Learn Photoshop from an Expert Designer - Class 1 of 3 | Lindsay Marsh | Skillshare

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Learn Photoshop from an Expert Designer - Class 1 of 3

teacher avatar Lindsay Marsh, Over 500,000 Design Students & Counting!

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Taught by industry leaders & working professionals
Topics include illustration, design, photography, and more

Watch this class and thousands more

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Taught by industry leaders & working professionals
Topics include illustration, design, photography, and more

Lessons in This Class

    • 1.

      Class Preview


    • 2.

      Let's Get Started!


    • 3.

      What Type of Document Should I Open?


    • 4.

      Creating Basic Objects - Getting Comfortable with the Layering System


    • 5.

      Paint Bucket and Creating Shapes


    • 6.

      Creating Your Own Shapes


    • 7.

      Working with Fonts in Photoshop


    • 8.

      Working with Fonts In Photoshop - Part 2


    • 9.

      Part 2!


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About This Class

Welcome to Class 1 of 3 of the Learn Photoshop from An Expert Designer. If you are looking for class one or three in the series see link below

Class 1

Class 2

Class 3

With over 3 hours of video content, join me, Lindsay Marsh, for a photoshop class that will take you from no experience in photoshop to feeling very confident! I have over 12+ years of professional full time experience in Adobe Photoshop and cannot wait to teach you this powerful tool. 

I created a class that moves at your pace. I created high quality video screen capture videos for all of my lessons so you can feel like your sitting right next to me, one on one. 

We will learn everything from the tool bar to the layering system, the pen tool, creating shapes, working with type and then we dive into working with photos, manipulation, filters and effects. 

This is class one of three in this Learn Photoshop from an Expert Designer series. I decided to break my class up into bite size classes so it did not feel overwhelming.

Look forward to learning together! 

Meet Your Teacher

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Lindsay Marsh

Over 500,000 Design Students & Counting!


I have had many self-made titles over the years: Brand Manager, Digital Architect, Interactive Designer, Graphic Designer, Web Developer and Social Media Expert, to name a few. My name is Lindsay Marsh and I have been creating brand experiences for my clients for over 12 years. I have worked on a wide variety of projects both digital and print. During those 12 years, I have been a full-time freelancer who made many mistakes along the way, but also realized that there is nothing in the world like being your own boss.

I have had the wonderful opportunity to be able to take classes at some of the top design schools in the world, Parsons at The New School, The Pratt Institute and NYU. I am currently transitioning to coaching and teaching.

