1. Introduction: Hello and welcome to the course, instilling discipline into your life. My name is Zachary Phillips. I'm an online mental health advocate, author and coach. And in this role of helped thousands of people move from a place of surviving to passionately thriving. And one of the key things that I suggested that they instill in their life is discipline. If you want to get something done, if you want to accomplish something, if you're a writer, book, learn a language, get a hobby down pat, getfield, get healthy, quit cigarettes or alcohol or drugs. Any sort of self-improvement whenever you want to do, require some level of discipline, right? This could be anywhere from becoming a professional athlete to merely having the ability to work, right? You need to have some sort of level of discipline in your life that enables you to get up, get through the tedium, and get going. This course will give you the tips and tricks and IDs that works for me as well as my clients as well as for people online that will get you discipline. You'll be able to wake up earlier. You'll be able to get through the tedium. You'll be able to accomplish your goals. How, by employing the things you will learn in this course, you'll be able to just get it done. There's an interesting thing with discipline. It's part choice. You've chosen to watch this video. And then you can choose to implement the actions that I'll suggest to you into your life. When the alarm clock goes off, you can choose to stay in bed, or you can choose to get up. What I hope to show you in this course is that you can make a positive choice. A lot of self-improvement is making a small choice that benefits the future. Over and over and over again. Should you eat the cake or she read the salad? Well, one atm for cake doesn't really matter. But if you did that every day, you'd been a lot different place, right? Should you exercise or should you know an exercise? Well, one day doesn't matter, but imagine if every day you exercise just one minute, just one minute of push-ups today has stroke with your big right now. The point I'm trying to make is, is that you can choose. But getting the ability to choose and making that choice easier is the, is the challenge. So in this course, what I want to hope to give you is the ability to make those positive choices again and again and again and again. So without further ado, let's get into it.
2. Strong Why: Okay, so the first thing I want you to consider is your strong why. Why do you even care once you click on this video, what, what do you hope to get out of instilling discipline? To me? I want to have a disciplined life so that I can accomplish the dreams that I want to accomplish. I want to write novels, I want to put out podcasts. I want to be able to train every day Brazilian jujitsu, my martial art. I wanted to have the energy and the drive and the mental fortitude to be able to work and play and spend time with my family. I've got a bunch of reasons why I need to be disciplined. Now, my reasons will be different to your reasons, but you need to consider what they are. It might be to lose weight. It might be to get healthy, might be to kick in addiction. It might be to learn something. I don't know. And it's, it really is up to you, but if you know what your why is, if you know why and you can sort of say to yourself very strongly, this is why I need discipline. If it's, if it's firm in your brain, it it will be a lot more strong, right? You'll feel more motivated during the things that we'll continue to do in the rest of this course. We fire easy if you know exactly why. It's sort of like the analogy of a New Year's resolution rights like, Oh, I want to lose weight or I'm going to quit smoking. Inserted a site flippantly because like, Oh, wouldn't it be good to lose weight or wouldn't it be good to quit smoking? Well, yeah, it would be good. But you need to be very strong in your convictions. We all want to lose weight, we all want to get strong. We all want to quit our bad habits. But until it sits with you into your own it too, you want it until you desire it, until it becomes the thing that you just have to have happened. It's going to be very hard to instill discipline around that, that topic towards that goal. So what I suggest you do is take a moment to just step back and consider your why. Why are you watching this video? What do you hope to accomplish? Now? Think about that. Pause the video if you need to or after this, after this video. Have a think about it, but really actually consider writing it out or printing it up into a topic on your laptop. The name of the goal, quit smoking or, you know, get this level bench press or learn a language, whatever it is and literally like a sticker upon your wall. So in your office or in your bedroom or in the toilet in her every day. You're going to look at this. You can even put a little one in your, in your phone as the background reminder or in your wallet. The point is, is I want you to have your y in the forefront of your brain. Having a physical y on the wall is gripe, knowing it, this is what I am doing it and why. That will help keep you motivated to help keep you continuing down the path of discipline. When when you sort of feel those edges in those little things of weakness trying to creep in. We're going to talk about that in a later session. But for the moment, I just want you to have a strong why.
