1. Introduction-Landscape Image Retouching in Adobe Photoshop: Do you feel that your landscape, it means it does not look that professional? Do you feel that your landscape images look very dull and boring? Do you want to give your amazes? Stunning you look? Do you want to give you a landscape images that professional look? Do want to take your landscape images to a whole new level. If answer to any of these questions is yes, then let me tell you the URL at the right place. In this course, I'll walk you through my step-by-step process of retouching the landscape images in Adobe Photoshop, you will see that this technique is amazingly simple and it gives the landscape impedances of a whole new life. And I'm sure after completion of this course, you will landscaped mazes would stand out from the crowd. And if you follow all these techniques, which I will show you in this course, your landscape images would never look the same. Again. They would never be dull and boring. They would look more professional with the rich colors, tone, and contrast. Let me give you one more reason to enroll in this course. At, with this course you'll get the premium exercise files which have been used in this course so that you can download those exercise files and can follow along so that you can accelerate your learning. And let me tell you one another benefit of joining this course. This course you will get to the experts support. So that means during or after the course, if you are stuck anywhere and if you have any questions or queries than I would be there to answer your questions, your queries, and any of your dog, though, I have explained each and every tank keeping the beginners in mind. So what you are reading, go ahead and enroll in this course, and I will see you inside this course.
2. Quick Introduction to the Camera Raw - Landscape Image Retouching in Adobe Photoshop: Welcome to this lecture. In this lecture, we'll learn how we process this landscape image in Adobe Photoshop. And in this lecture, I'm going to use the different techniques onto the other. Alright? So first of all, I have opened this image in Adobe Photoshop. And as you already know that, I always aim for the non-destructive editing. If you are not aware what is non-destructive editing, then let me tell you that non-destructive editing is editing in such a way that your original file remains as it is. All right, so wherever in future, if you want to come back or somehow you ruin your amaze, then you can get your original back and you can start a fresh. Alright? So in order to do the non-destructive editing, we need to create multiple duplicate copies of the original image. So we have each step available for us or with us. All right, So first of all, we'll create a duplicate copy of this layer by pressing Control or Command J if you are using Mac. Okay, and once we have the added this duplicate copy, right-click and select Convert to Smart Object. It's very important online. And if you are using the Adobe CC or the later version than you might be having this filter of camera roll, which is available within the filter itself over here, alright? And if you are not using the Adobe CC version or you have the previous version than what you can do. You can open the British software and then you can right-click the image. And you can select the Open with, open with or Open in Camera Roll. And that way, that would be opened in Adobe Camera Raw. Alright, so I am, but I am using Adobe CC 2017. So I have this filter available right here on my filter panel. So I'll go with the camera raw filter and you can access that by the shortcut keyboard command, that is Shift Control a or right, or you can simply press this one. Okay? And it is going to launch this camera raw filter interface. And if you are not aware of, let me just quickly tell you what it and how it works. This is just the simple introduction. And if you want to learn the Adobe Camera Raw in depth, then do check out my other goals, which is called the master Adobe Camera Raw for professional retouching. Alright, that is the in-depth tutorial in Depth course. And it has each and everything you need to know or retouching the raw files in Adobe Camera or even the JPEG file in the Adobe Camera Raw, right? Where I have explained each and every tool in details. But here I'll quickly tell you that these are the tools which we have like Doom hand and all other options. And here we have the main preview of the image. And over here we have all the adjustment. So here we have the basic adjustment, then it goes, then details. And then I just sell Grayscale panel and split toning. Lens correction effects. This is camera calibration and these are the presets. All right, so I'm not going to go into that. So I'll show you what I use for editing the image. Alright, so first of all.
3. How to do Basic Editing in Photoshop camera raw - Landscape Image Retouching in Adobe Photoshop: So first of all, as you can see over here, we have the option of temperature or tent. And from this drop-down menu, we can select whether auto or customer, right? Had Vivre been working on the raw image, we would have the other options agile in the white balance, like the cloudy and cold, cool and floors and et cetera, right? But since it is our JPEG image, and this image is not mine, this image is I downloaded from the So that is totally freely available. So you can use that those images from the pixabay on any project be personal or commercial. So if you want to use certain other images, then do check out that website that is totally three. Alright? So as you can see here, we have only the auto balance, so I'll go for auto if I want to. All right. And you can see the moment I have made it, although it has slightly added the cooler tones in the image. You are watching this and pull Azure AD, then you might be able to see the difference. All right, so I'll go for the auto, and then over here again we have the auto option. So I'll go for the auto option and in most cases it will forfeit. But sometimes if it is the bag, you manage it but it's not perfect. All right, so we have to do a little bit modification as our taste. Okay? So as you can see, it has made the exposure way too much. Plus 85 and I don't want that much all exploit. So I'll bring it down. Maybe something like this for even, and from here, I'll increase the contrast because I want more details in my image. And from here, I can adjust the highlights. So moment I bring it down, you can see over here in the sky, it has taken away the highlights and it has brought out lots of details in the sky, but that doesn't look good. All right, so I'll keep it something like this because we already have lots of clouds in the sky and I can clearly see them, okay, and over here on the shadows, I can increase the shadows. So I'll have lots of details or dynamic range in the shadow area. But I'm not going to do that because auto option has already done that. Okay? Because if I go into the default version, which is the General, you can see it is a lot darker over here. But if I just double-click it or increase it, maybe something like this, then it's fine. Or am I don't want it to be more lighter because my main focus should be on this person or on this area of the image. And with the white, I can increase the white. If I want to add increase the black. Let's say this one.
