Learn French Vocabulary: Body, House, Food, Sports, Jobs & Weather | Learn French With Me | Skillshare

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Learn French Vocabulary: Body, House, Food, Sports, Jobs & Weather

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Lessons in This Class

    • 1.



    • 2.

      Body Vocabulary


    • 3.

      House Vocabulary


    • 4.

      Food Vocabulary


    • 5.

      Sports Vocabulary


    • 6.

      Jobs Vocabulary


    • 7.

      Weather Vocabulary


    • 8.

      Class Project & Conclusion


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About This Class

Learn French Vocabulary: Body, House, Food, Sports, Jobs & Weather

In this course, we will have a look at different topics and their vocabulary in French.

  • Introduction
  • Body Vocabulary: body parts, organs, the 5 senses, clothes & accessories
  • House Vocabulary: rooms, furniture & decorations and equipment
  • Food Vocabulary: meals, diets, fruits, vegetables, meat & fish & accessories
  • Sports Vocabulary: different sports & equipment
  • Jobs Vocabulary: jobs from different industries
  • Weather Vocabulary: temperature, types of weather
  • Class Project
  • Conclusion

If you have any question or suggestion, feel free to leave a comment in the discussion.

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Level: Beginner

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1. Introduction: Welcome everybody, welcome to this new French course. I'm delighted that you have decided to join me today. This new course is about learning more vocabulary in French for different topics. And it is aimed at all level learner in order to increase your vocabulary knowledge. So let's have a look at the different topics of this course. You're going to start with the vocabulary of the body. So body parts, organs, the five senses, clothes and accessories. Then we will look at the vocabulary of the house, to different rooms, the furniture, the Declaration, and the equipment that you can find in a house. After that, we'll look at the vocabulary related to food. The different meals, diets, some fruits or vegetables, meat and fish, and the different kitchen accessories. We will look at sports, the different sports and the equipment that they use. We will have a look at the vocabulary related to jobs. So the different jobs that we can find in different industries. And finally, we'll look at the vocabulary related to weather, temperature, different types of weather. You will have a class project to do at the end of the course. So let's get started. 2. Body Vocabulary: Now we're going to have a look at the body vocabulary. But in French is Luka. And we're going to have a look at the face movies ij. So that's dumped. The face, Levy's edge, the math lab Bush, the cheeks, Li Zhu, the chin, LA mantle, the neck loop, coup, the T, leet dome, the eyebrows, least Suseela, the ears, the eyes. And I've put the eye just to show the difference between singular and plural. Low you. So singular. Plural. Li Xue, lay leads you. The forehead. Blue for the hair, the shoulder. And finally, the nose. Loony. Now we're going to have a look at the vocabulary of the hand. The hand lambda. The longer. The wrist. Look one-year. The thumb, the index finger, lung decks. The middle finger. La measure. The ring finger. Lend you left the pinky, lowly Culex. Now we're going to have a look at the vocabulary of the body itself. The chest, Lu, toss, the arm, the leg, luxury under the foot, loopy. The end col, less surely. The Ni Lu Xun. The wrist looked one-year. The shoulder. Lipo you. Now we're gonna look at the different organs. Organs in French, Liza organ, the brain, blue, Savile, the lungs, the Puma, the liver, Luftwaffe, the bladder. Law, Vc, the kidneys, the hot cap, the stomach. List or be careful we don't pronounce the CID in the list toma, the intestines liaison, this stuff. Now we're going to have a look at the five senses. The five senses in French, least sunk sauce. The first one we have is the smell of which is infringe. Lu Du ha lo Doha. Careful. We don't pronounce the T at the end. The hearing is Louie. Louie. The site is love, you. Love. The taste is Lu Gu. Lu Gu. And finally the touch is Bluetooth. Touche. Now we're going to have a look at the clouds, which is infringed. Live that mode. The could le motto. The jacket, lead vest to jump into the pillar. The county again, leucine, the T-Shirts, Lutetia, the tanks up, the bra, blue suit, Django, the bro let lab, Bokassa, the trousers. Lepanto, the short blue shocked. The skirt. 