1. Introduction: In this class, I'd like to show you everything about Anki so that you get a pro with Anki. Now on pisa program, which makes remembering things very, very easy. So because it's a lot more efficient than traditional study methods like flashcards. You can either greatly decrease your time spent studying or greatly increase the amount you learn. And also Anki is the Japanese word for memorization. So the whole thing here is all about memorization. And I think anyone who needs to remember things in their daily life can benefit from Anki. I think Anki is content agnostic and sorry for this complex term here, but it's describing it very well. So with Anki, you can draw any thing, you, anything inside of Anki, for instance, image, text, videos, sound whatsoever. Also, some scientific mark ups. For instance, with LaTex, maybe when you are familiar with mathematics, geography, chemistry. They have some special characters, oftentimes in formulas. And that's so-called scientific markup. And you can also type with such language in Anki, so content agnostic. So it, it's really free and it gives you freedom in how you formulate stuff in Anki. So it's really customizable. And therefore, you can learn so many things funky. You can learn languages. It doesn't, it's not really important, okay, about the special characters, right? Because it's content agnostic. You can learn many regime russian with all those non Latin characters. You can study for medical and law exams. You can also study some easier things like people's names and faces. That will be something for me here. And brushing up on geography, mastering long poems, practicing catered towards sailing exams. So pretty much everything. So there are two simple concepts behind Anki, active recall testing and spaced repetition. They are not known to the most learners despite having been written about in the scientific literature for many years, understand how they work will make you more and more effective learner. But really, you don't have to know those concepts. I mean, honestly, I didn't know them. Tail added to this video or this class here. I mean, I saw how good Anki was, but that didn't know the concepts behind it. But once you know them, it accelerate your learning because, you know, okay, maybe I have to do this and that because of that and this, right? So that's small input here. The next lesson in which you know, okay, How does Anki work and why does it work? After this, I will show you, or in the beginning, we'll cover very basic things, right? You don't have to have some knowledge about Anki. You can be, are a beginner here. But as we progress with the class, we will look at more at one stuff. So the class grows with you or vice versa. So after that, or in the beginning, we will then look at how you download and install the Anki for desktop, PC and Mac, as well as for the smartphones, for instance, Android and iOS. After that, we will cover how do you think and backup your stuff. Then we will look at into the anatomy of Anki, how does it look like? Which button makes what? So really basic here? And then how do we add or create new flashcard, so virtual flashcards, how do we edit them? How do we formulate them? Also, how can we import and export other decks that you can collaborate and share with other students. I mean, we don't have to reinvent the wheel here, right? Somebody have created, I guess, an English flashcard. I don't know, for Oxford or, you know, some cards are here and you have just to grab it and modify it a little bit. And how we study in Anki. I mean, that's the whole concept here, right? How goal? We just want to study flashcards that we can memorize all the things better. We will also cover that and much, much more. So in the end of this class, it will be a pro with Anki and you will need nothing else than this class year. So stay tuned and see you next lesson.
2. The Science Behind: Okay, So the science behind. So there are two simple concepts behind on key, as I have told you in the introduction of this class here. So there is first active recall testing, which we will cover in a few minutes and space repetition. There are not known to the most learners, despite having been written about in the scientific literal literature for many years. So it's quite popular there. And it's, it's proven. So it's not something like it's very numerous and flank this. So it's quite proven. Understanding how they work will make you more efficient in learning. So it's, it's quite important that you get those concepts here. So as I have just said, active recall testing means being asked a question and trying to remember the answer. This is in contrast to passive study, right? Where we read, watch, or listen to something without pausing to consider. If we know the answer to the same with this class here. If it just passively watch it. Maybe it doesn't bring you that much value. You have to be really active in what you are doing. So, researchers shown that active recall testing is far more effective at building strong memories than passive study. And I will just show you some studies here, three studies. The second thing for space repetition, I will not do that, but you see it's something real or like, right? Right. So those three studies here, we don't need to know what the result or, or at least what the contents are. So studies the result are all the same. Yes. Active recall testing. That's good. So there are two reasons for that. The act of recall, recalling something strengthens the memory, increasing the chance. We will be able to remember it again. And we are unable to answer a question. It tells us we need to return the material to review or learn it. So it's very important that you know, that you don't know something, right? And that you're, that you really, Yeah, I mean, those, those are the core principles here for this active recall testing. So the act of recalling something strengthens the memory. The memory. And if you are unable to answer it, we know that we can relearn it, review it. You have probably encountered active recall testing in your school years without even realizing it. If you're happy when God's teachers give you a series of questions to answer after reading an article or make your take weekly progress check tests. They are not doing it simply to see if you understood the material or not. But testing you, they are increasing the chances you will be able to remember the material in the future. So they are applying active recall tests, right? As you can see in this picture here. Perfect. So a good way to integrate active recall testing into your own studies is to use flashcards. With traditional paper flashcards, you write a question on one side of the card. So the front for instance, and the answer on the other side. So the back. By not turning the card over until you have thought about the answer, you can learn things more effectively than passive observation allows. So that's huge benefit using flashcards applies exactly. This principle is active recall testing right? Now. Use it or lose, lose it. Our brains are efficient machines and the rapidly discard information that doesn't seem useful changes. Chances are that you don't remember what you had for dinner on Monday, two weeks ago. M So because this information isn't really useful, right? So if you went to a fantastic restaurant that day and spent the last two weeks telling people about how great it was. However, you are more likely to remember it, right? So the brain uses something like use it or lose it policy. And it applies for everything you learn in life. If you spend an afternoon memorizing some signs terms and then don't think about that material for two weeks, you will probably have forgotten most of it. In fact, studies shown we forget about 75 percent of material learned with in a 48 hour period. Well, I mean, that's, that's really bad. So this can seem pretty depressing or yes, it is. So when you need to learn a lot of information, be aware of this. I mean, you don't want it to be that guy or girl or a woman, whatever. And who learns. So much things. And then two days later, almost everything is gone. So P Pm, be aware of this. Don't just study hard. Also study smart, right? So the solution is simple. However, review, by review newly learned information, we can greatly reduce forgetting. The only problem. It said that traditionally reviewing has not been very practical. If you're using paper flashcards. Yeah, it's easy to flip through all of them if you only have 30 of them to review. But economic growth too, I know 500,105 thousand. It quickly becomes quite difficult, I guess. And that's where we use spaced repetition. The spacing effect was reported by a terminal and psychologist, Hermann Ebbinghaus in 1885 or somewhere nineteenth-century, but I guess it's 85. He observed that we tend to remember things more effectively if we spread reviews out over time instead of studying multiple times in one sessions. Since 1930s, there have been a number of proposals for utilizing the space or the spacing effect to improve learning in what has come to be called spaced repetition. So we not only recall it, we do also some special spacing, right? So it's, it's getting right, smart right now. One example was in 1972 when a German scientist called Sebastian Leitner popularized, more popularized our method of spaced repetition with paper flashcards. And I guess you know all this thing here by separating the paper cards into series of boxes and moving the courts so different box on each use, successful or unsuccessful review. It is possible to see at a glance or rough estimate of how well a card was known and uninsured peer reviewed again. And there are multiple ways to box can look like this. One is with weekdays, there are others like go to bed, again, something like this. But you get it that there are spaces in between there. This was a great improvement over a single box of cards, right? And it has been widely adapted by computerized flashcard softer. This rather rough approach, however, as it cannot give you an exact date on which you should review something again. And it does not cope very well with material of varying difficulty. I mean, that's, that's very important. It just, it's quite damp the system, but it getting, it's getting smaller, right? The biggest developments in the last 40 years have come from the offers of super memo, a commercial flashcard program that implement space repetition. Super MIMO pioneered the concept of a system that keeps track of the ideal time to review material and optimize itself based on the performance the user. So to be honest to premium and it was really a breakthrough. I mean, they had already made so much stuff out about it. And you can read today so good or medical articles about space repetition. So super memo. That's an Amy you should know here into PREMIS space repetition system, every time you answer a question, you tell the program how well you were able to remember it. Better, you forget, forget completely, made a small mistake. Remembered with trouble. Remember easily, et cetera. So the program use this feedback to decide optimal time to show you the question again. So if it's difficult, so on, so on. Since the memory gets stronger each time is successfully recall it. C Principle one, active recalling. The time between reuse gets bigger and bigger. So you may see a question for first-time, then three days later, 15 days later, 45 days later, and so on and so on. This was a revolution in learning and as it means that material could be learned in retained with the absolute minimum effort or amount of effort necessary to present a Muslim Islam, it sums it up with space repetition. You can forget about forgetting. So here you can see we've spaced repetition. You learned recall or you actively recalling what the best or the most suitable spaces in between them. So now, OK, completely forget about this era. So here we can see the graphical representation of other half just said. We see here the forgetting. Curve. So you'll learn something on the first date, right? So here we have the change, changes of remembering something or forgetting something. And at the top, at the bottom we have time. So ten days, 20 days, 30 days after you have learned something. And now let's start here. You are learning something. And then after a few days, weeks, the, you forget about the stuff, right? And the curve is quite, quite fast. It goes down. And here we make an active recall, tenure learning it again. You remember it, it an increase in, increased, therefore, your ability, ability to put two to note the stuff, right? So it goes back to 100%. And you are doing this game here more and more. And as you can see, this curve here flattens out. As soon as it's almost horizontal. Then it went from your short into your long term memory. And that's pretty much space repetition. You just want to have something from the short and the long-term memory. And if you wouldn't do that, he would just forgetting stuff. So why Anki now, while there is no denying the huge impact supermen who has had on the field. It is not without any problems. The program, program is often criticized for being balking and quite difficult to navigate. It only runs on Windows and Mac. For instance. It is property or property every software, meaning that end users cannot extend it or access the raw data. So it's not open source. And while very old versions have been made available for free, they're quite limited. For modern usage. Anki addresses these issues. There are free a client on how available on many platforms. So for instance, Windows, Mac, mobile, so you name it, everything. So struggling students and teachers with budgetary constraints are not left out because it's three except the iOS mobile app. And it's considerably easier to use than two permeable. And there are so many open-source add-ons that also free. So it's a really good cause the community there is so huge. So Anki spaced repetition system is based on an older version of super memo algorithm called SN2. So that was the open source back in those days. But I hope you have now an ID on why Anki uses those two principles, active recalling, testing and space repetition.
