1. Introduction: Hello everybody and welcome to this new course. Today we will have a look at another French grammar course. So let's have a look at the different topics of today's course. First, we will have a look at reflexive verbs and how to use them in a sentence, but also with different conjugated forms. We will have a look at the passive voice in French and how to create the passive voice from the active voice and why we use it. You will have a class project at the end of the course to practice everything that we're going to see today in this course. And this course is aimed at beginner and intermediate levels. So let's get started.
2. French Reflexive Verbs: First of all, we're going to have a look at what a reflexive verb is. So what is a reflexive verb? Is a verb that is precede by reflexive pronoun. Let's have a look at a couple of verbs. They are at the infinity form. For example, celebrity, to wash oneself, Salovey to get up. So Kathy, to do one's hair. Sundaram MIR to fall asleep. So pair to get lost. So Du Shi To take a shower. And as you can see in English, those verbs are usually translated with yourself, myself, The oneself pronoun in English, or something to get plus something. That's the two ways you can translate those reflexive verb that we have in French. Now, it's also good to look at what the reflexive pronouns are and to learn them by heart. So let's have a look. So in English, I've put the translation as myself. So you kind of have an idea of what it would mean in French. It's a literal translation is just for you to understand. Hi, works in French. So if we look at I, it would be I washed myself. You yourself tutor, tutor. You get yourself up. He himself, insert in suburbia, addresses himself. She herself, Elsa. Elsa Mackey. She puts makeup on herself. We ourselves also mostly don't. We brush the teeth Asef as we have a second we in French, new, new, new, new boss only don't. We brush the teeth ourselves. You yourselves. Woo, woo coffee. You Do you have yourselves that themselves? If they do the hair themselves? And because we separate masculine and feminine in the plural, we have LSA, the feminine one. Also fatigue that tire themself. First, what you need to remember is the reflexive pronoun for each pronoun I, you, he, she, we use that and learn, I mean French. Now we're going to have a look at the structure and the position of the reflexive verbs with different tenses. So we're going to take the absolute weight you get up as an example, is just to show where the reflexive pronoun and the reflexive verb is placed depending on certain tenses. So if it's the present Zimmer left, I get up is quite easy. The reflexive pronoun is before the verb. There's no change. Continuous present, just three is on top the maneuver, which means I'm getting up. As you can see, we have the structure Z23 zone can-do. I am in the process of literally the state we've movie. It's always stays in front of me. So I just wanted to show that difference that it's not at the start of Jewish reason Tom, but we've looked after immediate best movie, semi idea. It stays with movie. I just got up. Perfect tense. Drama, thriller movie. I got up, I have got up. And be careful when you're using a reflexive verb, you might have to agree with the subject. It's something that we're going to talk about in a second and became a foreman. It's a perfect tense. You will always use the auxiliary to be. Always. It's never to have. In that case, if it's a reflexive verb, imperfect. I got up near future, drew the movie. I'm going to get up, as you can see, the murders and change places with Stay we've learned in front of lovey, future perfect German level. I will get up, conditional, a level rate I would get up. And finally, the past conditional during the survey, lovey, i would have caught up. So as I was saying, we need to use to be when it seemed perfect tenses. And it will agree with the subject. Mary, Sylvie ceta. Mary got up at seven o'clock. We attorney because Mary is a woman. Mary is Sabina Sassoon movie Evita. Murray and Sabin got up at 80 clock ES because they are women and it's two of them. However, there's some other rule to follow. You do not agree with the subject when the verb is followed by a director. So let me show you an example. Lc levy Lima. She washed her hands. You need to write as say levy Lima, she washed her hand. But you don't agree with the subject. So why don't we agree with the subject? Well, the verb Levy is followed by lemma, which is the direct object. Therefore, we can agree with the subject. How do we know lemma is a direct object. A direct object answers the question, what or who. So if you read the sentence, you would say, she washed What? The hands. Therefore, it is a direct object. And we don't agree the verb with the subject. We also don't agree when the subject is an indirect object. Let me show you an example. Jack, Asian. So some telephony. Jack and John called each other. And it should be Jack and wrong system telephony without the S. Jack and John called each other. So why? So Zach and John are considered an indirect object. How do I know that? While the answer to the question To whom? So in french we would say telephony, icky, to whom? In English you would kind of said To whom did they call? And the answer would be Jack and Zhang. Therefore, it's an indirect object. So in that case, we won't agree with the subject. So that's it for the reflexive verbs. Let's move on to the next topic. Thank you.