3. Know Yourself: The next thing I want you to consider is knowing yourself. The more you know yourself, the easier it will be to instill discipline. So we all operate differently. We all respond differently to different sort of inputs and rewards and punishments and feedbacks and social pressures and all that sort of stuff. We all have different personalities. So why I said in the introduction, what works for me may not work for you. But the more you know yourself, the more you know what works for you, the easier it will be to implement any changes into your life. So this course is obviously geared towards what I found, what works for me and what I found what works for my clients. So they will be a lot of crossover between the stuff that I'm going to suggest later on in this, in this series to what will work for you. But I also want you to just hold in the back of your mind. Will this apply to me? Does this, does this impact? What does this sort of resonate with me? Will it work for me if you know yourself and I suggest something to you and I'm not that that just isn't going to work. Maybe consider it near consider giving it a try. But be willing to go down your own path. Because if you know, if you know yourself well enough, then things get better. So then the question becomes, well, how do I actually learned myself? How do I know myself? And there's a couple of ways you can do that. You can start practicing meditation, which is basically more introspection, just sitting there thinking to yourself and going, how did I respond in the past? Where have I tried to instill discipline, for example, and it's failed. Where has it succeeded? What has worked for me? And if you get answered those questions, you'll be able to make better decisions moving forward. If you know what works for you or what typically works for you, then you can make better choices. If you know that you need to have a lot of buildup. If you know that you need to have social influences, if you know, you need to have structured rich stuff written down and if you know that bones are distracting, right? I'm giving a bunch of examples, but I want you to think broadly about yourself. The more you know yourself the better and the good thing is, is that the self-discovery is continual process. So I'll say think to yourself, pause the video or at the end of this video, just have a think about it. What has worked for you and what do you think will work for you in the future and start sort of gearing yourself down that path.
4. Employ Social Pressure: So a common thing that really does help people to become more disciplined is to give themselves external social pressures. We are social beings, right? Humans connect with humans and we like to be consistent without words. So if you say, I'm going to do this to the world, your online, on social media, to your friends in-person, TO partner TO kids, TO parents, whatever. This is, what I'm going to do if you say it out loud and say, Hey, follow up with me or I'm going to keep updating your My Progress, right? You're forcing yourself or getting yourself a social proof in the sense that if you were to stop, you're now letting them down. You're now going against your own work. You're now sort of filing the collective failing the society. So I know that this works well for me. When I went, I was quitting alcohol and sugar for a year. I set it to everyone. And then when I was out, people would say, Hey, you wanna drink on or you don't, you don't drink on are you don't have the deserts, right? Because I did that, having that external forces there just to keep me in check, to hold me accountable to other people, was quite refreshing and quite rewarding. It really did help me to, to have that external pressure put back upon me. I suggest if you're going to instill a change in your life, you're going to install some sort of discipline into your life, whatever that may be in. We're getting to IDEs later on. But consider telling the world, talking about it on social media, talking about it in person, but just basically saying to the world, Hey, this is what I'm doing. Keep me accountable and then make sure you keep updating them. And if you do drop back, if you do fail, if you do pull up owner, Hey, world hate, social media. Hey, mom, Haidt, partner, whatever. I'm actually stopping and this is y. And then maybe they will talk you out of it. Maybe they will understand, but at least you've got that little bit of back and forth happening.
5. Establish A Morning Time Routine: It every morning I get up
and do the same things. I meditate. I read a bit of a
nonfiction book, and I exercise, take my medication and
have coffee, some stuff. But those things
that the main thing, meditation, reading, exercise. I do those every single day. I'll do them in the same order. And the reason I do this eases
that there's no decisions. I don't need to
decide what to do. I just wake up and
I go. It's done. That HTM guaranteeing myself to have a bit of a clearer mind. I'm guaranteeing myself to have a bit of personal
development with the book. I'm guaranteeing myself to
physically get stronger and also sort of get a better mental state
for the rest of the eye through the exercise. In the morning, particularly, it's quite hard to have the mental fortitude
to make decisions. It's hard to think yourself. What do I need to
get done today? I need to do all
this sort of stuff. Whereas if you have
a routine setup that you've worked at prior, that this is what I
do every single day. Just becomes easy. You just
get up and you do it by rote. Now isn't inevitable question with discipline here
that was like yeah, but like, how do I,
how do I do that? We're going to talk
about choice later on. But basically, you holding yourself accountable to a
previous version of yourself. For me, it's like a
more like more alive, more dream goal
oriented version of me. I will go, okay, well, it's good if you meditate,
it's good that you exercise, it's good that you read. Then that person says, Okay, from now on every
morning you're going to do those things for
this amount of time. You're gonna wake up at
this time and you're gonna do the morning
retained until that time, and you just gonna do it. Then once again, tell the
world that I'm doing that. But also I'm holding myself
accountable to myself. It's like past sac smart Zach. Like I'm enlightened, Zack, the one that's got
these goals and best best version of me in
mind decided these things. I'm gonna do what he says, even though I don't feel like it. In the next video
we're gonna talk about motivation versus action. No motivation versus discipline. But the point is, is that I've set myself things
that I'm gonna do. And then this version of
me doesn't every day. You'll morning routine
might be different. You might want to
practice guitar, you might want to write. You might want to
study something. You might like doing yoga, whatever it is up to you. You might clean the house. But the thing is if you
have a morning routine sit, you'll find that you
get more things done. There's a saying that goes
something along the lines of you can get far more done in a year than you
think you can, but far less done in a day. And the idea is, is that it's very used
to get motivating. Don't want to do all these
things in one day and then fail miserably and get
depressed or upset about it. But if you chip away
over time, over time, over time, over time, I've
taught IA morning retained. You will find that over that
year, you've done a lot. Over the years you've
accomplished a lot, let's say in your
morning routine, you spend literally
one-minute doing push-ups. Just one minute. How strong would you get
if you did that every day? Every day for just one
minute of exercise, just one minute of rating. Now obviously one-minute
doesn't match, but it's a good analogy. Don't you wish you had have been doing one minute of push-ups every day your
whole life, right? How strong would you
be just from that? Now mentioned if you did
ten minutes of meditation, ten minutes of exercise, ten pages of nonfiction reading,
ten minutes of cleaning. You're getting the idea of
where we're going with this. Start small. You might pick those
three things that I've picked or whatever you
want to work with mine, meditation, exercise and rating. Just start with
five minutes on H. That's 15 minutes. You wake up, pop, pop, pop, pop, pop, then you die. Starts. Give it a try. Start instilling that
level of discipline. Stick to it, choose it. And then obviously it
should relate to your why you've got your
Y on your wall and make sure your morning
retain relates to that. So why is I want to write
a book and you know that you need to have done some exercise because that
gets your brain going. Good. If you know that you
need to drink some water because that'll
help you with that. Good, right? Whatever it is that relates to your thing that you
want to accomplish, have that in your morning
retained to the end goal.
