Intro to Jira (Server Version) | Rachel Wright | Skillshare

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Taught by industry leaders & working professionals
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Lessons in This Class

    • 1.



    • 2.

      About Jira


    • 3.



    • 4.



    • 5.



    • 6.



    • 7.

      Project Lead


    • 8.

      User Profile


    • 9.

      Do's and Don'ts


    • 10.



    • 11.



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About This Class

Jira is for issue tracking, bug tracking, and project management.  I’m a user just like you and it’s the best software I’ve found to track my own work and also my team’s work so we can meet our goals.

In this course, you’ll learn all about Jira and how to create issues so you can get started right away.

You’ll learn:

  • how Jira is used and can be integrated with other applications,
  • the differences between projects and issues,
  • the 7 parts of the main navigation bar,
  • how to use the default system dashboard,
  • the 9 parts of every issue,
  • how to properly create a new issue,
  • the 3 ways to find issues,
  • how to identify a project’s lead,
  • best practices,
  • and how to view and change your profile options.

This course is for anyone new to Jira.  I made it basic so you can start creating immediately.  Check out my intermediate and advanced courses for a deeper look at all the features.

This course is for users of the Server version.  Have Cloud?  Check out the “Intro to Jira (Cloud Version)” at

Meet Your Teacher

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Rachel Wright

Author, Jira Strategy Admin Workbook


Rachel Wright is an entrepreneur, process engineer, and Atlassian Certified Jira Administrator.

She started using Jira and Confluence in 2011, became an administrator in 2013, and was certified in 2016.

Rachel also uses Atlassian tools in her personal life for accomplishing goals and tracking tasks.  Her first book, the “Jira Strategy Admin Workbook“, was written in Confluence and progress was tracked in Jira!

Help for Jira and Confluence Users and Administrators is here!  Visit for templates, worksheets, and materials to help you set up, clean up, and maintain your applications.

