1. Course Intro: keep a sense of humor, especially about yourself. It's a strength beyond old measure. Dan Millman The way of the Peaceful Warrior. Now that is one of the most important truths about life and about yourself. When you have a sense of humor about yourself and you don't take yourself too seriously, it's going to empower you in every area of your life. You're basically beginning to give meaning to yourself into every area of your life. Now I wanna introduce myself. First of all, my name is Felipe Billions, and I'm a transformational confidence in social skills. Mentor and coach now help people bring up their social skills as well as be more confident when it comes to taking online and connecting with people better. So part of this I've been doing this for over 15 years. Part of actually learning this in terms of social skills and connecting with people has been how the master banter had a master conversational humor and had a beam or witty. There was a time where I was shy and I couldn't start conversation as well as a lot of the conversations felt like they were boring and they were just pretty much very yes and no questions. And they let you know where in terms of fun, interactions or connecting with people. And so this is why I built this course.
2. Course Overview: All right. Well, in this course, I'm gonna be going over the inner game off comedy as well as you know how. Comedy applies in terms of stand up comedy and everything into conversational humor. How that played to your personality and so forth. Eso comedy has many generous and different comedians used different John Ross, and sometimes they overlap with different comedians. So again, I want to help you dissect this type of comedy and implement it into your own personality. Help you choose what type of comedy fits your personality the best, Aziz. Well, as what specific comedy you might be wanting to use in specific sex rate situations or context. So that is what we're gonna be going through in this course. So I'm excited. Let's go on to the next lesson.
3. Benefit from your humor: conversational humor can have so many benefits besides the fact that it will help you connect better with people. It can also help you in every area of our lives, not just in social situations that are casual and so forth. It could help you in your networking events for business. It could help you dating wise, that can help you just enrich relationships all around in different areas of your life. So if you're like I was before, in terms of being a little bit shy and making you know, sometimes the conversations would lead to something a little bit boring and that sort of thing. You're trying to spice up your conversations. If you're trying to better connect with people for whatever purpose that is, you're trying to really enrich your personality than this course. It's for you again, whether you're introverted, whether you're shy or whether you're simply wanting to boost your conversational skills by implementing some humor skills than this course is for you.
4. Lead the conversation through questions & humor: In my opinion, the best type of conversational comedy has to do with questions. And it's both in terms of questions that lead to things you already have, you know, kind of the back of your mind as well as having common answers for the most common questions. So funny answers to the most common questions. I think that's the best type of comedy, as well as a few other ways of really leading the conversation and searching up the into an unexpected conversation that most people are used to based on questions that they asked each other. So that is the best tackle conversational comedy. In my opinion, I will be going through anecdotal comedy as well as other type of things that may apply to your personality type, and that will be great for enriching conversations and, you know, put in that type of comedy into conversations. But in my opinion again, questions in that type of quick witted responses is the best way to insert humor into any conversation.
5. Develop your humor mindset: all right, so let's go into the inner game of conversational humor. I want you to understand the mindset behind all this and understand that when you are you really trying to be funny or being funny, it's for you. It's not for anybody else or is not to get a laugh. It's for you to have a good time. Then it's to really help people have a good time as well. It's not to gain validation because the point that you really are too attached and begin to do it as a way to gain validation, your energy will be off and you will become kind of a dancing monkey of you. Well, you will have that kind of an energy of just the entertainer and wanted to get approval and validation and get attention. That's not what you want. You want to be careful. You wanna be indifferent about the reactions, and most of all, the best way to do that is to make it about your own entertainment and having a good time. It is a great way to really not only enjoy life and enjoy every interaction or your day, but it's a way to really you know, as you begin to have fun yourself, you others will be in to have fun themselves as well. So that is how it works. So it's not about necessarily entertaining others. Although you are coming from a place of giving and helping people have, ah, better day, a better time. But more importantly, you wanna understand that when you really begin to see this as a way to entertain yourself and have a blast and just enjoy life and make things that would traditionally boring or still more fun for yourself, Then the other people will begin to have fun and begin to laugh at everything you say as well, because they're coming from a place of fun giving and enjoyment.
