Level Up Your Video Editing Skills with Adobe After Effects | Adam Chraibi | Skillshare

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Level Up Your Video Editing Skills with Adobe After Effects

teacher avatar Adam Chraibi, Designer and animator

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Taught by industry leaders & working professionals
Topics include illustration, design, photography, and more

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Taught by industry leaders & working professionals
Topics include illustration, design, photography, and more

Lessons in This Class

    • 1.



    • 2.

      Class Project


    • 3.

      Dynamic Links Round Trip Between Premiere Pro and After Effects


    • 4.

      Track Motion-1D &2D Tracking in After Effects


    • 5.

      Camera 3D Tracking


    • 6.

      Mocha Boris FX- Advanced Tracking Method


    • 7.

      Green Screen


    • 8.

      Removing Black and White Backgrounds


    • 9.

      Roto Brush & Refine Edge Tool


    • 10.

      Content-Aware Fill


    • 11.

      Final Thoughts


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About This Class

Hello everyone and welcome to Adobe After Effects for post-production. In this class, I will show you how you can incorporate After Effects in your post-production workflow by applying animation and graphics to actual footage, while Premiere Pro is great for cutting your video files and color grading After Effects is the go-to software for creating impressive motion graphics, and visual effects.

 So why would you need After Effects in post-production? besides making your videos look more impressive and professional. I would say the main reasons you want to use After Effects are animation, VFX, and Motion Titles let me explain further.


While you can create basic animation in Premiere Pro, the keyframes and speed graph in After Effects offer more possibilities, and the workflow is much easier and more optimized therefore you end up creating a more advanced and eye-catching animation no matter what type of file you are working with.


When it comes to VFX After Effects has the best tools for compositing, rotoscoping, and masking. it also contains a lot of amazing Visual effects that you can apply to your videos also the number of plugins for VFX in After Effects are superior and much better.

Motion titles and text

With After Effects can create eye-catching opening credits sequences, lower third graphics, 3D motion text, or kinetic typography videos.   Using either the built-in motion features or third-party presets.       


How Can you combine both programs to make movie magic?

 You can use Premiere Pro to edit a rough cut of your footage and then use dynamic links to send specific scenes to After Effects add whatever you want to add and then save and close After Effects everything will be automatically copied over and updated in your Premiere Pro file. 


Who is this course for?

  • Video Editors
  • Content Creators 


You will need

  • Adobe After Effects
  • Adobe Premiere Pro
  • A Laptop that can run both


What are you going to learn?

  • How to track graphics and text to objects and surfaces
  • To remove things from the Video
  • To make Composting
  • To Perfectly remove a green screen
  • To remove the black-and-white screen

Meet Your Teacher

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Adam Chraibi

Designer and animator


Hello, I'm Adam Chraibi, professional designer, animator and video editor based in Casablanca, Morocco with more than 7 years experience and my motto is if you design it you can animate it.

I went to art school when I was a 15 years old where I studied the basics of drawing, shadows and light (Mangas style) and after that I went to law school where I got my bachelors degree in private Law.

But my love and passion for art and animation was bigger than the love for law, I wasn't feeling conformable studying it, but it was too late I couldn't just drop off I told myself at least get the degree and then do something else.

So I switched my career into doing what I love and passionate about, which is all the digital art stuff. That when I ... See full profile