See full profile

Level: Beginner

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1. Introduction: Hi. I'm Rachel, Right. Certified your administrator and author of the Gear s strategy. Admin Workbook. I'm glad you're using Jura. I'm a user just like you. And it's the best software I found to track my own work as well as the work of my team so we could meet our goals. In this course, you'll learn all about era and how to create issues so you can get started right away. You'll learn how gear is used and can be integrated with other applications. Differences between projects and issues. The seven parts of the main navigation bar. How to use the default system. Dashboard. Nine parts of every issue. How to properly create the new issue. Three ways to find issues, how to identify a project's lead, best practices and how to few and change your profile options things courses for anyone new to Jura. I made it basic so you can start creating immediately check out my intermediate and advanced courses for a deeper look at all the features. Also, this course is for users of the server version. Have cloud check out the interest Ajira cloud version instead 2. About Jira: dear is for issue tracking, bug tracking and project management. It's made by a company called it Last in Who makes other popular tools like Confluence, a wiki and collaboration portal, hip chat and stride applications and development tools like fish, I crucible bamboo and bit bucket. At last, he in tools all connect to each other. For example, you can show real time gear information on confluence pages. You can get Ghira issue notifications in your team's chat room. Jiro also integrates with third party tools like the Slack chat application or the Salesforce CRM. For example, You can use dear A to do any of the following schedule initiatives tasks and manage your team or product pipeline. For example, the H R team contract, where a new hire is in the on boarding process. The Facilities Team contract, which employees have security badges. The legal team can fulfill contract review requests. The I T team can receive computer support requests and the development team contract changes to their code. Dear Contract Anything your team needs to dio, you can report and fix bugs. You can triage issues, for example, used here A to determine which issue should be worked. First. You can report time and monitor progress. You can estimate effort and log time so others know how close you are to completion. You contract changes in tasks and used era as your to do list, and you can use Jiro to keep an authoritative historical and legal record of what's been done. Sometimes year is used internally, and sometimes it's the system used to support customers. Are there additional ways Jeron is used in your organization? Check with your application administrator for any company. Specific details here is essentially a big database where your tasks are trackable, searchable and sore. Dubel dear might be replacing other issue trackers and project management software in your organization like Base Camp Rally. Uh huh, Microsoft Project or even Charlo, Another at last Ian product. When you have a lot of software, sometimes it's unclear which to use for which purpose. Here's the answer. If you need to track a task from conception to completion used era. If you need to document a task, use a collaboration platform and document repository like confluence. If you need to talk about a task in real time, use a chat program like hip chat Stride Slack or Skype. Let's dive in with two important definitions. An issue is an individual item. Injera. Each time you create an item, you're creating a new issue with a unique key to identify it. A project is a collection of issues. Now the word project injera is different than an initiative your team is working on outside of Ghira. Think of a cheer project as a container for all your team's initiatives, projects and tasks, there's generally one dear project per department system, team or application. For example, we'll use Ajira project called Human Resource, is to track all the different things that HR team works on. Each project has a long name and a short name in the screenshot. Example. The projects Long name is Human Resource is, and the short name is HR. You can use these names interchangeably when searching or talking about. Jura issues each issue. Injera has a unique identify, ire or key. It's made up of the project, short name and a unique number in the screen shot. You can see I created two issues today. HR Dash one, an HR dash to now Here's a tip always include the key and all communication about an issue . This will eliminate confusion and the what item are we talking about? Types of questions. Now let's look at the navigation elements on every jeer a screen. 3. Navigation: no matter where you are injera, you'll always see the same navigation menu. The left side of the menu is pictured in the screen shot. Item one is the application Navigator. Click this link to visit other at lasting applications or internal tools. Item two is the main navigation links. Use the dashboards projects, issues and boards links to access. All of these jeer resource is Item three is to create button. Click this button to create a new issue. This is the right side of the now far. Item four is the issue. Quick search. You can type any issue key to go straight to that Issues, Details, page. You can also type any word or phrase to search through all the issues. Item five is the help menu. Item six is the admin menu. Now you only see this icon if you're Ajira, project administrator or application administrator, and Item seven is your user avatar icon. Use this to manage your profile or log out now for a tip and the avatar icon area. If you see the words log in, it means you're not logged in yet. Unless you're instances public, you must be logged in to see any data 4. Dashboard: the default system. Dashboard is the view you see when you first log in or by clicking the dashboards link in the main knave and selecting view system dashboard. This view helps you see useful data like what issues are assigned to me and what issues have been updated recently. You can also create your own custom dashboard or see dashboards created by other users. We'll talk more about that in a follow. Of course. The dashboard screenshot shows I have five issues assigned to me. I better get on those. Let's take a look at a sample issue. 