3. Getting Started: A store it and you can go with Google or you can just type in the URL directly. You can Google Anki for instance. Okay? And it's this one, apps dot Anki,, everything else on key ebp, emo of all the other stuff isn't Anki, It's Anki that's important. As you can see that the URL apps dot Anki, Then here you can see I can click here. Then you will be redirected to the section down below. So you can also just scroll down. And depending on which operating system you have or which PC, Windows, mac, Linux, you can then just download it. If you have an iPhone or Android. I will show you later on how to install it and how on what you have to look for. But I'm using a PC, so let's download this one. So it only takes eight seconds. Meanwhile, we can create an Anki account. That's important because you want to have a backup for everything. I mean, you're literally dumping all your knowledge into Anki. And for this, it's very important that you have a backup in the case that your laptop gets stolen, broken, or whatever happens, right? I mean, you don't need a backup right now, but when you are needing it, you're glad who created an account. So just typing on Kim and create account, account register. And now you can just create an account here. I will do it with a ten-minute email because I have already now count, but it's just for you that you know how it's working. Perfect. Please reach page terms and conditions so you have to agree to them. It's nothing special. E-mail sent then. Okay. Let's wait till I have here something in my inbox. But asset, it's very important that you make an account. It's not something optionally a would highly recommended because asset, if something gets lost, you're really glad. Okay, so let's wait for it here. Then the Anki is downloaded to as just said, click here on the blue button, everything else you don't need to know. K. Yes. Perfect. Then here you can just click yes, SES, till it's installed. There is no male here. Now. Our kids, it's quite fast here. So now I I had on key before but I have the installed it. So everything looks exactly like you're looking at after. So we can delete this are close, this e-mail as well. This only can leave open. Now. We can for OEM Kim. And now Anki should start. I mean, it's that easy, right? Go to the URL with Google or direct. And now you're seeing all your things. And because I had Anki already for testing reasons for this class here, I have some decks here as well. But let's delete stem. You can see how it's, how it will look with you. So we view it will look like exactly this one here. So that's the homepage. And I will tell you in the next lesson than how everything works, how it looks, etc. Now I will show you how it does look in, in then in mobile. Okay, here we are on my mobile. So let's download Anki for mobile. You can also just type on key and it's a very safe way I am doing right now. I will tell you later on wide, so you can also scroll down. We'll see iPhone, Android. So if you're on iPhone, you then click here. The first one. If you're on Android, you can click just a second one. I am right now on Android. So I click here automatically get redirected to the Play Store. And as you can see, Let's search for it again. This one was it right on Kitoi corticotropin. So Anki droid. And it's very important because there are other apps like Anki app, flashcard, this one here, but this one isn't Anki, it isn't official. That's another app that's completely something different, same with anki Overdrive. This one is the only original angular Anki mobile phone app for Android. Now with Apple, It's the same. Just click here and get Anki mobile. And as you can see, for iPhone it, it's called Anki mobile, and for Android devices it's called Anki droid. So it looks like this. Anki mobile flashcards and a cos 25 box. So 25 US dollars. That's different because the Android app, it doesn't cost anything. So please do not ask me why it is like this. It's just like this. I don't know. The developer said they'd like to support the desktop app. Okay. So, but that's important. Those two apps or the official ones, everything else is not official. Then you can just download the app here from Playstore. It's quite easy. In this website and which I call em, see my emails, you you can then just verify your e-mail. Perfect. Email Murphy verifies. Now, let's go to Anki. Maybe I have to copy my email ahead. And perfect. Then go to sink here. The Anki web ID is actually your email address. So this one here, this very cryptic. And that's it. Perfect. So local collection has no cards. Perfect, Yes, because I have anyone have anything. As you can see, it's sinking then. But if you haven't done anything with Anki yet or haven't an account done yet? Yeah, nothing happens really, right. But do it like this, verify your email and login directly as your first step with Anki and then you're, you're safe here.
4. The Anatomy Of Anki: So here we can see on key with synchronized. Now count right? I'd like to show you the anatomy of this app here. So here we have the so-called homepage, or you can call it whatever you like, but it's the main thing right? Here. We have at the top some options. So decks at Brown's stats and think stats is for statistics and think is for synchronizing. I will cover those things later on, but we've add, we can add new carts with Browse. We can browse our courts that opens then like our database, all our courts. With this week quarters back here, as you can see, just go back. With this here we can add a new card. And here you can see the whole structure of all your folders. We will see this later in more detail. But as you can see, this is the navigation bar. And down below, you have done all your folders because your cards then be organized in folders. It's like on a PC. Then you have here the options. On Mac, it's little bit different. You have it on the top right. Even though I would have it a little bit smaller on Mac, it'll be at the top. You can hear important export your files That's very important. More on this later on, you can undo stuff here. Then here you can start the tax money. It's producing the same as this here. You can see add-ons, preferences or settings. And then here, help. You click here, you get redirections. Redirected to the side here. And you can, if you have any question, decide is brilliant. So much information. So the first thing, the second thing and the last thing he's here at the bottom, get shared. The redirects us world or website. It's Anki wept on that shared decks. More on this, later on, you can share so-called decks, right? A deck is a collection of carts. Create a deck. Then you can make like a new folder, right? So for instance, I will do it later on and then you can import files. So that's it. It's pretty straightforward with quite simple. Okay, So most of the common operations in Anki have keyboard shortcuts. Most of them are discoverable in the interface. So many items LR shortcuts next to them. So for instance, here, shortcut key y, t, b, a, and that's pretty much everything. And if you cannot whole rate it sometimes than its next to it is a wave. And when you are studying here, I guess. Yes, exactly. So it's pretty much you if you're unsure if if there is any short unit, then just hover over it. I will also provide you with a PDF with all shortcuts at the end. Just see the class description for more info on that. So when studying, for instance, as I've just tense, and you can know that it's finished here. Let's do this on here. She here. And so you can either press Enter or Space, or you can also click here and show answer. So you have three options. Show answer. You can also leak then the space bar. Or you can go further if to enter. Now you can use, as we saw, shortcut key 1234, but you, when you press space bar, it automatically says Good. So pretty much everything will be good right now, right? And you can then just one again, click again. Yes, perfect. So that's about learning. And actually at the end you're just doing it with the keyboard. Then you can also do it like this. As somehow you cannot see my image shortcuts here. But the status here, I pressed to say it in English, I don't know, but I press this symbol here to study this tech, to study our deck. Because then you can quite quickly, that is something and for instance, an electron study many RE1, then you can filter it here, or sailing or diversity. That's pretty cool. Then you can quite quickly study there. So that should give you a small overview of that. They make you aware that in Anki you can do pretty much anything with shortcuts. Because in the end you're studying and have your narrow focus on just doing the courts. And for this, there are all shortcuts, maybe not for, for small things, but for the whole workflow. There are some shortcuts. So get familiarize or with those. They're pretty helpful and save you some time.
5. Creating New Cards & Fields: Okay, so create some decks or folders and some cards that you really know okay, how to get started in doing or working with Anki. So let's imagine you are a medicine student or you'd like to learn a new language, for instance. So then just click here on Edit, potent, create attack. Let's read like this Spanish. Then you have medicine or you have human or no better, muddy sin. Then you have some subcortical or some categories. For instance, I'm human, I don't know what things they have. Maybe general bio lot, General Jean cardio. Okay. Then we can move all those things. As you can see. It just get under Medicine. The same with the human general biology. We cannot, but we can also drag it away again. So as you can see it sometime it's a little bit trickier. Okay, here. So it's gone from Madison, but you can just drag and drop if I would draw, drag it to General Biology. Hello, january biology, right? Okay, So medicine, we have this on for Spanish. We then can create something like traveling. Or if you have separate classes, you can do. And no university. A1, the level for instance. But you see you can, you can structure it quite well. Or if you have something else, I mean, you can then do it like this. University. Perfect. Then you can do something like Hobbes. That's what I did at it. For instance, the sailing and test and all those terms. I had also an Anki. You can then do it like this here. Alright? So as you can see, this one gets really long after some time because one time you have so many cards in it. And I would really recommend to structure it, have some structure in it. And as I said, maybe four languages for subjects, for difficulties. And I mean four for many reason, you can do something like this here, men Doreen. This goes, Oh, that's for Spanish. That's another one here. But then I created everything, for instance, HSK 1, HSK 2. So that's the level of difficulty here. And at the end it will look like some Philoctetes. And if you have, I don't know, if you have some, some courts would like to add. That's pretty simple. You didn't just click here on this field. And then you have selected this, this folder. Then you can just add. So we are right now in university medicine, but we can also change it by just clicking here, right? We can answer added to default. And you can see then when we have added a new one, it will have a new number here. So for instance, let's do one for sailing. I don't know. Some random words here. And then you can see here on this one here, it gets added. So as you can see, because it's a folder, it gets added as well to this one. So let's add, for instance, ages k2 minus k2. Perfect. Here we can see this one. This gets added. The now university has one as well. So it's the same logic, right? Okay, now create a new card here. And I'd like to show you everything here, the order most basic things because It's like a rabbit hole. You can do so many things here. I mean, here we can customize everything, fields, courts, everything, and I'd like to keep it short and this less than here, but I will do a more advanced one. But for now we don't need that. So for instance, if you are learning many read or a language with special characters, then you will need it, or you need chemistry or Medicine, in which you have sometimes special characters. You need it. But for now, if you are learning very basic language like Spanish or something like this, you don't need it. So in general, that's the add field, the right. Oh, okay. Where is it here? Then you can type in something I did before. Hello In German, hello in English. And now you can customize stuff here. You can market fat. You can also click here or bold. You can make it. You can underline it. You can also add something like this here. You can remove the formatting for this specific thing. So conflict is you can make also some lists here. So numbered. You can then also make something like this. So you can format it pretty much and I would recommend it through formatted to a certain degree. I mean, at the end it's quiet about quantity and you have to learn this stuff. But there are some ways that you should create our card, but I will separate less than about it. But as you can see, you have some certain ways to edit some things here as well for the colors that's the same, right? To me, can make it blue. You can make it as well here. The background and then the color of the text. So maybe a patriarchal PY. Okay, so as you can see, you can do quite a lot here. Let's do it back. And then you can also add some attachments, for instance, images. You can also record audio like I'm doing right now. Audio going, I can answer right now. Put some formulas in it. For instance, for math and LaTex. Maybe you know that it's for the characters the same with chemistry. And you can also input here code. It's really good. I have to admit it's really good. So that's how we create a very basic card, right? Hello, hello. Now we can add tags, for instance, that would be English or intro. In row. You can see, you can take also some courts and now the little bit more complicated. So here we have two things, right? So in this one, we can choose the attack, this one we had already. So if you'd like to move it from medicine to Spanish, just do it. Then. Here we have a basic card, right? And there are four basic types for now. That's by default, we can create more if you'd like. And I think we will create new cards because you have some special needs. And sometimes those courts can't fulfill it. But for now we will use just the basic ones and the basic one. The difference is really, let's do it this way. For instance, you wouldn't know something like this here. Okay, hey, I watched the class from Robin, but this one he didn't say, then go just to guide. And then you will see this documentation from the official Anki web page. And you can type here. Type. Then you'll see all the search results now times carter types. Okay kid, maybe it isn't the right time because they were called basic. Archae are perfect, basic, basic, optional, reversed close. And then you will see, okay, that's, yeah, it's a basic one, right? This one is in comparison to this one. Really similar, but one difference. It creates two chords. So we have our Hello. So we created, so we have created this one here, hello and hello. And now it would, now we have just one chord, as you can see, right? And we've reversed. It creates two chords. So let's do it. Front, back and then, and reverse card. So that means that we have one chord that's front. On the front It's a in front and the back it's saying back and the second card on the front it's saying back and the front and back. It's a front. You get it. It's just reverse because oftentimes when you are learning the things old, you know, maybe that's a little bit complicated to say. But oftentimes you get triggered, you know, the front and therefore you know the back. But when you do it river reverse, you get asked the back question. You have problem asking it. And so the backend reverse card is oftentimes a good way. You can also start the courts. Otherwise, I would really recommend to do it basic because you hadn't have multiple cards and I wouldn't really do that. I would just study them different. So as summary, basic as you know, it basic is, as I've just said it. And clause. That's a quite cool on. So you can then hit stuff. For instance, I was born in 1993. Now, this will be the question, right? And this one gets hidden now. So I would just see this one. And then a placeholder, for instance. I would see a placeholder. And then I would add, I think it's best if features to it. And three, then I will do it in HSK 1 because we don't have anything there. At perfect. Now I just k1, click on it 10 study. Now, we will see this. I was born in 1993 yet because it's my birthday, I know it. Then click here on Show answer. You can also click just the space bar. And then you see, I was born in 1993. And let's go back. We can also do something else. We can then I was born in 1973 and then add some infos in Zurich, Switzerland in case I wouldn't know it right. You can also, as you can see, CTRL Shift C, so see-through, see perfect add to. I think sailing, we don't have anything. Varies. It varies here. Oh, yes, we have something in there. Okay. That's random. I was in R. Okay, I have forgotten born, but as you can see, we have just seen this one here. And then later on, the whole texts did appear.
