Learn Photoshop from an Expert Designer - Class 2 of 3 | Lindsay Marsh | Skillshare

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Learn Photoshop from an Expert Designer - Class 2 of 3

teacher avatar Lindsay Marsh, Over 500,000 Design Students & Counting!

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Taught by industry leaders & working professionals
Topics include illustration, design, photography, and more

Watch this class and thousands more

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Taught by industry leaders & working professionals
Topics include illustration, design, photography, and more

Lessons in This Class

    • 1.

      Class Preview


    • 2.

      Learning Drop Shadow


    • 3.

      Basic Photoshop Editing


    • 4.

      Fun with Photoshop Brushes!


    • 5.

      Using the Clone Tool


    • 6.

      The Liquify Tool


    • 7.

      Using the Eye Drop Tool to Sample Colors


    • 8.

      Mastering the Dodge and Burn Tools to add shadows and highlights


    • 9.

      Using Photoshop Filters!


    • 10.

      Ready for Part 3? The Final in This Series


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About This Class

Welcome to Class 2 of 3 of the Learn Photoshop from An Expert Designer. If you are looking for class one or three in the series see link below

Class 1

Class 2

Class 3

With over 3 hours of video content, join me, Lindsay Marsh, for a photoshop class that will take you from no experience to expert level. I have over 12+ years of professional full time experience in Adobe Photoshop and cannot wait to teach you this powerful tool. 

I created a class that moves at your pace. I created high quality video screen capture videos for all of my lessons so you can feel like your sitting right next to me, one on one. 

We will learn everything from the tool bar to the layering system, the pen tool, creating shapes, working with type and then we dive into working with photos, manipulation, filters and effects. 

This is class two of three in this Learn Photoshop from an Expert Designer series. I decided to break my class up into bite size classes so it did not feel overwhelming. I will be positing links to part 3 by the end of September 2017 and will post those links right here below and also send an annoucnment to current students.

Look forward to learning together! 

Meet Your Teacher

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Lindsay Marsh

Over 500,000 Design Students & Counting!


I have had many self-made titles over the years: Brand Manager, Digital Architect, Interactive Designer, Graphic Designer, Web Developer and Social Media Expert, to name a few. My name is Lindsay Marsh and I have been creating brand experiences for my clients for over 12 years. I have worked on a wide variety of projects both digital and print. During those 12 years, I have been a full-time freelancer who made many mistakes along the way, but also realized that there is nothing in the world like being your own boss.

I have had the wonderful opportunity to be able to take classes at some of the top design schools in the world, Parsons at The New School, The Pratt Institute and NYU. I am currently transitioning to coaching and teaching.

