1. Introduction: Hi there. Welcome
to this new course on Instagram Marketing. Now, in this introductory video, I want to talk about
two main things. And the first thing
is that I want to talk about what
this course covers. And the second thing that
I want to talk about is myself so that it acts as a social proof on why I am qualified to teach you
about Instagram marketing. So let's dive right
into this video and take a look at these
two things one by one. Now, to address
the first question on what does this course cover, the short answer is this. In this course,
you'll be learning how to grow your Instagram page, and in the end, I'll
be teaching you how to monetize your
Instagram page. So these are the
two key areas of focus that we'll be taking
a look at in this course. Now, to give you a long answer, this is the table of
contents of the course. And if you're asking yourself, what will I learn
from this course, these are the things
that I can point out. Now, I do not want to
bore you by reading out all these topic headlines
from the table of contents. So let me simplify it
and let me walk you through on what you'll be
learning in the course. Okay, great. Now, we'll be
starting the course by taking a look at the different
ways in which people arrive at
your Instagram page. So we do want to know all
those different ways in which a new person comes to your
Instagram profile, right? Now, after understanding
the different ways in which a new person arrives
at your Instagram page, we'll be creating our
Instagram growth strategies around those different ways. And that is a reason
why we are kick starting our course
by taking a look at the different ways in which people arrive at
your Instagram page. And after this, we'll
be moving on to a section called
account optimization, and it is in this section where we'll be learning
how to optimize your Instagram profile
in such a way that more and more new people
come and visit your profile. So that's what we'll be taking a look at in the
optimization section. And after that, we'll be jumping to a section on contents, and it is in this section that I'll be giving you tons and tons of resources to
create quality contents, and I'll be giving you
resources to create animations, white boards, and other
digital editing stuffs. So I hope that
resources section would be really helpful for
your content creation, and we'll also shift
our focus and take a look at what quality
contents actually are, and I'll be helping
you on how to create really good
quality contents. And I'll be ending
that section by addressing a problem that
a lot of people face, and that is called
lack of contents. And I hope you're
excited to dive into the content
creation section. Now after moving on from the
content creation section, we'll be diving right into the funneling strategies
of Instagram, and it is in this section of funneling where I'll
be teaching you different strategies
to funnel down the audience of the top accounts in your niche to your account. So this is one of my personal favorite sections
of this course, and I hope you'll
be enjoying it. Now, after that,
we'll be diving right into a section called
hashtag Research. So it is in this section where
I'll be teaching you how to find the right sets of hashtags for your
Instagram page. Now, in order to find the
right sets of hash tag, we'll be using something called the hashtag bucket
that I've created. So this is definitely going
to help you to navigate and find the right sets of hash
tags for your Instagram page. Now, right after the
hashtag research section, we'll be moving on to one of the most important
features of Instagram, and it's called Instagram Reels. And under the Instagram
reel section, I'll be talking about
a couple of strategies that can help your
Instagram reels go viral. And in the end, it can
help your Instagram page to grow into a huge
number of followers. And that's what we
are going to talk about in the Instagram
reel section. And right after the
Instagram reel section, we'll be diving into
another feature of Instagram called the
Instagram Stories. And I'm pretty sure
that if you're a frequent Instagram user, you definitely
know this feature. But in the Instagram story
section of our course, our focus is on a
completely different topic. And our focus would be on how to maximize
your story views. And if you're a frequent
Instagram user, you know that not
a lot of people are viewing your
Instagram stories. So that is what we'll be fixing in the Instagram story section. We'll be taking a look at how to maximize your
Instagram story views. Now, after the Instagram
story section, we'll be shifting our focus
into a different direction, and we'll be taking a look
at a topic called analytics and it's over here
where we'll be taking a look at our insights
and demographics, and we'll be analyzing the
behavior of our audience, and we'll be answering a lot of questions that I've shown on the screen like when
to post, what to post? Are my strategies working? Is my targeting correct and
all those kinds of things? And that is also a very interesting
section of this course, and I hope it will
be helpful to. Moving on, let me ask you the question that I've
shown on the screen. What is the point of growing your Instagram page if
you can't monetize it? So this is a problem which I
find a lot of people face. They grow their Instagram
page, but in the end, they do not know how to
monetize their Instagram page. So almost by the
end of this course, I'll be giving you more
than ten strategies to monetize your Instagram page, and they are going to be super helpful if you have grown
your Instagram page. Now, finally, before
concluding the course, it would be criminal to not
teach you about hat GPT. So in this course, at the end, I'll be teaching you
how to integrate hat GPT or how to use at GPT. To efficiently market
your Instagram page. And that is how we'll be
concluding our course, and that is by taking a
look at integration of chat GPT with our Instagram
growth strategies. So that kind of sums up the table of contents
of this course, and I hope you're
really excited to learn about these topics
that I just talked about. Now moving on, let me give you a couple of social
proof about myself. My name is Jeff, and I've grown my Instagram page to more
than 30,000 plus followers. Now, as I've shown
on the screen, this is the name of the
Instagram handle that I own, and it's called
Way of the Saints. Now, to talk a bit more, before growing my Instagram page to this number of followers, I tried growing two
other different pages, and I failed miserably. And after failing two
other Instagram pages, what I did was I went and did tons and tons
of research work, and I started experimenting and finding out what actually
works on Instagram. I created a lot of strategies, and it actually
helped me to grow to 30,000 plus followers. So what I practically
know is it is a very time consuming
thing if you're trying to grow your Instagram
page without any help. So that is where I
come into the picture. You can learn from my mistakes so that you don't
have to make them, and I'll be helping you to grow your Instagram page to a
huge number of followers. And you'll also be learning to monetize it by the
end of this course. Now, another thing
that I want to talk about is that I worked with three different companies during the COVID 19 pandemic. So it was during the
COVID 19 pandemic, a lot of companies
learned that they needed a digital
presence, right? So I worked with three
different companies and I helped them establish their
strong digital presence. And in this course,
I'll be, in fact, showing you all those
conans that went viral ask studies so that it can help you understand what type of
conans are going to work. Now, let me give
you a glimpse of what other people think
about our courses. And there is one particular
review that I really liked and that I want to show you. So let
me show it to you. And as I've shown on the screen, this is that particular review that actually caught
my attention. And this person is basically
saying that out there, there are tons and tons
of Instagram courses, but all those courses
just give you a generic basic idea on
how to use Instagram. And you can see that she
particularly said that you know the tendency courses usually have to create only
basic condens. And that's not what I'm trying
to do with this course. This course is more
than 5 hours long, and I'll be packing it
with tons and tons of valuable information so that
you won't be disappointed. And if you're still
confused on whether this is the right course
for you, don't worry. UdemI offers 30 days
money back guarantee. So halfway through the course, if you feel like this is not
the right course for you, you can avail this option
and get your money back. So that's all I
want to talk about in this introductory
video of this course. What are you waiting
for? I'll be seeing you in the course.
