Learn to Create A Double Exposure Digital & Concept Art | Adobe Photoshop Master Class | M Amir Naseem | Skillshare

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Learn to Create A Double Exposure Digital & Concept Art | Adobe Photoshop Master Class

teacher avatar M Amir Naseem, Graphic Designer / Creative Director

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Taught by industry leaders & working professionals
Topics include illustration, design, photography, and more

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Taught by industry leaders & working professionals
Topics include illustration, design, photography, and more

Lessons in This Class

    • 1.

      Intro 1


    • 2.

      Select the right picture


    • 3.

      DE Advanced Part 1


    • 4.

      DE Advanced part 2


    • 5.

      DE by useing Channels


    • 6.

      Triple Exposure Technique


    • 7.

      Advance Dark DE Part 1


    • 8.

      Advance Dark DE Part 2


    • 9.

      High Contrast Technique Quick Method


    • 10.

      Final Project & Results


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About This Class

In the lesson, I will teach you basic techniques and Professional process of creating Double Exposure Pictures and artworks with different methods, This is a master class of double exposure effect.

Programs needed: Adobe Photoshop

The skill required: Beginner & intermediate photoshop skills

What You'll Learn 

In this class I am revealing all my secret different methods and techniques to create still double exposure & Multi Exposure surreal artworks, its use in different projects and a streamline workflow of Editing Double Exposure Pictures and Portraits Photo Manipulation. 

You will learn,

  • Basic Double Exposure,
  • Advanced Double Exposure Technique,
  • Triple Exposure Pictures,
  • Use Of Channels,
  • Advance usage of Photoshop tool,
  • Advance use of Brushes,
  • Advance use of layers and working on multiple layers
  • High Contrast Double Exposure ( Shortcut )
  • 4 different styles and types of double exposure

By the end, you'll have surreal art skills you can use for any number of projects, such as art exhibits, posters, album arts and for commercial use

feel free to ask any questions. 

you can also follow me and visit my profile for resources 

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here is also my class that can help you bring more creativity 

Meet Your Teacher

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M Amir Naseem

Graphic Designer / Creative Director


Amir is an Award-winning graphic artist working for the past 7 years internationally, he worked with many companies his clients including majorly United Nations, the Government of Canada, the Government of Pakistan and Punjab police, National Television, Atlético De Madrid Academy.

he has been published or featured in numerous global media outlets including Business Insider, Boston Art Gallery, Daily Telegraph, United Nations, and many more.

“A jack of all trades is a master of none, but oftentimes better than a master of one.” 

As a multiple skilled person. he does films, VFX, graphic design, digital art and creates content for different aspects of life for social change I be... See full profile

