Learn French Vocabulary | 50 French False Cognates / False Friends | Learn French With Me | Skillshare

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Learn French Vocabulary | 50 French False Cognates / False Friends

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Lessons in This Class

    • 1.



    • 2.

      False Friends Definition


    • 3.

      False Friends PART 1


    • 4.

      False Friends PART 2


    • 5.

      False Friends PART 3


    • 6.

      False Friends PART 4


    • 7.

      False Friends PART 5


    • 8.

      Class Project


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Learn French Vocabulary | 50 French False Cognates / False Friends

In this course, we will have a look at some vocabulary in French and in particular 50 French false cognates or false friends.

Here is the list of the different topics:

  • Introduction
  • Definition of a false cognate
  • False cognates - PART 1
  • False cognates - PART 2
  • False cognates - PART 3
  • False cognates - PART 4
  • False cognates - PART 5
  • Class Project
  • Conclusion

If you have any question or suggestion, feel free to leave a comment in the discussion.


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1. Introduction: Hello everybody and welcome to this new class. I'm delighted that you've decided to join me today. In this class, we will have a look at a new topic to learn more vocabulary and to avoid mixing up all miss translating some French words. Today, we will have a look at French false cognates, or also known as false friends. First, we will look at what a false cognate is and the importance of knowing the most common ones in French. Then we will have a look at 50 French false cognates divided into five videos in order to learn ten French false cognates. At the time, I will give you a class project to work on in order to practice what you will learn to them. Let's get started. 2. False Friends Definition: Now we are going to have a look at the definition of a false cognate. False cognates are words from two languages that look and sound the same with different meanings. Why is it important to know them? First, by knowing the most common false friends, you would not mistake them and you would know the exact meaning. You will also expand your vocabulary knowledge by knowing the meaning of both cognates. In the next video, we will look at our first set of French false cognates and their meanings. 3. False Friends PART 1: Now we will have a look at different French force coconuts. I have selected 50 false friends that we will see in five videos. So ten false friends per video. So let's get started. Let's have a look at our first set of coordinates. The word act to Elmo, not to be confused with actually act to animal means. Currently in English, while actually means unfit remote in French. Now let's have a look at different sentences and their translations. Actually a symptom of icons, which means they are currently on holiday, is actually famous of it. It is syllable. Next term is this affair, which is not to be confused with. Affair. In English means business in English. And affair means in add-on tool in liaison in French. Let's have a look at a couple of sentences. It affect the bones are fair. Excellent cover is making good business with his job, is having an affair with his best friend ILA. We never want to see the world as Rhonda is not to be confused with agenda. Agenda means, but diary. While agenda means outlawed usual, pull gamma. Let's see some sentences. Janet may haunt the normal national debt. I write down my appointments in my diary. Today's agenda for our trip is loophole com do not convey as usual, G, E. The word atom is not to be confused with attend. Atom means wait. While attend means. So. Let's see some sentences. Electron abuse is waiting for the bus. I attend a wedding, Shamil home, mortgage. Now, our next word is imbalance, which is not to be confused by balance. Imbalance means a scale. While balance means equilibrium. Let's have a look at some sentences. Zai Bu Guan, June Balance, pauperism, milligram. I need to scale to wait my vegetables. She has a good balance. Ambani Kaleeba. The next word is blown kit, which is not to be confused with blanket. Blanket means the wheels to while. A blanket means in cool. Let's have a look at some sentences. Cuisine. When blanket do, I'm cooking. I sleep with my red blanket. Judah, I like mycobacterial culture. The next word is lyse, which is not to be confused with blessed. Blessing means injured or hurt, while blessed means beneath. Let's have a look at two sentences. To send you to a blister. You're bleeding, you're injured or hurt. He was blessed by the priest eli palette. The next word is, which is not to be confused with blah. Blah means. And now, while a bra means as two triangles, Let's have a look at some sentences. I'll say Cassie Luba, she broke her arm. This bro is expensive. So suture, anchor a share. The next word is Camila. Not to be confused with camera. Camera means a video camera. While the camera means that bite photo. Let's have a look at some sentences. Versace, like go get the video camera, audio recorder. Go get the camera. Russia, leper a photo. And finally, this is our last word for this set, which is not to be confused with the car, Is a coach. While the car is what's your luca? A Toyota. The coach is late. I should they knew they'll watch you bought a new car. So this is often set of words. Feel free to watch it back and also pause if you need more time to see the difference between the term. And then once you're done, you can move on to the next set in the next video. Thank you. 4. False Friends PART 2: Now let's have a look at our second set of false cognates. The first word is character, which means nature or personality. Not to be confused with character, which means persona. Let's have a look at some sentences. Ela, movie character, it has a bad personality. I love this character in Harry Potter, Jeddah, supersonic, the reporter. The next word is in kava, which means a seller. Not to be confused with a cave, which means in got. Let's have a look at some sentences. In blue. They don't Google it. A bottle of wine in the cellar. This bare leaves in a cave, said tooth ve got. Now the