Instagram For Beginners | 8 Lessons | Attract Clients, Basic Marketing, & Getting Sales (Branding) | Morgan GenuinelyMorgan | Skillshare

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Instagram For Beginners | 8 Lessons | Attract Clients, Basic Marketing, & Getting Sales (Branding)

teacher avatar Morgan GenuinelyMorgan, I Help YOU Create a Personal Brand!

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Taught by industry leaders & working professionals
Topics include illustration, design, photography, and more

Watch this class and thousands more

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Taught by industry leaders & working professionals
Topics include illustration, design, photography, and more

Lessons in This Class

    • 1.

      Lesson 1 - Profile


    • 2.

      Lesson 2 - Audience


    • 3.

      Lesson 3 - Content


    • 4.

      Lesson 4 - Marketing


    • 5.

      Lesson 5 - Monetize


    • 6.

      Lesson 6 - Sales


    • 7.

      Lesson 7 - Consistent


    • 8.

      Lesson 8 - Algorithm


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About This Class

About Me

I help college aged entrepreneurs attract, market, and sell to their ideal audience using Instagram. This will allow their college degree to serve as a benefit & not a detriment. After completing this course, they will have all the tools needed to attract the correct audience, knowledge for marketing their product, and sell with confidence. This will aid a debt free future that will support them as a thriving business owner.

Course Curriculum

Lesson 1 - Optimize Instagram Profile

Lesson 2 - Find your Ideal Audience

Lesson 3 - Create Content with Value

Lesson 4 - Get a Marketing Strategy

Lesson 5 - Ways to Monetize (Digital Products)  

Lesson 6 - How to sell without Selling

Lesson 7 - Being more Consistent 

Lesson 8 - What the Instagram Algorithm Wants

Lesson 9 - Summary & Extra Tips

Who this is for:

  • Using Instagram for Marketing
  • Personal Brands 
  • Small Businesses
  • Beginning Entrepreneurs
  • Want a GENUINE Online Community 
  • Those wanting to serve their Audience Authentically 

Who this is NOT for:

  • Gain 10k For Swipe Up
  • MLM's
  • Get Rich Quick Ideas
  • Copy & Paste Templates, Hashtags, Posts, or Captions
  • Those in it for MONEY ONLY & not helping others 

Meet Your Teacher

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Morgan GenuinelyMorgan

I Help YOU Create a Personal Brand!


Social Media Manager, YouTuber, and Side Hustle – Preneur, Morgan @GenuinelyMorgan.                   I encourage you to embrace your uniqueness, build confidence, and pursue purpose!


My Social Media Dreams came true when I was confidently unique! Constantly! 


When it comes to growing an engaged community in 2023, my favorite socials are YouTube, TikTok, and Spotify (Podcasting). My strategy for building a community is long-term thinking.


My YouTube Channel and Virtual Side Hustles have given me my coaching style. I’ve learned how important Personal Branding is from YouTube. Prioritizing Social Media Marketing has given my Virtual Side Hustles success.