See full profile

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1. Class Preview: with over six hours of content joined me Lindsay Marsh for a photo shop class that will take you from no experience to expert level. I have over 12 years of professional, full time experience and Adobe Photo Shop, and I cannot wait to teaching its powerful school. I created a class that moves it nor pates. I created high quality video screen capture videos for all of my lessons, so you can feel like you're sitting right there next to me. One on one. I have two phases. My course beginner levels. Hold your hand through the basics of photo shop. We will learn everything from the toolbar to the layering system, the pin tool, creating shapes, working with type, and then we'll dive into work with photo manipulation, filters and effects. The second intermediate phase of my course includes five full courses working in photo shop . We will take this feels learn in the first phase and apply them here. So what are you waiting for? The time is now finally learned into Master Photo shop, so let's learn together 2. Learning Drop Shadow: we're going to continue our photo shop class, and once again I'm talking about the layering system. This is I can't tell you how important it is the master of layering system. So we've done pretty good with doing managing about two or three layers, dragging him around, dragging him up. Ah, foreground and background. Let's add a photo to the mix. That's what photo shop is about. It's in the name photos, so I'm gonna go ahead and open up a photo I already had on my desktop. Um, and if you ever want to have some free photos to play around with, there's a website called Pecs. ALS p E e x e l s. And if you go there, there's lots of free royalty free photos you can use to play around with. This is where I got this kind of beautiful landscape. So Ah, this is ah, super duper high resolution. It's 5000. If you ever want to know how big a uh in images go to image any good image sized and you'll be able to check it out. It's 9000 with and 6000 and heightened. This is pixels. That's really big That's Aziz Bigas. A photo really comes these days. Resolution is 300 which is excellent. That's gonna be great for print. That's just kind of a quick way to find out sizing the document we've been working on. Let's go to image image size That's 1200 by 600 pick pixels. So much, much smaller eso when we drag our photo are gigantic photo in here, it's gonna be really zoomed in, um, two ways you can avoid the problem of, like, how do I even go about making smaller? I'm going to do control Z um Teoh kind of go backwards in time. Or let me undo that working. Go to my history panel and click on the last last item here. Go back. I can also just go back one step in my history panel, But control Z if I just need to go back, one step is so much quicker us. Let's go ahead. Find our photo. It just disappeared on me. Photo shop can sometimes be hard to manage everything. So I lost my window panel. So what do I do? I go to window arrange and cascade, and that's gonna bring all my windows back into play. So if you ever just lose a window, you don't know where it went. It got drag somewhere crazy Goto window A range, cascade or tile. There's a couple different options and it's gonna kind of bring all your windows back to the four Brown. Okay, so ah, way that I could kind of match the size here. So when I drag it in, its not so gigantic I'm gonna go to image. I'm gonna go to image size again and you'll notice them right back to where it was. It's 9000 by 600. I have this selected. If you select this icon, it's gonna link the within the height. So if I edit the width, it's gonna edit the height in the exact dimensions. So it's gonna scale perfectly. So let's say, um, I want to do 2000. Say I have a 1200 pixel wide documents. Let's do this 2000. So if I type in a 2000 wits if it's linked, it'll automatically adjust the height to match match what it was before. If this was unsolicited and I did it, it'll ah not scale it perfectly. It will look really funky and stretched, so I always like to link it. So let's link it on a type in 2000 and I could press okay, and that's gonna resize it to 2000 pixels, which is much smaller. Let's go ahead and zoom in here. So now when I drag it, it's not so gigantic and a little bit more manageable. Let's go and minimize that. I don't need that anymore. Okay, so now I'm sticking my window bigger. I'm gonna zoom out, like to zoom out really far. And so I have my, uh, move pen if you do. If you do not see this option right here, make sure show transform. Controls is selected. If it's un selected, you're just guessing where your image starts and begins. So it's going to click on that. I want to make this little smaller. I want to really kind of Ah, let me go back to my layer panel. My layers. I need my layers. There it is when we drag this. So this is in this window. There we go. So ah, this is the layer. I'm gonna call this photo layer so I don't lose track of It s so I can actually move this around. It's not locked. If I locked it, I can't move it. I unlock it now, have access to it. So I want to kind of hold down shift at this corner. I'm gonna make it a little smaller. Kind of really size it properly to this document. I'm just kind of dragging around, finding the right fit. I want to have a lot of sky put a headline or something. Press enter and it's gonna resize it Rockin Zoom back in and I noticed. Ah, this layer is kind of in between a couple of those text layers I created I really want this to be the background layer, so let's go ahead. Dragged down to the bottom. Um, and I'm gonna lock it because I feel very happy. And I don't want to accidentally move it if I'm editing my text. So let's lock it. I'm very happy with that layer. So now we still have a couple of our text layers. I can't read that. So I'm gonna double click and change that white, and I'm gonna double click this and change it to white as well. It's a skittle Read a lot better over a photo. Okay, so that s gonna move this down here. I feel like this white text is very readable. That's great. But this guy in the white I can't exactly read everything in that. So I would love to add a drop shadow drop. Shadows were so important in helping bring out certain layers behind complicated photos or backgrounds, so I'm actually gonna double click instead of double clicking this toe, edit the text. I'm actually going to double click and this blank area right here. If I double click here, it's gonna make me edit the name. I don't want to do that. I want to actually bring up the layers Layers panel are the layers options panel. So I can actually click in this little blank area right here in the layer. And here's your layer style. This is we're gonna be able to add certain styles to your layer. So I want to add a drop shadow. We're gonna go over all this. You're gonna be able to learn all despising into the class. But my most you used us. I don't use half of these, um, stroke in her shadow. I don't think, uh, bevel of the boss. I just don't use them. They kind of have some dated looks like if I do bevel in, boss a little bit of a dated look, so I don't use all of these. Stroke is gonna add a little bit of a strip on the text. You could actually change the seismic. The stroke thicker or thinner. You can change the color Inner shadows. Gonna add a little inner shadow ish kind of look cool. Um, if that's what you're going for. Um, so I don't I never use sad, but you just never know what you need it to use photo shot for. You may use it. Color overlays. Great. If I just want to quickly change an entire layer content to a color. Ah, that's nice, Grady. And overlays kind of cool. I can actually add a radiant, and we'll have another class ingredients. There's kind of a ah, Grady in is basically just colors slowly changing to another color. You could see this yellow changed to red changing to blue. It's called a radiant um So there's a rainbow Grady int. It's crazy, but miles go ahead. Do patterns and had patterns to your text or your layers, which has and you could actually download different textures would be what our glows Great if it's on a if you really need to. If it's a black texting, one of make it show up better, you can do an outer glow. But this is what we're going. This is the one I use the most is drop shadow. So this is kind of you can play around. You kind of see how it's dropping the shadow of the this layer behind it. You could do this with more than just text, even with a rectangle or a circle layer. Um, I'm gonna increase the opacity, the higher the opacity them or it appears the less opacity, the more disappears. So