6. Get A Discipline Buddy: Okay, so another thing that you can do to improve your discipline is to get a discipline body. Now this might be a gym buddy, might be a study buddy might be trading partner. It might be a diet buddy, someone to keep you accountable. So this is that same sort of social pressure, but it's like I relationship sort of thing here in the sense that you're both doing it together. So if you've got a partner and you buy a smoky, both wanna quit. Work together on both of you, take that time to quit, right? But basically checking in on each other every day messaging, how are you doing? What are you working on? And you're keeping yourself accountable, talking it through because you might have issues in one area and they might have issues in another area. And you're able to compliment each other with different skills, different ideas, different abilities and help work together. Now if you don't have someone in person, you can go online on Facebook. There's a bunch of groups you could check out, read it. And there's a bunch of sort of communities that are popping up old at the time that it most likely going to be about what your band. So consider finding someone in person to do the thing that you're doing, or find someone externally to you to help you out or group online because it really does help to have a community of people around you. If you know that you've got that external pressure like we've talked about with the sharing wildly, but with a particular person. That's great. If you know that if you fall, there'll be then build you up. That's great. And you know that you can help each other out, sorry. Consider finding someone to talk to you, that you can do it with.
7. Set An Alarm: So relating to waking up and doing a morning routine is having an alarm set, get a phone, get o'clock, get a watch, whatever it is, and set an alarm. Set an alarm. That isn't drastically earlier. Okay. If you try and wake up drastically earlier from where you are now, it's bound to fail in a couple of weeks. You can check out my course on waking up earlier for more information on this. But the basic summaries is getting alum said it and as you're going to bet it not use promise off. You say, when this alarm goes off, I'm going to get up, get out of bed and do my morning routine. You say it physically. Okay. Like either in your brain or literally Atlanta. When my alarm goes off, I'm going to get up and do my morning routine. My alarm goes off. I'm going to get up and do my morning routine. And you prime yourself, you say to yourself, this is what's going to happen. When my alarm goes off, I'm going to get up and do my morning routine. Now, as I said in that in the other course, the, the waking up early course, you can solely chip away and sort of bring your morning time, your wake-up time to earlier and earlier. But you've got to train yourself to get up at a certain time. You get up at a certain time every day. You do your morning routine every day, and then your day starts at a particular time every day, pop, pop, pop, pop, pop. It just becomes a routine thing. So let me flip to the other side of this as like, okay, well, how can I best help facilitate that at nine, the good thing about having a wake-up time in the morning is that it forces you to have a bedtime. If you've come from a troubled past, if you've had issues with drugs or alcohol, if you've been on disciplined run, you might find that you go into bed at crazy times. You might find that you're, you're, you're letting yourself go. That's okay. If you want to be in that party mode, but if you want to get stuff done in your life, you actually sort of have to have to start setting yourself some Alice. So if you know that you're going to get up at say, six example, for example, you might want to be imbedded 10. So you know, you're gonna be imbedded 10. That means that 90 then want to start sort of eating down, which means that eight, you're gonna want to have your food, right? And you can sort of backtrack and obviously what you do for you will be different for you. But by having a wake-up time, it forces you to go to bed at a certain time. And you're gonna go to bed at a certain time because you know, you're gonna get off at a certain time. You do not sacrifice the wakeup, you do not sacrifice the morning routine. And if you do happen to stay up late, fine. You tied the next day. Don't sleep, hint, don't suppress that snooze. Get up. It will suck, but let's, let's play it out. Let's say you snooze it for 2, 3, 4 Alice. That means at nine, you're ten PM. Bedtime now gets pushed back because you don't need to go to bed, gets pushed back to 12, gets pushed back to one I am. And then the next day, you want to get up later on? This yeah, this is a cycle that continues. The best way to do it is to bite the bullet on one of those days and just be like, Okay, I'm going to be tied for today and get up on the alarm. Do your exercise, get yourself through the college in nature, and then go to bed at the time you need to go to bed to get up at the other debt or the other on the other side of things, right. So let's say you your alarm set for six in the morning. You go through your three-day, you go to bed at 10:00 PM, that gives you eight hours of sleep. Obviously, your times and things will shift. You might need more or less sleep than that. You might want to get up later or earlier. But the point is, is when your alarm goes off, you get up and you do things you do morning Tom retained, right. Beyond all of that, how do you know if you actually do need to sleep in? Well, the answer is you don't need sleeping today. Wake up, get it done. And then tomorrow if you're still feeling tired and lethargic, then consider sleeping in, but rather than sleeping in, go to bed earlier. Okay, that's a better solution. Go to bed early and go to bed at nine, good. 87, right? Get your sleep on that side of things and then wake up the next day ready to go at six. And that way your morning routine project for that day and things start to happen that make sense.
