1. Class Introduction: Hi, I'm Lauren Rogers, also known as Chef Loria's Welcome to Kitchen Basics. My Kitchen, basic Siris of classes is a brand new thing I'm launching here, and it's for get. This is for new cooks, for experience. Cooks for good cooks, from bad cooks, for people love to cook, and people who hate to cook is for everybody. In this series of classes, I'm going to be teaching you just some basic things that everyone used to know in the kitchen. So even if you're you've been cooking forever and you're very experienced cook, hopefully you'll find some tips and things just from going back to the basics that you'll find like Oh, you know, I forgot about that or I didn't realize that. And if you're a brand new cook, you will understand and learn some really basic things so you can get in the kitchen and get to cooking if you want to. Or you could just cook so you can survive because everybody's gotta eat. So the first class in the Siri's off kitchen basics is eggs, and today we're doing eggs. 101 now is one. A one means we're going to be doing the basics of eggs were not getting into fancy techniques like poaching eggs and things because that's a little more advanced technique. And if you don't like to cook, you're not gonna poach an egg. But this class here on basic eggs one no. One is to show you the fundamental things you need to know how to scramble great eggs, how to fry great eggs, how to make it omelet. So we've got some really simple objectives in this class. The first thing we're gonna do is understand the different types of eggs. So you know what to buy. There are so many things. There's cage free free range, which at first I thought was the same thing. But it's not. You got brown eggs, you got white eggs. We're gonna break all of that down. Talk about different types of eggs. But don't worry. We will not have an hour long discussion on different types of eggs. And then we're also going to talk about how you scramble them. The best way to scramble him to get perfect scrambled eggs each time. Do you know what it means to have soft scrambled, hard scrambled? See? You will know when we're done. Okay. We're gonna do scrambled eggs. We're gonna do fried eggs. It's gonna be a lot of fun. Theory gives air listed here. You should see them coming up. We're gonna talk about those things. And at the end of it, the end of this class, we're going to have a project, and you know, it's gonna be You guessed it makes them eggs. I hope. Youll enroll in this class. I hope you'll come on this egg journey with me. Welcome to Eggs 101 and even bigger. Welcome to kitchen Basics with Chef Loria's.
2. Understanding Eggs: Let's start with understanding basic eggs. Years ago, it was so simple you could go to the store by a dozen eggs and bring them home. Not so much anymore. There are so many different options, and eggs were just going really quickly. Break down those options so you know what you're getting, and you could make a decision on what type of egg like to buy. There are white and brown eggs. That's the first thing to talk about. And you know what? And color is like people underneath. It's all the same. Just the shell is different. White eggs come from chickens with white feathers. Brown eggs come from chickens with reddish brown feathers. It's really that simple now, generally brown eggs. A lot of times our organic is well, and that's going to be a category of eggs we talk about in a moment. But as far as the conventional white ad goes, those are regular chickens that have produced regular eggs in a mass production situation is a whole lot of chickens in a chicken coop. They're eating regular grain. They don't get a lot of exercise. It's a mass produced A That's the standard a now an organic egg, which is the kind that a lot of times you see brown eggs are organic. Organic means that those chickens have been given no antibiotics and no hormones, so that's actually a good thing. That's a healthier choice for you if you choose to go that route. But inorganic a has no antibiotics and no hormones. Okay, now let's start talking about this cage free free range stuff, cause it sounds similar and you see cage free and free range and you think, isn't that the same thing? Actually, it's not. A cage free egg is an egg. They will cage free egg comes from a chicken that has been a lead, has not been confined to a cage. It does not mean that he's been outside. It just means that chicken has not been confined to a cage. He is cage free. That's it. Ah, free range Chicken is a chicken that has been allowed to roam or has the ability to exit the area where he's being kept. Now it's important to note, though, that is not highly regulated, so all I need is a window, and technically the chicken can get out. So cage free means they are not kept in a cage. Free range means they have the ability to go outside. Okay, that's cage free and free range. Now let's talk about pastured eggs. Yeah, pastured eggs. That's a whole another category. Ah, pastured egg comes from a chicken that lives in the outside. He may come inside in the evenings to sleep, but he actually runs outside. He forges his own food, so he's eating plants. He could be eating worms. He's having a more natural diet because he's actually outside eating that is a pastured egg . And then there are vegetarian fed eggs. A vegetarian fed egg is a chicken that has not had any meat, fish or animal byproducts. So it is just that a vegetarian egg, a free range, no ah, pastured egg will not be vegetarian said, because that pastured egg can roam outside and fortunes own