Learn How to Write a CV or a Resume in French | Learn French With Me | Skillshare

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Learn How to Write a CV or a Resume in French

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Lessons in This Class

    • 1.



    • 2.

      Tips for Writing a CV


    • 3.

      Write a CV in French


    • 4.

      Class Project & Conclusion


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Learn How to Write a CV or a Resume in French

In this course, we will have a look at how to write a CV in French and how to structure a French CV.

Level of this course: Advanced or Expert, Ideal for people looking for work in France.

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Learn French With Me

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Level: Advanced

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1. Introduction: Hello everybody and welcome to this new goals. Today, we will have a look at how French CVs structured and how you could write your own CV in French. Discourse is about the content in French, not hard to design a see. This course is for more advanced or expert levels in French, but could be a good overview course for beginners or intermediate level if you goals is to work in froms one day. This course is focused on French cities in France, not in the other French-speaking countries. If you are looking for work in froms, discourse is a good guide to what is and what is not expected in a French CV. So let's get started. 2. Tips for Writing a CV: First of all, let me mention a couple of tips to take into account in order to write French. C. Only write one or two pages. No more than two pages or the sea we won't even be looked at. If you have lots of experience, keep ways relevant in your CV. Or worse than a CV in a PDF format. Employers needs to be able to see you cv without being able to edit it by mistake. And it's easier for them to print it if they need to. Always do a print preview to make sure it will actually properly print on an A4 paper. Sometimes some parts can be cutoff and its another effort for the employer to reset the printIn. Less effort from the employer, less risk of receiving that being looked at. Don't add you grade unless it is asked. Only mark if you have past where if you have obtained honors. Try not to use abbreviation in your CVs. And check for spelling mistakes. Check, check and recheck. Good grammar and spelling is very important in French. If you're not sure, gets you cv proof read by a translator. Is it worth missing a big mistake? So paying for some translation or proofreading service might save you from missing your dream jobs. Another thing is to not overdo it. Don't add everything. You just need ways relevant for the job. And finally, do not lie. It tells what you have done, not for you wish you have done. You don't want dislodge. We discovered during an interview as nothing would be believed and you could miss your dream job again. 3. Write a CV in French: Now we will look at each section that you can add on a friend CV. So I have highlighted in blue the section that would be expected on a CV. And in orange, the one dow optionals, they depend more on your preferences or the employee, the expectation, or the tree you are working in. So first, on the top left corner, you need to add your contact data. That includes you title, your firstName and username. So in this case we have Madame Jane Doe. Then you would add your current address. In French, rewrites the house or apartment number first, then the street name, then the postcode, and pull information. In France, the post good is five digits, the first two numbers that tells department you live in. So in this example we've got 76, which is send magneton. And then the town in which you live. You can add the country. I would only write it If you live abroad because employers are more likely going to know if you live in France from the address. If you don't have a French address, put a foreign one to indicate the country. Then you need to add you fund number. I would add your country code if it is a foreign number as well. So France is 33, USA is one, and the United Kingdom is 44. Then you need to add to him and keep it professional and are too long and ovoid personally man with funny names like the best or things like that. Just keep it your name at mail dot something. And finally, we would add which driver license we have. So in this example, you can see me, which means driving licence, and B, which is the type. So to explain, in France, we've got different one. So u, a, which is well motorcycle peaceful calls. C is for transport of goods and the transport of people. So a bus, drinks, and then on the top right corner, you can add a picture of yourself. This is optional. But if you do make it professional, avoid pictures taking with your friends on holiday or photo shoot, pausing, just make it professional, wearing a white shirt, a suit on a neutral background. And then you can add a title. Like English teachers marketing assistant. Usually your current position or it's related to what you're doing, or were you looking for. The next box is also optional. You can also add this to your contact details if you wish, is just it gives more personal information. So the first thing is personal information, if you are married, single, or if you have children. So in this case, we've put someone who is married and has two children. Then you can add your nationality. I will only add it if you're not French, there's no point in mocking French for a job in France. If you have dual nationality or different nationality, it kinda anticipates your language skills. Then you can add your age. I know people might be worried about this, but it's optional. And your h can be calculated from when you graduated. Anyways, if the recruiter really wants to know your age, they really managed to figure out. So if you want to write it, you can, if you don't, don't put it. The next part is about your work experience. You can add as many jobs as you have done. But remember, we have a two pages limit. So only add the relevant jump related to the role you wish you apply for. So first thing you do is you add the dates and the time spent. A lot of employers like to know how long you work there. So if it's already written, it's one less thing for them to do on your CV. Then you add your role and then the name of the company, and then the city and the country if it's abroad. So in this case, we have worked from September 2012, she June 2020. So for eight years, we were an English teacher in a high school, high school math in the city. And then you can add why you've done during your time in a job, your experiences, your skills. So for instance, we've put for an English lesson, high-quality English lesson, creation of this Cooja program, teamwork with other teachers. And then I've added another experience from September 2010 to June 2012 for two years. We are an assistant in turn in a high school, George for in London. And I've added just some experience. So assistance to a French teacher for two classes from yes. Seven to six for proofreading and preparation of certain classes and attending the oral exam. The next section is a value education. What degrees and diploma you have. So first of all, the year you pass the name of the qualification and then your university or the learning establishment, and the city and the country if needed. So in this case, I've put that we have an English Degree in 2010, a levels in 2007, and GTAC in 2004. And as you can see for the baccalaureate, the AA level, we've got most Sean, B-A. So I'm going to explain what that is. So basically it's to mark the honors that you had. So in France, he worked this way. We have AB as CBER, which is rather well, which is a grade between 12.913 out of 20. Then we have B, which is young, good grade between 14 to 15.9 out of 20. And then we have TB, which is trivial, very good, which is 16, and more out of 20. You can always use great conversion scans online if you need as well. The next section is about your language skills. So you can add all the language that you can speak. If you know just a few words in the language for holiday do not add to, just add the one that you can actually speak. For instance, outputs that we speak French, it's our mother tongue, English. We are bilingual, level C2 and German intermediate, and we're level beat two. Let's have a look at the language levels. Those levels are the CEFR standards. It's a guideline is the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages. So you've got a1 is beginner, a2, elementary, B1, intermediate, B2, upper intermediate, C1, and C2 proficiency. The next section is about US kids or your knowledge with different softwares. So for instance, I have put there, we can use Word PowerPoint and Excel as an admin slim, and then we'll have a good knowledge of IT. And the last section is optional, but it gives another understanding of who you are. So it's about your hobbies and your interest. So you can either issue like sports or music, arts, traveling. Like for instance, I've put sports, someone that is a basketball player in a woman's theme. Music. Ten years of music theory and of piano, and issues that you are a timid person. You can show that you are creative, you adventures, et cetera. 4. Class Project & Conclusion: Well then everybody, you've made it to the end of the course for your practice, I have added a template for you to write a friend CV. Try not to use your personality that you can just make it up. You can then load the French template in the class project section. And don't forget to add them back to the section so I can have a look at them and give you some feedback. So well done. Now you know how French CV structured and heights written. I hope you enjoyed this course and this would help you in your job search. It falls. Thank you for watching the schools. Messy bullets like would it be onto a wall?