1. Introduction: in this course, I'm going to show you how to use the basic options off the drawing software pain stumps to do. We're going to review all the basic options, layers and tools that will allow you to draw efficiently your illustrations.
2. To begin...: welcome in this course dedicated to software pain storms. To you, this software is a powerful to for drawing. You will see all of these videos that we can really do. Amazing things, like different kind of effects. I will teach you end video, several tips, advices, techniques that will make you more comfortable with this software. And you will know where you can find the options and how you can use them. We will see different example off drying and how it can work with this software. Welcome in this course about pain stumps to you.
3. The options: first, let's have an overview of the different tools we have all around the working space. We have do tools here on the left. We can see size of passivity, transparency, color amounts there extend color and style. All these option will allow you to personalize the brushes you will select on your right. Different branches can be selected like this, and when we're going to use them, you will see we have some effects and size will also play. It's role by having the different size proposed. The size of the cursor is also changing. You can see that if I take the largest size, I don't have something like this. And if I diminish this, my birthday's came to be smaller. Control the to he raised, and we'll have the same for veracity and transparency. All this kind of stuff is going to be reviewed later. In this course, we have some usual options confined in most of all, the software, like fire it it in May judge layer in Saruman. We're going to review old options and do some tests are going to see also different colors . We can have because we can, even if you have a color. The coal credit Grandin's are like imagines. This is giving you a can of graduate. That is a kind off reference to wish you can. You can use just to have some idea how you can go from color to another and staying in the same a universe. Have a couple off tools here and we'll have also some of the cold mixer is going to be very useful to, but I have the overview of In Page and some other tools over here. Of course, every windows can be changed off position and replaced at the place it was previously, so now it's standard file. If I click on file, we have the new commute. It's going to ask for a system size are already programs signs like energy for its D seek. Usually I'm working with a kiss to my size. I can rename my file my drawing, and I can decide to seem pixels inch millimeters on his I'm from Europe. I decided in millimeters. You can decide like this. That's it's like a landscape like you portray resolution and background Blackistone. If you shoes custom, decide like the background is going to be read of little wife. Say, read it and think, OK, I would get but working area in red controllable you to close this file and then quit another one. You can see it changing, can you? Then I decided to call my file drawing and have the meal in the tooth on may be Resolution is Then you can open a file is going to be a usual firmer like the PSD, g PG, and swarm and placing made it the same. You're going to place a picture that comes from another file here. So this is the same. You can place the usual G p G form. And so we're going to have the recent fires safe. They have defined helped keys very useful. If you want to personalize the way work on this software, then we have a couple of options. A little scale. You can decide of the scale of your working space. This is very youthful. Such thing. Usually it's more complaints and other software to change this and decide here them speed Russia being and so on so you can re personalize the way, want to work, and it's very valuable options for you working from then we have performance is restated. Store memory, maximum brushes. You can get more brushes in the same and propose here in the same room and many other stuff like she'll brush cursor. It means that, for instance, if I decide to click on this brush, my curse is going to have the form of the brush. But I can do is activate it or notes and showing Bruce cursor insulin. So is very also variable when you work and you don't want the curse, so you want to come, So it's the way we want. Other Safe makes him. Number five can save every 10 minutes, and it can save 10 5 You can change Mexico files or notes, and there is here the path where the documents are going to be safe. You can change it. An open Jones's for a graphic car of your computer. You can send a different kind of things, but we're not going into this. Okay, now what do we have? Options. Is it the same options? She's language. You can decide to have your software in different languages and talent sitting. This is very good, because usually graphics after it are just I am not proposing personalization of the use of your time. It's on this undersecretary here. You can have different options. If you're pretty well, install on your computer. Don't change anything. It should work perfectly. Then there is edit edit. You will find the usual end. You redo Compean past cuts, options and flip, and so on. Nothing yet on all of this you can image. Corbyn's brightness is very good when you want to change different kind off option regarding the brightness of frustration. And this is relevant because when you work in this option, all the rest is aware of the taps are going to be hidden. Stand Hugh Installation the same canvas for size. You can decided any moment to recite the sight of you paper Reservation decides imminent inches fixes Major size is the image itself, and you can see this is lock and unlock its and just recite the image itself Instead of Canada's, which is your working space. You can change the document properties you have right now, only one options is a vagrant color. Then it's going to work, lying and put a shop with different kind of players. You can create layers created fuller with different layers and sign in Crete. Mask and dilate layers can duplicate image and solar. This is basically the same option than food. We're going to work with these layers in this course, but if you used to get later in the different software you are using, you will not be confused in. If