Instagram Hashtags Basics For Entrepreneurs | Ali Mirza | Skillshare

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Instagram Hashtags Basics For Entrepreneurs

teacher avatar Ali Mirza, Growth Marketer & Digital Entrepreneur

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Taught by industry leaders & working professionals
Topics include illustration, design, photography, and more

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Taught by industry leaders & working professionals
Topics include illustration, design, photography, and more

Lessons in This Class

    • 1.

      Welcome to class - Instagram Hashtags Basics For Beginners


    • 2.

      Why use Hashtags & Big mistakes to avoid


    • 3.

      Hashtag stacking system


    • 4.

      My Hashtag experiment using stacking system


    • 5.

      Find Instagram Hashtags Fast - Part 1


    • 6.

      Find Instagram Hashtags Fast - Part 2


    • 7.

      Find Instagram Hashtags Fast - Part 3


    • 8.

      Thank you & next steps


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About This Class

Do you have a love and hate relationship with Instagram Hashtags?

They use to work back in the day but not anymore (right?)

Well .. It's because Instagram has changed.

And we have to find the RIGHT hashtags for our account to grow organically.

Random and trending Hashtags are NOT going to work!

Remember this

  • Random Instagram Hashtags = No Growth

  • The RIGHT Hashtags = Organic Traffic and Growth (This course)

This course will show you how to find the RELEVANT and RIGHT sized hashtags for your own account.

Here are the topics covered inside

  1. Do we REALLY need to use Hashtags?

  2. What mistakes to avoid?

  3. My Hashtag system that gets me organic traffic every time

  4. How to find the RIGHT hashtags quickly (tools)

Class Project: Download the worksheet and create your own Hashtag sets along me

Let's get started? Ok?

This class is full of hands on demo (no fluff inside)

Let me know if you have any questions. I am always here for you.



Meet Your Teacher

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Ali Mirza

Growth Marketer & Digital Entrepreneur


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My name is Ali Mirza and I am the CEO & Founder of iSocialYou. I have been in social marketing industry for 10+ years and started iSocialYou in 2014. At iSocialYou I have worked with several mega brands and startups. I help our clients in creating an engaging social brand and then generating leads from their social media presence.

I am also an entrepreneur at heart and have launched some products along the way (FiveOH is the most recent mobile app that I launched in 2015).

While working with key mega brands (Chevy, Lexmark, Papa Murphy) and 100s of SMB, I learned a lot and now I want to help YOU get results from your marketing efforts. My mission is to help 1,000,000 students get... See full profile

