1. 1. Introduction: Hello there My Labs, I'm willing to charity and
behind me right there, the liver cushy omega. Ms, I'm about to teach
you in this course. I'm the maker and designer behind certain where we have shared hundreds of crunchy
parents when I am not crushing and McGrew miss or
sweat as cardigan or clothes. I am sharing with you
lovely crochet patterns. So one thing that I did notice
from a lot of people is that most of them do not
know how to crochet. Amicable means, which is
why I have made it a thing to put together this
little crochet, teddy bear, Omega Rumi, showing you how to go
about it step by step. When it comes to crochet, I think one of the
things I used to intimidate me a lot when it
came to crushing the body, the head, the body, the arms, the legs, the tails. Whereas with this little girl, she attended that everything would be worked in one piece. The only connection
that we will be doing is the head to
the rest of the body. So I know you might be wondering how on earth do we do that? Why don't you enroll? And I will show you
every single thing. I will walk you through
every single step. We will infer that the
whole face from the eyes, the nose, easy peasy stuff. I am woman excited to get started on this.
Appreciated it. They're like really
close with you. So why don't you enroll and
let me see you in class.
2. 2. Materials: So for the materials, you will need a pair of
scissors, yarn, needle, former me to crochet, hook yarn to make the nose the main color of
your bare for the body. And the black yarn is
going to make the nose and I'll be using this
to make the eyes. But if you've got
some safety eyes, that's absolutely fine. You're going to
see that I did not mention poly fill
or the stuffing. And that's because
I will be using some young I've got a
lot of urine from it. And I'm gonna be
using some scraps here as you can see to make this the best or it can be a scrap your project,
that's absolutely fine. But if you've got
some poly field, then that is even better.
3. 3. Ears: To begin, we are going to
start by making a magic ring. To make a magic ring, this is how I like to do it. I like to get my
working yarn like so, wrap it around my three fingers. So the longer it
goes the other side, but my pinky or my small
finger secures that short tail and the thumb goes to secure the longer
tail, just like so. So let me start that
all over again. You can do this
however you want. So you're gonna wrap your yarn. The two fingers, like so, like so, so there's this whole little
criss-cross happening. Check my crochet hook and
loop from the longer tail. And then I like to chain one
to secure just like that. So let me just do that
with you one more time. Walk around, take
hook underneath, look through shamed
one to secure. Just like so. And now we are
going to be placing six single crochets
into that magic ring. So first single crochet,
second single crochet, single crochet, forth,
single crochet, fifth single crochet, and
finally, six single crochets. In there. You're going to take that
short tail and tag onto that, put it too close. So now I'm going
to find that first single crochet you made, which is this one right here. And you're going to slip
stitch To connect your yarn. So slip stitch, just like so. And now if you look at it, you have caught yourself
this little loop. This is our very first round. To begin round to, round to, we are going
to be increasing. So we want to, we
want to end up with double the number of stitches. So we have six single crochets, forearm one for onto, our aim is to have
twelfths single crochets. So you're going to start
by changing one now into that same stitch that we slipped stitched into this
one right here, are going to place
two single crochets. So that's one into that
same crochet stitch. You wanna go back in with
your second single crochet. So if you're not
very good at keeping count your stitches, right now, be a great time to find
the stitch marker and just place it into that
first single crochet so as to secure it. So let me just grab a stitch
marker myself so that we can always remember
what offers to trust. And that way it makes it
easier for us to keep count. I have just placed
my stitch marker into that first single
crochet that I made. And I'm going to
find the second one from mom one in place to move to give us a total of four. Please, to single crochet
into the next one. Now we have 6.2 single
crochets into the next one. Now we have eight. Remember we're trying to
get 122 single crochets into the next one. Now we have ten. And then two single
crochets into the next one. Now we have 12. So if you look closely, you're going to see
this stitch right here. It looks like a stitch,
but it's really not. What it is is if you
remember we slip stitch, so when you slip stitch,
it creates a force stitch. The next one was our chain one. So these two stitches
will make you think that it's still listed, but
it's really not both. So this is why we really do
need that stitch marker. Because it shows us
the first stitch and when we need to end. So right now would be a
great time to just go back and count to make
sure we have 12 stitches. So whether stitch
marker is the toughest, 1 234-567-8910, 11.12. Perfect. So now remove
that stitch marker, but make sure you're
keeping your eye on that stitch so
you don't lose it. And slip stitch
into that stitch. Just like that. So to begin, row three, and this is going to be
worth three ups to row four. We're going to just place one single crochet or the
way around, so forth. The end of row three,
we're going to have 12 single crochets. So that's how first
single crochet into that same stitch as Germany or chaining and
