1. Introduction: Hello everybody. Welcome to this new French course. I'm delighted that you've decided to join me today. This new course is about learning some French idioms or expression in order to increase your French vocabulary knowledge. This course is aimed at all level learners as the selected idioms can vary in terms of difficulty. Let's have a look at the different topics of this course. In French, we have a huge amount of idioms. So I have selected 60 that I find interesting and quite common in French. I have organize them by category. So we have animal related idioms, money related idioms, action related ATMs, love related idioms. And then I have some uncategorized idioms. Each idiom will be taught as follow. And we love the French idiom. You, we learned a literal translation to understand it. And you will learn the equivalent idiom in English if there is one. And then you again, explanation or the origin of the EDM. I hope you will enjoy this course. So let's get started.
2. Animal Related Idioms: So let's start with 20 idioms that are related to animals. The first one is at least suffer under. And that literally means to go and cook yourself in AIG. And the equivalent in English would be to go jumping the late. And it means someone is angry and wants to be left alone. And literally, it comes from the fact that in the past, wild used to cook for their husband. And if the husband would criticize the wives, they would set these, these expression to their husband and there would be annoyed and angry, and therefore the husband would have to cook themselves. The next one is Apollyon sharp, asha. And that means to call a cat, a cat. The equivalent in English would be to call a spade, a spade. And it means we need to call things what they really are. And it comes from not calling a lady part is real term and using the word cat in French. So a cat is a caplet, anything else? And things should be called by what they are. The next one we have ease of what Lucretia, witty. That means to have other cats to weep. In English you would say to have bigger fish to fry, which means to have other things to handle. And these come from another French proverb in yet Baidu coiffed with the asha, which means there is no point to weep a cat. The next one is Ofwat's less shielded pool. To have hand flesh. In English you would said to have goosebumps, which means to tremble because of fear or because of gold. And it's because of her skin looks like, it looks like chicken flesh. The next one is Ofwat's Lu Katha. And you came translated by to have the cockroach. In English you would say to be in the doldrums. It means to fill down or to feel depressed. And he comes from a Katha. A cockroach has different meanings in French, and one of them is melancholy. And it's something that you can find back in if you read an offloading mal from shalt burglar. The next one is OFWAT and sharp. And you can translate it by have a cat in the fruit. In English you would say to have a frog in one's foot. It means your fruit is dry or horse. And the product comes from a mispronunciation in French. So in the east of France, the motto means a wool pile that would block a pipe. So where's the cat coming from? Well, a cat is also called a motto, which is a familiar word that we would set you call a cat and my tube. And he sounds like metal, metal, metal. And we replaced mutton by mu2. And that's how the cat came in this expression. The next one is a voir and found the loop. And that could be translated by to be hungry as the wolf. In English you would say to be able to eat a horse. It means to be hungry quickly, to have a great hanger. And the product comes from the fact that I wore the vowels, it's spread and the devouring feeling. The next one is thunder. Casbah taught that and Canada. And they're literally mean it does not break three legs to adopt. In English, you would say, it's nothing to write home about. And I mean, it's just not amazing. It's not great. And the product comes from the idea that as a duck has two legs, you can have miracles are something extraordinary. Like breaking three legs to a duck is just amazing because he can't happen. The next one is Sunni, or use sounds, collab Hall Effect, the grimace. And they're literally mean. You're not going to teach all long keys to make silly faces. And in English you can equivalent, which is you can't teach an old dog new tricks. And it means people had been doing things a certain way for such a long time. They won't change their habits. And the product comes from the fact that monkeys are really good at making funny faces. So you wouldn't teach something that they already really good at. The next one is the salon Boucher, which means literally to give your tongue to the cap. In English. And fortunately, you don't have an equivalent. And it means to give up or to give up on guessing. Like if you're playing a game and you get a question like, do you know what is what? And you are, I don't know. Should done Milliango's give up and give up? And where does it come from, where the product was first to feel your tongue to the dogs? Has you would fro leftovers to the dogs and he changed to the cat as cats were considered as secret gardens. The next one is, instead of one to kidnap. It's a duck's called. You don't have an equivalent in English. You would say are literally it's very cold. That's the only thing that could finger. And that's why he means it's very cold. And the product comes from decanting as hunters will stay out in the cold. So the ducks would be very close enough for them to be haunted. The next one is led me to Lisa Sarkozy. During the night. Older cats are great. In English, you have the equivalent. All cats are grey in the duck. And he means it is difficult to distinguish things in the dark. And the product comes from the fact that we cannot see colors properly in the dark. So if you would see your cat in the night and the different colors