Level: Beginner

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1. Introduction: Hello everyone and welcome to Adobe After Effects for post-production. My name is Adam and the professional designer and video editor based in Casablanca, Morocco. And I've done work for brands such as wander share, flex lip, and adding maker. Currently I work as a video editor for news channel and I use After Effects a lot and my post-production workflow. So I said to myself, why not to make a glass about it? So you're probably asking yourself, why not just do everything in Premiere Pro? So when it comes to rough cut in and moving clips in the timeline, premiere Pro is a great choice. But when it comes to things like animation of texts and videos, after we faked is the best choice. This client, e.g. I. Work with. They are really picky when it comes to animation, like this is not too fast, this is too slow. This looks generic. So for me personally, if I want to control the keyframes and the speed of the animation, I have to do that in After Effects. So overall, when it comes to visual effects like rotoscoping or masking and animation after effect as the go-to software. This class is for beginners by being familiar with After Effects and may really help. So what are you going to learn in this class? You will learn the best way to make a round trip between Adobe Premiere Pro and After Effects to track moving objects, surfaces, and screens. To professionally replace green screens, black and white screens to remove anything that you don't want from your footage. And finally, how we can place the text behind the subject, duplicate it, or even replace any background. And I'm also going to be sharing with you guys my favorite built-in effects that you can use and your post-production journey. By the end of this class, you will be able to create magic by combining After Effects and Premier Pro and your video editing workflow. Now, if you already see you in the first lecture. 2. Class Project: For the class projects, each lecture has its own projects. So I want you to go ahead and download all the files that you're going to need for this class. And also, I want you to after each lecture, go ahead and share a picture of before and after you apply the techniques and the projects gallery. And my advice if you want to complete this class is to do one lecture, one lecture. So you'd have e.g. one lecture today you complete the projects you posted in the project gallery. You take a break and if you can do another lecture, Today's fine. If you can now, you can come back tomorrow. And another lecture. Just make sure that you pose the projects in the project gallery you post like before, after picture. And if you have any questions, you can go to the discussion tab, ask me any question that you want. And I usually reply within a couple of minutes if I'm not sleeping. So go ahead and now download the files that gets After Effects ready and see you in the next lecture. 3. Dynamic Links Round Trip Between Premiere Pro and After Effects: In this class we'll be talking about dynamic links, which means how we can move between Premiere Pro and After Effects and a comfortable way. Let's say e.g. I want to export this clip and this clip Enter to be After Effects. Now there are couple of ways to do that, but I want to show you the best way that will make the workflow easier. The first thing you wanna do is select both clips. Then you want to right-click, and then you can choose replace with After Effects composition. Or you can go to File Adobe Dynamic Link and you can click on replaced with Adobe After Effects composition. This window will prompt to save the project. So I'm just gonna give it a name. Now as you can see right here, we have two layers that represents the two clips that were exported from Premier Pro to After Effects. Now let's go ahead and apply some effect. So e.g. I. Want to apply the cartoon effects to the break dance. Increase the threshold a little bit. Right here for the cats, I want to apply some glue. I'm going to reduce this a little bit and increase the glow radius a little bit. Now let's go ahead and add a text because I have this presets that's only available on Adobe After Effects. Here I'm going to type in cats. Then I'm gonna go to Effects and Presets. Type in motion array. Okay, Now this one, I'm gonna look for presets in here. And here we have it. I'm going to click on you here so I can have the keyframes. Then I'm gonna select all the key frames and then bring them a little bit to the beginning. So the animation starts at the beginning. I'm just going to just dislike. Anyway. Now, I'm going to save everything, close Adobe After Effects. And as you can see immediately, the changes will apply to Premiere Pro. Now, the play them is gonna be slow because you can see that red line. It means if notch rendered. So to render the clubs and the timeline, press Enter plus Backspace. Once the rendering is done, you can see that the red line turns green. And if I play, it's going to play smoothly this time. You can, of course, go ahead and adjust color, grade, whatever you wanna do here. Now let's say for any x, y reason, you want to go back to After Effects, tweak or change something. You can see right here under the project's window we have this untitled link that have been generated once we opened the club. And After Effects. You can right-click on it. And then you can select its original. Okay? And it will open everything as you lift it up before. Now let's say I want to remove the glow. I don't like it. And I want to switch it with CC blast effects. Okay, Let's say I want cats to start here. Okay, here we go. Click on Save, close everything. And here you have it. You can see now that's everything has changed in here, but we have to render again. So enter plus Backspace and it will render again. So as you can see, guys do workflow is pretty easy that way. So in this lecture we've talked about Dynamic Links. You saw how we take the clip from Premier Pro, we play effect into After Effects, and then the effects are applied automatically to Premier Pro. Up next, we'll be talking about 1D track and, and truly track them. 4. Track Motion-1D &2D Tracking in After Effects: In this class we'll be talking about tracking. So we'll see 1D tracking and Tuesday tracking. Okay, so let's play the footage. Now what we wanna do is just find a nice car that we can track, something that won't give us any problems. Okay? So this one right here, this black car does look promising. There we go. I wanted to keep in mind gathers that you have to find the footage that will be easy to work