4. How to increase Clarity in Photoshop camera raw- Landscape Image Retouching in Adobe Photoshop: I think this much is good. And from here, I can increase the clarity. So I can increase the clarity and the moment I increase the clarity, you start to see lots of detail in the image, okay? So let me draw it in 100%. So this is 100% and this is without adding clarity and this is after I increase the clarity. So make sure you don't go way too much around here. That goes that would look ugly. Okay. So I don't want my amazed. So I'll just go for maybe around 17 or let's say 24 or 20 to login. To need two is fine. And there is no set formula. You can use it as your own liking. And it differs from the image to image.
5. How to Increase Vibrance and saturation in photoshop- Landscape Image Retouching in Adobe Photoshop: And over here we have the option of vibrance. So I can increase the vibrance. What do I run? It basically increase the saturation in the cooler on, of the image again. So if I increase it, you can see it has started giving glory. So for a rich tones to this blue color, okay, or the cool don wherever it is available like in this sky or on the clouds are like and saturation. It actually boost the saturation of the Ramadan basically. So I'll increase it a little bit as well. And as you can see, the moment that we have done this started, this amaze, started looking way more better. So if want to see the preview before and after, just press P on your keyboard and it will show you the before version. And if you again, breadth of B on your keyboard, it will show you the after you have made all these adjustment and there is a lot of difference, okay? As you can see, it has added the light to the image. All right, then.
6. How to Selectively sharpen in Photoshop- Landscape Image Retouching in Adobe Photoshop: All right, Stan, next come to the details option over here. And in the details, again we have the sharpening option, but here we have a lot more control. So we can control whether we want the sharpening to be applied on the entire image or only on the right. But in this case, here, we have the clarity options, but that clarity is applied to each and everything. Here. We don't have all the control options, so we can not control where the sharpening is applied. So I'll go for the clarity sharpening option. And here I'll make it 100 thousand and I increase the amount. Okay, let's say something like this. And at the moment the sharpening is applied to the entire image. But I don't want that. I want it to be limited on lean on the as is. So here we have the option of masking. So all you need to do, press Alt or Option if you're using Mac and click and drag this masking slider. And the more you'll drag it, it will start to limit the area where the sharpening would be applied. And as you can see, wherever there is a white color, the sharpening would be applied. And wherever there is a black color, sharpening would not be applied. And by now, as you can see, it has restricted it to the only as is. Okay. So 95 percent is fine and live it. And now you can see the difference before and after, okay.
7. How to reduce noise and lens correction in photoshop- Landscape Image Retouching in Adobe Photoshop: And here we have the option to reduce the noise. Alright, so I increase the luminance little bit and illuminance, contrast and color noise. If there is any available that would be taken away from the image. And you can see this was before. We were having lots of grains hour here. Okay? And if I increase it, it makes the image a little smoother. And it takes away all those unnecessary grains or noise from the image. And then let's come to the split toning. We don't need lens correction here. We don't have any other option to Lens Correction. Since lens correction was useful for the image which has, which is in raw format. So if we are using the row format, we have lot more other options, okay? But this tool in Adobe Camera Raw, which is, I think this one is a ninth version, nine something. I'll give it a nine version. So they have moved to this over here in the transform tool, okay? And here we have the option to auto correct the image, but since this does not have any problem of that thing, so we don't need to use it. Okay, So again, press Zoom and let's see, I'll come to ethics and the effects panel. I'll add little bit of vignette. So let's try. So if I drag this to the black side, it is going to add little bit of vignette effect. Vineyard is basically the dock as is around the image. Alright? So as you can see, if I add a little bit lenient, it start to bring the focus to the main area. And main subject is this mountain and this person over here. And I'm.