2p. The dress. Law harbor, the socks. Li Shu set the boxer. Blue books there. The Anika, leg cooler. The Ben's, lose sleep. And finally, we're going to have a look at some accessories that you can wear with Euclid's accessories in French. It is Xc SUA, the hat, Lu shampoo, the beanie, low botany, the bent, left some to you. The bracelet loop, Lastly, the necklace. Luckily, the ring, lab bag, the bag, loose sack, the glasses, lunette. And now we're going to have a look at some sentences. We have all of these vocabulary. Maggie, the soft. Yep. So sois and say my Keneally is you ylab Bush and bought the lunette and posturing a Honda and Zhe Li additional shoe. And that means Murray is going out tonight. She put makeup on eyes and her mouth. She's wearing glasses. She's wearing a dress account again and choose. Now let's have a look at another sentence. Hole there, CF0, O PMA less seven Dunya. You know, bear Astrium was salvo. It that feebly in non-tone pantheon in portal chapeau, pre-party Guillermo unburdening Polk City there. And that means robot had an operation as weak. He had an operation on the brain. He's hearing has weakened. Econ hair properly, is going to wear a hat, more particularly a beanie for the winter. If there is any vocabulary that I haven't mentioned, feel free to mention it in the discussion section. I will be happy to answer if you need any more vocabulary for any reason. 3. House Vocabulary: Now let's have a look of a vocabulary related to the house. The house in French is law, MSM. The drive. Lately to garish. Look. The roof, Lu Ta The window. Let's sit at the front door. Lamppost. Dante literally mean the dough of entrance. The shutters leave only the garden. Lusaka. Now let's have a look at the different rooms. The rows in French, lead PS. Those standards needs this candy. The toilets, lead toilet. The bathroom. Lesson develop literally the room of the bath. The core riddle, look cool. Ua. The bedroom, less Shambhala. The living room. Loose sand on the kitchen, like cuisine. The dining room, last cell emoji, literally the room to eat the attic, local honey. Now we're going to have a look at the furniture in different firms, furniture in French, limb Ebla. So let's have a look at the bathroom. The mirror, Lumia while the tap local beneath the sink. Lovable. And be careful with this one because in the kitchen it would be the sync again. But in French, we've got different one for the bathroom and a different one for the kitchen. So remember the sink lovable? That's for the one in the bathroom. The lamp law lump the toilets, the toilet, the bath Libin law, the cupboard replica, the shadow that do. Now we're going to have a look at the furniture in the bedroom. The lamp, lamp, the wardrobe, law, the bed. Lu Li, the Quint, lack wet. The blanket. Like covert virtue. The PLO logo on the bedside table. We've got two ways of saying it. Led tab Don you literally do table of the night or let us show that the frame. Look CagA. Now we're going to have a look at the kitchen. The open loop for the chair. Less shares. The table that Tabula, the sink, live you. That's what I was mentioning before. In the kitchen we say Livy, the sink, if it's in the bathroom, lovable. So be careful with that. That tap low will be net. The cupboards are put you more than I couldn't find on the picture. But the fridge, Luther ego, the microwave, gloomy cold, the ghetto, that Ua. Now we're going to have a look at the living room. The remote, let telecommand, the sofa, chair, Lu footing the sofa to catch. We've got different ways of saying it. Look canopy, Lucifer, Ladino. Just a quick note about fluids evil. I have found that the Latino, it's actually more use in Belgium, but I have heard it in France, especially in North of France. The coffee table, let WBEZ literally mean the low table. That's where we would say in French. The rug, blue tacky. The TV stand. Low mobility literally mean the furniture. Tv, the TV Fanny jam, the TV for television laterally. Let Diddy Vizio. Now we're going to have a look at some sentences with older vocabulary we've learned about the house. Gas, should they buy popcorn, MSM, say super Jiu Nellie, forget him of which you, you increase in this them to bump it up at the Voc to memorable JS, should they, and how can that be in Gone Titi, polar cellular. Gv, poor cuisine, a dot I cuisine. Lu, full enough. Egypt plunder, Plaka, palsy, put myself there. And