Lights, Camera, AI: Unlock the Power of Faceless Video Creation | Faisal Memon | Skillshare

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Lights, Camera, AI: Unlock the Power of Faceless Video Creation

teacher avatar Faisal Memon, Product | Engineer | Entrepreneur

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Taught by industry leaders & working professionals
Topics include illustration, design, photography, and more

Watch this class and thousands more

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Taught by industry leaders & working professionals
Topics include illustration, design, photography, and more

Lessons in This Class

    • 1.

      Course Promo


    • 2.

      Why Use AI for Video Creation


    • 3.

      Planning Your Video


    • 4.

      Getting the Script


    • 5.

      Getting Audio for Your Video


    • 6.

      Visuals for Your Video


    • 7.

      Background Music


    • 8.

      Finalizing Video and Polishing


    • 9.

      Course Wrapup


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About This Class

Welcome to this course, where we will unlock the power of faceless video creation. My name is Faisal and I'll be guiding you through an exciting journey into the world of AI-driven video creation. As an Entrepreneur with a passion for teaching, I'm excited to share with you techniques and tools that can enhance your video creation capabilities.

Does facing the camera send chills down your spine? Or do you simply wish to remain behind the scenes? Fret not! This course is your ticket to producing impressive, faceless videos using the potent tools offered by Artificial Intelligence.

Starting from the fundamental elements of video production, we delve into the best tools currently available, showing you a step-by-step guide on creating your first faceless video.

Yet, the learning doesn't stop there! We'll also guide you on enhancing your video narratives using impactful music, captivating text, dynamic graphics, and more, to ensure your audience remains hooked.

In this comprehensive course, you'll discover:

  • Techniques to generate engaging scripts for your videos
  • How to add captivating visuals that enhance your storyline
  • How to perfect your videos with the use of closed captions

This course is not about passive learning. It's a hands-on experience where you'll be engaging directly with the tools and techniques that will help you create immersive, faceless videos.

Whether you're a beginner dipping your toes into video production, or a seasoned professional seeking to expand your skills, this course has something for everyone. By the end of your journey with us, you'll have a deep understanding of how to kickstart your own video creation process.

So, don't wait any longer! Enroll now and step into the fascinating world of AI-driven, faceless video creation. I'm excited to see you in the course!

Meet Your Teacher

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Faisal Memon

Product | Engineer | Entrepreneur


Hey - this is Faisal and thanks for being here.

I have over 12 years of experience working as a Product Manager Founder/CEO Engineer in Mobile and App development industry. I have been building global products being used by millions of users across the globe since the beginning of my career.

Currently I am heading Product at one of the fast-paced startup in India and enjoying every moment of it. Prior to his, I built out couple of startups which had over half a million users across the globe, raised funding from Google other investors and was part of Google Launchpad Accelerator. I have experience of building products from scratch and scaling to global users.

I am here on Skillshare to share my knowledge with seekers and help them grow personally and professional... See full profile