I'm gonna make it at 100% opacity right now. I have it as a black dark shadow. You can change that toe wide or blue. Ah, blues kind of cool looking because it's kind of matches with sky. We'll just do black for the sake of just showing an example so you can actually change the angle of where the shadow is dropping. So if you want to make it look like the sun is in the top left corner. Like the sun is coming from this direction, you can make the drop shadow like that. There's a lot of spacing between the end and the actual drop shadow. I'm gonna close that a little bit. By adjusting this distance panel, I'm gonna decrease the distance and it's gonna bring it a little bit closer just like that and spread. I really don't use spread too much, so I'm just gonna keep that at the lower option and then size. And this is really just play around with it. There's no right or wrong answer to what you want. Just you're just going for the that the look you're going for so spread sides. If I do one or zero size, it's going to be it's not gonna blur it all. The bigger the size, the more it blurs. And so I'm gonna back this off just a notch, and I'm gonna decrease the opacity, make it look a little more realistic, and I'm skint. Dude, I was gonna make, uh, do some adjustments. Okay, I'm gonna click, OK, And there I have added a little drop shadow pops out a lot better over that photo. So Ah, let's see if I want to do anything here. I think I'm pretty happy with that. So that's kind of your If you wanted to double click in this empty space, you call it your layer styles, and you could just play around with every single layer. That way, let me just do a quick gonna create a new layer. I'm going to just do a quick, uh, square here for you and to show you how I could do with more than just text. So this is kind of our layer here. I'm gonna double click this blank area, call up my layer styles, and you can play around with some different options, just like we did before. We're going to do a drop shadow like it really strong. So now I have created a square box and it's dropping that shadow and so I could see I can really create some dynamic graphics using drop Shadow 3. Basic Photoshop Editing: Okay, so now that we've been able to work with the photo and bring it and make it a background, we've been able to work with typography, and we're really getting toe learn that layering system. Um, let's go and delete some of these players. So let's go ahead and delete this layer right here. And let's say I don't want to delete a layer. I want to save it for later. That's no problem. There's many times when I have layers kind of saved for later, but I don't want to view it. I don't want it to be visible, so all you have to do is click. Um, there's this kind of I tool or I think that you could toggle and the Qatar goal it make it disappear. This layer is still there, but it's not visible, so it's a great way to kind of I want to save that for later. But I don't wanna have toe have it be visible. Same thing with this text. I just wanna just talk Well, that So now I just have this photo layer. Let's go ahead, do some photo editing, so I have this layer locks. Let's make sure I unlock it. And so here we go. So I want to see what my sizes. So this is still our little Photoshopped graphic we created says 1200 by 600 pixels. Okay, so let's go ahead and do some editing, so Ah, we have a lot of options. When it comes to photo editing, we can go and select our layer. We can shift it around here. Um, I feel like I want to make this document a little bigger because I want to be able to see all of this, So I'm gonna go to image canvas size. This is a little bit different than image eyes go to canvas size, and I'm gonna type in. Uh, I'm editing in a digital documents trying to do pixels. Um, let's do 2000. And this is this guesswork. By 2000 we can always crop. So I just expanded my canvas a lot more. So now I have a bigger, uh, visible area. So before it was kind of hidden, there was some parts of the photo hidden, so I just increased the canvas size to make sure I can see my entire photo. Now we want a crop it so that it's ah, go to show the full photo. So their crop tools gonna be on your toolbar. It's gonna be this little tool right here. Hold it down Crop tool right here by default. And I'm just gonna kind of eyeball it and and then press enter and it cropped it. So now I have the full photo shown with the water and everything. So let's say I want Teoh. Ah, what do I want to do? I want to make a just a few lighting adjustments. So, um, just to add to the complex of the A photo shop we have our toolbar, which we've been working with. We have kind of our options panel we ever layer or history. Ah, there's actually a ton of photo editing options up here in our image. Um, options. I was going to select our layer and go to image and you'll see our adjustments. This is kind of where all the ah all the kind of further manipulation and photo editing tools that you have This is what photographers used to edit their photos. Is this adjustments panel? Of course, there's a lot of other ways you can adjust but us. But this is where a lot of this lives. Eso go to image adjustments, and we can just go down the line. So brightness and contrast increase the brightness like a little bit more vibrant. And this is just you could just click and drag to what you like. It's too dark. Yeah, it's gonna be whoa, way too intense. This kind of just a little bit contrast. Sometimes lower contrast works higher. Contrast works, brings out more shadows and highlights, but I could do a lower contrast. Click OK, and what I like to do when I edit a photo is I just go to image adjustments. And I just worked my way down. And sometimes I use five of these options. Sometimes I use everyone, Um, so it's good a levels, and this is just experimenting. There's no there's not. I mean, there is a science to this, but it's ah, it's for the sake of learning. Just go to each one of these options and play. Figure out what the different options do. So for layers, this is This is a very complicated tool. Um, so just get a good to go on. So you see how that really made that much brighter play around? This is bringing out different highlights and shadows in the photo layers is an incredibly powerful to. And I can cry create a whole class on some of these options. Just figure out what works play around. There's no wrong, wrong or right answers what you're looking for in a photo. So I'm gonna go, uh, just exposures. When I use a lot, Let's go ahead and adjust some options. Exposure. This is good. This is just like from a camera. If you want to increase the brightness of your, um, photo you're gonna use, you're gonna increase the exposure. You make it much brighter Earth. You actually want to make a darker, but you don't need to adjust it a lot. Tim. Have a big impact. I'm just gonna type in zero, get back to where I had it. It's type zero back to default where you could just cancel. I don't think I need to adjust anything here. Maybe a little bit Offset. Gamma correction. This is already a professionally edited photo. I got on lines. It doesn't need a law. Um, it's gonna image It's like my layer image Keep going down black and white. You could actually make this a black and white photo. And I have a separate class on black and white, so I'm just gonna cancel and keep going. Um, color balance. I use this one a lot If I want to add a certain I feel like it's way too. Agreed. Maybe when ads blues do the document. You could do that. You could do mid tone shadows or highlights. This is all just adjusting to find out. What do you think? Work Bet works better. Says all personal preference. Remember if you ah, clicked. Okay. And let's say I I I don't like that. I want to go back. Remember your history panel? I'm actually gonna closes properties, things. I could make my history panel longer. I could go back each step, remember how we cropped it and go back to where we were. Just remember, you always have your history panel. If you don't like what just it. So don't be afraid. Experiment. You can always go back. Okay. So, black and white photo filter I can actually make it a sepia a sepia tone. Increase it which has really popular these days. It's adding kind of a more muted, muted color filter, but I'm gonna keep it really vibrant right now. Ah, polar invert. It will actually take every color and inverted. I rarely use this unless it's solid colors like a black and white. I want to reverse it toe the opposite of black and white. Um, but for full color photos there, really don't some of these I don't use de saturate. That's a quick way to make something black and white. Um, I don't use