Level: Beginner

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1. Welcome to class - Instagram Hashtags Basics For Beginners: Hey, thank you for checking out this class on Instagram Hashtags. My name is Ali Mirza, and I'm the CEO and founder off I Social you, which is a digital marketing agency based in Dallas, Texas. And now let me tell you more about this class. You know what you're gonna learn inside. And here is my big goal for you from this class. We're gonna go from almost no traffic, absolutely no traffic from hashtag to a ton of traffic coming from Hashtags. And look at this. This is actually from one of my most recent course. 86% of the traffic came from people who were not only and look at the traffic from hashtag . Now, that's what we're gonna cover inside this course. How can you find the right hashtag for your account? The right hashtag and also the right size. And more specifically, here are different topics that we're gonna cover inside number one. Why should use hashtag? You know why? Why bother? Right? And also, what are the top mistakes people make and how you How can you avoid those mistakes? And the number two I'm gonna share with you? I call this hash tag stacking system Instagram hashtag extracting system. And this is the system that allows me to get a ton of traffic organic traffic from Instagram and then number three. We're gonna look at several different tools that you can utilize to find the right hashtags that relevant the right size for your account. Because that's what you need for instagram those type of hashtags to go. And then one thing I'll tell you this class is less theory and more hands on. I'm gonna give demos are different tools. I'm gonna take you behind the scenes on my own INSTAGRAM account and we'll look at the raw data and will see that I did a recent experiment before the use off this strategy on hashtags and after instagram hashtag stacking strategy and beauty The difference to d and I different. And yes, there is a class project for you. I'm gonna have a instagram hashtagged worksheet and you could download that worksheet from inside this class. And I want you to complete that work shape because hashtags are gonna be different for everyone. If you have a food blogger or a social media agency or travel business, or any or maybe a meme account or motivation account. So the hashtags are gonna depend on your niche and also your content. So I want you to don't know this worksheet and we're gonna talk more about this inside the course. But at the end of the course, you're gonna have a ton off hashtag sets the 30 hashtags proposed. I call the called Hashtag Set. So you're gonna have multiple hashtag sets that are gonna allow you to grow on this platform. And now I'm sure you're thinking who should take this class while first for if you are an instagram pro and you have thousands are brilliant or gazillions of followers. This class is not for you. To be honest with you, this classes for newbies and beginners and obviously you know you want to grow your business using instagram. If that's your goal than this class is for you. Because using that right hashtag is one of the best ways you can grow your business on inter government. Also number four. Maybe if you're not getting any traffic from their hashtag the picture that you saw on the post inside almost like zero traffic, we're not getting any child come, Hashtags, This class is for you cause you're gonna learn a lot and obviously no Instagrammers marketers, business owners, freelancers If you use instagram or planning on using Instagram to grow your personal brand or your business, this class is for you. And now I hope you are excited. I hope you are ready to learn the instagram hashtag stacking strategy. I want you to enroll right now and see me inside the class. 2. Why use Hashtags & Big mistakes to avoid: Hey, welcome back. So in this video, let's talk about why should we use Hashtags on Instagram? And also what are some mistakes people may So we can a wide them. All right now let's jump into this. So first of all, why should we use hashtag? Well, it's pretty simple. This is how we get discovered on the platform. This is how people find us. Our account are content on Instagram by using Hashtags. For example, If I go to Instagram here and it's my instagram and let's see if I search for I just did a search for vegan food and look at this. I am able to find vegan food recipes and all this amazing content that's categorised under that hashtag. If someone is not using that hashtag, I'll never find their content. Let's do another one. So let's say I want a search for Jim life or yeah, Jim life, Let's do that. So if they're different James and they're using this hashtag and categorizing their content , this is how I will find them. This is how I will find their content. So hashtag is they really help you with Discovery bility on the plant from people finding. And also you're able to find different trends by using these Hashtags. Now, look at this from later bloc Opposed with at least one instagram hashtagged averages 12.6% more engagement. Oh my God, I don't about you. But if I'm spending time to create content on Instagram, if I'm creating awesome images and videos, I want to make sure I have the maximum exposure and engagement. So I would definitely use hashtag X right? All right, now let's talk about some of the mistakes people make. So they're three mistakes people make Number one is they use random hashtag and then they use to big the hashtag that are too big or the hashtag that are too small and I'll explain those in a minute. So what a random hashtag running actually basically means they're not relevant to your account or to your content. For example, if I go back here and let's go back to that example off, I search for vegan food. So imagine if this hashtag had hashtag business or hashtag travel. This content is not relevant to that hashtag it wouldn't like really make sense. People would not be able to find it. So you have to make sure whatever hash tag you use those hashtags are relevant to your account and also relevant to what you're posting. So if your post is about, like technology, or you know these devices that maybe you can use some of those hashtags. But if your post is about, like food or travel, then you can use those hash, so make sure you are not using random. Actually, that's the number one Mr the Materials hashtag that are too big and