Interior Design Essentials: How to create a professional 3D floor plan - Quickstart Sketch Up course | Auke & Jildou | Skillshare

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Interior Design Essentials: How to create a professional 3D floor plan - Quickstart Sketch Up course

teacher avatar Auke & Jildou, Designer & Maker Architecture & Interior

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Taught by industry leaders & working professionals
Topics include illustration, design, photography, and more

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Taught by industry leaders & working professionals
Topics include illustration, design, photography, and more

Lessons in This Class

    • 1.



    • 2.

      Setup Sketchup


    • 3.

      Import & Scale


    • 4.

      Drawing outer walls


    • 5.

      Drawing inner walls


    • 6.

      Doors & Windows


    • 7.

      Tags & Scenes


    • 8.



    • 9.

      Colors, textures & materials


    • 10.

      2D floorplans & sections


    • 11.



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About This Class

How to create a professional 3D floor plan - Quickstart Sketch Up course

This course is part of a new series especially designed for interior designers and home stylists. 

In this series I teach you step by step how to become a professional interior designer. 

In this course I show you how to make a 3D floorplan in SketchUp.

A 3D floorplan is a great way to impress your clients, friends and family with your idea’s.

It tells you way more than a sketch or 2D floorplan. You can place furniture, styling objects and colors and textures. But at the same time you are making a realistic and makable design with the right dimensions. 

When you’re not familiar with sketchup, this is a great place to start because I tell you everything you need to know to get started. I tried to be clear and focused on the right topics so you exactly learn what you need to learn.

SketchUp has many tools and functionalities. But in this course I only tell you the tools you need to know and understand so it becomes a tool you can use the rest of your life.

I use SketchUp in pretty much all my designs and made over a 1000 3D models so far.

SketchUp is a great tool because it works fast and intuitive. It’s like making a digital sketch but than realistic and precise.

I’ve received many questions from people who ask me how I can draw this fast and efficient.

In this course I’m gonna share a bunch of my secrets, tips & tricks about my workflow and way of working to create a professional 3D floorplan with the right look and feel.

I’m sure this course is gonna inspire you and help you to get started right away.

