Interactive InDesign CC | Tunnel Vision LTD | Skillshare

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Taught by industry leaders & working professionals
Topics include illustration, design, photography, and more

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Taught by industry leaders & working professionals
Topics include illustration, design, photography, and more

Lessons in This Class

    • 1.

      Interactive InDesign – An Introduction


    • 2.

      1 Hyperlinks (1)


    • 3.

      2 Hyperlinks (2)


    • 4.

      3 Buttons (1)


    • 5.

      4 Buttons (2)


    • 6.

      5 Buttons (3)


    • 7.

      6 Buttons (4)


    • 8.

      7 Table of Contents (1)


    • 9.

      8 Table of Contents (2)


    • 10.

      9 Table of Contents (3)


    • 11.

      10 Table of Contents (4)


    • 12.

      11 Slideshow (1)


    • 13.

      12 Slideshow (2)


    • 14.

      13 Adding Video (1)


    • 15.

      14 Adding Video (2)


    • 16.

      15 Adding Video (3)


    • 17.

      16 Animation (1)


    • 18.

      17 Animation (2)


    • 19.

      18 Email Links, Page Transitions & Bookmarks (1)


    • 20.

      19 Email Links, Page Transitions & Bookmarks (2)


    • 21.

      20 Interactive PDF Forms (1)


    • 22.

      21 Interactive PDF Forms (2)


    • 23.

      22 Interactive PDF Forms (3)


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About This Class

This class will show you how to add all kinds of interactive elements to an Adobe InDesign document. It covers hyperlinks, interactive buttons, generating an interactive table of contents (either within a single document or across multiple documents), animation, slideshows, adding video content, email links, page transitions, bookmarks and creating interactive PDF forms. Along the way I'll explain what you can and can't do with PDF export, and how to use 'Publish Online' to distribute things which fall under the 'can't' heading. It's very, very cool stuff.

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Tunnel Vision LTD

Making Learning Easy


Hello, I'm Mark Gatter from Tunnel Vision LTD. I've worked in commercial printing, as a freelance graphic designer and software trainer for the last 30 years. I've got 5 books published, three about software and two about growing vegetables – but don't worry, I don't get them mixed up. I've just uploaded a new course, 'Color Theory Essentials', aimed at anyone who needs to create a color theme for a project. Or, if you want to learn about Adobe InDesign I've got another course – Adobe InDesign CC: A Complete Introduction – that will take you from being a total beginner to someone who can work professionally in a commercial graphics studio or become a freelancer, faster than you would have believed possible. I'm happy to respond to everyone who wants to ask a ... See full profile