with. Because we have some footage is going to be hard. Maybe something will get in the way and then we have to do it manually, and then the results won't be as good as if it was done automatically. And so we're going to be spending a lot of time on a small staff on the technicalities. By the time we get to being creative, you will be so tired. This is why you have to find the right footage. Now let's go ahead and find the tracker. So it's right here. But if you cannot find it, you can go to Window and find tracker. I'm just going to undock gets. Now click on the clip and then Track Motion. So now you can see that we no longer only composition video layer on the layer window. Now, here's the thing. Once you click on Track Motion, you will get distract bonds. And the job of this track point is to track a specific object and a video. It could be anything. It could be a car, guy, a bike, whatever. So I'm just gonna go ahead and put this track points on top of the car that I want to track and make sure you move everything. Because here we have three elements that can be separated accidentally. You have the points and the middle, The small dots, the plus sign. We have the small bounding box and we have the big bounding box. Basically, small bounding box is going to go ahead and track the objects frame-by-frame. This is why we're doing right here. Okay. We tell him the small box to track the car frame by frame, track the pixels of this car C. I just move this point to the middle. And the big bounding box means that the small one will trace the pixels. But within the limitation of this area that we just defined, like it's telling it to trace or travelers pixels. But within this lemmatization. Okay, now let's go to Option and y here I'm gonna show you the best options to get best results, okay? So first thing first we have RGB, which means you want to track the red, green, blue colors. You don't want to track the luminance and you don't want to track saturation. Luminance means lights. Saturation means the most saturated color. And the video down here you want to check and has before match, and you want to check subpixel position n. And this one adapts feature on every frame you want to check it as well. And down here, you want it to stop tracking if confidence is below 80%. So if the AI doesn't feel too, confidence is going to stop and then you can continue or just things manually. Click Okay. Now let's go ahead and click on play right here on a tracker and that's on its own line. I'm going to click on space to stop. But just the clip. And then click again, play on the tracker window. You can see it's done. Alright, cool. So the car disappears right now, right-click on this area, New Null Objects, click on a video, then go to edit targets. No one, click on one, and then click on apply. Apply dimensions x and y. Now, if we select both layers, click on you, you can see all the keyframes, the tracking. Now let's go ahead and bring in our titles. Put it on top. Let's position it accordingly within our vehicle. S for scale, scale it down a bit. The position and then position is here. And then mode, we're going to change it to screen k. And now the final thing is to parents the video with the null. And of course you can have as many of these nodes as you want. So you can track pretty much all of these curves in here. If you want to have like, you know, create some sort of seen like watchdog games if you played that game. Okay, We have a small problem here, but that's because the car disappears. Okay. So for me the easiest way would be to just cuts the clip short here. Or you can of course, just manually adjust the position of the title. I'm going to click here. Then. I don't know, just it down here a little bit. Okay, It looks better. Fine. Click on Play again. Now let's go ahead and try a more advanced tracking. So again, select the clip to the timeline and the beginning track motion. And this time I'm gonna check rotation and scale. You can see that's now I have two tracking points down and we're gonna go ahead and adjust. This one. I want to put it on, it's up here. Okay. Here we go. This one on top. So basically these two track points, we will go ahead and make our graphic looks like it's belongs and background It's belongs there and not moving with the camera is you see when I click Play, the camera is like moving in. So if we add something in the background like logo, something that's gonna move within the camera and we want it to stay fixed, wanted to stay still. Let's go ahead now and add the logo. We go then scale, scale it down a bit. Here. Okay, cool. Now we can leave it for a second. Let's go back to later video. Click on video, and now let's go ahead and trace or track these two track points. Analyze forward. You can see it stopping to check the options. Continue. Erythro, looks good. Let's go ahead now, add a null object. Same thing. Select the video. Edit targets. No, number two, okay? Select small number to apply. Xy dimensions. Select the logo, make it visible. Parents to know number two as scale, maybe make it bigger little bit. Position adjusted to the Left's more. Now if I click on Play, you can see how the logo is not moving. So actually what the tracker is doing is that it's adjusting the position and the scale of the logo to make it look that way. So to recap everything in this lecture, we've talked about the 1D track and until the track and we did track of texture moving car. And we did stick logo to the background of the video to make it looks like it's belong Vera. Up next we'll be talking about camera tracking. 5. Camera 3D Tracking: This lecture will talk about a more advanced type of tracking, which is 3D tracking. Okay, so now I'm gonna put the footage and a timeline. Just visualize the clip real quick. So I'm gonna cut it here around 8 s. Select the clip and then Alt plus right brackets. And then I'm going to bring this thing here, the work area, I'm going to trim it and then right-click and then trim comp to work area. There we go. Now with the clip selected again and go to the tracker. And this time, let's go ahead and track camera. Now, as you can see, it's going to work as the Warp Stabilizer is going to go ahead and track the footage frame-by-frame, as you can see here, take some times, but you have to wait. Sometimes the tracker may stop on that totally normal. Maybe you didn't purge your cache or sometimes the computer is installing, updates are doing a quick scan. That's may affect the tracker as well. But most of the time is due to students or editors not purging their cash. So go to Edit, if it stops, of course go to