Juggling For Beginners: Easy step-by-step tutorial | Jae Lee | Skillshare

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Juggling For Beginners: Easy step-by-step tutorial

teacher avatar Jae Lee, I post more on yt, follow me there!

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Lessons in This Class

    • 1.



    • 2.

      Step 1: One hand throw


    • 3.

      Step 2: Two hands throw


    • 4.

      Step 3: Juggling two balls with one hand


    • 5.

      Step 4: Juggling three balls


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About This Class

Juggling only looks hard because people expect to juggle three balls in one day. I take you on a course that divided realistic milestones so that you don't get discouraged learning juggling. Once you take these baby steps, you will realize juggling is a really easy skill to learn. From throwing one ball to juggling three balls, I take you step-by-step in this tutorial.

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Jae Lee

I post more on yt, follow me there!

Level: Beginner

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1. Introduction: Hey there. My name is Jay Lee, and I'm currently a college student, but I've been juggling ever since I was in the second. This course I'm gonna teach you the pulse efficient way on how to master joke. What is it that hard to master? It's just if you break it down into small steps, you'll be there. The whole time I need for this course is three juggling balls. But if you can't find it, report these. You can just use three socks laying around in your house. I recommend you. You find heavier socks because have you ever ball way, the easier it is to control. So oh, me this simple and easy course, and I'll teach you juggling so they can master it in the fastest way possible. Yes, that is right. I'm gonna show you how to master drug ling in the most efficient way. And the way I do that is teaching you guys very incrementally. So setting up milestones, very baby steps that you can feel motivated throughout the course, and in no time you realize you'll be mastering juggling 2. Step 1: One hand throw: I have divided this course into many different baby steps so that you feel motivated throughout the course, and they're gonna be different milestones admissions, and you have to complete to go onto the next one. So the first milestone that we have to complete is throwing the ball up and down straight with one hand. A lot of people start with a mistake by throwing the ball with some Ford velocity. It should only have a vertical velocity. Some give it a four velocity that makes the volatile outward and making them lose control. So, as an example, rather than doing this going straight up and down, some people give it a give of all four velocity, making your body go forward and making it was controllable. This is really hard to do in the beginning, but just focused on throwing up and down. A second tip is making sure that you're minimizing your hand movements. So rather than following the falling of all everywhere, it goes with one hand. Try to minimize the half of most as possible. It's a veteran following you're this small little spurt is getting all the forces of all needs to go up Another misunderstanding that people have is they tend to throw the ball and think that their eyes at all about everywhere it goes. For example, people would do this. They felt up in that, but inefficient. And it actually makes you lose control because your mind, your mind is on so many different things. So when you have to do is you just have a fixed location where your head stays and just kind of lost the ball. Once it comes up, and when it goes down, you don't have to watch it down because you can trust your hand, your hand eye coordination. We'll figure itself out and catch the ball so you don't Teoh watch it. Watch your hand testable. You could just just have a good estimate where the Boston Bill and your hand will do the rest. So the first mission is to do 50 of these in succession. So one to 34 and what I mean by in succession is once you drop it or fail, so one and you fail to grab, you have to start over. It doesn't matter. If you were on 49 you still have to start over and once you hit 50. That's when you move onto the next step and important thing to do here is you have to train both hands. So not just only your dominant FTO. Use your left hand as well to do 50 here 50 year. Then you go and spend and see you now. Just that warning is even for me. Using your non dominant hand is a bit difficult, so as you can see a very controlling blast with my dominant but with my non dominant hand a bit, my movements are a bit awkward, and I look for them comfortable. But this is understandable and it doesn't play a huge role into juggling later, but just make sure you're practicing it. 3. Step 2: Two hands throw: the second center juggling doesn't multiples yet It involves two arms in just one ball. So in the previous section would only been doing this up it out. But now we're gonna