1. Intro: Hello and welcome to the class. This class is perfect for you if you're just starting to learn card magic, as all these tricks are very easy to learn and require very little sleight of hand. However, don't think that these tricks aren't mind blowing. In this class, you learn tricks that are not only super simple. We'll also definitely knocked the socks off your Spectators after completing this class. If you want to learn more card tricks, I have pretty more crosses for you to watch, so make sure you check those out as well.
2. Entanglement: welcome to the performance for quantum entanglement. And I know that's a really weird name for a card trick. But if you know anything about quantum mechanics, you'll see why it's called that after the trick is done. So I'm gonna go ahead and give the Kardashian full. I'm gonna show you that all the cards are meant mixed up, and now I'm gonna go ahead and cut the cards into two piles. Now, I'm gonna take a look at the fourth card down in this pile and you guys can't see it. I'm gonna go and take a look at it, okay? And now, by looking at the fourth card in this pile, I'm able to tell that the fourth card in this pile is a 10 of diamonds. So let's go and see if I'm right. And now let's go ahead and do that again. So we're gonna shuffle the cards and I'll cut the cards again. I'm gonna go out and take take a look at the fourth card in this pile. So that's three. And that's for now. By looking at the fourth card in this pile, I can tell you that the fourth card down in this pile is the king of hearts. So it's going and see if I'm right. 123 in the fourth card is the king of Hearts. We're gonna go ahead and do it one more time, so again and we're gonna make two piles and I'm gonna go in and take a look at the fourth card in this pile. And by knowing the fourth card in this pile, I can tell you that the fourth card down in this pile is the fire of hearts. So 123 in the five of hearts. Maybe now you can see why this trick has such a crazy name. But basically, it's because I can tell the state of one deck by knowing the state of the second day. Now let's get on to this tutorial.
3. Entanglement Tutorial: welcome to the tutorial for quantum entanglement so you can start to strict five shuffling the cards. You can have a spectator shuffle and then you want to turn the cards upside down, and you want to show a spectator that all the cards are faced up. Now, as you spread through the cards, you want to memorize what the fourth card from the top is. So in this case, it's a six of spades now, the Spectators thinking that you're just showing them that all the parts are mixed up, but in reality you're actually just getting a glimpse off what that fourth card is. So six of spades in this case now you contend the cards upside down and a good thing to do here is to shuffle the cards again so that the Spectator doesn't have any assumptions that you memorized anything when the cars were faced off. And I think the best way to do this again is the riffle shuffle. But if you don't know that, I will leave another lesson in this video on how to do a fake cut to make the spectator think that you're cutting the cards, but what we want to do is we want to make sure that we maintain the fourth card from the top in its position, which in this case, is the six of spades. Now, from here, you can have the spectator cut the deck into two piles or you could do it yourself. And you want to tell them that you're gonna look at the fourth card from the top here so you can account for and we can take a look at it. So in this case, it's a six of hearts. Also, we know that the fourth card in this pack is a six of spades, so we already know that. And now we looked at the fourth card in this pile, which is a six of hearts, and we want to memorize this card. So it's important that we memorize this so six of hearts we can put these back, and then we can tell a spectator we can make our predictions. So the fourth card in this pile is a six of spades, and then we can go through and show them that it's a six of spades. Now, we now know what the fourth card down in this pile is which I think it was a six of hearts , right? Yep. Six of hearts. And we can take this packet and place it on top. And now we can do the exact same thing that we did. So we memorize the fourth card down from the top of the deck so we can go ahead and shuffle the cards, making sure that we maintain that the fourth card positions or we can do the fake cut that I will teach you how to do later on in this class. And so now we can have the spectator cut the cards again, and we know that the talk or the fourth car from the top here is a six of hearts, and we can tell them that we're gonna go down through the deck, the fourth card in this pile and memorize a card. Here. It's the nine of diamonds. And if you want to do this trick again, you're gonna want to memorize this card. So it's a self sustaining trick and you can do it indefinitely. So now we can tell them that Oh, from knowing this card, I know that the fourth from top card here is the six apart. If we go through, we can show them that it's a six apart and you can keep on going. Rinsing and repeating on the street works indefinitely. And that's why the streak is so cool. And it's a beginning card trick because really, no, besides knowing gonna do a fake cup, which actually isn't even necessary if you don't want to cut the cards. But it's still a very, very powerful trick.
