Learn SketchUp & Vray - Beginner to Advanced (Part 4 - Build) | Taneesh Patel | Skillshare

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Learn SketchUp & Vray - Beginner to Advanced (Part 4 - Build)

teacher avatar Taneesh Patel

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Taught by industry leaders & working professionals
Topics include illustration, design, photography, and more

Watch this class and thousands more

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Taught by industry leaders & working professionals
Topics include illustration, design, photography, and more

Lessons in This Class

    • 1.

      Promotional Video


    • 2.

      Ground Floor Shell


    • 3.

      Upstairs Shell


    • 4.

      Doors & Windows


    • 5.

      Doors & Coving


    • 6.



    • 7.



    • 8.

      Kitchen - Cabinets


    • 9.

      Kitchen - Doors


    • 10.

      Kitchen - Build


    • 11.

      Kitchen - Material & Lights


    • 12.

      Living Area


    • 13.

      Living Area Lighting


    • 14.



    • 15.

      Office Lights


    • 16.

      Bedroom 1&2


    • 17.

      Bedroom 1&2 Lighting


    • 18.

      Master Bedroom


    • 19.

      Master Bedroom Lighting


    • 20.

      Bathroom Shower Tray


    • 21.

      Bathroom Vanity


    • 22.



    • 23.

      Bathroom Lighting


    • 24.

      Exterior Part 1


    • 25.

      Exterior Part 2


    • 26.

      Interior and Exterior Walls


    • 27.

      Exterior Lighting


    • 28.



    • 29.

      Final Render


    • 30.



    • 31.

      360 Degree Image


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  • Intermediate level
  • Advanced level
  • All levels

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About This Class

This SketchUp and Vray course teaches you everything you need to know. We will work together to go through everything in SketchUp and Vray, then after build a house from the ground up.

The main reason I made this course is  to show you how we can apply the skills you learn to make something so stunning and give that wow factor to anybody you show. In addition its been created so don't need any knowledge or prior experiences with SketchUp and Vray.

Consisting of 4 main parts, we will go over:

  1. Learning SketchUp

  2. Learning Vray

  3. SketchUp Extensions

  4. House build

Starting off with learning quick tips and tricks is vital for efficient modelling and this is exactly what this course offers. From the beginning we will look how to do everything logically as well as learning all the unique features to each tool. Every tutorial has been carefully planned out, to make sure you know everything you need to know, so you can reach your full potential.

In the build not only will we go over the main parts to create your house (living area, office, bathrooms, staircase, doors and windows, kitchen, bedrooms and so much more) but we will also go though how to organize your model properly, import free CAD drawings, export standard and rendered animations, realistic lighting environments, realistic textures and creating 360 degree panorama images to view online as well as in VR headsets!

You will also have access to free downloadable resources so you can follow along with me in every single tutorial.

This course is for anyone from enthusiasts to professionals, you just need a passion for wanting to learn SketchUp and Vray.

I suggest watching all parts in order as the link from one part to the next!

To access the content material please download from the following link:


Meet Your Teacher

Hi there!

My name is Taneesh and I'm an Engineer and online teacher. My goal as an instructor is to provide you with the best tutorials to set you up for success. I ensure every tutorial I ever make is perfect so you can get the most out of it!

Using SketchUp for over 10 years I want to give you all my knowledge in a simple and convenient course.