you don't know what layers are, I'm going to explain plate. Then we have selection the usual option off selection. We can select something in the selection, remove its sect everything Haider selection and hide a different and a selection. We can keep her form and capture or select specific color range. It means that if you have several red color in your illustration, you can just select this red color specifically into is selected. If you want to change one specific lyinto another color, for instance. Then with the view where you can personalize the working space with different panels, you can hide some. Sure, some others and so on filters the fields. There's going to be a kind of special effects you can had on your restriction like blur. We're going to try different, can furthers. There is nothing compared to for a shopper who you have much more filters, but anyway, other. You have some daisy and global information really new Softwares. I can give you different options to get in the version of your software about two for a date. So this is a good overview of Eliza options. Then you have the usual toolbar. We confined here with different with the Regine texts at painting selection tools. Here, here's a pen, and when you select one option, your additional personalization here in the airport bar here, for instance, if I sleep two pain, I will be able to end. You are to end, use what I am and do. If I could redo, we can say we have the pin options. We have the flipping options symmetry. You have the gains on the game to have some kind of going to create, For instance, building with some construction lines. You have rules. Click on it. You can change different rules. The rule and its insulin is very practical. When you in to troll, we'll talk about this late. You have deception that is about rule that a more complex and we have to go until years and we don't speak about this right now. And dis elect, this is when you have a selection area, you can just click on it and it will unsettle but was selected progress. So every tools here are going to have a very specific personalization here, then your angles here. Additional tabs here. Okay, we go not going into this too much right now, and we're going to have some brushes here. We're going to speak in the next video that specific brushes we have here for use.
4. The different brushes: Let's try these different brushes we have here way large. You can see we have plenty of them and I can't roll down quickly House. And we have all the different tools that are represented. Let's try do normal brush here when it also different came off brush proposed here. So I think that brush I will select the color here bythe color can assign 20 here and I will do the first try, which is interesting in the way the software is managing traces. We really I had a feeling that we are having a brush, - so the first brush is quite interesting. So we have I don't mean to some tests increased size and off course. If you change the capacity, are the size are all the different options will see a difference. For instance, the capacity is at 100. So we have something very dark and even change its 14 from something that is very different to control a select all night working space. And I cancel everything and I answer like my working space by clicking on the Red Cross here But again, my diversity next month and we're change. I would try to change the icon there is. You can see there is a small black for triangle and there is also the form of the British. It could be quite annoying. Right? Where? Work with this. So maybe the options cursor, sugar rush cursor or Schubert rain sugars. I think this Ryan drying it is a fear. No, I can try something else. Yeah, I answer this too. And I don't have any cursor appearing. I have just my talents. And where I put my then on night of it, which is very, very comfortable. We'll really have footing toe work directly under tablets. Interesting. Because usually in the other Softwares, these options are not so easy to find and decided to propose something very easy to get to change. Trying to show brush person. We just had a little person. All right, so now it's goodbye from the brushes. I am a brush here. If I click on this, you can see I'm working here and it applying to the different angles. This is option. That's called symmetry. We have guide capacities. If I change, it opens city guides. It's very slowing. Dying the computer number of mirrors you can dissected many mirrors just were mirrors or two mirrors and duplication. The number of time object duplicated he had only one time. So you can decide to apply this if you want to work on very complex forms, Um, and you can really create some arts. It's very interesting and very easy to use to symmetry. But it's like this and I will go back to the original warrants. So we have the another options you, the guides capacity and spacing between the guys. It's like you had the ground and you can drove. According to this ground, you can click also snapped to get, and if I'm drawing, I have no others run away than to draw from this point to these lines can change this, taking drugs very good to draw on buildings, this'll the symmetry options with different kind of symmetry, and you can also create different kind of symmetry forms. Working space also taken the form of the object rectangle and in the form itself the mirrors and you can decide to have many mirrors. And this is interesting because you can create some kind off takes too easily with deception, and again, it does not come in to have a graphics after that propose. So easy option to create some Calaio's Cup options are options we have here anyway. We just continue to see the different options I select, and we have the brush here. Colors and e fight. Click on this I can decide to take Let's see brush so you can see we have different brushes with the pan cell. And now let's try this one. This is the classic blend brush decrease. The size may be increasing precedent and concrete's shadows. If I click on it, we also have different options. Quite a scene here with to classical prescriptions. We have, uh, Dino Me pencil. They didn't give very realistic aspect of pencil there. The clean arts, then the king. Art is leaving you a tool that is very interesting because you will have very clean lines. Lines were clean and options that you can see here. We