replace that stitch marker. So it does not lose count. And now you're just going to single crochet your way around. One single crochet into
each and every stitch. For a total of 12. So you can just count as you go. So by the way, you're
going to see me switch. The way I hold my crochet hook. When my arm gets tied with
this pencil or fork position, I'm in the fork, the
fork method of voting, I go to, I switch to
the pencil or the pen. So when nearly at the end. And this is the very last one. So if we're just gonna
go back to count, you're going to see we
have 1 234-567-8910, 11.12, which is perfect. Now for one more row, which is going to be row four, we're also just going to place 12 single crochets
other way around. So that's changing one into
that same stitches joining. Go with your first
single crochet. Don't forget to replace
that stitch marker. Like so. I'm going to finish rank for off-camera because
all we're doing is one single crochet into
each and every stitch. And then I'll meet you
right back so that we can close the ear together. We have finished row four. I'm just going to remove
that stitch marker and slip stitch to join chain one. And now you want to
bring in that tail from the magic ring inside
Cook are about to close the ear. So you
just want to leave. If Luxor, remember we
have 12 single crochets, grim other way around,
we're going to close so that we have to now. So I'm gonna be putting two
single crochets together, and that's one from
this side and one from the other side
for a total of six. So you're going to
find your first loop, which is going to be this one. Insert your hook through there
and find the other side. And make a single crochet. Just like so. Now you're going to find
the second single crochet, which is this one. And for the other
side, the same. This is second single crochet. Find the third. And the same for the other side. And single crochet. Both sides. Single crochet, two close. Single crochet to close. And finally, the last, which is the single
crochet to close. Now, to finalize everything, single crochet to
secure your scissors, normally to leave a tail. So just grab your scissors
and cut just like so. So this is your very
first their ear. Now you want to repeat the very same thing for your second year. So just watch this class again, this lesson again, and
make your second year. And I'll meet you after
I've made my second year. At the end, you
should have yourself to bear is just like so. So now let's get started
on working on their body. And we're going to
begin with the nose.
4. 4. Legs: So to work on the legs, you are going to begin as we
normally do that magic loop. Single crochet to secure and go ahead and place six single
crochets in that magically. That's 12,345.6. And now I'm just
going to pull on to that too tight enough
to close up magic ring. Then we are going
to slip stitch into that first single crochet
remade to join through it. Shane, one to begin row tune. So as always wrote two, it's gonna be as placing
12 single crochets. So that's as placing two single
crochets in each stitch. So that's 1 234-567-8910, 11.12. And now we're agreeing
to slip stitch. The first thing the
crochet we made, that was row two. Now I'm going to go ahead
and hold my hook like a pin. Switch. Beginner three, we're
going to be placing one single crochet and then an increase because we
want to have 18. So that's one single crochet
followed by an increase. One single crochet,
followed by increase. One single crochet,
followed by an increase. Single crochet, followed
by an increase, a single crochet,
single crochet, and finally be an increase. And I'm going to go ahead and count just so we're
sure we have 181, 234-567-8910, 1112, 1314,
1516, 1718. Perfect. And now we aren't going
to slip stitch into that first single crochet
we've made. So far. This is 1233 rows
to begin, well, for really changed one, place, your first
single crochet in that. So now for the rest of
the 17th single crochets, we're gonna be working
into the back loop. So the back loop is
this furthest from us. So before we're placing our hook right in here to
make a single crochet. And now we're just going to find that little section to make our single crochet
and redo this so that we can create this little
separate the foot or the sole area from
the rest of the foot. If you can see that,
if that makes sense, you can see that this is
where it's a parading. There's other loops
that we're leaving behind and we're
getting the other one. Just what you separate the salt from the rest of my little foot. You go on working into the buck buck loops off
those single crochets. Just like so. You're going to do this
all the way around. So let me get I'm going to work with around and I'll make you, once you have finished your
eating single crochets. Just going around with
my 800s single crochets. And we're going to
slip stitch into the first one that we made
to finish off that rule. And you can already see that
it's from that demarcation. As you can see, for
around 155, sorry. We're just going to go around placing normal single crochets. So we're going to
have a total of 18 single crochets From five. So I'm gonna meet
you on our way back. When we got up there and slip stitch to
join and children. So forensics, 1.5, 15
single crochets at the end. So we're only going to do
decrease in three times. We're going to do three
sets of degrees in. Don't worry, I will
show you everything. Please. One single crochet
and then decrease. Just like we've been doing. So that's your first
set of decreasing. Now going on to our second, remember we're going to
do three sets of DPs in one single crochet
and a decrease. That's how second
set. And finally. One single crochet and decrease. For the rest, just place one single crochet at the end of the room. Let's just count.
