1. Introduction: in this video. My goal is to give you a little bit more information about me in my background so that you can feel comfortable learning from me. Then I want to highlight exactly what we'll be doing. Like I said in my promo video, I have studied Spanish in the classroom setting, and I've also had the chance to teach others my passion. I do have a confession to make. I actually hated Spanish throughout all of my school years. Growing up, I only stayed in it because I actually loved learning about the culture. And I also knew that being in upper level classes gave me college credits. But for some reason I stuck with it. I have no idea why I finally had the teacher that clicked with me. It was then that I decided to study Spanish more. In college, however, I found a problem, and myself is a Spanish speaker. The first time I went to a Spanish speaking country, for he was actually a mission trip in Guatemala. I couldn't communicate with the locals like I really wanted to, and I really couldn't understand what they were saying either. I really actually felt embarrassed after literally years of studying the language, I couldn't communicate, and I also wasn't alone in the problem either. It was at that point that I started my journey and actually learning how to learn the language efficiently. And I ended up studying linguistics, which was the most beneficial experience for me as a language learner. By studying linguistics and also studying the lives of poly class, I concluded that pronunciation was vital toe learning, riel Spanish. Most teachers today start with grammar and vocabulary memorization drills. First of all, this is extremely boring, which is why most students and Spanish classes don't like learning languages. And second, this doesn't really help anyone with conversation. You can all the rules in the world. But if you can't speak or understand the languages sounds, then your knowledge means nothing, and language is all made up of sounds, right? Some of you might be here just because you want to travel soon and communicate with Spanish speakers. Others of you might just want to try something new. Whatever the case, I welcome you. I encourage you to reach out to me If you have any questions or concerns that you have during this course, I'm excited to start this journey with you going out. Get him
2. You will be able to...: Hey, guys, I'm excited to start your Spanish conversation course in order to help you learn Spanish efficiently. If you haven't already read the course description, I just wanted to highlight a few of the things that will be doing this course that are kind of the bulk of what were the goal of what we're trying did. Trying to do here, gets the number one on this list will be you will be able to pronounce every single Spanish word correctly. Now, I list these out one through five in order of importance. So that's number one. The first thing we're gonna do is learn how to say every sound and be able to put those in the words correctly. So being being able to say every single Spanish word that you see correctly okay, the second thing that we're gonna be doing and second most important, will be being able to sing a song fluently. I think this is the most fun part of the scores and kind of the reason why we learn all the pronunciation stuff is so that we can learn a song fluently, so that's kind of the goal of the course to be able to sing it fluently, not only with pronunciation but also with Internation and rhythm so correctly seeing it just like the Native Speaker does, which will help you learn real Spanish. Number three will be. You will be able to learn and to use 50 new Spanish words you don't learn about cognitive and also how to study basic grammar in an efficient way on your own. Number four. Like I said, you'll be able to use various tools toe learn efficiently, like Anke app, which is what I mentioned before in number three. With vocabulary learning, you'll be learning Rhino Spike 44 dot com and then about five other websites and tools that will be useful for you in order to practice that pronunciation piece and also how toe how to practice on your own in the future. The number five is being of the learn conversational phrases by studying basic grammar concepts in order to use our previous knowledge in the rial setting. That's the whole point of all of this learning a song learning, vocabulary, learning, pronunciation. It's all for conversational settings, and so I want to start giving you, ah few things to be able to use in a few different settings. So I'm excited to get started with you on your journey. Um, no matter what level you're at, I welcome you and I'm excited to get started. I'll see in the next video.
3. alphabet vs. sounds: Hey, Spanish students. I'm excited to get into the meat of this course. What this video lesson is all about is giving you an introduction so that, you know, first of all, you already know how the course outline of this course will go, you know, kind of the structure and organization and what you'll be getting into before we do any Spanish pronunciation. The first thing that I always always, always always explain to my students before we start lessons is that there is a big difference between the alphabet and then this sounds most teachers. What most teachers do is just teach the alphabet and think that that is enough pronunciation practice in order to get by. And first of all, the alphabet is not. This is not the same as a sound. Just because we have an alphabet letter does not mean we have a certain sound. And just because we have have a certain sound doesn't mean we have a certain alphabet letter. You meet practicing this more with the constant vowel chart in order to perfect for Spanish pronunciation. But for right now, I just want to get this introduction into your head so that it makes more sense later on. So, like I just said and I'm just gonna repeat it again The elfin a symbol for spelling or the alphabet letter. And, for example, why here is not the same as the sound. So the sound is, yeah, Every time we see a why we don't say why, right? Like I don't say why, yes, why s for yes, the sound for why is Yeah, So that's this right here. So you'll see this in the sounds of Spanish as you move forward in this in this course that whenever you see a symbol plus brackets on each side, then you know that that is the symbol for a sound such twice I symbol for sound down here and then symbol for spelling over here. And that's the big difference between the two. So another example would be in English and in Spanish. They do actually stay the same put in English. The vowels actually changed quite a bit, right? So when we have the letter So the alphabet letter on the left here a We don't always say a for the sound right. We've got a few different sounds for the letter a so, for example, that a in a way, the first A is actually in a sound or another example would be in cat. The A in cat is actually pronounced. The sound is okay, so there's a different sound symbol for multi for the same letter. So that's why that's the the distinction that I want to make with you before we get into pronunciation. The alphabet is not the same as the sounds. So first will learn the alphabet because I do think that is important and that's what you'll do. In the following lessons. You'll learn the alphabet. But then, after that, we're gonna learn this sounds and their two distinct things. Thanks for watching. Let me know if you have questions, and I look forward to seeing you in the next video.
4. Alphabet: What's up, guys? As we learned in the last lesson, we learned that there is a big difference between the alphabet and the sounds. Normally, what teachers do is just teach the alphabet toe, learn Spanish sounds. But ultimately that just doesn't work because the alphabet is not the same sense is not the same thing as, ah, Spanish sound. But it is still a value to practice the Spanish off that specifically for being able to spell words out and also being able to make lists. And so I still think there's a lot of value in it, So that's what we're gonna do today. So what I'm gonna do is actually I'm just gonna say each letter and I'm gonna kind of bounce along with my occurs here so that you know which one I'm singing. This will be your tool toe, practice the alphabet and before you move forward, obviously learned the bed. That's kind of the first thing that you're doing in any language. So follow along with me, say them out loud, as I'm saying them after I pause for a second, and that that will help you. It will be more solidified as you're studying on your own if you're speaking them out loud . And then after I speak them out loud, I'm gonna give you a few tricks and then I'm actually gonna sing it in a song. Sorry for my bad voice, but I think it's also valuable to sing this in a song and to replay thongs over and over. Um, to put these things in the long term memory can. So I also note, honest on the right side, fear is your reminder that the alphabet does not mean sounds OK, these air just this just the titles for a symbol which happens to be called the Spanish alphabet. Okay, so I'm gonna say each letter first. Okay, so the 1st 1 no Bay se Shea and it che is highlighted in red because most of the time you're just gonna spell it as say, and then ACI, which is deliberate here. So you'll just spell these out. So whenever there isn't a red highlighted letter just means that you're gonna just spell it out. So ah, they say che day. Okay, f a Hey aci e hota Come l a a yea and me en a en yea mm Hey, cool it. A here. Ray s c they Mm. They or some people say move a doe. Believe a AKI's e gree a gah Zeta. All right, so now that I've said all of them and you've kind of repeated after me, I'm gonna go through some of the tricks that I tell my students that you help. It helps you to remember and study these on your own. Okay, So obviously, the vowels are extremely important. OK, we've we're gonna be looking at the vowels quite a bit. And Spanish pronunciation. That's huge. Okay, so our a e Oh, who? Okay, so we see those. And those are extremely poor important, because in Spanish, vowels never change. Okay, the second thing that I want to highlight is the D and the T sound. Again. You will see this in the future of video called The Sounds of Spanish, where you're gonna be learning exactly where to put your tongue and how to move your mouth . But, uh, kind of interview, kind of. Ah, preview of that would be that you're gonna put your tongue against your teeth. Not on the top of your mouth. Like you wouldn't English So it's not de It's they they putting your tongue against teeth K . They say Okay, the next trick that I want to give people the g the letter G is hey, as in saying hey to someone, right? So a lot of times all wave when I, um I am speaking this letter and helping my students remember the center It's Hey, hey, So g is hey all right, the next one that I have Ah, kind of an inside joke with some of a couple of my siblings. Um is hota cost so obviously JK in English means just kidding. And so whenever I have, like a joke, it's just kind of my inside joke with them to say Kotecha, Kotecha, it just means JK Obviously you would never say that to a Spanish speaker. You could maybe make that an inside joke. But hota car, that's kind of a good trick. The next one is the double l, the double l. So the 1st 1 is L A. And the next one is a yea So it's kind of like saying a the letter a and then yea like saying Yea, you're excited about something? Yea, a a a a. All right. The next one is the Q, which is coup. So it's kind of like saying, Kuku, you're going cuckoo, Someone's going cuckoo. OK, cool. I'll put my hand my my finger up to my forehead and kind of make a circle as if someone was going cuckoo. So coo coo, the next one that spelled out is the heir, a k. We will learn about this. You'll get tricks as to how to exactly say this sound. Basically, what you're doing is all our sounds in Spanish are trills or flaps. I'm sorry, Their flaps, and so your tongue is actually gonna go up and down a few times in your mouth to make the everyday sound. However, it's just when your when your spelling a word, for example, you're just going to write a spell it as Eddie. So the single are is it a double R is a robbery. Remember, this is the alphabet title, so these are not the sounds the sound would be. But the title of the letter is a ray. Okay, there's a big difference there, and that's just a review of what I've mentioned before. And then ah big mistake that a lot of my students make is saying Do believe it's not Dube liver. It's dhobley, as in double into double V doe believe a dope living and then the last one. It's probably the hardest one to say, and I'm going to say it very slowly. Is the why in Spanish doesn't look anything like the English, So you just have to memorize it. And sometimes it's like that with learning languages. So the why sound in Spanish is eager Biega eager Diego. So I'm gonna say that really slow E Oh, goody, huh? God e gree a guy. And so, as we're practicing these, I encourage you to go back in this video and just repeat after me multiple times so that you're getting this alphabet down. And so now what I'm gonna do is I'm I'm actually gonna sing this alphabet in a song so that you get it in your mind in a different way. Okay, so some people, you know, their visual learners, they like to to see the letters and then some people, they prefer to sing it out. Um, so we're gonna do that right now? Okay, So it's It's to the song, um, like marching in. It's like the marching song guy. So I love how she learned this in seventh grade Spanish class. So this was kind of the first thing that I ever did in a Spanish class, which is kind of funny in a cool, cool memory for me. All right, so it's gonna go like this. Ah, Base h a the a f a Hey, Archie. Eeh Otaka en ley a m a n a n u k o pe cool air a s set a who? Vedo bolivar keys. Agrega zit. Uh, your sale, Alfa Beto. Only in that last sentence just means I know the awful that ole guy. So I want you to practice is I'm gonna give this song with a space in between as well, So I'm gonna sing this song again. You heard it for the first time. Now I'm gonna sing in a second time with a pause, and I want you to repeat it after me. So it's gonna some The first like line will sound like this. Our base h ate the a f a ah, base a change. The a f a Hey, r J e ho tecca e ho tecca, and you're gonna repeat after me. Okay, so I'm gonna leave a little bit of a space and how little sound weird, but it's for you to practice, guy. So I'm gonna do that right now. Ah, base a change day A f a Hey r j e ho tecca And they a a m May end and yeah, o pe cool air A s c a Ubeda job Live a keys. Eager Hiedeh that, uh, you're, say, an AL for Beto. Ole. So there's the Spanish alphabet. I encourage you to really listen to that. Especially the song I think is a pretty powerful tool. Or just read along with me as as you watch this and keep practicing this There's different videos on YouTube that you can look up. Um, if if maybe it's, you know, if it has music in the background, that might be better for you, but in general, make sure you have the alphabet down, and I will see you in the next lesson.
5. Exercise: all right Spanish students. This is our first exercise. Before digging into the harder parts of language pronunciation, I want to start off with the basics. Go ahead and visit the following website. You can also type into Google sounds of speech Spanish and it should be the first result. You will need to train your mouth to speak new sounds and I want to start with the most important ones the vowels. In this vote in this website you will see to human faces one as a side view and what is a front for you? This will be crucial to learning the sounds later on. But for right now, just to navigate to the vocalists tab up top which just means valuables Then below you will see three categories. Click on those buttons Altus Media's IBA Haas and you will see how to pronounce the Spanish vowels. Go ahead and click. Play on on both the side view and the front view. If you can learn how to speak thes naturally right away it will help you immensely with learning pronunciation. Repeat the following vowels after me Uh, a e Oh, who now I'm gonna do him backwards Oh, e. Okay, uh, and now I'm gonna put them in different orders. Okay, so I'll do Oh, e uh, A I tell my in person students that you can learn and perfect Spanish vowels in normal conversation, you have about 75% of Spanish pronunciation finished. So congrats. But it will get more difficult as you start adding longer tax into the mix, which you will see later on in the course. Vowels in Spanish. Our are your friends in English, there are over 20 vowel sounds and exceptions. For example, when we see the vowel A in English, there are multiple different sounds for it, for example, that a in cat sounds a lot different from the A in father, right? So however, in Spanish, when you see in a, it will always I repeat myself, it will always sound the same. So keep practicing the vowel sounds above. And the next lesson you will learn exactly why pronunciation is vital to language learning . Also, you will see the difference between learning the alphabet and the sounds of the language and why this is even important. Thanks for watching. And I'll see you and listen to
6. Sounds Introduction: Hey, Spanish students in this video, I just want to introduce the next few videos that we're gonna be watching. They're gonna be very content heavy. And what you've done by now is you've learned the difference between the alphabet Spanish alphabet in the Spanish sounds and how they don't always match up. So what I mean by that is whenever you have a Spanish letter, it doesn't mean you have a certain sound. And just because you have certain sound doesn't mean you have a certain letter. And so the goal with all of this is actually gonna be eventually to be able to pronounce all of these continent vowel combinations. So I call this the Continent vowel chart. And once you know how to do these, you know how to pronounce every single Spanish word correctly, which is huge for a conversational Spanish not only being to speak it, but also to comprehend it. So in the next three videos, you're gonna have ah, very in depth training on how to speak each individual continent. Okay, and then also the valuables when they're put together. So please take your time on this on these next three videos. This is kind of the building blocks, um, for the whole course for pronouncing Spanish correctly and understanding Spanish correctly . Because if you can't understand it, then you won't be able to speak back. Even if you do know how you know basic grammar, basic vocabulary, things like that. Thanks for watching. I look forward to seeing you in the next few videos to practice in depth Spanish pronunciations so that you can sing your song eventually, which is a really fun thing. And then eventually you'll be able to learn sons all on your own without me, which is the goal. I want to teach you how to learn languages efficiently, and this is one of the best ways to do so, so I'll see in the next video.
