Learn English - The Psychology of Memorizing English Vocabulary | Rance Keating | Skillshare

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Learn English - The Psychology of Memorizing English Vocabulary

teacher avatar Rance Keating, Video Production + English Teaching

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Lessons in This Class

    • 1.

      Introduction to this English Learning Class


    • 2.

      Memorizing English Vocabulary Effectively (Part 1)


    • 3.

      Memorizing English Vocabulary Effectively (Part 2)


    • 4.

      Memorize English Vocabulary Effectively: Extra Notes


    • 5.

      English Reading Fluency Strategies (Part 1)


    • 6.

      English Reading Fluency Strategies (Part 2)


    • 7.

      English Reading Fluency Strategies: Extra Notes


    • 8.

      English Listening Fluency Strategies (Part 1)


    • 9.

      English Listening Fluency Strategies (Part 2)


    • 10.

      English Listening Fluency Strategies (Part 3)


    • 11.

      English Listening Fluency Strategies: Extra Notes


    • 12.

      English Speaking Fluency Strategies (Part 1)


    • 13.

      English Speaking Fluency Strategies (Part 2)


    • 14.

      English Speaking Fluency Strategies (Part 3)


    • 15.

      English Speaking Fluency Strategies (Part 4)


    • 16.

      English Speaking Fluency Strategies (Part 5)


    • 17.

      English Speaking Fluency Strategies: Extra Notes


    • 18.

      Final Thoughts on this English Learning Class


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About This Class

Learn English - The Psychology of Memorizing English Vocabulary

This English learning course has four main parts. Using correct English memorizing, English reading and English listening methods will result in a higher level of English speaking fluency, so we will look at these different skills in detail, one by one:

1) Memorizing English Vocabulary Effectively

The first part focuses on memorizing English vocabulary in a real way. A lot of students have a habit of translating between English and their first language too much when they read or listen to English vocabulary. I believe that this results in English vocabulary that is very easy to forget. The 'meaning connection' is very weak when only using translation to understand meaning. So when students try and speak in English, the words don't come out very quickly, and the student needs to search hard for the English vocabulary. In this section I talk about methods which you can use to create really deep, strong, natural connections and meanings for English vocabulary, without relying on translating so much, which makes remembering the English vocabulary when speaking much, much easier. This is English vocabulary which is harder to forget, just like the vocabulary of your first language. 

2) English Reading Fluency Strategies

The second section focuses on English reading strategies. For building English vocabulary, some students like to create flash cards, or study English vocabulary lists, or just rely on reading English grammar books or English text books. In this section I will explain how using some different reading strategies and different types of English content can help you to build your English vocabulary in a much more effective and natural way. The 'memorizing English vocabulary' technique should be used with these English reading strategies together for the best results. I also talk about some ideas and resources that you can use to find the best English reading material, depending on your level of reading fluency in English. Gaining a high level of reading fluency is hugely important before moving onto English listening and speaking fluency, because it's the easiest and most logical to achieve first. 

3) English Listening Fluency Strategies

Just like reading in English, developing English listening fluency is hugely important for building a large English vocabulary, but it can be done the wrong way (mentally translating everything when listening) or it can be done the right way (the natural way of listening). I talk about how to you can improve your English listening fluency by using certain learning methods, and I talk about some English learning resources/websites etc where you can find great English listening content. English listening content that you will naturally be interested in. That is English listening content for beginners, but also English listening content for intermediate and advanced English learners as well. English listening fluency is one of those skills that can really effect your English speaking fluency because listening skills are so important for social situations in English and understanding what is going on in the conversation before you want to speak. But these English listening skills can be improved by yourself at home as well.

4) English Speaking Fluency Strategies

And to finish off this English learning course, I'll talk about English speaking fluency methods. Speaking in English, especially in groups where everyone is trying to speak English at the same time, where you need a high level of English listening fluency so that you can understand everything, is the hardest English skill to master, as it also produces the most amount of anxiety for students. In this section I talk about finding good situations to practice speaking English, and some English learning websites for finding great English teachers to practice speaking with. I'll also talk about a method which I use in my online English Skype lessons to boost my students' English speaking fluency by turning their "passive" English vocabulary into "active" English vocabulary using a very specific method which surprisingly isn't used by a lot of English teachers. I'll also describe an English speaking exercise which you can use at home by yourself, without paying for an English teacher, which can improve your English speaking skills. You won't have an English teacher to correct your mistakes, but it's free to use! And lastly I'll talk a little about how this method can be used to improve your English writing skills as well, and then I'll discuss the idea of moving to an English speaking country, and some of the bad habits that you should avoid when learning English, and some good English learning habits that you should try to develop.

If you have any questions about English fluency or improving your English memorizing, English reading, English listening or English speaking skills, please feel free to send me a message and we can have a chat about which ever English learning topic you would like to talk about. 

Enjoy the course and I hope your English fluency improves!