See full profile

Level: Beginner

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1. Lesson 1 - Profile: how you guys, if you never met me before, My name is Morgan and I am going to be teaching you for the next seven weeks. Now, this course isn't going to take seven weeks for everybody. Sometimes it might be a little shorter. Might take you a little longer. It really just depends on your skill set. Now for lesson number one all about your instagram profile. What I'm going to teach you is how to optimize your instagram profile, create a bio that attracts the right people and Bisher instagram stories and highlight as a way to promote for you or sell for you even when you're not doing it every single day. Now the first thing. A lot of people always want to blame the instagram algorithm when it is negatively impacting their profile or negatively impacting their business overall. But if you know how to work with the instagram algorithm, it's going to be a lot easier to work with it. This is just how to have your instagram profile work with the algorithm. Let's get into the very first thing you need to dio and ordered to optimize your instagram profile, and that is starting with the name in the user name Field. Now, at the name field, this is actually searchable on instagram, and that's the whole point of this whole entire lesson. We want other people to be able to search you. So if you look at the name field, what you can put in there is the title. So if you're youtuber if your coach, if you are a marketer, um, something like that. But I want you to be even more specific when you're putting that title in there. So what you need to do is, say, an instagram marketer, a YouTube marketer, a social media marketer. If you're youtuber, say a lifestyle longer, say, um, a lifestyle youtuber. Things like that, the more specific you can be. It's going to help you attract the right people, because when people are looking for a podcast that they're looking for YouTube or to watch anything like that, that's the type of thing they're going to search for, because that's the type of thing they're going. Teoh want to be watching, so they're going to look for a new YouTube or they're going to look for, um, travel youtuber. Things like that and Also, they're going to be looking at that not only in the hashtags, but they're going to be looking at that in the name field as well. Now moving on to your user name. What I want you to do here is either put your brand name in there your first or last name. But when you do that, make sure your user names are the same across all of your platforms. Twitter, YouTube, instagram, Pinterest, all of those things. Make sure they're all the same because some people might know you have something on YouTube and when they go to search it on Twitter or they try to search on Instagram, they might only just try one thing and then just kind of give up and be like, OK, this person doesn't have that social platform, even if you dio so another thing to make it really easy to be searchable across all platforms is try not Teoh have too many variations of user name, so try not toe have a dasher and underscoring one or numbers in one and not in the others. Just keeping away from dashes underscores things like that and all together is going to help you a lot, especially when people are searching for you on multiple platforms. Obviously, if you're using your first and your last name or your first in your middle name, these might be more common things. You might have to use something like an underscore or a number, but just make sure your audience knows that they need to put a number up and up all of these user names moving onto your instagram bio. What you need to have in there is who you are, who you help, what you dio give a call to action. And then if there's room, get a little personal touch. So what I mean by who you are. Sometimes with the name field and the user name field being taken, you can't actually put your name in there. So that's one thing that I mean by that you can actually put your brand. So if you have created a business, you can put that at the top of their or your title. Like I said, you want to be searchable on instagram platform. But if your actual title isn't a searchable keyword, then you can put it in your bio as well. moving on to who you help. This is where you actually put your I help state now to create and I help statement. It's going to be something along the lines of I helped blank do blank or I help blank without blank or I helped blank achieve blink. This is the type of I helped statement you want. For example, my I help statement is I help college age entrepreneurs attract market and sell to their ideal audience using instagram. So that is kind of how you can phrase your help statement. If you actually look at my instagram, it doesn't actually say that word for word, because that's pretty lengthy. What I did was, I said I helped college age entrepreneurs and then I put bullet points That just saved me time, because entrepreneur is a very long word, and it took up a lot of characters. So these are things that you need to think about when you're making your I help statement by saying what you do. That's gonna be the tail end of the I help statement. You want to show them how it's going to benefit them. So how is who you helped benefiting them. How is your I help statement going to benefit them. Moving on to the call to action. This is what you want them. Teoh, get by clicking the link in your bio. So let's say you are a youtuber and the link in your bio is to go to your YouTube channel. What are they going to get out of going to that link? What type of videos are they going to watch? What type of videos are they going to see? The same goes for a podcast. What is it? A certain episode that they're going Teoh. Click on it in a certain video they're going to click on, give them a reason to click. And if you are doing this as a business which most of my audiences either doing this for YouTube or a business which you want to give them as a business is a reason. So what are they going to get out of clicking the link by going to your website? What are they gonna get out of going to your website? Is it some type of freely they're going to get? Is it a free training? Things like that. And if your link is sending them to some type of landing page. I would prefer you not to be using Link Tree because it doesn't give them any context. But if you want to use actual landing page, make sure it has video. But it also explains what they're getting out of clicking again because they already click the link in your bio thinking they were going to get something. So if you're making them, click a couple more times or watch a video or something like that be really specific on the landing page, what they're going to get, make sure they can see it. They can watch it, they can hear it, things like that. Those are all types of things you want to make sure you have in there. Your bio doesn't give very much room to explain yourself. So when I say a personal touch, adding in there like your name achievements, you made your location. If all these things are important to your brand as a whole, you you as a whole year account of the hole. You need to try to put that in there. Another thing that you can dio is moving on to the stories or the highlights. Your highlights also give another first impression because we can't actually click the profile to enlarge it. So making sure that your story actually has your face on there you talking to them that's going to help you build like no trust just from your profile itself, but also with the highlights feature. This was going Teoh Be able to explain more of yourself. What do you have to offer? What are your things that you promote? Types of YouTube videos, types of podcast episodes, things like that. This is also where you can put your most asked questions about something. So when you're getting asked the same question multiple times on your captions, on your stories themselves through the EMS, this would be a perfect opportunity to make this an instagram story and then turn it into a highlight so you can always redirect people back to it, and you don't have the answer the same question a 1,000,000 times. As I said previously, your instagram stories when somebody lands on your page gives them another opportunity to kind of get a feel for you about what you believe, what you are thinking about how you feel they just are trying to relate to you in some way and see how you been fit them. So if showing up on your instagram stories every single day and making sure you're educating them, entertaining them or motivating them in some type of way another way you can make it look like your profile as a whole is a little bit put together. Goes with the Instagram story covers, having custom covers and like, kind of like one word that sums up what is in that. So if it's you promoting your E book something like that, make sure you're saying exactly what it is. Whether you want to put an emoji or words or have some type of text or Icahn in that custom cover that is really up to you, it just depends on how your audience is going to jive with it. Perceive it like that. It goes with branding as a whole. If they see these other comment colors you use, these are the common funds you use. This is really going to help you later when you're doing an INSTAGRAM TV or posting on the feed. If you wanna incorporate quotes in your feet because you don't have a library yet of pictures of yourself. These are all things you need to keep in mind. Now, this really sums up the first training of optimizing your instagram profile. The whole point of this is to be attracting the right people. It helps you sell without selling. And you need to be searchable because getting in front of the right audience is most important thing out of this whole entire training. If you're attracting the wrong people, when it comes time to sell them, promote to them, ask them something or give them a call to action. And they don't care about why they wise, If they don't care about your account, they're not going to follow your call to action. The whole point of this is to build a genuine, loyal audience so that you have this long term, as opposed to getting to 10,000 or a 1,000,000 followers in a month time span. And once you stop talking about a certain topic, they no longer interested. I am trying to help you long term so you can really engage with your audience and build a solid foundation for them now I do just want to give you a little reminder moving forward in this lesson in this coaching that if you aren't taking action to the things I'm recommending you there, it doesn't matter how many courses you take. It doesn't matter how many products or courses you buy or anything like that. If you're not taking action, these tips are not going to help you. They're not gonna benefit your instagram. I do know it's really scary to put yourself out there and have a public profile and really be scared that people are going to judge you or criticism or things like that. That's why it's really important to attract the right audience. That's what I'm going to help you dio in the later lessons. And I really want you to actually take action on what I'm saying, because otherwise these air not gonna work, and I'm not gonna be able to help you as efficiently as I'd like to. But I will see you and listen to and there were going to talk all about your audience. So we're really going to deep dive into how to attract the right people and repel the wrong 2. Lesson 2 - Audience: All right, here we go. This is lesson to all about audience. Now, if you don't know exactly what an audience is, this is a potentially you're following. So I really want to help you find your ideal audience. And I'm going to break down what that means over the course of this lesson. Now what I'm going to teach you and lesson to all about audience is getting clear on your purpose and knowing exactly who you're trying to attract. I also want Teoh have you incorporate things that you're actually passionate about and love doing? One thing you need to know is if you're trying Teoh, talk to everybody. If you're trying to attract everyone, you're actually talking to nobody. And what I mean by that is there are millions of followers out there, millions of people out there on the Internet, Whether you're using any type of platform, whether that be podcasting, YouTube, instagram, there are millions of people out there. However, I understand that you're trying to get to 10,000 followers, a 1,000,000 followers. But if you're attracting the wrong people, they're not going to care about when you post what you posed what you're talking about or anything like that. That's why it's really important to attract the right people. So if you are attracting the right 10,000 people, the right, 1000 people or even 100 people, this is how you actually can start making a living a lot sooner than attracting 1000 people were only actually 500 of those 1000 or 10,000 people care about what you're talking about . People who don't know who their ideal audience is has trouble with stain consistent on the platform, knowing what the post on the platform and overall, they have trouble with being genuine. And when you're not being genuine or on oh or authentic on the platform, what ends up happening is you're attracting the wrong people. Now. One way to avoid this is getting clear on your why. This brings me to the first thing we're going to talk about, and that is being honest with yourself and honest with your audience about why you're actually trying Teoh gain all of this attention. You need to really think about why you're trying Teoh attract these 10,000 followers or a 1,000,000 followers or whatever. The goal is for you because if it's just for money, if it's just to, you know, flex on the haters or get sponsorships things like that, you need to break that down into OK, Am I trying to be an influencer? Am I trying to be a business? Am I trying to be a personal brand and my trying to be a brand thes air all things because at the end of the day, if you're just trying to be an influencer, your 100% going to need a big audience and that's what you're going to be relying on is your audience. So if you don't have a big audience, you're not going to get sponsors, which incorporates you not making money. Now, if you want to be a brand or a personal brand, these air going to be a little bit different because you're actually relying on your audience from making you money. So either you're putting your skills out there. You're selling some type of services. You're doing something for your audience or you're teaching your audience how to do something in your a line on their purchases. Now, as a business, this is a little bit different because obviously there are variations of everything I'm talking about. But just as like the simplest form, if you are a business, you're more than likely in the future going to have, like, a physical location and be selling somebody physical products as opposed to digital. Now, if you're a personal brand or a brand, you're probably going to be selling somebody digital products. Now it varies on what you're trying to sell, but that's the basic breakdown. So if you're an influencer, your only relying on sponsors if you're a brand or a personal brand, you're a line on your audience. And if you're a business in goal is more than likely to sell a physical product and have a physical location. Now all of these take different types of income. All of these are different rates of income. But I'm more talking to people that want to be a brand or a personal brand, because this only requires you to have about 100 to 1000 loyal following. In order to make a very good living, you only need about 100 clients or 1000 loyal clients in order to make six figures. A lot of people don't realize that you don't need 10-K followers to make $10,000 a month or $10,000 a year, like extra, whatever your goal is. So this is why I want you to really understand who you're trying to talk to and who you're trying to attract. What I'm trying to teach you is how to have this sustainable long term. If you want to get 1000 followers really quickly, my advice to you is to make some type of anonymous account where you're only posting other people of content or some type of graphics. These, um, accounts can grow very, very quickly. I've seen it in just three months. Someone had, um, 10-K and then the next month, they had a 1,000,000. And the reason why is because somebody is only coming to you for one specific thing. They're only following you to get quotes from you. They're only following you in order to learn something about business such as graphics. And in the long run, when the person doesn't want to follow that anymore, or you try to talk about something else, they don't care. So you really can't. In my opinion, make too much money from it unless you're teaching other people how to