1. Welcome back/ Introduction to class: welcome to my second skill share Class line drawn florals, A step by step guides drying Stunning. Mm. Unease. If you are joining me for the first time, I am Kristen. I am the original co creator of florals Your weight. You can also follow my instagram and Facebook page at the singing Finch. If you are like me and you can't get enough of drawing florals and you want to learn how to draw a group of Yemenis, this class is perfect for you. First up in this class, we're going to go over all the tools you will need tools you already have in your home that we're gonna pick an inspiration picture, and then we're gonna dive closer into the anatomy of the Yemeni, using one of the flowers from my garden. We will then jump into drawing each pedal one by one will add multiple flowers and then leaves and foliage. Lastly, I will teach you how to draw detail to the flowers to give it a more realistic look. Once we're finished with this class, you will be able to drug groups of enemies and you'll want to share it with everyone. We have lots to go over. So let's get started.
2. Tools/ Inspiration/ Anatomy : Let's go over the basic tools you will need for this class. First, I want to encourage you to sketch how your illustration using pencil first This way, if there were any mistakes, or you've changed your mind on how you want your flowers toe look, it's a simple fix. You don't need a special brand or type as long as you have an eraser and a sharpener handy if needed. After we're done with our complete sketch, you'll want to go over it with a fine line pen. I usually like to have a variation of sizes. Here's a tip that I find useful. If you have it. Use a larger tip for the outline and a smaller tip for the detail. If you don't have more than one size, that's totally fine. I will be using my zebra pens sensation, technical joint pens, the size eight here I'll be using for my outline and size, for I will use for my detail. Like I said before, if you don't have to different sizes, one pen and any pen will do the trick. Lastly, is the paper any kind will do? I'll be using this eight by 11 inch card stock. If you only have standard printer paper that works just fine as well. I also have here some washi tape. I used this in my video to keep my paper still, and these are the basic tools you'll need for this class. Let's find a fun and challenging inspiration. Picture. You can do this by Googling and the money flowers or taking one of your own. If you do Google a picture, I do suggest finding one that has multiple flowers in it, with different sizes in views of the flower. For instance, one with a bulb or mid bloom tufo gloom with a view of the back and center of the enemy today will be using a picture that I took from my own enemies From my garden here, you can see a variety of stages from first bloom to full bloom and different views as well . Let's take a closer look at an individual and Emini to see the anatomy and different parts . This is Thean Emini Flower. There are about 200 different species, and they come in a variety of colors, like white, pink, red, purple, magenta and blues. Let's look at the center of the enemy has a large amount of pistols covered by hundreds of tiny hairs or stigma. The mountain is surrounded by a crown of stamens with anther at the end, which contains the Poland. The center mountain stamens are surrounded by 5 to 8 rounded petals. Finally, they have a ring of leaflets just below the puddles. The leaves grow around the stock almost looking like a frilly collar, and the leaves have a tooth like feature. This is the basic anatomy of the indemnity flower. OK, I think we're all ready to start sketching.
3. Line drawn florals: Pencil sketch : Okay, So our 1st 1 that we're going to draw is gonna be this smallest, and the pedals are gonna be pretty much closed up. Our first pedal is going to be surrounded. Kind of like an egg shape like this. And then our second part of what we're gonna do is come from behind it and just get a peek out just like this, You can just barely see it now. Our third pedal, we're going to come from this side doing the same thing. They will dio a couple little peaks in the back of that. Let's move on to our second anime. This one's going to be taller with larger puddles, these puddles of being more open and in mid bloom. So your bottom part of it's gonna be rounded and then the tops gonna have a little bit of jagged edges, a little bit of wavy lines. Let's move on to our second pedal. Now we're gonna come up from behind this one here, some wavy lines with a rounded bottom. This one's coming up from the center of the flower. You some wavy lines coming down. See how I came up this way? Now what we're gonna do is we're going to connect the back of it like this, giving the look that the pedals folding over. Here's a side view pedal connecting the back, also giving that look that it's folding in. Now let's go into the middle, the center of the flower, where we have the mound with the pistols and draw a bunch of these. You can draw as many as you want. They have a bunch of them. They can be different lengths as well. We're going to start a mound of pistols by drawing on oval on our stamen and anther got a little wavy lines and then we're gonna connected here, giving it that folded in. Look, see how I made this one going about a side angle. At this point, these petals are wilting and they're getting ready to fall off. Let's move on to the stock and the leaves. Now, as you can see here, this is the mid stages is gonna be this one here. Here. The leaves are about an inch and 1/2 2 inches from the flower itself. In the first stage, it's a lot closer to the flower. It's go ahead and draw that here. Let's start with the stock coming out from underneath it here. Now, with the leaves, they are surrounding the flower. And you can tell here that they're kind of spiky. Have, like, tooth. Look feature to it. We're gonna add that at little ones from behind. No, let's go ahead and bring our stock down these pedals here, covering part of the stock. We're gonna bring it down about right here to where our leaves were. This one is gonna be a little more loose because it's at that final stage. Have you noticed that the leaves stay put in the same place and in the flower grows beyond the leaves? Comptel, This stock has that tired look. It's ready to move on from the base of the stock. It also grows more leaves and foliage. Let's go ahead and add a little bit of that here and there. All right. Great job.