See full profile

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Design Graphic Design

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1. Class Preview: with over six hours of content joined me Lindsay Marsh for a photo shop class that will take you from no experience to expert level. I have over 12 years of professional, full time experience and Adobe Photo Shop, and I cannot wait to teaching its powerful school. I created a class that moves it nor pates. I created high quality video screen capture videos for all of my lessons, so you can feel like you're sitting right there next to me. One on one. I have two phases. My course beginner levels. Hold your hand through the basics of photo shop. We will learn everything from the toolbar to the layering system, the pin tool, creating shapes, working with type, and then we'll dive into work with photo manipulation, filters and effects. The second intermediate phase of my course includes five full courses working in photo shop . We will take this feels learn in the first phase and apply them here. So what are you waiting for? The time is now finally learned into Master Photo shop, so let's learn together 2. Let's Get Started!: Welcome to the first class in the photo shop Masterclass series. Welcome. So I went ahead and opened up the Adobe Photo Shop CC 2017 program. If you have any previous Photoshopped program, whether it's not in the Dhobi Cloud, if you just have a older version of Federal shop or a free version of Feder Shop, that's okay. Uh, any version of photo shop could get a lot out of my glass. A lot of the tools haven't changed. Ah, lot in the last 10 years. They've added additional items to it, but mostly some of the basics. It's all the same. So feel free. Teoh. Get a lot out of this class. So let's get started. I wanted to kind of familiarize wanted you to familiarize yourself with the ah, the dashboard here, Um, with the interface, uh, the left side areas is cold. Your toolbar. It's going to be where a lot of the action happens. Um, it by default, this should be your default layout. And if not, we'll get to have it set that up really quickly, but just kind of over viewing some of the basics. You can feel comfortable in this program. Um, so this is kind of your toolbar. We're gonna be able to edit a lot of items. Um, the right side is going to be all your different window panels. And so, by default, you'll probably see something very similar to this. You gotta have things like a layer panel. You could have your color panel. You have a have a swatch panel. Ah, history panel is really important to have up. Ah Properties panel a character panel in the paragraph panel. If you go up to the window option up top, you'll be able to see and call out different panels. If there's a certain one that I talk about during the class and you want to be able to recall that window, I just got a window and click on it. So let's say I refer to the color window or I'm choosing options from the color window. Go ahead and select it, and you'll be able to do that. The great thing about the newer version of Photo Shop is you can actually drag out a lot of these and create your own, um, kind of layout, depending on what you use the most and that could talk about kind of which ones I use mawr . Which ones? I use less like. I don't do a lot of three D works or the three D. I usually have it inject. I don't really need that actions or something I used up I use, but not as often. So I kind of have that unchecked as well. Ah, but some of these I use a little bit more often. I know I do a lot of typography, so I like Teoh. Ah, have my character and my paragraph. Ah, these air really two fantastic windows if you're big and typography because then you can add it if you want left or right aligned than your paragraph or if you want to edit all your size of your text Um, that's kind of where were these come into? Play eso to kind of get to the default layout that I'm gonna be working with in this class as you go up to window and you are gonna goto workspace. Um, I'm gonna go ahead and reset. This is called essentials. And there's different kinds of, ah, preset settings that you can load. We gotta work space. Um And so there's essentials was a kind of your default. That's what I'm gonna work with because I feel like I want to kind of teach you guys photo shop for graphic design photography. Kind of a little bit of everything because you guys were gonna use voted for shop for different reasons, not just for the same reason. So I'm gonna go ahead and make sure I have window workspace essentials and just go ahead. If it looks different than mine, this reset it, it'll kind of reset it back to the default eso. It should look like this. You can actually un collapse this window, and he should have to working columns. They usually like to have two columns expanded so I can have the most options available to me. So it's kind of just your basic set up where you have your left to bore where you could have all your tools that you can access and your panels, your window panels, recon access your other set of options. Photo shop is a pretty intense program. There's a lot of different options because people used photo shop for photography for graphic design for layout, the typography. There's so many reasons to use photo shop. So there's a lot of overwhelming options. And so this class, hopefully I can break all that down for you will go over. The several toolbar panels will go over all these different options, and there's also a ton of options up here at the top, where you can have filters. You could do images and do adjustments to your photos. Eso Well, hopefully I can break this class down so it's not is overwhelming for you. Um, so start off with the two bar on. Well, kind of cover things one at a time and then, toward the end of the class will be able to apply it and design a lot of different things on. It will also be able to do a lot of extensive photo editing as well for those who are big into the photo editing. But I'm a graphic designer by trade, so that time could it kind of approach this class, although if you want to do this for photo editing, I do a ton of that as well. So if you're just interested in and learning Photoshopped as an overall program, you're in the right place and hopefully in the right class. So please join me for the rest of this. Ah, this class. And I hope you enjoy the Siri's. Thank you. 3. What Type of Document Should I Open?: All right. Welcome back to class two. Here we go. So now that we kind of familiarized ourselves with the basic