Level: Beginner

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1. Course Promo: Hey there. Welcome to this course where I'll teach you how you can leverage AI to create engaging faceless videos. My name is Faisal and I'll be your instructor for this course. I'm an Entrepreneur with a passion to teach online. Are you scared of the camera or you just don't want to be the face of your content. Well, in this course, I will teach you how you can make use of AI to create stunning, engaging, faceless videos. So this is a completely hands-on course where we will learn things by doing. We will begin by picking up a niche for our video, and then we will start scripting the video. Once this script is generated, we will work on to generate a voice-over and get some visuals for our video. But we don't stop over here. We will even learn how you can add some background Music and closed captions to retain your audience. Then finally, we will stitch everything together, like the voice-over, the visuals, the background Music, and the captions. Throughout the course, you will learn how you can use different kinds of tool to get different parts of the video done. And then you will have a deep understanding of how you can start creating your own faceless videos by yourself. This course is designed for students of all levels. So whether you are a student or evoking professional who is looking to create faceless videos. Or whether you are someone who is just looking to explore this as a hobby. You can happily enroll to the course and you will gain all the knowledge that you can apply to your own videos. So it's time to get started and I'll see you inside the class. Thank you. 2. Why Use AI for Video Creation: Let us start talking about why we should make use of AI for Video Creation. But before this, let us start talking about what are faceless videos? What are faceless videos? So faceless videos are nothing but videos that does not feed you the creators fees. Now, this kind of video would rather focus on the message or the story being conveyed rather than the person itself. And these videos can take different forms. Like you can have animated, explainer videos, expats, storing, telling videos, slideshow presentations, screen recordings, or even just a voice-over narration with visual elements. This is what faceless video is. And examples of Faceless reduce can range from different niche. So they can be in cooking video wherein you only show the food and the hand of the person with like teaching you how to cook. Or you could have a video tutorial of software where a screen is being recorded and there is a voice-over that is explaining that is something happening. So these are nothing but faceless videos that exist. Now why faceless videos and what are the benefits and use cases? So faceless videos have been becoming increasingly popular in recent times for several reasons. And the number one reason is it allows you to focus on the content. So they allow content creators to focus on the content rather than their own screen presents. And this can be especially beneficial for people who are shy on camera or preferred to keep their identity as private. Secondly, faceless video creation can be less resource intensive. So you don't need a high-end camera, you just need a good quality audio and something that is visually appealing. And use cases are numerous. Like you can create educational content, how to videos, product reviews, storytelling, and a lot more. The next benefit or use case could be, it can be automated. Now, what I mean by automated. So the creation of faceless video, this entire process can be automated or it can be outsourced to someone else. You can be the owner. And if you have a product or service that you are looking to market with the help of creating content. You could just hire someone who can do the entire process for you. The process of creating the faceless videos. And the person can share the videos with you after the videos are ready. And then you can use them for your marketing needs. Like you can upload it on various platforms. You can use it in your ads, or you can just upload it on your website in the health section so that your users can be aware of or you can just upload them on your website in the help or support section so that your users can get help with the product and know what your product is all about. Uploading in the help section could be really useful if you're creating explainers around your product. If you're creating some how-to videos around your product, you could just upload them to the test section that could be really helpful to your audience. So AI tools play a real important role in these benefits and use cases. There are different AI tools that you can use to automate different aspects of video creation process, such as animating or even creating content. So there are different AI tools that you can use for different aspects of video creation process, such as creating strips or creating captions and so on. These tools use machine-learning algorithms to perform the tasks that would require some human input. And this reduces the time and effort needed to produce such videos. This is about why you should make use of AI for Video Creation. 3. Planning Your Video: Hey there. So let us start talking about planning Your Video. Now before we talk about video and the specifics of video that you're doing. It's really important that you decide on the niche in which you will be creating your video. So this is something that you must have already figured out or you might not have figured out and you're looking to explore. Now, once you have narrowed down on niche, you can choose a topic in that niche on wish you all video will be based. Now what do I mean by niche? So I have some example, niche that I have written here for as an example, you can see here I have few niche, like educational. Educational content is one of the niche that you can target. And this particular niche will have education based videos. The videos will be educating something to your viewers. That is what educational niche means. Then you have fitness and health. You could have videos around different fitness topics are some exercises or anything that relates to thickness and the health of your viewers. Then you have stories. So you could have videos around stories. So you could narrate few stories, talk about a few stories and so on. Then you have finance. So your videos could be centered around finance niche. And you could give you, you could have some financial edited tapes or how tools for your users travel. So travel is also one of the amazing niche to be. So this would involve like talking about some travel destinations or some tapes when traveling and so on. So these are a few niche that exists. And