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Auke & Jildou

Designer & Maker Architecture & Interior

Level: All Levels

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1. Introduction: [MUSIC] Hi, I'm Auka, a Dutch designer, engineer, and maker with over 10 years of experience in designing architecture, such as tiny houses, cabins, products, and interiors. My work is mainly focused on minimalistic, sustainable, and timeless design made with natural materials. Together with my wife and kids, we're constantly looking for new adventures. We love to live a lifestyle full of creative expression by sharing our ideas and designing new products. I've produced a series of smart compact homes in the Netherlands, and besides that, I do a lot of custom-made woodworking project myself. I love to work out an idea, then quickly draw it out with scaling SketchUp, and then make it happen. This course is part of a new series especially designed for interior designers and home stylists. In this series, I teach you step-by-step how to become a professional interior designer. In this course, I show you how to make a 3D floor plan in SketchUp. The 3D floor plan is a great way to impress your clients, friends, and family with your ideas. It tells you way more than a sketch or 2D floor plan. You can place furniture, styling objects, and colors and textures. But at the same time, you're making a realistic and makeable design with the right dimensions. When you're not familiar with SketchUp, this is a great place to start, because I tell you everything you need to know to get started. I try to be clear and focused on the right topics so you exactly learn what you need to learn. SketchUp has many tools and functionalities, but in this course, I only tell you the tools you need to know and understand, so it becomes tool you can use the rest of your life. I use SketchUp in pretty much all my designs and made over a thousand 3D models so far. SketchUp is a great tool because it works fast and intuitive; it's like making a digital sketch, but then realistic and precise. I've received many questions from people who ask me how I can draw this fast and efficient. In this course, I'm going to share a bunch of my secrets, tips, and tricks about my workflow and way of working to create a professional 3D floor plan with the right look and feel. I'm sure this course is going to inspire you and help you to get started right away. Let's get started. 2. Setup Sketchup: [MUSIC] Setup SketchUp. We start with setting up Sketch. Go to SketchUp is a free program that you can use online. It is perfect for interior designers because it's super intuitive and fun to use. Your clients will love to functionalities of seeing the end result of your design, and you will be able to walk through the design and present it in a professional way. Click on Plans and Pricing and go to Personal. Sign up for the free web-based version of SketchUp. You can also buy a pro version, but it only has a few extra features that are more useful for architects and engineers. You can start designing and drawing right away. First, it's important to choose the right template, and that depends on whether you like to work with inches, feet, or millimeters. Choose the right template. I choose millimeters, and click on Create New. You now enter a 3D world where everything you draw is displayed on a one scale. This is very nice because it allows you to create a realistic design for your client or yourself, and you can work very precise. SketchUp has a lot of tools, functions, and a lot of possibilities. I've been working with SketchUp for over 10 years and I can say from experience, as you really only use 10 percent of them. In this course, I will focus exactly on those functions and it will give you a quick start with immediate results. Because of this, you will not drown into possibilities, but we can practically get started. Each step, I will tell you a little bit about the tools and functions while you can apply them immediately in your own 3D floor plan design. I always learn best when I can apply it right away. On the left side you see a row of icons with tools mainly intended for navigation and drawing shapes. If you click on the little arrow, more options will appear. On the right side are more options about the 3D model itself, how would you organize the model with tags and scenes, for example. Before we start, we need to set a few things so we can start right away. First, we go to Styles and then click on Default Styles, and then click on the style Shaded with textures. This is the standard style I always use, is will give us a more detailed view with a white background with textures. Then click on Scenes, and then on parallel view instead of perspective, this makes it easier to draw straight lines and gives it a professional architectural look. When you've done that, you can save the model and you're ready to go. Click "Save" and give your model a name. Class project. Create a free SketchUp account. Setup the right settings, and save your project. [MUSIC] 3. Import & Scale: [MUSIC] Import and scale. Imagine you want to create a 3D floor plan for a client. Then you will need a floor plan of the building you want to decorate. In most cases, there are floor plans available in PDF that you can request from the builder, or you may still be able to find them on the real estate agent's website. This doesn't have to be a complicated floor plan with a lot of measurements and information. It can be as simple black and white floor plan with at least one dimension or information about the scale. In my case, I take a traditional building from the town I live in as an example. This is the website of the real estate agency with pictures of the building and a simple floor plan as you can see. It's helpful to gather as much information as possible. This way your design will be detailed and realistic. Make a print screen of the floor plan or save it as a file. It's important that you include at least one dimension. Now you can import the floor plan into SketchUp. In the top left of your screen, go to Insert and locate the file you just created. Then click ''Insert'' as image. Now you see that the 2D picture is attached to your mouse. Double click with your mouse or click once to set the starting point of the picture and the second time to set the size. I like to view the plan from above. Again, you can do this by going to Scenes and then clicking on Top View. There is no shortcuts for top view, but you can make one by clicking on the Search bar. Search for top view, and change the shortcut to Shift plus 1. Now, every time when I hold Shift plus 1, it shows the top view. Before we start translating the 2D floor plan into a 3D floor plan, I want to walk you through a few simple tools that will help you navigate into 3D world of SketchUp. The first and the one you will use the most is orbit. Shortcut O. If you click with your mouse in the middle of the screen and drag it left and right or up and down, you will see that you can rotate around an object. By zooming in on the object, you can easily navigate around the 3D model. Next to orbit, you will use the pen tool or hands tool a lot. Shortcut H. When you drag with your mouse, you drag the position of the object, but it does not rotate the view of the object. This is very useful when you want something in focus without rotating the view. It's helpful for your own workflow if you can remember these three shortcuts, O for orbits, H for the hand tool, and Shift plus 1 for the top view tool. This way you can quickly navigate and move around in your 3D model. If you learn this beforehand, you will see that you can progress quickly without having to think about navigating all the time. Now we go back to the floor plan. You've now imported a screenshot photo or picture of a certain floor plan. Only this is probably not the same skill as a 3D model. If I zoom in on the size, for example here, you see 7.41 meters. But the measurement tool says 836 millimeters, so it's way too small. Now there is a handy trick to scale the whole model so the picture will match with the size that's in the model. Click on the tape measure tool on the left and zoom in on any size, preferably one with a clear start and end point. Click on the beginning of the measurement line and on the end. Try to do this as precise as possible. Often images become a bit blurry when you import them into SketchUp, but that's okay. When you have clicked on the end point, type in the correct size. In my case, I see 836, but it should be 7,410 millimeters. So I type in 7410 and press ''Enter''. Now you will see a pop-up screen that says, do you want to resize the model? Click ''Yes''. You have now resized your entire model to the correct size. You can test the other dimensions to check if it went well. If not, you can do it again. If it seems good, your model is now at a one-to-one scale with a 3D model. Well done. Now we're ready to start drawing the walls, doors and windows, and transform your 2D floor plan into a 3D floor plan. Class project. Import a picture of a floor plan, practice with the shortcuts, scale your model to a one-on-one scale. 