layout of Photoshopped, let's go ahead. And I really like to just die. Then I really want you to treat this class as a class that you can go at your own pace. So feel free to pause at any time, Um, and go back and listen again to something. Um, I like to kind of go a little bit quicker knowing that you can pause and continue to watch the class whenever you're ready. So let's get started. Um, let's go ahead and open a file. And and I think if we do like a sample of kind of what I would normally do in photo shop, I can kind of just go over kind of some basic tools as we do a project. So we're actually get a complete a social media graphic by the end of this video. And this is only your second lesson in the photo shop class, but I want to kind of show you kind of some of the steps I go through so I could teach you some of the tools while we're going at this. And if you seemed overwhelmed this okay, by the end of the class, this will be no problem. We're getting ready to dio, but I just want to show you the power of photo shop on what? We're gonna be able to accomplish it. The end of the class. Um, So what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna goto file new, and I'm gonna Actually, there's two different file formats on, and this looks a lot different. They just updated. Uh, I have Photoshopped CC, which stands for Creative Cloud, so every year, they're constantly updating foot a shop for me. Um, I pay a monthly subscription for it. You could have a older version of photo shop where you don't have to pay monthly, which is great if you have that. But I pay monthly just to get some of the updates. They just updated this So this actually looks different than it did a month ago. So if it if your screen looks a little different, a lot of the options are exactly the same. It's just a little bit of a different layout in terms of how it looks. But all the settings are all the same. All the options are all the same. So let's go ahead and open up A simple document. Um, trying to think of if I want to do a digital or a print document. These are the two big. This is the biggest decision you have to make when you open working in photo shop. Is this gonna be a printed item? Ah, business card. A flyer. Is it a big banner or is it gonna be a digital graphic? A graphic I'm gonna put on the web. It's gonna be shown on a on a computer screen, a mobile screen, anything that's digital. So you need to know that before you open up the document which way it's gonna be. So I'm gonna do a social media graphic for Facebook That is digital. So there's a few things we need to set up before we open up our digital document. The first thing is, to the right, um, Inches is gonna be great for print. I'm gonna print in 8.5 by 11 inch document, or if you're in Europe and other parts of the world, you're going to use a different system not inches, but centimeters are millimeters eso I don't need any of that. I'm going to actually be doing this digitally. So, um, everything in digital is in the pixel format and pixel size. So make sure any time you're doing anything for the web, it's gonna be in pixels. So I'm gonna do kind of your standard Facebook bad graphic. That's gonna be 1600 width. And these were things you'll just kind of learned and memorized. Aziz, you do this more often than you could actually go online and easily find sizes, standard sizes, potential formats. So 1600 by all 600 hype, this is kind of just a sample. Um, actually, it's 1200. I'm sorry. 1200 by 600 pixels orientation. I want to make sure this is horizontal. If I wanted a vertical, you just go like that and notice how the items switched width and height switched. Um, so you can kind of toggle that easily, Okay. And so there's a few different. This is definitely different for me. I'm still learning this layout. It was a totally different format one month ago. Resolution. Anything for the web. It's great. to have at 72 this seems like a random number, but anything digital on a screen that's not a retina discreet screen. Which is what? Apples, uh, high end apple computers used anything that's not a high end retina screen is gonna display everything in a 72 pixels per inch resolution. Anything in the print environment, you're gonna wanna have that at 300. And these air just two things. You're just capture memorized 72 for digital and 34 print. And so we're doing a digital. We're gonna make sure that's in 72 um, and sometimes will design something and they'll request it. Maybe it's going to be displayed on a retina screen, which is a super high resolution screen or a four k ah screen on, and they may request it to be 300 resolution. So it just depends on what you're working with. But I usually by default to 72 something you're just gonna have to memorize color mode. RGB. There's only two things you really need to worry about. His RGB and seem like a RGB stands for red, green blue. That's your standard digital color format. This is something again, you're gonna have to memorize. And once you set up a few of these, it'll be no problem. So we have the Texel environment for digital. We have a 72 resolution and we have it set toe RG beat. We're doing print. We would do C m y que, which is Sai in magenta yellow in black. So you'll learn all that as we go throughout the class. So don't feel overwhelmed. Just 11 thing at a time. I always just do a standard white background advanced options. You will probably know not need to do this at this level. That's more for advanced users. That's it. Go ahead and create your new document and we have our document created. This is kind of your art board workspace anything outside of the space. Whenever you export it to a J. Paige or PDF, it will not be included. So, um, everything This is kind of the visible space that we have to work with. And it's 1200 pixels and whip and 600 pixels and hype. Um, so this is kind of our basic documents set up, and the next class we're gonna start kind of working with some tools to create a graphic 4. Creating Basic Objects - Getting Comfortable with the Layering System: So now that we have our basic documents set up, I want to teach probably the biggest thing that photo shop has to offer. And that is the layering system. If you can master the layering system and voter shop, then you will understand the power of Photoshopped. So you're layer panel is right here. Course it might be in a different area, depending on how you have your windows set up. And I went to Windows Array or a workspace and I went to essentials. But if you do not see the layer panel, just goto window or if