4. Behing The Back: district is called behind the back. So I'm gonna start by giving the cards a bit of a shuffle here. I'm not gonna the spectator take a card out at random, so let's say they choose this country here. I'm gonna go into turnaround, flip it over for you so that you can see it. I promise. I can't see her. No going back over and I'm gonna turn back around. I'm gonna go in place this card right into the middle of the deck. Now, just so you guys don't think that I control the top the car to the top of the deck. I couldn't show you that the top card is the two of diamonds. Now, I'm gonna go ahead and make a prediction, so I'm gonna take these cards behind my back. I'm gonna flip one card over. Alright, I'm done. So I slipped one card over behind my back. Now let's go ahead and see what that card Waas you can see is a jack of hearts
5. Behind The Back Tutorial: welcome to the editorial for behind the back. Now, this is a great trick because it requires absolutely no set up. So it's completely impromptu. And also it doesn't require any sleight of hand or any special moves, so you can start a trick by shuffling the cards. And, of course, you don't have to do the riffle shuffle. And then if you have a spectator wants taking, shuffle the cards as well. Now you can have the spectator to take a card out out random. So let's say they chose this card right here. Now you want Explain to the spectator that you're gonna turn around so that you don't see what card they've selected, and you want them to look at their card when you when you have turned around. So when you turn around, you want toe, flip the cards face up, and then you want to take the top two cards and flipped him face down. So now we have a deck of face up cards with talk to your cards facing down, and after the Spectators has seen the card, you can turn back around to face a spectator, and you're gonna tell them that you're gonna take the card and place it right into the middle of the deck. Now, of course, they're not going to suspect that all the cards are face off because they see this face down card right here. So then you can take their card and you can place it right into the middle of the deck of cards. Now, you want to explain to the spectator that you're gonna show them that you did not control the car to the top of the deck and you're gonna do that by showing them that the top card is not their card. Now, when you're flipping over this top car, do you want to be careful as to not flash any of the other cards? So you really want to make sure that you're gripping the deck really tightly and you want to make sure that when you put this card over, you're not shifting this card in the process so you can show them that as you can see, your card has not been controlled to the top of the deck. Now you want to tell the spectator that you're gonna take the cards behind your back and you're gonna make a prediction. So you're gonna take the cars, were on your back, and you're gonna flip over these two cards face up again. Now, of course, you can't see the currency. You kind of have to feel and look for the top two guards. And this is, of course, really easier. You just can't two cards in the top and you can foot thumb face up, and then you want to flip all the cards face down again, and then you want to turn on. Then you want to be on deck out toe to the spectator. Now, from here, you can tell the spectator that you've made your your prediction on you can spread through the cars and show them that the prediction that you made was the carnet they selected.
6. The Slop: this trick is called the Slop, and although it's incredibly easy to do, it's still a very powerful trick and it gets great reactions. It does not look like a beginner. Trick it all. I'm gonna go ahead and perform it to you right now. Someone to pretend that the spectator chose the queen of Space. I'm gonna go ahead and get their card lost right into the middle of the deck, and I'll go ahead and give the cards a few cuts and even shuffle them just to make sure it's really lost in there. Now I'm about to do a really weird type of shuffle they've probably never seen before, and it's just to make sure the deck is really messed up really sloppy. So I'm turning some cards face off other cards face down, just to make sure it's really messed up here. As you can probably see Now, you can see that we have some cars that are back to face. Other cards are face to back, and some cards are even back to back now. You just thought I just showed you I just showed you legitimately that the cards are very mixed up. But If I just place the cards down and snap my fingers, you can see that all the cards are face up except for the Queen of Space.