purge and then all memory and disk cache, and then make sure you purge all these cash right here. Oh my God, that's a lot too tiny to purge. Sometimes I have a very interesting number in here. So that will affect After Effects performance. I'm sure you purge from time-to-time. Okay, It's very important and helpful. I was almost done with just a little bit solving camera and here we go. So now, once that's done, how do we make sure that everything went perfect, that the analyzer was good. We come over here to Advanced. And then right here, average error, we have 0.42, okay? Which is fine because it's below half a pixel. So if it's below half a pixel is pretty good. If it's below one pixel, it's good. If it's above, then maybe you have elements move in right here and a video. And that's fine too, because once you have elements move in, what you can do is e.g. select these track points from the moving elements and then just click on delete as well. We analyze the footage and give you better results. Or you may try to check one of these boxes like detailed analysis or hide one in Banner an hour. And we're not gonna do anything because it's perfect as below half pixel. So now let's move into the next thing. As you can see right here, we have two important things to keep in mind. We have attract pounds, which you can select individually, and we have targets size. So both of these can be used for difference or similar purposes. Okay, I'm going to show you now how to use the targets points. Then I'll show you how to use one track points, in which case you can use one track points individually. So let's hover over these points and let's find a perfect targets that will look good within our perspectives. Looks realistic like this one right here. So as you can see, a target is made of at least three points, three point trackers. If you hold Shift, you can select more like this. If you want to unselect, again hold Shift and deselect this one. Guys. So once you're happy with this, right-click and then set ground plane and origin. So basically what it does do is dance. I'm just telling the AI of After Effects. That's I want this to be the plane. Then I'm going to right-click, create solid and camera. There we go. Now click on Solid, and then right-click generates. And then grid. If we play, we can see that it looks good. Of course, you can adjust the size of the grid as you wish. So we add on the grid to help us position our elements and footage. Okay, it's very helpful to do it with the grid. And now I'm gonna go back to projects. And then I'm going to bring in the logo here. Make it 3D into 3D space by checking this box. Then what you're gonna do here at first, it just position the logo so we have the x, y, z. We can use to position the logo within our perspective like this. The most important thing here is just the x, y, and z. We need to adjust. Okay, it looks fine. Now what we're gonna do is go to Track solid, click on P, and then, and then Control or Command C to copy the position and go back to our logo. Click on P and paste it right here. Okay, so we paste in the position of the track solid to the position of the image. Yes, it's huge, but we can adjust it. So e.g. you can see this bounding box. I will click drag and hold Shifts. So I can drag with proportions. Now we have the size, okay. Make sure that you don't adjust the position because we already copied the position of the track solid. Now if we click on Play, you can see how it stays in place. It doesn't move a notch. Okay, so let's go ahead and change the blend mode real quick and maybe transparency, we will decrease it to 70. That will look more realistic. Let's go to the track solid and just hide it. Now you can see that it looks good. Of course you can redo the same process if you want to add another logo right here on the ground, okay? Okay, and so now if we click on the image, we can always adjust the XYZ. Just make sure that you grab from the points. Of course, if you want to add another logo to the ground, you can do it. Same procedure again. Just click on the clip. Right here. Go to Effects, select 3D camera. And you can find another spot like this. Maybe you handle not a big fan of this perspective. But just to show you how like if you go here right-click. And this time what you're gonna do is just create solid and then copy paste position, same procedure. Another way to use the track points individually is that if you guys remember the dates, announcements for three reasons why there was like those images still in the camera's moving. Just to show you e.g. are they the same thing with this clip but just went ahead and tracked it's where you go like this. Let's go ahead. Selects our plane. We have to select the plane first. 3d camera. Let's just select the plane here. So we have to generate the camera first, okay, the trucks smaller than the camera. And then we can add our images to the track bunch. So this point is e.g. right here. I know it's small. So right-click and then create solid. Now if I click on Solid, we can find the truck that we added. Next, I'm gonna go to projects and then I have this image, 3D. Just put it here. Let's adjust the XYZ space just to make it look good within the perspectives like this. Okay, Now, same procedure. Copy the position from track, solid to image. Here we go. Click on Play. You can see what I'm talking about. Okay, we can do that here, here, here, whatever we want. So to recap everything. And this lecture is talking about camera tracking. And you saw how using the track camera, we were able to stick the local to the background and make it stay there even if the camera is moving away from the background. Up next, we'll be talking about moca tracking. 