do that exact same thing. Obviously you Gonzalo e book about business or make money in that sense. But at the end of the day, they're only coming to you for that one thing. They don't care about you as a person. They only want to see these quotes. They don't want to see you on the instagram story. They don't want to watch your instagram live. They don't really care if it's not a quote that they're not interested. So this is why I want you to really think about what you're wanting long term. So if you're wanting money, is it for a specific reason? Are you trying to help somebody in a specific way? I'm really trying to help brands and personal brands rather than an influencer or somebody that just wants to have a quick 10,000 followers. All right now, moving into the actual audience aspect of this, I always tell people to start with themselves. So start with the past, present and future self. At the end of the day, if you're trying to help somebody, you don't have to be years of, you know, knowledge ahead of them. They just have to be at point a, and you can help them at point B. So this is why I'm trying to have it all laid out. If you think about your past self, your present self and your future self, what you can do is help your path self get to where you are now and your present self get to their future self even faster. Now I'm going to break down what that actually will look like in a couple other slides from now. But that's the basic of what I'm trying to get out. Why I'm saying, Look at your past, present and future self when you're creating content around what your past, present and future self needs. What you need to ask yourself. Did my past self? I need this. Does my present self want this? And will this help my future self? Get there faster? Okay. On your screen, you can see the slide that says past. So my past self was my 13 year old 16 year old self who wanted to be a youtuber. My past self needed to know that it was okay to do this. I needed to know I could make money from that. I needed to know I could put myself out there. I needed to know that I have value to get now. That's pretty much everything that I'm about to show you guys right now. Now why I want you to think about what they want me and need and desire is in order to put them in steps and a step by step process in order to actually have them achieve the goal. Because at the end of the day, your audience doesn't care really how you get them there. They just are at point A and they want to be a point B. That's all you need to do. So my past self desire to be a youtuber and what I thought a youtuber was with somebody that lives without struggle. Obviously, now, in this day and age of you, tube remains a lot of different things to a lot of different people. It's a photographer, someone who travels the world, someone that's adventurous, a filmmaker. You know, there are a lot of youtuber that there, but we all do different things, so what I desired was a life about struggle moving on to my present self right now scenes, how I've already achieved those things. What I need now is the knowledge I need to know my next step. So I want a new lifestyle. I want to be able to help my family. I'm desire ing toe help other people like me. I desire the ability to show others. It's possible because at the end of the day, we're all beginners and we're all starting somewhere, and it's really important to say Okay, this is exactly what I did to get to this step and being genuine about it, Not saying okay, this is how you get to 10,000 followers even though you don't have 10,000 followers. So when it comes to the present and the future self, there are mindset shifts that we need to go through, and by that is the reason why it took me so long to start you to. The reason why it took me so long to start in general was because I felt like I wasn't good enough and that I didn't have value to give. Now this might be a lot of you guys you didn't feel like you had value to give to somebody . You didn't know what you could do in order to help somebody else achieve their goals. Now this is for my future self and my future. Self needs more time in the day, wants to help more people achieve what I've achieved and desires to have a job. It's flexible. Now this all goes into having ah, very solid foundation about what you're going to be teaching them. Because if we go back to the past self, you know, this is the starting point. Now the present self, they're starting, but they need to know the next step. The future self is they already have a solid foundation in order to upscale their business . Now this goes in back to mindset The reason why there needing toe up scales because, okay, this is my future self. I'm starting a family. I'm ready. Teoh, um, have less time at work. I'm ready to kind of like, you know, fall off the hustle wagon and kind of hire a team, put systems in place, things like that. What the president is going to help me dio is complete. The short or complete this in a shorter amount of time. They're going to give me a shortcut because at the end of the day, everybody wishes they would have started sooner. I'm trying to help people avoid that point. I want them to realize I want them to help them so they don't feel like they wish they would have started. The sooner I want them to be able to get to this point quicker than I did and help them in the overall process. Now, the reason why I brought this up is because I want you to really realize what your ideal audience is. Are you trying? Teoh, Help somebody get where you are right now. Are you trying, Teoh? Help somebody get to the present self to the future Self. Are you trying to help somebody do all three things at once? Is it just the past self that you're trying to help somebody at? Because at the end of the day, everybody is at a different stage. So if you want to be a fitness coach, if you want to be a youtuber, if you want to be a mentor, a business coach, whatever fitness, whatever you need to realize that. OK, there are a beginner and intermediate and advanced in all aspects of the industry. So which one are you going to help? Are you going to help the beginners, the intermediate or the advanced? Or are you going to come out with a product, A service, something like that? That's gonna be like, OK, this is the beginner. Once you guys get past what I consider a beginner, I'm gonna help you in the intermediate stage. Once I feel like you got in past intermediate stage. I'm going to help you be an expert, and then you're done, and you can go to a different mental work or something like that. You really need Teoh. And even if it's something a simple is making you two videos, you need to realize who exactly it is You're trying to help because this is going to help you and later in the later lesson, all about content. Because if you don't know what content you're trying Teoh make, I'm not gonna be able to help you make this for the right audience. Okay, so now that you know about the past, present and future self, when I want you to do now is go into your five passions. Now, why I say five passions is this is really going to help you attract people that are like minded like you. Because right now there are a lot of people at the past, present and future self of you right now, and you don't want to necessarily attract all of those people were going Teoh kind of do what I call combo teaching. A lot of people say you need to nish each down finding your knee sh in order to be successful. However, that is true in the short term. But long term, if you stop talking about that one thing, nobody is going to give two shits about you anymore. They're not going to care about what you're talking about. So the reason why I have incorporated five passions is because this is really going to help people relate to you and you are your business. That's why I say I'm helping personal brands or brands. Right now, though, five passions are, as you can see on your screen is the 1st 1 is how are you unique. The 2nd 1 is who do you help? The third thing is what you're good at or what you dio. The fourth thing is what you love, and the fifth thing is your journey. I completely understand that starting out this is going to be construed extremely overwhelming. This is why you need to grow, evolve and find your true purpose and know exactly what your why is because that's what's going to help you understand what one of these five passions you need to incorporate. Now, I highly suggest number one obviously is always going to have your uniqueness in it and number to finding out who you help. This goes back to your bio, but also, when we're talking about this, you might need to change your bio a little bit or change your passions a little bit. Now I want to show you what my passions are in order for. You get in order for you to get some context around them. So on the screen, I'm showing you my passion. So my uniqueness is really trying to attract minority community. So I really am trying to help anybody that is mixed or as curly hair. This is just something that stands out now in my industry, especially in the coaching industry of what I dio. There aren't very many minorities teaching other minorities. So this is just something like even on my person, that helps me stand out. Yours might be something completely different. You need to figure out how you are unique in your industry. I can't tell you that for right now, because I don't know what industry you're in. So you need Teoh. Look around and see how you're going to stand out by using your unique this. Now the second thing is who I help. And that is I'm helping self made self educated college age entrepreneurs. Um, what I love or while what I'm good at or what I enjoy as a hobby incident. So I love cooking. I love going, trying new places when I'm out. The fourth thing is music. So concerts and R and B music sharing playlist, things like that. I love doing that. And then what my journey is is transitioning over to not just like all natural skin products, air hair products, but it's kind of like overall my food and really trying to go the all natural route. And then my spiritual is like law of attraction, and I'm really been getting into that type of thing, manifesting stuff like that. So going back, um, I wanted to explain to you that, um even though there are five passions, you're not going to be able to start with all of these at once. So, like I said, everybody is either at a different point. That's beginner, intermediate or advanced. So if you can If you're saying okay, well, I'm pretty much doing that right now, but maybe I should incorporate this number of this number you need to know for sure. Start with number one and two. Now, I want to show you my instagram account. My instagram is actually only, um, sharing my uniqueness and who I help. And as for my YouTube channel, it's only showing my uniqueness who I help in my journey. That's not all five passion. So I wanted to be very up front with you that just because I'm teaching you this thing, I'm not doing it 100% to a T. I needed to figure out my passions in order to figure out what I needed to start sharing and how I can incorporate this in my, um in my social media's because asked for number three. This is something that I kind of share on my instagram story or in my highlights. But as for like number four, I can't really share my like passion and love for music on YouTube anymore because anybody that's doing like playlist videos, things like that are getting copyrighted and they can potentially. Lou, there are you Tube Channel. And as for Instagram, I just made this a highlight as well. I do share on my stories, but as for my main form of content, those passions really don't work well with what I'm trying to do. All right, so there is a workbook that is going to really help you with finding your five passions and really laying out your past future and present self. So make sure you are filling out those workbooks. If you have any questions, leave the comment below DME. I'm going toe, um be improving this course as I get more engagement because I don't like I've been talking about this in a lot of my products and my e books and my course on Teachable on my course on skill share on YouTube, so it kind of almost seems second nature to me. And if I'm linking something's out, please, and for me, so I can make better content in the future for you guys. So there are three things that I want to talk about while I'm talking about your five passions and that is you're going to be thinking about three things. Is your content going to entertain somebody, educate somebody or inspire somebody? Now what I mean by entertained somebody is that's more of the influence or side. So you're just kind of showing behind the scenes, showing your life and stuff like that like that's pretty much entertainment, just showing your life and what you do on the daily basis. Now education is your I help statement to a T. That's what your contents going to be about. So you're going to get somebody from point A to point B now inspire somebody that has to go with mindset, so you're really going to encourage them? Say, you know, it's possible. Give them kind of pep talks things of that nature, or is what you want to do, incorporating all three things. This is really important because this is going to help you, um, key in on which passions you want to use. Because if you're trying to entertain somebody, educate somebody or inspire somebody, it's all going to be different now to kind of summarize this lesson. The whole reason why I have been talking about this is an order for your audience to build like no one. Trust with you. You really want them to relate to you because in order to have a solid foundation with your audience and in order to really commute, communicate to them effectively. These other things that you need to have in place and knowing your idea audience is just the very beginning. There, obviously multiple more steps you need to take. But this is kind of just for the beginning stages and getting really clear on your message and who you're trying to attract. Now, in less than three, we're going to be talking about content, and I'm going to talk a little bit more of how to apply here passions to the content you're creating. I will see you next week 3. Lesson 3 - Content: All right, all right. We are at lesson three. This is all about content. Now, the first thing that I want to ask you is why aren't you posting consistently? Doesn't have to be with you feeling like you're not good enough. You spending hours and hours creating this content, not posting it doesn't have to be like, um, perfect. Do you feel like you have to be perfect in order for it to go out? Well, in this lesson, I am going to help you take your past future and present self. We're going to create content just for that, Turn it into content for your audience. Find out what your audience really needs, wants and desires while serving your audience value and find out what five passions you should actually be pursuing on the screen. Right now, you're seeing once needs, desires and mindset. So, for example, my past self is a 13 year old who was too shy and scared of putting myself out there on YouTube. My present self is now 23 taking the leap, but I don't know what it takes to make money and run a business. My future self is between 25 35 wishing I would have started this when I was 13. Feeling guilty for needing toe Hire help and I'm starting to make shifts for time for my kids to my business now the way you can make content for this. So for my 13 year old self, what type of content can I make for this particular person? If this is my 100% ideal audience now, I can give them tips on how to overcome the fear of starting a YouTube channel that goes with inspiration or motivation. I could take them step by step, how to post our first YouTube video created That's education. Or I could do entertainment of life in the, uh, in the life of a 13 year old YouTube or something like that. Obviously, right now I'm not 13 but the point I'm trying to make is this is all type of things you need to start worrying about, so you need to start thinking, Am I making content that is educational, entertainment based or motivational, or to inspire somebody? Now, these types of things are ways you're really going to be able to realize what content you're actually wanting to post now, Educational videos are like this right here or my INSTAGRAM videos on YouTube. That has to do with actually taking somebody step by step and teaching them something. If you don't feel like you want to do that, maybe look into something that's entertainment base. So that is kind of like going through your life entertainment in the sense of showing off your talent. I don't know if one of your five passion tested do when singing and making beads. Um, I don't know, Instruments. Uh, whatever. Like hidden talent, you're good at Another type of entertainment is, um you can make educational entertainment