1. Things you should know before begin.: Hello guys means giver Felix and professional musicians since 2013 yen today I want to talk about my new course mean GAS scores for beginners. If you are looking to a course to learn how cheaply Jess, I'm in the Armani pour the fury. Older scales, music intervals, the visuals and all the shortcuts in this diode is course going to be perfect for you. I'll teach you ever She are learning the United State winner, it's 30 at California College of Music. And of course, all the shortcuts that I developed and I learned during all these years playing guitar. But just a heads up. Jess is not easy style, okay, I know that this course is for beginners, but my advice is to learn at least the bass chords, a few songs, a few techniques on a guitar. Before you start this lesson, this course, I'm not going to teach how to entablature, have not go into teach you a major chord C Knee records type of thing. Okay? Jazz is a little bit more advanced, so we are going to learn about all the seventh chords, alterative courts, diminished chords, non-diatonic. Our monies are right, so it's a little bit more and events that you can check on Alaska's below. And of course, if you have any kind of dots during our course, just send me a message from the border from Shad. I'm here to help. Okay. So hope you enjoyed the course and lats Brexit.
2. Why are there both sharps and flats: Now it's time to understand the difference between sharps and flats, okay? Sometimes we write a as a music chord and a node. If a flat, then sometimes we write with a sharp Berta, how can we understand when we are going to use a flat or a sharp? The first thing here is think about your scale. For example, we are playing music. Your tongue is in G major scale. We don't have, we have all the different nodes, k. But what do you mean with different nodes? I don't want to stand. Check this out. If I write down a, C, a G minor scale, and I need you fall on the formula. The formula is first one. The second one is a whole step, okay? The first one should the second word, tree is a half-step, so it's going to be a sharp, okay? The next one is going to be a whole step. We're going to have a C major chord. The next one, D, a whole step again. The next one, whole step. Half step, sorry, half-step. So D sharp in the last one, the whole step, F. Okay. As you can see, I have my, my note repeated two times right here. According to the rules in harmony and Fury, we cannot have the same node right here. Okay? So the idea here is like changed this last note to some Note that a is the same thing. However, we flats according to our 12 nodes. The node a is right here. And if you want to A-sharp, we're going to a sharp. However, if you want of slat, we're going to come back to the last note, so G sharp, okay? In this case, I went to a sharp right here. So it's going to be what? B flags going to be the same thing. Okay, So B flat, okay, so now my case is write G, a, B, and C. I don't repeat notes. However, we have another problem is about D. D sharp. If you are in D, Let me see. Oh, sorry, I forgot to put one right here. Okay. You are indeed, if you want a sharp, they're going to D-sharp. However, if you want a flat, you are going to C sharp or D flat. That is the same thing. However, we need a D-sharp in, so let's inhibit any E. If we add a sharp right here, you're going to F. But if you add a flat here, we are going to come back to this D sharp. So this is idea. Insurer is this and write down E flat, so I don't have repeated note. So G, a, B, C, D, E, and F. Okay? This is the idea. If you see a music in the key of G minor with a sharp or D sharp, It's completely wrong. Okay, be careful. Let's choose another example in this case in the major key example. So if you write down F major scale, we are going to use the same formula we learned before. So f, one whole step, G, One more whole step, a half step, a sharp, a whole step. And again, that's going to be c. Holds the apple again, D and warmer whole step E. Okay? We have another problem right here. Let me see. Here is okay, but we have the same nodes. Again, the same a, a, again, we need to find another nodes that, that sounds like a sharp and put here with a flag. Okay? So let's think B, if add sharpening be, I'm going to play C. Okay? However, if I'm being again and I had a flat, so it's going to sound like a sharp. Okay? So we're going to erase here B flat, okay? If you see a music, you're playing music in the tones F major. Somebody tells you that is a sharp cord is wrong, completely wrong. My exercise for you guys is take a piece of paper and start to write every single scale, major, air minor, okay? And if you see any kind of situation like this, you need to erase the last note, okay, in this case, this one, and try to find a flat nodes. That is sounds the same.
3. Major and Minor Scales: To learn the major and minor scales, do you need to follow a few steps? Step number 1, write number one to 7123456. Second part is the formula. So 0, 0, 0, 0 and 1 more homestead. Now you have formula of mayors kale. So I start with 10. Let's see if I want to do a C major scale. I'm going to start we see in load number one, okay? But giver, I want to do an F major scale, okay, so you start number 1, f, I'll give you wanna do like a D major scale. So start with these simple like that. Let's start with these. A good note. Does the number one. Now we need to discover their other notes, right? You are indeed, right now. We need to check one whole step. So don't play D sharp goes to E. Next one is a whole step as well. So downplay F and play F sharp. All right, next one is a half-step. You, we are in F sharp, so next step is much more easy. G, OK. Now we have one more whole step. So Jeep goes to a Walmart. And the last one is C sharp. This is D-major scale. Okay? When you think about measures K, you, the first thing you need to do is Buddhist seven numbers and fall. Always write down right on it. You need to follow deformer. Okay? It's really simple. Just do these two steps. If I'm one minors KO, I need to change my formula, right? So it's going to be like this. Alright, whole step, half step, whole step, whole step or again, half-step and holds that. Okay, so let's try to do D Meyers. Another one. Let's see. Let's go with E minor scale. First one is E, all right? And I have a whole statute, so F-sharp. Now we have a whole step and a half-step right now, right? So F-sharp goes to G. One more whole step, Jeju, a whole step again, H V, B. Now it's a half-step, so we are indeed half step. You just played the next nodes C. And the last one is, oh, statute. Now you have a minor scale, E minor scale.