Level: All Levels

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1. Intro 1: Hello everyone. My name is Ahmed. I'm a digital artists and creative director working from past seven years. I've been very lucky to work with major brands including United Nations Real Madrid academy, Pepsi, Government of Canada are going on. In this class, I will teach you basic techniques and professional process of creating double exposure fixtures and art boards with different methods. This is a master class but double exposure time revealing all my secrets, different methods and techniques to create still double explore urine multicore year surreal artworks. And it's used in different projects and streamline workflow or editing double exposure, picture and portrait. In this class you will learn basic double exposure, advanced double explore your technique. Triple explore your technique for the fixture, use of channels. Advanced user, your Photoshop tools, advanced use of brushes, use of layers, and working on multiple layers. And high contrast wx for your technique for the short term. By the end of class, you will have enough skills to create double exposure pictures. And you can use these for a number of projects such as art exhibitions, posters, albums, and for the commercial tools. So let's start at loss. 2. Select the right picture: So now we will see what kind of pictures we need to select further double exposure. We will discuss all the guidelines for the pictures. So first of all, it's our main portrait, which these pictures should be a main portrait. And it should be close up, close up of the board at node a full body. So then we will use the close-up portrait. It will be easy to manipulate it with this, and it will have lots of detail in our face feature and it gives best results. More example for our portrait pixels are for our main picture to create double exposure effect on disease, we can select more close-ups, close up a little bit away from the floor. For the secondary picture to create double exposure, we have to choose pictures which have high contrast. We can use nature pictures, we can use pictures of universe, the galaxies. We can use different pictures that support our idea, but at least these pictures should have high contrast ratio. For example, the high contrast of white and the green icon class of white and the green, and high contrast or white. So it will be easy to create the double exposure effect with these kinds of features. So now we will discuss what kind of brushes we will use in that double exposure picture. We will use flatter brushes, and then we will use clouds, smoke brushes, and we will use the razor tool. You can download all these brushes in my class resources I uploaded it. And after downloading it, you can just open your Photoshop and open any picture. After opening that picture, just click on the brushes and this white and click on Import Brushes and go to the folder where you have saved these brushes. I have these two brushes saved. Select both brushes on it. And this generally, we have these brushes in our Photoshop. And After that, we can start playing with these brushes and creating double exposure effect. So let's start the class. 3. DE Advanced Part 1: So in this class we will explore how we can create a double exposure, dreamy picture with the cloudy effect to create some art works. So let's start the class. Here I have opened my main picture which we want to double expose. So first of all, we will correct it position and we will crop it a little bit so we can change it according to our dimensions and requirements. First of all, we will create a new art board, and then we will select the size of our art board. We can select the size A4, A3, A2, according to our requirements. So I'm working on A4 size art board and I'm keeping the resolution to 150 for them, speed line procedure and smooth workflow. So we will slide this picture into our nucleophile and then we will resize it according to our requirement so we can do double exposures later on. This frame is perfect. To double exposures picture. We have to choose on which bare ground we want to double exposure weekend, double expose on white background or double exposure on black bag around it. It depends on the quality and it depends on the special requirements from our client for that picture. So first of all, we will select this layer and we will copy this layer via copy. So we have, we will have a separate bedroom there. After that, we will select the other picture we want to insert in this picture, I have a collection of pixels here which we can use. So our concept is we want to convey a message of a dreamy picture with the universe as far as feeding. So it shows the openness and wilderness of human bodies. So we will select this picture. We can choose any picture according to our requirements voter. It depends on what picture is settling better. So I prefer to use. And then we will lighten so we see if it's working fine or we have any margins to play with this picture. You can also change the mood into darker. It's all about experimenting. Which thing is working with our team, working with our concept, we have to keep experimenting with first pitcher or other picture. So we finalize the things. We will select the multiple colors. A little bit better. Look. The screen as well. Screen is giving a little bit better look. So and then we will enhance this picture too all over the body. And then we can use the eraser tool to smooth line the edges of our chair, who will use gentle brush tool for the A's. And then we will select the bombing. Keep the opacity of your legs around 3036, so you have the margin for the other connections. And we will start erasing the Stevia to make our correct and more visible. So this is, this picture is blending with the hair and giving very perfect and very beautiful double exposed picture. Look. Just take your time to keep making the details of our main character visible with the razor to an after that, we can also use another picture we want to add in the dream effect. We can use our universe picture. Maybe some trees. In the end, all about experimenting. Which one is going perfect? For us? We can use this also as enlightened. And we will use it over the head. We can a little bit, we can little bit tilted, rotate this fixture. So start giving more for us to feeling. This is perfect at retail. And now this is, this is making, we are learning something. This is creating some override little