Liquify Filter serie #02: Transform a picture into an abstract background in Photoshop | Katya Boudjelloud | Skillshare

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Liquify Filter serie #02: Transform a picture into an abstract background in Photoshop

teacher avatar Katya Boudjelloud, Graphic, Web and Motion Design

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Topics include illustration, design, photography, and more

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Taught by industry leaders & working professionals
Topics include illustration, design, photography, and more

Lessons in This Class

    • 1.

      LiquifyBackground Intro


    • 2.

      Part01: Using the liquify tool


    • 3.

      Part02: Adding adjustment layers


    • 4.

      Part03: Adding texture


    • 5.

      Part04: Adding type


    • 6.

      Part05: Using mockups


    • 7.

      Resources Bonus + Conclusion


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About This Class

This tutorial makes use of the Photoshop Liquify tool along with a few additional edits to make the kind of trendy artworks for Album covers or backgrounds that can be part of modern brands.

What’s interesting is that you can achieve a different result every time either by using an alternative base image or just by using the range of liquify brushes randomly.

The effect can be achieved in just a few clicks.  I'll show you how to apply the background onto three different mockups.

This class is short, fun and super accessible!

Meet Your Teacher

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Katya Boudjelloud

Graphic, Web and Motion Design


I am Katya Boudjelloud, french born graphic, web and motion designer. I studied and gained most of my professional experience in London (UK) . My design studio is now based in outstanding Vancouver BC which is a fantastic source of inspiration.

I have over 10 years of hands on design and teaching experience and I would like to share with you my passion for the creative arena and communication.

To check my professional portfolio please visit or, if you want to see what I am up to on a daily basis check out my Facebook and Instagram page

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Design Graphic Design

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1. LiquifyBackground Intro: welcome to this new Photoshopped tutorial, part of creating and applying texture Syria. This tutorial makes you the photo shop liquefy tool, along with a few additional edits to make the kind of trendy at works for album covers or background that could be part of modern brands. What's interesting is that you can achieve a different result every time, either by using an alternative image or just by using the range of liquefy brushes, randomly discusses, short, fun and super accessible. I show you how it's done, so let's get started. 2. Part01: Using the liquify tool: to begin. We need a photo of some kind. The subject doesn't matter at all. It's more the colors and contrast that will affect the final results. I'm using the image of a closer flowers from unspool ash dot com. The liquefy tool can be quite CPU intensive, so in order to work faster, we're going to downsize the image. Go to image, image, size and change for 1000 pixel or smaller. It's a good idea to replicate the picture layer. This way you'll have more room for experimentation. In the end, you can keep their layer you prefer or keep them all for different purposes. Next, let's go to filter and select liquefy. Press the default walk to play around with the settings and use a large size brush so the tip feels a generous portion off the ridge. Next, it's cooked the brush around the canvas to distort the picture. There is no specific manipulation. Just move the brush randomly all over the picture until you're happy with the result. Okay, remember, we are did this liquid file effect to a small scale image. Now go to edit instead backward or used to come and old Z twice to remove the liquefied effect and bring the image back to its original size. I go to the filter menu, and liquefied effect should be sitting right on top of the list. Click it, and the same effect will apply to this large scale image without freezing your computer if you were working light on a high resolution picture. 3. Part02: Adding adjustment layers: The effect is already quite convincing, but there's still a few things we can add to improve the look of the artwork first at a black and white adjustment layer on top of the photo layer and reduced capacity to about 70% to last. Some of the original colors to show through next at a level. Adjustments layer and pull the shadow slider inwards to dock in the image, followed by the highlights lighter to boost the overall contrasts. To get a vintage washed out look, moved the shadow input levels in words to change the darkest area from black to a dark gray . If you prefer a color version, simply replace the black and white adjustment layer by a U and saturation layer and play around with handles to get notable colored results, Okay. 4. Part03: Adding texture: Let's take the effect a step further and give texture to the artwork. This will add subtle details and make it more interesting to the viewers. Make sure the picture layers selected inside the layers panel. Go to filter noise, Add noise. Enter value between five and 10. Make sure their uniform and you know chromatic boxes are ticked in the dialog box. 5. Part04: Adding type: Now let's add some typography on top to police the effect. Use the type tool in Photoshopped to create some word for the artwork. Here I'm using a sensory modern phone corden condensed. Place the word off your choice in the center of the artwork. Create a new layer and use a rectangle chore used to transform to control. T to recite and position it around the text. In the top toolbar are the wide white stroke. Choose a stroke side at roughly, matches the weight of your typeface to balance it all out. 6. Part05: Using mockups: the finished pieces now ready to be used onto a collection of items. I'm going to show you what it looks like on an album. Cover a business card on the meta Lichten. For this, we're gonna use the mock ups provided into the class project section. First, save the abstract background as a jep ache or a PNG Fine. Now let's open the vinyl cover markup in photo shop in the Layers panel. Double click on the smart object Finn. Yet here this will open a smart object window. Place the abstract background file on top and resize it accordingly. Next, close the smart of Jake Window and save it. Go back to the original more cup file and see the changes. Repeat the process for the final smart object and complete the other. Or look now let's supplied the effect onto the business card. Malkoc opened the PSD five provided in the project. Last section in the Layers panel. Double click onto the smart object idiot here. This will open a smart object window. Place the abstract background, fire on top, and we size it accordingly. Next clue. The smile of jack window and savings go back to the original mocha file and see the changes used the exact same process to apply the texture onto the metallic. Teen woke up. Just follow along the steps I'm using here. 7. Resources Bonus + Conclusion: you can find lots of free Photoshopped Mo caps on the Internet. Graphic burger dot com is an excellent website to source. I quality mock ups. School down to select a market that interest you and click on the green download button to get the photo shop file. That's it. We've just been an abstract background that's great for an album. Cover a website header, the reverse of the business card or on any package designers, part of the cool brand identity. All that's left for you to do now is to upload your texture to the Project Gallery both as a flat J peg and onto a mock up of your choice. Then you can Charon dribble instagram or wherever you hang out on the Internet. You can mention this class and follow me on Instagram at Kay Bee Creative Lab. Thanks for watching this glass. I can't wait to see what you've created. I hope you had fun with this and see you soon