5. Issues: there are nine standard parts of every issue to be aware off. Item one, The Issue I D. Is located at the top left and also shown in the Euro in the address bar, as we talked about each issue has a unique I D. The I D. In this example is HR Dash one. The issue summary is create on boarding checklist. The summary is a short title describing the issue Item two Directly under the I D and summary are the workflow buttons. Use these buttons to move an issue forward or backward in the workflow. In this example, when I'm ready to start work on the issue, I'd click the Start Progress workflow button. If the work is already done, I click the done button. The available buttons differ depending on the issues. Status Gear only shows the first few workflow options. If there are more options, they'll be listed under the button labeled workflow. In the screenshot, I've circled the down arrow, clicking a workflow button transitions and issue to its next status Item three. All the custom and descriptive issue fields are located in this area. In this example issue, the type is a task the priority is medium, and the issue details or instructions are in the description. Field Item four In the top middle area of every issue is the status area and a view workflow link. Use this to understand what status and item is currently in. There's no need to email someone toe. Ask the status of an initiative. It's right there. Injera. This issue is in to do status. The initial status is often new to do or open, meaning no work has started yet. The final status is often closed or done, meaning no work remains. Click the View Workflow link to see a visual diagram of the workflow. The issues current status will be highlighted in that diagram. Here's a very simple workflow. The create action is represented by the grey dot. After an issue is created, its initial status is to dio when the issue is in in progress status. It signals the issue is being worked. The issues final status is done. It's everyone's responsibility to make sure Ajira issues status reflects reality. Okay, back to the standard parts of issues. Item five. Any linked issues will appear in the issue links section. You commonly see a link present when an issue needs work from multiple teams, depends on another issue or is a child of another issue. In this example, I've linked HR Dash one two HR Dash to Because they're related, please make sure you are linking related issues as well. To add a link, click the more button in the issue toolbar and choose the link option. Item six. At the bottom of every issue is the activity area. These tabs display comments, time logged and a history of transitions and activity. The tab you clicked last will be remembered as your default. If you ever feel like you've lost the ability to add or view comments, it's likely because you have a different tab selected. Please don't provide requirements information in the comments section that important information belongs in the description field above. Users are likely to miss important data, added his comments. Item seven At the top right is the people section. Look here for people you can contact about an issue. This area list the reporter, the current assign E and sometimes other contacts. Item eight At the bottom of the People section is the watchers link. Click this to get emails when this issue is updated. To stop receiving emails, just click the link. A second time item nine directly below the People section is the date section. Use this area to see when the issue was created. Last updated, do or resolved. Now that we've looked at an existing issue, let's talk about creating a new one. Click the Blue Create button in the main naff toe. Open the issue creation screen. First, select the proper project. You can type a projects Long name. It's short name or scroll through the drop down list. In this example, I'm creating an issue in the marketing project to see a list of all projects available to you. Click projects in the main now and click the View. All projects option. After you've selected a project, select the type of issue using the issue type drop down menu. As you can see from the Screenshots, each project has its own set of issue types based on the type of work done. Some gear projects have just one issue type, and some have many. After you select a project and an issue type, fill out the remaining form fields to finish the issue creation process. Each time you create an issue, gear will remember the project and issue type you selected last, so you'll need to make sure you're selecting the proper values each time you create. It's also good to know that different issue types can have different fields and different work flows. 6. Search: There are three ways to find issues. Toe. Locate an issue and view its details. Use the quick search feature at the top right of every Jiro page. If you know the issues, I d enter it in the search box. If you know a word or phrase used in the issue, enter that in the search box. Dear will find issues with that word in its summary description or comment Fields. And if you know the issue, I d. You can also appended to your browser's URL. As shown. The third method is to use the regular search feature, access it by clicking the issues, link on the main knave and clicking Search for issues. This screenshot shows basic mode, which is a series of drop down boxes toe Help you narrow down your search. If you know what project your issue is in, click the project, Drop down and select it from the list. Let's search for the HR issue titled Create on Boarding Checklist from our earlier example . I'll check the box. Next to the human Resource is Project that action alone filtered at hundreds or thousands of issues, not in the HR project. Next, if you know who the issue is assigned to click the assigning drop down and select it from the list. I know the issue is assigned to me, so I'll check the box next to my name. Now Jiro will only return issues that are both in the HR project and assigned to me. Finally, if you know a word or phrase contained in the issue, add it to the free text field. I know the summary of the issue is create on boarding checklist, so I'll add the word on boarding to the search. Use the additional drop down menus to further refine your search. If needed. Type the enter key or click the magnifying glass to submit your search. Great do you were found the issue we were looking for. We narrowed our search by supplying the project Theus I Knee and a keyword. The screenshot shows that issue HR one was returned, and since there's only one issue that met all the supplied criteria, the Count shows issue one of one. There's also an advanced search method. We won't cover it in today's presentation, but you can access it by clicking the advanced link next to the magnifying glass 7. Project Lead: as we talked about previously. A project is a collection of issues. Each project has its own summary page, which displays project details and recent activity. Each year. Project also has an owner who is responsible for triage, project maintenance and permissions. The leads name is listed on the right of the summary page. Contact the listed project. Leave first for any questions about issues or functionality of the gear project. If the project lead can't answer your question, then contact your gear administrator. You can also see project leads on the all projects list. Access the list from the Projects menu in the main navigation area. 8. User Profile: So now you know how to create an issue. Search for it and contact your projects. Lead. If you have any