We should have 15. So that's our first 123-45-6789, 10 111-213-1415. Lovely. Now connect four row seven. We're pretty much going to
do the very same thing. So for all seven, we want to have 12 single
crochets at the end. So one single crochet. And then you decrease. That's your first set.
So let me just go back to placing my
stitch markers. That's what that was our
first set of a decrease. One single crochet and decrease. That's how second set
single crochet decrease. And that's how third set. And now just single
crochet. Other way round. It's just taking that yarn. And no one single
crochet all the way around reached the
end of the room. Let's just count to be sure. 123 456-789-1011, 12. We've got our 12th. Now from row eight all
the way up to row 12th, you adjust going
to single crochet. And then you're going to stuff just the bottom of the foot. Facial one single crochet and
replace your stitch marker. So this is the beginning of row eight and all the
way up through 12th, just going to place
one single crochet. And then when I reach the end before we close off the leg, work and stuff, but
then I'll be right back and we're going
to do that together. So I'm gonna go simple crushing around and I will meet
you once I reached, once I have finished row 12, I have just finished with my 12 rows of two
single crochets. I slipped, stitched
and change one. And you wanna double-check
to make sure you have tough. I've already done that. So
you're not align your stitches flat like soap because we're gonna be
combining or stitches, so two together to give us six. So insert your hook into
that first stitch from your side and find the opposite side to make
your first single crochet. Find the second one
for the front side. And the other side. Two single crochets. Three single crochet, 456, chain one. And cut off some young. You don't need to leave
a tail. Just like so. So you wanna make sure you make two legs. I already did that. So go ahead and make your
tooth and eggs and then we'll meet back up so that we
can work on the arms.
5. 5. Starting the head: For the nose, we're gonna
begin with the white yarn. So grab your white yarn
and make that magic loop. As we did magic loop. And six single crochet to
secure just like that. So enter that magic cream. We are going to go in and
place six single crochets. As we did earlier. It's 12,345.6. Pull up to make. And as always, single
crochet or slip stitch into that first single
crochet. Just like that. And this is our first row. Begin row two, chain one, place two single
crochets into each and every single
crochet of the row. That's 1.2. So for the first single
crochet stitch marker and place it into your
very first single crochet. Just secure what you remember to keep track of their round. And now we're gonna
go around placing two single crochets into each and every
stitch until we have a total of 12, at least one. Now on to the last 11.2. So as always to be safe, you want to go back and count. So that's 1 234-567-8910, 11.12. I have got my 12 to
finish off the row. That stitch marker,
slip stitch into that first single crochet to secure chain one to
begin a new row. Now into that very first Stan, same stitch that we
slipped stitched into. We're going to go in
with our first single crochet over onto 34.3. We're gonna be
placed in one single crochet and then secure it. And then we'll place
two single crochets in the next single
crochet, just like so. And then one single crochet
into the next single crochet and two single
crochets into the next. And that's how we're
gonna be working. Round 31, single crochet into the
next single crochet place to go for the round three, we're going to be having a
total of 18 single crochets. One single crochet, and
two single crochets. One single crochet and
two single crochets. One single crochet. Finally, two single crochets. And as always to be safe, let's go back and count 1, 234-567-8910, 1112,
1314, 1516, 1718. Perfect slip stitch
around three to join. And to begin around four, which is the last
one for the nose, we are going to be placed
in one single crochet into all the single
crochet in the tube or the stitches around
for around four. We're also going
to have a total of 18 stitches or 18
single crochets. So that's one. I'm just going to place
one single crochet going all the way around. So I will meet you when
I have a total of 18. So to finish off row
four, we're gonna remove. And then you want to
insert your hook and slip stitch to join.