6. Import: Okay, perfect. So now you don't have to create everything by yourself, right? If for instance a colleague has or have made a list for you, some excellent spreadsheet or somebody typed in all those words, then just reuse it, right? I mean, normally you have vocabularies and I don't know, 100s of them are. So quite a lot of words. And oftentimes it's, it's always the same, right? If you are doing is English class. Somebody have created all those words for you. Or with medicine. I mean, it since years and years and years. It's all the same things, or at least the basics. So it's good that you can share all this knowledge. I mean, I said, you don't have to reinvent the wheel. So you can click here to get chaired. And that's the easy way to import stuff. Later on, we will cover a more advanced thing in which ten you can import everything. Doesn't it isn't really depending on, is it on So you can import X equals m, CSVs file, etc. So just click here and get shared. Then you will be redirected to this page here. And that's official webpage right, on key And here you can select the languages, for instance, or Arabic, Chinese, English, and as well other stuff like anatomy, biology, chemistry. But you can also search, right? And for instance, arcade Germany's here, but maybe service chairman because I'm Swiss. Space chairman on okay. That's even something for me, him. But I can go back here. And what should we do? Maybe. Sad, you're learning Spanish. And click here in Spanish. And then you see all those things with Spanish in it. And for many rain for instance, I looked for this one when green HSK 1, we were seeing, okay, Perfect men, ages K1 till six. So HSK 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, even with audio. And that's really valuable. And what you also can see is especially with some special signs like Mandarin or Japanese, Russian. They have special fields in it. And for costs, those languages have special characters, right? In many marine or Japanese, you have Kanji's, I think in in Japanese I think they are called a little bit different, but you get ID, you have special characters and therefore the Anki file is a little bit different. So the order cord, you have other fields than the basic ones. So that's a great way. For instance, with Chinese, I would, I would really go for it are exactly simplified. So the smell then you have the opinion. So we just saw before that we create on that you have just had just one feels right. And with this, you have several fields. I mean, you have the meaning, you have the audio. That's brilliant. And with medicine, It's the same. Let's check it here. And autonomy, for instance. What's the best selling here? The most popular, and gets Hera. Okay, perfect. You have even have pictures. And exactly. That's why you are taking shark attacks. And I don't mean it like this that you download the deck and then it's, it's okay. You just learn it. You can download it and then customize it is far better because then you have 90% of the work done in the last 10 percent. You then just by herself and customize it, elite stuff out of it. But the heavy work, heavy lifting is done. So let's download. Not such a huge one. Yeah. It's something and the Spanish 5000. Okay, As you can see, that this person has even made a website. Okay, Wow. So you can see those shared decks. They are oftentimes very, very professional. And as you can see, this item is larger matrix time to download, so we don't take this one. Let's take a smaller one. For instance. Oo, ss, all, all things are quite huge. Okay, Let's do something like this here. And can then just read the description as we saw in the one before. You can then see everything. Well, what's the main focus of the shared deck? What does it include? What isn't it for which I'm preparation? Is it? If you're learning for English exam for instance, Cambridge, then you see all those certificates. Ielts. I guess first is also here. And English first. Okay. Yeah, I don't know, but actually there should be a Cambridge first or something like this. But you get it. You can just type for your type of test or your name and then you will, for sure find it. So let's download one, actually an Arabic. Yeah, this is quite smaller. Guess. Perfect. So then you can see also the older the reviews. I will definitely check them through that. Isn't it broken or I don't know. But before you download, check it. So let's download this one here. Perfect. Then you can either click here on this field here, or you can just go here, File Import. And then you see this is my download folder. You can click on it. And then it's getting imported. Perfect. And now it's yeah, it's already here. We can see this thing here. Let's then create attack or Arabic and audit insights there. So perfect. That's how we create or import our shared deck. That's the easy way. Now let's do the little bit more complex way. Let's imagine. Let me grab here and in window Quizlet. So let's imagine we have a deck of a friend share with us. And now we want to download it. So let's export it. And here it's quite important that you did you choose a semicolon because if a sentence contains a the Acoma, the know-how, it's in English, I think coma. This one here. This one. But you shouldn't do that because if a sentence has a comma in it, it doesn't work. So take a semicolon does for more safer here. Okay, So this one, then you can copy it. Open axle. Perfect. So we have all those things right now here. Then now it's important safe as downloads. Then you will see here axial workbook XLSX, don't take this one. You have to take or is it x as CSV, UTF eight? That required without UTF eight, it doesn't work. You have to choose this one here. Save it. Then. Let's go back to wonky. Now, import this one here. And now we can see field one is Arabic. And yeah, I mean, we can change that. Mapped who, whatever you like because it's in Arabic. So it's because of this type. As you can see, front-back aerobic route. So we'd like to have it this here. Then in we think we don't have an English one. Let's create on R0. It's, it was many rectangles and then import it. That's it. And asset, it's very important that you separate it with a semicolon. Because if you don't do it, there will be just one line. I will show you this. So we have exported here to do for comma. Copy it again, then paste it here. As you can see, it's all in one line, right? Then, save it as downloads and UDF. Perfect. Who here import it. And now this one here. And this you can see we have just one line here, just front because now Anki cannot differentiate between the two elements. The front end to end, because the same in that the coma also appears in other parts of the sentence, right? So when you incurring such an assertion error, it's a high probability, it's because of this arrow here. So perfect. Now, you know how to import a CSV file. You can actually import everything because CSV is a standard when exporting lists from every other website.
7. Export: Hey, so let's look at stem exporting stuff here. So maybe you have to export something out of Anki. Maybe your laptop is going to be replaced by new one, or you'd like to share your, your deck with a friend of yours, maybe at the university. And you just want to export the stuff that he can import it. So that's very simple here with Anki, you can either click here on export or if the shortcut. And this window will appear. As you can see, there are four different formats. Each of them has several other options, but it's pretty simple. I will I will cover that. Or you can just click here on a specific tech like this one, the Arabic one, then export. And the only difference is really that now the Arabic is pre-selected as we had before. The old x pre-selected. As you can see, you can also change it later on. That's no problem at all. So let's do it with Mandarin. Or in which two we have something like this on a basic sentences. Export this one. And now, literally there are three types and plain text. Then the Anki deck package dot AP KG on the collection package call p, k, g. So those three file types, right? So to be honest, notes and cards, this difference is there is a difference, yes, but it's gets quite small for four. And especially if you're a beginner, I mean, I didn't know the difference for one year or so. So it isn't really An important and if you are doing basic stuff, it, there isn't any difference. We can check this right now. So let's export it with the notes. And I will show you what difference does it make? Then export, then we take the cards and as you can see right now, with this one, with the courts, we have no hex. So the tanks disappeared. So we've notes you have more info's k, That was the court. Then let's look at it, how it what's the difference? And so that's the chord. So as you can see, front, back. And now the nodes, and it's exactly the same thing because we had basic cards or basic nodes. And therefore it didn't make any difference at all. So normally you choose just, again here. You choose just between plain text, the Anki deck package, Anki collection package. Later on, you can then choose more deliberate actions spot, I would always recommend just use Anki collection package or at least Anki deck package, not just the plain text. So what's the difference between those packaged things here? So as you can see here, our package tag consists of carts, notes, note types, and any sounds or images bundled up into a file ending with dot AP KG or dot whole EKG. So that's packaged or as you can see, both are called package. You can use package takes to transfer cards between people or for backing up parts of your collection. So always choose one of those are two different kinds of package, tax collection and tax. Now, when you export all decks with scheduling included, this is called a collection package. On key will copy then your entire collection into a file ending in coal pk. So this one here, right? And place it on your desktop. A collection package is used to pack up your collection or copied to another device. So it's the whole thing. Collection packages create are created with previous versions of Vancouver called collection dot APK Ci. So they shortened the name. So if you see something like this, it's just the old version of this for me, right? So when this file is later imported and he will delete all the current cards in the collection and replace the collection of the items in the field. This is useful for copying your collection back and forth between devices. So as you can see, it's all or nothing. You just replacing Anki collection packages. That's important. So it's nothing like some single decks or some flank this. So with the deck, deck packages contain a single deck. Any child taxi they may have, for instance. So and as you can see here, you can select and here you cannot hear you can. So what I was just saying is we can take default included this growth hacking class 21 and marketing basic terms. But if he just want to have this backup or export, then click this year. When you import a deck package on key will add the contents into your collection rather than all writing your collection. That it's big difference here. If some nodes in the deck package have previously been imported on key will keep the version with the most recent modification time. If you download an updated deck, the edits that have been made in the updated version will be made in your collection as well. But if you re-import it on, on changed deck, after making edits in your colleague collection, that changes in your collection will be kept. If you choose not to include scheduling information, anki will assume that you are sharing the deck with other people and we'll remove marked and leached x more on this later so that they will have our clean copy of it. So that's pretty much it. I would really recommend if you'd like to make a backup for yourself, then do the Anki collection page. If you just want to share a deck with your friend than Anki deck package and select the stuff you'd like to share. Include the scheduling information. I think you can then deleted and include the media and then you can export it. And then you have such a file here. It's pretty normal. This one. You can then send to a friend. So if you have Anki installed, you can also see the eDonkey local here.
8. Basic Settings: Okay, so here we have Tools, preferences. We have some of the very basic settings here. So it isn't or those settings orange the same as we have with those here. Those are four techs. They are a little bit more advanced. I'm speaking here of those preferences. And here we can toggle some stuff. Night mode for instance. So yes, let's restart Anki RK. And as you can see, all those hearts we have added in the meanwhile, when downloading auntie and login in R Now sink. So that's why this loading screen appeared. And now on key should be in dark mode. Perfect. So if you'd like to have in dark mode, here you go, or night mode, then you can toggle the language. You can also change the schedule here. For instance, if you're a night learner or a late night learner, for instance, I know you're learning to one or 02:00 PM. This should be counted as a whole day, right? Not as tomorrow. And with here, the settings are that a new day just starts at four AM. So if you're learning till 03:00 AM in the morning, it isn't any problem. It gets count as the day. You are actually right. So you know how a minute. Otherwise, if you learn it at 10 AM, it will just become the test the next day ended. That isn't really my opinion. So that's perfect. And you can also see the backups. How many backups? I would just leave that be honest, important is that you are logged in and then it's everything saved. So those are the pretty basics preferences that you care about in the beginning.
9. Browser, Tags & Search: Okay, so now let's take a look at brows. As I have said in the beginning, Browse is like the whole database of your courts. So every card you are creating or have created in the past, they will be here. So it's like Treasury. And here I think the most important things are here. Actually. You don't need this feature here or browse. You don't need it that much in the beginning, the beginning, you much more use decks and add Browse is not really for beginner. I mean, it's cool. You will find stuff, but it will be interesting for those things, for tags, for card states, four types or such things here. But not in the beginning. The beginning you need just to learn, right? But later on, it's, it's quite cool. But let me give you a small overview here. So as said, you have some tags. So when did you review it? With what banks did you allocate it? Which state you are? And some constant x here, and which core types are they? But the important thing, I guess in the beginning is that you actually see the courts. So as a new click here on decks, you'll see that it contains all your chords. And when you click on a specific folder, each of these courts will then be showed, for instance, or the pink here and then Dareen, we see here and here. So ends together. They are shown in this in this folder here, HSK 1, HSK 2. I think that's the most important thing that you know, okay? All those chords are getting collected year. Now. You can search for the courts, of course, for instance, talk that's chairman for day. We then see things like this here. And you can search a little bit more specific. In the next lesson, I will show you how. But that's it. I mean, that's that's pretty much all the stuff. You're right. What the browsing is. And I have to look for my notes here. But I think, yeah, that's, that's pretty much it. We, I will do 101 lesson for this, for all the tags. But for now, I think the most important thing is that, you know, okay, in this browse field, you can search for all your chords. Maybe if you, if you're unsure, okay. To have those courts, HSK 1 or HSK who? I can't find it. Maybe you can find it here. Then maybe you made mistakes, for instance, okay? There is HSK 1 sum, okay, I didn't find it here. And then you can browse all your chords. I mean, you can filter them for you. Those words, right.
10. Studying: Quick Overview: Perfect. When you have found the deck, you like or entered some notes in it, it's time to start studying. I will explain the next steps in more detail in a few minutes. What I'd like to give you a first impression on how you learn in Anki and a very, very rough overview of how things work here. So let's do a very quick tour here. So click on one deck, for instance, many marine. Then on study now. And you see the study screen and you click here on Show Answer, then your rating, how difficult it was. Good. And then the next thing is always the same, right? Answer. Good. Again, whatever. But the next chord appears. And then you are saying how difficult it was. You can then click on S. And then you are back at the deck screen. Or you could, you could just click here on decks. And that's the very same. So it's always the same. Here we have the home screen. You click on, on deck, the deck space or screen. And if you click Study, Now there is a study screen. So very, very basic concept here, and it's always the same. So now, now let's cover it in more details.