too small. So this would mean so. For example, here is my account, and my content is mostly about social media marketing tips. Now, if I go and let's see if I want to use past at Social Media, that hashtag look at this number. Oh my God, look at that number 17.7 million. That's how many time this hashtag has been used. The usage of the traffic, different people use different terms. If I use this hashtag, I will never get ranked because that's like too much traffic. So this is an example of hashtag that's too big for my account. Now let's look at one of the other ones Let's try to Never doubt. So let's go under distant marketing agency. This might well, so see how this one is only half a 1,000,000. It is much, much smaller than that. Now let's look at social media and I wanna actually So here are different suggestions that Instagram has. I can just kind of marketing. Now let's say right here. So if I use Social media Hashtags there's 17 million people. I'll be lost in the noise and then on the flip side, on the other hand, look at this so hashtag social media marketing company. If I use this hashtag, it's only like 1000 people or 1000 posts, so I would I will not get much traffic from these people will not discover me so one and there's too much noise on the other end. You have a problem where people may not find you because the hashtag are too small, so you want a wide those mistakes. Your hashed actually might be too big and should not be too small. They have to be the right size for your account in every count is different if you're just starting out and you have like less than 1000 followers or someone who asked, like over one million followers or 100,000 followers. Then they started. We can afford to use big hashtag. But if you are a bigot or smaller camp, you have to be very, very careful and make sure you're not making these mistakes. And yes, we're gonna see inside this course more detailed process off. How do you do have to research so you can get discovered? You can get traffic from those hashtag you can get ranked on those hashtags and I'll show you the process that different tools, the free and the freedom tools that I use for my hashtag research. So stay tuned, I would see in the next video by. 3. Hashtag stacking system : Hey, welcome back. So now let's up into the instagram hashtag stacking system. This is a system we're gonna use to get your ranked and to get your traffic from hashtag. Now let's jump into this and there are five different pieces or different aspect to this system and I'm gonna walk you through. These things are very, very important. And let's cover these one by one. The 1st 1 is always used 25 to 30 hashtag instagram allows maximum off 30 hashtags and I'll tell you don't have to use 30 every single time but tried to use it between 25 to 30. Why? Because we so we can maximize our reach, our discover ability, our engagement from the platform for only using the two or three hashtag. Especially if you have small accounts that people are not gonna find us and our accounts are not going to grow and number two to number two is the make and break off. This a system. This is a So the mistake people make is they use 30 hashtag 25 hashtag but they're all too big or too small, right? So either they lost in the noise or they are not getting enough traffic, enough visibility. So the solution is you're gonna use a mix of large, medium and small. So here is kind of the formal out that I use so used 10 to 12 small hashtag 8 to 10 medium and 3 to 5 large. And yet, obviously you could play with those numbers a little bit. These are just like guidelines. You don't have to be absolutely, you know, stated than those. But what a small hashtag, somewhat small hashtag are hashtag that have a traffic off between 10-K 200 k traffic or the usage and the medium hashtags have traffic between 100 k to one million and of the large Hashtags have traffic over one million. What do I mean by fat? Let me actually go bring my instagram. So here we go. So, for example, remember I did a search earlier on social to remember when I do a search on social media marketing So look at this at 1.8 million poor. So this is the some people call it the traffic or the use of this is how many posts have this hashtag that's like too big so this will qualify as a large hashtag. So if I go back and let's pick Social Media Consultant 174. So this is an example off a medium hash. And so this is what I mean by this is the number that I'm talking about when I referred to traffic or the usage right? Let's go back and then number three. It's saved multiple sets off 30 hashtag. So what that means is we don't want to just do research, find 30 hashtag and then use it over and over again every single day because one you know, right, we don't pose same type of content or instagram rightto hashtag have to match with the content type number two instagram me actually look at us as a bought or a spam for using the same hash tag over and over and over again. So what I tell people is look at the content type. So how many types of content you're posting on Instagram and then you can have one or two hashtag sets for each. For example, in my case, I post about social media tips, Facebook marketing, instagram marketing, YouTube marketing, tic tac grow attacking all off doors are different content types, and I could see it in a one set of 30 hashtag for each. So that's what I mean. Number four kind of goes along with that. You want to rotate your hashtags again, you know, don't use the same one rotate and you know this is our If you have a good instagram marketing plan or strategy in place, you might have, you know, motivation. Monday something asked me something on Tuesday in a promo on Wednesday. So you're posting different types of content. So that's why your hashtag will be different based on each type and then Number five is my best tip. That I can give people is a B t hashtag BBT always be testing, and that's why the benefit of saving multiple hashtag Because once you start using them, you pay attention to look at the data and see You know what Hashtags are working best. What hashtag They're bringing you more traffic and then you can do use more off those in future. So always be. Do not listen to people blindly, including myself, right? So put everything to test and then look at the data because data never lies, and everyone's context is different. What works for one person may not work