Now to Jane one. Before we chain one, you
want to grab your scissors? Cut off. From afar. So you want to leave off just
a bit of a tail like soap. And then you want to go
back to your main color, which is the orange for me. We're going to bring it and
we are going to chain one. We're going to be chaining
one with the orange color. Just like so. So now we've got these two tails that we need to work over. Just to secure or just to make sure our work
does not come and done into that same stitches
joining four row 51234. Yes. For around five. We are going to be working two single crochets and then increasing just single
crochets and then increasing because before
we were working on single crochet and then increasing so into that
same stitches join you. Place your very first
single crochet. Just like so, bring a stitch marker and join
a place it in there to secure work and other one single crochet to
make it a total of two. And then we're
coming to increase. So enter that next stitch
replacing two single crochets. And the whole time I am
working over these two tails, if it's hard for you,
just leave them, we can always tie a knot. So don't stress
yourself about that. Please. Two single crochets
into the next one right here. So we worked through one
single crochet here, one single crochet into the
next stitch and rewards two single crochets
into the next one. Now let me show you
that one again. Placing one single crochet. One single crochet. And then into the next one, we are placing two single
crochets. Just like that. One single crochet,
one single crochet, and then increase
one single crochet. One single crochet. Increase. One single crochet. Single crochet, increase,
one single crochet, one single crochet increase. And now that will be,
or we have a total of 24 single crochets,
you can double-check. So let's just count 123, 456-789-1011, 1213, 1415, 1617. 1819 2021, 2,223.24.
There we go. If you don't have to
know for please go back. Just take it apart to
the root, the fifth row, take it apart and start again once in group two
single crochets, and then increase to
a single crochets, increase and so on
until you have your 24. Then you're going
to slip stitch. To join that we're
about to start row six. So to do L6, we're gonna
be working through single crochets and
then an increase. So as always, our first
single crochet into these, into that very same
stitches joining. Place that stitch marker. That was the first
single crochet. This is our second
single crochet, and this is our third
single crochet. Then enter the next one is
going to be increasing. And then one single crochet, two single crochets,
three single crochet, and then increase
right into there. Just like one single crochet. Two single crochets,
three single crochet. And then you increase 1.2. And that's what
we're going to be doing for the rest of the row. So I have written out of yarn and let me just
bring in a new strand. I had just placed my
one single crochet. Second single crochet. Single crochet. And increase. Just like so. We're almost at the
end of the road. And as you can see, I'm
working off of my tails. One single crochet, two single crochets,
three single crochet. Increase. Then again, one single crochet, two single crochets,
three single crochets, and our last increase. So this was row six
and then a row six, we should have a total
of 30 single crochets. Let's go back and count 1, 234-567-8910 1112, 1314, 1516, 1718, 1922 2224, 2526, 2728, 2930. Perfect. Now to begin on row seven, slip stitch to join the room. To be giving you
the same stitches, dreaming your first single
crochet for our server. We're gonna be doing for
single crochets and then increasing for single
crochets and increasing. So just an off first, second, third forth, and then increase. Please have two single
crochets right there. And then again, first
single crochet. Second single crochet. Third single crochet, forth single crochet,
and then increase. The end of this row seven, we're going to have a total
of 36 were always increasing with six extra single
crochets in a row. If you've already
figured that out. First single crochet,
second single crochet. Single crochet, single crochet. And like so. First single crochet. Second single crochet. Single crochet. Forth, single crochet,
and first single crochet. Second single crochet. Single crochet. For the single crochet
and facial increasing. And to finish off the road. First single crochet, second single crochet, single crochet. Fourth, and finally increase. And then let's just go back and count to make sure we
do have T6 stitches. 1 234-567-8910 13 141-516-1718 1920 212-022-3204
to five times 16, 17 28 to 930-23-4305. And that is perfect. So let slip stitch to join. Shame one. So I'm just going to lay it down a bit
so it looks like so it doesn't look like a teddy bear yet,
but it's about two. From row eight up to row ten, you're just going to
go around placing a single crochet,
not increasing. So for more row eight, you have 36 single crochets. Row nine you have
36 single crochets all the way up to row ten. So to count the rows. As you can see, don't
know if it's Jordan. Come up. This right here. This
first lump is one. The second round, two, round row three, and
then move forward. And then the first orange round, row five, row six, and this is row seven. So you're gonna go all
the way up to row ten. And you're gonna be going around placing 36 single crochets. You go around, you go ahead and place your
36 single crochets, and I will meet you right
back into that row ten. This is so far what
co-workers looking like. It's almost like a little cone. Let her nose, little bowl, if that makes sense. Our head is almost finished
but almost halfway. Row 11, it's where we're going
to be attaching the ears. So I would have done my chain one into that first
same stitches. Go in with your first
single crochets. Your first single crochet. As always. Places stitch marker.