that means I put my own house. It's great. I have a drive to park my car. I have a kitchen to bathroom and three bedrooms, a car away to have alma furniture, a boat, a big couch, and a big TV for the living room. And we'd be able to cook in the kitchen. The urbanised knew, and I have lots of cupboards to put all my stuff away. Well, the house vocabulary also have an advice about learning that kind of vocabulary about the house. It's something that I used to do when I was learning English. It's actually to put stickers everywhere in your house. So if you've got your curtains, you put a little label on it, writing kittens, redo and do the same sofa canopy and just write everything in your house because you are going to basically leave with the vocabulary and you would see, and it's one way to learn vocabulary. 4. Food Vocabulary: Now we're going to have a look at the vocabulary related to food. So fast, we're gonna look at the different males and the different diets. Mills in French, levodopa and diet. Lei regime animals. Breakfast is look pretty visually. Lunch or dinner. And also want to add that this is for French from France, because I've noticed that some can differ if it's from Belgium or from Canada. So remember that's for France, French from France. Diet, regimen the mantissa, and we have only virus, omnivore, vegetarian visit, visit Italian if it's a woman, remember masculine, feminine. V again, visit that young, visit that yen biscuit ion. I find two waves of saying it in French. Fiscal visit the area. Fiscal, vegetarian, oh, biscuit. Biscuit, Italian. Now we're gonna have a look at different food. Fasta, lead pet, noodles, the New Year. Pizza. That pizza bred, blue pump. Rice. Sushi. Sushi. Love homemade ice cream like less. Cakes. The ghetto chocolate, Lu Shou Kula, crescent, leak, fossil, Kofi, blue, Kathy. Ti, lu, juice, Lu Zhu, soda, lose soda. Stillwater. Look ggplot, fizzy water, low gazers, hot chocolate, Lu Shu cooler, shoe, soup, soup, outlet, loan, lead, Berger, Berger, blue, burka. Now we're going to have a look at the different fruits. Fruits in French, liquid quit. Cherry, less service. Banana, banana. Apple, lab, palm. Up pre-cut level eco pair, lapply, peach, lab, bench, lab, couldn't watermelon. Lapis thick, mainland, luminal, orange, low Hong Zhu, lemon, lime, Lucy over. So basically we're saying the green lemon in French, grapefruit, blue, Paul Bloom, who's Blackberry? Lamb, New York. Blueberry, cranberry, like Kanban. Raspberry. Left home was strawberry. Left clades. Blackcurrant, Lucas's, kiwi fruit, do kiwi, Meng, Gu La Mancha, pineapple, Lana, laughing. Cocoanut, land law, do cuckoo. Now let's have a look at the vegetables. Vegetables in French. Lee legume, garlic, leek, Luke, wow, whole onion, linoleum, Bulkeley, Lu broccoli, cauliflower, Lu Lai Qu, cucumber, local Colombo, peak coal, Lu cognition, eggplant, aubergine, pumpkin, Let's see Tojo, tomato. Let too much. Mushroom. Shopping. You. Brussels sprouts, the shoe, the bookseller, cabbages, Li Shu, solid, less than add. Spinach, leaves, zippy NA, BET, root, law, bit, hub, carrot, like Kcat, beans, peas. The pretty poor. Sweetcorn remained. Sweet corn, roommate, potatoes, the pundit there. Now let's have a look at meat and fish. Meat in French is beyond. Beef. Lamb, lead new, V, livable, PUC, blue. So say geez, the sauces, poultry, chicken, loop, Pula, Turkey, led down the duck. I can now fishing French is Lu, Poisson and seafood leave. We don't literally mean the fruit of the sea. Pros. They Corvette, crab, lobster, Lu, Omar, muscle, the Moodle OS, those leads. We scale up the cookie cell Jack, Salmon, Lu sumo, tuna, tone, egg and this egg, Li Xue. So I've put both of them so you can hear the difference between the singular and the plural. When it's one egg, we said enough, when it's plural, exit. Li Xue. Enough. Li Xu. And let's have a look at some kitchen utensils. In French you would be leads, you stop thin decreasing. A picture. We've got three different ways of saying it. Like cow half, let Kush, Lutetia, a blender, little mixer, Columba, Law Pessoa, frying pan, Lab 12, saucepan, like classroom. A teapot in the spatula. Less bet you. A cutting board, lab blush. 