template, edit your template further, or select the right
hand drop-down menu to choose from one
of the following. Create a campaign
using your template. Preview your template. Export this template
as an HTML file. Share this template with
another Mailchimp account, or replicate this template. Pulling text email campaign
on the Create page, select plaintext in comparison to a regular e-mail campaign. When you select the
plaintext campaign, you will see a
simplified version of the editing dashboard for you to edit your
text accordingly. Plaintext e-mails don't contain any images rich text
formatting or embedded hyperlinks and are
useful when you want to send a simple e-mail
with a central content, such as a couple of
sentences and that's it. Studies actually
show plaintexts. Campaigns do increase
deliverability because they're so simple and they don't hit spam filters. Ab test and multi-variant
e-mail campaigns. To create a split
test e-mail campaign, and test of different variables. These are only available
on a paid plan. For Mailchimp. You can select an AB test or multivariant option on the
email campaign creation page. If you select the variable
testing campaign, you will see an
additional step in the design process
where you'll be prompted to define the variables you want to test in these
different campaigns. You can test one variable
with up to three variations. For example, three
different subject lines. Split test campaigns
are best used when trying to identify the best
strategy for email campaign. Personally, we see
the best results from split testing
subject lines. This is the key way to
peak users interests. So they actually
open your emails. You will learn over
time what your audience reacts to and opens the most. First-off try emojis. They're bright and capture people's attention in
their email inbox, use merge tags to personalize subject lines with either
their name or location. People love personalization. The ideas are really endless on subject line ideas to test. But we've collected them
all in these two links. So make sure to check those out. Revenue is always our
number one metric. What leads to more sales? E-mail opens,
specifically, some opens, we'll convert two clicks. And some people who click
will end up buying. Within the first 12 to 24 hours, you will know which
e-mail split test variable lead to
the most revenue. Make sure to read these great
resources on AB testing. Automated e-mail campaign, select customer journeys
under automations in the left navbar and
make sure to watch the Mailchimp automations
and customer journeys lecture to learn more about
these automated e-mails. Marketing automation is a great
way to take some task off your plate while keeping your customers engage
automatically. Mailchimp ads. With the Mailchimp add tool, you can set up online
ads via Facebook, Instagram, or Google ads to target your audience
in just a few clicks. Don't forget. In order to create
a Mailchimp pad, you need to integrate MailChimp with your website and with Facebook and Instagram channels via your navigation menu
in the left sidebar, click integrations and
search for Facebook. Integrate your website, whether
that's Shopify and so on. Let's create an ad. In your left sidebar. Click that Create button
on the Create page. Click ads. And here you'll
see the two options, Facebook ads and Google ads. On this page, you'll be able to select whether you
want to Facebook, Instagram ad or Google
remarketing add, name it, select your
Connected site, and then we will create the ad. The Google remarketing add
is great for retargeting people who have seen your
website or landing page. You can also do this
directly on But Mailchimp enables
you to stay on their platform and do
everything in one place. With these ads, you can
customize your content, your budget, and
edit your audience. If you select this adoption, you will be prompted to connect your account with your website
if you haven't already. This enables Mailchimp to
track users to retarget. As for the Facebook
and Instagram ad, you'll be redirected
to this page where you can customize
your ad content, select your audience,
and edit your budget. From this page, you'll
also be prompted to connect your
Facebook Instagram. Once you click the
Connect Facebook button and link your Facebook page
and Instagram account. You can select the
Edit Audience button. Under audience, you can
choose to target new people, your contacts, a custom
audience, or website visitors. We've split tests running
ads on Mailchimp versus directly on Facebook Ads Manager and our Google Ad account. The advanced options
alone make creating ads directly on those
platforms so much better. While creating ads on
MailChimp is easy, there are much better
options for tracking and targeting on those
specific ad platforms. I like to keep them
separate personally, but you can test
this for yourself. As you can see, facebook
allows you to import your e-mail list
audience directly from Mailchimp when you're
creating a custom audience. There's no reason for
you to not do these separate because there's just so many more targeting
options available to you. Landing pages. Landing pages can
be used as a way of growing your audience
via a sign-up form. However, landing
pages can also be used as a way to promote
specific products in your e-commerce
store to announce a contest or a coupon
or offer discounts. To learn more about
landing pages. Make sure to check out
our lead capture forums and Mailchimp
integrations, lecture. Postcards as an alternative
to online campaigns. Mailchimp also allows
users the chance to design and sand printed
postcards to their audience. In order to send a onetime
postcard to your audience, you will need to require
your recipients to input their first and last names and their mailing address. You can read more about MailChimp
postcards at this link, it is important to ensure that the recipients in
your audience who we plan to send postcards do have
consented to direct mail. Remember that's a checkbox with your GDPR compliant field. So they have to be approved
for direct mail and emailing. So again, you can edit
these GDPR settings to add these various
marketing permissions. If you plan to send postcards. Again, click the
Create option in the top left navbar
on this create page, scroll down to postcard, and you'll see these
postcard options. Select the type of postcard
campaign you want to send. The first option is
a onetime postcard. I love these for
first-time customers, such as a simple thank you. People love getting
fun male, think of it. They only get bills in
the mail or junk mail. Say they check out on your e-commerce store
and you consent to capturing that
mailing address and match eating this
postcard and saying, Thank You, just simply
that no other ask. They're going to remember
that they're gonna say, Wow, that is customer service. I'm gonna come back
to this brand. Getting physical mail
is rare these days. The next type is a
recurring campaign. These are great for reminders, such as if you're
selling something that's high cost or requires
high-touch points, like a car or a house,
things like that. Next is abandoned
cart postcards. These can get expensive
because a lot of people add items to their cart
and just don't check out. I would rather just send them an email then a postcard
for an abandoned cart. On the postcard creation page. You'll be able to
add recipients to your campaign and edit
your postcard content. You can edit the
content of both the front and back of your postcard. For some of our
store owner clients, we've seen great
results from including a promo code for these
first-time customers. So a postcard that
says thank you. And then that incentive, come back to shop anytime 20% off or share this
promo code with a friend, the starting price for
sending a postcard is $0.76. Mailchimp is available to send these postcards in 27 countries. Now if you've never seen
a Mailchimp postcard and you want to see 1 first. You can send one to
yourself for free. So again, on this create
page under postcard, one time saying click that
link request every postcard. Social posts. Social posting on
Mailchimp allows you to schedule and post your content
directly to your Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter feeds
without leaving Mailchimp. Note, you can only schedule
social media posts if you have a standard or
higher mailchimp paid plan, before you start posting to your social media
accounts via Mailchimp, you need to ensure you've
connected to your channels. Again, this is via the integrations page on
your Mailchimp account. So navigate to your
integrations page in that left-hand sidebar. And for this example,
we'll click Facebook. Facebook enables you to link your Instagram account
with your Facebook page. So you'll have to do that first on your page settings
of your Facebook page, quickly Instagram option, and then login to your
Instagram account. So the Instagram is linked
with a Facebook page. Once you've connected
your social media accounts with Mailchimp, you're ready to start posting and scheduling your content. Make sure to follow
their guidelines for photos and total
character usage. So let's create one from that
left hand Mailchimp navbar. Click the Create icon
on the Create Page. Click social post. And here, input
your campaign name and click the Begin button. You'll then be redirected to
the social posts builder, where you'll be asked to select which platforms you
plan to post to. Just simply toggle
on or off which platform you want to post
to Save and Continue. Now you're on the design step where you can add your
social posts content. I had your social posts media. Click the Save and Continue. On this customized step, you'll customize each
one of these posts. What will Facebook say? What will Instagram Say? What we'll twitter say? What's the image look like? You see the varying
recommended image sizes. Then click, Save and Continue. Instead of going to
all these platforms, I can do it all right here. Finally, choose
whether you want to publish your social media posts immediately or schedule them at a later time and date
to post immediately. Select the I want to post now
option and click Publish. Now if you have a paid plan, you can select the
scheduling option to schedule your posts at
a later time and date, which you can also pause
and edit prior to the post. To see your scheduled posts. Via the left sidebar, click All Campaigns, and then view by type,
click social posts. And here I can see my social
posts in the list view. But you can also see
a calendar view. This is great for say, planning 30 days in advance. I want to play in post
when I'm out of the office that automatically post to
Instagram, facebook, Twitter. You can also create a social
media posts that will automatically publish when
you send an email campaign. Let's navigate to the email
campaign dashboard and click Edit next to the relevant email
campaign I'm sending. This is a regular
e-mail campaign. Click Edit, scroll to the
bottom of your email campaign. And under Add a social
post or your campaign. Here you can select which
platforms you want to post two, and enter the content and
images you want to include. Once you've started posting to your social media
channel via mail chimp, you'll be able to review
the reports for each post. Here you can see
what people have viewed like,
commented, and shared. Navigate to and review
your social posts reports by clicking on reports in the left
navbar on Mailchimp. Then in the campaign
section, click reports. On this reports dashboard. You'll be able to see reports for all your
different campaigns. So click the View
Report button to review a specific campaigns
reporting and statistics. Sign-up forms. On this create page,
select sign-up form. Sign-up forms are a great way to help grow your
audience subscribers. When you create a new
audience and Mailchimp, you will automatically
generate a basic sign-up form. The other types of
sign-up forms include embedded forms and pop-ups directly via your website or landing page
hosted via Mailchimp. Again, you can learn
about sign-up forms in our lead capture and Mailchimp
integration lecture. Now some best practice
for Mailchimp campaigns. No matter what type
of MailChimp campaign you decide to create, it is important to take
into consideration the following tips
before sending and publishing to ensure
your campaign is successful and UC
positive results. First review your audience. Ensure your audience's
healthy, to minimize balances, segment your audience to target specific recipients to
receive relevant content. Again, I'd rather
target and send to a few tagged people
in a segment. Then the whole list, if it doesn't make sense
for the whole list. Next, check your campaign setup. Check that everything
is working correctly. Look at the preview. Pay attention to
the subject line, and make sure to
look at reporting. How did the campaign do? How is the open rate proofread? Always remember to proofread, send it to a co-worker,
test out links. This will minimize
your unsubscribes. Again, check those broken links. You want the campaign working perfectly in the preview area. So share it with everybody
you can prior to sending it. Make sure to check out course for more helpful
guides like this.