So for right now, we're going to attach the ears. Now. We're going to place
ten single crochets. So that was the
first 1,234,568.10. So let's just go back and
count 123,456,789.10. Perfect. Now, grab your first year because we're about
to begin to attach. So start from the far
end where the til isn't, whether where you don't have to. This is the tilde by the way. And find your first
single crochet. Remember that there's always
a force single crochet, which is this one right here. So this is your first
single crochet. You could always count. You're supposed to have
six, so that's 12,345.6. So insert your hook into that first single crochet
For the way through. Just like so as you can see, now find your next stitch on your head when
you're Bears head, which is this one right here. And insert your hook. So naive inside your foot into the first stitch of the ears, best ear and the head. Pull through and you want to single crochet those together. And now find the
second stitch on the, on your bids ear. And find the second stitch
on the bear's head. And single crochet
those together. And obviously we're
going to do this for a total of six stitches. So that was to find your third
stitch on the base here. And the third stitch
on the bear's head. Single crochet those together. Find the fourth stitch on the best ear before
the stitch, this head. Single crochet those together. Fifth stitch for both sides. Single crochet those together. And finally, the sixth
stitch for both sides. Single crochet those together. So this is what it looks
like on the right side. Very clean, a very clean scene. And all the other side we have a normal role. Perfectly fine. So now after you've
done the first year, we are going to work for single crochets and
then we're going to begin the next year
for this test. We just want to pull it or
push it onto the inside of the head and find the next stitch around,
which is this one for me. Good place for single crochet. So that was one too. 3.4. Now, between these
four stitches, we're going to place a amine
after the first stitches. I'm going to place our second
ear, which is right here. So just as we did earlier, insert your hook into the
first single crochet, the base year, find the next available single
crochet on the head. Single crochet those together. Find the second
stitch on the Bezier. The same thing,
and the best head. Single crochet those together. Find the third stitch
for both sides. Single crochet those together. Fourth stitch, single crochet those
together. Stitch. And finally, the sixth stitch. Just like so.
6. 6. Finishing the head: So after you've
done your bringing that little ear to the inside of the head and finish off
single crocheting for the, for the rest of the head. Should have ten single
crochets to finish off. So that's 123,456,789.10. And that's perfect. So
when I lay like this, you can almost see that
they're starting to form. That we just finished or 11012. We're also going to go around
placing 36 single crochets. So your first single crochet. Replace your stitch
marker and just go around placing one single crochet and the stitches
behind the base. I just gonna be normal. They're not even
gonna be hard for you to publish a
single crochets. Him. Just go around placed in
one single crochet in each. And you should have
36, then the virtual. And then I should
meet your neuro 13, which is when now we
start to do our degrees. And now to begin row 13, we are going to work
for single crochets. So that's 123.4 workforce single crochets
and then decrease. To do a decrease, we're
going to have to combine these two single
crochets into one. To do that. You insert
your hook for one, pull up a loop as
you're about to finish, but you do not finish
their single crochet. Instead you insert
your hook into the next single crochet and pull up a loop so
that you have three. So let's do that one more time. Insert your hook into that
first stitch, pull up a loop. So now we have two
loops on your hook as if you are going to
finish a single crochet. Instead of finishing your insert your hook into the
next single crochet, pull up a loop and pull through. And I've got the three
loops and I agree to treat them as one. So now what we've done,
we've combined those two to make one single crochet. That's how first decrease. Then work for single
crochets again, 3.4. And repeat the decrease
in two loops on the hook. Three loops on the hook, and November through a
three second decrease. So we're going to have a
total of three decreases. Then the row 13, we should
have two single crochets. And now for single
crochets again, 2341234 Decrease. 234, decrease, 234 in the last decrease. Shelf like that. No slip stitch to join. Chain one. So row 14. I had already started it. I thought I was recording, but I wasn't far off. 14, we're gonna do three single crochets
and then decreasing. So that's 23 single crochet and then decrease by two
single crochets together. And then three single crochet, 123 and decrease by placing two single crochets
to gather. Like so. And this is my master's degrees. But obviously you've got
more decreasing to make. That's 123.2 together. And I have finished my
row three and then go 14. But just to pause and
finish off your row 14 and meters so that we
can start row 15 together. It makes sure your stuff
and close is close by because we are about
to start staffing. Row 15, you're gonna
be placed into a single crochets
followed by a decrease. So that's 12. And then a decrease. And then two single
crochets again. And then a decrease. And then
two single crochets again. And then a decrease. And repeat this for
the entire round. And I will meet you guys at the end so that we can then start to stop
her head together. Oh, to work row 17, we are going to be
decreasing all the stitches. So we have 12 and our aim is to have six at the
end of the row. So we're just going to single crochet two stitches together to give us a total of
six stitches at the end. And don't worry, this
is our very last row that we are going to be
decreasing for our head. Once you get to the end, you want to slip stitch
to that first decrease that were made as we've
been doing the whole time. And then when I chain
one, grab your scissors, leave it a bit of tail
to leave everything in and just chop the rest of
the on-off, faster off. And now, look at that little crochet teddy bear
head is starting to form. So you just want to play
around with the stuffing so to make sure its own shape nicely. Grab your yarn needle and close off that little circle of our six stitches that's left. So just getting to
live in, there's no method or written
rule for this. You're just going to
do whatever it takes to close that little hot. And once you're done, you want to adjust with the remaining yarn into
the rest of the best. So you're gonna see me just
inserted and pull it out from a spot and then inserted another spot product
through another spot. It doesn't show because
it's all the same color. And I do this until I have
most of the yarn done. And once there's a little
bit of a total lift, just grabbed scissors, pull
it out a bit, snip it off, and even nod your head so that the stuffing is nice and
even in your crochet, their head doesn't look
funny at all. Look at that. Our head is done. And now we're gonna get started on the body
where we cannot connect the arms and legs
that we have already made.