next word is lush share, which means flesh. Not to be confused with a chair, which mean last shares or less share the set fish, eat. The flesh of the speech is juicy. I need two chairs. Gibb, usando Duchenne is. The next word is ships, which means crisps. Not to be confused with chips, which means leave flipped. For this one is a bit of confusion between American and British English. I'm really looking at the way English people would said that Americans have a look at some sentences. For example, Shruti, do Beckett do ships, a book, two packs of creeps. Can I have some more chips, please? Because you have discrete silver play. I know there's also the difference between chips and fries, but in French, we don't actually have a difference. We would use fit for both of them. The next word is, which means the corner. Not to be confused with a coin, which means in PS, puny, Julie me is punished. Put him in his corner. I need some coins to pay for the car park. Djibouti wanted to PS, popular back in. The next word is and collage, which means middle school, or in the UK, it would be in the secondary school. Not to be confused with college, which means conduct call, ****. There's always a bit of confusion between this one because you really have to think that our college in French is really before you do your exam to go to university. Compared to college is actually some sort of after that point. So you really need to be careful with this one. Let's look at some sentences. Gpc, mambo, movie, or collage, a past my GCSEs in middle school or secondary school because he would be in the UK, is studying Arts in a college. Illiteracy Liza doesn't conduct or aliphatic. It's really the idea that it's more at the time of university. It's not exactly university, but it's just the big school after you've passed your exam, like a live room in the UK, for example. The next word is to shout or to yell. Not to be confused with to cry, which means plural. Let's have a look at some sentences. Do create Stop shouting, stop crying at the brewery. The next word is delivery, which means to set free. Not to be confused with to deliver, which means in French, leave early delivery. Lepton says, set free the princess. I deliver a bustle, lever and Cooley. The next word is due Monday, which means to ask, not to be confused with demand, which means in French, it's easy. Let's have a look at some sentences. Dumont, domain equity. I'm asking you to listen to me. I demand more money. Jagdish, please download. Finally, our last word for this set, which means look, not to be confused with chance. Luisa. Our last example been Sean's. Good luck. We found this house by chance on a two-phase at mismo. That's it for the set. Let's move on to the next video to see the next set of ten false cognates. Thank you. 5. False Friends PART 3: Now let's have a look at set three with ten other force coordinates. The first word is on DAG, which means hired. Not to be confused with fiance. Let's look at some examples. Oncology doesn't magazine. I got hired in a shop. I'm engaged. We're getting married in June. Just be fiance over x2 minus x1. The next word is left for us, which means the side. Not to be confused with the face Lu visage. Let's look at some sentences. Blue D as CFS. The dice has six sides. She put makeup on her face. Lcme, you make sure visage. The next word is left figure, which also means the face, as we've just seen, with revisit that figure, the face, not to be confused with the figure blue shift. Let's have a look at some sentences. To plant the blue tones you will, I figure you have a lot of spots on your face. The figures don't match. The shift now correspond to. The next word is really funny to you, which means the supplies. Not to be confused with the furniture, the mobile. Let's have a look at some examples. And what I should take, the full mature Politburo. We must buy some office supplies. The furniture of this house or old the mobile to set some of you. The next word is like hop, which means the bunch. Not to be confused with the grape. Which means the reason. For those two terms. I've actually managed to do one example with both terms in it. Or mushy washed it in COP. The reason is going to the market to buy a bunch of grapes. The next word is, which means serious. Not to be confused with the grave lactones. Let's look at some examples. I look Peter, citric have is in the hospital. It's very serious. The family grave is in the symmetry. Familiar. Seem to share. The next word is lobby, which means clothes. Not to be confused with the habit. Latitude. Also just as a quick note, clouds can also be translated by Vietnam, which is more comment, but you can use lobby as well. Let's look at some sentences. Who, Debbie? I have too many clothes. I don't know what to wear. It has very bad habits. The movies habitudes. The next word is Judy, which means pretty. Not to be confused with Jolie, which means k schwa. Let's have a look at some sentences. Said. It visually. This girl is very pretty. This man is Julie. Septum. A septum is where you the next word is leisure only, which means that they're not to be confused with the journey. Which means the cache. Such embedding journey. It's a beautiful day. This car journey is endless. So Takashi of what? It doesn't tell me, nebula. And finally, this is the last word of this set, which means reading. Not to be confused with the lecture. Leuko. Leuko matches more fees at dollar lecture. My son loves reading. Linguistics professor gives a lecture at 02:00 PM every Monday. Not professor, the linguistic than unquote meshes tile. I can truly 90 all done. We can also shorten it to Uncle. We don't have to say oncologists cloud, if it's obvious, it's in the university. So that's it for this set. Let's move on to the next video. Thank you. 6. False Friends PART 4: Now let's have a look at our set number four of our force coordinates. The first word is Lucasfilm, which means the rental. Not to be confused with the location. Lawyer or allantois. Let's have a look at some sentences by Lucas. Sure. What you permit dive on what your Columbian it or repairing. Karen tool allows me to have a car when mine needs to be fixed. This is the right location syllable node what? The next word is? Lama, which means the