Lumion 2022: Creating Realistic Photos and Cinematic Videos | T. Fajardo Oliveira | Skillshare

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Lumion 2022: Creating Realistic Photos and Cinematic Videos

teacher avatar T. Fajardo Oliveira, Engineer and Professor

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Taught by industry leaders & working professionals
Topics include illustration, design, photography, and more

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Taught by industry leaders & working professionals
Topics include illustration, design, photography, and more

Lessons in This Class

    • 1.



    • 2.

      Understanding the Initial Menu


    • 3.

      Loading the Environment and Using the Left Menu


    • 4.

      Using the Objects Menu and Real Skies menu


    • 5.

      Moving in the project


    • 6.

      Important Settings


    • 7.

      Importing 3D Model


    • 8.

      Preparing Materials and Textures


    • 9.

      Making the Environment and adding Elements


    • 10.

      Importing External Model and Rotating tool


    • 11.

      City Elements: Traffic and City lights


    • 12.

      Adding Vegetation


    • 13.

      Adjusting details on the scene


    • 14.

      Adding living Characters and Vehicles


    • 15.

      Configuring Living Elements on the Scene


    • 16.

      How to make a good render?


    • 17.

      Adjusting camera, lenses and effects


    • 18.

      Rendering a Realistic Photo


    • 19.

      Configuring objects movement for the Video


    • 20.

      Applying visual effects on the scene


    • 21.

      Rendering a Cinematic Video and Final Thoughts


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About This Class

In this course you will learn how to use Lumion from scratch and how to create realistic photos and videos using it.

Lumion is one of the best softwares for creating photorealistic images and cinematic videos for you renders. 

If this is the first time you're using the software, there's no problem. You are going to understand the interface, the menus, how to do the initial settings. You are also going to learn how to import 3D objects made in other softwares, and how to create a realistic scene for amazing photos and animated videos, understanding how to configure materials, textures, objects positioning, weather settings. which lenses to use and the best effects to achieve a high level of realism on the scene.

Meet Your Teacher

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T. Fajardo Oliveira

Engineer and Professor


Hi, My name is Thiago Oliveira, and I'm an Engineer, Content Creator and Professor.

I love to work daily with new technologies and I also love teaching everything I learn during my experience. I develop my courses so that my students can, not just repeat the process I'm teaching, but also apply all this knowledge on their reals projects.