4. Drawing outer walls: [MUSIC] Drawing the outer walls. Okay, in this step, I'll show you how to draw 3D volumes easily. You already have a base on scale that we can build on. We only have to trace the lines of the 2D picture and transform them into 3D volumes. Sounds easy, right? I will show you a few handy ways to do this quick and precise. Of course, the best way to learn this is by doing. The best thing is to first watch the whole class so you notice steps I take, and then try it yourself by following the class project assignments. How does this work? Sketch up things in lines and when all the lines are connected, SketchUp fill them in automatically. You can quickly draw a square or rectangle with the rectangle tool, which I will show you later on. But when you need to trace a floorplan, it can sometimes be more convenient to draw it line by line. You do this with the line tool. Shortcut L. Make sure you are in parallel view, like I show you in the previous lesson. This way you look to the model from above and it makes it a lot easier to draw straight and proper lines. Make a starting point and make sure you draw a line straight with your mouse over the red, green or blue axis. Red is the x-axis and goes left to right when you view your model from above. Green is the y-axis and goes from bottom to top. There's also a blue axis only we don't see it now because we see the model from above. The blue axis indicates the height we're going to use later on. Red and green are on the same 2D plane level. So when you see them while you're drawing a line, you know your drawing in the right direction. It's super important that you follow these directions, red and green. Otherwise, you will get lines with an angle that are skewed and your model will get messy and out of proportion very quickly. So if we want to make 3D shapes, we need to make sure that all the lines are straight and square. When you see the red line, type in the distance to line needs to become or choose an endpoint. When tracing a 3D floorplan, I always try to use logical dimensions or rounded numbers, so no numbers after the decimal point. So for example, 100, 350, etc. But the best thing is to use the sizes that are mentioned in the floorplan if there are any. That way you get a well-defined model where the sizes fit perfectly together, which will result in a realistic and detailed design. All right. Start by drawing the outer lines of the floorplan and make sure you move straight across the axis. When you've been all the way around, you will see that SketchUp automatically turns it into a plane and gives it a white or gray color. White means above, and gray means below. When it's gray, you have to flip the plane by right-clicking on the plane and press "Reverse Faces". The plane means that all the lines are on the same level and connected properly. If SketchUp doesn't make a plane out of it, you have made a mistake somewhere, or some lines are not connected to each other. Double-click on the lines to see which lines are connected or missing. Now we go to determine the thickness of the outside wall of the building, or at least the most common thickness of the wall. In my case, that is 300 millimeters. You can measure this by drawing a line or using a measurement tool. Then we come to a very handy tool to turn the large plane into a wall. So you don't have to do this by hand. You do this with the offset tool, shortcut F. Move your mouse over the plane until you see all the little blue dots, that mean you have selected the plane. Now click on the outer line of the plane as a starting point and move your mouse inwards towards the center of the plane. Now type in the thickness of the wall and press "Enter." So in my case, I type in 300. You will now see that SketchUp created an extra line inside the wall with an offset of 300. To keep your model a little bit organized, I always make each plane a separate group by default. So here you see two separate planes, the outer wall and the floor. Double-click on the plane of the outer wall and make a group by right-clicking Make Group. All lines and planes that you've selected now belong to a group which you can edit by double-clicking it. You can leave the group with the Escape key. You can also place multiple groups in a group. I stick to the rule that everything should be a group when I draw something. When you do this also, you can easily move parts and objects away from each other and you can organize the model by giving names to the shapes. But I will come back to this later on in the course. First you go back to the outer wall we've just created. We will delete the floor or the middle plane for now. This is done by double-clicking on the plane. If you only delete the square and not the lines around it. So when you only click once, the outer lines will remain and your model will eventually become a mess. But when you double-click, you select everything that is connected to each other and isn't a group. Now the other walls still remain. This is the base of the building and you can edit it here and there by thinning or thickening it and drawing cutouts for the windows and doors. The best way to do this is to change your style to X-ray. This will make all the walls transparent and you will be able to see the important floor plan while working on the outer wall. Go to styles, click on Default Styles, and then to X-ray. We're now going to indicate where the windows and doors should be. Go to the top view again and zoom in on the places where there are windows or doors. Double-click on the group and draw a line where a window or door begins and end. Keep an eye on the sizes mentioned in important floor plan, which might tell you how wide the openings are. But often you have to determine these by yourself. I always try to use logical dimensions or rounded numbers. No numbers after the decimal point. Go around like this until you've traced all the other walls. Now we're going to fine-tune the exterior wall with a push/pull tool. This is the magic trick the SketchUp is well-known for, the push/pull tool, shortcut P. With this tool, you turn a 2D surface into a 3D object with a simple push by simply pushing the 2D face up or down. Now we can give the wall height by typing in the height from floor to ceiling. It's often the case that the ceiling height is not stated in the floor plan. We have to estimate this one. I have a few handy tricks to do this. To know roughly what the ceiling height is, you can easily determine this from a photo by looking at a door. Doors often have a standard size, depending on the age of the building. All the doors are often two meters, slightly newer ones are 2.15 meters, and the newest are 2.35 meters, not counting the frame. In my case, I estimate the ceiling height to be 2.9 meters. Because I see a door, I guess is two meters because of the age of the building, and the door fits a little less than two times in the wall above the door, which gives me the total distance from floor to ceiling. Another tip is to count the bricks, which also often have a standard size, and when you add them up, you also get a fairly accurate measure. In this example, you see a brick wall which has 37 rows of stones and a large plinth or skirting board. On average, there are 20 rows of stones per meter in a wall. That means dividing 37 by 20 is 1.85 meters. Including a plinth means a door height of 1.95 meters, which comes pretty close to the estimate I did before. Above the door, you see 18 rows of bricks, and 18 divided by 20 is 0.9 meters. Again, the total height is about 2.9 meters. I think I'm about right. It may sound a lot of work to count the bricks in every room but of course, that's not necessary. It's about getting the general measurements right. The rest of the measurements are based on your floorplan template. Let's go back to drawing the walls so you can enter the height. Click on a spot that has to become a wall and push it up. In my case, I type in 2900 millimeters and hit "Enter." Now I go around the outer wall and push up all the pieces that are at ceiling height. To do this quickly, you can activate a push-pull tool and move your mouse to an endpoint at another wall. SketchUp will automatically take the same height. Go around like this until you have created all the walls. Now you can start to draw the walls under the windows. Look for a photo where you can see the size of the space under the window. In this photo, you can see that the windows extend quite far down. I estimate the length at 500 millimeters. I type in 500 millimeters and push to surface up. Sometimes above a window, there's also a piece of wall. Determine the beginning point and draw a line. Here again, you can easily use a push/pull tool to fill the space around a window. See how easy it is to draw shapes. There are many ways to draw a shape. You will see that you quickly get the hang of what works best for you. Sometimes you don't quite know what the sizes should be, but try to determine as best you can, and think logically. The more you draw, the more you learn about the building. If things got illogical, you've probably made a wrong assumption about the sizes, but it's totally okay. Just go back and adjust it a little bit. Now I showed you how to draw basic 3D volumes and make an exterior wall. Moving on to the inner walls, I will show you a new drawing technique in the next lesson followed by some important and useful tools within SketchUp. This way, your floor plan becomes more and more detailed and realistic. Class project. Draw the other walls. Practice with a line, offset, rectangle, and push/pull tool. 5. Drawing inner walls: Drawing the inner walls. You can now change the style again from x-ray to default. The x-ray is especially useful for seeing the imported floor plan picture. Go to styles and choose to shade it with texture style again. If you like it, you can also set a view mode to perspective once in a while. But this is personal, some people like to draw in perspective mode. You do this in scenes and press perspective mode. Now your model gets a more realistic experience of depth. The objects that are closer are bigger and those