1. Introduction: Welcome to this course. In this class, I'll be teaching you how to solve a Rubik's cube in a simplest five easy steps in step 1 and do, you will learn to solve the cross and the first layer. Instead 3, you will learn to solve the second layer. And then in step four and phi, you learn to solid third layer and then solve the Rubik's cube completely. I have also added a bonus lecture in which you can run some additional tips so that he can solve the cube more efficiently and faster. Personally, I've been a professional speed Cuba for the past six years and I used to solve the cube around three minutes. And as of right now, my personal best is eight seconds. So after plenty of experience I have made is more course for you to learn from. So sit back, enjoy and have fun learning. So let's begin.
2. Basics : Okay, so let's get started with the basics. The layers are generally identified alphabetically, so the upper layer is generally known as the EU layer. The one on the right is generally known as the odd layer. The one on the left is known as the n layer. The one on the bottom are down layer is known as D. The one on the back is known as B. And then we have the middle layer, which we use generally from time to time. And that's known as the M layer. So now that you know the names of the layers, Let's start with the pieces. These ones right in the middle are called the edges. The ones over here, anomaly called the corners. And the centerpieces are the ones in the middle. And whatever you do, those generally don't move unless you rotate the whole cube. Once you've learned that, Let's start with cube notations. Generally, we move the layers in terms of a clockwise or anticlockwise direction. So if you were to take the odd layer, for example, the right layer, this would be our r prime, would be the anti clockwise direction. Same thing at play for every single side. This would be known as u. This would be known as u prime. This would be known as f, f prime. This would be known as L prime. This would be known as dy clockwise. And the time anticlockwise. And the B layer is on the opposite direction. So if you look at it this way, clockwise would be going this direction. So B would be this, and b prime would be this. That's all you need to know.
3. Step 1 - The Cross: Now that you know the basics, let's go over it once again and summarize it. This is the layer, the right layer. This is the left layer. This is a front layer, the one facing you. This is the down layer, the one below. This is the upper layer, the one on top. And this is the back layer. If you were to hold it this way, this would be the back layer. Now QB notations, this would be clockwise. This would be R prime, and the clockwise. This would be L. Same thing clockwise, a prime, F clockwise, f prime anticlockwise. This would be D clockwise. This would be D prime and D clockwise. And this would be be clockwise if you were to look at it this way. And this would be B prime anticlockwise. Once you known that, Let's start with step number one, which is solving the cross. I will scramble the cube right now. And I'll put this scramble code right here on the screen and you can follow along. If your cube is already scrambled, you can still learn how to insert the cross pieces. So now, if you have a solid cube, hold it this way with the green side facing you and the white side facing up. And let's follow the scrambled. So we'll start with d f prime n to F to D. Do you do R prime, U prime, b prime as to lead to v to u prime, R prime, and D prime. Once you're done with the scramble, your cube should look like this. If you didn't mess it up accidentally, it's fine. You can still learn how to solve the cross. But if you would have done it correctly, the green side, let's say the green side is facing you. It should look like this. Now that you have a scrambled tube, let's start first making the white cross. In this will be ignoring all the corners and will be ignoring all the yellow pieces. So right now we'll just focus on the edges and the centerpieces. So let's start with this edge. For example, we have the blue and the light edge. Over here, we have the red and the white. Over here we have the orange and the weight. And on this side we have the green and the white. So the first thing you need to do is align all the white edges to the yellow center. So in this case, we already have the white and the green in place connected to the yellow center. We need to connect these. And we need to connect this one. So if you were to hold a cube this way, where the blue is here, we have the white edge is sitting right here, and it needs to go right here. So what you do is you turn this layer 180 degrees. So what that does is it brings the light edge from this side to this side. The same can be applied to this one as well as this one. But in this case, the orange and the white piece is flipped. It is in the right slot, but it's flipped. So in this case, what do you do is you find an empty layer and you move in that direction so that the white is this way. And then you can just move