See full profile

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1. Introduction : Hi. Welcome to the complete Lumion course, photo and video. My name is Chagu. I am a teacher of software related to engineering and architecture. In this first class, I want to show you briefly the topics that we will see in this course, as well as to start talking about the Lumi. My objective in this course is that everything you learn here, you can use in your future projects. This is a course straight to the point. But without letting any information behind, it is a course focused on practice. We are not going to make boring repetitions. We are going to learn how to use the software while creating a real project. Lumion is one of the best softwares to create ultra realistic photos and videos, and this is a course that you are going to learn from scratch how to work with this software, learning how to do all the settings and how to use the main tools to achieve these ultra realistic results. Even if you have never opened the Lumion before, this is not a problem. Every click that you do on screen, you are going to learn and you are going to know why you're doing that. Talking briefly about the course, we are going to understand the interface of the software and how to navigate through the different menus. We're going to know the best tools and how to work with these tools in order to create impacting renders. And we are going to know how to do the settings in each stage of the projects. We are going to learn how to move in the project, how to deal with the amazing looming library of objects that we can add in our model in order to create a realistic environment, a realistic scene. We are going to learn how to import three D models done in other softwares like vid, SketchUp, We are going to learn also how to adjust how to do the settings of the materials and apply the textures in our model. Learning the possibilities that the software provides us We're also going to create the scenes and to prepare the scenes, create the whole environment. Also in this course, I'm going to show you tips to achieve a realistic rendering considering photo and video, T concerning photometry, and camera adjustment, lenses and composition of a scene. We are going also to prepare the scene for these renders. And you are going to see how to use the effects that Lumon has raising the realistic feeling of your project and learn finally how to do the settings, how to prepare a notarialistic video in the created scene, and finally render the photo and video of our project. So let's get started. 2. Understanding the Initial Menu: Hi. So let's begin learning about the interface of miu. Here on the top, you can change the language of your software, and here on the center, we have some options here. We have new if you want to start a project from scratch, so let's click on it. And here we have some models. These models, we can use them in order to In order to select What is more related to our project? For example, the first model here, we have a plane and we have a low quality grass and a sky over here with some clouds, but we have no trees, and it is the most basic kind of grass. Here on the second one, we have a forest environment. We have some nature. We have three D grass already, and we also have trees over here in a more European style of nature. Here, the third one, we have tropical environment. So we also have tree D grass over here, sky with some clouds and some trees, but these trees are more tropical. They're different from the previous model, which is more European. So following, we have the mountain range model in which we have some low grass, but it's to three D grass, and we have a mountain range here on the background surrounding our model. So if you want, you can use that model also. And here, following, you have a suburb suburban environment. So it is interesting because if you want to show a house building in an environment of a small village, small city, you can use this model already. Because it will be more interesting showing this model, this building, in interacting with an environment, then then showing it in a empty place with no trees or just isolated from from its real usage. Okay? So these models are good to be used to match with your project, with the building, you have modeled the house, and whatever you have as an objective. And here, the last one we have white and it is a completely empty model. You need to add the plane, the grass, and configure the sky, and I have never used it until today. So I don't recommend it as we already have the other models over here. Okay. And just think over here. All these models, you can change everything. You can add the elements. For example, here in the first one, we don't have trees, but we can add them. We can modify the terrain, also in the other models as well. They just work as a start point for our project. Okay? So we can use them with intelligence, and it will help us on delivering a better quality project, and they help us as well to save time. So let's go back and continue the class about the interface of Lumion. Here we have examples which we can click and Lumum has already some modeled and projects with all the settings. It is nice for you to study, and to try the effects in the beginning, and you can have references over here. You can even delete the buildings. If you want to use the environment to add your building, So these examples are very interesting. You can use it to raise your knowledge about lumium. Let's go back. Here in computer speed, we can view the benchmark results of the performance of our computer. You have here the minimum specs and the recommended. So you're going to have your graphic card over here, GPU and the graphic memory. This is the memory of the graphic card, your CPU, over here and the system memory. Until now, I use 16 gigabyte of system memory, and I'm not feeling necessity of adding more. So I recommend using 16. I have used eight and I don't recommend, but 16 is a good number, I recommended and you can rerun your benchmark over here to see the results of the performance of your computer. Let's go back and here in load, you can load projects you're using. Here in save you can save your project, save as save with another name. Here in news and learning, you can read some news and articles if you're connected to the Internet. So these articles and news they come from the Loman website. 3. Loading the Environment and Using the Left Menu: So in order to start, let's click here in new and let's select the second model, which is the forest model. And we can wait. Okay. Now we have our environment, our scene loaded in lumium and great part of our view here is the project itself. We don't have a lot of men occupying a great part of the screen as we have in others. So here on the top, we have the layers, the layers of the elements in the project that we're using. If we slide the mouse over here, we can see the other layers presented in our project. So we're here in layer number one. So for example, if I have here in the project the layer trees, I can click on this eye over here, and the software will hide the elements of that layer. I'm going to click again so I can see these elements again and have the trees back here on my screen. Okay, so this is part of the layers. And here on the top on the right, we have an icon, which is a camera. Actually, If we click on it, we're going to be positioned into height pre configured, determined. In this case, I'm I've been taking to the set eye level at one and 1 meter 60 centimeters, and, and here on the side, we have a square, which shows the process of our computer, the usage of our computer. And if we slide the moles over here, we have some information on the screen, the amount of memory that we're using. We also have the quantity of objects in the current project, and these projects divided into categories, for example, nature, people and animals, and every object you keep adding in the screen, you're going to raise this number over here. And let's remember, Uh, as you add more and more objects, more and more elements to your project, it requires more of your computer, okay. Okay, so let's continue here on the bottom, we have two menu. So let's start. We have one here on the right, and one on the left. Let's start from this on the left. And this menu is divided into four categories, objects, materials, landscape, and weather. So the first objects. And this category is used for us to add and edit elements in our scene, and these objects. These elements can be imported from them library. And they also can be imported from softwares, other softwares than lumium, for example, you can model a building in ravid or sketch this menu, you're going to import dement this structure into Lumi. But notice one thing. In this category here on the left, here on import. This is the option that we are going to use to import elements that don't belong to the Luminal library, the elements that were modeled in other softwares. I'm just going to click once just to show you on information over here. We can check over here, the extensions that Lumon works with. We have several extensions over here. We have codepile which is the extension that comes from avid when we want to work with Lumon. Those who use avid to model structure. You need to use the plug in. It is free, plug in from Lumon. So you can export your file structure in Cold file. So you can import it here in Lumion. We also have here the sketch up extension. We also have the Tre DS, we have a lot of options over here. I'm going to click cancel. So let's continue. And in this category, we have several options here. We have a categories of the elements. We can add in our scene. I'm not clicking. I'm just sliding my mouse on it. So we have imported models, which are these models imported from outside the alumiu have the nature. Which are going to have trees, fine detail nature. We're going to have a lot of trees and nature elements. But with very high level of detail and equality, and be aware that these models, they require a lot from your computer. We have people and animals, You're going to work with that Indoor. So we have the elements you can use to add indoor scene, outdoor, transport, we have cars, we have planes, we have buses, different trains, also helicopters and other kind of transport lights, so we can use the effects of lights. Let me tell you that these lights are not the lamps, for example, these are the effects of the lights. And here, in effect, we have other effects like water of fountain and fire and smoke and that you can add into the city. Here on the sound, you can add sound to your scene. It is very useful when doing when preparing a scene to a video, okay? And here in utilities, we have other configurations. And notice that we can click twice in each of these categories, for example, here nature. 