8. Make The Choice: So let's talk a little bit about choice here. A lot of this comes down to basically, or it feels like in come down to, you need to choose to be disciplined. And unfortunately that is sort of a case, right? You chose to watch this video. Now you can choose to try some of the things I'm suggesting. You can choose to set an alarm. When that alarm goes off, you have a choice in your mind. You can choose to get up, or you can choose to press snooze. Your, your y has to be strong enough that you will get up and go. But here's the thing. Motivation is fickle. Motivational leaves. You could watch this video and I'm sorry, motivated, I'm gonna do the thing, Zach. And then a day a week, a month later, you falling off. So there's a few ways to maintain this routines help with motivation. So I don't want to do my morning to retain every morning, but I do it. I just do it. I go through the motions sometimes. I'm like, I don't want to exercise, I don't wanna minute NDA, don't know, read, but I'll just do it anyway. I just I just go through those motions. But the thing is is over the long-term, I looked back and I can see just this imagining the his like I'm every day on the wall with I'm putting a big cross through that I was successful. It just stretches off into eternity. So I can get this sort of parallel or they sort of drive from the past, this sort of this white of momentum pushing me through. So some days I might not be motivated. But the fact that I'm continuing guarantee that I have a base level of momentum. The fact that I can see progress gives me some sort of motivation. But to rely on motivation is falling. You just have to choose how do you get up out of bed early? When the alarm goes off? You choose to get up out of bed early. How do you get some exercise down? You choose to do the exercise. You are fast, stronger than you think you are. You are far more able, far more capable than you think you are. It's easy to, to, to, to, to let your brain come up with excuses and say, Hey, your weight, your, this, the past cost of that, all of these sort of things. And it's easy to listen to that. But there's a different voice, this voice that wants you to succeed. This voice that has the strong why? The, the, the stronger, more primal, animalistic part of yourself, that core part of yourself that will guide you and direct you if you can just turn and face it. This is one of the other reasons why I suggest meditation. I've got a bunch of courses on meditation, so please do check them out. But basically what it does is it allows you to sort of step back from your thoughts rather than the photos. Let's say the thought says, i'm I'm disciplined or I'm awake. You can step back from that thought with practice and you'll look at it and going I, and having the thought that I am week, I'm weak on having the thought that I'm awake. I'm noticing that I'm having the thought that I am weak. The thought of witnesses present. Do you see how you can sort of step back and detach from that thought? So when you go to instill discipline, when you go to do your wanting to retain when you go to do the things that you've gotta do. And that voice of weakness comes in, the voice of choice. Yeah, you can step back and detach from it. You can see those thoughts as separate from you. But once again, that comes with a little bit of practice with meditation. Some people can just do that, but other people need to sort of work on that. I know I need to work on it quite a lot that I'm not my thoughts on the thing, having the thoughts or observing the thoughts, or that the thoughts are just present. So little bit of a mental game here. But this idea that at anytime you can choose to get drunk, stoned, or eat cake, or do some sort of other thing that's detrimental to your health. The thought pops into your mind and you could just choose to do it. That could happen, right? But there's also the equal and opposite force that you could choose to do. I thought to exercise could happen. You could choose right now to just do some push ups or just do some meditation or read a book, right? You can choose to do all of these sort of things. It's just that we have this way of just sort of following your thoughts without thinking a thought pops up. We eat the cake. The more we meditate, more we step back, the more we detach, the more we see our thoughts for what they are as they are coming. We're able to make better decisions. And in those with those better decisions, will be able to instill more discipline. The fault pops up. What should I eat? Well, you can choose to in that moment eat anything. So for improvement is a lot of liberal decisions made all in a row. Bang, bang, bang, bang, bang. The best benefit the future. Should I eat the cake or should I eat the healthy option? That's just a small decision, but made every day for the whole, for your whole life. Every time you choose that healthy option is benefiting you for the rest of the life in the future, right? So the point is, is that the more you meditate, the more you can see these choices and the more time you'll be able to choose the better option. And the good thing is with practice, the cravings for the bad choices will fall and the motivation and sort of momentum for the good choices will rise. So it's always beneficial to, whenever possible, make it the better choice.