depending on whether you have, if you have a product, you can choose the niche where you'll find the users who love your product. If you don't have a niche and if you're looking to do Video Creation just for your hobby purpose, you can pick the niche that you feel inspired and good about. Because that is when you will enjoy creating the videos. You can pick the niche that you wish to. And then once you have narrowed down the niche, the first step would be planning. So what does planning mean? So planning means deciding on the content that you want to cover, the tone that you want to use, and the style of your video. So you need to start thinking about different aspects of your video. For example, what sort of content are you looking to cover? Also, you need to decide on the tone that you want to use. So by tone, I mean here whether you want your videos to be educational, whether you want them to be entertaining or inspiring and so on. Also, you need to figure out the style of the video. So my style, I mean whether your video will be Animation Based slide shows or they would be simple screen recordings and so on. The style of the videos is also important. You need to also write down the main objective of your video. What I mean by objective here. So objective is nothing but what should viewers learn and take away from your video? So why would anyone want your video gets so that is what your objective is. Why are you creating this video? This will help you stay focused to bring in some amazing content. Now once you have done this, you need to plan out the key points that you want to cover to achieve the objectives. And also, you need to think of the audience that will be watching the video. So why am asking you to think about the audience? It is because you need to understand what will appeal to them. Okay? So this will also influence your tone, style, and all everything. Now also you need to think about the audience you are planning to target. Why am I asking you to think about the audience? It's because that is going to influence your tone and style. So let me give you an example. So if your audience is young and tech savvy of fast paced animation video with the casual tone might work for them. This way, audience helps you understand what is right for them and eventually help you create an amazing video that they would really enjoy. What we can do is we can head over to our browser and let us start planning our first video. Okay? Sure, I'm in browser and I have logged in the chat GBD. We will be making use of chat GBT and can GBD is going to help us figure out our first video. So if you're new to charge video, what I would recommend is you should head over to this URL, can dot opening and just login or sign up. If you don't have an account, you can sign up to this free website or you can login if you already have an account. Now you don't need charged CBT plus for this changeability, plus is a paid subscription Using which you get some more features. But you can just get started with the free account as well. Alright? So if you're not aware of what tragedy is charged up, DIY is a EIB tool which you can use to get a lot of responses. So it's a bot. And if you send any message asking any questions, it is going to reply back with the relevant dancer. And you can see some example over here. You can send any of these messages to get relevant responses. So we will use chat activity and change. It is going to help us understand the topic and even help us decide on the niche. Okay? So let's say I have figured out my niche already. Okay? What do you can do is, you can ask charge your body, like give me ten good niche ideas. Niche that I can target to create videos for my juices. Going to give you ten niche ideas for creating videos. And you can see Sustainable Living, virtual reality, plant-based cooking, mindfulness, and mental health, smart home tech and so on. So you can see there are different niche that it is giving you and you can use this for brainstorming. Okay? So it's talking about historical travel and so on. You can see DIY electronics. So there are quite a few. So let's say I have narrowed down on niche and I'm not taking the niche from this particular list. Or you can take like historical travel. So let's say my niche is travel. And I want to create videos in this particular niche. And we need to get the topic in that niche on which will be creating videos. So what I can do is I can copy this niche. And I can say, give me ten video ideas for this niche, for creating faceless videos. Like so. It's going to give you ten video ideas. It's going to tell you animated history drone footage. Sometimes the result might not be that code. You might need to tweak the input that you are giving. This input that you're giving over here is known as a prompt. And Based on this input, you are getting the relevant output over here. Okay? So what you can do is if you're not liking the output, you can tweak the input by clicking on this edit icon. Or you can simply copy this and paste it over here and ask it again, are the same question with a tweaked input. And you can get the response over here. So let's say I have decided on the niche as travel, and I have decided on a topic as well. And the topic is facts on different places that exists in the world. Okay? So what I can do is I can charge up DIY, like I'm creating faceless videos. Give me ten places for which I can create fact-based videos. What I mean by fact that these videos, so I can, I'll be creating fact-based reduce on different places. So for example, let's say I can create a fact that these video on Paris. And this will be a video about facts status. This will be some like five-six interesting facts that people don't know about Paris. That is what the fact this video thing is. Okay? So what I'm doing is I'm asking to antiquity that, hey, I'm creating faceless videos. Can you give me the list of ten places for which I can create fact-based videos. And changeability is going to come back with some relevant responses. You can see it has given me some cities responses like role, tidal and so on. So it's going to give you a list of nice cities, okay? And you can pick any of these cities and you can start working on it. There are quite a few cities. You can pick any of the city. And let's say, I have picked a city. And let's say I picked in, we need over here beneath, which is a city in Italy. Now, I'm picking up this city. You can pick any of the city that you are interested in and that you can get good facts on. Giant GBD is the tool that is also going to help you for getting the facts about any city that you choose. Okay, so, so far we have used changeability to brainstorm about the niche. And we've also used it to get the topics for our faceless videos. Alright, so that's about how you can blind your videos. So planning involves a little bit of thinking as to how we want to create the video, or do you want the video to be about? And why would anyone watch your video? So you have to answer all these questions in your head. You can write it down if you want to. But this is one of the important steps for Video Creation. 