for another person. All right, now, next thing I want to talk about is there's a worksheet that I want you to download, which is inside this course, and I'll show you that worksheet kind of hubs create this or the hashtag stacking in one place and also next inside this courtroom Don't look at several different tools. So how do you find these hashtags? Right, so we're gonna cover that in more detail, but let me show you the worksheet. So here we go. So here's the word cheat I'm talking about and they're sort of like two sections. On the top is the hashtag stacking so small, medium and large. So as you are doing your research by doing tool that we're going to see inside the scores. Or maybe you're doing it manually. You can start storing these Hashtags here are, you know, as a reference, and then once you're set is complete, then you can so look at that. So here's my set Number one, my content topic of social media. And here's the hashtag set on the next one is might set number two Facebook tips And then here is my has except for that, right? So you can download days. I use this sometime, and sometimes I use my apple notes and I store everything there. It it's totally up to you. But you know, if you wanna use this, feel free to download this and use it as we are moving along inside this course Now, one last thing I want to talk about is always remember this a good hashtag is it has to be relevant to what you're posting Gagner The day like 23 years ago, you would use like any 30 hashtags and get start getting traffic and followers. But that's not the case anymore. Instagram has evolved organically. It's has definitely gone down. The organic engagement has gone down. So that's why the stacking helps. And then making sure you hashtag is relevant to not just your account, but also what you're posting. If I'm posting while you know business, my picture that my hasta has to be relevant to my the business type and then if my post if I'm posting about travel or food that my hashtags should be relevant to those content types , right? And then also the right size. So relevant content and the relevant sized those are the two aspects off a good hashtag. Thank you so much for watching and tuning in. I'm going to see you in the next video Bye for now. 4. My Hashtag experiment using stacking system: Hey and this Would you want to show you my quick instagram hashtag experiment that I recently did? So let's log in to instigate minute. See how powerful the hashtag stacking is. So here I am, logged into my instagram account at a women's A to K. Now, check this out. Yes, I do Use my account is a sort of like a testing plays or a test lab and test a lot of different things. That's why right now, you see different type of content on my count. If your school down the carton type is totally different And if your school further down, it's gonna look mawr different content, right? Because I'm always testing something. So but here is what I want to show you the power off hashtag stacking on instagram. So I want to go back here and I'm gonna go inside this video right here and then look, click on view insights and then let's look at where the traffic came for this. So look at this home profile. Other no traffic from hashtag X, right. So let's go back and I'm gonna pick another one and then view insights. Let's go there and I look at this. No traffic from hashtag. Right? And this was very, very consistent with that when I was doing this experiment are posting the separate content . Let's go back here. Look at this. No traffic from hashtag is if you get traffic Compassion, it appears here. Now watch what happens. So we're gonna go back. Let's go back. And there were now we're going to see because I studied implementing the new the hashtag stacking strategy. We're testing it after this piece of content. This video, when I'm talking about finding instagram influencers, right? So I am going to go click on that. And now we're gonna go click on insight and school And look at this. Look at this or we now have tough to look at my mouth. We have traffic coming in from Hashtags, right? How powerful. Now let's go back. So the next one is this view insights. And then look at this. Almost 3000 people came from Hashtags right here. Look at my mouse. Now let's go back and then pick another one time talking about Instagram stories reach. Let's go to insights. And again, it's not a lot, but the liver of traffic came from hashtag So let's go back. Here's another one. Let's look at the insight. Look at this. So we have traffic coming in from hashtag X right here. Very powerful. Let's go back. I'm talking about a different marketing turns So let's look at the insights and look at that. So I have traffic coming in from Hashtag. So this is the power off stacking instagram hashtags when you're posting. So you know, mixing up the small, medium and large and also making sure the hashtag relevant to every single piece off your content. So I wanted to quickly show share with you this experiment that I recently ran. I've done a lot of different types of experiments on my instagram account different content type video stories, different hashtags, but wanted to show you how when you use the hashtag stacking the right type of hashtag. And yes, you do need to do a lot of research and I'm sure you saw in the previous videos I have tons of hashtag such that I rotated or use or test from time to time. But yes, the hashtag stacking when you use it and make sure you're not using they have said that are too big or too small. You do start ranking or start getting traffic from those hashtag Thank you so much for watching Alteon the next with you. Bye. 5. Find Instagram Hashtags Fast - Part 1: All right, welcome back. And now let's jump into the actual hashtag research or searching process the tools and tactics you're gonna use to find the hashtag so you can build your stacking strategy and also different hashtag set now and this Would you want to show you the manual method? Because you can do all of your hashtag research. It's gonna take a bit longer, but you can do all of that on your instagram platform either on the desktop or using the mobile happen. Let me cookie show you how you can do this. It's very, very easy. So basically, instruments search book is very powerful. So we're gonna take an example of for example, in my case, So Social media is my industry in my field. So when a type aspects social media and then