9. Addressing Life : One of the main reasons why I'm making this course now is because I've had to employ these skills in my life to keep me, myself mentally sane. I live in Victoria, Australia, and right now we're going through some of the most extreme lockdowns in the world. We have got a we're limited to five kilometers. We have a curfew, we have limited reasons to leave the home and most businesses are closed. So basically we're stuck at home. You can work if your work is essential. Now, these restrictions quite confronting they triggering to me in the sense they make me feel a similar level of helplessness, how I felt in the past. And it's causing a lack of socialization. Men can't see my friends, right? I can't do the things that I usually do. I feel control they feel can define a feel trapped and that's causing a declining mental health in May. And in a lot of people, they spikes of mental illness, they spikes of drug addiction and alcoholism, right? It's not that great. So when I heard that the most recent lockdown stuff was going to happen, that, you know, by midnight, tomorrow night and you're you can't leave your home during these times. You can't travel. I thought. Okay, I need a push back at this, I need to attack. And this comes back to me knowing myself. I know myself well enough to know that if I sit, I Gulf myself, people have a cause or reason that's massive and also pushing back at something and also sort of shown to the world that external data, external sort of social pressure. It helps. And I was talking to my, I'll tell you what I'm going to do. But also I was talking my brother at this and he said, Oh yeah, like extreme extreme self-improvement. Who would have thought that Zach would like that, right? I said it sarcastically, but the idea being that although that's such a great idea for you because it works for me. So what I'm doing over this period and as a recording on at day 33, I'm doing something called 75 hot. And this basically means for 75 days I'm gonna do the following To 45 minute exercise sessions. One has to be outside. No sugar, alcohol, or fast food. During three liters, 033 liters of water a day. Retention, 10 pages of nonfiction and day. Take a cold shower every day, and take daily progress pictures and upload them. So that's what I'm doing. Like I said, them on a day 33 now, and there's to be no cheat days. That's just what I do every single day. Now. Why did I choose to do 75, 100? Why am I going to exercise everyday? Drink a little water, no fast food, no alcohol, no sugar, run, daily progress pig shell is all of those things. The reason is is that it gives me a purpose, okay? I can't buy some sort of external thing. I can't do a normal work. I can't see my friends, how I usually say them. I can't do the things that I usually do. What can I do? I can take control of the things I can take control and I can push back against those cranes that can fight back. I can fight it. I can exercise every day. I can make that choice to take action. So rather than sort of just withdrawing and giving up and just sort of waiting in his malaise. I've chosen to push back because I know that helps me and I know that it works for me. I've told this to other people and they're like That's such a great id that there's an issue with self-harming and mental health in general that people feel helpless. So they do things that might be self sabotaging, but they do it because it's an act of control. They can control these aspects of their lives without doing even though that's detrimental to their health. So, so, so applying that same logic but towards the positive is like, well, what can I do? I've got nothing else to do if I may as well use this process to instill discipline. Now, prior to starting 75, had I had a lot of trouble with with fast food intake in particular, IDE. I quit alcohol and sugar in the past years ago for a year, like I said, but then it was creeping back in. And I recognized that over the lockdown periods, over this sort of strife, I was more likely to turn to drinking because it's like, well, what else is there to do? There's no appointment as well. All of those sort of negative thoughts. So I thought this was a good excuse to sort of push back upon it. But let's talk about the progress. I'm a day 33 and I know I'm going to get to 75 and be successful because I'm over the hump. When you change habits and I've got, I've got a course on changing habits, check it out. Once again, the basic summary is, is you've got to get past that hump. There is. In the first week to two weeks is very hot. Cravings all the time, desire to have the phosphate. You don't feel like exercising all that sort of stuff, too much water. But once you get to that sort of 20 days, 25 days, the cravings are almost gone. I still have ups and downs. And if you follow my progress on on Instagram at Zach pay Phillips, you'll see the daily progress picks and I put a little bit of a discussion of what I'm doing for exercise and how I'm feeling. And you look back over the days are sort of share my progress. And the first of three weeks, unlike in general, I'm talking about how I'm struggling to deal with the cravings on things successful, but they're there. But then it becomes just sort of me talking about how I'm feeling that day. You know, I'm going up and going down. These are the exercises I'm doing. The point is, is that That's sort of three-week period is a good amount to get over those cravings. So if you try to quit something, quit sugar, alcohol, cigarettes, whatever it is, if you can get past that sort of three-week period, you're probably golden. There's some debate between whether you should implement changes very quickly. So if also say, Hey, do the 75 hot and you're going to start exercising, you're going to quit all of the stuff. You're going to post daily progress picked you can drink all the water like that's a massive change. It will work for some people. Some people will be able to change like that and that will instill that habit positively for the rest of their life is like sort of cold turkey going in hard, thrown in the deep end, might work. Try it. Other people Need slow, slow, slow changes. So like I said, when you're reducing your bedtime, all like, you know, we're gonna wake up, you want to wake up earlier? Some people go back. I'm gonna take an hour of my time, just wake up earlier, whereas other people will slowly chip away. And that's what works for them. So for example, with diet, rather than having a cake every meal, you might start off by having a very small piece. Or you might have an every other meal, right? If you tried to quit cigarette human and slowly, slowly, slowly, slowly cut down these two different camps here. Cold, cold turkey, straighten the day paint or slowly progressing. I'm not sure which one works the best. It's up to you to decide, let's say you're implementing exercise. Should you banned, go an hour and a half every day? You're probably going to struggle. I would suggest that you should build it up over time until you're relatively faint. Like I was already doing that amount of exercise it neat anyway. So the exercise wasn't hard for me. But what was hard was the fast food chips, right? What was hard was the amount of water, what was hard? Was the alcohol ever locked down? And what's half of me is the daily progress pigs because I've got sort of body issues that I'm trying to work through. Instead of sharing a topless picture of my body every day on social media is a little bit confronting, but do you go hard and fast or do you slowly change it? That's up to you, but tried life.