6. Sprinkle comedy into your conversations: The final thing I want to mention in terms of mindset and really keeping this in mind is that you want to sprinkled comedy into your conversations. Do not pour it. It is something that is sprinkled in and that makes conversations more rich in alarm or entertaining. But if you are, you know, doing one joke after another joke after another joke. Oh, you're still in the same joke or trying to go deeper into it, a job that you've already done and so forth it is going to kill the joke or it's gonna kill the conversation because for a few reasons, first of all, when you do a joker, you see, say something funny, you let one little give space for people to laugh. Second of all, if you continue to do jokes after jokes after jokes again, you become the dancing monkey and you're the entertainer in that sort of thing. So you want to give a little bit of space there, so that's a great way to approach conversational comedy that it is something, but it's sprinkled in. So whatever, we're gonna be going through some exercises in this course on coming up with your own comedy as well as finding on different, different things. Different jokes that you could take from comedians or different things and put them into your own conversations. But again, you're not. You're gonna be figuring out which ones you like the best and which ones work the best for you. So don't go for volume, go for quality again because you're not gonna be doing You're not gonna be a stand up comedian. You're gonna be just sprinkling these things around and it's gonna just make you appear a lot more interesting, a lot funnier. It's kind of one of those things where, you know, you say you say a joke or two and they're gonna think, Wow, those jokes are hilarious. Those things were funny. When you say 345 not consecutively again then you are the funny person. You're the interesting person, But again, use that it with caution. You're sprinkling these things in They are not the main sauce, if you will. They're not the main ingredient when it comes to conversation, because you need to have a little bit of realism. Just be really in terms of conversation. Of course, you don't want to make them be stale or boring. But don't overdo it or you'll become the dancing monkey or it'll just be like a stick, right? So that's the last thing I want to mention in terms of mindset when it comes two approaching conversational humor.
7. Create your humor self-talk: Okay. Now I want to talk about reality and your story and how it relates to conversational humor . So your story and your reality is incredibly important. It is what sets the frame off the jokes, what sets the frame off the conversation and everything. So you wanna have a very solid reality? You wanna have a very solid grasp of it. So everything that is filter in your reality is positive. So no matter what you want to know, we're gonna be going through character development and developing your voice a little bit in this course. You know, again, this is not a stand up comedy courses. It's about conversational comedy. But I will, you know, kind of touched on that a little bit. But again, when it comes to your story and your frame has to do with how you're interpreting situations, so you want to be interpreting everything on this is about being charismatic and being interesting. You want to be interpreting everything that happens, or everything that people say in your own way and specifically in the positive way. So if someone says something, you know, no matter what it is, it's always accomplish for you for example, like if something someone says some kind of a criticism for you, it's a comfort. So that is an example of how toe really take things in your own way. I'll be going over a concept of selective listening, which is also very communiqu in terms of our conversation away. But you want to set the frame you want, said the reality of how things are perceived from in your mind first, and then you will translate it into your way of being into your delivery as well, in terms of your jokes and so forth. So I'm gonna be going over an exercise to really develop your conversational humor story. But for now, it just understand that's what's gonna drive your humor in a conversation.
