1. Introduction: Hello everybody and welcome to this French course. I'm delighted that you've decided to join me for this new course. The following course is for all levels. However, the learning of the different articles and pronoun is more for beginners, but about for direct and indirect object pronoun is for more intermediate or advanced level. But it gives you a good overview of all the articles and the prevalence. So let's have a look at the different topic for today's. We're going to have a look at the definite article. Le. The indefinite article. They're the positive article. Do, dollar, doula. There. The preposition or Allah. Oh, the indefinite adjective, Celtic, pleasure factor. The demonstrates if pronounce. So thats the possessive adjective, mama. The subject pronouns to eat and knew who in the Reflexive Pronouns. Tutor. In new, new rural Elsa. The stress pronouns. What are the direct and indirect object pronouns? The comparative and superlative forms. You will have a class project as well at the end of the course. So let's get started.
2. Articles & Pronouns & More: So first, you need to remember the Articles infringe their agree in gender and in quantity. So we need to remember, are the masculine or feminine, singular or plural. So first of all, we're going to have a look at what we call the definite article. The definite article in English, It's usually, in some cases you don't have anything, but in French, we actually use a definite article. So sometimes it depends on the context. So let's have a look. We've got an apostrophe. It were masculine singular. So for example, we have Lu Xiang, the dog. Li con. Law or l apostrophe is a feminine singular, la, MSM, the house below the water. And then we have li, which is the masculine or feminine bits plural, liaison for the children. And the parents. Also, when do we use the definite article? So there's different time. You can use it either to single out some items or when you talk about general topics. So we can have a look at some examples just to understand it a bit better. Example, leukaemia. I won't Peter's book or the book of Peter. So it's really to single out that book in particular that you want what your, I'm taking the car. You're only talking about one car. Discard the cauda. You can't see the question. I'm going to get the bread and the croissant at the bakery. Simply talking about the bread in the bakery. There just one thing at a time. And then leave a cons. Holidays are in July and August. And as you can see in English, you actually don't have the article we do in French, but in English. And it's because we are talking about a general topic which is holidays, live, flowers. I read something in English. You don't have an article because it's a general topic about flowers. Now let's have a look at the indefinite article. So the indefinite article in English is o sub o any. So the first one is the masculine singular. And it's feminine. Plural can be masculine or feminine. D, the continent. I've put some sentences. If you are numb, 100 on Amazon as a man entering the shop. Gee, what's your Bush? I have a red cup. To add these Amy casualty, You have very nice, right? So as you can see an English in this case, you don't have anything actually, but we would use the indefinite article. You go, You could also say in English, you have some very nice friend. It will work as well as the Stiller. Do you have any pen? We did this te lo normally there. Yes. I have some blue and Blackberries. Now we're going to have a look at the positive article. So the partitive article in English is similar to some or any as well. And it's usually because you're talking about an unknown quantity. So let's have a look at some example. In French, we would say if it's masculine singular, do, oh, the plus l apostrophe. Dupont to lab Rico, some bread, some apricots. So you can see it's talking about a quantity. There's a quantity of bread is a quantity of Africa is not just what we're not saying. The advocate or an African is just some of it. If it's feminine, we use the law or the plus l apostrophe. Dual attacked the Lohan some by some orange. And then if it's plural, day, some cereal. Some example, GMOs, Duke pump, it's some bread. It's a quantity, we don't know how much is just a quantity. Dupont. To do that. You want some time. The pet, he wants some pesto. Now we have the preposition, which are very similar to the, to the in English. So in friendship it's masculine. We would say 00 plus L upto strophe, all my guys 12 or at the shop. If it's feminine, la, o plus l apostrophe Aligarh to or at the station. And if it's plural, oh, oh, is it as you need to, or at the United States? Should the omegas L, I'm going to the shop. Just three ala post. I'm at the post office and some boxy posit as unique to the United States. Now we have what we call the indefinite adjective. So we've got a couple. Calc, which means a few or copa Cal Cuba. A few steps, please. Yeah, I mean, several. Produce your partner. Several apples. Which also mean some or certain certain Zhou, some or certain days. Jkl cuz you do vehicles. I have a couple of days and do you have proves your should means? You have several sheets, curtains on for some