based, and I say that in the sense of like it having a flow and movement. So at each step, you're changing location and teaching them something, or if you want to do all three, like all three of the, um, the video or the Post or the caption doesn't have to have that all in it at once. But in the sense, okay, I'm gonna mix a little bit of education, a little bit of entertainment, a little bit of motivation, inspiration, something like that in there in the mix. So getting really clear on that aspect. This is where you're going to be able to say OK, my past self once. What my past self needs, what my past self desires. What, and you're going Teoh give a solution to their problem. Now, are you going to give this in the form of an educational type deal? Are you going to give this in the form of an inspiration or entertainment? Now again, Let me go into examples for the past self. So my 13 year old self is too shy and scared to put myself out there on YouTube. What do I want? So I want to be a youtuber. So what are types of videos, captions, tips, tricks, things that I can answer to teach them or inspire them to get what they want? The next thing is what I need. I'm going Teoh after like let's say I get past the too shy to putting myself out there on YouTube. Okay, now what do I need? I need to know what equipment that I should be using. I need to know what platforms I should be using. I need to know about, um, getting awareness. I need to know about marketing and sales funnels things like that. The desire is the outcome. So the desire is more so. Okay, why do you actually want to be a youtuber? Because a youtuber is a very vague. Do you want to be a lifestyle YouTube, or do you just want to be an influence? Or are you trying to start a business? Is this try like, Are you trying to start a business as, like service based where you're a photographer for or giving them some type of service things like that? You really need to understand what your ideal audience is trying to get out of this whole outcome. So there's obviously needs, wants and desires in each one of these steps, so needs wants and desires, and then mindset go in with the educational, motivational or entertainment. Moving on to how to actually serve your audiences is value. Now, you heard me talk about value multiple times and kind of explain what value is. So I'm going to give you example an example of what value is. Okay, now I understand value. You need to understand where I'm coming from. There is a difference between giving somebody value and giving someone information through your content. Now on the screen, you see value as something you can recreate. So you're teaching them something or giving them a step by step process that they're going to be able to recreate this and get the exact same results as you are. So in short, that's taking them from a to B. You are giving them a shortcut. It's something that they can relate to your either showing them an experience that you've had telling them a story of this experience their overall, if you give them value, your answering questions that they didn't even know they had. Now, as for information, this is kind of like just data of things. It's fax, it's news updates. It applies to everyone. There is not really any context, and they leave with more questions. Now, how you can somebody value in the past, present or future in incorporating entertainment education or motivating them in some type of way is by solving their overall problem and obviously they're gonna have multiple problems. But just saying Okay, this is one problem that they have, and this is how they can fix it, or this is how they can be a little bit more confident on camera. You're giving them some type of tips or tricks or just them. Seen you do it overall is giving them like Okay, this is possible. This is fine. I'm kind of overreacting. Obviously, a lot of people have to go through certain mindset shifts in order to show up at the level that they want to. But giving them the tools that they need is going to be helpful. So other ways, as you can see on the screen, is inspiring them. Motivating them are serving them, helping them achieve whatever goal that they're setting for their himself, giving your personal tips or tricks, Like I said, taking them from a to B, transforming them, helping them stay consistent or you being consistent. So you're constantly every week putting out content for them, giving them some type of tips or tricks showing up every day on your instagram stories. This is the best way to overall serve. Your audience is being consistent. Also, you need to be honest and authentic. Don't try to sell yourself for something you're not or say Okay, this is how you make X amount of dollars. This is how you get X amount of followers. If you don't have that, just because it's very disingenuous. And although these are the steps that you take to get there and you're not there yet, don't tell them that because it's not actually something you can prove and you don't know you might need to add or take some of these steps away in the future in order to actually get that number. So sharing your journey, whether that's something that's happening good in your life or bad, so with your business or whatever you're trying to teach them or showing your passions, this is something that is going to help you be more relatable. And they're really going to find a deeper connection because at the end of the day, Ah, lot of Social Media is somebody's highlight reel. And we don't really get a C like what's going on behind the scenes until, you know, six months later, a year later, or they do an interview and somebody asked them a really deep questions, just being very up front with them, that there's going to be highs and lows to whatever journey here on this goes with the number five passion. Another thing is, give more than you sell. This is why it's really important to give somebody free content in order for them to build like no one trust with you. Because if they like you, they're going toe. Listen, if they know you, they're going to consider. And if they trust you, they're going to purchase whatever is your selling. Show them that's possible. Give them the tools they need to get where you are and keep them updated with, um, like either your life and some type of way your industry and some type of way. Um, it just helps them keep coming back. That okay, Every time I watch this person's instagram story, they're giving me X. If any time I watched their YouTube videos there, given the X, you know, whatever that cases for, you all right. Now we're at the third step of this lesson, and that s seen which one of these five passions and I give you to choose from which of these actually fit into your long term goals. Which one of these are actually going to help build like no one? Trust with your audience This is why it's really important to see. Okay, these are the steps of my life items in my life that I want to actually show and share with my audience. I know that people are going to keep coming back for this. Obviously, if you have chosen number five year journey is always going to change because we evolve and we grow as humans. And, you know, you're not always going to be a new mom. You're not always going to be a college student. You're not always going to be, um, you know, if it's something spiritual, like getting into a religion, you're not always going to be a beginner and that aspect. So just know that your journey going to change, and that's perfectly fine. But number one is never going to change. How you are unique is never going to change. Number two. Who you help Now that is up to you. You don't You might not always want to help new moms, college students, somebody on their spiritual journey or whatever you have chosen to help. Your journey doesn't always have to go with number two, but that's just, um, something that I wanted to let you know. So out of these five passions, which one are you going to use? The serve your audience. Do you need to change this, Teoh, either Do you need a change your audience number one? Or do you need to change your passions? And another thing. How is your Why incorporated into this? So your end goal and you're why or your purpose does this fit with your audience? Does this fit in the direction using those passions? These are all very important things because at the end of the day, I don't want you to six months from now a year from now. Look back at this and have grown an audience and all these people that love you but love you for I don't want to say the wrong things, but something you no longer want to talk about or you're going to get sick of or tired of hearing when you show up for somebody and you show up for somebody for something consistently, they're always going to know you for that thing and they're gonna want to know more information about it. They're going to ask you the same question about it multiple times you're gonna have to learn ways to speak about it a 1,000,000 different ways of a 1,000,000 different times. So if you don't want to talk about your newborn baby 24 7 if you don't want to talk about how stressful colleges and how Teoh budget And like all of these things that go along with those things were like your problems with becoming a beginner in this journey, then don't pick that. Because this is something that people are always going to come ask you for and need you for and want you to talk about in a 1,000,000 different ways. They're gonna ask you the same questions. If I got the amount of D. M's and questions I get about college and being in the beginning Entrepreneur er and all of these things, then I probably shouldn't have picked that. But it's literally something you need to think about that people are going to ask you the same question ah, 100 times a day, 100 times a month. And if you don't want to talk about it 24 7 then do not put this out there and do not put your main source of content out there for this topic. As I said before, this is for long term term growth and not short term growth. So over time, obviously you're going to evolve as a business and a person. But overall, your business shouldn't run you. You should run your business. That's why you need to have these systems in place have a solid foundation of your why and what your why is but also the why or the how of your that how you're going to serve your audience and in what ways? And that is all for lesson three. I will see you and listen for when we get all into marketing. 4. Lesson 4 - Marketing: now that lesson three is done. Let's get into Lesson four. And that's all about marketing now, as I said before. And as I'm sure you heard, many people say content is key, but so is your marketing. Because up end of the day, if you don't have any content, then you're not going to be able to market anything. And if you don't have a solid foundation for your marketing, no matter how great your content is, you're not getting in front of that. I yeah, like that. No, In this lesson, I'm going to teach you how to get your content in front of the right people. I'm going to help you put systems in place so you have a sales funnel not only to make you money, but so it's a sales funnel in the sense of all your social media's are working together. And then, lastly, this is kind of more for the intermediate or advanced people. But I'm gonna tell you the kind of the secrets to running an instagram ad, because at the end of the day, ad can really help you. But if you don't have a solid foundation on your content than no matter like, um if your marketing shitty content, then you're going to get shitty results and you're gonna have some unhappy customers. So this is more so for the people that have ah long list of library of content and they've been improving and progressing as they went Now with the INSTAGRAM ads. What I'm going to teach you is the it's kind of targeting them and then retargeting and then retargeting. So they're building like no. One. Trust with you while they're in your ads. Sales funnel. Let's get into tip number one. And that is where your audience actually is. So where should you be marketing to your audience now? I'm sent before, and I'm sure if you've seen my other lessons and things like that, your sales funnel for your content. What I always tell you, as you need to gain awareness on one platform building like no one trust on a platform and then sell to them on another platform. Now, as I said before, you don't actually have to use three different platforms. But for me personally, what I use is I either use YouTube or skill share as awareness, and then I sell two people on Instagram, So I sell to them through my instagram stories. My highlights Not really so much my feet exactly. But I build like no. One trust through my YouTube videos and through my instagram stories. But I also am selling to them on Lee on Instagram, So I'm not selling to them on skill share. I'm not selling to them on YouTube. I'm not selling to them on Twitter. Anything like that. I'm solely only selling to them through instagram stories or INSTAGRAM ads going back to your past, present and future self, which I also mentioned to you as being the beginner and the intermediate and advanced. You know where your audience is hanging out because your audience was you. So are they on YouTube? Are they spending a lot of their time on INSTAGRAM? I mostly work with like college entrepreneur, so it's kind of easier for me to be like, OK, your audience is obviously on YouTube and instagram, preferably most of the time. There are exceptions that, you know some people are on skill share, their listening to podcast or getting their information from Pinterest. It just really depends on what actual category or who you're trying to target. But this is important to know, like Okay, this is where my audience is learning their learning on YouTube there, purchasing things on like, let's say, their purchasing things on their from their instagram ads, their purchasing things from Etsy, er, Amazon. So this is where you need to think. Okay, this is where I can gain awareness. This is where I can build like no one trust. Now for me, this is YouTube. A lot of college age entrepreneurs are getting a lot of their information from YouTube channels. They're getting it from YouTube. They don't have TV. They probably have who loon, Netflix or YouTube. YouTube is free. So this is where they're spending a lot of their time. They turn it on their TV and add stuff to the Q and let it play. That's where they're listening. The podcast. If they're out of the house, they're probably listening to podcasts on Spotify. So this is things that I needed to keep in mind when I was targeting my audience. Now for the 2nd 1 where I can build like no one trust, I knew that was Instagram. There are I think it was. 56% of the two billion users on Instagram are under the age of 30. So I knew that that was where I should be targeting my audience, not Facebook or Twitter, things like that. So I knew that's where I could build like no one trust through my instagram stories. And then I also knew that I could sell to them through the instagram ads. Um, Snapchat ads do do pretty well with my industry. I haven't done that yet, but, um, so Instagram is where they're buying. Um, Etsy is a big one, obviously Amazon, but for my particular neat like industry about instagram and stuff, it would have gotten very lost in, um in the Amazon Catalogues. So I knew that I needed to sell and build like no one. Trust on Instagram. Now we're gonna break this into a sales funnel. And what I mean by sales funnel is we want all of your social media is working together. So, like I said, I am going to give a lot of my free content a lot of, um, content out there on YouTube. This is where they're spending a lot of their time I'm making sure my content is searchable . I'm making sure they can find me easily. It's answering their pain points. I'm attracting exactly who I want to attract through my YouTube channel. Now, when I get them off of the platform on YouTube and on to my instagram story, I'm still giving them that same content that they were watching me on YouTube. I'm still giving them instagram tips. I'm showing my passion number 12 and five. I'm making sure that they know exactly what they're going to get from my YouTube channel to my instagram. They can see that they are working together completely now through instagram stories. This is a daily progression, so I'm making sure I'm giving value. I'm making sure I'm telling them exactly, um, what's coming up on my YouTube channel? I'm still giving them instagram tips. I'm showing them behind the scenes. So even though I do sell on my instagram stories, I'm still building like known trust because if I just seventies a week and promoting my instagram course or whatever I'm selling, it's really going to turn them off. And there they might stop watching my YouTube channel, but they're not gonna follow me on instagram. So what I do is I'm building