7. Sounds of Spanish #1: thanks for watching. And we're kind of getting to the meat of the language learning course here. And what I want to do right now is before we, you know, before you can get into any song before you can actually start speaking the language fluently, you actually have to retrain your mouth to speak new sounds. And that's what we're gonna do in this video. Select. You've like, you've heard me say before. If you've followed me before taking this course or if you haven't the course content previous to this has explained that pronunciation is key, especially if you want to be in conversational Spanish. Which is what? You know what most people want to dio. And so, as we're going through these sounds just realize that everything that we're doing right now is a broad sense of the language. And so I'm not giving you dialectical differences. We're gonna just keep it to the to the basics of Spanish and with the sounds, you're gonna understand everyone and you're gonna be understood by everyone. Okay, so this first sound is the sound Peace, not the letter is the sound p. K. So but, uh but so when you hear that? It's in the world. It's in the letter P right here. So Basso sopa Okay, that's an easy one. That's when we already have the 2nd 1 The teas that is different in Spanish. And so you'll see this in the website. That's why I like the website is because it teaches you exactly where to put your tongue. But for an explanation, for right now you're gonna have your tongue against your teeth. And so what I mean by that is normally in English. You say you put your tongue on the top of your mouth, but on in Spanish, it's always your The middle of your tongue is against the top of your mouth. But the tip of your tongue is actually against the teeth. So you notice a difference between these two sounds? It's Toto and Dolo. Okay, those that There's a big difference between those two words right there that I just pronounced. One was English style and one was smash. We want Spanish style, obviously. So when we say go, though the the the it's a total model. Okay, so the tea is against the teeth t against the teeth, and it's also with the D sound. But I'll get to that in a second that the next one is cut. Uh, you guys already have this sound. It could be with a C. It could also be with a Q, and we'll get to kind of context of sounds later. But just know that whenever you see a c A or a C o or a see you, it'll be a cut sound, and it just depends on the context. Okay, So, uh, and cut casa. Okay, so all right, the next one will be, but Okay, so it's just like the just like the letter B, but it's the sound, but okay, we'll notice here a V at the beginning of the word actually sounds like. But but so bongo embargo. Okay, it's not Vargo. No, it's Bongo. And then obviously, when you see a B, it's but as o brazo. But But all right, the next one is the so it's the tea and the D sound. I have to explain this because it's very important. Moving forward. The T and the D sound are actually the exact same sound, except for one small difference. I want you to put your hand on your throat right now. And if you aren't already speaking these out loud with me, I encourage you to do so. It's good to just open your mouth and practice producing right from the beginning. I want you to put your hand on your throat and see the difference between the word toe are we're going to just go with Okay, that sound has no voicing in your throat. So when you make the tea sound, there's no there's no shaking in your throat. Whereas when you make the d sound, the the the that is a voice. That's the only difference between the tea and the deans. The same thing with the puck and the book. They're the exact same sounds. It's just one is voiced and one is not so the D is voiced, so it's the the tongue against teeth exact same place with the T sound, and then you're gonna voice it. So Duca Duca, it's voiced. Your throat is moving and you'll also see that in the in the website. All right, The next one is the guy, uh, sound OK, so the G, the letter G can also be pronounces huh? But we'll get to that in a second down here right now. It's the girl Sound the gut sound. So it's gotto you already know that one. Next, when you also already know, is the sound case of the the top of your teeth against the bottom of your lip. Fino Fino. Okay, well notices. I'm going through all of these. I'm opening my mouth very, very wide to pronounce all of these vowels for you to make it extra clear. Because when I'm saying Fino Fino, it's not final. It's not Finn. Oh, it's Fino Fino and I'm opening my mouth very wide. I'm exaggerating these sounds OK, The next one is a sound the sound. Okay, so that's normal. It's just the normal s sound that you have. You'll notice here that we have actually a different sounds. So when we have the c ah ce or a c I, which will be learning more about later. Don't worry about it if you don't memorize it right now. But sometimes the C in Spanish actually sounds like an s sound. So Sina Sina case Kenna, It's seen a Where's up here? Ah, see, a was cut. Okay, right here, Sir Sina, the next one. This is kind of our first weird simple. It's kind of like a J J ish, you know, looking letter. But it's not the letter, it's the sound. And this sound is Yeah, yeah. Okay, so it's kind of like the why sound. It's in English. When we see this word. It's my yah, my yah! And then whenever you see the double L in Spanish, it's also going to sound like that. So it's the Yeah, my idea. Kaaya. Okay, moving on to the next one, The huh sound So it's kind of like I like to connect it with honking in Lugano. That's kind of gross, but it's kind of using your throat the back of your throat to make this sound. Now some people go really over, exaggerated. Most of the time, just people met. Sounded like this. Huh? Huh? It's kind of like a stronger H sound in English. Okay, so you could say, huh? Because some people do. But I think it's easier to just go with, huh? So with that, it's the huh sound. So Hota hota that's the J sound as you learned before, or the J letter. Also, we see here that the G can also be a huh sound So g is Henton Hendi Okay, so you can just Yeah, Like I say, just repeat after me and you want to look it up online. The next weird symbol that we have is the sounds you already know this one, Chico. Oh, choh, Because it was the ch sound. It's nothing new. Next one is MMA MMA. So this one is normal m sound, Montel. Monday the next one. It is very much like an em some. That's why this symbol actually looks like an M. But you'll notice here in the actual word, it's an end. So it's the letter n The letter end here actually sounds ah, lot like an M. It's kind of like a mix between an M and an end. And the reasoning behind that is because language is all about mixing syllables in order to speak it faster. We do this all the time in English, right? When I'm speaking right now, even I'm not pausing in between every syllable on every sound. I'm mixing together everything, and that's why pronunciation is really hard. Okay, so this is kind of the context of the language. So whenever you have an n and then an f okay or it's called, it's ah, dental, a dental sound you're using your teeth to make it. The end is actually going to sound like an M, and you'll get this with context. A lot of these, um you know, you're not gonna get right away. That's not as important to get this one right away. Especially. There are others that are more important. But just to know that whenever there's an end and then an f it's gonna sound like an M son . So it's not gonna be and folk a no. It's gonna sound like M Foca IMF. Okay, it's getting ready for that F sons, because the end sound is farther away from the EMS and from the F sound. Then the end is from the F. So that's that's why it might be confusing. But just know for now that the n n folk A is not in focus m folk A in thermal. All right, the next one is the n sound. Okay, so we have it an end sound. And just like before when we were getting ready for a different letter. It just sounds a little bit different. So this end, whenever we have that little bar underneath a letter, it just means a dental. And it just are It just means that you are getting ready to put your tongue against your teeth. Okay, So instead of no, you're actually putting your end against your teeth. So it's No, no, don't. They don't. And so I want you to say that with May put your end against your teeth the top of your tongue against your teeth, and then the top of your I'm sorry, the top over your tongue against the top of your mouth and then the tip of your tongue against your teeth. So it's done. Day, done day. And then we'll see that in between words as well. So n tornado en Corleto. All right. The next one is just a normal end sound. So you guys already have that one? No, Nobody. All right. The next one is an n yea sound. You guys have already learned this in the alphabet. Okay, so the any a is the letter. Where's Nina? Is the sound So right here. This symbol is Mia. Yeah. So right here in this world, we have annual. Yeah, all you're gonna do is put the top of your tongue and instead of saying, know where it comes down right away, you're gonna keep the n way up and you're gonna keep it against your mouth for a little bit longer and kind of roll it off. Okay, so it's Yeah, yeah. Annual Campagna. When you're saying it by itself, it's kind of a weird sound, okay. And then and then the last one again. Not as important. But I do just want to highlight it so that you know, um, the end sound when Whenever you see an end and then a G, this sound is getting ready for the G sound, right? So the G sound is gonna It's kind of in the back of your throat, right? So therefore, the end sound is getting closer to the back of your throat instead of it being like up here in done day, where the end was getting ready for the D, which was against your teeth in front of your mouth. This end is getting ready for the G, which is in the back of your mouth. So you're gonna say Mm mm Mangal Mangal, right? Your tongue is in a different spot, which is why these air two different sounds all right, The next three, I would say, are probably the second hardest sons to go through. So this is the we're gonna kind of camp on these for a little bit. The 1st 1 kind of looks like a B, and that's because it's very close to would be. However, it's not the same. Okay, and you'll notice whenever there's a V or a B wrapped around of vowels. This is the sound that will make, and the sound of that this is is it's a B sound, except it's a soft be sound where you keep your lips apart. So normally in a B sound, you close your lips. But but and you release the air, which which is what makes the be sound. Where is this sound? Where is this sound is actually the be sound with you keeping your lips open so it's instead of But it's so Say that with me, Huh? Uh, it's kind of a weird sound, right? We're not used to it. So instead of saying It's the second example that I have right here. Lobo, we're going to say Lowell, Lowell, that's an over exaggerated version. But still, I want you to keep practicing over exaggerating these sounds. Okay, So instead of Buck, it's so logo law. Lubell, Lombard. I love art. Okay, I'm not even closing my lips for that. Be sound time. Another trick that you can do for all of these are for this sound is to actually put your pinky in between your less So Lockhart. I love art. Lombard. That's a good way to practice. Okay? And then very similarly, this is the D sound. Except the didn't the normal, uh, sound goes against the top of your mouth, right? You close, you put your tongue all the way up and it touches the top of your mouth, right? Duh. There's a clear you know, air is coming through afterwards, and that's how you make that sound. Where is this sound? You're not actually touching or you're very lightly touching the top of your mouth. So that air is still going in between. So I'm gonna give you what that sounds like. It sounds like this instead of duh. It sounds like the Yeah. Okay, so gotta gather is not cada It's not Kada. It's gotta gotta Tongue still in front. So well will review up here The d the d sound. Okay, The tongue against teeth. So your tongue is still against your teeth? It's in the same spot, but it's the that the guy. So gotta gotta or we're done, Ray. Done. It's just the soft. It's basically the soft version of D. I think this is why Spanish sounds so pretty is because it's just a lot smoother and a lot more staccato. There's air coming through, whereas were very I think our you know English is very, um how do I say it's very hard. It's very hard on the off, coming off the lips. So this is why I think I think Spanish is smoother than English. But what do I know? I think that's just my opinion. Okay, The next one is the ghost sound so very similar to the B in the D, said Thies, Air Soft B's and D's. This one is instead of guh were saying Yeah, so instead of saying Lago, we're saying Lago, instead of saying amigo, we're saying um, Eagle. Okay, so there's air Slight differences between those letters, guy. So those are the three kind of soft versions of letters?
8. Sounds of Spanish #2: the next one is the L sound gang. Ready for a D? So that's just on top of your teeth. So instead of all like we normally have, which is down here, this one is getting ready for a D sound or a T sound. It's follow la la who your tongue is against your teeth. Okay, so follow the folder. The next one is just a normal El Le Lola. Lola. Okay, you already know down. And then the next two are the doozies. These are the hardest sounds in in for English speakers to learn in Spanish, and that's because we have nothing like it. So when you think of the English are in Spanish, just erase that for me memory. Right now, it has nothing to do with the Spanish. Ours, um, in Spanish. The r is actually a flap, and I'll teach you what that means, guy. So your tongue is actually flapping and you're going to see that in the next video. So don't worry if you're not exactly perfect at it right now, but after the next video, I want you to to have made really good progress. And that means practicing it out loud with me or with the video guys. So what that is is an r sound. So this first, our sound is a single are. So whenever you see a single are in Spanish, that's this sound. So it's one flap of the tongue, and I'm gonna make it for you right now. Okay, so your tongue is flapping up. Now, I want to give you an example. Okay, So when you say the word butter in English butter, the double t sound that you're making is actually the r sound in Spanish. I'm gonna repeat that because most of the time people need a little bit of time toe Let that sink in. Okay? The double t sound in butter is the single are sound in Spanish. So we're not saying ra That is not the Spanish art that it that sound does not exist in Spanish. The R sound in Spanish is that, uh so you'll notice that my tongue flapped up once. This is extremely important, because when you're listening to someone speak, you're not hearing Caro you're hearing God. Oh, that's a complete loser. Two completely different pronunciations and can help you a ton if you are able to pronounce this right away. You're able to actually understand the people right away. If you already know these, like if you already not a flap your tongue really well, like the single our area or that double our era, then you can go ahead and skip Ah, forward a couple minutes. But for right now, this is really important because most students don't know this. Okay, so the single are the single are in Spanish is one flap of the tongue. It kind of sounds like a D or double t sound. So butter, whenever you think of one, are in Spanish, Just think of butter. OK, so just say it out loud with me butter, butter, and then take the double t sound that a, uh or you can split it up like I do. I like to do that as well. So instead of saying butter all the time, you could say, like, utter Sure, and you kind of break it down into letters or smaller parts so that you get to that just the r sound. So your tongue is just flapping up once, so I know that all of you can say the word butter, right? It's It's saying the word butter really fast. Therefore, I already know that you can say this sound correctly. It's just you aren't connecting the sound with the letter yet. That's why this is so important. And I want to keep going through this can. This is gonna take practice. So if you're not getting this right away, just please know that we're gonna continue to practice this in in the next lesson. But this is huge toe learning before you move on to the song. So if you don't feel comfortable with, especially with this sound, don't move on to the sound onto the song because this is huge to Spanish pronunciation and ultimately, Spanish conversation. Okay, so with these examples, it's not Caro. It's kado God Oh, it's kind of like a like a soft D sound is a slight flap up against the top of your mouth. Kado. The next one Sydell settle case that are sound is the top of your mouth to flap. Whereas this sound the trill is your are is doing the exact same thing, except it's hitting the top of your mouth multiple times. So when you see a double are. It's just going up and down in your mouth about three times. So it's gonna be instead of cod. Oh, it's gonna be Caro. This is the example that I like to give for people, and this is something that you're gonna have to practice. This did not come naturally for me right away, either. Um, what I want you to do is pretend so we're gonna practice this sound, and I want you to do this by yourself right now. Even if you're in a coffee shop, whisper it or just practice, even, like, kind of whispering. Okay, When you making this sound, we're gonna practice like this. Make the F sound so far. So you put your tongue or your teeth against the bottom lip, and then I just want you to make let your tongue kind of fly. So kind of the back of your tongue is a little bit more rigid. Where's the front of your tongue? You just need to let it loose so that it can flap up and down. I know this sounds kind of funny, but this is what this sound is, and for most people, it tastes a little bit of time to practice. So with this, we're gonna practice K. So I go like this Fra and I let I'm literally lunging forward right now, letting my tongue kind of fly forward. Most people sound like this. Fla. Fla Fla. It's going to sound really weird, very strange right away. The point of this is to get the tongue muscle moving in that direction because the more you do this exercise, the more naturally it will come. Most people, it takes a few weeks, maybe even a few months. Don't be discouraged by that. And if you can't get the trill sound that zit still okay to move on. Whereas any of these other sounds that we're doing right now, if you don't have these naturally in in language, then you should. Then you should be reviewing the material that I have. But with this sound, it's gonna take a little bit of time to, um, really develop. OK, so this one Caro carro or another rule is whenever you have a single are at the beginning of a word, it's also gonna be a trill. So it's not gonna with just one flap. No, it's Rana Rana and that's an over exaggeration. So those are the main continent sounds. So that's those remain at least the main difficult continent sounds that we have in Spanish . The next sounds are called def thongs. These air really important because they change slightly. So what I What I said before is that whenever you have a vowel in Spanish, they always sound the same, right? So whenever we haven't I it always sounds like E. It's the same here. Except when you have 22 vowels together, it's called a dip thong. So that's what I see right here. That's word diff tongue. Okay, so the sounds changed just slightly, but if you are able to follow the rule that I e will always