start looking at all off there so social media marketing is 10 million Social media is 17 million social media manager is 1.8 million. If you scroll down, it's gonna give you look at this now. So the first thing we were like large hashtag So now we're in the medium sections of social media help 128,000 Social Media strategist 134,000. And then here's what I would do. So let's hear you doing this. And here's another, like a really cool thing about Instagram's search, and this is very recent. I don't think this existed like last year, but when you search for a hashtag, they give you related hashtag, so that's very powerful from inside of. You don't need to use any third body or exit too early when some some tools are paid. You could do all of this yourself. So, for example, let's say if this makes sense to me, I'm gonna just copy this and let's go back and let's clear this. Let's clear this. So that was a medium hashtag I'll put that in and I'll just kind of say, Now we have one medium hashtag, let's go back and I'll kind of like, you know, start doing this process. So let's look at social media content. Look at this again. It's a really good medium hashtag, so I'll go back right here. So do their two very powerful thing about the incident in search when, when you type it in and then it gives you all off this. Look at all of this suggestion in the second when you actually hit the search and also give you gives you related hashtag very powerful. So I'll kinda scroll through this and let's if I find any smaller. So look at this social media marketing tip. So this is a small hashtag, so I'll go back up and in my small section, right. So this is how you can do manually it? Yeah, it's gonna take some time, but, you know, again, you don't need any extra tools. And some people like using instagram search packages to me, very powerful. And let's say let's take a look at another example. So if I search for Regan Food, same thing here is the big hashing 19 million. But if you scroll down, you're gonna see a lot of like medium hashtags toe further down. And if we kinda so here is a vegan food hall, so that's a small hash tag. Look at that. And then a bunch of other subject the Reggie Bow. That's a good one. So that's a medium hashtag Kenmore recipe, so you don't if you notice it, but when you start doing this process. You also look at this other their kin wah recipes. It's very like inside vegan food. It's actually very specific or another niche inside, like a sub nish inside vegan food. Reggie Food. Look at that. So this is a little bit bigger, but it's a medium Pashto, Reggie Never. I'm assuming it's what we gonna be. Even bigger they go. So yeah, so you can use Instagram's built in search on desktop. It might be easier to use it on desktop or on your mobile device to do your hashtag research. And then, as you are finding the right hashtag, make sure you start building your sets small, medium and large. And then once you have a 30 you can move warm or too, this section right here or wherever you want to maintain or save these hashtag sets. Thank you so much for watching in the next video. We're gonna cover different tools, the third party tools and abs, and we'll get the free ones and also some of the freemium ones that you can use to speed up this process off hashtag research. Thanks for watching. I'll see you the next one, but 6. Find Instagram Hashtags Fast - Part 2: All right, now, welcome back. So in this video, we're gonna look at some free tools that you can use to do your hashtag research. And this will speed up the process as compared to doing it manually inside the Instagram search bar. Are now Let's jump into this. The 1st 2 to number one I want to show you is called display purposes with an S F P. Yet it's very powerful toe it is, Frito. I only have to do is so for example, let's take that example off. I'm doing research on vegan food, So you just kind of put your and you could also put multiple hashtag to put your one or two hashtag x in the bar and hit, enter and look at their So here are the suggestions, so this tool will give you the related or relevant hashtags based on what you enter. Now, you can, um, select auto automatically or manually. So here's what that meant. And then you can. Also, before I do that, you click on the copy more, and basically you can click with the five dots because if you are trying to cop, some people use this tool and they post this paste this directly into the instagram caption , which you can do that. And it's harmful because you have five dots right to to do the spaces. But you can also do it manually. So this was the automatic selection you can hit when you hit on manual. Now look at this. Now you can go through this. So, for example, let's say I don't like this. I don't like this that you have no idea what that big 01010 I have no idea what that means , and I can. I like this like this and that like this. So you can do the automatic selection, in which case the display purposes will recommend you all the telly hashtag or you can hit manual and then go to this one by one and make sure you pick the right hashtag. Now there's one challenge with this. Can you guess what? Well, this tool is giving us their right hashtag that relevant hashtag. But do you remember? There's a second piece to it. Our weight? Can you guess what? It's the size. So when it's select hashtags like this, I have no idea what's the for example, plant strong, is it small, medium, medium or large? So if I for that What you have to do is you still have to copy that and I'm gonna go back to Instagram. And now look at that. So it's a large hashtag is 2.2 million posts, right? And then let's go back and look at Regan food poor and I'm gonna go back here It's 5.55 point 05 million usage, right or traffic? So that is the good thing about display purposes. It gives you the 30 hashtag right away very quickly, the right or the relevant hashtag And also you can do manual and then make sure you can eliminate the ones that don't make sense but the challenges you still have to use Maybe Instagrams built in search bar on the mobile or desktop to look at the size and, yes, stay tuned because they the third of the four tour I'm going to share with you today in this video, it's actually also gonna show you decide. So stay tuned for a bit with me. Then again, you know, as even going to assess your doing your hashtag research. Make sure you go back here. You are