6. Mocha Boris FX- Advanced Tracking Method : This lecture, you will learn how to track screens using the moca FX track N. Okay, so first thing first, I'm gonna go ahead and trim the video around here, 10 s. So again, Alt Option plus writes brackets, and then I'm going to click N on the keyboard to reduce the work area, and then I will trim it. And here we go. Now, or the clip selected go to effects controls. Then I'm going to right-click and look for Boris, if fixed smoker, and then choose mocha. A click here. It's going to open a new program. Just going to close this. And then right here, we should have work essentials. So keep in mind gas that we use in the free version of moca, the ones that comes in with After Effects, there is a pro version, which is quite expensive to be honest, but it's allows you to make more selective tracking, e.g. we can track faces of makeup and touches to it. It's actually pretty good, but the cost is expensive as well. So what we wanna do here, first, I'm just going to select this zoom tool and zoom in a little bit. Click and drag. Now I'm going to select the S plane. So we have the pen, the rectangular, and then we have the elliptical as planned. I'm gonna choose the rectangular S line, obviously because we have a rectangular screen. So click here. Then I'm going to trace like this. And the spline is to actually tell the program that we want you to track. This area. Can of course, always adjusted like this. From this point, it's pretty easy to adjust. Next thing we want to select the show planner surface click. And then we will adjust it to the current screen. Now this says to till the program that's, this is the area where we want to put our image or video. So basically this blue fin will give us the corner pen data. I'm just doing my best right here to adjust it. Once you're happy with the selection, make sure you have Track Motion options all checked, even perspective. Then we have the play head not in the beginning, we have it here. So we can track backward. Once it's done, we can track forward. So once the tracking is done, you can tell about these blue keyframes are here on the timeline Control Command S, or click here to serve the projects. Then we can close this. Okay, now let's go ahead to the project and add our footage to the turn lane. So we can see right here that the video is not the same size as the composition. We can right-click transform and then we can fit to comp. You can see right here that the video is distorted and that's totally fine because sometimes even though it distorted, once we put it on the screen, it goes back to normal and sometimes nuts, okay, so we have to try, right-click here the first method. Then we want to pre-comp, okay? We always have to pre-comp in order for this to work. Click on move all attributes into new composition because we want to move everything as we just said it here. And now, go back to the video, effects controls, open tracking data, creates track data early and number one, okay, then right here where it says Export, option, select corner pen. Okay, this is the blue area that's remarked earlier. Layers to exports. We want the pre-comp that we just created. And of course right here, you can leave it sauce. Apply exports. You can see that it looks good right now. Okay, it looks perfect. Now for the other method, as we just click on S for scale, scale the video like this. And again, pre-comp. Select the video, go back to effects. Track data, okay. Kind of pen. Election, apply exports. So it works fine as well. So it's going to depend on the type of footage you're working with. So now we have two techniques. Now if we click on a precomp, we can of course, adjust the corners as we wish, okay. In case we want to, in our case it looks perfect, no need to adjust. So if we click on Play, you can see it's working fine. And of course, we can do this for everything. We can track everything, e.g. if you want to add a text to the screen, it simple. Let's go back to projects. I'm just going to create a null. Then I'm going to add a text right here. Now go back to the video. Two effects, click on Create Track data. They number one, okay? And then this time we're not going to do kind of pen because we want to track the text to the screen. We don't want to put it inside of the screen. So we will choose transform. Then right here, nor number one, click on Apply exports. I'm going to go to the text T or P for position adjusted here. And then pick whip it to the mall. Comply. Okay, you guys, and here you have it. So to recap everything in this lecture, you've learned how to track a video N side of the screen using the moca FX plugin up. Next we'll be talking about green screen. 7. Green Screen: Now I want to show you guys my best tips and techniques for removing a green screen you using the key lights. So this has e.g. a, good green screen. Everything is perfect. Height pixels, wavelets. It's very professional. So I'm gonna come over here to Effects. Look for key lights. And I just want to show you guys how easy your life can be when the filming is done properly. So with the key lights, but it's on a clip. Now, what I'm gonna do is just play everything real quick. Okay, so click on the eyedropper tool and then just select like this, the green screen. Now you can see that with just one click, we have a pretty nice results. You can leave it like this if you want. But you can see it's a pretty nice, amazing results. Even the hands they're moving and they look clean. Now let's go to View and then we can change that to screen mats. And this is how you know that the key was done, right? So you want to have the subjects, you're white and you want to have the background pure black. You don't want to have I don't know, something like this. You want to have everything? Perfect, just like this. Okay, Let's go back to final results. Now if I zoom in, you can see that we still have just a little bit of green edges. We can fix that easily. So again, go to effects and then we want to look for Advanced Spill Suppressor. This one, not this one, but this one. Okay. It has to say advanced Spill Suppressor. You put a here. And then it's gonna go ahead and pretty much remove everything automatically. Can see that we have already better results. One more thing we can do if I go to screen mats, right here, we have clipped black. If I increase this a little bit, you can see that it removes also the green from the edges. Here's without Clip Black and here's the width, clip black. Because there was too much the dial it down. Make sure you guys have transparency checked. Okay. And I think we have right here a pretty nice. Now we can click here projects. So we can add the background S for scale and add a keyframe here. Here. Then here like this. Okay? Click on F9 for the easiest. Adjust the speed graph. I wanted to start fast and end up slowly. Okay, I think I did the opposite. So this one here, this one here. Then right here we can add the other one, the other background. This time I want to adjust the position a little bit. We're just going to scale. It's a little bit up so we can play with the position p. Same thing. Select both F9. Easy, Ease n. Let's look at another example. Bandwidth, a very bad, unprofessional green screen. Now, I know what you're thinking. You guys, we like. We're not going to always get a professional gig, professional green screen like this. But if it's too bad to work with, we can use another technique. So now with this green screen, you can see that it's not professionally