have came off line. You can move, which is going to make the line. Not a shaky like if you were just one visit with a normal brush like this, you can sometimes have something bit shaky here. Not very clean their dinner pencil. Not sorry with King Arts, you have something that is going to be very clear then. Big water color. Also very interesting. Realistic brush. Interesting. Too gruesome effects off something that explosion, like using painting with water directly on the favor explosion. You can really work with the dynamic effects. It's some white increased this effect. Interesting. You have the color mixing it with black in the whites. We really have something that is very close to the reality in Hinds, mixing two different tools. Then we have the dirty breath. Let's try. It's black color. Dirty brush is going to give you something very dirty. And we have here on the size. Don't have just one size. You are the cursor that comes from here to here kind of different Grandin's and very realistic aspect. Wholesome. And I'm trying to use more strong pressure on my tablets and give something like this again . We have something we're elastic create. You can draw very good concept arts for video games with such tool. Then Rome Here, Rome Camel, all right, is giving a kind off hair texture. Now, Texter. So you have can have text her with this and the if I take largest size. Begin your very interesting paper. So now what do we have? He had blood. Interesting. Also to draw the hairs I can see on a different kind of events. Class veteran. They were pretty. When you do something, this brush, it's like it was drained and trade the object some clear man Syria feeling is building three d. James. Not sure the useful this, but this is okay. More than dizzy stuff. It's Could be good for some creation. Not sure it's useful right now. For what? Training to do the same. We have already set options in the same demon goal cycle. Yeah, okay. And we have different older fantasy brushes and you have some interesting aspect to. And the other words last one also for takes her for. And we have some other Thetis. Okay, now we're almost done with I mean brushes. Everybody, she's can be, of course, show you. Ah, pretty personalized with a difference on a ocean we have here. We are going to do some demonstrations with normal brush and classic, and sometimes are going to use some brushes over here to try to draw illustration more close to what we can find. A comic book in Manya
5. Extensive presentation of the tools: to give the first example of them. This brush I'm going to draw rapidly, sketch our sketch we can use afterward for administration. So I decided to take that rush. I can also change because we have a pencil. I will take the rush with color black. All right, So we had size Streit's and let's drew first character and then to draw face. So I'm just using very self pressure. Lovely brush In some time you can see here we have some interesting effects if you go fast and we just put a small pressure. Yes, some kind of interesting. I think that confining men get, for instance, - has this is a breath. We have some effect This If I wanted something more real, more smooth I will use probably a pencil tool, but we can already see the difference And see if this is really a good tool. Knots. You can see we have some very thin line and e for years. The fresher the rush We can go something really different. We don't touching the signs. Ah, on this bridge. So now I can try to use something else. Um, yeah, let's try to be so and something was trained. All right, So if you want to do a first exist size to drill yourself about using software, you can start playing different side and rushes and different options pose here. And you just try to do some lines and see what is more confortable with you. Plane. We have something that could be really films, so it means that can really go into details, administration and pretty comfortable for this kitchen. You don't We have also some some lines that does not appear if the pressure is not high enough so maybe we could create some time. Some problem. Smith. Basically, this is very good. One forms that it also give something a bit fucking if we zoom in and ah, it's not sure that depends. He will be so funny. So you can try another tool and see if we have a pen, Quite a scene. So extend color. If you put everything maximum still, razor, there's nothing evil rope and the rope is going to give you something much more clear. But we're going to see this another time. We have also some properties you can pick, and it will just decide if the sterilizer is going to by default for all your tools, but by default. This is here, and it's quite something good, because stabilizer, if there is not much, the painting is going to be applied very rapidly. Why, if you put something like this, you with a A kind off Lang, because the software is going to try to trace a line is very clean. That is very long to draw this, So it's not advice to use this all the time. So we have seen on this brush. Let's take the other brush is a classic than rush, and we have something in this. No. What can we do with that? We can start thinking about drawing a kind off, maybe landscape calf artwork to take the color and put it here. If we take this tool, it's like water color. This is a re interesting to go there because the efforts can be really good, the other kind of mix of the course. It's really nice trying to play with difference kind of a fence and try also to play these two droll clowns. Now we can also play with this the birth, if we get less, have something here. This what kind of sitting background? But if you put the blur zero, you will get something which is really using in its effort to create artwork. For instance, a flying using this brush and I will draw this sketch of face. - It's in reason, maybe in the freezer with the shark here and now. We tried to use the man just heading the shadow. It will erase a little bit the lines here because we're working on the same layer, the mayor's or something we're going to see right after this. But you can see we can already written volumes in this characters inflaming the shadows in the Grace and Reza Volumes, Justin Williams and instead of the brush could be so you can rapidly have something very interesting. Some very fast effect can create with that. Now let's try