goal, some children. Up to. Now we have the demonstrates if pronouns, which are, so if it's a masculine singular. So these folks FET, if it's feminine, said this river and set. If it's plural, masculine or feminine, say Jada, these gardens. Severe loop R1, this but it does set V, E leaves from this num thin you Asch. I'm watching these clamps. And finally we have the possessive adjective, the different depending on the agenda or the quantity. So it's important that you learn this table by heart. So for instance, for my, if the noun following it is masculine, you use if it's feminine, plural, met, and so on. For you to, to take his or her song Sad Thing and be careful with this one because I've shown in the example that we don't do the same thing in French and in English. So in English, it behaves if the owner is a male, that if the female is the owner, it would be an infringer does amount. If the owner is a male or female, what matters is the noun after. So I'll show you in the example, but just remember this era not to not know. Jo, If it's formal or if you're talking about a group. Votes, vote, vote. And they're LA, LA, LA, Jeddah maneuver. Watch you. I love my new car. Mathy adopts that Gita. Marie loves her Gita. Money. Adopt some piano. And as you can see in English, it depends on the owner. So the owner for that case is Marie. So if it's Marie, we say her guitar, piano. When French, it doesn't work like that. We are looking at guitar and piano. So the guitar is feminine. We put sap, the piano is masculine. We put some. So be careful with that because it's quite a common mistake. We look at the noun after the article, not the owner. Next one is may borrow Vermont Law, MSM. My parents wants to sell their house.
3. More Pronouns: Now we're going to have a look at different pronouns. It's important for you to learn this table by heart, as you will always need these pronouns to speak French. So the quicker you know them, the better. The first one we're going to have a look at the subject pronouns. In English. We have i, u as a singular, he, she, we, you as plural or group. And they're in French, it's a little bit different. So for I have young doesn't mean that I'm coming in a minute too, is using color to the mom. You leave tomorrow. Hey, is in Islamic law. He arrives late. She had been, she eats an apple. We, that's why he gets different. Enbridge. We've got two ways of saying we we've got and we've got new. So just to explain is literally more common when you speak. It's more informal and knew you would use it more when you're writing. It's very, very formal. Ideally, you want to use when you speak, that's more common when you speak with French people. So let's have a look. The thing to remember as well we own. But that's for another course, is O1 is conjugated the same way as he and sheep, but that's what another cause which just just delay unit. So we own all her God, let AD. We watch TV. No, Hoegaarden, that tv. We watch TV. Then you have u as approval or group. Wu Lamisil. You tidy up the house. And then we have a bear. So in French, we have two different one. We've got the masculine and feminine one. So for the masculine we say, Eden. Be careful, do not convince the yes or no is exactly that. It's normal. The conjugation will tell us if it's singular or plural. So just remember, ill, ill, dominance d S at the end. It wasn't. They talk to the neighbor. And then if it's feminine and something from France d S at the end and vocal mycorrhizal. They go to the shop. Now we have the reflexive pronoun. They're very common in French. It means that the action is done to yourself. So in English you don't always have the same form, but it would be kind of like when you use myself, yourself. So I've added a literal translation in the example. So it's, so it's easier to understand. It's not the exact translation. Sometimes it's really just so you understand high works in French. So let's have a look. I myself, Ger German lab. Wash myself. Literally in French. It would mean I, myself Wash U yourself to, to, to, to lead. You get yourself up. Literally, you yourself. Get up. He himself, sir, CB addresses myself. She herself. Lsa. She puts makeup on her. Literally. We ourselves also or new, new. Remember we've got two different ways of saying WEP works exactly the same for the reflexive pronoun. Also oscillate 00. Nu, nu also laid them. We brush the teeth also. You, yourself. Woo, woo, woo, woo, sorry. The ROLAP bust. You stop yourself in front of the post office. Then themselves. Something to different ones in French because we've got the masculine and feminine. Masculine, sir. Crap. They do the hair themselves literally, that's way means l, Sir, feminine. And so fatigue, that's higher than seven. And now we have what we call the stressed pronouns. So it's very easy. You just need to learn them by heart as well. Me in French is more same law. It's me. You TWA. Say TWA. It's you. Here. You see it's him. Her Ella. Say tell. It's her. S. New. Say no. It says you as approval or group again. Woo, woo, it's you. And then finally, then we've got two different one infringe masculine, feminine again, for the masculine, ou, say t2. It's them. Feminine. L, fit. It's them.