7. 7. Arms: To start the arms as
always, slipknot. Secure. And please six single crochets in the magic 123456. You can always pause if I
have gone a bit too fast. So now you want to connect with the first single
crochet that we made. I have a good chain rule. And for the round two,
we're increasing. So two single crochets
in each, in each stitch. 46810. I live in that 12th. Just like so. So slip stitch to the first
single crochet. Just like so. So for row three up to row four, we are just going to place
12 hour one single crochets. So a total of two
single crochets. We're not doing any more fancy increasing or any
stuff like that. So we're just going around
with single question, with one single crochets
wasn't up to row four. So I'm going to go off
camera and I will meet you once I have
completed row four. So I have just
completed row 404, rows 12344 or five. We're going to
make our decrease. So choosing one or
the slip stitch. But we're going to be making two single crochets and then a decrease all the way round. We want to have a total
of nine stitches left. So I have just done
two single crochets. And now we're going to
decrease two single crochets. Make a decrease two single crochets entities. So now just go around
to make sure you have nine single crochets. So 123-45-6789. Perfect. I'm just going to tuck her taken disciplinary on the inside. So from now on all
the way up to row 12, we are just going to work
nine single crochets around. Just one single
crochet all the way around until you have
a total of 12 rows, just like we had with
the feet, the legs. So go ahead. And I'll meet you at
the end of all drove. So I have just finished 12
rows or ticket bit of yarn. If you have stuffing, take your stuffing and stuff
the inside of your arm. So I'd like to just
focus on the bottom. If you can see the
base just down there. That's absolutely right. So now to close the arm, we are gonna do a total
of four single crochets. Since we have already chained one gene one and fold
it flat like so. And we're going to
go across placing for single crochets, 123. And to finish up
For shame on Titan. So go ahead, make two of those. I already have mine and
I will meet you back so that we can get started
on the final part, which is the body or the
final part would be making the little face and grading
the face of our Omega Rumi. So go ahead and make
two little arms, 2 ft. You already have
your feet, of course. Go make your two
little arms so far. And when you're done, this is
what we are going to have.
8. 8. Body: To work the body will start, as we always have been. Magic ring. And please six single
crochets in the magic grain. That's 123456. Close that much agrees
for wrote to you. And I have a total of 12 single crochets as
we have been doing. That's 678-910-1112. Slip stitch to that
first single crochet. So for row three, we want to have 18
single crochet. So like we've been doing it. So we're going to be changing
one and then increased by increasing the next
one single crochet, increasing the next
until you have a total of 181 single crochet, followed by two single crochets. One single crochet, followed
by two single crochets. I will do this all
the way around. We've just finished
row round three. So we're going to run
for now around four. We are going to do
things different. Usually would have been doing two single crochets
and then an increase. But this time we're
also going to do one single crochet
and then an increase. So for around four, we want to have a
total of 27 stitches. So we want this to
increase just graduating. So place your first
single crochet, followed by an increase
on single crochet, followed by one single crochet, followed by an increase, and repeat that all the
way around the engine and double check
to make sure you have 27 single crochets. And I will meet you at
the end of the round. To start round five, we are going to be doing
two single crochets, followed by an increase. And then don't round five, we're going to have a total
of 36 single crochets. Make two single crochets. And increase. Two single crochets. Increase. Two single crochets increase. And you want to repeat
this or the way around. And some will have just
finished round five. So around six, you want to make sure you have your
little your two legs close by because we are going to start
connecting the legs. So around six chain one. And you want to start by six single crochet in your first leg together
with the body. So 123-12-3456. This is my first single crochet. I'm going to insert my
hook through there. You want to be careful because
you would think this is also a single crochet,
but it's really not. And you wanna facial first
single crochet off the ground. And you're on a single
crochet those together. So now would be a smart time
to have your stitch market close and place it on top of your very
first single crochet. Connects to the second