you do not see any panel what I'm talking about goto window and you'll be able to locate it. So already have layers checked, and it's right here. Ah, so this is kind of your layers panel. I'm actually gonna, um, close out a few of these boxes so that I could make the layer panel bigger, so I don't really need all this right now, so anything I don't need property, I'm just gonna delete it. We don't need it right now. Device preview. We do not need that. Go ahead and just get rid of that panel. We can easily add it back later. Um, so the layer panel, let's go ahead and unlock this. So, um, this is locked. So when he opened up a new document, you'll see this little lock I gone. That means I can't move or shift around anything on this document unless I unlock. It s so kind of a quick shortcut to unlock any layer is just to do a quick double double tap right here. I'm doing a double click, and I just click on OK, and it unlocks it and you'll see right here there's a little, uh, lock icon and you can also toggle that and unlock it as well. So now that it's unlocked, I can actually shift this little layer around, um, and you'll see back here. You'll see this kind of crazy pattern. All that means is it's transparent. There's nothing there. It's clear it's not even white. It's transparent on. So sometimes that's necessary were in your doing certain documents like a PNG for the Web. When you're doing a logo and you don't want to have a white background on it, you want it to be transparent and to go on any background that's where that's useful for right now, I want to just kind of have a solid white background. So I'm gonna go ahead and lock this layer again. You know why? Because if I am working with type or some other kind of graphic on top of this, and I can accidentally press this layer and accidentally move it and shifted around I don't want that. I want to have a locked in in place. I don't want it to bother me. So I'm gonna go ahead and lock that layer. And I call that my base layer or my background layers. This could be the layer that could exist at the very bottom of my document. So I like toe name. I don't always name layers when I have hundreds of layers, but it's really good to get into the habit of Larry. Naming your files are naming your layer. Excuse me? Because you I'd have in some documents, hundreds of layers and it could get very confusing. Um, kind of what layer is what? And there's a way you can kind of make that little bit better and I'll get to that in a bit . I'm so it's going to add a new layer. Well, how do I do that? There is a right here. There's a little page icon down here, and if you just hope hover over something for a few seconds Ah, little yellow sign will pop up to tell you what it is. Create a new layer and I'm going click that and you'll notice I have a new layer that's added on top. So anything that's on the bottom is in the background of the document. Anything that's on the top layer is in the front. So for an example, I'm just gonna add a simple box of text. So I'm gonna actually double click this and name this text. And so with this highlight it. I'm gonna go over to my tool bar, and I'm just gonna click on the T, which is for your text. Go ahead and click on text, and you'll notice I have just like, in a word, document or any other basic documents. Go ahead and click and type some go headline right here. That's really really, really, really tiny by default. I guess it just for some reason did it tiny. But that's no problem. I'm gonna go any time I lost. I'm like, Where's my layer? I can't find out where the text is. Go ahead, double click on your layer and you'll be able to locate it. So this isn't white. Um, we cant see white on white, so ah, on the text. Whenever I work with text, there's kind of an extra just to add more complexity. There's an extra kind of menu. Items up here the top bar, and you'll notice the Texas and White. This is your color selection. Let's just do blacks. I can kind of see my text and this is very tiny, so I'd like to go ahead and this is eight points. I'm going to just increase it to 72. There we go and see now I could just kind of any time you wanna click and kind of drag around any layer, whether it's text or a box or an element or a photo, you're gonna want to go up here to the very top of your toolbar, and there's your move tool. So you select on that and you could move it around. Okay, so there's kind of our first layer or first thing we've created in photo shop OFWs. We created the text layer. Um so I want to create another element. I want to keep adding things to my graphic. So let's actually add just a a basic box. So I'm gonna create a new layer. And when you create a new layer, it'll just whatever layer you have selected. When you create a new layer, it will add one on top of that layer selected. So I'm actually gonna go back and dio undo, Let's create just to kind of show you further the layering system I'm just gonna create this is actually the rectangle marquee tool. I'll go over more details, tools in the following videos, but I'm just gonna create a simple little box to kind of show you the layering system. So this is just layer one. So I was gonna do black box just so I know what that what that layer is. So let's Cem's gonna double click this actually and make this a different color. And I'll teach you all this in the following videos. No worries. Okay, so there's a grey box. So right now this is the very top layer. So if I drag this layer over the text, you'll notice it covers up the layer below. Whatever is in the top layer always is on top. If I wanted this to be a background element, I want this to be behind the text. I simply take this layer, and I drag it below the layer that I wanted to be under. So right now I'm just clicking and holding and dragging down below text. You'll see now that it's officially and museum out here any time you want. A zoom out here is kind of, ah, percentage right here you consume. I actually have a Mac laptop where I'm able to use my mouse and track pad to cut a zoom in and out easily. But if you do not have that option, you could just kind of type in 100%. Or you can type in just down here in the bottom left, you'll noticed a little 100% there. You could type in 50% and you'll see a 50% or 200% if you really want to zoom in. Um, so it's kind of a pain to do it manually. That's why I love having I have just a track pad that unable to kind of zoom in and out on my Mac. So go ahead and zoom out so it can see kind of the entire art board. I'm gonna drag this over to kind of create