awareness on YouTube. I'm building, like, no interest on instagram stories, and then once or twice a week, it depends on if I'm launching, uh, relaunching the course or of relaunching whatever I'm selling. I picked two days out of the week to promote my course. Now this is what my audience likes because they don't like to be sold to 24 7 And I'm also giving more value than I'm asking for on my YouTube. I never promote or sell my course at all. So this is really building like, no one trust. They know that I'm in it to help them now. As I said, there's 1/3 step. So there's awareness. There is, um, my buying audience. And then that's the angle. So my buying audience is on instagram. My end goal is to get them onto teachable and purchase my course. Now you need to figure out what this is for you and how exactly you're going two years your platforms Now, also, there is another way that I have this funnel set up, and that is through, um, skill share. So if this is the first time you're meeting me and this is actually your entering my funnel . So instead of YouTube, I'm using skill share because that's where my body buying audience is as well. So I take my buying audience where I'm getting awareness because you guys have already purchased this course or I do have free courses on here and Webinars as well. But the awareness and building like No. One trust because I'm giving you guys value. I'm giving you guys a result on skill share. I then take you to my instagram account because I haven't sold to you at all. I'm just teaching you on school share. I take you to my instagram. You watch my stories. That's building like no one trusts as well because you're getting to see the behind the scenes and then I'm selling. So this gets them to the platform teachable where I sell my course now. Obviously you don't want every single person that watches your YouTube to just directly buy what you're selling. You don't want every single person that's following you on Instagram to just go ahead and buy what you're selling because at the end of the day. They don't not every single person that's following you needs that. Because, like I said, you're trying to figure out if you're helping your past, present or future self, which is beginner, intermediate or advanced. You don't know that every single person in your audience is actually a beginner or actually at the intermediate stage. So sometimes they have to go through shifts to get there. Or at the end of the day, when people are buying something, they're buying something from you. Not necessarily, um, what you're selling, just like when you are watching YouTubers or celebrities or if you're going to a concert, you're buying that T shirt you're buying. I don't know. There's like posters or books or, um, things like that. You're buying those things because you like that person. Not necessarily because you need a shirt. What we have that in place Now this is more so for the intermediate or advanced people. This is all about an instagram at. So what I'm gonna teach you is actually three parts to an instagram at. Obviously if you don't know to purchase on Instagram at, if you want to get in front of 1000 people you pay. I think it's like 6 80 something. You pay that to get in front of 1000 people. Obviously, everybody's budget is completely different. If I was Teoh do that right now, I only have a couple 100 followers on Instagram, so getting in front of 1000 people is a locked to me. However, everybody is at different stages in their business and getting in front of 1000 people when they have 10,000 followers. Obviously, 1000 is still a lot. But in the grand scheme of things, it's not going to overall infect their engagement like make their engagement go up. They're gonna have to go up by like, um, the 5000 so stuff like that. But right now, I'm just going to tell you about one INSTAGRAM ad getting in front of 1000 people. I'm breaking this down into three different parts because, just like with the awareness stage and all of that, with your YouTube channel on instagram and instagram stories, things like that and getting to your angle on another platform. That's exactly what you want to do with these instagram app. Because even though you know your ideal audience from front to back. I hope you do if you're running an instagram out because it's gonna be very expensive if you don't know what you're doing. But if you are getting in front of all of these people, to be honest, like I said, you don't know if they're at the beginner, intermediate or advanced stage. They might fit your profile 100%. But this is why I want you to target them three different times now. The reason why I say this is because let's say you're getting in front of 1000 people. This is the awareness stage. Let's say your, um, ad kind of flunks. Let's say you do absolutely horrible and only 400 people go to your offer like you're free content. Now let's say out of that 400 people when you re target them on Lee ah, 100 of those people by your high ticket offer. Well, your high take offer was $500. You just made $50,000 so this is really crucial and it can make you a lot of money quickly . But like I said, if you aren't targeting the right people, if you don't have, like no trust with these people. They're probably not going to purchase it. So let me break this down. The first ad you're gonna run is awareness. I haven't written down because I don't want to screw this up, but Okay, so at the awareness stage, you're going to give them a call. The action. But it's not a call to action to purchase or anything like that. It's more so just to build awareness. Teoh, get them to know you. So what you're gonna do is you're going, Teoh, Um, give them a call to action to learn more about this topic. Read more about this topic. Give them some type of free content. So whether that is a webinar or an e book, um, training or just even going to a landing page where you're explaining something about yourself, but at awareness, you don't want to ask them to purchase anything. So let's say 1000 people actually, um, did your call to action. So, like I said now, with the second part, this is where you're going to pitch to them. This is where you're going to give them a bonus. So you're gonna give them a bonus for attending your webinar. You're going to give them a discount for your high ticket offer. You're going to give them a discount on an E book resource is or even give them and access to you. So a discounted coaching call you're going to give them a free coaching call, a free audit or whatever industry you're in now with the third thing. Like I said, let's say only 1000 people were at the awareness stage on Lee. 400 people. Um, I attended your free content and then with the third thing, This is where you're going to sell to them. This is where you're going to tell them about your offer and in your offer, this is going to be your high ticket offer. So for me, it would be my INSTAGRAM course on teachable. Now, what you want to do is you want to. Now don't lie to them. But this is what how you can sell. Um, it's better to have multiple launches than to always have it open for people. So if you have a course or a coaching program, something like that, an e book you want to do multiple launches throughout the year. So let's say you have a limited time offer for the price. A limited time offer for how many spots are available, a limited time offer to access to you if it's one on one coaching something like that. So, for example, um, firm like let's say I'm running thes three adds, What I would do is on the 1st 1 which is awareness. I would have my YouTube channel for free training. The pitch would be my e book, so I would give them either a free e book or I would give them a discount. An e book in on the 3rd 1 which was would be where I'm selling. I'm giving them a discounted offer for my INSTAGRAM course on Teachable. Now as another example. What you can do is, let's say, for the awareness stage, I'm going to give them an e book, a free e book, so I'm going to give them, like, 10 steps for Instagram, Something like that, or 10 steps for a successful in three M account. The 2nd 1 is where I pitch. I'm going to give them a discounted e book, so my actual E book is $34 I'm going to give them a discounted price. If they click through this ad now for the third ad that I'm going to run for them, I'm going to sell to them, and I'm going to give them a discount on my course on Teachable. For 1/3 example, you can dio for awareness you can do a webinar. The 2nd 1 is giving them a free coaching call and in serie, um, on it and for the selling is going to be a discounted course. Obviously you're selling doesn't always have to be discounted. Like I said, it could be like a limited, um, spots limited price. Something like that doesn't always have to be a discount for me. It makes sense to have a discount, because right now I do have it limited to the first 3000 people until I re launch it so I could put that there. But overall, when you by my course, you get limited access or lifetime access to it. Once you purchase, it never goes away there aspects in the course that are never going to go away. So for my particular thing, it would just make sense to just discount the price cause they're not really going to get any additional thing. It's once you purchased it by it, that it is what it is. So those are examples for your Instagram ad, and the reason why it's better to target them in threes is because it really gets somebody interested in your offer. And it only is attracting the genuine people that actually needed the actually want it. And if they've seen you three times, it's like no one trust. If they seen you three times, you've given them value twice, so they already know you're going to really deliver on the selling point. But also, it's nice that the people that are seeing these ads are the only ones that are getting the discount. They're the only ones that are getting this free content. Excuse me. It makes them feel special. And it really helps. Um, the overall nurtures your existing customers. So people that have been through your free trainings they've watched your free training. They has attended it. They've bought stumping from you at least one time. You know, it really starts over time. Building like known trust you don't always have to pitch them an actual paint product during the pitch, which is the second ad. But I want somebody buy something from you once they're more than likely going to buy from you again. They're more than likely going to buy from you again. So I hope that was helpful. I hope that you understood that. I hope I explained everything correctly. If you have any questions, please ask me. And I can always elaborate on something that I had said something like that. But that is everything for this. Listen. And I'm going to see you in less than five on how to actually make money from your business and from your audience again it 5. Lesson 5 - Monetize : Okay, You've completed lesson for about marketing. So now we're gonna movinto, um, how to monetize off of your business. Your audience, your instagram, things like that. Okay, So, unfortunately, if you are not making money from your social media that you're trying to pursue this passion that you're pursuing, you're not going to be able to be consistent with it. You're not gonna be able to upscale it or put time in. So, unfortunately, money makes the world go round, and we have to make money to survive. I do want to show you how to make money, but I want you to do it, um, ethically. And I don't want you to just, um, charge something to your audience in order to make a $1,000,000. I want you to be able to keep pursuing your passion through social media and be able to quit your nine. If I like. You want to in this lesson, I'm going to show you how to get the ball rolling, rolling on making money, different ways. You can make money different ways. You can really get awareness to the content or the things that you're selling. Um, why your content should be the focus of your overall, um, plan. All right. So I'm going to show you how to get the ball rolling and different ways to get awareness why your content should be your focus and knowing the difference between your buying and selling audience. So, like I said before, um, awareness is where you're just building like, known trust with somebody you're not giving. You're not asking of anything. You're just giving them free content. So, like, you know, YouTube and skill share would be that for me. I'm building like, No. One trust through my YouTube channel because it's not only business related, there is, like logs and stuff like that. So they're really getting to know me. They get a C a behind the scenes of how I'm creating my business and how this is like, Come about my day, things like that. And I do the exact same thing through my instagram stories. Although I do excuse me, give them lessons and teach them things like that. I'm still showing them. You know, I am a person. I'm not just a business 24 7 I'm just like you on your age, things like that. That's what I'm doing, Um, for like, no. One trust. And then my end goal is to get them over to teachable, so it's really important to know those steps, and it's really important to incorporate this into your content. Now the way that you need to get awareness is realizing what you're actually trying to sell . So you need to do some market research on where your audience is and where your audience is , like already buying. So for me, this is like a little bit different than others. But there was already an audience on sculpture, so all I had to do was put my talents out there. I had to put my courses out there and just gain the attention from the people that were already there. Obviously, this is very much smaller than YouTube. Waas. So it was kind of a lot easier to gain traction. Um, so that is where my buying audience already was. That another place? My buying audience already Waas was on Instagram, so they're already purchasing from the AB that they see on Instagram. They're already purchasing from the people that they follow on instagram things like that. So you need to figure out what this is for you. I can't tell you because every industry is different. I don't know where you're trying to target, whether it's your past, present or future self. If you're trying Teoh target beginners, intermediate or advanced, those things are all different. So knowing the key point where you can gain awareness is going to be where you need to focus your content. And this is why monetizing is and content, because if you're leading with free content, that's a lot better to build like no one. Trust with somebody. And the content is key because you need to have really good content that has about you. And in order to make money, they have to build a relationship with you somewhere. You can't just all of a sudden open and instagram account and think that it's just going to start flooding in people. You can't just all of a sudden make a YouTube channel and just think that it's going to start flooding in money for you. You really have to put in the work and make sure you have really good content and you're actually giving results in value to people. Okay, examples of content. There are three different ways you can give somebody UM, value. You can give value to them by educating them. You can give value to them by entertaining them. Or you can give value to them by kind of dealing more with the mindset thing in inspiring them or motivating with my particular like funnel. My YouTube channel is educating, but it's also has an aspect of entertainment. The same goes for my instagram stories. It have a man aspect of education, but I'm also entertaining them for what I'm selling that strictly educational now. I don't know. There are different tiers and things that everybody is doing. I don't know exactly what you're trying to sell, what your career path is, but you really need to think about is this entertainment? Is this motivation or educational things like that? Getting into the buying and awareness audience? Like I said, you don't want Teoh cell on the same platform that you're building awareness like no. One trust. And what I mean by that is if somebody is watching my YouTube video, they've they're trying to like binge watch all of my instagram techniques, tips, whatever it's going to be very annoying to them to watch five of my YouTube videos and at the end or in the middle of all those I'm saying okay by my Ansari in courts by my INSTAGRAM course, it's going to be very annoying to the people that are watching my instagram stories if I'm doing that every single day. So that's why it's good to have an awareness platform in a selling platform. Now. The difference between your buying and awareness audience is where they are. A lot of people aren't buying things on YouTube. This is strictly just where they're getting awareness from somebody. Um they are, however, buying things on skill share. They are, however, buying things on instagram, um, for e books. Let's say they're buying things on etc. And Amazon. You need to figure out where your audience is already at right now and purchasing. So for some of you, yes, this will be instagram. For others of you, this might be if you're a freelancer or a photographer. It could be like up work or freelance dot com. If you're doing kind of something similar to what I'm doing, it could be there already. Purchasing on skill share um, depending on if you're like selling a physical product, there is, like Shopify and Amazon and things like that. But it's really just different for what you're actually in. If you need my help on figuring these out for you, I can actually answer you through Instagram de Ends or in the comments. But it's very important to know the difference between your buying and awareness audience because you don't want to annoy somebody by constantly selling to them the same place your building like no one trust with them. This is why I have a sales funnel within might like social media accounts because it separates the people that actually want that content. They're actually going to see that content as opposed to just because I'm on Twitter and Serie M YouTube scale share. I'm not 100% saying by my course, by my course, a 1,000,000 tons now just hasn't ending to this lesson. The reason why I'm telling you to lead with free content first, whether that is on YouTube, your stories, wherever your content is at the reason why you need the lead with free content. First is number one. They need to get results from you in order to like no one trust you enough to purchase your big ticket offer. A lot of people are afraid to share their like best content or signature content for free. And the reason why that is because, um, they're afraid that they're kind of like doing just disservice to their audience. But at the end of the day, when you are giving them free content, you're giving them. You're, like, best content for free. They know that whatever they purchase from you is going to give them an even bigger results . And at the end of the day, it doesn't matter how much content you put out there, even if you are like paint like only giving your best content through a paid service. 