4. Major and Minor Chords: First of all, I'm going to teach you how to understand all this chord parts in FY20. The next part is going to be Brad sing, okay, so first of all, we have an E major scale, a F-sharp, G-sharp, sorry, E, F sharp, G sharp, a, B, C-sharp, D-sharp. However, if I want to do an E major chord, I'm going to take notes number 135, jurors want tree and five, okay? 135. And now you have the tree nodes of E major chord. Next example, let's think about under scale. Let me see a major. So a measure, a, B, C sharp, D, E, F sharp, and G sharps. The same thing. Take notes number one, tree and 50, and you're going to have your Major chord simple like that. And let's do some Smiley face. And yet, simple like that. Okay, my, how to do how to introduce a minor, a minor chord. It's the same thing. London, see, if we do a minor, E minor scale. I'm going to have a minor and corn want 35. However, now you're going to have a C and E, okay? Just measure going to be a, C sharp, E and minor. C and E, right?
5. Music Intervals: Music intervals are very important for music. Even more important is understanding and being able to apply braze. I need to explain this table to you. Note that we have several numbers. These numbers are the formulas. Let's take an example. Major second is from number one to number two, major turn pro number one to number 3. Terrible off fourth PRO number one and number four. And so one, very easy right? Now, the minor intervals with this, you will find a flat minor second from one to two. But following the formula, let's set a flat, though we have from one to the second flat. Let's check another example. Monitored. Run one in number 3 flat, diminished fifth, from number one to flat five, and so on. Always following this logic.
6. Music intervals tricks on the fretboard: You already learned how to play music intervals and your guitar, right? So the idea here is to give a few shortcuts to memorize dispositions. So the first shortcut is you can find a fifth interval. And your core, you're ready to learn power courthouse. All right, so far, fairly common chord in Rockland where you can play like one in five. So DES interval right here, disposition is my, my fifth interval, so it's going to play me so and and file serve complaint isn't the average singletons, for example, then B, B, F sharp, 15, c 15, and so on. You can do the same thing you are the strings also. So 15155. And you can keep doing this knee every single stream, okay. The second shortcut is to 8 eighth interval. So worn and eight is the same note, however, is a little bit higher, right? The sound sounds really higher. So 818 in the same position you could, you also can play with finger number tree. Okay? However, you need to remember to Don't play this string in the middle. All right, So string number five, and if you play everything new string number six, like that, and they'll place from a number 5 and it goes to four. Okay, so interval, my shortcut for you and major third is very important interval. For example, one and industry number to six fret 5. And major TR is a string number 5 for it to form the return character, return. And same thing bringing here is MB. He is indeed. I don't need to think, oh man, I need to learn all the notes on the fretboard. You just need to remember this kind of shortcut, okay? If you remember these, you can play every single interval like this. All right, so one entry measured, okay? So minor third, one in almost the same thing here. Half-step. Have that before this. So a and C, it's a kinda can change your fingers. It's going to be easy, right? So it's finger number 3, one, and kinda dancing average single key. Again, you can also go to our other strings. So string number 5, one, flattering, flattery and so on. Okay, so remember discovers very important one major turn, one minor, dark. Again, one major third major interval, one and a minor. A minor. That's why when you play a C major chord, you have this major interval right here. All right, So type of corti already learned and it's easier to understand. And you should use as example, a minor second interval. Minor second, tireless, really easy. It's a half-step ahead, your notes, so E-flat or D-sharp. For example, e, f, and so on. Can use this every single key as well and add this and a string. You are right. It's going to be much more easy. However major second, it's going to be one step ahead. So D, F sharp. Let's change our string. So you don't play this factory and play the next one's a whole step ahead. So MLS shortcut for you guys is the fourth interval. So it's more for the same fret, however, in different strengths. So Fred number 5, string number six, fret number 5, string number 5. So 1, 4. You can do this same thing, you are destroying students. So b0 and b1 and four. Same thing here. G and C. 14, all right, and so intervals are very important. We've done you can play quartz very quickly and improve your improvisation. So you need to practice this, okay, So choose a few intervals and tried to find on your fret board, I have all the notes on the fretboard in the complimentary material of discourse. So check the first-class and download this image.