done to first-time. First one I'm gonna do is select the clip. And then I'm going to mask from here, at least got this area. Now, same thing. I'm going to go look for key lights. Okay, So key light, wind point to put it here. Now if I click here, pick the colors and technique. Let's go to View Screen max. And you can see that this is a bad selection. You can see that the black background is not perfect. It has some whites stains on it. And you can see that the subject is not pure white to still can see some gray and this area. So let's open Screen Matte electron to fix that. So e.g. I. Decrease the clip whites like this. Okay, You can see it looks perfect now, but we have more whiteness on the background. So we can do to fix that is click on the screen color, then maybe adjusted like this and we go click. Okay, Let's go back to final results. You can see that it's not that perfect. It's the skin looks like it has some noisy shadows on it or some noise like a too much. Let me just add a new solid color and make it. And blue. Here. You can see this right here, will remove the parts of his chest as well when we were doing the key. And that's because it's T-Shirt has almost a similar color to the background. This is why you have to be very considerate of the footage you work in waves. So there is nothing pretty much all we can do to fix that, besides maybe play a little bit, I don't know, we can bring back the whiteness little bit like this. Can maybe change the color here, Bring it back a little bit on the shadows. But anyway, the results are not gonna be perfect. So I know what you're saying. Okay. We're not going to always get the perfect clip. So if the client doesn't give you a perfect footage, you have to explain to them to not expect a perfect post-production result. And also for this case, what I would do personally if this doesn't work, is that I will go ahead and use rotoscoping and we'll talk more about rotoscoping and the upcoming lectures. So to recap everything in this lecture, you've learned how to use the key light to remove green screen from a video. Up next we'll be talking about removing black and white screen. 8. Removing Black and White Backgrounds: This lecture, I want to show you guys how to completely remove a black and white screen. I'm gonna go ahead now and viewer footage, because you always need to view the footage before editing it. Here we have some reflections in here. So there are two ways to remove black background. The first one is using a blending mode with a combination of curves. So e.g. here, if I go to Mode and Tunisia to screen, creates new and add a solid. So you don't see anything because we don't have something to blend its width. This is why I need to add a solid. You can see now that we have a pretty good results. Try Linear Dodge. Okay, I think I'm gonna leave us with scream. Your choice. Then we can add curves. From color correction. Maybe adjust this thin little bits. Okay? The only problem with this is that you don't really have a transparent background. You don't have an alpha channel. Because if I go ahead and remove the solid, it goes back to black. Okay, so how do we really creates transparency? How do we make this video transparence? And let's go ahead first and delete the background and then deletes the curves effects. Now under effects and presets, I'm gonna look for shifts, channels here, right here, what it says, take alpha from, I'm going to switch to luminance. You can try lightness as well. But I think that luminance works best and it also depends on the type of photo you're working with. So always we can try some other options to see which one works best. So now as you can see, we're really do have a transparent background. Now I know what you're thinking. That's not a good results. We're not done. We can always add or remove color, matting. Then Y here, if I click, I can change this a little bit. Maybe like this. Now if I go back to projects, I can go ahead and add this image as a background. I'm going to scale it down like this, and then I'm going to scale the video down like this. And as you can see, the black background is really gone. Okay? There was just the alpha channel. You can barely see the difference between the background and the foreground. So now what I'm gonna do is just positioned a video on top of this glass thing. And then I'm gonna look for another effect called Optics Compensation. Board is on top of my video. Increase the field of view. Because I want it to look like it's inside. It's happening inside the cup. Just the position. Now, if you think that this is too transparent, of course we can always go ahead and duplicate the background like this. Okay? Then we can count the background pre-comp. It looks better now that is pre-comp position. We can always adjust it like this. Okay? And as you can see this as an OKR results, of course now we can add curves to the pre-comp. Maybe let's see how we can adjust this. Okay, so of course we can do more work on this and make it looks perfect, etcetera, etcetera. But for now, I'm just going to leave it in here on probably cuts here. Because right here we can see transparency throughout lemon. Just cut it here. So let's both clips and then Alt Option plus writes brackets because it's going to cut the clips. Leave it here. You can see that with just these random footage and images, we were able to create something beautiful. And usually this thing is done with 3D to make it look more realistic, but you get the idea. Okay, So now let's see how we can work with the white background. I'm going to bring this butterfly, but it's up here. Adjusted here. Escalate down a little bit. Again. Two techniques that we can do. We can either go to Blend Mode, then multiply. We can adjust the color with the curves distributors. The easiest, simplest way. There we go. Now you don't see the edge of the white background. It does look blend N. Or of course, we can do the same technique that we did with the black background. So let's start with Shift Channels. This time I'm going to choose u and then remove color of Marin. Click here on background color. And then play it a little bit with the spectrum. See which one looks better. Okay. Maybe we can duplicate as well. Let's see in pre-comp them. Then you have it. Of course we can add now curves and adjusted as you want. But again, I'm showing you these two techniques and of course, it's going to depend on your needs, okay, maybe you just need to blend, maybe really need to remove the background. So to recap everything and this lecture I've shown you guys best options to remove a whites and black screen. Up. Next we'll be talking about rotoscoping. 