6. How to Add Admins and Marketers to your MailChimp : So if you want to outsource your email marketing or if you own a email, marketing or marketing business and other people need access to your mail chimp account, you can add them to your account via this invite users button. So let's click that on this page. Just enter the email address of the person you want to add to your mail trip account. Then you have to select the rights you want to give to this user. There's four types. Viewer. They can just access reports. Next is an author. They can create campaigns, but they can't send it. Third is manager. They have full access except for billing in the list export, and finally is admit this is full access. So when I signed a new marketing client, I am almost always added as a manager, I could do really everything except export their email list and change their billing. But think about this. These air two things that he had men wants to protect. They're billing info and the asset of these large email lists that they're building. So I advise this manager access level to any new marketers as well
7. How to Grow an Email List : So now that you have a good understanding of the male chin platform, I'm sure you're asking yourself, how can I actually grow my email list? Building that email list is one of the most important things you can do to not only grow your business, but to turn. There was the leads into customers. So many of my clients tell me that they don't know what to give away. Most ask themselves. Should I create an e book? Should I create a webinar? These are the wrong types of questions to ask. You shouldn't stay to ask yourself what's a challenge that I can solve for my ideal audience? And how can I put that into a mini training or a mini giveaway so that people will find value from it? A problem that a lot of people have is getting bogged down by all the different lead generation strategies out there. Yes, you can eventually try them all. But First master one create that first subscription form that offers the most value and that you know you're a master of so you're really creating a high quality thing to give away in exchange for those email addresses. So get out a piece of paper and write this down. Here's my top four list that will help you identify that challenge. So first, write down a list of challenges that you can solve for your ideal audience. Next, right down the type of media you plan to you, whether it's an e book, a video, a checklist, an infographic and so on. How are you going to get this value added product that solves that challenge for your audience into a form of media? So number three. Who's going to create that media? Do you need to hire someone to help you with this? Are you going to write this book yourself? Are you gonna have a designer making infographic or a video? Think through what you can do yourself and what you need help with. I always outsource things that I'm not 100% with toe up work dot com. So things like building infographics, maybe building a Kindle e book. You want this toe look as professional as possible because this is the initial thing that converts that cold lead to a hot lead. So if they sign up for an email list and you're sending them an ugly e book that you made inward. They may unsubscribe that first day you want to sign them up and lock them in with a high quality content right off the bat. And finally, when you're going to get this done, too many people I know sign up for a male chimp account and then never follow through with creating sign up forms and creating a value added product to give away. So assigned yourself a deadline. Mark it on your calendar to help make that commitment firm also share your plan with your team friends co worker. This will help hold you accountable. So now I want to go through some ideas for these promotional giveaways. So instead of wasting time on a 1,000,000 different strategies, keep your initial testing to this list of my highest converting ideas. This includes Webinars E books, free reports, checklists and a free product. So analyze these and decide which one will perform best for you. Build your product connected to that sign up form been perfected. I always keep it updated and relevant, and you're only gonna advance an increase. Your email list. One example. I love for capturing visitors are exit pop ups. These are either time pop ups or exit pop ups. But exit pop ups are great because when a user intends to leave your sight, they hover over the back button or over the Excel button. This pop up will appear, prompting them to enter their email for your free. I am for your free webinar for the free e book, etcetera. Pretty cool feature to keep them on your site and not bounce or leave a great exit pop up for e commerce sites. Our discount coupons. So when they click back or when they hover over back, this pop up appears. That says, Here's a 10% discount. Don't leave just yet. It gives them a reason to stay on your site. The next type of promotional giveaway is for free stuff or contest. So does anybody have an e commerce store out there? If so, shall yes, like a crazy person at your computer screen. It is a good practice for e commerce. Businesses toe offer some free gifts in exchange for an email. So with a sign up form or a pop up like this, you can email them forever going forward your new products, new promotions all via this email marketing campaign. Another angle for this free product. Sign up our contest. So if you have a brick and mortar business, I like to leave a fish bowl by the check out counter that says, dropping your business card to be entered for our free weekly drawing of whatever is relevant to your business, give away something of value that people actually want to give their email for. If you're a coffee shop, give away one free coffee. Now. If you don't have a physical location, you can offer this same type of contest in an embedded email. Sign up form right on your website, such as Sign up for our monthly drawing toe, win an iPad or whatever you can afford to give away that's relevant to your brand or company. Another cooling go with the contest is a birthday club offer something of value in exchange for this potential customers email address. If they sign up for your birthday club so you would just create a sign up form and this additional field would be date, and then you'd rename the title birthday. And when that user signs up they input their name, birthday and email. So for food services, this is a great way to make your customers feel special on their birthday. This burger place, for example, gives away free burger on your birthday. You could do this for any product or service, whether it be a discount on your birthday, a free product on your birthday and so on. If you're really stumped and can't think of a report or webinar or e book to write, just suggest unique things that have never been suggested before. It doesn't hurt to try. This is what testing is all about. Look at this example. They're touting the greatest mailing list ever. I mean, I'm tempted to sign up, right? Another standard practice for e commerce is discounts. I love to add urgency to these types of email capture forms. This one, for example, has an embedded timer in it. If you don't want to input a timer field, you could also put in an expiration date in the text. Never let your customer think they can always get 25% off, always limit and offers availability With that sense of urgency. Only one day left only 24 hours left. This expires on Independence Day, and so on another cool promotional giveaway. His email. Siri's I'm a big fan of email, Siri's, because the user knows what they're getting up front. So instead of a generic e book, tell them up front the free data they want. Willkommen, a series of four emails, for example. Next, make your email subscription form prominent. Don't hide it in a sidebar or on a page people barely visit. I love to put my opt inform above the fold on the home page. This means when someone comes to your website, they don't even have to scroll down to subscribe. It's the first thing they see on the top half of the page. Besides putting your email apt, inform above the fold on your home page. I also like to put an email subscribe field in a sticky header as well. So my sticky. I mean, no matter the page your customers on when they scroll down the header scrolls with them. So if the email subscribe, Field is in the header, it is constantly following your user, tempting them to subscribe. So I just take that super slim embedded sign up form from male chimp and throw it into my header. HTML. Playing up social proof and your credibility will give you an edge with those initial impressions. Here's a great example. Say your email list is at 90,000 people. Chances are you're doing something right, so give those stats to new people. Many visitors will want to sign up and find out what your list is all about simply by you promoting that huge stat. Here's a great example from a brick and mortar client I have They simply left out a piece of paper at their front counter at the top of the paper, they wrote. Write your name and email If you want to know about our beer, special free beer tastings and more each week, they would get a few people organically to sign up. But after I told the owner to train the cashier to mention the sign up list they built, their email is to over 10,000 local beer connoisseurs. Each week, they sell on average $2500 worth of beer via these exclusive coupons they send out to this email list in their male tramp. So don't overcomplicate growing your email list within the same idea. I also want to mention throwing monthly events or gatherings, whether it be an online webinar or like this client being a free beer tasting. You can collect emails with physical sheet of paper or, via your online event, sign up form. People love three things and getting free knowledge at events, so I like to pair the two. Another place I like to capture people is via my social media. So include your male chimps, sign up form link right in your social media profile and or website link field. Amy Porterfield is a top marketer online, and as you can see in her Twitter profile bio, it's directing people straight to a page on her site that has a sign up form above the fold . So really include a sign of form website link on all your social media channels. I even go as far as pasting sign uplinks in all my YouTube video descriptions. Just think of it as more ways for people to get to your email list. Besides social media, get your email subscription link on all your online accounts. For example, Yelp, have your website link Goto a page on your website that has a sign up form provided to that potential customer. So this is a burger place on their website. I would want an above the fold coupon for a burger or sign up for our free burger of the month or join our birthday club for a free burger on your birthday. There's so many ways to capture new customers to re market two year round, but always give them something of value upfront. Finally, in my email signature, I like to include a link to my mail chimp subscription page. So no matter who you're emailing at the bottom of that email again, another way for a person to get to a sign up form.
8. Best Email Subject Lines : now remember, there's no perfect subject line, but a be split testing will help you get closer to that perfect subject line. So follow these tips for finding that best subject line. First, speak to a specific benefit your audience will gain by opening this email. Next, I use curiosity. This will pique the interest of your subscribers without giving away too much information and therefore leading to higher open rates. Be careful, though, because curiosity based subject lines can get old fast and can most likely miss their mark . Next. I love subject lines that communicate urgency whenever a reader senses scarcity and that they must act. Now you will have increased open rates. And finally, when you're giving something away or if something on sale your subscribers would be interested in directly stating that in your subject line is a great way to convince them to open that email and learn more. So here are my top five subject lines from my clients. Number five. Seriously get this book. This subject line is pretty direct and got an open rate of 17% in this same direct style. I like to tweak it by asking a direct question to question subject lines. Get a great open rate for me. Number four. I'm pulling the plug. This cat subscribers curious. And I had a 17.3% open rate number three seven ways to increase Amazon sales. This is an 18% open rate. Any time when you give a top list a numbered list or how twos these get great open rates. Really? Any subject line with a number in it lets your subscriber No. Oh, this is a short list. This is gonna be a quick email to read. Number two Twitter Lee generation ads, parentheses. Your 1st 3 steps. This got an 18.5% open rate. If you wanted to try something new like Twitter ads, one of the biggest barriers to entry is not knowing where to start. Right. And remember the one before I said steps and numbered list are very easy. Everyone can handle three steps, right? So I'm helping them solve a problem, and I'm telling them how short and easy it can be. Now, my number one subject line I want you to steal from me is thank you. 19% open rate average. Your subscribers love recognition they love acknowledgement for what they've done for you. People also love short email subjects to try a couple one word or two word email subject lines Less is more now here's a bonus for you 22. Bizarre pet gifts This got a 21% open rate. Sometimes you just have to have some fun. So for this pack care brand, this pet Jim female helped them not only build their brand but established them as a fund source of entertainment. So my take action for this lecture right now make sure to subscribe to Top Brands email list. Think of it. These big corporate companies have teams of marketing professionals working on the subject lines all day. So why don't you take them, tweak them and make them unique for your brand, all for free. You don't need a team of 10 marketers that each get a salary of 50 k right? Take them and adapt them to your own brand. So before you go subscribe gets more inspo from these top brands. Amazing subject lines I've recently received first Warby Parker. Oh, your prescription is expiring. What a great auto responder. They know you made a purchase, possibly two years ago. They know every two years you should get new glasses. Perfect auto responder. The next website. Rent the runway. Happy birthday, Lindsay. Surprise Inside. You can see they personalized it with a merged tag using the F name their first name. Next the website. Refinery 29. The Broke Girl's Guide to a Luxury vacation. People love guides. They love value adds They love free things that are high quality content. Next, the Blawg Eater Boston Where to drink beer Right now I think I would improve this by even adding a list number. Top 10 places to drink beer right now. And finally Buzzfeed not cool. Guys talk about curiosity. What wasn't cool? I got open it.