See full profile

Level: All Levels

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1. Promotional Video: Hello and welcome. My name is Tunisia and I'll be your instructor for this course. I'm going to guide you step-by-step to them, one of the most widely used piece of CAD software out there, which is of course SketchUp. This course has been designed for anyone to jump right in. And then everything you need to know without having any prior experience. You'll get a set of simple and easy to follow tutorials to take you from beginner to professional. I found other courses with two basic and didn't offer the right information so that you can reach your full potential. Along with SketchUp, this course has tutorials on how to use the best rendering software, which is v array. This will elevate your designs to a completely new level, impressing anyone you show. We will go over fullname parts. Firstly, how to model in Sketch Up. Next, how to use v array. Then after a section on the best extensions are there. And finally, the main part, which is applying all these skills to build a stunning house. Or you can follow along with the techniques and design your own house. In addition, there'll be free resources available for every single teacher or that requires them, including free reference cards with preset and custom shortcuts. We will also elevate your skills further to create beads, full renders and animations. And on top of that, we will make 360-degree panoramic images, which can be displayed online on a mobile, as well as in VR headsets. What you'll gain from this course is simple. We will go over how easy it is to make these beautifully stunning models without ever having load at SketchUp or V row before. I'm excited for you to join me along this journey and hope to see you soon. 2. Ground Floor Shell: Hello and welcome back to the first tutorial impulse for our course. Now we know everything we need to know. We can move on to the main part which is applying these skills to build our house. So how you start off your house project depends on the project itself. One way is to start with a flow plan. If you have one and then write the wolves from their. Next, we can start modelling with unique or simple solid shapes and comes out the interiors. Or we could just stop building wolves and connecting them for fairly complex belts. I actually like to start off with a really basic sketch on some paper. So I have a vision of how it's going to look. For this one, let's start creating the basic outer shape in a 2D plan. And then Heracles. Fast thing to do is your rectangle, which is eight by 12.6 meters. Then in addition to this on the ground floor, we have our Office for this belt. So let's put in a few guys to mock that out. I'm gonna come in one meter from the back. Then the office is going to be 4.6 meters. And it's going to have a width of 4.4 meters. Let's draw that rectangle in. And we can also delete our guides at this point, no longer required. So just click on our keyboard shortcut, which is D. Next, I'm just going to quickly select this whole and move it to the edge is in line with the origin along the red axis. We can also delete this line has is not needed. Now it's time to offset this shape for the wolves, typically exterior walls are roughly 300 millimeters, so i'm going to offset it by that amount. We can delete this interior face. And finally, will we need inside is to partition our main living space arrived from our office. So I'm gonna draw a guide from this edge, which is 0.15 meters or 150 millimeters, which is roughly the size I keep mine town walls draw rectangle in there to lead the guides. These two faces, as well as these two small lines here. And finally, let's bring up the walls. So activate the push PO2. And they cannot face. And we're going to bring it up by 2.7 mazes. Next part is the per hour fluorine. So I'm going to old, old way around to the bottom. I'm gonna select the bottom face and bring it down by 0.3 metres. Next, click on this line. Activate the Move tool and move up along the blue axis, making copy. We're gonna place it 0.3 of a meter away. I'm also gonna do the same here. So click on the line, activate the Move Tool and drag it up along the blue axis, 0.3 of a meter. Woods, they're both implies activate our push, pull to click on this phase here and drag it all the way across to the other side. Finally, do the same here. Now we have our Fluorine. So final part for this one is to cross out the openings for our doors and windows. Let's start off with the front of the house where we're going to have a door and a large window succumbing to the Tape Measure tool again. And we're going to create some guides for the front door. We're gonna start off with 50 centimeters from this side. Then our dough is going to have a width of 1.5 meters. Then $0.50 means a gap from the top. Then for the window on the other side, come in again 50 centimeters. One the opening to be 2.5 meters and also 50 centimeters from the bottom. Now get the rectangle tool and draw all the Diane of Cronin. Let's delete the guides. For the back hole. We are going to have a big set of sliding or by folding doors. So using guides again, come in 60 centimeters from the top and one meter from either side. Draw the rectangle in our guides. Now let's do the window and door in the office. So on this side of the office we are going to have a window. I wanted it to be afraid of patria effect. So i'm going to offset this face by pointing out three of a meter. Then on this side where again you guys have seen sliding o by folding doors. So using guides come in 0.9 for meats and from either side, 0.6 of a meter from the top. And also don't forget, we have to account for the floor of the House side. So that's going to be 0.3 meters. Draw the rectangle in, and we can delete the guides. Now all we need to do is Lajos c using the push pull tool for one of them. And just double-click on the rest. Any unnecessary lines United such as these ones. You can just erase them with the eraser tool. And then finally is the door for the office. See using the tight Misha tool, I'm going to come in 0.1 of the means and then it's going to have a nice wide entrance of one meter. And the height from the bottom of 2.1 mazes join that rectangle, laid the guides, and push it through. Races line hair as well. Now we have the downsides Sheldon altogether. And also name it and the instance box under the entity information. Okay, great. Now that we have that done in the next one, we'll look at creating the upstairs shell. 3. Upstairs Shell: Hello and welcome back to part two where we're going to stop building the upstairs shell. For the upsides. I mainly start where I want my staircase and build around from that, keeping that in mind for this bill, I want the staircase to be quite close to the engines. Do so temporarily, I'm going to draw a rectangle like so. Next stage is to build the general exterior outline. I'm going to add an overhang to my upstairs shell as a file. It's going to add a bit more depth. So the back I'm gonna put in a one-meter guide. One meets on the right-hand side to meters on the left. And then 2.5 on the front of the joy. And the rectangle from corner to corner. Drawn a rectangle here to separate it from being too much like a square. Once we've drawn that m, just slap this path and deletes it. And we can certainly these other two guides. Before we move on, the first thing we should do is create the ceiling to the ground flow, which will also be the flow to upstairs. To do this, just push up this phase by 0.3 meters. And we can also delete this hole for the staircase. Next step is creating the external walls, like FOR downstairs, but less offset this shaped by 0.3 meters. Then we're going to select this face here and bring up by 2.7 metres. Now I'm going to go ahead and adjust the Stagg case opening slightly. We can adjust this later if we want, but for now I'm just going to make it slightly larger. So I'm going to head to the downstairs part. And I'm gonna draw guide here 0.2 meters away from the edge. Select this face and push it to that guide. Then on the other side is going to be 3.6 meter a guide. Again, select this face and just push it to that guide. Last thing for the STI case is the opening needs to be one meter. So draw the guide in and push that face to the guide. Next. Before going any further, I'm going to select everything on the upstairs shell and grip it before I move on. This is I can keep the tunnel will separate from the main part until I'm happy with it, and then join them together. So let's get started on the internal rules for upstairs. I normally start withdrawing some general lines and guides to pan out the layout. First thing you want to consider is why you want new bedrooms and how you want your hallway to work. You want to put in Guidelines for your whole way so you can visualize your bedrooms. Now on the right-hand side, I want my master bedroom. That means I need an Intel noble one. This side here. Again, using guidelines, we're going to come across as 0.15 meters. And I'm quickly going to join another guide to this line here so I can visualize how that internal wall is going to run. Now I can see why I want my hallway to be. So they're going to walk up the stairs along this side, go around and along here are the bedrooms will be here and access the master bedroom and that side. That means we need to have a passage on this side. So I'm going to draw in a one misguide. And don't forget our internal wall here. So as mentioned, there's gonna be a few things on the left-hand side. There's gonna be two bedrooms and bathrooms that start off with the first Patreon, which is going to have a width of five meters. Don't forget to add our IN town a wall. Then the bathroom will be next long, which will be three meters. And the last spectrum B on the left-hand side, I'm going to have a balcony at the front, so I need to leave sufficient space for that. I'm going to draw a line which is 4.15 meters. And then don't forget, this is gonna be an external goal. So we need to set our guide to 0.3 meters. There's quite a few guidelines is like start drawing in some wolves and delete the guides. So the whole balcony is gonna run across here, meaning I need a rectangle from this edge to this edge. Then this part is actually going to be another external wall. And 0.15 meters is too little to an another guide, which is 0.15 again, making it 0.3 and title. Draw that rectangle in, and that's that part done. Next will be the inside wall along this edge. And we can also quickly to these two. And now the master bedroom is also going to have a balcony running the length of this, meaning we need to draw in a wall here. Says GetString guides. And again, to this point, and again it's going to be an x down a wall, so 300 millimeters. And the final will we need to do is for the master bedroom. Now once all of that is done, we can delete the guides. Last few rules we have to do is for the master sweep. So there's gonna be an unsweetened this corner here, which is four by four meters. Straw into GuideStar, four meters away from each edge. And draw in the lines. Delete the guides and we're gonna select both of these lines holding down the control key. Next, offsets it by 0.15 meters. Finally, as mentioned, there's gonna be a balcony on this side. So we're going to join a guy from that edge which is going to be 11 meters. Then add our external, we'll draw in and delete the guides. Now you can see we have our 2D plan for our upstairs shell. Before we start merging this geometry, we need to lay all of these lines. So using the eraser tool just quickly come in and delay all of them. Once that's done, select o, as well as these four lines here. Then we're going to hit Control axonal keyboard, which is the car. Oh, and tower upstairs group shao. And press Control B, which is the paste in place. Now all of our geometry is merged. Last thing to do is just bring up these rules by 2.7 mazes. Again, like we did downstairs, any unnecessary lines, just quickly go ahead and delete them. Next, we need to add our roof. The best way to do this is probably using solid tools, so there's no unnecessary geometry. So we're going to draw a rectangle from this end point to the same point. And also one more here to lead the line in the middle. And we're going to push the 0.3 meters grief altogether. And then click on the union solid two alphas, one has been selected, which is the reef. So just click on the upstairs shop. Now everything is being combined. Now the roof is being created, we call and actually see inside. So what I'm gonna do is create a tag to toggle on and off the reef. Expand the tax window, click on the plus icon and call it reef. Then we're going to turn it off. And now we're going to answer the upstairs shall group. Select this face and assign it to that tag. You can see that face is gone. And all we need to do is click on the rest of these. And again assign it to that tag. Now we can easily just turn on and off our roof to see inside of it. After is working on the balcony openings. This is really easy to select this face and push it through to the other edge. Then do the same on this side. Next it's a cutout balcony, do a hose in our rooms. So on this face, hey, I'm gonna put in some guides. One means from each edge. And 2.1 from the bottom. Drawing the rectangle, plate the guides, and push it through. Same again on this side. So one meter for me for edge 2.1 from the bottom. Rectangle, plate the guides and push through. We're also going to have a patio door in bedroom one here. One meter from either edge, 2.1 from the bottom. Rectangle, delete cards, and push through. After the exterior door has been cuts out, we can move on to the interior ones so you can position it wherever you want. But I'm just going to come in 0.1 meter from each corner. So again starts off with a glide 0.1 of a meter. We're gonna have an entrance of one meter and a high of 2.1. Now to quickly translate these to the other rooms, I'm gonna select these two guides. Then activate the Move tool and click on this endpoint here. Make a copy by pressing control and place it in this corner here. Again, just repeat the process for this one. Once all, that's in place, Rectangle Tool, draw using the guidelines and push it through. We can delete the guidelines and use the eraser told to get rid of these small lines here. Now for the most bedroom, again, 0.1 meter from the side, one meter width and 2.1 meter height. Rectangle. And push three. Last intelligent who was for the on sway. This is gonna come in one meter from this edge. And then the other dimensions are the same. So one meter width and the 2.1 meter height of that rectangle in and just push through. Next, I want to couple more holes for Windows in our upstairs shell. So going to offset this face here by 400 millimeters, 0.4 meters, and then just push it through to create our opening. Again, just stay the same hair. So Offset tool and we can double-click, possess the same distance. Push through and that stuff. Last when I want to put in is the roof skylight. I wanted to run the whole length of this. So today, fast toggle back on the roof. And we're going to turn on black edges by clicking K. And drawn a rectangle from this corner to this corner here. And again, just use the push portal to pull up all the way up to this surface. Ton of black edges. And I can say we have all the n. There's some lines here that we don't really need. So again, use the eraser tool and just get rid of them. As you can see, we now have our upstairs shall created. Then fgets rename it so we can track it down in the outline. So I'll see you in the next one. We will start putting in some external doors and windows. 4. Doors & Windows: Hello and welcome back to the third part in tutorial. For that, we're going to look at adding some doors and windows to start off with the front door. So you can either create your own front door, bringing one from the 3D warehouse. For this one, I'm going to create a modern pivot TO start with a rectangle in the gap. Offset this face by five centimeters. Delete the middle phase. And we're going to want to push this back so it fills the depth of the Wu. Tan on black edges quickly. Click on the line and turn off black edges. Grip it altogether. And that's all frame for the dual created onto tracing the actual DO. So again, another rectangle in the middle. And we're going to pull this face backwards. But our liter half the width of the frame. Again, select it, push, pull to ten on black edges and collect halfway to the midpoint. Grape altogether. And now move it so it's in the center of the frame. So actually the Move tool click on the down arrow and then just maybe it's the midpoint ones that's all embrace. Began to enter this dough and isolate it by pressing our keyboard shortcut, which is out, I am going to select this line and move it along the red axis by 0.2 meters. Make another copy 0.3 meters away. And push this phase all the way back so it creates a gap at the top and bottom lines. And then we can exit the group. Now this cap here, we're gonna put our handled. Start again with another rectangle. We are going to offset it by three centimeters and delete the middle face. Then draw a line from the door to the edge of the frame. And we're going to push this face to the midpoint of that temporary line. Move this line to the other side. And now drag this phase out to the midpoint again to lay that line and head back to the front. Now had to this top face. And draw a line from the midpoint along the red axis to the other midpoint. Select the line and move it towards us along the green axis by 0.01 meters. Then we're gonna grab the line again and move in the other direction, but make a copy and move it by 0.02 meters. Select the face and push it all the way down to the bottom. Now we need to create the actual han du se come from this point up 80 centimeters. And also one more guy to this midpoint. Now we're going to draw a centered square at this intersection here. So I trade the Rectangle tool, tab control. Click on the intersection and then to 0.25. common, 0.25. drag this phase out, so it's flush with this face here. Next, we need to replicate it on the other side. So select this, actuate the Move tool, make a copy and lock it to the green axis. Click on this face here, and again, push it out so it's in line with here. Goes to the front. Now again to act by our Offset tool again. Click on this face and drag it out to this face. Use the push pull tool. It's come out about 0.02 meters. Plays up the gap by just dragging this power cross. Again, do the same on the other side. So offset, pull out 0.05. and plays up the gap. Once all that's in place to lay the guys by pressing day and grape altogether. Now one thing she quickly want to add is a narrow window on this side here. I'm gonna start with a guide and that's 0.35 meters away. Going to enter this group. Turn off isolation by pressing always I draw rectangle to this point here to make sure we get it in line. Just references answer edge. And what we can do is push that to his offset limit. Lead to guide and to the frame group and go down to this bottom line here. Select it. Use the move tool to go up and make a copy and lock it to the blue axis. Make sure it's in line with this corner here. And drag this out all the way to the other edge. Next step, again, select the line, use the Move tool, lock it to the red axis and press control. We're gonna move it 0.05. meters away and drag it all the way to the top. And just as we did at the bottom, select this line, move TO click it, drag it down. Control. Click the up arrow key and reference this corner here is a push portal to drag it all the way to the offset limit. Once that said, we can exit the group and draw in our window. For the Windows Start with a rectangle again. Fill the gap, and we're going to push it back by 0.03 meters. Select All and grew Pep the move it. So center of that frame. Now we've created the front door. We just need to apply some materials. So let's head over to the acid editor and just start off by deleting all of these parts here. So select the first one, hold down shift and click on the last one, then delay. Expand the left window. Greater materials. And we're going to start off by painting and our glass window. So go to the glass section. And near the bottom is glass window neutral, track by n matrix highlighted. And then just using the bucket or within SketchUp, apply that material for the frame and handle. I'm gonna go to the muscle section and uses aluminium anodized dark gray, drag in and just apply it where we want it. Finally, for the main DO part, I'm gonna go to word rights. At the bottom is D n2. Vanessa. Again, drag it in. And remember for this one we need to adjust the texture size. So in the default chart on the right-hand side under the materials tab, click on edit and change this to a 120 centimeters. Apply it to this door here. After that's all done, select all parts that contain the door and group it together. Then nightmare. Okay, now let's head over to Windows. I'm going to create a simple frame and a window inside that go for very modern approach. You can add more intricate details if you like, or maybe even get something from the 3D warehouse. So for my windows, again, we start off with a rectangle when our whoa, we're gonna offset this window by 30 millimeters. Again, not before. We're just going to delete the middle face and push this so it fills the depth of our wall of D1 that slept all in-group it. Again, another rectangle in the middle. For Starbuck, 30 millimeters again. Select oh, great pet. And then move it so it's in the middle of that frame. Once you have both of those in place, just apply the materials. I'm going to use the same window texture and gray aluminium are used for the front door. So actually the bucket tool. How down the outer icon to get our eye dropper and click on the window. Now that's been stored in the material section. Click on our window. Again, hold out scour eyedropper, Click on the aluminium color and apply it to our frame. Once you've done both that, group it together. And that's all there is to create in the wind day. Last thing you need to know if a downstairs is creating a patio door in the back. So let's head over to that. There's a couple of ways to do this. First region created similar to how we did our windows. So let's quickly go over that. Start off by measuring the distance, which is 5.4 meters, as we can see. And say We wanted three doors, I'm going to do 5.4 divided by three, which is 1.8. Then the exact same way we just did our Windows staff with a rectangle of size, say 30 millimeters. To lead the middle face, I'm earning an a push it back by 100 millimeters. Gripper altogether. Drawing our window. Push it back 30 millimeters. Prepared me, they search in the middle and just apply our textures. Grip the two together. And then what we're gonna do is click on this corner here, press Control, and move it to this endpoint here. And again, just repeat the same thing. So as you can see, we now have three sliding Pascal doors. However, in this case, I'm not going to go with this design and I'm going to impose on him from the 3D warehouse. So that's just to lay all of that and head over to the 3D warehouse. So on the homepage, scroll down and find nanomole. We previously looked at them and you know, they provide by folding doors, which are also dynamic components. Successes can be adjusted really easily. Scroll down and we're going to import the SR 45 leaded directly into our model. And we're going to click and line it up in the bottom right-hand corner. Simplys, just right-click, go to dynamic components and components options. And we just need to adjust the settings. So we know our height is 2.1 meters. And we also just checked our width, which is 5.4 meters. Last thing I want to change for this is the color. I'm gonna sell it a gray aluminium. Apply that and that'll start done. As you know from what we previously looked at this, we can change it from open to closed. So you can set what type of scenery one later for our render. One other thing, I'm quickly going to just change it to a sex panel configuration with five left and one to the right is also closer up. So once we've imported one of these, we can just copy it to the next location. Select it from this corner. Obviously office here. And light before we just need to adjust the settings, slash check the width is 2.6 meters. So I'm gonna change this to a three panel configuration. Then the height will remain the same. And we just need to adjust the width. Now, let us quickly go around and just finish off by folding dose. Mazola dyes are in place. Let's finish off. Our Windows. Starts off with this one here. Rectangle offset by 30 millimeters later middle phase and fill the gap using the push portal. The old together. Join our window, push it back 13 millimeters, and centrally, apply the materials and creep its gather. Next this window here. Just repeat the same process again. So that's done. Last windows make is the reef window. Actually have your roof toggled on. And a similar approach, rectangle and we're gonna offset this by a 150 millimeters instead. And later middle face pushes down 0.3 of a meter. And then we're gonna create some even breakpoints across this. So looks more realistic. Staff with a line going from the center all the way to the other midpoint. Then what we can do is select the line and move it 75 millimeters either side. This Ukrainian, a 150 millimeter gap to match our Bessel's. Once all that's in place, find the midpoint of this line and draw one moral Cross. Do the same on this side. And then what we're gonna do is select these two lines. I try our Move tool. Click on this endpoint. Press control to make a copy and click on this and point. Again, do the same thing to this one. We can delete our center lines as well as these faces here. Once you have all of our end, activate the push-pull tool. Click on this face and drag it to this edge here. Data for each one of these three. Next group altogether. And we're going to draw an hour glass panes rectangle in the middle. Push it down 30 millimeters and group it. Then from this corner here, make a copy to hair and just answer 3X TO keyboard to quickly make the other ones. Last thing to do is just apply the materials creepy accordingly. And nasdaq done quickly just before we finish up two things which can now go ahead and rename everything so we can track it in the outline. And the second thing I want to do is add all of these to attack. Expand the Windows, click on the plus icon and we'll call it external doors. And windows. Select them all, and assign it to that tag. Now you can easily just toggle the moment of grace in our house is coming along. In. The next one will start working on the internal doors. 5. Doors & Coving: Hello and welcome back. Let's get started on putting in our internal doors. Fast thing to do and toggle off the reef so we can see inside. Then had to anyone who door openings. Now before we put in our actual door, I want to run a decorative archiving around the outside to make our scene look as realistic as possible. So we're going to import a component. And hence the photo for this tutorial. Import the decorative do archiving and place it anywhere. Then we're going to rotate it and line these two corners up. So there's a few ways to wrap this round outdoor opening, which either way you cut it, you're going to have to use the following Nieto. As we know for the following meter, we need our template, which we have here. And then we also need our guideline. So now activate the Line tool. I'm going to trace around this door. Once you've got your guide in, Triple-click on one of the lines to select x2. And then we're gonna move it along the red axis towards us by random distance. Next, right-click on the template and exploit them. Measure all these lines here nicely welded together. So when we bring it up, it looks a lot more natural. We went over this in the weld extension tutorial. Once it's all OK. triple click on the guide again. I've tried to follow me and click on our template. This is going to wrap it around the door. We can delete the guy that is not needed and group these together. We're going to need one on this side. So make a copy along the red axis. Rotates it 180 degrees, and line these two corners up. Finally, grip the two together. Then we're gonna move it to every other door opening in our model. So while we're putting the coping in around the dual, we can put in our flow scattering or flow decorative Kobe. Again, import a file, has the photo for this T2 row and input decorative floor Kobe, FISA anywhere in our model. So we're going to look at a different way of wrapping this round our floor. Just note we're going to have to do in a few separate segments. As we can see, any openings or gaps within our UI, we need to have a break point. So B one caving running around here, a breakpoint, one running land here, another breakpoint, and so on. In addition, as we know, this is going to be inputted as the component CFOs to make a copy. Any change we've got to make 21 would affect the rest. However, we don't want this to happen as each one is going to be unique. Best and quickest way to do this is just to exploit the completely and regroup it together. This way we don't have to make each one unique as we go along. So before we go further, let's make sure everything is welded together nicely. So I'm going to enter the group and use the push pull tube to see how it looks. As we can see these pots haven't been welded together. So let's fix that. We're going to select this top pop or click on the tool. And that stopped up. And slept days. Some holding control and dragging over all of these parts and they're selected. And then while together. Again here. And wild. Now if we have a luck, is much more seamless. So now that's in place. Make a copy using the Move tool at the starting location of where we want that flow coating. So I'm going to rotate this, click on the up arrow and then move it to the stop point. Next, enter this group. I'm going to use the following me to again. So we need our reference line or guideline. So I'm just gonna go around until I have a breakpoint. And my breakpoint will be here. So I'm gonna leave the line at that point. Then I'm going to press Control on my keyboard to select everything within that group. Then activate my select tool. And while holding shift, I'm going to drag over the template. This will unselect it. So only our guide is now selected. Press Control F for the following nato. And click on our template. As you can see, we now have our flows gassing, Yeah. Well, we need to do is repeat that process for each individual part. So let's go for one mole. So again, using the Move tool, I'm going to make a copy of this and the next location. Let's rotate it and move it to the stop. And so that group and draw in our guideline. After you have all of that control latest, select everything. Holding down shift, unselect the template. So only the guide is selected. Control F for the following beetle. And click on the template. And that's that done. And final one is along here. So again, let's quickly do that. Make a copy. And to the group and drawing the guideline. Control for everything, holding down shift and select the template Control F or follow me and click on the template. This one's reverse. So all I'm gonna do is press control later, slight everything again and right-click and just revise the faces. Completed. I'm just gonna slide. Let's quickly go ahead and do it. We have a lot of things in the outline or which is on the bottom floor. Finally, after all of that is done, we can do the last part, which is just imposing the doors. Again, you can create your own, maybe get some from the 3D warehouse. I do recommend using all components that I provide as they've been changed to v races bull materials. Again, I to impulse. And we're gonna select internal wooden bowl, place a NL model, rotate it, and then just line up in our door frame. Again, just copy these where they're needed. Let's select them. Okay, great. Now we've put the interior doors as well as all the coping. The archiving may seem a bit pointless, but I promise it will make Hussein look a lot more realistic. At the end of the day is the small things that count. I look forward to seeing you in the next one where we'll start designing how will floating staircase. 