7. The Slop Tutorial: This is the tutorial for the slop. So to start district, you can have the spectator shuffle the cards or you can shuffle them yourself. So it's a completely impromptu cars, and after you shuffle the cards, you can have a spectator choose a card out at random. So let's say in this case, they chose the king of spades. Now the first thing we want to do is we want to control their card to the top of the deck while making them think that we got it lost somewhere, right in the middle of a day. And, of course, there's many ways to do this. I'm gonna be teaching the easiest way in this tutorial because this is a class for beginners, so you can start by cutting the cards in half, and the spectator is holding on to their card right now. And then you want to ask them to place the card right in the middle of the deck, and then you can bring this packet over and we want to place it on top. But we don't want to just bury it in the middle of the deck. We want to touch a pinky break right above their card. So we wanna put our pinky just the tip of our pinky right above their cards, so that when we place the rest of the cards here, we create a separation and from the front, we want to try our best to make it look like there is no separation from the front. So again, we can have a spectator place their card right in the middle of the deck, and we want to stick our pinky in just a little bit, and we can bring the rest of the cards and place them on top, and we can use our thumb to push down on the deck so that it looks flush from the front. Now, from here, we can take half of this packet off here, so half the packet of before pinky break and place it down on a table, and then we can take all the rest of the cards up until our binky break and placed him down and finally take the rest and place them on top. Now, what we just managed to do is we got their car to the top of the debt. Now, the second part is we want to get the car to the bottom of the deck, and this is actually really easy to do from here. So you want to get in this position like you're about to do an overhand shuffle. So holding the deck with your right hand, you want to use your thumb to slide off the top part, which is their card. So from the overhead position from the position where you about to do it overhand shuffle, you can just slide their card using your thumb into the bottom of your hand. And then you can keep going with the rest of the cards like you would do a regular shuffle . And now we managed to get the car to the bottom of the deck. Now, from here, you can explain to the spectator that you're gonna do a really crazy type of shuffle just to make sure the cards are really mixed up and holding the cards in your left hand you want . Bring your right hand over, and you can use your thumb to push out a few cards and flipped him over with your right hand and then push out a few more cards and flip this packet again over with your right hand. So notice that only my right hand is doing the flipping here. So then more cards flip and more cards for thes over. Up until up until we get to the bottom card and the bottom card, we can just place it on top just like that. And what we managed to do is we actually created two packets, so we're not actually shuffling the cards that like you think we are. So we're just making two piles, one that's all faced up and one that's all face down with the spectator card on top. Now, from here, you're gonna notice that there's a separation, a natural separation in the cards between the two packets. And this happens because naturally, a deck of cards kind of clunk click gets con cave down. And if yours isn't, you can actually just You can just bend your cards a little bit just like that. No, you should notice this separation happening between the two packets out of the cards. So you want to start by taking some cards from beneath the separation, and you can tell a spectator Oh, notice how we have some cards facing down and facing up, and then you want to take cards. You want to speak the cards above the separation, and then you can tell them, and we have cards that are facing up and facing down. And finally you want to split the cards at the separation, and here you can say, Oh, and we also have cards that are facing down and facing down. Now, from here, you don't want to return this packet right back on top. You actually want to flip it over, and what we're doing here is we're returning all the cards to the regular position except for the Spectators card. And now from here, you can no fan the cards out just like that. And you can show spectator that only their card is faced up. Or if you don't know how to spread them like that, you can just go through the cards like So. Not, of course, can be a really powerful moment, because you just showed them that all the cards were sloppy and somewhere face up face down . But now all of a sudden, Onley, their card is facing up