2. Different Ways in Which People Arrive at Your Page: Hi, there. Welcome back to
another video of this course. Now, before diving into
all those strategies to grow your Instagram page
and in the end monetize it, there is one particular
thing that you have to know. And that thing actually is the different ways in which people are going to
see your profile. So this is a very important
part because only if people come to see your profile and if they like your profile, only then they will
follow you, right? So the crucial part
over here is that they have to see your profile
in the first place, only then they can check it out. So that is what I want to
take a look at before diving into all those strategies to
grow your Instagram page. So let's dive into
this video and see all the different
places in which a new person comes to see
your particular profile. Now, the very first and the most important part
of Instagram where people come to see your profile is through the Instagram Reel Stab. And now, if you're a very
frequent Instagram user, I'm pretty sure that you know the importance of
posting Instagram reels. So Instagram themselves are also pushing this feature of
Instagram reels more and more. A huge chunk of
your followers are going to come through
the Instagram Reel Stab. So as I've shown on
the screen, currently, the design for Instagram
UI looks like this, and at the bottom Sender you can see the Instagram Reel Stab. So when people open
their Instagram app, they have that
tendency to click into the Reel Stab and scroll
forever and ever. And what we have to do
as content creators is that we have to use this
feature into our advantage, and we have to post
Instagram reels so that people come
to your profile, they view your profile, and
if they like your content, they are going to follow. Let's move on to the second
place where a lot of people are going to see
your Instagram profile. And the second place in which a lot of people are
going to come and visit your Instagram
profile is through the Instagram Explore tab. So if you don't know
what the Explore tab is, just open your Instagram app and click on that search
icon that I've marked. And when you click
on that search icon, you can see tons and tons of posts as well as reels
of other people. And what Instagram actually does is that when you post a content, and if a content is really good, it is going to push your content through this Instagram
Explore tab. And a lot of people do visit this Explore tab
in order to find new content because if they are bored with the existing content
that they are following, they would definitely click into that Explore tab in order to see fresh new content
that they do not follow. So this is the second
place where a lot of new people are going to come
and visit your profile. Now moving on the next place in which a lot of people
are going to come and see your profile is through the search
engine of Instagram. So let me explain to you what I mean by the search
engine of Instagram. Now, to explain this, imagine that I'm a normal
Instagram user, and I frequently use Instagram. And one fine day, I thought that I want to learn
about Finance, I want to learn
about stock market. So it would be a good idea
to follow a couple of Instagram pages that post
stuff related to finance, stock market, and all
those kinds of things. So what a normal Instagram user like me would do
is I would go to the search engine
of Instagram and I would be searching for
keywords like Finance, stock market, and all
those kinds of things. So when I search those things, Instagram would show
me a couple of pages. So now switching to
being a content creator, what I have to do is that I want my Instagram page to pop up
when someone is searching for Finance or stock market
or all those kinds of things or any keyword that
is related to my niche. So if I'm running a
page on photography, if someone is searching
for photography, my page should pop up so this is also one
place where a lot of people can come and
find your profile, and that is by
searching keywords related to your
particular niche. And in the coming
videos of this course, we are definitely going
to take a look at the different strategies
in which our page or our profile shows up
when people search for keywords like these
related to our niche. So this is another
potential place where a lot of new people can
come and find your profile. Let's move on and take a
look at the next place in which new people come
and see your profile. And the next way in which a lot of new people can come and see your profile is through
your existing audience. So imagine that you have, say, 1,000 followers and
you posted a content. So when you post a content, if the existing
audience likes it, what they're going
to do is that they are either going to
share your content to their friends or
they are going to share it on their
Instagram stories. So that is another way in which new people come
to your profile, and that is if the
existing audience is sharing your content
to more and more people or either share it on
their Instagram story. So now, as I've
shown on the screen, you can see that there's a post on the left image of the screen. And if your existing followers like the conon that
you're posting, what they're going to do
is that they are going to click on that arrow
icon that I've marked. And as I've shown
on the right image, they have the option to
reshare your post on their Instagram stories or they can send it
to their friends. So I hope you
understood this idea of existing followers resharing your content
to more and more people. So that was another
way in which a lot of new people are going
to visit your profile. Now let's move on
and take a look at the next place in which a lot of people come and
visit your profile. And the next place is through the feature called
Instagram hash tags. Now if you don't know
what an Instagram hashtag is, don't worry. We have an entire
section dedicated on finding the right hashtags
for your Instagram page. But for now, just to give you an idea or a gist of
what hashtags are. As I've shown on
the screen, this is a random post that
I took a screenshot and you can see,
in the captions, people do add hashtags related to that particular post
or that particular niche. So when people a
hashtags like these, that particular piece of
content is going to be seen by a lot of new people through
those particular hash tags. And if you don't believe
me, let me give you an example of one of
my post insights. And as I've shown on the screen, this post was posted a
couple of years back. And when I posted it, around 18,000 people came to
see this particular con and you can see that
under the impressions, there was a breakdown
called hashtags. And from that particular metric, you can see that
just from hashtags, around 12,000 people came to
view this particular post, and they might have
checked my Instagram page, and if they liked it, they
would definitely follow it. So this is one place where new people are going to
see your Instagram page, and that is through the
Instagram hashtags feature, and we'll be dedicating
a huge amount of time to research hashtags and find the right hashtags for
your Instagram page. So I hope you will
keep this in mind, hashtags do play a
very important role in growing your Instagram page. Now let's move on and take a look at one more
place in which new people are going to come and visit your Instagram page. And as I've shown on the screen, that particular place is
through Instagram suggestions. So what Instagram suggestions
basically are is that Instagram themselves
are going to suggest your account to
a lot of new people. So it can be either through Instagram stories or it can be under the suggestions
for you under the top profiles in
your particular niche. So if someone is searching
for photography, and if they found out
a top photographer, Instagram can place your
account just below them and suggest your account to those people who are
interested in photography. So in order for Instagram to suggest your account to
more and more people like this through the
Instagram story suggestions or other suggestions, you have to optimize your
Instagram page properly. So in the coming sections,
we'll definitely be taking a look
at how to optimize your Instagram page so
that Instagram is going to suggest your profile to more and more
people like this. So these are basically all the particular ways in
which a new person is going to come and
visit your profile. So now, what I'm going
to do in this course is that I'm going to
create our strategies revolving around these openings in which people are going to
come and visit your profile. So when you weave out your
strategies according to these particular places in which people come to
view your content, you are going to get
more and more followers, and that would be
the optimal and fastest way in which you can
grow your Instagram page. So that is what we
are going to do. We are going to
weave our strategies across these different places in which a new visitor or new person is going to come
and visit your profile. So I hope you got that idea on the different places
in which people are going to come and
visit your profile. So let me wrap up this video over here and let's
dive right into the growing part of Instagram in the coming sections
of this course. I'll be seeing you over there.
3. How does the Instagram Algorithm Work?: Hi there, Welcome back to
another video of this course. Now in this video we
will try to understand how the Instagram
algorithm works. We have to understand how the Instagram algorithm
works because it is one of the crucial parts of
our Instagram growth journey. So now let's start
from the types of corners on Instagram. So these are the normal
posts on Instagram. Then we have the
instagram Reels, then we have Instagram stories. And lastly we have the
videos and the IGTV. I don't know if whether IGTV
is there currently because I think Instagram has
combined videos and IGTV into just videos. These other types of contents that you can post on Instagram. In this video, we'll be
taking a look at how the Instagram algorithm
works for Instagram posts, mainly in the real section, we'll be taking a look
at how that rhythm works for reals and for
the Instagram stories, we'll be taking a look
at the story section. Okay, great. Now before going further into understanding the
Instagram algorithm, one thing that I want
you to take note is that when you post
comments on Instagram, instagram on show it to
all of your followers. So let me make this point a bit clear by taking an example. As you can see on the screen, I have the post insights
of one of my posts. So I posted this post when I had around 10 thousand or
ten K plus followers. And as you can see
at the top there is the reach matrix and it says 104,718 people are aiding accounts saw this
post and below, I've pointed an arrow to the followers versus the
non followers division. So as you can see, all the around 6,217 of my followers saw this post and the rest of the visitors
were non followers. So I had more than 10
thousand followers and only 6,217 out of them. So my post, that is the first thing that I
want you to take note of. Not all of your followers are going to see your
Instagram posts. You might ask me why. Well, the answer to
that question is that is how the Instagram
algorithm works. Well, we can change the
Instagram algorithm, but we can understand
how the algorithm works and adapt ourselves
to it in order to grow. So this is how the
Instagram algorithm works. So as you can see on the screen, Let's start from the
top left-hand corner. Imagine that I posted
a post on Instagram. Instagram is going to
do is that Instagram is going to show my comments
to a few people. And I've pointed the arrow towards a few people
on the screen. I've, as I've told earlier, please note that
Instagram is not going to show your content to
all of your followers. Instagram is going to show
it to only a few people. It can be a followers as well
as your unknown followers. So after showing it to
a few of your people, what is going to happen
is that those people are going to interact
with your contents. Now what the Instagram
algorithm does is that it checks for
content interaction. So if it detects a
high interaction from the audience that it
shows your content to, it would show your comments
to more and more people. So as more and more people see, it detects the economy
interaction again. And if again more people are interacting
with the economy, then the Instagram algorithm would show it to more people. And the cycle keeps on happening until it detects no more
content interaction. And when the stage of no interaction from your
audience has reached, the Instagram algorithm would stop showing you a
continents to more people, and that would be the end of the reach of that
Instagram posts. So now you can just go
through whatever I've shown on the screen on
how the algorithm works. But I feel that this diagram
doesn't explain properly. Let me show you another
diagram which could help you to understand the Instagram
algorithm better. So as you can see on the screen, this is how the Instagram
algorithm works. And as I've said in
the previous slide, Instagram show your comments to a few people and it
checks for interaction. If it did XI interaction, it would go back
to the first step and it will show
it to more people. And the cycle keeps on happening until it detects no interaction. And when it reaches that
stage of no interaction, it would stop showing
economists to more people. I think this is the best
diagram to help you understand how the algorithm works compared
to the previous diagram. I hope you understood how the
Instagram algorithm works. Now a few question remains, so let's take them one by one. The first question would be, what our content interactions? As you can see on the screen, these four things collectively are called Conan interaction and corn and
interactions are like comments, shares, and saves. Most people think that saving the post is not an
important part. Well, actually saving the post is one of the most
important part. For the moment. What I want you to know is that these are the interactions. Now let's move on to another
important thing that I didn't mention in
the algorithm diagram. This is what I didn't
mention in that part. And that is, it is
important to get a high number of engagements in the first one to two hours. So here the time is very important for your
Instagram algorithm. When you post the content, you have to get a
high number of likes, high number of comments, a high number of shares, and high number of saves the forest one to
two hours because the first one to two Rs is the crucial part of your Instagram algorithm
or Instagram growth. You might ask me how to receive high engagement in the
first one to two hours? Well, there are two
answers for that question. The first answer would
be a technical factor and the second answer would
be a qualitative factor. In the case of the
technical factor, it is all about the timing
of posting your contents. In the qualitative factors. It is all about creating
quality content. We'll be talking more about the qualitative
factors are creating quality contents in the content creation
section of this course. So we leave that
aside for the moment and let's focus on
the technical factor, or in other words, the timing
of posting your content. So as you can see on the screen, the question arises, when
should I post my contents? So the answer to that
question would be post at a time when you get the
most number of engagements. When I answer that question, that way you'll be
having a next question. And that question would be, when will I get the
most engagement? So again, to answer
that question, the answer would be post when a high number of your
followers are online, when a lot of people are online, and if you post your comments, a lot of people who will
be seeing equivalence, and hence the number of people interacting with your
corners would be high. Now that is the
trick to increase the reach of your posts. But again, one question remains, how do I know the time when a high number of my
followers are online? Well, that is what we
are going to discuss in the insights and demographic
section of this course. We'll be dealing with
all those things in the insights and
demographic sessions. But for the moment, I hope you understood how the
Instagram algorithm works. And that was the
topic of this video, and that was an introduction
of Instagram algorithm. And we'll be taking a look
at all of the things that I mentioned in this video in the coming sections
of the scores. So don't worry for the moment, we'll take a short
break and we'll continue in the next section.