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Rance Keating

Video Production + English Teaching

Level: Intermediate

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1. Introduction to this English Learning Class: Okay. Hi. Welcome to this course, And I'm just going to give you a little introduction here and get straight to the point. This course is for English learners who want to improve their fluency and especially for learners at the level of intermediate, maybe just below intermediate, to advance on the lower students who really want to get to that next level of English ability and be able to communicate, you know, well, in English. So what I do is I'm just an English teacher. I teach English online on mostly to adults, mostly to walking professionals and students who just want to improve their their fluency for general English social situations. You know, maybe it's a hobby for them, things like that. So I've taught students, you know, Brazilians, Russians, Japanese, Spanish. You know, a lot of students want to move to Ireland for a job or, you know, say, you know, or maybe it's a Russian student who wants to move to the UK for a job. A lot of students who are preparing for interviews in English, and then there's just a lot of students who, you know English is a hobby for them, So I've seen what a lot of English learners do and I've picked up, or I have come across or found methods that are successful that different students use. So basically, in this course, I'm just gonna present these tools to you so that you can take these tools and then use them at home in your own study, time to improve your level of fluency. And I suppose the biggest thing to remember is that this is a very long term process. There's no there's no quick fix for language, so it's like going to the gym. I mean, you can't just go to the gym for for one month Annick and expect to look great for years after that. You know, you need to build that habit every week. You know, you need to kind of live it. So for Jimmy, you need to go kind of every week and keep that habit for months and months and years. But it's the same for language learning. I think I really need to live the language for part of the week, so I mean, if you've got one week, I think if you want, if you're Brazilian, 40 speaker, if you want to be fluent in English. I think you need to live part of that week in English. You know, maybe 30% off that week should be reading English, listening to English, watching English videos, trying to speak in English and then even trying to think in English. So the biggest thing is just to have patients. And as long as you're doing the right things, you know, as long as you're using productive methods, don't worry about your level. Just accept a level you know your level is your level. It doesn't matter. But just keep doing the right things and keep their habit every week, and especially for this course, try and keep coming back to this course. Okay, so if you get a little bit lost with language learning and if you lose motivation, come back to this course and have a have a look at the different methods and techniques and maybe choose one toe work with, you know, on, go off and do that for a couple of days or a couple of weeks, and then if you get bored of that comeback, choose a new method, so you need to use all of these methods. You know, all of these methods cover different areas of English pronunciation that's building for cavalry. There is listening fluency, trying to start thinking in a language. So you really need to use all of these different methods in a balanced way. And, you know, these methods work because I've seen students using them and they work for them. So that's it. I hope you enjoy this course, and I hope it really works for you, so thanks. 2. Memorizing English Vocabulary Effectively (Part 1): Okay. Hi. So in this next video, what I want to talk about is basically vocabulary and memories. For me, it's one of the best things to remember is one of the best things that I've come across in language learning. If you think about your first language, all of the vocabulary that I have in my first language, English is very strongly associate ID. First of all, there's no translation because my first language, but it is just English for cavalry, and each of those words are associated with memories with mental images, and they're vory deeply connected. The cavalry is deeply connected with memories, mental pictures, maybe mental ideas of what the word represents. So for some things like cattle table, it's quite easier. But then, for something else, like forward, like already already is, is a difficult thing to you. First of all, you can see it. You have to experience already, but I have a concept and idea of what already is if someone wants to do something, but I've done it first, I can say no, no, it's OK. I have done it already, but there's there's it's kind of that concept, but there's different variations of it as well. But it's basically something like that. So now when it comes to learning a second language, the problem is all of those mental memories. Those mental images, those concepts, those ideas. That world is kind of separate from language. There's a linguist called Steven Pinker, and he talks about mental ease for me. What I think of it is that it's sort of a visual representation of the world that you have in your mind separate language. And we've got this kind of imagination tool where here I can imagine, you know, the table lifting up into the air. It's kind of like a computer game in a way, you know, it's a simulation of reality. You know, there's some supercomputers that do this. They've actually test out virtual rockets lifting off into space, but it is completely virtual, but our brain basically does the same thing. I mean, I can I can simulate reality that is kind of separate a language, but it's very, very strongly connected with with language. So if I have a story for someone, you know I can I can picture the story. I can see all the events the people. Then when I go to explain it to to someone for camera that I need, it's very strongly connected to that world, that mental visual world that the mental ease that exists in your mind. So now when you when you learn a second language now things become tricky because now you've got to You've got to separate vocabularies, which are trying to connect to that visual world, the mental ease or the imaginary world for the representation of the real world world. That's any mind you know. You could see this with some people that some some people are very realistic, which means their vision of the world matches reality. There's other people in the world who have an unrealistic vision of the world. So that's that's what I'm talking about there. It's that internal visual world that you have in your mind. So now when we're learning a second language, generally, what we tend to do is, for example, if you've got a text and if you're reading and if you find Award, think about think about this very carefully. When you're reading a text and you come across or find that's afraid of world, there come across. But if you find a word that you don't know what is your process, just sit down and think about like, what is the process that you go through? And for most students, what they do is okay, So you're reading a text, you find the word first thing. Do you know, maybe you could use Google translate, you know, and translated into your first language. Now, if you move on from there, if you just translate it and then okay, now you know you understand it. Now, if you move on, continue with the text. What you do is you create a very shallow, thin shallow is the opposite of deep you, if you imagine the ocean. Okay, that's deep. Now, when you get to the beach and you're walking in and the water is only up to your feet that shallow so it's very thin. Okay, so if you only translate for Calvary, you're you're creating a very shallow meaning. Now, another thing that you could do is you could go toward reference, or you could get out your your English dictionary, and you could look for English definitions. So you're trying to understand the word using easier English for cavalry toe. Understand that word. So now and then you could read, and then you could try and understand that word through context. And that's good. So now things are getting a little deeper. You know, the meaning of that word is getting a little deeper because you've got context, and you've used English words to try and understand that difficult word. But what we want to do with the goal for me anyway, is my next challenge is to learn Chinese. And the goal for me is to create radio really strong, deep connections the way that I have connections for my English recovery. If I think of the word war, I mean right now I can imagine, you know, I can remember Vietnam War movies that I've seen or, you know, World War two documentaries. Or, you know, I've seen news reports on CNN about war. When I say the word war, you know, automatically. I mean, I can I can visualize these images and these memories, so I want to do the same in Chinese. I want to direct connection between the Chinese word and what a represents. One way you could do it is so we've tried. Translation. We've tried looking for English for an English definition. You know, we can try and understand the world through context off the story. Then what we could also do is maybe do something like go to Google images and put the word into Google images, and you will get a selection of pictures for that word. Now it's very easy to find Google images for things like Cat Table House, you know, soccer, sports, things like that. But when you get to when you try and use Google images forwards like like is what is, is is, or already or yet things like those or alternative. But Google Google images will actually surprise you because a word like alternative, you wouldn't think that Google images would give you a good picture, but it actually does. So try and use Google images as much as possible because you're creating a visual memory when you find that word, and when you go to Google images and you see those pictures in that moment there, you're creating a visual memory, and in the future you're gonna connect that picture to the word, and when you try and remember, it will be easier 3. Memorizing English Vocabulary Effectively (Part 2): but for me, I like to go past that and try and create an even deeper connection. So what I try and do is if I come across the word in Chinese, for example, now my pronunciation is terrible. But it's the Chinese word for war and its John John John, John John. It's something like that. So when I see John drink, what I try and do then is go inside and I try and access memories. First of all, when I'm reading, I need to get the English translation. But because, you know, I don't know what Jen is. So I get the English translation and then I only want that English translation to get the memories. So I see war. So OK means war. Now Quickly throw away that English recovery or your first language is for coverage. And now I just sit there with myself and I say it's challenging John J. And I just you know, I remember those Vietnam War movies that I've seen or World War Two documentaries. You know, the more vivid you can make it, the more realistic you can imagine these pictures better. And if you can go one step further create a personal connection. So now for me, I have no personal connection with war. I've never been in war, but I can try and, you know, imagine myself in a war situation and, you know, feel that feeling of fear. So that's what I do whenever I find a new word in Chinese for me. What did I say? I'd sit down with the word and quickly. You know, maybe I'll use Google images first, but then, so I'll get the English translation. Throw the English translation away quickly and just sit down with the world and safe shown drink. Jack are charging bull, huh? You know, war is not good, you know, I try and imagine myself in, you know, really feel it. That's basically it. Now what you gotta do is that so many words. It's actually a bit of fun. The thing that I do is I just get a little bit of text, and I use a website called Link. It's W w w dot l i n g q dot com, and it's basically it's got different levels that goes from beginner to advanced for every lesson they have. Text. It's normal. A story. So you're learning in context. It's text, and they've always got audio that comes with the with the text. And then you can click on a word and you can get a little translation or definition. And there's and there's an extra little audio button for the word. But what I do is I just sit down with the text. It's kind of like painting pictures for for every word. So I just click on the word, Get the English translation quickly. Forget about that English translation, but then just sit down, kind of like paint a picture for every word. You know, I just sit down and think, You know what? Like I really just trying imagine, And it and it's actually a lot of fun because the thing that you really want is a super strong connection between the languages of recovery that you want to learn and the real thing that it represents. If you think about a conversation, if someone's talking to me, if they're so in their mind, they can imagine what they can visualize. They can see story. You know, maybe something happened to them two days ago. Now, Now they come to me. They want to tell me the story in their mind. They can see what happened. They can see the people. They can see the place, things like that. So now that person send for cabaret to me. Now, for example, they say I was walking. I was driving to work last week when a donkey across the road. Now there's a lot of vocabulary there. But now, as that person says it as that person speaks that for cavalry, every word you know, last week Okay, so there I've got a feeling of past. But when that word when I hear that word, it should automatically trigger a sort of a concept or an image. It shouldn't go from the second language to my first language and then to the visual representation. It should go directly from that second language to the representation. Or but just for this example, with my first language, someone is telling me a story in my first language. When they say last week I was driving toe work. So now in my mind, I can I can imagine them, you know, last week, driving to work. I can see the picture and then they'll say last week I was driving to work when a donkey crossed the road, you know. So it now I can imagine Okay, pull their driving along. And now and now I'm seeing a donkey crossing. So and then the story goes on, But basically they're painting a picture for me. When the words get to me, the word should automatically trigger pictures for me. So if I have if I have very deep connections with the words If I study for cavalry and create deep connections, it's all about the study. If you study and create deep connections when you study, I think when you listen, when the word hits you it it triggers the mental imagery faster. But if I study and if I only create shadow connections with vocabulary you know, for example, if if I only translate when that person sends me that word, you know, if they speak that word to me when it gets to me, I think I'm gonna go through the process of translation because that's the way that I studied it. That's the only memory that I have. That's the reference so so far. So when they use that word when they when they speak that word to me, I hear the word, and then I try and quickly translate. And then I have to think about what? That the word is in my first language. And then try and think about that represented representation or the image. But then they have continued in the conversation, and I'm lost. So when they speak to me, when every ward hits when I hear every word automatically, that word should suggest imagery. And it's the same thing when