8. The Perfect Cut: this trick is called the perfect cut. So I'm gonna start by giving the cards shuffle. Now, I'm gonna tell the spectator that we're gonna go and take a look at what the top card is here. So in this case, it's the two of diamonds. I'm gonna go out and take the two of diamonds and get lost right into the middle of the deck. Now I'm gonna go to give the cards another shuffle, just to make sure that the two of diamonds is really lost in there. Now I'm gonna have a spectator. Cut the cards right in half, and we can go ahead and mark the cut with this back in here, we're gonna place it on top just to mark where they cut now to recap. We shuffled the cards and took a look at what? The top card? Waas, which in this case, it was a two of diamonds, and we got the two of diamonds completely lost in the middle of the deck and even shuffled the cards. And then from there, the spectator cooked the cards right in the middle, like right where they felt like they wanted to cut the cards and somehow spectator caught right to the two of diamonds
9. The Perfect Cut Tutorial: welcome to this tutorial for the perfect guy, so you can start by giving the cards shuffle. Or you can have this a couple of because again, it's a completely empty impromptu card trick. Now, from here, you want to pick up the top two cards as if they're one, and this is called a double lift if you don't know how to do a double left already, there's actually a lesson in this class that goes over how to do the double lift in a lot of details. But in short, we're getting a pinky break above the top two, and then we're lifting the two cards as if they're one, and we're showing the Spectator this card, which they think is the top card. Now. In this case, it's the queen of space, so we can go on and flip over our double lift and we can peel off the top card and we tell the spectator that we're gonna get a loss of right in the middle of the debt, and they think this is the queen of spades. But obviously it's not exactly a jacket speeds so we can go and get lost right in the middle. Now from here, you want to do another form of shuffle just to give off the illusion that the card is really lost in there. And you want to make sure this shuffle doesn't disturb the order of the card on top of the day. So I usually like to do a riffle shuffle, and this is great because you can shuffle the cards in a way that the top card remains. But if you don't know how to do the riffle shuffle, I'm gonna teach you another way to shuffle the cards while making sure this card stays on top. So this is a form of the overhand shuffle. So you get in this position like you're about the overhand shuffle, the cards, and you slide off the top card using your thumb right into your left hand. And from here, you can keep on shuffling the cards on top of it, and now we have the card at the bottom, and then we want to do another overhand shuffle. But this time we want to make sure that we hold on to this top card, so we want toe shop shuffle all the cards off until the top card and then we can just place it on top. And now we've got the card right back to the top of the day. So in speed, it looks like this. And we maintained the top card from here. You can tell the spectator to cut the cards wherever they want, so let's say they cut them here, and this is still the top of the debt. So this is a top card, and you want to take this other pocket and place it like this now to make sure that they don't realize that this is just a top of the deck. You actually want to distract him so you can give them a brief summary of what just happened. Or you can kind of talk to them a little bit just to make sure that they forgot that this is actually the top card. They're probably not gonna notice in the first place. But just in case you want to distract them just a little bit. And that's why in the demo, I actually gave a recap of what just happened, and I think that's a good idea. Now, after you are finished, distract month, you can tell them that they cut right back to the Queen of Space. And of course, that's gonna be a really powerful moment right there.