4. Getting the Script: Hey there, welcome back. So let us get started with the scripting for our video. So we have got the list of cities on which we can create fact-based videos. And you can pick any city that you want. Okay? So let us say I like weenies from Italy and I want to create faceless video on this particular city. Or you can even select any from this list. You mean select a room or anyone. It does not matter. Okay. I'll go ahead with nice. Now. What we will be doing is we'll be taking help of charge up at to help us write the script. Now, why do we need to write script for our video? So script will serve as a blueprint for our video. Now, even though our viewers are not seeing us, a script helps us structure our content and helps it keeps flowing smoothly. So let's take help of charge EBT. So what I'm going to do is I am going to give changeability of prompt. And I'm going to say tangibility. Give me five interesting facts about which I can create a video for the city of Venice, Italy. And the facts should be interesting, unique, and I should get my viewers hooked. This is the input that I'm giving to change up. Let me see. What is the output that I get. Here. You can see it is started giving me the script over here. Okay? So it is not actually giving me the script because I have not asked for script. So I'm asking for five interesting facts. And then we'll be converting this into the script. So you can see that our five facts, if you like these facts, you can definitely go ahead with them. Or else you can ask Jack GBT to tweak them by changing the input over here. So what I can do is I will say tangibility, give me video Script For above phi facts to give me a video scripts for five facts above. And you can see over here, you have a sample scripts. You can see it. It is also describing, seen over here. It's saying opening shot, aerial view of Beneath with candles and gondolas. Then you have the narrator talking about the facts. So this is where it starts talking about. And fact number one. Then you have this, and then you have fact number two and so on. The changeability has generated a nice script for our video. Now, if you need any tweaking over here, you can absolutely Ostian contributed to do so on. You can copy this into a Word doc and tweak it yourself. But since we're talking about AI, we should get AI to get the work for us. So you can edit the prompt or you can craft a new prompt altogether and give that as an input. So it's totally up to you. But we have our script ready with the help of charge up to now 5. Getting Audio for Your Video: Now we have our script ready for our videos. Okay? Now, since we have the script here and replace, the next step would be audio generation. Now audio is nothing but the voice-over that our video will have. And it will talk this script exactly as it is. And we will be making use of an AI tool again, but not charged UP this time. But we will head over to a browser. And you can see, I have different tools open over here. So you can just Google any of these tunes and you should get an official link. So you can see over here, this is You can head over to their official website. And this is a website or a tool that enables you to get a voice. We are not generating a human-based voice-over, but we're getting a voice that resembles a human. And this is a tool that can help us get voice. So you can, you can do is you can test it over here if you want to. You can enter any text and you can select the person of your choice. You have couple of females and couple of meals as samples. So you can go to this website and you can check it out. There is also pricing page. We don't need a paid version of anything for this course. But if you want to upgrade, you can absolutely upgrade to the paid version. This is Then we have, okay? So this is also another tool that enables you to get an AI generated voice that looks like or resembles like human. So all these AI tools have a pricing page because the free version comes with limitation. What you can do is you, since we are learning, we can use the free version. We don't need a paid version for that. Okay? So this is more of a tortilla. Then I have play HD. So this is another good tool that exists and you can even test this. So there are few samples here as well that you can try for free. Okay? So you can just scroll through their website. So if you see over here, they have few samples that you can listen to. Then finally, you have 11 lapse. So this also helps you create a generative voice AI. And it says that it's the most advanced Text-to-Speech tuning software. However, these are pretty much all the tools. Okay, so what we will be doing is we will be making use of 11 labs over here. So now let's start using 11 lamps to get a generative AI voice-over. So we're going to head over to our chat GBD dashboard. And here I'm going to copy the script that I've got. I don't need to copy everything from here, but I just need to copy the text that we will be using to generate the voice-over. So the extra time copy, which is within these two inverted commas. And then I'll head over to this tool. And here in the text box, I'll paste this. Now, you can even select the language over here. As you can see, you can select the language you are creating video in. Here. You can see this drop-down. You can select what you want. So every person is different. So if I select Harry, and if I say play with here, it's going to give me voiceover. Or in a different city that seems to float on water, a place where roads are replaced by canals and cars by gondolas. So this is one example. Then you can have freer, which is another example. Venice, Italy. A city that seems to float on water, a place where roads are replaced by canals and cars, by gondolas. But you can just experiment and select like with voice-over you want, okay? So depending on your choice and preference, Venice, Italy, a city that seems to float on water, a place where roads are replaced by canals and cars, by gondola. So depending on your preference, whether you want a female voice or male voice-over, you can select. Okay. And I'll select over here. And we'll go ahead with Bella Venice, Italy, a city that seems to float on water. Okay, She seems good. So we'll select her and we can hit download over here. Okay. So download the audio. And once I hit Download, it will ask me as to where I want to save this. So I can say one hyphen