bit where we see it's perfect and then we will raise some margin according to our requirement again. And after that, we will also use some other pictures to explore more, to create it more interesting. Maybe we're going to add the universe element in the black part of our picture. And we can multiply it again. Maybe we can lighten it. Or we can choose to screen it, shortens it. Maybe we can we can apply darken. Let's see. Where are we, in which direction we're going on. Then we can add a clipping mask in this picture. This picture is not working for our artworks, so we can select another picture. Good start, I told you it's all about experimenting. Where our planet in florid duct is reaching or we are getting our final product. We just started their own that point. So keep experiment always say when you are exposing, we're playing, you are creating double exposure effect. You have to keep experimenting with this. So it will, it will give you some reasonable in this area. Then we can use again, it is a picture, but is there too as well to certain bits. And then we can see how it's working. We can also multiply it. Or maybe we can overlay it. So they are overlays, which is perfect. If you are working on a white background, then use the daylight pictures. And if you are working on the black background, then you can use compositions. So these things can work. After that, we will select this layer, our main Portrait Layer, and copy this layer and leave the previous one. And then we will select all our compositions and commodity and resize it a little bit so we can give it more artwork style look. 4. DE Advanced part 2 : And then we can change the composition of our three little bit. So it starts giving a field of professional fee. And after that, we'll select the newly created our brush tool. And we will go to our brushes and select the smooth brush. After selecting the small brush, we can just change the background into white and start applying a little smoke effects on our picture. Increase the size of your brush. And also create another layer and apply the smoke effect, glow effect on the background as well. And then lower the opacity of this layer. So it starts giving you some sort of effect, some sort of style in our illustration. And then we can refine it. For example, we select the eraser tool and start refining the face where it's connecting. Increase the opacity of our picture and then we can refine it. Similarly, we can define the white space as well. After that, we will go to the brush and we will select our water supply water brushes to create a background for this picture. So we will select the prominent color in our background. Create another layer, and we will select the prominent colors from the background and start applying this on the picture. Then we can keep this the L behind our name. So it mostly with it like this. Or we can apply between an overlay or slip this and we can, we can refine these anytime our to-do application like this. So we, our main point is to merge it with the background. We can choose different brushes. We have difference of letters which you can choose perfect, which is working perfect for your artwork. You can choose that picture and apply those effects over it. And apply multiple times this picture. And after applying over it, we can change the opacity of our workflow. It's all about experimenting with the word. So now we will try to build a base background on the behind of our portraits so far now we will unhide this deodorant and hide this layer and start working on our main layer to build a bag or above the portrait. So far this we will select our brush, select the eraser and use the super letter tip further it is there as well and start them some background. So it gives, start giving us some Merge Group for our main bedroom, main image. Later style loop. And then after it we can add more splitters with our brush tool. Just like the prominent and starts flip the direction of subletting should be very interesting. So it creates drama in our picture. Because all we are working for the drama in this picture. So it becomes very creative. It gives us a message and gives us our emotion. So we will replace our tip again and we'll apply some letters. And then we can resize all our gears into short layer. So we have more space to work on. We will resize it a little bit. So we will have a breathing space in our artwork. Greetings phase is very important the artworks, because they gave us space to breathe our portrait and up back and create a difference between background and foreground. So after it we will apply, we can create another layer and we will apply more spreaders. We can change the direction of vectors as well. Gene the direction change some colors, so it gives variety in our work and our stuff. After finalizing it. Now, we can refine this. We will create another layer. We keep this layer over the portrait, refine it. Then we will select our simulator tool, and then we can add another in our kitchen to define the edges of our portrait. Keep this layer on front. Fine, is perfect. Then the size of that a little bit. To really start merging with the picture. And picture is almost most. Then we will create another layer. We will use the bag again and see you what impacts they are giving. Just a little bit too fast to lower the opacity, just keep these layers and just for the refinement of products. And then we'll apply our white layer. We don't need the application of widely or we will create another layer. And we'll add some sky in our portrait, in our works for your portrait. So we will go to the brushes that we will look forward. The sky brushes here we have style brush. Increase the size of our, alternate, our brush, the size of our brush, and then we use the white color. For the sky. Will try to add a little bit of mist and see what's happening. After that, we can increase of sharing these the elements of our background. Also. In my opinion, this is not working with this picture, so we will delete it. It ended the background with the help of splitters. So we will again go to the glitter letters and start creating another variable. This picture only select the black layer. And in place the side of splitter little bit. We can use multiple colors, multiple objections. And then we will lower the best in decline or glitter. So now we have facing a problem here. We will erase the edges of this picture so modest, don't. And we will see where the problem is coming. We need to do that. And after that, we can load the opacity of this. They just give us a slight texture, slightly slide background. This is slide background. And then behind that cloud layers, where is our clothes? These are our folder. We can create another new layer behind that lonelier. And just a little bit of splatter behind the clouds. Clouds became a little prominent. And then we will lower the opacity of it. And it is the inner part of clouds. So our double explore years stay in focus. Then we will refine that clouds as well. Splitter razor. And after it we will create a selection and gave a border. Will create a selection and select Inverse and create a new layer to provide border to our artwork and then apply your sign, whatever you are in the artwork. This, this is how we can create cloudy, dreamy wx for your picture. 