it over here. When you do that, you will see that this is now in place. The white is connected to the yellow center. Now we have one last edge and does a red and white. So if you look at it this way, all you need to do is bring this white up here. So all you need to do is move this layer up. And now you have all the right edges exactly where you want it. And this is step 1 dissolved across. And now we have another step and the across is done. Now this is the final step to solving the cross. What it was complex may be always try to bring the white edges, do the yellow center, and then you can follow this step. So the first thing we do is bring all these white edges to the white side. So for example, we have the blue and the white. You can see that it's already connected to the blue centerpiece. So all you need to do is bring it straight down to the white side. So you can just do an A2, but turn the layer twice and connected down. Now, look for the next one, for example, the white and the red. This is not the correct centerpiece. So what you do is you move it to the red side. Now that it's connected. All you need to do, this ring and down. And you can see that now the white and the red are now connected. And this is another cross edge that you have just finished. And the next one, let's say green for example. We move to the green centerpiece. And we can do the same thing. All you have to do is bring it straight down. Now, we have one last edge over here, and that's the orange and the white. Now you can already see that the orange is going to get to the centerpiece. So all you have to do is bring it down and that's it. So we do another R2 and you're brought down. And now if you look at it, the cross is already done. The red is in place, and the green is in place, and the orange as well. And same thing with the blue. So you have successfully sold across. If you haven't, go back, realign all the white edges to the yellow side. And then this aligned with the centerpiece and then bring it down. Once you've successfully solved across, congratulations, you're done with step 1 of solving the Rubik's Cube. The next step, solving the first layer is quite simple. And all you need to do is insert the white corners into their rights lots and you're done with the first layer. So let's move on to the next one.
4. Step 2 - First Layer: Once you've successfully sold across, congratulations, you've done that step 1 of solving the Rubik's Cube. The next step, solving the first layer is quite simple. And all you need to do is insert the white corners into the right slots and you're done with the first layer. So let's move on to the next one. Once you're done with step 1, which is solving the cross, Let's move on to solving the first layer. What we'll be focusing on is a corner and your centerpieces. So for example, let's take the blue, orange, and white. It has white in it, so it needs to go up here. In this case, we have the blue and the orange. So we need to find the centerpieces of the blue and the orange. So in this case, it's right here. The blue and the orange is right here. We bring that corner underneath over here. And this white needs to go up here. Now you need to perform one algorithm which had put up on the screen and keep the white corner exactly on your right side. And perform this algorithm. R prime d prime d. And now give repeating that I would add them. So it's a prime, D prime. And D. Keep repeating this algorithm until this white corner goes up here. So again, R prime D prime D. And now you can see the blue and the orange are connected, and the white is in the correct slot. So this corner is done. Now we'll move on to the next one. So find another corner. For example, this one. We have the green and the orange. And now we need to find the centerpieces of the green and the orange. So that would be right here. The orange and the green. You bring that corner, that actually over here. And now we perform the same algorithm we didn't 4, which is our prime D prime. D. Keep repeating this. D prime d r prime B prime be our prime, D prime, D prime, D prime D. Once you're done with that, you'll see that the orange and the green are connected. And you finish this part of the first layer. Now the same thing, we move on to another corner. For example, this one, the green and the red. So we need to find the centerpiece, which is over here, the green and the red. So we'll bring it underneath and perform the same algorithm are prime D prime B. And as you can see, you're done with this layer. And we have one place left, and we have one on the left, will bring it right underneath those, the right side. And we perform the same algorithm. Prime D prime. Me. Know if you did that correctly, you'll see that you have finished the first layer or the Rubik's cube. And you finished step 2. Once you're done with the first layer, now you need to solve the second layer, which is the step three. And it's extremely, extremely easy because all you need to do is number is two algorithms. And it's very easy to understand as well. So let's go on to step three.