Level: Intermediate

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1. Interactive InDesign – An Introduction: Hi, My name's Mark. Gather and welcome to my series of videos on Adobe in design CC interactive. So here I'm going to cover all the interactive stuff you can do within design at least a good chunk of it. Now I've got a A CE certification and in design, photo shop and illustrator. I'm also in Adobe Certified Instructor. I've got a whole bunch of books in print, some of which are about gardening. But I'm gonna leave those behind and I'm going to focus on this kind of stuff. So first of all, we're going to look at high politics. That's a pretty good place to start. Then we're going to go into interactive buttons and then from that, an interactive table of contents. Then we're gonna back out of bed and do something little bit different. Slide shows They can only do these if you're exporting as flash was in a pub or using. Publish online, and I'll show you how to do that. Interactive videos. So you have control over how the videos bathing on screen you can stop it started, pours it, go to particular points in it. Things like that. Animation again, something that you can only take out as flash or Repub or publish online. Then a catchall email links page transitions and bookmarks because they didn't seem to fit anywhere else. And finally, interactive forms how to send forms out and, much more importantly, how to get the information back. And it's surprisingly easy. So there you have it interactive in design. I think it's fun. I hope you do, too. 2. 1 Hyperlinks (1): Adobe in design is surprisingly good at doing interactive stuff. So this video, I'm just going to show you the very basics of hyperlinks on the dead Easy. So this is Page One. I've got a three page document here. There they are. There's nothing very exciting about them about a big number on each page. So there's number two. That's where we're going to arrive with a link that targets Page two and Page three is where we're going to arrive with what's called a text ankle link. And then I'm going to show you a link to U R L, which is going to take us, obviously right out of in design somewhere else. So there are certain limitations if I want to define this as a link to Page two I Pont. What I can do is define it as a link to a destination. If you wanted to use a link that said, go to page whatever go to page Whatever you can't export. The result is a PdF. There are certain restrictions, but you can define destinations in documents that are going to be taken out as a PdF. The alternative is flash or repo but I'm not doing ep appear and I'm not even going to bother with Flash. So that's not so. This is going to be hyperlinks. So the first thing I'm gonna do is window interactive hyperlinks. No, I think this is actually a bit of an oversight by adobe destinations. Do not show up in the window links to, but destinations don't. Now that's unfortunate because it means if you've got 40 destinations to define and in design crashed midway through, you don't know exactly where you got to because there's no record of which ones you successfully completed. So you're just gonna have to go back into in design and say, OK, this link and didn't in designers say no, got that one. And then you do the next one. No, got that one, and finally you'll find out where it failed and you can carry on from there. If they just showed up in the window, that would be great, but they don't. So first thing we have to define is the destinations. You can't point to something unless he goes something. The point To think about it. Try firing an arrow at a target in the target isn't even there. So we got to put the target there. And in order to define a page is a page link. I have to tell in design that that's the page I'm interested in, and I'll do that by double clicking on it. So now I'm on page two. Then if I go to the options but in the hyperlinks window, New hyperlink destination and usually it's got a pretty good idea of what you're talking about. And if it didn't, you can always just tell it. So these are the basic kinds of hyper link up here. These are the ones are doing today. If there were more than one, then you could choose from this list. There's only one. It's Page two. And yes, it's page to zoom setting. I usually change that to fit in window because then in the result, if you're going back and forth using links, all of the results will fit on your screen, where sometimes when you open a pdf, it's huge and it doesn't fit on the screen, and you've got to keep on reducing the page size. Now I'm gonna click, OK, then I'm gonna go to Page three this is not going to be defined as a destination, but the text is no. I've used this city text so that you can see that that's actually what is going to pick up . So highlight that go to the options buttons, a new hyperlink destination, and because I got taxed highlighted, It has a fairly good idea again what I'm talking about. So, yeah, this is going to be a text anchor and there's a copy of the text that I had highlighted on the page. The way that a text anchor works is when you go to that link, it will put that line of text right at the top of the screen so that what's below it is also visible. Or is there the page link is just going to go to the page, So I click. OK, there Now, the third thing I wanted to do is create a link to a u R l what? I'm gonna do the others first, so you'll have to wait 3. 2 Hyperlinks (2): so back on page one, this is going to be my link to page two. So this time I can click on the options button and say new hyperlink, and now it has no idea what I'm talking about. It is not a link to your or L. This is a link to a page, and it's not Page One. It's page to. This is the document that I'm working in. Incidentally, later on, I'll show you how you can create links between documents. But for now, this is the only document I'm interested in. Zoom setting fit in window once again, if your character Stiles says that you're using a star called hyperlinks, it's one that's being generated by in design and, well, it's not great. I mean, it's blue and underlined, unique, right, so you can define your links to look how you want with your own character style. If you wanted, you could make one here. See there's hyperlink. I'm not going to use it. I'm just going to say same style. You can also put a visible rectangle around your link material if you want. I strongly recommend you don't It's horrible, so I'm not going to bother with that. Anyway, this is okay. So now I'm gonna click, OK? And there is my page link in the window. No, I'm going to do a text like a link to page three. So that's gonna be highlighted. Options button, new hyperlink. And again, it doesn't really know what I'm talking about. It's a little bit behind night. Thinks I want to link to a page. No, I want a link to a text anchor and I've only got the one. If I had mawr, they would be listed on. I could choose which one I want. And this is the document that I'm working with again and again. I'm not going to give it a character style or a visible rectangle. I'm just going to leave it at that, okay, over the u r l. When I have to do is highlight that text and then click on the options button and say new hyperlink from u R L. But that's not all I have to do because, as you can see, it's listed. But there's a red blob at the end, And that's because in design recognizes the words you URL link are not a valid address. So I've got a double click on this and that'll open it. It is a link to a your L. But this is not the address. So I'm gonna type in a correct address for something that will actually work. Yeah, we'll see. And everything else is OK, Okay. And now the blub goes green because it recognizes that that's actually a valid address. No. Well, I have to do is make an interactive pdf file export. Choose Adobe PD of interactive, and I'm going to put it here, save normally before I make a PdF of any kind. I saved the document. This one so small, I'm not going to bother. But if it had taken me any time to put together, yes, I would have saved it first. Because if in design crashes while it's making the pdf, it might corrupt the file. And then you lost the lot. But here I don't think it would be any great loss. So I'm gonna click save and I don't have anything to do here. It's already picking up only interactive stuff. I'm going to duel pages as pages. There's no images, so there's no compression and advanced in security. I don't bother with usually anyway, so I'm just going to click Export, And that means we should see the result. So if I click on this, I should go straight to Page two. Yep, it worked. Another thing that I didn't do in this document is to create a little line at the bottom of the page that says, Returned to contents, which can be a useful thing to do. And you're going to upset people if you don't do that. But this is only three pages. Text Ankle Inc to page three. Yep, that worked as well. Great. Now let's see if the U. R L. Worked and it wants to know if I trust my own computer. Yes, I think I will. So I'll allow that. And there it is. So I should maybe explain. I used to go around Dorset digging up treasure. Honest. These are just some of the things that I found. If I click there, that's a handful of medieval silver coins. I found hundreds off them in a field one time. Okay, it's fun. I know what it's like to dig up treasure. How about that? So that's how in design works for basic interactivity, page links, text, ankle links and links to your girls, their arm or things like email links, stuff like that, I'll show you how to do those later. 4. 