9. Email Content : so you get your mail trim account created. You made some subscription forms. Now it's time to send those first e mails. You're undoubtedly asking yourself, What content should I put in my email? Unfortunately, there's not a proven algorithm for knowing what will resonate with your users, your subscribers, your readers. The best option is to always test test test, really test a variety of email content, then tracked the results to see what content your email list favors. Now say it again with me. Test test test. The first thing I tell any client that asked me, What content should I put my email? I tell them to study two things. First, your competition to the pros. So first subscribed email list of your direct competition. See what they're emailing their customers. Second subscribed email list of a large corporate companies, and these don't even have to be in your industry. These large corporations have marketing teams of hundreds of people crafting this marketing content, building out email design and much more. So why not take ideas from the best of the best? I literally subscribed to hundreds of email newsletters, some I could care less about, but the list I subscribe to are the leaders in their industry. So, like I said, even if they're not in your industry, find the leader of that industry and subscribe to their newsletter, they got there for a reason, right? So most of the time they have amazing email campaigns, and I love to dissect them, Starting at their email subject line there from name The Time of Day, they sent it their pre header email preview line. Their actual email content are there. Images are their buttons. How much text, How many click through links. Analyze everything. Nike is an obvious email list to get on right away. They're amazing at directing users opting into hyper segmented list. So your only marketed your specific shoe interest, clothing, interest and news you care about. Now talk about beauty and amazing email design. Subscribe to Chanel. They have really amazing template layouts and really solid. Called the actions they use design and photography and images toe. Lead your eyes to the text, and in their call to action button or link, Ralph Lauren basically creates a shopping page right in your email. I've used their format for clients that use E commerce. So, for example, we can re market to people who have put items into their cart but never finished the check out process. If you're looking for image in template design ideas subscribe to Starbucks. They have gorgeous but clean email layouts that again directly to their call to actions. A great example of simple plain text newsletters can be found by subscribing to I will teach you to be rich dot com. As you can see, the vast majority of emails are designed elegantly with HTML and images and buttons because it works better than simple plain text emails. But if you were a blogger or looking to send an email with a personal touch, then the occasional simple text email is okay. 67% of consumers consider clear, detailed images to carry more weight than product info or customer ratings. After several a be split test campaigns with course envy, I found that simply an image of a happy female got a 67% higher click through rate than any course screenshot or any course customer review screenshot. So an image like the one on this slide, including a human, really adds that personal touch and increases the connect ability of your content to your subscribers. One thing to know when you're creating these emails is to make sure their mobile friendly, these air responsive emails. Most emails today are viewed on mobile devices. So before you click, send on your email campaign, make sure to preview it and confirmed that it looks good on a mobile screen so well on the design content tab in your mail chimp campaign, click the preview and test link in the top right. Nab our in that drop down select inter preview mode. On this screen, you can preview how your email will look on a mobile device. If any image or text is not wrapping correctly, you can go back to the design and change it. But one nice thing about male chimp is if you use one of their templates there automatically responsive. The only time I've experienced a problem was a client who gave me raw HTML for their email design rather than using one of the templates mail chimp provided. So here are my five rules have called to action number one. Don't drop your emails. Call to action in an image image buttons and graphics certainly work better on a Web page to entice actions such as purchases or sign ups. However, in an email template, those images may be hidden or not displayed at all, depending on your subscribers email provider. So if you're called action is in an image. I like to add a button and as a backup, a text hyperlink as a cult action as well. But we recommend you avoid image based called actions entirely, and Onley used text links or buttons, but sometimes for brain design or design reasons. In general, you're obligated to include that call to action within the graphic. Just make sure that there's a prominent text link of that same call to action right next to it or right below it. Remember that a button is an actual design element in your email campaign builder. So as you can see, I have a header. Image the text right here. I would want to include a called action button. My number two rule minimized the number of email call to actions. The more decision that you ask your user to make, the more likely they won't make a decision at all. Keep the number of things that you ask your users to click through to or actions to take to a minimum in your email. After all, one click is better than no clicks, right? If you ask a user to choose between many different options, click here. Click here shop. Now I find that they choose nothing, so keep it to one or two. Call to actions Number three. Keep your email call to action. Simple. You just want them to understand immediately what they're supposed to click, buy or join called. The action is not a place to get your thesaurus out. It's a place for you to use the most powerful and easily understood words to guide your readers toe action. For example, don't ask your subscribers to follow our company on the world's largest social network. Keep it simple. Tell your users like us on Facebook. Users are busier than ever today and have a limited time to read emails. Fewer words that mean more, and that users can quickly understand, are the best way to write a call to Action number four. Make your email call to action. Stand out from a design perspective. You want to ensure that your email called Action stands out and has a backup link in case your images or buttons don't appear on your subscribers email provider, don't hide it within a block of text. Separate. I called Action Out and ensure there is white space around it so it really stands out. Also use a bold ID fund and even try a font that is a larger size than the rest of your email content. Next. Well, it's not an ideal, classy design. Look, you may want to consider using Asterix or arrows around that called action to draw attention to it. Finally, we always recommend blue links with an underlying style. You're online. Brand may not match this design and color scheme, but making your called action look like a hyperlink. We'll improve your click through rate and thus improve overall email campaign performance. Finally, my number five rule segment and tailor your email call to action. If your email list is large enough that you're segmenting sub list, then you can also segment the writing of your email called Action text. Any time that you make a call to action more specific to your demographic, who is reading the email you can improve the performance of that call to action. So, for example, if you're segmenting users by state, you may have one called action that reads. Sign up for Texas's favorite summer activity list or another called action. Sign up for Florida's favorite summer activity list. This is a great way to hyper segment your large email list into many small email list. For more direct marketing, I can tell my Florida list Florida specific activities in the future. Customers crave segmented personal direct emails. So where do you lead them? With this call to action? It's very important to lead your users to the right pages after they click your called action. The more relevant the page, the higher the conversions will be. So if you're called action, Link says, click here for our Facebook marketing course at course envy dot com, And it leads them to a general course page listing all your courses that subscribers going to be disappointed. So always triple check your emails with a test email. With that testing meal, you can click and verify each link. Each graphic each button called the action and make sure they lead to the correct page. you want every link from your email to match the exact intended landing page. This not only helps increase conversions but will prevent you from looking like a fool. Finally, I love to follow the classic 80 20 rule with email marketing. By this, I mean 80% useful content and 20% sales content. You don't want to send too many sales emails. It will lead to a high number of spam complaints and unsubscribe. Always try to provide value and useful content 80% of the time. Then your users will welcome that 20% of sales pitches and even possibly buy your product or service if they've loved the 80% of free value adding content thus far.