populating the stacking sheet the worksheet right? Right now, let's go back. So our 1st 2 was display purposes. The 2nd 2 is very similar. It's called Seek Metrics, and it's very similar to display. Part was is so generate 30 best hash stacks of what I'm gonna do is again, you know, Let's put my we get, Let's go back and I'm gonna put my vegan food it generate and look at that. It does. It didn't I don't think these are 30 hashtag, but it gave me the relevant hashtag. So I'll copy these. And let's say I'll do another one. Look at that. It's giving me more suggestions. So that's to social media. Look at that. So here's a list of 30 hashtag let's to vegan food without the I didn't want the space this time. There you go, Mommy, Blogger. There you go in and mom longer, so it's a little different from display purposes because you may have to input couple off times different. For example, the first time it may give you we'll give you 30 hashtag, but something that gives you 10 12 So you have to keep in putting your different keywords or different search terms to make a list of 30. But stepping back. Do you see the challenge with this as well? Yes, you. When you use to legislate purposes or seek metrics and there are a lot of like free tools here, it gives you the relevant hashtag. But again, you have no idea about the size of example. Mom Bloggers. Let's copy that. Let's go back to Instagram and then look at that. So this is a medium hash that 533,000 posts, right? So again, you know, display purposes seek metrics free tool, amazing tools. But you still when you get the suggestion number one, make sure the 30 that you pick you do have to. Even with the display purposes, you have to manually sometimes select and make sure you have the right Not many random hash tag, right hashtag and on seek metrics to, as you saw when you doing searches, you may have to do such a couple of times based on different terms to come up with the list off 30 guys at one time. I mean, I give you all the 30 hash tax like this, for example, Jim Life. It's only giving me. I believe there's like 10 or 15 so, but again, you still have to use either instagram or maybe another two to look at the size now. Those were the two free tools, and the third fee to actually is my favorite free instagram hashtag research to it's called Meta hashtag X right here and the reason it's my favorite because, let's say, for example, here are different. I'm gonna tighten makeup and it generates hashtags. The reason. It's my fear because look at this. It is giving us all the numbers that you want us, and I'll explain all these number in a bit. But again, the website is called meta hashtag dot com. And here's another thing that I want to quickly mention. Sometimes these free tools. Over the years, the these three tools have been, I have used these consistently the very stable tools because, but sometimes free to come and go depending on sometimes in the company of the founder gets busy with another project, so they stopped working on that, too. So if you ever if you're watching this video and future and you can't find are these tools this drop me a Mass said You leave me a comment or reach out to me and I'll be happy to kind of find another. Took their, ah lot of free tools for hashtag research. I think if you search on Google, you probably find like 102 100 improbably Widmore. But these a t that I have used on a consistent basis All right now, having said that, let's talk about these numbers what these numbers are. So 1st 1 is, Let's see if I could blow it up. There you go. Yeah, academic sense. Well, actually, I want to shoot you. OK, this is good. So first of all for simple makeup to 72 million post So this is the uses of the traffic. This is what we see inside Instagram's app as well. So total number. A post published right? The next one is 4.6000 per hour. That's in an hour. This hash tag is getting 4600 post. That's too much, right? This hashtag it will be very difficult to wreck and then look at this. So 1.1 kid This is the average, like on the top. Also, there's a top when research on. So, for example, when we search for makeup so normally it's going to show you the top post and then the most recent. So the top post on average, let's go back here. So the top horse on this hashtag on average has 1.1000. Now, here is something very powerful, not step back and look at your account. Look at how many likes you get average on your posts. So if it's not close to 1.1 K guess what? You have no chairs of getting ranked in this hashtag right? So this is why this data is very powerful and this is my one of my favorite tools, and this is free. I hope it stays free forever. No clue. They may. Who knows? In future, they may make a freemium or something. Here's another the next number 1 92 minimum. So this is a minimum likes on the top or so. Here's what I like to do when including different sets. So I look at my letter last 10 polls and I look at let's see if my minimum is 100. Then I used these filters right here, which we will see in a second to make sure that the minimum number is the 100 on. Then let's look at the the next one. This is the average number of comments, right? So as you can see, this data is very powerful. All right, now let's go back and I'm gonna go do an example of Let's say, I'm doing my own research. Social media. Let's close this one out. And here is so one you can always he kind of go through this and based on the size I can select, let's say this the medium hashtag Here's another medium hash tag. This is a large hashtag and it's it's getting all the hashtags right here, and then I can, you know. So if you're using this tool, you don't have to use that stacking this section right here because the two is kind of building this set the 30 set of 34 year right here. After you're done, you could just copy and clipboard and then go back to the sheet and then placed it here, right, But going back here, I can use the these filters exactly. Fairly new out they didn't. This didn't exist are a few weeks ago, but I can actually based on my hash down. Let's do this. So, for example, let's say I'm in the process of doing my medium hashtag research. Righto. I'll put 100,000 and then here are put one million right seater, hit, apply and see if this is gonna change. And then you can also look at this. The Louis likes What's the minimum Lewis like and maximum. And again, you know, what I like to do is, let's