90 96% of the people that watch your free content are not going to take action. Um, when you they buy something, it holds them accountable because they want to get a return on that investment. So that just something to keep in mind. I don't want you Teoh as a freebie or something, given e book out and then turn around and sell on Etsy. That's absolutely not what I'm saying. What you could do from that e book is give, like the five main points from it give it as a free, readable content. And then when they buy your e book that they know that they're going to get, um, even more content, even better results from the paid version of it. So keep that in mind. That is, um, kind of all that I had for this lesson on how to monetize. Obviously, if you're selling a digital product, it's going to be, um, a lot. If you're selling a digital product, you don't have to give any upfront costs. So what you do is you make the digital product. You put it on Etsy, and you know, you've only had to put that work in that time and once and people keep buying it, the only thing you have to do on your end is, um, promoted. So look into your industry. See what is out there. What are people already? That's why it's so important to see your where your body buying audiences right now. Because you're going, you can create content around your five passions or, um, around your past, present or future self and sell that they're so is it going to be on etc. As a Pdf isn't going to be an e book where it is, you know, such and such steps isn't going to be ah, course like this one. Is it more so, your services? So if you're a photographer or something more skill based where you do something for them or teach somebody how to do those types of things, you really need to figure out where that is for you. So that is it on how to monetize. And I will see you in less than six on how to sell what you actually have created in order to to sell it. I don't know. I just wanted to jump on here and tell you that I was kind of vague on exactly how to monetize. But the reason why is because in less and six I'm going to tell you what to sell, how to sell and where to sell it. And then in this workbook, I actually am giving you examples of digital products you can sell, So I don't know what your industry is. And but if it was kind of like wait. You never told me exactly how I'm supposed to monetize its because it's going to be in less than six. 6. Lesson 6 - Sales: okay, We're at lesson six all about sales and making sales. Now, I know at the beginning, um, it seems like getting sales is really hard because you don't want to ask for money. It feels really like weird. Slimy. You don't want to like Hoppin someone d ends and right off the bat, ask them for money. But I'm gonna show you ways to really so without selling. And at the end of the day, I want your content to sell for you. I want the results. You're giving people too. So for you, that way, when you dio ask them for to buy your course or sign up for something that they actually take that call to action. So in this lesson, I'm going to tell you ways to sell without selling. So you're not feeling slime here, like, you know, that used car salesman guy, Um, I want your content to convert, and I'm really going to let you know how the importance of having multiple incomes is going to be for you because just relying on one form of income is going to be very stressful for you. And it's, um if that one form of income isn't sustainable. But if you have like, let's say, seven, um, unsustainable incomes, it's more likely to, you know, meet. That means that you need. So if you only need to make $1000 a month, $2000 a month, whatever, it's much easier to grow gradually on all of those and then really be able to tweak some things here and there and upscale Dimel. Obviously, being an entrepreneur, it's really hard to be like, Okay, this is what I'm getting paid every week or every two weeks every month, but having multiple incomes, it's going to help you be able to live a sustainable lifestyle. Now let's get in two ways to so about selling. I wrote some down. So if you see me looking down or looking at my laptop of my notebook, that's why because I wrote them down and I don't want Teoh leave something out or, you know, screw something that there are, um, one big way is selling through storytelling. I'm going to get into that a little bit later, but there are techniques that you can use, and they're going to be listed in the workbook. So if you need Teoh, refrain back to that. You don't have to like, constantly stopped and write all these down. It's going to be in the workbook, but there are techniques you can use when you're trying to sell the somebody without promoting 24 7 Now, the first way is by social proof. So if one of your clients have gotten results or given you a review, bought your product, shared your podcast. Whatever. All you have to do is share that on your instagram stories or share that and whatever content you're making and that building social proof because people are like, Oh, well, number one. I didn't even know you had an e book number two. I didn't realize this is what content was in it, and they're curious and they're like, OK, well, let me go check it out. Another way is by showing the behind the scenes. So if they're actually connected and they have seen the process, it's going to be, ah, they're more likely to purchase it. So what I mean by that is, if they have seen you come up with the idea for this e book, if they have, like you've shown on your stories like a pole or given them questions about what should be included in the book. Um, they've kind of seen you working on the graphics for the book, like the book cover. You giving them a poll. They've watched you for the past two or three months, working on it behind the scenes at night or in the mornings, or you've incorporated this into your daily routine. They've been on the journey with you, so they're more connected. Teoh being able to purchase it now. Obviously, if you're a beginner, it's a little bit harder to do this one. But if you already have a naughty INTs may be over 500 or 1000 people, and you actually get those views on instagram stories or show that on your YouTube channel there more than likely going to be. Now they're invested in it, and they're going to be more likely to purchase it. Another way you can sell without selling is by, um, asking them questions about it. Just like I said, they, um, asking them what their pain points are, giving them the reason why there that you're asking these questions, things like that. Let me read you a couple different ways you can sell without selling, and then I'm going to explain each one of them. So number one is selling them through like no one Trust. You heard me say this multiple times. If they like you, the listen, if they know you will consider if they trust you, they're going to purchase. You can sell by story telling you can. So by sharing your process, you can sell by sharing results and then but just telling them straight out like, Hey, I made an e book. This is what it includes. This is what you'll get out of it and giving them some type of bonus on the inside. Like I know my e books. They all have discount codes for my actual INSTAGRAM course. So it's kind of like all of my stuff have a fails funnel in it like my socials have a sales funnel with in them. My, um, products have a sales funnel within them, so it's like I'm up sailing up, selling them with each purchase. My ads, my stories like you, just a sales funnel doesn't always have to mean that in goal is a sale. I can mean like some type of called action. So if it's a follow a subscribe, a view alike, things like that. OK, now let's get into the 2nd 1 with storytelling. So if you purchased my course, I go really deep into, like, pitches. You can use the fill in the blank, all that stuff It's really time consuming to cover. And I want these to be like short bite sized training, so I'm not going to get to ended up in that. But tell um, selling through storytelling is, um, the overall Is relatability there relating to you? So you're telling them, um, why they need it, What they're going to get out of it. You're sharing the transformation. Um, there are different stories you can tell me, show you some examples of different ways. You can tell a story in order to sell something. So the power of storytelling, as you can see on the screen, it's all, um, all our lives. We've been told stories through Millie's through commercials through TV shows. It really helps us understand and see where that person is coming from, but it also helps us relate are like life path or our life story to them. Like I said, stories can help us be relatable If you're a business, it really tells your why and how they came to be. So this is like I said, sharing your process, why you started this company, why you made this product, how it's helped you, how it's going to help others. Overall telling a story triggers feelings, and that is why people purchase from you. The hero's journey is the most commonly used story that people tell and pretty much what that is is there is somebody that needs to be transformed. There is the hero of the story. Well, the hero needs a mentor. The mentor gives them steps in order to avoid failure and, ah, long story short at the end, they get results, and they have overcame the blocks that they needed. Teoh, obviously, with, um, let's just take this training, for example, or this lesson when you came into it, you were not aware of some of these tips or these tricks you were. You didn't have the knowledge but me as the mentor I taught you from this lesson, I've taught you how to sell without selling. I'm teaching you what, Where and how to sell. And then I'm teaching new multiple streams of income. So at the end of this, what you're going to get is all of those things. Rules of three are just kind of like emphasizing three points, just like all of these lessons have their emphasizing three points about each topic, obviously. And my actual course, I don't, um, followed that. But then there are, um, stories such as You're not alone. So this is a story that I have used before to sell my stuff. And that is, you know, I've been a beginner, just like you. I've been in your shoes, just like you are. And I, uh, I am sharing. Um, like my personal problems, things that I've had to overcome. I'm like showing you it is possible to follow your dreams. I'm following my dreams. I'm telling them what I'm struggling with. Um, like some limiting beliefs that I've had things like that. So you're not alone is really, um a good one. So that's really all I want to cover for the storytelling. I'm going to give some examples of, like, really broken down. Ah, storytelling pitches in the actual workbook, but I just don't want to spend 20 minutes just on that alone, because it's a lot to cover. So I kind of already covered this in the marketing portion. But it's where your idea audiences at right now. And I've also covered, like the difference between where you're buying audiences and where your awareness audiences You want to split the split that up. So if you are buying audiences on instagram or etc or Amazon off up work, freelance dot com things like that. That is something that you need. Teoh, find out now if you're a beginner and you're not on these yet doing research about him is going to be great. All right, so my camera will be overheated and I'm not too sure where it cut off, But, uh, let's go back into where you should sell to your audience. Now I'm talking about digital products, not so much physical products. So you're gonna have to really figure out, um, that on your own for that aspect. Just because I'm working with more so digital products and if I'm was to sell a physical product would be more so like a sweatshirt or a T shirt with my branding on it for my YouTube channel, but it's going to give you the examples that, um, I actually use. So for my, um, where to sell? My awareness is on YouTube, so I'm not selling anything on there. I'm selling more so on skill share, and I'm selling on Etsy for my e books and I'm selling on Instagram. So that's where my buying audience already it's. So all I have to do is make sure I'm tapping in and attracting the right people on those platforms. Now the what to sell is, um, figuring out if you're selling products. Are you selling skills? Are you selling knowledge? So are you selling somebody, um, a product that they're going to use, like for my business, for example, on FBI could sell pds of, um maybe, like, just one aspect of my workbooks that I put on my course or like that you're seeing on this one. I could dio a pdf that is a growth tracker I could do. Pdf on how I work with my business, things like that. If I'm selling my skills, it would be more so of like I'm doing it for them. So I'm not really like a photographer or a marketer where I just take over your account and do it for you. So in that sense, I'm not selling my skills. But I am selling my knowledge because I'm teaching you guys what I know. And I'm giving you a recreate herbal system to do it yourself. So you need to figure out if you're going to sell a product skills or your knowledge. Now, you also need to make sure you're getting really clear on who you're trying to attract, why they should purchase it and how they're going to be transformed. So if there you need Teoh, attract your audience, you need Teoh. Get clear on why they should purchase your product, your skills or your knowledge, and what is actually going to be included in those things where they're going to be transformed. So if you're a photographer, this is going to be a little bit different. But as an example, let's just say you are a photographer and you want to sell a product. Well, you could sell your presets. You could sell Ah, a tutorial of how to do something. You get sell your skills. Obviously your photographer, you're going to take their pictures and edit them for them. Um, but also, like I said, you can sell your knowledge so you can make a course just like this one about photography. You can post that on YouTube. There's a lot of stuff about photography on YouTube. Digital products are more so of what I'm going to be talking about. So that includes, like e books, online courses, pds, your skills, air services or access to you. So if they're actually going to get, ah, one on one training, a coaching call, things like that, that's all digital. Um, And then let's say Let's go back to the example that I said with a photographer so they can obviously sell their services. They can sell their skills because they're also like different types of photographers. There are different skill sets. Each photographer