you're reading when you're reading, you know, the moment you see the words, they should kind of paint a picture for you. So I think it's all about that point there when you study. So if you study and when, you know, take your time with every word, just create those memories and connections with the recovery and very strong connections and with the thing that really represents and try and make it, you know, trying make personal connections, trying trade a bit of emotion there with with the recovery as well, and that's about it. So now think about that. You just have thousands and thousands and thousands of words to create deep connections with, and I hope that helps in. I'll see in the next video 4. Memorize English Vocabulary Effectively: Extra Notes: after teaching English for many years studying language, fluency and observing the methods that my students were using to achieve fluency. I took some random notes over the years, but I would like to share with you here. I think language fluency is all about creating unbreakable bonds between words and the mental images, memories or visualizations that they represent. Just doing this for thousands and thousands of words in a language. Then you can play around with the world order and grammar except when you speak. But it's all about creating deep meanings and direct connections between words and mental pictures for representations by consuming a language reading and listening to interesting content. All of that for cavalry is just adding to the visual representations on vision of the world that your mind develops over the years. So when you consumed a second language who are doing the same thing, all that for Cabaret should be added to the reality of the world that exists inside your mind or visualization off the world, it said. Maybe a way to solve the always translating when speaking problem that students seem tohave by reading, reading, reading continuously are focusing on imagining the stories in vivid detail and to do this for hours and hours and hours. When learners look at pages filled with recovery, their heads should just be filled with mental movies or mental pictures of the story as they turn pages at higher levels. Listening can be practiced in the same way. Notice how you do that already in your first language. Just always put your mind towards imagination with reading or listening. Recommend to students that they search for any new words they find. Using Google images took a vocabulary and images mentally Think about when someone's telling a story. All that for cavalry is just triggering a pictured story within your mind. Part of your mind that thinks in images. I was standing on this cliff looking over the edge, sweating like crazy. Every word represents an image in the story. It just paints a picture that speakers just verbalizing the story that they see in their mind, and you are translating that language into pictures. The most important thing to remember when learning languages stay, use your imagination as much as possible when reading and listening, making the stories that you read and listen to has imaginatively vivid as possible. It's all about connecting your imagination to as many written and spoken words as possible . A major part of language learning is actually seeing the same vocabulary again and again and again through extensive reading and listening and understanding what the words mean directly mental concept, idea or image every time and in different context every time. Think about it. You are familiar with words in the first language, because you have just read and listen to those words thousands and thousands of times before. I think an important thing to remember is that the method that used to study languages for cavalry will reflect itself in the ways where you try and use the language in sweet. If you study vocabulary by translating reward references are memories that create for every word will be linked to translation, because that is the memory that you have created for for every work, and you will be translated in times. If you translate them. Study. You will translate when you speak. But if you associate for cavalry but the rial image or concept that it represents mentally or by visual memory using Google images, you will have a much better time with speaking fluency because you are following the natural method that you use in your first language. If you study a language by connecting vocabulary with mental or visual images, we will speak with for cavalry that comes directly from mental images, because those are the connections that you have created. Another fantastic thing to do in link for listening is to listen to individual world again and again and again, using the pronunciation bottom, connecting mental visualizations with the spoken vocabulary every time you hear the words, then what you can also do is highlight sections of text and listen to the Google translator pronunciation for that section of text over and over again, attaching mental imagery to the spoken words as you hear them. Maybe in addition to mentally, visualizing in the shoes of a cavalry could also be helpful to connect visual memory by searching Google images for the cavalry. Two memories are being for one inside the mind mentally and to outside the mine. Our words truly are married together with visualizations of the things, ideas or concepts they represent, and I news my first language. If I say the word produced, I truly see and get a sense off produce mental. It's almost as if the word is the visualization itself that's watching to do when learning a new language is absolutely married. The words and visualizations. That's why when people speak so quickly in our first language, we could still put together a complete visualization of what they're time to say, because the connections between words and visualizations so song in a month words retail years. They paint a picture of the story so easy. So when you learn a second language, you should take your time to be toward paint strong mental these organizations, for all words. You should also try and connect for cabaret to personal images, memories and concepts that you already have in your mind from past experiences in life. The more personal the connections you make when learning recovery from or you will remember it. For example, if English learners see the word cat, they should think of the family cat. Or if you see the word school, you should think of your far school you went to when you're reading. Each word should trigger an image in your mind and all of the words together as paragraphs or the full article. Etcetera should paint a picture of the whole story. It's just like flash cards ready. But it's natural because you will keep getting exposed to the most common words in the language by reading more and more material. And that is a more natural space repetition, repetition, technique and the faster that you read through material more vocabulary you are reviewing again and again. The exact same thing can be said for this. 5. English Reading Fluency Strategies (Part 1): Okay. Hi. So welcome back to this next video. And in this next video, what I want to talk about is reading. It's kind of like the topic is Read, Read, Read, read, read, read, read. That's the topic. And it's just a way to develop your language. I think so. You know, reading is very important for consuming recovery, more more recovery, and then you've got listening. But I'll talk about that next. So with reading what I'll talk, my first is actually that I think, for a lot of students, some students find systems like like flash card systems, flash card systems with spaced repetition, which means they create a huge list of flashcards. And then they try and review them, you know, every day and then after a few days and then after week. And then I think it's a good system because it's, you know, it's connecting vocabulary with images, and what they're trying to do is trying to review the vocabulary and the images again and again and again to try and get that recovery into long term memory. But to me, like it's a good system, I think I think of people use that they will definitely develop a big, large pool of for Cabaret to use, like in this case in English. But if you want to learn English, but for me, I think just for me the there's a more interesting, interesting way to go about it. And this is an alternative toe flashcards and space repetition systems. And basically it's just read. Read, read, read, read, read wheat. Okay, think about your first language in your first language in English. For me, what I do is I only it's consuming content. It's, you know, you're consuming vocabulary, and what I do is I search for sources of content that I like that are interesting for me. So for me, I mean, I like history. Documentaries like to learn about the world. So I mean, naturally, I go to YouTube and look for documentaries in my first language in English or I love comedy as well. So I try and search for you know, the's great comedians and try and listen to all of their shows. And that's naturally what I'm very interested in, and the content pulls me like the topic that I'm watching pulls me in and naturally, by doing that process. I have to consume a lot of recovery toe, understand the topic. So in the first language, I think it's all about the topic in your first language. No one tries to learn their first language. It's more like they want to know about the topic. If you If you love sports, you want to know about sports, you know, and then naturally, you develop your language by consuming content videos and, you know, watching games and reading articles about sport. And over time you reach fluency because you know you're consuming that content again and again and you're seeing the vocab Marie again and again and again anyway. So what I'm trying to suggest here is that for your second language, if you're Spanish or if you're Japanese and if you want to learn English, try and do this. Say so. Today they're going to study English, and one way to study English is to do like you know, the board. It's the more safe kind of boring method, and it's too, you know, to be honest, to to go with the language schools and, you know, you get your course book and the course book tries to cover a lot of different topics like , you know, healthy living and, you know, neighborhood and music and movies. You know, every unit will try and cover these topics, and that's kind of like the safe area off language running. It is great for beginners, but I think when you really want to get to, like, a high level of fluency, you've got to kind of live in the language. If you're Japanese and if you want to learn English, forget that you're Japanese. And when you study English, forget that you're Japanese. Okay, you know. So you're not Japanese anymore. You are English. Try and understand the world in English. That's the way that you understand the world and it through English. What I would do is search for the things that you're really, really interested in, kind of follow your personality. Your your personality in Japanese should match the personality, your personality in English. So in Japanese, if you love baseball, go to English and find articles about baseball. Or, you know, YouTube videos about baseball, or try and watch games on TV in English, about baseball in English, you know, do what you normally do, but just do it in English. If you love history, if you're Japanese and if you love history night now your English now you understand the world in English. Now search for little for articles and documentaries about history and do it through English. That's basically it is just, I think you kind of need to learn to relax in English. It shouldn't be study like our frustration. Grammar is something like that. You know, you sit down and it's hard work about, and it's just frustration for me, for Chinese mind. My level of Chinese is very low, but I want to get to a stage where where I can study Chinese culture or step study Taiwanese culture. Okay, And you know, I want to get to a stage where it's more about the topic, and I'm just doing it through Chinese like I love comedy. So I want to search for Chinese comedians, find their transcripts and go through all the language and, you know, maybe try and listen to the shows, you know, study history, you know, find technology magazines in Chinese and I should be focused on the topic, and the topic should pull me and then, through learning about the topic, then you develop your your fluency that way 6. English Reading Fluency Strategies (Part 2): Now, with all of that for cavalry, you need to create those strong, deep connections that I was talking about. You know that mental imagery that is connected with the world, there should be no translation. You know, you should try and get rid of translation as much as possible. So now for reading, you should just read. And so for you, if you're learning English when you're reading English, the tax should directly paint a picture for you mentally, so that's basically it. It's just because if you think about these flash card systems and space repetition, reading what you love naturally is a spaced repetition system, because what they do with space repetition system is that you've got your you know, they're the most common vocabulary in the language, and then you review it after a day and after two days and, you know after a week. But it's for me. It's kind of like a vory could be a very boring process off just going through a list of current. But if you, for example, so you're a Japanese person, and if you're learning English and you love you want to learn about the French Revolution now search for articles about the French Revolution in English. Now today, when you read an article about the French Revolution, you will naturally find the most common vocabulary in in that article because naturally, content has the most common vocabulary in the language. It has to be there. In all the newspapers read and all the magazines, the most common words in the language should be there. And if they're not, then they're not the most common in Ford's in the language. So if you read in an article about French Revolution, you will see Volcan Marie repeat and repeat and repeat again. So every time it repeats, you know you should create that deep mental imagery with those words. You know, every time you see it in the article, you should try and do that, and then it reinforces and makes the connection stronger. So this is kind of like space repetition, you know, within one article, after two or four or five or six minutes, you see these words again and again. So now if you're interested in the French Revolution, maybe two days later you read another article about the French Revolution. Or maybe you read another article about history and mentions the French Revolution. But the point is, is that if you naturally have an interest in a topic and if you read it today and if you read something about it again next week and again next month, that is natural space repetition. Because you will see that recovery again and again and again. And as long as you allow those words to paint a picture for you, you know, create those deke mental connections with the words every time you do that. To me, that is basics basically a spaced repetition system, and it's a natural one. So the biggest thing for me is that developing fluency is basically time. You know, you got to spend time with the language. It's time consuming content, creating those deep connections and just doing lots and lots and lots of that, because that's what you do in your first language. Actually, in your first language, that's what you do without thinking about it. You just read what's interesting for you and you know you. For most people in the first language, E articles and stories naturally paint a picture for them mentee. So now if you want to think about grammar for people in their first language. Most people