Introduction to Fluids and Particles in Maya | Raffi Bedross | Skillshare

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Introduction to Fluids and Particles in Maya

teacher avatar Raffi Bedross

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Taught by industry leaders & working professionals
Topics include illustration, design, photography, and more

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Taught by industry leaders & working professionals
Topics include illustration, design, photography, and more

Lessons in This Class

    • 1.

      Fluids Introduction


    • 2.

      Particles Introduction


    • 3.

      Emitter types


    • 4.

      Emitting from object


    • 5.

      Emit from surface


    • 6.



    • 7.

      Simple snow effect


    • 8.

      Soft Body


    • 9.

      Rain Effect


    • 10.

      Fill a text


    • 11.

      2D Container v01


    • 12.

      Cigarette v05


    • 13.

      3D Container v01


    • 14.

      Density Attributes v01


    • 15.

      Emitter Types v02


    • 16.

      Turbulence and speed attributes


    • 17.

      Emit From Texture v01


    • 18.

      Homework Coffee Steam v01


    • 19.

      Rocket Smoke v06


    • 20.

      Wheel Burnout v03


    • 21.

      Torch Fire v03


    • 22.

      Emit fluid from particles v01


    • 23.

      Helicopter landing Effect v05


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About This Class

This course is an introduction to nParticles and Fluids in Maya , and its a project based approach , so instead of listening me talking about tools and buttons , you will learn how to make fire and smoke emitting from the rocket when it take off , you will learn how to use another technique for creating fire and and a lot of variety of effects using Maya fluids and nParticles.

Meet Your Teacher

I am FX TD Artist and visual effects instructor.

I like to make tutorials to help students to learn visual effects.