10. The Prediction: this trick is called the Prediction. So I'm gonna go through the cards and I'm gonna take out a prediction card. So choose this Carter here. This is gonna be my prediction, and I'll put it over here for now. Now, I'm gonna ask the spectator, tell me to stop whenever they want. So let's do they say stop right here and you go ahead and turn these two packets over, and I'm gonna ask the spectator to choose one of the piles. So let's say they choose this pile right here. It's going to see what the card in this pile is. So it's the eight. That means we're gonna have to go eat cards down from this package. So that's 12345678 Now it's going to see what this card is. This is the eight. This is the eight, and my prediction. It is also the eight. Let's go out and learn how to do this
11. The Prediction Tutorial: welcome to the editorial for the prediction. Now, this is probably the easiest trick in the class as it requires absolutely no sleight of hand. It does, however, require set up. So it's not an impromptu Kartik. Now, this set up is as follows. The 1st 8 goes at the top of the deck. The 2nd 8 goes in the 10th position from the top. So we count 123456789 And in the 10th position a second it goes there and finally the last to go in the eighth and ninth position from the bottom. So we're gonna count 1234567 And in the eighth and ninth position is replaced thes 2/8. Now you can start a trip by telling your spectator that you're gonna make a prediction. And the prediction card that you want to take out is the 10th card from the top. So 3456789 and the 10th card is eight. And the way you want to do this is you want to start going through the cards and you want to start counting. So 369 and This is the content you want to choose, But you kind of want to keep going. So it doesn't look like you already have your prediction in mind. Like you're already. You're going to a specific card so you can kind of hold on to that kind of just market a little bit with your fingers and then keep going and then come back to it and say that this is the prediction card that you want. So they ate. And of course, you're not gonna show it to the spectator, and you can put it to the side here. Now you're gonna flip the cards over and you want to start going through the cards. And as you're going through the cars, you want to explain to your spectator that you want them to tell you to stop whenever they want. But the important part is to keep talking until you get to the two eights because you want to pass the two eights you want to make here that they don't stop anywhere before the 28 or on the two eights, so you can kind of start explaining to them that you want them to stop as you're going through the cards just just to make sure that they don't choose a card before the two eights. And so that's city. See, stop right here. From here, we can flip these two pockets over, and you got to remember that this is the pocket with the aid on top. So then you want to ask them to select one of the pockets and you always want to make it so that we flipped over this card right here. So let's say they choose this popular here. If they choose this one, you can just flip this card over and you say this card is gonna tell us how many cards to go down from here. And if they choose this packet, you can say, OK, so this packet is gonna tell us how many cards we have to go down for me. So regardless which packet they choose, they always lose. You're always gonna flip over this card on this. Is there still gonna think that they have ah have a choice here when in reality they don't . So you want to flip over this card and here it says the eight and then you can explain to the spectator that we're gonna go eight cards down from here. So 23456 17. And once you do that, everything is set up and you can. You can flip over all three of these cards and you don't want to just flip them all over. You kind of would have built up some anticipation so you can start with this one. You can show that it's an eight and then wait a little bit and kind of flip this one over a little slowly. And finally, you can say these are three eights in. My prediction card was also he ate. So although there's a beginner trick, I think it's really powerful on. It's really easy to lend, absolutely no sight of hand, no special moves.
12. Mind Reader (Just tutorial): welcome to this tutorial for the mind reading trick. So to start this trick off, you can give the cards shuffle. Or you can have your Spectators triple A card so completely impromptu card trick. And after the cards are shuffled by your spectator, the first thing you want to do is you want to get a glimpse of this bottom card, and this is actually a pretty easy thing to do. So the way I do this is I pretend, as if I'm just flipping the cards over right. That's a totally natural thing to do. But as I'm turning the cards with my right hand, I tilt the upwards just enough so that I can get a glimpse of that card at the bottom. And then from here, I continue my tilt. So in slow motion, it looks like this, right? Just enough of an upward tilt so that I can see that bottom card here and in speed. It looks like this, and that's enough for me to take a glance of that bottom card. Now the spectator will not suspect anything because it's it's a totally natural thing to just, you know, flip the cards over like that and just make sure that you memorize the card as you do it. If not, you can obviously just flip the cards again. If you didn't manage to catch a glimpse the first time now from here, you want to hold the cards in your left hand like this with your thumb and your three fingers or two fingers on the other side, and you want to bring your right hand over and you want to peel off. Ah, bottom the bottom half of the cards or the bottom. You pack of the cards, and from here you want to start peeling cards off with your thumb and your middle finger from the top off this deck. So you want to start peeling