for the first language actually don't learn grammar, and what I think is going on is that they follow a natural method of this reading, reading, reading or listening, listening, listening and, you know, focusing on meaning as well because they want to understand the topic. And then I think, subconsciously or somewhere in the back of the brain, the brain is recognizing patterns in the language. You know, it's something you don't have to think about, really. You just have to focus on meaning over time. Lots and lots and lots of time is some sort of tool or your subconscious. I think it's doing all those calculations in the background when it comes to grammar and things like that. So it's kind of like Let your brain dual that work. Let your brain do all that analytical work in the background, and you just focus on the simple task off reading, reading, reading what is interesting for you and focusing on meaning now. If you have, you can only rating read what is interesting for you if you're at a higher level. So if you want if you're at the lower level. And if you're beginning, I think if you find graded readers search for graded readers. It's basically stories or articles written at different levels, so that would be the best place to start Or, you know, go to a language school and study the course book because the language used in that course book is adjusted to a lower level, and now you can build your recovery there. But at some point you got to start living in the language and naturally study the topics that you're interested interested in. But if you're at that lower level, there's a website called Link. It's www dot l i indica que dot com With this website, they've got different. First of all, they've got like, I think, between 10 and 15 languages that you cannot, and then they've got levels for every language. So it starts from, I think, beginner one beginner to intermediate, one intermediate to advanced, one advanced to, so choose your level. Then, when you click on a lesson, you will get text and then you'll get audio and you can click on the word and you can get the definitions. That's a great place to start because you know the stories will be easier, the language will be easier. And you can build your book for country there. But at some point go to the real stuff. You know, if you're studying English and if you want to be fluent in English, find, you know, sit down and just relax with, you know, the national. You know National Geographic. Go to the National Geographic website in English and sit down and just read articles. You know, learn about nature and geography and things like that, or if you love technology. There's an online magazine called Wired wired dot com, w i R e d dot com And it's all about technology, but it's not very, very technical. It's kind of like general kind of entertaining, like an entertaining look at technology, you know, Go there and just sit down for you maybe hours and just read, read, read articles about technology and focus on the meaning. You know, forget translation. Andi, that's basically it. So consume as much content as possible and just read, read, read, read, read 7. English Reading Fluency Strategies: Extra Notes: after teaching English for many years studying language, fluency, and I'm serving the methods that my students were using to achieve fluency. I took some random notes over the years, which I would like to share here by reading and reading and reading, you come across the most common words in the language, again and again and again in a natural way. There is no need for space repetition systems, so you reinforce their meeting every time you see them again. And the meanings get different shades of meaning every time there are used in a new contents. Also, by reading, you sound out the pronunciation in your mind, provided that you have done some listening and have a sense of the general pronunciation rules, and you slowly start to develop natural language patterns of grammar in your mind without studying formal grammar books. You also get a chance to build relevant for cavalry by going off in different topic directions that you have interest for you. PG Reading a bunch of articles about technology, business travel, etcetera. You also connect the vocabulary to images in your mind at a surfing fluency point. It's the natural way that the mind acquires the language, and you can do the frenzy skimming over the language and reading. You need to enjoy it and appreciate every word. Live and relax with English material, just like you do in your first language. Follow the same passion is that you have in your first language, but just search for English material about topics that you are passionate about or topics that are entertaining for you. Boring academic material will kill your motivation for learning English. Consume great content and you'll know when you're more fluent when you stop causing in the video so much and when you start going through articles quickly without track translated so much, it's actually good that students do a lot of extensive reading in English because it puts the mind in a momentous where the mind starts to think in the language naturally, especially when students vocalized the language in time when you're reading, each word should trigger an image in your mind and all the words together as paragraphs or the full article. Etcetera should paint a picture of the whole story. It's just like flash cards, really, but it But it's natural because you will keep getting exposed to the most common words in the language by reading more and more material. And that is that is a more natural spaced repetition technique on the faster that you read through material more vocabulary, you are revealing again and again. The exact same thing can be said for listening. Inglis Loners need to forget about the fact that they are learning about English grammar rules, grammar terminology, etcetera and rather focus on the fact that they're learning about culture, technology history. Business stories, fax life through the English When they study English, they should become obsessed with gaining knowledge about the world through. In this, the obsession should be about topics just in English on English. Fluency will result as a secondary effect. Taste the most interesting topics that you find interesting as a human being, ones that you are genuinely interested in your topics and then just have conversations about these topics with your teacher friends, etcetera. When you study all of these topics, language goes in. When you discuss these topics, language comes out. There's a superficial level of language. I mean form, structure, grammar, pronunciation, etcetera. However, behind that exists culture and topic, etcetera. My discussion next lessons aimed to reach that deeper level with students while still paying attention to form, the lesson should be culturally educational. In that way, building up your vocabulary is key to becoming fluent in the language. Stephen Crashing argues that compelling, comprehensible i e. At the appropriate level. Input is that the real key to literacy. If students are given material, which is fascinating, entertaining, compelling, etcetera, they will learning it. That means comic books, good storybooks for kids, that means technology. Magazines, business articles, culture articles, fiction books for adults, self selected reading is also a lot better than assigned reading. Think about it. If someone gives you a book as a present, for some reason, he never want to read it. But when you choose it yourself from a selection, you feel like it's yours. You enter into a flow state much easier and taking all the information flash card seem weird. There's just no context with them. It feels like individual memorizing. They seem like drills. The key to learning English is to read interesting English material as much as possible so that you come across many words again and again, using as much of your imagination as possible to imagine the story a key when reading a text is to read and read and read until you get to a deeper message of what the text is trying to say, and then listen over and over again until you get to the deeper meaning of what it is trying to say. If you love comedy, you should try and find comedians in a language that you want to learn. Find transcripts of their shows, etcetera, or just find any interesting content related toe what you really love and develop your language by consuming it that way. A good thing to do is to read articles over and over again about two or three times, because all of the new recovery that you ever it will be reinforced when you read the vocabulary again. Learning languages It's more about time than anything else. Time spent with the language. That seems to be the key factor. You should have the mindset that you're just reading to find out and expand your knowledge topics through the second language. Get to the topic and just read for the interesting information, just the same way that you read for the topic in your first language. 8. English Listening Fluency Strategies (Part 1): Okay, So what I want to talk about now is listening. And I think listening is obviously, you know, there's a big difference between reasonable Cadbury and spoken bowl coverage. I mean, they both refer to the same thing. Hamburger. They're kind of different things in a lot of ways, you know, you're talking about symbols, you know, you know, connecting mental imagery with symbols and meaning. And then now, But now you also have to connect that mental imagery in that you know, those deeper connections and those memories with spoken full coverage. Okay, so what I would suggest is that you could take the same approach that we had for for reading, you know, recent bowel cavalry. And if you find a website where you can find the pronunciation of words in English, link link dot com is very good for that, because whenever you click on a word and link, you'll get the little definition. But you'll get a little button for the pronunciation of the world as well. So what I would suggest is, you know, clicking on every word and then just listening to the pronunciation of every word and then click on the word again and hear, you know, hear the person say I mean, if the word is business, you know, take on the world business, pick on the word business and keep picking on the ward. And whenever you hear that word, you should let the word, um, you know, paint a picture off. What businesses? So you know you need to get some sort of mental representation of what businesses don't use . Translation into your first language should go directly from the spoken vocabulary to the to the image business, business, business, business and just keep kicking on business. And let that suggest memories that you have of business experiences and things like that. So you know the the way that you would do that with written vocab reduce do it the same way with spoken vocabulary. You just need to find websites where you can do that. I think you can go to Google and just put the word into Google, and then you'll get a little button where you can give this pronunciation. But I just recommend link because it's a great website. And so what I would say there is that you you just going to do that thousands and thousands of times with thousands of words. You know, you need to listen to thousands and thousands of words, and you need to let all of those words individually suggest the things that they represent mentally. So when we're when we're looking up pronunciation now, I think this activity is pretty important. What you need to do is you. You need to find some sort of resource. Like like ted dot com. 10 dot com is very good. Andi obviously linked dot com There is breaking news english dot com, which is free. Find anything that has text and audio constructions, but I love to figure out how things work for myself. When I was 12 I hated school, but I fell in love with trading the markets. I caddied at the time, earned about $5 a bag, and I took my catting and I should go. I could buy more shares and if went up, I make more money. So that was a dumb strategy, right? But so I made a lot of painful mistakes. They had never been very successful. The three men moved along the small river as they worked. Hajric slams into Caribbean this is breaking news english dot com A record breaking hurricane is causing death and destruction in the Caribbean. So watching me to do then is because I see this with a lot of students is that in my classes with students, I get students to just to start reading an article aloud. And whenever they make pronunciation mistake, I just correct them on the work. And then they keep reading and then to make another mistake. And then I correct them on the work. So what I noticed is that a lot of students develop their own pronunciation for certain words, so I think this is definitely definitely to end. A big reason is, is that English has very irregular pronunciation. It has very strange pronunciation because there's words like through and cough where it ends in O u G h. But they've got two different sounds, really? So what one is through the vowel sounds like you and the other one ends and off cough. So a way to a way to solve that problem would be to find that text and just press play and read at the same time. So you're listening and reading at the same time. Whether you like it or not, radical transparency and algorithmic decision making is coming at you fast and is going to change your life. That's because it's now easy to take algorithms and embed them into computers and gather all that data that you're leaving on yourself all over the place and know what you're like and then direct the computers to interact with you in ways that are better than most people can't and just go all the way down the text, only focusing on on pronunciation. Don't really focus on meaning here. Just focus on pronunciation and focus, especially on connecting the spoken vocabulary with the recent oil company. You should just connect up every every word. And whenever you come come across. So whenever you find a word that you know where you thought maybe the presentation was different. Whenever you find a word that you know, you have a problem with focus on that and just listen to how they, the native speaker pronounced it. But, you know, just work with a huge amount of text and audio. Something like 10 is perfect because they give these speeches and talks for, like, 15 or 20 minutes. And there's a lot of vocabulary there and for whatever. I mean, if you work and try and find the topic that your that is relevant to you. So if you work in I t try and find some technology speeches, speeches on ted dot com and just sit there and read the text. Listen to the audio, connect up the pronunciation and, you know, just spend half an hour doing that, or even even an hour. And but especially focusing on pronunciation. But now, when it comes to two meaning and associating, meaning with spoken vocabulary, there's a certain method which which I use when I'm trying to learn Chinese, and I'll just give you a basic, um, description of it. So what I do is first of all, you always need tax an audio so link dot com is brilliant breaking news, English. If you're learning English and hunted, so what do we do? First is first of all, read. Okay, so first of all, read the text and, you know, just chooses, you know, start small. Don't read the whole text. Just start small, choose a paragraph or half a paragraph and then just read when you find a word that you don't know, um, you know, translated. But then connect that, you know, create that those and those mental images and those deep connections with the with the reasonable couple create that. And then maybe, you know, find the pronunciation for the word, and then just keep clicking on the word and hearing the word. And whenever you hear the word, you should you should you know, you should see that mentally. So you