4. Direct & Indirect Pronouns: The next topic is about the direct and indirect object pronouns. So we're going to have a look what they are. The direct object pronoun refers to the direct object of the sentence. So in French, you need to answer the question, who or what. Gmos in poem. If you want to know what input is, if it's a direct or indirect object pronoun, you need to ask the question. So you would say that written English first, I eat what? An apple. Because you can't ask that question. It's a direct object pronoun. That's what we would do in French. We would say drew most qua Bentham. And we know. So that's the first thing is to know exactly if it's the direct or indirect object pronouns. Once we know that. So now we know in Pune and Apple is a direct object pronoun, we will replace it by the correct pronoun. I, eat it and eat it. March. So we will see the different provenance in the next slide. But for now, you just need to know, okay, is it direct or indirect? You just need to know which. So let's have a look at an indirect object pronoun is an indirect object pronoun. It refers to the indirect object of the sentence. Answers to the question at who, at what, or to who, to what. So let's have a look at an example as peak tuple Europol, Apollo. So you would ask the question in English first, I speak to who? Tuple, J-Pal, icky, Apple. So now we identify poll and we can replace it by an indirect object pronoun. So let's have look, I speak to him about the indirect object pronoun is really something you see in the next slide, we're going to have a look at each one. I just want you to understand how does he work in French to actually figure out what it is if it's direct or indirect. Because if it's direct, it won't be the same pronouns as the indirect. So you really need to be sure of which one you using first. Another thing as well. If the object is introduced by a plus something or place, it can be different. And also if it's of plus something, it can be a bit different as well. But we're going to have a look at all the different programs now. So I've put different colors so you can actually see the difference. Direct object pronoun will be in read, in direct object pronoun and been green. And then we've got those labeled different one, which is E in French, sounds like ee and oh, let's have a look. If you talking about a direct object, then it masculine E would be replace by Le, feminine plural. In English, you use it. And then let's have a look at a couple of example. Should, cool, should look done. A teacher lesson that teach it. So first, you know, there was a direct object. We've asked the question at teach what? Ellison. So it works with the question you can say, I teach to what, to who you'd say, what a lesson. So you know, it's a direct object. So you look at those three ones that we've got masculine, feminine, plural. Landing. A lesson in fringe is masculine, so we replace with love. And that's how it works. So we're gonna have a look at the rest for the feminine 1F boot. In pluck. Limoges, I eat a bear, but Egypt. So we replace the pair by it, an infringe in poor by law. Net lib home at like the glasses. I thank them. Some principle. You replace the glasses by them in English, in French, we replaced unit by lab. Then for the indirect object. If it's masculine or feminine, him and her, we use the same one for once in French, we have got only one. It's if it's plural of them, we use less. And is there some principle you just replace what you have identified as an indirect object. Let's have a look at the first one. Job pal bottle, Julie Bell as peaked pupil, aspect to him. Something we've asked the question as to who I speak, tuple, so you answer the question properly. We have to look at the indirect object pronouns. And because now we know that masculine and feminine is R3, we just replace it accordingly. So the example where the feminine should BAL, Julie Bell as picture Marie, that speak to how you replace Murray by her and inferential replace madly binary. The only difference is we put it before the web. And for the approval. Mary been Bhalla, let's pick tuple and Marie. I speak to them. You replace Pauline vary by them. And in French, malleable by some principle. And then we've got, those ones are a little bit more complicated, but not too much. If you're talking about a place, which in English you would replace bys. There. We use E and it gets a think of it as well infringed. But let's have a look at more example that will make more sense of Barry Bonds, amoebae icons, G pulse. I go to Paris. I go there. You're blessed Berries by their infringement on the same party, replaced by E. Then we have, I think of my holidays. I think of it. You've replaced my holidays by of it. And in French we've done the same thing. May bacause replaced by e. And then we have another one in front of which he's all. And you replace a thing you would say in English about it or if it's about it. If we would set some in English. For example, should bout domain that cause jump out. I speak about my holiday, I speak about it. So about it, replace about my holiday and infringe domain icons is replaced by o. Do show cola, jumbled, eat some chocolate, ice, some, some principle. You replace the son chocolate by some. And in France we replace usual cola by o. So what's really important? Weave those pronouns is, first of all, is it direct, is it indirect, or is it the translation? Nothing there of it about it. So, so identify the right one. And then you look at if it's feminine, masculine, plural, and you select the correct one, it's really something that you need to use that best step as the question to identify the right one and then select the correct one.