food. So he's going to be getting worms. Like we said in different types of insects, were the vegetarian fit EG. Vegetarian fit chicken is not going to be eating animal byproducts, and lastly, we have the omega three enriched eggs. That's something of a new category, and Omega three enriched eggs are chickens who have been fed a diet that is rich in Omega three supplements. Ah, lot of times that's flax seed. And the theory is that when that chicken consumes that omega three rich diet, it transfers to the yolks. So the eggs he produces are omega three enriched. Now, those are the basics ends that you're going to see. You're going to see your white eggs, your brown eggs, organics, your case free. You're free range, pastured. Your vegetarian fence and your omega threes. Now, how much do these things cost? Interestingly enough, a regular dozen eggs is about a dollar 50 per dozen. Now, sometimes you can find them on sale for 99 cents. But generally speaking, you're going to spend a dollar $30. 50 maybe after $2 depending on where you are in the country. But you're going to spend about that much per dozen eggs. Cage free eggs as well will be about 2 50 a dozen. Okay, now, outside of that, when you get into everything else organic, free range pastured vegetarian. All those eggs will generally range 5 to $6 per dozen. Yeah, so now you have some basic information on what type of egg you want to get. And then you also have an idea of the cost of those eggs, so you can make an informed decision as to what you want to cook as faras. The flavor of all of these ads go because, really, we're getting about talking about how it's gonna taste. They all taste good. All eggs taste good and everybody loves eggs. Well, most everybody loves eggs, all right, and one last important tip on understanding eggs. How can you tell if an egg is fresh or not? Did you know that if an egg is fresh, it sinks? And if an egg is old floats. So if you have eggs and you're wondering, is this egg still fresh? Get a bowl, put some water in it and put the egg. If that egg sinks to the bottom, it's fresh. If it floats its old OK, make sure you keep your eggs and ice and cold in the refrigerator, and that's all you need to know about the basics of eggs. Let's start cooking some eggs
3. Scrambled Eggs: All right, let's get started with how to scramble an egg. All right. First thing we're gonna do is we're gonna finally Far Egg is fresh or not. I haven't egg here, and I've decided to name him Herbert. Now, if you're wondering, why did I name him Herbert? I don't know. I like to name my food. Anyway, I have a bowl of water here, and I'm going to put Herbert in this bowl of water. And remember what we studied in the last segment. If Herbert float, he's old. If Herbert sinks, he's fresh. Okay, Herbert, show us what you got. Uh, show you that Herbert ST So, Herbert, it's fresh. All right, let's get ready to cook Herbert up. Now that we've determined that Herbert is a fresh egg, we're going to scramble him up. When you go to scramble eggs, you could do it one of two ways. You can crack your egg directly in the skillet and scramble it, or you can use a separate dish and scrambling in the bowl. That's the more traditional method. And that's what we're going to do today. When you're scrambling, Maggie first gonna crack your egg. Usually sometimes people like to do this or they like to do this. However, that will get some of your eggs show potentially into the A. The best way to crack an egg is to take a flat surface, get a clean break. Boom. Okay, so now that our eggs there, we're going to add a pinch of salt to it. You can season this however you like. I'd like to use season pepper just a little bit like my food spicy if you watch me on any of my other channels, you know that at a splash of milk, a splash of milk really does a lot to make your eggs fluffy. So this is about a tablespoon of milk, but just poured 1/2 of that in there. Start our skillet here, and we're just gonna scramble it up now. You can also use your eggs. Water water works well, as well as sparkling water. Also works to make your eggs light and fluffy. I like using milk now. Don't feel pressure toe, have toe have milk because you can also use a heavy cream. If that's what you have or half in half. That's what you have just put a little in there and scramble that egg up just like that. Okay, If you like your eggs hot, this would be the time to add hot sauce to it. Or you can add cayenne pepper. Whatever you want. Scramble it in there now. Also, when you're making eggs with cheese, you can do the cheese one of two ways you can add the cheese directly in at this point or after your egg has started to cook because we're doing basic eggs today, I'm just going to show you have a scramble of basic Ganga and get her going now that our butter has melted. You want a little pat of butter in there just to help you get going. This is a non stick pan I'm using, and you're gonna pour your head directly in just like that and dig a nice spatula and just move it around. See, this is why you're able to just crack the egg directly if you like, or you can scramble it in the bowl separately. See how easy this is now. Soft scrambled, her heart scramble Stop. Scrambled eggs are just about done. If you prefer to have a hard scrambled egg. Just keep cooking it until it is firm, as you would like it. And here you have a perfect scrambled egg. Now, if you want to put cheese on this, you can do so at this point and let it melt on. See that nice and like that Nga's That's a scramble day. Here's our scrambled egg.