10. Privacy Policy NO SPAM : If you're promoting or advertising a commercial product or service through electronic communication, you have to comply with the law or face some hefty penalties laid out by the Can Spam Act of 2003. Remember, I'm gonna be covering these USA laws, so make sure to research the spam laws in your specific country. Number one. Tell readers where the email is coming from. The law focuses on honesty the from two and reply to labels. Need to tell the recipient where the email comes from. In other words, these fields should contain the person's name or business names. Sending the email meal chimp requires this, making it easy for you to comply. Number to write an honest subject line. Your subject line should reflect what's in your email. You can't be deceptive here. In other words, don't write. Claim your $500 gift card in the subject line just to get people to open an email number. Three. Recognize you're sending an ad. Acknowledge that the email you send is in fact, an ad. This isn't necessary. If everyone in your list has given you permission to send emails, of course, I strongly suggest that you get permission from all your subscribers before sending emails . So by this I mean double confirmed subscription via a male chimps sign up form. So don't just paste in the emails from another source, such as buying an Excel list of customers in a certain industry. That's a terrible idea. The nice thing about this permission thing is that mail chimp does it by default, so nothing to worry about if you get your subscriber via a male chimps sign up. Former Page number four Given Address Each email must contain the postal address for the person or business. Sending the email. It helps to show your business is a credible one and offers another way for your recipients . Toe. Opt out of your emails if they need to. Again. This is another required feature of male tramp because they automatically input this at the bottom of all your email campaigns. Number five. Every email needs an easy opt out option. Your subscribers must be able to easily opt out or unsubscribe from your messages. You have to give this option to your subscribers in every message you sent at the bottom of your email. You can provide an unsubscribe link. The process should be easy to. This was one of the additions to the spam law in 2008. Again, this is luckily done by the fall in male chimp number six. Honor your opt outs quickly. If its subscriber once off your list, you have 10 days to do it. You can't charge any fees for the service. Ask for any personal information or sell that person's contact info to another company. Most email service providers will manage this process for you automatically, which is another plus two using the provider like mail chimp and finally number seven. Monitor what others do for you. If you hire another company to manage your email list, you will still be held responsible. If the company breaks any of these rules, the law is all about using good judgment. We know you've got that since he took this course, but when you set up your next email campaign, it doesn't hurt to check it against the list of rules for spam laws in your country
11. Groups, Segments, and Tags in Mailchimp : Mailchimp groups
tags and segments. Mailchimp allows
users to organize audience subscribers
according to relevant groups, tags and segments,
ensuring your campaigns are sent to the right
people quickly and easily. In this section, we're going to discuss creating
and using groups, using tags and using segments. There are endless ways to customize your
MailChimp audience, enabling you to target specific people based on
your exact requirements. You don't have to add tags, create groups or segments
in any particular order. And you don't have to
use these methods for organizing your audience
if they're not relevant. The difference
between groups, tags, and segments, the following will help you understand
the difference. Groups organized
subscribers by interest. An example of when you might use a group is creating
a selection of groups for subscribers to choose from when they
sign up to an audience. Tags, tags or labels to help you keep your
audience organized. You may use tags if you're organizing your list by region, for example, segments highlights subscribers by specific
characteristics. Segmenting your list by their campaign
engagement, for example, you can target precise sections of your list in
future campaigns. Mailchimp users may want to automatically add new
subscribers to a group or a tag when they sign up to automatically trigger an
automated e-mail campaign. Subscribers can be
automatically added to a group when they are creating a
sign-up form using Mailchimp, form, builder in bed forums, subscriber pop-up, and
form integrations. Tags can only be
added to subscribers automatically when they sign up via Mailchimp landing page. Mailchimp recommends that rather than creating
multiple audiences, users should create
one audience and organize it via groups,
tags, and segments. Not only will this help
you keep your audience organized by having
a single audience, so you avoid duplicate recipients across
multiple audiences. But this will also keep your contact countdown and therefore keep
your pricing down. Having just one audience is also important
because audiences are independent of one
another and do not copy across updates such as bounce
or unsubscribe or data. If you have multiple audiences
with duplicate recipients, you could risk and
Corinne abuse ratings and spam from subscribers if they unsubscribe
from one audience, but continue to receive
campaigns from you. If it is essential that you
have multiple audiences, you will need to ensure
you update them manually. If you have recipients who
are subscribed to both. Experienced Mailchimp users are strong believers that
careful management of their audience
through segmentation actively helps
increase their sales. Read this great
article on the topic, creating and using groups. To understand groups
in Mailchimp, you need to think of
them like categories. It is a way of sorting your audience subscribers
into groups or categories. For example, interest. You should consider using Mailchimp cgroups tool
when you're looking to collect information
from your subscribers. This would normally
happen when they are completing a sign-up form. They can toggle a box and
join a group automatically. Targeting groups with
specific e-mail campaigns based on info they provide you when they sign up to
your mailing list, should then become
a simple process that will just take a couple
of clicks to achieve. Best practice here, you
should create a group when you want your subscribers
to self categorize. If you'd prefer to organize
them internally on your end, we recommend using tags instead. Both groups and tags
can be used as a basis to segment your audiences
before sending a campaign. In your left navbar, select audience and on that audience page under Manage Contacts and
that drop-down menu. There you can see him.
Groups, segments, tags, Mailchimp groups. Before you can
start categorizing your new subscribers
into groups, you need to create
your first group. Login to your Mailchimp account and click the audience option in the left navigation panel
on your audience page. Select all contacts
in the left sidebar. Then click the Manage
Contacts menu and select groups from the drop-down menu on the groups
dashboard equals c. All the groups you've
already created. To create a new group, click that create Groups button
in the top right corner. Then you'll be presented with
this form to be completed. Select how you would like
your group options displayed. Give you a group of category
such as favorite product. Name your groups for
subscribers to choose from. Such as soaps,
moisturizers make up, once ready. Click Save. Here's an example of
a group category we created grouping subscribers
by courses enrolled in. Since people could be in more than one course,
we selected checkboxes. So people could select
more than one group. What's the difference
between radio buttons, checkboxes and drop-downs? Radio buttons. Subscribers can only select
one of your group options. You would use this
option, for example, if you wanted to know how your subscriber
heard about you, online search, a friend, XYZ, social media, a single radio
button can be clicked. Checkboxes is when you can
select more than one checkbox. So this would be a great
example for my courses. They might be in
all of my courses, they would check all three
and then drop down boxes. These work similar
to radio buttons, where they can only
select one option. However, these are best
used if you want to know predefined data
about your subscribers, such as gender, a drop-down list of
countries, cities, states. Mailchimp has already created a few of those options for you. Once you've saved
your new group, the message below will appear
asking if you've done for now or if you'd like to import
subscribers to this group. If you're looking
to grow and group your audience organically
using your sign-up form, you can click done for now. However, if you have a
database that you've separated and grouped accordingly to
these group preferences. You can import them now into these new groups by clicking Import to these groups button, your group will now be automatically added
to your sign-up form. And new subscribers
can start selecting their preferences when they
sign up to your audience. You can head over to
the form builder in your sign-up form
section of your audience to edit how your
group options are displayed in the sign-up form. As you can see, our new
group we created for this audience will show up by default on our sign-up form. You can also set this field
visibility to hidden if you prefer to manually assign subscribers
to these groups. On the backend of Mailchimp. We want them to
self categorized. So I select the field
visibility as visible. Navigate to your audiences
Managed Context Menu. Checkmark the contexts you
want to add to a group. I selected high at course, that email address. And then in the Actions menu, I'll select Add to Group. And I'll select the group name course
envy courses enrolled in. And also liked
Facebook ads mastery, that's the course that that
student is enrolled in. You can also create
new groups directly in your sign-up form via
the form builder tool. Remember, any groups
you've already created will automatically
appear in your sign-up form. And you can choose to
hide them if needed. You can do this manual, adding to that
group if necessary. If you try to edit these
groups via your sign-up form, you will not see the
field tag section or the converter Groups button. Click signup forms in the left navigation
panel under audience. On this page, select
form builder. In the form builder tool, make sure you're in
the build-it tab. And from the ADA
field Options in the right-hand panel
of the build-up area. Select the group you
wish to display, such as radio buttons,
checkboxes, or drop-down. When you've selected which
fields add your sign-up form, you'll be prompted
to enter some info. To the right-hand side
is an example of how radio button fields look
during the editing process, you will need to enter
the name of your group and options for your
subscribers to choose from. You can also decide
whether or not this will be a required field
and your sign-up form. Before saving your field, don't forget to click convert
to Groups button in order to create this new
group that you added while creating
your sign-up form. You can also decide
if you would like to add a default merge tag value to the group you are creating inside the
form builder tool. This is optional though. We typically make select
any group required for our audience and leave this merge tag blank
as the default. Merge tags are used
in Mailchimp to help you personalize
your e-mail campaigns. Here's emerged tags,
cheat sheet, URL. Here's an example of a
group I added manually to the sign-up form builder via the radio buttons field option. I added the field radio buttons. Once I make this field required, and set my group choices
under menu options. As you can see in the
bottom right corner, first choice, second choice. I will then click the
convert to Groups button. This radio buttons field will be created as a group for
this specific audience. Confirm you want to
add this new group to your list and that you want to update your
existing subscribers with this group option. Pass subscribers will need
to be manually added to this group since I'm just
creating this new group now, there's already old
subscribers in the list. Once subscribers have
started signing up to your audience and categorizing themselves into your groups. You can begin targeting
them with email campaigns by sending directly to
a group of your choice. If you head to the group's
area within your audience, again, under Manage
Contacts groups, you will now be able to
see your new groups on your audience page under the Managed Context
Menu, select groups. And then you can see
your group's names. And have the option to delete Import users or Sandy
campaign to them. Select the group category
you'd like to send to by clicking this sampling on the right-hand side
of that group name. And then in that drop-down, select the type of campaign. By selecting one of
the campaign options, you'll be redirected to the
campaign creation area, where you will be able to design and send your
email campaign. You'll learn how to
create a campaign in our Mailchimp campaigns lecture. Mailchimp tags.