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Level: Beginner

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1. Fluids Introduction: Hello, everyone on. Welcome to complete Meyer Flutes Boot camp. In this course, you're gonna learn how to use my fruits to create visual effects like smoke, fire and more. My name is Rafi and I have 17 years off experience in visual effects. We're going to start a super simple on teacher. The fundamentals off my absolutes. Then we're gonna move to create more advanced effects. Before you enroll in this course, you need to know the basics off Meyer, like navigating in the view port on creating very simple three D models. That's all where you need to enroll after you finish watching this course, you would have solid knowledge in my are fruits on your gonna use it more confidently to create any effects using my our fluids. This course is continually updated with new lectures, new effects on new techniques with my flutes. So let's get started 2. Particles Introduction: Hello, everyone. My name is Rafi and I would be your instructor in this course. I have 15 years of experience in creating to the anti three D effects. This course is an introduction toe in particles in Mayer. It's for complete beginners in my arm, so you would learn the fundamentals off in particles in Meyer. This will let you use in particles more confidently before you start taking discourse. Make sure you understand the fundamentals off. My are like navigating in the view port on the user interface, so let's get started. 3. Emitter types: Hello, guys. In this Listen, I will show you how to create a meters in Mayer on. We'll take a look at a meter types. So first I will goto fx shelf top on. Then I will goto end particles menu on here, guys, you will see create options. And here you can choose, for example, point balls, cloud thick cloud or water or came so I will choose balls. Okay, nothing happens. We need to go back toe end particles on. Then click on, create emitter option box on your guys. I will reset the settings here. You see, I have the meter type. You can specify a name for your A meter on here. You see the silver? I will talk about that later. Okay? And here you see, I have the meter type only. Okay, so let's leave it at only and I will click. Create Now you see, I created a meter on in particle on, Not least. Okay on if I click play now you see, I have falling balls. Okay, on As you see, it's very fast The reason these guys, if you come here on change the playback speed toe, play every frame on the max playback speed toe. 24 frames per second. OK, and now if I hit save on, Let's go back now It's real time. Okay, on the reason these guys the particle falling down because I have a nucleus. This is like the engine off the particles, guys. Okay, So if I said like the knock these guys you see here I have the gravity nine point eight. Okay, If you said that to zero now, the particles will not fall. Okay, so now it's going in all directions. Andi, here, you see the end particle. Okay. This is the shape off the particles, guys. You can select the end particles on if you scroll down here, you will see here I have the shading. Okay, Andi, In the shading guys, you can change the shape of the particles. For example, points or spheres or multi point, as you see. Okay, let's leave it at spheres. Okay. On in the emitter guys, you'll see some options. For example, the rating per second. Ok, so now I am a meeting 100 particle per second. Ok, so if I said this one toe 50 now, I am a meeting 50 particles. Her second. Okay, on Let's scroll Down here on here. You see, I have the speed. Okay, So if I said this 1 to 5 now the particles moving faster. Okay, This is the random speed guys. For example, If I said this 1 to 0.5 now, some particles will go fast on some. We'll move slower. Okay, so you add you are adding some random speed values toe the particles. So let's it stop on. Let's go back to the first frame on a Let's change the emitter type guys, for example. I can set it toe volume. Now if I said that too, Volume. And now, as you see, I have a box on if you scroll down a little bit. Here, guys, you will see here I have volume shape. This is a cube, so I can set that toe sphere or cylinder. Okay. Or corn or tools. Okay, on Let's zoom in a little bit here on for the totals. Guys, you can control the volume sweep as you see, or the section. Okay, let's leave it at que up on this. Go to the first frame on here, guys. You see I have the away from center. So if I said that, for example five. And now if I hit play now you see the particles a meets away from the a meter Okay from the volume. So if I decrease that as you see now, the particles a meeting inside the volume Great on a longer access guys, if you increase this value, you see the particles going toe up. This is the along access okay, around the access. If you If I increase that you see now the particles spinning around the axis okay. And off course, you can set random direction to for that. Okay, So feel free toe experience with Theis attributes guys on. Try change some values and see what you can get. Okay, so see you in the next lesson, guys. 4. Emitting from object: in this lesson, guys, I would show you how to emit particles from object. So I will goto create on. I will create a curve toe. I will goto curve tools on. Then I would choose a beaker. You can choose which one you want. Okay, so I will choose a speaker on. I will click somewhere here. Okay. To create the curve on guy will hit Enter on the keyboard. I know by selecting the curve then going toe end particles on now I will click own option box beside the image from object on I will goto edit on Reset the settings on now guys, you see here I have the emitter type. If I choose only on hit apply I will show you what? What will happen now? So now if I click blame You see Maya created on a meter on every vertex So if I selected the curve on I goto isolate And if I right click and choose control Vertex You see here I have some Vertex is ok. So what? The emitter type only do creating on point a meter on every vertex. Okay, so I will undo that or I can delete everything here from the nucleus to everything. Okay, so I believe the car on now I will choose from the emitter type. I will choose a curve. So now if I hit, apply at now Click play. The reason is nothing happens, guys, because we forgot toe uncheck that. Okay, the isil it So as you see now, I am a meeting from the surface off the curve, OK from every area. Okay, so let's close this one now if I go toe a meter top guys on here. You see, I have the rate because you can't change the rate. And here you can. You have the spirit. So if I play aunt, really increase the spread. As you see now, the party's spreading more on. This is the speed. If I increase that now the particles moving faster. Okay, let's leave it toe. Zero on a here, guys. You see, I have the speed Random futures If you increase the speed random. Now you have some variation in the speed. Okay, honestly, that leave that at zero on. This is the tangent speed. If I increase that now, the particles will follow the tangent off the off the curve. OK, so nothing happens because we need to increase that in case of the speed, the one to see the result. As you see the parties following the occur Very okay on if I said like the nucleus guys you see here I have the gravity. I can sit that zero And now the party is not falling. Let's move the circle a little bit up. By the way, guys after, um Edie, parties from the curve, you can still off course, right? Click and choose controlled Vertex Andi, move the the curve ver theses around on the particles will be updated as you see very great feature. So let's say like the Nagai's on here. You see, I have the air density, so let's see what that do for us. So, for example, if I increase the density guys, as you see the particles freezing after a short time in the air, this is very, very nice effect. Okay, on the wind, the spirit, if you let's leave that one on the wind speed off course. If you increase that, you would have some win. The reason these guys going the particles going in this direction in the x axis. Because if you look here, I have the wind direction said toe one. Okay, so if I said that zero on said this one toe one. So the why is one now? Now the particles, We move to the up. Okay. On this said that zero on off course Here. You see, I have the plane. So if I is the gravity now, if I it really now, as you see now, the particle lighting with the ground. Okay on. Hey, guys. You see, I have the time attributes so or the scale attributes. So in the time attributes you can set when you're particles, I want to be emitted. So, for example, if I said this one toe 20 now, the particles will be immediate at 20 frame. Bring Aunt Leslie that won on. This is the time scale. If you see the particles, your particles are very fast on. This is the multiplier. So if you said this one toe 0.1 now the particles will move faster. So this will be multiplied by every attribute you created here. Being off course, you can't increase that to this is very, very useful. Let's leave it toe one. So now let's select the end particle. Andi, let's go! Toe end. Particle shape on here. You see, I have the radius. Okay, so in the particle size stop, I have the latest. You can control the scale off the particles on here. You see, I have the input marks on radius. Scare undermines. So, for example, if I said this one toe randomize I d on increase that you see Now I am adding random radius to every particle thing on here. You see, I can add more variation by controlling this curve. By the way, if you click here, you can maximize the window. Okay, so let's create some effect. You know, uh, I will goto not Please stop guys on its a year, I will said this one toe zero on. I really increase the wind. The speed, for example. Toe one. Let's see if the particles will move on the everything city are you said five. See? Okay, It's good on. I will goto a meter on, then I will goto rate on. I will increase the rate off 200 it see if we have good amount off particles. So came. So now Let's create an expression here. So if I rightly guys here on click on create new expression Now you see, I have the expression editor on. By the way, if you don't see the expression ater or you want toe edit that you can goto window on, then I believe it's in animation. Editor. Okay, this is the expression editor. So after you, right, click your guys on Create expression. I will copy this line Control C control me. So now I will type equal toe sign Open parentheses. Andi, I will type time and I will close the Prentice's on. I will type semi colon Don't forget that on every click on Create So now, as you see, turns yellow on now guys, the the idea is to animate the random the radius scale randomised Okay, so as you see nothing showing so we need toe scale that so if I right click on click edit expression the time is too slow so I can multiply that by for example, of five on now if I hit edit And now you see we have this effect guys, As you see, the party is going bigger and smaller but we have another problem, You guys, If I go as you see now, I have negative value. I don't want that. So if you right click and choose any expression on here, I will type. Let's increase the size if I If I hold control on the keyboard. Guys on Middle Mouse Scroll. You see, I am making the text bigger. Okay? Holding control on the scroll, you can control the size off the expression. So I will type here a B this and open parentheses on. I would close that here too. So what? This does guys converse the negative value, toe positive value. So now we will not see any negative value if I read it. So So now we don't have any negative value. And as you see, we have some effects here. And of course, you can go and control the speed off the animation off the your ideas by coming here and said this one toe pain, for example. Now you ain't seen now the animation is faster. Good. Think so? I will see you in the next. Listen, guys, 5. Emit from surface: in this lesson, I will show you how to a meat particles from the surface. So let's create a plane by coming toe polygons. Poorly modeling on. Then click on the great. Okay, so I really scary a little bit here. Ah, Then move it up. So now I will goto FX tap. And then I would go toe in particles on. Then I will click on the image from object option box. Okay, so let's reset the settings on here. If I leave the emitter type Tau omni and click apply now let's hit play and see what's happening. As you see, I am creating on a meter on every vertex. So on every vertex the mire we create an emitter. Okay, so let's undo that or I can DDT in particle and I will delete the emitter toe. Okay, so I would select that again. And now I will goto a meter type and I will change that toe surface. So now if I hit, apply its close that on deceitfully. As you see now we are in meeting the particles from the surface. Okay, on if I click on the NOC list on If I said the gravity toe zero, for example. And now if I hit play you see the particles steel moving. Okay. The reason is because if you select degrade on goto the sorry, I will select the emitter on if I scroll down. You see, I have the normal speed because the normal off the plane is upward. That's why the particle moving upward. So here you see, I have the normal speed, right? So if I said that to zero on hit play, as you see now, the particles don't move. So let's sit that back toe one. Now if I reversed the normal by going toe modeling on, then makes display and then I will pick on the river. So are now I reverse the normal Tow the downward. Okay, So now if I hit play now you see the particles going in this direction, OK? And let's go back and reverse it to the default on Let's hit play on. I will click on the emitter again on Dhere. You see, I have the tangent speed. So if I said that the normal speed to zero and said that one Now you see the particles will more move on the surface. Okay? And as you see, colliding with each other. Okay? Because we have the n particle shape in the in particle shape in the collision, we have self collide. Okay, so that's it for this lesson. I will see you in the next listen. 6. fields: advise in this lesson. We look at the field on solvers in my 2017. So first off or I will goto ethics tab on. Then I will goto in particles and then create just simple emitter. So I will go to the option box on, then edit, reset the settings and click create on. Then I will go to the times Lighter sittings. Let me expand window here. You see, we Meyer changed some settings in, uh, this version I am using version 2017. So you may see any could be difference in the previous versions on this version. So just sit the max plea back speed toe 24 frames per second. So now I will click safe. Now if I keep playing now, we have the real time animation. So as you see the parties falling down, the reason is the Nazis tap. If you go to Napoli stuff you see, here we have the gravity 9.8. So I me said it was zero. And now if I hit play, you see, the party's going in all directions, so I reselling the particles on, Then I will go to fields on soldiers on. Then let me just come off the window and put it somewhere here so we can see. So now if I eat, if I click on air off course, my part tickets are selected. Save. And now you see, here we have in the pre defined settings we have wind. I find it Play as you see the particles moving up. The reason the party is moving upward because we have the direction said toe one Andi the magnitude controlling the force on the party. So, for example, if I said it toe 20 now you see the particles moving very fast. So let me set it toe five. The technician is one. So what That me? One means that the force, the magnitude is five at the center here on the slowly decreases over the distance. So if for example, if I said it toe zero now the airfield is one in all the scene. Okay, so it's one. It's the magnet. Is five year five here on five on five everywhere. But if you set in tow one, that means the magnitude is five here, for example, on three here on toe and one on so so That's what attenuation means on Let me set it toe zero. As you know, here we have X, y and Z. If you set the direction on extra won, the part ICS will move on x So let me show you. Ok, we have they Okay, you see the party? It's moving on X direction on now If I said that enable spread you will see the part ICS were spread more so if I play again you see the particles spreading much more own X so you can experience with the settings and see what every attribute does. So let me They led a field Now that it's see another force. So we have the drug force. So if I selling the end particle on three cone drug on die can he play? We don't see any change snow. So if I sending