sound like E, then it's just naturally gonna come. So if you if you really create good habits from the beginning that the vowel sound is E, then you're gonna understand that this is pronounced in a certain way. So we're gonna practice that. Okay, So this sound right here it is. Yeah. Yeah. So whenever we have an eye and then in a it's gonna sound like, yeah, So notice how I'm going from the e and then ah, when a high of e and then on next to each other it's yeah, be a so that the sound at the beginning is the but sound like we learned before b A So I'm kind of pushing it out of my mouth Be ah hey yeah Hey, be a hey so you can start slower But then start to make it faster So instead of be ah, hey, it's bia bia Hey b a k So that's very different from via Hey, it's very different from fi Ah, hey, it's yeah, yeah, it's the same thing with the next word Yana Vienna Yeah, yeah, Whenever you have an I A it's yeah and then the next ones are very similar. So whenever you have an i e its yea so that's this sound that's this different, It's yea so instead of being hey, it's be a hoe Yea be a ho So I want you saying these allowed with me as I'm as I'm practicing these Yeah be a ho be a ho the next one Vienna Yeah d n a next one is yo yo kiosk Oh Kio Kio Kyo schools kind of sliding out of your mouth Kiosk. Oh, lab, you is not lob E o It's lab. You lab you yasko got the next one in the last one with the eyes is the you so Yeah, yeah. Yo, you see you, you Sudan sealant Sealant. Okay, The sea could also be a state up, but that's in Spence. We're not gonna do that right now. Okay? So see you, you see? Then see that. Remember that the D sounds right here because it's it's in between vowels. It's a soft d. So it's not. See you, Dodd. It's see then. So? So now you're starting to see that all of these sounds put together. It takes a lot of time and practice to do this. Which is why we're doing this song and splitting it up into syllables. So you're practicing riel Spanish pronunciation. So the next one is another word in context. So it's two words right next to each other. It's the E and the new same thing. Muna, It's not meet you, Nia. I'm not pausing in between words in English. That's not how you speak right? You mix words together. So you say Muna mu nya all right? Next one are They used the UDF tongues whenever you have a you a it's gonna sound like Wow . So it's not who? Ah, it's gonna sound like what? So I want o wa Cuantos said after me quant Oh, Quanta. Remember, the T sound is against your teeth, so make sure you're you're starting with good habits. This is that the point of this course is to give you good habits for language learning and to give you your base. Okay? Want o wa quant? Oh, Quinto or agua? I'm sure that's a word that some of you might have heard before. Agua just means water. Agua, agua wa agua. The next one is way puente way Puente whenever ever u e it's way! Who a way 20 20 Next one is quota Whoa! Whenever you ever you Oh, it sounds like whoa that this sound okay quota quota are at the next one is cuidado will notice here that this d is very soft and I'm not saying qui dad Oh, it's cuidado widow But the important sound right now is the we. So whenever you have a you and then an I it's we so qui that'll cuidado Cuidad. The next one is sweet, Sweet. You'll notice here This is a rule that I want to explain right now the h in Spanish. Whenever you see an H, it is not pronounced. So I want you to just skip right next, right to the next vowel that it has right after it. So, for example, the word in Spanish Ola, we don't say hola. We say Allah, it's spelled h o l A. You just skip the h all the time in Spanish. Whenever you see an h, you skip it. So right here we're going skipping right to the I. So we're saying we sweet, whole sweet hole. That just means his or her son. Sweet ho. We're not saying Su ho were saying sweet hole. We're missing the language together, which is exactly what we do in English. And then the next ones are just falling vowels. If you follow the rules with the vowels e o then these were going to come very easily. So instead of I i e it's gonna be I to starting on high going out low, I you're falling down. Bailly Bailly Next one is a train. The train tha Ray. Okay, that are at the beginning is a trill ray a ray. Okay, the next one is Oy, It's falling down. Oy, It's come. Pretend like I'm moving my hand down right now. It's stoy. Oy, a story, boy. The next 10 OK. You're starting from the A going down. How? How? Casa Cosa. And then the next one. The last one is a Europa. A utopia. All right, so those are the Spanish sounds. This is kind of the meat of this course and the meat of the language. Honestly, once you can get the sounds, you can start to have conversations, which is key before you start learning any words, any grammar? Um, no words and grammar don't mean anything if you don't know how to pronounce it. And if you don't know how to comprehend it, So I encourage you, and in future lessons, I'm gonna be teaching you how to you how to study these, um, specifically with an on app called Anke app. It's free on the, um store. So, um, keep going with these and keep practising these. If you have any questions about how to pronounce one of these I'm more than happy to give feedback. Um, but for right now, if you need to replay this video, keep doing that and keep repeating after me so that you're creating good habits with your mouth and how to create this. In the next video, we're gonna be talking through a website that actually has a picture. So we're gonna you're gonna see a human not only a real human, but also like a fake side view of a human mouth. And you're going to see exactly where to put your tongue. If you're voicing the sound or not, would you know how you move your lips? How you Why do you open your mouth? And that is a really good tool. Whenever you're learning Spanish in general or any language, it's good to mimic what the native speaker is doing. So that's what we're gonna do next
9. Sounds of Spanish #3: I've got some examples down here. I usually try to practice. You know, the vowel sounds with my students on. And so we're just gonna read through these, and I just want to see if you're saying them correctly. So I'm going to give a little pause right in front, actually, right now, as kind of, ah, many exercise within this lesson, guys. So stick with me. I know this is a lot, but this is really important. Okay, so I'm gonna give a pause, and then I'm gonna say it correctly. I want you to correct yourself. This is your self correction right now, so I'm gonna pause. Try to pronounce this word correctly. The correct pronunciation is octo, so that t tongue against teeth. Uh, look, talk to 21 this is called. It's another version of back chaining. Um, except it's kind of like front chaining where I'm taking part of the word, so I'm starting with ah, going to talk. Next one is locked up to octu. Ah, are to wall. Okay, so that's obviously an easier It's an easier word. I would say, Um but in the future, if you ever get to a word, like this one, even for me, that's hard. Okay, s barfi your lease. Art s power. Fuel is art. Okay, so that that has a lot of different sounds and especially when you're you know, when you're getting it into a song, that's the purpose of this course is when you're getting into a song and you're getting into these long words and you're trying to pronounce him perfectly and you have all of these words together and you're trying to mix words correctly. It's good to get just one word down. So right now, what you should be working on is getting individual words exactly correct. So, actually, next one, och, toward next to one a 10 soon. Next, one. Later, later. I'm not saying let Ra no, that's a big difference between late. Tra la tra a, uh does not exist in Spanish, So Ah, a e Oh, who practice that with me, huh? Okay, E uh, who those air huge one practicing this. So this is not let tra It's Letta Letta with that are sound OK, so it's a difficult combination as well. And you're just gonna start seeing that this is difficult to spent learning pronunciation. Retraining your mouth is hard and it's not gonna you know you're not gonna learn this. After a 30 minute lesson like this, you need to keep practicing this and you need to keep developing this so that you have good habits. Letta ra. Let lehtera lehtera Next one Choco latte day, Chocolat Joke or latte? Next one important day I'm opening on kind of closing my mouth, making a smile M importante Next 13 men Next one will Dema next one. Delicioso Next one. No tour, no, No tour, no next one. Inform us soon. Okay, That are sound again. That our son is just hard for most people. That's I mean, with most of my students. That's just what's hard. So make sure that you're really hearing my voice for now and trying to mimic. Inform us. Yawn. I mean, for mass. Soon. Next 10 poor to neither. Next one bada, huh? Botta han will remember the single are the single are is kind of like the butter butter. So whenever you see a single are in the middle of a word, I think butter. But, uh but uh huh. Barra, huh? The next one is a 19 yard next one, Bob A Art Morneau Al Bundy. Gah, Rahmbo. I'm making that trail sound because it's at the beginning. So are at the beginning. Is Rumbo next one s paff your lazard? As far fewer leez ard Okay s by feel Leez ard. That's a definite right there. That's what we just practice at the end feel yo, yo, It's not feet. Oh, it's feel feel So Sprint, let's practice back training this a if ISP espada This puff s Buffy s puffy O k. So that's the deft on a spot feel s Palffy orally. I guess I'm just gonna add the l i s buff your lee and then s paf your lizard. Okay, so that's that word. Next one Gorgo Tail Escalate does then oddly food. Judo, the legal bikini. It's a lot of I sounds right there, guys. So hopefully you're able to get all of these vowels, correct. If you don't keep practicing Ah e o open your mouth very wide and keep practising These if you have to repeat, that is awesome. Keep doing that. I highly encourage most students toe actually keep repeating this video and keep practicing especially with the video lesson that we have coming up next with the website. So thanks for watching. And I look forward to seeing how this kind of training helps you with the song and singing your songs so that you can learn riel Spanish.
10. Self-correct Pronunciation: all right. So after I finished all of the videos and him have been going through my own course, I realized that I think it's gonna be better and more useful for you in order to have immediate feedback. So that's why I made this video. I'm gonna show you what it looks like. I still encourage you to send me recording so that I can give you specifically like, Hey, you're saying this letter or sound Rome, Try this or do this with your mouth or move it like this and try to try different things. But I also think that having immediate feedback with my real voice is valuable. So that's what I'm gonna do on this screen cast, so I'm gonna show you. So obviously the instructions right here, like you have in your own course. Now I'm gonna go through how to pronounce all these s o number one Basso Number two Dental number three Cassa number four. Bag O number five Duta Gatto Theme No Number eight suna que hota Geico Monday in federal and federal don't they number 15 conta 16 Campania Mongol 18 lower 19 is Gover. Gather 20 amigo. Um eagle 21 is Fulda folder. Lola 23 Kado Cattle 24. His car. Oh, Garo, 25 is Yahtzee, the enemy. I love you. 28 c, then Agua Puente quota qui Donal Bailly. Renta. Estoy cosa Europa. All right, so you're gonna go ahead and record yourself saying these or maybe compare between your recording and what I'm giving you right now and make sure that you are correct. Now, hopefully I will be able to give that give you feedback within the week if it's under one minute and I went really slow. So for you, it should take around one minute to say all of these words if you have been practicing it before the recording, So go ahead and do that. Now, if you still don't feel uncomfortable, keep practicing and keep listening to my feedback to this video in order to practice correctly. I'll see you in the next video
11. Consonant-Vowel Chart: Hey, Spanish students. So now in this video, what we're gonna do is now that you have all of the sounds together, we're gonna be practicing with the constant vowel chart or the C V chart, which is in your resource is tab. So, um, go ahead and open that if you haven't opened that already. And you can, um, practice this along with me. And so before we start practicing, I just wanted to give a little bit of a description and exactly how it a practice this. So I also have my myself on the bottom right here. Teoh show you how to move my mouth so that you can actually mimic me. And as you're practicing thes sounds because notice how this is not only the constant sound , but it's also the vowel sounds. So we're kind of it's the building blocks of language because it's, you know, before you start practicing big words, you need to know how to say and what sounds work. Our house sounds work in different contexts. Like, for example, the G sound in Spanish will go down here right away to the G. Okay, the G sound you'll notice. And I've used this with other Spanish students. It goes ga hay si go goo. Don't ask me why. That's just the way it ISS and so you'll see here wherever there is, like a great out section in this video, it just shows that there is, um, an exception. And so I want to make sure that you practice these so that when you get individual words like, for example, um yeah, any word that we've practiced so far, for example, that you know how to pronounce every single one of them. So every time that you see a g e sound in Spanish every single time, you're gonna say Hey, whereas when you see a g A, you're gonna pronounce it as God and we need to know these we need to know that the context of sounds within words within their spelling in order to correctly pronounce them So that's what we're gonna do right now on DSO Now that you feel comfortable with all the majority of the Spanish sounds, now you can start moving on to the syllable chunks. I call these the building blocks of the language. Like I just said, if he could pronounce the's continent vowel combinations. You should be able to pronounce every single word in the Spanish language. Correct. It's That's why this is extremely important. So in this video, less and I'll be reading the constant Val chart to you, I'll pause in between every combinations that you can repeat them after me. And I expect you to do that on your own. You know, even if you're whispering it to me. If you're in front of people, go ahead and just whisper it. But make sure you're still practicing with good habits. Opening, exaggerating the sounds with me. Go ahead and open the pdf file entitled The CV chart in the resource is tab of this course . Um, before you move forward again, you need to perfect these and it takes time. Um, before you can move on to the next lesson. So let's go ahead and get started and make sure that we're, um, getting the building blocks of the language Really, really perfect. Before we move on to anything else I see, you'll notice. On the left side are the continents, and then over the top are the vowels can. Then we just combine them in the to I'm gonna be speaking. So I'm gonna come close to the camera so that you can kind of see my mouth and mimic. How am saying these things? Um are these constant vowel combinations? So use that, and I'm gonna pause in between and this will be kind of a long video. Big some during all of them. So let's get started. The m sound ma may mee mo Move. Go and repeat, pa pay P pol who? PSA say See, so soon? Duh day d Don't do notice that I'm putting my tongue against the teeth. Next one, the sea ka se see Cole coup. This one has an exception. Okay, so whenever we see a c A, it's ka. Whereas when we see a CEO or I see, I it turns into a sound. So it's all about context. Whenever you see a CE or a c I in Spanish, it's gonna be pronounced, say, and to see, for example, Sana, which just means dinner. Okay, The next one n not nee ni no new be bah beh bee bul boo! Next one is La ley ley Law Lou. Next one, Far Fe Fi for food. The next one. Remember, this is a trail. So your tongue is going up and down my hand is the tongue okay? It's going up and down your flapping. Remember, practice this like Dada, Dada Dada or kind off, lunging forward like this, FRA or practice like Chewbacca. So for further helps some people I don't know. Okay, so this continent vowel combination sounds like this ray where we row route. All right, The next one, the single are is Think of butter when you think of the single are so butter. Uh huh. So the 1st 1 is a day that we grow through the next one got Hey, he go goo, You'll notice that there's an exception there. It's great out whenever you see a G A in Spanish, it's got. Whereas whenever you see a G e in Spanish, it's Hey, so keep that in month. Next sound d notice how I'm putting my tongue against my teeth. It's not up its tongue against teeth the day the dough do all right, the next one. Technically, it will sound like a soft be because it's at the beginning of a word. However, if it's in the middle of a word's gonna sound like the soft be sound. So instead of Bob baby boat boo, it's gonna be okay. We will do for right now. We're gonna practice it as if it's a B sound. So Bach Bay the go Who? All right, The next one, The Q. Whenever you see a que in Spanish, it's always gonna be followed by you and then e or you and then I so you'll notice here Q. U e is pronounced as k So, for example, when you see the word case soul que So it's spelled q u e s o. Okay and then the same thing for the U over here. Q u I t cast one of you for the Q. It's OK key. Go and repeat. Now I want to highlight because I'm forgot. When I made this document, I didn't make the G sounds. We're gonna go over to the right here, Okay, so the K and key are on the top right here on the bottom. It's the exact same thing except for the G sound. So now it's gay and G, this is the only exception with the vowel sounds. You'll notice, um before I made the statement that every time you see a vowel, you'll pronounce it. Except for thes two exceptions K key with the queues Gay G with the G's. You can skip over the use sounds and go right to the next syllable or right next to the next vowel. So okay, key gay G to keep that in mind as you're practicing. All right, the next one. Okay. Car K key. Coal coup. Sure. J a g I Joe two next one. The double L Yeah, yeah. E your you. I put a little line right here because these two normally in most countries are gonna sound the exact same. So? So this one will be the exact same as this one. Yeah. Yeah, e yo, you all right for the n? Yea, the letter. Not the sound letter. Yeah. Knee A Me. No new. It's kind of gross sound. Go ahead and repeat after me. Next one is a trick question like I mentioned before. And if in previous lecture the h sound so in every scene h in Spanish, you always skip over it. So it's not ha, It's Ah. So just like in ola you say h o L A You skip over the H garage the next foul. So, uh a e o Who? The next one is the H sound, but that's in Spanish. It's with a J. So it's hot. Hey, he ho who repeat. Okay, So a good kind of point to make is that Spanish speakers when they're saying Ha ha like when they're texting someone? Ha ha. Something's funny. They don't put h a h a they put J A j a because that's their sound. Ha ha ha. Hey, he ho who? It's kind of breathing out. It's using the throat to breathe it out hot, just like the English H. The next one is wa way we whoa wuh the next one I'm gonna skip. Um, there are a few different versions of this, and it depends on where you are, Which country you're in. Obviously, if you're in like Latin America, you see the sound like, for example, Mexico, It's not May Mexico. It's Mexico. So, like that X, I will turn into a he sound kind of like the J I. Some Spanish speakers, like in Spain, would pronounce it as Mexico. It just depends where you are but foreign. I'm gonna skip it. We're gonna go down to the Z. Repeat after me. Za zey zi Zo zoo. All right, so at this point, you have the building blocks for the language. You have all of the sounds. You know how to pronounce off the sounds first. Now you're starting to put them into context with a spelling. Not the sounds, but the spelling. You know how to put these sounds into the spelling. And now you're readyto practice individual words and say them exactly correctly, which is ah, huge building block and really kind of the key to having a foundation for pronunciation. So keep practicing this. I am very much encourage you to keep re watch this video. We watch this video lesson before moving on a two least once so that you can be sure that you are creating these good habits before you move forward to the song. Um, let me know if you have any questions. There will be an exercise with this. So you will be submitting this into a recording submission to me and I will give you directions in the next video. Thanks for watching. And I look forward to hearing your submissions