4. Professional Account: Hi there. Welcome back to
another video of this course. Now, in this video,
we are going to take our very first step into
growing our Instagram page, and that is to switch our Instagram page to a
professional account. So you might be wondering
why should you switch your Instagram page to
a professional account? Well, there are a
couple of reasons why you should switch to
a professional account, and I'll be pointing out three main reasons why you should switch to a
professional account, and I'll also be pointing out the disadvantages of switching
to a professional account. And finally, I'll be showing you how to switch to a
professional account. Now, as mentioned previously, let's take a look
at the advantages of switching to a
professional account. The first good reason to switch to a
professional account is that once you switch your Instagram page to
a professional account, you are going to get access to your page insights as
well as post insights. And as I've shown on the screen, these are the post insights as well as your page insights. So basically, Instagram
will give you access to these features once you switch
to a professional account. And if you're not a
professional account, you are not going to
get these insights. And we have an entire
section called Insights and
demographics in which we will explain how to
use these kinds of page and post insights in order to grow
our Instagram page. So essentially, what we
are going to do is that we are going to learn to
analyze these data, which Instagram gives us through these post
and page insights, and we are going to create those kinds of content which are popular among your followers
and which people like more. So that is a basic idea of page insights and post insights, and we'll see more on
how to use these in the insights and demographic
section of the course. So this is the first
advantage you will get access to these
kinds of insights. Now moving on the
second advantage of switching to a
professional account is that Instagram will give you access to advertisements
or promotions. As I've shown on
the screen, you can see that I've posted a post, and I have an option
to boost the post. So by clicking on
that boost post, what is going to
happen is that I can promote this particular
post by paying Instagram, and Instagram is going to
show ads to different people who are interested in the
type of contents that I post. So this feature is not available unless you are a
professional account, and that is another advantage of using the
professional account. Now moving on to
the final reason on why you should switch to
a professional account, in a professional account, you can organize your messages in a more efficient manner. And you might be wondering, what do I mean by organizing my messages in an
efficient manner? Well, let me show it to you. Now, as I've shown
on the screen, when I switch to a
professional account, you get the split option
of primary and general. The basic idea is
that primary section is for all the important
connections that you keep. And the general section is
basically for followers who are replying to your stories and those
kinds of things. So that is how I personally use the primary and
general section. I try to keep all the
followers who are replying to my comments
in the general section and I try to keep all the
accounts that are growing with me or collaborating with
me in the primary section. So I hope you
understood what I mean by organizing your
messages efficiently, and these are the
three advantages of switching to a
professional account. Now moving on to the
one disadvantage of a professional
account is that you cannot keep your Instagram
account private. Now, a lot of people
want that feature of post insights
where they can see how many people viewed their Instagram page and
all those kinds of things, but they want their
account to be private. Well, that is not possible. If you're a
professional account, you cannot keep your
contents private. And that actually is logical because if you're trying to
grow your Instagram page, why would you keep your
account private, right? Still, I would say that for the sake of saying that there's a disadvantage that you cannot keep your professional
account private. So these are the advantages and disadvantages of a
professional account. And to end this video,
let's see how to switch your Instagram account to
a professional account. As I've shown on the screen,
I've created a new account, and now let's see how to switch to a
professional account. Now on the left
image, you can see the three lines that
I've marked with red. So click on that three lines, and what is shown
on the right image will be appearing to you. And under the four
professional section, you have account type and tools. So what you have to do is
that you have to click on that account type and tools. And after clicking on that
account type and tools, you are going to see this. And as I marked on
the left image, you have to click on switch
to Professional account. By clicking on switch to
professional account, what appears on
the right image of the screen comes and
keep on clicking on Continue until you reach
the end of that introduction. And when you reach the
end, you are going to get this question and
that question is, what best describes
your account? So if you're someone
who's an entrepreneur, you have to click
on Entrepreneur, if you're an artist or
if you're a musician, you have to click on those
particular categories that your particular
account fits into. And on the right image,
you can see that I've chosen the
category of writer, and after choosing
a, what I'm going to do is that I'm going
to click On Done. And after clicking On Done,
you're going to see this, and you have two
options of choosing whether you're a creator or
whether you're a business. So usually people fall
into the creator category unless your Instagram page is particularly
for your business, such as a bakery that sells cake or a particular business
that is selling something, you go for the business section, else click the first
one and choose a creator option
and click on next. And after clicking on
NEXT, congratulations. You have switched your Instagram account to a
professional account. So these are the steps to switch your Instagram account to
a professional account, and I hope you
like this video of switching to a
professional account, and I hope you understood the
importance of switching to a professional account if you're a creator or
if you're a business. And I hope you'll be
also doing the same and switching your account to
a professional account. And by that, let's
end this video, and I'll be seeing you in the next video of
account optimization.