2pi. Again, open a loofah, what? A plate. That's yet a glass blew, a cup or a mug. Lead. That's the tablespoon. Like here has soup. So we said this pool for soup. A teaspoon, like fear, like FE is putting Foucault. So we've got different vision of it. The immune, the exactly the same. Before. Lab foreshadow. A nice blue could do. Now let's have a look at some sentences with all of this vocabulary. Esr, just resole, Stovall, polar De Ni, Zhi, commonly in pizza. I make the two Matt do format. It is Sean pinion, philosphy, vegetarian. And the most paddle beyond neither person. Let tablet the Israeli Knesset blanch. It was. And that means yesterday evening, I went to a new restaurant for dinner out at a pizza with some tomatoes, some cheese, and some mushrooms. I am vegetarian and I don't eat meat or fish. The table was pretty with a white and pink plate. So that's it for the food vocabulary. If there's any food that I haven't mentioned and you would like to know what it is infringed. Feel free to leave a comment in the discussion section. 5. Sports Vocabulary: Now we're going to have a look at the sports vocabulary. We're going to look at different sports and some of the equipment that they use. The first one we're looking at is badminton, Lu, badminton, the shuttlecock, blue volleyball, badminton rackets. When the racket, the badminton, basketball, LA basket. The basket, look Benny. A basketball blue bedroom, the basket. Basketball player. Basketball. If it's a man, law, basket twos. If it's a woman. Cycling. Lu Sikhism. The bike, Louisville, the cyclist. Lucy checklist. Football or soccer? Football. The ball Lu bellow. The goalkeeper, luggage, young football player, food better. Let food bellows. If it's a woman. The goals, the casual American football, football, American helmet and cast. A ball and bellow. Baseball glove, baseball. Baseball. You embed two baseball. Baseball player. Baseball, if it's a man, being Jews to baseball, if it's a woman. The baseball bat in bed to baseball. Golf, golf, golf player, golfer, lag authors. The flag, blew the rapport. A golf ball. In the golf. The club, look, club. Hockey. Look, oh, kiss your glass. A hockey player, Zhu, the orchestral glass. If it's a man who ensures the OKs your glass, if it's a woman, a hockey stick. When costs go keep skates, the baton, swimming, land that eschew. The swimmer. Lunar measure. If it's a man, it's a woman. Swimming goggles. The lunette do not assume a swimming cap on booted about. Rugby. Bloomberg BY a rupee player will be men. It's a man who enjoys though would be if it's a woman. You can also say in Ruby woman, but it's actually less common. The ball rubella, tetanus, routineness. But tennis racket. In Racket to tennis tennis player. If it's a man, you can say Antinous man or unusual dirtiness. If it's a woman, you can say in tennis woman or NGOs, the tennis ball or a tennis ball in Bell do tennis, tennis table. We've got two waves of saying it in French. Glutinous, do tablet, look, ping-pong, paddle in Racket. Or you can also say that I get the ping pong ball in Bell or invalid do ping-pong attendee stable in tab two, ping-pong. And finally the last bolts. Volleyball, Lu Hou label a net. I'm feeling or unselect, the volleyball a ball and Bella, a volleyball player. I find two ways of saying it. If it's a man or a woman. If it's a man on the vulnerable, or earlier. If it's a woman in jurors to routable or uniform they use. So that's all the vocabulary that puts for sports. If there is a sport that you would like to know some vocabulary, just leave a comment in a discussion section. 6. Jobs Vocabulary: Now we're going to look at different topic of vocabulary, which is jobs. So we're gonna look at different jobs depending on their industry. Jobs in French is blue. So we're going to start with agriculture. Some jumps from agriculture industry. The farmer are phenome, been found me. And you will notice that we'd always add too masculine and feminine is possible. The Gardner shouting in jiao Tingna, a veterinarian and with arena. And as we showed version, a vet veto. In the Alps industry, a musician, a musician in musician. And that actor and nectar reenact the sculptor, unschooled minuscule 2a. But Benzer found club. And if you want to understand the ending as well from the masculine or feminine, you can have a look at one of the calls that have done, especially about masculine and feminine. So you can understand it a bit better. Journalism, we have a journalist. Journalist, you enjoy an alias for the Army soldier. So for the cows industry, the mechanic, and make an ECL or would go show version in French, and they can be more familiar with, it's good to know. A mechanic also you can call it and garage east. A rebound man. And depend now enough with the low industry, a