7. How to play music intervals on the fretboard: Now we are going to apply the music intervals or the fret board. Okay? We already learned the formula, okay? And we're going to apply this music intervals in the fretboard. So I'm going to choose string N5, a string, okay? So a string, a major scale, right? So let's start with the major intervals first is the number one. Then you say, want to go to the second major interval, I'm going to play B. So B is right here. So a, number one, be numbered you. Okay? This is the sound of a major second interval. If you play Happy Birthday, you're going to use this interval. This is, this, just simulate this kind of intervals on the fretboard is very important because in the future we are going to start to learn a few solos, improvise. And this is really important. You disbarred, Okay? So major third, a to C sharp. Check the cell. And seeing sharp, you can play Harry Potter song is a major third interval. So I play a and C sharp is the same intervals here. Kate sounds the same thing, but here's a kind of low fourth interval. A to D. Okay? Turnover number five, a to E with the cemetery of Star Wars. So here I play in C. These are, the original tone of Star Wars is in C. Okay? But you can play in age like this. Let me see. Here. Sounds very nice. So measure Sx a to F sharp. All right, so a, an F sharp, major 7, a to G sharp is very simple and just plain in one strain, but you can apply this technique in your group of strings as well. Okay? So minor to have array. Now, it's, you need to add A-flat in the formula, okay? So a and B. So a and B flat, there is a movie in the eighties. Very famous movie, college jaw. They did a song with this interval is like this. And the shark, cuz digger her I. The second music interval is minor term a and C. The interval number 4. We don't have a minor fourth, okay? But we haven't tried time. That is born too sharp. Four, so four is D. So D sharp. However, we have diminish a fifth, diminish, It's like 18, in this case, array to flag. That is the same as a tritone king. If you listen the music, Black Sabbath for the band black cell, you can listen this interval so they play another a chord and the G-sharp, the E-sharp, sorry. Okay. E-flat, sorry. Or you can think as a D-sharp as route. But I think that the original tone is in G, so it's like this. It's a very nice some minor 6 is 1, a 2. My, my major six is F sharp. But if I put a flat, F sharp is becoming f, Okay? So a F, and the last one is one that is a Shou Xi, the same thing. Major seven is G-sharp. And if you put a flat, it's going to pick like sheep. Okay? So try to practice this kind of intervals in every string of your guitar. So string E, G, and B. Alright, it's a very nice exercise.
8. 7th Chords Theory: The most common station of the base kit tree nodes trial. A seventh chord is built by adding an extra notes to try and each is an interval of seventh above the root node. If you build a triad on c, you will use notes C, E, and G. If you add another node, a seventh above C, then you have c, E, G, B. You have just created base seventh chord. This one is C major seventh chord. There are five types of seventh chord. The first one is a major seventh chord. The second one, major core with minor seven. So major core, T, T and minor 7. You need to use minor scale, so B flat. The next one is a minor car with a minor salmon, so it's 135 nm minor seven of my minor scale. So C, E flat, G, B flat. The next one is half-diminished chord is a minor seventh chord. So C, E flat, and G, n, of course, a, B flat, but I have flat five, so five is G. So put a flat in g, So g flag. And the last one, you can write like this. This is better. Is it diminish a full diminished chord? So it's the same thing as the court. So E, C, E flat, G flat, B flat, but you need to put another flat in B, so two flats, okay? It's not so common to find scoring music jazz, a few examples of jazz and bossa nova.
10. 9th chords: Manage car person you should do it ran down a meter scale, trace. It was example, a meter scale, as you know, typically a medial cord, you need to play one tree, M5. So leisure or 1, 3, and 5 minus ct is 1357. And number 9. He's frequently using styles like fun. Jess.
11. 11th chords: 11th courts, same thing as ninth chords. First thing you should do it ran down a meter scale. Trice is example. A meter scale. As you know, to play a major core you need 135, and that of course is 1, 3, 5, 7, 11.
12. 13th chords: Thirties, the same thing as nine and 11 scored, and these are known to play and meet her car, you need 13513, score is 1357, and number 13.
13. Dominant Chords: Dominant chord is a chord. Third, you're going to use when you want to prepare some chew, some Honor Court, I have my target is a major seven chord. And now I'm going to use a dominant core, preparing to finish in this cord. Okay, So what do you need to do? Just count 55 knows, for example, E, F, G, a, and b. So b, seven chord, it's a dominant chord to my image, you're always going to be a major chord with minor seven. Let's do another example. Now my dominant chord is let me see my targets. It's a, our scale is Amy's, right? So it's a major, major, major seven chord. Okay, So let's count. And 2, 5, a, B, C, D, E. Alright? So you have a dominant chord to a. You can have just a major chord or a minor chords, not a problem, okay? But you need to keep a major chord, a minor seven.
14. Jazz Shortcut To X7 Chords - Very Important Lesson.: Wait, you have major core with minor 7, usually sounds like this. Have it show very famous guitar shape when you have this type of courting and in jazz or even bossa nova music, you can play this short core progression in 95 percent of the case, going to work very well and sounds like professional. The first approaches, but a nine, a major line in your court. So instead of playing the guitar shape here, you play this one. So it's a D major with a minor seventh nine, right? Way discord. And there's another one. There is the same court. However, instead of have a measure nine, you have a flat nine. Okay. So sounds very nice, isn't it? Usually you have this approach to a major core with a minor seventh. So when you're playing a song, and if you see this type of chord, you can just changed this one in this one array. So you have one bar to D7. You can play to B to D major 7 with a major 9. At the same query with a flat nine. Alright? This is the first approach. So I want you to give you an example just to see how it works. So let's play 211. So it's a minor seven, a minor refer minor seventh, the Bev, and she made herself a rank. So instead of play like this, you can play like this. Sounds much more sophisticated, isn't it? So GIS, because you have the melody, the melody line is changed a little bit so that of play the melody. F sharp. Indeed, you have E-flat indeed, right? So check this out. South met Mark address. So this is the first shortcut, okay? The second one is the same thing when you have a major core with a minor seventh, you can shade this core chapter 13 and flattered in a guitar shape is this one right here, kind of working 95 percent of the case as well, right? So let's see an example. If I'm in deep measure, measure K0 and I play a two by two by one, like this. If a chain, this a seventh chord, I can play with touching and flattered. As you can see, you just change your pinky finger array. So instead of flat seven is flat number six. Well, check this out. 341 more time tomorrow. So scary. But obviously you can play with the simple way as well, so okay. So just remember rain, you see a major chord, a minor seven. You have these two approaches. It's going to work in most of the cases. But Gabriel awareness type of things not going to work when you have, for example, is in the melody of your song. And you are your score, you see. And that's the melody is for example, half. So if you play F sharp is gonna sound kind of weird. So 30-some not going to work so well, but blackboard isn't going to work very well. Okay? You need just check them out. But it's going to work in 95 percent of the case just because you play this fair fast. Okay. That's why I told you to play just to beat each core.