5. DE by useing Channels: So now we will explore another technique with how we can expose pictures with the use of channels. To use this technique, we need to choose pictures which are portrayed and which are mostly black and white. If you have voted and she's not black and white, you have to make it black and white first before using that portrait. So I prefer first picture as our friend profile and the other picture as a side profile. So let's start the class. So here I have a portrait picture. I will put it on my timeline and resize it to size. And then we will apply the black and white filter on it. So now it's black and white. We can change the requirements of our black and white, but try to keep it black and white. After that, we will take a little bit to apply a black and white effect. And there's perfect. And now we will apply our second picture on it, which is already black. We will use this mixture and increase it. So for. So after that, we will select our first layer and go to the blending option. And then we will take down the blue channel and turn off the green channel as well and keep the red channel own technique of mixing channel works. We will turn on the red channel only and we will keep the other channel for this picture, for the second picture. So far this we will just turn off the red channel and it will start exposing to each other. And we can re-size the size of our picture according to where it's cutting suitable for us. Here we can apply it where it gets started. Interesting. So this is how we can use this technique. And then we can refine it also according to our requirements, according to our dependencies, according to our situation. So I select Eraser tool and I remove this. So it's showing exactly double exposed, dutifully devil exposed picture. We'll explore another option of this picture where both pictures are black background. So we'll select this picture. Then we will select the picture. And we will try to double-check schools these pictures. So far just set the size of these pictures same. Settles the sizes and create a composition for these pictures. After creating the composition, we will go to the same procedure. First of all, roster both pictures, and then go to the blending option and select the turn off the red channel. I don't know. You just keep all the green channel and blue channel and keep on the red channel. So now this is giving a very interesting looped and very interesting effect. So for this, we will turn off the red channel, the green and pollution. We can keep experimenting where it's giving us a perfect loop. We will keep it there. Also. We are playing with in dark color form. So we can keep this picture black and white first. So we will get better results. We will make this picture black and white. And then we will play with the channels. We played the wiki on the channel of the red channel for the other picture. So we will close the red channel for this picture. Then we will see where it's giving us the perfect deserts, where it's giving us the results we want, we desire. Then we will smooth line these pictures. We will lower the opacity and clear the picture a little bit. So we can get a little details in this picture. This is how we can apply separation of channels. We can apply different channels and different pictures to create a double exposure effect. It is the NPV. The details, try to give some details alive. Apply the eraser tool where there is the shadows. So it will create more and easily give you a detail in your fixture. So it's all about experimenting. After finalizing or forward product. Our picture we will just save it. Will save it as a project. And we can name it according to our demand requirements. And we will now study another example for this picture. We can just start with this picture and resize this picture according to our requirements, the literature. So this is our main picture. And then we can apply another picture on it. We can use this picture. Seems very interesting. So we can use this picture over it. And then press B for the brush tool and apply on it. So laughter. And then go to the blending option and keep the red, green, and blue channel. And for the other picture, keep the channel off and keep on green. And so it's perfectly exposing each other and creating a very beautiful, very surrealistic look. The look we want in our art. Afternoon. You can just, it is showing. Then you can keep the composition of this picture according to your requirements and carries a perfect result of our double exposure technique. But as usual for different channels. And after that, you can say this picture as a DJ and use it for commercial purposes. But the artwork for the vendors. 6. Triple Exposure Technique: So now in this lesson we will explore how we can create a triple exposure picture with the help of channels. So first of all, we will select all our three pictures we want because we are creating a triplex for you and then resize them on our background. Keep in mind that when we are exposing WAS four years or we are doing triple X four years with the help of our channels, with the play of channels, then we have to keep our pictures black. Try to keep your food, your pictures in black and white. So these are our pictures. We will like this one. And then we choose this picture, whatever second exposure. And then we will, first of all, we will create double exposure. Select this layer, and go to blending options, and turn on the red channel. And then select the second layer, go to Blending Options, and then turn on green channel. And then resize it according to your style, according to your demand. And then select that third lecture we will use, I will use this picture as my third picture. Resize this picture again according to your style and effect. Increase a little bit of leverage it so it became all black. And then go to its blending option and just keep the blue channel. So this is how we developed a triple, explore your picture, and then we can change its composition, refine it more better way. This is very interesting effect. And it's very famous to create film posters and animated film posters. And for the art works. This is how we can create the triplex for your pitches. If we see anything like these bars, we can use the eraser tool. And with the help of eraser tool, we can clear these sections. And after they're just save your picture. But it just go to the file. And Francois me to teabag and use any name you want to name this artwork. I'm applying to, to explore your project and save it. Here is our final result of our triple X project. 