it that much because I feel like the black and white option eyes better to adjust. And that's going to be talked about in the next class. And I'll go over in more detail further along as we get a little bit more comfortable with photo shop, but just kind of introducing you to some of the basic adjustments whenever you have a photo when you wanna edit. This is where all of that lives is image adjustments. This is where a lot of that editing is gonna be if you ever want to change the document size, um, so image size. I want to make this even smaller. Let's say I I want uploaded an instagram, and it's not allowing me to upload something this big. You know, you type in 500 Look OK, you know, and you could make it smaller, but I don't want to do that. So let me go back in my history and undo. So that's a very basic photo editing. Very basic cropping. Um, let's say I want a crop mawr. Ah, let me just do one quick cropping. Where's my crop tool? There's my crop tool. Let's say I really want to focus on a certain area. The missile stream. If you're photo is high resolution enough, you might be able to get away with cropping and making it smaller, zooming in on something and there we go. 4. Fun with Photoshop Brushes!: So we're gonna shift gears a little bit and continue to, ah teach you a new tool on this toolbar called the Brush Tool. So this is incredibly powerful if you want to dio, uh, artistic things and Photoshopped. So let's go ahead and open up a new document. Um, right here, New man's taking its sweet time. So here we go. New document. Um, so let's create a Since we already created a digital document for the web, let's just create a print document. Let's say we want to kind of do, ah, print documents. So let's go ahead and make sure we're in inches. Uh, this is the United States. So if you're you may want to do centimeters millimeters Ah, so we're just gonna do kind of a standard 8.5 by 11. Document. Um, so we're gonna do 8.5 with and 11 height and this is a print document. We really want a high resolution. We're printing anything. Ah, digital. It's okay to have a lower resolution 72 is great up for print. 300. If you can keep any of your print all your print documents in 300 resolution that is optimal. Ah, we want to make sure we're in inches or over on centimeters and millimeters. We don't need pixels pixels for the Web, and we want to make sure we're in the C M K. Why color? Any time something is printed by a printer or professional printer, it's always done. In this color mode, it means scion, magenta, yellow and black. Why, K means black? I don't know, but K is black. You click on that. Everything else was fine. As defaults is good, create a new default document. So this is the brush tool. So how I access that is where is our brush tool, If you could never. If you can't seem to find out where tool is, just wait a while and ah, tool tip will hover over. So this is our brush. So it's going. Wait. There it ISS brush tool right there for you. I'm gonna hold down. You'll see you'll have a different different options. But I want to keep it the brush tool for right now. So how I edit different options just like when I edit text, you'll have the options for this tool up here. So I want to make this, Um, just too. So it'll show up on my document. I'm going to make it a bigger size. And don't worry about some of this yet. We'll get there, But there's a couple of different default brush options. There's all these different brushes you can experiment with. Um, let's do kind of this hard edge brush. So that's hard with cold, hard round. But it's just gonna be Ah, harsh hard brush its right to click on this. Of course you could. This is where you can really experiment. So now that we have this brush selected, let's pick up prettier color than the young green. Let's do a nice pretty blue, and we have our locked background layer. So let's go and create a new layer and call this blue brush. This is the layer we're gonna paint on. Um, so to paint, all you do is click once, and he hold it and leave it around. Course, this is a hard brush. So this is not gonna add any kind of realism, any kind of realistic brushes, since about as basic as you get. It's not much better than M s paint. Microsoft paint, so you know it's kind of showing you what the brush tool does, so that looks awful. So let's kind of trash this layer and create a new layer. That's why this soft brush is so important. It looks like it's a little bit blurred, so it's going to click on the soft brush. Let's make it nice and big so we can see what we're looking at here. And let's start painting and seal notices. This much softer and almost looks like it's, ah, airbrushed. We could see how much softer that IHS we can increase the size you know, we can make things fill in things, so it's a little bit softer. It's kind of a different option. Trash in that layer, creating and loot new layer. Um, let's see what else? Let's go back to a brush tool, and you can actually download different brushes online and double click. Whenever you download the brush file, it'll actually load into your brush options. Dr. Lee load toward the bottom here so you can actually download different kind of airbrush looks. Or you can download um, watercolor looking brushes, which is really neat. Let's just pick, uh, this fan brush. This is just like actually fainting. If you have a wake on way calm tablet, you can actually do it with your wakame tablet here on photo shop, which is really neat. This is kind of this tool, which is really kind of harsh because it's so big. Let's go back on my history. Let's to let's make that a little smaller. Uh, let's actually flow. Okay, so right now flow is at 100% so if I do a line, this is 100% blue, 100% color. Ah, So I'm just gonna do control Z go back if I change my flow to 50% and I do the same thing that I just did It's almost going to be like I have less ink or less paint on my brush. Ah, so let me do that again with even less flow and ignited. Just good idea, See house a lot lighter. Do you not as harsh of a blue, actually make it look softer? Then if I had 100% flow so it's kind of go back to where we were and a pastis is gonna make it more transparent. It's gonna be different than flow. It's actually to go to make it. Ah, the flow is still the same at 100% but it's just gonna make it more transparent. See, But flow is if you actually want to make it look like there's less ink on the brush. All right, so let's go back to our brush option. Where are you? He pleasing you? Let's see what other options we have here. So leaf well, actually create. You can actually make this look like snow if you ever, uh, if you wanted to lighten the flow on that, it's already on six. Knows how I increase the flow. It's a so much brighter look. This is sleep. You could download tons of brushes online. There's a website called Graphic Burger, and there's a couple other websites. Contact me and I could have. I'm thinking about putting a resource list on my class. We can find out where toe download free brushes, free photos, free graphic elements. They can kind of play around and have a lot of resource, which creates stuff with, um, so let me delete this layer and start fresh. Go back to her brushes. That's a leaf. This is grass you can actually add to make this big enough. We change our color down here to green, actually create grass. Um, go ahead, double click. So let me see. We could change the angle here. I wanted to be straight, so that's kind of brushes. Well, I'll go into more detail for future video, but we're just kind of learning the tools at this point. Another great thing about knowing brushes is now that we understand how brushes work, I'm gonna create a new box. This is gonna be green. I can actually take the erase tool. So let me see years of your race tool right here. Eraser. So racer just works just like Microsoft paint and make it bigger. But see how the erase tools, just like how the brush tool works. But instead of painting on something, you're deleting out of something. So if I do a soft brush appear and they get bigger, I can actually delete this box. We're not painting white. I'm actually deleting some of the box. So if you had a layer underneath, that is it's a pink. It's for the sake of showing an example. I'm gonna drag this pink layer below. You actually see how I deleted that? What's great about when you master brushes? You basically master the erase tools will, cause it works exactly the same I can erase doing. Where is that? Ah, here is that when we did earlier is actually erasing it. So you see the layer underneath now. And also the clone tool works the same way I'm gonna do the clone tool in the next class. This