know, if the word is if the word is money, you know, if you find the word money, I mean, just keep ticking on that button and, you know, let the person saying money. And whenever they say money, you should see a mental representation or a mental picture off or, you know, a personal experience that you've had with money. Okay, hopefully a lot of money. So, um, first of all, I would do that reading, So you want to create mental pictures for for you know, for that short section of text. So now, But there is There's two ways of reading here. You can You can create mental mental imagery for each word. But then in a way, you've got to read as well to connect the bigger picture as well. So you've got to kind of read the paragraph for the for the for the overall story. You've got to see the overall story mentally. And then once you have that overrules story, you know, you could see you could play it through. You can see it then what I would suggest is, you know, provided that you have text and audio. Then click on the audio and listen and read. But focus on meaning, Don't focus on the pronunciation are really focus on meaning when you're listening and you're reading and you're you're listening any reading and you're focusing on picturing the story that is telling and maybe do it over and over again. Okay, until you really start to see it. And you associate those the spoken boat company with the story and then what you could do after that is so once you have that story, then you could obviously now now is going up one level where you're not looking at the text and you need to click on the audio and you need to look away from the screen and see Now, the thing is that you have the story, you have the mental movie in your mind. Now you have the spoken vocabulary and you're listening to it. And then your job is to connect up all of those words. You know, all of those words that you're hearing should connect up to that story that you have already because you've read it and you've read and listen at the same time. So I mean, there's other ways. I know of students who I think they have books where half the text is and say if they're Spanish, half the text would be in Spanish and then half the text would be in English. - So what they do is they read the text in Spanish to get the story. And then after that, they read the text in English, too, to connect up the vocabulary with the story that they have in their minds. But you know, that's looking at reading. But now you have to do this with listening. So it's basically like read the text picture of the story and then listen on Lee and try and listen and connect up the story with the spoken recovery So what I would also suggest is is you know, once you read, want to get that story. And then once you're listening only is to listen Onley again and again and again until, you know, until you start to see that that picture mentally, Okay. And listen again and again and again until the whole story comes together. And you kind of get to a deeper meaning off what the story is trying to say. So just spend time with it, you know? But don't don't overdo it, because you'll waste time, but just try and do it a few times, just so you get that deeper meaning of the story. And then when I would also say is that when you're at the higher levels, you know, you don't have to spend so much time with the recovery. Maybe you could just use 10 dot com, just read a little quickly, get the story, and then and then listen to that section. Then after you've done that, read the story again and then listen. So it's just a way to cause obviously readings easy, or you'll get the ball calvary and then just read a little bit. And then listen to that section just to give you a little a little bit of a little bit of help when you're listening. And then the last thing that I will say is that I've seen for some students were ones student specifically that it really helped her when she what she used to do, what she would transcribe audio. So this is this is a little different to the method that I was talking about. But what she would do is she would find podcasts with natural kind of spoken English and, you know, maybe a bit like humorous. Um, and she would just press play on the audio, take it very slowly. She would go through the video of the podcast or the audio very slowly and then just transcribe. And she said that the method off transcribing would really, really force her to focus in on detail and focus in on the pronunciation of each word. So I'm just going to give you a little demonstration here off transcribing audio. But before that, I want to talk about Spotify and the Spotify app. Spotify is great for music, but it's also really great for finding good podcasts, podcasts So if you go up to browse and then down here, go to podcasts. Okay. Now scroll down and you'll get the featured podcast. You know, the the most popular podcast. And then if you go further down, you will see categories. Okay, so, you know, tech technology and gaming, lifestyle, news, comedy, entertainment, their sports down here. So I just really recommend using Spotify. You know, download this for your phone. Maybe. And when you're on the bus or when you're driving, you know, listen to great podcasts. So now just for a transcribing audio. Ah, I'm gonna click on technology and gaming. And if you go down here, you'll see a selection off some of the best technology podcasts Now, some of them are about 10 minutes long. Some of them are about an hour long. I'm gonna choose this one here by the Wall Street Journal. Click on that there. And now make sure that you have a a Maybe. You know, if you want to use a pen and paper, you could do that. But for me, I just like to use this no pad. OK, so the idea is to go down, choose your podcast Now, this one here is is only eight minutes 37 seconds long. So what I would do is just press play. This is tech news briefing from the wall press pores and then transcribe. So what she said was, uh this is tick news briefing. Okay, now, now, if you're not sure, just, you know, you can go back and listen to it again. So just listen to that again. This is tech news briefing from the Wall Street Journal. Okay, this is tech news briefing from Wall ST Journal. Okay, And then there's a bit of music. Welcome to tech news briefing. I'm Charlie Turner in New York. So welcome to take who's briefing. I'm Charlie Turner, etcetera, etcetera. So just let that that's That's the idea. Press play on the podcast. Listen to the auto audio press pause, type it out, or write it out, and then just keep going all the way through the podcast and radio focuses your your listening skills. Okay. And OK, so But I just want to talk about ted dot com as well, because you can use 10 dot com to check on your transcript. Okay, So, using Ted, you can listen to the audio transcribe here in your your no pad or in your, you know, with pen and paper. But then now, if you go down to transcript after doing after transcribing, you can click on the transcript and then check to see how accurate your listening skills and transcribing ones. Okay, so for example, he would just click on the audio. I used to think the whole purpose of All right, So I used to think the whole purpose life was pursuing happiness All life waas pursuing have a Penis. Everyone said the path to happiness was everyone said the path to happiness was etcetera etcetera. OK, so just keep doing that all the way through the video. Listen to the video now. So after doing that, you your you will have ah lot of text here in your no pad or in your book at home. So then just go down, kick on the transcript, and you can check to see how correct you were. Okay, so I'll just put this year like that so you can see. Okay, So I used to think I used to think the whole purpose of life, the whole purpose of life or is pursuing happiness. Okay, Everyone said the path to happiness. Everyone said the path to happiness was etcetera. Okay, So using 10 dot com or basically any resource that has text and audio is is really good. Way to check on your transcribing and try. Transcribing is one of the best ways to really improve your listening skills. All right, so as an exercise, maybe you could spend 20 minutes or half an hour or an hour just finding some audio at a good level for you and then just sitting down, just listening and just transcribing every everything. You here take it slowly, go all the way through. And for her, it worked great. So it would probably work very well for other students to, and that's it for this video. But in the next video, I'm gonna talk a little more about listening and and different ways to improve your listening fluency. OK, Stephen, 9. English Listening Fluency Strategies (Part 2): Okay. Hi. So so welcome back in this video, I'm gonna just go into listening just a little more. And maybe fellow students on who are just at maybe a higher level. So another great suggestion is to, you know, if you really want to, if you feel that you're struggling just a little bit, always try and listen to things that you know about. So if you're if you're from Brazil and if you really understand a lot about technology, if you work in I t, for example, and if you know a lot about you know, maybe you maybe you're interested in artificial intelligence. So if you maybe you know a lot about that topic when when you speak Portuguese and when you search for articles and videos in Portuguese and you you learn about that subject, were then search for that subject in English and then especially, you know, maybe YouTube, YouTube videos, things like that. But even podcasts, you know, so trying. So the thing is that if you know the topic, you have that internal picture off the subject already. That internal visual mental ease world that you have without language, and then so all you need to do is now, if you want, oh, become fluent in English and you want to prove you're listening. Just find the same content with the same topic just in English and listen to it and then connect up all of that recovery. So, you know, basically the recommendation there is just if you want to improve your listening, just always try and find, You know, maybe maybe you've been reading a lot of articles about Donald Trump recently in the last few days. You're aware of the story Now, Now go and find audio content. And if you want to focus on reading, you can do that as well. But, you know, go and find content that you know about already because you have that internal imagery already in your first language. Now, to make it easier on yourself, you know, just find that same content in English, connect up all of the vocabulary when you're listening to it. And what I would say then is you can also go to YouTube. And just what I would suggest is just going to YouTube and sorting for things that you're really, really interested in. Just sort, you know, If you're interested in Japanese history, start for Japanese history documentary and you'll get some documentaries about Japan. Still tourney apart by restless warlords. He quickly set out to further the cause of reunification. Or, if you're interested in European culture. Oh, you'll get a bunch of documentaries about about important part of the Sami identity and with the documentaries that the lease here because you have the videos to help you with the spoken vocabulary and just kind of relax, you know, enjoy your day just sitting down. You know, just watching great documentaries in in English to improve your English fluency and then at a higher level, I would say here is looking for podcasts. So I actually used to do this a lot. A few years ago, myself, before I started teaching English or think about language and I would just go to iTunes and there's a little search bar. Make sure that your that you're in the pod podcast section, and then what I would do there is the same as YouTube. Just search for the topics that you're interested in so put in technology, and then you'll get a lot of technology podcasts or put in business and you'll get a lot of business podcasts or advertising or, you know, football basically any any, any top that you're interested in support for this NPR podcast and the following message comes the way to the Secret Documents way. Heard that one of the very first credit reports ever precursor of this whole Equifax thing . Hello and welcome to Business daily here on BBC World Service. I'm and Butler. And today I'm in China country went debt is very much on everyone's mind at the moment. I broke the screen on it, maybe, like four months ago, and when I brought it in for a replacement, they just gave me a new phone. Earlier this week, we posted an article, or Adam and Leah worked on a story on some camera comparisons. Afraid everything I am. I try, try hide it and deal with it. But on the day to day basis, I I know I'm not afraid of everything. I'm afraid of very few things. Like what? And now with the podcasts now it's only audio. So what you got to do is, I would say, sit down. See, it's different for different people. Some people enjoy doing the dishes and listening to a podcast or, you know, driving toe work and listen to a podcast for me. What I would say is that what I used to do and what I recommend to students is just sit down and give it. Give it your full attention. Try and give it 100% of your attention and just sit down. You know, get a good pair of headphones and just sit down. Press play on, you know, really good, interesting party. Ask, maybe like a you know, But you guys talking about the latest movies, something like that, and just sit down and give it your full attention. Now, when you're listening to the vocabulary, you should Every word should light up in your mind in a way, you know, every word should trigger. You know that mental imagery. But, you know, get to a stage where you can listen to a lot of spoken vocabulary, and when you listen to all of it, all of it together paints a picture of the story for you. Sometimes it's not always a picture. Sometimes people just talk about concepts. But even when that spoken broke, Avary it should suggest concept and it should not suggest your first language. There should be no translation. You know, when you're when you're listening. Maybe for some students they go through a quick, low process off translating, and it slows things down, down. What took really just focus on listening and focus on the words that you're hearing painting a picture of the story for you or painting the concepts for you on Just give it your full attention and do that for hours and hours and hours. And I've had a lot of students who who really well that seemed to really push them to another level when they when they really just focused on podcasts and they, you know, they got all of their favorite podcasts and they just sat down for hours and hours and hours and just listen to these podcasts, and that was a huge jump for for a few students that had. So in the next video, I'm going to talk a little more about listening, so I'll see even 10. English Listening Fluency Strategies (Part 3): Okay, So So the last thing that I want to say about listening is that, especially if you get to this point where you're listening to podcasts and it's and it's pure listening, you will really you will know if you have shallow connections with your vocabulary. You will know if you have been meanings for most of your vote for cavalry, because when you're listening, if you get stuck on certain words, or if you get stuck too often, it just shows you that for certain words, those words don't really paint a picture for you. They, you know, maybe they're connected with a translated board or something like that, where you maybe then those are the words that you need to focus on. You know, wherever you get stuck, just focus in on that word, and you spend time creating little deep connection with that word off memories and mental pictures. And so what I would also say is that as long as you spend lots and lots of time listening, if you