10. Get A Discipline Buddy: Okay, so another thing that you can do to improve your discipline is to get a discipline body. Now this might be a gym buddy, might be a study buddy might be trading partner. It might be a diet buddy, someone to keep you accountable. So this is that same sort of social pressure, but it's like I relationship sort of thing here in the sense that you're both doing it together. So if you've got a partner and you buy a smoky, both wanna quit. Work together on both of you, take that time to quit, right? But basically checking in on each other every day messaging, how are you doing? What are you working on? And you're keeping yourself accountable, talking it through because you might have issues in one area and they might have issues in another area. And you're able to compliment each other with different skills, different ideas, different abilities and help work together. Now if you don't have someone in person, you can go online on Facebook. There's a bunch of groups you could check out, read it, and there's a bunch of sort of communities that are popping up all the time that it most likely going to be about what your band. So consider finding someone in person to do the thing that you're doing, or find someone externally to you to help you out or group online because it really does help to have a community of people around you. If you know that you've got that external pressure like we've talked about with the sharing wildly, but with a particular person. That's great. If you know that if you fall, there'll be then build you up. That's great. And you know that you can help each other out, sorry. Consider finding someone to talk to you, that you can do it with.
11. Go Through The Motions: Going through the motions, I touched on this in a previous video a little bit, but I want to just sort of just highlight that not everything that you do in life will be great. Even if you have the dream job, there'll be aspects of it and suck. You know, you gotta get through the Sachiko to go through the motions. We talked about it with morning routines, we talked about it with the exerciser or sometimes I just have to just get up and go through the motions. Now there can be this feeling of like I want to make my life absolutely perfect in the sense that I want everything to be a dream and when everything to be perfect. But unfortunately that's not possible. No matter what you do, there's going to be aspects that aren't fun. For those aspects. You just simply have to go through the motions. And that can be for things that you can find fun. So if we go back to the exercise example, some days, most days I love exercising, but some days I just don't want to. So I go through the motions. I forced my body to pick up the weights and put them back down. And I just do it. I set a timer. I have a list of what I'm gonna do and then I just doing mono lock-in. And oftentimes I start that process and I do end up liking it by the end of the session, but sometimes I don't. But that's our cakes. I'm looking into the future now. I'm saying okay, over time, I will be glad that I did that. And I will live, got that sort of momentum of progress every day. Ticking the box, tick the box, ticking the box, tick the box. So there will be times that you just have to sort of grin and bear it and go through those motions. And that's okay. One of the ways that you can guarantee going through the motions is to write yourself a list. So if the exercise, I'm going to do this exercise, this exercise, this exercise, this exercise, and just, I've write the list down before I do it, and then I go through the motions and do it. Maybe the night before. One of the things that you do at night should be okay tomorrow I'm going to go do this, this, this, and this. So in the morning, after the morning routine, you get up and you just hope this is what I'm going to do it right. And if one of those things is answering TDS emails, go through the motions and answer the tedious emails, right? You just instill that willpower it into your life. Just, just check those boxes. It's not always going to be fun, but that's okay. Because you know that by doing those things in the long-term, but this long-term approach, things are gonna get better at things that are going to be good because you made that choice to do the cilium in the moment, back to the exercise. Over the long term, I'm going to feel a lot better now right now I might want to, might not want to pick up those weights, but I know that if I do it every day, I'm going to be stronger in one year, five years, 10 years down the track. I'm going to be benefited from doing it. Problem is this, if I take that day off, if I don't do it, then it gets more and more easier to justify that weakness, to justify that gap. The next time I feel maybe equal levels witness may be equal levels of not feeling up to it, but probably a bit less. I won't do the day. And then the datetime after that, it will require even less annoyance, even less lack of motivation has been an October. So I put the foot down. I'm going to exercise every day unless Amir physically actually sick. The point is, is that if you allow the pseudo logical arguments to stop here, I'm not going to do it because of reasons. You can then eat less and less of those reasons to justify you're not doing the thing. And over time that will cause you to do less of it. And it's this perpetual cycle downwards. So if you have to go through the motions.