audio, okay? Or wait a minute. So our script is actually, so this is introduction. Then I have fact number one and then somewhat some notation again. And then I have fact number two. So what I can do is I can see intro audio and I can hit save over here. And it is going to download this audio file for us. Okay, So we'll create the audio for a couple of options here. So I have copied the first one. I'll go ahead with the first fact. We will paste the same factor over here. Okay? And then I'll say, let me hear this. Sack number one. Okay, so it's generating perfectly. I'll download this and I'll say 1.1 hyphen audio. Why 1.1? Because fact number one has two parts, 1.1, time just seeing 1.1 so that it's easier for me to identify later on. You can choose the naming conventions that you want to use. I'm using 1.1 or we heal, it gets downloaded. Now, I'll copy this again from here. Okay? And I'll paste this over here and you generate the audio. Venetian builders drove wooden piles into the marshy ground. It looks good. So I'll download this again and I'll say 1.2 hyphen audio. Okay, So we'll just generate the voice-over for intro and the first fact over here. Okay? You can continue doing this for everything. Okay? It's not a huge script, I would say, but it's a small video that is happening and I'm just choosing a part of the video could demonstrate this for you. So we have now a few audio files, alright? And we have few audio files that we have downloaded. And there's audio files are of our script. And we have used AI to create voice-over for our video. So you can just play around with this tool. You don't need paid version of these tools to create amazing videos. You can just experiment with the free tool and you can try this out. There are quite a few in the market. If you just Google AI voice generator, you will find many more. But 11 labs. And I would say These are two good ones out there. I like 11 labs and I like the quality that they offer. So you can check 11 labs dot io and you can generate the voice-over. So we have the voice-over done. Now. Now let us head over to the next step. 6. Visuals for Your Video: Welcome back. So we have the script ready. So far. We also have the voice-over done over here. We have used this particular tool to generate the voice-over for the script that was generated by another AI tool, chat GPD. Okay, so now it's time to get the visuals done for our video. Alright? Now, when it comes to visual, I would like to share some of the resources with you. Okay? So number one resource is pixels who PEX ELS, it's called, and the other one is pixel B. So if you search for pixel Bay, you'll see this first link over here. This is a website. So these two websites I wanted to highlight over here, because these two websites can be used to get free visuals. Visuals can be about anything. So you can get free photos or free videos. So you can see we're photos and videos are the two options. And you can see over here the best free stock photos, royalty-free. Okay? So these are royalty-free images and videos, and these are shared by other creators. Alright? So these are two resources that you need to keep in mind. And also there is another one which is So we're going to head over to, which is a tool that helps us create IT. Professional designs as well as videos, will be logging into their dashboard. And we will be getting the visual stitched to our audio. Okay, so we have the audio ready. Now we need to decide on visuals and we need to stitch it together with the audio. Alright? So these are the three tools that you need to keep in mind, and all of them are free. So does not even need an account. So what we can do is I'll head over to Canva and I'll sign up for an account. If you do have an account, feel free to login. Okay, so I do have signed up for a free Canva account. Now the last few, few questions which you can answer if you wish to. So I'll send student professional development continuum. Okay. And I'll say skip to the rest of them. So this is a Canvas dashboard. And here you can pick up a template and start working on it. So you can see there are different templates. You have a template for dark or whiteboard if you're teaching something, presentation, Video and Instagram post and so on. So you can see over here, this is a template for video, alright? Or what you can do is you can even search for templates. So you can search for video. And you will see we do intro template, video template. So these are dimensions, okay? And you can even search for shorts. So if you are creating this for YouTube, you can say shorts. And it will give you a YouTube shorts template. So when EDB into 1920 pixels. So I'm just going to pick a normal video template over here. Okay? But just for my desktop. All right. You can select any size you want. If you select shots. Let me say if I say shorts or Instagram. So this is the dimension that you will get. This is the dimension of data, phone. So if your users are viewing your videos on phone, then this might be the dimension for you to go with. And you can upload these videos on Instagram or so this will come in as Instagram Reels or you can upload it on YouTube shots and so on. But I'll just go with the standard dimension over here, which is for the desktop. And you will see quite a few templates appear over here. You can see there are quite a few templates. And when you see this ground mark on a template, it means that it comes in with the period of ocean. So this is, for this template will need a paid version. But for rest of them we don't need a paid version and we can choose any template we want as a starting point. Okay? So let us say I pick this template via purpose modern. Thank you. And again, click on this. It will open up the template and I can say customize this template. Okay? So this will take me to the template and it over here, Okay? And you will have some tutorial over here which you can go to, or I'll prefer to skip. On the left-hand side, you will have options to search and add elements over here. And here at the bottom you can see you have the timeline. Okay? So you can do a lot of customizations. So the number one thing that we should do over here right now is good to uploads. And we should click on upload files and upload all the audio that we have done so far. So what I will do is I will simply drag and drop the audio's. Okay. So these are the audios that I had downloaded from 11 labs And I have them here. Okay, now what I can do is I have the draw tool, so I can simply drag and drop this audio over here. Okay? So this goes my audio number one. I just said to start from the beginning. Then I have the 1.1 audio, which I can drive top over here. And you can see there is no visually here. And that is why this is not coming through. Okay? Even