4. Using the Objects Menu and Real Skies menu: In each of these categories, for example, here nature. And we've got to have a lot of options here of the elements of this category. And inside of it you have a lot of pages, okay? You can select one element and click on your project and it's going to be inside it. I'm going to hit ask now. Okay. And you can change the category. People and animals. Look, we have man, women, boys, girls, have Pat's. Okay? So you need, this is very important to you. You need to explore. You'll need to have interest on trying to suit the batter up the data elements for your project. For example, in case you're adding humans, characters, your project. Some of them are in different positions, some of them are walking, some of them are seated. I will have some, some of them that are slim n and we have a baby with a baby. Some of them are doing exercises. So it is important to you to check this out. Look on the bicycle, then. Seeded given cell phone. So this is a huge library, okay, currentCharacter library. And it is very important. We have kids over here. It's very important for you to check it out. As in the other categories for resembling transport and have bolts, heirs, even hot air balloons, outdoor furniture, buildings, okay, hold buildings you can add to our projects. We are going to use these categories in the project. I'm just showing you if you don't know it. Okay. And just, um, just want to show you one thing. When you add an element, like I added this three over here, we have these manual underwrite, this menu. You can select what you want. You want to do with your element. For example, just want to select it. And notice that the elements in order for you to change your element, you don't have, you can do it just clicking on it. All the elements, they have a target over here. Okay? This small gray balls. So each one, each one of these gray balls, they're related to one object. Okay? So for example, I'm going to click here, I want to achieve, move up my tree. I'm going to click here, and this is the target of my tree so I can move it. Okay, I want to move it horizontal. I can move it. Now, if I click just on the tree itself, it will not work. Okay? And very interesting here, if I, if I'm clicked on transport, I want be able to see the target of my tree. So you have to need to be no category. So you can change the elements that are in that category if I choose here transport. I don't have any transport in my scene, so I won't be able to modify it. If you have doubt about the category of the elements you have in your project, you can select here, oh, and you're going to see all the targets of all elements, elements in your project, okay? And you can rotate these elements. You can change the scale right here, direct on the element, are it can change it over here. And you can also. So this is the first menu here. And let's go to the second one. Materials here. Materials is that we're going to use in our project. We're going to see it better in our project, but we can change the textures, we can change the settings of the materials of our scene. See it better here in landscape, but we can change our landscape. For example, the height we can create, we can raise K. Or terrain, can modify everything. So you need everything related to your objectives. Can add water, ocean, the pet landscape, grass, okay, you can change the size of the grass, the height of VIF, of it, the wildness. So it can modify your landscape over here. This is very specific. So we don't use it in 90% of our projects, okay, but it's important to know that it exists. And here finally, in whether they're interesting, because we have, let's disable here this real skies and aware real skies is disabled. We can choose the direction of our Sun. Okay? Look, it is there. I can also change. Okay, which part of the day? The height of the sun. So we can change everything into some brightness, okay? And the amount of clouds in the sky look lot of clouds and now with no clouds. So you can change it. But what I recommend, don't use it unless you need a specific, very specific occasion for the sun. Let's use the real skies. We, what are the real skies? We can turn it on and click here. The real skies are ultra realistic. The skies of polygon k n. You can choose the part of the day. In the morning, in the sunset, in the evening. If it is under overcast, a lot of clouds. If it's clear, cloudy. So use the real skies. Everything you need about skies you're going to find here and in the project, okay, look that in real skies, you're able to choose the position of okay, of the, this polygon sky. But you cannot change here. The height of the sun, it is fixed. On real skies. We have other effects that are that when you turn on real skies, you cannot change, but tell you use real skies effect is awesome and it is worth to use it. 5. Moving in the project: So if we want to move, we can use the right bottom of the mouse. So it's like we're spinning our view, spinning our head, and we can also use the W S A and D. On keyboard, so we can move in our scene. If you want to move faster, you just can press the left shift off your keyboard. And we can also roll scroll off the mouse. So it moves even faster, okay? Especially when we're in the shift pressed. So we can use these buttons to move. And let's continue, of course, with the right part of the menu. 6. Important Settings : Okay. And now, in the right part of our screen, we have another menu built in. It is when it is this part of the software in which we add the elements. We make this. We added the materials, we changed the landscape, change the weather. Okay. Here in photo, we're going to click here when we're going to do the rendering of the photo of a static image, here the rendering of the movie. The three 60 panorama if you're like if you want to do the panorama to use a VR virtual reality on a VR glasses. Here in files, if you click, you're going to be back to that menu to that start menu. Let's go back to build. We have the help here, and here in settings. Let's click on it, and we have another menu over here. Be aware that these options on the top, they are not categories that we can click and new options will appear over here. They are already options to be turned on or off. Here enable high quality trees. Turn it off. I suggest. Unless you have an extremely high high end computer or let it able until you notice that your project the building process of your project is getting heavier and heavier, your computer is having some problems on processing every details. So here is about the high quality trees, enable automatic high quality preview. Let it unable as well, because it is a new feature of Loman that it kind do a pre rendering prerendering to your image. I don't like it. It makes me lose a lot of time. But you can try it if you want. That means that when you stop your mouse and you don't do any movement, he's going to do that prerendering, I don't like it. Enable target tabled input. Okay, that's about tablet. I'm not going to use this Mod sound. You can use go through screen. Here, in editor quality. You can change the quality of your visualization and the editor resolution. But Okay. You can even if you're using low quality, it will not affect the final result of your render. Okay? This is the visualization quality in your editor, as well as here in an editor resolution. So these are options to make it to make it easier for your computer to deal with all the information, all the elements and objects that can make your scene heavier for your processor. Measures you can choose between meters and peril units, or logging, let's let it off, use your analytics of recovery. I suggest turning it on, so recovery file is going to be created to your project and large tumbin let it off and we can go back And now, let's go to start the practical part of our course. 7. Importing 3D Model : So let's start the practical part of our course. We're going to prepare an environment. We're going to prepare a scene that is going to be used for photo and video rendering. And we're going to configure the materials, going to add elements of the scene and configure the skies and everything. So let's start. It is a urban scene in a city rounded by mountain. Here in the Start menu, we're going to click on and I select model, we're going to click here on Mountain Range. And here we have Lumon. We can go close to the mountains because we are going to use them as a background for our scene. Let's click on Import and select building. Let's open. And we can change the name. I'm going to type here model three, and here in part edges and lines, you let it off because we don't want to see those lines from drawings. We want to focus on the ultra realistic rendering. And, And as the software loads the file, an important tip here. The lumium usually have problems in order to load files done in sketch up, okay? Inversions from 2019 on. So in case you're having some problems using sketch and important to Lumium just save your project in sketch the extension, sketch up 2018. You don't need to use this sketch 2018, save it in this extension, in this format. So now we have here our model, that it is being included in our environment. Just position it as you can see the roads. So here is a good positioning. Just click left mouse bottom, if you continue clicking, you will continue adding more of this model in your project. So just press enter, and our model is over here. And if you zoom in, if you get really close, you're going to see that the grass from our terrain is It is covering part of our model of our use asphalt, so we can select it and select here, move up, and we need to find that blue target over here, it is here. And you can take it up just a little bit 0.2, and that's it. We're not the sing the grass anymore of the terrain. Another option would be to select here landscape. Okay. And to set the grass lower. Okay, so here we have our model, our treaty model imported. 