little packets off, just like so. So again, my right hand is holding the majority of the cards here using my thumb and my my middle finger and index finger, and my left hand is just peeling packets off from the top of the deck, and you want to tell the spectator to tell you to stop whenever they want. And so let's say the spectator says, Stop here so over. The spectator says, Stop you can just tilt this packet over and showed him kill them. This card right here. So the bottom card in the pack it in your hand. Now, this is really funny because the bottom card is never changing. So whatever the spectator tells you to stop, you always showing them the same card, the seven of hearts in this case. But for some reason, in the Spectators head, it gives them the illusion that there actually controlling which card is being shown to them. So they think that it's a free choice when in reality, they're always seeing the bottom card. And this is just kind of a funny thing here. So let's say they say stop here and you show the spectator the card, which in this case is the seven of hearts, and then you can get the card lost in the deck. Now, from here, you know what card they just saw and they think they saw completely random card. And you can get us creative when this part as you want. But basically you want to make them. You want to make it look like you're reading their mind. And for this to be a very powerful drink. You want to do it very slowly. So what I usually do is and it's kind of creepy is I tell the spectator toe, look me right in the eyes and I stare them dead in the eyes and I start, you know, making like frowning faces, as if I'm trying to read their mind or something. And I take it really slowly. So I start with the color. I say your card is read and then I go onto the suit, and sometimes you kind of want to mess up as if you're getting like a It's like, hard to read their minds. So you like your card is dime. No, it's not done hearts. And then finally, you want to get to the number, and you want to make sure you do this really slowly to give off the illusion that you're reading their mind. Don't just say seven of hearts, you know, the longer this takes you and the more creepy you make it feel, the better this trick is, and I love the Strip because of how creepy it is. I love just telling them to stare into my eyes and then pretending as if I'm meeting their mind
13. Double Lift: Okay. Now I'm gonna be teaching you how to do the double lift. So the double lift will be used in a hand sandwich trick as well as the cloud of training trick. And it does require you to know how to do a pinky break. Okay, So the first thing you want to do is you want to catch a pinky break beneath the two cards that you want a lift as one. All right. And there's many different ways to catch this pinky break. You could riffle through the cards and catch to above your pinky, or you could push the cards off and square them back up above your pinky. There are, you know, many different ways. Sometimes when I first started, I would approach the spectator with the pinky break already, like already already made. Okay, So after you caught that pinky break beneath the top two cars, okay? Or whatever. Two cards you're trying to lift as one, you want to lift them with your thumb. So I'm holding the pocket in my left hand. You want to bring your right hand over and you want toe lift off from this separation? It should be big enough for you to be ableto pick them up. You want a lift it up and you want to twist it with your index finger just like that, and you want to return it on top of your pinky. Thank. And then from here, you can list them back over and pick up the top card. Okay. So again, here I have the pinky break above the two cards and the way I just that was I pushed off the top two and squared them up above my pinky. I then brought my right hand over and picked up to two cards with my thumb, getting under that separation and twisted the cards with my index finger. Now, from here in the color changing trick, you would just lift off this card. And this would be the double backers in the head Sanders trick. You would then lift it back down and peel off just this top card. All right, That's it.
14. Fake Cut: Hello. In this lesson, I'm gonna be teaching you how to do a fake cut. Now, what a fake cut is is making a spectator think that you're cutting the cards. But in reality, the order of the deck is staying exactly the same. Now, this fake cut is incredibly easy to do, and it's very believable. So I'm gonna go ahead and show it to you right now. So the top card is a jack of hearts. I'm gonna go ahead and get the cards. A cut top card. It's still the jack of hearts. Now, the way you do this is you start with the cards in your right hand in this position where your thumb at the bottom of the deck and your middle finger and your ring finger at the top of the deck. Now with your index finger, you cut about half the cards upwards and you swing them out like this and this is called a swing cut. So from this position, your index finger comes to the front of the debt and you swing half the cards upwards. Now you bring your left hand over and you take this pocket into your left hand. Now from here, you're gonna tilt your left hand like this, and you kind of want toe. Stand the cards up vertically and with your right hand, you want to top this pocket on the side of this packet that's in your left hand you didn't want Place the pocket in your right hand down and then placed a pack in your left hand on top. Now, essentially, what we're doing is this That's literally all we're doing. But it gives off the illusion that we're cutting the cards. So again, I'm gonna go ahead and show you again. So without index finger, we give the cards of swing cart with our left hand. Were being this packet over. We turned it to the side. We hit in place and in speed. It looks like this. And of course, this is not changing the order of the deck at all.