the airbrush, Debra's very classic tool confined in many software. You can just feel in your presence with the soft color instead. Much time this is truly if we blind some other to this, Um, exactly. So now we have a dynamic pencil. It's very good to start to draw with this, too. We can see the orientation of the brush is situated that can dio the kind off drawing if it's especially unusual for training. Have your pencil sketch on this. I mean, you're creasing size to at some shadows drove Carrington volumes. But this kind of light and shadows here you can really play with this to create rapidly interesting outwork and sketches. You know, let's try to clean arts. We have this rope, a pairing just at the position off your cursor, and you can really do so interesting lines and they're clean lines. This is very good. When you draw, you want to do something like you have a sketch and like this again, drawing face you do. We'll use the art. Just draw. It's to big civil. Amusing this, and you can just It's not easy to use because left full line that it will create something that's really mean you have inside. You only have a custom form. You can also draw revolution. This and now retrying big water. This time we have something that very close to the natural. You want to do same team of nature through druthers, physic, See, that also drove our work very easily. This and this time can really play with the side of the brush and create for police a very good effects. And you can also play with transparency and having to work in a jingle and then the bug. In truth, rapacity sorry and brush kind of seating. The trees are we can really imagine something is really senselessly design. So after that you can create other layers to complete drink. But you can see you can read create very, very interesting things. This tool is probably one of the best to off the suffering of the other ones can be fine. In other software, there are those of deer t dirty brush that's giving you also something very interesting. We can makes both techniques to create your own words. If I wanted to do something, you can draw a face and then use the possibilities of this brush to create something very original to the words can extend its. If you have any to drawer to paints, you will find some very confortable tool for this. All right. Do you think so? The room can hair, so this one is much more for the hairs creation. If I drove with my normal verse during the hairs of the character. Then I can use drunken hairs and you can see we have fixture of the hairs with one single brush is give you something very, very good. Because yours let's draw the hands could be very painful. You see, we have to have so we can see free Zoom in. I have this picture of light, no contest, all the difference brushes. Propose here and you will find things that could fit with what you want to create. It's next video. We're going to draw full illustration bays and the tools we have here.
6. Example of sketch and inking: Okay, so I'm starting a nutrition from zero creating new file this millimeters were designed A for Sermet. Okay. And let's try the first kitsch. I'm going to 30. Hands off someone first. I'm doing this catch with Rush normal Bush. Maybe I can zoom in a bit. It's nos going to have a vestige. Probably decreases stabilizer. Just a few more smooth. - And then I can start drawing the details. Well, I'm still trying to complete the last forms. The last lines of the drawing of this kitsch missed each year. Kling of here. Maybe now I can zoom out the bits in suits here, the shoulders and so All right. It was something that is Let's catch that is completed. We can off course continue to add some details like this brown hairs. Good. All right, Now it's time to show you the use of the layers we have here. Window. We basically work on the layers. Zero is there. Zero represents your white paper. Now you can click on create a new layer. Is the icon just fine here? Down? Do we know? And this is called They want I can rename it by double click and I can sit. This is called, uh, this thinking is just the black and white a part of the restriction. It means that on the layer zero we did pencils catch. Now the inking part is going to be the finalization off the thinking of the sketch. Sorry. So the thinking. It's exactly when you try to use some China Inc to complete demonstration, but this time we're using a graphics after it to this work. So I'm taking this brush black color, and I can this time zoom in and were carefully to have for over and fine and king work. If you have any doubt that bounce how to end one of the rule, it's to have thick lines outside and sent nine inside that if you are, you can't really see the lines. If this is disturbing you to have the sketch, you can just select layer and decrease a little bit. The opacity. Then you come back when you're thinking of the year and you can work when you end. You always do their clean lines. You could do some hatching, and soon that it has to be done in a second time. Try to decrease the size just to be more decorate. - Of course, more. Your sketches, a curate and more thinking with the easier. Because if you just stay with sketched, it is really Russ. And not very good. If you have hatting was more problems when you will in because you will still have some uncertainties down in kings and to know exactly where you will have to endure lines or nuts . All right, this you can already. Phil, continue this. - This technique is used to create the hairs effects on brown. Here is character. This is very simple. You just let some white. You mean like in white areas, have fear here the same time and can teach you some takings to go faster front. Just here to then. Here we go. All right, So now we'll complete the rest, decreasing size and just doing something like this. - Meaning lines. All right, so now zooming outs and I can hide with guys here, right? Sketch layer, and give something that this I can complete the remaining lines here. All right. And I can complete the some additional that curious to create something more interesting or getting the suits all right. - And the hair girls. We have the character change from Brits. Details in the face. Maybe also here in the shoot on the tie, maybe some details tonight. And we are done with the in king parts. Now, in the other video, we're going to see the calorie.