6. Stairs: Hello and welcome back. Let's get to make in the staircase in this tutorial. Really easy today. First thing we want to do is crazy on guidelines. So come down 0.2 from the top, then 0.1 meters, and another 0.1 meters. Then from this edge has come along vertically along the green axis by 0.28 meters. Now activate your rectangle tool. And from this intersection to the intersection here, draw rectangle. Select o, activate the Move tool and click on this endpoint. We're gonna make a copy and place it on this intersection here. Then before doing anything else, we're going to enter 13 into our keyboard. This will create an even sat all along at the right angle. Once that's done, we need to do is pull out by one meter. So therefore one and just double-click on the rest. After that stand on the moon. Group them together, and also give it a name in the instance box. We can delay our guide and that's the staircase done. Next part we need to do is the banister. So I'm gonna hide this. Turn off my roof. And also spaces a bit limited. So I'm going to enter the upsets, show and hide these two faces. Okay, so head to this left corner here and start off with a rectangle. The out ten millimeters. And also up 80 centimeters. Select all, and then grape in K. Now we can work on this long edge. Start off with a guide that's 0.01 meters or ten millimeters away. Then we're going to draw a rectangle from this intersection here. All the way to the top corner. Then like we just did the flesh this out by ten mill and also up by 80 centimeters. Next thing we want to do is make even cards all along this to illustrate glass panels. Best way to do this is to head to this corner here. Select this line, actuate the Move Tool. Click on this corner point and press control to make a copy. We're going to move at 0.01 meters or to this endpoint. While that one is still selected, it's a bit faint, but you can see it's highlighted blue. We're gonna hit Control and holding control, we're going to click this point here. Then actually the Move tool again, click on this end point, make sure you select this one. Press control to make a copy and go all the way over to the other side. Click right the edge. And then before doing anything and to food slash six, this OK, even break points all along. We need to do is push those down to this edge and deleted, as well as deleting that guide. One thing you want to quickly do is they still attached at the bottom, hit this line and this line and deleted them individually. Then group them all together and apply our glass material. Now there's two things we need to change. You can see what we obey and pan around as a Flickr going on here. This is called Z fighting. Z fighting is nothing more than two different materials that are completely flush to one another. And SketchUp doesn't know which one to show. The best way to quickly fix this is just a move them ever so slightly away from one another. Swung undo is had to window, go to modal m phi and just changed my units to millimeters. Then I'm going to enter this group and just move it one millimeter away from the edge. Select these ones. And again, we've one millimeter away. And then the next thing we need to fix is this flighting step is currently cutting into the grass, which isn't quite right. So again, answer the grape. We're going to find this face here. I'm just gonna push it. So it's flush with this class face head. Last thing to add is a row and some fixing points. I want to add fixing points to the glass so it looks more realistic. Fastly This panel here, I'm going to temporarily change back to meters and meters. Then I'm going to draw guide 0.15 meters from either side. Then it come up from the bottom, 0.08. And then also point to two panels. So it's going to be at the same height and then lock it to the blue axis and click here and do the same thing. But then it's going to be 0.2 meters from either actually. Now I'm gonna change my unit back to millimeters for more precise measurement. That's actuate the circle tool and draw cycle from this intersection outward, which has a radius of ten millimeters. We're going to select this circle and instead of grouping and I'm going to make a component which has a keyboard shortcut G. In a little while it would make sense why I made this a component. So I'm going to call it fixing point, status. And click Create. Then just use the move tool to drag it to each other intersection. And just move that cycle. Today's guides remembering to rotate it. Next, we need to move these full cycles onto each other panel along. So delete the gods as they are not needed. And we're going to select all four of them. Next, activate the Move tool and click on this corner here. Fresh control to make a coffee. And click again on this corner in the next panel. Once that's done and to 5X and she'll keyboard, and that will be replicated on the panels next. So now the circles are everywhere. We just need to make them more realistic. As you know, any adjustments we make 21 will affect the others. So I'm going to answer this circle. And I'm going to pull out by 30 millimeters. As you can see, they've all been adjusted. Finally heads the back of that circle and just make sure it's flush with this face here. It's a bit hard to access. I'm going to temporarily leave it, hide this for now. And to the component. And just push that. Okay, then we can unhide that. Next thing is to add a bevel So they look more realistic. So again, enter the component, select this face and click on frayed around corner. Change the offset to ten millimeters. You can visualize it to make sure you're happy with it. And then just generate the geometry. Now that's done. We can exit. And you can see we have these fixing points which make it look more realistic. One quick thing I want to do is just select all of these and put them inside the group here. So start off by selecting the MOOC, crowding down control. Then we're going to press Control X to carp and the group and press control V to paste in place. Again, last thing we need to design is our hand round. Starts off here. And we're gonna use some guidelines. So I'm gonna come up by 20 millimeters across by ten from either side. And also just put one MOOC ISO is in line with this here. They're going to draw a rectangle. Delete the guides and query pattern at around to the other side and to the group. And we're going to find the midpoint with our mind to click at the midpoint and we're gonna lock it to the green axis. Go all the way to the other end. And we're going to click on this midpoint here on the glass panel. Lucky to the red axes now. And click on this endpoint here. Once we have that line in place, we're going to use the follow me tuna. So Control a to select everything, shifts and drag over this path to unselect our template, Control F or follow me and just click on the template. Just need to reverse the faces, so control a and reverse phase. And that's the rail done. That's also quickly just put that rho inside the group. So control lexicon and to the group, and control V to paste in place. Now it's all been designed. We can apply some textures. So for the main staircase, I'm going to apply a wooden plank material. Had to the assets at ISA, expand the left window, greater materials and then would scroll down and look for wooden plank, be 0-1. Drag it into our model. Remember to adjust the texture size. In this case it should be a 100 centimeters. The model is selected, actuate the bucket tool, and just click on our staircase. The glass textures ready been applied, but we need to apply some textures for the pegs as well as the balanced. So matching delegate to the call paints section to find a black. Drag that over. Make sure it's selected. And we against go into here. So as you get to answer the component selected Oh, and just apply that material that way. All of the MOOC quickly change. Then apply the same here. One quick thing I want to do is add it all to attack. So I'm going to select the two at a time of cool stairs and just apply it to them. Okay, great. Now that's all done. We can unhide everything. So I'm going to enter the upstairs show and unhide that we can turn on the roof and unhide have reef lie. Okay, great. So that's the staircase done. And the next one we're actually going to move slightly away from the house and look at designing our environment. 7. HDRi: Hello and welcome back to this very quick tutorial on sensing our environment. So we've already looked at HDR arise and how we can apply them to are seen in a previous tutorial. To quickly recap, if we did a render, the sky would look just like this, which isn't very realistic. What we can do is apply these Haidt URIs, which are 360 degrees sky images, which looks so much better when it comes to a render. I would say it's probably a 100% vice or for an exterior random. There are other ways you can go about adding a sky that by far this is probably the best. If you want to learn more or recap over the HGRI tutorial, however, to the learn section. So all I'm going to be doing in this tutorial is applying our HGRI to a dim light. First thing we need, obviously is a timeline. Sets the V rifle light section and click on the second to last option. I said anywhere in your model and then had to the asset editor. Gets to the light tap, which is the second one. And click on your timeline. Expand the right window, and click on the texture slot. Click on this folder icon on the right-hand side. And we're going to head to the General Folder. And here there is a HGRI folder. And we can either choose a PNG or HDR. The HDR quality is much better. So I'm going to select that. However, if you wanted to view them, click on the PNG. For this one, I'm gonna import number two. We're gonna head back and then make sure you change the shape to sphere and turn on news transform. Now let's quickly run an interactive render to see how it looks. It's quite dog, so I'm just going to adjust the intensity and the tool now, this probably won't be the final value and we will justice when it comes to Final Render. Once you fairly happy with the HGRI intensity, now we can stop our interactive render. Then what we'll do is change the name to dusk HGRI. Also for now, I'm just going to turn all of this is because it will make our interactive renders a lot faster and we don't need it until foreign render. So that's our environment, HDR I loaded. And in the next one will start designing the interior, starting with the kitchen. 8. Kitchen - Cabinets: Hello and welcome back. In this one, let's get to designing our kitchen cabinets. The way I designed my kitchen cabinets is create a different styles of cabinet and then create the doors off to that. In this tutorial, we will just create the cabinets. And in the next one we will design the doors. So for the first Cabinet, start with a square that is 600 millimeters by 600 millimeters. Then we're going to pull that up by 800 millimeters. Next, select this line. Activate your Move Tool, press control to make a copy and go up along the blue axes by 70 millimeters. Then select that face and just push it back by 30 millimeters. Ok, then let's offset this face by 18 millimeters. And we're going to push this back by 582 millimeter to give an 18 millimeter back panel. Once that's all done. And we again integrate our shelves for this cabinet, I just want one shelf, but feel free to get in as many as you like. Again, start with a guide and we're going to go down to a midpoint. Then we're gonna come up along the blue axes by nine millimeters and also it down along the axes by nine millimeters. Late that middle guide. And draw a rectangle from each intersection. Delete the guides. And we're just going to pull that all the way to the back face. I'm also just gonna set this back by 13 millimeters. Once that's done, group that together as well as all of this together. Don't forget to also give it a name. Okay, so let's move that to the side. And then we're going to work on our wall cabinets gov above this. So again, start with a rectangle that is 600 by 340 millimeters. We're going to pull up by 850 millimeters. Offset it by 18 millimeters. And also we're going to push that face back so it leaves an 18 millimeter gap at the back. So I just GO guide and then I'm going to push it all the way back to that line. Delete the guide. Angry Birds gather. Again next shelves for this one, I12 shelves. So I'm gonna find out my distance which is 814 millimeters and divide it by three. We can actually just enter eight 1-4 forward slash three. And SketchUp would do the calculation for us. This is the only mathematical operation that works within SketchUp. There's no multiplication, addition, or subtraction, and I'm not sure why they don't put it. But this is bad and nothing. Then we need our next Guide, which would be double A14, say 1628, divided by three. Okay, then same thing as before. We're going to create a guide 90 millimeters from either edge, is gonna select these two and move it down, making a copy. Okay, then rectangle, pushed back, pushed back by 30 millimeters, grew PET. And I'm just going to move this, locking it to the blue axes, pressing controls, make a copy to this point here. Once I've seen place to lead the guides and group everything together. Let's move that to the side and welcome the next one. The next two I want to work on are just variations of these two, but just slightly longer. So I'm just going to select them both. Make a copy back to the origin. I am going to make them 900 millimeters wide instead of 600. So I'm going to answer the grape and push this face out by 300 millimeters. Same for this face. And just repeat the same thing for this. We can move that to the side to name them. So the fifth Cabinet we're going to make is the total load unit. This is based off this one. So I'm just going to again copy this over to the origin. Then I'm gonna explode it and just move this shelf out temporarily. Then I'm going to enter the scrape and push this top face up by 1600 millimeters. Again, same thing here. 1600 millimeters to give that 18 millimeter offset. Now all we have to decide is how many showers E1 and where to put them. So say I want five shelves. I'm gonna come in with my tape measure to measure the distance and it's to-to 94. So I'm gonna do two to 94 divided by six. I'm going to teach you a quick way to make even guides all along. So we're gonna select that guide, activate our Move tool, and click where we started that guide from. In this case it was along this edge. Then we're going to press Control along the blue axis and click down on the guide line against them before doing anything and to forex. And we now have even guides all the way down. Now we know where the Shao's needs guy, we can just copy it to those guidelines like the package and place it roughly along here. Then I'm going to find the midpoint, locates the blue axis, and click on this intersection. Again, find the midpoint. Press control. Locates the blue axis, and click on the intersection again. And before doing anything else, just enter 4X and we will have all the shelves evenly spaced. Let's delete those guides and name it. Now the next couple we going to make is again base of the tool lot unit. So I'm gonna copy that. I'm going to exploit it and delete all but one shelf. Smith, one of the shelves to the side. I'm actually going to be making too, so I'm going to make another copy. So these two cabinets are going to have him Bill appliances. So press ion on keyboard and locate the photo for this tutorial. And pull each one of these and just place them anywhere in your model. Okay, so as mentioned, there's gonna be two variations of this MBO appliance cabinet. One of them is going to have a coffee machine as well as an oven. And the draw, so O3. And then the next one is only going to have either one of these. And the draw here. So let's start with one which contains all three. Again with a guide, we're going to come up 750 millimeters. And then we're going to place a copy of the draw on that line. Make sure this is centered along the cabinet. So using the millstone and click on my down-arrow, find this pop, lock it to the red axis, and click on this midpoint here. Now we have an even gap on each side of the that's in place. Get a copy of the oven. And we're going to write against the official, been lined up, move up five millimeters to create a chalet gap. Next day, the same with the coffee machine. So you placed a copy here and then move it five millimeters up. So once again, we need to fill the top and bottom with shelves. So going over all the way around the back and hide these two panels. Secondly, zoom in here and draw guide which is 18 millimeters down. Get the rectangle tool and draw across. Then just push it back to this edge here. Someplace, group it and just move it down to the bottom as well. So for this, you know, I'm done now because I don't want to add any more shells. So I'm gonna enter the group. Unhide dies two panels and then just group everything together. Now let's work on the next one. So again, start off with a guide coming up one meter. Then we are going to place the droll. And don't forget to make sure it's centered. He got Lyme place. We can delete the coffee machine is we don't need it and just move the oven input can just line up and bring up five millimeters on the blue axis. We again need shelves on the top and bottom to hide all of this. And we can just copy them from here. So I'm gonna enter the group, press control C, exit the group and press control v. Then I'm just going to line up. And here as well. Now is adding shelves between these two pots. So it is top up, I want oneself. So I can see it 712 divided by T. And just like we did before, nine millimeters either side. I'm just going to move that into place. Then you can delete the guys down here. I want to shelfs say you measure the distance, which has 974 divided by three. And we're just going to select that guide and move it down by making a copy. Make a copy of the shelf. And that stuff done. Crypto together. And let's move to one side. And finally, we are going to design our pull-out Lada unit. Again, this is based off the basic ones. Let's copy that over. We're gonna explode it and all the shelves. So we're going to change the width from 600 millimeters to 350 millimeters, which is 250 millimeters less. So I'm just going to push it in 250. And the same on this side. If they said I was going to be a bit different. So let's start with some guys again from the bottom, that is 150 millimeters. And also another one which is 1.8 minutes, is up on the bustling guide Weka integral in our shelf. Just like we did before, nine millimeters, either ij rectangle and push it back. Then we're going to select two groups. We can delete these three guides. I'm also gonna hide this shell temporarily. Now we're gonna put in a metal wire effect or metal cheap effect to make it look more realistic. So start off with guides again, 25 millimeters from each of these sides. Then from the front and back come in 100 millimeters. After those graduate in the next pass, easier if we draw it in a temporary phase on the front. Like psi i inquiry PET, and I'm going to scale it up by random distance. So again with the Tape Measure tool pacing guide. So I'm going to match this two parts up here. Then I'm gonna come up 40 millimeters and will serve up 80 millimeters. There. Quite a few guide him now, but that's all there are. And we can start drawing in some lines it, before we joined lines, we're going to use the circle tool. And Joe cycle at this intersection, which has a radius of 2.5 millimeters. We're gonna make that component. And we're going to call p at each intersection here. One stays foreign. Cycle tool. Again. At this intersection, 2.5 millimeters. Make it another component and bring it down here. Sorry, there's actually one more Guide we need to put in. So I'm going to come from the back Twenty-five millimeters. Again. Now we can answer this component. Actuate the line tool and click on the intersection. We are going to lock it to the green axis and click on this intersection, lock it to the red axis, this intersection, and then all the way back along the green axis to this face. Once Dotson Mike, we've previously used to follow me too. I'm gonna hit Control a to select everything. Shift and drag over the cycle. Control F or follow me and just put it all the way around. I'm going to press Control a to select everything and just revise faces. A noun for this 12, the component, and we're just going to pull it up. So it covers this pot head or by 18 millimeters. Now that's all we can do it by cleaning up. So I'm gonna delete all the guides, but this one here, so we can't hit our keyboard com, I'm just gonna select that. Then we can delay our temporary face and also unhide the shout. Fast thing to do is make copies of these all the way along. So I'm going to select this and this, and this and holidays and group them together. Then what I'm gonna do is select this. Actually the Move Tool. Click on this midpoint shelf here, drag it up the blue axes press control to make a copy to this intersection. Then before doing anything else. So forward slash for to create three even shelves between the two. Once all that's in late, the guide and group everything together. Now we've created the older man kitchen cabinets. All that's left to do is to create the doors. And we'll look at three variations in the next one. 9. Kitchen - Doors: Hello and welcome back. From the last one you can see we've created, opened the doors for our kitchen cabinets. And we're gonna show you how to make three different types of doors. One is gonna be traditional, next will be ultramodern. And lastly, a hybrid of the two. I'm just going to model the door on one of these cabinets as the process is the same for them all. First one we're going to look at is the traditional dork. This process is very similar to how we create an archiving using the following metal. We have a template, a guide, and we just need to wrap it around. So we're going to import the template and select traditional door template. Then this one, you're going to want to rotate 90 degrees, so it's facing us. Now places anywhere along the outer edge of the Cabinet, but don't pace at anywhere near the corners. Around the middle will do just fine. Once it's in place, we're actually going to explode it and regroup it. So it's not Component anymore. This way any changes we make will stay unique to this one. So I'm gonna answer the group like before we need our guide. So I'm just gonna draw a rectangle. Delete this face, then press control a, holding Shift. Unselect this control F and click on the template. Once you have that, which issues the push pull tool to close up the gap. And that's all there is to it if you quickly wanted to reposition the axes so it isn't here, just press our keyboard shortcut, which is a select your origin, red, green, and that's that done. Now one thing I want to mention is the door is flushed on all ledges. However, in real life, this wouldn't be the case. It would be slightly inset. What we could do is enter our group and just push them all in by five millimeters or say, however, this can take some time if we have a lot of kitchen cabinets. So what we're gonna do is revert back to where we just had our template. Then I'm going to move this down five millimeters again and to the group, and we just need a guide. The guy can be from the same place. Delete that face, and just repeat the same thing. So I'm going to select everything, unselect that control F and click on it. Close the gap. And we can also delete that guide by triple clicking on one of the sides. Finally, control a and Reverse Faces. And again axes if you wanted to do that. So as you can see, we are ready now have our five millimeter offset all the way round our cabinet to. The final thing I want to show you from traditional doors is how to easily get templates from models that already exist. So we're going to head to the folder for this tutorial. And we're going to open up catch and example. Now let's zoom into one of these doors. So I really love the intricacies of this door, but it's not going to fit my cabinet. Let's copy it over into our model. As you know, we could scale it, that she's going to deform a completely. So how can we get a template and then use a follow me tool for this? We're going to start by drawing a rectangle. So actually the Rectangle tool and click on this edge here. Then we're going to lock it to the blue axes by pressing the up arrow key. And we're gonna make sure all of the intricacies or in all the detail is covered in this rectangle. Don't go over halfway, but around here is fine. Next step is to right-click on that rectangle we just created. And we're gonna go to intersect faces with model. What that's gonna do is any lines that are touching that face is going to be transferred onto our rectangle. So we can delete this as it is no longer needed. And you can see we now have our passing. We want to delete this face, this line, and also this part here. Finally, we are left with our template. So I'm going to grip it. I'm also going to copy this cabinet over. Then I'm going to align this corner up here. Remember, don't put it in the corner. And I'm going to enter and drawing my guideline. Before I do that, I'm going to move it to the right by five millimeters. Then draw my guideline. This face slapped my guide controller for Follow me. And there will be transferred around. As you can see, because we didn't use the word tool is all been segmented RP slash, undo that. Then we're going to slice all of these small lines and weld them together. To make sure everything's just welded properly quickly. We can just pull up and check it all looks fine. We're just going to weld these two segments together here. Again. Slept our guide. Follow me to announce that down. Close up the gap. Delete the guide, and reverse the faces. So as you can see, that's really easy and quick way to get templates from those that already exist. To take a step further. You can also right-click on this and make it a component. Then we can click Save As and save it into our custom library so we can access it later whenever we want. This would save a lot of time. Next, let's look into creating our ultra modern plain dough. Again, like most things, I start off with a rectangle. Then I'm going to offset this face by five millimeters. Crazy overshadow gap. We're going to delete that. And also this outer border and just push this out by 18 millimeters. Once that's in place script. And all that's left to do is add an handle. So for modern dose, we normally have a handlers design. That means we need to add a cutout along here somewhere. To do this first step is to draw your cutoff. So I'm gonna come in with a spline tool and draw random shape. So once you're happy with that, we're gonna move out slightly along the red axis, and this needs to be a face. So I'm gonna come along the green axis down here and that group that together. And then say we had two of these next to each other. What we could do is use the shape to cut our doors. So I'm going to answer this poll across so it covers the whole Dong. Then using the trim solid tool, which is the second last option, I'm going to click on my template and then click on each dough. Now we can move that template away. And you can see we have our cut-out. And the great thing about this is we can just use this template on our next cabinet door. So I'm gonna quickly just draw another door on one of these cabinets. So what we can do is right-click on this and flip it along the blue axes. Then line up and place. And again, just use the trim solid tool. When we move away. We have identical cutouts along both of our cabinet doors. Now let's head on to the last type of door, which is a source of hybrid between the two. Again, really simple to make. We're going to start off with a rectangle. Offsets it five millimeters. Delete this face and this line on the edge. And we're going to pull it out by 18 millimeters. And we're going to offset it by around 19 millimeters. Push this face him with by ten millimeters. And the last thing to do to make it more realistic is add a couple of lines here. So T going up from that 0.2 going down. Then we want to select that line and the one below it, and move it making a copy around three millimeters away. Do the same on this side. And just push those back. We did that because it creates a wooden beam affects and we separated it so we can apply different textures at different positions to this. If we hadn't separated that we couldn't really adjust the textures to the right position. Let's group it together. And the last thing you really need to do is just add some sorts of Handel and only had a dozen 3D warehouse and choose one from that. And if you can't find one year after just simply modeling it, normally you'll be able to find something on the 3D warehouse as there aren't too many variations of kitchen handles. Now the final thing I want to mention for cabinets is the type of coding for traditional cabinets. We're going to take an approach we are very familiar with using the following metal. So I'm quickly going to grab some of these cabinets and put it on the other side. Next one is that's an important component and we're going to select traditional cabinet caving, place another star or rend. And we're gonna enter this and make sure this is all welded nicely together. Like before, we're going to draw in our guideline. And we don't need anything at the bank. Then light before control a shift and drag control, F and click Control and reverse faces. Now you can see as easy as that we have a traditional curving around our cabinets. Fun thing we want to look at is how we can make a kitchen island. This is just one type of Ireland which is really simple to make. Their allows a different styles depending on what you're going after. So the simplest way is to grab one of the cabinets we created. I'm just going to learn some of them. Ok. I'm going to move some of the other side, rotate them and line them up again. And that's all there really is to making a simple rectangular kitchen island will look a bit later, but we can just quickly creates a countertop like psi and then bring this side down. But we'll look at ion a bed. Now currently these are all just stores, but maybe we want to draw those. Again. All we need to do is get our template and model in some draws. Let me just quickly show you how to do that. So as you can see, I just use the exact same techniques we learned to create our draw funds. Now, that's everything you need to know about making kitchen cabinets. And the next one will actually start implementing them into our house. I'm going to be using the modern kitchen doors in our house build, but with a slightly different handlers design. 