3 Buttons (1): another cool, interactive thing you can do within design A buttons, interactive buttons. So I show you how to make him. Now there is a library of buttons available to you, and I'll show you that as well. But this I'm just going to create my own button that isn't provided by in design is provided by me. So first thing I'm gonna do is mix some colors. If I go to swatches, then I want to do three shades of orange. So first I'm gonna mix is pretty simple. I'm not gonna have black. I'm gonna have yellow full on because if you don't have yellow full on, it would probably look washed out. This is going to be quite a strong orange, so I think I'll make it 65 and press the tab key to update the screen. There we go. That's pretty good. I'm going to say OK, and there it is. But now I want to make to light a tents from that color. So while it selected ago, options button new tents watch and you can ignore this stuff. I'm want a tent that's going to be 70% of what I did before and there it is. And now I want to tend. That's going to be all that C 45% of what I did before and there it is. So I got 3/10 of orange closely related colors, so this is going to be the the button color when it's just sitting there on the page. Then when the cursor rolls over, it's going to change to that on. Then, when I click on it, it's going to change to that now. A lot of browsers will not show me the Click state. I probably won't see it here, which you can. Depending on the activity of assigned to the button, you can arrange to see the click state as well. So they are going to draw a rectangle like So nothing special, which just propped on the middle of the page. I've got smart guides on so that magenta lion tells me the buttons now centered on the page . Then I'm going to add some effects stood. I want to make it look a bit three dimensional, so go to object effects, and I'm going to do a bevel in in Boss. I'll drag that out. The Web it so I can see what's going on. I want a technique of chisel hard, and I'm gonna make the previews not on. There we go. That's pretty good. I make that just slightly bigger. There we go. That'll do. Then I'm going to put some text into it. And if I click inside it, normally you'll find that when you click inside the shape, it accepts that you want to put text into it. And if you got colors in the background, that really doesn't matter. You can't put text and an image in the same frame that you can put text and colors in the same frame. Occasionally you'll find that you cannot click inside a shape. Now Fattah happens. You just select the shape and go upto object content and telling design that you want to be able to put text into it and then you'll be able to. So here I'm gonna take the word open in all caps, so it's the right word. But it's the wrong size and in the wrong place. So if I highlight that and I'm going to use aerial bold, I think and make it a bit bigger, it's probably about right, and then I'm gonna center it. Then how do I bring it further down in the button? Well, that's dead easy, but it's not something you do with text. It's something you do with the shape, the frame, command B or controlled. Be opens up tax frame options, which otherwise you'll find underneath the object, many about halfway down. And it's an incredibly useful window, and these insects spacings. Now preview is now on, so I should see a live update. I could choose this. A lion center looks a bit low somehow, doesn't it? Because the visual center is higher than the actual center. So instead of going to use inset spacing and it doesn't matter to me if they're linked at the moment Oh, that nowadays, now, if I have five mil, it looks a little high. If I increase that to six mil now, it looks a little low. So I'm going to say 5.5 and then press the tab key. And I know it's slightly higher than Dead Santa, but looks about right. So then I'm going to okay it. Now I can turned into a button object interactive convert to Button and immediately the buttons in forms Window opens 5. 4 Buttons (2): I actually want a stack of four buttons, one right on top of the other, and now I've got the basic attributes set. Then I can create the rest of thumb. But first of all, I want to set up the event for this one. So there's an event which triggers an action and whatever I set up for this one. Of course, then if I duplicate the button, I've got the same event for the other buttons. If I say on roll off, then as the curse a leaves the button, the action is triggered. If I say on click, then as I click on it, the actions triggered now on click although it's kind of satisfying to do, that's what means you won't really see the Click State was If I say on roll off, you probably will see the Click State, so I'm gonna choose on, roll off, and then I'm going to duplicate the button. So what I'm gonna do with that is hold down the altar key and you see, when I do that, there are two curses instead of one that's going to give me a do picker. Not gonna start dragging up and If I didn't have smart guides on, I'd probably hold down the shift key to stop dragging it out to one side or the other. But with smart guides on, it's so easy don't need to bother. Then I'm going to do it again, and then I'm going to do it again. So the plan here is that when I click on this button, these will become visible, the one of the tops going to say close. When I click on the close button, it's gonna close Thes three, leaving that one visible So it's an interactive, open close thing. I call it a pop up button, so now we've got to assign activity. But before I do that, I don't think I want them all to say open. So first, I'm going to set up this one. This is the normal state when there's nothing happening. I've got to create a rollover in a click state as well. If I just click on the word roll over it immediately. Copy is the normal state into it, which is nice because I don't have to and that as soon as separate images, but I want a different fill color for this one, so I'm going to choose it. And then I went to Click State, and I'm gonna choose it again. But I think in the click State, I want the text to be a different color. So I'm gonna highlight the type and click on yellow. So now I've got normal roll over. Click the second button up. This isn't going to read open. It's going to read page to, but again, I've got to do that for all three. So if I click on the role of estate, then I click on the new color and then I click on the Click State and I click on the darkest color. And then I've got to change the type to read in yellow. Good. That will do this one again. I'm going to change the text, you see, by changing the text before I create other states. I don't have to re type the text in all three states. It's just gonna carry it with it. That's the normal state the rollover states going to be the darker orange and the click states going to be the darkest of all, and the text is going to be yellow now you may have picked up that this stuff can be a little bit tedious and boring. It's very repetitive. Be careful. It's very, very easy to lose track of what you're doing. Space out, the mind drifts and then you're in trouble. This is the voice of experience speaking. I'm gonna click on Rollover. There's my darker orange click state. There's the darkest orange changed the type to yellow court of it. Okay, these Burtons are automatically numbered. See that one's called button four. Then we got button three button to button one. No, I can change those numbers anytime I want in order to assign the actions that I want to assign. It really helps if there's a fairly logical sequence to these buttons. When if I'd somehow screwed one up when I was making it and had to delete it into another one, I might have one, too. 45 And that might mean that I screw things up when I'm trying to assign actions. This is a Java script name. You can actually attach behaviors with JavaScript to individual elements because they've all got their own unique JavaScript name. Anyway, try and make sure that they make sense to you before you get going with the events and the actions. So the event for all of them is on roll off because again, I set that up for the first button and it remembers no, I'm going to do the actions. 6. 5 Buttons (3): So I click on the first button there the bottom, the open button and the event, his own roll off and the actions. When I click on the plus sign, you'll see this list. And this list is what tells me what will work as a PdF from what won't at the bottom of this list. These will only work with a pdf the next chunk. These will only work if you're out putting as flash or is Anne Pub on the top set will work for either. Now you can do interactive forms within design, and one of the videos in this set is going to tell you how. And that's why useful things like submit form clear form are down here in the pdf only window. So when someone clicks on the submit foreign button that you've included, the form disappears from their screen and come zinging its way back to you. There's go to Page, which I mentioned in a Nurlita video on hyperlinks you cannot assign if you want to export result as a PdF that one is flash or repub only, but you can say go to destination. And if you've defined the pages, a destination, then you got no problem. Anyway, this is one that I want Show hide buttons and forms, which does work as a PdF, and there are my four buttons listed. 1234 The X means no change in the current view, so I don't want Button one to change. I wanted to stay here for buns 23 and four. I want them to become visible when I click on button one. If I click on that X, there's an eye, and the eye means they become visible. Now I'm going to click on Page two this button, and I'm not really going to assign anything to that. I haven't set up pages two and three years. Destinations. I could, but not just yet. So let's go straight up to the close button on this one. Show hide buttons and forms. Now I'm going to click twice on buttons 23 and four, and then I get an eye with a slash through it. Now, the other thing I need to do is tell these buttons that they're not going to be visible until they're triggered, hidden until triggered, and I need to do that for Page three, and I need to do that for Page two. That's it, miss. If it works, so make a PdF file. Export Interactive. PdF and I'll call it a button test save. And in this window, I don't need to do anything. It's already set up. There's no images. That's fine export. And now it's going to tell me I'm leaving a c m y que blend Spacey All these colors Aaron C M y que Conners are converted toe rgb in an interactive PDF file. Tow. Avoid color changes that Lyle There are no kind of changes when you go from CME Way, KEDO RGB. All the C M Wakely colors are included in the RGB space. It's when you go the other way. You might have a problem, so I don't expect to see any changes. Okay, and there we go. Let's see if it works. Click and there's the buttons Close click Gun that works and the event is on roll off. So clicking shows me the state, but it only actually takes place when I let go of the button and roll off in the let go of the button. Anyone that's working No Mako Back Will and Destinations for Page two and Page three 7. 6 Buttons (4): if I want to be able to go to Pages two and three, I've got to set them up his destinations first. So I showed you this before. I'm going to go to the pages window. There's Page two. That's my dog. Cute, huh? I'm now going to define Page two is a destination by going to a window. Interactive hyperlinks and say options button hyperlink. Destination Page two. Great fit in window. How we go? Done. Then I'll double click on page three. So these were my sheep. I used to have a farm in Wales, so these are some of my sheep. It was a rescue farm and they weren't frightened of people at all because they didn't think people going to harm them. A tool they never did. They were pretty happy. Sheep anyway. New hyperlink. Destination page three. How about that? It knew. Fit in window. OK, no. I can go back to page one to the buttons and click on the button for page two, and I don't need the hyperlinks window anymore. Now I can say action is go to destination and its listing the destinations I've got to destinations here. There's Page two inherit zoom fit in window. There's no I'm done. Finished button in the Buttons Informers window. All I need to do now is go to Page three. Same thing. Actions go to destination. This one's going to be page three. Fill in window Done. The only other thing that I might do would be to define Page one is a destination and then have a link back to it on Pages two and three. I'm not going to bother. It's just Azizi to scroll up toe. So now it's trying, making a Pdf again file export. I'll call this one button test to again. Nothing needs to happen here. Everything's already checked. Export. C M I. K. Warning again, that's meaningless. And this Page two And there's lucky, isn't it cute? And I'll scroll up back to Page one. There's Page three, and there's the sheep, who were also very cute in their way. So that's one way you can make interactive buttons 8. 