a background bar. So if I wanted to drag this on top again and cover that out by can or just drag it back below, I was gonna double click this. Go back, um, appear and change it toe white again. It's gonna make this a little bigger and there's kind of your layering system. Ah, let me just do one more layer to kind of continue to show you the layering system. Well, I'm gonna add a new one is gonna go on top trying to delay do this circle will create a little circle here. Let's go to this option and I'll show you how to do this in future videos is gonna fill the sin with a black. This is on the top. So let's say I want to be below the behind the text, so I'm gonna drag it down. But you'll notice this gray box is further back still, So I want this circle to go behind the gray box, too, so just continue to keep dragging it down to the bottom. And there we go so we can have three different layers top player and medium kind of in the middle layer and a all the way in the back layer, and you could have hundreds and hundreds of layers on top of each other's. You could have a background layer of foreground layer a text layer on the very top, um, all sorts of lighting effects on top of that so it can get kind of complicated. This kind of the basics of the layering system on the can kind of play around with different layers. You can add another layer and just keep dragging things around, so you have the right placement of where things are in the background and foreground. 5. Paint Bucket and Creating Shapes: Okay, so now that we kind of have a basic understanding of the layering system, I want to go over. Probably the second most important thing in photo shop after learning the layering system is the history panel. So right now already have my history panel open. It's right here. If you do not see the history panel, I'm going to go ahead and drag it out, See if I can let me drag just the history panel out. You get a kind of grab it by the text name or the tab and drag it out. I'm gonna delete it so I can show you how to, uh, make it pop up again. Sometimes you just have to kind of edit your your desk, talk to whatever you need it to be. Ah, so window and let me go ahead and recall my history panel There it iss. I just added, back in weakened drag it over here. And I usually like to have my history panel nice and big because I used the history panel a lot. So the History Channel's great because I could go back in time. I could go back several steps if I kind of made a mistake, I could go back. It's basically like undoing something, but you can undo 10 steps, 20 steps, 50 steps back. Um, so ah, that I still have the document open from my layers video I just recorded. So if I go back all the way to the very top, I could go back to the very original very first step I did and that, um, set up where I can click somewhere in the middle and you can kind of see where I was, adding the text continue to click the further down the further along I waas and worked on my document. You kind of see the process that I did that we just went through, and I can actually go back to any state. It's not unlimited. The computer can only store so much in memory. I believe you can actually go into the preferences and said How many steps? But by default, I think it's 50 steps. It'll keep on record for you. Um, so a lot of times I just want to undo it a couple of steps, so let me go ahead and just create a few quick kind of things I can show you have it History, but works I'm just kind of fill in a circle up layers lock. So let me just double click that No problem. Unlock it and I'm gonna create a new layer and name it circle and I'm filling that in with red. And let's actually do they blew. This is not gonna be pretty, but it'll get the point across instead of a circle and to do a square, it's using my paint bucket tool which will go over in the next couple videos on Let me do. I think that's good enough. Let's say I'm working along and I'm kind of working with my elements here. Wanna lock that background layers so it doesn't come out? I'm gonna highlight both of these and get a resize it do all sorts of things, but say, Oh, I messed up. I really did not mean to make that blue box that big. No problem. Go back in your history panel, click up once, and I'm gonna be able to go back to some of these previous settings whatever I want to go back to. Okay, so let's go. I go back to that original red circle. Where was that? There it is. I don't even want to do the blue through square. I want to do a green one. So let's start over. So now I'm gonna create a new layer. I'm gonna do green as soon as I make this and I continue onward with different steps. It'll erase everything I had before so that I could go back in time. So it's really great if you just want to go back and not have to start a document all over . If you don't like what you did in the last 50 steps, go back to what you had Restart. It's a fantastic tool can continue to use. I'm gonna reference the history panel a lot. There's kind of a quick keyboard if you want Teoh instead of having to go in history. Clennell panel. Click back one step. There's a quick way to do. Let's say I make this square smaller. I want to go back to what I had to go, but said I having to go back here and click once. There's a quick keyboard shortcut called Command Z Z, as in zebra, and if you click on command Z saying I do this right here. Press enter. I do command Z. It'll automatically go back. One step in history for you. Basically like the undue I'm go to edit and undo. Ah, but this is just a much quicker kind of a keyboard set up. So I'm gonna make this really big books. I didn't mean to do that, Command Z, I could go back. It is kind of a quick little thing instead of having to mainly go up and find out where where was that step. So that's kind of the quick history panel. 