needs what types of cameras, how they edit. That's something that they can dio. They can sell their presets. They can sell a guide on how to edit what camera settings they're using, how to grow a successful business. There are lots of podcasts about that. They could sell an instagram or an Instagram. They could sell a course on how to edit what camera sending. They use perfect angles, how to work with models, how to have a successful business. They could sell their photos. You can actually sell your photos as like art pieces. So, like desktops or, um, what's that called stock images? They could do that. There's also things that's like, um, was it called Society six? You can put your art on blankets, T shirts, backpacks, clocks, all that stuff. That's a way to make money. They could sell like this goes along with a pdf, but they get sell a checklist. They could sell like checklist you need for weddings, um, contacts. Things you need before a shoe. What's in your camera bag like these are all things you need to think about in your business or how you're going to monetize. Because, like I said, I don't know exactly what industry you're in. This kind of is more so applying to everybody. But the more you know about what you can sell, it's gonna be a lot more fun to one. Sell it. But you're not gonna be talking about the same thing every single time. Obviously, you're probably only going to start with one or two of these things and then incorporate Maura's. You go. But it's nice to have goals and say Okay, right now, I'm going to start with an e book. And then I'm gonna work my way up to a course because an e book and, of course, are completely two different things. If you are nervous about getting on camera audio, the editing aspect kind of scares you. Things like that. These are all things you need to consider and be like, OK, I'm actually a way better writer. So maybe I should do an e book or I can't write for shit. Maybe I should just do audio. There are, um, people do paid podcasts. So this is things that you need to look into now that kind of goes over what and where. Now let's talk about how to sell it now. Like I said, you can. I mostly talked about this in my last I'm lesson, but you can sell through your content, so just giving them results is a selling point because they've already gotten results from you, and they know that if they actually purchased. They're going to get an even bigger results. This goes with like, no trust. Storytelling helps you be relatable, sharing your process. Testimonials. Um, now let's get into, um, a pitch. I'm actually going to tell you a pitch now there. This is going to be a really easy way. There's gonna be more in the workbook. I was just kind of like a film doubling, but they're kind of self explanatory. But there is. This one's my favorite one because it's so easy. You can do it in one instagram story. It's who, what, Why and how that the only thing you have to answer that's the easiest way to sell to somebody. So who is, um, as the fill in the blank? I don't I'll just show it on the screen. It's I am Morgan and I helped college age entrepreneurs. The what is I haven't instagram course, because I know you need help with attracting the right people, marketing to them naturally and selling to them of confidence. The why is that's why I made this course just for you. The how is by is, um, by purchasing this course I'm going to give you everything you need to achieve the what? Which is the attract the right customer market to them naturally and sell to them of confidence. It's literally that easy. That's one instagram story. Yes. So this is not too long. That is all I'm going to cover right there. Let's move on to the multiple streams of income. Like I said, I don't want this to be a really long or like, throwing way too much information at you at once. You need to think of different income streams. You can do so, um, like whatever you like look into, um, like platforms that would pay you there like I did, like with teaching and courses and things like that Teachable on skill share were just, um, best for me where I'm selling My book is etc. That's the best for me. Um, YouTube. That's more so, like a future thing that might happen. Affiliate marketing. Anybody can use that. Uh, I would be careful about some, like turned and services if you use it on a Facebook or Instagram. There are I don't know. You just need to look at their turn and services because if you use that incorrectly bill, delete your account. Um, but yeah, just look at it like if you can sell yourself through, like, one on one coaching somebody or if it's like, um, educational based look a different platforms you can use for that. It's just really important to not just settle on like, OK, I'm only going to make money for my e book because at the end of the day, there could be some months where you do not sell one e book. But if you have income coming from multiple different sources, it is better to like keep your head above water. And, as you know, being an entrepreneur, being in this type of business, it's more so like an incline and then a dips, and then it goes back. So it's like for the first, like three or four months, you're not making any money, and then the first month that you do, it's like $100 the second month it like it double or whatever. It's like 500 then it's 1000 and then it's 100,000 because you did such and such So it's just having multiple streams of income is very important for your overall safety of your business for how to survive how toe live and planning ahead on things like that. Yeah, I think that is gonna be it for a lesson. Six. Um, thank you so much for watching these lessons and getting stuff out of it. Um, thank you for reaching out and giving me feedback, leaving comments, letting me know where I can improve on things. So I really appreciate constructive criticism if I, um if I'm talking too fast, if I'm not explaining something enough, if I'm kind of vague on it, just let me know. I know in some of my videos I had to have this TV on because when my dog is like only hearing me talking, he hear stuff outside. He hears. But when he thinks he's hearing something So I had to leave that TV on. I tried to be like, have it often have him in, like, a room with the radio or something. I know that's distracting. So, yeah, I really appreciate your guys is constructive criticism because of the end of the day. I'm doing this for you guys. I want you to get the value you need out of it. And if I can improve something, even if it's just a little is like, Hey, have your head blocking the TV It's really distracting to have that back there. Uh, just let me know things like that. But, um, reach out to me on Instagram. If you have any more questions, make sure you're leaving comments. If I did something wrong if something's not working like the workbook, But I will see you in less than seven and thank you so much for attending these classes and watching means this lesson and paying for it, it really helps me out. Thank you. 7. Lesson 7 - Consistent: All right, This is 11 7 all about how to stay consistent. I do wanna tell you guys this that unfortunately, YouTube, instagram Twitter, all of these social platforms are ran by an algorithm. We have to show up consistently on these algorithms in order for them to work to our benefit. Obviously, I don't think you need to be putting out shit content. That's not what I'm getting at. What I'm getting at is a way you can perform at a higher level Is by getting a really organized sense of when you're going to be posting, the more you show up for your audience, the more you show up in the algorithm. It's going to benefit you no matter what. One of the easiest ways to show up consistently is start creating more content more than your posting it. So what I mean by that is, if you are doing, uh, let's say just a photo shoot for Instagram or something like that. If you're taking pictures that you know are going to last you anywhere from a week to a month, this is really gonna benefit you in the sense of how much you could be posting The same goes if you're filming ah, YouTube video or a video for some type of thing that you're doing. If you sit down and create anywhere from like 1 to 10 videos of a time, if it's like if you're able to do that, it's going to help you in the long run, be more consistent on the platform. Being more consistent to your audience and getting these systems in place are really going to help you in the long run. This lesson. What I'm going to teach you is how to create your own content calendar, be organized and really explain to you what batch creating is in how you can benefit from the creating more than your posting. So if you plan your week, your month, your year ahead of time, you can make content on the fly. You can plan ahead. You have everything correlated together, and at the end of the day, this is going to save you time. Now, this is what I do for my YouTube channel in my instagram. For every one video that I post on YouTube, I can make three instagram post about it Now. I post two times a week on YouTube, which correlates to six instagram post altogether. But like I said, these aren't going out all in the same week. And I'm going to really explain to you how I'm getting organized, how I batch create and all those things so you can use my example to either benefit you or tweak it in the way that you need it for your, um, audience or your structure of your business and one way batch. Creating content and having a plan and a schedule can really benefit you is especially around the holidays. I see a lot of people that are like, Oh, I didn't realize that, you know, Thanksgiving with next week Valentine's is like two days away, and they kind of like, throw this stuff together and kind of really half ass their content half after production and or they just get so overwhelmed. They're like, OK, we'll just screw it and they miss the opportunity to really get that engagement while they're in the short amount of time. So in order for you to really use this to your advantage is planning Advance for holiday is not only for you, not only for the opportunity to get there, but to save time because around the holidays, especially around like Thanksgiving, Christmas, you know, New Year's everything hits right after another, especially at the end of the year. Knowing that you know exactly what content you're going to be posting and pushing out is gonna save you so much time and give you so much time to spend with your family. Which is why you actually want to get into this business or industry in the first place. Okay, so how you get organized is by planning and scheduling in the flip book for this particular lesson, you are going to see there is a space where it shows a calendar and it says YouTube and instagram. So what this is it's my calendar for my YouTube channel and my calendar for Instagram now. Like I said, what I do is I create to YouTube videos a week, and I translate that into three instagram post. Two of them are a picture. One of them is a video. Now if we break that down, what that goes into is for the month that is anywhere from 8 to 10 YouTube videos, which equals 24 to 30 instagram post. Now that seems like a lot, but if we break that down even more, it's 16 to 20 pictures 8 to 10 videos 24 to 30 captions 722 900 hashtag Now this is why it's so important that I'm going to teach you in the later lesson all about a hashtag strategy but breaking that down again in two weeks. What that is to Instagram videos four and Saran pictures, six instagram catch pigeons and 180 hashtag. This is why it's very important to put systems in place and set realistic goals when you're creating your content calendar. Because just because this works for me does not mean that you are going to be able to keep up with this. That's why I want you to say, OK, I can post once a week and get up with that. And like I said, as you can see on the screen, it's OK. I can post once a week this month next month I'm gonna post once a week and then out today , the next month, you know, go on from there. Don't just jump into okay? I need to start perfect, and I need to start posting three times a week because it's very unrealistic for you and it's going to disappoint your audience. And that's really frustrating. When you really like somebody, you find somebody and you have to wait anywhere from a month to two months to see their post again. And then all of a sudden they just spray out five videos, 10 pictures, whatever it is, and then you don't see them for two months again. How you get organized is by planning your week, so obviously you're appoint a and you want to get the point beat. Be realistic with yourself. What are you trying to post a week? What what platform are you trying to use? Ah, Week. Do not try to incorporate every single platform right off the bat. You're not going to be able to do it because you don't have systems in place yet. Once you have a system in place, it's going to be a lot easier to incorporate more things such like that. Obviously, um, as of right now, I don't feel like posting on your instagram feed is should be like at the top priority where all the attention right now as instagram stories, because that's the very first thing you see when you open your instagram and people click through there. So that's where I think you need to start showing up consistently first to get that down, because it is something that you're gonna have to do daily. But when we're talking about main form content, that's where I want you to start incorporating. You know, past president Future incorporating either entertainment, education, inspiration. Getting organized. You need to look at your month. What passion are you going to post about once a week? This is like also, you need a thing about where it's posting what you're probably going to be using instagram . So just think of okay. For the first month, I'm going to incorporate passion number one and two or just one or two whatever. Obviously, your unique this is going to shine through whatever you're doing. But let's say once a week you're trying to post for your, uh, number one passion. This is where you need to start doing market research and thinking, OK, what days am I going to create this content? Which days am I going to do market research. Which days am I going to? Um, right. The caption do market research. Khost. All right, so the more organized you can be, the better. The first thing I want you to do is play in your week and say, OK, this is what day of the week I'm going to post. Then what I want you to do for step to see what you are going to do? Went. So what day of the week are you going to actually create this content? What day of the week are you going to do market research for this content? What day of the week are you going to have a day off? What day of the week can you not work on it at all? Like incorporate that those things down first? The third thing you need to do is break down what you are doing into categories. And I say that into okay daily. What skidded, everybody that different paces. So I don't know if you have a 9 to 5 job. Still, I don't know like where you are in your schedule. If you have kids, everybody's at a different set point. But what you need to do is after you plan out your week of when you're going to post when you're going to create, when you're going to do whatever the thing you need to do is break down your days now say okay. On the days that I'm editing, these are the things I need to accomplish. The days that I am posting These are the things I need to accomplish the fate, the days that I am taking a day off. I need to make sure I'm actually not working on it, because the reason why it's so important to have days off is yeah, the hustle Israel, the grind, whatever you need to make sure you're not going to be burnt out because burning out and actually realizing this is not a passion that you want to pursue are two different things. I absolutely love making videos, creating content, helping you guys posting on instagram, posting YouTube videos. But when I am burn out, I don't want to even pick up a camera. I don't want Teoh edit. I don't want to do anything incorporated to it and what burnout is from a stress. So you're trying to be way too perfect. You're trying to accomplish too many things at once. This is goes back to setting. Really, Rick, Setting realistic goals and being realistic with your content, your goals, achievements, things like that. So break down your week, break down your day and then break down what you're actually going to accomplish in that day. The next step goes into repurpose ing your content. So like I do, I am. My mangled is YouTube. So I break down my YouTube and two different content for my instagram. And then with Instagram, I can turn my caption like parts of my captions into tweets. The same thing goes with, like, pictures like and sometimes tweet the pictures. Um, the some of the pictures that I put