the sorry are you selling drafted and sent it to, for example 0.5 on a freak play? You see, the particles is slowing more as it emits. So let me set it toe five, for example. You will see the particles not moving stops after a few seconds. So the more you increase the magnitude the more the particles will lose their energy. So that's it for the magnitude on the aft. Innovation off course. As I say, that means on one means that the magnitude is one here because I said it one. For example, if I said it to two on the magnitude toe one, that means the magnitude is who at the sinker on decreases as we moved by distance from the center. Okay, under speed at the innovation. How much speed, how much you want toe drag field, no injuries or decrease. So, for example, here you see, as I increased the at speed attenuation you see, the party's moving more from the center from the center and then stops. If you said it was zero, you see the particles stops in this area. I'm going. You increase it. The part ICS moving much more far from the center. So that seat for the drag force. So let me delete the track force, as in, let's select the gravity off course, the gravity you can sit. You can select the gravity from here, or you can just go to not please and set it to nine point eight. So let's see in the Not this. We have zero. OK, so I will go in tow in particles selecting particles, then click on gravity feed. So now the part ICS will fall down. Okay. As you see, the direction is negative. One on the commission is zero, which means the gravity is 9.8 in all the scene. But if you said it toe one for example, Now you will see the gravity is slowing is strong at the center, on the creases over the distance. So that's it for the gravity feed. So let me delete the gravity field and select the in particles. Now let's go toe neutral feet if you I selling the neutral field on a trick play as you see , the particles moving outside aren't going to the inside. So let me move the neuter field to the right thing, isn't it? And now if I hit play, you see the particles attracting to the new defeat off course. The more you increase the value off the magnitude, the more particles will attract much more faster. And the attenuation, as I say now, the new to feel is 10 here on decreases over the distance. Okay, so if I said it to, for example, zero another. The neuter field is 10 in a with scene, no matter how far you place the nuclear field. For example, if I placed it somewhere here, you will see the parties will attract to the new defeat. But if you said it toe one, for example, the new don't feel is he's not 10 here. So if I think you see the particles not moving in, moving slower if you said it, for example, toe five, the particle will not move. So that's it for the new trophy. So let me select the neutral field undated. So let's go to the turbulence feet. Also soaring for the radio. So I will click on Radio Field on. Then let's play and see what's happening. Radial field. Push the particles outwards in all directions. Okay, the moment these five definition is one the radio type you can experience and practice and see what that doing. Okay. For example, let's try 10. Actually, you cannot sit it to 10. This strike zero this story one and see the difference. Actually, I don't see much more difference between 10 Okay, We have the distance. Use the mass distance on the so, for example, if you will play on said the much distance on them for zero on Fall off, said the fall off. Now you see the particles pushing the radio field, pushing the particles on rain slow. So that's what the max distance do. Of course. Zero visit as you see now, the politics moving much more far away. So that's it. For the off course you have here. The volume control at the good, we have none. So you consider two sphere and you can skate it. Now the particles will move outside the sphere grain. So we fight on checking the monks distance. Now you see, we have here the alternation one which means that innovation The magnitude is five at the center, on zero in this area. So you can experience with this attributes Antsy what? What? Each attributes us. And so let me get the But if you can select the in particles again on let's go toe turbulence with turbulence field if you sell it. If you plead play, you see, we have some turbulence and noise on the particles. So let me set the frequency Cofie and you will see the particles. We'll move first of much more noisy. And you Here you have the noise. Liver. You can increase the little noise on experience which, um what every every attributes does the faces. Why on Z? As you see, I am changing the direction off the placement off the noise in the scene by changing the face. Okay, off course. You here. You have a game volume control, so you can set it toe sphere on that. The particles just have the effect over noise in the sphere. So the turbulence feed will have no effect outside this Me. So let me now move the the sphere just elicited and you see here now the particles will have the effect off the noise when they enter the volume off course, you can't change it toe cone or Toro's on what you like that need to get the the atmosphere that city not face selling the in parties on this click on the uniform uniform. The force is similar to gravity. So, as you see, we have 51 direction X, which means the part ICS will move on X as if you go to volume and said toe pube. Then set the more than you have to be to the right and then play. You see the parties. When enters, the cube will have the magnitude off five and then they will move on X immediately. The uniformed field on in particles against electing and particles on. Then we have the vortex. Now you will see what vortex feed to So you think it is. It for me is on fire from the sea. We have the effect off rotating the particles at the center. You can off course at multiple forces selected again on Dad's there at force that set the drive to point to on. Then click play three. I didn't visit toe one. Now you see the particles. We move slower. Let me select the vortex field. Andi, let's set the volume toe sphere on this field. Now the parties will have the effect on the vortex field just in the this field area. I think you can off course. You see if you have inside, if you selective, the particles will remain inside the volume and do not go outside whole. You, Andi, have radius. How much you want the particles being the volume me just zero. We'll move the part. It's outside. The volume on you have the the Accel. Now you can experience with these attributes. So let's read the vortex on drug force. Answer like the end particles again on let's at volume access. So what volume accessed us? So if I eat play, you see the push being pushed. The party gets outside off course. You consider the airway front center for example to 10 that will push the party. It's away from the media. You have year along the access if you set it toe one, for example. You see here we have a little a little arrow your daughter Arab So which means that the particles will move in this area. So if I said it toe Juan and you will see the part ICS moving upward because the along the axis is one around. The axes were attained. The particle around the axis examples one Then you would see the parties were okay just on the city to 10 for ism. I keep playing as you see the party snow rotating around center and you here you have the turbulence turbulence. You have the Mulan. Speed almost being on frequency on. So you have. You have the distance and the max the stars controls the distance. Did that do? Oh, volume axis will control the particles on. So So let's look at another force, which is the volume curve. So if I select silicon Waronker you see here we have curve which with circles. So now if I play you see the particles will move no car. So if I move the no here something click plane. You see the particles that interest that the searchers will move long Decker off course you can. You can increase the force off the current on off course again. You can select the I could on right it leak and shoes portal Vertex ever theses on then control the curve shape. So now the Partick It's well moved along the curve. They you see the Partick? It's morning along, Decker. So you need toe select The worst first were takes that movie. As you see the public's now moving in on the car. You see here the particles going outside. The reason is you goto volume access field. Well, you might speed Then you go to magnitude and said, for example, toe 60 and then could play. You see the politics movie much more faster, but going outside the car so you can't contour that by I think it rockfield the 0.5. Let's see no game winning, please to three said the after nation toe zero tool. I think we need to city toe point tool Let me enquiries degrees the magnitude two 20 And I said the detonation toe one you can experience with this values until you see the curve the particles going outside you need to change somehow. Three goods here. Okay, so that's how the volume axis feed works. So I hope you enjoyed. I will see you later. 7. Simple snow effect: in this lesson, guys, I will show you how to make simple snow effect in Maya. So first I need to create the A meter, so I will goto FX tap on. Then I will click on in particles on. Then I will click on create a meter option box here, add now I will go to edit on, then reset the settings. I will maximize this window a little bit on here. I will change the A meter type from the only to William. Okay, then I will click on Create Andi. I will click on the scale on a scale the emitter a little bit. Something like that. Okay, on I will move it off. Good. Let's skated again. Something like that. It's OK on Dhere. I will creek on the on this icon on. Make sure you have the playback speed toe Play every frame on the max Plea back speed to 24 frame per second. OK, this one on I will click save. So in this way, Meyer will around the playback with a real time. So I will click on safe on If I hit play now I see just points in the view port so I would creak on the attributes Editor, If you don't see this attitude ater you just click here. Okay? So I will goto in particle shape On on I will scroll down until I see the thing. The shading tab. And there you see the I have the particle render type, so I will choose it. Toe chill out. Okay, Now the particles are clout. As you see, I can skated then by going toe Particle size stop! And I said it about zero point before. Okay for that on Dhere. Guys, you can set a random scale for all the particles by coming here in the radius scale input, I will said randomized I d. Okay. And if I increase the this other route which is the radius scale around the mice? Now you see, I have random size. Okay, So now if I hit play now we see the party is falling down. Okay? You can increase the size. The sorry. You can increase the amount off the particles by going toe emitter tab on here. You see, I have rate particle per second. OK, so I use it, for example, Toe 300. Now, if I rewind and play. Now I have more particles. Okay, so let's add some turbulence. So I will select the end particle on. Then I will goto fields on soldiers on. I will click on Turbulence Option box on I will goto edit on Reset the settings on I will click on Create. Okay, so let's see if I hit play. Nothing happens because we need to increase the magnitude size. So I will set it, for example 50 to make the turbulence stronger. So let's play antsy on the other things. We need to change the Attenuation Tau zero. So in this way, the turbulence will affect all the scenes. Okay? No, we have turbulence now. Okay. So if you for example, say your camera is here so you don't see all the particles falling down, right? So you don't have toe simulate that. So what we can do? I can select the emitter on Sorry, the in particle and I will goto in particle shape one on Dhere in the life span. I don't want them to leave forever. Okay? Because I don't see them. I don't see these particles, so there is no need toe stay in the scene, right? So I will creek on Constant. And I would change it, for example, toe to second. So now the particles will leave for two second. So now I will hit today. Okay, so I think we need to incur Visit toe four. Okay. It's great, right? So now I can't selling the emitter on a scale. It something like that. Okay, So novel it's today and see again. So now we have the snow effect. Okay, So I hope you enjoyed in this video rice. 8. Soft Body: Hello, guys. In this lesson, I will show you how to deform a geometry or a curve using the particles. So let's create a simple curve, so I will goto create on. Then I will goto nerves primitives on. Then I will choose circle. Okay, I will scale it a little bit. Something like that. Okay, so now I will say like the curve on. Then I will goto FX Tap on then in the end particles menu, I will choose soft body. Okay, I relieve the option box. As the Fort Holkeri said, the settings and I will click on create. So now, as you see, Maya created some particles own every vertex. So if I select the care for example on I goto isolate she I need to hide the bar tickets. So now if I right, click on and choose Control Vertex Now you see, I have a points here. Okay, so my a curated one particle on every point. So now when the particles will move, this would move the vertex with it. Okay, so let's show the particles again by holding shift on h So now if I go and hit play, nothing happens as you see, because we don't have any force on the particles. So I was select the particles on. Then I would go toe fields on soldiers and I will add turbulence. For example, on gets hit play again. As you see, we have a slight movement, so I will increase the magnitude off the turbulence filled in the channel books. I will said that Toe 15. Okay, so now if I hit really, let's increase that a little bit more 50 now, As you see, we have the former curve. OK, so now let's say you want toe render the car okay or the geometry you wanted to do for so you can't simply just hide the particle. Okay, So if you come here on, sell it the particle Aunt, Hide that by holding control on age. The problem is now. If I go back on, then click play As you see, nothing happens and this is really weird. So I will select that aunt hit shift on h again to show them. And now I would goto attribute editor on. Then I will go to the radius. Where is the radius particle size And I will set that to zero. Okay, so now it's hidden or you can scroll down IBD. It's somewhere here and the object display. I think you can turn off the visibility that see if that works. Actually, this didn't work. It's like hiding the particle from the channel box. Let's see here. I think if you said the primary visibility and now if you render that, we'll see if this is works. So I will click Orender on. Let's hit a to C. Okay, now the party is not shrink. Let's increase the radius to be sure that works. And now, if I hit, render if I hit a as you see, it worked. Okay? So you can or you can set the reddest to zero or you can come here on turn off the primary visibility. Okay, so let's take a look at another example. So I will goto file and then click on. You seem okay and I will click on don't safe. By the way, when we hit the render, we didn't see the curve, right, because the as you seem, I don't render the curve. Okay, so let's take a look at another example so I would go toe create on. Then I will click on Polygram. Primitives are Then I click on sphere. Okay, so I would a scale this feel a little bit and then I was selected Sphere and I will go again. Tow n particles. Then I will carry going soft body. Okay. Again. I will go to the radius to make it zero, or you can come toe in particle on, then in the great option Said it toe points. Okay, before we create the particles. But but either way, you need to set that toe zero. Okay, so now we don't see the partners. So now let's apply a force. I said like the particles. And then I will goto field on soldiers on at turbulence on this. Increase the magnitude a little bit. And now, if I hit play now, you see, we weigh our deforming the geometry, using the particles. Okay, on now, off course. If I goto Orender, let's at just a light to see the geometry. Okay, so here is the geometry and we don't see the particles. Okay, so that's it for this lesson. I will see you in the next listen 9. Rain Effect: in this lesson I will show you how to create a rain effect using in particles. First we need toe create a camera and load the image. So I will goto create on the in cameras on the in camera on Then I will go to the attribute editor on I will scroll down on under the environment I will click on image a plane on Then I will click on this icon on Then I will load the street I will give you this image. Okay on I would creak on open So now