5. Optimization: Hi there. Welcome back to
another video of this course. Now, in this particular video, we are going to see how to
optimize our Instagram page. And now to begin with
what is ACO or what is search engine optimization or what is optimization in general, well, let me give
you an example. Imagine that I've
created a course on copywriting and I've
posted my course in uomi. Now imagine a scenario where someone who
wants to learn about copywriting goes into
the search engine of uomi and searches
copywriting. And when that particular
person who wants to learn about copywriting searches
the keyword copywriting, a lot of results would
definitely come up, right? And as shown on the
screen as someone who has published a
course on copywriting, I want that person who searched for copywriting courses to see my course on the very first page of their
search results, right? Only then they can
see my course, they can open it, and if they like it, they
can purchase it. But the key point is my course should show up on
that very first page, only then that person
can see my course. So this is the main idea behind search engine
optimization, and that is when someone
uses a keyword that is related to your
particular content or your particular course, your content or your course or your Instagram page should come up at the top of
the search results. Well, there is a funny
quote in the world of digital marketing
and especially in the world of search
engine optimization, and the quote goes like this. The best place to
hide a dead body is on the second page of
Google search results. Now, if you did not understand
what this quote is saying, all this quote
simply means is that nobody is going to go to the second page of
search results. But usually every good results come up in the very first page. And the people searching
in Google would be satisfied with the research results on the
first page, right? So that is the gist
of this quote. You have to try to
make your account or your content at the top of the list when someone
is searching for it. Now, there are two main
advantages of optimization. So when you come into the
context of Instagram marketing, someone searches for
a particular keyword that is related to your content, your account should
show up first. So that is what
optimization is all about. We are going to do
all those strategies, all those tricks around your Instagram page in such a way that when
people search it, your account shows up
in the search results. And the second
hidden advantage of optimization is that
when you optimize your Instagram page
in such a way that it falls in one of the
categories, say, finance or marketing or photography or those
kinds of things, you're basically telling
the Instagram algorithm that your page falls into
those kinds of categories, and the Instagram algorithm
would show your conans to the people who are interested
in those particular niches. Now, I just used the word niche, and you might be wondering
what a niche is. Now, a niche is a
very common term in the world of marketing, and you have to be
familiar with this word, and a niche is just a very
fancy term to say that your product or your service falls into a
particular category. So if you did not
understand what a niche is, let me give you a few examples. Imagine that you're
running a page on Finance. So Finance is your
particular niche. Or move on and
take an example of a page where you post
motivational quotes. Then motivational quotes or motivation is your
particular niche, and so on goes for photography, marketing, and so on. Whatever category your
Instagram page falls into, that particular category
is called your niche. Now, another important
concept is niche keywords. So these are the keywords
that your audience. So these are the keywords
that your audience would be searching in the search
engine of Instagram. And when they search
these keywords related to your
particular niche, your account has to
show up only then they can click into your account
and see your contents, and if they like your
contents, they can follow you. So that's the basic idea. You're going to think
of the keywords that your audience are going to search in the search
engine of Instagram, and you are going to optimize your account around those
particular keywords. Now, as shown on the screen, if you're taking the
niche of finance, people are going to search
for finance, money, budget, investing, dead,
business, and so on. Moving on quickly to
the motivational niche, people are going to
search for motivation, quotes, success, hard work, growth, and those
kinds of keywords. And next, we have photography, and people are
definitely going to search for the
keyword photography, portrait, studio, and so on. And finally, when you look
at the example of marketing, you have keywords
such as marketing, influences, content,
advertising, and so on. So these are the keywords your potential follower
might search in the search engine of Instagram
to find your contents. Now let's get practical and
optimize our Instagram page. And the question is
this, how do I optimize my Instagram page in such a way that it shows up when
people search for it? That's a very
simple question and the answer is shown
on the screen. There are five places in
which you can optimize your Instagram page in such a way that when
people search for it, it shows up in the
search engine. And the first place is
your Instagram username. So when you type in a username for your Instagram account, make sure that your
Instagram username has that particular keyword
in which people search for in the search
engine of Instagram. Now moving on, the
second thing that you have to focus on is to have a very beautiful profile picture in such a way that when people
click into your account, they feel like home and
they feel relatable, and in the end, they
follow your account. Now moving on to
the third thing, the third place where you
can use keywords in order to optimize your account
is the Instagram name. So in the name, just
like your username, you have to fill
in with keywords such a way that when
people search for it, your account pops up. The fourth place is
your Instagram bio. Now, this is a place
where you can add tons and tons of keywords. So what you have to know
is that you just do not bombard that bio
section with finance, investing and all those
kinds of keywords. Instead, you write
a thoughtful and a catchy bio in
such a way that you include one or two keywords instead of just bombarding
that section with keywords. And finally, the fifth place
where you can optimize your Instagram page is
your Instagram contents. So when you post your
Instagram condens, you have to write your
captions as well as you have to use your hashtags
in such a way that they have keywords related to your particular account
or your particular niche. Now, let me show you how to add these keywords in your bio, in your username,
and other places. Now imagine that I want
to turn this account into a page where I give
people financial advice, advice on wealth, and so on. So in order to get a
good catchy username, a good catchy name,
a good catchy bio, I have two sources
of inspiration. And the first place
would be to go into Cha GPT and search
for a good username, a good bio, and so on. Now, as I've shown
on the screen, this is the prompt that I used. I gave JAGBT all the
information that I have regarding my idea of
growing an Instagram page, and JAGBT gives you
a lot of user names. I wouldn't recommend you to use exactly what
it's giving you. Some of the names are very generic and it doesn't
look that good. But you can still keep on asking Chat GPT in such a way that
after four to five asks, it's going to give you
really good user names. And the second source of
inspiration for me is to see what the top accounts
in my niche have done. Now, in our particular case, we want to grow a page
on Finance, right? So I went into the search
engine of Instagram, and you can see I've shown you
three particular accounts. So what I'm going to
do is that I'm going to compare all these user names, all the bios, all the names and all
those kinds of things. I'm going to compare
them with each other and I'm going
to think to myself, can I make a better username
than these accounts? So that's what I'm going to do. I'm going to try to write a better username,
a better name, and a better bio that is
catchier than these accounts, and that's the whole
point, and that is to be better than all
the other accounts. Now let's optimize our account. And as I've shown on the screen, go to your profile and
click on Edit Profile. And when you click on
that Edit Profile button, you will get the option
to change your DP, you will get the option to
add your name, your username. And finally, you
can add your bio. Now, I've given
you the sources of inspiration or you can
write it on your own. So what I'm going to do
is that I'm going to quickly fill up this
profile section, and as you can see
on the screen, I've added the user
name NextGen Finance. So the keyword finance is
over there, and in the name, you can see I've added
finance, wealth business. So these are three keywords related to my particular niche. So when someone is
going to search for wealth or business or finance, I want my page to show. And finally, in the bio, you can see finance made funny, budgets, investing and bad money jokes, and
the bio goes on. So I've added my keywords
in every single place that I can so that it shows
up in the search engine. I hope you understood the importance of optimizing
your Instagram page, and I hope you will be doing it. And I hope you will
take time and do this important
process because it's a very important part of your brand of your
Instagram page. And by that, let me
conclude this video, and I'll be seeing you
in the next video.
6. Resources For Content Creation: Hi there. Welcome back to a
new section of this course. Now, in this section,
we are going to focus and talk more about content creation
and what type of conans are going to
actually work on Instagram. Now, in this particular video, I'm going to give you a lot of resources for creating
quality conans. But you have to note
that I'm not going to teach you how to
create quality conans, but I'll be showing
you where to find the resources to create
a quality conant. So I hope you understand
that distinction. I'm not here to teach you how to create quality conans whereas, I'm going to give you a
number of sites where you can find resources for audios, where you can create animations, where you can find quality
videos, and so on. And if you're someone who knows how to create quality contents, and if you're someone who says, I know how to create
quality contents, then this video is not for you. You can just skip and directly
go to the next video. So let's dive right into
this video of resources. And as you can see
on the screen, the first resource that I'm
going to give you is on how to create animated
videos for your condens. Now, as you can
see on the screen, I've shown you an animated
image of a scene, and this is a scene taken out of the story of St. Anthony, where he lifts the
Holy Eucharist, and a donkey kneels before it. So I've taken this
particular image, and what I'm going to
do is that I'm going to convert this image into a video. So let me show you the video that I've made using this image. Now, as we just saw,