10. Kitchen - Build: Hello and welcome back. Now that we've created all of our cabinets, we can just move them into a model. Before we do that, I'm going to hide everything but the downstairs shop. Today, this press control a while holding down shift, unselect the downstairs shell and just press Enter on your keyboard. Now we can work without any obstructions. So head over to kitchen cabinets and before importing them, just make sure you've given them all and name in the instance box. This will just save a bit of time later. So we're going to select all of them. But the one implying slot unit, press Control-C, had a virtual model and press control v. Let's rotate them and put them over to one side. Now the fashion is going to start 1.5 meters away from this wall. And the first one is going to be this Lada appliance unit. So let's copy it from this corner here and place on that intersection. The next one along is going to be the same thing. So let's make a copy. How instead of having a microwave slash oven and coffee machine, I'm going to delete the coffee machine and just move this one up, place it here, and then remember to give it that five-minute Ashoka. Next, we're going to have too long again. Before we go further, let's quickly put any countertop here. So I'm going to start with a rectangle. Bring out, buy fancy millimeters. I'm creating. This counter isn't done just yet. We need to adjust the style a when we put in the doors here. Now the next toss to tackle is creating all the doors. As we're using modern tools, we actually need to make slight changes to these cabinet shelves had no other dual requires any changes, but because these are handle this and we have a counter at the top, we need to consider how it is going to work. So it's as realistic as possible. When we get onto designing the doors for them. You'll see why. Let's just start off with this one here. So I'm going to answer the group. And we're just going to model our door how we've done previously. So we're gonna start with a rectangle. References Corn along here. Then we're going to offset it by five millimeters. Delete that face. And the line. Then we can pull out 18 millimeters. In the previous tutorial, we actually had a template and we use solid tools kinda out how the, in this design I'm going for a really simple cost house. There's no need for that template. We're just gonna start with Guide ten millimeters away. And all I'm gonna do is draw a line from my intersection to this corner. One starts in, just push it down, delete guide, and that's all there is to it. Let's finish up this door by grouping. We can easily just copy these to the rest of the model. So the next one is down here. So I'm gonna grab this corner here. Cache-control. Lock it to the blue axis, and click all the way down here. Let's bring this up in line here and then also bring it down another five minutes credit how shatter gap. And that's done. Now we need to do this cabinet as it's the exact same design. We can just copy the duals over. Easiest way to do this, select by today's press control C. And we're going to exit the group and answer desk group after the event and this group press Control B to paste in place. Then we're going to ask me, I'll move tool, click on this end point and drag it to the corresponding end point where now we have in place. Next, let's work on this sets of cabinets at the top. So I'm gonna start by copying one of these. So just slept one, control, say exit the group and to the group and Control V. Then what we need to do is rotate it. Rotate it so you have the correct orientation with the handle of the bottom. We're going to grab this. And then we just need to pull both sides, enter it to this side here. And also I'm five mil gap and the five MOOC on this side. And that's that one done. Now this cabinet on the right-hand side is the exact same. So I'm just going to press Control C. And today's press Control B. And like we just did previously, accelerate the move to just maybe to that point. Now, let's enter this group. Press Control B again. Move it from this end point to this end point. And then just pull it so it's in line with her and then back another 5 million. Now let's work on these two lottery that's going to be the same as the first units we made. So we can just copy them over and we don't have to rotate the door to press Control-C, Control-V. And we're going to line up, push it away five mil into the group, mine up here. Then go away five Milligan. And finally to track this all the way to the bottom. Once you've done that, like we've literally done before, selected Control-C and to this group, Control B. Move it from this end point to this end point. And just pull this along to this edge, then back 5 million. Again, Control-C and to the group Control B. And just move it across. Now just before we move on and quickly gained to enter this countertop group, I'm going to pull the front face, so is inline with the cabinet door faces. And I just noticed I haven't named, so I'm going to quickly give it an instance name. Now we just need to tackle the last three hair. Suddenly start by copying this and pasting it inside this group. Let's rotate it so the handles facing the right way. And we're going to line the top up. So you place it here and then drag it to the left. Five Mill says even spacing on the left and right hand side will fix the bottom millisecond. But let's have a look at the top. So normally we would drive this down by around five millimeters. As you can see, there's no space for somebody to put their hand in the counter top. And I've seen it just now going to look realistic to fix it needs to be around 15 millimeters lower. However, now what you're going to notice is a small gap here to fix it, or we can do is enter the shell. And using the push pull two, we're going to pull it down to this end point here. But before clicking, just know in the bottom right that we're pulling it down by a distance of 12 millimeters. You're going to need that later when we adjust the next day. So pull it down. And that's that done. We just need to go into this one and line up the bottom. So let's quickly enter these two here and pull them down another 12 million. Now we can just use the copy and paste and paste method we've used previously. So enter this control c and control B. Then we're gonna move it from this point to this point here. Answer this one. Control B. Move it from here to here and pull it along. Just one more thing before we move on. I want to fix something in this poll outlawed unit. So I'm going to enter this grip and hide the shell. Then I'm going to select everything else. I'm going to group it together. Finally, unhide the shell. This way we can pull this door, Raul, and all the shelf will come along with it. Now that the kitchen cabinets are done, the last thing to design is the Ireland. Let's start off by bringing one of these out. A mirror line, five of them up in a row. Let's select all of these and make some copies on this side. Now I'm going to have those all along this side of the kitchen island. On this side, I want to have a few rules. I want to have the tools in because I failed, it will give a more realistic scene. If you're not working off a specific design or don't need to, just feel free to model it how you want, which is ongoing for some quickly going to put in some Jules and speed this up. Okay, so once you're happy with all your cabinets, we need to make our countertop. You'll start with a rectangle from corners, corner. Push it up by 13 millimeters. Then we're going to pull out this back edge so it's flush with the face and do the same thing on this side. Next we're going to pull this up by 30 millimeters. And also the same thing on the other side. Then we're going to select this line, make a copy along the green axis and move it in by 30 millimeters. Get that side and drop it right down to the bottom. Repeat the same thing on this side. So make a copy along the green axis, 30 millimeters away, and push it all the way down to the bottom of the doughnut. Just grieve the countertop. And then again after that. Grip all of this together and give it a name. Now we need to place the kitchen island in the correct place. To start off with, I'm going to draw a temporary line that runs the width of our kitchen cabinets. So I'm gonna reference this point, lock it to the green axis, and press here. Then we are going to find the midpoint of this kitchen island. Lucky to the green axis, and find the midpoint of our temporary line. Now we know it's dead center in between all of these cabinets. Lastly, the distance along here, I'm going to set it out 1.2 meters away. Such as pretty new guide. Grab this corner, lock it to the red axis and put up on the guidelines. Can also delete this temporary learn as it's no longer required. Next thing I want to implement into the kitchen island is a breakfast bar. So I'm going to enter the group and draw a few guidelines. So we're going to come 1750 in this direction, 200 towards the kitchen, and 400 away from the kitchen. After you got that in, let's just draw the rectangle. So we're gonna reference this point here, drag along until we hit the guideline. Then let's pull up by 40 millimeters. Group it and name it. Last few things for the kitchen is to import some components. Let's begin with the sinks. So I'm going to head to the tutorial folder. I'm going to start off with opening the double sink, which is the 800 by 500. Here there'll be a few components does the sink and also a cutout we need. I simply created a cutout by drawing a rectangle over this and then using the intersect with faces feature. After I just cleaned it all up and I always have the cuts how available to me. So first thing, let's copy and paste it into our model. Pleasure it roughly here. We're gonna rotate it. And now we need to line up. So find the midpoint lucky to the green axis, and find the midpoint of the counter. Then we're gonna place is right at the edge and bring it 50 millimeters back. Once you have in place, we need to transfer the cutout to our counter and then to our kitchen cabinet. So we're going to hit Control X to cut. And so the counter group and press control V to paste in place. We're gonna explode it. And then all we need to do is just push this down. Now we have our cutout. Last thing to do is to make the cartel in the kitchen cabinet. So again, enter the group till we have this face slapped it. Press Control B. That means move it down. So move it, lock it to the blue axis, and then hover over the top of the cabinet. Again, like we just did, exploded. And we're going to push it down. So there is a cutout. I'm gonna start off with hiding this. Then entering this again. And just clicking on this edge can unhide that. And that's how cutout now done. Then head back to the sink and just copy it in. Find the midpoint at the top. And just drag it over the midpoint here. And you see it now fits perfectly. For things to you. We're gonna do the exact same thing to the folder. Open up, sink 600 by 450. Then we're gonna copy our cuts out. And pacing around here. Let's rotate it and line up to the edges. So we're gonna get 50 mil back again and then 200 across. Now we're going to have to take a bit of care because we have these two cabinets here. So let's just start off with the easy one, which is cutting the countertop slab before Control X to come. We're gonna keep entering until we have this face selected. Then press Control B. We're gonna explode it and just push it down to create our cutout. Once you have that in place, pressing Enter, hide the counter. So we have more space to work on these two cabinets. Not just be a bit careful here because there's quite a few steps to take our try and make it as clear as possible. Will first start with the cabinet on right, then mitigates the cabinet on the left. So we're going to enter the carbon on the right. I'm going to hide this entity. We're gonna hide this one on the bottom as well. Then what you want to do is make sure you are in the group enough that this is separate from this, as well as this. But you don't wanna be too far and that you have faces selected. So just to reiterate, you wanna make sure this is separate from these two. Then what we're gonna do is press control v again to paste in place using the Move tool and locking it the blue axis, we're gonna make it flush with this top face. After it's flush, We're going to enter the template group. We're going to push it down by 250 millimeters and exit the group. So now we have this separate from this as well as this and this. Again now use the trim solid tool. And you want to first select your template. Then you want to select your cabinet shell. And finally, you want to select this top shelf. There's no need to do the Boston shelf as the template is not touching it. So I'm going to hit Control X on my keyboard to cut the template. And now you can see we have our cutoff. Let's go on to the one on the left. So again, we're going to enter this height, this entity, and this entity. Then we want to be in enough that this is separate from this, but not too far in that we are selecting faces. Okay, press Control began. We now have our template there. Click on the trim so little, and click on the cabinet shell. Now you can delete the template is it's no longer required. And we have our Kata. Final few subsidy is unhide, the cabinet draws. And to this group, press here again, x a f, and press you once more to get our counter. I guess the last thing to do is just copy in the head over there and paste it in three onto rotator. And then find the top mid point. Once you haven't just line up. And that's that one done. Now into the final stretch, we just need to import a few components. Suppress IOU keyboard and head to the tutorial folder. Let's start off with the breakfast bar stew. Again, you can use these or find your own on the 3D warehouse, or maybe even create urine. Make sure it's flush with the flow. Rotate it and just line up. Next, let's bring in the hope. And then finally the two tabs. Tap one will just correspond to sink one and type two would correspond to s2. Okay, so that's everything built for our kitchen. And the next one, all we need to do is apply some materials and textures and add some lights. Once you're happy with everything, we can collect key on our keyboard to unhide everything. 11. Kitchen - Material & Lights: Hello and welcome back. In this part we're going to apply some materials to our kitchen and adding some lights just quickly before we do that, everything we designed in the previous tutorial, we are going to add to attack code kitchen. So just select everything in our kitchen and assign it to a kitchen tag. So we have enough space to work on our kitchen. We're gonna hide everything but the kitchen and downstairs shell to hide everything. Start off by turning off the kitchen. Then press control, lay, holding, Shift, unselect your downstairs shell, and just press N. Then let's turn back on the kitchen. Now can work obstruction free. First material we're going to apply is to our breakfast bar. So that's entered this group. And make sure we have that selected. Then open up the assets editor. So you can pick whatever material like or I'm going to select a wooden material. So expand the materials tab had done to wood. And all the way at the bottom, I'm gonna import wooden planks. See 0-1. Drag that into your model and just using the bucket to apply it to our breakfast bar. Now there's two things. You will notice that on quiet right here. Firstly, the texture size which we can adjust later. But more importantly, these wooden planks ongoing in the right direction. I want I want them to run length ways instead of width ways. So to fix this, we're going to start off by exploiting it. Then we're just going to select one of these phases, preferably the top one. Right-click on Air had done to texture and click on position. Auc for options. This blue option allows us to scale and warp it. The red one allows us to move it. The yellow allows us to distort it. And the green allows us to scale and rotate at the same time. As I want this to be rotated perfectly by 90 degrees, I'm gonna right-click one small and select rotate that 90 degrees. Now you can see they're running the correct way. So just click out once. And now that face is fine. However, if we look at the other faces, you can see they're still not quite correct. This bottom phase hasn't been fixed at all. And on the side here we should have a continuous passing going all the way around. So it's a fixes. We are going to activate our Bucket tool. Then holding out, we'll get the eyedropper tool and click on the face we just fixed. Now it looks like it's selected just the same material. However, this material has updated properties. So using the Select tool, we're going to Triple-click. So everything selected and using the bucket tool click once more. Now if we look round, you can see everything has been applied properly. Last thing to adjust, if you like, is the texture size. I think a 100 centimeters will be a bit too big for this. So I'm just gonna change it to 50 centimeters. Once you're happy with all, select all, group its gather and rename it. Now let's work on the main part, which is the kitchen cabinets. So again, you can select whatever material like, but I'm going to select a brown material. I wanted to have a massive effect. So I'm gonna go to the car paint section and bring in any one of these man textures. Before going further, I'm just going to rename it to kitchen cabinets and then expand the right window. Now let's go all the correct setting so it appears as a map texture. However, the only thing I need to change is the diffuse color. So I'm going to expand the second one here, which is V ray BRDF. And click on this diffuse color slot. Here. I'm just going to change it to the cholera one. Once you're happy with it, make sure it's selected. And again, using the bucket to just apply it to all of the cabinets. If you're still not happy with the diffuse color, we can just go ahead and change it again. I think it's a bit too light, so I'm going to make it slightly darker. So once you're happy with it, just close it down. And that's the kitchen cabinets done. Next, we're going to do the countertops. I'm going to apply a light marble texture. If you recall back to part two, we created our VR map file using the polygon textures. So what I'm gonna do is just pull that file to do it. Click on the second icon at the bottom and locate that file. If you don't have it, I've included in this tutorial folder, just loading the map. Make sure it's selected, and just apply it. And we're going to have to change the texture size again. I think one means it was OK. And then also apply it to this part here. After you've done that, heads the car paint section again, and we're going to bring in this map WIPO, rename it to sink. And just apply that to both of our sinks. One thing I forgot to add when designing this kitchen is a splash backside along here. So let me quickly do that. We just simply going to draw a rectangle from here to here. Then we're going to pull out by ten millimeters green PET and also pull it away one millimeter from the back. So there's noisy fighting because we're going to apply a gloss texture. So I'm actually going to add one for my custom material library. But if you don't have that data import asset file and I've included in this tutorial folder, just import the glass tinted gray, select it and apply it. After all of these taxes have been applied. The next thing you want to do is run an interactive render to see how it looks. Let's make sure all the settings are correct and run it. If you're not happy with how any of these textures look, just go ahead and change them. You can always adjust it later when it comes to final render. One thing I do want to add is make these tabs Chrome. So I'm gonna heads the assets editor guy. So the materials to metal and load in this chrome black. Then I'm just going to apply it to both days and check back on my interactive render. Once you're happy with it, we can stop our interactive render. And then now we can go ahead and add some lights into our kitchen. So let's first start off with under cabinet lighting. And to do this, we're going to hide our downstate shell, so we have more space to work with grams on the bottom and go to this corner here. Now we're going to put in a rectangle light down here. So I had severe for lights and click on it. And then how we withdraw any other rectangle within SketchUp. Click from corner to corner. Once that's in, you probably going to need to scale it as it's quite long. So just grab this point and bring up to here. Then there needs to be another set on the kitchen island. As we know from our VRE for lights tutorial, we can just copy this over. And it's going to save a lot of time in the axis editor as we only have to adjust one of them. Line this up here and just scale it. Make another copy on the other side. Let's go ahead and unhide our dams does show. And finally one more rectangular light above the sink. It's like we just done. I tried the rectangle light tool. Click on this corner, and then go over to here. Once I replace goods, the asset editor guide to the light tab, and let's rename them. We will change the intensities in a bit when we run our interactive render. Okay, so now finally onto the ceiling March for the kitchen. We're gonna add in some races ceiling lights. So to start off with, we're going to draw some guidelines that check this distance here and divide it by two. Measure what distance we came away from the island. And as you can see, it is 576 and come away the same distance from this side. Once that's in place, G2 father glides one meter away from the kitchen island. Now we need the armistice Shalom because we need to access to the ceiling. So again, head to the outliner and locate your upstairs shell. And we're going to select all these guides and move that up, locking it to the blue axis. We now need a few MOOC eyes to create our recess. So go outward by 90 millimeters either side of the slide. Then do the same here. And we can delete the middle line after that's in place. And so the upstairs shell group and draw a rectangle from each intersection corners. Push that up by a 100 millimeters. Now we have our recess. We can delete the guides and impose our lights. So press on your keyboard. Go to the folder for this tutorial and import recessed sailing lines. We're going to grab this corner here and place it in this corner. Then next, grab this corner and make a copy all the way on the other edge before doing anything else. And the full slash T2 to create another copy in the middle. I'm actually going to move this one in 300 millimeters as it's too close to the edge, as well as S1. When she got them implies slab thermal. And move them from this corner to this corner. To make housing more realistic, we need to adjust the orientation of the spotlights. Otherwise, they're gonna look to uniform. Today this we need to enter the component and rotate this around. But before doing that, we need to make each of them unique. Otherwise they will all change together. So just quickly right-click on each one and make it unique. After that, so done, quickly enter each one and adjust the spotlight to the direction you want it to face. I'm just gonna use the Move tool and click on these red axis here. Finally, once you happy with the orientation of your spotlights, we just need to add in the actual live. So I'm going to start off by hiding the substantial again, so it's not in the way. And then head over to one of these lights. Now what might rewrite light to run perfectly perpendicular to this phase here. However, if we enter it and try and use the line tool in C, it's quite hard to get a perfect perpendicular line. It looks perpendicular from that point. If we clicked and then move around, you can see it's just not correct. So the best way to do this, we start off with your line two and draw a rectangle over here. Then we're going to select this face and pull it out. Once you have it, delete this bottom face through a temporary diagonal line here. And then select this line and this endpoint here and make a copy to the midpoint there. Once that's in place of triple click on it to select everything. Then while holding shift or controlling shift, unselect this middle line. So we can now delete this. And we have a reference line that is perfectly perpendicular to this face. So this hair is still a component, meaning can just enter one of them and apply our V ray light. You'll notice when I select this one, they're all selected. We're going to import an IES lie. So click on this middle option here. Then go to the General Folder IS slides. And locate the umbrella IES. So impulsive. And before placing it on this midpoint, we're gonna hold down shift. And we can track it along our reference line. And click once more. I can delete that reference line. And now it's been applied to all of our lights. So once all of that's done, that's unhide everything and run an interactive render. So the lights are quantifying. So I'm gonna open up the assets editor, head to the light tab and make some adjustments. The capitalize, I'm going to set to around 70. Then I'm gonna set the sink light around 25. Maybe myself, it's a thirsty. And then remember to adjust the IS slides. We need to pop open the right-hand panel, uncheck this box here. So from my experience with IS slides, I have to be fairly high, so I'm gonna sell it around 45 thousand. If that's still a bit largest, increase it. Once you're happy, you can stop your interactive render. So that concludes all the tutorials on creating our kitchen. And the next one will start designing our living area. 12. Living Area: Hello and welcome back to this tutorial. We're going to have a look at adding two more components into our living area. Like before, we're going to hide everything we don't need. So I'm going to turn off those to temporarily select everything. Unselect that high-dose. Let's turn those two backends. As we've just designed a cation, it seemed logical to import our dining set, Suppress INR keyboard, hedge the tutorial folder and select dining room table one. Now there's two options here, the original file and the proxy file. If you are using Viera, I suggest using a proxy file. If you aren't, you'll have to select the original file. Or if you wanted to see the geometry and texture, you'd have to select the original file. Just be wary there's gonna be a lot more polygons in the original, as well as the file size being much greater. So I'm going to import the proxy, place it here, rotate it 90 degrees, and just place it where you like. I'm going to place it around here. Next lesson, poor a few components for the living arrow. Start off with importing the TV. We're going to bring it in and we're going to rotate it. Now it looks fairly small, so I'm going to scale up by 1.5 times the size. Next, I want this dead center along this wall sang and start with a temporary line. Then using the Move tool and I select a midpoint, lucky to the green axis, and then click on the midpoint on the line. Slack the back edge location, the red axis, and put it flushed to this face. You can see there's a bit of Z fighting going on, so I'm just going to move it out slightly by one millimeter. Finally, bring it up to a comfortable height. Next, let's import the coffee table. Just like we did for the TV. Find the midpoint, located the green axis, and line up here. Now let's import our sofa. Again, there's the proxy file as well as the original. Rotate it and line up. So it's centered. After we've done all of that, we can delete our temporary line as is no longer required. Next, I want to add some curtains to our back door, as well as the front window. We're gonna take a few steps and convert them into proxies due to the high poly count of these curtains. So first step is to actually import the component. So we're just going to import the carton and place it around here. You'll be presented with this, which is just an incomplete version. And we need to finish off. Starts off with a guide that 650 millimeters from each edge. Then we're going to select our curtain component. Activate the Move tool, and click on this corner here locally to the red axis and line up to the intersection. Next, let's make sure this is flushed the wall socket to the green axis and click on the wall. And other left-hand side is in place. Or we need to do is line up the right-hand side. So we're going to enter this until we have these two selected. Actually the Move tool again, click on this corner, lock it to the red axis, and click on this intersection here. Then we're going to select this, find the midpoint, lock it to the red axes again, and click on this midpoint here. After that's in place. And to the pole group and pull up all the way to the other side. Final step to do is just move this to the other side as well. Now what we would normally do is convert this into a proxy, but we have to do it at the front. I'm also gonna set one side because we need it for upstairs. So copy one over here and also one over to this side. Now just remember these are components or any changes we make to one will affect the others. That means we need to make this one unique. And this one unique. So they act independent from this one here. Let's start off by rotating this. Then we're going to get and some guidelines 350 millimeters away from both edges. Line up the left-hand side. Make sure it's flush against the wall. And we just need to fix the right-hand side. Again, make sure this is in the middle of the window. Then we're going to select these two from this corner along the red axis to this intersection. Before we click, you will notice in the bottom right we're moving it by distance of 2.9 meters. If you just keep that in mind, we can quickly move this across 2.9 meters and push this into 0.9 meters. And that's this one down as well. Now that they are finalized, we can convert them into proxies. So we're going to select this one and click on our export proxy button in our v Write toolbar. You'll be presented with this pop-up which we previously looked at. And we're gonna save the file in the same location we have our main project saved. So I'm going to call this curtain underscore front window. Click save, collect, Expo, and that Viera get to work. Now that that's done all but ran to the other side and repeat the same process. So we're going to select it, click on our export proxy button, change a file path. And I'm going to call this curtain underscore living area. Click, Save, and then expo. Finally, let's add a couple more things to the wall. So how did the tutorial folder? I'm gonna start off by importing this picture set dining. Rotate it and place it in there, our dining table. Next at the front of the house. We're gonna import the round mirror SAP. Feel free to add as many decorative features as you want. It will just make your same look even more realistic. We're almost finished with the living area. The last thing to do is just the light. 