that are further away are smaller. Drawing the inner walls. The inner walls make the spaces of the building visible. But for this, I will teach you another drawing technique. Another way of drawing walls is to draw individual wall volumes, with multiple smaller groups. We're going to do this with the rectangle tool. The rectangle tool is the easiest way to draw rectangular shapes. The shortcut for this is R. When you've activated your rectangle tool, you can point with your mouse to a spot as a starting point and you choose an endpoint. When you want to make a precise measurement, you can also enter the dimensions with a comma in between. For example, when I want to draw a shower of 1,000 by 1,000 millimeters, then I type in 1,000, 1,000, and press Enter. You can use the rectangular tool to quickly draw walls and then stretch them with a push-pull tool. In my case, I estimate the thickness of this wall is 100 millimeters. I type in 100, 100. Then I pull this up with push-pull tool and extend it to the endpoint. [inaudible] so 2900. After that, I use the push-pull two to stretch it to the end of the wall or a point where I meet a door opening. Again to make the modal logical, choose logical numbers, but also keep an eye on the import to the floor plan. Make this single wall into a separate group again, to keep it all organized and easy to move. Moving things. This brings us to perhaps the most important tool you'll be using a lot. The move tool, shortcut M. When you activate this, you will see that our group gets little dots in the corners. When you move your mouse over a certain point, you can move it from that point. This is why also draw everything in groups so you can move them easily and precise. Another great thing about organizing your model in groups is that you can move objects according to a set distance. You can do this again with the move tool. Grab a starting point, for example, on a corner of a group, and start moving your mouse in a certain direction along an axis and type in the distance. You can also duplicate objects with the move tool, which I use very often. You do this by pressing alt at the moment you move the object. You use this when objects are similar or have the same thickness, such as interior walls. This way you don't have to draw a similar shape again, but you just adjust one you already created. For example here, it's quicker to duplicate the wall and adjust it than to draw the same wall again because it has the same thickness and height. After that, I just use the push-pull tool to shorten or stretch the wall. By duplicating and entering a size between the objects, you can also work very precise. For example here, I see a door opening and I estimate the opening is 900 millimeters wide. First, I click on the wall I just created. Then I press M for move, and I'll choose a corner. Then I press Alt for duplicating and place the wall next to the other wall. Then I move it by 900 millimeters, by typing in 900 and press Enter. Without drawing anything, I've created a new wall and a door opening with a few clicks. I will show you some different ways to draw the same thing. But you can also just use the push pull tool, or draw everything line by line. But you will see that for some 3D volumes, you sometimes need other tools to draw it easily and precise. That brings me to the last very handy tool for drawing shapes of this lesson, the scaling tool, with which you can scale or stretch things, shortcut S. The advantage of the scale tool is that you can stretch an object with a single movement without having to go into the group by double-clicking, etc. It's a very fast way to stretch certain objects, especially handy for walls. When you click on a group and activate the scale tool, you see that the group gets all yellow lines with a lot of green squares on the corners. These are the anchor points from which you can scale or stretch the objects. If you scale from a corner of the object, the object will scale totally so to hide the length and width of the object. The proportion of the object stays the same. But if you grab the middle green square, you only stretch in that direction of the objects. Especially handy when you'd just want to stretch an object. This is very useful if you have a wall that has two clear start and endpoints that you can designate. Besides that, you can indicate with a factor how much you want to increase or decrease. For example, times 2 to make the objects two times bigger, or by half. Times 0.5. Let's go back to the walls. Sometimes you may have forgotten a door or window in a wall. As I said, there are lots of different ways to draw or modify a shape. I think that's the fun thing about drawing and designing and sketch-up. When you want to draw a whole, you can just draw a plane on the wall and use the push-pull tool to make a cut out, as easy as that. You can use guidelines to set a starting point for the window and use the rectangle tool to make a precise cutout. It doesn't matter so much how you draw. There are different ways to make the same shapes. You often work from a basic shape that you make more and more detailed. Let's continue drawing all the intervals with cutouts for the windows and doors and practice with the shortcuts. This is already starting to look like something. You start to see spaces and proportions and get a feel of the space because all sizes are now one-to-one with the reality. Make sure to check if your measurements are right by looking at the photos of the house once in a while. Drawing the walls usually takes the most time. But after that comes the fun part. Filling in the spaces with furniture, textures, colors, and making adjustments to the building. The tools mentioned above, you will use a lot. It's useful if you know them by head or write them down on a piece of paper. I've added a little cheat sheet for you with the shortcuts I use all the time. I place it in the projects folder. You can find it here. The tools we've discussed so far to draw shapes that you'll be using often are the Line tool, shortcut, L. The rectangle tool. Shortcut R. The push-pull tool, shortcut P. The Move tool, shortcut, M. Scale tool, shortcut S. In the next step, we will draw more details like the doors and windows. I will teach you how to do it as easily with components. Class project. Draw the inner walls with cutouts for windows and doors. Practice using the main tools for drawing shapes. The line, rectangle, push-pull, move, and scale tool. 6. Doors & Windows: [MUSIC] Doors and windows. In this lesson, I want to dig a little deeper into groups and a special kind of groups called components. Where you can very quickly modify multiple objects at once. Let's start by creating a shortcut for this first. In a web version of SketchUp, the shortcut G is already taken to create a component. But in my experience, you create a group much more often than a component. So I suggest you change it to make group instead of make component. You can do this by simply looking up group with the search bar and typing G at the end. If you now draw an object, then select everything by double-clicking and press the G. You automatically create a group. I find it very useful myself. In this lesson, we're going to fill in the windows and doors to building. I will show you step-by-step how I do this. I often make a door by drawing a surface with a rectangle tool. Then I offset this with 67 millimeters, which is a standard frame size, and then delete the middle plane. Then I use a push-pull tool to push the frame to 114 millimeters or a 100 millimeters and make it a separate group. So double-click, and then the shortcut G. Change the bottom of the frame to 20 millimeters. I lower it a bit with a push-pull tool. Then I use the rectangle tool again to draw a plane using the inner corners as snap points. I make this into a separate group again and give it a thickness of 40 millimeters. Usually the door is a little deeper into frame, so I use the move tool to move it back 20 millimeters. Now, I select both groups. The door and the frame and I place them again in a group by pressing G again. That takes some work, but windows and doors often have the same dimensions. Or at least they often look the same, especially interior doors. Of course, you can use the same door in multiple places by copying or duplicating it. The only disadvantage of copying groups is that if I made a mistake afterwards or forgot to add a door handle, for example, I have to adjust each group individually. That takes a lot of time, especially with larger models with several floors. For this situation, you then use a component. A component is a special group that has the unique advantage that when you copy it, it gives all copied groups the same identity. It sounds complicated, but I'll show it to you and you will understand it right away. Here's the door I just drew, which is still a group. When I copy this four times, each group is a separate group and they're not linked to each other. When I want to make an adjustment to the group, I have to do it for each door separately. Very boring. But now I make this group into a component. I do this with right-click and then make component. When I copy or duplicate this component in the same way, nothing seems to have changed. Only when I now make an adjustment in one of the components. SketchUp automatically adjust it in all other copied components. This is super useful if I want to add more detail to an object later on, for example. You can have first work out the main overall drawing and make design decisions first without having to spend a lot of time with the details. For example here at the interior doors, I make