8. Preparing Materials and Textures : Okay. So now let's start to prepare our model. The first thing we are going to do, we're going to click here in the materials because we are going to prepare the materials and textures that we have here. First, let's prepare the sidewalk. Notice that when I select materials, when I pass the mouse, the screw of the arrow, actually. Through the materials, they turn in green. Here on the sidewalk, notice that when I select this part of the sidewalk, the other part also, it is in green. It is because in sketch up, they they received the same color, the same number of colorization. So here in materials, I'm going to click here in my sidewalk and we have this material library where we have a lot of categories and inside them, materials that I can use, for example, in various, I have woodland, rock, saw you and inside these categories, I have pages of the materials of it. And when I select, look, the element that I clicked, he receives that texture. Now I'm going to click here in outdoor. I'm going to come here in concrete. Okay. It is good for you to explore the different materials we have here, right? But we're going to deal with a lot of them in this course. So here in outdoor in concrete, we're going to select the 123, four, fourth concrete here. And if we zoom in, we can see. Some squares dividing it. We have two options here, or we click on save changes, and this texture texture is applied, or we can double click on the material, and we have several options here we can choose. For example, we have colorization where we can change the color and raise the amount of the color of the element, gloss to add a glossiness effect on it. Look, I'm going to keep it just a little bit the mid level reflectivity. We can raise it or Turn it to low relief. Relief is very important and here is the first tip of our course. What is going to make your rendering, your image, your video, ultra realistic, are the details and the imperfection. What I want to say with that? The reward is not perfect. So if you can reproduce that imperfection into your model, you're going to have awesome results. And this relief is one very useful too in order to that. Notice that I'm zero here, we can almost can see the edges of these squares. And when I put it to a high level, we can see the edges, we can see the imperfection of the materials. So use it wisely. Okay. I'm going to use it a little bit here. And, we also have map scale. If we raise it, you're going to raise the scale of your texture. Look the scale of texture. Look the size of the square is no big, but I want to use it. Small. Okay, that's fine. And here in weathery is another example. Okay here on the bottom. We have several options here and I'm going to jump in this weathering. The weathering is another example of that imperfection that I told you. We have here the weathering, which is, for example, the fact of the time in that material can raise it. If you think that's too much because this is not an abundant city we're going to make here. You can just add some. Effect of time over here. Okay, that's good. You can choose it also related to the material. For example, iron, you have some rusty and we have wood, so look. We have some kind of wild vegetation growing there. I'm going to keep in stone, and that's fine to me. And here in edges is also an allied in this S for the imperfection of the model. Because the real world is not perfect. We don't have perfect 90 degrees cut sidewalk, use it, and you're going to observe a nice effect on the borders of your materials. And, okay, material set, we can click in safe changes, and our sidewalk is ready, also in this side and in the other side as well. And let's come here. We have these blocks, the niches that we're going to have some plants on it, and we're going to use dark marble here. So I'm going to click it, to come here outdoor, stone, sorry, indoor, stone, marble. We have several options of marble here, kind of green, black marble, white marble. I'm going to use the black one. You can also jump in and explore that options I told you, but I'm going to keep it. This marble is fine. I'm just going to apply the edges here. Here's a nice example. Very good example for you to see. See that edges are perfectly cut over here. I'm going to apply the edges and look the difference, the effect on the edges. It's like a shadow, and it makes a lot of difference. I don't want to I'm not going to apply the weathering, a Maybe just a little bit. That's fine. That's it. Save changes. Actually before save changes. I'm going to save this material because I have made some changes. I'm going to replicate this same material with these changes here on the columns of my structure. So I'm going to click here and save material to custom materials. One click and I can choose the name, for example, custom custom marble and save change that I can select my columns and in the categories here in the material library, I have the category custom materials. You can change your materials and keep saving them. Select the custom material which is the same of this one and save change Now I'm going to change this floor over here. I want concrete. I'm going to select the first one. Okay, but I want more imperfection on it. I'm going to jump in. I'm going to raise the relief to the maximum and the map scale also. Look, I can also almost see, that's too much. Map scale over here. It seems natural. And I'm going to add the edges over here. Way back to the maximum, a little bit weathering, and that's fine. I'm going to also save this material, this custom material. I'm doing it in order so you can learn this option. It is very useful and custom floor, for example, custom floor, save changes, and I'm going to replicate here here. Yeah. Custom materials, custom floor, e, and that's it. I'm going to choose the material of this part also. Here, I'm also going to use concrete, but I want a dark concrete, so I'm going to select the first one. And I'm going to change the colorization, make it darker and yeah, and here and that's fine. The edges, I'm going to apply the weathering. That's too much and safe changes. Here on the bottom, I want to apply some wood. So here in outdoor, we have wood, have several kind of woods over here. You need to explore, because you need to know your possibilities, you need to know, you need to enhance your Your memory related to these materials, okay? I'm going to apply this dark one, Save changes. And before going to the glass, I want to configure this concrete part over here. One click. I want to use a polished concrete. So in concrete, page four, we have here poccreteHw beautiful it is. I'm going to jump right into it. I'm going to change because I want it a little lighter. A bit more. Yeah. That's fine. I'm going to relieve going to keep it right here. The edges, the weathering. Yeah, no. In this case, I don't need you. Safe changes in here, these bars. From the errors, from the exit of air here. I want to apply some metal, some black metal, we have here on page three, some polished metal, but we have here. Metal rusty. Look how interesting it is. We have some rustiness over here. I'm going to double click on it, and in colorization, I was also want to make it darker. Yeah. It is fine. Edges. I make it better. Silver aluminum weather plastic iron. But we already have this t over there. But look. Yeah. And these imperfections, I'm going to teach you very quick, so we don't lose time, but these imperfections edge that's what makes difference on your model. That's what brings realism to it. Hearing glass, I'm going to click on it, and so it is already selected because the Lumum already recognize it from sketch up. I'm going to go to the material library. We have several kinds of glasses over here. I'm going to double click because I'm going to show you some possibilities we have here. We have the colorization, okay. But we have the reflectivity, okay. So if I raise it too much, I'm not going to be able to see what is inside. If I bring it to zero, I won't see the reflection, so I'm going to keep it use it here. That's fine. Internal reflection, a, Very interesting. Transparency, if I bring it to the lowest level, I won't be able to see anything that is inside. So I keep it on the maximum. I have the gloss in its okay. The first lines, very interesting because it changes the resolution. That we can see the inside the interior of the building. I'm going to keep it in zero. We also have relief to be applied to the glasses. Look how interesting it is. So in some materials, you can use it. It's not this case. I'm going to keep it that way and save changes. 9. Making the Environment and adding Elements : Okay. So let's start adding some buildings to our scene. We need For example, we're going to look our building. Come here. So it is important to add buildings to these areas. I don't need to add elements behind me. I just need to do the scene over here. And Lumon has some very good preconfigured and pre model objects here in outdoors preconfigured buildings that you can use to help your environment. Here in outdoor buildings. We have several buildings here. You can click once You can add it. I'm going to add it over here. Actually, I'm going to add it over here. Sorry, over here. You can go adding the other buildings. We are going to add the buildings to the end and come over here and over here also and come back over here. In this case, I used the high buildings near the main one. But for the other places here, we're going to put the big ones on the behind, so we can see the little ones over here. For example, I'm going to get this little one. I'm going to add it here. Okay. You don't need to be worried about the space here on the grass because it will not get it in the scene when we're looking from here, okay? It's just to add more complexity, more realism to to add more elements to the environment. Over here, we can add this here. When you select an element, you can use it for all elements. You can press the R button in your keyboard, keep it pressed and you can with your mouse, you can rotate it without clicking anything. And when you think that's the best position, just release the R and you can go and you can Put your element, whatever you want. Okay, here, I'm going to also add one here. I'm going to add a big one here. This one here also, another one here behind it, And I'm going to add the other ones. Until. Until here, Just keep adding and use this to explore to see what models could you use in your projects could be useful for you. It's nice for you to explore and to know these options. When you start getting over here in front of the main building, we're going to select a specific building. This one, this apartment, one, two, three, four, you're going to select it, and we're going to add it to rotate it and add it here. On the corner. Okay. And we are also going to replicate and use it here, but let's rotate on this other corner. Over here. Okay. Let's see how Let's click on ask. Let me see from here a look how it is becoming. Okay? Now we're going to do it on this side. We're going to add some buildings over there. Let me do it over here. I'm going to add this one. I am going to add. This one. This one and keep adding and you're going to see the difference at the end of the process. Rotate. Okay. Okay. Oops. Okay. Let's see how it is going way better now, but we still have some grass over here. Okay. This part. This part, we're going to add the other part of this building over here. Sorry. You can add it here. Yeah, that's fine. And look what we have here. We have a nice, let's click ask. Well, seems there's a gap over here, a I don't know, that's it. That's fine. Looking from here. It's a nice city environment that we're creating so we can use this prepared pre made blocks from, In order to build our environment very fast in this case, and we'll continue in the next class. 