the image loaded in the view port So now let's create the ground. I will goto create on the hooligan primitives on then telling Andi I will scale the plane a little bit. Something like that on I will skate it on Z to manage the street on. Then I will goto planes panel Sorry, panels. Then I would go toe perspective on then Camera one And now I will move the camera and wrote a that to match the shape or toe a line The plane to the street, Something like that. Okay, Okay. So now I will goto perspective you now I will Goto FX a tap on now I will goto in particles and create on a meter before I click on Create a meter. Make sure you change that two point or you can't change that later. So I will click on create a meter option box. And there he said, the settings I want to change the emitter type toe volume on. Then I would click on Create. So now I will scale the volume on Move it up a little bit on Skated on Z on X Too much the ground, Something like that. Okay, so even move it up a little bit. Okay, So now if I hit play now you see, we have some particles. Okay, so But as you see, the particles is not are not colliding with the ground. So I was selling the plane on. Then I will goto in clothes on. Then I will click on Create passive collider. So now the ground is colliding with the party goods. Okay, so on And I select the ground and I can increase the bounce effect about 0.2. Let's see the result off that. Okay, Something like that. So now we need toe create the collision. Even so, what I want to do is to make the particle when it collides with the ground splits toe several particles so we can do that by selecting the particles on. Then shift on, select the ground. Then I will goto end particles on. Then I will click on particle collision. Even editor. Okay, so now here. You see, I have the even type I have emit and spit. I want to speed the particle. So what this does will kill the original particle and spit it to several particles here? Okay. So I can define how much parties I want to sleep. Every particle wind collides with the ground. So in my case, I will leave that to 10 on the spread the amount that the particles will be spread after the collision. Okay, I will leave that to 0.52 on. Make sure you check that onto this will give some random particles. So I will click on create even. Okay. And now let's rewind that And it played, etc. As you see, we have some particles colliding with the ground on now the particle when it hits the ground splits toe several particles, as you see. Okay, so we need to change the amount off the particles, so I will select the particles and I will goto a meter on. Then I will increase that about 400 on. Let's hit, but a antsy. Okay, so now, as you see if why hit, play the particles. When spirits remains on the ground, I want them to die after one second, for example. So I will select the in particle too. By the way, this party this in particle to generated after the in particle one hits the ground. Okay, So what's happening when the particle one hits the ground? The second particle generated in Maya? Okay, so we need to select the second in particle. So now, in the attributes idea in the end, particle to shape. So I will goto lifespan. And I would change that to random range. I want toe give some random age do them, or life span 0.1. So some particles will die after a 0.5 2nd toe. So this will give nicer result. So now if I hit play, actually they are dying too fast. So let's it that to To and let it play again and see again. They are doing to first. So let's set off six. Okay, let's set that toe five. I think it's better. Okay, as you see, So now as you see the rain east points, right. You can leave that as points. But when you render, you need to enable the emotion balloon in the render settings. Okay, But you want to see the rain affecting the view port, so I can fake that by selecting the particles. Then I will go on, scroll down. Notice I selected the end. Particle one. This is the in particle one. Okay, on in the shading, I will go. Where is the shading? Here is the shading. And I would change that toe streak. So now this really give our some lines? Okay. As you see, we can increase the line size by coming here and say that 1.5, for example. Okay, on, Let's decrease the opacity to 0.5. Uh, let's see. Okay, Great. Let's make the particles fall a little bit faster by going toe in particle. So sorry to the nucleus on. In the not least, I will increase the gravity about 16. This will make the rainfall faster. Okay. On. Let's select now the particle to, uh, then go to the opacity and decrease the opacity to 0.52 or 0.3. On list. Decrease the point size toe one. Okay, this is much more beautiful. So I will increase the opacity to 0.6. Or let's set that to zero point eight. Okay, so now let's go to the camera. And it's hard. The plane control and H add. Let's see the result. Okay, we can move the camera a little bit more. Something like that. I never decide the ridge it because I don't want to see this icons in the view. Port Andi. Not least to Okay, let's minimize the active it editor, and it's Heidi ground. Okay, good. Eight. So let's create a playlist by going toe windows on. Then play Blast. Okay, a V I and equality is 100 scale. He's one on its hit play. Blast. Okay, so that's it for this lesson. I hope you enjoy it. Remember to apply what you learned in this lesson. So see you in the next Listen 10. Fill a text: in this lesson, I will show you how to feel a text with particles. So first, let's create the text by going toe Create on. Then I would click on a type on. Then I will go to the type one top in the attribute editor on. Then I will type. Hello. Okay on then I will move the text to the left a little bit. Okay. So let's close the other with a litter. And now I would say like the text. Then I'll go toe end particles on. I will click on feel object option box. Then I would go to edit Ari said the settings. So let's leave everything as the default and then I will click on Apply aunt, As you see if I hit for on the keyboard, nothing happens. The reason is let's go again to the in particle and I will show you why didn't create any particles? Because we need to increase the resolution. Okay, so if I said the resolution to, for example 30 on click apply as you see now, my created some particles in this area. OK, so we need to increase it more so let's delete that the in particle from the outline and enough please. And now it was still like that again. Let's it 19 on creek apply. Ah, Now we have more particles. Okay on, Let's create Let's increase it a little bit more. So I will select that on delete them. Okay. Was selected again on. And then I was said that about 130 on and then click on Apply. Okay, so now we have more particles in the text. Now, if I said like the text on guy that I can see them in the view port better. So now I will go to the attribute editor Aunt changed the points toe this fierce. Okay, we could use the create option box and click on bulls and then create the particles. But that's not a problem. We can change that from the attribute editor later toe. So I will goto shading on. Then I would change the particle render tie from point toe spheres. Okay, so now I have a spheres here, so I will close that. Okay, so let's great a random color for the particles. So I would selling them again. Then I will go to the a shading on, I will scroll down as you see here I have I have color. So I can't change that. For example, Toe orange. Then I can trick here to add another slot on. Then I will click here on change that for example, toe white. But the problem is, as you see, we don't see the orange color. So I would move that a little bit here and now. I will change the color input toe randomized I d. So this will give random color toe every year. Particle. But the problem is now, As you see, we have a gradient orange colors, right? And radiant white. I want Toby every particle, full orange or full white. So the reason is this happening because we have a gradient color between these two slots. So I can't say like that and come here and carry gone. None. So now, as you see, it's solid. Okay, so now we have full color. Okay, So let's at random s case for every particle, so I can go are a little bit here to the particle size and here you see, I have radius escape so I can't change again that to for example, randomized I d on. I will click somewhere here on decrease that. Okay, so now, as you see, we have some small particles on. We have big particles, so if you want to make them a little bit bigger so you can click here on increased the radius scare and demise. This is a multiplier for the radius. Okay, so now we have so we can increase the input marks. So this a multiplier toe. Okay, let's increase that. So, this Sloat, this is the minimum radius you can have. And this is the maximum radius. Okay? So we can change the radius from here. To this a multiplier to, for example point for we have bigger particles. A 0.3. It's OK. And now if I hit Billy, let's see what would happen. Okay. As you see the particle falling down, we need to create a ground. So I will goto create on then polygon primitives on then plane. I know. Let's kill the plane. Something like that. Okay, So now if I said like the plane on, then I will goto and clothes on their every click on create passive collider. So now the particle will be collided with the plane. So I will go back then. As you see, we have now a problem. The particle shooting up. Okay. The reason is because the particles, as you see intersecting with the ground So we need to move the plane a little bit down or we can move the text off to. So let's move the plane a little bit. Don't to make everything fast. I know if I today again we have the same problem. So I would move it down a little bit more on the sea again. They smooth something like that and now we get rid off that problem. Okay, But now the problem is, as you see, depart. The particles don't collide with each other, so we need to enable another feature. So in the I was selling the in particle on then in the end, particle shape on I will scroll down toe the collision. A tap on here. You see, I have self collide Now if I click on that now, the particle will be collide with each other. But now we will have another problem. As you see the particles colliding with each other. Right? Sorry. It's intersecting with each other. So let's see what will happen if I click play. So as you see now we have another problem. So if I go back a green house, you see now they are shooting out. Okay, so the reason is the scared east to be so I will go back to the radius on a scale down to 0.2, Andre etc. Okay, so now, as you see, if I go to the second frame, the particles spoke out as you see like that. So what? I want toe create now. Guys, I want to be the second frame. I want to move the second frame to the first frame. So when I go back to the first frame, this will be the second Freeman. Okay, so we don't have to see this pop up effect, so I can do that by going to the second frame. Okay, so now I would say like the particles on. Then I will goto the fields on soldiers. Then I will goto initial state. Okay, so now I will click on set for selected. So now if I clicked on that now, the first frame is behaving like the second frame Okay, So now if I go back, as you see, the first frame is the second frame. Okay, so now if I hit play now, everything works as normal. Okay, so now this cash de particle toe, the disc reason is I want to catch the particles to the disk because I want to play the animation faster in the view port. So Mayer will not calculate the animation or the simulation every time I I click on a play . So let's do that. Are you selling the particles on? Then I would go to in cash, not cash. Okay, in cash on. Then create new cash on. Then I will goto an object. Okay, so I was pretty calm. The option box here. I can't specify the directory, the path for my cash. And here I can set the name. OK, I will leave them as default on here. You can set the times lighter. So this from 1 to 120. Okay, Andi, I will leave everything toe default on this creek. Own cash. Okay, So now Maya is cashing the particles on the disk. Okay, the cash is finished. So now if I go back on pally. The animation, as you see now it's really time. So let's say you want to change anything here. If you change anything, for example, the radius, the radius or the input Max or anything, you need to go again and cash it. Okay, So for example, if I said the readies, for example, toe 0.5, nothing happens in the view port. Even if I go there. As you see, nothing happens. The reason is because this reading the cash from the disk even if you change that So if you want to see the change, you need to go again toe in cash on click on an object again, toe cash, the new values or the new adjustments you set here. Okay? Or you can select the particles on, then Goto in cash on, then delete the cash. If you did it the cash. Now let's delete that and see. So if I go back as you see now, this is working. Okay? Because we deleted the cash. Okay, so let's cash it again. Said 0.3 0.2. Sorry. Okay, that's a look that on Let's go again. Toe in cash on new cash new cash. As you see now, my asked me you want to replace the existing cash because we have the same name. Okay, So I will click on replace existing. So now that this will be replaced. Okay, So the cash she's finished again. Now I can see it in real time. So let's say you want to create an effect that the particles going up Okay, Aunt, reform the text so we can do that by reversing the cash so I will select detects on. Then I will go to the cash on you see here I have reversed. So if I click on that now, this will be reverse on if I click play as you see the particles moving on and shaping the next. Ok, it's hide the greed. I think so. That's it for this lesson. I will see you in the next listen 11. 2D Container v01: and this. Listen, we'll take a look at the container flute, so let's first goto FX tap or make sure you are in the FX. Stop on, Let's go toe flutes on here. You'll notice we have three D container and toe the container. We are going to look first at the 30 container because it's faster. Okay to simulate. So if I click on that, you'll notice I created a square in the view port or came on We have on a meter inside that . So if I select the box on, move it up as you see the emitter moving with that, if you want to sell it, just the emitter. You can just select that on you. Notice it not selected because you need to go to the outline er and select that from the outline. Er, I'd move it down. Okay on, if I come over here, Aunt hit play. You notice we have a smoke rising, okay. And its fill out because this is to the container. Okay, so the to the container is useful. For example, if you have a no object too far from the camera like this, you can use that I think, but in other cases, it's not useful. Okay? It's useless. So if we click play, we can see the smoke rising right? And if I go back, let's elect just the emitter. If I move the emitter outside the box on hit today, nothing will happen. Okay? Because the emitter is outside the box. Okay, so let's take a look at some attributes, OK? In the fluid shape. One on the first option is disabled. Evaluation. Okay, If you click on that on, go back and play, nothing will happen because this is disabled is very useful. Say, for example, you have multiple containers in the view port on You are working on one off them, OK? And when you simulate off course, you need to disable all off the containers. Evaluation off the other containers. Right on this would make your work faster. Okay, so this the disabled evaluation do Okay, let's turn that off on hearing Lotus. We have based a resolution. Okay? I will explain that just after I go down on, I will change the boundary draw toe full. Okay. So I can see the voxant. Okay, so let's go back on the basis resolution ease. For example, if you increase that, for example, toe 80 and now you will have more squares in the container. Okay, so every square called voxant on off course, This is Judy. But when we are going to use the three D container and you notice it's a box, Okay, so every box or square called voxant Okay, on off course, the more you increase the base resolution, the simulation will take longer to calculate. Okay, so you need to be careful about that. Okay? On here. You notice we have keep boxes square on. I don't know why they added that, because if you turn that off, Andi notice here we have a resolution for X and Y Let's say I increased the XTO. For example, 20 on do notice. Now. The boxes boxes stretched. Okay. On X on this will get will give us very bad result. Okay, so maybe you are wondering why they added that on. The answer is I don't know why they added that. Okay, so every