in, during the day. Even if it's in the night, you would think they grade. That's the color that you would see. The next one is leash. The shot. Dogs don't make gets. In English you would have the one saying, the apple doesn't fall far from the tree. And it means that children are similar or look like their parents. And the product comes from the fact that it would be impossible for a dog to give birth to a cat. And they're, they're just different. So in you, you are similar, you look like your parents, you tend to look like your Behrens. The next one is met Russia who I've only booked to put the cart before the auxin. In English, you've got an equivalent to put the cart before the horse. Slightly different. It means to do something to quickly and rapidly. And that comes from the idea of the farmer would put the cup down before the auxin at the end of his, they'll work. And if you were asked to do that in a morning, that wouldn't be logical, gives you would put the auxin first and then attach the cup to the auxin. So it was just the idea that the reaction that it does at the end of the day, if he was to do it in the morning, would be completely illogical. And that's what this proverb state. The next one is, let's hop limit. Union anchor. We don't catch flies with vinegar. You've got a similar one in English, honey catches more flies than vinegar. Y means it's more effective to be polite than all style. And that's because honey is like sweet and nice combative vinegar. And the product comes from the fact that flies would be more attracted by honey than the vinegar. What I find very interesting is that the French went for the vinegar. Part of the proverb and English you kind of went for the honey. And it just shows that we see things a bit differently. The next one is Posey. Let bump. To put a rabbit. In English would be to send someone up that's the closest one that affirm. And it means not to attend a meeting or to send someone up. And the product change, meaning over time. But the most recent meaning comes from the idea that should be left put. So the idea of to put was the first meaning of it poses to put. The next one is pond Latour who polycarbonate. And I'm means detectable by the homes. In English, you have the same thing to take the bull by the hole. So similar idiom in that case. And it means to face difficult rather than running from them. And this comes from the idea that a ball is a symbol of strength but also of danger. So you would face the difficulty, you would face the danger. Convolution Ebola lists who read those? When the cat is not here. To lie. Southern saying, you've got a very similar one in English. While the capsule away, the mice we play. And that means that when there's less authority like teachers, parents, you do why you might not be supposed to do. The origin of this proverb is unfortunately unknown. The next one is only pull all the dough. When hence will have teeth. You'll have a total different one in English When Pigs Fly. And it means that this will never happen. The proverb comes from the fact that it would be so observed for hands to have teeth. And finally, the last one, Kiva landa, one number. Who steals a nag. Still NOx. In English you have this equivalent. Once a 3y, always a thief. And it means that if you can still something small, you can do it again and state something bigger. I couldn't find the original of the proverb, but that's the ID. So in English you would kind of said like if you do it once, you would do it again. And in French we see it more as if you start small, you can then go bigger. So this is our first 20 idioms that related to animals.
3. Money Related Idioms: Now we're going to look at several different idioms related to money. The first one is avoid is you pretty cool kilovolt. To have eyes bigger than a belly. In English we would say to bite off more than you can chew. And it means to exaggerate. And the product comes from the fact that your eyes can see a huge amount of thing compared to what you could actually have. The next one is, should the law shall Valley FoodNet to throw money out of the windows? In English, you would said to pour money down the drain. And it means to spend too much. So it comes from that in the 16th century, beggars would get money thrown at them out of the windows. And that's how the proverbial state. The next one is Labrador, lovely bellow Bonner. Money doesn't make happiness. Similar in English, money cannot buy happiness. And it means that you combine everything with money. And he confirms the idea that you cannot buy everything. Therefore, what you cannot buy and what you miss can make you unhappy. The next one is looked up. Since time is money. Someone in English, time is money. And it means that time is a valuable resource. And the product comes from Benjamin Franklin. So the phrase was, Remember that time is money. The next one is labeled count. Falling bull's them. Good accounts make good friends. In English, you would say that paid is a friend kept. And it means that if you have a good financial situation between friends, it means you have a good relationship. And unfortunately, I couldn't find the origin of this broke up. The next one is proven bushy. The pump for left full of bread. In English you would say for next to nothing. And it means that it's cheap or loop. And the problem comes from the fact that bread is something very affordable. And the last idiom that we have for this part, actually we've got different product for that in English. We've got a couple. So we have quintile is you let them put them on Baja. Hootie law, put DFS. And the means to cause the eyes of the head to customer. Or because the skin of the buttocks. And English you only have one to cost an arm and a leg. And it means to be expensive. And these proverbs that come from the ID, that eyes, arms are priceless and it would be difficult to do without. So we've just seen the Seven idioms related to money.