single crochet off the foot. And the body. Seemed to
appreciate together. That's 234. 5.6. This is what it looks like
and this is the right side. And that link. You can trust that that
leg is nice and secure. And now you want to place
12 single crochets. I'd like to take the tip
and throw it to that side. 345 678-910-1112. Just double-check. We
had six single crochets, 123456 to connect the
leg and then 12 single crochets, 1 234-567-8910, 11.12. Perfect. Now we're
going to be connecting the other leg with
six single crochets. 123456. This is your
first single crochet. Insert your hook and
find the next stitch and the bear's body and place
your first single crochet. That's 123456. Just like so so far, I know you've got your two legs than it doesn't intend
to look like a bit, but it is coming together. Now going to make
for single crochets and then make it
tail and finish off. So after that last one, this is my first 123.4. So now enter this
stitch right here. We're going to be
placing five treble. I'm triple Cruces to yarn over twice to make
a trouble crushing one. And to insert your
hook into that stitch. Pull through, yarn over, pull through two and over twice. So that was the first one. And over and pull through two. That's how second. Over twice. Insert your hook. Yarn over, pull through
23 and over twice. Insert your hook into the
same hole, and then 1 mol. So if this stage is
intimidating for you, you can always skip this. It's absolutely fine. That's it. The hook. Yarn over. Pull through two. Now you're going to yarn over and you're going to pull
through everything. I like to push the hook
upwards and just pull my hook through most of my grip. And you can pull little by
little to make it easier. Just noticed that I
left loop right here. And they would go
just like that. And I agreed to go
ahead and single crochet seven to finish the real push that tail so that it's popping
on their right side. So I made one single
crochet, 234567. And this should be
the end of the road. Going to slip stitch to stitch. Just like so. So from
all seven up to eight, you're going to place 136 single crochets
all the way around. Then I will meet
you on row nine. To begin around nine, we are going to be making two single crochets
and then a decrease, two single crochets
and it decrease. So at the end we're
going to have a total of 27 single crochets. So that's 1.2. And then place your decrease. One single crochet,
two single crochets. Pressure decrease.
One single crochet, two single crochets,
and decrease. So do this all the way around and you should have
a total of 27. And I'll meet you. I'm on ten. So now we'll have a total of 27 single crochets going
all the way around. If you look at it a little bit, is starting to form its ligand. So keep an eye out for ten, we're just gonna
go around placing one single crochets for a
total of 27 single crochets. Again, I'll finish row ten, and I'll meet you right back. Now onto row 11. 11, it's one single crochet
and then a decrease, one single crochet,
and then a decrease to give us a total of
18 single crochets. So one single crochet decrease. One single crochet. Decrease, one single crochet, decrease, and do that
the whole way around. Be sure to double-check
at the end to make sure you do have those
18 single crochets. So after you have done around 11 and you have
your 82 single crochets, you're going to repeat
those 18 up to round 13. So after you've done it in
decreased around 11 work, around 12.13, two
single crochets on me. And then I'll meet you on
round 14 where we would do another one more
row of decrease. And then we'll attach the
arms fast enough stuff. And so on the head and
finish off our teddy bear. So I'm done with 13, 14 we're going to do
for single crochets, followed by a
decrease to give us a total of 50 single crochets. So 1234 and decrease 1,234.1, 234. Finally, going too fast, just pause and finish off. Slip stitch to connect
and chain line. Now, bring those arms
close. Some are 15. We're going to start
by the first arm. So it's for single
crochets, 123.4. Connect your first just
like we did the leg. So we're going to work for
single crochets together. 123, just like that. So after we've finished
collecting the first one, we're gonna place
for single crochets between the two arms. 123.4. Bring the next arm. 123,123.4. Insert your hook too. I'm so sorry, I keep bringing it up to close to the camera. 3.4. Now we should have
three single crochet is left to finish the back. 12.3 and slip stitch to Choi Jin one. You wanna leave it to this tail is going to help us to connect
to the body, to the head. So, so far, this is your head. Your head less. Teddy bear. This little cute tail. So now, when I stuff, stuff, stuff to fill up
our bear asleep, I didn't agree to use yarn. So go ahead and stop
your teddy bear. I'll stuff off camera with
my yarn and I'll meet you so that we can connect the hand.