7 Table of Contents (1): in this exercise, I'm going to show you how to build an interactive table of contents. So I've already created one document, and I've named that as one. It's got 10 pages, the role landscape pages. My feeling is that if this was going to go online, a landscape page makes much more efficient use of the screen than, say, a facing page portrait or facing page landscape. For that matter, if I was going to do a document for print, sure I do's facing pages could use Portrait could use landscape, whatever. But for an online document, this is normally my choice. I've already added an interactive page numbering icon on the master page, and on page one, I've got this text train with words, Chapter one in it that has been saved as a paragraph style called Chapter Heading. And I've saved it as one. As I said. So now I'm going to save it again, but this time I'm going to update it to two and save it as to, And then I'll update it to three and save that is three and then I'll updated to four and save it is four and then I'm going to stop there. Obviously, I could have added a whole bunch of contents to this, but I'm just trying to show you the mechanism behind it. Now I'm gonna close for in order to tie them all together. I'm going to use the book window. Now. If everything was happening within one document, I would not need to do this If it's a large document and I want to spread it over multiple chapters The book who? And it was a great way to deal with it. I've already created a book by going file New book. So I'm going to open it file open, and there it is. I m d B in design book. And that's the book window. If you wanted, you could add this to your workspace Over here on the right. Normally, I don't use a book window for long enough for me to really weren't doing that. If I click on the plus sign, I can then navigate told of my chapters. Now remember, these are all individually numbered. 1 to 10 will watch what happens once they added to a book. The numbers are now contiguous. And if I want to open for example, Chapter three. I double click and that's now open. So I'm going to go to swatches and add a new color swatch, and I'm going to add an orange. So right now, this orange only exists here in Chapter three. I'm going to say that and close it. That is a really good rule of thumb to use whenever you're using the book window. If you updated chapter, save it and close it. Otherwise, your work on what's represented in the book window may take two different paths, and that leads to a lot of confusion later. Very often, if I'm working on a book as a freelance design project part way through it, I'll suddenly think, Well, I need a new character style or new paragraph style or even a new color, and I'll add it then and then. Usually, I think it would be pretty handy if I had this nor the other chapters, and that's what I'm thinking here. If I click on one and then shift, click on four and then click in this window on the left end of Chapter three. That is the synchronized icon. And if I now click on this arrow it will tell all the other chapters to pick up whatever is different in Chapter three, and now it's done it. Documents may have changed. I sincerely hope so. Let's find out. I'm not going to double click on one of these right now because they'd all open because there will selected. So I'll click in the great space and double click on one. And there's the color that a mixed that I only added to Chapter three. So now all of these other chapters have picked up that color. Synchronization is incredibly useful, having added the color to Chapter one, and it's got an asterisk next to the name, which means it's not in a safe state. I'm going to save it, Commander Control s and close it, Commander Control W so I don't have anything Open a tool. And now I'm going to make the table of contents page that ties them all together. 9. 8 Table of Contents (2): the table of contents document has to be the same format as all the other documents, but it only needs one page. So Commander Control end for the new document window and I'll tell this only want one page and it's not facing pages and it is landscape and really nothing else matters. So I create that. No, I can't create the table of contents and self just yet. I've got to add the paragraph style that lives in the other chapters, and the easiest way to do that is to at the table of contents document to the book window and then synchronize. So I'm going to save this as TOC table of contents in the same place I've got the chapters save, and then I'm going to close it. Of course, if your table of contents was going in the same document as all your chapters were in, you would need to do that. Then I'll click on the plus sign and go find it and add it. And, of course, it's put it in the wrong place, so drag it right up to the top and I'll synchronize it with Chapter one. I don't need to synchronize it with all the others. So if I command or control, click on Chapter one as well. Now that Toure selected and this will be real quick. See, I've now got the paragraph style chapter headings in my Table of Contents document. I've also got the orange in there as well. There is the orange and in paragraph styles. There's chapter headings. That's really what I need. And there's my table of contents document open. So now I'm gonna build the rial table of contents layout, table of contents up at the top. It's gonna automatically add the word contents, and that's fine. I don't mind. I could put in something else if I wanted. I could call my table of contents Arnold if I wanted. The thing over here is that that TOC title style has been added here. I didn't create it before. It's not in my paragraph stones list. And if I don't like the formatting that it comes up with for the word contents, I can edit it by changing the TOC title paragraph style and nothing else will change. Chapter heading is the only paragraph style that I need to add to the stars. It's gonna look out for my table of contents. You see what it's going to do is find every example of this style in ALS, the other documents and turned it into a list so long as I click on include book documents down here. Now that create PdF bookmarks was already here. That means it's going to create links from this page to your chapters. But if you've got them in separate documents, you have to do this. Include book documents. If I click on more options, you'll see that I've got things like the entry style for my table of contents. It says. Same style. So that means my table of contents will be Chapter 1234 All in this style. Well, that's a bit lumpy, isn't it? So I'm going to change that to TOC body text, which is again, something that's come up with right here. And that's basically basic paragraph style. I don't need to change anything else. It's going to automatically add the number after each chapter entry. That's okay, click OK, and there's my text loaded in effect, click and drag. There's my table of contents, which stretches across all four documents. Now I'm going to format it 10. 9 Table of Contents (3): I'm okay with how the word contents looks. That's all right. I'd like to spread these out, though, because they're already formatted with a paragraph style. All have to do is go and edit that. So go to paragraph styles and double click on TOC body text and make sure previews on. And if I drag this out of the way a bit so I can see what's going on and go to basic out to formats, I'm going to increase the leading like so and then I'm gonna go to tabs. This white bar sometimes corresponds to the width of the frame that I got my text in. But not always. There is a tab command between the chapter name on the page number already. So really, all I have got to do is tell it where to go. I'm gonna make them right aligned. And let's see what happens if I click here. That's pretty close to the right and edge on dragging a bit further. I don't think I'll get much closer than that. No, it also like to put in a leader, dot, dot, dot, dot, dot between the chapter name and the number. If I just put in a full stop here. It's gonna look like the perforations around the edge of a stamp. So I'm going to put in space bar, and then it will stop and then press the tab key. And there they are. That looks pretty good. I'm gonna okay that now. So looks like that's all they need. Except chapter one now starts on page two. Wouldn't it be nice if it started on page one? I think it would. But as far as the documents are concerned, the table of contents page is page one. No, I can easily change that. First of all, I'll save this and close it. Commander Control s commander controlled W no. I'm gonna open up chapter one and in the pages window. You can see that page to the first page in the document has already got a numbering and section options icon above the letter A at the top. And that means I can change the numbering sequence right here. So I'm going to go to the layup menu down to numbering it section options. And I've already got automatic page numbering, so I'm going to say start page numbering at one and click. OK, done. Save close. Then I go back to the TOC. It still says to I need to update this. Select it with a selection tool. Go to the layout menu update. Table of contents. Table of contents has been updated successfully. Yep, I agree. It has. So now I can save this and then close it again. What else do I need? Well, if I go to chapter one, wouldn't it be nice if I had something down here that says Go to the table of contents so that I could get back to the table of contents from any page of my document really easily instead of having to scroll through miles of pages? And it's actually easy to do. I'm going to go to the A master and with a type tool, are click just to the right of the A And I'm not even going to put a space. I'm going to say return to contents. Now, if you click between the A and the letter next to it and then press shift tab, that's what happens. Cool, Huh? So no, I open up Chapter two, go to the monster page, select this and get rid of it and then do paste in place. Command shift, old V or control shift old V one of the most useful shortcuts there is, and then save it. Close it going to Chapter three Master page. Same thing again. Come on shift, Olvey. When you're doing interactive stuff, it can get a bit tedious and monotonous, cause you often find you're doing the same thing over and over again. Keep focused. Don't lose track of what's going in. Don't lose track of what's going on. It's too easy to do so and then you'll end up with a mess. And now I can shift, click on the TOC and then click on the options button and say, Export book to Pdf. That's handy. That's handy. So I call it TOC Book one, just in case and I click save and in this window I don't need to change anything. It's going to export his pages. Export. There it goes, and here it is. So let's find out if it works. Chapter two There it is not gonna zoom on a few pages. Paid 17. Let's see if this works return. Oh, that doesn't work. I didn't turn it into a link. Better go do that. So close this. Go back to in design again, you dummy 11. 