15. Altered Chords: Chords of this type are called alterative Bayes courts. By adding a known coordinate in this space, you would create a different court with a difference or more structure slash courts are using a line Jess and other contemporary music and also seem sophisticated popular music and SH2 domains that you pronounce these chord is D, is less than F sharp. Or D, We feel at sharpen the base that ATR to the left of the slash is the name of the chord. So this is a D chord. That lateral you see to the right of this flesh is the bass note, or lowest sound note of the chord. Normally in a D chord, the lowest sound notice D, but indeed slash F sharp corner, the lowest sound note is F sharp. Did Chu most altered based courts are first inversion and second inversion. For example, in C major chord, the first versions written C slash E. You take notes number of tree off to our tried and act as a base load to your card. Another example, a C major chord in second inversion is written C slash G. You'll take note number 5 of your tried and add as a base load, your core.
16. What is a Diminished and Half Diminished: The difference between a diminished chord that is the same as a fully diminished chord in a half-diminished core lies in the seventh note. Both are based on a diminished triad. One, flat, three, flat five intervals. The half-diminished chord has a minor seventh. Eat some minor seven chord with a flat five. The diminished chord has a diminished seventh. The minor seventh is again decrease it by a semitone in hands is equivalent to 60. All of the typical approaches different. Now it's time to learn a few guitar shapes.
17. Jazz Chords Progression Beginner Exercise.: Now it's time to teach a very nice and he's core progression in jazz music just to practice a little bit, right? So check this out. Very nice, isn't it? It's very easy. So you want to play the major seventh rise and right here, right, It's Dimitris, haven't, you? May remember chew or I saw this corn is Fred number five on a string, number 5 and sharp, index finger. And your ring finger, Fred number seven on a string. For we show our middle finger, Fred number six on a string number tree, and your pinky finger, Fred number 7 is tree number two. So this I am going to explain the written part after splenic cords. Okay, so that's the first chord. The second one is E-flat diminished chord. So it's the same phenotype like before. Just want single detail. We are going to change these two things right here. So edX finger's going to stream number tree, okay, for number five and your middle finger, Fred number, fix on a string number five. Okay? The core number tree is a major core. Refer me reset. So G major seventh, alright, and I'm going to play finger number one. Read number 3, honest train number 6. And a finger number tree. And for your ring finger mean in pink finger on a string and number 4 entry. Okay. In a frat number four, so your middle finger, threat number three on a string number two. And the last two chords is a 13 savvy 730 in seven letters. Okay, So it's Figure number one, threat number five and a string number six, single number true? Your middle finger breath. Number five on a string and on the floor. Your ring finger, Fred, number six on a string number tree. And your pinky finger, breath number 7, string number two. This is a 730. You play seven flat 13 is just change your pinky finger. Okay. So Stella threat number 7 is Fred. Number six, simple like that. So let's remember the chords in D major 7. Flat, diminished chord. G major seven. A 713, A7 flat thirds. Alright, simple like that. The written part is very important. Before we begin the random part, I need to give you a very nice shortcut. Usually ingest you have your base note, so you play with your thumb, finger and your core bar, then you play with this three or four fingers. Okay? Today's example gonna use just three fingers. So base, current, base, current, base, core, core, corn. Okay? So Amartya Sen, when I say core, core in the last part, is court in core. Okay, So I played all the notes to get all the strings should gather around. So let's play very slowly. Phase card, base, core, base, core, court and court. Or a time little bit fast. Base score based card, base score, card and chord. One more time. When you learn how to play this type of VR's LOL, you can gain more speed. So as you can see, this good groove is very nice and very chess as well. All right, So Brexit is carefully because jazz is not an easy style for beginners. It's very difficult style for beginners. Jazz was another classical music. It's type of styles are very difficult. If you just bought your allometry Arkose guitar a few weeks ago, alright, so you need to practice.