spend a lot of lot of time listening, but there's absolutely no meaning, it's kind of useless, so you need to spend lots and lots of time listening. But there needs to be that that meaning that is associated with all maybe not all of the words. But most of the words, hopefully and what I would say is that by listening and listening and listening, and as long as there is enough meaning attached to the words, what happened then is I think your brain is doing something in the background, you know, And it's I think it's recognizing patterns off grammar and things like that, and by listening and listening and listening to a huge amount. Um, I think that's when things become natural. I think with grammar, because you just start to know these grammar structures, you just start to know them. And so what's also happening is that when when you're listening to all of these podcast, these podcasts are painting a picture of the world for you. So you know, you've got this mental ease you've got. You've got this internal vision of the world, Um, depending on the content that you listen to. If you only listen to business content, for example, it's only gonna paint a business world for you mentally. So try and you know it well It depends on what you want, but it's just another interesting thing to notice. And it's kind of like what creates character or personality and people are listening and consuming content is just adding to the visual vision off the world that you have. So really pay attention to the kind of content that you listen to make sure it's good quality content because good quality input, you know, creating, you know, giving you a better picture on the world will create better quality output when you when you use the language and when you try and speak. So that's everything I have to say about listening, and I hope you enjoyed this video, speaks of 11. English Listening Fluency Strategies: Extra Notes: after teaching English for many years studying language, fluency and observing the methods that my students were using to achieve fluency, I took some random notes over the years, which I would like to share here. Another great method that should be encouraged. It is for students to read text and listen to the audio off the text at the same time. Using Ted talks link etcetera, sometimes only focusing on noticing pronunciation, sometimes focusing on understanding the meaning of the story. Lots and lots and lots of this until one day a student is comfortable listening alone without reading the text. I try and use this method when I study Spanish and Chinese, but you can use this method for English. When I want to focus on listening. I always find material that has text and audio link ted dot com, for example. First I read everything and imagine the picture that is represented by toward. It's kind of like flash cards, but the picture is in my mind. Then, after reading everything, I put all the mental pictures together to try and understand the full story within my mind . So I need to see a sort of movie or moving in images of the full story within my mind. After that, I sit down with the audio, and when I listen, I want the audio to paint the same picture within my mind. And I just need every word and all the words together to make sense, even though they are very fast and blended together. Sometimes I'm trying to distinguish every individual world so that they have a meeting. A great method for focusing your listening skills is transcribing material as it forces you to pay attention to detail. It concentrates. You're listening as well to the sounds of the language. When you are focusing on your listening skills, try and give audio your full attention 100% don't do anything else. Just sit down in a chair and meditate and put 100% focused on imagining the story that is being told after reading, reading and reading some material on link, for example, focusing on meeting you should start the text again and read a little ahead for comprehension and then listen to it for comfort coverage. Then read a little ahead for comprehension and then listen to it for comprehension, etcetera all the way down the text 12. English Speaking Fluency Strategies (Part 1): Okay. Hi. So so welcome back in this next video, what I'm going to talk about is speaking fluency. And this is that magical thing that most students are are trying to, you know, they're trying to achieve a you know, a high level of quality speaking fluency. So before this video, we will. I spoke about reading and listening and, you know, studying in a correct way. Okay, So because I really believe that good quality output now, output is speaking. Okay, the vocabulary is coming out reading and listening our input. Okay, Because of the languages coming in now, good quality output depends on the quality of your of your input. Now, if you have bad quality input, that just means you're your method of study or reading or listening is quite bad. So if you read and listen and if you create shall remember before this we spoke about, um you know, with full for cavalry, like every word that you come across, you should create deep connections, but the full coverage. So if you create thousands and thousands of deep connections with thousands thousands of words, then for me, that is good quality input, and then that will reflect itself in your in your speaking fluency and your output. But when you when you read and listen, when you study basically and if if you create those shallow meanings when you try and use all of the recovery, especially if you translate, you know you'll be searching for the words and will take too long. And for me, that's how poor quality speaking fluency starts. You know it starts with bad study, so you really need to study well in order to get good quality. Speaking for 20. So now I think the biggest thing was speaking fluently as well is it's kind of like learning to ride a bicycle so you can't just think about riding a bicycle. Then you can't just study about riding a bicycle. You have to get on the bicycle, and you have to do it, and you have to be terrible at it. You know, in the beginning, and you just have to keep doing it and doing it and actually be on the bicycle trying to ride a bicycle. So I think it's the same with speaking fluency. Better speaking, fluency comes from lots and lots and lots off production, lots of lots of, you know, actually trying to speak. So now you need to find ways, you know, or situations where you can speak a lot. So let's just talk about I'll just talk about the different ways that you can actually start speaking using English. So, first of all, if you live in Spain or if you live in Brazil or if you live in Japan in the city that you live in and I mean you can try and make friends with English speakers, I mean, that would be great. So you could speak to them in English. And it's kind of like free, and you have fun doing another way to do it would be, too. When I lived in Madrid, there were language exchanges. Okay, so that would mean that there's Spanish speakers in Madrid or in Spain who wanted to speak in English so they would go to a bar and then or cafe. And then there were basically English speakers living in Madrid who wanted to practice their Spanish so they would both go to the cafe or to the bar, and then they would both, you know, there would have drinks and have fun, and they would take turns speaking Spanish and English. So that's one way to practice yours. Your English. If you're living in Japan, if you're living in Tokyo, try and find a language exchange and just go there and have fun and try and use your English. So that's another way. Another way to do it would be, too, to go to a language school in your in your city or your town. But the only problem there is that you'll probably have, you know, maybe seven or eight other students in the class with you, and there's very little time to actually practice speaking. So to be honest, that's that's not the best option in the world for me. You know, it could be a good place to study the language and, you know, study a little bit of grammar. But when it comes to speaking fluent E, it is not great for me. What could be good is if you if you found a you know, in English teacher, a native speaking English teacher in your city or your town. And if you know, if they came to your home, you know, once a week or twice week, or if you went to a cafe, you know, you could have lessons. And then, you know, you could try and speak for an hour and you could practice your speaking fluency that way. 13. English Speaking Fluency Strategies (Part 2) : what I recommend is actually going to I mean, I teach on this website and it's a great website. It's called I talkie dot com and basically that you know, there's so many teachers there. There's great teachers who teach English and you know you've got the reviews and they, you know, they have a little profile page where they they explain their they're, you know, they're thinking about or they they express their style of teaching. So as I was saying before, you can either go to a language school and go to an English class and sit in the cast with , you know, maybe 10 other students who are learning English and you know that will give you very little time to actually speak English and improve your speaking fluency. Or you can use a website like I talky so you can use website like I talkie to get 1 to 1 classes with teachers on Skype. OK, so you're you're having a video chat on Skype with a teacher for one hour and hopefully in that one hour you will do lots and lots of speaking and hopefully you will get lots and lots of correction from your teacher. So this is the I talk website. Now you need to sign up, become a member and create an account first. Now, when you create a can account, if you go to this section here, find a teacher. I mean, there's many teachers here who teach in many different languages. But now for you, If you want improve your English, choose English. Over here, you can choose availability. Okay, so, you know, late night afternoon. Do you want classes in the morning? Choose whichever one suits you best over here. Teacher speaks. Okay? The language that the teacher speaks because there are many teachers who are, you know, say native Germans who teach English as well. But over here, you can choose from. So if you want lessons from an American teacher or from a from a British teacher or a an Australian teacher or an Irish teacher, go here. And for example, if you're looking for an Irish teacher, choose Ireland, and now you will get Irish teachers. See, Now, this is my profile here, and but there are many other Irish teachers here. Okay, so over here you can choose the hourly rate, which is the price per hour. Okay, so if you click over here, you can get, you know, obviously you some cheaper lessons. Some medium ranged price lessons and some or expensive one hour lessons. Okay, so now I'm just going to show you some examples over here. You can see the reviews. Okay, You can see the star rating. You can see the price per lesson. Well, the range of prices for the different lessons. There's a small little introduction. Now, if you look over here, as you can see for me, I put these tags here that are saying that I focus on software development classes with students. So software developers who want to improve their English or Facebook advertisers or people who work in business Or if you just want to talk about general cultural topics, I do that too. And then, you know, I provide strong correction as well. So But if you have a look at some of the other teachers, they focus more on test preparation. You know, things like Eilts, his teacher here, focus of the music comedy on you see their prices over here, and this teacher focuses on Tofel pronunciation. Okay, so just find the teacher that that suits you most. And now when you click on a profile here, you see the profile. Okay, This is my profile. Now you get a little introduction video for for each teacher, as you can see here, here's another Irish teacher. I'll just play mind first so you can see my name is rats and I'm an English teacher on I'm talking. I have two years of experience teaching in Madrid, Spain. Okay, You get that with every teacher. They they all have a little introduction video. And now if you go down over here, you can view the schedule for each teacher. So this is from the 25th of October to the 31st of October and oversee Over here, you can see these blocks. Here are booked lessons other students have booked these times already. This white section over here is unavailable, but these green blocked here. These are times that are available, so it's very flexible. You don't have to choose the same time the same day every week. You can if you have a busy week, you know, maybe take one lesson or don't don't take any lesson, but you can change the time and day for your lessons every week, you know, to fit the lessons around your schedule. So if you go down, you can see the number of lessons taught the number of students, the rating. Andi. Now down here, you have ah, long, um, profile description of the teacher where it's just like for me. In my case, it's just I'm trying to describe my my thoughts and feelings about language running. Okay, so if you go down here, you can see the different less lessons that I offer. Um, if you go down some or you can see work experience, education certificates go down some more, you can see some of the ratings. And now this is one of the best things I think is just the just going through all the different reviews that students have left. Okay, because now you get a riel feeling for the teacher. You know, you can see what the students are saying about the teacher, and that's probably be probably one of the most important things to look at. So, for example, if you look at this other Irish teacher, this is her promotional video. Okay, so So you can base your decision from that now, See, now this is our schedule here, and you can see that for this week. She's only these times here are available, and then you can schedule a lesson. If you click schedule lesson, you'll see. Please choose the language. She teaches English, and now you have the different lessons that she offers. And if you go down some more, you can see some of the the topics that she focuses on, like Eilts Tofel test preparation. And here she just has a little description about her experience or her teaching philosophy . Go down some or you'll see the different lessons that she offers. You can also choose a trial. Try a lesson. I would recommend that for your first lesson, just choose the 30 minute try a lesson. And what I do in my trial lessons is just give a give a little introduction to my styles and the methods that I use in classes. Down here you have work experience, education certificates and then the most important thing to look at are the reviews okay from the students, So that's basically it. Now, after you book a lesson while you would send a contact request on Skype, the teacher would accept. What I do is I send material to students on Skype. The students prepare using the material and then at the class time on the day I call the student on Skype, or you can use Google hangouts as well, but that's basically it. You just do. You do your lesson on Skype or Google hangouts, you finish your lesson and then you come back to I talkie and you confirm that the lesson is is finished. And but to book a lesson, you need to top up your account with credit. Okay, you need to use your debit card, or I think maybe you can use PayPal, but you need to add credit to your account to to book lessons. But this is one of the cheapest ways to take lessons, and, you know, 1 to 1 lessons. You have many different teachers to choose from, and it's very, very flexible because if you go to a language school, generally you have to go every Wednesday at 5 p.m. For example. So it's not really that flexible, where with with I talkie, as you can see with the with the schedule, you can choose any time that is available. Okay, and now it's totally flexible. So you can you can really book classes around your schedule, okay? And that there's no traveling toe, a language school or anything like that. You just need your laptop and Skype, and you can, you know, it can be really flexible with your schedule and book classes and hopefully do a lot of speaking with your teacher. 