I took an image and I just converted it into
a six second video. And let me give you a step by step guide on how to do this. Now, the first
step is very easy, and that is to generate
an image so you can see that I've used the
Chat GPT premium version. And if you don't have the
Chat GBT premium version, you can go to the Bing browser or you can go to
the Dali website, whose links I'll be giving in the resources section of
this particular video, you can go and check
it out over there. So what I've done over years
is that on the left image, you can see, this is the prompt
that I've given Chat GPT. Hi generate a Donkey kneeling down in front of
St. Anthony who is holding the eucharist
and a crowd is watching it astonished
and in the end, I've said I want it in
Pixar animated style. So if I want an image
in the animated style, I have to explicitly
say that I want it in the Pixar animated style for Cha GPT to generate
an image like that. So you can see it has
generated an image, but I want the image in
the YouTube dimensions. So what I did was I asked
HAGPT to redo it better, and you can see on
the right image, I've asked AAGPT again. The Eucharist is held
up high in procession. The Donkey kneels with
the front two legs, and I want it in
YouTube dimensions. So you can see CHAGPT has given me the new image in the
YouTube dimensions. Now I have to use this image in order to convert
it into a video. Now, out there in the market, there are many AI tools
that can help you to convert your
image into a video. So these are the top three tools that I have in store for you, and those are Minimax, Luma AI, and the last
one is runway ML. And if you ask anyone who has used all these three AI tools, they would say Luma
AI is the best. But if you're using Luma
AI, you have to pay, and it's very, very expensive
to use the Luma AI to. What I personally use is
the Minimax AI to and I've given the link to all the story tools in the resources section
of this video. You can check out the links
of these tools over there. But personally, as I said, I would use the Minimax AI. It is very cost efficient and it does give
very good results. And now, as you can
see on the screen, this is the Minimax AI. It's also called Alo
AI or something. And you can see
that I've uploaded this image from my gallery. And you can give it a
description on what type of video you want to create
from this particular picture. So some of the examples would
be you need a drawn shot, you need a wide angle shot. All those kinds of shots
can be made into prompts, and you can give it over here, and this particular AI is going to give
you those results. So over here, the prompt that
I've given is the camera slowly moves out and ends
with an aerial shot. And after giving this prompt, this particular AI has
given me that video, and that is what I
showed you previously. Let me show it to you again. Now, after creating a
video, I want audio, right? So either you can use
your own audio or you can use an AI audio
for your condens. So I want a realistically
sounding AI audio. Well, the right tool to create a realistically
sounding AI audio is the platform
called even Labs. So in Levinabs there are
thousands of variety of voices, and you can choose the
voice that you want. And how this works is you
just have to type out what you want the voice to say, and the voice would say it. So basically, it's
called text to speech. You type down the
text, and it will automatically convert
it into the speech. So that is the second tool
that I had in store for you. Now the next content
creation tool that I have for you
is called Canva, and I'm pretty sure you
might have heard it, and I'm pretty sure
that you are using it. So if you're someone from a non designing background and you are not someone who
knows how to design using Adobe tools
like Photoshop, this is the best place for you. You are having
thousands and thousands of templates for your PPT, for your Instagram post, for your YouTube videos, and all those kinds of things. So I would recommend you to
use the website called Canva. And one thing that I would say, a lot of people don't know
is that they don't know the potential of what
Canva can actually do. Now, as I've shown
on the screen, I'm pretty sure you are familiar with what a whiteboard
animation is. And if you don't know what
a whiteboard animation is, it basically is an
animation video, but it looks like someone
is drawing on a whiteboard, and a lot of people think it is very hard to create
these kinds of designs, but it is actually very easy to create whiteboard
animations using Canva. And if you want to
know how to create Whiteboard animations in Canva, I'll be putting a link to the resources section of a
YouTube video that I found on YouTube and you can use it and learn how to create
Whiteboard animations. Now moving on, while
creating contents, you would definitely need images as well as videos, right? So if you want such stocked
videos and images for free, there are a couple
of websites for you, and the first one
would be Pexels. Obviously, you can go
to Pexels and search a keyword for the type
of image that you want, and then you are going
to get those images. Now moving on, another
website is called Free PC similar to Pexels, you can just go to
the search engine and search for a
particular keyword. Now, the one advantage
of free Pick is that other than photos
taken with camera, you can also search for vectors. So vectors are the images that
I've shown on the screen. So these are designed by people, and moving on another website
where I tried to find images as well as vectors
is on the site called TZ. And what I would say
is that you can also go and check out
the site as well. Now, if you want stock videos, I have a website for you, and that website is called
Cover with two Rs at the end. And just like the other sites, I'll be giving the link to this particular site in the resources section
of this video, and I hope you'll
be checking it out. Now moving on while
creating condens, you might need icons to
place here and there, right? So where do I find
icons for my contents? Well, there are two sites
that I personally use, and the first site is
called flat icons. You can go over here and you can search for the icons
that you want, and you are definitely
going to find it. Now, another site to find
icons is called icon finder. So just like flat icons, this site also would
give you great icons, and I'll be giving
the link to these two sits in the
resources section, and I hope you'll be using it. Now sometimes when
you create a conden, you might need to remove the background of
the image, right? Well, I have a couple
of sites for you, but you need to know
that this feature of removing background is
actually there in Canva, but it's only available for the Canva premium version where you have to
pay for the Canva. So if you're someone who
doesn't want to pay for Canva and wants to remove
the background for free, I personally use the
site called remo dot BG and it would automatically remove the background
of the image. And finally, if you want a
tool to edit your videos, you can use the clip
Cham video editor. Well, the clip Cam video editor is already there in the Windows. So if you are using
a Windows PC, just go to the search
engine and search for clip Cham and the benefit of
using clip chambers, it's having really
good effects as well as it's having really
good transitions. Now, what I have to say
to you is that I've given you all the resources
to create contents, whether it be audio,
whether it be images, whether it be animation. All the things are given
right in front of you. All you have to do is you
have to add your creativity and make a unique content
for your Instagram page. And if you're someone who
is new to content creation, just know that
your first content would be the worst content. Try and keep on
creating more contents, and after one year or two
years, when you look back, you're going to definitely
feel embarrassed seeing your first content
because that is how you know you have
grown as a creator. So that's my point. Always
try to improve your content, and in a one year time, you are going to make
a big difference in the field of
content creation. Now, let us wrap up this video, and I hope you like the resources I gave
you in this video, and I hope you'll be using them. I'll be seeing you
in the next video.
7. Lack of Contents: Hi there, and welcome back. Now, in this particular video, I'm going to address a
problem that a lot of people encounter while
growing their Instagram page. And that particular problem is a lack of contents to post. Now, when you run out
of contents to post, there are two problems that
you're going to encounter. And the first thing
is definitely you don't have any more
contents to post. And the second thing is that you tend to lose
momentum or you tend to lose your motivation to create more content and
grow your Instagram page. And this usually
happens when you are very small account and you don't have any more
contents to post, you don't have any
more ideas to post, and you're not
seeing any results for the existing contents. You tend to lose
your motivation, and you tend to stop
creating contents, and you abandon your plan of
growing your Instagram page. So what I would suggest as a solution to this
problem of shortage of content is that you have to create your conans
for the next 30 days. And that's the only way
you can solve this. Sit down and create conans
for the next 30 days. And sometimes you might not
be a type of account in which you can sit and create the contents for the
next 30 days, right? For example, if you're an
account in which you post your content by showing your face or you travel
to particular places, and if that is your content, so what I would suggest
to those kinds of accounts where you cannot
create your content immediately is to
at least plan for the next 30 days or plan for the next 30 contents that
you are going to post, and that would definitely
help you to stay motivated, as well as not go short
of condens when you're running out of ideas as well
as running out of contents. Now, after creating conans for the next 30 days, what
am I going to do? And this is what I usually do. I post my conans on day
one, day two, day three, day four, and I sit and relax without creating
any of those condens. And when I reach day 15, what I'm going to do is
that I'm going to create 15 more condens to compensate the previous 15 days in which
I didn't have to create any condon because I was posting the conans that
I created earlier. So I hope you got the gist
of what I'm trying to tell. Create accounts for the
next 30 days today. And after posting 15
of your contents, what you have to do
you have to create the next 15 condens to post
on your Instagram page. And as I've mentioned
previously, if you're not able to create
those kinds of posts, at least have the idea for the next 15 days or
the next 30 days so that you will not run
out of motivation as well as not to run
out of any contents. So that's all I wanted to tell you in this
particular video. Now, this is a problem
which a lot of people face, and it's an easy
problem to tackle. And by that, let me
conclude this video, and I'll be seeing you
in the next video.