6. Creating Your Own Shapes: All right, So now that we master kind of layer panel and also the history, let's start creating some items using our toolbar. So right now I have a photo that I just opened up. And Photoshopped would just cut of your standard photo so we could start kind of creating some things. So let's go ahead and create some basic shapes. I kind of did that in the last video, but let me kind of show you exactly how to do that. So I'm un collapsing my options here. Um, I'm actually gonna go to window. Let's go toe workspace and reset when we get all my little different options back again. I adjusted it in the previous videos. Okay, so right now, I'm gonna go ahead and minimize this photo. I don't need it exactly at this moment. So this is ah, one of the first items. This is the move tool. This is how you move all your different elements, and it's usually selected automatically. When you create shapes and do things, sometimes you have to manually click on 2 May have something. Um, but the next object below is your rectangular marquee tool. And this is how you gonna create some of your basic shapes and illustrator? So let's say I want to make a rectangle. Um, just a rectangle just for anything. So I'm gonna go ahead and click and hold kind of create any shape you want Will say I want to be very narrow. I'd like to put some text or something on top of it. Yuanan click. And this has not been This is a shape that has not been created, but it's been selected. So this little box this selected Ah, so it's a ready for the next action, so I'd like to fill it. I like to fill it with the color. And this is where the paint bucket tool comes in handy. It's this little thing that looks like a paint buckets. Let's go ahead and click on that. If you hold down on many of these tool up toolbar options, you'll get kind of a sub panel of different options. So I'm gonna go ahead right down here is my color selection tool. So I gotta go ahead. Double click this top square. Ah, this bottom square, we're gonna get to that another video, but the top square is the active color. Ah, so let's say I wouldn't make a blue square click on Blue. I am have my paint bucket tool selected and, uh, locked. What do I do? Ah, well, right now, I just have this locked background layer because I just opened up a new document. So let's create a new layer so we could do some things that's unlocked. So I'm gonna name this Ah, blue, Blue square or a rectangle. Okay, so I'm gonna go back and just click, and I just filled. They call it filling. Um, I just filled it in with the color. And then now I can click back on this box, and if you click anywhere on the document, it'll in selected. And so now I cook my move tool. It's gonna highlight whatever layer I'm on in my layers panel. And I can kind of shifted around and these little elements, right? Hearing a zoom in so I could see a little bit better. I can. These are anchor points. I can actually just kind of diss. Click and shift and I can change the size, make it a square. A narrow rectangle and kind of a big trick that I use to scale things better. So if I go ahead and select, you'll see it kind of has a kind of a diagonal little arrow there. I can drag both the height and the width depending on how a moving my mouse. Let's say I want to scale it perfectly. So instead of just kind of eyeballing a perfect square if I want to scale this perfectly, I'm gonna hold down the shift button and I got a click and drag and notice. I'm gonna move my mouse around and it's only good Allow me to scale perfectly with in height. That's great. If you have a perfect circle, let's go and create a quick circle. So I'm gonna apply whatever that was, I'm gonna delete my layer. So I'm gonna take the Slayer, drag it to this little delete icon so that's gone. And I could create a new one. I'm gonna call this circle Ah, starting to go back to my, uh, the same thing I did when I first started this video. But I'm gonna hold it down, select a circle, and I'm gonna hold down the shift button as I click and it's gonna create a perfect circle selection. So I need to fill the sin with something. So I'm gonna fill it in with a color click on the paint bucket tool to make this red. Ah, so now I'm gonna go to my move tool. And if you do not see these outlines right here, make sure this show transform controls buttons unchecked. If it is unchecked, you will not see the controls. You will not be able to adjust anything on this circle. I can't make it smaller. Bigger eso make sure show transform controls the selected. That's kind of a tricky thing, because sometimes by default, it is un selected. Um, so let's go ahead. I have the option of making this smaller, are larger, but see, it's not scaling really good. It's kind of have toe eyeball this thing. I can't scale it perfectly by myself. So if I go ahead and collect, hold down the shift button and do it now, it's gonna scale perfectly. As I increase it, decrease it. That's really important. If you're doing any kind of complicated designs, hold down shift. There we go. That's kind of your basic shapes. Let's create something different here. Let's actually, I don't want to create a circle. What? I don't want to create a square. Ah. So what are kind of my options to create a triangle? Let's go down to the tool below and you're gonna hold down on get your sub options. There's something called the polygon lasso tool. Um, this is gonna help you select different options, so create your own different selection shapes. So I'm gonna go ahead and make a triangle and I just click once, and I am not clicking again. It's kind of ah, waiting for my next click and so I gotta click I'm gonna make a triangle. So let's click right here. Click. Once it created a point. An anchor point. So now I'm waiting for my next click, Okay, And then it's gonna wait for my final click. If I join this line together, it's gonna create a complete shape and see how this little circle was added right below my arrow. And that little icons yellow circle appeared. That means I'm closing a shape. I am completing a a shape selection. Now, this is a completely enclosed shape, but it's nothing until I, uh do something with it, so let me fill it in with the color. Ah, let me do green. We have a done green yet getting your paint bucket tool. And ah, I need to create a new layer because they'd have a layer to put this on. So I'm going to call this green dry angle, and I I am horrible at satis misspelled it. I am horrible at creating names for my layers. I'll have, ah, 100 unnamed layers, but trust me, it's it's really good to be organized and name your layers because it will get confusing. When you have hundreds of layers going on, we're gonna go ahead and click quick. I havent paint bucket tool and I just create a green triangle layer and I'm gonna un select it. I can't do anything till un select it outside of this selection until that and select to just go back a long time. That is, click on the rectangle to all you have to do is this click and it un selects it. And so that's gonna takes practice to kind of get used to all this. That's OK so that I can kind of I have my move. Tool selected. I can move it around. Uh, I wanna make it bigger. I'm gonna hold down shift and wanted to scale perfectly. And I just created