18. Jazz Chords Progression Intermediate Exercise.: Now it's time to teach a very nice chord progression in a jazz style, of course, wherever it does except we're going to use B minor case. So as you can see, sounds very nice. You'd have a walking bass, savage courts, and very, very nice jazz approach, right? So let's take a closer look. The first chord is B minor SAT score. So the number one fret number two on a string, number 5, your ring finger fret number four on a string or four. Of course, it's a very corn, so it should play with her finger number one, fact number two on a string, number of tree as well. We feel our middle finger bread number three on a string, number two. All right, so I'm going to teach you to the courts and FAT charter courts are going to explain the radar. Alright, so you're going to play C sharp node G has a very nice approach to my D major seventh chord or I so rent, so Dimitris have, of course, very fast. And you're going to play with your finger number one, ranked number five on a string or five, your ring finger fret number seven on a street number for the middle finger, fret number six on a string number tree in your pinky finger, rat number seven and a string number two. And after this corn, you're going to play E, E-flat diminished chord, so just changes two fingers right here. Number one is going to fret number five on a string. Remember tree. And your middle finger fret number six on a strain or five. It's going to sound like this. Okay, so let's play this. The beginning, there is a lowly. Next part is play a note on a string number 5. Sorry, play a note in a frat number five on a string, number six in the middle set of core or G-score. Uh, here we are going to play with your finger number one, fret number three on a string, number six, ring finger, Fred, number four on a strain of a floor. Think finger fret number four on a string number tree. And your middle finger, Fred number three on a string number two, right? So let's play one more time since the beginning, 34. After Genie receivers, you play as you sharp, shears the base array and play a minor seven. In this corner right here. We are not going to use the Common Core shaped discourse, are going to play just a single number two, we're at number five on a string number six. And your ring finger, Fred, number five on a string, number two. Okay. Yeah, It's up to you, but if you want, you can play open string number 3 as well. Kay? Going to sound very nice. So let's play everything very slowly. 34 sounds very jazzy, right? So let's talk about reading. You have base and core. There's approaches, very common chess. You are going to play the bass who are dumped finger. Okay, so damn finger in court we figure number once you introduce one more time. Okay. Once again, as you can see, applique atrophy with DOM in core done in court, so bays in a matri fingers. Okay. But it's important to keep this approach it to the other courts as well. So let's play Amartya. Base corn, corn, base B's corn. They scored base B, Corps, be scorn. Base B's corn. The score. Okay. As you can see, edge play the walking bass. I play bass in Hbase, tries. As you can see, my thumb finger is going to play two y's when I have the walking bass, right? This type of jazz progression is not easy, especially if you are a beginner. So it's important to Brex. Let's play on more time. 34.
19. Pentatonic m7 scale: Minor 7 pentatonic scale is a scale with five nodes. Hebrew, you wrote a, a minor scale. There are seven notes. That's why you need to get two nodes, number 2, m. Now instead of minors game, you have a pentatonic minor seven scale.
21. Greek Mode Theory: Hi, I'm going to make it easier. Your work we've heard is C major scale has example. We already know which one is the Ionian mode. It is the onMeasure scales, the same thing. So C, D, E, F, G, a, and b. The next mode is collared Dorian. It's nothing more than the same major Skinnerian work with bird starting de. It is a minor scale with a measure 6. Now we will use C major scale. Start with the sequence will be like this. Region scale, E, F, G, a, B, C, and D. It is a minor scale with a second minor degree. Then x Greek mode is the legion. It starts with the fourth degree of the major scale. So F, G, a, B, D, E, where E is the major scale with augmented fourth. The fifth, the grid mode is the Mixolydian. It's a C major scale, which the fifth degree in G. So G, a, B, C, D, E, and F. It is the major scale with a minor seventh. The next mode is the Ionian mode, and each corresponded to the 60 degree knee. Our example, the six degree of C is saying, so. It is the natural minor scale. And the last one mode is the second.
23. Arpeggios For Beginners: Now it's time to create guitar licks, which are visuals in sound bluesy, okay, blues. It's a very nice tie on off my favorite styles. And usually you play with your minor pentatonic scale is going to be seen. So we need short blind. The first pattern of pentatonic scale in the fret number eight on a string, number six. And think about dirt and fifth, buying this case, we are going to light this herpes. So C, G, okay? It's, it's C major triad are, okay. And we need to think about our third, so flattered in major there. This is one of the best shortcuts in blues is this type of movement to flatter major term and you have flat five, perfect file as well. Alright, so the idea here is to create guitar licks. Wish our pentatonic scale. We shower or Bayesian in this type of Muslim. Alright? So for example, as you can see a play threatened or 88 ministering number 1 and chew it, play a hammer on to 29 on a string number tree. Okay, So our balloon right here. And after this, I keep falling my pentatonic patterns, Fred number eight and a lab on a string number two. And after does it play 88 on a string number 121111, honest train number one into our answer. So if you follow the step-by-step, it's very simple. You need to follow your page IOs. So it was a major pager, the third of this chord. So there are major Kurt play flat or Lumiere eater, and add the pentatonic scale so I can create another type of legs, for example. So I play monitor to major third, fret number eight on a string number 21 and come back and play exactly the same thing, but in the opposite way. Manchu less notes on a string and our four fret number 8 and can follow my bad. Okay? So it's a mix of creativity and blues technique and our, right. And you can do this with fish as well. So status play G has a perfect fifth. You can play flat five to perfect fifth or so. It's going to sound very nice. But you need to apply your creativity is not a easy thing to do on a guitar. And yes, you need to practice a lot. Let's take another example. We from NADH or are pagers. So let's apply this C major or visual ray here. So C, E, and G is our tonic right here. Flattery and major tree. So now it's time to practice a lot. And if you have any kind of dots, please send me a message through the platform and shack can help you. All right. See you later.