12. Lead Capture Forms and Mailchimp Integrations : Mailchimp, lead capture. Mailchimp offers multiple
ways to generate lead capture forms that will
help grow your audience. In this section, we'll discuss various ways you can do this, including embedded forms, popup
forms, and landing pages. Mailchimp also allows you to integrate your account directly with a wide range of
platforms such as Shopify, WordPress, Survey,
Monkey and more. This way you can streamline
your lead capture process and keep track of everything
all in one place. Inner Mailchimp
audiences lecture, you were introduced to male
chimps form builder tool. In our Mailchimp
audiences lecture, you were introduced to male
chimps form builder tool. These forms are generated
automatically with every audience you create
and are customizable. This is a great starting point. However, Mailchimp selection of advanced sign-up options enabled you new ways to generate leads. Embedded forms. If you're looking to
add a sign-up form to your page on your website, you'll want to consider
MailChimp embedded forms. If you are already customize your sign-up form via the
Mailchimp form builder tool. It's just a couple of clicks. Degenerate your HTML code for your sign-up form and embed
this on your website. So follow the step-by-step
guide to generate your form and embed or paste
it into your site's code. In that left navigation panel. Under audience,
select sign-up forms. On the sign-up forms page. Click the Select button
next to embedded forms. Best practice here
at this point, if you've not done so already, it's important to check
that you are happy with the general information included in the fields of
your sign-up form. Again, that's via the
form builder page, because that is the
signup form that you will be embedding via
HTML on your website. On this embedded forms page, you'll be redirected to the embedded forms
editing dashboard, where you'll be able to preview your sign-up form and the HTML code you'll be
pasting into your site. There are a few basic edits
you can make from this area. Again, if you want
to make additional edits to the sign-up form, you'll need to do so in
the form builder tool. First you can select the way
your form will be in that ID and displayed classic
condensed to unstyled. You can include a title
and then checkmark. Anything else you want to
include in this embedded form? As you can see here, I have my embedded form ready. And I want to make some edits to the HTML code directly so
it matches my website. For this, I will need
that actual code, the embedded code on this page. Right at the bottom there, click the generate
embed code button, and that will reveal
the HTML code to copy. Once you have the embedded form, looking how you want it
to the preview section, copy the HTML code and paste it directly into the source
code of your website. If your sign-up form is not displaying as desired
on your website, it might be best to
consult with an expert in HTML code or hire a web developer
on a freelance website. Here's a link to learn
more about that. For example, I can paste that
code directly into an HTML, custom HTML box on my website
page or post popup forms. You may decide
that instead of or in addition to this
embedded sign-up form, you'll want to include
a pop-up form. Using the Mailchimp
pop-up form tool, you can generate
a sign-up form to display when visitors
visit your site. For example, on course, we make use of embedded forms, a pop-up form, and
lead capture pages. We want to offer multiple opportunities
for users to subscribe. You should select
Mailchimp subscriber pop-up form builder option if your website is not connected to MailChimp or one of the
integrations, again, slash integrations
directly embedding code into your website
may alter the way in which your pop-up
form displays. So if you're not an
expert in HTML code, again, recommend
a web developer. So let's get started exactly
as you would when selecting the form builder and
the embed form option on this audience page. Select sign-up forms. On the sign-ups form page. Click that Select button
next to subscriber pop-up. From here, you'll
be redirected to the popup form editing area where you can build
and preview your form. In that left sidebar. First is style. You can edit the fonts, colors, font sizes to match your brand. Next is layout. You can select how
you want it to display in this pop-up form. And finally settings. You can edit your pop-up
form settings and decide how quickly you'd like to display when someone visits your site. For example, we have ours appear immediately and in the center of our website that is muddle. Then click the actual
pop-up preview there to edit the content
within the popup form, we can add a image,
a company logo. We can change the button tags so we can change the text content. Once your pop-up
designing is complete, click the Edit link to enable this pop-up on your
Connected website. Again, you need to connect your website through the
integrations page on Mailchimp, then click the
Connect site button. So we've enabled this pop-up. Finally, top-right click the
Save and Publish button. So although we are using a pop-up form builder option to share our sign-up
form with our audience. It's vital you
customize and update all your sign-up
form variations and response emails via
the form builder tool. These will continue to
be what your subscribers see when they sign up and
receive emails from you. To limit the number of times your site visitors,
CEO popup form. Mailchimp uses cookies. Unless your visitors
clear their cookies, they will not see your
pop-up form again, this is why it may also be
beneficial for you to include an embedded form on
your site in case visitors choose to subscribe your audience at a later date. They see this pop-up,
immediately, close it. But then later like it. Like your content, they see in the footer,
join our newsletter. I have another subscribe
form opportunity for them. Landing pages. Landing pages are a standalone webpage
hosted by Mailchimp. You can create a landing page in the campaign
area on Mailchimp. We love using Laney pages
for short-term campaigns, such as a giveaway, a coupon, a promo, and would rather
subscriber sign up via dedicated landing page instead of an embedded
form on our site. Landing pages are
optimized for what? Capturing leads. Landing pages are also
called lead capture pages. While a website allows you and promotes people to click
around and navigate the site. Look at the blog. A landing page is a funnel for a single action. Subscribe here. Claim this free e-book claim, this free course sign
up for a free trial. Sign-up for this
free tutorial video. Claim, your free coupon, insert XYZ value proposition to capture these
emails or these leads. Make sure to learn more about landing pages in our landing
page tutorial link here. Landing pages are a creative
campaign tool within MailChimp that can be used
for a variety of things, including sharing a
sign up form with your audience to promote
a specific product, launch a competition or contest, announce a sale, and so on. So via the left erase restart. So via the left-hand
navigation bar and Mailchimp, click that create icon
on our Create page. Select landing page. Then enter the name
of your landing page and select the audience you
want to associate it with. All new subscribers via this landing page will be
added to this audience. Next, select a template
for your landing page. Mailchimp offers a range of
predesigned landing pages, or you can select blank and
create your own from scratch. By selecting a template, you will be automatically
redirected to the design area for
Mailchimp landing page tool. Here you can edit and
preview your design. The changes that you make to your landing page
with the various adding any blocks will
appear on this left side. Just simply click
and drag one of these content blocks out into the landing
page builder area. When ready. In the
top right corner, preview your landing page. So besides the Block option, There's the Style area
for this landing page. Here you can change
your landing page text, font, sizes, colors, and so on. When editing your landing page, Mailchimp offers a
variety of tools to help customize your campaign to
match your brand style. For example, content will click a block in this
layout on the left. And then on the right, the
content tab appears. Here. You can edit everything
from text to images, hyperlinks, videos, social
media icons and buttons. So again, drag and drop a block into the
landing page area. Click that block and then
you can edit the content, the style and the settings
for that content block. When I click the sign up form
block of our landing page, again, we can edit the content, the sign up form fields,
the style, colors, texts and so on, and settings, the alignment of
our sign-up form. When you're happy
with the design and content of
your landing page, click that Save and Close button in the
bottom right-hand corner. If you leave any default content empty within your landing page, MailChimp will not prevent you from publishing your campaign. Therefore, it's
vital to remember to preview your design
before making it live. Again, top right
corner, click Preview. Look at your landing page
in both desktop and mobile. And make sure it looks correct. Before you publish your
landing page live, you'll be redirected to this publishing page where you need to enter a
title for your page. Edit your landing page URL, confirm your audience that
these landing page leads. It will be added to confirm the tags you want to
add to these people, such as free e-book. And finally confirmed the
content of this landing page. In the top-right corner. By selecting Finish later, you'll save this as a
draft and you can edit it later via the campaigns page. But if you're happy. It quickly publish button. Again, I mentioned
if you want to add tags automatically to subscribers who sign up via
this specific landing page. Just click the Edit
Audience button. Then click the plus icon
and enter the tag you want, such as landing page
name, like I said, free e-book or mod MBA course. When you click publish, the
following screen will appear. With eight landing page link
you can view and share. Soda. Navigate back
to this landing page. In the left navigation bar under campaigns,
click all campaigns. On this campaigns page, you can view by type. In the middle of
the screen there. I select landing pages and
all my landing pages come up. That menu next to my
landing page of choice. Click that in the drop-down, I can edit it. I can view the landing
page, I can rename it. I can copy the URL to it, I can replicate it
or unpublished it. Integrations. As I
mentioned earlier, there are also a
number of ways to integrate your Mailchimp
account with third-party tools, platforms, websites, or even connected to
an e-commerce store. But the first integration method is through form integrations. Navigate to your audience page. In the left sidebar, click sign up forms. And on the sign-up forms page,
select Form integrations. This page will
show the currently available Mailchimp
form integrations. These integrations may
require a paid subscription. So click that Learn More button
next to each integration. Now in our section
on popup forms, you will remember
we mentioned you need to connect your
site with Mailchimp, degenerate this popup form
directly on your site. To view all integration options. Select integrations in
this left navigation bar. Here you can search all
male chimps integrations. If you have a Shopify, you can connect that way. If you have a WordPress, you can connect that way. If you have a Squarespace, they have an
integration for that. But if your website
doesn't come up on this list or if you have
a custom website Build, select that custom
website option. Here, you'll get code
that is connected to your Mailchimp account
that you can have your web developer add
to your custom website. Again, this is so popup forms work and re-marketing ads work. Some best practices here. Embedded forms ensure that once your form is live on your
site, that you test it. To check that is easy to
use working correctly. Remember simple and
fewer fields always wins and test signing up
with another email address. Next, popup forms. Monitor the number
of subscribers via your pop-up form to
consider adjusting it. Maybe how quickly it displays
the positioning of it, the text, the value proposition. Many online studies prove popup forms drastically
increase email subscribers, but you need to keep
testing to see what increases your lead
capture percentage. Finally, landing pages. Sharing your landing page via an email campaign on
your social media or paid ads are some of the best ways to quickly
grow your audience.
13. Mailchimp Automations Customer Journeys : Mailchimp automations
and customer journeys. What can automation do for you? Mailchimp offers
a wide selection of automation types
with built-in triggers, ranging from abandoned
cart emails, too simple, welcome messages. E-mail automation can
help scale your efforts. Target customers based on
behaviors and purchase history, and send emails automatically. For example, if
someone signs up for a free e-book on your
Mailchimp landing page. You can have MailChimp
automatically e-mail this subscriber, the e-book. The options with
automation are endless. Automation through journeys. Your customers are important to your business and
the journey they take can make an impact on
how that relationship grows. A Mailchimp customer
journey is just that. It is a map that takes
your customers along with you based on the interaction they make with you
in your business. These journeys can help
send personalized messages, tag and segment your audiences. Target specific people
with campaigns, interact with your audience. You can create these
custom journeys for your specific needs. But MailChimp also has many pre-built journeys
that you can use as well. Let's cover some key features
of customer journeys. First, our starting points. Starting point is what kicks
off at particular journey. This is based on a behavior
from that customer, such as reading an email, buying a product, or
joining an e-mail list. Next, our rules and actions. These guide where
your journey goes like a branch to send
that journey down different paths based on the customer behavior
and other information. Finally, our pre-built journeys. Mailchimp has pre-built journeys that can be customized
to your needs. These are the most common,
most used journeys. Pre-built journeys
can help you save time and provide starting
points based on your own needs, such as owning an
e-commerce store. Mailchimp users can create customer journeys to help create unique email series that are carefully targeted towards
a individual subscribers. Make sure to check
out this URL to learn more about
customer journeys. With Mailchimp, journey builder, you can design and build
custom marketing workflow. You can send a series of
automated emails that are specifically targeted to the subscribers
in your audience. Note, Mailchimp users may
have limited access to the customer journey builder depending on their pricing plan. You can check which plan
you have an upgrade to enjoy the features
of a customer journey. Once logged into your
Mailchimp account in the left sidebar, navigate to customer journeys. Under that automation section in your left Mailchimp navbar, you can scroll down on this
customer journeys page. Here. Under choose a journey, you can view all the
pre-built customer journeys. These are the most used
most common journeys such as sending an email to new subscribers
or welcoming new contacts, or emailing someone
who abandoned a cart. Let's create a new
one from scratch. So I'll click that
create journey button. First, choose a name for
your customer journey. If you have more
than one audience, you'll be asked to Salt
Lake that audience as well. To get started with
your customer journey, you will be prompted to
choose a starting point. What is that criteria that will begin this
customer journey? So I'll click that
button in this pop-up, we select our customer
journey starting point. This is the way
subscribers are added to the journey based on
specific conditions. A pro tip here for each
Mailchimp journey, you can select up to three
different starting points. Maybe they're tagged for
purchasing something. Maybe they sign up on a
form on your website. There's multiple ways to
start a customer journey. Mailchimp offers
users a wide range of starting point
conditions to choose from. However, some may require additional setups
and integrations, such as connecting
your MailChimp to your e-commerce store. In this left panel, you can select a theme. First contact activity. If you'd like to target new
sign-ups, tagged subscribers, subscribers who join
or leave groups, as a way to notify subscribers of a change
to their details. Next dates and special events
to target subscribers. For example, on their birthday
as sign-up anniversary, recurring date, or a special
date that you set manually. Next shopping
activity, this one's very important for those
with an e-commerce store. You can tag someone when
they buy a specific product. You can e-mail someone when
they abandon their cart. You can e-mail someone if it's been awhile since
they've made a purchase. These are all great
automated emails that you don't have to
send manually anymore. With customer journeys, these can all be
sent automatically. Next marketing activity, this is to target
subscribers depending on how they interacted with your scent campaigns or if they may be
completed a survey. Finally is API and integrations. This is if you have
a custom API setup with your Mailchimp account. So for this example, our starting point happens
to fall under popular. It is a sign-up. This is a very common
starting point. When someone signs up
for your email list. With each starting
point you select, you can choose to get
more specific about what subscribers can enter
your customer journey. For example, like I said, I chose signs up. That's a common starting point. So say someone signs up for a free e-book on our
Mailchimp pop-up form. You can create a customer
journey that will automatically emailed the
subscriber that free e-book. So I selected signs up
starting point in this pop-up. Expand that menu, get more specific about who
can enter this map. Here, I'll choose the filters
for this starting point. You can add up to five
filters in the form of conditions for this
specific customer segment. For this one, the
contexts that match any sign-up source
was popup form. So anybody who signed up via the popup form will be placed
in this customer journey. I'll save this starting point. And here we go. This is
our customer journey map. Now you will see
the starting point at the top of the map and the option to add another
starting point if needed. But we know the popup form is our single entry point to add them to this
customer journey. So that's our single one.