11. Studying: Options: Now we have several options here we have options and you have description. Description is really important. I mean, you can put a description on or you can add a description to your deck. But I hadn't done it before, so I wouldn't care about it. Options will become important, but now we are just making the basic small steps here. This one will be a little bit more important further on if you already are studying and know how you learn amine with Anki, It's a little bit of a different system, right? You have to keep, stay in this system and find your pace, your workload, how many cards you can do safely. So not I mean, not just doing it one or two times. So actually, every day, how many cards can you do this? And then you can change this week this a little bit. But this is at once. I wouldn't do it in the beginning. You can then wicked as you are a little bit more at once. That's why I will put it in that one section down below and 10, we will have a look at all those options. There.
12. Studying: "Show Answer": Record is shown only the question is shown at first right? After thinking about the enter, either collect the show Enter button or press press the space-bar. The answer will be then shown. It's okay if it takes you a little while to recall the answer. But as general rule of thumb, if you can't enter the question about 10 or 20 seconds, it's probably better to give up and showed the answer, then keep struggling to remember. You can also try it within, I don't know, 30, 45 minutes or something like this. But a sum where you have hotel, okay? Maybe it's too difficult. Maybe have to try another solution or another way to memorize the card. So don't hang on for too long. I mean, that's that's pretty important. When the only question is shown on Kisho was three numbers, like 285 at the bottom of the screen, right? So before we click here on Show answer. But what do those numbers actually mean? So these numbers have a meaning, right? And now let's cover them. This on here, the blue one, that's the new one. That means the new refers to cards that you have downloaded or entered in. So entered means you typed it or you put the input into right? But you have never been studied before. So if you create a new deck or you create new cards. Here, you would see, for instance, with this here, we have created 20 new cards, or we have imported our deck which contains 20 new cards. The orange, it's about learning or re-learning. So learning refers to carts that we're seeing for the first time recently. And they're still being learned. With those court. We struggle, we are learning them. And with the green ones, those cards are for reviews. So really refers to cards that were previously learned and now needs to be reviewed. So you don't forget them. We will call them later graduated chords. So those course, we shall no more or less. So those are the, actually the new ones you just created or imported. The green, the orange ones you're actually learning. And the green ones are the easiest ones because you already learned them, right? And as you can see, it's like a workflow. First they are new, then you are learning them, and then they are graduated.
13. Studying: Rating: Okay, so that was quite easy. Let's sum it up in the beginning. You have your study screen, right? You see the question and then show answer with those numbers we have just discussed before. So the new, the learning or re-learning the two review or graduated courts. Now if we click on Show Answer, we then see the screen here. So the question, the answer. You can modify this on here, but you got it. That's the question screen, then the answer screen. And here we can see there are four options. Again, hard, good, easy, with some new numbers on it. They are not the same as the ones at the top. Now, what do those numbers mean? What, what happens if you click on good on again? So these are now it's getting a little bit more complex. But it shouldn't be a real problem though. I will promise that will be quite easy. So maybe you remember the lesson about the science behind Anki. That's a very important lesson. So in two, Permian was special space repetition system. Every time you answer a question, you tell the program how well you are able to remember it better you forget completely made a small mistake. Remember, with trouble, remember easily, et cetera. The program uses this feedback to design the optimal time to show you the question. Again. So this is essential for space repetition, right? So with those buttons here, we do exactly this. You're telling the program how difficult the question was for us, and then the space repetition system. So the smart algorithm behind Anki decides then, okay, you have to see this card, this and then, so this is crucial here. And as you can see, there are lot of options to choose from exactly for this reason here. So you can access those settings here. On the deck screen. You can then click on a wheel here, click on Options. And then you will see this one here. And as you can see, there are some options. For instance, steps, new carts, graduation, integral. We will cover everything. I'm so don't be too overwhelmed right now. Okay, so let's cover steps, this very option here. Now, it can be a little bit tricky, I have to admit, but here we can see two numbers and that equal, equal two steps. What steps, or you don't have to really know, but just that you get familiar with steps, you can see this first number. That's one minute. Steps in minutes happens when we click on again. Men here would be 10, then here would be 10 minutes. The very same with the second step here. If I click on good, then 10 minutes later this card gets shown. Now, if he wrote be 30, then he would stay there or he would be 30 minutes. Right. And the steps cannot just be too. There can be many steps, 235, 10, whatever you'd like to have. I recommend to have a little bit more of steps. I will tell you later why that's important. But for now, we can just define the steps as it is right now. So 1234 steps. And as you can see, the first is 20 minutes. So here would be 20 minutes, then here will be one day. On good would then be three days. And on the last one on Easy would then be seven days.
14. Studying: Learning Phase: So those are the settings, right? And as promised, it's now really messy or complex pot. Trust me. Let's look at the life cycle of a, of an Anki card and it makes much more sense. So as you can see here, we have two phases, the learning and the graduation. I mean, that's pretty much the same thing as those numbers we had in the beginning. You remember, here, you have here, we had here learn a new learning and to review. And actually you're just looking at those two phases right now. So let's keep those things here, okay, we are here right now. So, or we can also say the newest just here in the very, very beginning. But as you can see, two faces. Now, let's look at each of these phases. So right now, we'll, let's imagine, we would learn are very new chord. So a car we have never seen before. So we can see it the first time. Then we click on good, and we now click every time on good because then we are processing in each step, right? So This thing we could just saw or C before. So we now are progressing right? So we click on good. Then we go further the next day or receding the card next time, one day. Then we do this card the next day. We can do with it. Click and good. Then we will see it in, in three days. Then we will see it in three days or four days from now. Click them good as well, so we can do it. Then we will see you in seven days. So from here, we will see it in 11 days, right? So one day plus 3, plus 3, four days plus 7, 11 days. And then once we could have done this on or once we say Okay, we we know the card, perfect, clicking on good. Then it's graduated. As you can see, we have here four steps. When we click four times of goods, the card is then graduated and follows then specific or specific algorithmic according Anki. Because right now it's quite static. It follows our rules. And as he could sign the beginning, by default, it's only two steps. So it's going even faster into this algorithm of Anki. But That's important to know, right? So you have a learning phase and if a graduation phase. So in this phase here, it's just, okay, I know that the word, now it's monkeys chop to present me the word right, time, right? And as you can see, with learning, you have just to pass those steps. As we could see here, those steps we have just a pass. And once we do this, then it's graduated. Now, imagine, we wouldn't I did the court is really tricky and we would forget it. So he could answer it two times. But the third in after three days. We don't remember it very well. Even though, okay, this example, we would remember it. But in next question or next few days, we forget it. And now we click on again because we didn't know it. And now it goes all the way back. That's our important. So it's completely new. It starts the whole circle. It starts again. Now after graduation It's a little bit different because it can't emulate. It wouldn't make sense at all if you put discard competed to the beginning, right? So if I get it wrong, then it will tell, show me in 25 minutes and then it will show me again in one day and then it will go back to being graduated again, a solution.
15. Studying: Graduation Phase: Okay, so now we know how very basic things work, right? So we know what's happening if we just learned a new card. So for instance, with the blue thing here. So from this, this, this, this, and then it's graduated, right? And also what happens if we fail on a card and it gets sent back, sent to them to the first approach here. So if we learn a new card successfully, and what if we fail? Now? What happens if we fail a graduated card? Because what, it's quite simple when we learn now graduated card, we are just learning according on keys algorithm right? Now. If you fail or click on again on a graduated card, then it's a little bit different. It thing called lapses. So as you can see before, either at the new card tap or section now we are at the lapses. So this is called lapses. If if you miss or click on an on again on our graduated card, then you are playing with those steps. So before we played with those steps here, now because we have missed or leaked again on a graduated card, we are now playing with those here. And as you can see, all those default values, I encourage you to change them to 25 minutes and on day. Here, the integral is also slightly different. The same if the threshold here, but you can, I will tell you. So then the steps in minutes just saying, okay, look, you have clicked again. This car is recreated. Card will be visible again or will be, will be, will be shown again in 25 minutes. And after you click them, good, you proceed in the next step, right? You will see it then in the next, next, next day. So 24 hours later. Now, if we then click, good, perfect. Now we are again this graduated face here. But the difference is we set a new integral and by default it's 0, as you can see, 0%. So that means if It's 0%, you are actually starting new. So for instance, you had a card, which we saw, I don't know, 10 times and the intraoral was 200 days. So this card, you know, very well, very well. Now if it's heroes, 0 percentage, then you would start with, I don't know, 10 days, 50 days, 90 days. And after ten times, you would be again with 200 days, right? Because every progress gets cleared. Now, if we do something like this, then he would have 14 days, right? If he had before 200 days, then you would have later with this year, 40 days. So we would start after we click here, we progress after this or after our card gets graduated. We will see this card after 40 days because the old interval was 200. So 10 percent of 200 is 20, 20 times to get results in 40, right? So those two things are quite important for this. So those steps are saying how long we need to for the learning phase. And the new integral is telling us how fast or how slow the progress cats. So you can slow down your, your curve fright or how fast progress here with the new integral. Now, minimal integral isn't really important. A leech threshold that's an important one. On each, is a call cord in which you couldn't enter. So for instance, you have a chord and you are heading eight times. Again. So you see this one here than eight times again, again, again, again. So you really don't know this card. And now here are different options. So what happens if a court It's eight time again, and it's then a leech Threshold, right? Then you can tag it as a leech or you can delete it. There are several options. I would really tag those. Never remove them. Because that's really that's not smart really. Because if you have a card which or which is quite difficult, you don't want to delete it. I mean, you have to remember it somehow. It is in Anki, right? So you wouldn't throw trash in set of Anki. So I would really recommend that you, I don't know, reduce it to 548. Because if you if you click eight or five times on again, then I would really consider memorize it differently. Maybe another help. But, but not just stupidly. Again, again, again, maybe you have to come up with a different strategy here on this chord. So leech is quite important. I would rather decrease it and really just pack the car because you don't want to remove it.
16. Studying: Short Recap: Okay, Perfect, So I hope this queen makes much more sense. I mean, you know, how the mechanism is, what are those numbers so new, learn or re-learn, graduated or to review. After you click on Show Answer, you then can tell the program how difficult it was. According your action here. Are your action or how difficult it was. Anki will tell you when. It will show the card again. Here are the options to manipulate or to influence those actions here too. As you can see here, first step is 20 minutes. That's one day. So here it would tell them or say 20 minutes here. One day and hard and easy is always, um, according again and the good. So those are the, the mode, the important things here, right? Heart. I mean, you don't write a number for hard. It gets calculated from again, good. And with the same if easy it gets calculated from good. So that's very important. You now know how the workflow works and how you should define the steps and why we are doing this.
17. Studying: Falling Back: Okay, So if you fall behind in your reviews on key will prioritize cards that have been waiting the longest. It does this by taking the courts that have been waiting the longest and showing them to you in a random order up until your daily review limit. And really don't do a daily review limit at all. I mean, otherwise you just screw up on keys algorithms. So I really encourage you to increase it to 999. So this ordering in ensures that no cartel will be left waiting indefinitely. But it means that if you introduce new cards, their reviews won't appear until you have gotten through your backlog because it's more important to stay in the learning steps then creating new cards or learning new cards, right? And that's why Anki prioritizes that have been waiting for reviews. That's much more important. If you wish to change the order of the overview reviews, you can do so by creating a filter to attack more on this later. When you enter cards that have been waiting for a while on key factors in that delay when determining the next time or court should be shown. So for instance, your overview, ten days. So actually you should have learned a court ten days before. And now you're doing it on key will factor this end. So it saying like, okay, he had ten days waited for this card and he even recognize it better next time it's a little bit it's a little bit more. You get it. It's a little bit progressed in the whole journey here.