lawyer, and that will kill you never kept their Bailey and VC VCE, Yeah. But not to Ray and note or a judge. And the Solicitor in French, it's exactly the same as a lawyer. We use the same term. And that vocab we never kept. For the food industry. A butcher and bushy in Bushehr. The baker, bolognese, when Boulogne, a waiter, unsettle the salvos. A cook. I increasingly increasing, Yeah. For the banking industry. The banker and bulky. You invoke. Yeah. If you work in languages, you can be a translator and tied UK the entire truth, or an interpreter. In anthropology. And after the construction industry, a brick layer Muslim in my son, a plumber, and probably in Colombia, and electrician and early Christian unity Christianity. For the retail industry, a seller, rounder involved is the shopkeeper and commerce. So in commerce, song, a bookseller, liberal cassia, and case C In case here. And finally, if you work in the industry, but designer are still list in the medical industry. The paramedic. Mom, would you send me an ambulance driver and non-redundancy, you know, renounced year Ines. And that's yummy. Yummy or a doctor and doctor in ductile s. But we have a different way saying it which is our mid south surgeon on shiver regime when she loves Yen a pharmacies. And Thomas Young in pharmacy, when a dentist, you don't see a midwife. Such families in the transport industry, a driver on chauffeur, I'm conjunct or included pleas. For instance, a taxi driver, I'll show fell to Taxi Driver, I'm sure felt the abuse. For the education sector. A primary teacher and thus the tutor, we not teach you trees, but also you can use met. In MIT press. A teacher or a tutor. Professor, Doumani seal, an educator, an ID you get, you need you get this. And finally, for the law enforcement, the police man, I'm putting a c in, putting ESEA. Careful in French, we have two types of police. So you can also say a police man, Zhang down, genre alma, the firefighter, and Pompeii in poor Pierre. And we've got a different way of saying it as well, which is unset Pompeii. And the feminine would be in Cephalus. Compare. Finally, a prison officer and gal John Doe. And for woman being Gaussian to please on. So that's all the jobs have pulled from different sectors. If there's any jobs that you would like to know infringe, feel free to leave a comment in a discussion session so I can help you with that. 7. Weather Vocabulary: So this is the last one for vocabulary. We're going to have a look at the weather. The weather in French is looked on. So let's have a look at different vocabulary to them. It's hot. Ill fish show the heat. Shallow. There is a heat wave. Can we cooler? The weather is nice. It fibo, if the book, there is a rainbow, EDR and luck concern in Italy means and notch in the sky. It fit degree. It is 30 degrees Celsius, degrees Celsius. Fahrenheit degrees the degree Fahrenheit. And remember in French we do use Celsius degrees. It's cooled. It fit qua, the cool Luftwaffe. It's raining. It plugged the rain. Lab. It's windy, idea-driven. The wind blew long. It's knowing in the snow, land measure, it's foggy. The fog. Lu Bu Ya. It's hailing. The Heyne. Like there is a stone, Ilia and no hydrogen. It's cloudy. Sin new Azure. It's frosty. Deeply. There is funder, EDR do tonight. There is a tornado. Ilia in Talmud. 8. Class Project & Conclusion: Well then everybody, you've made it to the end of the course. Nights, you tend to practice for your class project. You have a vocabulary exercise where you need to find the correct word in French. You have to write a paragraph about your house using the house vocabulary that we've seen in the course. You'll have to write a sentence about the sport that you practice using the sports vocabulary. You have to write two sentences about your job. Using the jobs vocabulary. You have to write a paragraph about your last meal using the foot vocabulary. And finally, you can tell us what the weather is like where you are today. Now let's summarize everything that we have learned today. You know some French vocabulary about the body. You know some French vocabulary about the house. You know some French vocabulary about food. You know, some French vocabulary about sports. You know some French vocabulary about different jobs. And you know, some French vocabulary about the weather. I hoped you enjoyed this course and you will be able to use all of these new vocabulary. Thank you for watching this course. 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