5. Comparative & Superlative Forms: Now we're going to look at what we call the comparative and superlative for. So the comparative forms that helps you compare things or people. So in English you would say more Val or then like, stronger than and infringe we use produce. So we put it around the objective. For example, I am stronger than you just prefer Couture. So you see strong is the adjective and it's between police. And can I have more strength? Menu. She produced the fox couture. Then you can also say less than, which in French would be Huang, care. At less than you could talk. Something. We put it around. And the last one as, as boosts seeker. I am scared as much as you could TWA. And now we're going to have a look at the superlative form and that helps you to differentiate things for people by a degree or quality. So in English you would use the most or EST. In French we say loop, loop, loop, loop, loop. For example, the prettiest boy, look prematurely Gaussian. The prettiest girl, lab crucially feeding the most annoying girls live prisoner yield. Then in English you also said the list. And in French we say loom one, lamb, one, limb, one. And human notice as well. If it's masculine or feminine law, if it's plural. Or was the same principle really for this. But it's good to remember it. For examples, we have the least expensive bike, lovey Lu, Lu Mattia. The list beautiful flower, Leffler, La, Belle. The least scary films. Live, feed him limb ones they fail. Not forget that the adjective agrees with the agenda and the quantity of denom. So for example, if I'm taking one of the example that we've just seen, list beautiful flower, Leffler, lab one Bell. The objective is better because it's feminine as well. So don't forget that that needs to be changed accordingly. Everything needs to follow in gender or in quantity. And obviously in French, we have some exception. So I've put the main one. Good is both in French, but it becomes mayor. And just to note on the difference, in English, you only have one comparative and superlative for well and good. So you really need to look at if you could say good or well in English first, because we've got three different when. So let's look at good bone. Becomes mayor. Mayor, better than one Volcker, less good than OC Boca. As good as the superlative Leishmania. Leishmania, Leishmania, linear, depending if it's masculine or feminine, plural. You choose the one. And then look at the third example. Deaf put so well in French is beyond. And then we would, that Biao would become mu in French, which make our mediocre better than an English. You've got better than twice mediocre and mediocre. So just be careful if the meaning is to be, well, which would be good? One Bian Qu, less good that OCB anchor. As good as, so does want us seminar, which is good. But then if you want to set the best, you have Lumiere Latin, you limb you. And that depends if the meaning is well and good. And then let's go back to the second example, which is a bad movie and he becomes P. But sometimes we can also use Movie. It's a really tricky is when, because you can use both example. So as a comparative, you would say Pekah was then one p aka less worse than who? Cp aka as worse as well. You can also say plume over one Movie Maker or CMO vega. So you can hear both, choose remember debits, good channel both because if someone is using the other one and you don't know what that means, you're missing out on some vocabulary. And as a superlattice view would say, leukemia. Let peer, Libya, bending. If it's masculine, feminine, plural.
6. Class Project & Conclusion: Well then everybody, you've made it to the end of this course. So now it's your turn to practice. You have some exercises to do. So you need to write down the correct LT goals or pronouns, and you need to translate some sentences. You will find all the information and exercises in the PDF days attach to the class project section. So don't forget to download it. And if you have any question, feel free to ask in a discussion section. Now let's have a look at everything that we have learned today. You know, and understand the different articles and pronounce, which are the definite article, the indefinite articles, and about Steve articles, the preposition and the indefinite adjective, the demonstrated pronouns and the possessive adjective, the subject pronouns, the reflexive pronouns, and the stress protons. The direct and indirect object pronouns. And you know the comparative and superlative forms. I hope you enjoyed this course and that you are making progress in the learning journey of the French language. Merci beaucoup pool that liquid at equilibrium two. Alpha.