We'll leave it as that. Now we need to click
that plus sign below the starting point to add
rules and action items. So as you can see in
this left sidebar, are the things I can add, the rules and actions. These are Journey points. For example, we can set
a rule of a time delay before the action to send an e-mail that
includes that e-book. So down the left-hand side
of your journey map or your customer journey rules and or actions to choose from. Simply drag and drop
a journey point onto your journey map over that plus icon in
the region you want. So for this example, I've already set the rule of eight time delay of one hour. Now I'm dragging the action
of sending email after that rule over the plus
sign, drag send email. And then I'll add
that automated e-mail that includes my e-book. So as you can see, my
customer journey map is coming together here. When someone signs up
via the popup form, there's a one-hour time delay. Then they get this email
starting point rule action. I want to add an email
to this journey point. I click that gets Gmail to open the edit box for this
specific journey point. So here's the pop-up. This is the email that is sent. I want to edit my to my from I want to edit
my subject line. I want to edit what my
actual email design is. Have I created a
template already? Do I want to create
a new one today? We're going to create a new one. So I'll select, select a
template to design our email. This will be the standard campaign e-mail
template creator. Drag the blocks you want into your email template,
type it out. As you can see, we put congrats on grabbing a copy of our book. Claim your copy of the
book at this link. The top navbar, click that Save as Template link, name it. Then also in the top right nav, click the save and
return to journey link. As you can see,
your journey point now includes this
e-mail template. So we'll close that. Now when you're ready to make
this customer journey live, just click the Continue button in the top right-hand corner. Let's dive in a little more on this journey points first rules. If else, this makes
different paths in your journey based on up
to five different conditions. Next, wait for trigger. This pauses your
customer's journey until they've met up
to three conditions. Then finally, the example
I gave, time delay. You can pause your
customer journey for a set period of time. This is great for spreading
out sales emails. So say somebody signs up, I send the free e-book, then a time delay
three days later, I send a follow-up
e-mail with more value. On other time delay five days. I say, hey, we offer
marketing services. Would you like to
hop on a free call? That is a great drip sequence, spread out and automatically
emailed to this person. Next are the action
journey points. Like I said, Send Email, add people to groups, add people to tags, or untagged them,
unsubscribed people. You can update contexts, archive them, or
send them a survey. So these actions are crucial
depending on what you want. Such as if someone
purchases something, you want to remove them
from that sales drip e-mail sequence because
they already purchased it. Luckily, that's a pre-built
e-commerce customer journey. As you build out your
customer journey, your customer journey map, we'll begin to look
a bit like this. As you add more and
more journey points, rules, and actions. So remember for your
journey point you select, you'll need to click that rule or action to set the
specific condition. For example, if I choose to add or remove a tag
as a journey point, you'll then get this popup. What is the tag and then
what is the action? Add or remove from this
subscriber's profile. So just because you added journey point to the map
doesn't mean it's set. You need to click
it and edit it. So if you want to send an email as part of your
customer journey, you'll be prompted to
create a campaign from a save template or use a
pre-existing campaign. Again, make sure to
edit that subject line, the to and from section, and then select your
design to e-mail. You can get to New to add new journey points until you're happy with your
customer journey. Onenote in the left sidebar here of your customer
journey builder. Leave that contact repeats. Journey checkbox blank. You typically only want a contact to go
through your journey once you don't want to send them that same sales
e-mail drip sequence. Now, you can also edit your
journey settings from here. So just click that link
next to the gear icon. You can change
your journey name, the objective, and
manage contacts. Now if you need to edit
your customer journey, just click that
customer journey name on your customer
journey dashboard. And then here in your
customer journey builder, click the Pause and edit button in the top
right-hand corner. Make your edits, and then you can turn your
journey back on. As subscribers start, your customer journey
stats will begin to appear on your journey map for each of your
journey action points. If else. So a common one I use here in the left sidebar under rules, if else, use if else rules in
your customer journey map. So contexts follow
different paths depending on conditions you set. This is useful to send
different marketing material to context based on specific
audience data and activity. Make sure to check out
this URL for a lot of helpful tips and specific
details on the If Else rule. The If Else rule allows
you to control the flow of the journey and create different paths for your
context in your journey map. For example, you'll
want to add an if else rule to send contexts down different branches
of your journey based on whether if they met
at a specific condition. Say if you want to send an email campaign
about a new product, if the subscriber
purchase that product, you want to send them
a thank you e-mail. If they didn't
make the purchase, you want to send them
a follow-up e-mail with a 10% off coupon. So first you need to
configure this rule. Campaign activity clicked. Then I selected that
specific tag and products purchased is
specific product name. Once all of these
conditions are met, this will equal a
thank you e-mail. So let's look at this
in the journey map. After configuring this rule, you'll create the e-mail
actions to sand based on the outcome of
this If Else rule. In this case, if the
subscriber clicks on the CTA, the call to action in
the initial campaign and his tagged and they
purchase the product, they would get the thank you
e-mail automatically set. If not, no, it does not meet those conditions
of the if else. And they would receive
that second e-mail, the 10% off coupon email. Another action item I
use often are tag slash. Untagged. Tags are crucial for organizing
your MailChimp audience. Tags are one of the base methods used to segregate your audience. There's no default
tag structure, and tags are one of
those items that you will create in
your audience to determine what makes
the individuals in your audience
like other members. For instance, if you owned
an animal supply store, you might want to
have tags based on the animals the subscriber owns, such as dogs, cats, birds. You may want to tag
based on purchases of certain brands, treatments,
and preferences. So you can target your
audience effectively. In future marketing campaigns. Tags can be automatically
updated in a customer journey. For example, sticking with
the animal supply store, save Sally specific brand of flea and tick prevention
for a large dog. This is a great selling product with a good profit margin. You could set up a customer journey so that
when that item is sold, you automatically tag the
customer with the tags dog, large dog, flea, and tick. So each of these tags
within allow you to target this customer more
effectively in the future. For dog e-mail campaigns, I could email all my dog tagged people for large dog specific, say a large dog bed. I could e-mail that promo to
just my large dog people. Can you imagine the open rate and click through rate for that? And then, you know, this flea and tick
medication runs out, say every four weeks, you can email them
every 3.5 weeks. Say Hey, you're
running out soon. You see how this tagging an automated e-mails can really increase your
e-commerce sales. Back to your customer
journeys dashboard. Here you can choose to view,
edit, replicate, delete, and click on these
journeys to pause them or turn them on
live. Male chimps. Research has shown that automated e-mail campaigns can significantly increase
subscriber engagement. And obviously, like I said, purchases by choosing to
create a customer journey, Mailchimp users can start conversations with
their subscribers and keep them flowing with Journey points with a wide range of interactions to choose from, users can create unique experiences for
their subscribers, such as those detailed flea
and tick or large dog emails. With customer
journeys, you can send automatic emails and organize subscribers automatically
with tags and groups. And you can easily
keep an eye on your journey stats to see what's working for
your subscribers, and where you need to change. Maybe a different
follow-up email, maybe a few more
follow-up e-mails. You can see where
they unsubscribe, where they make a purchase. It's all about fine tuning and optimizing your customer
journey ongoing.