18. Studying: Display Order: Okay, now an important thing about the display order. So starting will show cards from the selected deck and any decks it contained. So if you click here on French, my textbook and vocab all, let's think it's almost messed up here a little bit. Then just rename it. Now it should work again, perfect. So if you click here in French, we would then see my textbook and woke up. So it's all included. If you just click here and walk hap. My textbook wouldn't be included for the new cart. And reviews on key factors cards from the decks in alphabetical order. So in this example here, you would get cards from both, but from my textbook first and then vocab, that's important to know. Now. If you'd like to learn just vocab, then create a costume deck out of it with our filtered attack. There is a distinctive less than about it. So new courts and reviews are fetched separately. And Anki won't wait until both queues are empty before moving on the next tech. So it's possible you will exposed to new cards from one deck while seeing reviews from another deck or vice versa. So, as I have said in the previous, lessons, on key will always prioritize court in review Heart Study we are learning. New courts are not that important because the courts that you are actually learning, they are more time-sensitive, right? Or somewhat time-critical. So Anki will always fetch courts that are in learning. And after that, you will see the new car. So that means you, as you, as you can see here, we have now Arabic with a French, have a Mandarin. So we will go through all cards that are in learning or in review from Arabic, French, Mandarin. And after we have all done all the cards that are in learning or in review, then we will do the new cards. And that's very important to know about the order here.
19. Deck Options: Overview: A. So the deck options primarily control the way on keys, schedules, cards. So it's an very important aspect of this whole program. It is really recommended that you spend a few weeks with the defaults to get a feel for how Anki works before you start adjusting options on your own. That's very important. I know I have shown you some other defaults in the previous lessons, but I know what I'm doing and the default I have showed you are quite normal within this Anki community. So everybody has more or less the same. But I really recommend if you, if you would like to change it by herself and play around with it, or just experimented, experiment with it. Just be aware that you should know the stuff, how it works. So because you can quite easily mess up on key if you select the wrong options. So please do not. Do it. Just a joke. So if you if you change anything, be aware, okay. I think I should know at least what they are doing. Right. Okay, So that's enough for, for this danger zone here. We can access those options quite easily. There are four options. We have to gear on the deck screen here. As you can see options. You can also click here. Then at the bottom, options the same. You can also click here saudi now. And then you can click here more. That's the first option. Click here on Options, or you can just press O. Also deck options are not retroactive. So for example, if you change an option that controls the delay after failing and Card cards that you failed prior to changing the option will have to all really not the new one.
20. Deck Options: Presets: So now let's click here on Options. Now you can see we have option group and then we have some tops here. We can also restore the defaults. But the important thing here is to see, okay, there is a so-called option group, also called reset. And now we have custom options activated. Now, if you never have clicked on this tab before on this option, I mean, if you do this the first time, you will see just default and the red text. And as you can see, I have played around with it a little bit. That's why I have two options here. You can then just delete the old one here, and then we have one again. But as you can see, you can add new presets. Let's do constant options. Okay? You have just created a new one. You can also delete it as I have just did before. You can rename the one before, right now, Custom option. I don't know. And you can set this option group for all of the decks because right now the default is set for everything. As you can see. I mean, we can click here on medicine. And as you can see, it's the custom. Now let's go back to French, I guess it's default. Now let's go back to medicine. And now it's custom options, right? Perfect. That's the whole thing. So that's pretty cool because with this option group, you can change multiple options for multiple tags and you don't have to do it for, for every, each of those. So you can have deck for instance, for language learning, for medicine. For topics. For instance, you need longer that you are learning them. So maybe they are more difficult to learn in the beginning, then you can just increase the steps, for instance, right? Because the steps are just telling you, okay. I need much more, longer to learn them once they're graduated. It's much better. So as you can see, you can play them with all the options down below. But really I just recommend to use one preset. I mean, to be honest, I haven't really used this deck options quite heavily. I have read in the beginning, changed the steps. That was quite important because the default isn't that good. Changed it and then it's gone, then, Good. Right? And and one small note on this here. That's the danger zone. And the deck options. You can mess up quite a lot here. Actually, starting ease, especially. But I really recommend to get a feel for Anki. If you have never been studied with Anki or have not watched my class to the fullest or from 1 to 10 or 12 set. So the whole class here, I wouldn't recommend to change it by our own because you should know what you are doing. What happens if you, I don't know. If you feel here, 300, make here 1, 0%. I mean, you have to know that because you will mess up Anki quite easily. So I really recommend that you choose the defaults, I have said in the previous lesson about studying. And if you'd like to do it by your own read stuff. I mean, that's very important. Go on the documentation for Anki. Read on reddit, dot, etc. But don't do it like our COO, cool. Let's play around with it. Can be the code for Anki.
21. Deck Options: New Cards: Okay, so let's look at this new cards and tap here. So the settings in this section only affect new cards and carts in the initial learning mode. So as we remember, there are three phases of a chord, right? You are, or they are new. You are learning them or learning, or they have been graduated those three phases. And this thing here is just if you are learning them or if they are new. This tab is if you're reviewing them. So if they are graduated cards. Now, here you can change how many new cards per day will be shown to you. I mean, that's quite an easy thing, but you have to be averted. In the beginning. The beginning you were very motivated, right? If you have never worked with Anki, It's quite easy to do way too much and it's beginning, it's okay. I mean, you can handle it for 57 days. I don't know quite a lot, but you have to keep up with the pace. And eater you change it then from 300 to 150 for instance. Or you leave it and this, this row here with you will then just increase. I mean, it's like a mailing box and it it gets fuller and fuller. And now you don't learn, you don't want to have it like this, that on key is somehow then everything is overview and doesn't work properly. So because you have to imagine in beginning, okay, you can handle it but some, some VR in one or two or in 11 month and two months, it gets too overwhelming and you will forget things. So really decreased the stuff here. That it's sustainable. And you have also to consider it. In future. It will add up, I mean, in six months or so, everything will be packed. I mean, you will have every day to, I don't know, Review 200 cards, 300. And it's everyday. That's that's the thing here. It isn't I mean, on good days, you can do easily 300 cars, right? But there are days you can. And exactly about this. I mean, it should be a number that you can easily handle all day. So that's why you shouldn't overdo it here. 150 cards, perfect. And if you'd like to learn more than just what we've filtered txt. I will show you this in the lesson as well in this lesson, in this class. But then you just do it with a filter tech that's much more sustainable. Now, the second important option is here, the starting ease. And we haven't talked about it right now or yet, but it's just starting ease. You then skip the learning. If you click here on, I will show you this year. University didn't study, study. Now. Then you click here on easy. And this starting ease comes into play because then you skip the learning phase. The carts gets automatically graduated. I wouldn't do that really. I would rather do it with the code and then the follow each of the steps of the learning phase. I mean, if you have something like this, That's a very, very basic and easy thing in Mandarin. He hadn't just press easy. But really for the easy stuff, I mean, it sounds like I know it perfect. That's for the very obvious ones. So that's why it's starting. Ease is really important because as you can see, it takes the time it had before and multiplies it 2.5. So it can be then the case that if you know something like this and it was I don't know, you, you, you, you move this cart quite, quite, quite, quite a lot in the future, right? So I wouldn't mess it up, I will just leave it with this year. So the important things, I would change order the steps. So as we said in the lesson before, that's quite basic here. Then new cars per day, I would select 115. We can then this at 10, starting ease, I would keep. Now another important thing is this option here, Barry unrelated new cards until the next day. And it really depends on already doing or at least I would I would accurate it. Right. So just activated. I will just tell you right now why. So let's create a new card. And as you can see, there are several types, right? So I have discussed them in the beginning. Now we have the basic and reverse card. We will create two Cartwright in which the front is the front and the back, a step back, but also that the front is the back and back is the front. So we have two chords, right? So for instance, here means thanks on manuring. Thanks. And now we have 10. Let's do it for for this because we don't have anything there. Okay, then we can see it now. Added. Perfect. Now let's go back to browse medicine. And now we can see there are two carts, right? Exactly. Those two. And now it doesn't make any sense if we learn today, for instance, the chord one or chord one here. And now the next card would be just the very same, just inverted that it does. This first question is then thanks. And the nth root and B, right? So in the chord one, the question is, Is he here? And on the second card, the question or PC would be. Thanks. So it wouldn't make any sense that they are directly after each other, right? And that's why we bury unrelated cards. That just means that if we do our related card, they're related card doesn't get shown after it, a catch-all one or two days later. That's just the important thing about this option here.
22. Deck Options: Reviews: Okay, so now let's go back here. Now. There will be much more. Let's choose the right one here. So there will be quite a lot options here. I will just cover the most important one. So as I've just said, and you knew carts, steps important, new courts, starting ease. And this here here as well. This is just, it's just the only one that's really important here. Everything else is quite at once. So normally, you'd like to allow Anki to show you all cars that you need to do. So the best thing is here to set 9999. So now you can also flatten it a little bit. So for instance, you can do something like this to 100 so that you have no more than 200 cards to review. I mean, can be good time or can be a good thing. I mean, it saves you from a heart attack when returning to Anki of trophy a week off for some, for instance. But it's not the best thing. The best thing is really two to 999 because what Anki tells you, you should do, that's really important because otherwise, the algorithm is a little bit because you have to see Anki tells you the best time to study our card. Now, if you don't study the card at this time, on key tells you it isn't the best time anymore. So the probability is increased and that you forget something, I mean, one or two days, nobody cares, That's no problem. But we are speaking here. When you when you have phi from the court to do and you're doing just 200 each day, 300 cards, orange or doesn't get shown. And that's huge. I mean that in seven days are over 2000 cards and that that sums up. And also if you if you just see 200 court because you have set a limit, you don't recognize that you maybe should decrease this number here. So as you can see in front end, so you just see RK, nice 200 car. Everything is great. But in the back-end on keys algorithm messing up in a few months, you can default or restore everything to default. So I would really consider doing this like this here. So 999 and 10, you have always the full transparency here. Now, as I've said, this is the really the most important thing here. All the other options, the percentages I will cover in a more detailed lesson about uncus algorithm. That's true for all of the tabs here.
23. Deck Options: Lapses: Okay. Now go to lapses. I mean, lapses is decades in which a graduated card fails, right? You, you, you, you have a credit card and then you are pressing again. Now what happens if you press them again? It lapses, right? And we also set some special values for it. So it isn't like this year. I recommended to do 25 minutes. One day year new interval you can set to 20%. And the leech Threshold adenoma, I think by default it's about 10, maybe are also eight. And we'll do it a five for something like this and the tank only, not suspended. Now, as you know, you have a graduated card, you miss it, you click again. Now all these options come into play. Now. Steps, we know what it is we went through all as well. I have also, I guess I have previously explained it already, but the new integral is just telling you, okay, If it goes back in those steps here and you have seen this graduated card, um, I don't know, 20 times. And after six months, you forget the cord. But the the the integral was six month. Now it's after your passing those steps, the new integral is then 20 percent of the six months. So you are starting with some kind of legacy here. So it isn't really fresh. I mean, it wouldn't make any sense because somewhere you have the memory, you learned it and you can access it normally. It isn't like you completely forget it 100%. Oftentimes you need just to remember it. And then it's like our true, okay, perfect. And you need some kind of hint. But as soon as you have this hint, it, It's all good. And you don't want to crush it too bad. I mean, you can also increase it, but that was my personal opinion about the leech action. The leech Threshold is if you miss it five times in a row. So if you have a graduated card and then on all not just a graduated court in general, and then you are missing it. You are missing the court. I don't know, five times or whatever it is. It gets tagged as Leach. And that means you really don't remember this chord. I mean, if you have to click again five times or eight times, I would really consider to remember it a little bit different. You use a different strategy, use something funny to remember it. Um, something personal, something visual, add no. Break it into smaller chunks. I, FOR distinctive lesson about how to make good Anki cards. It's a little bit longer. But in this lesson you will learn everything you can do to learn a cart more efficiently. So if you have a problem with a card, then just watch this class. But also in general, I would really encourage you to watch this less than or less than, which I discuss how to make unquote Anki cards because you don't want to build countless decks with bad content inside because garbage in, garbage out. So take your time. I don't know how long the lesson is and what the goal should always be. Never have a leeched cord. And for sure, just tack them, not suspend them. I mean, why did you then just upload the card into Anki, right? I mean, everything in Anki should be important to know or to learn. If you just spend, it, doesn't make any sense. I mean, you have to learn this card, right.