is the clone tool. It works just like brushes. So if you master brushes, he master three or four different tools, so let's focus on that one next. 5. Using the Clone Tool: Okay, So what are we gonna work on next? We've kind of, uh that's a very basic work. Learning the brush tool, how that works and how the erase Racer tools pretty much the same thing, but just erasing objects. So now we're gonna master the clone tool. This is a great ah. A lot of people use photo shopped for photo manipulation and the clone tools a very valuable tool and doing photo manipulation. Let's go ahead and open up, Actually. Already have a photo that I got from pixels. Um, it's this beautiful woman with the freckles. I was going to use the clone tool to kind of maybe soften some of the freckles on her face . So what I'm gonna do is I went ahead and unlock this layer. I am actually gonna add a new layer, and I'm gonna go ahead and select on my toolbar, The clone tool. Um, so let's go ahead and hold down. There's the clone tool, and this works just like the brush tool. So I'm gonna go up here, It's It's really tiny. So it's at 21 point, so I'm gonna change. This are 21 pixel, so I can change this making a little bit bigger or just experiment. Figure out how big these are. A little freckle. So let me do this on with the clone tool. I don't want a harsh brush because of school. Look obvious where I cloned it. You almost always when you use a soft brush so you can tell us the soft brush because it looks blurred a little bit. It's usually one of your top options. Then if you hover over it, let me see. It will say soft. So let's go ahead and click on that one. See if I got the sizes. Keep kind of adjusting, so I think that's good. So now the work actually got to be This is our bottom. This is our photo. We're actually in a new layer, and I'm gonna call this clone layer. This is where we're gonna be working on this. We're gonna be painting on. Ah, what way? Sample. So when you clone, you sample or you clone a certain area, and when you click on the mouse again, that certain area is, uh, reproduced. So I'll do a very harsh example. So I'm gonna go ahead and click anytime you sample something. If I sample this clone layer, this clone layer doesn't have anything in it. So when I go and I hold down and how you sample is, you hold down the option button and that's gonna have this little icon. That's how you know you're sampling something. If I released the option button, it goes away. I press the option button, you have that icon back again. So I would have pressed the option button and you're going to see this icon. I'm gonna click once on my mouse. I just took a sample. But the problem is I just took a sample on a layer that has nothing in it. So when I go back to clone, it's going to say you have nothing in there. So you want to make sure you highlight the photo you want to clone from first. This kind of a trick, you'll just you'll get to learn after you practice makes perfect. So I have highlighted my the main photo layer, So I want to take a sample from a clean area skin, so I'm gonna go ahead and zoom in. That's when you really need to zoom in and look at things. I'm gonna take a clean sample of skin right next to okay, Let's say I want eliminate this little freckle. That one freckle. Well, I'm gonna take a sample of her skin right next to it, because that's gonna match the skin right here. The best. Better than skin sample taken up here. So I have this layer selected. I'm gonna hold down option. And I got to get my little sample tool. I'm gonna click once. I just sampled this area, so I'm gonna go back to my clone layer. And when I go ahead and hold down the mouse, I'm just gonna keep it held down and C knows how I got my sample here. It's gonna tell me where I want to put it. Do I will put on our tooth. Know her lips? No. I want to cover this freckles. When I have her over it. I click once and boom, the factors circles gone. It took a sample of skin here, and I clicked once, and it put it right there. So it looks like, um, it looks seamless, like her freckled has disappeared. Um, and this is how a lot of photo manipulation. Fitter retouching is done is Ah, I would say 90% of photo manipulation is using the clone tool just like it did here. And the other 10% is a liquefy tool which will get to that. That's how you make um, you know, a lot of controversy over making people really skinny. Ah, they're using the liquefy tool will get that to the next video. So let's continue to do this. Let's zoom in. Let's take another sample. Let's say I want to get rid of There are how about these these little to freckles right here. That sample of skin, she has really nice, even skin tone, so I can click up here and it looks pretty good. Um, let's go and take a skin sample. I'm gonna select her hold down option, and I'm gonna select a nice blank area of skin. How about right here? Look back on the clone layer on it's gonna paint it on And you could cut painted on its gonna continue toe landscape could come here, take a sample You're gonna click back. Hold down. Option. This is the take practice learning how to hold down the option key selecting the right layer, holding down that option key taken the right sample, going back to the clone layer and finding out where to clone it. Um, now kind of show you an example. Do her eye kind of what I'm doing here, so I wouldn't hold down option. I'm gonna select her. I I'm gonna create a new layer, and I'm gonna call it I so I can show you, but the clone tool is actually doing so. You notice how I just took a sample of her? I I could put another eye right in the middle of her forehead if I wanted to. Kind of creepy, but this is what photo manipulation was all about. So now I'm on the I layer, so I'm gonna go ahead and click. OK, I'm holding. I'm not letting go. I'm holding down the click of my mouse. I'm gonna move around a little bit, but let me make sure that's on my top layer. There we go. So I'm actually putting an eye on her forehead so I could see how photo manipulations air really easily done just like this. So I just put I on her forehead I want to soften that a little bit. So I'm actually gonna take my race tool like we learned in the last video. When you do a nice soft brush and make it nice and big, just gonna kinda erase a little bit around it, make it look more realistic. Ongoing. Undo. I am actually gonna decrease the opacity. So I'm not deleting at all, but just enough Each time I click, it kind of is missing options here. No, I don't need some of those heart. I want it to be softer. A softer blend looks like it's blending in there. So resume out. We just added 1/3 eye to her head, and you know, we have this as a separate layer as I So if I unclip that it's gone, click on it. There's the eye so I can literally add a night to her cheek. You know, I can kind of do whatever I want. Um, give her a second nose and you can fix her teeth. You could do all sorts of things with photo manipulation. That's kind of the clone tool. Kind of the basics. Let me do one more option. Just kind of weaken practice. Let me, actually, uh, what do we want to clone here? You could actually ah, manipulator I a little bit. Maybe. Let's hold down option. Let's take a smaller sample. That's a big, big size. Maybe right there are, actually. Yeah, let me do that. Will make a little smaller. I'm selecting her. I want to take a sample of this I and actually won a get rid of the iris. That looks really creepy, but just kind of showing you what Clinton tool does. So that's got rid of her, Iris by cloning kind of some nearby stuff. Yeah, you could do some pretty creepy stuff, but, you know, if you don't like it, you just go back in time on get rid of its us. Very, very basic use of the clone tool. You can use the clone to a lot to extend the background and clone it so that you have more of a crop or certain crop he like, So there's a lot of different ways you can kind of photo in Italy, so I'm gonna delete that I kind of creeping me out, but so you kind of understand the power of photo manipulation 6. The Liquify Tool: Now that we worked with the clone tool, one of the second biggest tools you can use for photo manipulation is the liquefy tool. So we're gonna play around with that a little bit since How you kind of change, you know? Ah, small, tiny woman to make her bigger or to change the size of someone's jaw are their eyes as a really powerful tool. So let's go ahead. I opened this photo I found online. I'm gonna double click my layer click. OK, it's unlocked. Let's go ahead and get started. Um, so I'm gonna click my layer first so I can go ahead and photo shop knows what layer I want to edit, and we're