shape. So I don't want this layer anymore and show you how to delete again. I'm gonna take Slayer buying it us drag it down to the trashcan icon and it's gone. And just to kind of throw in another thing we've learned, I'm gonna go back in time a step. So I'm gonna do command Z and I got my triangle back. It's no longer deleted. Okay, so I'm gonna undo that. And you could also do that in your history panel and go back. And I could go all the way up here to where we were in the beginning of this document. Uh, we're creating all different shapes and just going back in time to where we very first started a document where we created that red circle. All right, 7. Working with Fonts in Photoshop: Okay, so now that we know how to create some basic shapes, um, let's go ahead and and add text Teoh our options. Um, so right now, I just have your basic kind of your facebook social media graphic size. I'm gonna go and add a new layer. I'm gonna call this, uh, text. I'm gonna go to our tools panel and go down to this tea, which is basically all your text options. I'm gonna highlight the default, and I'm just gonna type in. Here we go. That's gonna be our sample text. I have green highlighted. I have no clue why. If you want to edit any of the text options, here's kind of your options panel for text. Let's say I want to have this be really thin. I got a lot of different weight options here. I could do really thick nearly. Then let's do it really thick. It will show up better. And that green is nausea. Tings. Let's go ahead and shift that. Ah, let's make that make it a nice blue. There's a nice light blue Make it darker. Shifted around to what? We want to do that. Okay. The great thing about text. Um, if I want to make it bigger, Smaller, You know, we have this, um See this move what we were doing with our shapes. This move, tool it. Allow me to just it up and down. Ah, but see, that looks really stretched. If I do it manually. So I'm gonna do control Z and go back. I'm going to my old trick and hold down the shift button, and I'm able to scale this perfectly. So if I would ever make something bigger or smaller, I can double click my text Layer two, edit it. Double click. And I could do it manually so I could make it us really small are really big. Or I can hold down my shift button on my move tool and transform it to be bigger or smaller very quickly by just doing that. Okay, so I'm gonna put this in the center press, enter. And so any time I want to edit my text Well, so let's have some other layers here, and I want to go back to my text layer. So you just highlight your text layer. You just double click it and notice how this layer style thing opened up was going. Cancel that. If you double click on this empty area right here, it's gonna open up layer options for you. Ah, that's great. We can get to that later. But that's not what I really want to do. If I double click over the actual name, I get to edit the name. So I'm gonna edit name here. And if I double click on this option, I'm actually gonna highlight the text. So it's very turkey. It's very It's very complicated. But once you go over it over over again, you'll get varies tall, these options, so you'll notice you feel DoubleClick. You wanted to double click on the you wanted to edit the text, but she accidentally double clicked here and a layer panel came up just canceled and go back and double click on the actual tea right here. T change change text here. So I want to make this multiple colors. I'm gonna go and double click, make sure it's highlighted, and I'm actually go back. And I was one highlight here. I want to make this red, so I'm highlighting just this section. I'm gonna go back up here, and I'm gonna make it red. So now we can kind of change multiple things And let's say I want to make change Skinny, just just for the sake of showing you guys. Let's make this then. And OK, so now I wanna make this Ah, to two levels. So this just like editing a word document at this point on the press enter, it's gonna become too two lines. And I just noticed Ah, these were really close together. These lines, there's not a lot of spacing going. Double click this on, and there's two really important windows to call out here. Let's go ahead. Make sure I have visible Ah, one of his paragraph. This is great for text editing, and another one is character. So I just called out by paragraph and character, because that's what you're doing. Any kind of text work those air to windows you definitely want to have open. So let me go ahead and select my layer. Double click. My text are highlighted. It I won't increase the spacing between these two lines I created. Let's go and create 1/3 ones who can really see what's going on here. There's not a lot of spacing between the lines. Um, so I'm gonna have an entire font section to kind of go over this in more detail. Ah, but I am in my character window and right here is the spacing between the lines. I'm just gonna increase that to 72 and you'll notice it. Increase its increased slowly, increasing it. I don't have an option outside of 72. No problem. You can type in a manual option. I want to do to 20 to make sure haven't enough space between those texts. So if there's not an option beyond it, type in your in so to to to enter. That's too much between the two, but we're getting there. So let's try 111 because that sees it. A type in said I have change kind of the the space in between the different lines. Okay, so you can also change a lot of other different options in the character panel. You cannot change the amount of current ing between the text, um, which is the amount of space between lettering. So let's say I want to make this really wide lots of space between the letter characters. I'm gonna highlight just this and I'm gonna go down right below The spacing between the lines is something called turning our tracking. So I'm gonna make this you can actually have. If you do a negative option, it will close the spacing more, but do a wider option. It's gonna make a lot of space between the characters, which could have a desired effect. I'm gonna highlight text and do the same thing, and I'm gonna highlight here and do the opposite. May be doing negative. Make that really tight just to show you and as always, if you don't have the option available to you So let's say 200 is the most It will go, uh, manually type it in. Let's do 800. So we do like logo design another kind of topography when you're doing a headline Sometimes having a lot of space in between the text can have a nice, desired high end effect. So that's