4. Action Related Idioms: Now let's have a look at 12 idioms related to action. The first one is our VV Korematsu, shown as two. To arrive like a hair on the soup. In English you would say to arrive at the worst possible moment. And he means to turn up at a bad time. And it's really the core of that comes from the idea that there's nothing worse than a hair in a soup. The next one is wilder Mongoose. To have two left hands. In English you have the equivalent to b all firms. It means to be clumsy. And I couldn't find the origin of this probe. But the idea is that most people are more comfortable using their right hand. The next one is Ofwat's like girl Dubois to have, but would face. In English, you don't have an equivalent. And it means to have a hangover. Proper comes from the fact that when you drink too much, your mouth gets dry as wood, so that it stayed in the proverb when you have a hangover. The next one is, I will add that the old petty. To have the head in the betting. You don't have an equivalent in English. And it means to feel Grote. I couldn't find the expression for an origin for this one. The next one is, I've swamp while dharma, to have a hand in the hand. In English you would say to be born lazy. To be lazy. And the product comes from the idea that someone who is lazy wouldn't use their hands to do something and have growing in the hand. The next one is, what? Command? To drink like a hole. In English you said to drink like a fish. And he means to drink a lot. And the program comes from the idea that a hole as no bottom and alcohol could be pouring in. The next one is cast into Sukh solo. Do you can't come to brick sugar on someone's back. In English, she said to Batman, someone behind their back. And even still talk badly about someone. The product comes from the 17th century. And to sugar, the verb to sugar and friends used to mean to mistreat and also sugar. Someone used to take someone's tofu. That's where the product comes from. The next one is cast CDP. I can't count 2-breaks on one's feet to drive somebody nets. In English, that's the one you would say, any means to be annoying. So the origin of the proverb comes from the verb cassie to Greg, which meant more to step on somebody's feet just to know them. The next proverb is Philly along glands. To run away the English where you don't have any equivalent in English, any means to sneak out. And the product comes from the verb on Gliese, which would be two English, which doesn't really English, but that's where it would be to English, which meant you still. So ends the idea of a thief train to runaway discreetly. The next one is to throw the sponge. In English, she said to throw in the towel. And he means to give up. And the product comes from boxing. So it's where the coach would throw is formed in the middle of the ring to stop the fight instead of the books. And the next one is lead to adorn. Fingers in the nodes have an equivalent in English. And unfortunately, the product comes from host racing. So it was a time there was a race and a jokey won the race and put his fingers in his nose while during the race. Like, you know, like a kid would do. And instead of concentrating on the race, it was doing this any still warm. So that's where the product comes from. The next one is only jammy mu 70, cowpox one. Mm. We are never bouncer than by ourselves. In English, you would say, if you want something doing, doing 2L, and it means it's better to do it yourself. And the product comes from a play that is called booing, a paella pop from shelf Qian Hn. So that was the last one. We've seen all 12 action related videos.
5. Love Related Idioms: Now let's have a look at Seven idioms related to load. The first one is, I've worked Luca Salama, which means to have the heart on the hand. And in English you would say to be big hearted. And it means to be open handed, to be generous. And the product comes from the idea to be generous if you were to give you hot in a way. The next one is OFWAT and put a Fudan to have a lightening strike. In English, you would said to Phil love at first sight. And it means to fall in love. And the product comes from the fact that loved can be violent, quick, and unexpected, like a lightning strike. The next one is mu at Casella Camilla company. It's better to be alone than in bad company. The equivalent in English is exactly the same. It's better to be alone than in bad company. And it means it's not worth having that friends for the sake of having friends, I couldn't find more about the origin of this proverb. The program speaks for itself. The next one is lambda2 into vogue. Love is blind, which is exactly the same in English. D equivalent is love is blind. Which means loving someone makes you not see the bed of a person sometimes. And the product comes from a law from Plaza, which said, the lover is blinded about the buildup. The next one is one. This you will wander far from the eyes, from the hot. In English, the equivalent would be out of sight, out of mind. Which mean that if you don't see someone, again, forget about them. And this product comes from a poll from propels. The next one is key. So samba, samba, who looks like each other, join each other. In English, the equivalent is birds of a feather flock together. And it means that people with the same interests will be fun together. And it comes from the idea that in social psychology it's cooled, matching hypothesis. It means exactly the same thing. That means if you have some interests, you tend to actually be together. And the last one is under failed you does the movie or the value, this Doughboy 2pi, that means one last ten sound. In English you would say, There are plenty of fish in the sea. And he means everything can be replaced literally. And the probe comes from the Gospel of Luke. So that was all seven idioms related to love.