8. Develop your comedy story: All right, So now let's talk about your story and how to develop a great story for this conversational humor course. So when it comes to your story, what that means is simply what are you telling yourself about your life, about yourself, about other people and so forth. So this is extremely important when it comes to delivery body language and how you come across when you are commercial or telling a joke. So one of the things that you want to go through is what you're limiting. Believes about that side of you. Do you believe that? Your interesting Do you believe that you're funny? Do you believe that? Maybe you have a limited believe that, Hey, I've never been funny. Or I could only be funny around assuring kind of people, my only family, so on and so on. I've never done this before. Whatever it is that you have going on in your head, you want to change it. So you want to start with a very strong believe, especially if you have Ah, you know, a lot of limited believe you want to start start with a very extreme believe an affirmation of I am the funniest person ever the funniest person in the world. You want to start with that to combat that negative self talk that you might have going on in terms of your comedy in terms of your humor. And it really works. I mean, for me, For a while I was like, Oh, you know, conversations are always kind of going into the boar inside and that sort of thing, and I have that issue, whether it was, you know, in my personal life or professional life, it always kind of stale, and I was kind of it wasn't very funny. It was kind of, you know, with certain people. That's what I'm saying. You know, maybe with my family in France, I was a little bit funnier. But then I began to recreate my story, starting with that simple affirmation on the funniest person ever, and that automatically will actually make it come across as a funnier person. Even if you haven't even study any other jokes. Even if you don't have any of this material going for you, you will automatically begin to be funnier. People will automatically begin to laugh more and so forth, so that is the first thing you want to write down. Some of these Limited believes around your humor around how interesting you are. So if you have limited believe, Oh, I'm not funny around, so it's so people you want to see. I'm specially funny around this step of people, for I always know what to say. Next, I always have a better answer. I am the funniest person ever, and I am so witty and everything that I say. It's hilarious back and stuff you want to be saying to yourself on, especially if you want to use it in specific situations. You want to be specific about the situations or the people and so forth and that sort of thing in terms of your story. So again, write down all your negative bleeds or thoughts around your comment and your around your humor, and they re write him into the positive. So again, I want to say that you want to do it in the present tense in the positive. So those are the 1st 2 things you want to be doing with your story. Also, you want Teoh, you want to give it an action. So what are people saying to you, What do you You know, what are people saying to you that validate that, believe that Hey, you're the funniest person ever. Maybe they are saying that many people are always saying like, Wow, you're hold Ari, the funnest, funniest person I've ever met that gonna stop. So you want to recreate your story in that way, and from there again, you're going to be coming across a lot funnier, a lot more interesting and a lot more confident with your delivery. You know, I could go out onto body language and Nasser the thing, But again, I think you're already funny. You just need to be confident about it and develop turn. Perhaps, er and voices turn character when it comes to that type of jokes that you gonna be going on telling in conversations. But more importantly, the body language will take care of itself, and the delivery will take care of itself when you are confident about you being funny. So that's what I have to say about changing your story. You have any questions? Feel free to bring him up, and I'll be happy to enter them. I go into story and Inter game and confidence and all that kind of stuff. Many of my other courses. So feel free to check those out. It is very. It's a big pillar in terms of my teaches and confidence and so forth. So do not skip this one of the most, if not the most important thing when it comes to comedy and being more interesting in conversations.
9. Join the 30 day challenge: All right, So now the final thing I want to mention in regards to Inter Game is that, you know, conversations when you begin to think of conversations and when you are creating your humor , really analyze how most conversations are pretty predictable. Most conversations follow a very similar pattern. People ask you, How are you? Have you been house a family? Or if you know that, for example, or if it's new people where you from what do you do? Very traditional questions. So I understand that, and you can you can just simply have a really funny answer to all those questions, as well as how to lead into certain conversational topics and that sort of thing that most of the time the conversations are gonna be very predictable, very easy. And that should give you more confidence right off the bat in terms of how to converse and had to be really humorous when it comes to your conversations. So that is one of the things that I wanted to mention in regards to your inner game in regards to your confidence and comfort levels with your comedy and your humor. The other thing I want to mention is I want to challenge you for the next 30 days for you to actually begin to be funnier. And the way to do that is to actually go out and try it. So I'm gonna have a few exercises along in this course. But for right now, I want to challenge you to one of two things. And whatever your comfort level is, one or the other to either tell one joke or something funny to a person based on what you come up with in terms of this course to one person per day, that is, if you're feeling like you want to stay within a little bit, you more of your comfort zone. But if you want to really extend your comfort zone, it really is to tell a joke or something funny, Teoh. Every person toe one person at every place you go to. So if you go to a coffee shop, if you go to work your family, every place, find one person in every single venue that your at and just say whatever funny thing you're gonna say, maybe maybe people ask you a coffee shop. How you doing? You're like, well, terrible again. It's funny because it's unexpected, that sort of thing. But if you can say it's very simple, so if you can say something funny toe, one person at every place you go to that will begin to develop the habit of being funny and having something clever to say and trying and always finding your brain will start to find different things that are funny out of situations, out of everyday life and so forth. So take on that challenge again 30 days to develop this habit and simply start by saying something funny to one person your whole day or one person per venue throughout your whole day. So that is my challenge to you, who will take it and I'll see you in the next lesson.