8. Top Accounts in Your Niche: Hi there. Welcome back to
another section of this course. Now, in this section,
we'll be learning how to funnel down
the followers of the top account and convert
them into our followers. Now, before learning about
all those strategies where you funnel down the audience of the top accounts in a niche, the first thing that you
need to do is to find the top accounts in
your particular niche and follow those top accounts. Now you might be wondering,
why should you find the top accounts in your niche
and why should you follow well, there are two
main reasons why you should follow the top
accounts of your niche. And the first reason is the obvious reason of the section, and that is to funnel
down the followers of those top accounts and make
them your own followers. And another reason to follow the top accounts is called
Instagram suggestions. So what this means
is that when you're following the top
accounts of your niche, you're telling Instagram
that your account falls into that same category or that same niche of
those top accounts, which means you're
basically telling Instagram my account is very similar to the account
that I've followed. When the Instagram algorithm is familiar with your
account and when the Instagram
algorithm understands that your account falls
into a particular niche, it's going to suggest
your Instagram account to the followers or the people who are interested in the kinds of contents
that you post. I've shown this on the screen. Instagram is suggesting accounts to people who are interested in the
contents related to you. So for example, on
the left image, you can see that when
someone searches for a top account and when they
click into their account, you can see just
below their account, Instagram can
suggest your account to that particular person and say that this account
is also posting contents related to what
you have searched for. Now on the right image,
you can see that Instagram also suggests accounts
through Instagram stories. So when people are
just viewing or scrolling through Instagram
stories, over there, Instagram has placed
a suggestion, and we want our account
to appear over there. And the trick of appearing on those suggestions
is that you have to follow the top accounts of a niche and make the algorithm, be familiar with your account and make the algorithm
understand that your account falls in
a particular category or in a particular niche. So that concept of Instagram
suggestions is pretty clear. Now let's move on from
Instagram suggestions and dive a bit deeper into how to find the top
accounts of a niche. Now, one thing that
you have to note over years that you shouldn't follow just any random top
account in your niche, but you need to
follow the accounts with great engagements. And the reason that you
have to follow the accounts with great engagements
or very good engagements is because only those top accounts with good
engagements or great engagements are having
an active follow base, and our strategies
to funnel down audience from the top
accounts would only work when they have active users and not the top accounts with users who do not engage
with their content. Now, when I use the
term engagement, I'm specifically referring
to four different things, and those four different
things are liking the post, commenting on the post, resharing the post as
well as saving the post. Now, most of the
content creators, as well as most Instagram users would only focus on
likes and comments. Well, one thing
that I want you to know is that re shares, as well as Instagram
saves are very important because when people reshare your content and when
people save your content, it is telling to the
Instagram algorithm that this content is worthy enough to be
saved as well as reshare to tons and
tons of people. And hence the
Instagram algorithm will promote your content to more and more people and even
make your content viral. So you have to focus on not only the likes
as well as commons, you have to focus on
getting more number of saves as well as more
number of re shares. Now, as I've shown
on the screen, what we are going to do is
that we are going to look at the number of likes
as well as the number of comments of those top
accounts in order to form a judgment about the engagements that
they are receiving. And if the ratio of the
number of likes and commons to the number of
followers is actually good, then we are going to
follow those top accounts. Now another thing
that I want you to keep in your mind
is the 10% rule. And the 10% rule is
something that I made up in order for me to find the
top accounts of my niche, and this is going to
help you as well. So what is the 10% rule? It basically says this. Imagine that I posted a
content on Instagram, whether it be Instagram
Reels or Instagram post. And imagine that that
particular post or that particular reel
got 1,000 views. So on average, if an
account get thousand views, a healthy range of
likes that it should actually get is ten
person, which is 100. So if a content is
getting thousand views, it should basically
get 100 likes. Now, this rule is not strictly
going to be followed, but on an average, this
is what you're going to see for a healthy
Instagram account. Now, if you still
did not understand the concept of the 10% rule, clearly, let me throw in some numbers and make you
understand this concept. Now, imagine that a post or a condon has received 100 likes. So based on the 10% rule, that particular post has
got around 1,000 views. Now, let's change the
numbers and let's say a particular post
got thousand likes. So as per the 10% rule, we are seeing that that
particular post or that particular Instagram condon has received around
10,000 views. Now, finally, let's imagine that a particular content has
around 10,000 likes. So what we're assuming as
per the 10% rule is that that particular
piece of content has received around 100,000 views. And I want to stress
on the fact that this rule does not apply always. But on an average, if
you want to guess what's the number of views a
particular post got, just take the number of likes
and multiply it with ten. Now, another thing that you
have to take note of is the number of followers a
particular account is having. So as I've shown on the screen, imagine that an account
is having 500 followers, and if they are
having 100 likes, it's a very good account, right? It's getting a lot
of engagements compared to followers because not all those 500 followers are going to like those
particular content. Some of them might see it,
some of them might not see it. But 100 likes for 500 followers is actually
a healthy number of likes. Now moving on, imagine that
I have 5,000 followers. So in this range, if an account
is getting 1,000 likes, it is also a sign of an
account with active users. Now, to give you an example
of the opposite case, imagine that I have
10,000 followers, but I'm only
receiving 100 likes. This simply means that
that account is not having any active followers and only a few number of people are engaging with this account, even though it is having
around 10,000 followers. So this is not a good
account to follow. So we won't be following those
accounts with lower number of likes with a higher
number of followers. So now let's get
practical and let me show you how I find
the top accounts. Now, as I've shown
on the screen, these are the three
steps to follow. Let me quickly go through it. The first step is to go and search in the search
engine of Instagram, a particular keyword
related to your niche. So if you are running
a page on marketing, go and search the
keyword marketing. If you're running
a page on Finance, go and search for
Finance and so on. And when you search
those keywords, tons and tons of accounts
might pop up in the search. What you have to do
is that you have to open each and every
account that comes in. And then what you have to do
is that you have to check the engagements
of those accounts using the ten person rule, and you have to compare it with the number of followers as well. And if you're starting
out, you have to follow around 50 to 60 top
accounts in your niche. Only then we can funnel
down the audience from those top accounts
to your followers. Now let me take the example
of a Finance niche and imagine that we are growing our account in the
niche of Finance. Now what I'm going to
do is I have searched the keyword finance in the
search engine of Instagram, and you can see a lot of
accounts have popped up. And as mentioned previously, I'm going to click into
each and every account. What we are going to do
is that we are going to check the engagement
rates of these accounts, and if they have a healthy
range of engagements, we are going to follow them. Now, the first account that I'm checking is the
account called wealth and you can see they have
around 3.9 million followers. Now let's see the
number of likes on average this
account is receiving. And you can see I've taken three of the posts of
the stop account, and the first post is
having around 14,000 likes, and the second account is
having around 20,000 likes, and the last post is having
around 16,000 likes. So this is actually a
good range of engagements for an account with
3.9 million followers. So what I'm going to do is that I am going to follow
this account. Now let's move on
to another account, and this account name
is called 6:00 A.M. Success, and it's having
around 2.2 million followers. Now let's take the
number of likes the contents of this
account is receiving. So you can see this
account with 2.2 million followers is only having
around 1,000 likes, 2000 likes, and the last post is having around 11,000 likes. So this page is not actually
receiving much number of engagements compared to the number of
followers it's having. So I wouldn't recommend
following this account because it is not having
an active user base. Now let me give you one more
example and you can see the last account is called
Motivation Mondays, and it's having around
1.2 million followers. Let's quickly check
the number of likes. You can see the first post is
having around 18,000 likes. The second post is having
around 17,000 likes, and the last post is also
having around 17,000 likes. So it's pretty consistent
in the number of likes. So I would say it's a
pretty good number of engagements for an account
with 1.2 million followers, and I would be
following this account. So I hope you
understood how to check the engagements of these top
accounts and follow them. I would recommend you to follow around 50 to 60 of these top accounts before
proceeding further because only then you can
funnel down the audience of these top accounts and convert
them into our followers. Now, before concluding
this video, I would like you to know that
I would categorize each of the top accounts into three
different categories. And this categorization
is based on the number of followers
each account is h. So the first category of the top accounts
would be the accounts with around 10,000 to
100,000 followers. And the second category
of top accounts would be the accounts with 100,000
to 1 million followers. And the final category is of the accounts with more
than 1 million followers. Now, the trick is easy. You have to follow
the accounts of each of these three categories. You have to follow the accounts
with 10,000 followers, 200,000 followers,
millions of followers. And you might be wondering
why not just follow the accounts with millions
of followers, right? Well, from my personal
experience and from what I've heard other con and
creators talk about, when accounts are having around 10,000 to 100,000 followers, that is when they
receive most number of views compared to when they
have millions of followers. So for us, it is
actually a benefit to follow the smaller
accounts with 10,000 followers to 100,000 followers
because they are actually receiving more engagements than the accounts with
millions of followers. And only the people
who grow their account 10000-10 thousand to millions of followers actually
know the secret. So don't be fooled by
the number of followers. It is the number of engagements a particular account
receives actually important than the number of followers a particular
account is having. So this is a secret. I would
definitely want you to always try to
follow the accounts in these three categories, and it's going to help you
to grow your Instagram page. And by that, let's
conclude this video. I hope you learn how to follow
the top accounts of Niche, and we have completed
the first step of finding the top accounts. And in the coming
videos, we'll be learning how to funnel
down the followers of these top accounts and convert them into
our own followers. So let's see how
these strategies work in the coming videos, and I'll be seeing
you over there.
