1. Introducing Figma: A Beginners Tutorial (2023 UI UX Design): Welcome to my Figma starter's
guide for beginners. This beginner scores
will guide you through creating your very
first web design with Figma by creating a simple but a realistic looking
homepage for Jim, I've been doing web design for over ten years now and right now I think Figma is the best
tool for web design. So I'm excited to show
you what is possible. And by the time you
complete this course, you will be able to create
your own websites with Figma by using the most
essential features like automatically aligning
things with auto layout or working with vector
icons from other websites, editing images and working
with global colors and texts. First, we will create the
basic structure with shapes. Then we will work with images
and social media icons. Then we will continue with
creating all the texts layers. And lastly, we will
combine icons and text to create more complex
parts with auto layout, this is the right
course for you. If you don't have
the time to watch a ten hour course with
all the features. And you just want
to get started with your very own ideas within 1 h. And the only
thing you really need to get started
is if Figma account, but that is free because I'm going to provide you
with all the icons, the colors, and the images. If you like learning by doing,
by recreating something, then this course is for
you and then I hope to see you on the inside.
2. Creating a Basic Structure on a 12 column Grid: Step is to structure
of the layout. So look at this design. It has three sections. This first one, then the text section, and
then the footer. And it's better to first create those three sections so
that you're not going to focus on the details too soon because that's what
designers like to do, but it slows down your progress, so let's just do that. So in your new file, we first need to
create an art boards. So before we can start
adding text and colors, we first need a frame. Frame is kind of like a beach. So you do that by creating
a frame over here. So if you click on the frame, then on the right over here
you can see a lot of options. The one I always start
out with is desktop. So click on the desktop, that's 14, 40 pixels in width. And like I said,
let's first create our three main sections. Alright, so what you're gonna do is you're
gonna go over here, grabbed a rectangle, and then
create a shape like this. There. You can drag
the edges and make sure it's aligned to the top. Then we have an empty
space over here. And then we have a footer at the bottom so we can create
another shape from here, but it's easier to make
a duplicate of this one. So hold Alt or Option
and then click and drag, and then it will
make a duplicate. Now you want to align it
exactly in the middle. So here we're going to
use our Align option, which is a lot nicer than just
trying to make it fit in. So just click on Middle Align and then over here
to the bottom, because that's what we want. And now we only have
to drag this bar down and it's still
perfectly aligned, but our design is a
little bit short. So if you grep, your art
boards were frame over here, that you can make the whole
art board a bit longer. You can, by the way, zoom out by holding command or control. It's Alt or Control on
Windows, I'm not really sure. And then just drag
it down or you can simply change the
number over here. I'm going to change it
to 1700s, like this. Okay, so now we can put the food or again
at the bottom with this tool and make it a little bit higher
air for our top part, we also got to make it
a little bit higher. We will do this overlapping part later because that's
a little bit harder. But for now, let's just
create a shape for our image. So now I'm going to grab a
new rectangle like this. You can also access
that by clicking on the R n and create a
rectangle like this. Alright, but now where
do we actually align it? That's a problem. So now we need to
dive into the grids. So as you probably have noticed, all websites are based on a grid and some websites
skill this grid, but most websites
keep the content in a specific pixel
width because otherwise the textboxes become
too wide and it's not comfortable to read and we need to script to
align our image. So let's just do that. I'm going to click on
my art board over here. And then over here you
can see layout creates, you can click on the plus. Over here, it creates
a standard grid, but that is a horizontal
and vertical grid. So click on this one over here, click on Columns because
we just want 12 columns. 12 is the industry standard because you can easily
create two boxes, three and 4.6, which
is kinda nice. So we're going to
use 12 columns. It doesn't do anything but
you need to click outside of it to see the changes,
would it on-center? Because now it stretches. Sometimes you want that, but for this design,
I don't want that. So click on center, but then you need
to tell Figma how wide each column should be. A common use size
for this is 75. Why? Well, because then from
here to here it's 11, 20 pixels, which is used in many builder tools
like Elementor. So as you can see, whoa, whoa, I aligned it
almost perfectly. One pixel, which
is a coincidence. So that's kinda funny.