time, make sure you keep that on. Okay? On another thing, I want to mention never never scaled the container on one axis, for example, like this OK, As you see the box als stretched Okay on. Do you need to increase the scale from the center or Candies in this way? It's OK. OK, so be careful about that on Let's go back and play the simulation and you notice the smoke rising and collides with the edge Okay on why on if you come over the boundary y on Click here on change that tune on for example at the City Ballet Ansi on now the smoke will not collide with the boundary. Okay, we'll keep going through that. And the interesting part is here if I come over here and change that wrapping on defy hit plane of the smoke rising from up and coming back from down are really very interesting. You can create cool effects by that. Okay? And of course, you have here, for example, negative. Why site? So now the smoke just read Collide with the negative at the bottom off the container. Okay? We don't see that because our smoke is rising up OK? And you can set just Why So now the food or their smoke will collide with the upper age, as you see off course this work similar to the boundary. Why? OK, so let's said that the boss sites on here. You have the use Hyatt field on on. This would add some depth to the to the container because the smoke is today. So if you check that on on, this will add some a little bit off death, Okay? I don't know. We don't see the result too much. Here. Okay, on. Let's go back down. Sorry on. We'll take a look at the contents method later. We are going to look at the display. So everything you see here in the space section is not affecting the A rendering. Okay, so everything is related to the view port. Okay? And here you see, I have the shaded display. So if you said that to render on now you can see the smoke. This will the render off the smoke will be like that. Okay. If you said that the density you can see just their density on here. You can see the temperature off course. We don't have a temperature or fire. That's why we don't see anything. Okay, We don't see the if you toe okay. And the collision toe because we don't have any collision or fire on If you come toe the opacity preview gain on Let's change that toe as render. And if you said that Sorry. Toe the density at night. If you move that you see, I can make the smoke increase the density off the smoking, the view port. And again, it's not affecting the rendering. Okay, let's leave it. That was 0.5 on this. Change that to a surrender on here. You'll see we have the voxant quality faster or better off course. You considered to better to make the smoke visible better in the view port. We don't see the result because we have to the container and we have very low resolution. And here you notice we have bounding the Rome on. You can't change that to outline. Just you can see the outline off the container and you can't change that toe full. See everything and bounding box. Okay, It's similar to the outline on and none off Course This very useful when you want to create a play blast for your effects. Okay, so let's leave it at outline on here. You notice we have normally on display. So if you change that density, you can see the number or the numbers off the density of Axel. Okay. Every Voxant has a number on you can't change that temperature. We don't see any numbers because we don't have any fire or temperature now, Okay, on the same for the few. Let's turn that off on here. You can see wire frame display. So if you hit four on the keyboard, you notice we have we We can see the flute or the smoke as as particles. Okay, and is very useful on you. Can't change that rectangles, okay. Or turn that off if you want. Nice feature. Okay. And here you see, I have the velocity draw. So if I go back and hit five on the keyboard to make the shaded mode on, defy creek on velocity draw, you can see I can see the velocity in the view port. Okay. So I can see where my velocity is at this moment, and you can take care to disabled the ah ro hit. I don't know why someone will disable that. I don't know. OK, so leave it on. And here we have velocity, draw, escape you can decrease the numbers off the velocity because if you have a very high resolution, the flute, the alliance will be too much cocaine. The view port. So you can decrease that. The numbers off the dross. And here you see, we have the drawing for you can move it to see it a little bit more clearly. Okay, so that's it for this lesson. I'll see you in the next listen. 12. Cigarette v05: in this. Listen, we're gonna learn more about food attributes by applying that on an example, which is cigarette smoke. So make sure you open the scene called Cigarette Geo on. Now let's create the flute. Let's go toe flutes and it's Click onto the container because it's faster to calculate and it works. Okay with the example. Okay, So if I move that up now on, I need to go again to the flu. Demeter on, Move it down. Now if I said like that again And if I scathe out, for example on a size 20. By the way, the scaling from the attributes here is different than scaling the container. Okay, so let's say you have 100 of oxen, okay? When you scale it from here, you you still have 100 boxes. But when you escaped from here, you will get more boxes. Okay, so that's why I am skating that from here. So let's move that somewhere here. I'd just skated on. Why about 30 on you Notice now if I move that and that is annoying every time I need to change the emitter. So you need just one parent that by selecting that on? Let's go to edit on. Let's go Toe on, parent. Okay, so let's adjust the container. After that, we can re parenti emitter to the container. So let's get it on x 2 25 I think it's OK. Something like that. Or let city toe 30. Okay, Now let's select the emitter. Move it somewhere. Here on that, C. Okay, so now let's parent that by holding the middle most button on, then drag and drop it on the flu. Demeter. So now it's parented. So now let's hit play and see on why The way I increased the arranged to 500. Okay. On that play. And see, as you notice the first thing the container doesn't have a resolution. Okay? As you see, we have square square boxes. Okay, so we need to increase that about 164 now and then we'll increase that a little bit more on . Remember, every time I increased that this simulation will take longer to calculate, so keep that in mind. Okay? So in the contents method you notice here we have the density and the velocity on the temperature on the fuel. So for the temperature and the fuel its is said toe zero. Okay, so we don't have any temperature or feel OK? Just we have the density and velocity. So now if you change the velocity to zero again on let's go back a zoo See? Nothing happens because the velocity driving the density OK on nothing will happen. Just the density will be emitted at the same point here in the next to the emitter. So if I change that toe dynamic great and change that zero at night. If I hit, play at again, we have velocity, but we don't have any density. OK, so let's change that dynamic. Great. And we'll take a look at these features later. Let's scroll down to the dynamic simulation. So aerial notice we have the gravity off course. You know what is radical increases that the smoke will up faster on the discussed e. This will make the smoke thicker. Okay, So say for example, you have some noise on the smoke that if you increase that, this will balloon the noise. Okay, so this is great. For example, if you want to create a candle effects so if you increase the risk US t this would make the food thicker. Okay, on heavier on the friction. Of course. It's friction. Andi, damp this. If you increase that for example, 0.5 Now the smoke will lose the energy. Okay. And as you see, it's barely rising. So this is useful when you have fast smoke and you need toe, adjust the speed of this a little bit so you can increase that okay? Or use the damp feature. Okay, on here. You see, I have the solver never hear store stocks or came. So if you change that toe spring mention this is another. I'll go Even. I don't know what's happening here, so it's ah white. Okay, I never used that. To be honest with you, I always stick with the Naevia stocks. Okay, so this is just algorithm different are going on. The high details solve, so hit. If you come, then change that. For example, all grades except velocity. This is very interesting. Now, if I go back and play dissimulation now, you notice we have more details on the smoke. Okay, let's increase the the resolution a little bit more. For example, 300. No. Listen, pally, and you notice Now we added more details on the smoke without affecting the emotion off the smoke. I notice how we have much, much more details. At nicely there's on the smoke itself without affecting the motion or the movement off the smoke. Great feature on there is the interesting part And if I goto velocity only so now this will add just the details to the velocity. Okay, so now the smoke movement will change over time. On as you see here we have some different results and you can off course goto all Greece. This will affect the velocity for for the density and the velocity toe. OK, let's leave it toe all grades except velocity. Okay, really a nice feature. And here you notice we have sub steps. If you have a fast moving objects, let's say you have a sphere and you on this fear animated on the animation is too fast. For example, the speed is from zero toe 10 for example. On the sphere moves very fast. You need to increase the substance For example two or three. If you increase that toe, then my will calculate the simulation two times every frame or case off course. This will make this simulation longer to calculate on the silver quality. If you increase that, that will make this simulation longer to calculate Toe. OK, and here you have the greed Interpol later on. This is different algorithms. So if your incur if I change that toe hermit on hit play, let's see and you notice it's too slow. Okay, but this will add more details on the smoke. But as you see, it's very slow. Okay, let's change it back toe a linear on the start frame where you want the simulation to be started and you have simulation rate a scale. This is when you want to make this simulation faster. For example, if you said set it toe, this will be multiplied by by all the values here on dissimulation will be faster two times okay, or you can decrease it to make it a slower on forward addiction. If I check that on now, the boxes will push the density OK, so the container will create a field on the vaccines will push the smoke. Okay, We don't see the result too much here because if you make a three d container and then create, for example, storm or anything like that. You will see the details. OK, so the boxes pushing the density. Okay, turn that off. And here you have the concern Mass. If you check that off the flu will ignore the mass off the smoke. Cocaine on here. You have the use collisions. If you turn that off. If you have any collisions here will be ignored on you. Have the use emissions off course If you turn that off the emitter, we not emit any smoke on use field store. If you turn that off, will not will ignore the container will ignore any fields you added from here. Okay. On Dimmitt in substance. Let's say you created the self steps toe to okay. On this time, when you check that own the fluid will limit two times every frame. Okay, because you have to sub steps. If you have four, the meter Will Emmitt the smoke two times. Sorry. Four times. If you said that before, Okay. And of course, this will make this simulation longer to calculate on. Let's go back here and said that the one on let's see the result on another thing. I want to change that. I'm going toe up on and then change the use high it fit. This will add some death through the smoke so it don't look flat. Okay, It will still look for that if you come over. Look at it from here. Okay? So but from the far ah, from the smoke, it will help a little bit on another thing. I want to change the boundary. Why? Toe negative? Why? I don't want the flu to be collided with the opera area on this. See what we get. Okay. As you see, the result is great on. Now, let's cash the food on disk on before I cash the fluid. I want to mention that never, never trust the View port, For example, even if we cash the flute on Pilate this simulation, we are not sure if the timing is right or the simulation is playing in the real time. So let's do the cash first. Then we'll continue. So let's go toe cash on. Sorry. Let's go toe in cash then. Great new cash then. My are flute. Make sure you select the the container. Okay on. Let's see what is the okay. It's in our project on Dhere. You can specify the time slider, So I want to cash it from 1 to 500. Okay, on. Let's create the cash. Okay, the cash is finished. So if I go back and then play the animation or the simulation, your notice it's been playing first right on. But even if playing fast, we need to go and click here, Aunt, Choose play Blast. Because we we need to be sure that everything is OK. So let's change that to image on, then. Changed that tomorrow. Uh, let's believe last thing. That's it. We come to some things like that. I let it believe last. Okay, so I stopped the last till the three or nine. Okay, so now we let the f check make one loop, Then we conceding a real time. Okay, so now we can see the smoking a real time, because now it's faster at its in real time. So if you play from the view port, maybe there is something wrong in the view port or or it's slow to calculate toe view this smoke. Okay, so you need to make sure you are playing that from the f check. Okay, on. Of course, you can goto file on. Save that. Save the animation, are then important toe after effects and explore that as a video. Okay, Okay. So don't forget to apply what you learned in this lesson and see you in the next listen. 13. 3D Container v01: Now let's take a look at three d container, so I'll go ahead then Carrie Kahn flutes on Now. This time I choose three D Container on in The Attribute editor. You have all the attributes like the two D container, but we have some change, like the use Hyatt fields. So it's not here because we already have easy death. Okay, so let's increase the size to 15 on X on 30 own. Why on 15 to on Z on, Let's move that up. Let's select the emitter on moving down. And if I hit play, you'll see we have very bad resolution because they said toe 10 and it's it that too 50 for example on Let it play and see. As you see, we have the same result, right? But if I increased that a little bit more, for example, 150. Okay, on. Now if I hit play, you notice it's really already slow. So there is cool option here. So if I scroll down on, do you notice we have auto resize. So if I enabled that now, the container will shrink OK to the smoke. So if I hit fillet, you notice Now the container is calculating where the smoke is. Okay, so now my I don't have to calculate all the container. And here you notice we have 200. The resolution called Max resolution. So if you said that, for example, the base resolution said that to 300 for example and even that this will stop growing until it reached 200. Okay, so you need to increase that to 300 to okay on here. You'll notice we have the auto resized margin. So if I Let's say you have a growing smoke on its first, so let's hit play on C. So now if I increase the auto resize margin notice here, what will happen? Okay, So if I increase that, for example, toe 11 now he play As you see now, we have more space between the age off the container and the smoke. This is very useful for fast moving objects. Okay, At least sit that to, for example, off four. Ok, on. By the way, if you want to change the background, just hold Ault Aunt, he'd be on the keyboard. As you see, I am changing the background color on switching between four colors. Okay, Ault on B, I will leave it at black. We can see the smoke better in this way. Okay, so that's it for this lesson. See you in the next listen. 