gonna go to filter. Um, so let's go ahead and go to liquefied in your filter panel. Click on liquefy. Okay, so this tool has evolved a lot. So your version may my version just changed. I just updated updated photo shop 2017 here, and it has just updated, so this is still kind of knew, but some of the basic elements are all still there, so it may look a little different to you on your version, but it's all some of the icons are all the same. Um, so let's go ahead and start off with this first tool right here. So this is really just experimenting. This is the four. This is the foreword Warp tool. So the icons pretty much tell you kind of the warping or the changes it's gonna make to the photo. So really, this is just experimenting. So this is a really small brush. Now that we've talked about brushes and kind of you've already experimented with brushes a little bit, Hopefully, you kind of get the idea. So I'm clicking and holding down course. I don't like any of that. So it's kind of go back, um, good and cancel. Go back. If you don't like any progress you're doing, just just go back. You don't have to click, OK? It won't do any things. Go back and click on liquefy. Okay, so let's make that a bigger size brushes just like a brush. You change the density. The pressure Maybe not as much. Um who That's way too big of a brush. Let's make that smaller. Let's actually make her a little bigger looking. So let's actually, um this is there. There's the ah, expand to a bloat tool. This is what it looks like right here. Bloat tool. I'm gonna make it bigger, man. I'm gonna hold down. You're able to kind of hold it down. You're able to kind of make things expand. So you're actually gonna be able to expand her arm? This is all about It's This is an art more than a science. I'm gonna click in the middle of our own kind of expand outward. And this is just go take a ton of practice. But at least you know the tools, um, to be ableto practice. Just making her arm a little bigger. Make her net bigger, you know? And with this, you may have to zoom in with her face. Ah, actually, I can't use my truck pads me zoom and manually and reduce the brush size so it doesn't look too fake. Helps a little bit. This kind of spanned a little bit. He's bigger. Yeah. Kind of fat in upper cheeks, a little bit. And that's all about realism. And sometimes it's not always get a come out the way wanted to, but you just you would you just experiment It's making her look well, but do that okay? All about foot A manipulation. Sometimes you just have to do things. You're just just We're just having fun. We're not. This is a beautiful woman. We're not trying toe. We were just having fun and learning a tool. So just gonna have fun. This really quickly arm a little bit bigger. Maker, maker Look like that's bigger. All I'm doing is I'm taking this blue tool kind of just looking bloke. Now, if we zoom out, you can see how we we probably added £15. Um ah, you could do the other ways, Will. So this is kind of a way to do photo manipulation. We're just learning the tool. And I don't recommend you go out and do the stick all the photos cause you might offend somebody just learning the tool. Yeah, so? So let's go ahead and click on Cancel and let's play around just a little bit more with liquefy tool, you can also do the opposite. So that was blow tool. And this is gonna be your pucker tool. You do the same thing. Thomas is actually get a draw. Things in it actually make her skinnier and see how magazines get in trouble for doing this to women. Because it's not fair to them, you know, But this is just the tool that they would use. Of course, I just You really gotta do smaller sizes. Was a man look on her face, brought in? I just got experiments sometimes at you don't like where you are just canceled. Go back de liquefy. Ah, yeah. Lets a steward face Well, we don't have to do all over Body were just were just experimenting, so just kind of drawing it in where she could see how this could look fake really quickly. If you're not careful, it's upsy Cancel. Ah, go back to liquefy course. What might be better is, um, let's see what other tools we have. We have this top tool up here. It's called the Foot Forward. Warp Tools was gonna push everything. Ah, let me show you an example. Do an extreme example here. So if I hold down the mouse, it's gonna push everything forward. This is another way to kind of manually may only make her skinny, and then it could always work on the background later to make it look realistic. That's gonna be back better than the contract tool for this particular case. You could see how I made her arm really skinny. Much better, much more realistic looking. You can kind of bring whole things in makeup smaller or bigger soon. Man, like the brush smaller. It's way too big. So they want to make. That's way too harsh. Uh, see, if I do the pressure, lighten up the pressure a little bit. We'll do a little more subtle to brush bigger. That's all about experimenting. And there's people that specialize in this. That's all they do all day. Um, I'm a graphic designer by trade. I do this sometimes, but sometimes I've hired a specialist in this because it really is art. You can really do it wrong and and really mess her up, make her look like an alien and and not do it properly. But those are kind of your basic tools. This is a twirl tool was going zoom out. This will do exactly what it says to lighten the pressure light in size, and I'm just pressing the button. I'm not letting go, and you couldn't see it continually spin That's definitely not a good look for her, but she can kind of see what it does, how it spends it. It's a lot of ways to manipulate here. Reconstruct tool course. The newer versions of photo show have a lot that our options here in some of the older versions and this is actually let me go ahead and cancel start all over again. Go back to liquefy and some of the newer versions. You may not have this option. If you have an older version, they already have some adjustments that you can make your so outside of just doing this manually, you can do this over here and it's gonna have your eyes, your nose, your mouth. It's automatically going to detect it. And this is in the newer versions only. So if I want to do I size and increase eyesight, I haven't have nice the guys. I could do that manually, and Photoshopped automatically detects where the eyes are located to do this so you don't have to sit there and do what I tried to do for the last 10 minutes and fail miserably. Um, so mouth smile. We can actually give her a smile. Okay, Um, this is really neat. This is actually somewhat new, so I'm having some fun with it right now. Liquor knows bigger or skinnier. Bigger upper lip. Feel like I'm creating a character in a video game mask options there. Still some. It's so many things I have not explored yet. But just just for this type of class, this is just kind of basic. Give you the tools toe, give toe, let you experiment. So just go to liquefy experiment a little bit, see what you can do. 7. Using the Eye Drop Tool to Sample Colors: All right, so we're just learning tools after tools in our tool bar, the next tool to learn and photo shock is drum roll, please. The eyedropper tool. Um, something I used quite frequently. So it's the 5th 1 down. Um, this is what it looks like right here. If I hold down, I got several different options. Um, some of these I rarely use some of them. They used all the time. I was clicking your basic eyedropper tool right here. And so let's say I want to create, um I'm creating a brand or a logo, and I really want to create a color palette. Um, I've found a photo that I love I really want to create. This is my inspiration for my name brand. Ah, whatever it ISS. I want to be able to sample color from this photo to create a color palette. So what I'm gonna do, I would go ahead, double click the slayer. Click. Okay. It's gonna unlock it. I'm gonna create a new layer, and I am going to select my eyedropper tool. It's already selected, and I'm gonna go ahead and zoom in, and I'm gonna click and see I have my color window open, Got a window color, make sure that's open, and it's gonna show and my color box exactly what color I sampled. I can double click my swatch here, and it's going to show me more detail. So I'm gonna continue to click, and it's gonna show different options. So if I want to really sample that gray gray white ish, I could see that's a little bit gray. It's not quite white. I want to sample the eye color. I love that color. I want to sample the grass. It's a beautiful green color. So let's say I really like that green color is my first color inspiration. I'm gonna have my colors layer