24. Deck Options: General & Description: Okay, Now the general tab, I mean, it's pretty easy in our answers timer times longer than 60 seconds. Yes. Maybe you can also do something like 20 seconds. But I really would increase it because oftentimes you are doing something else and then it goes just true to Anki, right? I would. And oftentimes I have a card. I know I have said a general rule of thumb is you should know it within 10 or 20 seconds to the answer. But sometimes I have cards which have or I struggled quite a lot. But if I get it, I take a little bit longer IV, I'm creative with it, then. It's all good and I can memorize it much better. So sometimes I need a little bit longer. So especially if I'm just learning it, graduated cards, okay. You can do them quite quickly. But yeah, I prefer a little bit longer here. Show enter time. I wouldn't do that. I mean, it's stress it's just stressing you. Um, yes. Or everything else is quite obvious. And personal description. Yes. I don't know. You can do it. I mean, it's a description for this, for this task here, for this deck for instance. And no, Group 2. Now if you click here Madison, you can see the description here, so you can make some descriptions. But that's it. That's all the options. Carts, reduce labs, and then the two are quite easy. What asset? Those are trusted very basic options and you will not use it that heavily amine this class. The only thing you need, just replacing the very things that have just said. And 10, It's all good. I mean, in the beginning when I used Anki and just looked it up, those numbers and some other options. And that was it. I mean, it's something you use really, really rarely.
25. Custom Study (Filtered Decks): Okay, so when you study a regular deck in Anki, only a limited number of courts are shown. So as you click here, we can see the new cards, the learning. And to review. So in total, you would have 170 new cards who wrote study right now, right? So this is generally useful as it ensures that you don't spend more time studying the necessary. So that's exactly what we wanted and caught with spaced repetition on get held us. While we need to learn which card in which spacings. Right? Now sometimes it can be useful to step outside of this normal limits, such as when you need a review for a test or have free time, some flack this. So you don't need this costume study type everytime. But now when Stan, it's quite useful. So a filtered attack, that's the way we do those costume studies, offer a lot of possibilities. And we in detail, you can use, it can be used for previewing courts, cramming carts before tests, starting particular tags, catching up on the backlog with a particular sort of order, reviewing ahead of schedule. So if you have much free time going over them, days, failed courts, so on, so on. So you have quite a lot of options here. So we filtered txt, you have a lot of freedom and more possibilities. And if this is too much for you, no problem. And just use Anki as you know it and get used to learning according to the algorithm. I mean, if you have never used Anki before, it's no problem. Just use it. Started the study now. That's no problem. And once you are used to it, try out to do a filter tank and to a custom study. I mean, it's quite simple, but you have to get used to it. That's true. Okay, so the easiest way to create a filter deck is with the constant study button, which appears at the bottom of the screen. When you click on a deck, for instance here the French now, custom study, perfect because we have finished this deck for now, perfect. I, it's also saying here on the Saudi outside of the normal schedule, collect the costume study button down below. Perfect. So we could click here, but we could also create filled deck with F, the shortcut. So either click here or just F. Now it's very much the same, but you need to type in stuff. So I would recommend to go here, click French and custom study. And then there are countless options here, so you can just increase today's new card limit. That was my favorite option. Or at least I mean, if you have reviewed all cards perfect. And just do some new cards. But peaches, I'm conscious about how many new cards you increase. It's rather good. For instance, two to the first time 50 wants to, once you do them in this time are today, you can then just increase it once again, 50 more. I wouldn't do it like okay. Then just increase it by 300. Because if you don't do all of those 300 yeah. Those would be overviewed tomorrow, et cetera. So then you can also review for cotton cards. It's also great review or hat. I wouldn't really do that. Preview new cards. Okay, you can do that. Or Saudi by court, state or tag. That's also useful. So I refuse to increase today's new card or EU Court limit and bicarb state or tag. As you can see, you can already use carts in random order. So again, so you are just reviewing them again. And if you have cards that are failed, ordered or where quite tricky, you would see them again here as well. But it's quite easy to do a custom study. I mean, you could, or we could say, hey, we haven't any cards here as it seems. But with this here is perfect. Okay, so increase today's limit, for instance to 40. Then now we can study it. Perfect.
26. Graphs And Statistics (Stats): We've been Anki, you have the option to see all the statistics and graphs. So you can just click here, or you can just also press T on the keyboard, right? So click here, then you see the tag for the currently selected one. You can then test, for instance, French and click on that. Then you see it for the French one. You can maybe this one, the university stats now we see a little bit more. So at, for the text specifically, there is also for the collection that means for all of the texts, right? That's for all of the dam here. Then you see the future due to the number of reviews you in the future. That's really good because then you can anticipate if you should increase or decrease the new courts limit. That's quite good. I mean, you can even yeah, I mean, the forecast is quite good here. Then the colony, That's very cool because then you see how many courts or how much you learned each day. For instance, today, I made three reviews, less Monday 1013. So as you can see, we had three today. Now in universities that, and here we have 11 today. Perfect, Right? So it's quite cool. And there is also an add on that. You see this graph just at the beginning. So it, you see this graph down below. That's very motivating. So that's the calendar. You can also go back in time. You can see the reviews, a number of questions you have answered. Card count, how they are sorted, or what times. Delays until the reviews are shown. Again. It's also quite helpful. Card ease. I mean, at the end, I have used this thing quite a lot. The future you, as well as the colander. Everything else is just nice. For instance. This one is also quite good. Sometimes you see some patterns. So review success rate for each hour of the day. I mean, if you are having a small success rate in the morning and the high success rate in the evening. Maybe. That means you are just much more focused in the evenings or vice versa. So that's quite cool here. The answer buttons also. Yes, but at the end, it's really yeah, future and future you Collinger. And maybe this this hourly breakdown.
27. Favourite Add Ons: On keys capabilities can be extended with add-ons. Add-ons are extensions and oftentimes like new MPS, add-ons can provide features like extra support for a specific languages like Russian, marine, etc. Extra control over scheduling, appearance. I'm just batteries to create cards, so on, so on. So the possibilities are almost endless. And that's one of the biggest advantages with Anki in the communities. That big. I mean, if you'd like to ask for advice, there will be helped. If you need anything, like more specific way to do stuff or customize and adopt donkey to a very specific needs. There is a way and that's very cool. There are people who, who are willing to help you. I mean, it's such a nice community. But this well, that they are doing something. I mean, if something doesn't exist and it's it's a pain point in the community. There will be an add-on, and that's very cool. So to browse the list of available add-ons, select tools, then add-ons. And then here you can see all the atoms that are active or active right now, this one is disabled. And then you will see all your add-ons listed here. Now, as you can see, there are different ways to get an add-on. You can paste the code. So to browse add-ons, please click the Browse button below. This one. When you have found on Adam, you like please post its code below. You can paste multiple code separated by spaces. So you can also check some codes just with or you can share some add-ons. We've pasting some codes, so that special, but you can also install it directly from a file, right? From a PC file. Then you can check up for updates for those specific files. Yes. Then you can see the view item page. I mean, that's the very same. If you click here browse add-ons, you can contact the stuff I wouldn't do that. That's the danger zone. And toggle enable that. Just as you can see, you can Google it. So now let's get an add-on and browse add-on. Now, as you can see, we are on Anki web, Jeanette shared add-ons. And here we can see all of the add-ons. You can also sorted of forum, the most latest ones or for the ratings. And there are countless, I mean, you can see this. Countless add-ons and thermo bad. Okay? Or at least not such a good review rating. But here it's, it's quite easy. You find an add-on. You find this code here, and paste exactly this code into this. So this number here, right? So let's do it again. Copy, go back, get add-on, pasted, download complete. Please restart Anki to apply changes. Perfect. Now we can see it on C0 connected is enabled, otherwise it'll be grayed out. And we can do that with all of the outer atoms. I mean, it's quite, quite cool and easy. Though some of the apps have just a small description. But a lot of reviews. You also see how competent are exactly is a known errors, for instance. So it's a little bit more advanced here. They even have a GitHub that's a special website for hosting such things. And you see all the supported Anki version. Because sometimes such add-ons or not for the most latest Anki version. Now if you'd like to have uncertain add-on, for instance, add a no, this one here. That's just available. Maybe an old one hand and know right now. But if you have a chord, an add-on, you'd like to have, but it doesn't work with the most latest one or version of Anki. You have to downgrade Anki. That's a really easy, I have a lesson about it. But sometimes I think it was 10 Symbaloo. Yes, exactly. Then you see it 2.1.35 and the most latest one, as you can see here is 2.47. And it's just for 35. So this one wouldn't be doable with the most latest ones we have to downgrade. So it it's it's sometimes do you would you like to downgrade it? Isn't that important. But yeah, so there is a possibility just to downgraded. And oftentimes it's better to have the latest version of Anki because then it's much more capable of hosting all of the add-ons. Now I have made a selection of the best and most popular add-ons for Anki, you will find all links in the description. As you can see, there are so many, I have grouped them into categories. So for instance, there is a general one. I mean, it's something I couldn't and put into some other categories. But it's much those add-ons are four whole experience over the whole experience in Anki cried. So for instance, you can have a full screen to Google or the hotkeys, the keyboard and Anki is always on top, so it never gets covered by another PC or Mac Window, for instance. That's the feeling. That's quite cool. So you can customize the appearance of Anki. So those things are in general. And with the card creation is everything you can use to enhance the card creation process. So for instance, here you can also create closed courts with images. Mean if you have an image and you want to hide some parts of it, which for instance, you need to know and then you can check it out. Okay, perfect. It was this one. So image an occlusion is quite cool. Imagery Sicer and you will see that you can't resize an image with an Anki if you paste an image inside of a donkey when you create a card. So those types of things are here. You can also add tables, symbols as you type. That's pretty neat, That's cool. Something I have used a lot was awesome. Tts. And especially if you learning a language that's quite phonetic, like mentoring. It's all about how it sounds and it isn't very static language. So are some TTS is great because you can then add speech or audio files to your flashcards. So those things are kinda really recommend. So they are necessary while starting. Sometimes quite cool, but it isn't that necessary. I mean, you can zoom in as a color conformation of the buttons. View, Review button bar. Pop-up dictionary is quite cool. I have to admit you can double press on a button, on a text and then a pop-up dictionary with all your knowledge with like a browser. So you have an E yen own dictionary. That's very cool, especially if you are studying medicine and that stuff. Then for better organization, I never used it that much. But if you have a lot of things, for instance, if you're studying medicine, that's really valuable. I mean, by your tax, Yes. Right now the debt or the tanks right now to earn that code. So the tagging system could be better. I'm fast bar cool. Then you have some additional buttons. Hierarchy, hierarchical tags, cool as well. For some more overview. Then in statistics and great review heatmap, that's the one I mentioned in the video before. So you see the statistics just in the deck screen. That's very motivating Anki simulator, greatest world. Now if you are studying medicine, ambitious, I think you know it. Or at least if you're studying medicine in the United States, you know, Amber's done, then some funny things. Pokey monkey. So those are all things that a little bit gamified. And maybe, you know, hockey ticket at some mobile, smartphone app, leaderboard in which you can compare yourself to your friends. So. Hi, or who learns the most? And close it for Anki, That's quite at once, but it's, it's so powerful it actually went then just yeah, almost to everything in Anki. But that's, that's a very advanced, that's why I called it nerdy stuff. But as you can see, those, there are some categories that are more important or have a bigger impact on productivity. And Mean card creation. Definitely. Then in the beginning, nice to have some general things. Starting not that much. I bought at least popup tag, dictionary, better organization I would really recommend once you have, once you have some sort of a big database. But with the better tax, I would do them in the beginning because tagging everything after. That doesn't make any sense. So I think you also have to know how you will use on Kim. Is it just for one language? Is it for dumping everything into Anki? So it gets your second brain. Or as I said, beginning, is it just for one language? Easy. Then you can, you do, you don't have to do or you don't have to do it professionally. I mean, you can then just use funny staff and but this one, it gets really important if you are serious about Anki. Yes. So those are the favorite add-ons and important. I mean, just try it out. Maybe you have to install another version. I mean, as you can see, there are so many add-ons. Sometimes they aren't working with each other. Then it's a little bit of yeah, you'll have to play with it a little bit. An important once you have downloaded all of these add-ons are of those add-ons. You need to restart on key, otherwise it will not be effective. So here it's also saying changes will take effect when Anki is restarted. So let's do this. Who enabled or a arcane S. It happens if you change the deck options, that's no problem. Uploads to Anki. Because you are thinking right now. So perfect. As you can see, I have some bashful I don't know. Will be a special add-on, I guess. Okay, Change interface font, as you can see, it just take effect as well as MT Connect. Now it's working everything.