10. Importing External Model and Rotating tool : Okay. Continuing our course, we're going to add another structure here that will take part in our project in this region over here. Go to click in Import and select the coffee shop. That's open. We can change the name coffee shop. Import edges and lines off. Let's wait form. Okay. And we're going to add this construction over here, exactly in this white part. You can put it here. You can rotate it. You just have to zoom out to see the target of this construction is a little bit away from it. I'm going to rotate it and move horizontally. So here. Oops, oops. Yes. That's it. Perfect. This part, we have a white part here that I forgot. We're going to add some grass over here so we can select it with materials, can come here and three d glass three d glass or the Let's three d glass. Three d grass is better. From grass, White grass. Okay. Clean cut grass. That's fine. That's fine. Save changes. Now we're going to prepare this coffee shop as we have done with our main building. We're going to click here on the bottom part. You're going to configure a concrete. But a white one. Double click. We can raise the colorization. Over here. That's fine. Edges applied. Weathering a little bit and the wood can click on Wood outdoor. We can change it. You can change to wood you prefer. For example, this polywood you can ops over here, it's fine. Can make the edges, the weathering. No too much. We have the wood option over here. Okay. Relief. Okay, stop part. It is the Polywod is it the same? Just let me check out here. Oh, no, this one is way better. Let me raise the map scale over here. Edges over here. Safe changes, and that's it. And now let me change here in scolor the glass. Okay, so indoor glass and interior glass, and that's it. Safe changes. So we have now our coffee shop here ready in our environment. So what we are going to do now. We are going to add elements that make part of the environment of the city, and we have a bunch of them here in Loman. And here is another tip in my course. See pictures. Save pictures. Look on Internet. You need reference. I'm not telling you to copy and paste another person's work. But references are important. For example, this building here. It was inspired in the Hilton Hotel of New York City. And it is important to have references because when you're doing a rendering, when you're preparing a scene, you have the technical part, also. But you have artistical feeling. You have a a piece of art over there, and having reference, having inspirations is natural, is important, concerning camera positioning on materials to use or how to make a scene look more realistic. So in this case, first, let's add the objects of the scene. 11. City Elements: Traffic and City lights : Start by adding some outdoor elements over here. Let's click on it. First, I want to add here. We're here we have several over here in lightning. We have the traffic light. I'm going to select it. I like this one. This traffic light one. And I'm going to add it over here. I'm going to rotate it. I already teach you how to do that. I'm going to add it over here. Okay. And as I add over here, I'm going to add also. Oops. I can rotate here. I'm going to add in this part. We have two traffic lights over here. We have other kinds of traffic lights. And I'm going to add another one over here. Okay. And now we can add also the street lights. We have several of them over here. You can choose which one it goes better with your environment. We have a lot of them. I'm going to use this classic one one over here, street light nine. And now you can start thinking a little bit about the positioning of the elements because you don't want them to be colliding with each other, or if you are thinking about doing a scene over here, you won't put it in front of your building. So I'm going to add one over here. I can add one over here. And on the other side of the street also over here, maybe here. Over here, here, and I'm going to teach you what we call as mass placement. For example, I want to add a lot of these lights, a lot of these street lights from here to the end of this road. I can click. Sorry, I can't click. When I select the element, I want to add, I can click here and Mass displacement. Click over here, and we're going to see a line. When I see this line, I can put it to the end. Until where I want to add those elements. Don't think that I'm exaggerating over here. And now we have the final element over there, and we have some elements being added through this line, and we can raise the amount of these items over here. Lo 12, 11 eight. I'm going to keep it in seven six. Okay, six is can change the direction. Look. But I'm going to keep in zero. Randomized direction. I'm going to keep it in zero. Also, the spacing along the line. Look, they're not equivalent, and the offset, so, but I'm going to keep it in zero, and that's it. Confirm. I'm going to do it again from here to the end of the sidewalk. Okay. Confirm. We have one there. I'm going to do it there. That's it. And here, also, I'm going to put it one here, single placement here. The one here. And, the street lights are good. I think that's too much over here, so I'm going to take it off. I'm going to take it off this one also. Okay, that's fine. And now we can add one of the best elements that enhances the realism, which is the nature. 12. Adding Vegetation : In order to add the nature elements can double click here, nature. And let's add in the niches over here in the marble ones, the We can come here. Sorry, can come here in plants. For example, Azalea. We can use that mass displacement that we have learned. I can click over here, go to here, and reduce the number of items. I don't know, three items. That's good. Can can do that again over here. Okay. Do that over here. And over here. Okay. So look how beautiful it is and the nature elements, another tip, use them, don't forget about them because they add a lot of realism to your project, okay? Sam, it seems they are not essential, but they add a lot. And in order to add another one here in Broadlef one of my favorites. We have the small maple. I'm going to find it here. We have conifers. We have the broad leaf, palm leaf trees. Yeah, favorites. And here, the feed maple small. Here in broad leaf. Oh, yeah, number seven, fed maple small. I love this tree very nice one. I'm going to keep it not so close to the to the city light, and I'm not going to use it here on this corner because I don't want to put it in front of my building. So I'm going to use it over here, one, oops. I'm going to put a single placement over here. Another one over here, and then I'm going to use the mass displacement, number of items, oops. Look, over here. When I'm using the mass displacement, now, this can happen. It is adding another vegetation, so you have to be aware in this screen in order to remove, and only keep the vegetation you want. That's nice. Confirm. I'm going to add here also to the end of this. Seven items. That's fine. Over here. Te here. A lot of items. I'm going to reduce it. That's better. And single displacement here. I'm going to bring it actually here. Actually, I'm going to change this one. I'm going to add Conifer. Yes, this one. It will give a nice touch over here. I'm going to also add it over here, two of them, and see that we are starting to change our environment over here. I forgot to I forgot to add those trees on this side. So I'm going to add it from here Ops mass displacement. Confirm. Okay. I'm going to add some others here. Okay. So now we can add other elements that will make our city real. 13. Adjusting details on the scene: So we can add here other elements. Here in outdoors, double click. We can come here in. Utilities. And we have some bus stops over here. I'm going to use the zero six, rotate. I'm going to use it here. Hoops single placement. I'm going to use over here also. We can use fire hydrant. Don't think it is useful to add these elements out from where you're going to take the picture because this is what I was talking about the realm, the details. The small details. Add them Billboard. I'm going to add one over here. Rotate and that's it. Okay. And also add a speed bump over here. Mass placement. Oops. Look. Again, you have to remove, remove the elements we don't want. Okay. Change the direction. Number of items. Okay. I have some phone here, phone booth over here. A single displacement. And I want to add now. Let me see where is it. Okay, the trash cans, which make part of city also. So I'm going to add here. I want one clean one in this cafe in this coffee shop over here, and a nice one over here. I also want to add We have some signs a bunch of signs over here. I'm going to add one related to bike. Not so close here here. That's the one. And in outdoor, I just want to add one more thing here and sort it. We have some basketball court. If you like if you can add there. I don't think there is necessity. But you have to explore all these servations these possibilities here. And here in A sorted, we have a street chalkboard here for the CF. I'm going to put it over here. That's it. I'm going to remove. Actually, I'm going to remove this trash can over here Ops Sorry. Okay, that's better. And now we can add some living elements in our space. 14. Adding living Characters and Vehicles: So these elements we're going to add now, like cars and characters, k, people and animals. We have to know that they are go to appear in the photos. An individual, also in individual we can we can make the prepared the movements they're going to do. So let's start adding at first some cars, okay, you can click here. In transport, you have sports cars, SUVs, vans. We have a lot of vehicles over here, air. We have also aircrafts work. You can put them on the sky. We have k's, small planes, helicopters, hot air balloons. Okay. So let's use cars and a tip that is going to be used in the photography. If my building is over there. Don't just put a car. We're here. It is much more effective if you put it over here with the future movement opened here in front of it. Let me get a better car over here and don't put it very close to the sidewalk because we're going to we want to show more this asphalt. We're going to do some fx here. So I added over here, I'm going to add also some cars coming as they are on the other side. I'm going to add some SUV's coming. Okay? So for example, they are here and I'm going to add another one over here. And I'm going to add the car going and another one and another one here. And I'm going to add a burst. Also. Buzzes. And we have to add discards very far also, because we're going to move them in the video. So let's add some over here. But we're going to see that better later. Over here. And if we click on Select, we can click on the cars, can changed the color. Red one is a nice one. You can turn on the lights. Look, I'm in front of the car. Can turn on the lights. I'm going to turn a little bit. Can show the driver look, there's a driver inside it off and on. And if you're going to take a picture, we're going to take a picture. We can take it inside of the car. Inside of the card from the sample. Look. Okay. Some cars are better than others. But it is an option if you want. Have several cards that you can choose and you can turn on and turn off the driver. So let me continue. Turning on the lights of the cars, lights on, lights on here. And also here. And the burst. You have to take care when turn the lights on because it will turn the lights of the interior look. So here here's good. And I think we have enough cars over here. And now we can add people and animals. We have several options here of people. Some of them are seated. So use them in our Chu add in your seats. For example, here in the coffee shop. Okay. I'm going to get another one here. Another one inside. Okay. As I told you, you have to give life to your environment. So don't think it is useful to add these characters inside the building, the cafe. Actually, it will save your, your work. And I just forgot to add here in outdoor furniture, iron, okay. Where people can sit over here. So mass displacement from here to here. I'm going to take dissolve, reduce the number of items. And yeah, we're good to go. Now let's go back and keep on adding characters. Just take care not to add more than you need. Single placement. Otherwise you're going to have extremely big crowd with no NTID. And it would have a lot of other characters. Here. Characters, six, characters, walking, using bikinis and running, and carrying babies. Use them as you think it is the best way. Okay. We're going to add man stopped over here. I'm going to add a man riding his bike over here. And on the other side of S3 it as well. Another bike here. And another one over here. Look how our city is. Start receiving some life. More people seeded over here. And add this one on the other side on the bus stop as well. I'm going to even repeated on the other side, there is no problem. That is very far. In images. Go and add this characters and give life to your environment. 