3. Passive Voice: Now let's have a look at the passive voice. So what is the passive voice? The passive voice is the wet. You express interest in the person or the object that experiences the action, rather than the person or the object that performs the action. It is followed by a preposition tag, o due, which means by in English. So first we're going to have a look. High. You go from the active voice to the passive voice. We're going to use the present tense. For example, Lu Xiang, Margalef fan, which would become law firm emoji Paolo shim. That means the dog bites the woman. And in the passive voice, the woman is bitten by the dog. Another example, Linphone, Mozilla, lab bomb, emoji pollen form, which means the child eats the apple. And in the passive voice, the apple is eaten by the child. Another example, Mary Lou, wasn't it up early tomorrow. And that means Murray calls the neighbor. The neighbor is called by Marie. So you can use the passive voice for any tense. Or you need to remember, is that you need to use to be when you are using an auxiliary and the past participle. Let's have a look at the perfect tense. I've put the same sentences that we've just used in the present. Lu Xiang, a multilateral platform. At module pollution. It is the perfect of to be. And that means the dog bit the woman to woman was bitten by the dog. Linphone emoji, lab bomb. It de Boulogne for the child at the apple. The apple was eaten by the child. Molly, I really love wisdom. With Watson, uh, it, the upper Lee Baumann, Mary Kaldor neighbor. The neighbor was called by Marie. Also. You can notice that because we are using to be, we have to agree with the subject. Therefore, at the end of module Mozi, because left Pham lab on a feminine, we are adding an E. I've mentioned previously that we can translate the preposition by the OPA. It's commonly part, but I will explain why. And when we can use the verbs using the preposition the instead of, they usually verbs of description of feelings. So I've put a couple of example, a medulla liked by, did the city do hated by? Couldn't you do known by 2B lead, forgotten by, can't do scared by respected, respected by. Let's have a look at some example. In a sentence. La police, goodness atom septum. It couldn't you do lab police. And that means the police knows this man. This man is known by the police. To me, NSSet, MSM, set, MSM, Amy due to clef AMI. But in this case you can also use bar set MSM it Amy to clef EMI. And that means the whole family likes this house. This house is liked by the whole family. So as you can see, if it is a verb of description or feelings, you can use the preposition, the if the sentence in the active voice is using the pronoun, we do not need to add anything. When we put the passive voice, we don't need to put by someone. Let's see some example. Do labia EBU, that's the correct sentence. You don't need to say, ooh. Ooh. And in English it would be, we drink beer is drunk. The BIA is drawn by us, by them and kinda make no sense in English, but you wouldn't say it. We don't need to add it. It's actually removed. Let's have a look at another example. The Juno is see, you would say the Juno some laundry ISI in the passive voice. You wouldn't say the zoonosis. Ec. And that means we sell newspaper here. Newspaper or sold here. You wouldn't say a newspaper assault bias by them here infringe. So that's it for the passive voice. Let's move on to the next video. Thank you.
4. Class Project & Conclusion: Well then everybody, it is now your turn to practice. Don't forget to download the project PDF in the project section to have all the information. For this project, you will have two exercises. In the first one, you need to write down the correct conjugated reflexive verbs. And the second exercise, you will need to transform sentences in the active voice to the passive voice. We are now at the end of the course. So let's summarize everything that we have learned today. You now know what a reflexive verb is and how to use it in a sentence. You also know what the passive voice is and you know how to recognize it and how to use it. So don't forget to submit back you class project so I can have a look at it and give you some feedback. Thank you for watching this course. Messy bullet liquid. On top of.