13. Living Area Lighting: Hello and welcome to this tutorial where we're going to add lies into our main living area. Just before we do that, I've quickly noticed that this coffee table here is quite small. I'm just going to scale up to around 1.5 times its size. Let's first start with our dining table life. So I want to know what area this dining table currently takes up. To do this, I'm going to head over to the asset editor. Guides to the geometry tab. Select our dining table and change the preview type to a bounding box. After that's being changed over, activate your rectangle tool and die from codons corner. Group it. And then we're going to move up so it's flush with the ceiling. We can change the preview type back to proxy preview again. And now we know the exact area this dining table takes up. Next step is to impose our dining table line. So I'm gonna press on my cabled heads the fodder for this tutorial and import the dining table lie. And now this is currently way too large, so I'm going to scale it down by about half. Next I'm going to run a temporary diagonal line across here so we can easily find the midpoint. Then using the Move tool, I'm going to find the top face midpoint, select it and place it here. Once it's in place, rotate it 90 degrees, so it's the correct way round. And then we can delete this. Now we need to add our actual V ray lie. If you remember few tutorials back, we need to create a Guide to tell the light where to go. The same is going to apply here. So inside you're gonna see this little cylinder here. What we going to do is create a guide that is perfectly parallel to this shape here. So to start off with, we're going to turn on black edges. Then we are going to activate our line tool and hover over the back circle. Off the hover events slowly move image and you'll find the center. Click ones, turn off black edges, and then hover over the circle on this side, you'll eventually find the midpoint again. And what you're gonna do is now hold Shift. And the move your line all the way back to down here. If we zoom out and have a look, we can see that line is now perfectly parallel to this here. Now let's enter this component two times until we have deselected, as well as the holidays. Obey round to here. And we're gonna click on our v re spotlight. While holding shifts at the origin of your light here. Then you want to drag along our reference line. Click one small, set your cone angle, as well as your number angle. As you can see, it's been applied to all the other components. Next, we need this exact same spotlight on this side. If you look, the red axis position is perfectly parallel to this as well. So what we can do is move this along the red axis and price control. Then we're gonna right-click on it and flip along the blue axis. Select the origin, lock it to the red axes again. And just click on this face. Exit the component. Delete the guide. And now we have our spotlight n. Now let's move on to the lighting in the living room. I feel if we add another light when there will be too many different types going on in the trim. So instead, what we're gonna do is extend our kitchen lights to start off with heads the outliner, turn on the upstairs shell, as well as all of those six spotlights. Style for the guide from this edge that is 500 millimeters away. And to the upstairs shell. And push this face back to that guide. And the same here. Now my shoulder view is quite restricted, so I'm going to press set on my keyboard and increase it to about 75 degrees. Let's also turn off the staircase tag. So we have a bit more space to work with. So now I want the spotlights evenly spaced all along this inset here. And probably to do this, the quickest way is to delete these four and just start fresh with these two. So I'm gonna go to the assets editor. Delete D IS lie, and we'll put it back in later. Then I'm going to select these two and these two. And to lead them. Quickly measure the distance. We set this back in. It was 300 millimeters. So draw another guide, 300 millimeters away. Then we're going to select this slide. And this slide actually are moved to click on this corner point and make a copy along the green axis. Place on this intersection. And then before doing anything else and afford slash four on your keyboard. This will create three even copies in-between. We can delete the guy says they are no longer required. And then what we need to do is reposition the spotlights again as they are currently facing all in the same direction. Remember, we have to make each one unique before doing this. Don't forget to also give an instance name so we can track it down quickly. Now that we've named all of them go into each one and quickly repositioned all the spotlights. Once you're happy with all that, we need to add it back in the IS slide n to this, until we have this component is selected. I saw isolated and we need our guide again. So start with the line tool and trace this around. We're going to pull our bed, delete this face here, draw our temporary diagonal line. Copy this line, as we know, is running perfectly perpendicular to that face. To the midpoint of the diagonal line. Triple-click to select o. Unselect our reference line and press Delete. Then go to import the IS like locate the umbrella and holding Shift, Click on the star point here, drag it along and click once more at the end point. Once I said you can delete the guide and exit the component. Before we run our interactive render to check the lights, we need to import two more components. We can hide the top shall again. And we're going to add Plug sockets and light switches. So you plug SOC, it should be 450 millimeters from the bottom. And then our light switches should be around 1.2 meters from the bottom. On your keyboard. Import the double socket and place it here. It looks quite dark, but when it comes to render time down look perfectly fine. If you want to get better in the design area, you're going to need to change the textures. So there's no real place. These should just feel free to put them wherever you like and why you think they would look best. Then the light switches again, press on your keyboard and load them in. Again, there's no specific location. These needs go, just make sure it looks as realistic as possible. Now you can delete the guides and unhide everything. That's time. I'll status type icon and enter into our living area. Suddenly changed my field of VH around 65 degree, just to give me a better angle. Then I'm going to turn on my interactive render. Like before the IS slice needed an increase in intensity. Open up the asset editor. We're gonna change the name and also increase them to around 90 thousand. Okay, so that's much better. Let's head over to the dining area. Again, we need to increase the intensity so we can see more lie. I'm gonna try around 20 thousand. I'm going to turn on regional render as I don't need see the whole picture. So from looking at this image, the spotlight is giving off quite a bit of intensity close to lie, have a not much away. To fix it, I'm going to add an Omni light. So I'm gonna turn off regional render and stop the render temporarily. Then I'm going to click on only light and add one near the dining table. Move around so it's fairly central. And turn our interactive render back on. Let's increase the intensity of the Omni light. And as you can see, that's already providing a much bass is seen for us. We'll leave it at that for now and adjusted later when it comes to final render. Just before we finish up, let's name the lies in the assets editor. Okay, great. Now we can move on to the next room as the living area is pretty much complete. 14. Office: Hello and welcome back. In this one, we're going to design our office, like with the living area. We're just gonna import a few components to build the room. Hole component and head to the tutorial folder and start off by imposing the desk. I'm gonna place on this package here and just line up. So it's in the center of our room. Let's import the office chair. Then after we've done that, let's bring in the computer. And lastly for the table, let's import the desk accessories. Now let's bring in the bookshelf cabinets. In the center of the final things. Bring in seating and small table. Now that's all the components I want to bring in for the office. Anymore components or change them if you'd like. Last thing to do for the office. And we will get to this in the next tutorial. 15. Office Lights: Hello and welcome back to this tutorial. We're going to finish off the office by adding in some lights. Instead of having just a central line, I'm going to create an array of spotlights and we're going to cover, but the quickest way to do this. So start off by drawing a rectangle from this corner to this corner. And we're going to select that and move. Next. We need some guide so we know where to place the spotlight. So i'm going to offset this face by 500 millimeters that I'm going to activate my line to cut it in half here. And half again. Let's quickly select all ungroup hit. Next, import the spotlight from the tutorial folder. We're going to place one on each intersection. Now that they are all in place, we need to make cuts house in our temporary ceiling so we can see those spotlights. To start off with. I'm going to enter the group. We're gonna delete all of these lines is they are no longer needed. Then we're gonna right-click on this face and intersect faces with modal. After that's completed, let's isolate this group. And we're just gonna go in and delete this cycle and this face head to make our cuts down. Once we have, select all the lies, group them together, and quickly give them a name. Then we're going to move the group down. So this line here is flushed with the face. Now all that's left to do is copy. These are EBIT to our office. First of all, we need to transfer the cutouts. So to do this, start off by going to the outliner and turning on our upstairs shell. Then we select our temporary sailing. Accelerate the move tool, click in this corner, and make a copy. Make sure you've made a copy because we're gonna need this again in a bad. Place it on the corresponding homeowner here. We're gonna hit Control X amount keyboard to cough, and to the upstairs shell group. Cache-control B to paste in place unexploited. Now you can see all of the contacts have been transferred over. Next thing, slags are likes, I'm trade the Move tool, click on the same corner and drag it to that corresponding cola. Now what are the spotlights are being transferred over? We can delete this as is no longer required, and also hide the upstairs shell. Now for the spotlights, I want to apply some materials and also add in the slide. So let's start off with the materials. I'm going to enter the group and to the component. So all of them are selected. Then we're gonna open up the assets editor, locate our map black material. And we're just going to right-click and applies a selection. The mega into enter the component again until we have this phase selected, expand the left window. Go to a massive and input one of these LEDs. Again, right-click on it and apply selection. And that's the materials for the spotlight done. Next, we need to add in the actual IS slide. Previously we've created reference lines so we can tell the lightweight SCO. However, in this case they're going to be going directly downwards and the origin is already in the center. So we need to do is click on our slide. Head to the light pack. I'm going to import the v line. Let's open up and just click once at the origin as unhide everything. And we're going to run an interactive render to make sure it's all okay. My view is quite limited, so I'm gonna quickly increase stop before the intensity is way too line. So we're gonna go to the assets editor, the light section, like hightlight. Quickly rename it. We're gonna expand the right panel, check the intensity books and increase it. Once you're happy with all, you can stop your interactive render. And the final thing we need to do is copy over the plug sockets and light switches. Again lie in the living area, the plugs okay. It should be around 450 millimeters from the bottom and the light switches should be 1.2 meters from the bottom. This will make the scene as realistic as possible. So I'm just going to select these BIF. I'm in the office. Just place them wherever you think looks best. Once you've completed that, we are pretty much finished with downstairs area. In the next feature, we'll start working on upstairs. 16. Bedroom 1&2: Hello and welcome back. Now that we've finished unsteady, become work on upstairs. Getting with battery one, let's copy the constant cyber. Don't forget we need to make this unique so everything acts independent. And we're going to intro into guides, which are 675 millimeters away. Line up the left-hand side, the right-hand side. So I'm gonna keep entering until we have this selected. Along the red axis, two is centered. Slack by today's. Again, move along the red axis until we reach this intersection. If the constant along. And finally pushed the pole back. When you're happy with the constants, we're going to expose it to a proxy. Now let's bring in the other components. So we're going to head to the photo for this tutorial and import the bed. Again, there's a proxy or the original file. And the file size, I'm going to import the proxy. Make sure you have a centered flush against the sketch again. Now let's import the Wardrobe. And we're going to place it in the last couple of things to import, picture set. And then also the mirror. Now that this bedroom stone, compared to some of the things we put in battery mumble also be embedded and to start off by copying the better is-a. Then as the sizes are same, we can just copy over the calcium proxy. Remember to flip along the green axis so it's facing the right direction. We can also copy the water vapor. You can see three is to many. The middle one. After that some place had to the tutorial folder again. I'm gonna import picture set for bedroom to. Now all we have left today's two bedrooms is the lights. I mean, we'll get into that in the next tutorial. 17. Bedroom 1&2 Lighting: Hello and welcome back. Now that we've designed the first two bedrooms, we can start adding in the lights. So in the first program along the back, we're gonna have some spotlights. That means I'm going to come in with my tape measure tool and create some dots. So find the midpoint along this edge. Then go 1.6 meters on either side of that guide. And also come back to a 100 millimeters from this edge. Once that's in place, just press on your keyboard, like hey, the spotlight for bedroom one and place one on each intersection. Finally, select all of these lights and just make sure this top face here is flushed with your c length. You can delete the guides and then we can work on the main pendant light. To find the center of the room. I'm going to run to temporary diagonal lines. Then I on your keyboard again, main bedroom light one. So the top face means the intersection. Once you have that in place, triple click on one of the lines and just delete them all. Last thing to add is the light switches. I'm Plug sockets. So we're going to head to the office. Both of these actually are your Move Tool. And click on this edge here, lock it to the blue axis and press control to make a copy. Then we're gonna move up to this corresponding edge here. So it's at the perfect height. And just move across the red axis. So it's in line with that wall. As before, we just want to move these to wherever you think will work best. Next, let's import the light for bedroom T. So again, I know keyboard. We're going to start off with imposing the wall lights. There are big, big so I'm going to scale them down to about half the size. And I'm going to place these 700 millimeters away from the edge. Feel free to put in some guides. If E1. Then just like we did on bettering one, run to temporary diagonal lines to find the center. Import the main light for bedroom to place the center of the top face along the intersection. Triple click on one of the lines. Empress too late. Also at this point let's copy over the light switch. I'm Plug sockets for bedroom to. Once all of that is in place at the last thing to do is just adding the v right lines for both bedroom two lights, they already come preloaded with V ray lights. For bedroom one of the main pendant light already has an only light. However, there are no Ru slides attached to the spotlight hair. So I'm going to enter the component. We already have the sense ahead, which is the axis origin. We're gonna import IS slide Lifepack and import the umbrella one we need to do is just click on the origin. Very final things to turn on an interactive render to make sure it looks okay. So I'm going to turn on my roof, turn off my internal tools, and zoom into bedroom. My field of view is quite restricted. So I'm going to increase that to 65 degrees. And then click on my interaction ran the Boston fasting. I'm going to change in the assets editor is the sunlight as it is quite intense. Okay, now the main pendant light looks like. However, the two lights at the back are looking a bit. So I'm gonna zoom into one of them. I need to locate the lie in the editor. Let's quickly rename that so we can track it down easily later. Then we're going to increase the intensity. Once you are happy with that, that's bedroom to finished. So let's head over to bedroom one. Let's just quickly increase the sunlight intensity back to one. And then start changing the IRS and only lie in this ray. So the IS lights at the back look pretty good, but I'm still going to increase them a level bet. So again, locate them, rename them, and expand the right-hand panel. Check this box here. And that stuff with 50 thousand it to brighten suggests keep on adjusting accordingly until you have the settings you want. Now for the main pendant lie in bedroom one, we have a slight issue. There's a loss of light being emitted at the centre. So this part here have a not much is being spread out. To fix this, what we're going to do is temporarily stop our interactive render. We're going to toggle the reef off so we have a bit more space to work with. And we're going to enter this component. And I'm going to add in another only light. So click on only light and just put it roughly anywhere. Then we're gonna move up to about halfway up the room. And just make sure it's fairly central in that line. Once that so good, toggle the reef back on and run our interactive render again. Let's locate our only light. Quickly rename it and increases valley. You can see that it's already created a much more realistic environment in our, in. The final step I'm going to take is reduce the intensity of the original Omni light. So again, we're going to locate it. I'm just gonna decrease it to around maybe 500. After you're happy with all of your settings, you can stop the interactive render. And in the next tutorial, we can move on to the master bedroom. 18. Master Bedroom: Hello and welcome back to this tutorial. We're going to start designing the master bedroom. So the first thing we're going to do is sort out the curtains. Let's select this one here. Grab a copy of it, and place it near the backup by folding doors. Remember to make this component unique. So it can act independently from this one. We are going to take the exact same approach we have done previously. So start off with the guide from each edge is 750 millimeters away. Then we're going to line up one of the sides, grab this corner and make sure it's flush to the face. And then all we need to do is fix this middle part here and this N bar here. So keep entering the component until we have this selected. Find the center of it, lock it to the red axis, and find the midpoint. Then select both of these. Activate the Move tool again. Click on that corner, lock it to the red axes, click on this intersection. What you can also see in the bottom right, we've moved it by 350 millimeters. So I can just click there and quickly move everything else. Once I told him place delete the guides and we just need to make this into a proxy. So select it. Click on our Expo proxy button. We're going to get to the same father. And I'm going to call this monster curtain. One underscore proxy. Click Save, and then expo. Final calcium we need to add in is the one at the front of the master bedroom. So let's copy this over. And actually we don't need to make a copy anymore. Resistant last cartoon we're going to be putting in. Let's flip it around. And again line up one of the edges. We're going to start with two guards 150 millimeters away from each edge. So actually you move to luck is the red axis and click on this intersection. Look good to the green axis and make sure it's flush. Now just quickly fix the middle fixing point and the left-hand edge. Nala is all sides properly, we can delete the guides. Select it and expose it to a proxy. Now buy supplies are in place, we can start imposing some other components. So let's head over to this side, press on your keyboard, head to the tutorial folder and start by imposing the monster wardrobe. We're gonna need to rotate it by 90 degrees. And that's line this corner. I'll put this corner here. Now I also want to add a rug interdisciplinary. So press on your keyboard to impulse again. Import the ROC and place it anywhere around here. We need to rotate this around by 90 degrees. And I'm also going to create a guide for 750 millimeters away from this edge. Let's line up and also make sure it's flushed to discussing. We can delete the guy disaster longer required. And then let's copy over the bed from one of the rooms. Again, it needs to be centered along the rug. Suppress your Danner case until you have a midpoint. Rockets to the green axis. And then central along the rug. Grab the back edge, locates the red axis and click on discussing phase. I'm also going to quickly move the bed up so it's flush with the rock. And then we're going to import the bedside tables up to roughly that and then also make a copy on the other side. Next, let's add in the coffee table and chairs around to this side, press on your keyboard and the coffee Cybele. I'm also going to rotate this a little bit. The next chess. So I again encourage the folder and import proxy. And also one on this side here. Final decorative piece I wanted to put on the inside is the clock. So again, on your keyboard. And we're going to place it on this phase here. So let's place it rotated around and lock the side to the red axis so it's flush with this phase. I'm going to scale this up quite a bit to around 2.5 times the size. And then we're going to center along this row here. So a technique we've used previously is the temporary line. Then we're going to find the midpoint, lucky to the green axis and select the midpoint of this temporary live. Delete that line is no longer required, and then just move up and down until you see fit. Once the interior Stan, I want to add a couple of things on the outside. I only have two components to place outside. If you have any more, feel free to do so. And as you know, it will just make your saying look even more realistic. Let's start off with the tool plan and we're going to import the proxy again. Let's place one here. And then also one on this side. Then press on your keyboard again. And the final thing we're going to add in is a hanging. See, say select this top face here. Put it in this corner, and just move it to I U1. Okay, now this is almost finished. The last few things we need to add other lights, Plug sockets, and switches, which we will get to in the next tutorial. 19. Master Bedroom Lighting: Hello and welcome back to this tutorial where we going to start adding some fixtures for the master bedroom. Firstly, at the entrance of the master bedroom, we're going to add in a set spotlights. We're going to approaches the same way as we did for the office spotlights. So if you recall back to that tutorial, we started off with a rectangle from corner to corner where we wanted it. Then we grouped, then we need intersection points where the spotlights are gonna go. So enter that group and we're gonna offset this face by 600 millimeters. We're going to use the exact same spotlight from the office, slashes, handovers that and copy and paste it. Now we need to do a few things before putting this in place. First step is to delete the spotlight. Just before we do that, we want to make this unique. Otherwise it's going to affect all of their spotlights back in the office. And to the component and delete this IS live. Now we need to select it. Will be around to the bottom. I actuate the Move tool and click on the origin. Place a copy of the spotlight at each intersection or endpoint of the offset square. Next step to take is to enter the group. Delay all of these lines. Then we're gonna right-click on this face and intersect faces with model. Once that's done, isolated by pressing out I, and we're just going to quickly go in and clean up the cycles. Finally, let's quickly group these together, give it a name, and then drop them down. So this face here is flush with the ceiling. Okay. And like we have done previously, we need to transfer the temporary ceiling over to our existing ceiling to move over the cut-out holes. So we're going to select it, press Control X. Then we are going to toggle back on our roof. Enter the shell, press control V to paste in place and exploited. Let's clean up this endline here. Another has been transferred. We can exit that and turn that back off the stage. Let's also quickly add in the IS slide. So we're going to enter the group, then enter the component imports and slide. And we're going to use the umbrella lights again. So there's no need for a reference. We just need to click on the origin. And that is the master bedroom light entrance done. Okay, next, I want to add in some bedside lights. Slats, obey, and pan rounds are here. I know cable to import and select the bedside lights. We are going to select this top face and make sure it's locked to the blue axis and in line with our ceiling. And we're going to find the midpoint on their side, lucky to the green axis, and find the midpoint on our bedside table. On this side here, the same thing. So we're going to find this midpoint lucky to the red axis, and click on this midpoint. Finally, select this midpoint again. Make a copy along the green axis and line up to this midpoint here. Once we are at this stage, we can also add in the IS light. So we're going to keep on entering the component until we have this face selected head. In all other spotlights we have done, the axis position or origin has been at the center of our spotlight. However, this isn't the case here. So we've got to make sure this face is selected. Then we're going to use the Add center point exemption. I've added the IRBs and file in the tutorial folder, as we haven't previously gone over this extension. As you can guess, simply, all it would do is at the center point of any faces. And the great thing about this is, is just a guide. So if we press on keyboard shortcut, day to delete guides, it will get rid of all of them. So it's quickly add that back. Let's exit the component. Enter one small. And we're going to add the slide. And in this case, we are going to use the tight focused one. So let's open up and just click on our temporary center point. We can delete that guide now by pressing dy. And now we've completed the bedside lights. The satellite we're going to add is the main pendant lie above the bed. So I'm going to start off by activating my line tool, finding the midpoint of this rug, and drawing a line all the way over to the other side along the green axis. Let's select it. Using the Move tool. Move up along the blue axes, tell it's flush with our sailing. Along the middle here is where we're going to have our pendant life, however, is a bit too close to the bed. So I'm gonna move it over on the right axis, about 700 millimeters. Ok. And just like the other lights press i to import import the main light master bedroom. I'm going to rotate it around. So it's facing this side and find the center top face. Once you have that selected, just line up to the midpoint of that temporary line. And then we can delete the line. Okay, so the final line I want to add in is a track or radio light near our wardrobes. We're gonna start off with a temporary line again from this corner along the red axis to this corner here. Then we need to import the actual light. So select track like Monster. We're gonna rotate it around by 90 degrees. And we're going to find a midpoint on this right-hand face here. Once you have one, using our temporary line, which is find the midpoint and match the two up. Next, grab another point on this phase, lock it to the green axis, and click on this wardrobe door. Final thing to line up the right-hand side is to find a top grab point. Lock it to the blue axis and make sure it's in line with RC lake. Just like the