5. Step 3 - Second Layer: Now that you're done with step two, Let's move on to step three, which is solving the second layer. So for this, we'll keep the white on the bottom and the yellow facing on top. And this layer is extremely easy to soil compared to the rest of the cube. So let's pick an edge, and this will be dealing with edges alone, no corners and nothing with yellow. So let's pick this edge, for example. We have the orange and blue. And what we need to do is we can edge and then alignment with the centerpiece. For example, we have one over here. We need to align that with the centerpiece, and then we'll solve it. So for example, we'll take this one itself, which is the orange and blue. And it needs to go over here, which is the blue and the orange. So in this case, when we have to do is when an edge has to go to the right side, the first thing we do is more to the left side. And then what we do is bring this corner up, the white corner, move the edge back in place, and then bring that corner back down. So when you do that, you'll see that you have a bad node. So this bed now has to go over here. So in this case we can rotate the cube like this with a white kind of facing us. And then it has to go down. Let's say the left side, you move to the right side. Bring that empty slot up with the bed back in place. And then bring this back down. When you do that, you'll notice that this layer has been sold. And now once you're done on this, we can move on to the next one. So for example, we have one already over here, which is the orange and the green. So many this edge has to go to the left side, which is the green and the orange. We move to the opposite direction. So we'd move it to the right side. Bring this side up, bring the corner up, move the edge back in place, and then bring it back down. Once you do that, you'll see that you have a bad now. And the next thing you do is you move it to the side, keep the white facing you. And more would do the left side. When it has to go to the right side, you move to the opposite direction. Same thing applies to the site. If you have to insert a slot or a pad to the left side, you've more to the right direction. So in this case we are dealing with this lot and it has to go right here. So the motor, the left ring this empty slot up mode backup, and then bring it back down. Once it on, on that, you'll see it's been sold. Now we can go on to another one. So let's say the green and the red. It has to go to the right side. So he moved to the opposite direction, which is the left. You move the edge to the left side. Bring the corner up, move the edge back. And then bring this back down. And there's your bed. You can keep the white facing you. It has to go to the left side. So you move to the right side, the opposite direction. Bring the empty slot up, move this back, and then put it down. You're done with that. Now, our last edge is right here. So we move that to the centerpiece. And it has to go to the right. So that means you have to go do the opposite direction, which is the left. So the mode or the left side. Bring this corner up, mode back, and then bring them back down. There's your bed. You can keep like facing you more to the side so that it's empty over here. Being the empty slot up mode of ICT back. And then we can bring this back down. And then if you see you're done with step 3, which is holding the second layer, we can move on to the third layer, which is the last layer, and then you'll have acute completed. So see you in step four.
6. Step 4 - OLL [ Last Layer ]: Once you're done with the second layer, you have one last layer liposome. And as the last layer in this layer is split up into two parts, which are known as the O&M and the PLL. The OL stands for orientation on the last layer, and the BAL stands for permutation of the last layer. So in this, the first thing we have to do is complete the OL, in which we'll be solving the yellow side completely on top. And then we'll focus on PLL, which will fix the ones from the sides, and then you'll complete your whole cube. So let's get started with that. So let's start with overall when we first saw the oval Solving the yellow cross. So that means just focus on the edges alone and ignored all the corners. So in this, we have three cases, which is known as a dot and L and a length. You might get any three of these cases, or you can get across straightaway if you're lucky. So in this case, all we have to do is one algorithm and it will solve the cross and you're done. So in this case, all we have to do is one algorithm to get the cross. So let's take this case, for example, which is the dot. You can keep it from any direction. And all you have to do is this algorithm. It's f u, u prime, R prime, F prime. Now what that does is it brings another one, which is the languages are previously. So repeat the algorithm again. So f u, u prime, R prime, F prime. Now, you would have noticed that we got a new case, which if you rotate the cube, you'll notice that it's an L shape, which was shown over here like this one. So in this case, whenever you get the L case, we keep it this way, where the L is facing this way. And you perform the same algorithm, f u, u prime, R prime, F prime. And you would have noticed the cross is done. If you would have gotten a line, for example, using a different scrambled, perform the same algorithm over and over until you get the L. So in this case, we'll do an F u, u prime prime, F prime. And if you notice again, focus on the edges alone. And you notice that we have another end. Do the same thing. F u, u prime, R prime F frame. And if you do that, you notice the cross is done. If you were to get the