So I'm going to align that to the grid. And I'm also going to make it a little bit wider like this, because I want it to stretch
over six columns like this. And if you do that,
you can see that it's exactly 150 pixels
from this section. And from this section you can
actually activate that by holding Option or commands and then you can see the pixels. So if you hover with your mouse, which is nice, okay, so now let's add some colors. I'm gonna go to the fill over here and I'm going to
change the color to pure black because I want to use pure black on this website. And then you can
go on this shape and also put it on black. But there's a trick here
which you should know, which is the asset
collars, because e.g. black is used in many
places in this design. So you want to save that color
so you can reuse it later. So now this one is black. Then you click on
these four dots. It's called Style. And then you can add this
color to the color styles, color styles over here it's gold set color assets in Adobe XD, it's
all the same thing. It's global colors. That's what I actually
think they should call it. So you click on the plus and then you'll give it
a name, e.g. black. Alright, and you click
on Create style, and now this one is saved. So if you didn't click
on another shape, instead of just changing
the color from here, you can click on the four dots again and then
select your black. You can see a little bit
easier for this one. We don't have to change
the color because in our design does background
is actually soft gray. So if you want to use
the same colors as me, you can drag in the file. So I will share these files in the description below so
you can download them. And then you can drag in
my color if you want to, like this, make a
little bit larger. So here are my colors is just a screenshot from
my Figma actually. And then you can
grab the background. So grab your art boards. Now it's set to white, which is f, f, f, f, f. So you click over here and now you can
click on this tool. You can also access that
by the way, by clicking, I click on this one and then you go over to soft gray and
boom, there you click it. And I also recommend to also
add that color to yourself. So click on the
four dots again and call it a soft
gray create style. So where are all these
global colors, shapes. So you can access them by clicking outside of
your art boards, just not in your
design but outside. Then you can see it over here, local styles, and
here are your colors. You can change them afterwards. So let's say that you
want to change your black to maybe not 100% black, but a little bit softer than, as you can see, it changes
in your whole design, which of course is awesome. We'll just put it out a
little bit lighter like this. Then the last thing
that we need to do is created this diagonal shape. That's also really easy to do. You can just click
on this shape, then double-click it again. And now you can access
the individual points. So you can grab this one
and put it up like this. Yeah, that's something
like our design. Alright, and then click outside, double-click it,
and now we're done. So the basic structure is here. Let's now move to
images and icons.
3. How to work with images and vector icons: So here's the image
that we need. So you could drag
in the image like this and then mask it like this. But what I like to do is just click on the
image over here. And then instead
of using a color, use an image as a background. So now this is connected
to the global colors. I'm going to disconnect
that click over here. And then you can select, instead of a solid, you can select an image. And now you can drag your image over here and then it masks. You even have some very
simple editing over here. If you want to change
the image a little bit, Let's just increase
the opacity a bit. That looks pretty cool. And
now your image is in here, but it's not in the
right position. So if you hold Option or
Alt and double-click there, you can reposition it like this. Make sure to hold
shift so it scales proportionately and then put
it in the position you want. Just look at our example. This is where I want him to be. But now we have a gap over here, so click outside of it. So what's beautiful about
Figma is that you can have multiple layers
within a fill. So now we have an image
as a layer in a fill, but we can add another
layer on top of it. So if you click on the plus, you can add a layer
on top of it. So now it's a solid
which is on 20% opacity. So if I increase the ad, you're not going to see him. But if we then go to linear, Just a gradient,
then we can say we want to go from black to white. So this left one is on
black 100 per cent, and this right one
is on zero per cent. It doesn't look like it's on 100% because this layer
also has an opacity, I'm going to change
that to 100s. And now you can see that
we're almost there. So I'm going to open
my gradient again. I'm just going to
grab this point and just position it over here. So this is pretty
cool as you can see, two layers in one shape. We didn't have to
group anything, and it's all here on the right. Alright, for this image,
I'm gonna do the same. So I'm going to click over here, then go to solids image, then dragging my image over
here and there she is. We can reposition it again, but I'm fine with this. So now we have two images. Let's drag in some icons. I'm going to go to my folder. I have three SVG
icons over here, which are effector icons, and then drag them into
your Figma like this. They're not all the
same size and we want them to be smaller anyways. So let's just make one of them, Let's just drag it in over here. And let's just make
that one a lot smaller for this design, I want them to be 30 by 30. So you can just drag it over here and then look
at the numbers. Or you can go over here and then change the
width and the height. So if you put this one at
40 is going to stretch. So if you don't want
that and make sure this one is linked and
then if you change it, it's kinda change the
width and the height. So for now I'm going
to put it at 30. Most gonna do that
for these two, can select both of
them by holding Shift, select this one, and
then put them at 30. And now you can see that
we have to treat icon's, drag them over here. And now we're going to use auto layout for the first time. This is the most
amazing feature, I think in Figma. If you select all of them
and you click on Shift a, it's going to create a grid. This is not a group. It's kind of like a group
with love more features. So in a tool like Adobe XD, you would group everything. But here, auto-layout, a
lot nicer because now e.g. you can do things like this. But like I said in the intro, it's vertical or horizontal. We also want these
icons to be white. So if you go down over here, you can see what
kind of colors we're working with for these icons. So I can put them on white. And I also want to add
white to my color. So create a style
college whites. And there we go. Alright, so let's add
our icons to the grids. But our greatest gone. I did that by holding
Shift G there. You can hide and show your
grid or you can go over here and then use
this eye over here. So make sure to add
your icons over here. And we're going to
work a lot more with auto layout in the next step, which is working
with texts layers.