28. Editing & More When Studying: So when you are under study screen, you have some options. So you have the edit button here and you have the more button here. So you can click the Edit button in the bottom left of the current note or study cord. When you finish. So you can edit right? And when you are finishing, you get your getting back to this card. So for instance, we should ripen. Okay, what can I do? I'm feeling like this here. Test. Then you can edit it. Close. Perfect. And now I see the changes immediately applied. Now that's a very, very cool feature because oftentimes you have an insight or you'd like to change something, for instance. And are exactly this would help me remember it. I don't know. You you type in something personal. You can do it as well as hear something personal, something that lack a hint. If you have problems remembering it, close it, then you've seen it again. So this edit button at the bottom left, it's really useful and make use of it. So at the end, it's just important that the things from Dunkin, it goes into your brain. Now, at the bottom right of the review screen is a bottled as a button labeled more. This button provide some ultra operations you can do on the current chord or note. So quite a lot here. So let's go. It's true and to be honest, decent editing really use at all. I mean, the only button I used was just edit. But for completeness AND gate, you know what you can do with those. I will tell you this right now. So flag a chord. This adds a color marker to the court or toggles it off. Flex will appear during study and you can search for flagged carts in the browsing screen. That's quite cool. This is useful when you want to take some action on the court at a later date, such as looking up at work when you get home, for instance, you can tell, hey, look red cards, those are the difficult ones, right? And you can later on and create a filter deck with just the red cards in it. So you can answer C triple one, procedural one right here. So that's the flag. Then you can answer on Barry card or nodes and these heights or card or all of the nodes arts from review until the next day. If you want to on bury cards before then you can click the unbutton on the deck overview screen. Then you're unburied. All part of the stack is useful if you cannot answer the card at the moment or you wants to come back to it. At another time. Bearing can also happen automatically four cards of the same node. So then This is spent card or car note. And to be honest, you don't have to know the difference between an coordinate anode. Really. I mean, if you will use those things, you will get the difference. But even after one year using Anki or know, much longer, I don't get it. I mean, note, note, that's very easy. Very simple explained here. Note as I know it, notice the knowledge behind it. That's the whole knowledge. Our card gets populated out of a node. So, yeah, it's quite tricky. But at the end, just click Barry cord or suspend card. Do not care about the note. If you then are much deeper into Anki, you will get the difference and then you can use those. But for now, just do the staff if the if the cord per record flag card, suspend card. Yeah. Delete card. Okay. But you get it right? I didn't use it a lot and it isn't that important. So you can barrier card. So that means okay, it doesn't get shown today. Perfect. Then what do we have? We can delete it. We can access the options of this deck. The card is inside. We can replay audio, pause audio. That's very cool if you have an add-on, for instance, TTS are some language. That's a cool add-on. My lesson about the add-ons, which I've explained it. And you can record your own voice, replay your own ways. So to be honest, as I said, you will not really use this on maybe for flagging, but you can use something like this, right? See-through L or Control, Control. 1, 2, 3, 4. That's it. That's the really useful button here to edit this stuff.
29. Ten Rules: So this lesson will help you overcome one of the greatest difficulties you will face when trying to accelerate learning. Formulating knowledge, how should you present it? How should you make cards? In which way? What should you can't, what should you include? What shouldn't you include? So all those things. So the speed of learning will depend on the way you formulate the material. Garbage in, garbage out. The same material can be learned many times faster. If well formulated. The difference in speed can be stunning.
30. Rule 1: Understanding it: Do not learn if you do not understand, I mean, it's really obvious, but trying to learn things you don't understand may seem like really an utmost nonsense, but still an amazing proportion of students committed the offense of learning without any comprehension. Very often they have no other choice. The quality of many textbooks or lecture scripts is deplorable while examination deadlines are unmoved. So you are just learning what's possible. And you don't care if the whole thing sticks after the test or the exam. You're just glad you made it through. So I did it exactly the same, but but sometimes it didn't, but that's the thing, right? So you are just learning that you have learned that you can memorize the stuff for the for the exam and normally all the things are then gone. I mean, that's okay. If you just want to have if it doesn't I mean, if if you don't care for the exam, if it if it's knowledge, what doesn't need to be sticky in your head. But if you want that, the knowledge stays within your memory, then you should not learn. If you do not understand, that's really important. If you don't care, go and do it. I mean, I really do not care, but if you'd like that it's sticky. You can memorize it for months and the years, then you really do not learn it if you don't understand it. So if you're not a speaker of Chairman, it is still possible to learn our history textbooks in terminal. The book can be crammed word by word. However, the time needed for such a blind learning is astronomical. Even more important, the value of such knowledge is neglected. If your grandma term and book on history, it will still nothing. Or you will still know nothing about German history, right? I mean, it's just blind learning the chairman history book example as an extreme. However, the materials to learn may often seem well-structured and you may tend to blame yourself for lack of comprehension. It's going, you may pollute your learning process with a great deal of useless material that to reach directly makes you believe it will be useful some day. So really be quite disciplined here. I mean, everything that goes into Anki, you just need to understand. Otherwise it just useless. That's a really important point here.
31. Rule 2: Learn Before Memorize: Though, before you proceed with memorizing in which we'll facts and the rules, you need to build an overall picture of the learned knowledge. Only one individual pieces fit, build a single cohort structure. Will you be able to dramatically reduce the learning time? This is closely related to the problem comprehension mentioned in rule one. So we don't learn if you didn't understand a single separated piece of your pictures, like a single German word in the textbook of a history. So do not start from memorizing loosely related facts. First, read the chapter in your book, puts them together. So summary or principles of the internal combustion engine so that you get the bigger picture. Only then proceed with learning useful are using individual questions and answers. So what moves the pistons in the internal combustion engine, et cetera? So that's very important because then you have also bigger picture in which you can localize the learning, the knowledge and insights, right? I mean, with the example of them and combustion engine, then you know, okay, cool. Thing works this way in a very, very wrong way. But you get the picture RK, something burns, then it explodes. And the best pistols or pistons gets moved. And with the movings, so on, so on the right. And then you can go deeper and deeper. But then you have this net of knowledge, you know how to locate oldest often it's the very same with Anki. You can just learn very detailed stuff because you also need to localize in your brain. As simple as it seems and, and, and looks what you really need to have some for some sort of localization if you're learning Spanish and you should know, why are you learning it as it just for grammar, is it for vocabulary? And where does it fit in your beaker goal, bigger picture. So we're not just download a spreadsheet and import into Anki and then learn it. Think about, okay, what's the bigger picture here? Or is it just to add, just learn the vocabulary and that's it. Or other, other component of this learning process. Grammar, sentences to need to two, sentence mining, so on, so on the right. So be really, really conscious about this year.
32. Rule 3: Minimalism: Vic, to the minimum information principle. The material you learn must be formulated in a simple way as possible. So the simpler, the better. Simple is always better. Because then you have to memorize less. I mean, what's easier too? Download ten gigabytes of data or one gigabyte. It's 10 times smaller. So of course the smaller one, it's easier, right? If the quality is the same, That's important. You can, you cannot just cut that 10 percent out of the knowledge and think it's the same. But let's imagine you formulated ten better that it's compromised, right? So by definition, simple material is easy to remember. This comes from the fact that it's simplicity makes it easy for a brain to perceive, process. It always in the same way. Imagine a labyrinth. When making a repetition of a piece of material. The rain is running through a labyrinth. You can view on neural network as a tangle of paths. While running through the labyrinth, the brain leaves a track on the walls. If it can run in only one unique way, the path is continuous and easy to follow. If there are many combinations, each May 1 leave or different trees that will interfere with other traces, making it difficult to find the exit. The same happens on the cellular level with different synaptic connections be inactivated at each repetition of complex material. Sorry, I have two came up with this one, but it's brilliant because you have to really think about it. If you have very complex questions, questions you're asking yourself in your own key. Start the screen, Right? So question and an answer. You may exactly that you make the exactly the same path inside your brain. You have to see or check so many things with a complex question. Whereas with an easy question, you can just check it. I mean, I can show you this one here. For instance. What are the characteristics of the dead t? So many Or, you know, I mean, they aren't numbered. So you don't have a track on how many they are you should memorize, right? I mean, I think there are books about the Dead Sea with hundreds of pages. So you can learn quite a lot here. But what would you like to learn? What's your goal here? So it is numbered, It's very tricky. And I guess every time you would be asking yourself here with the with the Salt Lake or just with this question here. Every time something different as an answer would appear. So Salt Lake located on the border between Israel and Jordan? Yeah, maybe you would guess or come up with the sentence at the end, then you even come up with it. I mean, it's not really structured. And yeah, that's, that's a horrible thing here. So many things you have to think of. And even before, I mean, you have to think, okay, well, here, what do I need to know? I mean, the question is to open okay, For some sort, but if you need just facts, I mean, as you can see here, what do you need to know? How the average level, how long, how much, et cetera, et cetera. If you just need such facts, then do it better like this year. That's a very precise question. Very satiety located on the border between Israel and Jordan. That's a very, very precise question. What is the lowest point on the Earth's surface? The Dead Sea shoreline. So you see, it's really precise and it's exactly like the Labyrinth I have told in the beginning. So you might want to experiment and try to learn to subjects using the two above approaches, or the one approach I've just told you. And see for yourself what Adventure is broke the minimum information principle. So really, if you have a question, something like this here, that can lead to some sentences. Think about, okay, how can I compromise this question? And you can make, I'm much more questions out of it, right? I mean, here we have one question and here we have 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 7, 8, 9, guess nine questions out of one. I get it. It's it's a pain. You have to formulate all those nine questions. It much more work. It It's much more work, okay? But in the end, you will be so much faster with just learning it this way. And it sticks, it sticks much more than this clumpy text here. So apply this minimum information principle as well for, for questions. So that's very important, as simple as possible. Even if it means that you have to reformulate the question and make more questions. But that's important because you could just copy, paste it into Anki that it, and you have either no, all your questions from your textbook within 10 minutes into Anki. But it would be such a mess to learn the next weeks, months. So it's much better to them in west one or two days formulating the questions. Because during formulating, your also, also quite aware and you will learn so much about the questions. I mean, it's the same this year. What was it? Lowest point, shoreline. I mean, such things will stick. And during the making those questions, you will learn. That's even better.
33. Rule 4: Cloze Deletion: Cloze deletion is a sentence with its parts missing and replaced by three dots. Close deletion exercises isn't science that uses close deletion to ask the students to fill in the gaps marked with the three dots, right? So for example, Bill was the second US President to go through impeachment. If you are a beginner and if you find it difficult to stick to the minimum information principle, use cloze deletion. If you are not once user, you will also like close deletion. But it's then a little bit better applied. It, it is a quick and effective method of converting textbook knowledge into knowledge that can be subject to learning based on space repetition. Close deletion makes the core of the first reading and learning technique called incremental reading. Now, I think it's quite important that you get the message here. So as you can see here, we, we, I mean, let's take the example before. We can just close those things and replace it with the three dots, right? Then our average in meters below the sea. It is long. It is, it is as salty. So you get it. The things you'd like to learn, you just delete and replace it if the clause or if those three points. But I will guarantee that you can just replicate it. And within such a sentence, more or less, it isn't as effective as doing it like this year. Because it always in the context of the whole sentence. But if you have 500 questions, and that's why always the debt is here. The question, isn't it like, how long is it? I mean, what if you have 500 questions? And that t is just 1 subtract there, you could have high denote the ocean, the amount Everest, Kilimanjaro. And then it's just how long is it? The new guessing on, okay, ten subjects. I mean, Mt everest is, I don't know, 88 thousand meters high, something like this. Is it, this is long, but you get it right. So here, when you have 500 words, you get you, it's much, it's hot. It's harder to get it with just the sentence. With this here. It's much simpler cause you have the whole context and you know, I exactly. I can remember seven times and 400 IS exactly. And you can remember this 17 times is just, I'm deviated from this one here. You can just, you know, it because you know this one. So I hopefully you get the ID. But as I said, you can you can use it a minute. It better like this year. So that's the worst-case. Then you, you make Elysian close. And then you do something like this. And you can also do something like this here. But this is really the best option here. So could look like some flack this here. Collider was founded the tune of Apple computer and IBM in 1991. Answer for the millions. That's easier because you don't have to rewrite the sentences. You can just copy the thing and paste it here, but as well, you have different sentences then. Here you have to rewrite sentences. It's much more difficult. But as you can see, close deletion is easy and effective. It's easy and it's not that bad. But this is always the best thing to do.