questions, let's talk about your personal profile settings. Toe access them. Click your user avatar icon at the top right of any gear page and click the profile option . This is a sample profile summary page in the Top Details section. You'll see profile information like your user name and email address. Click on your avatar icon to select a different image or upload your own. If your password is specific to Jura, you can change it here. If gear is integrated with your company network or another user management application, you won't be able to change it within the application. The preferences section shows all your personal options. For most users, the default settings are appropriate, but you can make changes by clicking the pencil icon to the right of the section. Let's talk about just a few of the settings you can receive gear emails in HTML or text format. I recommend HTML as it will show you. What has changed Text format will only show you that there was a change. Change your display language and time zone. If the defaults aren't accurate for you by default, gear won't notify you of changes you personally make. If you want to get lots of email notifications. Spam, however, you can change that setting under the my changes selection and by default gear will add you to the list of watchers for any issues you create or comment on. The said You're a wide setting, but you can turn it on or off for your personal profile to under the auto watch heading. 9. Do's and Don'ts: Let's talk about best practices first, created your issue any time you need to track a task. Gear can handle many millions of issues, so don't worry about filing too many. Also, you can't really break anything injera, so don't be afraid to use it. The only thing you're administrator can't undo is deletion of data. If you're working on something big, create multiple issues to break it up into small, manageable tasks. For example, if my initiative is to make a cake, I might break up that task for shopping for the ingredients. A second task for combining and baking the ingredients and 1/3 task for icing the cake after it's cooled. Those small tasks could all be sub tasks of a larger task. Ask your dear administrator about issue hierarchy in your application. Next trances in your issue forward in the workflow as you work on it. Keep all issue details up to date and make sure the issues status reflects reality. If an issue is assigned to you, it means you need to take action and if in issue is assigned to the wrong person, simply change the assigning. When you've completed an issue at a comment that explains what you did, where or how you did it and anything else other should know right now or when looking back on this change in the future. In the example, a typo was reported on the company website I fix the typo and then added a comment to the jeer issue showing I corrected the spelling of the word customer that the change occurred in the first paragraph on the page and the page I changed was named terms dot HTM. Oh, now, anyone who needs to verify my change knows exactly what to look for and where this is just good record keeping. When you've completed an issue, log how much time it took to complete. Even if your organization doesn't require it, I recommend getting into this good habit. Logging work is not about someone checking up on you. It's about planning prioritization. Allocation of resource is an improving estimation for future, similar tasks. In the screenshot example, I estimated this task would take one hour to complete, but so far I've logged three hours and I think I still have an additional hour of work left . This could signal that there other factors that made this task take longer than expected that I could use some help completing this or that I simply miss estimated. In the real world. These things happen all the time, Dear just gives you a way to report it. Here's a final thought on time Logging. Do you ever need to submit a timecard or report of what you're working on? Gear can handle both of those things for you. No need for extra manual work. Ask your dear administrator about progress reporting and time lugging in your gear application. Now let's cover a few things not to dio. If you don't need an issue, it's smarter to simply close it. Rather than delete it. You can note that the issue was closed because it was abandoned rather than closed because the work was done. If you create an issue, you're the reporter. You should follow your issue through to completion. Be ready to verify the resolution and be available to answer any questions. If you create an issue and walk away, it might not be addressed anytime soon. Don't enter sensitive information into Ajira or other applications. This is sometimes referred to as P. I. I personally identifiable information, or SP I Sensitive Personal information Sensitive information includes passwords, personal data like Social Security numbers and Mother's maiden names. Health information. Like which health insurance plan An employee has employment information like citizen status or salary and any proprietary or confidential personal or company information. And, as always, you should choose a strong, unique password and never share it with anyone. Contact your dear administrator, security, legal and compliance teams for any company specific policies. 10. Homework: you have homework, but good news. It will only take five minutes. First, learn your Jiro Ural and book market in your browser. If you don't know the Ural, ask your dear administrator or your company help desk. I like to add a link to my rousers bookmarks bar like in the screen. Shot second, log in to Jura and click on your user avatar icon at the top, right. Update your avatar image and any desired personal settings. Third, think of one thing you need to complete today and create a juror issue for it. Don't worry if the issue isn't created perfectly, it can be edited or even move to a different Gerald project later, when you're ready to work on the issue. Transition into the next status using the workflow transition buttons when you're finished with the issue, it should be in the closed or done status 11. Resources: Here are some useful links where you can learn more about the product, and here's a tip. Whenever you're reading documentation, make sure it's for the correct application type either server or cloud and that it's for your specific software version. You could see the version number in the applications Footer also review any company specific documentation your administrator has created. I have a ton of Jura and compliments. Help Resource is waiting for you. Look for my beginner, intermediate and advanced online training courses for end users, Project and Space Administrators and application Add Mons. Jura Administrators should check out my gear, a strategy admin workbook available, ajira strategy dot com and Amazon. I hope you enjoyed this course as much as I enjoyed creating it. Have fun with the application and I'll see you in a future course.