10. Find your humor style: All right, so in this lesson, I want to talk about what is your humor style and what are the different types of humor? Styles were introduced you to that a little bit. So first of all, you want to really think about what is your style? What kind of jokes have you told in the past that have gone great responses? Are you more of an impression as you make really good impressions? Or can you imitate people very well, Maybe your physical, physically funny person. You have a lot of expressions, or maybe you're more of a dry, you know, sense of humor. It's have a person. You're very sarcastic. And don't change your facial expressions very much. And you just again very, very much sarcastic and dry humor. Whatever it is, you're humor style. You really keep it in mind and continue to think about it as I go through all the humor cells in this course on. And you know those humor styles again there from stand up comedians, their professional comedians and so forth. But I think they will add value in regards to figuring out what your character is and what your voices and what's have a type of a person you really are when it comes to conversational humor. So give that in mind what kind of styles you, our and all that kind of stuff again they will overlap. Humor cells overlap. You might be both, you know, kind of a dry humor type of person, but you also might be animated, and they my apply in different contexts dry human by applied better in a professional setting. I supposed to maybe at a bar or something, so keep that in mind. Thea. Other thing I want to mention is that I will be showcasing you know, the different humor styles, as well as some great examples from professional comedians on the style. So you get a really good feel for him and how they can be applied into conversational humor . If you choose to again, I have my preference, and I also have recommendations in terms of I think with me what I think works best in terms of conversations, not only because it's funnier, but because it gets it allows assay mentioned questions and so forth. I think some of the best ways to create human run conversations, but now only because I think it's funny and so forth. But it gets it gets a conversation going in terms of connecting and getting to know another person better, as opposed to just being a stand up comedian. And so that's what I'd be going over, so I'll see you in the next lesson.
11. Develop your anecdotal humor: all right, So the first type of comedy style is anecdotal. So that has to do with you telling a story, a story that might be true Or, you know, partly true or completely true. That is what anecdotal type of comedy is. And you know that some of these stand up comedians many times they exaggerate the truth of something that happened to him to create a comedic effect. So that's what it's meant by partly true. So if that is your style of your work talker of your more of a person, that kind of just tell stories and you're a great storyteller, then this type of comedy, this type of humor would be perfect for you. For me personally, I'm not, you know, kind of a storyteller and that sort of thinking more of oppression. That is a great listener in that sort of thing. That's why, for me, questions work the best. So here is an example of over a great comedian that is amazing with anecdotal comedy. And if you've ever heard of Kevin Hart, you've you see some of his comedy, perhaps his storytelling in the way that he sets up the jokes just flawless. So should this video out at one girl to have one of those laughs to make you stop laughing means my like, that. Laughter is so bad that you got to stop having a good time because it wasn't a lab. Like a snickers slash snap. She did everything. Something wasn't funny. Like he's going to the movies like, you know what, baby is a long line of Go park the car. Don't you go wait like I I don't mind on. I don't know what it was at first. I didn't say nothing. I still had the car on. I was like, The car shouldn't sound like this because it's a new car, All right, So with anecdotal Tepe comedy, the most important thing is set up. It is a story. It is the brand background, the context off the joke that is the most important thing. The punchline or attack, as they call it in. Comedy is gonna be interchangeable, and it's not really the most important thing. So you want to focus on the context, and that's in setting the setting, the person up, leading them in a certain way and then maybe pulling the rug underneath them and take it in a different direction. So again, the set up in the background is the most important thing when it comes to this stuff. Humor. Also, I want to say that anecdotal type of humor, I believe, is most effective and can be more appropriate when it comes to load your group. So let's say you are in a larger group. You telling a story and kind of going through an anecdote can be more appropriate than when you, perhaps one on one with a person. Perhaps questions there would be more appropriate. Otherwise, you know with questions. If you're in a larger group and you're leading questions and comedy that way, that could alienate some of the other people just talking to one person. But when it comes to a group, anecdotal comedy can be very effective in terms of winning a crowd. Winning a group based on this type of comedy