L-shaped directly, all you have to do the same algorithm shade away, and that's f u, u prime R prime F frame. And you would have solved across. So the next thing you have to do is solve the corners up here and you'd have finished the OLS. So when solving the OL, those are the cases that you would have gotten. And once you've solved across, the next thing is focusing on the corners or loan and forgetting about the edges. So in this case, we'll be focusing on one algorithm alone. And specifically in this case, using a scramble that we used, we can use it directly in this case, are the fish as they call it, facing this way. And we focus on one night with them alone. I'll put it up on the screen and you can follow along. So it goes like r u r prime. You are, You two are prime. Now you'll have noticed that we got the same case again. So we place it the same way where this block is towards the left. And this time we'll do the same algorithm again. So it goes like r u prime. You are, You two are prime. Now you'd have noticed that you completed the yellow layer. And the next thing is appealing. Now, I'll show you a couple of examples. For other cases when your tires all the overland. Sometimes you might get cases like these, for example, this block or something like this, for example. Whatever case it may be performed the same algorithm from one specific position until you get those three empty places. And then you focus on that block alone that you keep it towards the left, and then you perform the algorithm. For example, we can do the same algorithm again. And now we have a cross. So from the same position, do the same thing. Are you, are, you, are, you are prime. And you'll notice that we've got the block or the fish-like shape. And we keep this block towards the left and we perform the same algorithm. Are you, are you, are you to R prime. So whatever case, and maybe pick one specific position and perform that algorithm until you get that block, then position it at the left side. And keep repeating the algorithm until you solve the entire site. Once we're done with step four, we can go into step phi in which you'd be solving the BLM. In that you'll be fixing the sides. You'd start off with fixing the corners and then you fix the edges. So once you're done with that, YouTube will be completed. So let's go on to step five.
7. Step 5 - PLL [ Last Layer ]: So let's start with step phi, which is a P&L and end this will be focusing on fixing the sites. And once you're done with that, you're cube will be completed. So in this, we just use two algorithms in which we fix the corners and the starting. And then we fix the edges. For example, in the O allele, if you remember, we fix the edges first and form the cross and then the corners and the PLL, it's the opposite. The first thing we'll do is fix the corners and then we fix the edges. So the first thing you do is scan around the cube and look for the two matching colors on one side. So for example, we focused on the corners alone and ignored the edges from the scramble that we used, we can see that there are two of the same colors on one side. These are known as headlights. So when you get these kind of cases, what do you first do is position them at the back of the queue, and then we have to perform one algorithm. So the first thing you do is hold it like this. And we bring the right layer down, or odd prime. And then we turn this layer this way, f, and then position the cube this way so that the flight is facing. You. Bring this side down, perform a D2, then bring this layer backup. And then do a u prime during this whole bar back down. Do another D2, and then do another R2. And then if you hold the cube up again, you'll notice that all the corners are sold. Now in some cases, you'll notice that the corners have no matching colors on either side. And in this case, for example, all the edges are already, sorry. The first thing you do is do the same algorithm that we did before. Which was our prime OH, of the cube this way, but the light facing you do a, you brings blood to the side. Bring this egg down, or are trying. Do a D2. Bring this up, move this bud vertically. Or your prime, brings back down, do another D2 and then bring it up. And then what you notice is we have two headlights again. You can perform that algorithm from any side. And when you do that, you'll get a pair of headlights and then position them at the back. And then do the same thing, r prime, the new molecule this way. But like facing you are prime v2, y2 prime, R prime D2. And then you'll notice the corners had been solid. This is another case that you might get in which none of the corners are sold and neither are the edges. In this case, we can perform the same thing, position it in any direction you want, and then do the same algorithm, brain F. And then hold the cube this year, right facing you, our friend, d2, u prime R prime, D2, a2. And when you do that, you'll see, you'll get a bed of headlights. Same thing, position them at the back and perform the same algorithm are prime F prime d2, u prime, R prime D2 article. And then you'll notice all the corners have been solved. So coming back to our original scramble, the next thing we do is fix the edges. So in this case, what we have to do is focus on a solid block. So for example, we have the red one right here. This none over here, or here, or here. So we'll take red for example. And in this case, what you do is whenever you get a solid block, position it directly in front of you, and then perform one algorithm which fixes the edges and it's done. So now let's fix the edges and I'll put the algorithm on the screen so you can follow along. So let's