14. Mailchimp Reporting : Mailchimp reporting. With Mailchimp reporting
and analytics tools, you can track in-depth statistics
for all your campaigns, from opens and click rates to social performance to
subscribe or location. In this section, we'll
discuss Mailchimp reports, Google Analytics reports for different types of campaigns, and discuss how to use Mailchimp reports to
enhance future campaigns. Did you know when
used correctly, male chimps reporting
tools can help you understand how best to target your campaign's
going forward. After sending an email campaign, you can begin tracking its
success on the reports page. Navigate to a report for a
specific campaign by going to the campaigns Reports page
in your Mailchimp account. Then click the
View Report button next to the campaign
name you want to review. You will then be redirected
to the report overview. Here you can see an overview
of your campaign success, including your campaigns
overall open rate, click rates, order
revenue, and unsubscribes. The data within this report
will update automatically as more people interact with
your campaign, such as open. If you continue to scroll
down on this report, you'll see the following
additional info. Your campaigns open, click, bounce and unsubscribe totals. Scrolling down
further, you'll see the content Optimizer section shows valuable information
like skin ability, text and visuals, topography, links, and call to actions. These are all areas that hold opportunity and this
panel will show you potential optimization
you can make going forward to increase readability
and campaign's success. You can access the full
content optimizer tab report via the tab at the top
of this report page. Scroll down further on your report overview to the
click Performance section. This section shows you
what links were clicked, the number of times
they were clicked, and has an optional
view click map to determine which only
location perform best overall. What's at the image that got
clicked was at the button, was it the hyperlink? You can see this
in the click map. In this example, the image
wasn't clicked at all. It was the hyperlink. Scroll down further on this report to
campaign benchmarking. This shows how your
campaign behaved as compared to other
businesses in your category. When you sign up for Mailchimp, you select your category. Pay attention to
things like this, such as open right-click
rate and unsubscribes to see where you land compared to other businesses
in your industry. Scroll down a bit further to the 24 hour performance section to see how soon do
people open it? What time do they
peak opening it, clicks at those times and so on. Next, view, your
predicted demographic section to cover things
like age and gender. This is great for using in targeting later on
your Facebook ads, on your Google Ads. We know we're 60% women and thirty-seven
percent age 35 to 44. That's great for
targeting later on. Next, scroll down
to the subscribers with most open section. This is valuable for understanding which readers
really love your content. A pro tip here, tag these
users with the tag VIP. Then you can use this
group of VIP users, very important person to launch new products
for first reviews, to send beta test logins
of your software. These are your fans. These are the people
that are looking at your content the most
opening it every time. Take advantage of
this VIP group. Scroll down further to the social performance section and the top locations by opens, we can see which countries
opened the most. For this top locations by opens. This is another great
thing to target. Those Facebook ads. Google ads. Take this knowledge about
your e-mail list over into your ad platforms to help you better understand all this
data and these reports, you can click this link to see these various metrics
and their definitions. Now scroll back up to the top
of this view report page. Here you can see
the navigation bar with a various options. Under the Activity tab. You can choose to
analyze your subscribers depending on how they've
interacted with your campaign. From here, you can choose to export these lists if required. Best practice here under this activity menu,
select unsubscribed. If you notice a campaign had a large number of
unsubscribes or complaints, it's recommended that you
look at these lists in more detail to understand
why they're unsubscribe. Mailchimp will also
tell you the number of soft and hard balances
your campaign received. A hard bounce indicates
a permanent reason in email doesn't deliver
a soft bounce. As simple as the
message was too large, maybe a too big of
an image in it. The next tab on
this review report pages click performance. Here you can view
the complete list of links included within your campaign and the total number of
clicks for each link, as well as unique clicks, number of times the link was
clicked by individual users. Again, you can access that
view click map from here, see a visual representation of where people clicked within
your email campaign. If you've integrated social with Mailchimp under the social tab. You can see who liked your
campaign on Facebook? Who were the top refers
the top influencers, a map of the geographic
clicks and so on. If you have a connected
e-commerce store under the e-commerce tab, are various e-commerce
reports that are very useful and will help you boost sales with future
e-mail campaigns. When MailChimp is connected
to your e-commerce store, your data will automatically
populate in this report, such as number of
orders, total revenue, average order revenue, Subscriber purchases, and
purchase demographics. When creating your campaign, if you enabled the track
conversations option, you will be able to
review these under the Inbox tab on this
review report page. The benefit of enabling the track conversations tool is that multiple
users can reply to your campaign e-mail and
the reply will be sent to a special e-mail address
linked to this inbox campaign. All conversations with your subscribers
will be linked with their Mailchimp profiles and display on this inbox report. So to enable this, when you're
creating a new campaign, scroll to the bottom of this
campaign creation page. Again, under settings
and tracking, you want to checkbox
at first one using Box to manage replies. And do this before
sending the campaign. Back to our view report page. The final tab in the top
navbar is analytics 360. You can view data from
any services you have integrated with Mailchimp
under analytics 360. So for example, if we
selected to track via Google Analytics to see who visit our site directly
from this campaign. We can see that here. Also under this tab, you can review specific
email domain performance. This is a common area to see which email domains is
your email bouncing on. For example. Again, when
you're creating a campaign, make sure to check mark Google
Analytics link tracking. Then we can review
that later on in reporting the analytics 360. Depending on your
type of campaign, the data will differ for each. For a landing page, you'll view the
overall performance of the landing page since
you've made it live, along with number of visits
to the page, clicks. If you've included a sign-up
form on the landing page, you'll see number of
subscribers from it. I loved to split test formatting on these landing pages
with different variables, such as a photo above the fold, different value
propositions to see which landing page
derives more subscribers. For multivariant or AB
test split test campaigns. You'll see a new tab appear on these campaigns
viewer report page, such as for the AB testing tab, you can identify which variables in your campaigns
perform better, such as SYN time
or subject lines. I split test
different variables. For those AB split tests. Then for automated campaigns, you'll be able to review
your entire campaign series via a workflow overview. This will look similar to
a regular campaign report, but you'll also see
predicted demographics. Clicks at each level, such as in a customer journey. Where do people fall out? Where did they unsubscribe? Where did they not
open an email? And then you can tweak
those automated emails in that customer journey to
increase those open rates, to increase action for
Facebook and Instagram ads. Once an ad's been
live for 24 hours, you'll start to see data
appear in this reporting area. On the overview tab. For this, you'll be able to quickly see how many
people your ad reached, the impressions, the click
the click rate percentage. And you'll be able to review the campaign budget
performance over time. For social posts. After 48 hours, you'll be able to review a
range of data for the social reports like reach impressions, likes,
comments, shares. This data will continue
every four hours updating some best practice
for your campaign reporting. You use your report
overview page to get to know your
audience better. Who is engaging. Try targeting these people via Facebook ads, such as women age 25 to 35. Next, use the Activity
tab to identify and send targeted campaigns to specific
people in your audience. People who open, who
were my VIPs, and so on. Review the A B testing tab to discover the most
successful variables. You can define and adapt future e-mail marketing
strategy based on that. What's the best open time? What are the best subject
lines, and so on. Next, use the click
map to check if your campaigns design encourages subscribers to click
important links. Next, use the 24-hour
performance section to discover when the
majority of subscribers in our opening your campaigns thin tests sending future
campaigns at those peak times. Google Analytics. With Google Analytics,
you can follow users from emails to online
conversions and purchases. When creating a
MailChimp campaign, Always checkmark the Google Analytics
link tracking option under this setting and tracking section before
sending a campaign. First create a Google
Analytics account at If you have a website or app, install the Google Analytics code on your website as well. You can watch this
complete tutorial on YouTube at this link
we've created for you, on your MailChimp
integrations page, left sidebar click integrations. Search for Google and connect your Mailchimp account
with the Gmail address. You used to create this
Google Analytics account. Then in the future when
creating a campaign. Again, checkmark that
Google Analytics linked dragging option
under setting and tracking and provide it with a title that's
easy to identify, such as campaign
name, dash date. The title will appear in
your Google Analytics, making tracking and
identifying it much easier.
15. Mailchimp Content Studio : Content studio. Mailchimp has a dedicated
area for users to view and manage their
content studio. Here you'll find all your
images and files in one place. In the Content Studio, you will be able
to view and manage your images and other
files such as PDFs, manage your product images
for connected store's, search for gifts and
the Giphy library. Select images from your
Instagram business page and manage your default logo. Navigate to the
content studio page via the Mailchimp OF navbar. Once you are in
your content studio to upload a new image or File, navigate to the my files
page in the left sidebar, then click the Upload button
in the top right corner. Mailchimp accepts a
wide selection of file types which can
be found at this link. Alternatively, you can import
an image from a URL by clicking that drop down under Upload and selecting
Import from URL. Select which area of your
content studio you'd like to manage via this
left-hand sidebar, such as creative assistant, my files, products,
Giphy, Instagram. Now if you select an image in this myfile area on
your content studio, you'll have the option to view the file details,
edit the image, copy the URL of the image, set it as your logo, move it to a folder for deleted. The content studio
helps speed up your campaign
creation process by storing files you regularly use. For example, I'm in a
campaign creation page. Simply click that
replace link to swap the placeholder image for an image in your content
studio or upload a new image altogether,
the content studio. Your content studio will pop up and allow you to edit files and images in your campaigns and templates via the
Maya files page.