10 Table of Contents (4): so having added the text onto Chapter one, I've now got to identify the table of Contents Page as a valid destination so that I can link this text to it as part of a PdF. So here's my table of contents page. It's only one page, so I can go toe window, interactive hyperlinks, options button, new hyperlink destination. And yes, it's a page link. And there's only the one on us. A zoom setting fit in window. Okay, save it. Close it. Here I am in Chapter one I can now define This is a link new hyperlink, and it's not a link to your L. It's a link to a page, but it's not a link to a page in this document. So I had to browse to find the table of Contents document, which is here, and having identified that I can now link to Page one of the Table of Contents document from here in one i N d d. So I've linked across two separate documents fit in window, no character style, no visible rectangle done. Okay, Now that that's a vantage link, I can copy it and then go to Chapter two and paste it in. But first, of course, save close. Open up. Chapter two. Go to the master page. Get rid of this commander Control shift. All V is paste in place with the link Save Close. Chapter three. Same again, Been this based in place, save clothes and finally, Chapter four. Been that paste in place, Save close as usual. It's very repetitive, and that's typical of interactive documents. You might find you doing the same thing over and over again. Stay focused. It's very, very easy to lose track and screw things up. Now that I've got all the links in place and they're all pointing the favor of Contents Page. I can save and close the table of contents. So if a shift click on one and click on the options button, look at these options. I could print the whole book or the selected parts of it. I can export the whole thing to Pdf or Repub or preflight everything. So I'm going to export it to pdf, and I call it to your C book one just in case and save. And I don't need to change anything in this window. It's already going to export its pages. Here's only interactive stuff already included, and I don't have any images, so there's no compression. An advanced in security aren't important for this export. There it is. So let's see if it works. I'll click on Chapter three and there's Chapter three. If I tap on the right arrow key on the keyboard, I'm going to the next page. Each time I click on the Arrow key on that, see if this works return to contents. Yet it did, and that is how you make an interactive table of contents in in design. 12. 11 Slideshow (1): and this exercise, we're going to show you how to create a slide show on a slide show is a series of images that are exactly the same size of each other. All put on top of each other that you can navigate through with arrows, which are actually interactive buttons. Now, this does not work if you're going to export. The result is a pdf, but I don't want to export. It is flash or Repub. So then my choice is to put it online by using published online. So I show you how to do that. First of all, I've gotta have my image is all corrupt, the same size. And for that I would use photo shop. So here they are. There are several, and at the top, I've got this frame. So the frame was created by filling a layer with white and cutting a rectangle out of it. And then I dropped in all of these other images, and I can move the images around until I think that I've got exactly the right kind of crop for it, and I've done that with all five images. This, incidentally, is how you make cucumber pickles which of really good Having got everything in the right position, I can now command or control click on the icon on their five, which is the frame, and that loads that shape as a selection. So you could see I've got to selection frames here. Not gonna inverse the selection control of command shift I in verses it leaving with just this internal rectangle selected. And I can choose image, crop Commander Control de gets with the selection on, I can now save out the individual images and that will be exactly the same size. Which means I could then goto in design and bring them all in. Now there's a cute way of doing that. If I choose Commander Control D, which is, of course, the place command. And here are my images. I'm going to select all five of them and then click open and they get an image of the 1st 1 with a little number five next to it in parentheses. Now, I could just go clear, clear, clear, clear, click, and put them all on the page. But I'm not going to I'm going to hold down command or control And the shift key on the cursor turns into a grid. If I click and drag, but I'm not letting go. Do you see that? That's actually a grid of nine smaller rectangles. If I tap on the up arrow key, I gain another row on the down arrow key. I lose it. The right arrow key. I gained another column, The left Arrow key. I lose it. I have five images. I only need six spaces so I could lose another row on. That leaves me with the six spaces. Then I'll let go there. They all are. But you see, the frames are all the wrong size. So while they're all selected, I can choose object fitting fit, frame to content, and I'm going to put them all on top of each other. If I select number one and drag it onto the top of number two, oops, its gone behind it. So choose object arrange. Bring the front on. Then Number three is also on top of number two, so that's going to be object. Arrange center back and number four. Same thing now. By this time I would have decided it's worth learning the short cut command or control plus shift plus the left bracket key, which is just to the right of the letter P is sent back on the right bracket Key would be bring to front. So now that all in the right order now I've got to put them all exactly on top of each other window objects and layout a line. I'll make sure that all selected and then choose this icon on this icon another all right on top of each other. Now I can resize them a bit, so I'm going to drag him all over here. Commander Control shift, click and drag on a corner. But wait a 2nd 1st cause any get a life preview. There we go. And that's actually five images, one on top of the other. And if I goto window interactive object states on, then tell this wonder that I want a new object state. There's all five of my images. No, it's gonna call it Multi State one. I think it would be better off called cucumbers, so now it is. The next thing is to bring in something that will actually control the movement through them. And for that I wonder buttons in forms, window window, interactive buttons and forms. There's a library here that I said earlier I'd show you very quick on the options button. There it is. Sample buttons and forms. 13. 12 Slideshow (2): now. The 1st 2.5 rose are all interactive material. These are the ones that you would use if you're trying to build an interactive form, which will do later on on order. The others are simple. They don't have a click state, but they do have a rollover state. Simple buttons, some of which you can have text to, some of which really too small. But I want some arrows. So here's a couple a green arrow pointing to the left. And if I shift, click another one pointing to the right. Then I'm just going to drag them out onto the page and drop them. No, I don't need the library anymore, cause it's taking up a lot of space, so I'm gonna close it. If I've got smart guides on, then as soon as thes two are arranged horizontally, I get green lines showing up. I'm going to enlarge them both. So again, control of command shift, click and drag, that's better. And then I want to put them well, that's the middle of the page. Let's put him there, and I'm gonna want to put this in the middle of the page. Now, if I click and drag across it. I selected all the objects, not just the top one. And there we go. Now that's in the middle of the page to I guess it already was what to do. So this arrow, I no need to tell it that it's going to rotate back through all the images and I'm not going to do on release. So tap I'm going to do on Click, However, before I do that unreleased, So Tap has already got an action associated with it. I better get rid of that because it can have more than one action triggered by more than one event, and then you got a button. Trying to do several different things at once could be confusing. So while that selected, I'll click on the minus sign and say, Yes, I want to delete the action. Now I can say on Click and then click on the plus and go to previous State on this one will do the same. Get rid of the action, turn it to go on, click on this one's going to be go to next state. They see both of these go to previous state, go to next state come from the SWF to eat pub only section problem. If I exported, this is a pdf. It would not work. I didn't need to tell it what object it was referring to because there is only one such interactive object on the page, and it's found the one that I wanted it to find. What I could say is, Stop it First state stuff at last state so it won't keep on looping through the left hand but will stop when it gets to one. The right and button will stop when it gets to Image number five. Now I would need to export this either is flash or iPod, but I don't want to do either. Let's say I want to send this to a client so they can look at it, and I want to put it online. I'm going to use publish online. The title of the document is slideshow. I could put in a description if I wanted. It's only a single page. If I clicked on advanced, I could change the format from automatic toe. One of these, I could change the resolution Thesis screen rez That'll work image quality high. I could say maximum GIF options will around to me and I'm not going to select a pdf preset . Who is that with me for print? That's gonna have a look. And there it is. And if I click on the arrows, they work. This is all HTML five. That's what publishing the document did. It changed all the stuff that could not go out as a PdF into HTML five, which is like non damaging flash. Now the only problem is, if you look at the URL, it's clearly part of an adobe site. I might not want to send that out to clients to look at the work that I've done for them. What I can do instead, is this re Brandley? No, I don't own shares in this company. This is an online utility you can enter linked to begin and tell it what you want it to become a little rebrand it for you and you then send that link out to your clients has got your name, your branding on it. When they arrive at that material, the brows is still going to show this address at the top. But hey, it's a lot better than nothing. On the last time I checked, it was free 14. 