incorporate are other head didn't throw it and catch up with the other . Throw with left catch with right there with right captured with left foot. Right now the same principles apply from the last section your eyes minimizing the hand movements, etcetera. But the important thing here emphasized in the last section that you're giving afford velocity or any horizontal velocity. But in this section, you're gonna just give it a slight, slight, slight horizontal velocity, as in, if you just start up it down, your left hand has to come all the way here to catch it like this. But minimize that when I know it a little bit to the sideways so that you're handling have to move this much. However, you could be very successful juggling if your hand movements are very minimized because it allows you to have a lot of control. A tip I have for this step is to imagine drawing a raid boat when you're throwing the ball . Think of a negative traveling function like this. So once I thought it. Do you see that rainbow that I'm trying with the ball? You want to focus on this? To go into the two French, that milestone. You have to do 100 pros in succession. So what? To three or fine in succession? It doesn't matter on how high the ball gets. You know, Obviously you can't do enjoy doing like this, right? Just it doesn't have to be so exact. Like it has to go above your head. But obviously don't like 100 like this. And go on to the next step. Just make sure you're practicing this courage, because this becomes really important when you juggle with people's so your mouth. So it has to do 100 of these in succession, and then we want a nation and I'm emphasizing again. You know, if you fail on number 80 you have to start over. So, Eddie, I fell back to one to you get the point 4. Step 3: Juggling two balls with one hand: No, this is the part, of course, where it becomes a little stagnant and your progress can be hard to make it one day, the previous two section. You can do that one day and finish it, but from now on, it's gonna take consistent practice to master it. So what we do now is we're gonna juggle two balls with one hand. This is an essential step for Junglee. So we're gonna do is gonna have to balls in your hand and you're gonna throw the 1st 1 and off. The 1st 1 is the air. You're gonna feel the 2nd 1 and a lot of while the 2nd 1 is in the air. You gonna catch the first? So it's gonna look like this. See how once I throw the 1st 1 I'm focused on doing the 2nd 1 and then once the 2nd 1 is focusing on catching about the 1st 1 So this takes a lot of practice. An important thing to remember it includes sexually mentioned how minimizing your hand movements is very important before this step. If it's necessary for your hands to move to different places, that's already Azzam is your successfully throwing that without any mistakes. Just, you know, as I do catching them. It's OK. A huge tip for this stuff is to think about attacking the ball from the inside. Know what that means is when you throw the ball of the year was gonna be there. And when you throw the 2nd 1 you want to focus on attacking it inside. This is outside. This is it inside. So same for your left side once this isn't there. You want to check it this way, Not that way outside, inside. So what that means the reason why we do this. Is it? Because if we throw one and straight up in doubt without deep inside intervenes with each other, So to prevent that, we're gonna throw the second ball inside of first. This way, we are our hand tonight from Mr which one goes which path so it doesn't interfere with each other. I think it's also important that I show you in the perspective of the juggler what it means to go inside, because looking at the video from the observe you and might be really confusing. So when we're struggling with two hands, what I mean by insight is once you throw one in the air So once this is in the air, you're gonna throw the second ball this way. Not that way. So this is what I mean by outside this what I mean by inside so important that when you throw that you don't throw the 2nd 1 this way, it loops this way. Now for this stuff, you're gonna find it actually really difficult for non dominant hand jungle unless you're ambidextrous. But it's OK. It's all expected. When I first did this, I'd be able to do 50 on this hand with no problem. But I find myself only doing, like 10 on my non dominant hand. So, um, for this step, you only have to do 50 on your dominant 10 and 25 years. You know, it's OK if you can't do 50 on here. Other non, because it doesn't really place usual on because once you get to the three balls, your right hand does a lot of the fixing the errors for your left or your dominant hand. There's a lot of fixing for non dominant hand, so don't worry. So for this step 50 in your dominant hand 1234 And with your non dominant, you're only gonna do 24. You get the point emphasizing once again it has to be in succession. This is really important because it helps you practice get more practice reps. So let's say you fail