a group that we just drew into a component. Now, I copied this wherever the same door can be placed. Where there is an opening of 900 millimeters. I've now placed several doors in the model as you can see. Now I see in the photo that there are beautiful old doors with ornaments. By picking up any door, I can apply these details easily and quickly. Even if I want to add textures later on, for example, you can give all doors a different color with one action. Sometimes the door is not exactly the same size. You can then choose to use the scale tool to scale the entire component to the correct size. But you have to realize one thing if you do that. SketchUp then scales everything in a component. Also the frame size. The frame size will no longer be exactly 67 millimeters. But if you want to draw very precisely to the millimeter, you can also make a unique component. Press the components you want to change and click "Make Unique" by right-clicking it. The component has now become a new component that you can adjust without the other components all moving along. Windows are also very suitable for drawing in components. This actually works the same way. But in this case, I draw multiple smaller components, but bundled in a group. This way I can use the same components even though the frames are not exactly the same. For example, I draw the frame as multiple beams that are stretched here and there with the scale tool. This is very easy because I can quickly select snap points because of the window opening. I have now drawn a frame with different sizes of themes, but they are still the same in identity. When I want to add more detail, for example, a recess or a wood texture, it still makes it changes to all parts. Of course, you have to take in account that you only stretch in one direction with the scale tool. Because the individual parts are placed in one group, I can use the same components for a completely different frame, or I can also leave out some components or add more of them. I can imagine that this will make your hands spin a bit, but after drawing a few times, you will immediately discover when it's useful or not useful to drawing components. In fact, drawing SketchUp is to a large extent, cleverly reusing things you've already drawn. Smart copying, duplicating, and adjusting objects. You will be surprised how few objects you need to draw and you can use in many places in your model. Let's go back a little bit to the groups. In some situations, you want to merge groups together so that you have fewer lines and can delete the lines so you have a cleaner object. But if you want to merge certain walls, for example, into one object, you can best put them in one group. You can easily select specific objects by pressing "Command" on your keyboard. Hold the command key, and click on "All Objects" you want to merge into a new group. Then go into group and explode the two groups. right-click, "Explode". Now they become separate lines and planes again, but they're still grouped and you can connect them by deleting the lines. By exploding things, you actually ungroup things. This way you can add the walls above the door posts, for example. When you draw objects in one group, SketchUp automatically merges the shapes. This doesn't happen to separate groups as you may have noticed. You may see me quickly rotating an object every now and then. You can rotate an object really easy with the move tool, and move your mouse over the top of the object and you will see little red wheels appear. When you click on them, you can rotate the object, rotate it till it's aligned with the green, red, or blue axis. You can also type 90 for 90 degrees or 45 degrees, etc. Another way of rotating an object is with the rotate tool, shortcut Q. The move tool only rotates on one point around its axis. But with the rotate tool, you can rotate an object by choosing a starting point and an angle. So far about groups and components. Now we come to the fun part of this course, styling the 3D model with textures, colors, and furniture. Class project. Draw the windows and doors. Practice making groups and components. 7. Tags & Scenes: [MUSIC]. Tags and scenes. In the previous lessons, you laid the foundation for your drawing skills. You'll experience the conveniences of this in the coming steps. The 2D floor plan has changed to a 3D floor plan. Now, you can fill it in with interior details and styling accessories. This is where your design starts to take shape. The more detail you place into model, the more realistic and inspiring the 3D model becomes. Before we start, I want to show you how to organize your 3D model this way you can easily navigate from place to place in the model. This allows you to easily show specific parts to your client. About selecting objects, lines, and planes. As your model becomes fuller and more complex, it becomes more and more difficult to select specific objects. Here comes a handy trick for that. If I want to select something which is selection square, I can do that in two ways. Selecting things from left to right and from right to left in the screen. This sounds logical and it sounds the same but there is a big difference between them. From left to right, means you select everything that falls exactly in the selection square so all complete lines, groups, and planes. If something is a little bit out of place and falls outside the selection plane, it will not be selected. When I make the same selection plane but now I click from right to left in the screen, the plane will select everything he touches, including half lines and groups. Like this. This way you can quickly select and eliminate groups and objects. Back to organizing your model. We have processed all information from the 2D floor plan so we can delete it. Or if you want to save the floor plan so that you can check sizes later, it is best to create a layer or tag. You do this with tags on the right side of the menu. A tag is label, as you can give two objects so that you can easily turn them on and off. You make a tag by clicking on the plus icon and giving the tag a name. I call this first tag all. Then we do this again and name the second tag 2D floor plan template. You go on and then all the parts that you want to be able to turn on and off. So I named the doors, the windows, the inner walls, and the other walls. So now you see a number of tags in a row. On the left side of the tag, you see an eye which you can turn objects on and off. Only we haven't designated any objects that belong to that tag yet so when I click on it, nothing happens. We have to link the objects with the tags first. You can do this in several ways. The easiest way is to first disable the tag you want to assign by clicking on the eye and then click on the three dots and then use the Assign Tag button. A tag icon will now appear and everything you click will be linked to the tag and will immediately turn off so that you can clearly see what you still need to assign. Do you see how easy it is when everything is placed in a group and how quickly you can select parts. You can also select everything first by holding down the Shift key and then clicking the assign tag. If I now turn a tag on and off, you see that the link objects react immediately. We do the same with the 2D floor plan template and turn it off. Sometimes you make mistakes and a tag has a wrong name. By clicking on entity Info you can find which tagged object is linked to and you can also change it there. This is an example. You see a wall that goes out when I click on the doors tag. So I made a mistake and I have to change it to inner walls. So I click on entity Info, click on Doors, and then click on Inner Walls. You can name literally everything with tags and also parts that are in a group. For example, when I select everything and then place it in a new group, I can also give this large group a name. For example, O. When I click O, everything turns off but it can also choose to only show all the doors so that I can count them, for example, then you turn off everything except the doors tag. But because the doors tag falls into the large tag and group named O, you have to turn on the O tag first because this is the last and outermost group. Give everything a name that you find useful to be able to turn on and off. A handy tip here is to divide the outer walls into front, back, left, and right. So we're going to create four more tags here. This will make it much easier to view the interior layouts and make it a lot clearer because there are no walls in the way. But because we have drawn the outer walls as one large volume, this is not easy to do. That's why I quickly explain how you can easily place them in separate groups again. First, I go into the group and draw lines on top of the wall to divide the walls into left, right, front, and back. Then I use a push-pull tool to temporarily lower the walls with the least windows. In this case, the left and right walls. You will see a plane will then appear. Make this a separate group again, and call it right. Now you go into the group you just created and push the ball back up again and turn off the tag named right. You also do this for the left wall. Now, only the front of the wall remains. Select everything that belongs to the front of the wall and place it again in a new group and call this front. Now there remains a strange piece of wall which is a combination of a right wall and a back wall. Because it has a window, it is difficult to bring it down with a push-pull tool. In this case, it is better to close the window first with a push-pull tool then bring the wall down and make a new group. Then go into the group, raise