14. English Speaking Fluency Strategies (Part 3): if you find a teacher on I talk e online or in your city or town. What you could do is now you want. If you want to focus on in speaking fluency one great method that I use Okay, now this is This is the method that I use with my students. So if I get a student, every lesson is based on a topic. Now some students want to focus on career topics. Other students want to focus on general cultural topics. You know, learn about history or learn about the culture of Europe or learn about anything, general, you know, So you know, food or travel or health or anything at that. And now, if I have, if if the student wants to focus on a career topic, it would be something about, you know, engineering or law or I T. And then we would just find specific topics, you know, if it's I t. You know, let's talk about HTML or coding in certain languages. So my job, then, is to find material for the students and that could be articles or could be videos, you know, documentaries. So, for me, the way that I do it is. Homework is always before the class. It's it's preparing for the cats. So what? What I would do if it's if it the general topic and just, for example, if it's about the history of Ireland? Okay, I would go and find an article about, you know, the history of Ireland or maybe a documentary and then send it to the student. So now the student and this would be three or four days before the class. Now the student has three or four days to study that article or study that documentary and , you know, build vocabulary, you know, use good study techniques, you know, build those deep connections with the vote for cavalry. So it's basically like the students is gaining a lot of passive recovery. Okay, there's a difference between passive and active recovery. Passive just means that if you have a lot of vocabulary in your memory, but you never really use it active all capital mean you know it. It's kind of like that for Calvary that you always use because students seem to, well, even the English speakers. I mean we were all seem to have this huge pool of passive recovery you know if we can understand it, when when we read it or we can understand it when we did this for covering when we hear it . But when we speak, we tend to use a smaller pool of for cavalry and that would there would be your active will carry on for a lot of students. What they do is they use that small pool of English active recovery to to explain every situation or every every idea or topic that they want to talk about. They use that small pool, but basically going back to this this method, the students studies theory, the article or the documentary. They build their vote Cavallino. Now it's passive. Okay, so all of that recovery goes in now when they come to class, my job as a teacher and I recommend if you find a teacher, you know, trying try and find a teacher who is willing to use this method, and I'm sure there's a lot of teachers out there who who use very similar methods. But this is just the method that I use. So when when the shooting comes to class, my job as a teacher is to get the student talking about the topic as much as possible and to get them using all of that nouveau cavalry as much as possible. And my job is to kind of be as quiet as possible as well. You know, there's a lot of teachers. You kind of want to talk a little too much. And so the secret rarely with teaching like that is toe. You know, try and be as quiet as possible. Keep keep the conversation going, get the student talking for an hour. And then, you know, I would just, you know, make small corrections on pronunciation and grammar. And then the big thing is also suggesting natural language that the student can use. So whenever the student makes a mistake, I could kind of suggest the best language possible for that. For what the students is trying to say. So think of it as you know, there's a huge amount of input. Student studies, the material, the topic about Irish history. Then they come to class. They talk about Irish history or the topic, and, you know, now they're creating the language so that to me, you know, doing that week after week after week It's one of the best methods to improve fluency. Okay, because every week it's like a huge amount of input. And then for one hour it's a huge amount of output with corrections and then week after week after week, going through that process is from me. It's one of the best ways to hold your company, because if you only read and if your teacher talks a lot and you're only listening and cast , you know the devil cabarets only going in the information is only going and it stays there . You know, you never get to use. So for me a big thing is you know the vote recovery has to go in, but then in cancer has to come out. And then what happens is is that one to use vocabulary? What? What I suggest to my students is that they try an experiment and try and use as many new words as possible as they can. Okay, so you know, you're trying to build that small pool of active or cabaret and trying to get encourage student too to, you know, experiment and use other words. So hopefully that that pool of recovery get bigger and when you use the word in the future , that word your you're going to remember that word quicker if you know if you've used it before. So so So that's the biggest method for me now. I mean, you could find a teacher on I talkie or you could just find, you know, like a language partner, like someone else who wants started to learn English or a friend that is learning English. And you could both just agree. Toe. You'll find some article or documentary. You'll both study it before before you talk both study it, build fo company. Then, you know, call each other on Skype and then just both of you talk you give you give yourselves each enough time to speak about the topic, and that's one great. But the only problem there is that they you know, you're not talking to a native English speaker, so there's gonna be no one to correct your language or suggest you know the best language T use. So now, another method for me, like if your if your teacher is willing to do this, is what what I do with my students? That first method is it's basically a lot of study, and then when they come to class, it's trying to talk about the topic for an hour now, for for higher, higher level students that that could be easier. But for but for lower level students or intermediate, what I would do is generally in that situation. I would send them on article, okay, And then, you know, they would study the article in the same way, you know, you know, creating those strong connections with for cabaret and really creating those mental representation. Israeli understanding the topic as much as they can and normally what I suggested that they try and do extra extra research if they have the time. But if they don't, it's OK. Just study the article, then come to class and then in the class. Then what I would do is kind of focus on paragraphs. So it's not talking about the topic for an hour. It's kind of like if the student wants to focus on, you know if if one of their goals is to improve their listening fluency, what I would do is just read the paragraph for them and then just get them to listen to me reading that paragraph and then for them, it's it would be listening comprehension to listening comprehension X exercise. So I would read the paragraph, they would sit back and listen to it, understand the story, and then after the paragraph, I would ask them questions about paragraph, you know? So tell me. You told me like I would ask him. OK, so what did they mean here when they spoke about this? Or do you agree with this? Or, you know, I could also ask them, like, could you could you give me a summary of the paragraph? And then after we finished discussing that paragraph, we go down to next paragraph and then I read that for them. They listened, they understand it. And then after reading it, I get the student to talk about the paragraph. So what I recommend to the students is that they try and retail or explain the paragraph, using their own words, but trying to use as much for cavalry from the paragraph as possible, or as many expressions from from the paragraph as possible. You know, to do it in a way like a like a combination of their own words and vocabulary from the paragraph. So and then we just keep going down the paragraph. Keep keep going down paragraph by paragraph until we finish the article. So that's another way to do it on. See that specific exercise is very good for Here's Another thing about that is that when the student needs to describe the paragraph or talk about the paragraph, it it has to happen from memory. It should only happen from memory because that's what speaking fluency is speaking. Fluency is retrieving vocabulary from memory words. In the first of all, you, you know, you kind of know and or can imagine what you want to say Now you need to retrieve the vocab arrius quickly as possible. And if the vocabulary is connected to mental images, you're gonna retrieve it quicker. Now to say what you want to say, you know you need to put it in kind of like good structure for the person to understand. So speaking fluency is a very difficult thing to master, but it's just about doing it as much as possible. But it's very good for short term memory and something called working memory, because if you listen to me reading a paragraph. I mean, that could be 150 words in that paragraph. Now, directly after listening to me reading that paragraph. Now you have to remember all of those 150 words you know, and and talk about the ideas in the paragraph. It's really good for for your short short term memory and working memory. So there's that there's a benefit there as well for your free memory. But anyway, so now what we could. What I also do in lessons is, is do the same thing but using video. So we would find some, you know, career topic, and I would find a video based on a career topic, something like Jet Engines. You know, if it's if it's a student to who works in aviation, we would study short little video about jet engines, you know, going through all the different parts of a jet engine. Or if its cultural topic, it could be something like Sometimes I've used, like David Letterman interviews or or you know, any any video that the student wants to work on. So so they would study the video before class, creating deep connections, visual representations of the cavalry becoming very familiar with the topic in the video. Then when they come to class, what I would do is, you know, I would share the screen with the student in cast, and I can. I can share the screen and the sound. So generally I share the screen off the video and then press play and they can hear the sound as well. So I press play and then let it play a little So the student can here just, you know, maybe 10 or 20 seconds press pores. Then I asked the students, You know OK, so what are they talking about? Can you give me a little summary of what they were talking about after we after I get the student to talk about that short section of the video, you know, I go to the next 10 or 20 seconds and depending on on the level of the students, you know Howard, if it's if the students is at a lower level, you know, I would only play maybe five or 10 seconds. If the student is at a higher level. I could play 30 seconds or minutes or, you know, even two minutes and then After two minutes, we would have a discussion about two minutes. So and that there is focusing on short term memory as well or working memory. And then you're It's kind of like all of that for cavalry is going in. And then you have to talk about it so the full coverage comes out. So to me, that is speaking fluency. It's kind of like input output, input output. The one. The first method is large scale input output. You know it's study a full article and then come to Constant for one hour. Talk about the article for one hour. And then there's short scale input where it's, you know, read a paragraph, talk about it, read a paragraph, talk about it, you know, it's short input, short output, short input, short output. 15. English Speaking Fluency Strategies (Part 4): now something that I want to get to is when I use this method in classes with students. But I really want to do is to get students to understand that they can use this method outside of CASS and use it on their own. Okay, when they're home alone, they can use these methods as well. So this is this is working on speaking fluency. If if you you know, if you don't have a teacher and if you are willing to do it on your own, just talking to yourself. So what I recommend is finding finding articles that you're really interested in if you if you work in, i t more in engineering or law or, you know, whatever career you work in. Now if if you want speaking fluency and if you want to focus on technical speaking feelings , you find that material OK, so find a not if you work in. I t find an article about the Internet of things you know I o. T. Or find something about artificial intelligence or find something about coding languages or whatever, whatever you want to talk about or want. Whatever you want to focus on, find an article about it and then depending on your level. If you're at a low level, read a little bit, understand it, talk about it. But if you you know at the higher levels maybe read a few sentences, read a few sentences, understand it, then try and talk about but at the very high level, you could read the full article, you know, really understand the article Now focus on good quality input. So read the article, create those deep connections. Really See the picture of what the article is trying to say and then turn away from the article and then, you know, think about the article to yourself or, you know, speak, You know, summarize the article for yourself. Just sit there. OK? What? What is this article talking about? Like, do I agree with these ideas in the article? What about these ideas? You know, give your summary or go through it chronologically as well, you know, go from from the top and go through every point in a very systematic way if you want, but that's basically it. Now, Now you could do that for videos of all you could find documentaries, or you could find short videos. Listen to a little bit. This is all done by yourself. This is speaking fluency done by yourself. The only problem is that you haven't got a teacher to suggest the best language for you or to to give you corrections on pronunciation or just where the teacher it's. It is definitely the best option, because what I try and do is make the conversation as engaging as possible. You know, make it really interesting. So it's What are they talking about? Their make it really, really interesting for the student so that they really love having a discussion and conversation. So teacher is definitely the best way to do it. Focus on speaking fluency. But if you can be done on your own, I would say, Do a combination of a Definitely try and find a teacher who you can do a lot of speaking fluency with. But when you're not having cast with your teacher, focus on that input output method, it's kind of like reading understanding, and then speaking about it, it's input output. Focus on that a lot. So another thing that I want to talk about here is writing. Okay, so so writing is also production. Its output. It's expression. Fluency. Okay, speaking fluent e is very difficult because you have to do it straight away. Now with writing, you have more time, so it's a little easier. So I always tell students toe, you know, focus Maurin speaking fluency. And then you're you're writing. Fluency will follow because you have more time, So. But if you want to focus on writing fluency, especially what you could do is use the exact same method. So find content. Find an article that you're interested in that has great recovery. Find the article, read a paragraph, really understand it. You know that's passive or Calvary going in and then sit back and then write about the paragraph and try and write about it as as accurately as possible, using vocabulary from the paragraph and expressions from the paragraph. And try and use correct structures when you do it and try and use your own words as well. Okay, and then just keep going down the your article like that, you know, read a paragraph right about it. Read another paragraph right about it, or, if you're at a lower level, read one or two sentences and then write about them. It's not exactly read. Repeat. It's It's read and express, you know, trying to use the same full coverage so that you keep keep that full coverage. And now, at the at the higher levels, you could read the full article and then sit down and try and rewrite the article from memory that has to be from memory. So, I mean, you can quickly look at the article t remember the ideas, but most of it needs to be from memory. 