14. Density Attributes v01: in this. Listen, we're gonna learn how the density works on take a look at some attributes related to the density Before I started recording this. Listen, I created a three D container. Okay, so let's go to our three with editor on. Let's scroll down to the contents details on here. You will find the density tap here. You will find all attributes related to the density on before I get started. I want to mention that I am not going toe cover the liquids attire here. Okay? Because this is the most ridiculous and silly and stupid think auto disk did ever. So if you come here and click on enable liquid simulation, nothing will happen. You still get a smoke even if you change the gravity and convert that to a mish. You still you still have a smoke. So this really, really useless. Okay, so make sure you don't use that. Okay? If you want to learn how to make liquids on very complex simulations, you should go and learn Houdini. Okay, so forget the stop. So let's go to the density on here. You will find the density scale. So if I go back on belay on. Let's increase that, for example, toe to Okay, so now this will make the smoke more dense, as you see okay, on this, live it back toe 0.5 on the buoyancy. And this is this Works like the gravity. So if you increase that, the smoke will go faster to the up, and here you will find the dissipation. So if you increase that, the smoke will disappear after certain time. So if you said that, for example, 0.5 and let's pray and see, let's increase it a little bit more. Do a four ad. Let's see. As you see, we increase it too much. So let's said to and see. As you see now, the density is fading faster. Okay, let's click on the emitter and move it down a little bit better. Okay, so let's continue on here. You'd see the diffusion so the diffusion would balloon the turbulence that happens on the density. So let's increase or decrease that zero point one, for example, on Let's hit play and scroll the diffusion as you see the densities balloon. OK, this great attribute for creating a candle effect. As you see it's taking the shape of the fire, You see on Candid. Okay. And here you will find the density pressure. This controls the pressure off the density on Dhere. You will find the density pressure threshold this related to the this attribute. Okay, on the noise, you can add more noise to the density. As you see now we get more noise. If you increase it too much, then you will get some artifacts. Okay, so be careful about that on here. You will find the attention off the density you can at attention to the density. Okay. On you can increase the tension. Forced. Okay. On this egg. Radiant force. If you increase that, you add Inc the Grady in force to the density. OK, let's come down and see the turbulence tap. So if I click on that and you'll see three attributes, one off them is strength. So if you increase the strength, the A smoke will have more turbulent. As you see on, let's decrease the diffusion toe zero. Okay. So we can see the turbulence better. Let's think it is the attention toe on the noise too. Okay. So we can see the effect of the turbulence. As you see now, the smoke has more turbulence. And of course, this is the frequency on the speed off the noise too. So that's it for this lesson. See you in the next lesson. 15. Emitter Types v02: in this lesson, we'll take a look at a meter types in my a flute on. We're going to see how the Myers flu Demeter works. So let's select the flute container and let's go toe flew the meter on here. You notice we have the emitter type. I can change that from Omni toe volume. Okay, and you have surface and curve toe so I can change the volume. As you see now, I have a box on another way to add the volume emitter by deleting the meter and let's say, like the container and let's goto flutes on Let's go toe at 80 contents on this creek on a meter option box on here. I'm going toe reset the settings and it's click on a meter type of volume on this creek. Apply okay. As you say, I created the same emitter. Okay, so let's move it down on another thing. If you escape that from the center, you can skate it right. It's everything works normal, but if you come from the X, as you see, I am not able to skate it on X or Z. The reason is because if I hold are on the keyboard on left. Most click as you see It's a world. Okay, so I need to change that to object in orderto be able tow scathe at on X or Z. Okay. On the let's scroll down to the volume emitter attributes you notice Here we have the volume shape, so I can't control out the shape of the volume limiter will be, for example, sphere sitting there. Okay? And you have some attributes here. You can change the volume sweep on off course you have it, or choose to you can change the volume sweep on the section radius too. Okay, This leaving toe cube. Now, let's go up on take a look at some attributes here. So here we have the start framing admission so you can't control where your mission will start. A meeting density on here. You would see we have start frame only. So, for example, let's say you want toe a meat just on the frame. 50. Okay. So you can go toe flu shape on change the start frame 2 50 Okay, in the dynamic simulation, so this great way. So toe speed up your work, okay? In past, you need toe key. Everything okay? Toe Do just this simple step. Okay, so let's turn that off on here. You'll see I have the rate. Okay, so this is a multiplier toe. All the attributes you see here. Okay, so if you say that to 200 the 200 will be multiplied by the density on the heat and so on. Okay, so this again Very fast. Way on. Ah, here. You'll notice we have toe check box. So this related to the particles. So say, for example, you are emitting density from your particles. So then you can use these options here. Okay. On this too is related to the particles. OK, we'll take a look at them later on. Let's scroll down to the fluid attributes you notice. Here we have the density method. You can't change that To know a mission. You will not have any a mission on you. Can't change that to replace, to replace the density inside the container or came on here. You will see I have the hit on. We have the fuel. OK, we'll take a look at them later on. Here we have the density. A mission map. Let's say you create the image been Photoshopped and you can load it here on a meet the density from the map. Okay, you created on here. You will see I have the motion streak. Say, for example, you have a fast moving object on when you have. The problem is with fast moving objects. The mire flute Cannot a meet the smoke smooth from them. OK, so you need to turn that on to make the density a mission. Very smooth. Okay, so you don't have any dots? So let's turn that off and you have the jitter on debt. See the result here and you notice we have some turbulence here. Right? But when I disabled the jitter, I will have more smooth a simulation, okay. Or a mission. Okay, so that's it for this lesson to you in the next system. 16. Turbulence and speed attributes: Let's take a look at more attributes in the flu, Demeter. So let's go toe attribute Editor on the first thing we gotta cover here is the flute emission turbulence here. You can't change the type of the turbulence you have radiant and random on here. You'll see return turbulence. So if you increase that for example, 10 on this hit play at sea on Do you notice we don't see the result too much. So let's go up on increase the rate, for example. Toe 300 on Let's hit play again. Nancy, on the turbulence you see here in the flu diameter is affecting just the density inside the emitter. Okay, so the turbulence is not happening in the in the container itself. Okay, so all the turbulence happening here, So let's go back and play it again. On another thing. I want to increase the based resolution, for example, Toe 17 to see it better. Okay. Okay. So you notice we have more turbulence in this area. OK, so if I goto flute a meter again, add let's scroll down. And here you notice we have the turbulent speed. You can't control the speed off the turbulence on here. You'll see. We have the turbulence frequency. You can increase the frequency and the offset on the detail turbulence on. Of course, this will add more detail, toe the turbulence. Okay, inside the emitter. And so it is important. So all the turbulence you will see here all the attributes not affecting the turbulence in the container, but happening in the emitter. Or came so on here, you notice we have the speed method you have at and replace. The ad will add a velocity. So this works like the velocity. Okay, so this will add the velocity on this will replace the velocity. So let's get going at and you notice Here we have the inherit velocity. So if if you increase that, nothing gonna happen because we don't have animated geometry. So this attribute works on animated geometry or animated object. Okay, on these two, as you see, they are inactive because we don't have any geometry in the flute. So there you notice we have a long access. So if you increase that notice what happened to the emitter? So now we have indicator showing us where the emitter will push the flute. Okay, I want to decrease the the basic resolution a little bit because it's too slow. I think so. Let's set it toe 40. So now it's a little bit faster, and we can see the result a little bit faster in the view Port on. Now. If I hit Billy, you notice the emitter pushing the fluid up. OK, so if you go toe around access now on. Now, if I increase that you notice something changed here. Okay, let me go back and show you. Let me set it to zero. I don't see Okay. As you see, we now have some curve year or arrow. Okay, So now if you increase that, let's say toe 10. Andi blame on, we don't see the result. Too much less decrease the long axis. And this Increase that, for example, 30 and see if we can see what's happening. Okay. As you see now, the flu going around the a meter. Okay. On here, you'll see we have the directional speed. So this four attributes related to each other. So if you see here written one right on the number off the X on the value of the exes one so that means if you increase that now, you notice another indicator showing us that the emitter will push the flu here. And if I change that, the extra negative. For example. As you see now, the indicator is in this direction. Okay, Negative X. Okay, so let's set it. 10 are now. The flu will be pushed to the negative X, as you see. Okay, so that's it for this lesson. See you in the next system. 17. Emit From Texture v01: in this lesson, we're gonna learn how to a meat flute from a map. So here I created an image in photo shop on the background is black on the text is white on this important because my will emit the flute from the white areas. OK, so let's close that. Let's open using I think I know. Let's change the background. I want to change that toe black bolt on b Okay, on, Let's go toe fluids. Let's carry going. Three d container on Let's Great agreed on. Let's scale it, Aunt, I want to scale de fruit a little bit like that hooking on. I want to move it up Something like that. Okay, so let's say like the plane on, Let's shift on cell like the flute Now let's go toe fluids on. Let's go toe at its contents on damit from object. I'd make sure you said the emitter type to surface on click apply Andi, I want to scale the playing a little bit more. Something like that. Okay, on. I want to delete the emitter that created with the flute. So now I just have any meter which is parented under the plane. So now if I said that on, let's go up on Let's increase the resolution toe about 84 now. Andi, I want to do another step. I want to school down on turn on auto resize. OK, where is the auto resize aunt? It's here. Okay, so let's click on oratory size now let's select the plane on Let's go to the emitter. Let's elect the emitter from here. First on, let's click on the check box beside the density. A mission map Grain on Let's click on file and then click on cycle on Let's load the flute . Okay, A knife. I it really. Now you notice I emitted the flute from the text. Okay, on another thing I want to do is to select the plane and hide that control and h to hide that on. We need to do a couple of steps here, so I want toe decrease the gravity toe to you don't want to raise the food. Okay on let's go to the A meter tap on. I want to emit more than city. As you see, the density is too low. So I want to say that about 10 on on another thing I want to do here is to change that to random. I want to add random noise to the flu. So I want to set the turbulence toe to on detail turbulence toe toe again to add more detail. It's OK on. Let's go back to the flu shape. I want to do another step here. The resolution. I want to increase that to 100 ID. Let see the result. Let's go back the pain. As you see, we don't see any shadows on the fluid. Right? So let's go down and go toe lighting on this creek on self shadow. Okay, As you see now, I am seeing the shadow on the flute so you can hear control. The shadow opacity going can increase the shadow. Berstein. You can increase the shadow diffusion on here. You can't change the ambient king on. Let's hide the greed by going up If you hide it from the outline or if you hit control and age The problem is everything is gone. Okay, so let's undo that. We need to go to display on let's goto boundary draw on creek own none. Okay, I don't want to see anything. Just the smoke on this. Change the background. Old Aunt Bea. Okay, Something like that. Bright on, Let's go to the solar dynamic section here on Let's change the high detail. Solve toe or greats. I want to add more detest. Oh, the flute on. I think I need to change the max resolution toe 400. Okay, let's it really I think it's pretty good. Okay, let's take a look at another example. So let's say like the flu. The meter on. Let's right, click here on creek on break connection. Okay, let's creek on the check box on. Let's load in. Noise from here. Okay, noise. It's on high degreed on now. Let's go toe Phil Oud on. Let's decrease the resolution toe 70 to make it a little bit faster on. Now. If I hit play, you notice I am a meeting the flute from the noise. Okay, you can go to the noise and you can't control how the noise is showing on the greed, for example, from the amplitude. And you can control the timing If you want to animate the noise. As you see, you can't keep that animate that you can control the frequency. Okay? and you can control. Of course the implored to and you'll get the idea. Okay, so that's it for this lesson. See you in the next listen. 18. Homework Coffee Steam v01: Hello, everyone. This is a homework for you. So after you watch this, Listen, I want you to try it by yourself. Okay? So let's get started. First, make sure you opened the scene called cup. Okay, on, if I come over the outline er and open that you notice here I have the esteem ***. So if I I Sorry that you see, it's a simple surface. So let's create the flute. Let's go toe fx on the influence and three d container on Let's move it up just below the surface, I think. Let's increase the base resolution to 40. Now let's select the surface steam geo and shift and select the container and it's goto fluids on. Let's go toe ad, then emit from object. Okay, on off course. We need to change that toe surface. Apply. Okay, let's hit play and see. We forgot toe. Delete the emitter. Okay, so let's delete the first a meter. Okay, so we now have just one emitter under the esteem, Geo. Okay, now, if I hit, really? As you see the smoke coming out. Okay, on, let's do some change here, so let's select the container on Let's scroll down toe auto resize on Let's Grieco Torrey size. Okay. To make everything faster on another thing I want to do is change the boundary. Why? To none Ok on. I don't want the photo. Collide with the operator or you can change it. Toe white Negative boy. Okay, so now let's hit play, OK, the photo resize works as expected. On the first thing you notice the smoke is emitted from all the area off the surface. Okay, so let's go Toe flu. Demeter on. Let's go. Toe density a mission map on. Let's do something interesting. So I will click here and I would change. I would click on ramp. Okay on. I'm gonna go ahead and change that to circular ramp. OK, But the problem is, you notice here the blood is at the center. So we need to reverse that because I want to emit and the smoke from the center. Let's move it somewhere here. So now if I hit play, you notice now the smoke is not emitted from the edge of the surface. Okay, on. That's great on. You can do another thing here. You can see like the this little icon and come over the selected color and add noise too. Okay, so you can't do that. Okay, so let's go toe, select the flute. On another thing I want to do here. I want to check off the jitter. I don't want any jitter here on. I want toe expand the flute emission turbulence and change that to random and said that about 10. Okay, on, I think the speed I can't change the speed too, Fife. Okay, this will add some turbulence to the emitter. Okay, so now let's go. Toe flu shape on on. Let's go, toe. I want to go to display and change the the boundary Dro toe none. Okay, I don't want to see the container. Let's go. Toe dynamic simulation on Do you notice? The smoke is rising too slow, so I can't change the simulation rate, Toto. Okay. To make everything faster two times you can't change the gravity and other effects, but I want to change just the simulation, right? As you see, the smoke free rises a little bit faster on. I want to go toe contents. Details on the density on. I want to decrease the density a little bit about 0.2. Okay, Andi, I want toe increase the buoyancy toe 10. I think that is good. Let's see. Yes, it's great on. You can increase the dissipation two. So zero point three, I think, as I remember, is good value. And now the smoke will disappear after a certain time on. Do you notice? We don't have a lot of density in the container so we can go toe followed a meter on. We can increase the rate. Okay. Here. So for example, I can sit that 200. This is a global multiplier. So now the smoke the emitter will emit more smoke. As you see Okay, on this goto a flu shape again and we can add a little bit noise. But I don't want toe that you can add attention, toe. Make it a little bit a turbulent. So let's see. You'll notice. It's more turbulent now, but I want to disabled that for now. Then I'm gonna go toe velocity on. I want to increase the sweet toe about five. Let's see the result, and you notice this were would add some nice touch to the smoke. Okay, on, let's go toe turbulence and you can add a little bit off turbulence bar, but I don't think it's important for us for this effect. Okay, you can experiment with that on Dad and change them and see what results you get from that . Okay, I think I think I will add a little bit off tension 0.1 just to add a little bit off tension to the smoke. And you can increase the density scale a little bit more. As you see without I am changing. The density is scared without going back and simulate that. Okay, but if you change the buoyancy or the dissipation unit to re simulator that, okay, so you can add a little bit off down to here to make the smoke slow down in the upper area . So let's try that zero point 05 Good. See, As you see, the smoke is slightly slowing down in the operator. OK, you can do that too. On you can't go to lighting, but you need to add just a little bit off shadow. Don't go too far because the esteem don't have that much a shadow on it. Okay, so that's it for this lesson. I want to know to go ahead and try to experience with this attributes and see what results you get from them. Okay, so see you in the next listen. 