12. AnkiApp!: all right. Hey, Spanish students today, we're gonna be talking through Anke app and the reason why we use it. Basically, if you're new to Anke in general, it's basically a special flashcard app that I love to use with my students. First of all, because it sinks between your computer and your phone, and so you always have this available to you. Um, it's free. Also, that's another perk of this app. And it's it's what's called an S R s system, which just means spaced repetition system. And what that means is that the app itself actually remembers as you go through your cards and actually remembers which cards you remember and which ones you don't remember as well. And I think this is a fantastic tool, the practice pronunciation. Just because you can put little MP three files into the flashcards that as you're flipping through, you're not only practicing words, but you're also getting the audio for feedback so that you don't need necessarily a tutor to be perfect with pronunciation. And I'm all about empowering students to self study. I don't consider I don't even consider myself a teacher, even though I am a Spanish teacher in high school. I don't consider myself a teacher in this context, because it's more so. I want to help people self learn, that are interested in learning. And I think that this is one of the most powerful tools to do that. So today, what I want to do is just walk through the APP s. So if you have not already go ahead and download this free app from whatever app store that you have, I've got an iPhone. So go ahead and download that free app from the store. It has this little symbol right here. Don't buy anything. It's free and we will go through that. So today, what I'm going to do is just log in. But obviously, when you get to this page, it's the The online Web address is actually web dot Anke app dot com. So just keep that in mind, as you, um, are looking up here when you're searching for it online. Whereas on the APP store, it would be called inky app. It's just yellow. It's it's free. And it looks like this in this, um, this logo right here. Okay. So normally you're gonna click. Sign up and it will look like this. You'll have to confirm your passwords and it's pretty easy. Just put in your email and passwords, but I've already got a log in. So I'm gonna go ahead and log in here and just show you guys what this app is all about. So I'm gonna go ahead and log in. Hopefully it doesn't take too long for me, but, um yeah, like I was saying, one of the great things about this app is that once you create cards on your computer, it sinks right into your phone. And so that is good, because there's no excuse for anyone to not practice for 20 minutes a day. Everyone, no matter what, could make 20 minutes a day for something that they want to dio. And so, if you're why for the Spanish is big enough, if it's strong enough, then you're gonna be able to do this because you always have your phone on you, or at least access to a phone or a computer. In order to do this it for at least 20 minutes a day, I would prefer mawr, especially if you're trying to pack this in into like a three month course, which is what I normally do with my students. But in either case, this is a fantastic tool. So what we're gonna do right now is what we're gonna walk through, How to use this. So right here, you're at your dashboard. It's kind of like the home page, and we've got five different buttons at the bottom strong. It's going through the bottom here, skates. So right now we're on the homepage down here at the bottom left. We've got the decks, page these air like the decks that I've already made. This plus sign is to make a new deck, so you're gonna name it, and then it brings you right into the card creation phase. This button is you can get like, pre made decks. I don't I don't recommend that at all. Especially when you're making these new cards is you want to make connections on your own And if you're just taking cards from someone else, that's like, I mean, just think in school, it's like saying Hey, Mom and Dad, can you make my flashcards for me? Well, they can, and it will probably be helpful, but it's not gonna be the most helpful because actually, going through the process of making the cards yourself is actually making these concepts more concrete in your mind. And that's what I I prefer and recommend toe all of my students. I don't allow my students to find cards that are already made. It's less the fourth option, and then the fifth option right here at the bottom right are the three by three squares. That's just like the settings you can check your profile or if you need help with whatever in the app, you can go ahead and click there, Um, or if you ever need to sign out, Um, the profile right here and then you just click log out. Um, So what we're gonna do is start with the homepage and then actually, the decks page. So the 2nd 1 from the left. Okay, so right now I actually have no local decks just because I haven't used the app for a little bit of time here. I've used a different, um account, and so that's why it's not showing up. But it should be. There should be some under cloud and under shared. And so we're just gonna wait to see as this shows up here. Hopefully the Internet is OK. But as we're waiting for that, Um, yeah, there we go. So these are all different decks that I have used with my different students and for myself . So as we can see, like, I've had one student, he put all of this like, if if you have ever had me with lessons or if you ever want toe, learn from me for vocabulary, even though we're not doing that here for my students put in, you know, a bunch of words about 593 words with the words on pneumonic device and the audio and a picture so that, I mean, that was extremely valuable for him. And he was able to practice a ton, so that was really good for him. But as you can see, there's a lot of different things and you can just it's in the cloud. So it's all online. It's just not on my local computer right now, Um, but for our purposes, we're just going to start with creating index. So that's the center button right here. The plus sign. Go ahead and create a deck And for the purposes of pronunciation, it's gonna be a lot different than learning a lot of vocabulary. So in this in this a video course, that is not the purpose. We're not. We're not here to learn all of the vocab there. You probably will pick up on some vocabulary in the song. But the purpose of this course is toe actually practice pronunciation. And I do this all the time to practice. Is that like for me? I love to practice Spain Spanish just because I didn't actually practice that all that much growing up in school and in college. So that's what I need to practice. And I practice little phrases. Okay, so what you're gonna do is create this new deck and you're gonna name it. So I'm just gonna write whatever and then save that. Okay, so then right here are the sides of the cards. Okay, so right now this is the front, as you can see, the front and then this is the back. They look exactly the same and they've got the exact same options. One thing that I want you to notice as you're making these cards is that this sound the sound icon is not available on your phone, so you can Onley put sound on to your cards through a computer. But when you're studying, So once you make the cards on your computer, then the sound shows up. And this is really important for the pronunciation stage, obviously, is to be able to practice with audio. Okay, so you can do this a bunch of different ways and obviously, as yourself studying you can you can treat this as much as you want for this course. What I recommend, especially for a kind of pronunciation stage, is to practice, actually spelling. And so, normally, you're gonna put the audio for, like, a vocab list. You know, put the audio in the Spanish word on back of the card, which would go right here. But for the sake of practicing pronunciation and spelling words in context, I actually like to put either the audio on front and then the spelling on back or the spelling on front, and then you're practicing the pronunciation, so I just want to show you what this looks like. Okay, so, um, right now I want to show you a different website. Okay, so stick with me. We're going to stay right here and we're gonna go go ahead and click a new tab and we're gonna goto us a website called for Bo F o R v o dot com. And basically what this website has is a bunch of MP threes of different languages, individual words. So, for example, an easy word would be casa. Yes, that's an easy word to just look up really quick. Okay, Casa in Spanish. Obviously, there's some overlap between languages, so always make sure you're on spanish, and then we're gonna go ahead and click on the word, not the play button. The word. Right now, let's go ahead and click on the word Cassa, and then it gives you a list of all of these Spanish speakers. So from Mexico, from Spain, from Spain, from Colombia, from Chile, you've got all of these different pronunciations off the same word. And so you can just go ahead and click the one that you like best. So I'm just gonna go ahead and click the 1st 1 okay? And I think that sounds fine at this point. Once you find a good audio for the word that you want to practice, you're gonna go ahead and click this down button for downloading the MP three and it should show up somewhere. It's in the bottom left for me. I'm just gonna go ahead and close out of that. It's in my downloads. It's in your computer. Okay, so I'm gonna go ahead and close out of that. Once you have your audio, you go back into your Anke up. So go ahead and click the Yankee App tab up top. And then from here, you choose the audio that she wants. So you click on this audio the headphone button, click that and it should like a browse should open up. Go ahead and click on download that's worth saved, and you're gonna go ahead and find that download. So I've got a bunch. You're not gonna have so many just because you haven't used the app. But I've been using this for quite a bit and have been helping my students with this. So you're gonna go and find Casa. So there's Casa DoubleClick and there it is. It's right there. So you could hear that right on the front of your card. And so when you get to that card, you're gonna hear it, and then you're gonna practice spelling it. Okay, So what we're gonna do is we're just gonna type in Gaza, or you can type in LA Casa. Actually, we're gonna just keep it to cost stuff to match the audio. OK, so that's one kind of carbon. And once you're done with that, you can save. You can also put like pictures on which is this button right here. You can change the the text, so sometimes it has trouble with, like, accents, for example. So if you ever want to write an accent, what I do is just either, like, make it bowl or like folded or upper case or something, something consistent so that you remember that it needs an accent. Okay, Um but in general, that's how you use ink. Yeah, so that's that's one card. So we're gonna go ahead and save that card, and then I want to show you how to make a separate card. So let's just pick a different word. So, like CIA, for example, that just means chair. Then you're gonna go ahead and put that so I need to find that audio and four vote dot com first. So I'm gonna go ahead and scroll all the way up. Search for the word. See? Yeah, CIA, it's in Spanish. Click the word first and then find what works for me. So I like this Don Quixote. That's just he seems, um, pretty good most of the time with his pronunciation, And it's pretty clean. So I'm gonna go ahead and play that. Make sure it sounds Sounds all good. Um, it's loading here, so hold on a second. There we go. Um, from there, I'm gonna go ahead and click down arrow. Okay. So once I've clicked once, I like it. I want to know that I liked the recording. Click the down arrow shows up at the bottom, or maybe at the top right here. We're depending on your computer, and then it's in your downloads. So now you're done with for votes. Gonna go back to Anke app and you're gonna put in the audio. So click the audio button, go and scroll to find CIA near the end. Factually figure out the off that No, there is a CIA. Okay, so we're gonna go ahead and play that make sure it works. Perfect. So now I just want to show you what the's would look like. I prefer having the same type of card within the same deck, so normally I wouldn't actually make in inside of the same deck. I wouldn't make two different types of cards. These are two different types of cards because I'm switching the order, right. The 1st 1 had the audio in front, whereas this one has the audio on back. I just wanted to show you what that looks like and that you can put it on back. Okay, so you're gonna go ahead and click safe. So now, at this point, let's just say we're finished with the deck. You've put in everything that you want and we're going to start studying, so go ahead and click this back, but not the top left back button. And now we can see all of our cards. They're both new and a good feature of the APP. I don't really care for myself, but it reminds you of how many times you practice every day. It kind of keeps track is like a daily journal on That's good for, like, accountability. If you have someone that can help you stay accountable to studying. But for right now, I'm not gonna go through that. So go and click the back euro one more time and then we're gonna click review. So this is kind of like the homepage of the deck. So as we can see, it's deck of made up this made up name and that we've got a few options over here. If you ever wanna add new cards, you obviously just click new cards. If you want to name the deck differently, go ahead and click. Edit dak. And if you want to edit the cards that are already in there, go ahead and click cards, and you can also change a few of the different settings, like the layout you can decide. OK, I want to go from back to front or front to back different things like that. Another cool feature is that you can also share your cards, so if you have a friend that wants to do the exact same thing, or if you need to share it between devices or email addresses, maybe or different accounts go ahead and click share right here and that will. You can just type in an email and then it's saved to that account. Okay, but right now I just want to show you what a study session would maybe look like. So I'm gonna go ahead and click review here at the bottom review so that 1st 1 is the second. There is the first car that you made, I believe, and that has the audio. If you're making this type of card, you're practicing listening skills. Okay, So what that means is you Maybe you've got maybe a list of 510,200 cards with just the audio on front, and you have to practice spelling those words. And what I mean by that is not not for the sake of practicing your spelling, but it's actually for the sake of practicing your pronunciation and your listening skills. Because when you hear that, so when you hear this audio, you have to realize, OK, what, what what sounds air coming in and how do I spell that in Spanish? If you're able to spell the word, this is really important. If you're able to spell the Spanish word, that means your understanding it correctly coming in. Obviously, there's a few different rules based on context. But in general, if you are able to spell the Spanish word correctly, that means you listened to it correctly. And that's the skill that we're practicing. So right now, literally. What I would do is I would take out a piece of paper in a pen, and I would just start my study session with Okay, I'm gonna spell this out. This is probably better on the computer just because you have access to a table. Probably. And a maybe like Ah, um, a pen and a piece of paper. Okay. And so once you listen to that, Okay, So you're gonna type or you're gonna write down what, exactly? What? What you heard. And how do you spell it? Okay. And then obviously, you have your feedback. So you're gonna go ahead and click, flip and see if you spell that right. Okay, so, casa there, it iss um, that's that's basically what What that kind of card would look like, Um, and then if you didn't get it, so if let's just say you got it wrong, you spelled it wrong. Click fail. If you got it. right with no hesitations. Click. Good. And if you hesitated, but you still got it right, Click hard. I would prefer and suggest that you do not click easy just because that puts into the system that you are basically perfect at the word for right now. And that's not the goal. The goal is to keep practicing it, but good still shows that you You got it. Okay, so I'm just gonna click. Good. And here's the second word. So this is the second type of card that I would practice with. And this card is you're actually practicing your production, which just means you're practicing speaking the language. Okay, so the first card was listening. Comprehension. This card is actually speaking. And how do you speak the word? So you're gonna look at the spelling and say OK, and a good way to do this is actually to split up thesis bubbles, which is what we're gonna do in the future lesson in the next lessons. Um, but what? Basically what you're gonna do is split up the word and to see and yeah, this is all from the continent vowel chart. And that's that's why that chart is so important because it gives you the building blocks of each word to be able to pronounce it correctly. So see, and yeah, Seeya. Seeya. Okay, I'm gonna go and flip that I hear. Yep. I got it. Correct. So I'm gonna click. Good. And obviously you're gonna have probably have more cards at this point, but this is the end of my deck. So that's done. And it keeps track of all of the cars that you studied. Okay, so that's Anke app and four vote dot com as I'm kind of scrolling through here. Um, I'm gonna go and click, continue click the back button to go to my home page, and there's my home page. That's the bottom left here. So let me know if you have any questions those air Two different types of cards in Anke app that you can use to practice pronunciation. It's extremely valuable because you can actually, once you put the sound onto your computer, then you've got it on your phone. So thank you for watching. I look forward to hearing about Anke abloom Know of you have questions about the app I would be happy to do my best to answer your questions. And I look forward to you moving on to the song and kind of practicing these syllables, breaking up the syllables in order to practice pronunciation. See soon.