15. Configuring Living Elements on the Scene: Now we have some characters. First, let me add one here, talking and woman here talking. Also. I prefer that the characters that you cannot see the arms. I mean, they, they are, they are using cloves, long clothes. I think it is more realistic. Okay. All right. We're going to add another bike over here. And now I'm going to add some people walking. In. The women 3D. I like this woman, Caucasian. As she walks late is very realistic. I like it. I'm going to add it here. I'm going to also add in men on page let me see where is it, Okay, Then caucasian, caucasian, page 4. Here. I'm going to add this one, walking to dare. And that's it. And now we can, I'm just going to add some nature here that I forgot. We're going to add some mass displacement k, but we're going to use another, another trees over here. Okay? So here in broad leaves. Broadly, if we're going to add that the maple. And we going to add the mass displacement over here. From here to here. Yes. Very good. I want to have a kind of corridor over here. Okay. And also here, from here to here. Okay. And now what I'm going to do over here, I go, I'm want to simulate that some leaves are on the ground. So here in nature, we can come here in leaves and look, we have some leaves on the ground. And we can add it on bottom of our trees. Oops. Let's click on single displacement here. Here. And these are those details that it told you that we add realism. Tomato can also click here in the leaves birth square. Sorry, there is an option here that adds it. The more white space over here can add it. Look very interesting. It helps a lot on creating more realistic environment. Didn't like this one over here. Oh no, it's fine. And now we can add, configure here the effects, actually the effects of lights. Let's double-click on it. Let's come here in omni light and light fill. I'm going to select these three lights over here and click, click it and it kind of turn them on. You don't want to do it with all of them. Is the sum of them. Those who are That should know that are going to be close to your photo. This one over here also. And that one. And I'm going to use it also to the traffic light over here. Can click only not green and select Haier. And select, select your light. You can raise the brightness to the maximum and the fall off also. Because the fall off, it spreads. If you turn it the lowest level it going to spread your light. You just want to keep it in this place. And it can also add the green light here. And do the same thing. Ripeness and fall off to the maximum. And you can add the red light to the past, to the pedestrian here. And that's it. It's a nice effect on your photos. I forgot to turn on this over here. Actually, I'm going to bring it here. Lights fill. Okay? And that's it. Now we can go to the rendering part of our project. Look how beautiful is our environment, our city full of life. If you want, you can add more people, more elements. Do you judge that they are necessary? For example, I'm going to add another man coming this way. Okay. See you on the next class. 16. How to make a good render?: Okay, now that our model is ready, we can go to the render part of our course. But I'm going to show you the tools, the effects that we can use in order to make a good rendering. But what makes a good and bad render? And I want to give you some tips very useful. They're awesome and will make a huge difference. In your projects. I don't want just to show you the effects and you can use them without knowing what you're doing and a little random. So what makes a good render? At first, we need to have a good and detailed three D model. In this case, I'm talking about this main building over here. So pay attention to the details. On your model, not only on the modeling part, but also with the textures you're using, the configurations of the textures. We use it as I showed you here. And the second part is the environment. As I told you, look for the details. We have a guy here far from the camera, riding a bike, but he's here. We have a bus over here. We cannot see the whole bus, but it is here. There's a guy on the bus stop. He's waiting for a bus. Another man here riding a bike, a car here, very far. Some trees, very far from here. Some branches of a pine that is possible to hear, to see here. So all the details, enhance they raise the level of realism of our scene, so pay attention and dedicate some time to build a realistic environment full of life, okay? Um, and other tip that I give you is about photometry. What is photometry is actually the understanding this study of the camera positioning, and how it will show the realism of your scene. Remember that the camera is our eye in the virtual world, okay? So in order to do that, to make a good rendering, we can click here on photo. And talking about camera, we have here the lenses, okay? Once you raise it, you're going to close your view, okay? You're going to not let it wide, once you go left, you start using the wide lenses. But be aware because in wide lenses, you start to distort the surroundings, the borders of your image. Pay attention to that. Another tip about cameras, the best lenses, you can write it down. The best lenses to make good renderings are the 27. Actually are from 25 millimeters until 50. It's very close 50. And why that? Because it is more natural to our eyes, okay? This view. But I know that, for example, this is a very big building. Maybe you want to show there's no problem. You want to show it entirely, and you have to use more wide open lenses. Okay, I know that, but here's a tip 25-50, are the best lenses you can use. Another tip. Have an objective in your render. My objective here is to show, for example, the interaction of my whole building to the environment. So obviously, hoops that I'm going to use a wide open lenses, and my objective is to show the interaction with the environment. So I'm going to use open lenses? Why deciding an objective? Because you need to have a focus. You need to decide what you want to show. In your reader. So, for example, I'm going to I want to show the The interaction of my building to the environment and another tip here. Leave what we call here breathing area. For example, in the borders. Try not to put elements touching it. For example, we have this car here. It It is bad if you leave the render this way. Try to put this way, so it is a free It is a free border. Over here, and here and here, and try to like that. Instead of touching your building to the top edge of the scene, try to let a little brief area, like that. Obviously, that you have to do it wisely, but it makes better. It improves your photos, okay? Another tip. When you have buildings. It can be small big buildings, and the front face of the building is here and it is pointing to your right. So try to leave more free area in your photo on the right, where your building is pointing to. It is way better for you to do that than let it pointing to the right and you you let this left area open over here, okay? It is much better. This is one of the secrets of photometry. You have the objects need to have a direction. The same as the elements. For example, this car here, he's pointing to the end of the road and he's pointing to the future to his future movement over here. As this car. So he's pointing to the entire road that is that it can be that's been shown here on the screen. Okay. So it is better to keep some elements here than to let kind of this way, the car pointing to the end of your photo. And another one. You see there are some white lines, When I press the right button in my mouth, you see some white lines here and try to focus, try to position your main object of your scene in the intersections of these lines, for example, I'm going to you don't need to be exactly on the where they collide, but at least, something like that, or something like that. I'm going to. It is a better composition of a nice render. I'm going to prepare one here. Okay. I'm going to do this way. Nice. And now we can click in store camera once we have positioned our camera. Good, and look that we can make it. We have the photoset one with ten cameras. We can choose the position, and we still have the photo set two, it goes until 20. And now that we have decided our first photo, we can go to the effects of our render. 