4. How to work globally with Text layers & Fonts: Okay, So let's add
some texts layers. Let's just first start
with the big ones. So this one over here, this one, and this one. So
I'm gonna go over here. I'm going to select the
T for the Text tool. I'm going to click over here
and we're going to type fight like a champion. And here you can see
the newest feature in Figma, which is autocorrect. Really cool. So if you're
in your texts layer thick Mac and now auto
corrected, super cool. The font that I
want to use here is Sarah and then condensed. You can click over here
all the Google fonts are automatically
already loaded in. And then I want to
use the bold version. I want it to be 123D
in terms of size, and I want the text
to be in capitals. That's a little bit
hidden over here. If you click on Type settings, then over here you can
put it on Uppercase. Alright, so now I'm going
to decrease the width of the text layer because
I wanted to break. As you can see, my design after like it doesn't do
that right here, which I don't really like. So for now, I'm just going to
click after the a and then click on Shift Enter
to get what I want. But as you can see,
the line-height is much too high and you can
change that over here. Line-height, I'm going to
put it at 90 per cent from any audit texts layers
you want to use our higher percentage
above hundred, but for big titles, it's less. It is also really
depends on the phones, but that is what I found. Alright, so now let's
just turn on the grid again so I can align
it either way. I don't really see the red
on this black background, so let's just also
change our grid color. So I'm going to click
on my art board. I'm going to go to
the grid again, and I'm just going to
change the color over here. It's, it's something
we can actually see, maybe something like this blue, little bit intense over here, but we need to see it. Alright, that's a little
bit better now we can at least see what
we're doing. Okay? So I'm going to turn off the
grid again with Shifts C, As you can see in my design, they've word champion is rats. So let's just make
this word retina. I'm going to double-click it and then I'm going to
click on the Plus, can change the fill to a red color like
this, 100% opacity. I think color was more
something like this. So okay, so now this
text is read as well. Let's just now make a smaller
version of this text. So I'm going to make a
duplicate by holding Option or Alt like this. And now I'm going to change
the size over here to 50 and the line
height 110 per cent. Because if it's
smaller, you need a little bit more space. Alright, in my design, this text is black, so I'm going to select this one. I'm going to create a fill and we're going to
put it at black. And of course we're going
to use our global colors. And this text is the
same size as this text. So now we can also save this
color our global phones. So in the same way, click on the four dots and
then click on plus. And I call it something
that you want, e.g. I'm going to call it
a heading two because this big one is heading one. Make sure to click
on Create style. And now you can see
that it changed. So now if we make a duplicate of this text and we make it white, and we click outside
of our art board, we can see our global
font over here. And if we change it over here, so let's say we're going
to change its line-height. Now it changes both of them. Alright, perfect. So click on the grid
again. Sure to align it. Change texts, decreases with, and in our design the
word next is rats. So let's try to select the rats. But as you can see, we
haven't saved the rat. So we need to go
back to this one. Then, this rat, we
need to save it. So let's just go to fill style, click on the plus and then
call this rat created a style. So now this text
has red and white. I also haven't
connected to the white as you can see like this. So now if you go to this layer
and you select the next, you can click on white
and then click on rats. And now this whole text
layer has to global colors, as you can see, perfect. We have two more
simple texts layers, which is this one and the menu. So let's just create that. Going to click on the T again, create a textbox like this. I want to base some
Lorem Ipsum in. I haven't installed any
plugins yet to do that. So I'm just going to use
my Chrome extension. But there are ways
in Figma to do this. I will make a separate video about handy plugins by the way, so Paste Lorem Ipsum text in. And now we need to detach
the global colors because we want another style for our body and want
to use the font. Answer is gonna be a
lot smaller like 16, which is a good size
for body fonts, the line height needs
to be 170 because that looks better for body text. Color that I want
to use is gray, but it's the darker
gray for body text. You almost always want a
font that is a little bit lighter because otherwise
the contrast is too harsh. So what I'm gonna do is I'm
just going to call our pick my color that I've
prepared like this. And of course I'm going