7. Advance Dark DE Part 1: So now in this lesson we will explore how we can create a Advance Black Bear grounded wx for your picture. So let's start the class. I have this portrait especially captured for the next four years. Just resize it so it gets into the references and into other dimensions where we want to double exploded after death, select another portrait. So the theme of double exposure portrait is we want to portray some conserved. We want to deliver some message through this artwork. For me, I'm delivering the representation of nature and universe. So I have the pictures of nature and university here. I will try to use these pictures and manipulate these pictures with our portrait. I think this picture will work perfect for this because it will show the light coming from the body or power portrait. So after that, we will play with that overlays all of our opacity layer styles of our layer. Select if it's working in the lightened mode. Or maybe it's working in multiple mode. We will, we will see we are working with which farmers working. We will choose that form. So it's not working in the lightened mode. We'll select maybe it's working in the overlay or soft light. So we will see, we will keep seeing the options where we can, we can play with data, we can merge with it. But here we don't see any options were killed for it so far now we will apply it, leave it here, and we will start editing with it, selected our main portrait, and select the selection of the body. A little bit. After we will use the selection tool for this. And then after that, we will create a selection of it and cleared clipping masks for this selection. And after that, we will use the eraser tool. And we will increase the opacity of our size of our raise it and increase the opacity of our result degrees to 36. Slowly. Merging our blending our background with our picture slowly. So it will start giving the highlights of our picture. After that, we can also use the splatter brush tip as a razor. I will add these brushes in the resource section of our class so you can download it and use it to very easily keep the opacity of our brush 200 and decrease the size. And just apply a little bit so it start enhancing that details. Select another picture we want to double exports, but for most of these pictures, so we keep our timeline, our Layer, Layer Style, our working workflow, very neat and clean. After that, we have different pictures. Try a different pictures which are working perfect. We can use this picture if it's working. We'll select the lightened mode. What's not working in the lightened mode? We can select the soft light and it's working somewhere in the soft light. And we can, we can start creating some sort of message with the hard light. So it's all about experimenting with the picture. Increase the size of fixture little bit. And it's giving a perfect message. And after that, just use the eraser tool to merge down with your portrait. After it, we can use our third for a pitcher to double exposure. I'm using the universe. We will increase the size of this. And we will apply a multiple layer layer or our supreme. It's all depending on which, which thing is working for, which thing is working for our rich layer style is working for our portrait mode. I will keep it on normal and lower its opacity just slightly. And then with the eraser tool, we will increase, highlights the details of our portrayed. Use the eraser tool and use the tip of our laser. And it will highlight our background. It's a little better. You can also try the screen mode was working better and play with the opacity to develop a scene that we'll explore here on the Dot Diagrams. 8. Advance Dark DE Part 2: After that, we will try to blend our manipulation little bit more. So here we will use the eraser tool. To blend our animation. We will lower the opacity or Power Eraser tool to blend it a little with the body and use this part lambda. And after it, we will try to add another picture in this to create Coriolis effect. Use this picture of the universe. And we try to do a little bit tough tilted. So it's like this in the body of our figure, our main collector. And then we will play with dark layer options where it's working or certainly with our team. And after that, we will increase the size, just a little increase in the size. So now after it, after applying the Layer Style on our universe, now we will try to blend this with our main image and we will use the eraser tool for both images. And we will merge layers and use soft light again. Then we will use the eraser tool to merge it with our main. Our main object will lower the opacity to blend it more better way. And after that, we will create another layer and try to merge it again. So it gets a little bit more Universe detail of the galaxy in our picture. But also our main character main phase picture remains same. And then after it we will clear this picture a little bit. This layer. So our main focus of our face became more prominent. And after that, we'll try to experiment with this picture a little bit. For example, if we make another layer of our main character and duplicate this layer, it will turn into the black and, and make it into the black and white. It will keep very realistic and very beautiful. So the whole team of our illustration change, certainly. And then we will centralize our composition. And also we can change the SD and background. Also, we can change the opacity of this image a little bit to make it more prominent. And add another image. This section