kind of where that comes into play, Um, so that this is just one big item. Um, if we can always separate and have different Ah, lot of times I, like toe have power over each one of these. So change text here. Instead of all being in one box, I'd like to have be separate elements. Here's what I'm gonna do We gonna double click this. I'm gonna delete these bottom two sentences. And now we just have change lips. I'm just gonna create a new layer. I love doing lots of different layers. It gives me more power control. I'm gonna do text box, too, and I'm gonna go to my text and I'm gonna type in second line. So it's doing the same style. Is it just a change? Didn't when I just hold down shift? I get a kind of do this here quick. So now it's great is I could This is a separate layer and this is a separate layer. So I now I have complete control over these in separate ways, which is really nice, because I can treat this as a headline, and I could treat this as maybe a called action or a website so I could do ah website and I dont want as much space between the character Selves go back here was change it to zero, and I want to make a boulder, so I'm gonna go up here and kind of this with their fought a little bit. Change the color and you can kind of start seeing some elements come together. I'm holding down shift. Make this bigger and smaller. Much easier to do it. This way, then, is to double click this and continually change the size, which is right here of the text manually. Now that's just cumbersome. So I like to take your move tool, hold down, shift lips, hold down shift and just make it bigger like this. There's this kind of your simple, uh, font introduction. We'll go in more detail in the next video. 8. Working with Fonts In Photoshop - Part 2: welcome back. So we're gonna go a little bit mawr into typography and do kind of some changes here. So now we kind of left off where? Ah, we were in our last video. We kind of have are two separate layers here that we can cut it, add and change. We're going to do a few other little things. Let's create 1/3 a layer just to kind of add kind of keep working on that layering system and learning that. So I'm gonna create a new layer. And this could be, um, kind of a see. You know, Justin, additional text sub line Gonna goto our font, and we're gonna go and type in Something goes here just for the sake of learning and always click on the move tool and kind of moving around again. Kind of figure out where I wanted to be placed. Let's say I wanted to be placed kind of right here. Let's say I'm not really good at doing this manually trying to figure out how to center, align this change. Something goes here, layer and this website layer these air three different layers. Let me change the color. So you guys can really see the layers differently. Okay, so now I have the screen green boxes, one layer and I this move tool selected. So I'm just able to shift things around, play with it any time we want to make it bigger and hold down that shift button. And I'm ableto kind of click on these layers and and have fun kind of just a Justin things . So I want to learn how to align things on in the center, to the left or to the right. So let me just make these totally out of whack so it can kind of see how this works. So I want to select all three of these layers. There's two ways to do it. I can go to my layers panel, click on the top or the bottom, hold down the shift button and click at the bottom layer is go select everything in between or I can do it by taking this move. Tool is clicking on this very top in the tool panel and just taking kind of, ah, holding, holding down, pressing the mouse button and holding down, and I can select anything. I want some selecting change now my boxes selecting change. And then something goes here. And then I keep dragging my box. I'm able to select all three. That's the quickest way for me to do it. So I was gonna select all three. All three layers are selected. I can now click on this M or the year, the tea, or you know, any of these layers and I can shift the entire layer system right here. So what I'm gonna do, I would had selected all three. I want to center align all three of these. Well, how do I do that? I have everything selected and you'll have these options. You line options here. So I'm gonna click on this one, which is central line, and you just hover over it. Sometimes you forget, but something they have nice icons to kind of help you remember. What's what is this kind of your center aligning at a click it and it perfectly center aligned everything. Um, according to right below each other. So everything is mathematically perfectly center aligned. Let's say I want Teoh left a line. Everything. I'm gonna go ahead and take my move tool kind of hold down, make a square. I selected all three. All three of my layers air highlighted. I'm gonna click on this left aligned option and I left, aligned everything or write a line or center So that's kind of a neat way to kind of do some easy alignment. So, yeah, these colors are horrendous, but the least they're different enough where you can kind of see which layer and kind of control we could have over some of these things. I'm just making some adjustments so it can also double click a layer is press enter just like word great different lines. This is still one layer Here. Go back, Prospect. That said, I can change color anytime I'm making edits to this like color size. I'm just double clicking the T. If I were to double click out here on the layer, it's gonna open up that layer style panel, and we're gonna get to that in the next video, cause that's incredibly powerful. This layer style panel he actually style each one of these layers have drop shadow out or glow stroke all these different options. That's how you get edit that. So this is it for ah typography. I have some or typography classes at the end of this lesson and then other classes that you could really get into even more detail in terms of doing really nice, high end topography. 9. Part 2!: hope he enjoyed part. One of they learned Photoshopped from an expert designer. The part to Siri's will go over drop shadows, learning basic better shop editing. Working with Photoshopped brushes the Photoshopped clone tool, the liquefy tool using the I drop tool and finally learning the Dodge and Blend Tool. And then we'll go over filters. So stay tuned for Part two, which will be coming soon. And if not, go ahead and check my profile on skill share to find it there. Thank you guys, look forward to seeing in the next class.