4. Line drawn florals : Adding detail : Okay, We are all set to move on to the detail of the pedals and believes we're gonna come up from the bottom edge of the pedal. We're going to start by putting a lot of pressure first. And as we move up, we're going to release. The pressure we want to do is we want to create the look of the lines being parallel to the curve of the pedal when coming from this side, giving it that rounded look. You also want them coming from the top is well, now, as you are moving them towards the center of the flower, your lines are going to start getting thinner basically like little points and start with that first pedal that we did. We're going to come underneath here, going from both directions, giving it that folded look, moving on to the second pedal, doing the same thing again, giving it that rounded look. But coming from both directions following the shape of the pedal. Now each line does not have to be the same length they're going to be. There's gonna be some smaller ones and some longer ones. You want to make sure that your detailed lines are not straight that they are parallel the curve of the pedal. Let's move on to our last flower, making this one have a little bit longer lines just to give up that really wrinkled, tired look like it's wilting. I'm gonna move on to the pistols now. Now, these air tiny little hairs. They're actually called stigma. We're just going to do basically stable, lean but dragging it out toe where they look like little hairs. Very tedious part of it. In the end, it makes all the difference. The more detail you have, I believe. Now let's move on tour and leaves adding detail to the leaves. We're gonna start with little tooth like edges, just a little bit of lines here and there. So you have the lines coming out from by the stock. Gives it some shading, gives it some depth. - I really can't wait to see your guys is artwork when you're done with it. So I really encourage you guys to share your project. If you have any questions or comments, please don't hesitate to ask. That's what I'm here for. All right, great job. Now let's move on to the thinking process
5. Line drawn florals: Finishing ink: Now we are in our last phase and we're gonna add INC to finish it off. Now I'm using again my easy presence ations their technical drawing pens. I'm going to use size eight for the outline size four for my detail. I do this to give the outline more of a pop and that detail I'd like to give it little smaller lines, and they're easier that way. You can really start wherever you want to. I'm going to start with our first flower and you can follow along Now again, this is a good time to add or take away anything. Change anything that you may not like from the pencil drawing. I'm going to move on to the stamen now, with the anther on the end. I'm still going to use my 0.8 for this one. Give it that bold look. Okay, we're all set and ready for our detail. Now I have my zebra technical drawing pen. The sensation line size four. And if you don't have a smaller one, that's OK. You can use your larger one or the just the one that you have. Maybe just don't press as hard. Let's go ahead and start with our smallest stage here again, using more pressure. As you lift off, you're going to release the pressure. Let's move on to our second floor now. Now, if it's easier for you to turn your page in draw that way, it's easier on your wrist. Feel free to do that. I've got some washi tape here. Keeping my paper still can remember that all your lines do not have to be the same length. There's gonna be some shorter ones, some longer ones, some thicker ones and some thinner ones. As long as you're keeping in parallel with the curve of the pedal, you can put asses many or as little as you like. All right, let's move months. Where last one. We're almost there. Finally, let's go ahead and move on to our stigma. That's on the Mount of Pistols were just going to be doing elongated, stifling a lot of them a Blendon together. And that's okay when this one are anther are gonna be closer to the last stage where they are about to die. So I'm gonna actually fill them in black. You can get a different feel of how it will look Teoh. Now that we're all finished with our thinking, take your eraser that you have and go over and erase all of your pencil marking. Paula, you are finished. Great job. It looks beautiful. Can't wait to see your work.
6. Final thoughts/ Thank you! : I want to thank you so much for joining me on this fund project. Keep practicing. Drawing each stage of growth. Also, I'm really excited to see your beautiful artwork, So please post it. And I would love to discuss any questions or comments you may have. Don't forget to follow me here on skill share and also on my Facebook page or instagram page at the Singing Finch so you could be notified of my next class. Thank you again so much. We'll see you next time.
7. Gag Reel!: I want to thank you so much for joining me on this front 100 friend from I want to thank you so much for joining me on this one project. And then we're gonna die closer into the nominee. A nominee line drawn for ALS, a step by step guide to drying stunning and eminent. And then and I never first up in this class, we're gonna go over all the tools.