12. Step outside your comfort zone with blue comedy: all right, so the next comedy style is blue comedy. In this type of comedy, it's a little bit more sexual, little more risky, little more profane. So, you know, again this if you are in a casual setting or if you can get away with telling some of these kind of jokes this is great for spicing up conversations, something like double in Tundras, double meanings to words has, you know, having it the sexual meaning as well or anything like that, as well as any kind of punts. In that way, they're a little bit more risky. A great comedian that does is extremely well, especially in conversations. Ihsaa Craig Ferguson May I show you a few clips on kind of what he does and how he does it Misinterpretations that he does. It's amazing and really, you know, no matter who you're talking to, it's by this up a great conversation. So that's one way to do it. So check this out and yeah, let me know what you think way really are Time I like you wanna take address? Will Bybee another 10 minutes with you? Uh, yeah, but no. On the year I'm gonna have to pass. All right, I understand that. Gradually, Lily, everybody actually in the film where I cop a feel of his man boob, you might want to translate that for the American audience. Corporate feel of this man boob means I suppose that means you put your hand on his gentleman's upstairs breast check area his pectoral muscle II gently stroking. Who's the gentleman? Was man boob? You fell Chris Evans, who plays Captain America? I don't think he I don't think he has man boobs, though. He's got firm Chesley area they absolutely enormous. So I mean, you know, coming from you. That's a hell of a thing to see. Oh, Foreman, uh, they based it out way can't get over. This is live sorts of it is a fully equipped ski cabin. Great middle of blazing. All admit of a blazing Hollywood blaming Hollywood flaming. Sure. Yeah. You have harmonicas. Do you blow them out? I do You both about For how do you think I got this job? No, because it's got that like robbery texture so that you miss your die on texture. I dio dio based my dad. Would you like soft foods or hard I don't like clementines. The way they kind of taste in your mouth with small oranges, clementines, mandarins, mandarins, tangerines, clementines. They're all kind of the same thing. I look forward to your lantern, I think the small, tasty fruit ball they break apart in your mouth and it really kind of unpleasant way you don't like that. What do you like to feel in your mother? Ah, was a carefully legitimate question to someone bases their diet on tax job.
13. Adapt these conversational humor techniques: All right. So let's go over some of these techniques In regards to conversational humor, the 1st 1 is leading people into the normal or expected and then changing the trajectory of the conversation or off the where they were expecting. Basically So Ah, very normal. Very, you know, easy. Example of that is when people ask you how you How are you doing something very simple just to say the opposite of what people say And people say terrible. And then they're like shocked. I'm just kidding him actually do great. Or you could just say, Yeah, terrible because, you know, Day is so you know, so sunny. It's just beautiful. I make making feel super depressed, and then they can I get that you're being sarcastic and that's the next technique. Sarcasm. Very straightforward, very easy. Most people can do it pretty intuitively, in terms of just you're just saying the opposite of what's true. Uh, that's a pretty straightforward example for that as well for sarcasm. I see you're over. Congratulations on the Ironman. It looks like it might be a hit, right? You seen it yet? Slight corrections, Not the number one movie in America is the number one movie worldwide. Self deprecating is all. This is my last round. This is actually this will be the end of my official promotion of the film, and I'm very, very happy. Thank you for putting us right at the top of the list. Robert, you go right. You knew. This is the Power host talk show that's going to get you The people into the theater is that you need and, well, I actually want to come here once. It was already bona fide hit so they couldn't attract another one is the double on Tundras . I went over a lot of those when it comes to sexuality and that kind of stuff, But you can use double entendres for many things. Just all the puns, all the different meanings for words or sentences. It's it's that sort of thing. What a fighting in movies. I've done my share, Thanh like I mean, beat yourself opened fight Klein, Not myself like that. There's a scene where you actually beat the crap out yourself and I hit and I we the blood . Obviously it's fake, but it's sticky. Yeah, and there was all this fake glass around and it didn't. It ended up being one of the big laughs. And when I kind of came up, there was all this fake glass stuck into the blood on my hand in it, and it always gotta gas, but it was totally by accident. Have you ever ever had blood in a cup in your hand? Yeah, I had my period Where I, you know, put my hands wait. Strike That goes along with Johnny. Memphis kissed here, but, uh, yeah, well, you know, actors. A sense that happened. Well, no, it's Did you know Dorothy Parker said scratching actor, You'll find an actress. There you go. No truer words said way. Did you have a special coach? A teacher? Yeah. Yeah, it was amazing. And she was very funny because she wanted actually me to forget about focusing on my accent so we would weigh You can come here