17. Adjusting camera, lenses and effects: And now let's go to the effects of our render of our photo. So here we have the star camera, the position we choose. We can change it, okay? Every time you change it, you can click again over here. Star camera, or you can choose another angle and click Start camera in it. We'll create another one. The latter double-clicking. So let's go back to this one. Okay, I'm going to use this star camera. And we can click here first in Custom Size. And here we have some presets. Okay, I've configurations, realistic interior down day time, not overcast color, sketch and water color. What do we use? 99 percent of the time, the realistic K, you can choose it. And we can see are ready some changes over here. Another tip for making a good rendering, use the sunlight in your favor. So here, real skies. Just click and select a real skies. You have the you have the sky in the sun in different parts of your days. So for example, cloudy and can choose. And here mean reading, you're heading, you can change it, change the position of the Sun. Okay. And why do you change the position of the sun? It is going to create the shadows that are interacting with our model. And another great tip over here, what makes a good rendering are the shadows, this interaction of the light, use it in your favor. Okay? The light and shadows are awesome. And for example, here in real sky, the first one, you can rotate it to see what is best for you. I want to see my building look. The sun is touching my beauty. And it is also though in some shadows over here. Okay. This is going to be nice photo. But I'm going to change in these normal, perfectly normal when you're building nerve seen, you change some elements that you don't think they are good on it. So I'm going to do lat, the leaves over here and this biker. So I'm gonna go back to my builds and move. You can the LAD or move horizontal. Remember to set, to choose the category of your elements are, if you don't know, can just click in all categories and you can move your element, okay? And the lead and wanted to let my, these leaves over here. First, this one, this one, this one. And move back my biker and photo. Click here. Okay. Little wider. That's fine. Okay. So we have shadows over here. The sun's coming from here. He's Dutch in our building. You can set the brightness up or down the overall brightness, but I'm going to leave that way. So real skies, years, it is an awesome effect for your render. Another one. Okay. You can use the depth of fields if you want to focus on your building, for example, I'm going to come here close to this car. And you can, okay. You can decided is the focal focus distance. So I want to focus on my and my building. So I'm going to set the amount to hear the focus distance. Okay, it is ready in my building. Remember that I told you about the objective of your scene. Okay? So the objective is here. And you can change this foreground and background here. I'm going to set u here. So my car is not focused. The focus is coming to here, okay. You can see my sidewalks and not focused as well. And let's go back to the facts. So this is a very nice effect if you can use it. Reflections, I'm going to talk later. And here in add effects, you have other ones that you can explore. The sun god raised some studying volumetric satellites. You just going to, are going to use it when not using the real skies. Okay? You can explore it, explore it, and don't use it a lot. I prefer using the real skies in whether you can add fog jurors seeing arctic can add precipitation. And that's one effect we're going to see now. I'm going to click Precipitation. Yeah, in precipitation, we can add rain and snow to our scene, but you don't need to always make a scene. Um, when it where it's raining or snowing, you just can't let the elements wet like an after rain. So if you change here, you go, for instance, 0 to the right and go for rain to the left, I'm going to leave it in rain, precipitation phase. You can change, see how wet is our asphalt and Okay. Now it's extremely wet and now he's drying ready in completely dry. So I'm going to use a little bit like that. And it is gone. It is going to add some reflections of the elements and it enhances the realistic fact of our model as well. But I don't want to show here on my screen, There's no are the rain falling down. So hearing particle quantity, which is the amount of this particle of rain or snow is falling. We can put it in 0 and here in particle size, you can set it to 0 because if you let it here, you're going to see the water drops on the water on the asphalt or sidewalks so you can set it to 0. And hearing blocket by plants and trees, it is what has been blocked here. Constraints. So just going to leave it here. The extra fog addition. Look here in the back of our scene. I can raise it. Okay. I'm going to set to almost nothing. Okay. And blocked by as is the how the elements are blocking this. Okay. This is water. So for example, if our car is in movement, He's not blocking the war. That is it different from a car that is in a parking lot, okay. That is covering the risk, protecting the asphalt under it. So I'm going to live this way. 18. Rendering a Realistic Photo: After rain, use it. It is very powerful, okay? Okay, let's go to add effect. Let's see another one. We have some here real skies. That's a bass already told you. A burials. It is beautiful, but not so useful controls, moon, volume clouds, or horizontal sky clouds. Objects water when you're building a pool, or a lake, for example, autumn colors, you can change the colors of your natural elements, later visibility, variation control. Camera. Okay. Here in camera, you have so many factors here like fish chromatic aberrations. Okay depth of field, we're already using it. You can see here already in use in order to focus some elements. Okay, this photo matching is when you're using a real photo and you want to add your three D model on it. It's very interesting, but it depends on your objective. And two point perspective is a nice effect because when we have it disabled, see that there is Okay, it is not right to the top here or building. There is distortion here. And when we turn it on, see, our building is straight to the top. So it corrects some distortions of the image. You can use it according to according to your objectives, Sorry. All right. Yeah, that's fine. You can use it or not according to your objectives and notice that when I turn it on, our building hits the top of our screen, try not to try to avoid that. Okay, that's a nice one. And let's see other effects here. Animation, not going to see it now, to use it more in the video. Artistic. We have some artistic effects here that we're not going to use. For example, vaginit that you can turn the borders of your image in black, like a black shadow on it, the nice watercolor painting. They're not related to rater realistic render. We have the more artistic effects over here and in advanced, y. Here is very interesting. For example, reflection. I love this effect. Let me tell you the reflection is going to it's going to require a lot of your computer processing. I'm going to turn into high and look how different is the reflection right now. Just notice that here, for example, I'm going to come here close to my traffic lights. Okay. I'm going to Oops reflection. I'm going to turn it off. Notice that I'm not seeing the reflections here of these traffic lights over here. Now I'm going to turn it on. Look, we have more reflections here, more realistic reflections. So use it. I know it requires more from your computer, but it makes a huge difference. Yeah. I'm going to keep Sorry. I'm going to keep this way over here. Okay. That's nice. And here, the preview quality. Let's remember, high normal and low, it is related to the preview, not the final render result. You can enhance the flickering reduction. But we need to do another thing here. Here, we need to click in add it, and we have to select the planes that we want to add this reflection effect and clicking in the plus so, I'm going to select here my sidewalk, and I want to select also the plane of the glass of my builty this side also. And Okay. And now we're good to go. We're good to make our first render. Let's click here in render photos. Here you can choose the photo set, where you can render all the camera positions you have prepared and add the effects, or you just render your current shot, which is this one. You can choose here the resolution you want. I'm going to set desktop. Sorry. You have some additional outputs here that you can use. But just normal desktop is already a nice quality, and just type the name you want, render one, for example, a hit save. Okay. Now our render is ready. You can check it out and we can make other good renders over here. I'm going to turn off the, when you're adding a lot of effects, you have page one, page two, I'm going to disable the depth of field here. Look that. Now we can see more coming from there. I'm going to get closer to my building. And I'm going to use more closed lenses over here. Okay. 40. Remember that I told you about the 25. Okay. So what are my objectives here? I want to show this part of the sidewalk and the end of the road over here, the cars coming and the front part of my building. I want to take this photo, and I don't want this car here. He's not adding some good things to my scene. So I'm going to move it to the front photo. Okay. That's fine. That's better. I don't want this character over here also. So I'm going to I'm not going to, I'm going to delay it. Yeah. Now I want to change I'm sorry. The real skies. I'm going to choose another one. Overcast sunset Clear is very good also. It adds a lot of nice natural lights to your lement. Look how beautiful it is and the reflections. This is going to be an amazing photo. Look how beautiful it is. I'm letting here a brief area air area over here, and I'm going to start the camera and we can see the reflections. I'm going to render it desktop, render and wait for render. 19. Configuring objects movement for the Video: Okay, now let's go to the making of the video of our project. So we are here in the build part and photo and movie. You're going to click on movie. Okay. Here in movie, we have record made from five and move from five or entire movie. We're going to click here in record. Okay. And what the Salters is asking us to do. He's asking us to choose the first position of the camera. For example, add camera. Add camera key frame. And then the second one, you can go a little to the back here, add another key frame and can go more add camera keyframe. So the camera will move. We'll try to move as natural as possible through each key frame. So you can click here at the beginning of your video and play and this is a preview, okay? And you can raise the seconds of your video. Once you raise it, the transitions, the movement of the camera is going to be lower, in the same way as if you turn it to small numbers, it's going to be faster, the movement of your camera. But as I told you when doing the renderings of the photos, what makes a good video rendering. Depends on what you want to show. If you just want to show the interaction, I'm going to share with you what I use in my projects, what other professionals they have developed as techniques, and they have included when in the routine of making good videos, you don't need to move the camera artificially like if you were using a drone. You can sometimes leave the camera, just like this and move it a little to the top, just showing the rest of your building and try to avoid fast movements. Otherwise, you are not going to be able to see the details of your scene, like in the photo renderings, It is nice to see the details here in the video also. Okay? But I want to before going to the effects that we're going to add in our scene. We're going to do a kind of video that I like so much. We're going to simulate as we were walking in our scene, real walking, like if we were living in this scene. So we have the height here. I'm going to set it to 68. You're going to start our scene from here, for example, sun coming I'm going to take a camera key frame, and I'm going to turn a little bit to here. So in this first part of the video, I want to