24. Simple Triads for Better Solos: Arpeggio and triads are the same thing. From this tripling any kind of our pager, you need to know the triad and try it is the same fields cord. So think with me, if you want to try it. For example, a major triad that is the same thing as a medial core. We need to play one tree in five of our scale. Today we are going to learn our page up on a string number 4, 3 in1 major, or pages right? From these, the first shape is froude number age on a string, number for number nine on a string number tree, in eight on a string number two. Okay? So you have a major triad. This is C major triad, okay? Or see our patient in, if you want to play exactly the same as aphasia. And however, one step ahead is just play the same, get that pattern. One, hold a step ahead. All right, so now you have a D major arpeggio. Alright? If you want to measure patients the same theme, one step, one hopes that, alright, so E, D, and C Major, Okay? If you one hundred, one hundred typos, chlorides, you need to change. These are Bayesian, but if you keep this shape, you have all of the major triad are pagers, alright? So C major, B flat major, G-sharp, your A-Flat meter and so on. All right, very nice exercise is play the chords of your escape. For example, in C major scale, you have Part, D minor chord, E minor chord, and stillborn, right? Then. Now we have a kind of issue because we need to play major in minor chords, right? And the last core of our Orozco is a diminished chord. So we have three type of herbaceous, major, minor and diminished, right? Reorder. Learn how to play major aphasias. And now it's time to nine minor, diminished minor. A beige rock is the same thing has an issue. However, you need to change one single note. All right, So instead of play threat number nine on a string number 3, we play fret number eight on a string number tree right there. You can play like this. If you are female street, one inch, or play like this. One finger, 2-nodes, the right. And this is C minor. If you want a D minor, just one whole stack array in the same guitar shaped, E minor. One host that in same guitar shape. Okay? And now it's time to play, diminish or pages. So it's the same thing as Minor Asia. However, you need to change one single note. Instead of play Fred number 8, we're going to string number two. You play Fred number seven, right? So a company like this or like this. Okay. We're short pink finger in now we have the tree based off our patrons, right, from this really older patients assurance key and his example. And we are going to play in C meter. So C major, D minor, E minor, F, the major, G major, a minor. In both groups. The miniature Bayesian. Your complaint here as well. Okay, B, D, and F. Alright. It's very important to practice this type of exercise in memorize, this type of pattern is going to help a lot you improvise and play guitar solos.
25. Simple inverted Triads for Better Solos: Now it's time to learn inverted or visuals, or Bayesian courts are the same thing. From this. We need to play and we are going to, to bring try it, okay, so it's 1, 3, and 5 of our escape, right? And it's inverted because we need to play strings, numbers 123, right? So let's think about C major, RP Zhou. So we have C, G, any, right? Though? This is the first major, our patriot. And you can repeat this step or for Bayesian shoe, every kind of major core me or measure Beijing, correct? For example, the major Pedro is right here. E major Bayesians right here. Right? You can play with your finger number one, fret number eight in eight on a string number 12. And your finger number, chewy, our middle finger. In the fret, number nine on a string number tree. Or if you prefer, you can play like this. Number two, middle finger, right? Number eight on a string number 1. See you number one, fret number rate on a string number two and your finger number tree graph number nine on a string number tree. It's up to you. However, we have NADH or chew type of base arpeggios minor and diminish from this. Minor pieces is very similar to measure. We need to change just one single notes. So instead of play nine on a string number of tree, we play eight on a string number tree. Okay. You can play with ever seen me for just one single finger? Right? Or we can play with your finger number. Treat your ring finger, middle finger, index finger. Okay. This is a minor our picture. And it's the same thing you can repeat. Never seen a frat to have their other diaper off our pictures. All right. So here's C major, D major, D minor, C minor, D minor, E minor, F minor, and so on. And write in the last or painful is a diminished. So we need to play a minor pager and change one single nodes, right? Instead of play or at number eight on a string. Number two, replay fret number seven on a string and virtue. So arrays are going to sound like this in a number tree. And your ring finger, thread number eight on a string, number one. Trick number 1, Fred number seven on a string and number two. In figure number 2, Fred number aids on a string number tree. So you'll have diminish our patients. The same thing if you want to see sharp diminished or Bayesian. One half-step, right? The diminished arpeggio is the same Feeney and so on. All right, great exercise is play. They are pagers or the courts that you have in C major scale, right? So let's play with me. I'm C major, D minor, E minor, F major. G major. A minor. In the last one is bid, the management of patients. And it's kind of complicated to pray right here because of the frat right around isn't going to play. Here. K is the same type of chlorine, the another octave. But if you prefer to play right here, going to select this. My shortcut for you guys is memorize the pattern, right? Memorize the pattern. Major, minor, diminished in brackets. Just want senior scale, right? Trach, compose your legs, stretch, you add this type of technique in or songs your solos. And after you, you memorize this type of pattern, you can go to the second pattern, right? It's important to learn step by step.