any night of the week, darling. I'm focusing. Yeah, Don't you say it again. Can you say it? Focusing? Focusing isn't the way. No, I say it legally. You see, it sounds a little bit like an English swear word. Are you familiar with the work? It sounds a little bit like that. Where you from? You asked me. I see. Exactly. I know exactly its region quiet. I'm gonna answer the question now. Do you cream? Yeah, right there. When you did that to my hand, Theo, the next one I want to talk about is one of my favorite ones, and it's used in a very unique way the way that I like to use it. And it's self deprecating humor, self deprecating humor. I think when it comes to connecting with people and adding value and be more charismatic, I assume that it is something that you're interested in. And that's where your joined this specific course is that on self deprecating humor can lower your value and they can make it could turn people off in regards to your value and so forth. So what I like to do is I like to use self deprecating humor when it comes to my strengths . And when it comes to my weaknesses, I boast. So it's kind of like sarcasm. So you're saying the opposite. What's true? So let's say that you were very wealthy and that you have a green lifestyle, great job or agree business or whatever it is, let's say you have that going for you. So simply what you would joke about is that you live with your parents, that you don't do too much and that kind of like a feather in the way kind of hippie joke about you being hit, we living with your parents and that sort of thing. Now, let's see that, um, for example, you have some sort of perceived weakness, right? In terms of like, let's say that you're not very time, not very tall guy. So I would use that in my favor and start saying, you know, you know, you know, people ask me like, What do you do? I'm like, Oh, I'm a model. And then when people are like what? Really, what like hell Are you talking about your super short? Obviously they don't say that, but they have that look. I just Yeah, you know where I come from, you know, everyone's like for four foot six. Yeah, like the tallest guy there is. It's pretty awesome. I really stand out so sure, I stand down so that gonna stop. You wanna be boasting about your weaknesses and playing down your strands So that's how you self deprecating humor. So I would use it in that way if it were you. It's really, really charismatic in terms. So meaning that you don't take yourself too seriously, that you are not secure as well as you are not arrogant and taking all these things that would be perceived us trends too seriously. And it's very, very, very charismatic to do that sort of thing. And to be that sort of a person is very. It's a very good leadership characteristic, bringing yourself down with stuff that might be perceived us stream and boasting about any kind of weakness. So that's one of my favorite things to be, Oh my God, I was trying to look cute. I was like having getting photographed with all my girlfriends on the beach like I wanted to look cute And look what I can't even repeat it like it is. My whole face is just It's a different phase. Yeah, that's not your normal smile. No, I hope not. No, I don't know. But the hair to just so presidential. Yeah,
14. Use exageration to make things humorous: All right. So the next technique I want to talk about is basically using extremes to make things funny , So that might be extremes in terms of a situation of numbers. Oh, are different things like that. So, for example, let's say a situation where I became a US citizen, you could say, Oh, yeah, I became a US citizen back when it was super easy to do so, like 10 years ago. And the way to exaggerate the easiness is by creating an anecdote around it and making extreme Yeah, you know, it was it was so easy for me to become a U. S. Citizen that, you know, the questions were like, um, do you like gum? Do you hit Alqaida? And that was it Super simple. You know that easy. So again, that is kind of, you know, using something that's true and creating it to the extreme So you can use that kind of technique to, you know, in your anecdotes and your stories to create more of more of a comedic effect, that sort of thing. Now the next humor technique I want to talk about. It's simply called back humor, and it's simply that most of you have heard of it. It is simply about, um, you know, creating inner jokes when it comes to the person you're interacting with, or maybe the people they have relationships with and so forth. So you just called back that Joe they made. Maybe you know, a few minutes ago or you know, that you have an inside joke and that's what I think. It's a great way to build a kind of a humors relationship or humorous interaction with anyone on. And finally, the next technique I want to talk about is selective listening. So selective listening is all about interpreting things from your frame of reference. Whatever you choose that to be. You interpreted that way. So ah, a great example of that is, um, let's say you're at a coffee shop. And whatever the barista says they might say, Yeah, so what? Anything else besides that? You know anything else besides that? You know, you just asked for coffee a lot. E o ever Anything else besides that? Actually, just, you know, just, you know, employees this country find I mean, you could give me an employee discount. Let's find him. If you insist you know? Sorry if you don't mind it. And