this is not so you need to add a page over here, okay, after that, I'll add the next audio as well. Alright, so now we need to get the visuals so you can also search away. So you can go to elements. You can search. This is a video about Vinny's, right? And we have, like the intro script which says we need, is a city that floats on water and it has gondolas and so on. So you can see we can get an aerial view of Venice with canals and condolences. So I can just copy this and I can paste it over here. And I get search for this year you will see different categories like graphics, photos, videos. So since I want my video to have videos, I'll say see all. You will have quite a few videos appear over here. But you can see a lot of them are true, which means you need to access. So you can also get videos from here is what I'm trying to show you. But there will be times like for a particular search result, you will get a lot of free stuff. But like we are seeing over here, like for this particular search result, we are not seeing a lot of free stuff. So for that, I'll head over to pixels. And here I'll change this to videos. And I'll say, I need a video for this. And you can see here, this one looks cool. I can click on this. And you can watch this entire video. Okay? You can see the video like and it's free to use. You can see the free download option here as well. Okay, So this is a video. So what I can do is I'm going to pause, Let's go ahead with this one. I can say free download and I can get the HD version, download selected soils. And it'll show you a pop-up like to support the creator. Okay. We also what does download pop-up. So I can see intro, visuals and audio. And now this is Endrew visuals and this will get saved. Alright, asking me to support the Creator, you can do so if you wish to. So downloaded this. Now let us get the visual for the fact number one. Fact number one is this one. It says on hundred small islands. So you can get a normal picture of Venice or you can just let search for a nice city. Search for this. And I want to tell you that you have filters over here. So if you are creating vertical videos, you can search for vertical videos only. This will save some time. If you want horizontal. Since we're creating horizontal, we select it horizontally here. Okay? And you're gonna get some videos over you. This one. Okay, let us watch this. So it's a good video. Listen to one. So we can even get this video. So let us get the full HD version and I'll download this. Okay? And I'll say 11.1 hyphen, which was an excellent. Okay. And I'll hit Save. Now. I'll get one more. And let's get this one. I'll say free download. And I'll get 1.2 hyphen. We should. Okay, So this way you can get a lot of like we'd use downloaded depending on what you're looking for, you can get even more. And then what you can do is you can head over to Canvas over here. So since we didn't find a lot of free videos over here, we'll just go to uploads. And what I will do is I will simply drag drop of videos that I have generated. Like over here. And these videos will be uploaded. Okay. So you can see the progress that it's happening. Now after these videos have been uploaded, what you can do is you can drag drop these videos over here on the timeline. Okay? So, yeah, so let us see this. We have this video, this video, and this video. So I'll drag drop this version on this aerial view here. And I'll just drag drop this on this particular video over here. And what it'll do is it will take it as the background. So you can see it just went in the background here because that is how this template is designed. So this might not happen for every template. But since this template is designed that way, Probably it is taking it up that way. Now let us play this. Italy, a city that seems to float on water, a place where roads are replaced. My canals and cars by gondolas. But there's more to the city than meets the eye. So there is a little bit, little more voice-over, which so the voice is still here. As you can see what this video is not that long enough and we're not able to stretch it as well. Okay. What do you could do is you can add the next video over here. Okay? So I'll add this video over here and you can see, okay, so there's the next video that appears, and then you can have the Tower video as well. Alright? And then you're going to have the audio. Okay? I'll pause this for now. But you can go to audio then. We can drag drop. The audio is 1.1. This is the next told you that we have. And then we have 1.2, which is the even next version. Okay? So something went wrong here. This should not be at the bottom. Practice should come up here. And let me drag it over here. Then I'll have to even point to version which I will add with you. This last version is not showing up. We need one more video for that. So I can go over here. Let's get any video so we can get this one. We have 1.3 we will use will be of different lengths. So you need to make use of this particular visual editor here that you have in Canva. And you can walk around with that. You will have to do some adjusting over here because of course you're getting everything from different different sources and then you are trying to stitch them together. So this wouldn't be there. But that is absolutely fine. We are making some good progress over here. So I will add this video over here. And you can see this audio now turns off. So you can stretch this if you need to. Okay? And this course like very long, okay? So you can just bring it until the audio. Okay? So we have this. Now, if you start from the beginning, you can certainly a city that seems to float on water, a place where roads are replaced by canals and cars, by gondolas. But there's more to this city than meets the eye. Today, we're exploring five unique and intriguing facts about Venice. Fact number one, Venice is vague. So you can see how the video is playing now, here, if you observe there was a abrupt, like this transition was abrupt from this video to this. So what you can do is you can add ons. I shouldn't be here. So I can say add your transition by clicking on this icon. And I'll say dissolve. So this looks good. Okay, and you can also control the duration and also if you will now transition from the AI. Today, we're exploring five unique and intriguing how it went and how it transitioned. And also you can change the stack so I can double-click on this and I can say, welcome, and you're in the subtitle. I can edit this too. We need okay. I can say something like this and mature. If you have your brand logo or something you can add or your YouTube account, you can like add your YouTube picture or something like that and you can do it. You can modify this or you can even remove this. I can say right-click