here. I'm screwed. Create a box with my rectangle marquee tool I'm gonna hold down shift so I can create a perfect square And I'm gonna get my paint bucket tool We're gonna fill it in, Click at once. That's my first color that I sampled. I get on click so let's go ahead and click and make a new layer and actually know what I'm gonna do going to teach you how to duplicate a layer because I want to make that same box size again. So what I'm gonna do is I'm going to duplicate the layer. I'm gonna go upto layer duplicate, duplicate the layer. It looks like it didn't do anything. But you could see how it says colors. Copy. I'm going to be able to drag this down. It's announce another layer, and I could do it again. It's the layer duplicate layer on a quick drag. There we go. So I'm gonna select actually going to do it one more time, layer duplicate layer. Okay. And I gotta click on this box. I'm gonna hold down. Shift at what? Age box, and I'm selecting them all. You hold down shift, I have my four boxes. I don't go and click on the second box and I am going to put my next color in there, so I'm actually gonna double collect Member are Layers options panel and I click on color overlay. And so now I'm gonna be able to click on this watch, and I would be able to have my eyedropper tool this way as well. So I'm gonna click on maybe this orange in the sample. Some colors here. Maybe I like this lighter green. It's nice. Or if I want to do it manually, I can, uh, go and take my paint bucket tool or go ahead and sample my color. Say, I want this orange. I could take my paint bucket tool. Select this layer, which is gonna be Sometimes you can't find a layer. You forgot to name it. You could just toggle your tool here. Your, uh, cite tool and find it. So I'm looking for the third box. Where to go. There. It ISS? Nope, that's not it. There it is. I'm gonna go ahead, fill it in. We could do it that way. To me, there's several ways to do the same thing. Voter shop. So But for her ease, I like to double click into stew color overlay. Sometimes I'm just doing a solid killer. I tracker Tool, Let me sample into a dark brown. So I kind of have my wild life colors here. I'm gonna actually ah, toggle the site of the photo away. I'm gonna add a new layer. It's kind of a white layer behind it. So there's my color palette that I selected. I was able to kind of use the eyedropper tool to select different colors. You could do the same thing for fonts. Where you want to copy a color. Respond. Let's do that real quick. Let me. Ah, type in a lot. Here. Um, sample. Right. Let's fucking type right here. So I have this. I'm gonna go ahead, double click. Highlight it. And this is where you changed color. When you click on this automatically, when you ever have this color pickle color picker, it automatically does the I trap or tools so you don't always have to manually click on the I drop driver. Eyedropper tool the sample of color. So let's say I want this light green. Click it in the dark brown. You did this. This is great. If you already have colors picked out that you're working with, you could kind of have your boxes to the left or the right, and you could to sample your colors. It's really great to have handy kind of document with all your colors. Watches available 8. Mastering the Dodge and Burn Tools to add shadows and highlights: All right. So today we're gonna learn about another tool in our tool box here. Ah, we're gonna learn about the Dodge and the burn tool, which is right down here kind of toward the middle of our toolbar. So this is something I use quite often and the photo manipulation. So let's go ahead and just create a new layer. Unless is create a box. It's going get our rectangle mark. Teak marquee tool. Let's make a simple, colorful box, have a paint bucket, and we're gonna fill it. And were you to take this and we're still un select it. Okay, so now have our move. Tool. You can kind of manipulate to this this toe, whatever shape we want, it's kind of make it right here with press enter. This is what the ah, the dodge in the burn tool do so the Dodge Tool is gonna bring out highlights. It's going to make the color brighter. The burn tools actually bring out shadows and make the color darker us. Let's go ahead and start off with the burn tool and this works just like a brush. So once you master brushes, you've really mastered a lot of your tools. So I love to use the soft brush. So I'm gonna select the soft brush, and I just see what size I want. I think I went a bigger size, and I'm just gonna bring in some shadows in the corner to make this look like it's a three d box because right now it's just a flat color. So let's go ahead. I'm just gonna hold down just holding down the mouse button and kind of you see how it's kind of creating a little bit of shadows around the edges, and I can make this more dramatic. Um, if you go up here, if you're not seeing the effects you want Ah, just this two shadows or to mid tones to see if you can get the results you're looking for , it's gonna bring out different, um, items. Here's is making it darker exposure that's going to make it more of an effect. This is gonna be more subtle when you reduce the exposure. Well, I want a big effects. Let me make my screen brighter so I could make sure saying everything properly. You can almost see how the box is really starting to kind of look, three d, It's no longer flat. I'm adding nice shadows. Do it using this. Okay, so I'm gonna hold down, and I can actually do the Dodge Tool. I'm gonna bring out some highlights in the middle of the box to make it look three D. Um, let me bring out let's see, make this brush a little bigger. Maybe right there. Okay, So now I'm just gonna click on highlights on highlights. Who? That is too harsh. I'm gonna go back and see what shadows us. Well, well, better sometimes in the tones is right in the middle. I don't want quite as much exposure. Now I'm bringing out some highlights in the box. And let's make our brush smaller. Get more concentrated. Let's do. Maybe that's what I'm looking for. Shadows. All right. So you can see how we kind of made This is where we were when we started off. Let me lose. Get are square. There's our original square, and this is just us. Cut a brushing on some shadows and brushing on some highlights that system example of that tool in a solid color. You can also use that tool on photos as well. Here's our girl again. And let's go ahead and get our burn tool. You can actually zoom in and bring out certain highlights is click are layer. It's a little too big. Yes, this is just playing around with the options and make her brush bigger. Make it bigger. Let's really kind of bring out her eyes so I could actually do the Dodge tool. That's too big. You actually bring out certain elements. Second, bring maker lips Brighter eyebrows, brighter all sorts of things that we could do. We could also do the same thing. Burn the make it darker. That's not always could have the desired effect. Make her hair darker. Um, two shadows. Certain parts of her hair dark. A lot of times when you bring out shadows and you bring out highlights, it creates a little bit more of a dynamic. See how her hair is really popping now it's really adding a lot of color. There you could see how this tool can really be helpful, went from dulled, very vibrant. So let's make that a little brighter. Bring down exposed, not make it so harsh, more subtle. Here we go. Thus is bringing that out a little bit more and same thing with Ah, I don't like what the effect that had on the eyes. Let's make eyes a little darker. Okay, they can do that with photography as well. Where you can edit it could do background. So Ah, let me see what else we have here. That's our solid box. Here's a great example. We can really bring out the color of her eyes using this tool. Let's do the to the Dodge Tool and let's see what we could do here. Wow, look at that. Let's go ahead and highlight over that kind of bring out some of the beautiful color in her eyes with a lot more dynamic than when it just waas. That was just a using the highlight tool. We could do the burn tool, bring out shadows little bit right here, bring out shadows in her eyebrows, you know, kind of experiment, see what works for you. And that might be a little too harsh, but just kind of showing you how the tool works. And I can really use it to, ah, bring out certain features. Photos like the lips more vibrant. This is incredibly powerful tool. Once again, it's the Dodge Tool and the burn tool and really quickly. This last one, the sponge tool you could actually de saturate or saturate. But let's just, ah, do 100% flow. It's gonna make it all the way. We're