then you know what kind of in that way you're joking around and that sort of thing, You don't really You're not really asking for you just joking around about it. But you're implying that she is, um, asking if you want anything else at all anything or that she's offering an employee discount. So you interpret things the way you wish to interpret them, and they just voice out those interpretations And people are, you know, there basically don't back and like, Oh, wow, this is hilarious. They like that type of stuff. It's it's funny. It's unexpected, A swell as they know you're joking. And honestly, many times people will get a step for every for that kind of humor when you leave it that way. But more importantly, they know you're joking and they will. They will love it. So that selective listening you can use it in any context for anyway. Again, the most important thing is what frame and what character you're playing. So the frame here is that you know, everywhere you go, people are always giving you free stuff and that sort of thing and that's the frame. And so when you interpret it that way, you're doing a funny way. Uh, you will get away with a lot of stuff as well. People just love it. They know they're coming from, you know, they know you're confident, and they also know that you are joking. So that is essential for this type of comedy. Selective listening for it to work, I went to expand a little bit more enter into the concept of selective listening. Uh, selective listening is so powerful because you lied. Not only conversations, questions, you can do it through this technique, and it's basically all about again hearing what you want to hear and perceiving what you want to perceive. So if anyone gives you any kind of, ah, you know we're response or a negative, it could be interpreted as a critic or a negative comment or gene. You can always interpret it in the positive. I think I mentioned this in the beginning of the course, so anything that people say it's a compliment to you. So especially when it comes to negative feedback. So take as a compliment people generally laughing that because again you're not taking yourself too seriously. You were just joking around. And so people say, like, Well, that was that was were what you're saying. I'm like, Oh, well, thanks, I appreciate it. That was I don't usually get that compliment, but I really like it, Thank you. Appreciate it. Yeah, it's awesome. Or you could say, You know, people are someone says like let's say Ah, woman says like Oh, that was well, what you just said, Can we say like, Wow, that's that's awesome one I like that compliment. You should women don't flirt with me that that fast, but I appreciate it all right. And then you can go into that frame again. It's all about Frank's. It's all about how you choose to interpret situations, and that's how you reframe certain situations into whatever you wish. And it creates a comedic effect because it's unexpected, and that is a big, again big element of comedy. It's about, you know, showing the unexpected to people in and creating a different spin to the traditional or what is normally expected with people
15. Master misinterpretation: All right, so in this lesson, I want you to do an exercise. And the exercise is to simply write down all the different, all the different words or different sentences that could be misinterpreted. It could have a different meaning. That could be funny again. Some of the ones that you shared with you have to do with sexual misinterpretations and double on Tom dress and that sort of thing. So right down the list of different words that could be misinterpreted and maybe create a list of 2030 40 and narrow it down to too many 10 10 to 20 years moment, whatever you feel comfortable with. And yeah, great a list of that. And that way, whenever those kind of words pop pop, you can misinterpret it in a different way. And again, whatever type of humor you're in your into or would want to work for your lifestyle, whatever it is for, you use that. But in that case for me, you know, I would focus on the steppe of words that could be misinterpreted in that way. And then whenever someone says that kind of stuff, Trigger said again, I Sprinkle it. I don't pour it. I just do it here and there. But I don't necessarily, you know, overdo it. All right, So now I am excited for this lesson in this exercise because it is one of the easiest ways to be funny. And conversations it's about having a funny comment. Are funding punchline for any for when you get the most common questions and conversations . So I'm gonna share a few different things that I use personally whenever I get as the most coming questions. So the most common question you know you might get especially a networking event is What do you do again if you're in there working events, you might be a little more serious because you might be wanted to create a business for yourself or whatever it is. But let's say it's a cash old business networking event. Or let's say that you were out of the bar and people someone asked you, What do you do for me? I say I'm a life coach, so that means that I'm gonna employed and basically do this on the side. That's what it means. And that's what. So I might say that, or I might say, actually, I'm a pole dancing instructor. But, you know, I'm doing that virtually now on, and yeah, it's it's going. Okay, So I say any kind of a straight face and then if they believe it and they're