see the environment happening. And then in the next one, I'm going to start walking a little bit to the front. Focal length. Okay, it's not so good. The focal length is very close, so I'm going to make it again. I'm sorry. Here, I'm going to set it to 25. Move. 23. Okay, that's nice. At camera key frame, I'm going to move a little bit to here. Now I'm going to move a little bit and walk to the front, and I'm going to wn. Even more, don't care about this character. He's going to move as the scene is developing. I'm going to move to here, and I will stop here and start looking to our main building a little here and here and here. Okay. So this is going to be our scene. We are simulating like if we were a real character on the scene. Let's see. The city is moving and we're going to move that way. If you if you don't like speed, you can turn the seconds here low numbers, and it's going to speed make our scene even faster. I'm seeing the preview of our scene. And going to look to our building. This is the preview. Let's suppose that preview is ready. We can click here and save clip and go back to the movie mode. Yes. And now. Yeah. Oops. Entire movie. Okay, I can see our entire movie from here. Now we can add also the effects here that are going to be part of our movie. The same effects that we have added to to the photos. Realistic, you can choose the real skies. As I told you, use the shadows, use the sunlight, This is an awesome. So like, look, the trees over here, the vegetation is awesome in Lumum. Use it in your favor. You can also choose here in the timeline of your video to see how the effect is on that scene. Okay. I'm going to also add as we don't add the dpa field here. Remember that we are simulating a real character, walking, a real spectator, walking in the real scene. Another awesome effect we can add here. In animation is, Where is it? Oh, camera handheld camera, as we were really walking, and we're going to see the shaking of the walking. The shake strength, if we ease shake strength, look. It is like bumping. You need to use it wisely, not to Okay, that's a nice one. You can change the film age, like an node one. The focal length also. Let's see. Yeah, this one is better. But we have to look to other details, for example, in this part of the video. I'm seeing the empty part of our model over here. So I'm going to go back to the build part. I'm going to add some vegetation over there. Favorites, conifers conifers here. Meditation here, here, I also want to add a tree over here. Yes. And when we go back to the movie, it is way better over now. Now, why don't we add in the floor, the effect of wet floor. So we can come here in weather, precipitation as I already told you, precipitation phase, particle quantity, particle size block it by parts. That's nice. Blocking distance, extra fog addition. Look the fog being added. So as it is not raining, it is like an after rain situation. I can leave it to zero, block by. I'm going to raise it. And precipitation phase. Okay. That's nice. And we can also add a look how our movie is changing. Simulating walking in the environment. 20. Applying visual effects on the scene: Very calm. Without fast movements. Remember that, avoid fast movements that's not good for video. You can see the pause, for example. I'm here. When I reach here, I give a little pause and I turn to my building, and when I see it, I don't cut the video straightaway. We can even add another shot over there. But that's fine. I like the way it is. We can add here also, the reflection, is it. Here and advanced the reflection, for example, in high, and you can choose the plane as we did on the photos. I'm just going to click on this plane over here, and that's it. Amazing. You can see the preview. It is even an amazing photo. Look at that. And now, before rendering our video. I want to add the movement, some movements here. So the movements we are going to add in the building part, here. And how we do that? First, I'm sorry. It's not in the Buty part. The beauty building part, we're going to add some other effects. For example, here in sound, I want to add some sounds to the video, sounds of a city, double click on it. We have a bunch of sounds over here. You can for example, the airport. Uh, coffee, Japan, construction, High School, you have to test all of them, I recommend you testing road restaurant. So for example, street, England, Chinatown, and you can't choose the position of it. So when you reach when you go close to the point of market, the sound is going to grow. So you can leave it like this way. Here. That's good. Yeah. Are. Over here. We have some other effects here. If we had a fountain, we can add some water and fire smoke, like add smoke to the city. I'm not going to use that. I've already see the fog. And we have leaves. I want some leaves falling from these trees over here. Okay? And you can use this effect. I'm going to use it here. Okay. And you can choose it. So you can change the color of your leaves. You can change the direction of the wind. The amount of leaves that are falling, the size of them. You can go back to your video and see how the effect is going to. Look, No, I know. This is just Nice effect. If you want to add, This is not an obligation, but it's nice to see that it exists and we can click here in the video, can click here in ads. We are going to move our objects, and we have two ways to move the characters. Here in animation, we have the mass move move or advanced move. The mass move. You save a lot of time. You choose it and click in edit. You're going to click you're going to select an area and send all these elements to that destiny. For example, I have these two characters over here. They are walking. I'm going to click here and send them to the end of the sidewalk. Okay. So if they are inside this area, they are going to do this model movement. You can raise this area, for example, over here. All right? You can select if you just want to use people or you want to it, D let cars, imported models also. And we can choose the speed of them kilometers per hour. All right. And after doing that, you can click here. And once you play, look, people are walking. If you think they are, how nice it is. I think they are slow. You can go back to the mass move, add it and make it faster 5 kilometers/hour. Let's see. Or even faster. I'm going to turn off here the reflections because yeah. So it is better. And Mass move, I'm going to change a little bit more 7 kilometers/hour. Okay, I think that's better now. 21. Rendering a Cinematic Video and Final Thoughts: Actually make presser. Look at the other characters are interacting here. The move now I want to move the other elements, the carts, the bikes, and I'm going to use the mass move move. Again, I'm going to click in Add we are going to add a new direction over here. Look, Add path. Okay. So I have a bike over here and a car, and I want to send all these cars to the end of the road. And I'm going to raise the area over here. Nice. So we have our car on it. We have this bike, we have the other bike, we have the other cars. I can add here at the end, more elements. I'm going to add another car over there. You can Yeah, click here just to show you play. Look, the cars are going, but they are going too slow. So you go back to the mass move. I can raise the speed of this path. And the car is going to chew 30 kilometers/hour. Let's see. Okay, much more natural now, and I want to add mass move to the other cars that are coming. So add path and from there, che here, ops. Yeah, I'm going to raise the area. That's nice. Uh, 27, okay. Let's see how the cars are doing. Oh, look, they're moving in the scene. That's amazing. More cars coming and we can see you have no more cars coming this way. There's a bus coming on the other side of the street, so you need to be ation. Now all the vehicles had pass here hat is no vehicles driving this part of the video. So we need to add more vehicles here on the building part. I'm going to go to add here another vehicle. So they will never stop You never stop passing in our camera. I'm going to add another one coming this way over here and another one. And I'm going to add another bike, coming this way. Again, And also, I want to add a woman running like doing exercise during the morning. I have here in page four. Page four or page two, looking for it. Okay, page three, a woman running this way. Doing exercises. Okay. And I'm going to use not the mass movement, mass move to do the settings of her movement. I'm going to do the move, the move effect. It almost the same, but you're going to select the star position end position of your elements. So the star position is this one and the end position of her. I is going to be sorry. I need to see. She's going to run until here, for example, Or here. And if you select the start position, you're going to see her here and confirm changes, and let's see the preview of our video. She's running. Seems more realistic right now. This woman is still walking very slow. I'm going to change that. See all these changes. You have to pay attention to the video. What's? What is realistic? What is not realistic? And I noticed that here in Mass move. Let's add it. We have added some cars over that, but the Okay. The range didn't get it. Okay, now it is. I'm going to turn the speed a little low to 24 back, and let's play to see the preview of our scene. Amazing. Amazing. Look. Look how realistic it is a bike over here. Car coming. This is not the final result. Once we have once we render it, you can see the final result, but we already have an amazing environment happening here. And you can add the other effects the reflection that I told you, Theta will not work very well in this kind of movie. You can also add the wind to the trees, so the foliage wind strength. You can put it on the highest level and the trees they are moving a little bit like if it was happening a wind, Okay, let me hit ask here. And you can finally render your movie. You can click in movie and here in render movie. Now, you can choose the quality, the output quality of your video. The draft, good quality, and here you're going to add the anti Aliasing. Okay? So here in production quality, the yellow star, you start applying all the effects that you turned on, plus the antis. What is the tasing? It makes it avoids some and sharpness in the edges of your elements. So the best one obviously is everything on and 16 x tasing frames per second. My opinion, obviously, it makes difference, but 30 FPS is good. I think this is not relevant as the facts and it's not relevant as the composition of your scene. If scene is good, it is going to have a good effect in 30 FPS in 60 or 200. Here also you can choose the render resolution you want until four or you can make it in image sequences of all frames and can do it and see your final result. I expect that I hope you have liked this course. I condensated here, all the best all the best effect all the best practice to have the best result in your images in your videos. I wish you good luck in your career and see you.