12. Make It Easy On Yourself: I wanted to talk a little bit about making it easy for yourself. Once again, this comes down to knowing what, who you are and how you work. That there are certain little things that some people do to make life easy for themselves so they can't be more disciplined. Let's say you wanna get a diet happening. Maybe you need to be meal prep. Maybe you know that you snack. So you need to have a bunch of healthy snacks in your cupboard ready to go because they certain times he just can't be bothered making the food or whatever and you go to something bad. So don't buy inhabiting the house and the first bicycle meal prep if you know that you're working and you won't have time to get the healthy option and there's a phosphate joined just down the road, but you want to eat well, Sunday, Saturday, whatever day, spend some of that day meal prepping, freeze it, and bring those food to work, right? That's a little hack that you could do that might work for you, might not think different things to try. So for me, I find that the, the, the life hack of a morning routine be very useful because I know that in the morning I can operate by rote, get things done and then I'll tick off the meditation exercise and reading, right? That works for me. I know that having a list prepared the night before works for me in the sense of it's not yeah, before before or just after dinner or rotten. Okay. Tomorrow I'm gonna do this, this, this and this there, my goal. So there's goals relate to my struggle. Why this is the strong line, what I want to get done, these things sort of chip away towards that. I think that I have to get done. So the next day when I wake up after my morning routine, each of their I didn't have to decide. Another thing I do is have very similar clothing. You'll notice that across most of the videos I've gotten on Skillshare, I'm always wearing the same clothes. I've got a bunch of these top like multiple copies of them, multiple copies of the same pants. Why? I don't really value changing clothes that often alone. The expression side of things doesn't do it for me. That's just made you'll you'll probably different. But I know for me that having not having to choose clothes works for me. Might not work for you. But it's a little hack that helps me to focus on the things that I want to focus on. I don't need to think about my clothes anymore. I wake up, put on the same clothes, do the same routine and then I'm off, right? But if you do want to be more creative with it, that you might not implement that into your life. The point is, is we're working out what works for us and we're instilling those habits into your life. You might find that little life hacks. So like pairing things together, you know, you might find like, Hey, when I'm cooking and then a claim, we're instilling these discipline. It's like you might think have this view of disciplines like ongoing to do these things originally Iraq a robot or maybe in some of it sort of ease a bit of that. But the other part, easy, sort of like hacking your mind when you're cooking. You could also be cleaning in the sense that you've put things on to seasonal. And in the moment that it's sizzling, right? You've got a couple of minutes day, rather than pulling out your phone, wasting your time. Instead, spin those two minutes where it's frying Washington dishes. That's two minutes of dishwashing that you didn't have a chance to do otherwise, right. So yeah, you're pairing those two things together? Yeah. Added to your morning routine to get the cleaning done. What I'm what I'm getting at is you compare your, your behavior to other things too, to get stuff done that's a bit more tedious. Every time you go to the toilet. After you go to the toilet, you might decide to do a bunch of push-ups, right? It's a bit ridiculous, but there's, there's a way that you can pair your behaviors to physical thing. So one of the things that I suggested in the meditation course was every time you touch a door handle, you take a slow mindful breath. The idea is that you're pairing mindfulness meditation with something you do all the time. It guarantees that you get a little bit more meditation into your life. But you can do that with anything. You can pay anything with anything. Every time you check social media afterwards, you do ten push-ups. You're going to get pretty strong or you're going to stop wasting your time on social media. You could do like, Oh, I've got to do those. Those push-ups again. Is it worth it to me? Give it a try, right? Find what works for you, and get those hacks. Another one, how do you, how do you instill a clean house? How do you make sure your house is clean? Well, do you have a place for everything? Okay. Thank. Think about it right? If there's stuff everywhere. Well, is there stuff everywhere because you're lazy or just stuff everywhere because you don't know where it goes. Like if you if you know, okay, this is way my plight story. This is where my clothes go and this is where this piece of equipment goes. This is where one of the kids toys go. This is where my bag goes when I come home from work. This is where I put my case. If you know where things go, this is where the big takeaway goes, right? If you know where things go in your house, then rather than just dumping them, you can then choose to place them there. So rather than just dumping it, you've chosen to place it there, therefore, your house cleaner. Do you see how we sort of getting around motivation by having a place and a spot for things. Yeah.