13 Adding Video (1): in this video, I'm going to show you how to bring a movie into in design and export. It is an interactive PdF. We're going to control the movie in two different ways. I'm gonna put buttons on the screen, and those buttons are going to be assigned Stop, play, pause and resume, And I'm also going to use what's called a skin. And the skin is like movie control bar that actually sits on top of the movie itself. But you can trigger it so that it only appears when the mouse rolls over onto the movie area and there are various different kinds of skin that you can apply. As you'll see. The first thing is to actually import the movie, so I'm going to use Commander Control D to do that. And there it is. This movie is only 2.3 megabytes, as you can see, because the original, which was 20 some has been put through adobe media encoder and using encoder, you can bring a large movie down to a much, much smaller size. There's lots of different presets that you can work with. Some of them are specifically aimed at putting the result online, in which case the movie file has to be quite small. So I'm going to okay that and there's the movie loaded in my Kherson. If I just click there it is. And there she is. This is Bean, and I'm going to put a poster on top of that. Now a poster is what you'd see instead of the first frame of the movie. So if I goto window interactive and Media, then there's being again down here. It says Poster from current frame, which is what I've got now. Or it could choose Choose Image. And there's the poster file already created on that, then takes its place. Now I can tell that to size to the same size of the movie by clicking on this and then go object fitting fit. Content of frame. A Voila. Now, if I just click here, that will play the movie. So now I need some buttons. I'm gonna put the buttons down here on the bottom, and in order to get them, I'm going to go to window interactive buttons and forms and then click on the options Burton and choose sample buns and forms. I don't want any of these cause easier for interactive forms. What I really want to things like this. So if I'm going to play the movie, I'll have a green button. If I'm going to stop the movie, I'll have a red one. No, I've got smart guides on. So you see those little green lines telling me these two buttons were in alignment? That might be handy for pause. I think I'll have a great button. And then for resume, I'm gonna the blue one. So I've got place. Stop pours Resume now. I don't need the buns and forms library anymore. I do need the buttons in forms window because I've got to assign activity to all these buttons. 15. 14 Adding Video (2): and all of them have an existing action. Go to your URL for unreleased so tap when I don't want that, so I'm going to get rid of it and I'll do it for each button. I'm going to change the action toe on click and then this one. That's also going to be going away. And I'll change that to one click and this one. Get rid of the existing action because you can have more than one action assigned to a button. And in that case you'll find that it's trying to do several things at once, and life gets very confusing. Okay, so now I've cleared those actions. No one a bit of space. So I'm gonna make this whole movie a little bit smaller. And to do that, I hold down command and shift and drag on a corner on. That reduces the movie and anything else that's in the same frame at the same time. Then we're going to reduce these buttons so I select all of them command, shift or control, shift, click and drag. And there we go and re size in the whole set. Now I'm going to drag the whole thing down into this area beneath the movie. No, I need some text to tell me what the buttons are going to do. So if I just get the type tool on, draw a little tight frame like so and then I can type play Stump Poor's resume. Obviously, the lines of the type don't match up with the position of the buttons. But if I make sure that the top line does by just tapping on the arrow keys on the keyboard to move it down a bit, then I can select everything inside it and then just come up here, click on the A for character formatting stuff and then increase the leading. Which is this one? Pretty easy. Okay, now I've got to tell the buttons what to do. So I click on the green one and in the buttons in Forms window. I thought I changed the action toe one click, but never mind. On Click on the action is going to be video play. There's only one video on the page, so it finds it easy enough, and that's fine. No, I'm going to click on the red one, and that is also going to be video, but it's going to be stopped than the gray one. This is pours on click action is video, and that's pores and then resume action is video resume. Now you may have noticed for a couple of other things there play from Navigation Point. So the idea of playing from a navigation point is that if you've got a movie where something particularly important happens at a particular point, and you want people to be able to go straight to that point and maybe not have to go through all the stuff they've seen a couple of times before, you can assign a navigation button to control that point in the movie. Then they can just click on it and they go straight there. So drag this away. I'll click on the movie again, which means it appears in the media window, and now we can play it here without having to play it here until we find a place where we want to assign a knave point. So off we go, there goes being This is a simple little movie about throwing a bull, and she loved it. So how about if I had that as a navigation point. So I'll say navigation points and one 0.1 I don't have to call it anything special. Then we'll carry on playing the movie, and that's gonna be point to. 16. 15 Adding Video (3): over here. I'm going to create a couple more buttons and assign those navigation points to them. So click on the options button and go for sample buttons and forms again and scroll down. And they think what I want for this one is a couple of arrows. So I'm gonna have a couple of green arrows, so there's one, and I'll just bring in another. Okay now closed the buttons in forms library and zoom in on those a little bit, and I think I can resize them down slightly. So control and shift or command and shift. And then, as before, I'm going to create a little text Roehm and just type in knave 0.1. Never point to, And then I'll move the frame down a little bit first and then use the leading to separate them out so that the text fits alongside the button. Click on the Arrow that Scott go to Next page is an existing action for unreleased, so tap minus sign. Go away, change it, Owen, click and then Goto actions, and it's a video action and it's played from navigation point on. This is going to be 0.0.1. I've got both aggregation points here. You would have a list of all than that points you've created. Then I'll click on this button and again get rid of that existing action. Change the event. Owen. Click on this is also gonna be video. Go to enough point. Except this one is not went to. Okay, that seems to be it. Zoom out, Commander Control zero. So now, to show you the skin, I'm gonna have to assign that to the video. So I select the video again. I can close the bonds, informs window Now I finished with it and there's the media window again. It says control and none. If you click on that, you get a list off potential skins that you can use on. These contain all kinds of different combinations of video controls. So if I choose skin overall, which means all the controls but show controller on roll over, that means it's not going to be there permanently. A lonely be there when the mouse rules over the movie. Okay, done. So now I'm going to export, which is control or command E. And I'm gonna put it in the same folder that I got the movie in the poster image from I'm Gonna call it being one, It's Adobe Pdf interactive. Now click Save so that on the general tab it's already set to pick up all my interactive elements. There is only one page here, so it doesn't really have a choice. It can't exported. It spreads. They got a compression. This will affect the appearance off the poster. 1 44 resolution Maximum quality That's going to be fine. And I don't need to worry about advanced or security. So now click Export, and it gives me this warning about going from a C on my case based. Want GP in colors may change. No other won't. So click OK, I know if it goes and there's the movie, it says here, Click to activate. That's kind of a default that you're going to get. Assumes the curse of rolls over the movie That's going to appear, but let's see if it works. So if I click on it off, she goes. When I rolled the mouse over the movie, there's the skin. So here's the volume control. We've got stopped. Play pours resume. But I've also got the buttons down here so If I say stop, it's going to come right back to the beginning of the movie and then play off. She goes again. Pause that will freeze the frame wherever it's got to and resume will let it continue to run on the n F 0.1. There it is on that point to, of course, is that easy. Putting a movie into in design is no trouble. It'll 17. 16 Animation (1): in this video, we're gonna have a look at some animation. No animation in in designs sounds rather better than it actually is. It's actually fairly basic, and you can't export animations is P D EFS. You can export them using published online, and then you can give the U. R L to your client so wherever you want to show it to and you can exported as flash, you can also animate objects if you go to exporters. An EPA, incidentally, I'm not covering it pubs in this series of videos. That's a whole separate subject, so I'll deal with them sometime in the future. Anyway. I'm going to animate this butterfly, which is a PST file. It's got a transparent background so that it flies in from the left of the page and lands on the flower's. So I'll put it on the flowers first. There we go, right in the middle. Then I'll open up the animation window window interactive animation, and it knows I've got the butterfly selected. And then I have to choose a preset, and I'm going to choose flying from left. Now that green line is the flight path, and obviously it doesn't extend off the edge of the page yet, so I'm going to change it so that it does. And to do that, I need the direct selection tool and then I'll click carefully on it. You have to be very, very careful doing this stuff. You've got to be kind of decisive on. Just go ahead and do what you need to do and not fumble around and not make mistakes, because otherwise the butterfly will not follow the flight path that you're creating. It just doesn't work. It's very easy to disturb it. I'm going to drag the end of that path off the edge of the page, and then I'll get the pen tool. And if I hover over the line with a pencil, see that plus sign? I just added an anchor point and here's another. Now. If I hold down the command or control key, well, I've got the pencil selected. The curse. It turns into the direct selection tool Both these points has selected. I only want one, so now I'm going to click and drag around this one. See this one's no longer selected, and I can drag that to a new position and then I'll drag this one up a little bit, and I'm going to drag the end of the path a little bit further away. Just in case. No, I don't want my butterfly to fly in a series of zigzags. I'm gonna hold on the bulky, and that changes the cursor to the convert direction Point Tool. And I can click and drag on this point and convert it from a straight line to a curved point, pulling out busier handles from it and this one as well. Now to see if that's gonna work. If I don't go back to the selection tool and click on the bottom left corner of the animation window, it opens up a little sort of proxy view, and you can see that the butterfly is indeed flying it on a curve. It's not flying in on a straight line, it's fading in, and I don't want it to fade in. So I'm going to change that to none. And I'm also going to say hired after animating because it's very difficult to animate an object twice. If I want the butterfly to fly in on land and then fly out, I've actually got a sign animation to two different butterflies. So now this one's going to fly in land on the flowers and disappear as it disappears. Another butterfly is going to appear because that one's gonna have high it until animated assigned to it. And that's gonna be on layer to. So while it's selected, I'll go command seal control, See to copy it now in the layers window. I have already turned off. Paste remembers layers. You need to do that. If you don't do that, you cannot pace the butterfly onto a new layer. It remembers when it came from, and that's where it land. 18. 