say, on average, if I'm getting on my post 100 likes. But I like to do here is, you know, kind of, Let's say on minimum, I want to see 80 and then the maximum Let's go back 150. What is going on there? You go ahead and apply, and you can also play with the Post for our But by doing this not look at this. Now this tells me I actually have a chance. Teoh get ragged in some of thes ports, right? Digital marketing agency. That's a good one. Social media marketing, right? So again, very powerful free tool you can see the number of post post per hour and also the average pose averaging likes or engagement on the the top post and also the minimum. And I'll try to make sure whatever you you get on average, that has to be. This minimum has to be lower than that because, let's see if on average, I get 50. It s like this hashtag and all this hash there the top post have minimum The top nine polls have minimum or kind of 19. With me getting 50 I'm gonna struggle with getting ranked or getting traffic from this hashtag. So that's why this tool is very, very powerful, Ari guys. So the three tool we looked at in this lecture the 1st 1 was display purposes. And then ticket was receipt metrics and the 3rd 1 is the matter. Hashtag and yes matter hashtag is the most powerful. It is free. I hope it stays free for ever because I love Using this tool is a lot of data that you can extract from this to Thank you so much for watching. And I know this was a longer video, but I wanted to give you it kind of complete tutorial are how I used these free tools. Thanks for watching gain. And I'm gonna see you next. One bye for now. 7. Find Instagram Hashtags Fast - Part 3: All right. Now, in this video, we're gonna look at some FREEMIUM tools to speed up the hashtag research process. And freemium basically means, yes, these tools have some paid plant, but you can use some portion of these tools. Or maybe you can use these tools for some days for free. That's what the word freemium means. All right, now let's jump into this. So the first tour I'm gonna show you it's my favorite premium tool. It's called in grammar, and it's a lot more than they have a lot of services if you look under services, you conduce scheduling, Danic messaging and a bunch of different stuff. But in this video, we're gonna focus on the hashtag research. So I have signed up and limit you see how expensive this tool there. So and he goes a few actually school down. You do get, I believe, some free searches. But if you want to kind of upgrade, you can upgrade. And the good thing is, you know, you can only use this for two weeks and then might never use it again, right? You don't have to kind of keep it now. I'm already signed. Then want to clean in a car. When you sign in, I'm gonna go to my dashboard and then we're gonna explore. You go under tools and then you're gonna click on hashtag generator and you'll see in a minute how powerful this too, is. All right. Now let's go back here so you could generate Hashtags by t word by your photo. And even by the you are yes, every incident is that's another thing people don't realize. But instagram, based on what we are showing in our images and our photos, they know what what that content is about. And that's why we already discussed that our hashtag should be relevant to our content. What we are posting, that's very important. You can generate hashtags by photos or you are out. But I'm gonna focus on by keywords and you can enter like three or four different keywords . For example, let's say I want to do social media now, do marketing or you already have done some searches. So let's click on that and then generate hashtag but they're gonna have their own suggestion. For example, they're saying, used to beautiful frequent 6 to 8 average in a 12 to 16 rare hashtags. And basically these are the fecal is the large and then averages the medium. And then the rear is the small or the knee shashlik That's like their definition. All right, now, once you have done your search, basically, now you can start going to this less So, for example, in again, you know our formula we're gonna pick. That's a two or three. I'm gonna pick two off the big or the frequent hashtag In this case, if you want to go by the language or what they are saying in grammar to and then let's go through this and I can select Peter nine medium hashtags or average hashtag And then here are more niche Hashtag These are less than 100,000 I believe. So look at that. Another really good one. Look at this and again. You know, when you're using this tool, you don't have to just conduct copy paste on the let's go back in the hashtag stacking section. So let's say when you are done when you have all off your 25 or 30 hashtags and you see how when you're using the freemium tool, that the whole process yeah, you do eventually pay some money and it's not a lot. That's a good thing, but it kinda speeds up the whole process. We don't have too many search and then go, You know, look at the numbers inside the Instagram search bar Oh, on the mobile app and then, you know, kind of ah, fill out the sheet one by one. If we're using the teal, If you're using the tool, you say you do save some time. All right, So let's say you're happy with this. You just copy it and go, you know, and then create your hashtag. Except so what can we do? Something like that. There you go. I believe it on the Internet. There you go. That's That's my making. New hashtag sets. I'm gonna x out of that now Here's another thing. The other thing I do like about this to one. There's a lot of other things you can do with this tool. There are a lot of other posting, scheduling, Danic messaging services, but I love how they're powerful. The hashtag generator to. Here's another really cool thing. If you are using to Teoh using in grammar for your hashtag research So when it clicked on this key were this hashtag social media, it's going to give me more detailed data on that hashtag So, for example, that hashtag social media on this is like kind of like the difficulty score. So this put this HASHTAG has 1.52 million Post Post, for they are 1000. That's a lot of posts. And then the difficulty is so you know, the closer to the 100 means it's It's more difficult to rank for this keyword or this hashtag So you see how powerful this tool is. We don't There's no guessing now you can actually really look at their the graphs of these numbers and pick the right one