to add that color to the palette as well, gray, okay, we don't
want all capitals, which has wanted to
be normal like this. And we also don't want
everything to be bolts. It should just be regular. Now, this looks like
a great body texts. I also see that I forgot
to change the texts. Turn on the grid
again to make sure to align it on the grid. So this one on the left and
then this one to the edges. I'm going to add a enter over here to make it a little
bit more readable, and then never forgot to add
the fonts to your globals. So over here, or I can do that. And we're calling
this body texts created the style. This one. I also haven't connected that, but of course we're going
to use the heading too, because this one is
also on heading two. Alright, let's now go to the menu because that's the last step before
we're gonna go to the combinations
of I can send texts and we're going to
use auto layout for that. So let's just copy this
one with Alt or Option. Let's make it white. Let's detach the heading two because we want to
make a new style. This one needs to be 16. Alright, this is a
styling that we want, so I'm going to add that
to the steles. Again. I'd always a little bit
of work in the beginning, but you're going to
thank me later for this. Okay? I'm going to
call this menu, okay, now I'm gonna change
this to home, but this textbox is a
little bit too wide. So if you double-click
over here, then it just becomes
a single item. Okay, so I'm going to
create some other ones, can now select all of them. But if I try that my
image is kinda moved. So in this situation like this where you're
working on a background, I will suggest to grab
your background layer, then right-click and
then lock or unlock. Or you can do Command Shift L. And now you can just easily
select your layers like this. Click Shift a again
for auto-layout, and there it is your menu. What's also great about all our layout by the ways that you can click and then
change its positions. And it sticks. As you can see, it's
really, really nice. We want 30 pixels in-between. Alright, I'm going to position it and we need some
space for the button. So for now I'm just going
to leave it right here. And then the last
little detail that I forgot to add is this
little line over here. I've just used the rectangle
tool to be honest. So click on the rectangle, create a little rectangle, and then select the
two reds like this. And I made my title a
little bit smaller. That's actually all
I've done. Okay. And this is all we need for now. Oh, and I also forgot
one other thing and that is on the
bottom over here, we have terms and
conditions and privacy. These are just two
simple texts layers with the body font. So you could just click T and just type in privacy policy. Make sure to pick your
body font like this, voice it over here, make a duplicate and
change yellow one. Makes sure to both
align them in the grid. We're going to Auto
Layout them later, but for now, this
is all we need. Okay, it's starting to
look like something. So let's just go to the
next step where we're going to take it a step
farther with auto layout.
5. Using Auto Layout to create layouts that auto adjust: Okay, let's now
finished our menu with the logo on the left and
the button on the right. And we're going to drag in this Eigen that
we're going to use. I'm going to drag it,
Let's say outside of here, I'll first make it
white because otherwise we can see it and then
drag it in over here, make it a bit bigger. Then I'm going to copy my
title, change the texts. I'm going to make
it 30 to this icon. I want that to be red. So right now it's white. I'm going to make it rats. And again, select both of them, make an auto layout of it. Now we want to
create our buttons. So in most other tools, you first create a
background and then you put a text on top of it,
then you group it. But in Figma, this is a little bit different with buttons. So I want to use the
same textile over here, but when I duplicate
this one with common D, it's going to stick
inside of this frame, which is not what I want. So you can simply click and
then drag outside of it. And now it's free
from the auto-layout, change it to sign up. Now turn this one also into
an auto layout with Shift a, and then it's going
to add this box. You don't see it yet,
but there is a box. Let's make the box visible
by giving it a fill. So I'm gonna go to Fill, I'm going to give it
a red background. And now you can see the box. She can see this frame
only contains attacks. It's kind of like a group, but then a little bit different. But the beautiful thing about this is that you can increase the horizontal padding like this and a vertical
bending as well, I think tennis, alright, we need another
button over here. Let's first position it. So I'm going to turn on my
grid again and we're going to position it and I want
to make sure that it's in line with the logo. And also, I want this one to be a line so you can try
to do it yourself or you can just select all of them and then press
Auto Layout again. And now it's automatically