17 Animation (2): No. I need to create a new layer Options button, new layer. And I'm gonna leave it called layer two. And the selection frame color would be red. That's fine. Okay. And then are selected. Now I'm gonna paste in place, command or control shift all the and you can see the frame turned red, indicating that the butterfly we're now looking at is indeed on layer to now to prove it to myself. Aside from anyone else, I'll turn off lead to there's the butterfly on layer one. No, turn off, layer one and turn on there, too. And there's the butterfly and lead to so far, so good, that selected again. And on this one, instead of flying from left, I'm going to change that to fly out, right? No, I don't want this to fade out, either. I want that to stay solid all the way through. I don't want it to be hidden after animating. I wanted to be hidden until it's animated. And now, when I manipulate the flight path for this side of things as well, so again, I'll switch the direct selection tool and carefully click on the path and then grab the end and drag it off the page. And then I'll switch to the pen tool and hover over the path and there's a little plus sign again. Click and I'll do another one and hold down the commander control key and click and drag around one anchor point. As before. Keep the command key held down, and I can drag that now to new position. I'm trying not to drag thes anchor points into two strange positions. I want the butter flight of flying a fairly logical direction that suddenly offered a weird angle and then, with a convert direction Point tool, I'll turn that into curves. Now let's see if that worked. Yep, that worked. So in the layers window, I'll make sure I've got both layers showing, and I think I'm ready now. I'm just going to check this by making the proxy a lot bigger, and you can do that and that See what happens. But if I flies in and flies out again, and that's exactly what I'd see if I exported it using published online or if they exported , it is flash, it's the same thing. It's worth having a quick look through the animation window. So, as I said, the animation window usually knows what the object is that you have selected, and then you choose a preset. There's a whole bunch of them, some of them you can edit somewhat, some of them you can't. Then you've got the trigger that's actually going to get the thing going. So that's the event, and the default event is on page load. But you can choose one of these instead or as well. That's the problem. If I decided why I want to be able to click on my objects and that's going to start the animation, then I would choose this one on Click Self. Now there were two, so it's going to start with the page loads and also when I click on it, I don't want that. If I only wanted to start when I click on it, I've got to open this back up again and click on on page load once more, and that removes it. I can also change the duration of the animation. I can change the number of times it plays on. If I wanted, I could set it toe loop. The speed is based on an ease setting, and he's allows you to add more natural looking acceleration and deceleration to movement. You can rotate animations as they move. You can choose any one of these reference points to rotate from, and you can scale it. Is it animates, and you can change the opacity so that it fades in or fades out or doesn't do either of them. So there's a lot that you can do with animations. Give him a try. You might end up doing something spectacular. 19. 18 Email Links, Page Transitions & Bookmarks (1): So this video is going to play kind of catch up a little bit. A few things that I didn't put in other videos, and I'm lumping them all together. So I'm going to use this document. This is Photoshopped Intro notes that I give out to people who attend my photo shop classes , and I go to the pages window and show you there is a lot of pages in here. So first thing I'm going to tell you about his bookmarks now that probably the easiest kind of high public that you can add to an in design document. And the idea is that if you then go to Adobe Acrobat, you can turn on bookmarks on. They act as a table of contents for things that you'd like people to be able to go straight to. You can generate bookmarks in a variety of ways. For example, if I decided Page five, that needs to be a place that people can go straight to. Then I go window interactive bookmarks and just click on the new bookmark icon here at the bottom of the window, and there it is, and I could call this instead. Page five There we go. Now Go to another page. Let's say Page nine, that one's going to go in there as well. Bookmark page nine. Okay, now let's go to a page where there's a few images on the left hand side like this and I'll select this image. And now in the make a bookmark, it's looking at the image. It's found the image it's not looking at. The page is looking at the image on the page, so I just call this pick. So I go to Page. Ooh, let's see 14 and I'm going to select this heading, and that's going to be a bookmark as well. Now it knows what text I've used. So I'll just call this H S and L hue saturation lightness. Okay, that's going to do it now. The other thing that I want to show you is page transitions, So I'm going to add a way of getting around in a graceful Nana. If I go to the options button in the pages window, then down to page attributes and then across and down to pay transitions and then choose here, they all are, and as a hover over them, they'll sort of happen now, most of them. I got to say I'm not very keen. This is probably the only one that I'm really okay with. Fade. Um, this one down here page turn. It's available only if you're exporting as flash or is Andy Pope now? This one I found often doesn't work if I publish online and I'm not very keen on it. Anyway, I put this in the same categories. The lens flare tool in Illustrator. You use it once, and then you go do something else. So I'm gonna put on the fade instead. And if I say OK, these little icons alongside every page indicate that there is a page transition in place. 20. 19 Email Links, Page Transitions & Bookmarks (2): I'm gonna go back to page one. And I said in an earlier video that I tell you about how to put an email. Lincoln and I didn't do it yet. So he is one. Got a question. Email me. Okay, I'm gonna highlight the word email and then goto window interactive hyperlinks on our quick on the options button. And I'm just going to say new hyperlink. I don't need to define the destination. It's its own link, and I'll tell it, it's an email link. Now the address I'm gonna put in is not a really address bozo at bozo dot com. Here we go. If I wanted, I could put in a subject plain, and that would appear in the email that come zinging back to me. So if I want to be able to categorize emails that I'm getting back for things like Photoshopped questions or in design questions or illustrated questions or whatever, then I could put in the appropriate subject line. And when I click OK, that will now become a valid email link to an invalid email address. Anyway, let's carry on. Now I'm going to make a PdF file export, and it's an Adobe Interactive PdF, and we're gonna put it here. Well, I've got this file from and I click save if I want. I could go to compression and just make sure that that's set to maximum quality in 1 44 which means it's good enough to look at on screen and to print out to a desktop printer, laser printer in the corner, inject machine just by your computer. Stuff like that. This is not commercial printing. This is desktop printing. I'm not going to bother with Advanced and security. I don't need to password protect this, and in general, it's gonna export all of my pages as pages on that school export there is over set text. That means there's a Red Cross showing of the bottom right corner of the tax frames on those pages. If you see something like that and you're not sure you must go check, I'm not going to bother, because I don't care right now. But if you're not sure, you've gotta go check because it might mean there is a very valuable type missing. It might mean that there's a few lines of space you don't know until you go check. Okay. You also might get this warning. You're about to leave a seer, Mike. A space it into the horrible world of RGB colors. Made change. No, they won't. Colors don't change all the CME white colors are already in the RGB space, so they're not going to go anywhere. It's when you're going the other way, you can have a problem, so I click. OK, and this is making my PdF and there it is. Now, if I click on that, it will try and email me. I don't have the email set up. It's a non valid email address anyway. You can see it, says Male to bozo bozo dot com. This is already an interactive table of contents. But if I click on this, I get the Acrobat table of Contents, which shows me my bookmarks and his Page five. There's Page nine. There's the picture that I highlighted, and here's the text that I highlighted so they'll work now. However, the page transitions. I didn't notice a fade when I went from one page to another just then, and I bet you didn't either. And that's because we're not in presentation mode, but now we are. What I did to get here was pressed. Command or control. L Now, if I use the arrow keys to try and get around in my document now I've got a page fate. So these page transitions only work when you're in presentation mode in Acrobat. If I do Commander control l again. Then I come back out of presentation mode into regular view, and now the page transitions won't work. It's just instant sudden getting around from page to page, so they go email links, page transitions and bookmarks. 21. 