and delete. So this can just go correct. So it's totally up to you as to what you are trying to create. But what I would recommend is you should have a lot of visuals in the video. So you should have a lot of stuff downloaded from the website and you can play around with this. So what I would recommend is you should actually download a lot of visuals from this free websites and stitch them together. Because changing visuals will keep your viewers engaged. Okay? So one is you should not have a visual static, like a static visual for more than like for 5 s. Okay, so like after 4 s, that should be a new visual. And then after 4 s you have to, you need to have unusual again. Okay. So that way you can download like around 1015, which feels like I can download this one here. And you can just keep adding them. If, If I can say 1.4, and I can add this as well. So you can just have a lot of visuals is what I'm trying to tell you what I'll just download this and add it over here. And then I can reduce the lead time of every, let's say everybody here, you can see we have now nice engaging visuals, okay? And you can play this video and watch it. Okay. Ms. Italy, a city that seems to float on water, a place where roads are replaced by canals and cars, by gondolas. But there's more to this city than meets the eye. Today. We're okay. So this particular video has a background voice. So what you can do is you can select this particular video and you can go to volume and you can just mute it, okay? So the voice will go away. But there's more to this city than meets the eye. Today. We're exploring five unique and intriguing. Okay, this one also has, So I'll do the same for this one. And I'll do the same for all. Let's do it. Now. We have this and we can add transition over here for everything. So we can add the default transition, okay? Like this all also dissolves. So depending on your preference, you can choose and customize over here, there are kinds of things that you can do in Canada. I mean, like explored the elements over here. Okay? So elements, you have lots of elements, lots of moving elements, graphics, you can add anything you want. So just play around with this tool and, you know, once you know how to work on the timeline, it will be a cake walk for you. Alright, so this is about how you can get the visuals for your video. 7. Background Music: Hey there, welcome to this class. We're going to talk about background Music in our video and we're going to learn how we can add background Music and do the video that we are creating with the help of AI. So background Music is one of the important elements in video these days. And thankfully, adding it to our video is fairly easy these days. So what are you going do is you can head over to and you can search for royalty free. So I can say royalty-free background image or background Music, sorry. So here you can see this particular link over here, royalty-free music download. And I'll go to this website and you will see tons of music over here. Okay? So you can select the music that you want. Select a stag over here, which is background Music. Okay? And you can play this, just relax. So this is one option you have for us. So you can download any of music that you're like, okay, so I'll just download this one. Okay? And I'll save this background. Just make sure whenever you are downloading or whenever you're creating faceless videos, since we are using different tools or different kinds of tasks, you're downloading a lot of stuff. So it is recommended that create a folder and follow some sort of naming conventions that could help you later on. Okay, so now we have downloaded the background Music. Now what I can do is I can get the music. And this particular project over here, I'll just upload this strike drop the background MP3. Then I'll drag it and you can see the option over here, drop music and just drop it over here. Okay? And you can adjust the volume of the music. So it's on 100. I can say, I wonder lower volume. Let's keep it at 40. Okay? And I can play this. Italy, a city that seems to float on water, a place where it's too loud. So I'll still reduce this to, let's say 15. But there's more to the city than meets the eye. Alright, really useful though. We're still not there yet. I'll reduce this to ten. Maybe. I'll leave it there. I gondolas. But there's more to the city than meets the eye. Today, we're exploring five unique and intriguing facts about Venice. Fax number one, Venice is famously known as the city on water. So you see that? So background Music is added and it's really simple to add background Music. And to our Canvas project, we just have to upload the file over here and get the file into the timeline. Alright, so that's about background Music. 8. Finalizing Video and Polishing: Hey there, welcome to this class. So we have a lot done in our video already. Have the visuals, the audio, and the background Music set up in Canada. Now what do we need to do is we need to get this video onto our system. So what you can do is you can go to share with here and you can see download. And you can select a format that you wish to download, MP4, which is high-quality video. And I'll say download over here. Now, the moment you do that, you will see this progress happening, which means that Canva is processing your video and it is stitching together everything give you a single file, which is high-quality mp4. So this might take awhile depending on the size or the length of the video that you have created. But we'll wait for some time. And once this progress has finished, we will be asked to download the file. The processing is done, and Canva is asking us to download the video or save the video. So I'll save this video as final over here. And I'll hit Save. The video is downloaded. Now I can take on this icon here, which is Show in Finder. And it will open up the finder for me. So I'll drag drop defined over here. This is a finder and you can see the video being downloaded over here. Okay. Venice, Italy. A city that seems to float on water, a place where roads are replaced by canals and cars, by gondolas. But there's more to the city than meets the eye. Today. We're video and you can play this video now in any MediaPlayer that is installed on your system, that please Mp3, so sorry, not MP3, It's Mp4. Any media player that plays Mp4 will be able to run this. Now, there's one thing that we are missing and that is the captions. Okay, So we might want to add closed captions into our video. Now. What are closed captions? So closed captions are textual versions of audio content that are synchronized with the video. Here when you are playing the video, you will see stop here and that text is nothing but whatever the voice-over saying, that is something we need to create. But