hand. Not to be confused with main. Which means, let's have a look at some sentences done while AMA, hold my hand. The main entrance is here, lawn care, ETC. The next word is limit sin, which means the study of medicine. Not to be confused with medicine, which means limited came up. Let's have a look at some sentences again. Giphy veto, the mid sin. I studied medicine for eight years. I forgot to take my medicine. The mimetic MO. The next word is Maxie, meaning thank you. Not to be confused with mercy. Meaning misery code, or likely most maximal coup d'etat. Hola. Thank you for being here. The king offered mercy to the traitors. Lavoie, I will feel like limos or threat. The next word is lamina, which means change. Not to be confused with money to lateral. Let's look at some sentences. To do laminae Paulo packing. Do you have some change for the car park? She earns a lot of money. Again, book with. The next word is Lucasfilm, meaning secondhand. Not to be confused with occasion, which would be infringed for. Let's have a look at some sentences. Gst, in what you're doing. I bought a secondhand car. We go on holiday on several occasions this year. New pattern of icons, please Your for certainly. The next word is low, meaning the bread. Not to be confused with pain. Medulla, looper, feminism. I love homemade bread. Since the accident, it has lots of pain in his back. Relax. You don't Isla book who did do the tone would do. The next word is left has meaning. The sentence. Not to be confused with the phrase which would be infringed, legs pressure onto our aqueous sank files. We must write five sentences. The phrase been apathy is French. Legs pressure been apathy if concepts. The next word is Louis pasa, meaning the trial. Not to be confused with the process, meaning loop pauses, use. Let's have a look at some sentences. Loopholes say commas matter. The trial starts tomorrow morning. The check-in process is taking a long time. Lupus issues don't just **** pump book who do? And finally, this is our last word for this set. Lab Cuba, meaning the ad. It's the shortened word for publicity, same as in English advertisement, lab cube. The ad, not to be confused with the pub, which would be infringed also sometimes. But we also said Luba because we don't really have pubs, as you would find in England, in France. So you could also translate by Luba depending on the location. Let's have a look at our last sentences. Cube. There are too many ads on TV. Let's go have a drink at the pub. Sub 00 back. So that's it for this set. We will have a look at the next set and our final set in the next video. Thank you. 7. False Friends PART 5: Now let's have a look at our last set, which is set number five of our force coconuts in French. The first word is Kitty, meaning to leave, not to be confused with to quit, which would mean infringe CC or additive. Let's have a look at some sentences. Jacob T. Malkovsky, at this bitter, I left work at 06:00 PM. Quit smoking. The female. The next word is law has meaning the breed. Not to be confused with the race. Meaning like cuz thermo do has Duchenne. There are so many dog breeds. The race I started five minutes ago. Semi-nude, good at cross, a coomassie. The next word is meaning the grapes. Not to be confused with the raisin, meaning the reason sake. And it's also funny because grape was one of our false cognate that we've seen in a previous set. So let's look at some sentences for this one. I've also managed to put those two false cognates in the same example. Jeddah, the Riza, measured the test. The reason sec, I love grapes, but I hate raisins. The next word is listed, which means to stay. Not to be confused with rest, meaning in French. So hope palsy. Instrument on force is stateful week in France. Can arrest for five-minute SQL book, novel Posey, semi-nude. The next word is large, meaning the meeting. Not to be confused with the reunion, meaning likelihood Hoover. Let's have a look at some sentences. Lot of ECMO manager CBN passi. The meeting with my manager went well. My sisters, radians, we're emotional. Hood who violate the Missa. Move on to. The next word is law hood, meaning the road. Not to be confused with the root, meaning in French, Legionella. Let's have a look at some sentences. Law hood, possible if Fermi, the main road is closed. Which route did you take? Kill each other to predict? The next word is cellular, meaning dirty. Not to be confused with sale, meaning salt. So t-shirt, it to sell. This t-shirt is all dirty. The cell starts tomorrow. Please sold common stoma. The next word is loose. Dash, meaning internship. Not to be confused with the stage, meaning lesson. Let's have a look at some sentences. Start to move where it doesn't know Patel, my brothers internship was in a hospital. The stage of this theatre is huge. Lesson. This attack it in. The next word is blue stock, meaning the blind. Not to be confused with this tool, meaning Omega is a family style Toto. Slowly. Close the blind. There's too much sun. The store closes in one our magazine family tells you now. Finally, let's have a look at our last false cognates, which is false coconut number 50, meaning fabric. Not to be confused with tissue, meaning schwa. Let's have a look at our last sentences. Blue tissue to say redo it clear to the fabric of these curtains is very soft. It has a cold. Go get some tissues. Are whom? Esxi dementia. So that's it for this video, you have now seen all the different sets of four coconuts. And we will have a look at your class project in the next video. Thank you. 8. Class Project: Well-done everybody. We are now at the end of the class. For your class project, you will have to translate the following terms in English. League phony to lock-up, lobby, Liza affair, Julie Lucas. You, you can download a PDF with the instruction of this class project bone collage. Now let's summarize what we have learned today. You now know what a false cognate or false friend is. You know, 50 French false cognates. I hope you have learned many new words in French and that you have enjoyed this class. Don't forget to leave a review or if you have any question, feel free to leave a comment in the discussion section. Thank you for watching this class. Messy poverty, liquid air trivial took over.