34. Rule 5: Graphic Deletion: So graphic lesion is as good as close deletion. So instead of miss, instead of replacing a missing, missing a phrase or texts, we replace our missing image component. So for example, when learning anatomy, you might present a complex illustration like this one. So that's the brain. So the students job is now to name the missing area. So the same illustration can be used to formulate 10 or 20 items. As you can see, we have here the prefrontal area, frontal lobe, frontal eye field, and everything. You can actually plus or you can hide and then you have to guess, okay. Which field of the brain is it? So you can make out of this image, I don't know, eight or 10 art. That really cool because once it's really wish that, that helps quite a lot for memorizing stuff. You can also located much better in, inside of, you would asking, Hey, What's the thing? At the front of the brain, okay, prefrontal area. But here you can actually quite well located. So that's great. And in medicine it's well used. And it's quite popular. For the, for this thing is a specific add-on. You will find it in the lesson I've made. But also it's useful or helpful with other subjects like sailing. I named all of the different objects, both has, right? So all the things, um, definitions, the terms. Then you can, you can easily make our image and printed out, name everything, scan it, and then upload it. Then you have a custom image, and then you can make the same one here. We have just a graphic deletion. So that's, that's great and I would really recommend doing it if you have some visual stuff like brain anatomic medicine in general, geography. So on to, on.
35. Rule 6: Visual: Use imaginary. We shall cortex is that part of the brain in which visual stimuli are interpreted. It has been very well developed in the course of evolution. And that is why we say one picture is worth a thousand words instead. Or indeed, if you look at the number of details kept in the image or picture, the easiness which we are with. Our memory, can retain all of the images or all of the information. We will notice that our verbal processing power is greatly limited. I mean, an image says just so many things, right? And we are quite limited in pronouncing them. So the very same refers to memory. We can just memorize much more if you have it visually. That's the same with the graphic deletion, right? That's one less than before this. It works exactly the same way we can just memorize. My image is much better. So usually it takes much less time to formulate a simple question and answer pair then to find or produce a neat graphic image. This is why you will probably always have to wait up cost and profits in using graphics in the learning material. But here as well, we have a small trick using just graphic deletion, right? It's pretty much the same as we had before. So while employed images well will greatly reduce your learning time in areas such as anatomic grade, geography, geometry to mystery, history and many more. So as I have said in the previous lesson, the power of imaging image. Jerry explains why the concept of Tony bosons, mindmaps is so popular or mind-map as an ops correct picture in which connect, connect, in which connections between its components reflect their logical connections between in which we'll concepts. I mean, very same with this one here. That's a perfect example. Um, you can ask them the, on the left side here, what African country is located between Kenya, Zambia, and the Mozambique. Tanzania. The country here, right? What African countries marked with white on the map. And the new, because you know that Anki, Kenya, Zambia, maybe you recommend here. Recognize Zanzibar. So we shall, things are much better because then, you know, such things, right? You can then see on K, that's a C there. That's all. Also lake, Lake some, yeah, perfect. So I really recommend to do it as visual Lee appealing as possible.
36. Rule 7: Avoid Sets: So avoid sets. So a set is a collection of objects. For example, a set of fruits might be an apple appear and the pH, right? A classic example of an item that is difficult to learn is an item that asks for a list of the member of a set. So for instance, what countries belong to the European Union? And to be honest, I live here in Europe, even though Switzerland isn't in the European Union. But I wouldn't have any clue. I mean, there are so many countries in this European Union. So it's quite a tricky question here. So you should avoid such items whenever possible, due to the high cost of retaining memories based on sets. If sets are absolutely necessary, you should always try to convert them into enumerations. Enumerations are ordered lists of members. So for example, the alphabetical list of the members of the European Union. Enumerations are also hard to remember and should be avoided. I mean, okay. You will have an enumeration. You know, I don't know, Really that's wrong. But for instance, the ROP, when they're 20 or 30 countries in the EU. And you know it. And if you don't have 20, when you're remembering them, you know, if something is wrong, you also would know, maybe I don't know, five countries have or starting with an a. So it's helpful, but not really helpful. You know, it, it's much harder. So it's easier. But even though it's still hard, right? So the great advantage of enumerations over sets is that they are ordered and they force the brain to police them always in the same order. That's indeed. So an ordered list of countries contains more information than the set of countries that can be listed in any order. Now you see, that's exactly the thing I have mentioned in the beginning, right? We'd like to compromise or you compress. You'd like to compress information from 10 gigabytes of data into one gigabyte of data. But it's still the same knowledge. The insides are the same. And here it's the same. It's work we have to do. We have to group or sort the list, but it's an easier for us. So in the case of sets, listing members in order at each repetition has a task truss affect the memory because you never know. What is it, the right order data say, I don't know. Germany, France, data allergies had friends. I don't know. So it's quite tricky then. So it is nearly impossible to memorize sets containing more than five members without the use of some special techniques, grouping, et cetera. By this claim, you will often succeed due to some consciously mastering techniques that help you around this problem. You can do it, but it's quite tricky. So those techniques, however, will fail you all too often. For that reason, avoid sets. If you need them badly, convert them into integrations and use techniques for dealing with enumerations. So we can see here that the example have brought up before. You can, there are countless ways you can make bad records. I mean, you can do the obvious thing right now as as we did here. But it gets quite tricky, known him, you have to have some sort of knowledge. You can also do it with a cord as we did here, right? Which you just show them members of the United after European. Yeah, they you, you know. So you just show a map or you would group it into contraries. In the South are in, you know, so Spain, Portugal, France, Italy, and then in the north. So, so maybe this way, but it's important, just enumerations do not work. Then make a list out of it, grouped the list, or make such questions. But never just make something like this year because you can remember it. Maybe there are other techniques. Yes, you can make like, like like a trick, a, b, d, e, f, g, and, and learn trust this word that the resulting out of this, right. So a, b, d, e, f, g, g, i, and so on, so on. That's a trick you could make, but it's not really smart. I mean, if you miss something or you mix up something, yeah. It's not always accurate. And the mean, you can mix it up like Finland friends both have F in the beginning. So you see such things. So really avoid sets that, that isn't the best thing here. Make you, make something smart out of it.
37. Rule 8: Avoid Enumerations: So what enumerations? Enumerations are also an example of classic items that are, are hard to learn. The are still far more acceptable than sets and when they are sorted somehow, right? But really avoid integrations whenever I came because they are not optimal. They are better than sets, yes, but they are not the best thing. So if you cannot avoid them, for instance, deal with it. Yeah, using cloze deletions or something like this. Learning the alphabet and can be a good example of an overlapping close deletion, for instance. So, so you could learn it like this here. What is the sequence of letters in the alphabet? And you would learn in like a child, maybe just with a song. So a, B, C, D, E, F, G. So something like a melody, right? But you can also end. So many people have really problem, or they are, they are struggling to repeat it backwards because they have just learned it as a melody from start to finish. The same thing is ask a person if they know what after r or k. I mean, some Kenneth, but oftentimes people have to redo it are the same if you asking, Hey, what's before or what's before k, they have to do the whole thing inside the brain or mental. So an option to solve this would be this here, right? I mean it with overlapping close deletion, as you can see, fill out the missing letters of an alphabet a, so then B, C, D, right? So that's the answer. That's the question. So BCD, CDI. So that's another great way to, to fragment ties all this stuff here, because otherwise you'll learn it just as one chunk, one element. And here you're learning some certain elements out of it. So BCD is one element here, the same for CDI. So you get sick and not just learning the whole thing here, but also some fractions out of it. I mean, it's the same with poems, for instance. You could learn all the things here. But it's quite tricky. Or you could learn it like this here. And that you really have closed deletion. So you know this one here, then the other one comes.
38. Rule 9: Personalize it: Personalize and provide examples. One of the most effective ways of enhancing memories is to provide them with a link to your personal life. In the example here, you will save time if you use a personal reference rather than just trying to paint a picture that would aptly illustrates the question. So that's a really powerful because such things here you already know and they are quite deep. So S, as possible as, or if it's possible, try it. It's one of the best ways to memorize things.
39. Rule 10: Use Emotions: So rely on emotional states. If you can illustrate your items with examples that you are with it, or even shocking. I mean, the harder, the more extreme. Your likely to enhance retrieval as long as you don't not overuse the system, right? I mean, if you just do it too many times, you, you dilute this emotional things here. So, but in general, the emotional states are really powerful here. So your items may assume bizarre form. However, as long as they are produced for your private, that's important. Private consumption. The end justifies the means. They can be really funny, I don't know, but it's private. Just you can use it. You can make a note in Anki as a small hint. You don't have to type it by its full name. You can use it as a hint. Use emotional states. Use objects that evoke very specific and strong emotions. Love, sex, var, your laid relative objects of your invitation. Nelson Mandela, your most favorite people, I don't know, but something that some somehow linked to your emotional state. It is well-known that emotional state can facilitate recall. However, you should make sure that you are not deprived of the sad emotional clues at the moment. And you need to retrieve a given memory in a real-life situation. So I think that's a very important thing, as well as them. The thing before with the personalization. It can be really personal and it can be really, really strong emotion. That should be the goal, really to memorize something very difficult. Do it like this, for instance, with the youth to Tanzania here, I was in holidays a few times here in Zanzibar. And that's why I know RK here is Sunday warranted by its Tanzania here and all the surrounding countries. Link such things. If you don't know things, you can then link it. I don't know. Then imagine you would be sitting on the beach on Xunzi bar, this small island, and you would be looking to Tanzania. So be really creative, make it personal. And here as well, right? I mean, imagine the emotions, the feelings you had men sitting at the beach. So it's really, it's really powerful if you make it personal. And really if some, some emotions.
40. Ten Rules: Recap: Okay, So we are at the end of this lesson here, so let's sum it up. Do not learn if you do not understand, right? Learned before you memorize, build the picture of the whole, before you go too much into the details to this membrane, into simple items in Anki. So get the whole picture. Stick to the minimum information principle. If you continue for getting an item, tried to make it as simple as possible. If it does not help. See the remaining rules. I mean, closely lesions graphics converting sets into numeration. So be creative and compromise or M compress the information given on a chord. Cause the easier it is, it easier to, it's easier to remember. Use cloze deletion. It's very easy and effective if you don't have any time for doing some field like this here. You can also use graphic deletion if you don't have time to make images like this year. Use images as a general rule of thumb, if possible, use it. Avoid sets. They are pretty annoying to learn. If you have sets, make enumerations. But as saddened beginning, really avoiding enumerations. I mean, they are better than sets, yes. But they aren't the best thing here. Make it something like this here with overlapping closing lesions. Then refer to alter memories. That's very powerful because those things you have already personalized and provide examples. And rely on emotional states. As I said, the more personal, the more emotions, the easier it is. The card and the badger. That's really important. Those three things actually are one of the most effective things here or tips.
41. Final Thoughts: Okay, So we are at the end of this whole class and I hope that Anki isn't dead tricky anymore. That you know how you can work with it, how you can use it, that it isn't too complicated. They don't have to waste too much time with it. I mean, at the end, it should be a tool for you. And I hope you've now learned how to use this tool. If you have any questions, just ask me directly with comments, with Twitter, I don't know, but just ask me. And if you if if if you haven't done a review yet, I would be extremely happy if you could do one. It doesn't take too much time. And now 1015 seconds would really appreciate it. And thanks so much for your patients and see you next time. Bye-bye.