16. Mailchimp Surveys : Mailchimp surveys. Mailchimp offers
users a different way to send subscribers a
survey to complete. These help individuals
and organizations understand their perceptions
and needs of their audience. In this guide, we will take
you through the steps to create your own
Mailchimp hosted survey. We will also discuss other
options such as poles and survey merge tags and
third-party survey integrations. Mailchimp hosted surveys are an easy way to share a
survey with your audience, either via web or
email campaign. Now if a Mailchimp hosted survey isn't the right option for you, head to the end of this guide
to discuss other options. Your hosted survey will be attached to a specific audience. You cannot change your audience
once your survey is live. Login to your Mailchimp. In the left sidebar,
click Create. On the Create page,
select survey. Select which audience you
would like to work with, and then click Begin. For this survey, you'll be redirected to the
survey dashboard. Here you can add sections, save, and proceed with the next steps of publishing your survey. To create your survey, click the Add a section button and view the list of
options in the drop-down, such as introduction,
checkboxes, range radio buttons. For this, I selected
radio buttons with options they
can choose from. So they can only choose a single option with a radio button. And I'll enter the
question depending on the answers on providing
the subscribers. As I said, radio buttons. This is asking
subscribers to choose one answer from the
list of options. I can add more options
with the plus and minus. I can set if that question is required and I can
add other options. For checkboxes. This allows subscribers
to give multiple answers to the same question so they can check more than one option. So again, you can add options, make this question required. Next for the range question, you can ask subscribers to
answer on a scale of 0 to ten. Set your low and high range and explain what a high
and low score means. And then ask the question
you want to answer. Next is an open text question. This allows
subscribers to answer your question via
a TextField box. Again, you can set
this required. You can ask for an email
address via the survey. Once they input their e-mail, you can set if this is
required and you can ask if they can subscribe
via the survey, they could subscribe
to your email list. Next is a content block. We can add text or embed video. Maybe it'll help them
answer the question, watch this video and then answer XYZ question after creating
each section in your survey. Depending on how
many questions you have and types of questions, you can add further sections
or save and close this. If I click the Finish later, that saves a draft. If you're ready to continue, click the Continue
to Design button. Now if you decide to
remove a question, you can simply delete
it by clicking the delete question
next to that question. So now let's continue
to design our survey. In this area, you can
edit your branding, custom messaging and styles. Under branding, you can add an image like your company logo. Under custom messaging,
you can change the text of the survey
title, the submit button, the confirmation message,
the closed survey message, and required response
error message. Under styles, you can change
the color of your surveys, such as background
button and text. Once you're done
with the design, you can click the
Review button to review your survey and prepare to
send it to your audience. On the review page,
you will need to look over the
survey settings and information you're gathering to ensure this is what
you're requiring. Additionally, you can turn
on survey feedback and daily reports under
the Settings section. Once ready, click
the Continue button. Once your survey is live, you can select how you
wish to share your survey. You can choose from
the four icons to share your survey via email, share anywhere, via link, share on Facebook,
and share on Twitter. As responded to begin
completing your survey, your results will start
displaying on this survey page. Once you receive
responses to your survey, you'll be able to
export the data from mailchimp to Unpublish
your survey, simply toggle off
the on-off button. Users can also add
a poll or survey to their Mailchimp
campaigns using merge tags. These can only be used
in Mailchimp campaigns. And users are limited to
one question per campaign. So create an e-mail campaign and under the content
section, click Edit. Click on the textblock
where you wish to insert a survey merge tag. Alternatively, you can add a new textblock and use the
following merge tag formats. To insert a poll or a survey. The poll creates a poll to record subscribers
rating on one to ten, the survey creates a
one question survey. Just remember to edit the text accordingly for your
question or poll. You can reference the merge
tag cheat sheet link here. So paste your chosen
merge tag data into the editing area and
customize it accordingly. As you can see, I have
a poll merge tag and had the default type or paste your poll
question text here. Click Save and Close to save your merge tag and
the textblock. And preview how your subscribers will see the polar survey by selecting the preview and then
enter preview mode option. When a subscriber clicks
your polar survey, there'll be redirected to
your survey landing page. Customize your survey
landing page by navigating to your audience. Sign-up forms page. Choose form builder. On your form builder page, click the drop-down for
forms and response emails and select survey landing
page. In this area. Under the Build tab, you can edit the text for
your survey landing page. You can change the colors
under the Design tab and you can set
different languages under the Translate tab. To review the results of your polar survey
using merge tags. Go to the reports page
of your ST campaign. So under campaigns reports,
select that survey. On your survey report
overview page, you can view your poll
and survey responses. Users can also integrate third-party survey software such as Survey Monkey under
their Mailchimp account. Select integrations in the
left-hand nav bar, search, Survey Monkey, and click that integration
search result option. Click the connect button
to start the integration. Here they'll ask
you for your login of this third-party account.
17. Mailchimp Website Builder : How to build a
website in Mailchimp. Mailchimp users
are able to build a customized website to promote their businesses and engage
with their audience. Users can also manage domains via the website
area of Mailchimp. Mailchimp does require
users to agree with additional terms when building
a website on Mailchimp. Html, merge tags and iframes are not compatible
with Mailchimp websites. From the left navigation bar, select website,
this website page. You can click the setup your site or set up
your store link. Or for this example, we've already completed a site. We can click the Review
and Publish button. You will be asked to give
your website a name. If you have more
than one audience, you'll be asked to
choose that audience. On this first
website setup page, enter my website name, then click the edit
my site button to build and customize
our website. The editing area, you'll see two tabs in the top-left
pages and styles. The styles menu, you'll be
able to edit your colors and themes. The page's area. You'll be able to view
your website pages, add new pages and links, and edit page settings. Quickly edit page button to
edit your page settings. Simply click any section of the page and edit the
text layout color. When I click an
area, the menu on the right appears
so I can edit it. If I want to add
another section, I click that plus sign
to add another section. As you can see,
Add section comes up and I can select intro, text and image, video and so on. Navigate back to
the Manage Pages, then click settings
next to a page. For this example,
it's the homepage. Here you can edit
your page name and the SEO title and
SEO description. This is the search
results preview. Don't forget to click
Save on this page settings on the in Managed Pages to add an
edit your page content. Click the page title
in the left side menu, or the Edit Page button when hovering over the
page preview on the right. For each page, you can
add and edit content and images just as you would in
an email design campaign, using the content options in
this right-hand side menu. Click any section on the page to edit the settings
of each area. Layout, background, color
scheme, and content. Repeat the editing stages as required for each
page of your website. You can then preview how
your website will look on desktop and mobile via
the preview button. Click Done to return to
your website dashboard. As you can see, changes
are saved automatically. Click Publish on the
Manage Site page. You can also publish from
your website dashboard. Again, click the
review and publish. Click the Publish button. From your website dashboard. Click the Settings
button to add it pop-up form and sight
tracking to your new website. Here's our settings
for the website. We can edit the site
title the domain, the popup form and
sight tracking. The popup form is the form you created via this audiences
sign-up forms page. Again, you can edit your
audience pop-up form under audience sign-up forms
and subscriber pop-up. Manage your domains. Head to your
MailChimp website in the left sidebar under the website section,
select domains. This page allows users to verify and connect
their domains and purchase a new one before you start sending
email campaigns. Mailchimp requires you
to verify your domain. This helps Mailchimp ensure you are sending campaigns from an e-mail that is hosted by
a domain you have access to. And also reduces the chance of your emails ending
up in spam folders. If you don't already
have a domain, you can purchase one
directly, be a Mailchimp. If you are using a sub-domain, you will need that
verified as well, such as learn dot
course Free email addresses
such as Gmail, Yahoo cannot be added to
your verified domains. Click here to see
the limitations of free email addresses. To verify your domain, navigate to the
domains page under the website section
in this left navbar. Then click that Add and verified domain button under
email domains. In this pop-up, verify domain, enter the email address that you would like to
send your campaigns from. Then click the sand
verification e-mail. Go to your inbox, click that
link and that email will be verified to further improve your deliverability of
your email campaigns. Mailchimp allows you to add, authenticate your domain
by selecting this option, MailChimp will prompt you with a set of steps to authenticate your domain and modify
your domains DNS records. So complete this
authentication process. You'll log into your domain
provider such as GoDaddy. And you'll have to input
a new CNAME record. Just follow step-by-step. Mailchimp gives you every step. It's also possible to connect your custom domains and sub-domains to your
Mailchimp account. By doing this, you can
use your own domain on landing pages and this
Mailchimp hosted website. So it can be your URL instead of course, So again, Mailchimp
requires you to agree to their terms
and conditions. And if your domain
is used by a website that is being hosted
on another platform, Mailchimp may redirect to your connected domain to connect your domain
again via that left navbar under websites click domains and scroll down to the
connected domains section. Click the connected
domain button. You will need a paid Mailchimp
account for this option. On the connected domains page, you'll be prompted to
enter that domain or sub-domain you'd like to
connect and then click Submit. For example, art
course landing page is a sub-domain learned
that courts, which is separate
from core sandy, perfect for hosting
our Mailchimp website. A CNAME record will appear. You'll need to copy and paste in a new window and add to
your domain provider. Again, they give you step-by-step
prompts depending on where you purchase your
domain, such as GoDaddy. You also need to add an, a record to your DNS via your
domain provider account. Copy that a record, put it into your
domain providers DNS. They walk you
through and give you guides for each domain provider. Having completed these steps, head back to MailChimp,
click Connect. You'll receive a notification of a successful domain connection
in the next 24 hours. If you don't already
have a custom domain for your business, you can choose to purchase
one directly via Mailchimp. Mailchimp requires
users, again do require to their terms of
service to buy this domain. If you live in the
US, you may be required to pay state
and local taxes on it. And Mailchimp
domain availability and pricing can be viewed here. Mailchimp purchase
domains do not currently offer DNS management
or an e-mail inbox. We suggest purchasing domains
outside of Mailchimp, but we will show you how to purchase a
domain on Mailchimp. Again via their domains page. Click the search for
new domain button. You'll search for a
domain and then you can purchase it right via Mailchimp. But like I said, we suggest
separate domain providers. What if you ever stopped
using Mailchimp? You want that domain
separate from mailchimp. Maybe you want to
sell the business, maybe you want to transfer
it to somebody else. I like to keep
everything separate. So with that said, we do offer a free
domain via core slash
free dash domain. Just go to that URL to
claim your free URL.
18. Delete Subscribers on Mailchimp : How to delete subscribers
on Mailchimp. Mailchimp believes
both unsubscribes and clean contacts
in your audience. Mailchimp counts unsubscribes
in the contact count, the account owner
continues to pay for them. Unsubscribes can either
be deleted or archived. Mailchimp strongly
recommends archiving. Either of these actions will result in the unsubscribes not being counted towards
the total number of contexts you pay for. Regarding clean contacts, they are still in
your audiences. They are not though, counted by Mailchimp
and put towards your accounts total number
of contexts you pay for. The first method to
delete a contact is to use the data management tool
in your audience section. Navigate to your audience
from the Mailchimp dashboard. Navigate to the all contexts
page in that left navbar. Next click the Manage
Contacts dropdown menu, and select data management tool. You may have to scroll down
to get to this option. On the data
management tool page, you can select any of your contexts in that
audience list that need to be deleted using the checkbox on the left side of their info. Once a contract is selected, the permanently
delete button will be highlighted in orange at
the top of the table. Once contacts are selected, and you click the Delete button, a confirmation pop-up
will be shown and required to complete before contacts or deleted permanently. The second method to delete contacts is from the
subscriber profile page. So again, navigate
to all contacts. Click the audience member e-mail address that you'd like to
delete from your audience. Select the actions
drop-down menu at the top of this
user's profile page. In that drop-down,
select, Remove contact. Again, confirm and
delete this contact. The third method is to
unsubscribe or archive a contact. Navigate to your all contacts
page via the left sidebar. Checkmark the
contexts you wish to manage via the left checkbox. A new ribbon will appear at
the top of the contact table. Select the action
drop-down menu. Then select unsubscribe
or archive.