9. Funnel Down Followers: Hi there. Welcome back to
another video of this course. Now, in the previous video, we saw how to find
the top accounts in our niche that is having a lot of engagements for
their contents. Now in this video,
we are going to see how to funnel
the followers of those top accounts and convert
them into our followers. I would say this is a
pretty important video, and I would recommend you
to watch the entire video. Now, let's start by understanding
the term funnel because in the world of
digital marketing or any kind of marketing, you're definitely going to hear this term funnel every
once in a while. And to make you understand
this concept of funnel, let me give you a pictorial
representation of the funnel. And a funnel is basically the strategy that
you're using to convert the followers of the top accounts
into your followers. Now, the one thing that
you have to note over here is that I've
pictorially represented the followers of the top account as the dots as I've
shown on the top. So those followers of the
top accounts that we just followed in the previous video is going to go through a funnel the funnel being our strategy. And after going
through that funnel or after going
through our strategy, what's going to happen
is that some of those top account followers are going to follow
our accounts. So basically, you
shouldn't expect all the followers of those
top accounts to follow you, but you can expect some of those followers to
follow your account. And that is why I've represented a huge number of dots to
represent the followers of the top account and a few
number of dots to represent the number of followers of those top accounts
that follows you. So I hope you understood this
concept of funneling down followers from the top
accounts to your followers. Now, here comes
the big question. What is this funnel or
what is our strategy to convert the followers of those top accounts
into our followers? Well, it's a very
simple strategy, and the strategy is this. When the top accounts
that we selected and we followed in the previous video
post a particular content, whether it be Instagram post or whether it be
Instagram Reels, what you're going to
do is that you have to comment on the condens
of the top accounts. And as I've shown on the screen, you can see that I've
commended in one of the top accounts
of my particular and you can see
around 107 people like that particular comment. If those many people
like my comment, then imagine the number of
people who saw this comment. Well, a lot of people do not want to interact with
the comment, right? They might have
read your comment, they might have laughed at it, but they don't want to like it or they don't want to reply it. So they might silently
view your Instagram account by clicking into it
and they might follow you. So this is the basic strategy. It might seem easy, but
it actually is not. This is just one of the commons on one particular top account. You have to at least comment ten to 15 comments on the top
accounts every single day, not just one particular account, but all of the top accounts that we have selected
in the previous video. So that's not an easy task to come up with a funny, relatable, those kinds of comments
in which people tend to click into your
icon and follow you. But this is the
funneling strategy. You have to comment
in the top accounts, and you have to comment at
least ten to 15 comments under the post of the
top accounts daily. Now, another thing that
I would stress on is that earlier when I started
growing my Instagram account, I did not have an
Instagram Reels feature. Instagram Reels
feature came later. So at that time, I had to comment under the
normal Instagram post, which would be viewed
by not many people. But after Instagram
Reels were introduced, they are going to be seen by millions and millions of people, and the comments are read by millions and
millions of people because Instagram is famously known for its comment section. A lot of people are reading the comment sections
like anything. And what I would
suggest to you is try to focus on commenting on Instagram reels of the top
accounts in your niche. And as I've shown on the screen, the number of likes the
people who have commented on the Instagram reels
is unthinkable. There's a huge number, and even more people have
seen those comments, but they haven't reacted or they haven't liked
to those comments. So that's a basic strategy. Try to focus on commenting
on Instagram reels. Now, another thing that
you ought to focus on this funneling
strategy is that you should comment on the top
accounts as early as possible. This post by the account called Success Ingredients was
posted 7 minutes ago. So 7 minutes is too early. So what I'm going to do
is that I'm going to use this opportunity as wisely as possible. I'm
going to go comment. And when this post gets
a huge number of read, people are going
to see my comments because I was a person who
commended first, right? So commending first gives
you that huge reach. And when the post goes viral, if your comment is funny
enough or if your comment is relatable enough or if your comment is
knowledgeable enough, people are going to
check your account, and if they like your account, they are going to follow you. Now you might be wondering,
we have followed around 50 to 60 top
accounts, right? So how would I know when
they are going to post their Instagram reels or
when they're going to post their Instagram
normal posts? Well, that's actually a
really good question. And there is actually
a solution to know when those top accounts
post their contents, and that is called turning on the notification
of their contents. And the idea is
basically simple. When you turn on the
content notification of those top accounts, you are going to get notified
when they post a content, whether it be Instagram post or whether it be
Instagram reels. You can turn those
on, and when you receive a notification,
click into it. Think of a funny comment,
think of a relatable comment, think of an informative comment, and just go and comment
it as soon as possible. So let me show you how to
turn on the post notification or the Instagram
reals notification of those top accounts. Now, as I've shown
on the screen, imagine this account called Financial simplified and imagine that this is one of
the top accounts that I want to funnel
the followers from. So what we are going
to do is that we are going to follow the steps
that I'm going to give you. The first step is obviously you have to follow that account. Now, after following
that account, you have to click
on the three dots at the top right hand corner, as I've shown on the screen. Now after clicking
on those three dots, what I've shown on the
left image appears. And what you have
to do over here is that you have to
select notifications. And when you click
on notifications, what I've shown on the
right image appears. And over there, you
can toggle between which type of contents you
want notifications for. What I would personally do is
that I would try to turn on notifications for post as
well as Instagram reels. And when those
notifications come, I would click into
it and I would try to comment as
soon as possible. Now moving on, I want to emphasize on the timing
of your comments. There is no point in
commenting on the content of the top accounts after
ten to 15 days, right? You have to comment
under the contents of the top account as
soon as they post it. Now, the benefit of being
the first commenter, now, there are three main
benefits of being the first commander or
the early commander. The first thing would be those top accounts might notice you. Well, a couple of top accounts under which I used to comment, they actually liked my comments, and they checked my account, and they liked it, and
they started following me. And what I did was I started texting them and I
made a connection. And making connections help
because those top icons would help you to grow
your Instagram page by re sharing your content, by helping you
with guest posting and all those kinds of things. So that is one reason you
should be the first commander, and that is the top
icon might notice you. And the second reason is that your common will get pinned. So if your comment is pinned, your comment would always
be the first commment. So imagine after a week or
so the post goes viral, and still your commment
would be at the top, right? So a lot of people are going
to see your comman and your Instagram
account is going to get a huge number of exposure, and people are going
to check your account, and if they like your account, they are going to follow. So that is the second reason. Try to get pinned. And the last reason
is the reason that we have been
talking so far. When you post early, a lot of people are going to
see your comments as compared to when you post the comment after
one week or so. So I hope you understood this idea of funneling
down audience from the top accounts
by commenting in their contents and
try to get pinned, as I've said before, people are going to check into your account and they're
going to follow you. Now moving on, let me
share one more thing. And that thing is, what if some people reply
to your comment, but they do not follow you? Well, that's a very
good question, right? So when someone
replies to my comment, what I would do is
that I would either engage with them in a
conversation in the comments, I would keep on commenting,
commenting, comment or if I don't have anything
meaningful to talk to them, I would just greet them
with Have a great day, and you can see that
on the right image after I greeted that person, have a great day,
that person replied, You too, and they
followed my account. So that's the trick. If someone
replies to your comment, but they do not follow you or they do not check your account, just try to be
positive with them, try to have a meaningful
conversation, and the chances of them
following you would increase rather than you not
replying to those comments. And I hope you
understood this trick, and I hope you'd be using
this trick if someone replies to your comments,
but they do not follow. Now moving on to the
last part of the video, I'm going to talk about the
type of comments that you should post and the type of comments that
you shouldn't post. And obviously, on
the right side, you have the type of comments
that you shouldn't post, and which is basically trying to self promote your account. Like I've started a
new Instagram page. Please tack it out,
blah, blah, blah, and all those kinds of
unnecessary self promotion. Those kinds of self promotions
are not going to work. Instead, you have to
kick on your feet, try to think of a funny comment related to the post
that has been posted. Or you can give an
informative comment or you can follow the
latest trend of commenting. So if you don't know what
a trend of commenting is, basically, Instagram is
famous for its commenting, and you're definitely
going to see the latest trends if you are
a frequent Instagram user, and you're definitely
going to know them, and you will know
instantaneously when to use those
kinds of comments. For example, we got
something before GTA six came out or those kinds
of trending comments. And finally, you can
take an opposing view of the Can posted, and you can comment saying, I disagree with
the conant posted. This is not like that.
This is not like this, and all those kinds
of opposing views can be posted as a com. So this was one thing that
I wanted you to know. Try to not self
promote yourself. Instead, try to post
funny, relatable, opposing views or those kinds of comments which
are meaningful. And by that, we have come
to the end of this video, and I hope you like
this strategy of funneling down follows
from the top accounts, and we'll be seeing more
strategies in the coming video, and I will be seeing
you over there.