26. Fly Me To The Moon How to write an arrangement of a song: Let me see what spring. They beat me. Thank you for all your sheet. Now it's time to talk about flam chewed and moon. And talk about how did I compose this arrangement? So this song, I changed the key to the minor because the voice off disappear, right? So that's why I play in email. I could have played his song very easily, just we should accords. But this is not the sound that I want to. I beginning E minor 7. This is an E minor and I play the melody. This is one of the most important techniques in arrangement. Sometimes you can play the chord in mix with the melody. The same melody that the singer is C. Okay, so this is the first short, good for you guys. Played a core and mix with the malady. The next bar and just keep playing their leisure. No, divisional courts. Okay. And after this part, I play a walking bass is another technique that I usually don't judge, putting my arrangements between these seven flat nine. And so it sounds very nice, I guess, in B. So they play E, F sharp, G sharp in a car, he might occur, interact. So this is the idea of walking bass, your play several half-step notes and to your target. This bar right here, I create a melody, right? So technique number tree, you can provide some guitar licks during your, your arrangement, okay, during our courts. So I played a core of the sun. So G major seven. I played guitar lick. All right, simple like that. Okay. And after this I have my second walking bass. So you start off pledges, the civil courts, I played his walking bass like this. My target is G major seven. So I stopped right here in the bed. Instead of play the same octave, I beginning their higher octave. So I almost have, almost everything have stack array. So a G-sharp, sorry, a G-sharp, G, F sharp, right here, have a deep array, so it's not a half step. Half step once and again, C-Sharp, C, E-flat, G sharp, and G. So in this part I add, I'm not a thing. I add this chord right here, to be honest, is not a card music interval, okay? So he's c and e. All right, so he's a major dark. However, this measure ter, when you play the bass, the function changes a little bit. And you can see as a minor chord, another, an E minor chord, D major 7, 9 at C major. And the last card after this bar just come back to the beginning. And as you can see, a play one more time. F sharp half diminish in B7, flatten nine and come back to the main to my first card. So this is another technique that I wanted to talk about. Is it 25, one? True 51 is when you play the second chord, declare number five in the corner, we will want to come back, okay? If you write down E minor scale, F-sharp, half-diminished is core number to be seven flat nine is the core number. Five in E minor, seven is ct number watts. So choo, choo five, and that's why I come back. The second part is exactly the same thing. How are children? Little bit they ending bar. So, so I start off playing major 7 and play B minor, B minor. And they create this last part right here. So groups. In the last part, I copied the melody. Yes. You can copy some steps. So I've just got the melody. Shouldn't my last two notes. F-sharp in. Okay, simple like that. As you can see, my arrangement has several type of techniques. Walking, bass, 25, one, which we want guard or not, or you can put a guitar lick. It sounds very nice and caught the melody copying the beginning. And during this n. Okay, so it's a little bit of creativity in a few techniques.
27. Singing the melody Songwriting Technique: Now it's time to seeing, seeing melodies. This is another technique today. Relax you sure, triply human arrangements when I'm composing something. Caro's averse or I entire song. Usually I like she sing the melody before I play array. So it's a kind of creativity exercise. For example, Japan. Now it's time to choose a guitar shape, key array and a guitar shape and find the notes that I was seeking. So I'm going to choose a very easy guitar shapes. So minor, E minor guitar shaped is a minor array. Let's see. Pad on n and n and n. And then, and then there was something like that, right? I think was something like this. Man and man and man. And that sounds very nice, but we can improve a little bit. Let's, instead of plagiarism as a minor shape, Let's add some, some, something new. Let's add a dark animal that is almost the same. We are just adding a meter, six men and men. Now, it's not sounding good. Let's add a blues note, so E-flat sounds much better. I. So this technique is not easy to apply in the music. And if you are a beginning is much more GIF Go takes a lot of pracs Chu, seeing a melody and find the notes on a guitar. But it's a very nice technique to developing and applying or songs. Let's create another example. Banner, banner, bad, bad, bad at. All right, Something like that. Okay, jazz idea. Let's choose this bark of the neck in. We need to choose it. I'm not going to choose the same guitar shapes, so let's choose the second guitar shape of minor pentatonic. All right, so I think this first notice right here, how I found it was very easy. So the idea, he is singing the melody array. So the first, at least the first idea of what your melody should sounds array and you complete the melody with the guitar shape, okay? The, the shape that you, you choose. And you have a very nice melody. This type of thing I use in three situations when I'm improvising a solo icon, composing a solo as well. When I'm creating a male as a compliment, a few chords, okay, I do this kind of thing and it works very well. Another advice for you guys is pracs year training. All right, seeing the notes seem denotes impeach. Learn about music intervals. Sing the music intervals. Okay? This type of exercise and back Nick is much more ear training. Then tack any array, speed scale and things like that. You can find almost all the melodies NGS more to our pterygoid, our shapes. So this is not speed and this is not scales, is ear training.