tonight If I go back and let's say I want to pick marketing social media managers, right, let's look at that. And this should be the difficulty should be much better. Look at that. Yeah, so for this hash tag, the posts are almost 40,000. Post party is 92 the difficulty is the estimate. How hard it will be direct its 26. It's much it's in green, so you want to make sure you stay in the green and then actually school down. It's going to show you the new post activity, your own databases, and here are other relevant. Hashtag is based on the social media manager and can even go through this list of very powerful, too. And I hear the popular post with that hashtag night. So look at that. Really, really So this tool is like I say, you know, I love their hashtag janitor, but it has a lot of other features. Belden Ever since I call it if you wanna tested this too loud, and I believe so. Once you sign up, you do get some. Search is believed to you. Five searches for free, and then if you want to continue using it, you do have to. It's a freemium tool, so you do have to, like, upgrade where we saw. It's very inexpensive toe. All right. Now, let's look at Tool number two and I have not used. It's called flick dot tech. It on the female side of world in grammar is my favorite tool. That's the one I have used. But Flick is another very similar to all in one hashtag platform, and the good thing about this is that you have seven day free trial eso You know again, you can use it for seven days and make sure you do all the fuel hashtag research and create sets of 30 hashtags, maybe 5 10 15 as many as possible. Why not right and then save them and then you can cancel. You don't have to kind of continue using this platform, but the first female waas in grammar dot com The 2nd 1 is flick dot tech right here. The 3rd 1 is what's it's called hash tastic. There you go. And here is the website. It's hash tastic dot you that's there you are and welcome to the most powerful HASHTAG scanner in the game and all these female till the do things very similar, but in like a different way. Basically, they'll give you the based on the time that you enter a keyword or hashtag that you enter. They'll give you the relevant hashtag based on your entry, and then also they show you a lot of data, a lot of numbers. They use it in traffic, and based on that, you can make up your might and then yes, don't forget that this homework sheet. This is why you're using these tools, right? So make sure you're doing the proper stacking and also creating this is your homework for from this class. So make sure you're creating multiple depending on how many types of content. For example, I post for five types. Eso you write down your content types, your baby, you post my motivation. Maybe about travel will be about business, maybe air, you know, business tips. So right. Your content types here and then, you know, do your research and come up with the hashtag sets of 25 or 30 and then complete this sheet . All right, let's go back. We got kind of sidetracked, so I'm gonna go back. So hash tastic dot You very similar tool. You can do hashtag and nada says they do have a vital media finder. So he confined, like, viral content. Wanna look at their pricing? Oh, look at that. So, for nine bucks, you can use it for a month, so that's not bad, right? So you can kind of take it for a month and then, uh, you know, discontinue or not like, use it. But I do believe if you wanna, if you continue using it, so you do get like a big, big sort of discounts. But again, you know you don't have to. My style has been the I try to use the if I used the female tool. I try to use the three days or the free tile, the period, the seven day 14 days or the number of searches cause that's more than enough, especially if you are just doing the research for your INSTAGRAM account. But if you are, let's say it's again agency owner and here, multiple clients and implying on getting more clients down the road. Then you may need way may want to consider how may be subscribing to one off their upgrades or the premium offers. Thank you so much for watching. So the three Freemium to we looked at the 1st 1 was in grammar dot com, which is the one I like and I use. The 2nd 1 is flick dark tech, and the 3rd 1 is hash tastic. Thank you so much for watching all to you in the next video Bye for now, 8. Thank you & next steps: all right, now I want to say thank you and congratulations for completing this short and amazing course. And we covered a lot of stuff inside this course we talked about. Why should we care about Hashtags and also the common mistakes people make? Remember the too big or too too small or the random hashtags And how a wide those. And then we looked at the instagram hashtag stacking system the use off small, medium and big hashtag together. So you have a chance of getting ranked and also getting traffic to your account. And then also we looked at several different tools, including the free tools, female tools and also the manual Instagram's search bar to research your hashtag. And I'm sure you're thinking what's next. Well, the next step is I call it Am I massive imperfecta action. So I want you to start implementing some of this stuff that you learn inside this course, start testing and do complete that class projects or that hashtag sheet that has that has the different hashtag sets. So do complete that. If you want to share it with me. Absolutely, you can share it with me in the comments in the queue in a Q and A section, or send me a message. Or maybe, like tag me on Instagram. I would love to take a look at your hashtag set, and the last thing I would kind of leave you with is a B T hashtag TBT. Always be testing toe whatever you learn inside this course, or maybe other courses or online. Put it to test, because when you take information and take action on it, that's actually when you learn. And then when you look at the data, you can really see what's working and what's not. Because let's say you take this course and you come up with five sets of hashtags, 30 hashtags, but only three are performing really well to or not. So that will tell you, you know, scratch those two and then go back to the drawing board, maybe come up with another two or three to supplement the three that are working best for you. So always be testing. And now I wanna say thank you so much for taking this class Would be I would see in the next one by