in the 48 1 48th rep. Doesn't matter. You have to start from number one again. So please, and this will take you some time. But just spending a bit of time every day, we'll make sure that you get this done. 5. Step 4: Juggling three balls: if you made it this function the course. You have superb hand eye coordination. I know you practiced a lot. Now we're on to the final step to the doubling, of course. And this is probably the hardest up, and it's gonna take the most time. But you do it consistently, you will master it. So we're going to start. I want to start with two balls in one hand and a little on the other. First, you're gonna focus on getting used to having this ball in your second hand. So what this means is even practice during one ball, from your and with two balls. And then once this isn't here, throwing the ball in your other looks like this, that's all. You only one of you catch it. And once you get used to this, you want to 50 of these. Move on. But once you get used to this yes, remember when the second ball is launched. Now it's time for the ball. The third ball to get launch, its overthrow Thorough launching 1/3 1 So you're gonna get used to this as well. So sit here. No, no, no. You get used to this stuff. So essentially you're starting in this position, throwing it and get into this position where you have to and then you have to on the other side. And once it feels natural, you can just think about linking the two the second step just continuously. Then you're essentially now struggling. Now you're gonna find yourself. It's very complicated in the air on to keep track on which one to throw with one catch on. I'm gonna show you right now a really good way to think about this when you're practicing, this is the vertical plane. So imagine I have two wells here and the other ball here. This is the vertical plane of throwing the balls. So it'll make sense once I demonstrate this, so we're doing is we're throwing the first ball into the air and then throwing the 2nd 1 And once this comes down, we're throwing the 2nd 1 at the 3rd 1 and we're just in this endless pattern. And that's what juggling is now the biggest tip that I can give you this course if you're gonna walk away with one thing, it's this when you're juggling, you're gonna realize that two balls will always open a gate for the 1st 1 What that means is, once that throw this fall, you see this gap between the third ball in the second ball. That's where your first wall needs to go through. So rather than during this ball and making this ball go outside, you always want to make sure it goes between here like that. And when the second ball comes down, you're gonna realize another date has opened up to the physical. And once again, another gate. That's terrible. And you're gonna realize that it's just endless pattern of opening gates for the one ball that is in your one hand. Once you throw the first ball, this gate has opened up for this ball. This fall is gonna travel, and this ball is gonna come down. Now, when this all comes out, you realise another gate has opened up for the for the blue ball. Go up, come down and you realize that another gate has opened with wonderful. So it's just this endless pattern opening Cates. Now what this is similar to is in the previous section I mentioned that you're attacking balls inside. This is this is what I met. When you're when you're throwing the ball, you're attacking the inside, not outside. So if you go this way, it becomes really confusing on what to track. So think about throwing this fall between the gates and let you know that you're opening gates for the one ball watch closely. This fall, Heller enters the gate that I create with these two balls, See how it goes inside. And same for the other way. That ball just went through a gate that he stumbles, created, right. And you're just gonna repeat that? Just think about opening gates. And once the gate opens throwing the ball through that gate, I was going to be really hard for this step to move from going with this to suddenly going to this, right? So take baby steps that possible, you know, practice on throwing and throwing it through the gate, making the gate throwing to the gift, making the gate, throwing it through the gate, right. Making the gate 32 feet. And you're gonna practice. Don't. You can get one gate. You're gonna open the second gate. So one and that's you. See that little split second with these open That's when you've gotta throw third ball. There is no foods a step from now. You're just going to practice this? I'd say once you get to 50 you're essentially the movements of drug. We are now invented in your body. Usually when you do 50. So what? 23456 That's when your body balance have a jungle. So keep that visible take baby steps. So maybe I'm gonna do three today. 123 Okay. On their master. Through they want to, Right? Next day. You do tend. Okay. 123456789 10 On the next day 20. Next, 8 30 And then one day you will realize that you're essentially juggling on that. You master this skill.