the wall again and redraw the whole of the rectangle tool. You call this piece of wall Right again, and you will see that it turns off immediately. The rest of the walls you place in a group and place them in the back wall tag. Of course, this seems a bit clumsy. Why didn't we come up with that in Step 1? Because sometimes you choose a certain way of drawing in the beginning that you'll later regret. That's really part of it, so I'll show you how to put it right as an example. If I now want to turn the other walls on and off separately from each other, I see that the windows still remain. You can also divide this with the tags Left, Right, Front, and Back. You can then select all windows and put them in a new group and link them again to Windows tag. Very nice. Now we can see the living room and dining room completely in one view without the large right wall getting in the way. Of course, you can do the same for the left side. This way you get different optimal viewpoints that you can, later on, share with your client. By now, you may have noticed that the more tags you create, the more work it is to keep turning them on and off to get the optimal viewpoint. That's where scenes come in handy. To be able to switch very quickly between these views, you can create a scene. You do this with Scenes on the right side of the menu. When you click on the plus icon, SketchUp saves the current viewpoint and all the settings that you've turned on; all active tags, the style that you use, but also including whether you're working in parallel or perspective mode. I choose a nice viewpoint to show the right side of floor plan and click on the plus icon and call the scene Right. Then I do the same thing for the left side. I turn the right tag back on and the Left tag off. I choose a viewpoint again and make a new scene. I call this scene Left. When I click on the scene called Right, it shows the optimal view from the right side. But when I quickly want to see the left side, I just click "Left". Easy, right? The top view is also very useful. I press "Shift+1" and create a new scene again. This one I call Top. This way, I can switch very quickly between different viewpoints so I don't have to switch certain layers on and off every time. This saves a lot of time. Because we no longer use the 2D floor plan template, we no longer have a floor. You can simply draw the floor with a rectangle tool and a push-pull tool. Stretch to floor here and there so that it's even with the outside of the walls. When you're done, move to Group Down. We will then create a new tag called Floor. Since you are now creating a new tag, it will automatically be added to all the scenes you have already created. The Floor tag is turned on in all the scenes now as you can see. If you don't want that, you can also choose to update a scene. Go to the scene you want to update, then turn the tags you want to be visible on, and then press the spinning arrows icon under the Scene. The scene has now been updated to the current settings. As you move from one scene to another, SketchUp smoothly rotates to model from one point to another. This is called animation and it's of course very nice during a presentation. But while drawing and designing, I don't find that very useful because it makes loading a new scene a lot slower, so I turn it off. You do this at Scenes, then Settings, and then turn off Enable Scene Transitions. If you now click on A scene, it will go there immediately and you can navigate much quicker. The possibilities to play with tags and scenes are truly endless and make navigating super fast and easy. Now your model is ready to play with. In the next step, we start designing. We will import furniture, come up with nice layouts, and start styling to model with textures and colors. Class project. Categorize two groups by using tags. Create optimal viewpoints with scenes. 8. Furnishing: [MUSIC] Furnishing. The last lessons were mainly very technical and theoretical. But now we can finally start with the fun part of the 3D floor plan. With SketchUp, you can easily download 3D objects, furniture, tables, chairs, lamps, and so on. You can download pretty much everything. You can do this very easily in SketchUps, 3D warehouse. On the right side of the menu, you will see 3D Warehouse. This is a platform where the SketchUp community shares models that you can download for free. These are all kinds of contributors from SketchUp geeks to companies that make their products available to architects and designers. You can search for products or models in the search bar. This 3D Warehouse is of course, growing every day. Sometimes it takes some time to find the right item with good-quality. Let's start with the living room. I go shopping for a lunch, a nice chair, a modern lamp, a rock, and a coffee table, for example. You go search for a part and then easily press the Download button, and the model appears in your 3D model. I first place the objects next to the model. Searching in the 3D Warehouse is quiet an art and often takes a lot of time. But here are some helpful tips. If you come across an item that you think you will use more often then it may be a good idea to save them in a folder. Create a folder, for example, and name it Tables. You can also star them as a favorite. You can find these safe models under your profile and then My Content. You can easily find inspiration in certain topic by clicking the categories tab. For example, Interior Design. Look here is a nice mirror that I can use and a nice lamp. Not all models have the same quality. When I find a maker that I'm fan off with good-quality models, I often check out what else he has to offer. You can collect everything from large to very small things, such as candles, magazines, a MacBook for a table, or a cup of coffee, for example. I often download a few people here to get a sense of skill in the model. I then download simple 2D people. These are special, face me pictures that rotate with you when you rotate the view. But if you look from above, you can see that they are flat. I use 2D people because I often find that the 3D people ask too much attention in a model. For me, the focus is on the interior, not the people. But you can also choose to download 3D people and make them black, for example. Besides that, 3D people make your model heavy and slow. Also note the file size of the models you want to download. The bigger the file, the slower your SketchUp model becomes. You can limit a filter to, for example, 10 megabytes on the left. At this point, it comes down to how you see and want to present the floor plan. Of course, I will share my own style in the course so you can achieve the same result. Here I download a group of people in the model. These are of course too many people for this floor plan. I only need a few, so I delete most of them. I place them on the floor. One in the living room, one in the dining room, one in the hallway, and one in the kitchen. With the move tool, you can grab people easily at the bottom of the object and stick them on the floor so they don't float in the air. That can be difficult sometimes. A handy tip is to duplicate them and then delete the other figure. Of course, I create a tag called people so that I can easily turn them on and off later. Do you see how the model comes to life? People really give the model scale and space. Collect the objects you need. You don't need much to make a 3D floor plan lively and stylish. Textures and materials do most of the work. I go into that in the next lesson. Some objects you take out of the warehouse, have the wrong color. We will adjust that in the next lesson. We now mainly focus on collecting derived objects. The more 3D objects you place, the more detailed your model becomes. Of course, it depends on your end goal, how much items you need. Some interior designers only offer a setup to their client. Then you can keep the furniture fairly basic. It's all about the layout and possibly the colors. Other designers may offer a full styling package, with specific products and brands. Then I think you will spend some more time in a 3D Warehouse. You may have already discovered, that the more items to download, the slower your model becomes? That is why it's important that you place heavy objects, such as plants and decoration in a separate tag so that you can switch them off during the design process. I am creating a tag called Plans and a tag called Styling. I placed the rest of the furniture under the Interior tag. When I work on the design and the overview scenes and turn off the heavy tax. But when I get closer and want to take a look at a specific room, I turned a heavy tax back on. This is the disadvantage of the web version of SketchUp, which is a free version. I myself use the pro version, which is a desktop version, so it can handle heavier models. In terms of drawing technique, it does not matter whether you use the free version or the pro version. To keep this course accessible, I choose the web version as an example, but feel free to switch to the pro version if you need to. Then I come to the following. We're now in parallel view mode. But the parallel view mode is especially useful for overview images. Everything is then straight and tied. It's easier to see the proportions. But when you get closer, you will see that it's difficult to get a good picture of the space. For pictures up close or when you want to view a space in a room, we switch to perspective mode. The angle of your image now changes to a perspective. You will notice that your field of view is still very narrow. In small spaces, you want to see a wider field of view. You can adjust this