9. 9. Connecting body and head: And so to connect the
head onto the body, I have stopped in
mind. As you can see. You want to follow that little
seam line at the bottom. You want to place it. You
want to make sure that the ears are aligning
perfectly fine. You don't want it to be
crooked unless you want your head to be like so what? I wanted to go too far back. So you want to make sure
the bear is facing you directly and place the
bet on just like so. And insert your hook yarn. You don't want your hook. And then we're going to
start with the back. You want to start sewing? I like to go onto the
head of my Omega Rumi, then until one stitch, the neck, just like so. And then into the
head of the Omega, and then into the next
stitch of the teddy bear. And into the head in and out. Just like so. You don't want to be put in to type into the head of my omega root. And then into the neck. Go. Then you wanna come through and place it to see
if it's perfectly fine. And it is fire. And you want to
continue doing this into the head and
onto the Omega Rumi. And it gives you that it's
quicker and you can always undo and repeat
until it's perfect. So I'm going to finish off just as we've been
doing off camera. And then I'll meet
you right back. And so I am just finishing off. So far. This is what we
are looking like. Not perfect yet, but
we are almost there. So not just within your urine. So where are they
on Kmart off I'm going to insert the
hook right there. This is just to secure it. I'm going to put on to the on and it should just
disappear into itself. So this is the back of our
Teddy and this is the front. If you want to
leave it like this, you can always just
twist it to make sure the head is making sense. With this is just a bit. Now, it's time to
sort on our face. So with a black yarn, same weight as the rest, you are going to find
the fifth row, so 12345. And then you want to see where
you want your eyes to be. I'm just gonna go
from the center. From the center of my nose. I'm just going to follow this
line upwards right here. And this is where I want
to my first guy to be. After locating where
my first item B, I am just going to place
a pin. Just like so. And then I am going
to just eyeball it. If this is where my first
value is coming down, going up the other side, this is where the
second one would be. So I'm going to get another
pin and place it in there. So now when I look
at it and see that okay for you or would
you like them to get a bit high and see
what they would look like? I think that that looks
better if you asked me. I think that would
be absolutely fine. So I'm just going to
remove one needle. It was right there. And right there is where I'm going to embroider
our first day. So to embroider I, it's very
easy to insert your hook. So this is where we want it
to come out off the hook from the bottom angle and let it come out of where that value is going
to be placed. I like to put that anchor
until I can't see it, but not all the way, but
just until I cannot see it. So I can just push
it in like that. And the evidence that it was there will not exist anymore. And now he will go
into the next one, next stitch and just saw on
to the I saw on the eyeball. So 123. Then I like to loop it
onto the other side. Groups for and over would be the sixth. So the six before I finish, I want the on the
hook they needed to come up from where the other
eye is going to be placed. So you're gonna push it so that it comes up from
there, right there. And this would be the six. Just like that. And you
wanna play with your, I pinch it to get it to look
like an actual Omega Rumi. And I think I have it. So now I am going to remove my other needle and place six in breeders,
if that makes sense. So that's 1234. To finish off this six, I want the arm to come out. I'm around here where
I want to place the nose between
there and there. So I'm going to
have the yarn come out of this hole right here. Pinch on to that so that it looks like the other
one. There you go. So now we can remove this pin. And we've seen where we
want the other nodes to be. Remove that. And we're just going to
embroider the Nozick ground 123.1 more time. The fourth one will not
come out of this of here. Rather that we are
going to bring it down. Right here. I have placed this needle, so it's pretty much on row
two from the bottom row to go and fight. It was this need.
And there we go. To make the little line. You want to just lift
up the nose a bit up and find the center of
between these two holes. And you may not be perfect. You can just fork force a whole, place it in there,
and then let it come out of the very
bottom right here. And then you just want to
put it on a bit too tight. And we can force that knows, back down so it doesn't show it off and let it jump back in. Just so that you have just made yourself
a crochet teddy bear, which isn't it cute guys.
10. 10. Outro: I hope you enjoyed
this class where we showed you how to make
this crochet teddy bear. Which if you make it with
different weights of you, I'm following the same pattern, just different yarn weights
and different sizes. You are going to get
different sizes. As you can see,
this is obviously bigger than this, as is this. And I think this one right
here is the smallest. So let's try the tiniest, followed by this one. And then these guys read. So I hope you
enjoyed this class. I hope you have enjoyed, you have made yourself a very successful crochet tele
bet if you didn't, but it's absolutely fine. You can always reach out in the comments section or
the discussion section. And we will be more than glad to help you until next time, guys, I will see you later.