cartoons, This is an incomplete version and we need to make some adjustments. First thing we're gonna do is enter the component. Then enter this group and select this face. We're going to pull up all the way across. So it's in-line with this door. Once you have the track length, correct. We need to add some more of these lights in and also change the orientation so they aren't facing the same way. Let's start off with two guides from each edge, 100 centimeters inwards. Then select the light. I'd say you're Move tool. And select a point on the right hand face, lock it to the red axis, and line up to the guide. Then select a point on the left-hand face. Make a copy pressing Control. And again line up to that guide. Once you have done before doing anything else and so forth slash sex to create some even copies in-between. Only these old facing the Wardrobe by one, some of them the other way round. So I'm gonna delete the guides and select every other one. Then we're going to right-click and flip along the green axes. One thing you'll notice now is that these uncentered inside our rail. So make sure you have all three selected. Activate your Move Tool and click anywhere along this line here. Lock it to the green axis. Find the corresponding line here. And just click once more. Then before we put the actual v rely in, let's add some textures. We can also quickly delete this temporary line as it is no longer needed. So we're gonna open up the assets editor. Such for our matte black texture. Make sure this is highlighted and just apply it to the selection. Then we're going to search for an LED. You wanna keep entering this component into. We have this face selected. Right-click on one of the LEDs and apply it to the selection. Now we need to add in the actual V ray lie. So ends the component and this component. And again, so when we selected they are all selected. I'm gonna be using the V ray rectangular light. However, what you're going to notice is when we try and draw it from corner to corner, is going to want to stick to the red, green, and blue axis. However, this is at an angle. So we're gonna need to take a slightly different approach. Activate the Tape Measure tool and measure the distance from here to here, which is 166 millimeters. And then here to here, which is 30 millimeters. Then anywhere along here, just draw a rectangle which is 166 by 30. Activate the V RY rectangular light to go from corner to corner on our temporary phase. Select the temporary phase and delete it. Now we are going to activate the Move tool. Click on this end point and drag it to the corresponding end. 0.8 should be in line with. Once you've got that in place, we just need to rotate it. So actuate you rotate tool. Click on the endpoint, set your zero-degree line, which will be along the blue axes. And then we're going to rotate it. So it's parallel to this line here. And it's going to highlight pink, signifying that. Once you go down place, move tool again and just move upwards to hear. Next is to run the interactive render. But before we do that and quickly gonna copy over some Plug sockets and light switches to I think will look best in this room. If we can toggle the roof, as well as the Sono doors and windows. As expected, the slice at the front on the bedroom away too low. So we're gonna open up the assets editor, gets the largest tab and we need to locate these higher slots. So once we found them, let's call this bedroom. Then we're gonna expand the right panel. Check this box, and I'm gonna set it to around 35 thousand. Still a bit too low. So I'm just gonna keep on increasing it until I'm happy. Once you are happy with that, let's go over to the bedside lights. We need to locate them again and increase the value. Next, let's move on to the main pendant light. So the center light came with the premade mesh lysate to 70. But I still think that's a bit too bright and it's not giving enough spread out. So what I'm gonna do is reduce that mesh light to around 30. And I'll say quickly rename it. Then like we did in bedroom one, I'm going to add an Omni light just below that. So I'm gonna stop the interactive render for now and quickly add in the Omni lie. One is that sameness toggle the reef back on and run our interactive rendering again. Just as before, the intensity is too little. So I'm gonna increase that. But just before that, I'm going to name it. I'm going to increase it to around 10 thousand. It's still a bit too low, so increase it again. And you wanna keep on increasing until the scene looks realistic. Another thing I'm also going to do is decrease the shadow as I feel is a bit too shop. So you want to make sure you're all Neal, I slept it. Expand the right window and I'm going to change it to around six. You can see the shadow is much, much softer now and a bit more realistic. Lastly, let's adjust the track lights. First thing to do is locate the lights, change the name, and then increase the intensity. So I'm gonna set these to around 8 thousand and see how that looks. Now we've completed the master bedroom lights, these figures on funnel yet, and we can always adjust them when it comes to a render for the scene. We've also now finished all the three bedrooms upstairs. In the next few tutorials, we will get onto designing the bathrooms. 20. Bathroom Shower Tray: Hello and welcome back. In this one we're going to start designing components for both bathrooms. So in this tutorial, we're going to source a CAD file online and modelling from there. One of my favorite places to get modern bar through my days is Lucy Stone. So let's head over to their website and starts off with looking at the first bathroom component, which is the shower. Trey. We have the six options here and you just want to click on any one which like, I'm going to select this bottom left one, which is a map Black Stone resin shower. Try say we wanted this exact model. We can draw it from scratch using photos, but it could get a bit challenging or simpler way is to use the CAD files provided. Most manufacturers provide CAD files, which is really great. You can just do a Google search for the company followed by CAD or beam or DWI files. So what does the cab file here? If you scroll down on the right-hand side, there's a drop-down for product downloads. When you expand that, you'll see a lot of files. We're specifically looking for a DW G file. She wants to select the size of the shower, Trey y1, and download that dw GIF file. I'm going to select the 1700 by 900. After it's been downloaded. We're gonna open a new window of SketchUp. Once you've got a SketchUp window open, we need to import that file staffed by deleting this press on your keyboard, had to your download folder and just select that file. You can close this popup box and the technical drawing is going to be imported into sketch up. First thing to do when importing any card file is to exploit the geometry. So all of the lines can settle into the SketchUp software. So we're going to select it, right-click and explode. One other thing I'm also going to do is make a copy of this on the left-hand side in case I make any mistakes. So once we have the backup and the left-hand side on this one, we can delete all of the unnecessary lines. So just go through and just delete all of this. Now the final and probably the most important thing you need to do before you start modelling is actually just the hub size of your model. I'm quickly going to head back to the website and open the technical drawing. And here you see some of the dimensions. So you can see our shower SRI has a length of 1700 millimeters. If we go back to sketch up and use our tape measure tool. You can see this is currently point to one meters or roughly 0.21 meters, which is just incorrect. Mostly just gonna quickly changes model into millimeters. So currently you can see this is 2.512 millimeters, which would just completely incorrect. We want it to be 1700 millimeters. If we check this dimension here, it should be 900, but you can see it's a 112.5. So as mentioned, we need to resize the whole model and we use this using the Tape Measure tool. Firstly, you, once you measure a distance that you not. So I'm going to click on this cool hair. Then I know that this distance should be 1700, and I'm going to click once more. Before doing anything else, I'm going to answer 1700. Press Enter. And it's gonna ask me if I want to resize the whole model. You're going to click yes. And if we zoom out and check the dimensions, again, it should all be kraft. So here should be 1700 and hair should be 900. And you can see that it's perfect. Now, at this stage, we're pretty much ready to convert this into a 3D model. I'm going to start off by deleting these four lines and Charlie, and deleting these two circles here. Those two cycles we just deleted are part of the drainage system which are not going to see you're going to add it in if you like. However, I'm just going for a good DESeq on the top surface. Let's begin with actuating our rectangle tool and drawing from corner to corner to create a face that we're going to temporarily cut this by pressing control x. Then we need to pull this up or down by the depth of the shower, Trey. So head over to this technical drawing at phi, your Tape Measure tool. And you can see it has a depth of 30 millimeters. So it's going to activate my push portal and drop it down by Farsi. Press control V to paste that square back into place. And we need to draw those lines back in. Our main, we're going to take a slightly different approach. If we select the corner, you can see two end points here and here. We're going to add a line tool. Go from 0.1 to the corner. I'm back from the corner to m 0.2. Let's go ahead and quickly do that on the other three corners. Now you're probably wondering why we didn't use a single line the same as in the technical drawing. And the reason is because when we dropped the strain down in a second, we make a similar design outcome in SketchUp UI. However, when it comes to render time and this is dropped down, the transition between all of these four panels will be a lot more seamless and realistic. In addition, if we only had a single line and drop the drain down, you'll probably see a loss of unnecessary lines created. So this is the best approach to take. Like I just mentioned a few times, we now need to drop this drain down. You're going to head over to this technical drawing, which is the side view again and check the depth which is 15 millimeters. So I'm gonna select it. I trade my move tool. Lock it to the blue axes and enter 15. If you look around, you can see we have a slight dip in our shower. Trey, last thing to work on the train. Like I previously mentioned, I'm not going to be making as detailed as this because you're not going to be able to see that part. If we look at the technical drawings, is not too much information about the drain and how it would look. So instead we're going to model that from the images online. Let's put it in split-screen view so we can see both. And we're going to start off with creating this gap here on the edge. So select the face of satellite by five millimeters. And we're just going to drop that down by ten. Next, let's do all of these small little drainage holes. So again, we're going to start by dropping this by Tamil. Then we're gonna create guides for where all the days how should be satisfied your tape measure tool, find the midpoint here and go outward three times by 14 millimeters. Do the same on this side. And also the same rotated 90 degrees. So you want to find the midpoint and 14 millimeters either side. Now that we have our grid and place, I activate the circle tool. And on each intersection, cross circle with a radius around 3.5 millimeters. It's just draw one and we're going to move it to all the other intersections. We can now delete the guides, push this face backup by ten millimeters, and zoom out. Simply like that. We now have our shower Trey created from a 2D CAD drawing. We don't need any technical drawings anymore. So let's go into lead that and select this all and move it to the origin. At this stage, we can also apply some materials. If we go back to the images online, we can get an idea of what it looks like. I think the closest texture to this is actually a leather material. Even though it isn't leather, it seems to look like it. Let's go back to our model and open up the asset editor. We entirely all of this as it's no longer needed. And expand the left panel. Go to materials, leather and we're gonna bring in leather. See 0-1 black. I'm going to rename that to shower Trey. Then we're gonna sludge everything in our modal. Right-click on it and apply to selection. We can also run a quick interactive renders and make sure it looks all okay. Great. So I'm very happy with that. We can stop the interactive render in close down the asset editor. And now we've created our component. Make sure to save it because we're going to be importing it later in our project. Say Save As, and just save it in the folder for this tutorial. In the next tutorial, we will be designing a nother component from CAD drawings. 21. Bathroom Vanity: Hello and welcome back. In this one we're going to build the vanity units for our bathrooms. Were gonna take the same approach as before and download the CAD files from LUCI stands website. So let's highlight is that you can select your own vanity If you want. However, I encourage you to stick with this one as it's the one I'll be using. Like we did previously, Guide to product download and download the DW G file. Also open the technical drawing in a new tab so we can reference it. Head back to sketch up. And we need to import that file. Click on Close. And I can see we have the technical drawing within SketchUp. If you remember from the previous tutorial, we took a few steps before we actually started mod step. The first step was to select all and exploded. That way all the geometry settles within SketchUp. We also made a copy on the left-hand side in case anything went wrong and we can quickly recall it. And the main thing we need to do is re-size the entire model. If I zoom in here and use my tape measure tool, they should be 1200 millimeters, but is currently 7.2 meters or 7200 millimeters. So we're gonna click from this corner if it's hair and to 1200. And click yes. Now if we zoom in and check that its dimensions again, it should be all good. This should be 1200 and there should be 400. Great, so now we can stop modelling. To start off with, we're going to walk on the upper part and use this fast technical drawing hair. So again, delete all the unnecessary geometry. Also, we're going to delete these two cycles as it's part of the drainage system. And if you remember in the last feature or we didn't bother As we weren't going to see the drain. So we integrate that and all of this. So begin with activating your Rectangle Tool and go from corners to the corners, Cray a face. And also if we select this phase, you'll notice these lines on part of this geometry. Sketchup has a tendency of doing this. Sometimes I'm, we'll fix it in a second. Fast. We need to push this down by the correct depth. So if we go to here, we can see this should be 150 millimeters and we can confirm that here. So we can just pull that down by 150. Then to merge these lines with this geometry. And the simplest way is to just draw rectangles over them again. And I can see the faces have been separated. Now we can focus on making the sink. So again, using our technical drawings, we can see the sink has a depth of 100 millimeters. So let's push this down by 100 millimeters. This as well. And this. Now next you can see within the same, there's a slight coming along here. Using our tape measure tool again, we can see that that is AC millimeters. So I'm going to start with a guide that is IC millimeters down. Activate my line tool and draw a point from this intersection all the way down here to the same on this side. So at this endpoint again, all the way to this intersection, then we're just going to pull up all the way across to these folks. Do the same here. And you can see we now have our slope N. At this point. We can delete these two lines, and these two are not necessary. And we can focus on the drain. Like in the last tutorial, I'm going to be using the pictures on the website to modelling as there isn't too much information on the technical drawings. So let's go ahead and put it in split view again and find the train image. You can see it's just simply a slight gap all the way around the drain. So to achieve the same luck, we're going to offset this face by round three millimeters. And we're going to drop that pod down by 15. Now if we zoom out, you can see we have the top part completed. Let's group O and move over to one side. Now onto the bottom part which contains the draws. Firstly, let's create the shell. So we can see from this side technical diagram. This has a depth of roughly 386 millimeters and the height of 170. So if we come in and draw that here, so 170 and three, 86. I expect your rectangle tool and going from this intersection to this end point. And then pull up all the way across. So it's flush with this face. If we check the length, L is actually five millimeters shorter than the top. That means we need to push n 2.5 millimeters either side. Again, just use your type measures. Confirm. And that's all good. Now let's check the distance that they should be offset to create the shell. So using this technical drawing, we can see this has a thickness of 9.5 millimeters. So I'm gonna offset this face by 9.5 millimeters, creates a guide from the back, which is 9.5 millimeters. And push this face to that guide. Let's see what we have to do next. So again, refer back to your technical drawing. And the next part I'm going to tackle is this middle column here. We're going to need to use some guys again to measure the distance, to find the midpoint. Currently this is measuring the midpoint of this line. Since the fix-up, I'm going to measure the midpoint of this line instead. And we can see that that is 588 millimeters. So let's quickly put that in, which should be halfway. Then if we refer back to this, we have to come out 60 millimeters either side. And also this has a thickness of 12 millimeters. So you 60 either side. And 12 millimeters again. Draw the rectangles in. Just push them back. We can delete the guises then no longer needed. And I'm quickly going to look at the online images to see if this part should be covered. I can't see it, so I'm just gonna leave it open. Then that's great politics. And we can get started on the draws beginning with the drawer fronts. If we have a look at our technical document, you can see it's just one single panel here. And if we look on the website, again, same thing, just one single panel width, some shadow gaps. So let's head back over to our model. Staff with the guide from this edge to the midpoint, come in again, 2.5 millimeters. And from the top down, 2.5 millimeters. Welcome just one draw at the moment and then copy over to the other side. So I'd fight your rectangle tool and go from this intersection to this corner. We're going to select the face and pull out so it's flush with this face. That is grouped the drawer firm and move out temporarily Now onto the actual draws. So using our technical drawing again, activate your tape measure tool. And we can see from this side we need to come in 32.5 millimeters. Then on this side we need to come in 19.5. So store guide 32.5 millimeters isn't. And 19.5. Now looking at the technical drawing, there's no indication of what the height of the drop should actually be. This is an isometric drawing, so we can't take any dimensions from it. We can only make some sensible guesses on what the height should be. Engage come up 20 millimeters and also a 100 millimeters. Now let's draw that rectangle in selected. Activate your Move Tool and click on this corner. We're gonna move it all the way to this corresponding corner. Cuts it by pressing control X, entering this group and pressing control V to paste that in place. So we are able to see from this technical drawing hair, all sides have a width of 12 millimeters. And then if we head over to the technical drawing online, we can see it has a width of 440 millimeters and a depth of 262. If we do 262 plus 12, that will give us 274. Meaning we need to push this face out by 274 millimeters. We can select these top three lines. And offset by 12 millimeters, creates a twelv millimeter guide from the bottom. And then finally, push this phase down to that guide. If we look on the technical drawing and had a width of 440 millimeters. So just to confirm, we can check this and there is perfect. Let's delete the guides and move it from this point to this corner. We need a copy of this draw on the left-hand side. So we're gonna make a copy, flip it along the red axis, and just line up the corners again. That's also select both of these jaws and curriculum together. So we can pull them out as one. To take this further, we can use frayed and corner to make this seem even more realistic. Just before we do that, I'm going to select it and make a copy just in case anything goes wrong. Once you have a copy, select the top face and move out. Make sure it's selected and click on the yellow icon. Say you offset between 12 millimeters. Sat the segments to around six to ten, and click on generate geometry. You can already see how much more realistic the top looks. If you want, go ahead and do the bottom shells and draws to make it match the top. Finally, that's our vanity done. You can see using Frederick corner has taken this to another level and look so much more realistic. Now we've completed all of that. Don't forget to make it a component. Then right-click on it and save it in this tutorial folder. Most are gonna save. The original file has been completed with DMS tutorial. In the next tutorial, we will get on to actually designing our bathrooms. 22. Bathrooms: Hello and welcome back. In this one, let's get to importing some components for our bathrooms. Will start with the main bathroom and then go on to the on sweet. So first thing to import is the shower. Trey recreated, suppress our annual keyboard. And we're going to head to Tutorial number 19 where we created our shower Trey, import that. Rotate it around and make sure it's centered along this wall. Here. We're gonna grab a point on this edge, lucky to the red axis and make sure it's flush. And then make sure that the top edge is flushed with the flow. We need to create an opening in our flow for the shower Trey. So we're gonna answer the upstairs shell group. Draw rectangle from corner to corner, and just delete it. Next, let's bring in the actual shower unit. Again I on your keyboard. We're going ahead to the tutorial folder, which is 21, and import shower unit main bathroom. Rotate around. Make sure desk package is in line with the wall. And also centered along the blue. Lastly, just put our height that is sensible. After that's done, the final thing for the shower is the screen. Go to this edge here and draw guide 30 millimeters away using the rectangle tool going from this corner to this corner, referencing this point. Less like the face and pull up. So it's flush with the ceiling. Group it altogether. And we're going to quickly apply a window material. To make the shower screen more realistic, we need to add some metal supports that will act as holding the glass. Using your tape measure tool created guide 100 millimeters from the top and also from both sides. X-ray the Rectangle Tool Type on control to make it a central rectangle. And draw a square which is 50 millimeters by 50 millimeters. Select it and pull up all the way to this face. Group it. And we're also going to use Frodo coordinator to make it more realistic. I'm going to attitude millimeter bevel to it. And then I'm going to apply a MATLAB texture. The shower units ready matte black. So I'm just going to apply that. Slept it. And make a copy to the other guide. Lastly, select everything containing the shower and group it together. Don't forget to give it a name so we can track it down. Next, we're going to bring in the valency we created. So our annual keyboard and locate that file. Make sure it's flush with this wall. And you can set the red axis directions are anyway you want, however, is implausibly set the correct height. So it should be around 90 centimeters from the bottom. Meaning we're gonna create a guide 900 millimeters up. Using my move tool. Grab a point at the top, lock it to the blue axis, and make sure it's in line with this guide. After we can import the tabs. You can place these roughly or add some guides if you wanted to be more accurate than last day for the sink at in the mirror. Let's then group all of that together and give it a name. Once that's done on the other side, we're going to import the bathtub. So we need to rotate it around and place it roughly opposite the valency. We can then import the radiator on this side. And I'm going to move the vanity little bit over so there's more space for. The final thing to import is the toilet. And we're gonna place it on this side of the wall to make the toilet position as realistic as possible. It should be 400 millimeters from the ground. So I'm gonna draw in that guide. Select this point, lock it to the blue axes, and just click on the line. Okay, so that's everything we need to import. The final thing I want to do is create some windows as we don't have any in the bathroom. So start with your tape measure tool again. Come in 150 from this side. And then 350 again. Do the same on the other side. So one fifty and three hundred fifty. Then from the bottom we're going to come up 300 millimeters and 2.4 meters. And so the upstairs shell in both rectangles and push them through. The windows are going to be created like every other windows in this house. So begin with the Rectangle tool. Fill the gap, offset it by 30 millimeters. And to lead this middle face, now select this face and we're going to pull it all the way so it fills the gap. Select All and group it, then add in the window. So rectangle again, push it back 30 millimeters, group it, and move it so it's in the center of that frame. Group both of them together. And let's apply some textures. So the frame texture is going to be the same. However, for the actual glass, we're going to use some frosted glass. Starts off with the frame. Then we're gonna open up the asset editor, expand the left-hand side and go to materials. Go to glass and find Glass frosted. Bring that into your model. And just using the bucket tool, apply that to there. Let's copy that over here and give both of them and name. Doj gets also assign them to the external doors and windows tag. Now that this bathroom is done, let's work on the Ansari and complete the final room in the house. Most components we can just copy from the bathroom recreated. Let's start off with copying over the buff. So I'm just going to select it and using my move tool, make a copy. I'm going to center it along this wall here and make sure it's far back enough. Next, the shower, I'm going to copy every part except the main shower unit. So press control a and to unselect this hold Shift or control and shift and unselected press control C to copy, exit the group. Head over to the on sweet and press control v. Let's group that together. Rotated around 90 degrees and line up. So it's in the center of this whole Don't forget the shower. Trey needs to be flushed with the flow. So grab this edge, lucky to the blue axes and pressing the floor. Then we need to answer the upstairs show draw rectangle from this corner all the way over to this corner and delete this. Once we've got that in place and to the group, pressure on your keyboard to import and import the rainfall shower on Suite is quite small, so I'm going to scale up by 2.5. Then we need to rotate it. Make sure it's in the center of our shower, Trey. And also ensure it's flush with the silane. Next copy over the toilet. Again, just use the Move tool so we can keep out the same height. And we're going to place it on this one. So the last thing we need to copy over and sought out is the vanity unit. We are going to begin with a guide which is 1.5 meters away. And then copy over our vanity. At this stage, delete the mirror for this vanity as we're not going to need a hair for adult effect in less on sweet. I want to add in one shelf along here and also one along here. Because we use Frodo corner is quite hard to find the exact corner here. So what we're gonna do is use some guides. Start off by activating the tool, locking into the blue axes and clicking on this top face. Then you'll notice as intersection here is exactly where there's faculty unit ends. So draw a rectangle away, which is going to be 100 by 1500. Select the face, pull out so it's flush with desk face cream. And then move it to this other side. Finally, for the shelves, were gonna select them both and apply a rounded corner to match the vanity. Next we're gonna create the mirror. So instead of having a standard rectangular mirror above the valence unit, we're going to set the whole wall as the mirror. It is really simple to do, however, because we've used frayed and corner is quite hard to see all of these intersection points where it meets the wall. We're going to use guides again to help us to activate your tape measure tool. Click on the bottom, located the blue axes and select this face. Then do the same here and click on this face. Come along from this side, logging into the green axis, and click on this face here. Now activate your rectangle to go from the top left corner down to this intersection. And then from this corner down to Des intersection. Let's delete the guides and erase this line to start off with select that face and pull out by one millimeter. Then we're going to select all and group it. And to that group, offset this face by 30 millimeters and pull the edge out by 20 millimeters. Lastly, sled to everything in the group by pressing control a, then holding Shift, unselect the main mirror part, group the frame together. And in this way is easier to apply materials to the frame is separate from the actual mirror. Talking about materials, let's quickly add them in. So I'm going to go over to my mirror in the main bathroom and using my eyedropper tool, select the main mirror. Then just apply it here. Then select the frame and apply it to the frame. After that's completed, let's add in the windows. Again, we're gonna take the same approach and use the same materials we did in the other bathroom. I'm going to have on this side of the ball, I'm going to come up from the bottom by 1.5 meters. Then 700 millimeters and 600 millimeters from each edge. Exactly how we've done multiple times before. Just quickly create a window. Now one other window I want to add is a frosted window looking into the master bedroom here. Again, start with your tape measure tool. Come up 2.4 meters. And we're gonna go across up into this point of the shower. Trey. Then answer the upstairs shell, activate your Rectangle Tool and go from that corner to this corner. Delete this face again so we can see the shower Trey, and just push this through. Like how we've previously done create a window in this gap here. Now one thing I've noticed as a result of making this window is that discussing is incorrect. You can see discussing overlaps the window now and we need to trim it out. Today is we're going to enter the scouting group. Draw line coming outwards from this intersection along the green axis. Then draw a line from this intersection outward up until this point and come all the way back. Then go all the way across here. So a face is created. Let's now isolate that group. Pull this face up, pull this face down, and pull this face back. As you can probably guess, we're going to be using solid tools to trim this out. So we're gonna need to make this a group to make sure this cuboid is selected. Click on the subtract solid tool and select your scouting. After that's done, just exit the group. And you can see we have now fixed that pop. Finally, I want to add in a few small features into our own sweet. So I'm gonna create a shelf above the bath tub here. Start with a guide coming down by 200 millimeters, then 300 millimeters again. And also 200 millimeters in from this side. And this side. And to the shell. Turn-off isolation and draw in that rectangle. Push it back by 200 millimeters. And that's our shelf. And it finally import the two plants which are in the folder for this tutorial. So I'm gonna impose upon one and place it on this counter here. It's a bit too big, so I'm just gonna quickly scale it down. And then also import plant two and place one either side of the bathtub. A gay announced both bathrooms designed. In the next one, we'll finish off by adding in spotlights. 