16. English Speaking Fluency Strategies (Part 5): and the last thing that I want to talk about is supposed the best thing for for speaking, fertility would actually be emergent. You know, full immersion, pure Spanish. Or if you're Chinese or Japanese or if you're Brazilian. And I mean, if you move to London or somewhere in the UK, or if you move to Dublin or somewhere in Ireland or if you move to America, you know, living in an English speaking city or town. To me, that would be the best method to use because it's kind of like desperation. And and then you would be desperate to communicate with people. You could be forced to only read in English only listen in English and only speaking English. And then what happens in then is that you would probably start thinking in English as well . But then there is a very big I hear this from students, and you know, it's a fact that there are two types of people who who moved to English speaking cities, and the one time would be, you know, the Spanish speaker or Portuguese speaker that or, you know, Japanese speaker that wants to develop their English fluency so they go there. Everything is in English. They read. Listen, watch, speak, think in English. Everything is in English. But then there are other students who, if it's Brazilian on, you know, Portuguese speaking, if they move to the UK, maybe they create a little bubble of, you know, Brazilian friends around them. Or, you know, they create a little Brazilian world around themselves in the English speaking country. So, you know, maybe, you know, maybe they're living in the UK or Ireland and they, you know, they still watching Brazilian news. They still read Brazilian newspapers online or they still, you know, watch Brazilian TV shows, you know, and then with their friends, their speaking Brazilian. So that's one thing. It's easy to recommend that people don't do that, but I think it's quite difficult because for a lot of students, it might feel like they're abandoning their culture or their identity in a way like I had this feeling and when I moved to Spain went when I moved to Spain, the felt difficult, like totally, totally just doing everything in Spanish. I felt like I was kind of losing my Irishness. My culture is identity, so it's it's easy for me to talk about this like it's very difficult to do, but I definitely recommend trying not to trade a bubble around you in your first language. If you moved to an English speaking country, try and fully just let go and just read everything in English. Watch. Listen to everything in English, you know, create those deep connections with full coverage on, you know, try and speak with every everyone in English, trying make English speaking friends and try and start thinking in English, too, because that is the complete method. That's the to me. That's the best method that there was. So now if you're what you can do is if you are a Spanish or Japanese or Brazilian, whatever this. Now, if you're living in your country, you know, if your Spanish and you're living in Spain, you know this is kind of the opposite situation. You can create a little English world around you and try and create that little bubble of ing English around you where you know, for a certain percentage of your life, you you only read in English. Listen to English, watch English, trying to speak in English, you know on online or, you know, on I talking, making this friend and then try and speak in English to so So basically, that's that's all I have to say about speaking fluent ease. Be speaking. Fluency is like this magical thing. It's kind of very difficult to crack for students, but I hope some of those methods sink in hope. Some of you really realize that some of those methods do help because I have had some students come back to me like I would recommend these methods to some students, and then they would come back to me and say, Yeah, like the method really worked if they really focus on them correctly. So that's all I have to say about speaking fluency. The biggest thing is kind of like, get on the bike, actually, try and ride the bicycle, okay? 17. English Speaking Fluency Strategies: Extra Notes: after teaching English for many years studying language, fluency and observing the methods that my students were using to achieve fluency, I took some random notes over the years, which I would like to share here. A really great method to become more fluent with grammar structures is to build stories together in class with your English teacher or a friend that enjoys learning English. But a native speaker would be best taking turns to add a sentence or an idea, toe an invented story and build a story together. Practice telling stories using past tense constructions and practice talking about the future using future tense construction. Also practice talking about bodies. I present tense conversations. President Perfect will be used a lot here as well. You could also pretend to have a conversation where you ask questions in a specific tense and the other person answers in a specific tense Wild. They are telling the story example. Person ate yesterday. I was walking down the street when I saw Tom Person B. What had you been doing before that person ate? I had been eating lunch at home. Tom told me about a movie that was playing in the cinema Person B. Did you go and see it? Person eight. We were going to, but Sarah called us and invited us to the beach. When you would like to practice speaking about technical interview questions and answers with a teacher for whichever professional working, you should start Google for interview questions for front end developers for interview questions for mechanical engineers or interview question project managers, etcetera, etcetera and then get your teacher to ask these technical questions until the questions in as much detail as possible. While your teacher hopefully focuses on correcting her pronunciation, grammar, etcetera, There are resource is available like this. For example. Higher level English learners generally have a large amount of recovery structures, patterns and knowledge about topics in English in their minds. But every learner also has a pile of mistakes inside their mind by having discussions about a wide range of topics with a teacher who hopefully gives quick but detailed corrections on pronunciation, grammar, etcetera while keeping the conversation flowing. These mistakes are allowed to come out when they're speaking on the teacher's job should be to keep correcting and pointing out these mistakes until the pile of mistakes become smaller and smaller. If you find a teacher who is willing to use this method, then you can make a big improvement in your speaking fluency. Every lesson should be based on a different topic. Topics which are relevant and interesting for the student before the class teacher and the student would agree on a topic. Something about technology, business, culture, travel, etcetera. Then, a few days before the cost, either the teacher or the student can find an article, video or documentary about the agree topic. The homework should be done before class, and the homework is this Study the article or documentary as much as possible. Become familiar with a with a new vocabulary. Become familiar with the topic. Do some extra research about the topic if you want. This is all about gaining passable covering. The teacher should do this, too, and then during cast. The job of the teacher is to get the student talking about the topic as much as possible, keeping the conversation going while allowing the student to do most of the talking at least 80% for the whole cast. This is activating level covering, while the teacher focuses on correcting pronunciation grammar, suggesting natural language while also keeping the conversation going. This is a method where I have seen students making the most progress with speaking fluency . The teacher should play a Larry King or Michael Parkinson, basically an interviewer sort of role, but giving corrections on language as well in lessons with their teacher. Just focus on having discussions about interesting topics like American cinema cultures around the world. Business investing, the latest technology history, travel, food etcetera Center Holding fascinating debates on a wide variety of the most interesting topics that you could find learn about the world through this. Another active output activity that students can do at home is imagining themselves in different situations and then going through the conversations in their minds, imagine themselves at the hairdresser boarding a plane, buying a ticket for music concert. It's sexual. It helps them to spot gaps in their language. One of the most important exercises to encourage English learners to do is the read and explain to yourself method of reading paragraphs of articles, seeing the story in your mind and then describing in their own words, but still using words from paragraph what was said in the paragraph by themselves at home, but no teacher and going through each paragraph of the article like this. It's speaking practice outside of cars for free, and they get the chance to use all of the nouveau calorie that they had read about. It's just a constant process of receiving passive recovery than activating the recovery over and over again. Paragraph by paragraph. They also get to practice structures and expressions that they find and proves their short term working memory. It's hard, it might be boring, and there's no feedback from a teacher, but it could be the thing that improves your speaking fluency most. I had a few students who made big progress with this method in lessons with their teacher. It could be useful to read a paragraph of an article together during fast working together to understand the cavalry, meaning of expressions, phrase of Arabs, etcetera. And then, after doing this, the student can try and recall from memory, not looking at the page and explain all of the different ideas from the paragraph in their own words, but also using vocabulary and expressions from the paragraph. While the teacher helps the student along by mentioning ideas from the paragraph and then just working through the whole article in this way with the teacher. This is all about the small scale process of input. Output input output over and over again. Whenever you prepare for a discussion cast by studying an article, you can prepare for the lesson by practicing this. Read and explain to yourself method off activating the passive or capital. And then, when having the discussion during class, you would be activating. Develop Calvary against Method of recalling and explaining paragraphs to yourself. Improves your ability to a tree vocabulary from your memory faster and faster, the more you practice it, improving our fluency overall process of retrieving vocabulary and then putting that recovery into care structures to express your ideas is a skill that needs to be developed by more and more practice off the activity. You should also try to retell the story as accurately as possible when learning a language , trying manipulate the sentence that you are learning in as many ways as you possibly can, for example, and I borrow your pen and she borrow your pen and they returned like can they borrow my book? Etcetera, etcetera. It forces the student to start being able to change structures and manipulate sentences to suit their needs at the time and makes thinking in that language more automatic. You can read one paragraph and try and explain it to yourself. Small scale activity, recovery. Or you could try and read full article and then try and explain all the ideas of the article to yourself. Debating the article was with yourself without looking at the article. This would be a large scale. Activating will cover. The teacher is really just activating a student's passive recovery, having discussion passes, lighting up all the details that have been stored away in the student's mind. The teacher's job is to start around and activate as much Recovery is possible. Accuracy rarely comes from a massive amount off. Massive input, a massive amount of import bleeding. Listening gives you a rough, then a massive amount of this massive import. Did you accuracy because you have just become so familiar with every aspect of language. Accuracy really depends on the degree off familiarity with the language. The key is to have really engaging, interesting, compelling, passionate, opinionated conversations with your teacher. A huge amount of learning happens when you are emotionally invested. When reading through text, you should always stop and recall the story to yourself every now and then. Trying to use the single cavalry to tell the story. Recording helps you to retain more recovery and make sure that you imagine the story in vivid, imaginative detail and trying connected to personal experiences as much as possible. Recalling helps you to solidify the cupboard to improve writing skills. English loners can use an article reader power, breath and rewrite the power drive as best they can and work their way down through the article like that, reading and rewriting in their own words. Each paragraph. This is focusing on improving expression just the same way that the read and explain to yourself speaking exercise improves speaking expression. 18. Final Thoughts on this English Learning Class: so thanks. Thanks very much for taking this course. I really do hope that these are practical methods that you can use. You know, I want them to be like tools like, so that you can kind of pick the tool up and then use it for a little bit. And then hopefully, after using that tool, your understanding off how to become fluent will be better. And then hopefully you will actually be fluent. So all of these tools and methods and techniques that I suggest I've been teaching a lot of students have seen what they've done. I've read a lot of books by people who study language methods, and I've tried to get all of the best methods into or my own think about methods and techniques into this course. And so in the future, if you ever get lost with trying to become fluent in English, just come back to this course and try and go over some of these methods, you know, maybe maybe choose a new method and try and work on that for a little bit. And then when you get bored of that, come back and choose another thing to work on so thanks very much. And I already already do hope that thes methods work and that you become more fluent and you get to where you want to go with with English, so thanks very much.