19. Rocket Smoke v06: and this lesson, we're gonna see how to emit smoke from fast moving object. So make sure first you open the scene called Rocket Smoke. Start. Okay, now, if I go and play the animation, you notice we have simple animation. Okay, Are now let's create the container by going toe flute on entry de container on. Let's move the contained somewhere here and I want toe select the A meter on. Move it inside the Rocket. And another thing I want to do in the flu. Demeter, I want to change the emitter type toe volume. Okay on, Let's scroll down on change the volume type toe sitting there pink on this. Rotate the cylinder. Something like that. Let's skate it a little bit. Something like that. Now we need to parent the emitter under the circle. Okay, because if I hit play as you see, the emitter is not following the circle. So let's say like that on shift. Sorry. Let's select the circle first on shift and select the emitter pain on. That's going out to rigging on. Let's go toe constraint on. Let's click on a parent. Okay, so now if I hit play as you see the emitter following the rocket on as you notice the flu is not The container is not following the rocket. So we need to select the flute container on Let's scroll down toe auto resize on. Let's click on auto resize. Okay. And now if I play, you notice the container is following the rocket too. Okay, let's go to the camera. I think Nancy thing on the next thing I want to go toe flute container followed a meter on . Let's change the rate toe 300. Let's see, on your notice here we have a problem. If I goto flu shape on increased the base resolution toe about 50. And now if I hit Billy, as you see, because the rocket is moving too fast, we have these gaps between the smoke. Okay, As you see, they are like particles. We can fix that in very, very easy way in. Myer by going toe flew the meter on Just we need to check the emotion streak this very powerful feature in my and it's really easy. As you see, in one option, I fixed this problem. Okay, I would notice we don't have that problem now, okay? and another thing You see, we don't have already. We don't see the density. OK, on We need toe decrease the flu drop off. So if you increase decrease that, for example, let's say zero point do. And now if I go, I pray that, as you see now, we have more density in the view port on. I don't know why this controlling the density, but every time I decrease this value, Okay, so make sure you decrease it. Okay? So let's see the effect again. Great. Great. So now let's scroll down to the fluid emission turbulence on. I think I will change the turbulence, type toe around them on its increase. That about three on. Let's see if this will make any change. We had a little bit off the turbulence. Okay? On another thing, I want toe increase the density amount. Okay. By coming here to the density on said that about six. I tested this value, so I'm not guessing that now. You see, we have more density on if you increase the flu, drop off as you see. For example, if I increase that you notice now we have less density in the view port. Okay, that's why I told you to decrease this value 0.2 works good. Okay, Notice how the smoke is rising. So let's go. Toe flu shape one on we can go Toe contents, details on in the density We can't decrease the buoyancy. But I can goto dynamic simulation toe and decrease the gravity for example toe one or two. We can't do that now. The density is not rising too much. Okay, You can set the buoyancy to zero to So now the density will not rise, as you see. Okay. And thats going out again. Toe fluid a meter on. I want toe come toe emission speed attributes and change that toe ad. Okay. And I want to inherit the velocity and the movement off the emitter biker by increasing the inherent velocity for example to 50. Uh, let's see a zoo. See? Now the city is inherited. The velocity off the rocket, OK? Or the emitter. Let's see the game. Okay. Great. I know. Let's scroll down and see if we forgot anything here. Everything is okay here, I think. Now let's go toe elude shape one. Okay. I want toe increase the max resolution because I want to make more details on the smoke on that C and I want to increase the parting. As you see, the density is too close from the It's okay. So if I increase that, for example, toe two or three, this will make some space. Okay. Between the edge, the surface off the container as you see on the smoking, though. So this is This is really important on let's scroll down to the density on here. You notice we have the density a scale. I can change that. But I think we have a good density amount in the view port. Okay, on the dissipation, I will leave that to zero because I already have a nice dissipation happening here. Okay. And for the diffusion, I will leave it at zero. So the diffusion will below the velocity. Okay? Or the density on. I would add some noise by 0.1 on. Let's test it again at sea as the seas. Now we have some noise. Let's hide the great okay. And I think it's enough for the density. Let's go toe turbulence on its at a value off one for the strength on Let's see, We have more turbulence happening on the velocity. Okay, so now let's go. Toe dynamic simulation section. And here I want toe set some damping. 0.2 I want to slow down the density a little bit over time. Okay? As you see now, we have slow motion here on. I want to change the high detail soul to all greets. Okay, let's see the game. Now. You see, we have really, really good results. Let's out some lighting so we can see the smoke. Better self shadow. Great. I think the result is a pretty good on for the substance Here. You see, I left that one on. The soulful quality is 22. I think so. The substance in my is really weird. So when you change that, the flute behavior is changing completely. The substance should improve the food behavior, not changing it. So you need to be careful when you change that. Really? You may have completely different results, or this is very important. Okay. On the other thing. I want to mention here in the base resolution. You see, it's 50. Okay. I didn't make it higher because most off beginners think if they increase the resolution, they will get better result. That's not true. You need to find out what the best value works good for. Your effect is very important. So the best way is to increase the resolution slowly till you are happy with the result. Okay, so be careful about that too. On let's goto our camera one. Let's see. Okay. Great. Try to experiment with the attributes and see how you can do it by yourself before I finish this. Listen, I want to show you another example. So you see, I have an animation. Another animation off a rocket. Right on. We have a couple of problems here. You'll notice here we have some noise on the smoke. So this noise didn't caused by the noise attribute. Okay, So this because off these self steps on another problem, you notice when I scroll the time slider here. As you see, the smoke is rising like that. Okay, this is we need to push the smoke in this way. So this is the problems. Okay, on the reason is, we get this problems because this animation is much more faster than the previous animation . Okay, It's too fast, so we can fix that by selecting the flute. Let's scroll down toe dynamic simulation on. I need to increase the self steps to To on the silver quality. You'll notice I said that to 60. Okay, Andi, I need Toe Creek on Emit in substance to on another thing I want to do. I will goto flute a meter. Then it's scroll down on Dhere. We can fix that problem. Okay, I talked about that. Are there this problem here? Okay, so we need to push the flu outside the emitter. We can use this attributes, okay, called along access. So if you said that to 50 for example now the flu will be pushed in this way. If you get if you if you said that to 50 and the flute comes in this way, you need to reverse that by setting that toe negative 50. Okay, I know. Let's cash the fruit. Let's go. Toe effects on. Let's go Toe fluids. Sorry. Toe in cash on my flute. I did the cash previously, so I will replace that. Okay, the cash is finished. So let's take a look. And you see, we have really good results. How do you notice here? We fixed that problem toe. OK, You can increase the the longer axis a little bit more to push it a little bit more. Okay on. We have nice results. Okay, so that's it for this lesson. See you in the next listen. 20. Wheel Burnout v03: Hello, everyone in this. Listen, I'm gonna show you how to create a will Burn out using fluids in Maya. So let's get started. Make sure you open the scene called Will burn out. Start when you open the senior notice here in the outline. Er I have will group on def. You go ahead and play that you notice the wheel is rotating, but the problem is the weed is too fast. Okay, so we need to create another geometry around that called proxy. So I created one which is here on you notice it's Lloris from the well, The reason is I am creating that. Let's say you want toe collide the will high res. Well, with the fluid. The problem is, then the simulation will be slower to calculate. And another problem with the high res well is too fast. Okay, so in the object is too fast, and then we're going to get some Were the result from the flute colliding with the fast object? Okay, so that's why I created a proxy on the proxy rotation is a little bit slower than the high res. Okay, so we're gonna use the wi layer for rendering on. We're gonna use the proxy for the simulation. Okay. I hope you understand why I created that. Okay, so let's create the flute by going toe flutes on. Let's Seekonk three d container. Now let's move that up somewhere. Let's go toe right for you and place it at the bottom. Okay, I know. Let's go back to the camera on Let's go toe attribute editor on Let's go. Toe field shape on. Let's go up on. I'm gonna sit the base resolution toe 40 on. I'm gonna change that toe. None on this one. Toe None. I don't want the flu. Toby collided with the X or Z on. I'm going to say that. Negative Y I'm going to show you why in a moment. So if I scroll down to the auditory size on Dhere, you'll see we have the recites closed boundary. Let's enable the auditory size. And now if I check that off So now the bottom off the fluid will be constrained. Okay, so the bottom off the fluid will not be resized. Okay, up or down because we checked that off. Okay. And now let's select the container on. Let's go toe fruit on this Goto ad on a meter option box. I'm going to leave that volume. Okay, on click apply on. Let's place the volume at the bottom, Off the fruit. On its way Nothing gonna happen because we need toe Cilic that again on Let's go to the basic emitter attribute And this injuries that bit Maybe you think if we collide the filled with the will, then they will we rotate the fluid around We're right, but it's not gonna work. We need to do one more step. So we need to select the container and then I'm going to select the will proxy. Okay, let's hide the we layer the high res. So let's say like, now shift on sale like the proxy. Now let's go toe flutes on Let's click on make Motion Field. So now, as you see, we have emotion field attached to the proxy. So if I go it on play as you see the motion field rotating with the well okay on you see how nicely the fluid is rotating around the will. That's exactly what I want. If you make it collide with the proxy, it it's not gonna work. Okay, so Now let's move one. So let's select the flute on Let's go toe attribute editor on Let's scroll down in the dynamic simulation, I'm going to change that. All grades on on. Let's leave these self steps to one for now and emitting self steps. Okay on Let's go toe contents. Details on in the density. I'm going to change the dissipation toe one. Or let City toe 1.5 on. Let's add a little bit off noise zero point zero to it's enough on I'm going toe Change the scale toe one on Let's go toe turbulence. I'm going to change that 0.1 and let's give it a try and see another thing. You notice the field is rotating all the fluids. Okay around it. I want some flutes coming here from thes direction. Okay, so we can do that by selecting the flute on Let's go toe fields and soldiers on. Let's go toe uniforms on. I'm going to change that. Let's say to 50. I think I think 50 is so strong. Let's set it toe 15. Uh, let's see. And I want to change that one, Okay? No, it's one. Sorry, It's one on X. Okay on. Let's make a couple of changes on the field itself. OK, so I'm going to change the magnitude toe 50 on the attenuation toe, 0.5 on. If you come over here, you'll see we have the volume control attributes. You can't change the shape of that. You can leave it at Sphere. I'm going to change that cylinder on. I'm going to rotate that 90 degree. Okay, on that's it. That toe seven 0.33 Because I want to make the skills even you for him on I think it's too big. So let's skate it to four by four on by four. OK, on now, let's it really? We don't see too much change here on. Do you see? Now I have some smoke coming here. Okay. In this direction. Okay. We need to do another thing. Let's stop that. Let's go Toe flute. Then let's go toe sub steps and increase about two on this one. Emit in south steps. Let's give it a try and you see, we fixed that problem. We don't see the dots anymore. Okay, let's go. Toe flu. The meter on. Let's go back here, Aunt I'm going toe change the flu, drop off to zero toe amid more flutes On another thing I want to do here if I come on, scroll down in the speed method. So let's sit that toe ad on. I'm going to change the directional speed, for example. Toe tend to push the followed a little bit more on X. As you see, the direction is said to X. Okay, I think I'm going to change that a little bit more. It's set to 200. Okay, on, Let's add a little bit off damp. I want to slow down the smoke a little bit over the time. So let's set the dump to a 0.5 on Let's give it a try. Okay, great. So let's scroll down to the lighting. Let's enable the self shadow. I think the result is pretty good now on another thing because we have the fluid moving very fast. We maybe get some weird stuff going here. OK, so as you see the flu, this colliding with the wall Onda, we can fix that by increasing the auto resize margin toe five to give it some space. Okay, on, Let's go to channel box on on Let's Go toe Will layers toe show that to see the highest. As you see No, we are using the high res to visualize. Okay, okay, So let's hide the container from the view port so we can see better. Let's go to display and then let's go toe boundary draw. And let's change that to none so we can see just the will and the smoke on. I'm going to tow Hide the Metro to on the emotion feel toe on the uniforms, feeds toe thing on going toe. Cash the fight. Let's go toe in cash on. Then my are flute on Let's name it there. Out. Taste on, Let's click on Create. Okay, I cashed it till the frame 150. So let's said that 150 on 150. I think that's enough time on this click right click here, aunt, Create a play blessed for that image on Let's it that Meyer on it's hit Blake bust. Okay, the play blast is finished. As you see, we have really already a nice result. If you want to a meat a little bit more smoke, you can't just increase the size off the emitter that we created. Okay, on that will emit more smoke. Okay, so I hope you enjoy it. See you in the next Lissa. 