23. Bathroom Lighting: Hello and welcome back to this tutorial where we going to finish off the bathroom by adding in the lines. Let's begin with the main bathroom. And here we're just gonna put in an array of spotlights, like we've done previously, drew a rectangle from coolers corner. Select o angry pen. Then answer that group and offset this face by around 450 millimeters. Now you want to decide how many one. So I'm going to cut this in half again using my line tool. Then I'm gonna select both of these lines, activate my move tool, make a copy over at this end, and then enter full slash three to create some even segments. So now let's compare it with one of the spotlight from the master bedroom. Paste it over here. And we have to delete the slide as we're going to use different ones in the bathroom. Before doing that, just make sure to make it unique. So none of the ones in the master bedroom get changed. Then n-side component and delete the I S. Now all the rounds at the bottom. Find the origin and place a spotlight on each intersection. After you have woman each intersection. And so the group delete all of these lines. Then right-click on the face and intersect the face with model. Now, isolate the grid and quickly clean up all of the circles. Now select all the spotlights, group them together and give them a name. Now I need to zoom into one of them and drop them down. Now the final thing to do is transfer the cut-out halls over to our upstairs shell. So we're going to select this face and press Control X to cut. Let's zoom into a ball and turn the roof back on. And so the upstairs show Control B to paste in place and just explained. We can exit the obsessional group and turn the roof backoff. Now from the own sweet, we're just gonna do the exact same thing for the rectangle. Select all and grew. And grew and offset the face by 450 millimeters. I'm going to cut it in half this way. Then this way. Again, just copy a spotlight from the master bedroom. Make it unique and delete the line. Just repeat the same steps we have previously taken to put these slides into place and then also transfer the cutout hose to the upstairs ceiling. Now we need to add in the actual zoom into one of them. Unload umbrella. Do the same on the main bathroom here. And then run an interactive rendering both bathrooms and change the light until you are happy. Once you're done with that, we have finished designing older rooms within our house. In the next tutorial, we will go on to designing the exterior. 24. Exterior Part 1: Hello and welcome back. Now that we've completed designing the interior of the house, Let's start designing the exterior. Before we begin, I'm going to hide everything but the two shelves, as there are currently a lot of entities within this model and it's getting a bit slide. So I'm going to press Control on my keyboard. Holding Shift, unselect the bottom shell and top shell, and then clip n. Now to start off with, let's put a wall on the left-hand side. So it looks a bit more realistic. We're going to activate our Tape Measure tool and draw 500 millimeters away. Then draw another guide 300 millimeters way, and activate your rectangle to go from this intersection over to here and pull it down so it's flush with the bottom of the house. Then set this face back by 1.5 meters to add a bit of depth. And we're going to orbit around to the back and pull this out by three meters next onto the patches steps. So we're going to activate our rectangle tool and reference. They scroll ahead, drag along the red axis until you reach this edge, and go all the way down to this corner. Now pull that face out by 1.5 meters to the right hand side and pull this face out to that will be created. We now need to fill this gap in here. The quickest way to do that is to activate your line tool and separate this face into to select it and pull it all the way back so it's flush. Once that's done, orbit rounds to the bottom and pull these face down by 300 millimeters. Activate your line tool and cutter entity from this midpoint to this end point and pull the Boltzmann face out by 500 millimeters. Or be around to the right. Again, we're going to split this face entity to activate your line to cut across F and pull this out so it's flush with the upstairs shell. Then we're gonna head around to the front. Then I've tried your rectangle tool and they're going from this corner over to this corner. Palo Alto is offset limit. And again by 1.5 meters arrays these two lines and this line here. Let's repeat that step again. It's going to pull it down by 300 millimeters, activates our line tool and cutter entity. Then pull out by 500 millimeters. Don't forget we have to do the front as well now. And then finally repeat that step once more. So then overrides the front of the house and we're going to fix these two parts here. So again, activate your line tool. I'm going to separate this face entity. And this face entity. Pull this out to its offset limit. And pull out all wagon to the front of the house. Again, select this face and pull out to the front of the office. Then we're going to select an OH, group it together and give it a name. Now let's get onto the terrain. So make sure you have your sandbox enabled in the Extension Manager as well as your toolbar on. Then I'm going to change the top view so I can apply my grid a bit more easily and zoom out. We're going to click on the second icon, which is from scratch. And we wanna make sure our grid is big enough to cover the house, as well as putting in surrounding landscapes. Also make sure your grid spacing is between 12 meters. So I'm gonna start my grit from around here, along here, and then down here. Okay, so we need to move this grid down by 300 millimeters. Not to create the train, we're going to use the smooth tool like we did in the sandbox tutorial. You may also remember from that tutorial, we changed the radius size throughout to create a more realistic scene. And also what we didn't go through is you want to make sure all calls of your house are underneath the terrain. And you can see why I said that in a bit. When it comes to cutting out the train, says quickly answer the train and uses move towards creates some uneven terrain. Once you are happy with your train, we're going to right click on it and select, softens me, the edges. Soften co planer. All lines. In this case they've already gone, so there's no need to do that. Then we'll find against cuts out the power by the terrain meets the house. You would have noticed when I was creating my terrain, I constantly was checking if all parts of the house was visible underneath. This is because in a second we're going to be using intersect with lines. And if nothing was touching here, then there'll be nothing to intersect with. For example, if this part here was below, there'd be nothing to intersect with. Slice. Enter the train, right-click and intersect faces with model. Then we're gonna isolate it by pressing out I and clean all of this up. We can isolate and then exit the group. Let's now go in and design the part where the driver needs to be. So we're going to draw a rectangle from this corner to this corner, slides and move it up. We're going to scale that all the way to this edge here. Then we're going to use the drape tool to put this rectangle onto our terrain. So make sure you selected, click on your crepe tool and then select your train. We can delete this nows is no longer required. And you'll notice when we enter the train is now separated, meaning we can easily apply a different texture. Now finally, let's work on the steps to the house. Satisfy your rectangle tool, and draw a rectangle that covers the width of the front door. We're gonna pull out by one meter around to the bottom and pull this face down so it's underneath the train. Well, this phase out by 300 millimeters. And we'll say this face here is then select OH, group it together. And we need to make another step down here. So I'm gonna make a copy along the green axes at 1200 millimeters away and also 100 millimeters down. Then we also need a bunch of further copies here. So to quickly do that, we're gonna select the second step. Activate the Move tool and click on this corner here. Press Control and click on this corresponding corner here. Before doing anything else. And 2-15 acts. Now that we have all the steps in place, we need to move the train and adjust it so we can see all the steps. Even though the surface is now been softened. We can still come in and use a smooth tool to make some adjustments. Now I know later when it comes to adding and textures, I want to add some gravel all around the stones leading up to the house. So we're going to use the drag tool again to separate a path away from the terrain. So I'm gonna come in with my tape measure tool and crazy guide at 500 millimeters away in this direction. Then the same on this side. And I trade my rectangle tool, go from this intersection all the way up along the blue axis. Scale it so is inline with this edge. And just like we used the tool before, we are going to transfer this rectangle over to the terrain. It's my choice selected, click on trade and then slept out terrain. Nike. See this part is separate from this part as well as this part. At the state as Jose quickly select each of these paving stones and give them a name. And finally, we also need cuts out the intersection where these paving stones meet the train. So the same way as before, we're going to enter the terrain group. Right-click on this face and intersect faces with modal. Less isolated. And quickly go ahead and delete all these rectangles. So this is the end of part one, looking at the exterior. In the next one, we'll look at adding smooth things to the actual house itself. 25. Exterior Part 2: Hello and welcome back to part two, where we will be predominantly focusing on adding external features to the upstairs shell. To start off with, I want to add a triangular style balcony to this door here. So let's begin with some guides again. And we are going to come out 100 millimeters from each edge. Then activate your line to go from this intersection all the way over to this intersection. Come out along the green axis by one meter. And finally back to the start point of that line. A face will be created and we're going to pull it down by 100 millimeters. Select o, x, y. You'll move to clicking on this endpoint hair. Make a copy down to this intersection. Finally, lead to the sides. On the left-hand side of this point here. Where with what we just created intersects the door, draw line along the green axes to this edge. Slack that face and pillow all the way up to the top. Lead this line and do the same thing on the right-hand side. To draw a line from this point all the way along the green axis to this edge. And then just pull up all the way to the top. Slideshow together, grip it and give it a name. At this stage, I'm quickly going to find the window frame material and apply it to that. Next thing I want to add is the willing cladding, which is the main feature of the upstairs shell. So let's begin with the front of the house. Begins to enter the upstairs Shell Group and open up the flow generator. Heads the word passing. And we're gonna just a few the settings. Make sure your width is sets of 50 millimeters. Your depth is changed 15 millimeters. And we've previously led to the settings that the only other thing we may need to adjust is the great rotation is currently set to 0 degrees, but I'm going to set it 90 degrees and see which direction the wooden paneling goes. So let's click on this face. And as you can see, is done the correct orientation. However, if we were to select this face, you can clearly see is going in the wrong direction. We're going to have to undo that. Change the rotation to 0 degrees, and then it should work fine. Just bear that in mind. You may have to do a little bit of trial and error with the good orientation to reach the correct orientation. So let us now go ahead and do that on majority of the upstairs shell. One thing I do want to mention is that this extension is imperfect all the time. If we enter this one, you can see that this part hasn't been done correctly. Or you need to do is just pull it all the way up to here and fix it. Now if you have this issue where the great isn't completed properly, is probably down to the grid origin. I'm not sure why it doesn't sometimes Welcome Center or corner. I'm guessing issues due to the flow generator algorithm. To the facts, I just undo it. Then change your grade orientation to corner and try again. Now that all the wooden paneling is m, that's designed the balcony gloss. Starting off with a triangular balcony, that's crazy guide from the edge of 20 millimeters away. Then using your line tool, trace all the way around. Like that face you just created and pull up by one meter. Group it together and also apply glass material. And we're going to cut this balcony window and to this group and paste in place. Now let's move on and do this balcony. Again. Start with the guard 20 millimeters away. And as we have wooden paneling on the sides, we need to add in some more guides. So we're just going to click located to the blue axis and click on this surface. Do the same on the other side. Just so we know how far these come out. So actually your rectangle to go from this intersection. All the weights at this corner. I'm bringing it up by one meter. Next, we need to make cuts all along this so it appears as glass panels like we did for the static case. So we're gonna go over to the left-hand side. Select Baseline, activate your Move Tool, and make a copy ten millimeters away. Now select both of them. I taught you move tool again and click on this endpoint. Make another copy, and go all the way over to the right-hand side here. And then before doing anything else, ends up forward slash to create some even segments. Let's quickly push all of these down and clean this up. Then creep pool of them individually. Group them together and give it a name. Don't forget to apply your glass material. And then let's go ahead to the front balcony and do the exact same thing. So begin with the guy 20 millimeters. Why? The guy down from here? The guy down from here as well. I try your rectangle tool and go from this intersection all the way over to this intersection. Bring it up by one meter. And then we need to create our even cuts. Again, select this line. Make a copy ten millimeters away. Select both of them. Activate your move tool and make a copy all the way to the other end from this endpoint and so forth. Slash five. And just push one of these pots down and clean up. Very last thing I want to add in is some exterior lights. Had to the tutorial folder. And start off with imposing the exterior wall line. Can either places anyway, you want to open them in the same place, ongoing. Lastly, I want to add in some grounds bought lies along this passage in. So again, we're going to select flush ground line and place it roughly here. Make a copy all the way over to this end. Then then forward slash to create some more copies in between. That's now unhide everything. And we have pretty much completed everything we need to for the house. And the next part we can start applying some more textures using v, right? 26. Interior and Exterior Walls: Hello and welcome back. Now that all the components room, we can starting painted the walls and adding textures outside. So the first thing I'm gonna do is again, hide everything I won't be using in this tutorial. So I'm gonna press Control on my keyboard. Mr. holding shift or controlling shift together. We're going to unselect the fund steps downstairs, shell, upstairs, shell. And Patty. Let's hide the rest. And now we can walk a lot more freely without any obstructions. Let's begin with the downstairs fluorine. So we're gonna open up the assets editor. We're going to expand the left panel. Going to materials with about halfway down is parallel flooring. See 0-1. Let's drag that over to our material section. And don't forget to adjust the texture size. Let's enter the downstairs shell. And using the bucket to just apply it. Currently, that's a bit small for my liking, Even though it says it should be 120 centimeters, but I'm going to increase it to two meters. Ok, that's much better. And I prefer lie that. Once we have this flowing selected, I also want to apply it upstairs. So let's go upstairs. Gonna turn off the roof and apply it to all the flows here. Next, let's apply some textures to the bottom floor, walls, sides, a warping and wallpaper. The omega instead bring in this bumpy 0-1 gray one-meter texture. So drag that in. Let's adjust the texture size and apply it to the wolves. What's happened is that the texture mode under the binding options is currently set to also or texture helper. The way SketchUp displays an image or a texture in particular is different Toward v arrival display. And if we rate doesn't tell sketch of watershed, it will appear is nothing. Or in this case is the texture helper. If we didn't have a texture, how far we can adjust the options such as the texture size. So let's go and quickly apply this texture to pretty much every single whew, except the exterior angles on the downstairs shell. Now that the interior walls of downtime is complete, we can work on the upstairs. Before we continue. I'm quickly going to separate this bathroom throwing off from the rest of the house as we're going to have a different texture on the floor. Slabs answer the upstairs shall group drew a line across her face. And just for now I'm going to apply the default material. As we are working on the bathrooms, let's quickly complete the textures in that we're actually going to apply our mobile material, the same one we used for the kitchen countertop. So I open up the assets editor, findall such for that material and apply it all over the bathroom. We can see that it's currently a bit too small, so I'm going to undo that. Then we're going to right-click on it and the assets editor and GPS. Let's rename this two bathrooms and increase the texture size. We have done this to the countertops downstairs, don't get affected. Let's apply all the way around our room. And also in the on sweet. Now for the rest of the walls in the hallway, we're going to apply the same warping, bumpy grave that we use downstairs. So that's fine now. And just apply it all over the whole way. For the master bedroom, I'm going to apply this architecture. So let's drag that in Chinese, the size and applied to all the walls in our master bedroom. Today's two bedrooms, we are going to create a custom color. So to do this, bring in any one of the paintings, such as this green color. I'm going to quickly rename it, adjusts the texture size, and then expand the right-hand panel. We are going to click on the texture slot and then adjust texture a here by clicking on the color. So I'm gonna select a light blue. Once you're happy with it, just close this down and applied to all walls in your room. Okay. And that's all the interior done. Next, we need to just complete the exterior. Firstly, the very bottom part consisting of what would be the foundation and Pacioli steps. We're going to apply a concrete texture. Size, however, is concrete. And I'm just going to bring in this simple, see 0-1 texture, drag it over, adjust the size, and apply it to those two parts. And actually I'm going to apply that texture everywhere on the exterior and powerful, whether wooden panels against including these signs on the upstate shell and also the balcony here. Let's now go do that. Okay, finally, we can move on to the wedding planning section. The ribosome. We're going to bring in wooden planks a 0-1. So just the texture size quickly. And then let's apply that to our cladding. Now what you notice is that the wood is going in the wrong direction. To fix this, we going to answer this poll would in cladding group. We're going to right-click. And if you don't have the option of texture to she's your bucket tool to apply to one of these again, then texture will appear and we're gonna click on position, right-click on it, and select 90 degrees. Now using your bucket tool again, I tried the eyedropper tool and this is the same material. It's got updated properties. So we're going to hit Control a to select everything in that group and apply one small Nian is like going in the right direction. You want to do that to all the groups that have the wooden cladding. You'll notice in some cases that some are going in the correct direction you want, or others in the wrong direction. We're just gonna use our eyedropper tool again to select the correct material. And just repeat that process now that we are going in the same direction. Once you've done all the cladding on the front, hide them, and just apply that same wooden plank material to these faces. We did that so you can see no white gaps in-between funnily that's completely cutting at the back of the house. Now just a few more small touch ups. So I'm going to select this concrete material again. The upstairs show and apply it to this face, this face, and this face. Then we also need to apply to the undecided upstairs shell. But you'll notice if I apply it to the whole thing, even the inside will change. So we have to do is undo that and trace around the outside of the house. Once you have successfully done that, this face here should be separate from this face. So then let's just apply that concrete. And that's all of the textures done inside and outside of the house. And a couple tutorials will work on landscaping the terrain. Then the next one will quickly going to add some v relies to our exterior lights. 27. Exterior Lighting: Hello and welcome back. In this one, we are quickly going to apply some very light to the exterior lights. Instead of unhide and everything, I'm just going to go to the outliner and turn on one exterior wall light and one exterior ground line. So let's locate them and just turn on one of h. We did this because as they have both components, we just need to add lights to one of them and the rest will change. For these word lights, I'm going to enter the component once. Then I'm going to enter this bottom component once more. And the adjustments we made to the bottom here will also affect the top. Select this face and use our center point extension to find the center. Then we're going to bring in the I S slide. I'm going to select cylinder narrow and there's no need for any reference lines. So just click on the guide to point. And as you can see, one is also being applied to the top. Now for the ground lines, do the exact same thing. So we're going to enter the component, then we need a reference on this point. So I'm going to activate my line tool, lucky to the blue axes and just go alphabet. Click on the slide. Select cylinder narrow. And before we click we have to hold Shift. So while holding shift, click and then drag it outputs along our reference line. We can delete the reference line is it's no longer needed. And we just need to run an interactive render. Press you to unhide everything. And at this point you can also see all the V ray lights have been added to each component even though they were hidden. Now let's open up the assets editor. Make sure all your settings are correct for an interactive render. Run it, and also open the lights tab. Just for now, I'm going to reduce the sunlight to 0.01. they'll just get all these settings will be adjusted during final render depending on the intensity of our NHGRI. I just want to make sure that the IES slides are looking OK. So starting with the wall light, we are going to locate it, rename it, and expand the right panel. Check this box, and just do a bit of trial and error until you achieve the intense T1. Finally, let's do the same thing for the ground lights. If these lies on showing, you may have to go to options and turn off shadows. I'm not sure why this is the case-based sometimes how V. Okay. And now that's all the exterior lights sauteed, ready for when it comes to render time. 28. Landscaping: Hello and welcome back. In this tutorial, we're going to start adding some textures and trees to ultra fast thing to do is hide everything but the terrain as that's all we need right now. Before we begin, let's select all the faces in the train and reverse them. So the white side is facing upwards. This way when we apply gross texture later on, it will be on the correct side. The first texture we are going to apply is a ground texture to our driveway. So as I open up the assets as ISA, expand the left window materials then to ground and we're going to bring in an asphalt texture. I'm going to select this Isar or to drag it over, adjusts the texture size and apply it to the dry fly. The next the gravel we are going to have around the steps to a house. So underground again, bring in one of these gravel textures. I'm going to select easier or one. Drag it in, adjust the texture size, and just apply it to this part here. Now after both of those are done, the next thing we need to do is add grass to our train. We have two main options we have previously looked at and they scatter and very fat will be looking at scatter soon for some trees, slats instead use verify again inside of how it will work. Using very fair to apply grass is so simple. All we need to do is convert this part into a very fat geometry and then apply a grass texture. As you can see, the V Raiffa option is currently grayed out. We can only convert it to a file if it's a group or component. So let's double-click on the terrain and group it together. Then click on V Raiffa. And you'll know when it's being converted because a dashed box will appear around our trade. Now we're going to open up the assets editor. On the ground again, select one of these graphs options. I'm going to use Grosse D So that spring Nivea, adjust the texture size and then apply it to our terrain. Lastly, for the Grosse, we need to make some adjustments to the actual file to access the sensing sketch of the geometry tap fun job. And I'm quickly going to rename it at this point. Then expand the right-hand window. Now I know from experience that all of these settings are pretty much perfect graphs. And the only thing that needs adjusting is the count, which is how many pieces of grassed areas. So I'm gonna change this from 0.6 to around three. If you would like at this point, just run an interactive render to make sure you're happy with all of the settings and adjust them accordingly. If you want. Now that the Grosse system, we can start adding in some trees. So there are a few different types of trees we can add in vastly. We're going to look at billboards. So we're going to enter our spring group again and make sure we have this selected. Then we're gonna open up the scatter library. And at the bottom we have an option of trees. So we're gonna click on it and you want to select billboards. Let's click Load. Now we need to select our host. So hovering over the grass bet, we're going to click one small and it will appear in our host bulks. Billboards are best for trees in the distance because when you're looking at a render, the quality naturally drops as you go out. And after, you know, eyes of focusing on what's close to you rather than in the distance. So that means we want the billboards only on the outskirts and not close to the house. To do this, we're going to scroll down in our scatter window to the clipping areas. Then we're gonna click on our paintbrush, uncheck this box excluded. We also need to increase the brush radius size. Then we want to do is just paint the areas where you don't want the trees. And in this case it will be close to the house. Once you have completed your painted area, just click on regenerate and you'll notice they have all now gone. If you feel you have taken too many trees away, we're gonna select Erase and just make this painted area bit smaller. Again, click regenerate. And that's that done. We can now close the scatter window down. Okay, so we have our low resolution trees in and all we need to do is add in the high resolution ones. I'll be using the lab work extension in order to do this. I previously went over this extension and another teacher. But essentially the way it works is by appearing in the SketchUp UI as a proxy. And then when it comes to render, it will appear as a high resolution, realistic 3D tree. They're allowed to trees and multiple variations in this extension. I would actually say it's a must if you're using SketchUp and rendering a lot. So I'm just going to bring a few of these in and place them close to the house. Remember the attribute editor, that is why you can make some changes. And you have multiple variants and sizes as well as in, I'm gonna keep it to summer but change some of the variants. Also, remember if you're making a copy of this, that these are components. When we change one. It's going to change. In order to fix our all you have to do is right-click on one of them and just make it unique. So at this point I'm going to select all my high-resolution trees and apply them to attack so I can easily turn them on and off when I don't need them. After you've put in all the trees, we can focus on adding some small things to try and make the scene a bit more realistic. Firstly, where the gravel is, I'm going to start by grouping it together. Then opening my scarcer library and adding this graph that's at the hosting. And it's a bit sparse and these areas. So I'm going to scroll down and decrease the X and Y spacing. Let's click on regenerate. And we can close that down. And lastly, I'm going to add in a few days he's using scatter again. So open up the live select daisies, proxies renderer only loaded in. And we just need to select our host. Click on Generate, and close that box down. Once you're happy with your terrain, press you to unhide everything. And now that's all the designing down for this house. And the next few tutorials we will look at render options and animation options. 