how do we create that? To create that again, we will be making use of any aktuell. And we'll head over to our browser and we'll go to read dot IO. So this is a website. We dot IO, which is a tool to work with videos. You can see this is nothing but what I mean by closed Captions. And these closed captions are part of teeth video. These days they're important because if for any reason we will want to watch the video, but they are not able to like put on the audio. Or they are in some environment where they can autoplay videos on speaker and they might just want to watch it, then you can have these captions come at the bottom. Okay? So this is really important these days. And specifically if you are creating videos and the vertical format for Instagram and YouTube shorts. Alright, we'll see how we can do this. So for that, you need to start for you over here. To start for free. So we'll be making a free use of this V dot IO account. We need to upload a file over here. So what I'm going to do is I'm going to simply upload the final Mp4 that we have created. And I'll drag drop over here. Okay. You can see we have DIY video appear over here. This is a video editor. We have not created an account yet, okay? So you can see over here, it says save your project for later. And if you want to save your project, you can either sign up for their free account or login. And here on the left-hand side, you have different options to edit your video. So I'll choose Subtitles. And here you can see this auto transcribe. I'll select this. And you can select the language for which you want subtitles in. So I'll choose English only. And here you can see automatic Highlighting option. So I'll select this. Okay? It will automatically highlight certain important words based on your video. And we can say create subtitles. Now what it is doing is based on the audio that you have, okay? It will generate the subtitles for you. And these subtitles will be automatically synchronized video, video. So you literally don't have to do anything. Alright? So let me play the video again and let us see the subtitle so you can see the subtitles have been added. You can see here also you have timestamps as well. So let us play and watch. Venice, Italy, a city that seems to float on water, a place where roads are replaced by canals and cars, by gondolas. But there's more to the city than meets the eye. Today, we're exploring five unique And intriguing facts about Venice. Fact number one, Venice is famous. So you can see, like all the subtitles have been added and there is also yellow highlighting done on certain words. So if you don't want this highlighting, you do not check that Highlighting option that we checked before generating the subtitles. And if you want to reward this highlighting, you need to delete all the subtitles over here. So you can go to Options. And you can say delete all. And you can generate the subtitles again, Captions again by unchecking that option. So you can do that. But you can see how accurate these are. And you literally didn't do anything. You just uploaded a video and you've got this done. If you want to edit something, like if say some captions or not should read it correctly, you can happily at it over here. Okay, So does an editor where you can directly go and edit. Okay, so instead of own water, I want to say in water, simply change this. But actually it's on water, so I'll keep it on. But you can simply do that and you can add more subtitles in the end as well. Okay? Now, once you are done this, you can like explored this. So you can say done. And you will see this option over here. Okay, so you're getting this watermark over here. We taught you now to remove the watermark. You can click on this and it'll ask you to create an account so I can zoom into my email and I'll continue. Now with all the changes done. What you can do is you can click on done over here. The moment you click on done, you're going to see the export your video option. And you will have the Video Details and an option to export. If you want to remove this watermark, you need to subscribe to their paid plan, which you can click on that and go. You can click on the remove watermark button and you can check out the plants. But if you want to export this, I'll just click on Export. And what it will do is it will generate a MP4 file for me, and it will give me that file for use. Alright. So this is how you can make use of V dot IO. Okay? You can see your video is getting ready and it's 92%, 100% done. So depending on the size of the video, is going to take that much amount of time. So what I can do is I can say download over here. So I can click the Download button. And I can select which format I want. I want mp4. Okay? So this is simply going to give me the file in the mp4 format. And final, I can say final width Captions. And I can hit Save. And then I'll have this video over here. Alright, so this way you can work with like captions to generate closed captions for your video. This V dot IO is not a free tool. Of course they have lot of free features. But to get the video without a watermark, you might need therapy plan. Alright, so if you are doing this seriously, I would recommend you to do that or upgrade to the paid version. Else you can use the video without the captions, or you can generate the captions yourselves. Alright, so that's about the finalizing part and getting up video ready? 9. Course Wrapup: All right, and that brings us to the end of this immersive journey as to how to create faceless videos with the help of AI. Throughout this course, we have learned different aspects of video creation, like how can you get your video scripted? How can you plan your videos? How can you generate audios for your videos? And how can you stitch everything together? Remember, the exploration does not end over here. The true power of AI lies in its capability to adapt to a wide range of creative tasks. The potential applications of AI are limitless. I would encourage you to keep exploring and keep experimenting. So keep pushing the boundaries to understand what else is possible. With the help of AI in the video creation world. I'm so excited to see how you will use the knowledge gained in this particular course to bring in some amazing content to your users. Remember, creativity is all about embracing new tools, techniques, and perspectives. And Artificial Intelligence is now a major part of the creative workflow. Thank you for being such an engaged learner throughout the class. I hope this course has not only taught you some new skills, but has also pushed you to think about creativity in whole new light. With this class, you will find a class project which you can complete and share it with your class. So happy learning and all the best