9. Roto Brush & Refine Edge Tool: This lecture we're gonna be talking about my favorite tool so far in After Effects, which is rotoscoping and you can do amazing things with this tool. So let's see how you can work with that. So the first thing you wanna do when working with the Roto Brush, as you want to double-click on the clip in the timeline. It's very important because then you will enter the layer mode or the Layer window. If you don't do that, if you don't double-click on the clip, on the timeline, the Roto Brush. It's not going to work. Even if you selected, you see that it doesn't show on a screen. So you have to double-click on Eclipse to be only a mood. Once you are in a layer mode, you probably want to resize your brush dependent on a subject that you have. To do that you need to press Control or Command on your keyboard and then left-click and you can either drag to the left to make it as small or to the right to make it bigger. Now you can see right here that we have a pretty tough video to work with, because first time this is a fluffy cats and it's very hard to trace, or Toronto's cook fluffy objects or things as second thing, you can see that the color of the cat is a little bit similar to the color of the background, which can confuse a little bit the system. Let's see how we can do that. Now first thing first, I'm gonna drag the timeline because I want to find the perfect position for the cats. I want to find something where probably the cat is looking straight at the camera so I can select everything. I think probably here, we can clearly see the ear. Now I'm just going to resize the brush a little bit smaller and then select the cat, just like this. Okay, just left-click and select the cats. Now Here you go. Nice selection. I can zoom in, reduce the size of the brush, and select this area. There you go. You can hold Alt or Option. The brush will turn red and then we can delete stuff. So anything that you don't want you can delete by holding Alt or Option and deletes in just like this. There we go. A little bit here. So this is pretty much like painting. If you are used to working with Photoshop, this is like the same thing. It does take a little bit of time, but the results are totally worth it if you're not using a green screen. So this has, this tool is pretty good for memes. We feel it's composite and stuff like that. So right here, we can delete a little bit. So the goal here is to make it look as good as possible. Only using the Roto Brush tool without using the arrow tools yet selects the tail. Right here. I'm gonna make the brush smaller, hold Alt, and just drag here. Now to check that the results, you may want to go ahead and switch to transparency. Okay? So let's just toggled transparency grid. Sometimes even though it's on at not going to work. So I have to toggle this back on and off. And you can see that we have some pretty good results. This is not perfect, but it's really good. Now the next thing we're gonna do here because as I said earlier, this is such a fluffy cats. We need to refine the edges. And the way to do that, we can come over here and then select Refine Edge tool. And then probably I'm just gonna go ahead and trace my cats because it's all fluffiness. So just to let you know, guys, I'm used to paint it in Photoshop because I started and I'm still a graphic designer. This is for me is like a normal day in the office. You see e.g. right here. We can switch real quick to Roto Brush Tool and select this area. Go back to the roughen edges. Basically the refined edge, it does exactly what it says. It just gonna go ahead and make the edges more smooth and more refined. Okay? If you make a mistake, you can just Control Command Z or you can again hold Alt or Option and deletes a little bit of the Refine Edge. Okay, let's see how it looks now with orphanages. So as you can see, I'll switch to mask and then afterwards through water brush and refined edge so I can see the transparency. You can see that now that will use the Refine Edge. We have a pretty good selection actually. Okay, I think the results are almost like if you are using a green screen or this cat. Pretty good. Now real quick, I'm just going to go back to the Roto Brush Tool and I'm going to look and try to just fix the areas where I see like too much green like this I can fix here and I think we've pretty much ups. I think we're pretty much done here. The results are amazing. Now, while we can do is just hold Control or Command, and we can move like frame-by-frame. Just to see if everything will play nice. I know it's going to take like a lot of time to check dad's. If you're doing this for clients, you know how to check frame by frame to see if it looks good. You don't want to get humiliated with the client. So even though it is tedious and very long process, you have to do it because your pride is more important than the tedious process. And also, if you're a video editor, what do you expect you notice as you live, frame-by-frame? Life is not easy actually, you don't even have a life spent the whole day doing this kind of stuff. And also you can see right here, when you move frame by frame, you have this green thing. That means it's processing as you move. And also you see right here the solid color. This is the duration of the club because the clip is 45 s and we cut it short for this tutorial. So once you do that and you're happy and everything looks fine, you can go ahead and click on Freeze. That was important to click on Freeze because it's kinda stopped Aurora brush from analyzing the footage. Every time you move the play head in the timeline, For every time you add or just any effects right here. Go ahead and take a look at the final results. Okay, it looks good, not bad. It looks really good. Now, one thing to keep in mind is that you cannot make adjustment right now with the Roto Brush or the refined tool brush because it's frozen. Okay. If you want to make adjustments, you need to unfreeze. And to do it as you just click here again and it will unfreeze the brush. And let's go ahead and adjust the brush options right here. Okay, So let's add little bits of feather. Then we can smooth the edges a little bit too. We can decrease the shift edge. And you can see as we do that, we have a nice edge. No more green. You can check, use motion blur. So it's blurs any sudden movements of the cats. And you can also check decontaminate edge colors. And I think we have a pretty good result. Now we can literally put this cat everywhere. So let's go back to the projects. Double-click on the camp and what