aligned in the middle. But we don't want
a menu over here. We want this space to be less. So here you create another
auto-layout because by default it will space
out all the items evenly. If you then select this one and this one given orally
out again with Shift a. And then you can decrease
this size two, e.g. charity. And now you can decrease
this size or you can just drag the side over here
and then make it wider. But that does not work. Why? Well, because there's
another tool you should know and that is a little
bit hidden. It's under here. If you go to advanced layout by default is just
stacking or packets. But if you put it on
space between that, it will automatically create
that space within the box. So within that container, There's actually
works the same way as the container does. So now we have this one which is the
horizontal container. We have this one which
is horizontal and also has some gap in-between. And then we have this
whole container which just sees the right part as one part and then the
left part as one part and it creates as much space
as possible in-between. So now, if we decrease this, as you can see, it's
skills perfectly. Okay, let's now add
another button over here. But hey, we've already learned
that we can reuse things. So this is the same
for the button. So I'm going to
click on the button again, double-click it. And now we're going to use this feature called components. So if you click on this icon, it creates a component and in components is a
reusable elements. So this works similar to
global colors and fonts, but it's not saved
in the same place. If you click outside
of your art board, it's not saved over here. They have it over
here on the assets. So here you can see desktop,
we have this button. So now it's better to
direct the button from here into our design like this. And here you can see if
you go back to the layers, that this is a frame. Now it has this shape which shows that this is a component, but this is not the
main components. You can always find
the main component by right-click and then click
on go-to main components. And if you change this component because this is the main one, then the other one
will change as well. So let's just try it out. If I'm going to
increase the size, as you can see, the other
ones skills that as well. So let's just do that.
Let's just put it on 30, make the button a bit bigger, and that works perfectly. So let's now auto
layout to this section. So what do we see here? We have this part, this part, and this part, which
are aligned vertically. But if we select all of
them and press Comment a, then it's gonna be
stacked vertically. So you need to go step
back with common z, d is two parts, needs
to be horizontal. So I'm gonna make
an auto layout of this one first and then Figma already sees
that it's horizontal. And now Figma sees
this as one elements. So now we can take all of
them and press Shift a again. And now we can change
the values over here, and then it does what we want. Alright, let's align
this in the middle. I want the image to
be the same size, so it will just resize that. Okay, that looks pretty good. Let's just do one
more exercise with auto-layout because
this is so important. Okay, So in our final
design in the footer, we have this icon over
here and then e-mail, and then the terms and conditions
and privacy over here, we're going to use
the same trick. First, we need an icon. And an icon is not part of this folder because I wanted
to show you something. So if you go to, I
can find There's a beautiful website. You can take a look
at their packages. They have beautiful
icons over here. But if you just search
over here, e.g. to email, you can find
all kinds of icon's. Not all of them are free, but a lot of them are free. So this one, e.g.
that one looks nice. So by default is on PNG, but you can go to
SVG, which is vector. And then if you click
on Copy over here, you go back to your
Figma and you based it. It's already there and
you don't have to save it on your computer
first is beautiful. So let's just change that to white random kinda put it
in the footer over here. I need a text layer for my e-mail info at
Box Okay, so let's now add auto-layout
to this whole section. First, let's select all of them, but now it's also
select the background. So I'm going to lock
that background again. Select all of them, shift
a, that doesn't work. So we need to create a box
over here and a box over here. So this one in auto layout, this one in auto-layout, and then these two boxes
in another auto-layout. And then as you can see it
perfectly Alliance as well. Show that again. This one
already was in an auto layout. If you want these two to
be aligned in the middle, you also select both of them and auto layouts,
perfect, right? These two don't need to
be in an auto layout. You can do that, but I don't
think that's necessary. So now we're done with
most of the basic things. Now we're gonna go
through the harder Spark, which is this one over here. This is the hardest one.