13. AnkiApp complaints: all right, in this video, I just want to talk about kind of the reasons why I smoke a lot of my students. I would actually probably say around 1/3 of my students, um, give the complaint that inky app just takes too long. They want to study right now. And to be honest with you, I understand this. I understand that going through the process of making cards is probably really slow and depending on your level with technology, it might be slower for you if it's hard to make flash cards in the first place or just using technology in general and so kind of the reason for this video before we move on. I think it's really important to let you know the reasoning, why I use this and the importance of it. So I want to give you three big reasons as to why I think that you're wrong. If you thought this way, I think it's actually wrong thinking to think that inky app just takes too long. You should just tree have have cords created for you. Number one would be that the first time you do anything. It's always gonna be the slowest. So when you're creating this cards like, for example, the last video that you just watched that video is pretty long and we only made two cards, but I was also going a lot slower so that you saw exactly how the process went. And it's always slower and harder the first time you do anything right, So just know that don't be discouraged with the app right away. You're not going to be perfect with the op. You're not going to know exactly everything that you need to do but follow along and start to pick up on the patterns. Don't be, I guess Don't be scared of the technology that's out there for you. Use it to your advantage. Okay. Number two would be to use the process to your advantage. And what I mean by this is, for example, when I'm in when I was in middle school, okay, I would have loved it if my parents would have made all of my flashcards for me when I was creating it when I was studying for a test. But that is not the most efficient way to study for anything. The motion of me reading the cards are writing the answers all down on the card was the best thing for my learning as I was creating the cards. I was studying myself and I think that this still holds true toe Elektronik flashcards. Which is why another reason why I want people to be really use this now as you get further in the the language learning development. When you use this tool for vocabulary, it's especially useful to not use other people's length cards because you want to be creating cards that your are your own memories, their your own thoughts. They're your own connections because that's what's gonna stick to your long term memory longer. And that's Segways really easily into the number three, which is you can use this tool later, usually with my students. I have them use this tool as kind of a prep preparation for later stages of the language learning process, so they that they're used to it. OK, so use this app in order to practice pronunciation, whether it's on front, so whether you're putting the audio on front and then spelling it on back, so spell it on a piece of paper and check your answers or put the spelling on front and practice speaking it out, which is the production of the language, which is really important. That's your you're practicing speaking before you're even getting into riel language. That's extremely important. OK, so use it for pronunciation. But the third thing that I would say is that you can use this tool later for not only pronunciation but also for vocabulary, learning how you know, learning new words, learning new grammar structures we've done. We're gonna be doing more conversational Spanish, and there are tons of rules to the Spanish language, and this course isn't meant to give you all the rules. It's meant to give you kind of a base for that conversation. But as you start to get into the nitty gritty of learning these things, you will need to have some way of studying on your own, especially if you have a job or are doing other things. You need to have a way to have all of your flashcards right there on your phone, all yours made so that you can make long term long connections in your long term memory. Thanks for watching. Let me know if you have any more questions about why Anke App is useful. But these are the three biggest things that I would say to counter that argument. I look forward to moving forward with you in the language learning process.
14. Section 1 review: Hey, Spanish students in this video. I just wanted to do a quick review of everything that you should be able to do by this point before you move forward in the course. This is especially important because when you're trying to sing a song, you want to sound as fluent as possible, especially in this course. When you're learning Spanish again, learning the pronunciation is huge. And so this first section has been really focused on being the pronounced every Spanish word correctly. That's number four. How is it that the most important part of this course so far is being the pronounce every Spanish word correctly? So if you have maybe had struggles with pronouncing words on the list or different syllables, or how to combine those correctly or media was the constant vowel chart that you were having troubles with? Make sure to send me more recording so that I can give you better feedback, and you can correct those mistakes. But in general, this is what you should be able to do. Number one is know the difference between the sounds and the syllables and be able to explain that on your own. Right now I'm just gonna review it really quick. The alphabet letters are just symbols for spelling, and sounds are actually symbols for how you say something. That's how you move your mouth, right? So the letter, why is not pronounced is why it's pronounced as yeah in English. And it's the same thing in Spanish. Okay, just because you have a letter doesn't mean you have a certain sound. Just because they have a certain sound doesn't mean you have a certain letter. Aren't number to be able to say the alphabet? It's not of the utmost importance, but it will be useful in being with the spell words and also to be able to make lists. Number three be able to pronounce every sound and syllable of Spanish correctly. This was this constant vowel chart, and the importance of that is because it's kind of the building blocks of language. Be able to pronounce all of the sounds correctly. That was the bulk of this lesson, or the of the course so far was being but pronounced every sound of correctly, and I give you tools to do that. Go ahead and re review that if you have any questions, number four. Like I said, be of the pronounce that use that sound and Sobel kind of building blocks in order to pronounce every Spanish word correctly. Number five recognized and explained the use of an infinitive verb. We saw this in the conversational Spanish break when you were practicing, putting together different phrases. And the basics of it is that this is a As you get into grammar, you need toe you need in order to get into conversation, you need to understand basic grammar. This is kind of like the basics of grammar. So an infinitive verb just means putting the word to right in front of a verb. So instead of saying he opens, it would be to open its the most basic form of the verb. So the one that we did was to are the one that we will do actually will be to want Okay, so to want where in fact, let's do to have K to have turns into I have you have, he has and those air different congregations, right? And it needs to have someone doing the action. But before we can do the action, we need to know what an infinitive verb is. It's just the most basic form of a verb, and you know it's infinitive if it ends in a r e r or I R number six. No, your wife for learning the language. I can't stress this one enough, because if you aren't motivated, if you don't have a strong enough reason to learn the language, then the language then you won't have motivation to to wake up and learn Spanish. I'm big about having habits and creating good habits as far as not only speaking it correctly, but also incorporating Spanish into your daily routine. If that If this isn't, if you're why isn't strong enough, This isn't gonna happen. And you're not gonna wanna wake up and do this over If you If you know exactly why you want to learn the language and you have motivation, as far as that goes, it's gonna be a lot more successful for you. I've seen this multiple times where people aren't, um, dedicated to the process of learning the language and may be after five or six in person lessons. They just quit and they made a lot of progress. They did awesome, but the desire wasn't there. So make sure that you, before you dive too deep into the language, make sure that you you want to learn and maybe right out those reasons why for me, it's I wanted to connect with people of different cultures. I love that idea. I also really just want to improve myself and be able to stretch my mind and be able to do a new skill. And I just love talking to new people in being with connect with them. So those are my wise. I am excited to see you in the next section. Let me know if you have any questions about Section one.
15. Section 2 intro: Hey, Spanish students. I'm excited to start section two with you, and I titled it here The rhythm of Spanish conversation. Now, obviously, the whole point of this whole course is to set people up for having good Spanish conversation. And so the purpose of this section is to help you with rhythm. Now I know that that might seem like a musical musical term, but every every language has a certain rhythm to it. So in this next step, it's a lot more technical with my formula for helping students to perfect Spanish pronunciation. That's because it's it is possible to pronounce every sound in the language correctly, which you can do right now but also to not sound fluent. So, for example, I'm gonna take this sentence. Okay, so I'm gonna make up a sentence like, Hi, my name's Mark and I have blond hair. That sounds a lot different from Hi, My name is Mark and I have blond hair. Okay. Even though I pronounced every single word correctly, it didn't sound correct. And it didn't sound like a native speaker would say it right. I had different tones. I had a different rhythm, to my words. and how you always combining those words. Okay, so every language has a rhythm and a flow to it. So in this section, everything that we're gonna be learning from here on out will be using the pronunciation tools that we learned in the previous section. But it will also be connecting that to the rhythm of Spanish and how to connect it into, um into full sentences and full paragraphs in the future. I'm sure we had a study also show you how to study this individually. Remember, the whole reason you want to learn Spanish is to speak conversationally. And in order to do that, you need to start learning riel, Spanish sounds and syllable combinations. So when you speak English, you don't pause between sounds like I just did. This lesson will not be a comprehensive review of Spanish rhythm and tone, but it will give you a good start in the right direction. This is why a lot of this section will be focused on mimicking riel native speakers. You won't know that what the words mean and the purpose of this section is not to give you vocabulary lists even though you will be learning some words, but you will be of the string together. Sounds like a native speaker, as if you knew what those words were. And the next lessons will be practicing how to split Spanish sentences into smaller parts in order to practice them more efficiently on this screen, you'll see the final result for the for the song, and I also teach you how to do this in the next video so that you can practice a song on your own, will take smaller sentences and break them down on I. P. A. Type it dot org's and will also take a portion of our song and break it down together. However, you will be sending me submissions of yourself, either singing or saying the song. If you don't feel comfortable singing this song to me. Thanks for watching, and I'm excited to start this next section with you again. Just one more reminder. If you don't feel comfortable with something in Section one, please just go ahead and take the time to review those things in Section one before you start moving. Two. Section two Because the process and the experience will be a lot better if you feel confident with the sounds of Spanish. Okay. You can't get the rhythm of Spanish if you don't even have the sounds of Spanish down yet. Thanks for watching. See you soon.
16. Section 2 tools overview: Hey, Spanish students before we get digging into section two. I just wanted to give you a highlight of the tools that we're gonna be practicing before learning the song. So number one is i p a dot type it dot ord. This is gonna help you split syllables into our split text into syllables. The number two is actually gonna be used with I p a. Type it. It's gonna help you double check if you're dividing, taxed into syllables correctly, specifically individual words. Then number three. We're gonna learn how to use audacity in order to slow down audio so that you can pick up on these really Spanish syllables that are spoken in riel Spanish. And this is also helpful with Rhino Spike, which is an optional step. But I do use it with most of my students in order to practice real pronunciation from native speakers. So in the next few videos, you're gonna be learning about these few tools along with a ah, few other light ones. Um, but just to be able to use these and being able to use these is extremely valuable in order to learn the language on your own. Thanks for watching. I look forward to practicing with these tools with you and let me know if you have any questions. I'm glad to help you.
17. IPA typeit: a Spanish students. But this point, you already know how to pronounce every single sound in the Spanish language. And so now what we're gonna do is be able to use that in order to break down a text into syllables. And so before you can practice syllables and mixing together sounds like a native speaker, would we have to be able to break down those syllables. And I've got a cool tool here called I p A Type it and I think it's dot com. But I'm just gonna type it into Google s O, as you can see, is that phonetic symbols. That's what I was talking about with this sounds before. So these are all the symbols for the sounds or not letters. So we're gonna go ahead and click on that and it comes up here. This is the English. You'll probably come up with the English one first, you're gonna want the i p a full, which is on the left. Here. You can do it for any language, but we're going to do the i p a. Full the full I PS. So this is all of the symbols that you could use for the i p a. Now, once we get to hear, we've got a lot of options. However, right now we're not gonna be practicing with the i. P a. Symbols. Like I'm not gonna teach you the i p a symbols. And you know what sound they're making. And you know what? What each symbol does down here, we're only gonna use ah, a couple buttons so that you can actually type out your your syllable breakdown. Okay, so let's just take a simple sentence. Like, um, let's just do it in english, so let's just say hi. I name is Mark and I am sitting Oops at a desk. Okay, so we're gonna break this sentence. Is basic English sentence down into syllables cash from to make that in upper case common there? Yes. And now what we're gonna do is you can do this in multiple ways, but ah, good way to do it is to just make a copy of the same thing and actually paste the final product into, like, a word document so that you can print it out later. Case of for right now, you obviously you haven't learned about how to break up everything and assembles. I just want to show you what this tool looks like and how to use it. So obviously, later on, we're gonna break every word up into syllables. Okay, so the syllable here hi is one syllable. So that's that's fine. Okay. And then in between syllables, we're gonna put a dash like this. Hi. My syllable. Nay name. That's one syllable. So hold these air One syllable. So far. So maybe this is a poor sentence is Mark. And so I guess we only have one word that has multiple syllables. Which whatever. It's fine I am Sit ting sitting at, uh oops at a desk. OK, so obviously, most sentences we're gonna have to break upwards. OK, so if I were to say something in Spanish right now dango on Ah, come put the Dora. Okay, that would be I have ah, computer. Um, would be thing Gohn and in Spanish whenever you have, and you'll learn about this more later. But when you have two vowels that are right next to each other, either in between words or right next to each other, it's gonna make a little bit of a different sound in order to kind of remind yourself of that. We're gonna add this symbol right here. Okay? It's just that it's called the Thai bar and basically just reminding you that you have to go from one sound to the next. We're going to do that right here. Oops. Tango moon. And then we didn't put that right. Perfect. Okay, so it goes right there from the O to the you and we can see that little tie bar that goes so 10 Goan tango now. So that's one civil tengo nha thing. Go now. Comb, pool the doh. Okay, So in order to speak this fluently, one major key is to be able to mix those two words together. We don't speak with pauses in English, right? And you're gonna learn about that a little bit further on. But just to know that when there's two vowels next each other, especially in between words, you're going to use this tool in order to remind yourself that you need to practice. That sounds a tango. Nha Trang gona it's not tengo una it's 10 gona computadora! I'm gonna computadora! So this is good practice just for using the tool. I'm not gonna practice pronunciation with you right now. I just wanted to show you the website and how to use it. So thanks for watching. I'll see you in the next video as we break up the syllables.