on instagram I can put back to YouTube in the community tab. These are all things I want you to think about for your content. I don't know where exactly you're posting your content or of instagram is your main form. But just think like OK, this instagram story is something that people keep asking me multiple times. I'm going to turn this into a highlight. This highlight actually ended up being one of my most viewed highlights. I'm going to turn this into an instagram TV. I'm going to turn this into an actual post in the feed. That's a video. Or if you go off the platform, you're going to make this a podcast. You're going to make this a YouTube video. Things like that. This is really going to help you be consistent across all platforms by repurpose ing your content. I did give you a step by step guide of how to like D I. Y. Your own content calendar. That's at the very end of the flip book for the lesson. After you go past Lesson eight, you'll see the D I. Y your own content calendar, and it takes you step by step exactly how to make, like, incorporate your content calendar. I don't want to spend too much more time talking about it on this lesson. I didn't want to be too long, But if you need more help, just go back to that and or you know, I'm learning Justus. Well, as you guys are, if you need me to actually physically like this, get on camera and walk you through exactly how to do that let me know and I will incorporate a second video in this lesson. But right now we're going to move on to Batch. Creating back to creating is creating content more than you're posting it now. This also can be used like your batch creating process can incorporate into your repurpose ing your content. But what you need to do is when you sit down and you film a video. When you sit down and take pictures or whatever your platform is processes, you need to make multiple of these things. So sit down and create multiple instagram captions, videos, pictures do multiple hashtag research just so you get the most efficient, um, out of your time because I know everybody is trying to be so consistent and show up, but this is the way you can do it to the best of your ability is create more when you're sitting down and doing it is another thing you need to incorporate when you're trying to schedule and plan your week really plan your batch days of each week and then in that day, say Okay, this is what I need to back to create. I need to make either two or three instagram captions at a time. I need to dio anywhere from like I don't know 32 200 hashtag thing that a time These are things you need to think about and incorporate into your planning when you're doing this. This is how people say, Well, I only work a week every month. I only work four days a week. I only you know, work the first month of every year. This is why people are batch creating all of their content out one time. So really think about that when you're doing the planning process. If you need more help, feel free to leave a comment down below. I can verify some things if I need to actually take you step by step, of how I plan my week. What I do, what it looks like. Let me know at another video. But that is it for this lesson. And I will see you in less than eight where we talk about the instagram algorithm and help you get an instagram hashtag strategy 8. Lesson 8 - Algorithm: Okay, We're getting in the lesson eight and I'm going to help you get Instagram strip hashtag strategy. I'm gonna tell you all about the instagram algorithm and the actual difference between a personal account and in education. So what does the instagram algorithm want that instagram algorithm wants? As you can see by all of the features that have been rolling out, they want to connect you with people you actually know. So your close friends people, you are liking their pictures constantly commenting on their pictures constantly d m ing them frequently, watching their lives, always watching their stories, reacting to their stories. These are the people's content that you see the most because these are the people you are interacting with the most So thinking about you and your, um, like behaviors on instagram and how it works and how it shows you content. This is what you want your audience to dio. So how can you do this like with your audience? How can you initiate this? Especially when you're starting out and how you can do that is by doing it first. So if you see somebody that is liking all of your pictures showing up for your lives falling You on multiple platforms go to their profile and follow them if you actually genuinely like them. But like their pictures comment on their pictures, go ahead and watch their lives Sometimes look at their instagram stories, send them medium and say, Hey, I see you looking at my content You're showing up consistently things like that. So the way that they can start doing it for you is when you do it for them. What this is going to dio is really start showing Instagram that Hey, these people really genuinely like each other. They know each other. They must know each other in real life. What this does for instagram is it starts showing your content to that person more frequently. This person start showing earn, like viewing it, engaging with it. And what that's going to do is if this person watches your instagram stories frequently, your story is going to come up to the top. The same goes with pictures of somebody watches your instagram stories a lot more than likely. What's gonna happen is when they when you do post a picture on Instagram in the feed, it's going to go up to the top depending on how much they're actually interacting with you and things like that. It might be down a few steps, but usually this is what happens in the workbook or the flip book. I'm not sure exactly where I'm going to put it yet. There is going to be a checklist that you can start using in order to use this on a weekly basis. So knowing that you need to like, um, X amount of people's pictures that are following you a week commenting on their pictures a week DME in x amount of people a week I really want you to start getting into the rhythm of this is a very social platform and in order for it, Teoh, this is what we have to do to work with the algorithm. But also just taking that extra step. Your audience is going to build like no one trust with you a lot faster. And when you're and this is why I want you to be genuine with them, I don't want you to just send them an emoji through the m. I don't want you to just comment on emoji. I want you to actually be authentic in. Really? Okay, So that's what I really want you to start thinking about is go ahead and look through, um, those checklists and see what you can dio Ah, week a month, and just kind of incorporate this into okay, on posting days. I don't have to create I don't have the post. So what I do need to do is start looking at comments or something. As simple as I'm taking a couple screenshots once when you're going live, seen who's showing up to your instagram live and gm in them and saying, Hey, thank you so much for showing up to my instagram live. It's really that simple and a lot a little bit goes a long way. Somebody is really going Teoh appreciate that you took the time Teoh Cinema direct message and thank them for showing up to your life. Time to get into niche accounts versus personal accounts. Now I do want to just tell you that if you want to grow quickly and you want to get 10,000 followers overnight or in a month, go ahead and make a niche account which you can do on. There is only post quotes are only post other people's content. Um, this will grow very, very quickly. But I do just want to let you know that if you do that, people aren't going to care about you. They're not gonna care about what you're selling. They don't. They're not gonna watch your instagram stories lives unless you're teaching them how to do that exact same thing. And that is make a niche account and grow to a 1,000,000 followers in less than three months. Now with a personal account. This is where it gets kind of tricky because it does take a very long time to grow a successful a very engaged personal account. Because what happens is you get in front of people that are really genuine, and they make the choice to follow you or not. Some people think that they need to have that you need to have social proof in order to teach them something. And it does take a long time to get in front of the right people, them to follow you for whatever you want. And at end of the day, that's what you want. You want to be selective on who you're following, But you want to be selective on whose following you, because I end of the day. If you are, let's say, a fitness coach. There's going to be a lot of people phone you that our fitness coaches, but at the end of the day, that's not who you're trying to attract. You want Teoh attract people that wanna gain muscle and start working now and live healthy lives and are merely active and things like that. So it's kind of hard. Teoh attract the right people off the bat. But once you start getting systems in place, doing the right things, showing up consistently on social media, it's kind of like a snowball effect. And even though it takes a little bit of time to really get the ball rolling once it does, it literally, like I said, is this snowball effect and more people start showing you like more people start falling now. Another thing. I wanted to let you guys know up. Besides, from like, OK, do I want to make a niche account, or do I want to make a personal account getting in contact with niche accounts now? Obviously there are some of these accounts. Or you might also know them as, like, anonymous accounts where they're Onley posting makeup videos. They're only posting hair tutorials. They're only posting like, um adventurous, Uh, things like that. Those are the only types of content that these people post. I do want to let you know that. Okay, you can pay them anything from, like, $10 to $20 for them to feature you. Some of these accounts will tag you. Some of these accounts will not tag you. Some of them will put them in their instagram stories and so on and so forth. But I do want to let you know if you're going to make an investment on these type of accounts, then you need to make sure that it's the type of people you want to attract. Because, like I said, I'm trying to help college age entrepreneurs. I get d ends every day that say, hey will feature you for $10 I look at these accounts and I'm like, OK, they have a 1,000,000 followers. They have 54,000 people following them, but at the end of the day, I don't know if they bought those I don't know if they're discharging, not price to charge it. I don't know their engagement rates. And up into the day, I'm not trying to attract people in order to, like, sell a hair product or be an influencer or like give them hair tips, things like that. I'm trying Teoh help other college age entrepreneurs have a successful business and lay a solid foundation for their business in order to attract the right people. So if I do that, it not only shows my audience that Okay, well, all these tips and tricks that you're teaching us isn't what you're doing. So maybe you should start teaching us that. But also, those people aren't going to give two shits about what I'm posting their only following me because of my curly hair they don't care about in the instagram tips. They don't care about my YouTube videos. They don't care about my captions or anything like that. So, yes, these people might end up liking my pictures just because obviously my uniqueness is my curly hair and being mixed. That's what they're going to like my picture for. But they're not going to buy anything I'm selling. Watch my YouTube videos or really be a genuine follower. So I just wanted to let you know that that is a very big thing you need to consider because these anonymous accounts are going to start reaching out to you. They're going Teoh make it seem like it's a really good deal. But at the end of the day at these aren't the type of people you're trying to attract. Then really start thinking about that on the screen. I'm going to show you a couple of different types of hashtag strategies that you can use now. Obviously, the reason why I'm showing you multiple different ones is because these air going to work for different types of accounts. They're gonna, uh, vary for what your purpose is. But at the end of the day, you should not be like solely relying on Hashtags in order to grow your account. But it is important to incorporate different strategies because, like I said, everybody is at a different rate. It's either beginner, intermediate or advanced. I don't know exactly where you are or following in the steps, so these are going to be different for everybody. But another reason is you need Teoh use different types of strategies because, as I said, Instagram is an algorithm and they pick up on some similar behavior because it's trying to weed out like the genuine accounts from the spam accounts. So it's nice to switch up not only your hashtags, but your strategies. And by switching up your strategies, you can get in front of different types of people. So for the very first strategy, let's get into that if you have, um, I don't know anyways, so the first strategy you can use is knowing the difference between a small medium and large hashtag so small hashtag is anything from 10-K to 100 k A medium is 100 to 500 K in a large as 500 k 2 million. Now this particular strategy is the most common one known that people are using, and the point of it is to use it like stair steps. So you want to rank in the small hashtag strategy than to the medium than to the large. Hopefully, so with a small you're going to be using 15 small hashtags, 10 medium hashtags and then 3 to 5 large hashtag it just really depends on how many large hashtags we'd like to use. And then, like I said, this is kind of like the stair step method now moving on to the second. Um, hashtag strategy that I like to use is using 10 niche hashtag. So what I would consider as a knish hash niche hashtag would be like female entrepreneur or something pertaining to somebody in college, something like that. And then for the target, I would use 10 targeted hashtag. So, like I said, my target audience is college age entrepreneurs, minorities, females, things like that. And then you want to use 10 hashtags that pertained to whatever your contents about. So, like I said, I use um, like, my captions are usually about something with YouTube. So I make different YouTube videos about something or I give instagram tips. So those are usually what my content is about. And out of these 10 I used five small hashtags and then five medium hash tax for the third instagram. Um, hashtag strategy is only doing research on 10 hashtag. This one is really easy. So what I mean by that is I'm only going to search 10 hashtags and then used two of the suggested um Hashtags It gives me So for this example, I, um, was looking into Sim preneurs. That was a good hashtag for my account. Now when I looked at FIM preneurs what pulled up as the suggested was empire from power. Now the reason why I say using suggested is because when somebody is using this hashtag a lot, what it calculates is okay. Somebody uses FIM preneurs a lot. They usually tend to use empire ORF empowerment. But this also goes to the audience when the audience is searching a specific hashtag. These are the ones that they're going to be looking at as well. This just kind of cuts down on search time. But also you don't know when you're doing this market research for your hashtags. You don't technically know what hashtag somebody is using. You don't know what um hashtag that person is looking for Also looks at when there looking at these hashtag so using Instagram's algorithm to tell you those things is really helpful . You're using these related hashtags. Make sure you look at the actual, um, amount of people that are using it that is going to be another thing because sometimes thes related hashtags, it'll shoot up from like, even though it usually has, like 10,000 people using it. It will shoot up to like, okay, a 1,000,000 people. You want to kind of stay away from those just because it's harder to rank in there and it gets completely lost within five seconds of posting it. That's why I said the like. The first strategy is something that, like most common people use. But these air just, um, numbers. That is for kind of like the average. Obviously, if you just want to stay in, like the 160,000 that is a very good range. So whatever you want to determine as a small medium or large hashtag is up to you, that is all. Four. Lesson eight, and I am going to kind of give you a summary and a summarized. This whole course in Lesson nine kind of summarized some things that I might have left out and kind of tell you the overall thing that you need to be worried about about your instagram and off you listen. Nine