you can do, e.g. as you can, duplicates the clip like this. And we can e.g. bring some background like this behind the cat's beef or position. Adjusted scale, increase it. Use a blend mode. May be animated. If nine for the ECNs. And here you can see have a beautiful animation. You know, it looks like a holy cats right now. It's still rendering. It's slow because we are recording and everything. You can also add a text behind the cats like this. Select the type layer, but it's behind the cards P for position. Just make it look like it's on the ground. You can also add a drop shadow on a text to make it look more realistic. Scale. Let's just increase the space between the characters like this. Okay, so you guys get us, can be as creative as you want. You can also e.g. take the clip of the cats, duplicate it, Control Command D, and make it look like there are two cats. If you upset the clips, the cats will have offsets movements. So it looks like it looks like we have two twin cats also Q2 in cats. So to recap everything and this lecture, you've learned about rotoscoping. You saw how with the Roto Brush you can remove anything from the background no matter what kind of background you're working with and how we can place things behind the subjects and video using the Roto Brush Up. Next we'll be talking about the constants are where fell. 10. Content-Aware Fill: So let's say e.g. you shot a video of a beautiful scene, but you have people in it are objects that you shot by accidents. And you want to remove that. So in this lecture, I'm going to show you how we can do that using the Content Aware Fill. We have the clip right here and let's say e.g. we want to remove the people and just keep the view. So first thing first, to make sure that you get the best results, you must make sure that there is no color grading change. And the globe, e.g. it's one color through the entire globe. There is no color change whatsoever. The second thing is that you need to make sure that the objects you trying to remove or the subjects does have enough contrast from the background of the subjects in Mather is true blended with the background, it's may make it a little bit difficult. You can see here e.g. her coat is a bit of the same color as the sands, but that fine because her man is wearing all black. Now the first thing here to do would be to check the pen tool. And then you want to trace a mask, make sure you have a roto busy checking, okay, this will help with the curves, is going to create curves naturally instead of adjusting them with the anchor points. And you want to make sure that the mask is super close to the subject. Something like this. The bounding box. I'm going to change the color of the mask because I can see, okay, this is better. You want something very close to the subjects. I'm just going to change this thing, add to none. Now we're gonna go ahead and open the tracker. Make sure you have a mask path selected and where it says method you want to have position. So we have lot of options. Position, rotation, blah, blah, blah, blah. Face tracking. We're not doing any face tracking here. We want to track the position. Now, click on track selected mask forward. Okay, I'm going to stop right here the tracking, select the selection tool, and then just adjust the mask a little bit. So every time you see that the subject is about to leave the masking area, you stop with space and you would just the mask. Once you do that is click on Play, dumped click on space because it's going to play the video, it's not going to play the tracking. Right here, stop again, adjust. Stop here, adjust. Okay, and it's pretty much done. Now, I'm going to bring the play head to the beginning of the clip like this right here. I'm going to change none to subtract. And then we're just going to play the video to see if there is something coming out of the mask in area that we can fix. Right here you can see a little bit of the hand. So what I'm gonna do is bring the play head to the beginning. Add a keyframe for mask expansion, and go back to the area where do you start seeing the arm? Not to hand it some arm so the case, and then expand the pixels a little bit more. Then you play, you play. Good. Okay, this is great. And again, you have to make sure that you switch the mask to subtract super important before you apply the Content Aware Fill. Now let's go ahead window Content-Aware Fill. So right here we have dwindled Content-Aware Fill. We have Alpha expansions, which means if I increase it, it's going to increase the size of the hole that we have right here. So in this case we don't need to increase as much, maybe leave it at one. Right here under fill method we have object surface and edge blend. While we wanna do is fail the objects. I'm not going to check lightened correction because they're going to take forever. And also we don't have a lot of corrections to do. The clip has the same color gray then and then range. We want to work area, we want the entire work area to be included. Once you finish, you want to generate fill layer. You can choose a folder and then just give it a name. Save. And then you just have to write here. Now here you have it. A nice clean shots. You can see when I move you see the whole data because it's still rendering. But overall, once they're under that, we're going to have a clean sharp. So now it's done. And as you can see, it did create around 246 images to replace the whole. So now if we open the folder of the tracking, you can see that it's created frame by frame fills to replace the whole. So to recap everything in this lecture, you've learned how to remove people from the background. And you can use the same technique to remove object as well, using the mask and the contents are where fell. Now congratulations, That was the last lecture. 11. Final Thoughts: Congratulation you guys, we finally made that's now there'll be able to create amazing magical videos by combining Adobe Premiere Pro and After Effects. So of course, I have a Premier Pro course right here on Skillshare. You can check it two. And I want you guys to go ahead and share your projects in the project gallery so I can give you my feedback. Also, make sure you follow me in case you liked this class and leave a review. So you have a notification when I post a new class. And also when you leave a review. It helps to show this class to other students that may be interested. So we covered everything from Dynamic Links, tours, cop, and to Content-Aware Fill and all that stuff that you're going to need and your post-production workflow. Thank you so much for watching and see you soon.