7. Example of coloring: Then we will create a new layer here to and its owner. Then when you create a layer with the color, you would see something. I'm taking the brush if I drove it. Real overly money. Ah, ducking likelier so you can select. You can change the different modes and you can take, multiply and multiply is giving you a kind off transparency effect All rights and I will first draw or color in Bagram. And I will use from this 13 Or maybe dirty but the big watercolor. I can select this trying to do something not flat that some interesting effect. Try to mix different techniques. You can see keeping up playing the color. We have something good. Okay. And then the dirty Maybe something like this increasing this. Try to make some different effects. All right? No, I go back to a more you can say stable brush. The watercolor is fine and I will fly. Not this one. This one is better, because the other ones was to too much mixed with the other color. And I'm playing the skin color first. Understand? With the global flat color. Okay, so you can see rapidly. We can have some interesting effect. No, we can decide to us some more details. Like shadows. I'm using the classic blend brush, which she's giving something smoother and to add some light effects and some shadows. If it's and very smooth. See you can even use Brown to create shadows on the face. And so all right, my character is the kind of guy with having some trouble in life, apparently because his face is it. Is it weird? Anyway, it was the purpose of this guy, so we can now play with different techniques like Dynamic pencil on Take brown color to some additional details. At some shadows, it's been too much control. Z cancel what we just have done interesting because you have a kind of text her applied with pensees so you can really create additional things, and otherwise we can apply also some kind of texture with the we have moods or wave if you're. If you think you're by the way, when I click old, you can see we can select the color previously applied, and I can applied. If you're can give some interesting effects, also undershoot. And if I want to make sure and uh, it's not too much. You can just change the brush and a plane just on the part. The cloth he want to play. All right. So it was an example of how we can use the software can play with different opens, hear capacities and different, um, options here and with layers. And then you have the color, and that's it for this example.
8. The last example with some interesting tools: one of the last example that can give to you is the use off the different option in color and texture. To give you this example, I'm using the demo free. This brush is giving a kind of three D aspect of your brush. We can play with different color. There is a distance strenght. If I get it like this, there is almost no strain and ever put it to the maximum. We have some difference. You can play with different Grandin's go back on the grave and you have different options. You can rule according to the F H want to create, but the more important here is to see how you can use this ocean and specifically with texture. When you click on the texture, you have the choice off different texture. You want to apply, even sit like this. I can't decided to scale and stop trying to a blind his texture. So how can we can use this? I'm going to work the kind off. Ah, you can see a artwork with this brush and you will see this is very useful to draw some aspect, like tombs are different texture that looks like a video game style. The spacing between between the objects you can see but reduce its maximum If you have something like this and we were so can change the angle of the form that he's used for this brush. And I can play taking backs color. We can have really interesting stuff is very good to draw buildings. Instance. All right, and I can make this with other this not this one. I can makes this it's dirty, - and then you can use the wave to also to complete this kind of Ah, and you can also use burn brush to smooth the forms. Bring something, help you to mix the difference. Forms were trying to create and to cream some interesting effect for your landscapes, and you have rapidly some effects to create your own lines schemes. So by playing with the difference, you can say brushes. You can create some very fast and easy things like here. We just applied the couple's off brushes, and we had a kind of ah landscape with buildings. In the end, we will keep this Oh no, it creates something interesting just to have a cancer art and the concept Art Justin ideal that is put on the paper and give a concept in just contributes nothing. Detail, work. And if I wanted to complete this, I could create another layer cruise control A and to you can say it's a visit. Isolate a yellow color and I can fill. Maybe there is also edits teammates. We'll see. Maybe we can use to do with more if I the fixture. This teacher like this, OK, and the scale like this. Oh yes, right away. The world plane mood and we come size and criticize, built to feel completely to take another brush if it's faster. And if you find this is too much shell. Oh, you want to decrease this? There's just no problem. You can play with open off your layer and just have something that is closer to the desert atmosphere and then play with difference some additional, maybe another layer and at some very specific thanks and rapidly rich quality of very professional artistic work. All right, so it was just fuel last example to complete what we had explained so far on this software . So now it's help to you to try it and to apply what we just see the brushes, different effects you will find. Also some filters like Bro Sherman. Maybe we can also play with different option here. That's again. This will be for more. Ah, and more complex illustration. That was not so much detail. And it's it will change, too night and soon. But what is more important is the creation you can do on the software and how you can play with different tools here. Okay, now it's up to you to create your own. It's tuition with pain Stone Studio.