start our prime. You R prime U prime, R prime, U prime R prime U U R2. So keep repeating this algorithm until you fix the edges. So whenever you get a blog, keep in front of you and keep repeating this algorithm. We'll call it R prime u prime, u prime. R prime U prime. Train you. You and R2. Now, I'll show you a couple of cases to the last part and what you have to do if you get that case in specific. So let's start. Now. In some cases you might get something like this in which there is no solid block on either side. In some cases you might get something like this one in which the edges have been swapped diagonally. It doesn't matter from which way you hold it. All you have to do is perform the same algorithm in any way you want until you get the block. And then once you get the block, repeat the same algorithm with a block in front of you, and then you cube will be solved. So in this case, gives me the same algorithm. So we'll go with our prime, you R prime, U prime, R prime, U prime prime u U R2. Now, if you scan around the cube, we have a block right here. So in this case we keep the block in front of you and then repeat the same algorithm. Brand u prime, u prime, u prime R prime U U R2. Now, if you look, we still have these edges here to solve. So same thing, get the block in front of you, and then repeated our brain. U prime, u prime, prime, u prime, R prime U. You, up to. Once you've done that, your cube will be sold. So it doesn't matter which case you have. If you have a block, keep it in front of you and keep repeating the algorithm. If you don't have a block, repeat the algorithm in any direction you want. And then once you get the block, keep it in front of you, and then perform the algorithm. And once you're done with that, you're cube will be sold. So congratulations, that was the end of step phi 0 of the PLN.
8. Bonus Lecture : Once you're done with those five steps, Let's start with this bonus lecture in which I will explain a couple of cases that you might have not gotten in that scramble that we previously used. So in this you'll be learning some things additionally to others thrombus that you might get so that it can be easier to solve the cube. So let's begin. So first as some residue cross once again, we did get this case in the previous Kanban, but I will expand once again just to make things simpler. So in this case, then we have all the white edges on the top already with the yellow center. And we have this one right here, the correct place, but it's flipped. In this case, what you do is you move to one direction and then move it up so that you don't break apart these ones. So the first thing we'll do is we'll go to the side. But if you look at it this way, if we move this to the top, the green will be connected. But then there are red, which was right here, is now broken. So in this case, the first thing you do is moved to the side. Then bring this side though the empty side so that there's nothing to be broken over here. And then move this edge up. When you do that, all the edges will be in place. So let's go onto the next one. In this will be going over the first layer once again, in our previous crime, but we did not get this case. So right now I show you how to solve it if you were to get his case with another scramble, for example. So right now we have a corner inserted in the right place, but it's don't do what Zedong direction. So in this case, normally we would give the corners down here and then solve it. So in this case, when it's already in place, but flip, position it in the same place and then perform the same algorithm that we did before. So r prime B prime, B prime, B prime. So if you look, this corner is now in place and it's connected to the rest of the cube. So that's all for the first layer. And this would be focusing on a second, let alone. In our previous family, you were able to insert the edges without any issue. But sometimes what do you notice this the edge is inserted into the right place already, but it's flipped. So in this case what you do is you bring the corner up to the DOD layer, separate the edge, and then reinserted. Then once the edges separated, you can align it with the centerpiece and then reinserted with the corner. So in this case, we have an inverted edge over here. So the first thing that would bring the corner up, move this to the side, and then bring this back down. Then we'll keep white facing us. Move this to the right side. It has to go to the left side. So you move to the right, bring the site up, reinsert the corner, and then bring this down. Now, the edge is separated from the corner. Next, realign the edge with the centerpiece. For example, this is red. So bring it to the red side. Then it has to go to the right side. So you move it to the left, bring the corner up, move the edge back, and then bring the corner back down. Then you'll have it there. Keep white tracing. You move this to the right side because it has to go to the left, bring this empty site up, reconnected, and then bring it back down. And then when you do that, your second layer will be completed.
9. Congratulations: Now that you've reached the end, congratulations, Those were the only steps you need it to solve the cube and know that you have. You can scramble it up and you're only and try and figure out how to solve it on your own. And asset class project. Just make sure you watch the entire class, especially the bonus lectures, which gives you some additional tips to solve the cube Foster and make sure you post them in the project section below. And mentioning that you have completed the cube on your own. And most of all keep practicing and have fun solving the Rubik's Cube.