18. syllable breakdown: all right, I Spanish students were gonna get started with the video about breaking down taxed into syllables. Now you've already practiced with the tool I p a type it dot or GTA. Um, but we're gonna practice more in depth in this video, and then you're also gonna practice on your own, breaking down and text into smaller parts that you can practice mimicking better and faster and easier. So that's the reason why I want to do this. Now, before we get started, I realized that. I mean, I've gone through linguistics classes like I've practiced this extensively. And so the point of this video lesson isn't necessarily to make everyone, you know, perfect with the exact exactly right syllables, even though that would be better, in my opinion. But I also think that would be taking away from the main goal of this course, which is to sing a song. And I think you can still sing a song even if you don't make exactly perfect syllables. But for your sake, as you are practicing different audios in the in the future, not just with me, but in the future. It's gonna be most useful for you and most beneficial. If you can break down a text into syllables, Um, and specifically being able to combine words correctly with with different, um, you know, with different vowels at the end, in the beginning of words. Or when you listen to a song, how you have to start picking up on subtleties of, you know, sometimes Spanish speakers just, you know, cancel out the asset, the end of words or don't say the d sound in the middle of a word or, you know, any number of things that you might not have picked up on before because you weren't slowing down and actually listening to what is being said. So I just want to go through the process of taking a text and break it down into syllables . Us know that in fact, you will actually have a tool in, um, a couple lessons here where it will. It's a It's a tool that washing check you on individual words so you can type in any word, and actually it will break down that word into syllables. Now, it's not always gonna be correct, because we're not just speaking. One word were actually speaking, Ah, whole text And sometimes those words get mixed into each other, Kind of like English and home speaking. Right now, I'm not pausing in between my words. I'm putting it all together, and sometimes that changes. When I put all of my words together, it actually changes some of my sounds. So that's what we want to practice and kind of get onto paper. That's the kind of the the purpose of of this section, so I just want to show you end after. So here's the text. Okay, so you see the text. I'm gonna go ahead and copy this, and I already put it into a I p A. Type it. But if you're not already there or if you don't even have your tax, make sure you get your text. You can use this when you can just copy me into a Google doc for Maura. We're document or whatever you have. Um, go ahead and copy and paste whatever whatever you want or if you want to just watch, that's great, too. But eventually you will have to do this on your own. So I mean a copy and paste the text. I'm gonna put it in tow i p a Type it if you have not already done so go ahead and go type in i p a dot type it dot or GTA Then you're gonna come over here to the left and collect full I p a. Full. That's all the kind of symbols for the i. P A alphabet, and then you're gonna have your text. So now what we can do is pretty much type in special characters now, the only ones that we're gonna worry about are, in fact, only one that we're gonna worry about is this one right here. It just means it's a tying between two different valuables between words, And that's gonna be your reminder that you need to mix those two words together. So we see an example of this right away in this task. Okay, so this is just if you want to look up a translation, this is just a little bit about me saying, um I love soccer and basketball. I'm right now. I'm teaching Spanish classes like basic Spanish classes. I love helping others in the process of learning languages. Thanks for taking this course. So I want I want to be able to break this down into syllables. Even though we don't have this in audio, you will for your own practice. Okay, so I'm gonna show you how to do this. I'm gonna show you the first sentence, and then I'll show you the final result, but so that you can actually practice it on your own. So if again, if you don't have this tax to go ahead and copy and paste it into a word document and then into here, and then we will practice together. But I mean the practice with you on the first one on the first sentence. So 1st 1 is v evil be boll weevil Newell. Okay, so notice how I'm saying the first be the V. Sorry as ah, but sound. And then the 2nd 1 k, they're actually two separate sounds. It's the 2nd 1 is actually a, uh so be able be able. So they're two separate sounds, actually, but two syllables. The next one. Bebe. When we when I would make this personally, maybe my linguistics teachers would disagree. But I'm gonna make this one syllable, so I think especially when you're when you're speaking fast and when you're listening to fast Spanish. You're not gonna say bebel in your gonna say the boy in be when people in and those two vowels together actually created. If, Tom, it's a when, When? When? So we're gonna put those together because of that reason. Split it up as a as a, um, syllable. But we're gonna put it together with Oops, go ahead and control Z on that. If you have a windows, I'm gonna go ahead and put in that that symbol and let's see if I can do this correctly. So let's first put it in the symbol There it is. So we're just gonna do that. So whenever there's two vowels together at the end of one word and in the beginning of one , we're gonna put in this symbol right here, B boy in lows. So I'm gonna put in another slash loss. Now, this is one clue, and not only with the vowels. And I think there's gonna be two main things that I'm gonna teach you first when there's two vowels together at the end in the beginning of a word. And then number two would be if there is an s at the end of a word and then a vowel at the end of at the beginning of the next word. Then you're gonna make that as one syllable, so it's not gonna be lost s. It's gonna be low cysts. Lowe says. Status is not that's combining. It's kind of combining the syllables there. As you can see, Sobibor in low says, uh, the tongue against teeth does. Now we see it again asked at the end of the word and then the vowel. We're gonna make this, though. Sue eso Sue. I'm cancelling out. The space is on. Leave it uppercase me doors. And now the why sound is actually nice sound here. So E is actually the letter I it's very close to the eye, right? So we're gonna do the exact same thing. S so the O. C. So we born closest, Although soon Edo See, See, it's almost like ST see eso. If we were singing this a song like this, that's what it would sound like. So see and suit this Terrasson nieto's e here. Yeah, it's actually called a trip tongue. It's where three vowels a right nice to each other, you know? Yeah. Yeah, you know, they seared less. Ali, you know us. Cool suss. Uh, sir, uh, they me. Okay, so that's the first sentence. As you can see, I've mixed two vowels together, so it's not visible in its b boy in be Born noticed Allison years, Theo. They see less algunas course, assert assert academy. That's how you'd say correctly. Okay. But right now we're gonna practice just splitting it up into syllables so that you can practice it slower on your own. So you're not gonna go may be quite as fast. Is that right away? Uh huh. Come back. This is gonna be so this is kind of just an introduction, and then I'm gonna have the rest of this text finished for you so that you can check your work. Um, and then we're gonna do that one more time before moving on to the song, and then you will be at least mostly ready to go Is far splitting up texts so that you feel comfortable practicing this on your own. Thanks. And I'll see you soon
19. Syllable breakdown practice: hes didn't sue in the last video we were practicing, breaking down the text into syllables. And I gave you the first sentence and kind of practiced along with you how to put in that symbol for connecting two vowels in between words and then also the s is with the Vallat, the next word. So now if you have done this, go ahead and check your work. I have the answers right here. So we did the first sentence together, so that was up to me. Now it's Main Canton food borne E Barloon, Sister. And I'm gonna go through all of these syllables just to teach you what this looks like and how I'm mixing together language and again, this, like this skill isn't necessarily like I'm not looking for your perfection on this, But if you can get a good grasp on this idea of breaking down taxed at least into smaller parts before you move on to a song, it's going to serve you so well for practicing this and you can look up different. Resource is online for how to practice, you know, breaking up syllables. And I mean we've again, we've gone through that that tool where it can break up different words into syllables on its own. Um, however, this is for your practice, and I'm gonna keep keep going through this as if it was a regular course. Huh? So we're gonna move through this pretty fairly quickly. Not like a normal linguistics class. Would eso We've done the first sentence. That was bebe. When Bebe When lo se star Those su NNI, though. See here, you know, they seared less all goo namasco sauce. Ah, cell car. They me. Now, part of the reason that I want to do this is not even. I mean, the biggest reason is to actually start mixing together language and words together. Okay, that the whole purpose of sending fluent and understanding fluent language and conversation is to be able to mixed sounds together. And that's what this The majority of the goal of this is, however, another big and practical thing for breaking down the reasons behind breaking down test in two syllables is it actually forces you to slow down and take the language into smaller bits and pieces. For me, it's not as big of a deal just because I can read this offer really fast. And it's just normal for me off practice to reading in Spanish Quite a bit, but you haven't. This is a fantastic tool to slow down and practice out loud. That's another tool that I highly recommend once you have these good habits, Once you have this foundation, start reading. Start reading the newspaper, start reading articles, start reading books like Kidsbooks. Whatever it might be to start practicing these sounds out loud and again, you can send me recordings with audio and then the test with its that I know what you're going off of and I love to give you feedback. I'm gonna explain this, So we're going to move on to the second sentence. So up here is the normal text que the normal text says may encanta el football Lebanon, Sesto and I broke that down. So Ming con eso notice here how there's to ease right next to each other If there's to ease if there's the same sound in between two different words, it's almost like that, like one of the ease is disappearing. So we're What I did was I actually just made this Ming into one syllable with the end right there as well, because to ease right next to each other. Just it makes it one sound when you're speaking really fast, right? You wouldn't say may in Konta who may encanta, may encanta. So you gonna mix those two You two together. So that's what this turned out to be. Ming Ming. So go ahead and say Ming Ming ming ton duh and then notice here the line underneath that's connecting two vowels, one at the end of the word. So vow at the end of the word connected to the vow at the next word so men can tell tile I'll So that's the sun that you're making. Men can tile. I mean, come tile in the next cell wall. Food, foot, ball e. I could have made it Lee. So foot board, Lee, but I think in this sentence it's better to have a little bit of a space in between football E balance, Sesto Justo kind of emphasized. That's kind of like the rhythm of Spanish. I'm getting into kind of the rhythm of Spanish, and I think it's better to have e as one syllable right here. Next one is bar loan say store. All right. The next sentence outta I would a sentence, and then we'll go up to hear the longer sentence. Okay, First is outer Oprah thing. Go clock says part D coup lard iss. Now notice here again, I'm I did it again with the two sounds that are right next to each other. One at the end of one word. So they asked sound and then the s sound At the beginning of the next word, it just turns into one. So I wouldn't say particle artists sober day I would say particularize sobre particularize sobre so I didn't actually say to s sounds. I just said one because we're gonna mix them together. So that's the That's the sound that we're gonna make. So look right here. Party. Cool lard ace. And then I go right to that. Oh, I go skip over that second asean and go right to the oh so party cool, Artis Obey spine, and then I do it just again. Right? Here's with the to ease A and s. We're gonna make mix that under one. So so Bre Spahn Spa Your bye. See Cole e so again years It's by itself, Ming. So it's the same as main countable from a four main con die. So I mean, it's put here, So I'm putting together two vowels, Okay, so men can tie you guard so its main can't ayudar again. This is kind of the, um the rhythm of Spanish. Okay, so this is the emphasis and how you speak it out. May encanta notice here. So first step is to notice that there's two A's won at the end and then one at the beginning of the next word. So therefore, we're gonna put them into one sound we're not going to say to a sounds were going to say one a sound. So Ming con dos, we only see one a plus. There's a vowel sound e i u u that Why sound is e Okay, so I you So I'm just gonna put I just put the why sound to their to split it up correctly. It might not be exactly correct. I might not even be exactly correct. But I think that's the best way to speak it out So main can die, you dart. How did us some putting in? Ah, with the all right here and I didn't put it Thea symbol below. So I could probably do that. I just forgot. But it's the same same deal. I'm just gonna make a space so that it's it's clear. Okay. But, um yeah, you can definitely put that in between because there's technically two different words. But you speaking right next to each other, So I mean men, can't I? You dart out for us. So out truss out. Trust is not a otras it's out for us. How did I and then we have an S O s? And then a vowel right here. How did I sin? So I put it as saying, You say knell, nail. That's another rule. But I'm not gonna go through that se otras in Nell Pro se. So there, there. Okay, dip long right there. Put the symbol right below. They are, Bren. There e the o mass mass be door Get Ah, See us board Dole Martin s day cord So and that's those air. Pretty much individual words split up by themselves. There's not no special rules, so thanks for watching. Go ahead and practice this on your own. Try making this this final results on your own so that you can practice this with other texts as well. If you have, If you want to. Me to check yours text. Maybe you chose a different text from Ronald Spike. Or maybe you have a different song that you're practicing. Go ahead and send me those to my email. It's marks tutoring one. Go ahead and write it out here Marks tutoring one at gmail dot com. Just send me the real text and then send me the broken up taxed from my p a type of dot com , and I'd be glad toe check your work, give you my suggestions and hopefully give you some advice on how to go about it. Thanks for watching it, and I will see you soon.
20. Syllable divider: What's up? Spanish students in this video, I want to give you a quick tip as to how to practice syllable breakdown on your own. This website gives you a good tool for being able to split up words into syllables, individual words into syllables so you can type in any Spanish word. And what it will do is it will divide the word into a syllable, and it will also give you the emphasis of the word. So every word in Spanish and in English has an emphasis, right? Sometimes Spanish has a written emphasis, which is called an accent mark. But every word has an emphasis, right? So, for example, I'll I like to use the example for computer. We say computer with an accent or an emphasis over the you. We don't say computer or computer. We say computer the accent or the emphasis is over the U. The accent over casa or the emphasis is over car. So it's not Cassa. No, it's Cassa Gaza. So that's the reason why the breakdown, different words into different um, in different ways. But type in any Spanish word with its accents over here, and it will break down the word into correct syllables that you ca NBI sure that you're pregnant. You're splitting all of these syllables up correctly as you're breaking down text into syllables. Thanks for watching. By this point, you should know, or at least have practiced a little bit as to how toe breakdown Spanish words into syllables and phrases into syllables on your own. But this is a good tool, the practice, and to kind of check your work. Thanks, and I'll see in the next video.