to make it more prominent. Here. In this way. This section. Then we can change its opacity. And with the razor tool, you can blend it with our main image. So it's all about our drawing skills, our blending skills. And then we will use the razor tool to blend it more better way. Increase the opacity of our splatter brush a little bit. So to get blunted, which is a tomato. And after that, we will change its position little bit. And up to date with the eraser tool, we will blend it a little more. Again. This part, we'll keep our opacity around 36. Blend. Seamlessly. No, it's looking for, for, so this is the way we can advance or create advanced double exposed pictures. And often creating it, we can just go and save our teacher. So there are different options we can manipulate this picture still. We will group all of this picture and create another group and create this group of Convert Smart Object, Convert to Smart Object. So we will have a flat layer and we will have this diagram later as well, the procedure and for the emergency use. And then we will create the main layer rasterize. We will decrease its size a little bit. And then we will use the simulator tool to create a white background, very artistic loop for this picture. Just create a new layer and theater white over it and starts letting increase the eraser opacity to 100%. And select this layer and apply splatter brushes. So this will create a very beautiful, very rigid splitting effect. And it's a very beautiful technique. I use it to majorly in my art works. And it gives very beautiful, very surrealistic effect. And most of the clients loved this style. Just increase its size later. And play with the splatter brushes. It takes time. You can take your time and do it with the order that we can change the default splatter brushes. We have different styles, different types of brushes to create a variation in our illustration. And after that, need the edges and need the AVL that we don't need. So this is how we can create a double explore your artworks. And even after this, now we transform this to a white background, our artwork. And then we can use create a new layer and use the brush tool, use smoke tool to add some clouds and stared some artificial extra effects on our manipulation that will increase the beauty of our manipulation. We can always keep experimenting with this nor the size of the brush. And keep playing with the brush styles. We can use this brush as well to create a smoke. So this is how we can use. And even I create a new layer and create a dark clothes, little dark clothes off. So then we can refine that clothes again. The eraser tool. And we can do fine main AD or flower illustration as well. This is all about double exposures are all about experimenting. And then what we want to convey a message we want to give. Then we reach to the point where our message is given. We are, we, we are ready to give our message. We finalize it. So now it's finally, we will save it as another option for our double exposure to chips. So this is, this is the way we can create a device to double extra pictures with different styles, with different types. 9. High Contrast Technique Quick Method: So now we will explore our WX for your technique, which is known as high contrast. In this technique, we use high contrast pictures which have high ratio of white and other colors. For example, this picture, for example, this picture, this picture, this picture, these pictures get to give us double exposure effect very quickly. And these pictures are very easy to create double exposure pictures due to the philosophy behind that double exposure. Because we can use the lighter layer that easily grow up and get blended with each other. So let's start. First of all, we will select this picture and please sizes, dimensions. After that, we will select our end of the lecture. I'm selecting this fixture and then resize the size of this picture a little bit according to our requirement. And then select the green style, or we can select light and for this picture. So you'd start generating a double exposure effect already. And then we will use the eraser tool. To clean this effect. Select the razor tool, select the opacity around 34, and start applying on an area that you want to focus. Just take your time. It's a very quick and easy way to create the pollex four-year pictures with time, but giving this technique a little more time, we will make this effect the only perfect. And after it, we will use another double explores picture. Will use this picture for now and resize it down to our connector. And then soft light it or lighten it. And now we can see this is a perfectly doubly exposing with each other. We will increase the size of this picture a little bit. And now it's blended with our correctors. And after that, we will clean the background of all the pictures. Increase the brush opacity 200 per cent again, and start cleaning your clothes. So this is the way we can create double exposure pictures in easy way. And after finalizing your mixture, just increase the size. D. This technique is very famous to create album art covers the music session and stuff. And after finalizing this, go to File and go to the same name, this whatever you want, I will name it Project for and save it. So this is the final result of our double exposure high contrast technique, which is very easy to do and very easy to do. But we need to focus that we choose bright pictures with the white background and black and white. And we choose the natural pictures also with brightfield, bright background, which have high contrast ratio, give the white color to any other color. Thank you. 10. Final Project & Results: So here is the final result of our class. If you have any question regarding the class, you can ask in the discussion section of the class for the class project below my procedure, then create a double exposure portrait of yourself or your friends. Also show before and after of editing. When you finalize your portrait, you can use different pictures. Are pictures from the project resources or from your own guilt. And follow all the procedure. First of all, you have to select a main portrait picture and then select the double exposure to here, and then edit this picture and apply it. And then save it as a JPEG. And after editing subject in the class project section. So I can give you feedback and critique and get a chance to win Amazon gift card or Instagram Photoshop preset. Thank you.