28. How to improvise solos by ear in any key and any style: So I'm going to explain a few shortcuts about how to improvise guitar solos live and by year K, That type of thing that happens a lot when you Iraq professionally. And, but before you watch this lesson, please watch orders lessons about chords and scales, okay, averaging about coordinates case we have in our course. And ensure you understand all the chords and scale process before you start this lesson. If you do not understand or not understand anything, in this lesson, you can do your complete waste of time. I think number one is, think about pentatonic scale. Pentatonic scale is very easy to memorize, K. And usually working most of the case are going to play rock, motto, blues. What else? Iggy, Pop songs. Most of the songs are minor scales. So you're thinking pentatonic scale is going to help you in 9% of the case, okay? The second shortcut is when you listen the song k, that the backing track or the core progressions you are going to improvise. Try to recognize a few notes. For example, if you're in the middle of a show or a gin session in a Nietzschean provide something very fast. And I can listen and denote f note. And for example, anos, probably 99 percent of the cases and play D minor. All right, so I play D minor pentatonic E. And off course, after I recognize the scale, okay, So if I think the scale is D might arise. So now what's the next step? I tried to add a few other notes. So I check if this chord progression, I can put up a major sixth. So if I add, be known, going to sound more like a Dorian mode or I. So my progressions not minors, Darwin, right? But sometimes does not work BY, so I add a B flat, so it's minor scale, right? And after this topic, try to add a blues note so that of play, jazz. I add G-sharp ADA, a flat. Okay? This is a protein is very nice because you are going to test that the Armani during the improvisation, alright, but Gabo, if I can just find one or choose single notes, okay, not a problem at all. If you have, for example, let's think. If you recognize these two notes during the backing track or the Gen session. You can pass on his notes. You can test the minor pentatonic scale or, or you can't ask Meyer scale. You can find me in a minor scale, so that's right here. You can task B minor scale as well. All right. You're going to shoot just needed task or the patters. And usually I stick with just one single pattern before I, I really play hand, inflating tires soul. All right, so the first part of the first goal, unique tractive is understand the denote cell you can use and you cannot use during the improvisation, okay? Live improvisation. But sometimes the songs Nadia minor key, it is in a major key. It's not a prominent role because you can think about relative scales, right? For exemplary Famer. In measure, relative scale of a mirrors F sharp minor, so it's just count one whole step and half, right? So F-sharp minor, pentatonic minus1 and work perfectly. But Gabriel, the top is a major tone. Is Each of photons in the major triad or RI? When I want a son of a major triad, are a problem. You can play the minor pentatonic. But we're concerned and major triads. So in this example, a major, right? So eight to sharp and knee. Eight nodes. E notes and C sharp note. You can improvise in a minor Tashi, but think. Yeah, Major Tom. Okay. So okay. Sure. All my shortcuts about how to improvise live and quickly him by year, where I'm playing agent section or recording. So just think about these two steps. First step is fine. 12 or three notes, okay? Then you can listen in recognise on your instrument, right? And step number two is best all the pentatonics, okay? For example, if, let's give another example. If I'm playing, if I can recognize by year. Sharp, dirty Asana going to think, Okay, can I think about E minor pentatonic? Yes. Because you have E, D, but you have a kind of problem with C-Sharp. Usually E minor pentatonic do not have a C-sharp. But if you think about Daria, yeah, you have a C sharp. So these core progression could be an E Dorian mode. But can I think about D-minor? I have a directory here, a D minor pentatonic scale. Let me see you have a problem with a C sharp. Usually you have a minor Safina pentatonic scale. So some kind of weird, right? In D minor pentatonic, you have a seed notes and not a C-sharp, right? Can I think about C minor pentatonic? But it's going to sound a little bit weird as well, because you have a denote indeed is a microsecond null. You can think about the Friesian mode, but it's not going to sound perfect. Okay, So probably, in this example right here, this tree notes, probably, okay, you need to pass before you really have a 100 percent that is in this case, or that escaped probably is in C. No, alright, or even F sharp minor key, right? But the idea here is just Chu, Chu. To teach you my approach where they need to improvise and guitar solo, fast life and by year and is very common situation when you are a professional musician. So I'm going to open our random backing track on YouTube. Just type back in track. And I'm going to apply our techniques with you guys just to see how it works. Alright? So the first thing is recognize a few notes, okay, 12 or three notes. Let's try this, right? So let's go figure Fang Chu. So AMP works very well as well. So P, O, D, B, a, and B. So I have three possible penalty. Let's try deep. Terrible, It's not going to work. So let's try a little bit better, but thinks now they're ripe and upon and let's try be pentatonic because see, no, sorry, denote this stick, right? Pentatonic, right? Yeah, this B, B minor pentatonic scale. Let's try blues note. So fixed going to work perfectly. Now let's set a major six. So let's change this pentatonic to a Dorian, right? So G-sharp, so I don't like the 50s shoe shops not going to work. So let's stick with the B minor pentatonic in those node, right? That's for female or pagers. Works perfectly as well. So I have my rope and the bank Margaret atonic blues, B Minor Asia. After the guitar is not going to work, Let's try Ionian mode. So minor six and C-sharp as a night. Whoops, wrong note. So let's try again. It's going to work perfectly as well. So let's stick with this. As you can see, you just analyze the song while you are playing the song. So it's just important to follow this step-by-step to find the right norms. As you can see, G sharp as a darwin's not going to work in Mac. So let's get this. Or they are a pentatonic scale is not going to work as well. So E minor and are even, or even a minor. Let's try D, Let's try D minor. That up. It's not going to work. So let's take with be correct. So this backing track is in B and B minor. And my advice is practice this on YouTube. They had several backing tracks in several type of keys. So just put Iran of backing track and improvise applying this technique. All right, so see you next class.
29. Final notes: The last lesson of our course, and I have three things to talk. The first one is, please
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important to my work. This type of feedback is going to help me to
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very important guys. Second thing, you can watch
the course over again, kings, Not a problem at all. We have any kind of doubt. Just come back and see
the lesson over again. This is important,
very important. Because with this you
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types of courses in this Florida form froms going to help in
the future, right? So think is so much
and see you later. Bye-bye.