20 Interactive PDF Forms (1): in this video. I want to look at interactive forms, pdf forms. So the idea is you send out a form, people fill it in and send it back. Now, there are two ways they consented back. One is you make an arrangement your I S P or Internet service provider, because they've got a server that can collate the incoming information and separated out in the categories so that you can see what's happened a little more easily, and the other is a bit more basic, bit more straightforward. And that just means that someone's gonna email. They're gonna post the form back to you and you're just going to get it in your email and you can look through it and see what they said. It's up to you. Which one you do. But I would recommend if you're going to do a lot of forms, you arrange something with your eyes P If just going to send out a few, then just do it so that they're going to email it back to you. So I've created this layout. This is the big advantage of being able to do forms in the in design instead of what we had to do before, which has put them together. In Acrobat, you can create a really nice layout. Not that I've done anything particularly spectacular for a layout, but you can create a really nice layout and turn it into an interactive form. And that's something that's much harder to do with acrobats a little bit straight ahead when it comes to beautiful layouts. So here we've got some text fields. Now these are just rectangles that I've created in in design, and I've parked the text next to them and here we've got some more, and here we've got a text field with a decorative corner. Now there's a problem with those. If I tried to turn that into an interactive element for an interactive form, it would not look like this on the pdf that I filled in. However, this one would, and I'll show you the difference between them. Then we got a combo box on the list bucks just to show you the difference between them. These are all combo boxes, and these are part of what comes with in design. So are these. This is a check box and radio buttons, and then I made these buttons in and design. But then I've assigned interactivity to them, using the buttons and forms window, which I'm now going to go open. So without further ado window interactive buttons and forms, okay, now I'm going to click on this object here because this is, I said was just a plain simple rectangle. But once you draw on a plain simple rectangle, you've got a couple of choices to turn it into an interactive element. You can either go object interactive, convert to any one of these or in the buttons and forms window. You can just choose the object and then say it's going to be a tax field and it's got a name here. This is a Java script name, and this is how you could identify it if the I S P is collating the feedback for you. So many people answered Text field three with this or whatever. Otherwise, you know, if you're just getting this back as a form that you see in your email. Incoming email. This name is not so much used to, and that's have shown you before. With buttons, you can create an event. There's a choice and in action on the basis of that event. So there aren't any actions for this particular kind of object. This is a text field in The idea is you would just fill it in with your name that down below. If you want, you can say it's going to be required. And that means in the interactive form that people see there's a red border around the subject, and if they don't fill it in, they'll be prompted to the form will not consider itself complete and email herbal until that has been filled in. So I've made this one required and the email required. Now, if you're gonna ask people for their email addresses, you got to be pretty careful now because it's a big issue that they know how you're going to use this kind of information. So you can't just go around asking people that email. You've got to be very upfront about what you're gonna do, who you're going to allow to see the information, which means you may not want to go around collecting emails. So do be careful with that one 22. 21 Interactive PDF Forms (2): If I go click on the options button here and go to the library, you can see that the top section of the library. These are all interactive elements and have, in fact, used a couple of thumb. This is a cheque. Books, I think, is that one that's just sort of on or off, and this is a series of radio buttons. I believe it's this one here, and only one of these can actually be on in the form. If you want, you can duplicate Mawr buttons. You could just grab that one, hold down Ault and shift and drag, and then you'd have a set of four or you could delete one of them. Then you just got a set of two. This element here is a calendar, and that's it. And I dragged that out onto the page, and I made it bigger. But that's essentially what this object is. The top field will show you. Days of the month is 1 to 31 the bottom field will show you months of the year, so that one's 1 to 12. However, if I click on this, you'll see in the buttons informers window. It says 1235 other little literally, all the way down to 31. And on this one, it'll say all the way down to 12. Well, you don't have to go without. If you don't want, you can either make your own combo boxes. It's cooled. That is combo box. That's the kind. What? You can choose one of these and then adapt it. So I've adapted this one a change data color. I've changed month to vegetable and in color. We've got a choice off blue, red, orange, blah, blah, blah. Now you can have one of these selected or not. If you don't want to select it, then you just click on a selected one again. And that means that in the pdf form, this field will show of his blank. However, if I leave one of them selected, it'll show it with the word orange in it. So it's a Ziff. A choice has already been made, and in this one we've got a bunch of vegetables. Now these are not listed alphabetically, but if I click on sort items now, they are none of them will show because none of them are selected at the top here. We've got a text field. But as I said, these fancy corners will not show up in the result. It'll just be a straight rectangle. However, in the one next to it, we've got to objects. That is a simple rectangle, nothing to it but inside it. And you can just see if I click on that. There is a rectangle that has been converted into a tax field, so that will show up as being an area that you can write in. But it's got no Phil, no stroke. So all you're going to see is this decorative border object. And it says, If you're going to be typing into that, here's a combo box. Here's a list box. What's the difference with a combo box? You've got a list of options on with the list box. You got a list of options that you can actually see in the form, and then you could just choose one of them. You could only choose while in either case, but you won't see the list. Here in the box on the pdf form was this one. You will see the list here in the box, then we got a couple of buttons over here. This is the clear form button. And I told it the events on release so tap and the action is clear form. So if I click on the plus sign, you can see down at the bottom here, thes all actions that you can only assign to a pdf export clear form is one of them submit forms another. So if I fill in the form and I realized I haven't filled it in properly, I can clear everything by just clicking on clear form. And then all the entries disappeared. Got to be careful with that as well. Imagine if someone's just spent the last 45 minutes filling in your really tricky form and they go to click submit. They accidentally click unclear form because you put it too close to the submit button. Do you think they're going to spend another 45 minutes filling in your form? Maybe they have other things they need to do 23. 22 Interactive PDF Forms (3): now the submit button. That's going to be a button Anil even really so tap, That's fine. And then the actions I'll choose submit form, and that gives me a space to enter u R l Now, if I'm gonna send this back and then I Espy's gonna dual the work for me, then I would put in the u. R l so that everyone sent the form back to that particular folder and then the Internet service provider could go ahead and deal with it. If I want this to come back to me. This is what I type male to know. Space Colon. And then you put your email address and I'm not gonna put mine. I'm gonna put bozo at bozo dot Co, not UK. So that's where it would go on that. So you have to do. I don't need to put a rollover event on this or a click state. I could if I wanted, but that would do it. That would mean that somebody would click on this button the former go zing off either Theis P server or to me and my email and disappear from their screen. Well, let's see how this looks so close that down I'll close down the library and I'm now going to make a PdF out of it. So file export, and I'll call it sample forms. And I put it here in interactive forms. Save I don't need to change anything here unless I want to check in compression that Jay Peak quality is maximum and resolutions 1 44 which would mean this image in the background of print pretty nicely. And I just click export. And yes, I'm using a semi gay blends place, but it doesn't bother me. And there goes my pdf and here it is. So you see that I lost my decorative borders, but here I didn't. But that's the interactive area. Here's the cheque books. There's the check. Here's the radio buttons, text field. Now, this is one kind of text field where you can enter a whole bunch of stuff. So just how happens that back here if I press w I've got a whole bunch of stuff, so we're just gonna click in here and say, Command a to select old it. Come on, Sea or control, See? Of course, Then I'll go back to the pdf not clicking the and just paste it more than fills this frame , but look, I set it up, so I've got a scroll bar on the right hand side so I can see all of it. If I go back into in design for a second on our reopen, the buttons and forms window window, interactive buttons and forms, and I'll click on this text field and you can see down here it says, multi line scrotal. And that is what gives me the multi line ability and scrotal. Now this is not multi light or scrotum. ALS. When I click in here, I get a cursor about halfway down and I'm just going to get one line. It's going to go on and on and on. But there's only one line. Here's my required field. These are not required. This one is required. Here's the days of the month for Click on that. There they will are that's also inscrutable text field, obviously, and I can choose one of them months of the year, and I can choose one of them. Remember I said, if you've got one of them selected, it shows up as if you've already chosen it. That's what I meant. I could choose something else if I wanted. And here vegetable, nothing was selected. So let's have a non to choke. Here's my combo box, which doesn't have any interest, but that's what I've got a choice of. And here's my list box, which does display the things that I can choose from. And again it's credible. If I decided all of this was a terrible mistake and I want to clear it, click unclear form and start again. And if I decided I finished and I wanted to send it off, I'd click on that and offer would go and it would go right now. Sanded dated a bozo bozo up co dot UK. An interactive forms really are that easy the first time I ever used one. I was working late at the office in London one evening trying to figure out interactive forms, and they got an email from a friend in France, saying, Does anyone know how to do interactive forms? I've gotta have the results from the survey tomorrow, and I emailed her and said, Well, I don't know. I'm just looking at him. Send me what you've gotten. I'll see what I can do. On the next day, I got an ecstatic email from her saying, Fantastic. It worked. I got all the responses. That's how easy they are. Even a twit like me can put them together and they work, so I don't think you'll have any trouble, a tool.