like, Wow, really? Thats crazy. Where some people I've had people ask me like, Well, can you coach me? Can you teach me with the whole pole dancing thing? I might say, I'm just messing with you. I'm kidding. And then I go into the real story again. These are things that I Sprinkle in and not unnecessarily. Just go through, you know, telling lies or whatever or continue the joke. And so on. If I'm hanging out with a friend, they might ask, How do you know each other without missing a beat? I was safe in prison. Yeah, you know, way were sent 2% and started. They asked with Yeah, we were We were in impression, you know, it was it's a long story. We were dancers in Europe and should happen, So we ended up in prison, and then they really and they know that I'm joking. That night might just go into the real story, or I might just say, you know, actually, we have been friends for a while and, you know, the president story sounds a lot more interesting, right? So I might say it that way. But that's another common response that I have for that sort of thing. Also again, what do you do? I might say I'm a model, and I say, Oh, yeah, ground from people for six. So it's, you know, really stand out. Um, but anyway, other than that, I want you for this for this lesson. I want you to create responses for funny responses. For the most coming questions, you get asked again, there's gonna be wearing from what do you do? What's your name? Older? You those kind of things. So create a list of all those questions and funny responses for those questions.
16. Develop your voice and witty charachter: all right, so now I want to talk about developing your voice and your character. So as you develop these these jokes and these responses for these coming questions a swell as what type of humor you prefer and are more comfortable doing. We're more effective from your past that you've got more laughs out of. Then you want to be thinking, you know this lesson I want to be thinking and maybe even writing down what type of type of characters you want to create. Whether that's, you know, maybe they have a certain kind of accent. Maybe they're German. Maybe they're great age. Maybe they're American. I don't know Mexican, whatever it is, the type of characters that you want. But in what type of accent, How did they move? How did they act? You want a really InVision what type of characters you're being within this style of humor that you're creating for yourself. Because again, not only the mindset that I talked about in the beginning of the course is gonna carry your humor through That's number one thing, by the way, but also your delivery and your delivery is not only gonna be affected by that, but it's going to be affected by the character in your voice that you're creating and the manual reception so forth. So what's up of character? Are you and Bonnie? You want to be clear on that? And you write down some of the characteristics of this of this character, Aziz. Well, as you know, a specific, it's possible. How do they speak of a move where they talk about and that sort of thing? So again, you know you want to really create that. An example of a character, for example, is, you know, I showed you a clip of Kevin Hart. If you see some of his movies, even the animated movies like The Secret Life of Pets, When He's a Little Bunny there, it's all about size, he said. He's a short guy. It's a Shore character in that movie as well. But his whole character is that he's ever really confident short guy that that is his persona. So what is your persona when it comes to humor, conversation and how you're coming across the people
17. Thank you!: Alright, guys. So I want to wrap this up now. You've gone through everything from the inner game all the way to the different comedy styles, writing some ideas when it comes to jokes, humor, questions and so forth. Eso You should be equipped with not only the inner game but some jokes that you have for your for for whatever conversations that kind of come your way. And again I want to know challenging once again to do a 30 day challenge of saying something funny to a new person or a new person at every venue that you visit in the next 30 days to get that have it going. Also develop now in the year jokes and develop your comedy style and so forth, but also developed the character that you're playing the voice, the accents, whatever you know, a specific as you can get with this character, the better. So do that. Other than that, you know, I want to thank you for being part of this course. It is incredibly fulfilling for me to create this course, especially this one, because, you know, I I didn't always feel like I was funding and so forth and it felt like my conversations with stagnate I would go nowhere. Be very boring other than professional conversations that I would have. So I think it's gonna make your life a lot more interesting. A lot more fun. You create fun everywhere you go, and you begin to just create more enjoyment for people and for yourself, even in the most ordinary of situations. So I am happy that you took this course. I hope you loved it. Have you loved it? Please sentence and review my way. If you know of anything that I could improve in these courses, let me know. Also check out some of my other courses that I have on this platform. And again. Thank you. Thank you so much for being part of this course. I sincerely appreciate it and I will see you. Him the next course. Thank you so much.