gonna make her brush bigger. We could actually be saturate, Uh, just like a brush. So this is all color right now. So if I hold down, this is the sponge tool, actually, de saturate whatever area I paint over us, let me make this Ah, harsh brush. I'm not using the soft brush using the hard brush. You can really see what's going on. If I do like that, it's gonna paint de saturation, so that could have kind of its own effect. Whatever you kind of are looking to do, um, with it, let's say I want to add kind of a interesting line Year of the saturation. I'm just doing kind of your ah polygon lasso tool so I can kind of select certain area of her face completing a shape. I'm gonna use the sponge tool, make it bigger. I just painted on here. You can zoom, and he could see kinda. He could do some kind of interesting effects, but that so there's kind of your dodge burned sponge tool, incredibly powerful tools for you. 9. Using Photoshop Filters!: today, we're gonna learn about filter options. So when ahead and opened up a photo from online so it can cut of Ah, work with this a little bit. So I'm gonna double click, click. OK, I have unlocked the layer, and I'm gonna go to, uh, the filter option panel. So this is gonna be the very top menu. Go to filter. And here's where you really could do a lot of different affects two photos adding textures , lighting effects, blur effects. It's gonna be several videos put together to kind of show you everything we've done. So we've already done the liquefy tool. Um, there's, ah, kind of a quick way to show you kind of what? The options. You have ours go to filter, filter gallery, and that's gonna open up a preview option there. You could kind of explore All these different filters are gonna go and zoom out here at the bottom because that's soon done way too much. We click in one more time. So these were kind of some of your different options. You could do colored pencil. Um, a lot of these are very computer intensive, so they're gonna take a while for your computer to process, So it's gonna be kind of a slow process to see some of these. How some of these filters book, so I'm not going to do too many. But here's film film grain. Of course, you can add more brain texture. Um, intensity. Highlight. Um, there's a couple of fresco. See what fresco looks like. It's kind of experimenting here. Um, dry brush. Make it look like it's brush like it's a paint painted Ah, picture. Do a bigger brush size. Decrease the brush detail at some texture. So it's gonna be, ah, processing all these things very computer intensive. You have to have a pretty good computer to be able to do some of these filters, etc. It looks like it's almost like a painting. Um, poster edges. I'm just going to a couple of these is to show you you go online or you go on your photo shop and you just experiment. Go to your filters. Filter options. Um, you could make it look like sketch notepaper. Ah, style, eyes, texture, eking out a little bit of a texture. Um, like a grain. Some people want to have a grainy photo just for effect. A little bit of grain to it, Um, you could actually do patchwork, make it look pixelated. That's a great way to make it look pixelated. If that's the desired effect. And texturizing well, that's too much. Too much. Make it bigger and which looks like it's on art canvas. That's kind of your Ah, quick way to kind of see some of your options, but that's just one of many options on your filter panel. Um, so that's the filter gallery, Um, and so there's several of the ones that are very useful. So I'm just gonna kind of just see what I use a lot and kind of show you some examples. Go on here. Experiment. You can always go back in your history panel, go back to the original image and start over and then play. So go uh, blur. There's a lot of times where you need tohave, a blur effect. So there's a lot. I mean, photo shop is full of different blur options. Um, one of my favorite blur options is gossip blur. So we go and click on Glosson Blur, and you could actually ah, make sure your preview is clicked and he could actually preview it on here as you adjust it . So if we wanna have a huge blur, we can actually just great if you want to create a blurred background photo and have a foreground photo that sharp so you can actually manually create on out of focus camera, which can be useful so we could have this is a blur background and add something else on top to make it look like that was really what was in the foreground. So this gossip blur does that really nicely. Let's see what else we have. I love adding noise. It's just basically the same. It's adding a little grain effect. Kind of has a nice It's real subtle. Coming soon. Real subtle. But here's the original. Here's when I added a little noise. This add some grain, makes it look like it's a little bit of an older photo or it's printed from the magazine, Um, one of my favorite, of course, this blur. But if you got a blur gallery, you're going to see something called Iris Blur. This is actually this is my favorite blur tool. I take it back. Iris blurs. Great because you're able to create a focused linds effect, make it look like it's taken from a camera. Um, what is going to increase the blur on here all the way, So you can really see what it does, so it's gonna create a virus or a circle, and this could blur everything outside of the circle. This could be kind of a neat effect. So if you really would have focused on that watch, blur everything else, you could do it. Course I have. A really dramatic effect is to show you what it does. So let's kind of lesson that a little bit. Um, let's do that right here. I'm gonna click on Enter, and it's gonna go ahead process a lot of these air, very computer process heavy. So make sure you have a decent computer going to do in some of these things that really focuses on the watch. So I'm going to take the crop tool, and I'm gonna be cropping it right here. God drags layer out. It's cropping. It kind of get rid of some of this extra fluff. Press enter. And so now we're really focusing on the product of the watch or whatever we're trying to advertise. Um, a lot of different things we could do to make that pop. Okay, so let's go back to filter and see what else we got. Um, distort these air kind of. Let's do Ah. Um, let's do a twirl. Just experiment. Lee, you may not find a use for these, or you may kind of, ah, interesting effect, but there's a lot of different ones there. You can twirl Pinch ripple. Um, I don't use a whole lot of this. Um, I do add noise to add a little bit of the grain. For that effect, Pixel ate these. There's kind of some neat effects, Mom says Mosaic. Ah, so it kind of creates your pixelated effect. If you ever wanted have a pixelated look, that's the perfect option. Um, point allies, I'll actually let me do color half 10. It's going to go up to this. Is this experimenting? That kind of gives you that popular pop pop art. Look, let's go back in our history panel. Go back to where we were. There's the Adam's going in my history panel. Hey, you can actually add you can actually sharpen images which could come in handy. Um, just like you could blur you can sharpen ah style eyes. This is really neat. This is in the newer versions of voter shop is called oil paint, and you may not have this option, but if you do, it's pretty cool. Ah, so you can actually see him out and create a really neat It's actually ah, stylization scale, brush detail. Let's click, OK, and I can show you what it looks like. So it's gonna take a wild process, pretty computer tent. So look at that. Looks beautiful, doesn't it? Makes it look like an oil painting. So I really love that. That's a great option. Um, you actually do a lens flare. Where's my lens? Flare render. So go to render and you click on lens flare. They can add kind of a cool then slayer effect. Look OK, you know, not really what I was looking for, but, you know, just kind of showed me snow options. That's very briefly the filter panel. This is such a I refer to this panel a lot when I'm doing my work. So definitely experiment. Maurel creates a more classes that really focus on some of the options here 10. Ready for Part 3? The Final in This Series: Ah, Hope he enjoyed Class two of three of learned Photoshopped from an expert designer and the final third class. We're gonna go over learning Photoshopped filters, learning to cut objects out easier ways to cut objects out the mighty pin tool where you learn how to create radiance, and we're gonna learn about layer styles a little more detail. And finally, we're gonna learn how to crop photos and objects. So hopefully you'll join me. The final class in the Siri's become a photo shop faster.