21. Torch Fire v03: in this. Listen, we're going to create a torch fire and we'll see how the temperature works in order to create the fire effect. So let's get started. Make sure you open the scene called Torch Start, So let's go toe FX a tap on, Then let's go toe flutes on Let's go toe three D container on I'm going toe. Turn off the ad emitter, So not every time I delete that. Okay, so let's click. Apply on. Let's move it up somewhere here on now Let's go to through shape, too, and thats increase that toe 50. Great. So now let's select the flute on, then shift and select the geometry on. Then let's go again to flutes on Let's go toe at contents on Let's go toe emit from object option box. Let's go toe edit on, Then reset the settings. Make sure the emitter type said to surface on. Then let's click. Apply on this hit play ansi or we get okay. As you see, we get their smoke. So let's do some change here. So if you come toe contents method, you notice here we have temperature on its turned off, so we need to enable that. Okay, so now if I hit belay, you're not gonna see any change. But the temperature is there. I can prove that by going toe display and then in the shaded display I can visualize that by changing that temperature. So now I can see the temperature in the white. This is not the density. This is the temperature. Okay, even if if it's white, because we are visualizing that Okay on Let's go back and say that to as render on. I want to do another step here. I want to change the boundary draw to none. I don't see I don't want to see the greed on Let's go toe dynamic simulation. I want to change the substance toe to Then I'm gonna turn on the Emmett in south steps. Okay? I know. Let's go. Toe contents. Details on in the density. Before I changed, the density I owned just to go back on enabled the auto resize. Okay, I forget to do that on a Let's see on if I hit Billy, okay? We don't see any thing interesting now, so I want to change the buoyancy off the density. About 10. I want the flu to rise very fast on. I want to change the dissipation to To because I want toe make the density disappear very fast. Okay. As you see, it's disappearing very fast. Okay, on another Think I don't think I need to change anything here. Now let's go. Toe temperature on in the temperature. I want to change the scale to four. Okay, so this temperature scale is a multiplier for all these values. So let's said the buoyancy to about 20. I remember that. I said that to 20. Okay, As you see, we don't see the result off the temperature. I'm going to show you that in a moment. Okay, Aunt, It's said the dissipation about six faint on. Let's did you try? OK, so now, in order to see the temperature or the fire, we need to goto shading here on in the color on This is really weird. You need to change the color toe, Belak. Okay. In order to see the fire. I don't understand how the developers said this one. Okay, so let's do that. As you see, we have a fire and we need to do a couple off change here. Okay, Let's go toe temperature again on Let's see the turbulence that set that toe five. Let it play. You see, we have some turbulence here. Let's go toe fruit a meter on. Let's go toe Basic emitter attributes. I want to scale the rates About 400. Let's see. Okay on, let's hit play. And you see now we can see the fire. Okay? And I think I'm gonna change that to 600 because I won't more density or fire. Okay on Let's go down on because we enabled the temperature. Now, this attribute works. If you don't enable the temperature here in the flu shaved, it's not gonna work, OK? So because we enable that now, this is working so we can increase the temperature or the hit by two. Let's see. Okay. Off course. If you increase that too much, you would get it. Set it 10 for example. And let's see now, as you see the burning, he's too strong. Okay, but I found the two worst good in our example on Another thing we need to do is the flu drop off. I want to drop that toe zero. Okay, Great. On another thing, I want to do here is going toe fluid emission turbulence. I want to increase that Something like that. 3.7 to have more turbulence on the emitter. Okay, I think it's pretty good. Let's go back toe flu shape one on DSI in the temperature. I think I'm gonna add a little bit off noise 0.1. I think it's enough for that. Just a little bit off noise on the temperature king. So now let's go to transparency. Here in the shading, you can increase the transparency off the fire or decrease it OK by controlling the transparency attributes until you can see the drop off as you see on you can't change that toe corn or anything you want. I'll just stick with the Q. And now let's go to rendering toe Arnold on. Let's click on Orender on sea. I want to change that toe camera Shape one. Okay, As you see, the result is pretty good. So now we are going toe cash defiled by going toe in cash. Then create new cash on then my are flute cash. Okay, I did that earlier before recording the the lecture, so I don't have to do it again. Okay, on die render 200 frames. So now let's move. Toe nuke. If you don't know Nuke, it's OK. You can use after effects to do the glow effect on the fire, so let's play the animation. So now let's add a glow effect to add more realism to the fire. So this type below and select the below I want to add to go. No, it's OK. So now we'll notice the glories affecting the wood to Okay, so I want to go there on Increase the tolerance a little bit to remove the girl from this area on its increase a little bit. Just the glow on Decrease the brightness a little bit. Now let's add another glow controversy and control V on Now, this time I'm going to increase the size too much here. Okay, on its see that it's the brightness decreases about a little bit on. I think the first glow I can increase the size off that with more on the 2nd 1 I want to set that 150. Okay, let's pray and test that. Okay? As you see, we added the glow and the fire looks great. Grain Let's go back toe Maya and do another thing. Let's make the fire a little bit more interesting by adding the realism to it. So if I goto Arnold on, then click Orender on. Let's go toe opacity on here. I'm gonna click here on, then I'm going to set dot here. Then I'm going toe set another one here to move it down. Okay on. I'm going toe Move the last dot Down on. I'm going to set another dot Here on. I want toe fay that gradually, as you see, the fire now looks different. Right? So it's at another one. Here I am adding these doors to make the edge smoother. Okay for that. But you see, we lost the glow of the fire or the colors. Okay, We're gonna fix that in a moment. Okay? Right. So let's close that now. Here in the opacity. I can change that. That's zoom in a little bit to see better. Okay on. I can come to the incandescence that I can't change these dotes. So let's Greek one here to add another one on. I'm going toe ad A little bit off. White color. Yellowish. Okay, Aunt can increase that. Okay, You need toe. Spend a little bit off time here, guys. Okay. In orderto make, it looks really good on. We can go back here to the transparency and decrease that to show the fire a little bit more. And you see, now we have some sharp glowing lines, OK? On the fire, aunt. Let's see. I think I'm gonna change that. It is a bit more here clean. Okay, lets see if we can do anything else here. I think that's it. Ok'ing. So this is another type of fire you can do. Okay, This will add more realism to the fire. If you want to add these details on your fire. Okay. So that's it for this lesson. I hope you enjoyed. See you in the next listen. 22. Emit fluid from particles v01: in this lesson, we're gonna see how to emit fluid from particles. Make sure you opened the scene called Emit fluid from particles. Start so in the scene, let's go ahead and play it. As you see, I have some particles emitted from the a meter on when they born. They born with big scale on. When they die, they die with low scale. Okay, so let's boy toe flute on, then click on three D container on. Then let's select the flute and shift and select the particles and it's going toe flute on . Then add on, then emit from object and it's reset the settings. I can't leave the emitter type to surface, but I'm going to change that toe only on then. Let's hit. Apply on. Let's do another step here. Let's go toe base resolution and change that 50 on. Now let's hit play. As you see, the flu is not following the skate off the particles, so we can't do that by going toe flu. Demeter on. Then we need to check on this option called use per point radius. Okay, so this will inherit the scale off the particles, so let's go ahead and see the result. As you see now, the smoke following the scale off the particles on Let's increase the rate toe 500. You are more density. Okay, African in trees, the change, the turbulence this increase that it'll be to add more noise on the particles. As you see, I have more noise here on. We can do another step here by going toe flu shape on. Let's scroll down. I can add the Calgary's to the high detail. Salto, add more details on you can increase the South steps to if you want. Oh, if you have very fast particles moving on, let's enable the auto resize and I want Toe said the buoyancy to zero because I don't want the smoke to rise up. Okay, okay on Let's hide the particles so we can focus on the smoke itself on this great way toe . Create the explosion from this effect. OK, another thing. You notice the particles when they die. The smoke stops from moving so we can do another step to fix that. Let's go toe flute a meter on. Let's scroll down. You notice. Here I have the speed method, so let's sit that toe at. And now I need to increase the inherit velocity toe one. So now the smoke will inherit the velocity off the particles. As you see you can set it toe 0.5 for better effect. OK, that's enabled the lighting so we can see better. As you see now, even the particles are that the smoke is moving. Okay, so that's it for this lesson. See you in the U next. Listen. 23. Helicopter landing Effect v05: in this lesson, we're going to see how to emit a smoke while the helicopter is landing on the ground. So let's get started. Opened the scene called Helicopter Vertical Landing. Start on. If I come here and play the animation, you notice it's a simple animation and the helicopter landing on the ground. So let's first hide discovered by going to show on Let's Grieco nerves curves get wide that Okay, so now let's create the emitter on the ground. So I'm gonna click on disk to create the disk, and then I'm going toe scale it about 46 on a novel. It's Goto effects. Stop on Let's go to flutes on Let's Creek on three D Container on Let's skate a little bit . I'd move it up just under the emitter. Okay, now let's select the emitter on Let's shift and select the flute container on Let's go toe flutes on Let's go toe. Add on. Let's Greek on a meat from object Option box and let's reset the settings. Make sure the emitter type is surface on. Let's hit. Apply on its way as you see nothing crazy happening. Just the emitter emits some smoke. Let's say, like the container on Let's go toe attribute editor on Let's increase the base resolution toe 30 on I'm going to constrain the negative Oy ground for the flute, so let's sit that negative y site on. Let's set the tone on on now on now let's go down toe Tory size on Let's click on auto resize on Creek on resize closed boundary. Now the ground is constrained on its it today on Let's Goto a meter on Let's scroll down here to the basic emitter attributes on. I'm going to set that toe zero on a I want the A meter start at zero and then gradually a meeting more smoke. So let's set a key here, add Let's go to frame 90. By the way, you can disable the evaluation in orderto scroll freely here, okay on 90 and lets it that for the reason I am not sitting higher values because the scene is too big. So you need to be careful about that for is enough for that? So now you see the emitter gradually emitting smoke in the view port. Let's scroll down on Let's set the flu drop off toe zero on I'm gonna change some attributes here in the flu. The mission turbulence. I want to set the turbulence Tau nine. I'm not guessing these values because I tried that before and you see we have some turbulence on the meter. I think it's pretty good. Now let's select the fluid container on. I want to rotate the food around the Y axis, so let's go toe fields and solver on. I'm gonna choose vortex on Let's Go toe volume control attributes and I want to change that toe cylinder on. Let's skate something like that on. I want to change the magnitude toe 150 on the Attenuation. I think 0.1, it's pretty good on. Let's get really antsy and you notice now the flu is rotating around the Y axis. Okay, great. And you notice it's pretty good. So the helicopter is landing and smoke gradually emitted from the meter lets out another turbulence field. So let's select the flute and let's goto fields and solvers and it's at turbulence on. Let's increase the magnitude about 20 on. I want to set the attenuation to zero because I want the turbulence affect all the scene so Now we have another level off turbulence beside the turbulence off the flu itself. Another thing I want to do now. I want toe push the fluid from the center. So I'm gonna say like the flute and then I'm going. Toe fields and solvers are now I'm going to choose volume access, so this will push the flu in this directions. Okay, so let's scale that now you notice the volume access is Cube the problem with the Cube? This will push the fluid in all directions. I want to push it just in these directions. Okay, so let's go back toe volume control attributes and I'm going to change their toe cylinder on. Let's move it off a little bit on Let's scale it it with more. I think that's very good on Let's go to magnitude on. I want to change that toe about 400. It's good value on I won't change the Attenuation to 0.4. So now let's go toe in cash on list here that off and sitting there and let's click on my Are fruit auction box on Let's it. Anything for the cash helicopter cash version 01 on. Let's get great. Sorry, we need to select the flute. So let's go back again and create. Okay, the cash is finished and it took about five minutes. So I think the volume access field is not pushing the fluids too much. So I want to change some attributes in the volume access fields. So I'm going toe away from access and I want to change that toe. Tend to push it more. Andi, I want to change the turbulence to about 0.2. It's good value, and I think that's all what you need. So let's cash it again on its it. Replace on. Let's it to replace existing. Okay, the cash is finished on. It took about 20 minutes. So let's scroll and see on. The result is pretty good and I am happy with that. So now let's select the flu on. Let's go toe shading on here. You can increase the transparency if you want to, or decrease or increase that. And I'm going to change the color toe brown something like that, and I can decrease the transparency on Let's go now toe lighting and let's Greek on self shadow on. I want to set the shadow passed Ito tree or you considered toe for toe more shadow on the smoke on I think I'm going toe change the ambient brightness a little bit to our brightness to it on a Let's see, I think the result is very good. Let's hide the fields. Okay on, Let's hide the emitter toe on Let's hide the greed And now let's create a play blessed for that. It's right Click here on play Blast option box on. I'm going to say their toe. Quick time PNG on saved to file on Let's save it. Toe this version 01 and let's play Nancy. Okay, the play blast is finished and we get really good result. If you want to add more details, you can increase the resolution a little bit more toe 40 or 50 to on. But the result is really good. So if you have any questions, ask me in the discussions. So that's it for this lesson, and I hope you enjoy it. See you in the next listen