29. Final Render: Hello and welcome back. Now that we've finished designing everything is times. Get our model ready for final render and create camera positions ready for the render. First thing to do is head to the assets editor. Go to the Settings tab and under render Output Toggle on say, frame. You'll see two ratio about either side in your design area. And this way you know exactly what your render output is going to be. After under render output, again, change your aspect ratio to whatever you'd like. It's currently set to 16 by nine. And I'm going to keep it like that of a greater effect. You want to change the aspect ratio depending on your scene. So maybe to buy one for a long exterior landscape, or maybe changes to portray, which is four by five for an interior part. This is just to create more variation and stand out a bit more. So let's temporarily minimize that. And then we need to set up our scenes. I already currently have seen one, which is how we see it here. You can move around if you like. And then just update the scene. Next, I'm gonna do a front on picture. If you remember an earlier tutorials we covered why we changed our camera to a 2 perspective view. So let's press our custom shortcut, which is control t. And that's going to straighten all of our lines and making the scene look a lot better. So you just want to constantly albeit pan and zoom around to the view U1, and then don't forget to press Control to you to put it in 2 perspective. Once you're happy with your new view, you can add another scene here. Right-click in the scenes tab and click on add. It's pretty simple to follow. Essentially, you just want to go where everyone and add a C. If you would like to see more of your model, just adjust the field of you to do this press Zaydan new keyboard for the Zoom tool. And then you'll notice in the bottom right we have our current field of view. It set to 60 degrees, which is quite wide. Remember, you want to keep this as realistic as possible. So I would recommend keeping the field of view between 3065 degrees. Now I'm just going to add a few scenes in the main room here, also in the dream and maybe some of the back of the house. Just now you don't have to change your camera view to 2 perspective on every single scene. Just wherever you feel looks best. Once you're happy with all your scenes, We have a few options we need to adjust. Let's open up the assets editor and head to the Settings tab. So I can get these rendered fairly quickly for you. I'm going to set the resolution to quad HD, which is 1440 p. Normally I suggest doing a minimum of 4K, which is 340 by 260, at where you can zoom into your picture without having any loss in quality. Next, you want to make sure the render settings are correct. So I'm gonna select my engine to be CPU, which we'll do majority of the work. Then you want to make sure interactive and progressive or both toggled off. And quality is set to a minimum of a high. Finally, you want to make sure you have the very noisy selected for a production render. Again, now we can do our render into different stages. First of which is called a batch render. So if we were to click on this icon next to the frame buffer in the toolbar. It will do the batch render. About founder will go through all the scenes you've created and it will render them one by one, moving to the next scene after that. So in this case, l go from C1 to C2 to C3, all the way up to seeing a. It's automatically going to do this and you don't have to touch anything. Mini can work on something else as the V racing is now stored and the geometry is paralyzed. This is an option if you wanted to set off a bunch of renders overnight. For example, if you do select this option, just remember to sets of file path for the images, otherwise it won't work. So in the assets editor under render output, click Save Image, and make sure you specify the file path. Normally I put them in a folder. I tend not to use batch render for one main reason, because I feel Each scene is different and I want to adjust the settings for each scene. So for example, if I go to Scene one, as you can see, the exterior is going to be on the show. So I want my grass to a pair. If I jump over to scene six. There's no grass in this model, so there's no need to have it on and it's just going to speed up the render time. I've also constantly mentioned throughout this course, we're going to run an interactive render before we set off our final render. So let's go to s2 and run an interactive render. Now all this Haskins we just adjusted in the assets editor needs to be transferred back. To tell non-interactive. Slack the Nvidia AID noisy and change our resolution back to 800 by 450. And if it's an interactive render just before production render, I tend to turn off my grass as it takes too long to load. Sometimes. If you want to turn off your grass in the asset editor under the geometry tab, just click on the little arrow icon and it will be grayed out. Or if you scatter lawn chair. And then do your rent lest just uncheck the ones you don't want. Don't forget. We also turned off our HGRI when designing to speed up the interactive render. But now we need that on. So we're gonna go to the lights have find our dusk HGRI, and toggle it on. Now we are ready for our interactive render. You can probably see for dusk, the sunlight intensity is a bit too high, so I'm gonna decrease that. So clearly you can see with the sunlight being at 0.1, it looks much better and more realistic. Now you know why we run our interactive render just before we run the production render. One other thing I occasionally change is the position of the HGRI. To do this, I lock the camera's current position by clicking on this padlock in the toolbar. Then I locate my DO light and I just rotate it around. Okay, now I'm happy with that. I can stop my interactive render at this point. Turn the Grosse backbone, and also adjust my settings once more full Final Render. Click on the button. Okay, now the render is finished as a few sessions we can adjust. In the bottom right of the frame buffer, there are a bunch of tools we can toggle on. So in the very bottom left click on the icon could correction controls. This panel will pop up on the right-hand side. Here you can adjust the photo properties such as exposure, saturation and adding lots. If you have any experience with Photoshop or photo editing, this will be very familiar to you. Once you make any changes. You can also save the settings by clicking on globals. So if you, it's gonna come save, there's two options. We can either save as a global correction file, which is V rise option, or we can save it as a lump file, which we can bring into fed policy software such as Photoshop. And similarly, you are able to load in a very global file if you have one previously saved. I recommend playing around with all of these options to see what they do if you haven't had any experience with them. Just any of these settings if you don't want to. And once you're happy, you just need to save the file. To do that, click on the little disk icon in the top of the frame buffer and save it to, and just save it to everyone giving a file name. Now that you've done your first scene, you can move on to the next. I repeat the same process. I'm going to jump to seen sakes and run an interactive render. So with the current settings, I'm happy with how it looks and I don't need to adjust anything else we do at this point is stopped. My interactive render. Change the setting so it's ready for production render. And then just click on my render button. In an example like this way, you're not going to see the graph, so there's no need to turn the V Rifai back home. Once the renderer is done, you can do your corrections again, then save it. We'll take into Photoshop and repeat the process until you have all of your renders. And eventually after completing this, you should end up with a selection of renderings like this. So now you know how to successfully perform render. In the next one, we'll look at how to create a walk-through animation. 30. Animation: Hello and welcome back. In this one we're going to have a look at creating a video walkthrough of our house using scenes and animations. In order to do this, we need to have a model or a copy of bound model where we have no scenes in it at all. Or at least help significantly if we have a model with no scenes. Best way to do this is just to make a copy of the current version we have. I'm going to close this version down. And we're going to navigate to wherever your file is saved and just make a copy. So let's copy this over a, rename it to animation at the end. Again. Now, open that file up. The first thing we want to do is get rid of all the current scenes in our model. So in the default tray expand Scenes. Make sure your first one selected and go all the way to the bottom. Holding Shift, Click on the last one, and then just click on the minus icon. Select Yes, and they will all go off. You have nice scenes in your model. We can get started with adding a new scenes for the animation. I'm also going to open up the camera toolbar. This is how we can adjust a few other options by maybe use it for adjusting the ISI and looking around. The first thing you want to add is just the position you want your animation to stop. So let's head over to there. I'm going to begin here just at the front of the house, and I'm going to increase my field of view. So click on Zed and enter the field of view you one. Next, the eye height. Now I like to keep my eye height the same so it's constant throughout. However, you can go to lower and higher points in your model for a more dramatic effect. I just feel the view is more involved in the animation. If is kept the same. To adjust the eye height, we want to click on the icon in the toolbar. Then you'll notice in the bottom right, a currently tells us what it is to change the eye height just simply undervalued. I keep mine at 1.4 meters as I think it gives the best coverage. Wash. You have the look round to enable all the icon enabled. You can do what it says. You can look around without adjusting the ISI anyway. So let's go to where we want our first seem to be, which is going to be here. And I'm just going to add a scene. Okay. Then move your camera to why you want it Next, Change the eye again and add another C. And that's all there pretty much is to hit. You just wanted to go through most pool locations where you want your camera to stop and have a viewpoint and then add a scene. So let's do 500ml downstairs. Now we have our downstate scenes created. I'm going to get back to the first one. To play our animation, we just have to right-click and the scenes toolbar and click on play animation. As you can see, it's really easy to create your animation. You just need to set a bunch of scenes. However, that awesome things we need to go over fastly. That's tool called going up the stairs. If you're doing a house animation, as you would probably guess, you want to solve one seen at the bottom of the staircase. So let's add the n. Once added in, move upstairs and creates another scene. One thing you want to bear in mind at this point is if you are keeping the same, you have to take into account the height of your ceiling downstairs. As I know, the height of the ground floor is three meters. I can just add on 1.4 meters to that, giving me 4.4 meters. If you didn't know, you can activate your tight measured. So draw guides on the bottom here, up 1.4 meters along the blue axes. Then click on this card again, lock it to the blue axis. And going all the way downstairs, you can see in the bottom right, it tells us the length is 4.4 meters. So let's go back up here to lead that guide and set our upstairs. See, I want my scenes, me looking down the hallway so I'm going to rotate my camera around. Let's add the eye height. Make sure it's looking where we want. And just add a scene in. At this point is worth talking about the main thing with SketchUp transitions. You want to consider how SketchUp is going to transition from scene to scene. So let's head to our scene back downstairs. And then imagine we're playing our animation and we're heading over to seeing six. If we look at the animation is totally incorrect and it is going outside of our house and coming back in, which is not how you would go up the stairs. You need to consider how to get to that next scene a bit more seamlessly. For me, I just simply consider how somebody walks and the main steps you would take to get to that stage. Because from the bottom of the statue don't magically jump and rotate to this position. So for the case of the status, we're going to have one seen at the bottom, which is our scene five. Then we're going to walk up and create another scene here. Now let's transition from Scene five to seven, and then 2x. As you can see, it's so much more natural. And actually how somebody would walk through the house. Once you have your scenes and you want to click them one after the other, and make sure the transition is smooth between all of them. If it's not make some small adjustments or adding some in-between puff scenes to make sure it flows smoothly. I mentioned in a second what I mean by adding him path scenes. So just quickly I'm going to transition from seeing one all the way down and make sure they're okay. As you can just see that between 12, the mirror on the left-hand side gets in the way. In order to fix this, I'm going to move scene one ever so slightly to the right. Let's add a few more going over to the master bedroom. Remember, we need to consider how somebody would actually get to this dough. So they would first walk along the corridor and then make a left-hand. So we need to have one scene of them just walking down the corridor. And then another scene of the left time transition into the room. At this point, I'm quickly going to check since 689 are transitioning smoothly. Again, that looks great. To enter a room. Scenes remembers which entities are tagged on Raph, Oh, hidden. This means we can have one seen exactly like this with the door closed. Then we can select the dough Haida and adding another scene at this position. Then let's move into the room and creates one more thing. And then if we scroll down and go from Scenes nine to 11, you can see how it works. So one scene has the door closed, the next the door open, and then the third entering into that room. With all we move on to some other animations are things I mentioned previously about inbetween PAF scenes. And I want to quickly go over that. Currently this is my scene 11 and say I want my next into b here. So I'm going to add the n. If we transition between 1112. You can see it's going through the bathroom to that same, which is not how I want it. So when I talk about inbetween scenes, I basically mean the exact same when we are talking about the STI case. It needs to think how that person would get to the next scene. So I want them to take this path going around this wall over here. So I'm gonna create one more scene here. And make sure the transition between 1113 psi k. And then have a look at the transition between 1312. You can see it's currently still going into the bathroom and we don't want that in this case is probably because s2 is too close to that bar through. So I'm going to bring our bet and update them. Let's have a look now. Again, still not perfect. Now was I'm going to try and do is move Cine 13 around is no guaranteed updating scenes that teamwork that you want to do a bit of trial and error until you get the animation you're looking for. As you just saw moving Cine 13 overs the left, ever-so-slightly has made the transition look fine. Now, once you have all of your scenes and let's look at some transition time settings. So I had ever to view animation. And then settings. Here you can change how long it takes to transition from scene to scene, which is currently set to two seconds, and then also the scene delay, which is how long it stays. Looking at my current scene, which in this case is 1 second. I'm going to leave. How is that? If you make any changes, just play your animation once move through to make sure you're happy with it. At this point, I'm going to close this box down. Had ever seen one and just play my animation through to make sure it's all okay. Once everything's okay, go to File Export and satellite animation. Before saving the file guides are options and adjust any of these settings if you like. I'm gonna keep it a ton ACP as I don't want any lower. And I'm going to keep it at 24 frames per second. So just click OK and save it. Why you like once it's finished exporting file location and pay the house animation. Finally, I want to talk about how we can use V Re to export an animation. This is a great way to power our render into a video, but it does take an awful long time. Essentially what we will do is render each frame and then store it into a folder. Then after you take those photos and put them into a video editor to create the video a bit like a time-lapse. This is exactly how videos are taken anyway. Multiple photos are taken every second and then stitched together to create a film to export an animation using v re, The first step is to head to the asset editor. Had ever to the Settings tab and expand animation. Make sure it's toggled on. And now we can look at some of the Sensex. Currently the time segment is set to entire animation. If we drop this down and change it to frame range, we can click on this to see how many frames there are and also select a certain range. I will talk about frame range in a second and how it's useful. But before that, I want to explain how long these animations can take. So here we have one hundred, one hundred and nine frames or pictures to render using V Ray. Now if we take an average of 20 minutes to run the one photo, that means it will take a total of 22,180 minutes or 369 hours, or over 15 consecutive days to render this whole animation, which is crazy long. So as you can see, is really not an option unless maybe you have a dedicated render server which is built to run 24-7 and pop out these renders every few minutes. And there are a few ways to speed this up. First of all, we could have less scenes that maybe we could decrease the transition time. And also we can reduce the quality significantly here and also decrease the resolution significantly. Now there is one more way you can speed this up even more. And I'm gonna explain how error mind it's still take an extremely long time to complete. Before I go into my quickly wanted to let you know if you are going to use the V Re to create an animation, make sure he creates a file path. Otherwise it won't work. Now on to the main way we can reduce the time. So v right, works on the basis of 1 second being 30 frames, or we could say 30 frames per second. That means it will render 30 images for just 1 second. If you remember, when we set our animation settings, we used a 1 second seen delay and a 2 second transition, meaning it will stay on the same scene for 1 second and then take two seconds to transition to the next scene. To simplify this a bit more, I'm gonna take a 3D scene example for the fast thing V rays going to render 30 frames. Then from scenes one to two is going to render 60 frames. One s2 is reached, is going to render another fancy frames. Then going from scenes two to three, it's going to render another 60 frames. Finally, when it reaches scene three, it will render another final 30 frames and complete. If you look at this logically for this example, at three periods when the scene is fixed, it's going to render the same image and there's no change to Atul. So what you can do is just render each scene ones and then make a copy of it 30 times to get up to that second. Or in the editing software, you can just tell that photo to last 30 seconds. Then the only thing you need to render is the 60 frame transition period between the scenes. You can even reduce your transition time to 1 second, which may look low fast, that half the frames, so half the render time. Hopefully that has all made sense. I've also created this spreadsheet to show you how it works. So it will show you the same number between which frames that scene as fixed. And also between which frames is transitioning from that scene to the next. With a spreadsheet, you can use the animation tab and you only want to select the transition ranges and render those. So for example, if I only needed to render between seen 3090, I can just come in here, type fatty here, and 90 there. Specify my file path and just click Render than o only render those 60 frames. This can come a time down by quite a bit. Because if we use the example of 20 minutes for render again, a 30 frame static render using V Re will be ten hours. But with this method, ten hours is cut down to 20 minutes. I've prepared a very low-quality animation render, which still took an awful long time. But here it is just so you guys can see what it looks like. Again. So that's everything you need to know on how to create an animation using SketchUp and also using v, right? 31. 360 Degree Image: Hello and welcome back to this tutorial. While we are going to have a look at how to create a 360-degree panoramic image and take it into third party software to view it. And also how we can put it into VR headsets. You want to open your original SketchUp file, not the animation file we were using in the previous tutorial. And we want to find points in our model that we can imagine standing still and looking all the way around. So I'm going to head over to the main living area. For this 360-degree image. I'm going to do it that sends her in our main living area. To find the center. We're going to run some temporary lines along the ceiling. I'm also going to increase my field of view quite a bit so I can see more of my model. Let's quickly do that. Well, I have the center of the room along the ceiling or I need on the flow. So I'm gonna activate my line tool and draw lines on this end point. Along the blue axis all the way to the flow. We can delete the other temporary lines on the top as they are no longer needed. And we just have this one main line here. After you have this point in the camera toolbar, we're gonna click on the third to last option, which allows us to set the camera in a specific location. So activate that toe and click on this endpoint hair. It's gonna take us directly there and also changed the tool for us to the look round tool. We need to now adjust the eye height. And again, I'm going to keep it to 1.4 meters, like how our animation we can look around. And this is basically what our 360-degree image is going to look like. If you want to go a bit higher with your eye height, feel free to do so. Or if you wanna go lower, gorilla velocity before going into the VA settings is best to add a scene. So we can quickly get back to this point if we have a need to. I'm going to also quickly rename it so it has a bit more relevance. Now let's head to the settings in the assets at ISA. We want to open this dropdown which has camera. Then you want to change the type from standard to VR spherical panorama. Underneath that, there's also an option to turn on stereo. If you're viewing this 360-degree images in a VR headset, you want to toggle this on. Although a standard non stereo photo will also work, it's better to render in stereo if using a VR headset for one main reason, we want to use this option will provide to slightly offset images by a belief around 65 millimeters. This is simply due to each eye requiring a photo that is just slightly off. For now, we'll just render a standard one because we'll be importing it into an online software. And not into a VR headset. Final and probably most important thing of setting up a panorama phasor is to ensure your render output is extremely high. So we're going to expand it. And I'm gonna change it to 4096 by choosing referring. Then you want to measure your quality is our minimum high. And for this, I'm actually going to increase it to very high so we can get a better image. Finally, make sure all of your settings are correct for production render, and click on your render button and let v right get to work. Once the renderer is finished, it will look like this in the frame buffer. Like with any photo, you can do some color corrections if you'd like to make it a bit more realistic as A's, I'm quite happy with it, so I'm not gonna make any changes of your happy with that, save that file somewhere on your computer. So we're gonna click on the little disk icon to a folder and save that. We can now upload that file to a few places to view. At one place I like unuseful all of my 360-degree images as Momento 360 or moment to 360. I'm not quite sure how it should be said. So let's head over to their side. Had a virtual browser and search for moment to 360. And click on the first link. Here you can sign up for a free account. Then you can upload your 360-degree image and it will automatically process FEA. Then you can look around your model. As I have a test account, I'm going to quickly log in. Once you are logged in, go to My Media, the top. Then we're going to click on Upload, an import that file. Let us upload and process. Now after it's been uploaded, click on it. And in the right-hand side of the image, click on the full screen icon. And we can just use our mouse to move around and view our image. You can also share this file with anyone you like. Let's close it. Exit full screen. And then you just need to click on this middle icon at the bottom of your image here. Click on the last option which is an embedded link. Create the link and just copy this and send it over to friends and family. Another great thing about this website, which some others don't have is you can use a Google Cardboard. You can just login through a webpage to moment 2-3 60 on your phone and select the Google Cardboard option. Then just place your phone into a Google Cardboard put on and you can look around. Other than moment to 360, there are also 360 panel apps available for you to view your image in. You can also put these images into pro VR headsets, such as the oculus range for an even more realistic experience, however, they do cost a bit of money. I would highly recommend guessing the Google Cardboard as its only around 15 pounds and a gray showpiece. Before we finish up with moment to 360, I want to show you how we can create multiple collections and also share those collections on another account. I have some more 360-degree images. So I'm going to head over to that account and show you how we can do it. All right, so if I click on my collections, you can see I have 0 of them. My media, there are all these 360-degree photos. Essentially, there are three iterations of designs here. We have iteration one with just one photo than iteration two has 2.1 to 2.3, and iteration three has 3.1 to 3.4. Let's now make three collections to put these iterations in t. So I'm going to head over to the collections tab again. Click on Create New, and call it iteration one. Now click on Create. And then add 360s. Now to select the photos you want to put in that collection. In my case, for iteration one that just came to B1502. So I'm going to select that. Then at the top on this tab, I'm going to select the third option and click at iteration one. Let's now go ahead and do the same thing for iteration t. So create new iteration to create, ADD three sixes and just select the one g1. So once they're all selected, click on the third option and click Add to iteration T. Finally, I'm going to quickly do the same thing for iteration three. So now I'm going to take one example which will be iteration three or collection three. So we're going to click on it. Then click on the second tab at the top, which is share, select, share or embedded link, create link. And then we have a link to share with anyone we like. If you open this link here, you're going to see exactly what others again to see. So let's open up and click on full screen. Then we can look around our 360 panorama image. You can also see the great thing about collections is that we can select the other phases we put in my collection at the Boston. The one final thing I want to go over is the difference between the panoramic option and the cube map option. If we go back to our SketchUp model, open up the assets editor again and under Settings, Guide to camera, then dropdown the type. You can see we have our standard, which is just a standard image we can rendering. We have the VR spherical panoramic option, which we've just used, and we also have this cube map option. I always tend to stick to this spherical map option as it's the standard mostly, however, some places require a cube Bob, so it's worth going over. Essentially acute map photo will look like this. It is all sides of a cube flattened down into 2D form. Then what the software's going to do is put a camera in the middle, or put yourself in the middle of that cube and wrap it all the way around you. However, the downside to this is that you can imagine inside a box there are sharp corners. So what the software is going to do to get rid of the sharp corners is lay a grid over the map. Then use an algorithm to walk these photos, telling them into a 360-degree smooth image. It's not so ideal to walk the photos because it distorts it and it just wouldn't be as good as the panoramic option. Okay, now we have covered everything we need to in this course. I hope it's been valuable to you. Always remember there's still lighter stuff to learn, especially with major updates coming out every year. I hoped you create more courses like this in the future, but that's all for this one. Thank you for watching and bye for now.