6. Uncategorised Idioms: Now let's have a look at 14 idioms that unfortunately I couldn't categorize. The first one is sit orthogonal. Cool, do not follow. It's by forging that one becomes a blacksmith. In English you would say, practice makes perfect. And it means that the more you do it, the more you know how to do it. And unfortunately, the exact origin of this proverb is unknown. The next one is, say sampler, convince you. It's simple as hello. In English you would say easy as pie. And it basically means it's very simple. And it comes from the fact that think bourgeois hello was mocked as a symbol of ease in talking and social behavior. The next one is even a FERPA puts a Mimi Don is RT. Oh, if for Pepsi, Mimi Don is often. And they're literally mean you can push Granny in the net source. In English, you would say you making a mountain out of a mole hill. And it means just don't overdo it. And the first was just don't push it full path to. And, And then they added the granny in the network in the program. The next one is in blue, the cold, it's raining ropes. In English you would say it's raining cats and dogs. And it means it's raining a lot. And the product comes from the visual effect of, we see the reign as groups falling off the sky. The next one is Levy, noted by Luke one. The clothing doesn't make the monk. In English, we say, you can't judge a book by its cover. And even don't judge people by their appearances. And the profit comes from the idea that a monk was not only a monk due to its close away was wearing, but because of its valves. The next one is lack good do keep the diblock little drop of water that makes the vase overflow. In English, you've got different won. The equivalent would be the straw that breaks the camel's back. Which means I've had enough. You've added up. Unfortunately, I couldn't find the exact origin, but I think the proverb speaks for itself. The next one is linear, fill F Vos, unity MX trend. In English you would say there is strength in number, which means you can accomplish more with more people. Same thing for this one. The origin is unknown. The next one is met only point surely be g dot d i. In English is exactly the same, the equivalent to dot the i. Any means to get things straight. The product comes from that. In the middle age, i was written like this. And to avoid confusion with l, the monks decided to add a dot on it to make it different and to make things straight. So you know exactly why, what's the next one is only by Saaty deliberation. We haven't left the hospital. In English, we would say, we're not out of the woods. And it means to be in trouble. Postal used to mean prison, hence the difficulty to get out of there. The next one is put to question. Those Yamaha girl. Small fish will be big. Unfortunately, in English you don't have an equivalent. But it means that you will do things one day. And I couldn't find the origin of this proverb. But it basically means y says that you doing small thing one day we make you do big things. And other day. The next one is plugin into f2. The more fools, the more we love. In English he said, The more the merrier. And he means the more people, the more fun you will have. And the programs origin is also unknown, but UPS indifferent plays. The next one is he MBIA Chetty via who is loved when is punished. Well, in English we would say, spare the rod and spoil the child. And it means that being punished sometimes is for your own good. The product might be based on Socrates theory on children's education. The next one is cement. She also taught them to put yourself on your 31. In English, you would say to be addressed up to the nines. Any means to dress up. And they are to explanation to this product. So in French, we are the world's coltan, which sounds like 31. And English it would be a 30. And that used to be a luxurious cloth. And the second explanation is from a gesture it celebration that happened on 31st of July. And that's when the novices her new clothes. So that's where the probe come from. And our last idiom, number 60 is Toby, only been twofold in the apple's? Couldn't find an equivalent in English. And it means to fate. And unfortunately, it's our last proverb that there is an unknown origin on this one. So we've just seen another 14 idiom so there couldn't categorize. And in total, we've seen 60 French idiom.
7. Class Project & Conclusion: Well then everybody, you've made it to the end of the course. Line two terms practice. So for this class project, you have to find the equivalent French idioms and explain why you would use them. And then you need to choose two of your favorite idioms and explain why you've chosen those ones. So for this, you need to download the PDF document that is in the class project section. So now let's have a look at what we have learned today. You have learned 60 French EDM, some animal related agent, some money-related anion, some action related idioms, some love related agents, and finally, some uncategorized ADM. I hope that you've enjoyed this course and that you have learned some new French programs that you will be able to use in your French conversations. So thank you for watching these schools. Well, simple, that's liquid at having onto Alva.