21. Audacity: a Spanish students. By this point, we already know how to break down text into syllables. And so why that's important is that Ah, song has lyrics and lyrics are taxed, right? So any lyrics or text that you have with an audio is extremely valuable to actually break down the syllables so that you know how to mash the language together into riel, Spanish. That's the whole point of this course. And the reason why I teach is I want to teach people riel spoken and listened Spanish. So that's the reason why we're doing this in a really good tool to self study, whether it's with a song or just any audio that you have with a taxed is to use audacity. So if you haven't heard of audacity, it's it's just it's Ah, you can basically edit audio on audacity, and it's a free download, which is really nice. So what you're gonna do is right now, go ahead and click a new tab and go into Google or any other search engine and type in audacity. Download free or free download, and something like this should show up either like the audacity website or something like that already have it. But I just want to show you what it looks like in case you don't have it. Okay? So somehow, either like the main page or something like this will show up. I'm just going to click, go to download, and then their website will pop up. So depending on whether you have, like, a Mac or a Windows, I have a windows, so I would have clicked this. But if you have a Mac, go ahead and click this download and follow the directions, or you're gonna get, like, a little download button down here at the bottom, right? Or maybe at the top, click that button and then followed directions to download audacity. Eso. Right now, what I'm gonna do is actually go through audacity with you. And what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna pause here. So now we have audacity. Open some to go ahead and scroll this up. Okay, so you can see audacity, okay? And what we're gonna do right now is start with a song. So what we're gonna do is I've got a song. I'm practicing this posse. Talk by it has, like Justin Bieber and and whatever It's kind of like the hip song of the sun summer or whatever. Um, you can choose any song. And for some reason, I'm not finding in on my desktop right now, so I'm just going to pick a different song. Okay, What you're gonna do is go ahead and buy any song, whether it's this song for this course or any other son that you wanna practice or any other audio that you want to practice. I've gotten this. So I got this song. It's called Beautiful Surrender. Great band. Um, and I got the song if iTunes, I saved it onto my desktop. So that's this right here. It's in a quick time file. Um, and then you're gonna go ahead and click and drag that right into audacity, and then you're going to see a wave length, though we'll see that pop up in a second here. Okay, so you see a way of life here. I'm gonna go full screen right now. Um, we see this audio, and we can do a bunch of different things with it, and you can you can scroll in to kind of see it closer. Um, but for right now, I'm gonna show you how to do is slow down the audio, and so I'm gonna go ahead and click the play button, which is just the space bar. This is very it looks very confusing. I get that, and for a lot of people, this might be really overwhelming. But there's really only a couple buttons that you need to know what the use, and I just want to show you how to use those. So for the purpose of this lesson, go ahead and click the play button and you will start to hear your audio so I can hear the audio right now and you start to hear the music. Whatever it's, it's just the regular doubt. It's just the regular MP three file, right? It's It's just the sound of the same song, however, when you're splitting up syllables. Sometimes when songs are sung, it's hard to hear exactly what singer's air saying, even in English, right? Sometimes we can't understand what singers air saying, and obviously that's gonna happen in Spanish, especially when you don't know the language. So a really good way to kind of start breaking down the syllables and seeing okay where Maybe a singer like skips a syllable and like, doesn't say something. Or why does she or he add this here in a really good way? To do that is to slow the audio down. So that's the purpose of this lesson is to see how to slow audio down. So as we can see, this is the normal speed of the summits. The normal tempo. So you can go ahead and click play the space bar. Um, and here the normal speed of the sound. And then the second button that we want to learn is on the effect tabs to go and click the effect tab up here, you scroll all the way down and change tempo. So change tempo from here. You're gonna click this bar from the middle to the left in order to slow it down. I usually go like minus 10 to minus 20. Otherwise, if you go slower than that, it usually is like pretty Pixley. It doesn't sound as clear. Um, 15 is usually okay though, So you gonna go ahead and click, OK? And from there you can actually see the wave length of the song get longer because it got longer, right? So, um, the everything is slower there for those love. This song is longer. So now we're gonna click play. It's just a little bit slower. It goes a little bit slower, Um, and from there you can start to pick up. Okay, Like read along with the song and it's easier to read along with the song that goes slower , right? And it's a really good way to practice your song once you have all of the syllables broken down and the tax to right next to each other. Then you can listen to the slow version of the song and actually practice the slow version of the song, which is what I do with, like my Spanish practice when I'm practicing pronunciation of maybe like a fun song like Esposito. Um, that's a really good way to practice the real time, and it is still the same audio. It's just slowed down a bit, so just as a review, click effect click change tempo, squirrel it to the left to minus 15 and then click OK, if you're not able to click these buttons appear, it's probable. Be because you're you're not paused. So right now, I'm, I'm paused. However, if you're playing the audio, you won't be able to change anything. That's why these air great out to make sure your paused before you. You change anything? Um, I think that's it for audacity. Let me know if you have any questions, whether it's like downloading it or how to change the tempo or if you want to learn how to do something else. I'm not extremely advanced with this. Not just use a few of these key features in order to practice pronunciation. So let me know if you have any other questions that I would be glad to do my best to help you. Um, I look forward to seeing you in the next lesson, continuing to practice, um, kind of these main pieces in order to learn a song. I'm excited for you
22. Hey, Spanish students in this lesson, we're gonna be talking about a different way to practice Spanish pronunciation. So if you're mostly just interested in the practicing with songs because songs air obviously awesome to practice with, then you can just go ahead and skip this video lesson. But for those of you that want to learn a different way, a different route to learning pronunciation, this is a tool that I use all the time with my students. And it is a fantastic way to get different dialects and different things. Um, all within a community that's online for free. Mostly eso on here. I have, um, a website called rhino spike dot com. So you can see that at the top here, Rhino. So R h I n o Spike s p i k e dot com And you're just going to click on that and come here. Okay, so obviously, you're gonna You're gonna have to sign up its again. A fair, fairly easy sign up. Might have toe confirm it in your email, but I'm gonna start off with this log in high, so I'm gonna go ahead and click log in to show you how to use this. Now, the good thing I like about this tool is that it is e think. Let's see why Morgan here I got the good thing about this site is that there is a bunch of audio and text that's already downloaded into this. Okay, so the whole point of pronunciation is to be able to have the text and the audio so that you can compare. Okay. What? How? You know when When he says this or she says this. Why is it spelled like this? And you're comparing contacts. That's why I like subtitles Air so good for when you're you're practicing, these things gain. It's the same thing with the sun. All right, so for me, I've got a few different, um Ah. Few different good paragraphs or texts that I like to practice with, So I'm gonna Let's see if I can remember. Mi familia is a good one. It's a good It's a good way to practice kind of shorter phrases. So I usually go for the shorter ones, like 72 words. It has one recording, and it's good to practice Spanish language that you know you're gonna use so like this one is talking about like I'm my name is upsets in English. That's not what the one I wanted. So let's go ahead and find the rial one that I wanted. So I'm the type in a different one that I usually use Soy. They just means I am from Okay, So this one is someone from Spain, the north of Spain, and she goes through a bunch of these different introduction phrases, which is really useful, right, You're you're kind of practicing these pronunciation things, But also, once you get into the grammar into the vocabulary of the language, you're gonna have already seen some of these words. That's why this could be a really good and efficient tool, in my opinion. But what you're going to do with Rano Spike is you're going to you can down the first of all, you can download this audio. Okay, so I'm gonna go ahead and click play pause right here just so that you can see what that looks like. It's gonna play. The audio does. They're gonna read along with this text, so it should be reading along right now. And let's just say I really like it. You concert for whatever one you like. Um, this is a good one to start off with. And if you want to practice, and then this is a great way to do that. So I'm gonna click download. It's gonna do the exact same things. You're gonna download the MP three. It's just like the song, okay? Except it's free. It's a free download, shows up in your downloads and then confined that later. But for right now, I'm just going to show you and kind of give you an introduction to the website. Um, a rhino spike is also a really cool community that if you have a tax, for example, if you have like up my I've got a few students that love poems or different excerpts or whatever that you want actually spoken in Spanish or any other language, you can find a Spanish speaker that is willing to record for you. And obviously it's a given take community. So either you're paying for someone to do that, or you're also giving, um, English to people. Right? And so you start off with three credits. I've got zero just because I've downloaded three different um texts and audios before, but you'll start off with three free credits, but you can also buy credits, and it's pretty pretty cheap. So what you're gonna do is once you once you have this case, once you have this download, you're gonna you're gonna practice mimicking this. So the first step with Rhino Spike is I would highly recommend any student to listen to the text multiple times, just like we're doing with the song. Okay, so you'll see that in future lessons. What we're gonna do with the song to kind of prepare is toe, actually, just listen to it Follow along, kind of read along with the audio so you can start to see like Oh, yeah, she doesn't see the h sound right there when there's an H or Oh, there's the I'm gonna highlight it. Oh, the softer d She doesn't say duh. She says that which is ah, like a soft D, which is what we practice than the sounds portion of this course. And you're going to start to pick up on riel Spanish, which is what you want to do. So that's the first step is to just listen to the the Spanish. Okay, second step Could be You could actually put it in into audacity, which is exactly what we did before. And you can make the text slower if you skipped audacity. Lesson. I highly recommend you go back and review that so that you can slow down audio into small chunks so that you can actually split up the syllables and practice. In that way, the third step will be to actually mimic the speaker, and this is extremely important to not only get the sounds of the language right. So, like I slide set in the previous lesson, you can have all of the sounds correct. But if you don't have rhythm and tone than the language, just sounds like this, right, it's not. That's not really English, because, yeah, I mean, I got all of the sounds right in all of those words. But if I'm not saying it with good rhythm and good tone, then there's like it's not really Spanish, and that's what we want to practice. So when you're listening to this multiple times, you're actually picking up on the rhythm and then the tone as well. And also the accents. Um, every word in Spanish has an accent. Same in statements in English, right? For example, we don't say Come, come Pewter. We say computer, we have the accent on the U and sometimes Spanish has a written accent, and sometimes it doesn't. But every word has an emphasis. And you can start to pick that up as you listen to Spanish more. So that would be. Step three is to just mimic mimic mimics. So just practice these sounds practice breaking up the syllables. And I can't stress this enough. Do not rush into the process. You need to slow down. Just listen to it first. Did don't even try to pronounce things right away. Just listen to it first. Then break down every syllable. Select. For example, this first line would be all LA May Yeah, mo uh, Les Hon Doe and split up every syllable and make sure you can speak the syllables correctly before you move forward into the mimicking part of of practicing this audio. And then once you have all of the syllables spoken out and you have the slower version available to you on audacity, Or maybe you don't want to use audacity and that's fun, then you concert to mimic the audio. Once you mimic the audio a good resource for used to send your submissions into me. So do the exact same thing is we were doing before with the exercises you can send me as long as it's a minute or below, and you send it with with a name like Rhino Spike recording. I'm glad I'm more than happy to help you out and to give you feedback with how to pronounce each of these sounds correctly. And I'm gonna give you maybe not every single mistake that you making but a few maybe consistent mistakes that I see in in here that you can improve on right away, which is gonna be really valuable feedback for you. So that is Rhino. Spike, you can search appear. The search bar is up here, and you can kind of, um, you know, browse through the different audios that are given by people, and they also should have the tax rate red in there as well. Um, but in general, it's a good community to practice your pronunciation with, and you can even put this into an inky app card. If you wanted to practice that in a different in a different way. I've never actually done that. But that might be a good idea in the future. Um, yes. Thanks for watching. I look forward to continuing to practice songs, and we'll get back into that.
23. other resources: all right, As we're starting to wrap up this course I want to finally give you Ah, few of my favorite resource is for learning Spanish on your own. Um, specifically, once you have your base, these air really good resource is because you can actually pick up on a lot just using cognitive. It's and then it helps you along the way. Once you're kind of learning vocabulary on your own and different things like that, you can start to pick up on these things, especially if you want, like, rewatch things. I think that's a really good strategy. So the 1st 1 that I love that I want to talk about is called Extra, and you can get all of the episodes on YouTube. And it's pretty much a cheap version of friends. And it's like 13 somewhere in the teens, mid teens like 15 episodes. I believe it's based in Barcelona, so you're gonna learn a little bit of culture as well, which I love, and also you're going to be listening to really slow Spanish. They speak Spain, Spanish extremely slowly, and you can also on YouTube get the, um, the Spanish subtitles. And if you're ever gonna watch a Spanish TV show? I highly, In fact, I would almost require I do with this with my high school students as well. Um, I almost would say you need tohave Spanish, some titles so that you can actually hear what's going on. But then also put words to that toe what you're hearing and it helps you with your listening skills because the more that you can connect sounds to spelling the better off you're gonna be in the the fast. We're gonna pick up on Spanish listening, which is probably one of the hardest parts of conversational Spanish, especially with a native speaker. All right, Number two will be Oya blah most dot com. This is again another one where two Spaniards are talking about Spanish news and it's all meant for Spanish learners. So they actually teach Spanish, I think, in the States or somewhere English speaking. And so they made this podcast specifically for you, someone that's learning Spanish so they do it very, very slowly. However, it is like native Spanish, so they're not like holding back. They're not using simpler terms. They're just saying everything slowly for you, and they have the they have these podcasts. You'll go to this website oia la most dot com, and it's a podcast to click on Podcast, and they've got a bunch of different um episodes, and I believe they come out with five different episodes every week. So it's very consistent. And it's something that you could listen to if you wanted to make that your morning routine . Maybe if you're a little bit more advanced, so that would be number two. Number three is a song that I literally love by Marc Anthony. It's called Viva la Vida. And again, it's one of those where it's really slow, and you can also learn some pretty good vocabulary and a really basic future tense grammar point in in that I use this son with my Spanish one students, and it's a fun one. Marc Anthony. He does. Yeah, it's it's a great song, and you could easily put it in. If you want to even make it slower, put it into audacity like we have before in this course. All right, Number four would be almost Ah, a mandatory one. Um, I would say word reference dot com is the best dictionary. Spanish to English dictionary out there just because it gives you, Um I think the most kind of, um how do I say it? It gives, like the best translations of different words, and it gets also gives other options. So it's not going to just be one translation. Where is, like Spanish dictionary or some of these other ones just give you one definition, and sometimes it's not right. So I think word references the best. They also have a congregate. Er, um, function on there when you can just type in an infinitive verb, and it gives you the congregations all all less it out for you. Obviously, you're not gonna be worried too much about all of the congregations. But as you start to move into basic grammar, that would be a really good tool for you and then number five. Once you can get to talking once you condone, use the conversational Spanish phrases that we've learned in this course and start to show those off with a native speaker. Go to the to the website I talkie dot com, and it's basically ah, community of people. You can either pay for it. It's really, really cheap It's like $10 an hour on average, and basically what it is is you can either pay for a tutor toe, help you with Spanish. Or you can find someone that's interested in learning English that would also be willing to teach you Spanish or just have basic conversation. I think it's an awesome tool. It might take a little bit of time for you to find someone that is really consistent and, you know, works well with you. I know. Be careful on websites like that. Obviously, Um so, yeah, these are my five. Probably might. That I really like is called coffee Break Spanish. You can go ahead and look that up. They go through. If you want to start from the beginning, I'm not sure if they've changed it off. I've I listened to it a long time ago, like even before my Guatemala trip, and, um, they just do what they do. A good job of doing a mix of all Spanish and then going back to English and describing what happened in Spanish and kind of its story based. So it's kind of Ah, fun, fun podcast in that way. Other than that, I've I'm sure I have a ton of other resource is but these air kind of the top ones that I would say if I had to leave you with anything, these would be the ones. But please let me know if you have any other like questions. Or maybe you have another resource that has been really Go ahead and let me know about those. And I would be glad to to know, um, other than that, Yeah. Thanks for watching. Hopefully this was helpful. Hopefully you can use some of these. Resource is and I will see in the next video.