4. Fried Eggs: next, we're going to fry an egg. Now you can fry an egg, Sunny side up or over easy. We start putting some butter in our skillet, spread it all around and make sure that the skill it is hot We're going to crack our egg. Remember we discussed this in the last segment. We're going to go just like this for even break and just very simply, spread our eggs. Now, when we're making a sunny side up egg, this is the sunny side and you're going to keep it up. The white around the edges will begin to cook. And as it does when it gets a little firm, we're gonna put the top over these. Let's make a little salt pepper on this. There you go. And you want to watch your feet on this loose on a little. If I love season pepper. Oh, yes. This is frying a beautifully. See how these edges are coming together. What we're going to do now is put a lock top on it to help the heat stay in there and let it gently cook the top down. Now, this will depend on how done the person would like their eggs. Some people like their eggs runny, in which case you will pull it out sooner than others. Some people like them firm. You'll let the yolk continue to cook. But this is a sunny side up. Look at that, sunshine. See, our egg yolk is still Gigli for those who like it soft, and it will have a nice little bit of run to now and over. Easy. A Takes it from this spot. We're gonna get hurt. Well, this is Herbert's brother. Okay, We're gonna get him. Ah, See? You gotta work with them and see how it's not breaking. This is a burn. My hand. And there we go. This is over. Easy. Put the top back on it so that he can very gently cooked down. And again, we're gonna let this cook as until we get the yoke has done as we like it. This is a Friday. We did sunny side up and we did over easy. Now that the white has done well, Yes, we go a little more salt on there. We'll take our I want to show you all the sides of it. See, this is real cooking. This is why I like to show you how to cook. Because I'm a real cook. C And what? This is our Friday. Now you see, you see how it's slightly running. This will depend on how the person eating the eggs would like them. Some people like the running like this, so you have it just a little running. If you'd like to have them done Mawr, you would turn the heat down a little bit. Put the lid back on so that it can gently cooked the inside more. And this is our Friday.
5. Omelets: Now we're going to make an omelet. We're going to make a two egg omelet because, generally speaking, you need at least two eggs for your omelet to get enough spread for you to flip it. An omelet is made of basic scrambled eggs filled with goodies and then closed. So for starters, I have are skillet here with some butter melting in it, a nice pad of butter. And while that's getting hot and ready, I've cracked to eggs here and we're going to season them again. This is scrambled egg. So we're gonna put a little pinch of salt in there, and we're gonna put some pepper in there. And, of course, we're going to add a splash of milk, okay. And then we're going to scramble this egg. You can scramble with four or you can scramble with a whisk. I see this again. You can add hot sauce in that you can at whatever you want. Really? Next, I want to take our and we're going to spread it in the skillet. Now, when you're making an omelette, it's important that you, when you pour your again, you're scrambled again. You wanted to coat the entire skill that see that That's how you want your egg to start now . You wanted to cook there and begin to get just a little done before you add your fillings and flip it. Now. Today we're going to be using some sauteed mushrooms and some shredded cheese. You can stuff your omelet with whatever you'd like. You can use bacon sausages, meets whatever you can use spinach and different vegetables. I love using caramelized onions, but that's another class on how to make an omelet. How to fill an omelet. Today we're learning how to cook in on. Do you see how our egg is starting to around the edges? Firma? That's what you want to start to do. Can you see that? How starting to farm on those edges just a little bit. That's how our egg is cooking. It is a scrambled egg, but we're not going to scramble it around in our skillet Now. It's important when you put your fillings inside of your scrambled A that you don't stuff them all the way to the edges or they will fall out. You want to start with your cheese. I always recommend cheese first and put it on the court. This portion of your egg. Okay, hopefully you're able to see this very well. Just put your cheese there. You want to leave a nice border for your egg to seal? Okay, this is about 2 to 3 tablespoons of cheese. But if you want more cheese, put some more cheese in there. The beautiful apartment. Ominous. It's your thing. You can do what you want to do. Next. We're gonna take our mushrooms and put them on some sauteed mushrooms