at field of view by clicking the arrow down at scenes. Here you will see a scroll bar, slide it to the left so to one, you get pretty much a parallel view. The further you scroll to the right, the wider the viewing angle and the bigger the perspective becomes. It depends a bit on the size of the room. But I often use somewhere between 50 and 65 degrees. Sometimes you have to make the angle bigger in very small spaces but you will see that the image then gets an unrealistic feeling. A bit of a fisheye perspective. We choose a correct spot as a viewpoint with the orbit tool and position the image with the hand tool. Another great tool besides the orbit tool and the hand tool is the eye tool. There's also no shortcut for this, but you can assign it to comma, for example. When I activate the eye tool, I can rotate around my axis. This is especially useful in small spaces because the orbit tool has a much larger turning radius, so it's much harder to get the right view. Then play with the field of view and capture the scene. I call this scene living. This way, I can go directly to the living room or kitchen or hall, etc., and I have the optimal viewpoint with one-click. Of course, it is useful to master the shortcuts, O for the orbit tool, H for the hand tool, and comma for the eye tool. This way you can move quickly and easily through the model and set optimal viewpoints. I'm now going to make a design for the living room. We've collected a number of parts, a sofa or a chair, lamp, a table. I use the move tool again to drag it to the right place. You can also easily rotate the object with the move tool. Sometimes you want to mirror or flip the object. Mirroring is done by right-clicking on the object and then pressing flip along read for left and right, flip along green for front and back, then flip along blue for up and down. Then I move on to the kitchen. Sometimes you find a complete kitchen in a 3D view of your house that fits exactly right. But usually, I download separate cabinets or draw them myself. A kitchen often has simple shapes and you can easily build it with the rectangle tool and a push-pull tool. Many cabinets have standard sizes or have the same elements. You can make these elements a component again and quickly draw all the cabinets. I place each cabinet in a separate group so that I can easily move them. A tap, sink, a stove, and an oven are easier to download from the warehouse. You can also download door handles and easily add them to the door component. This way you can immediately see the direction of the door. Because not every door has the same direction, you can easily mirror the doors with the flip along action. By importing furniture from the 3D warehouse, you see that many new tags have also been added. You can remove this so that your list of tags remains clear. Simply click on "Delete" and then assign tag to untagged. Go ahead and fill all the spaces with interior and styling objects and place them under the correct tag. Have fun with this. This is the most important part where you can inspire your client or your friends with your ideas. In the next step, we will add colors and textures that will make your model come to life. Class project. Download interior and styling items from the 3D warehouse. Position the items and make a beautiful design. 9. Colors, textures & materials: Colors, textures, and materials. This is where you can make the 3D model shine. In this step, I will show you how to add textures and colors and also create textures yourself. This gives your 3D model a realistic feel. As a designer, I think it's super important that everything is in harmony and fits well together. I will show you my way of working so that you can create nice, harmonious, and professional 3D images without having to make a render or have to use Photoshop afterwards. First I'll show you how the paint bucket tool and coloring works. On the left side, you see the paint bucket. By the way, it took me several months to make this course so the web version of SketchUp has been updated in the meantime so the icons look a bit different than in the previous lessons. This is a 22 version. When you click on the paint bucket, the Materials tab will appear, you can also click on the Materials tab on the right side. Under the House icon, you can see the materials that are now present in your model. Quite a lot already. That's because of the 3D objects we've downloaded from the 3D warehouse. You can also choose materials from Sketches library itself by clicking "Browse". You can choose bricks, glass, metals, and wood textures, for example. Personally, I don't like these textures a lot and I'd rather make them myself. But I do use the colors from the library. By clicking on the color, you can then click on an object so that it turns into that color. There are a few things you need to understand about coloring objects. When you click on a group, the whole groups gets the same color. If you go into the group and click on a single surface, you can also give a color to a specific surface. If you choose to color a single surface, you have to understand that this surface no longer changes color if you, later on, give the group a different color. This may sound a bit complicated but I'll show you in an example how it works. Here you'll see a wall with a door. Everything you see is grouped, and when I give the whole group a color, everything changes color. Also, the door because it's in the same group. But now I would like to make the door gray. For that, I first go into the group, then choose a color, and then click on the door. Because the elements of the door are also grouped together, all the elements turn gray. If I then leave the group and want to give the wall a different color, the door no longer changes color. This also applies to a single plane. First, I go into the group of the wall until I see the blue dots. Then I pick a color and click on the surface. If I now leave the group again and want to change the color of the entire wall, the door and the surface do not change anymore. I usually leave the walls white and work with surfaces when I want to give a wall of color because a wall often borders on two rooms and you may want a different color on the wall in the living room than in the hallway. I often color objects by giving the group a color because it works faster and more efficient. Now, for this course, I work with the free version of SketchUp. The downside is that you can't adjust the colors in the Menu. Now, I've come up with a small workaround so that you have more choice in choosing colors and don't have to buy the pro version. You can simply download colors from the 3D warehouse, for example, using a RAL color palette. The advantage is also that you can prescribe to your customer a RAL color so they can buy the exact paint color. You can see that SketchUp automatically loads all the colors. Another way is the Eyedropper 2. You activate this by pressing "Command" when you've opened the Materials step, or you can find it in the Menu. You will see a small eyedropper appear. If you now hover over a color and click on it, you will select a color and you will see that the eyedropper changes into a paint bucket, so you can color another object without having to search for it in the materials library. This is super useful if you're working on the design and later want to apply the exact same color to another object and don't want to scroll through all the colors. I put all the downloaded textures and colors in a layer so that I can save them and use them later on. Then I want to show you how to use and make textures. You can also download textures from the warehouse in the same way, such as wood, stone, and metals. I often search for textures on Google images. For example, I search for wood planks texture seamless. It is important that it's an infinite or seamless texture. You can then import this through Import, My Device, then choose the image you want to import, and then click on "Material". Here's an example of wooden planks in a herringbone pattern I want to use for the living room floor. Because I made the texture myself, it doesn't have the right skill yet. You can adjust this by going through the surface until you see the blue dots. Right-click and then click on "Texture" and "Position". Now you will see a number of colored icons. The green one allows you to manually rotate and adjust the size. You can measure the size with a tape too later on. I'm looking for a plank size of about 100 millimeters. Similarly, you can frame a piece of art, a carpet, or a family photo on the wall by importing a photo. This makes your design even more personal and attractive for your client. I'm going all over the house styling and coloring everything. As I mentioned before, this is an important part of the design process. I tried to bring as much harmony as possible and not use too many different textures. I choose a maximum of five types of wood and choose colors that match each other and do not conflict with each other or ask a lot of attention. I also do the same with the downloaded objects from the warehouse. I change the colors and textures that require too much attention to the wood tones and colors I already used in the model. I also never use pitch black because the lines of the model are also black and the depth of the shapes will disappear. I then use a dark gray and a light gray. I like soft, natural, earthy tones. Again, I try not to use too many different colors to keep the image calm and in harmony. You can see that adding the colors to the objects goes quickly if you've drawn everything in groups in a structured manner. The coloring of spaces and objects is of course an important part of the design process and takes time. Take the time to get a good impression of what a color does in a room and therefore also in the presentation. Use it to create scenes to see the result of a color up close. When you've added all the colors and have eliminated unnecessary textures, it is wise to occasionally click on "Purge Unused" at the bottom-left. Textures make your model heavy and this function removes all textures that you have not used. All right, well done. Your model starts to feel more personal, professional, and realistic. Just play with the colors and textures. Sometimes you have to try a few different textures to find the right one, but that's really okay and it's really part of it. In the next lesson, I will show you how to export your 3D model into high-quality images and make a really nice presentation. Class project. practice using the paint bucket and eyedropper tool. Make your own textures by downloading or importing images. Color all the walls, floors, and furniture. Harmonize your model by changing certain colors. 