8. How to Enhance sky using graduated filter tool in photoshop: And now let's use the gradient tool. And this is the graduated filter or gradient filter as somewhat similar. And so we'll select this one and we have all other bunch of options over here off the graduated filter, okay? And this is basically is used to enhance the sky or it can be used for creating the vignette effect, okay, gives you a lot more control. But here we will use it to enhance the sky little bit further. So we want it to be a little bit more blue. Okay, so I'll click and drag it down. And I drag it up to here, all right, and here we have the options so I can control its temperature. So I'll make it cooler like this. Or if you want, you can make it warmer as well. That doesn't look good. So I'll make it cooler little bit, something like this. Okay. And I can even antecedent, but I don't want to do the tint, okay. And I can adjust the exposure so I'll make it lighter. I don't want to make it dark because if I make it dark, you can see the clouds are not looking good. So I'll go for, let's say, okay, let it be on default geo version. And I can increase the contrast if I want. Let's say little bit. Okay, they didn't do it is fine. And I can add little bit of highlights if I want to. Or let's leave it to GTO and shadows, I can increase or open up the shadows a little bit. Okay. And let's that was like to leave the clarity to its default position. And now we'll lower down clarity little bit. Okay? And let's increase the saturation. It has already increase the saturation. So maybe something like this. Okay. And leave everything as it is. And let's make temperature even little blue. More blue. Sky looks more richer this way. Okay? And you can see the difference by pressing P on your keyboard. So this was before and the after. Okay, and once you're happy, just press Okay. And it would apply the, all the adjustments we have just did in the Adobe Camera Raw to our image. And you can see the difference by turning this icon on and off before and the after.
9. How to use Gradient tool and create custom vignette effect: Okay, and now let's add little bit more vignette effect because main focus is at the moment going over here. I don't want the focus to be here. I want the focus to be overhead. So we'll create a custom vignette effect. So I'll create a new blank layer from here. And I'll take the graduated filter from here. And I'd select this gradient editor over here. And on this gradient editor, I will choose black to transparent gradient. Okay? So on this side it has the black color. On this side it is totally transparent. Okay? This is a default one and you will find it somewhere in the gradient. Resets at gradients, Presets. But if you don't find it, no problem, take any of the gradient which has two colors, okay? My care, and in this gradient, we have the two options. One is over here, which controls the color, and here it control C opacity. Okay, so first of all, I'll select this one and I'll change the color by just clicking on this. I'll change it to the black color and press. Okay. And over here, this is color. I can control curve, but I don't want to control the color. So I'll select the upper part which controls the opacity. So I'll make it 0%. And moment I make a junior person. You now you can see it has now black to transparent. And if you want to save this preset disk, press New. And that would be available over here for your next use and press, Okay, and now we have selected and make sure that you select this linear gradient from here, okay? And make sure the opacity is to Andy percent. We don't want it to be a 100 percent. We want it to be 20 percent. All right. Click and drag it towards this. And click here and drag it again, and drag it again. We don't want it to be too dark. We want it to be dark and we want this area to be lighter. Okay? And now what we can do, we have applied this gradient and you can see the difference now. The light has been taken away from this area. Okay. So now it's some kind of a, sort of mixed with the other area and we want to make this a lightened. All right, so how we can do that?
10. How to Brighten selective area in photoshop- Landscape Image Retouching in Adobe Photoshop: We'll use the curves adjustment for this purpose. So I'll create a new curve. And I drag this up. Maybe something like this. Don't bother about the entire maze because it's ruining the database or it's affecting the inanimate. But we'll restrict it to the, this area only. And how we can do that, as you can see here, it has the layer mask on it. And at the moment this is a white layer mask, that means it is affecting the entire year. So if I press control or command I, if you are using Mac, then it creates a black mass or it inverts that color. All right? And now it is not affecting any of the area. Alright? So we'll take the brush tool from here and make sure you choose this brush which is soft edge brush with o hardness. And make sure the opacity is 10 percent. We don't want the opacity to be 100%, okay? We want to slightly built up the effect, okay? So I can increase the size of the brush from here. I'm sorry, from from here. Size, okay. Or I can press the left bracket or right bracket to increase the size. So I'll make it something like this. And start, make sure you select the white color. Otherwise it will not affect anything or it will not show up anything. So make sure you have the white color, okay? And now make sure you select the mask and start painting on this area slightly. Okay? And over here as well. And moment we are doing here, you can see now this area is becoming lighter and lighter. Okay? And if you want, you can paint on this area as well. Okay. And you can see the difference by turning it on and it was dark and now it is light. Okay? And if you want, you can pay indent even more. And if you want to make changes, There's double-click it and increase it even further, okay? So you can increase it something like this if you want to. Okay. And now editing is finished. Let me show you full screen how it looks. This is the full screen and this was our beginning image. Okay? This is after we have applied the editing. So thank you so much. I hope you like this tutorial. And I, you have learned a lot from this tutorial and please do apply whatever you are learning from here. Because if you are not applying or you feel not practice, you will not learn anything. So thank you so much. Bye bye.