6. Creating a floating icon row with Auto Layout: So we need to go to the
website again and we're going to search for fitness. I can e.g. I'm going to
grab some cool icons. You can filter on
the left for free. By the way, here we have a
free one beautiful copy. Okay, now I have three icons. Let's first, I'll make
them the same size. I'm going to select all of them. Make sure to link this one and then I'm going
to make them 45. Alright, that looks decent. But as you can see with
downloading icons, sometimes they don't look the same because this one
looks a lot bigger. So sometimes you just
need to change it a bit. Use your eyes in order to create something that looks
a little bit similar. Okay, so we also
need to treat texts, which is another one, It's 24 in size. So let's just do that. I'm going to create
a text layer. Let's just start with this one because I
think it looks similar. Unlink it 24, that
looks good at that. Again, we're going to add
some random text over here. I'm going to make
these texts rats. So now you're probably
thinking like, hey, we need a rectangle over here, but we can use auto
layout in the same way as we used in the button,
which is pretty cool. So first, we need to put
everything in an auto layout. But if we're gonna
do that right now, it's going to be in one row. So this is a vertical row, this is a vertical row and
this is a vertical row. So three layouts, then
all of these three also needs to be in an
auto layout because I'm going to add
auto-layout over here. Alright, now we can
add the same kind of background as we did
with the button. So I'm going to click over
here and then click on whites. You can see it
adds a background. And now if we
increase the padding, you can also create
a box like this. Our grid again by holding Shift G and I want it
to be middle aligned. So first I'm going to do that, then we're going to move it
up a bit by holding shifts, so it goes straight up. And now if I increase
the padding, it starts to skill
from the left, but I don't want that. So there's another trick over here and that is constraints. So if you put a constraint
which is now on left, on center, and now you start
to increase the padding. Now this is what happens. Now it doesn't
move to the right, which is kinda nice. We want it to be as
white over here. If we also change
the space between or the element gap
than the sites also become bigger because
this is the padding, so it always keeps 200 pixels. First, decide how much space you want in-between the icon's. So e.g. 120, and then decrease the size
in order to make it fit. Zoom in a little bit to make sure it's on the
grids perfectly. Alright, now, Shift G again, and there's one more thing
we need to do to this part and that is a shadow because I don't know
if you've noticed, but there's this soft, very nice shadow
under disbarred. So I'm going to
click over here and we're gonna go to a new
feature called effects. Click on the drop shadow
is to first feature. There are a few other ones, but for now we're just
going to use drop shadow. Click over here to change it. We need to increase a blur. So click over here and
an increase of blur, make it really nice and soft. And for the color, I want to use rats maybe a little bit darker. As you can see, this is starting to become really beautiful. I'm going to also put
it a little bit down, increase the blur again. Oh, this is so cool. I'm going to
decrease the opacity because it's a bit too intense. But now as you can see,
it starts floating. And there's a really
nice contrast between the white background and this gray background with a red shadow in-between.
Look at that. Absolutely beautiful. So let's now compare this
design to our final design. And we can see that there
are still a few differences. This image is a bit
taller than the texts, which is nice, it
creates some balance. So let's just do that as
well with our design. But if we just go over here and we make it the
higher by holding Alt, by the way, you
can do both sides. We don't actually have
enough space for that, so we want to move
to food or down, but this layer is locked and these are two
separate layers. So I want to show you
one more thing and that is to use the
constraints again, but then in a different way. So make sure to find a
layer four on the food or because you can't click on it and you can see
this one is locked, so let just unlock that. So now we can add
a footer again, select the footer if you press Shift a is going to
create an auto layout. Again, I don't want that because then it
changes the padding. So in this instance
I would use a group. So just right-click and
then group or Shift G, and now click on the group. And then over here
on constraints, click on this one
over here because that change is this
one to bottom. And that means that
whenever you are going to change your art board, this one will stick
at the bottom. So now if we click
on our art board, you can see that our footer
just sticks to the bottom, which is nice because it
happens a lot of times. You're making your page
longer and adding elements. So if you know that your footer and some layers needs
to be at the bottom, just group it
constraints bottom. And that's really nice. I'm going to make
it a bit longer. And then I'm going
to grab all of this, going to make that
auto-layout again to make sure that this one
is aligned in the middle. And there we go. And then there's one
more difference. And that is the background. Why does this one look better is because of the background. So you can change
the background color off your whole Figma
if you want to. So if you just click anywhere outside the
background over here, you can change that as well. And that's what I
did, and that's why that one just looks
a little bit better. And also the icon's ICR
a little bit thicker, which unlike a
little bit better. So as you can see, it's
super similar to our design. So this is my first
basics class for Figma. I wanna do a lot
more fig my classes, but I hope that you
liked this first one. You can check out my
profile to see more classes because also explain
how to build websites. And for now, I want to
thank you for watching.