24. The Whole Process: Hey, guys, in this video, I just want to do a quick overview of everything we've done for the song. By right now, you should know at least the basics for how to pull a song together and be able to practice it on your own so that you can practice Spanish in an immersion style all by yourself. I've done the process for you. And now I just want to go through the whole process again with you, so that you feel extra comfortable with this process of practicing Spanish with songs. So we're gonna go ahead and start here. I've got all my tabs up here. So as you can see up top, I'm giving you my full screen. Just to that you condone Look into exactly what I'm doing and how I'm going about this process. Now. Obviously, when I'm practicing, I'm not gonna have all of these tabs open. But for the sake of getting it all set up so that you know how to navigate things and kind of as a review, I want to go through everything at the same time. So number one most important thing in this course is to be able to practice the sounds efficiently. So I'm gonna go ahead and first get to the Spanish sounds. OK, so we know that whenever there's a bracket around a symbol we know that is a sound is the symbol for a sound and a lot of Spanish sounds are very easy. Okay, so we see, like the p sound. The, uh uh Okay, So that's that's easy that we already know how to do that. And we don't need to practice that, however, sounds like the tea and the D and these s sound in certain contexts. And the R sounds in certain contexts are completely different than English and also the but you and Gus sound that are softer. There's a bunch of them in Spanish that you need to practice in contacts. And so that's partly why we're doing this. And so before you can move on to this song, you have to be able to know how to say individual words by themselves correctly, so that you can move on to a song that has a bunch of phrases that speaking really fast. Obviously that's a harder level. So you want to get this down first, so go through all the sounds. Re watch my video with how to pronounce all of these sounds, send in recordings and get feedback from me or whether it's for me or another since Spanish speaker. All right. The second part would be to learn the pronunciation continent vowel chart. So this is taking all of those sounds and combining them with vowels. And I call this the building blocks of language because it's a lot of these air just like syllables, right? So once you know these, it's kind of like learning all of the exceptions for the spelling and how to pronounce everything in context. So if you know how to pronounce that these correctly, then you know how to pronounce every word in Spanish correctly, and that's really important. So that's our first goal, right? So learn these. Listen to my video rewatch. It may be a good way to do. It would be toe, um, have my either my YouTube video open or this video open in this course, um, in the car, for example. And just repeat after me and keep going with these with this practice, all right? The second step will be to practice splitting up the text into syllables. So I'm gonna go ahead and show you hear what that looks like. First, you're gonna go ahead and go to this website so that you can type in that special symbol right here to be able to connect vowels and also s and vowel. OK, so I've practiced this with you a little bit, but obviously you're gonna want to get your text first. So let me back up a little bit and show you the lyrics for the song on, hm Endo, the website where you can get songs or most songs in general out there that you want to practice. They have the the text or the odds are the lyrics there for you. So you can go ahead and copy and paste that into a document like I have here, all of them, and then split it up into syllables, as I have right here. Um, obviously, I'm not gonna go through that whole process of splitting up syllables, but split up the syllables so that you know exactly how to pronounce every single phrase case. The point of this is not necessarily so that you know how to pronounce every uh, pronounce every syllable which you're doing in the continent Vowel chart up here, but it's actually in order to be able. If you're doing this in order to mix the syllables together correctly and you're gonna use and Metrodome in order to do that s o first, get a text with an audio, obviously, and then next part of that same step is to split up that text into syllables. You're gonna use this tool i p a dot type it dot org's and then you're gonna click full, and it will come up to hear any type in whatever you want and click your click your tools and you'll go ahead and do that and you'll have your tax to foist split up into syllables. All right, The next step will be to pronounce everything correctly and extremely slow at the beginning . OK, so I have the text split up here, and what I'm gonna do is I'm just gonna split up every single syllable and be able to pronounce it correctly. Now this is huge because in order to be able to mix everything together, you need to be able to say everything one at a time. And in order to do this efficiently, you need to be able to check yourself and have feedback for itself. That's why I'm here. That's why I made this course is to be able to show you that direction and be able to give you that personal feedback. If it's not me, then ask a different native Spanish speaker or another fluent Spanish speaker so that you can check to make sure that you're saying all of these correctly, the more that you practice incorrectly. Okay, you're gonna make mistakes, and that's okay. But it's having that feedback that's really important. So if you continue to practice incorrectly, then these that habit is going to stick with you, and it's gonna be harder to dig up later on. So please have good habits. I beg you. All right, so pronounce everything correctly, start really slow, and then move too fast. And a clue that I gave you guys is to actually use a Metrodome. One thing that I found really useful with my students is to be able to use that Metrodome, um, on your phone so you can download it. Ah, from whatever app store that you have mind my app is called a pro Metrodome. I'm sure there's other ones, but go ahead and find that that application for either your phone or computer And it just sounds something like this. So this is 100 beats per minute and I'm gonna turn up the volume here, landing on every beat on every beat. I'm gonna say one syllable. Now, the hardest part of this is being with a mixed syllables together that are in between words all within one beat. Go ahead and practice that, but make sure you practice it very slowly. So maybe you take it at 50 beats per minute. I know that's extremely slow, but it's really good to start slow, have good habits and then work your way up from there so that you can have that progression . Okay, so then once you're able toe, maybe get to about, like, 200 beats per minute, Then after you've double checked your pronunciation so that it's all good, then you're gonna want to slow down your audio. And this is what we use the tool called audacity. It's a free download, and it allows you to slow down the audio into end. Be able to split it up into smaller parts. I split up our song together into smaller ports for you, but I'll show you here. How did split up text into smaller ports so that you can study them individually like we did in this course. If you're interested in that s I'm gonna go ahead and click done here on audacity and right here is where we have audacity. So there's a lot of buttons. It's very overwhelming. You really only have two or three buttons to remember here in order to do what we want to dio. So I'm gonna go ahead and minimize my last window and what you can see. Here it is again, a lot of buttons, um, and a blank screen kiss. This is kind of like a new project. What you're going to do is go ahead and take your MP three file that you saved, Whether it's on your desktop or wherever it is in your computer. Go ahead and click and drag that onto your desktop and then click it into your audacity projects not importing the MP three. And now you can see the wave length of the song. So I'm gonna go ahead and just click place. So you just click anywhere on the on the page and then you click play. So I collect the space bar, and there it started playing the song. You can click the volume up and down whatever. So no, it's playing and it's at normal speed, right? So go ahead and pause it again goes back to where I started. Now we want to slow down this audio in order to practice it better, right? It's really hard to practice this Spanish native native Spanish when it's extremely fast, so we're going to slow it down. You can do this with any tax, whether it's from Rhino, Spike or for Bo or wherever. Whatever audio that you have in an MP three file, you can slow down in audacity, which is really cool. So you're gonna go ahead and double click on the on the audio, and then you're gonna click up here on effect. It will have a menu below. Go ahead and click on the change tempo tab, and then from here you can play around with how slow you want. I usually go with minus 15 just because it if you go to slow. It sounds really choppy and not really so negative. 15 is usually a good way to go. Eso then it'll load that And the wavelength just got a little bit longer, which just means everything went slower. Obviously eso Now we'll listen to it and it sounds a little bit slower and you can see the bar moving a little bit slower than it was before, least within that song. Within that scale, I see you know how to slow down the song and make changes to a syllables. You've broken down the song into syllables, and now you want to be able to cut the song into, um, into little bits and pieces. I think practicing parts of the song is the best. Usually, I would I just do is kind of, um, go back and just click play again instead of cutting up the song. But it might be a good strategy for you if you're just Maybe you're just really focusing in on one part of the song. So I want to show you how toe cut the audio so you're gonna go ahead and click the edit button and click clip boundaries and then click split on wherever you want to do it. So wherever that might be. Okay, so I'm right here. You click on wherever you want to go to you figure out where that maybe line is in the song . You stop it, go ahead and click Edit, click, click, clip, boundary split. And then there's a line there. And then you can go ahead and click that audio and click file just like we were exporting the audio. But now this time you're gonna Chloe and click Export Selected audio, you know, tell you to save. I'm not gonna save it right now just because I already have it. But you'll click Save. You know that part of the song will be on your desktop. However, if you want to Just to get the whole song in slow version, go ahead and click everything. So I'm gonna go ahead and undo the splits. Yes, I know It's just a normal song. I can highlight the whole song. I'm gonna get this onto my phone or wherever you want to put it. But first you have to save it. So click export audio. Save it to your desktop or wherever you want to name it and then save it. All right, so that's next step. You know how to slow down the audio in order to practice it more efficiently. Now you're gonna want to continually speed that song up in order to get to normal speed. So your goal right now is to be able to practice this perfectly at minus 15 or minus 20 maybe. Okay. And then eventually, once you have these syllables broken up, you're practicing them with the Metrodome. You've practiced them at negative 15 and you've perfected it at night of 15 then moved to minus 10 then moved to minus five and then get to zero so that you're back to normal for that part of the song. And that is the process for how to learn a song. Now, obviously, we've gone through a lot of different tools for learning the language such as rhino spikes . If it's for voters such as Anke on those air, just examples. But the is faras the meat of this course, this is it and really getting first, getting that foundation and then be able to use that foundation in the context of a song Hopefully, this was helpful. Let me know if you have questions. Go ahead and comment. Um and I would love to help you out in the process. Thanks for watching. And I'll see in the nice video.
25. I sang the Song... how embarrassing: all right in this video, I just wanted to give you guys a quick insider. Look into what it looked like for me to practice the song on my own. In just a couple of seconds here, you're gonna listen to me and my unfortunately bad voice sing this song to you as a kind of proof that I had to practice it on my own even before I started making this course. I have practiced this some. Now, obviously, you just see the final results in just a snippet of what that looked like for me. But I do want to show you that I had to practice it on my own as well. So be encouraged if you're not perfect at it right away. If you still the practice, really the basics and the fundamentals first. That's awesome. Keep going with that and then you will get to the song. You will get to this kind of conversational, fluent speaking. So here I am, kiddo, They see you day singing Guna pain. I can't mankind dice Morning care of conta que maybe playing Ben in us a lot. Go away A weapon in my So there's just a little bit of my poor voice. Hopefully, you can see that, Yeah, it was a process even for me, someone that has learned plenty of Spanish songs. I have practiced the language for years, and it's still with a process for me to go through and listen to break down the syllables, etcetera, etcetera, just like what you're doing. So just know that, especially when you're doing this for the first time, whether it's breaking on the syllables, doing Yankee app during whatever tools that we're doing using right now, the first time you use it is gonna be a lot slower and a lot more clunky. Then maybe it's someone that's been doing it for a little bit. But keep going with that. Make sure that you know that you're in the process right now. Thanks for watching, and I'll see you in the next video
26. Jamendo: hes better students. Thanks for watching this video, and I'm excited to talk about this topic just because I really get excited about empowering students to learn on their own. So in this course, obviously you'll be learning a song with me. And I actually got my song from this website, and that's why I want to talk through this website with you just because there's actually free downloads of Spanish thumbs in this website, and obviously they're not as well known. Um, and you can also use things like Spotify. But if you wanna have a downloaded sung onto your phone for free just for your personal use , I had to buy the rights to my song just because I'm using it for this course. However, for you you can go on to this website and just use it for personal use, and it's completely free. It's complete, completely legal. Whenever you download, they still give on a portion of that kind of the rights in the money to that artist, so it's still helping the artist, which is really good. However, the library isn't as large is let's say, like an iTunes or a Spotify, so you're gonna go ahead and go type in into your, um, type into the search bar here. Hm. Endo. Hm. Endo, who took on this is a Spanish website. So as you can see, it's all in Spanish, which is why I think it's necessary to talk through it. And what we're gonna do is talk through how to find a song and how to download it so that you can have it on your own. So when you get here, OK, so it's home. Endo dot com j a m e n d o dot com Once you get here, you're gonna go ahead and click and paste art. It just means start. And what we're gonna do is just find the gender genre that we want. So it's lows head. NATO said. That's kind of Ah, cognitive, right? You can again. You're seeing the importance of cognitive here explored art. Rather your selects Eunice playlists for burritos. There's a lot of cognitive, so that's just a review of previous lessons, and what you're gonna do is go ahead and click Total Slows headed head NATO's, which is right here, and it will come down and you'll find the Latino option So go ahead and click that. And then there's all of these Spanish songs for you and you can click Moss, which just means more down here. And then Piece does just means tracks. So it just means songs so you can find certain songs you can find certain albums or certain artists, etcetera, etcetera. If you're looking for a specific thing. What I was doing is I was just trying to find a song that was a good pace for this level of , you know, a song is something that's catchy and also, um, had the lyrics with it. So a lot of times with these songs, you can actually find the lyrics with it, which is really nice so that you don't have to actually like, Spell it out, Um, and you can click on any of these. So like, for example, if you want to just your this one. Birthday by Lord by Charles TNK Charlie TNK Okay, so go ahead and just click that button. And once you find a song that you like, so it's gonna play. Okay, so it's playing right now, as we can see below when I click post ARD pause and If you like that song, go ahead and click. Discard, guys, this down arrow this card guys to download and you're gonna click this red button over here . That's just the free use. So you can use it privately on just John your own. So you're just gonna have it on the air, like on your phone. You're not gonna change it, things like that and you get it for free. So you go ahead and click that it will show up down here in your downloads. And there you have it. You can just pull that right onto your desktop or wherever you want to save it. And then you've got a free MP three, which is pretty sweet. And then after also clicking on that song, you can, um, find the lyrics different things like that. Um, let me know if you have any questions about this website or if you want any other website recommendations. And I would be happy to help. Thanks for watching. And I look forward to seeing you soon
27. e-learning: Hey, guys, this is another video just highlighting a different resource that I really like. It was, Ah, the resource that I actually have recently learned about from one of my students, who during the vocabulary stage I teach in three different sections. The first is pronunciation. This is what you're getting in this course, plus a little bit more. And then there's the vocabulary stage. So for those of you who feel very confident with the vote with the pronunciation and you feel like you have aced this course you've sent me in recordings, you've gotten really good feedback from me. And things seem to be going well with pronunciation and you have your base for the language , then a really good resource for practicing vocabulary, while kind of using that pronunciation and keeping to reinforce that pronunciation would be for vote dot com. And we had to use this before for finding phrase it or I'm sorry words MP threes of different words. And so, like, you see here you just search for the word, and then you put it into your Yankee apt practice pronunciation. However, we're gonna go ahead and click up here to the top right on the E learning button. When you go into for bo dot com, you have to log in. I believe I'm logged in. They will take just a quick second for your email and then a password once he logged in. Then you should have this e learning button available. So go ahead and click that and you'll see that there were in the beginner level on. And then there's intermediate advanced and then different topics, but within each kind of level. Celek beginner Number one Beginner Number two There's a list of cards that have everything ready for you, so I personally am in the belief that it is the best quality for you to make your own flashcards. However, if there's anyone that doesn't have time to make flashcards, let's just say you have eight hours in a flight next week and you just want to speak with study carts. Um, that this is a good option for you. It's kind of like last minute Hey, let's increase vocabulary and it's all right there. We've got the audio so that we can keep practicing pronunciation, so I'm just gonna code and click on Prince CPM thin number one, which just means beginner number of one. And then what you're gonna dio is it gives you flash cards. So this gives you the word in Spanish first, and then it gives you the definition again. I'm not in the belief that it's good to have translation cards. So, like English to Spanish binged English. That's usually what you get in school. And I don't think that that, you know, I don't think that's good for long term memory, But I think I mean, I think there is some value to it. And since they're already made, I think they're decent flashcards. But I think the best thing is that you can hear the person speaking. So that's the biggest thing is, are you be Are you able to say it correctly? So you're gonna go ahead and click on this button right here and you'll be able to hear what they say. So right now we can cause the audio is turned off, but I'm gonna go ahead. Yeah, the audio's turned off right now, so I'm just gonna leave that there. But you would click on that and you can hear a native speaker speaking that word then obviously, once you once you go over the flash card, you If you didn't get it, you click fail. If you hesitated, you click hard. And if you got it, you cook Good. I stay away from saying easy just because this is an SRS system and when you say easy, it just means that it's never come and come back to this word, or it's rarely gonna come back to this world. We still want to see it, but just not as much. So I think good is the best. Then it goes to the next. So I co star say just means to lie down okay? Or bedtime to to go to sleep. So there is another, um, resource for you guys. Once you are kind of phasing out of this pronunciation stage, let me know if you have any questions or are wondering about any other resource is that might be helpful for you
28. Section 2 review: all right. As we finish up or are close to finishing up section to hear, I want to be able to give you a checklist on all of the things that you should be able to do after this section again. You have lifelong access to this course, so feel free to go back and please do go back to different videos. I think that's the best way to learn this stuff is popular. Repeat. Um, obviously learning a language. You just need repetition. So that's what I would say. Um Number one. You should be able to break down text into syllables with high accuracy, and you can go ahead and check your work with Spanish online dot info. The Web address that I have right here. All right, The next one Number two, will be to be able to practice singing a song efficiently by using those syllables with slower audio. So that's what the software audacity. It's a free download online. Number three. You should be able to use a variety of different tools to learn Spanish, so I've given you and highlighted a few different tools in order for you to practice Spanish such as Anke app such as for bo dot com, such as rhino spike dot com, such as the TV shows and podcasts. Bill E used those and put those into practice that you have practicing Spanish every day. All right, so be able to use those tools never before you should be able to sing Morning on the song we've been using and be able to replicate the process with your own signed say, that second part is the most important. Yes, I kind of watched you through in this course. What it looks like split that the audio, um, gave you the lyrics, everything like that. But I also think that you should be able to at this point with the tools and resource is that you have after this course. You should be able to replicate the exact same process with your own song, which I think is the most valuable thing that I'm giving you is teaching you how to learn the language our number five will be to use, recognize and pronounce 50 different cog Neitz correctly. And that's from the pdf file that I gave you. And obviously learning those 50 cognitive super port important. But there's plenty of others. Go ahead and look those up. You can just look up online, Spanish cognitive and look up the most important words that you think he would use because those were the words that you don't even have to study for it. That's a cognitive is some is a word that has a similar route to a different language. There is a lot of them in Spanish and in English, so thanks for watching. Hopefully you're caught up to this point. Let me know if you have any specific questions about any of these points. Cesaire kind of the main things that I want you taking away from section two and then ultimately this whole course. So hopefully my videos have been helpful for you in and being to achieve these goals. Let me know if you have any questions and I'd be glad to help you see in the next video
29. Bye!: while we've made it really far in the language learning process, I hope you can see by this point that building that foundation for the Spanish language is vital in order to speak conversational Spanish. And yes, we have been able to touch a little bit on conversational Spanish and different useful phrases, especially if you were traveling different things like that. But the main goal was to be able to give you foundations that you can learn different things on your own, and you're set up to be able to practice grammar and vocabulary extremely efficiently. I hope you know that I'm always here. I love that. In this course, you have me as a personalized feedback. If you have any questions, you're welcome to ask me and afterwards, feel free to email me. You have that email. I'm happy. I'm more than happy to help people learn the language, especially when you're in different parts of your journey. I understand that it can be frustrating sometimes, and I want to be here for you. Please leave a positive review saying thank you just for if you have any positive things that you took away from this course one last thing that I want to do before finish up here is give you a few book recommendations. The 1st 1 that I love is called Fluid Forever by Gabriel Whiner. He is like I said before, I want to study Polly blocks and see how they studied languages. And this one is definitely the one that encouraged to read the most in language learning. He is an amazing language. Learning is actually opera singer, and I love his ideas and thoughts. The second book would be fluent in three months. This is a great book for learning about strategies and different tools of learning the language. And then the third book would be babble No more, which goes deeply into the lives of a few Polly Glass that I really, really look up to its name from the past. Thank you for enrolling this course, and in fact, thank you just for taking the time to seeing what I have to say. It's definitely been a process for me to learn how to be a teacher, and I'm just so excited to be able to give this to the world so that you guys can learn Spanish more efficiently. again. Let me know if you have any questions and hope you have an amazing day. Good luck with your language learning journey.