10. 2D floorplans & sections: [MUSIC] 2D floor plans and sections. Your 3D floor plan is finished. Now it's important that we present this to your client in a professional way. I'll show you some presentation tools within SketchUp that I use often. First, I want to show you how to make a floor plan with dimensions. We've created a top view scene. When you click on it, you will see an overview of your design. I blacked out all the tops of the walls to make it look like a cross-section of the building. Yet we see no windows and doors. To show these, you can make a section plane. The section plane tool can be found under the tape measurement icon. A section plane makes a cross-section in a certain direction. You see a blue, red, and green plane here. Blue means horizontal section, which you can also make a vertical section to show the ceiling height for example. If I now click on the top of the wall, you see that I can see into the walls. Now I press O for orbit and I see that the plane cuts through everything it touches. With the move tool I can drag it up or down. When I do that, this section plane cuts through everything it touches at that point. I always choose a point that tells the most information about the windows and doors. Let's say about here. The section plane turns on and off by clicking on the plane. It's easier to click outside to model to do that. Now we go back to the top view scene. You can see the section plane has disappeared. This is because we saved the scene before creating the section plane. We have to turn it back on. This can be done at display and then you check section planes. You would then see a gray layer appear over your image. You can now activate the section plane by double-clicking it. Then uncheck the box again so that the gray layer disappears and you see that the section plane remains activated. Now we're going to save this scene as a new 2D floor plan scene, so that you don't have to do this action every time. We now have an overview of all windows, doors, and, walls in the house. Then it's of course important that we can indicate how large these spaces and parts are. You can easily do this with the dimension tool. You can also find the dimension tool under the tape measurement icon. Make sure you are in the floor plan scene before activating it. You can now assign a start point and an end point, and then drag the dimension line out with your mouse and click where you want it to be. You now see the total size from start to finish in the unit you are working in, so millimeters or inches. When you click on Model info, we can adjust a number of things to the dimensions. For example, the format is millimeter, centimeter, or meters, depending on how exact you want to present something to your client. It even can show up to several zeros after the decimal point. I usually round it up to meters with one decimal. You can also adjust dimension style. For example, the font, the size, the position of the numbers, and the start and end points. Click on the settings you want and then update all dimensions. I use the italic font myself. Twelve is big enough and I choose the numbers on the line and the open arrow. Now I go around and put dimensions everywhere it's useful. Not too many, but enough to calculate the sizes of the rooms. It is important that you put these in a separate layer so as you can turn them on and off. We create a tag called dimensions. You can also choose to change the style of the floor plan. Go to Styles and find a style that maybe shows less textures, has thicker lines, or makes the floor plan black and white. I don't use these styles a lot myself and I usually stick to the shaded with texture style. Make sure you update the scene when you change a style. Well done. Here it is, a nice and professional 2D floor plan. Class project. Create dimensions and put them under a separate tag. Make a 2D floor plan scene and choose a nice style. 11. Presentation: [MUSIC] Presentation, when you're designing, you often come up with a number of different ideas you want to present to your client. It would be nice if, for example, you can show the original floor plan with what the end result has become with a number of options of different floor plans setups. You can do this very easily by putting the whole floor plan design in a group, make sure all the tags you want to copy are turned on, then duplicate the entire group with the move tool and place one floor plan under the name Option 1 and the other under Option 2. Now, move Option 2 back to the same position as Option 1 and turn it off, you can also do this with the original floor plan, so floor plan without interior colors and textures, you place this under a new tag called Original. The big disadvantage of doing these actions afterwards is that the created scenes are no longer up to date, for example, when I now go to the right few scene, you see all options are mixed up and the dimensions from the previous lesson are also turned on in this scene, we have to update all the scenes. A tip is to create a number of extra scenes in advance that you turned off so that you can assign them later on, but in practice, you will see that you have to check all scenes and update them before you export them to a presentation. You do this by going to a scene, activating and deactivating the correct tags and then pressing "Update scene", in addition, we make a number of extra scenes from the original floor plan and the new floor plan design options, you could also create some fuse with and without interior. Here you see a number of scenes I've created for my design with valuable information for my client, the amount of scenes, et cetera, is up to you as a designer of course. I created a second floor plan design option to show to my client, here I've removed a number of rules in the center of the house to show what the room would look like without these walls, it's nice to show the difference between Option 1 and 2, especially in the scenes up close. This is the original, this is Option 1 and this is Option 2, without the walls, I will put all these fuse in a separate scene that I can use in my presentation later on. It's sometimes a puzzle to update the scene with the correct tags and take some time, but if you've organized your model well, like I taught you, it's easy to do. When you've done this, we are ready to make a presentation, choose a scene that you want to export, for example, the 2D floor plan Option 1, then click on "Download" and then PNG in the menu, here you can determine the dimensions of the image and select the correct scene again. I always choose the option transparent background, this allows you to adjust the colors of the background, which I will show you later on, then click on "Export" as PNG, do this with all the scenes you want to use. Now I briefly want to show you how to make a presentation with these files, I use Keynote, but you can also use PowerPoint, for example, we create a new slide show and I drag the images into a slide, now I can add extra information very easily. For example, in the floor plan, additional dimensions such as the sizes of the rooms, since the image has a transparent background, it is also very easy to place a colored area behind the image to make the slide more attractive. Another nice trick is that you can add a nature picture or photo of the location to the up-close impressions, wherever there is a window or a door, you can now see a photo which gives the image even more depth and becomes more realistic because the background is transparent. You can see that we can get a lot of content and value from the 3D model in a short amount of time, I always have a lot of fun working in SketchUp, it works fast but precise. All right, we have now come to the end of this course, I've tried to create a valuable course, how to make a professional 3D floor plan. Of course, there are many more possibilities within SketchUp, but you'll see that you only need to master a few basic tools to quickly create something beautiful and useful. [MUSIC] When you've reached this lesson, I would like to congratulate you for coming this far, learning a new software program takes time and practice makes perfect. I therefore hope that you will share your process and results with me in the projects folder, and if you have any questions, you can ask them in the discussions tab below, good luck and have fun creating beautiful designs in SketchUp. If you want to stay updated by new content, you can follow us here, you will be the first to receive new courses, thank you so much and take care.