13. Class Project: Okay, Let's talk about the class project. The class project for this class will be to come up with your reasons why. Your main reason why, like we talked about at the very start and how you're going to get there or what you're going to change? Are you going to instill a morning routine and what is it going to be? Are you going what are you going to try and accomplish? What are you going to try and do? A, you're going to set a different wakeup to omega to work on waking up earlier. What are you going to do? What actions are you going to take to instill discipline? So basically what I want you to do for the class project is right, this is my y and you'll say maybe quit smoking, and then you'll say, what I'm gonna do. So what is my Y? What are you going to do and what you're gonna do, your write down, you might be like, Okay, I'm gonna do, I'm going to have a morning routine that has these five things. I'm going to tell the world that I'm gonna quit smoking. I'm going to try and quit smoking with my friend. Okay, so strong. Why? What are you going to do? And then I'm going to read it and then you'll have some social accountability to me and anyone else that reads the course, you'll have social accountability to them. And if you want, and I would love you to, you post that and then maybe a week, a month, half a year later, come back and update me on where you're at. Did you manage to instill that discipline, do the morning routine, quick, quit smoking, do the exercise, whatever it is you're trying to do. Did you manage to do it? Okay, So what's your why, what actions you're going to take? And then if you can, if you remember, come back and tell me how successful you are and if you weren't successful, tell me why and we can work through and troubleshoot that together. Yeah.
14. Organisational Tools & Quick Recap: You can also establish
some discipline via organizational
skills and tools. I suggested getting
a sort of a weekly, monthly or yearly planner that you can stick
up on your wall. So that way when stuff comes up, doctor's appointments
work, all of those things. You social gatherings, you stick it up and you can
see when it's coming. Not only does that help
you to organize your life, but it also gives you
the opportunity to putting it on the
15th of every month, I'm gonna move alone. On the 20th of every
month I'm gonna vacuum. Then you can set
that every time in doing and it's locked
into everyday. You look up, you look
at your strong ally, you look at your wall
of what's on for the day and you'll look at the tasks that you've got to do. And once again, it
sort of holding yourself accountable
to a different, more aligned, more detached
version of yourself. On this day at this time, I'm gonna do this job and you get up and you simply do it. If you don't motivated, you
go through the motions. Once again, what
you'll find is that over time with practice, with the results, stacking up things to start to work out. You'll find that
the lawns mowed, the house is clean,
the dishes are done. All of these things
have done because you've been chipping
away at them. How? Because you're giving yourself
an external motivator and external sort of proof. We operate a lot
of time on rules. Why do you do this thing? Because the government,
because school, because the workplace
told you to, Well, hack yourself
in the same way. Why did you do this?
This is just what I do. Who decided that you, that the best version of you, the person that is
watching these videos, the person that is stepping back and
looking at and going, Okay, this is what I
wanted to get done. This is why I want
to get it done. Say self, there's rules, and then stick to them. When you really think about it. Who's the most important
person that you stick to? Who is the most important
person that you are honest with yourself, but it's very easy to put
yourself down quite low. Why don't you to do is
put yourself up and set yourself goals and then stick
to that person's goals. It's the most enlightened
version of view. We consider a wall plan or
a daily plan or whatever that you can stick up on
your wall and follow that. Sit yourself putting that on this day I'm gonna
do this job on this, I'm going to do that job and they say the
beans have to be taken them and
they say the total is gonna be cleaned,
whatever it is. When it comes around, you looked at and go,
I'm gonna do that. That's just something
you do. You'd know that that's coming
up on your wall. You're going to do it
because it's on a wall and then you're gonna take it
off because it's honorable. You're giving yourself an
external rule-set to follow. I didn't like the phone
because it's hot to see things popping up like a
physical thing. Because you can
actually say it once. It's like the strong why? It's right there, the visibility
in front of your face. Thank you for taking the course instilling discipline
into your life. It's important to remember
the key points here. Have a strong reason why. Know yourself. If you have your
strong reason why you're going to be heading
towards that goal. And everything you do will
be geared towards that. You're more likely
to be successful. If you know yourself,
if you know what motivates you and
what will help you. If you know how you work, you're more likely to
be successful as well. So go back over these, this video a bunch
of times if you need to try them on whatever
works for you, keep whatever it doesn't
work for you, discard. Do the class project. Tell me what you're
strongly is what you're going to do abandoned
and talk back and forth with me as to
how you're going to implement those
changes in T alive. And we'll get some of
that social proof. We'll get some of the discussion going and we'll be able
to instill discipline. If you need more
specific advice, ask a comment asking the
class project and say, Hey, this is the problem on
having, how can I address it? And that will give you
those specific answers. Now, at the top it'll say something about
writing and reviewing. Please, please, please
do so. It really doesn't make a big difference. And if you'd like
what I'm doing here and want to check
out more of my work. Had opened my website at
Zachary hot from If you want to check
out my progress on the 75 hot and all the
other things that I'm doing head over to
my social media. I can be found everywhere
at Zach P. Phillips. But anyway, it has
been a pleasure being with you and taking
you through this course. And hopefully you have the basis of instilling
discipline into your life. Ultimately, the final word he is that unless you take action, unless you do something all of this time that
you spend watching this video and considering
this stuff is wasted. I can't make you discipline. It is a choice that you
need to do right now. Make the choice right
up your strong why? Workout, what you're
gonna do to take actions, post that as a class
project and get started. And if you have any
doubts, asked me a question there as well
and I will help you.