in there. Oh, yes. And see how this is. So you see how we've kind of built a little section over here with our goodies in it? You can feel free to move those around, and then we're going to find See how the egg is lifting. We're going to take it like this ever so gently. See, I want you to see this and gotta be gentle with an omelette. Find the Besides, that is the most done. There you go. So you and you're gonna flip it just like that. Now you see why we didn't stuff it all the way to the ends? Because we need a space for it to close you want to turn your heat down, just a touch. Put the top on their A top when you're cooking. Eggs is very important because what you can do is turn the heat down and the top will allow some of the steam in the heat to stay inside and cook your eggs without your egg burning. When you make an omelet like this, you don't want to flip it over and over. Once you've closed it, turn your heat down so it doesn't get burned. Put a top on or play and just let it continue to cook until it's done, as done as you like it. That's also why we make sure that the inside is about halfway where you want it before we add our fillings and our omelet is done because eggs don't take long. And here we have a mushroom and cheese omelet
6. Breakfast Burritos: next, we're going to make a breakfast burrito. We're going to start with our basic scrambled eggs. I've already cracked to eggs or Herbert's other brothers here, and we're going to add to them a little salt and a little pepper. And as we've been discussing a splash of milk to keep a nice and fluffy and we're gonna scramble, do that now. The beauty of making breakfast burritos is you could fill these with whatever you like. I'm using bacon today, cheese and cilantro. But you could make a lot of this filling and they can go a long way. And it's really fun. We're gonna place the scrambled is into our hot skillet with some butter now similar to an omelet. Once we put the end for the goodies in here the eggs and we're going to start adding our filling, and we're adding our feeling at this point because we want to scramble it all together. So that's our cheese. And you see this is scrambles. I'm gonna mix this up really good here. Oh, this looks delicious. And I'm going to add two slices of bacon that have been heated, cooked and prepared, and some cilantro about a table spoon, and then we're going to just move this all around. You can also use unused in a breakfast burrito. You could use seasonings, Mexican seasonings, whatever you like. A little chili powder, a little cayenne, a shot hot sauce. You could really make these your own and make it. Much of this feeling is unique because it goes a long way. And just like that, it's done. Take a look at our feeling. Okay? Now what we're gonna do is remove that from the heat. I'm gonna put it in a bowl here so I can prepare my burritos and we're going to be using medium sized flour tortillas. Flour tortillas are best for making breakfast burritos because they're soft. So we have medium sized tortillas here, saw flowers. We're going to take our spoon and fill a tort field One of our tortillas with C felling year. This good cheese and cilantro and bacon just like that. And then we're going to wrap it like a pro. I like to bring two sides in. Go over and rapid just like this thes air. Great to put into a piece of aluminum foil and you can send everyone out on their way with a delicious breakfast burrito. Just like that, we'll make this a big one. Took the spot, comes up and roll it from the top. Just like that. Breakfast burritos.
7. Class Project: Well, we're done. We have completed all of our objectives today. We'll discuss the different types of eggs we've talked about cage free, free range, brown eggs, white AIDS, organic and all of the other kinds of eggs. And we've also learned how to make scrambled eggs. We've learned how to fry eggs. We've made an omelette, and we've made a breakfast burrito. So now is your turn to get in on the action. What I would like you to do for your class project is to make some eggs. You have been scrambling your eggs. You can fry your eggs, you could make a burrito, you could make it on. It's really up to you. But I want you to make some eggs. Once you tell me how it goes, take pictures of it. So as a class in a community, together we can share our our egg feats. Okay, I don't know what word to use, but we want to share our happy egg making together. You have any questions during this process? Feel free to leave a comment in the community section below. You can also email me directly at Chef Loria's at gmail dot com. You can follow me on social media or you can follow me on my website, which is chef laureus dot com. Thank you so much for joining me today for eggs. 101 Please be sure to enjoy many of the other classes as part of this kitchen basics. Siri's Thank you so much for joining me today. I'll see you next time.