10. Building Connections: Hi there. Welcome back to
another video of this course. Now, in the previous video, we saw how to funnel
down the audience of the top accounts by
commenting on their contents. Now, one thing that
you have to note over here is that we did not have any sorts of connections or networks with
those top accounts, and they did not know you. We just went to their
comments section. We kept on commenting, and when their audience
see our comments, they click into it and
they check our account, and if they like it,
they would photo us. But in this video, we
are going to shift our gears and we are
going to take a look at how to build connections
with those top accounts so that it would be
easier for us to grow our Instagram page quick. One thing that I want you to note over here
before getting into those strategies is that when you're a small
account with say, 500 followers, all those top accounts
are going to ignore you and only a very rare amount of those top accounts would be
excited to connect with you. So keep this in mind and
don't be disheartened. But once when you hit that
milestone of 10,000 followers, all of those top accounts would be seen your
growth and they would be jumping in and they would want you
to connect with and they are going
to help you to grow your Instagram
page even further. So don't get disheartened if those top accounts are
not connecting with you. Just keep in your mind that
goal of 10,000 follows, and after that, it's going to be an easier process to connect
with those top accounts. Okay, great. Now let's dive
straight into this video and see the different strategies to connect with
the top accounts. And as I've shown on the screen, the very first strategy is what we have seen in the
previous video, and that is to comment on
the top accounts condens. So what's going to happen is
that when you comment very frequently on the contents
of the top accounts, they are going to notice you. And let me show you an example. And the example, as I've
shown on the screen is that when I posted a comment on
one of the top accounts, they actually like that comment, and what they did was they
screen shouted that comment, and then they
posted that comment on their Instagram story, and they mentioned my account. So that is one of
the basic tricks of building connections, and that is to keep
on commenting very frequently on the top
accounts content. And you have to
also make sure that the comment is
also of top notch, and if you keep on commenting
some useless thing, then they are not going to
give you any attention. Now let's move on
and take a look at the next technique to build a connection with
those top accounts. And the next technique to
build connections with those top accounts is to connect
using Instagram stories. Now, this is a trick
that rarely works, but it has worked for me, and I want to put it out and show you that there
is a trick like this. And now let me show
you an example of connecting with the top accounts
using Instagram stories. And as I've shown on the screen, imagine the scenario where this top account
called 6:00 A.M. Success has posted this content. And what I'm going to do
is that I'm going to re share this content on
my Instagram story. And you can see that
I'll be clicking that arrow icon for reshare. And after clicking
on that arrow icon, what I've shown on the
right image appears, and on the right image, you can see at the bottom, there's an option
called ADT Stories. And after clicking
on ADT Stories, what I'm going to do is
that I'm going to mention that account on my
Instagram stories. And after mentioning this
account on my Instagram story, what I'm going to do
is that I'm going to post my Instagram stories. And if you're a very frequent
casual Instagram user, you're going to know what's
going to happen when you mention someone
on your Instagram and as I've shown on the screen, this is what's going to happen. They are going to get notified, as well as they are going to
get a message saying that I've mentioned them on
my Instagram stories. And after this notification, as well as message
goes to this account, from here on, everything
is based purely on luck. They might notice it,
they might not notice it. And if they notice your account, they're going to click
into your account. And if they like your contents, they are going to follow you, or they are at least going
to text you back saying, thank you for mentioning
my content in your story. And what you have
to note that after they reply to you
on your messages, you have to make small talks
or other conversations in such a way that you are building a connection
with the stop account. And I'll be talking
about that in a while. But over here, what you have
to do is that you have to mention these stop accounts
in your Instagram stories. And if luck is on your side, they are either going to
text you back saying, thank you for
mentioning my content on your Instagram stories. Or they're going to
follow you if they check your account and they
like your conens. Now, this is a strategy
purely based on luck. And as you mentioned,
the conins of more and more top icons
on Instagram stories, the chances of them replying to you are
going to increase. So at least one or two
accounts are going to revert and you have to build
that connection from there. Now let's move on
and take a look at the final strategy to build a connection
with the top accounts. And the final strategy
is basically this, you have to personally
text those top accounts. And I'm pretty sure
that you might be wondering this is a strategy
that's not going to work well, it actually is
a working strategy. I personally texted
a lot of accounts, and they have connected with me. But as I mentioned in the
beginning of this video, when you're a small account, not much of those top accounts are going to connect with you. But once you hit that
milestone of 10,000 followers, they are going to
see potential in you and they are going
to connect with. One thing that I also want you
to notice that to increase the chances of
those top accounts connecting with you when
you are a small account, you have to make sure that the content that you're
posting is of top notch. And if your content is of
top notch and very creative, you don't need that milestone
of 10,000 followers. These top accounts
are going to envy you and they are
going to follow you, and they're going to help you
grow your Instagram page. Now let me show you a couple of personal texting that I've done when I was a
very small account, and I hope it gives you an idea on how to text
these top accounts. The first example of a person that I've texted
is called Ashley. Now, to give you a
backstory of this message, what happened was I used to comment on one of
the top accounts, and this person was actually the owner
of that top account, and this person started following me from her
personal account. And when I checked this
personal account on the bio, it was written that this person was the account owner
of that top account. And what I did was I used
the chance to my advantage, and I texted this person. Hello, I came to see that you are the founder
of this account. May I know how long have
you been growing the page? And in the end, I did ask, do you have any tips for me? And you can see that this person was a very genuine person, and she texted me back. And she did give me a couple of tips to grow my
Instagram page. And what I did was I kept on texting and I built
my connection. And in the end, she helped me
to grow my Instagram page. So this is the first example that I have in store for you. You have to text
the top accounts in order to grow
your Instagram page. Let me show you another example, and you can see
that this is one of the top accounts that followed
me, and I texted them. Hey, saw that you followed
my account. Thanks a lot. And that person replied, I'm still amazed
by how good it is. Great job. Keep up
the great work. So this is the example of a
top account that followed me because they liked
my Instagram contents. So that is one thing that
I keep on repeating. You have to make sure that
your content is off top notch, only then those top accounts are going to want to help you. And after this, what I did was, I built connection
with this account, and this account actually helped me to grow
my Instagram page. And finally, let me give
you one more example, and you can see that this
account is called Live Him. And in every single chat, what I'm doing is that
I'm moving aside my ego, and then I'm asking them, do you have any tips for me in order to grow
my Instagram page? So it is in that tone you
have to talk to them. You have to connect with them, and then they are
definitely going to help you grow
your Instagram page. And finally, as I've
shown on the screen, there are two ways
to message them, the right way and the wrong. The wrong way, you
can see that do not try to text these top
accounts by saying, Hey, please do check
out my account, please follow my account. And all those kinds of
messages that shows you are very desperate and that your begging is
not going to work. And you have to follow
the second path. And the second path is to
be a seeker of advice. And let me read it out for you. Hey, love your con I've been following
you for a while now. Can you offer me some
tips for growing my page? And all those kinds
of seeking for advice messages are
definitely going to help and the probability
of those top accounts texting you back are
going to increase. So I hope you would
be keeping this in mind when you're texting
the top accounts, and I hope you'll be keeping
all these strategies in your mind when you're building your connections with
those top accounts. And by that, let's
conclude this video. I hope you liked it, and I'll be seeing you in the next video.
11. Funneling Followers Afer Connecting: Hi there. Welcome back to
another video of this course. Now, in the previous video, we saw how to build connections with the top accounts
in our niche, and we did take a look at a couple of strategies
to do the same. Now, after building connections
with those top accounts, we don't stop over there. Our ultimate goal is to
grow our Instagram page. So keeping that ultimate
goal in our mind, the next step after building connections with those
top accounts would be to funnel down the audience with the help of
those top accounts. So that's what we're going
to do in this video. We're going to take a look
at how to funnel down the audience after you have built a connection with
those top accounts. Now I have three strategies
for you to funnel down the audience from
the top accounts after you have
built connections. So let's take a look
at them one by one. Now, the very first strategy to funnel down audience
after you have built connection with the top
accounts is to guest post. Now you might be wondering
what a guest post is. Well, a guest post is
actually a term used in digital marketing for
search engine optimization and blogging and all
those kinds of but I'm borrowing that term
called guest posting over here from search
engine optimization and other digital marketing concepts
to Instagram marketing, and you can see this
is the definition. And the definition
of guest posting on Instagram is
basically this guest posting on Instagram refers to the practice where
one Instagram user, often a brand influencer or content creator
creates and shares content on another user's
Instagram account. So basically what you're doing over here is that you're posting your content on the
top accounts feed. So in order to post in the
feed of the top account, that top account should
actually like your contents, and you should have built
a strong connection in order for you to ask them whether they
would be able to guest post your
content on their feed. So that is the first
trick you have to guest post if you want to grow
quickly on Instagram. There are two basic
advantages of doing guest posts on Instagram, and the very first advantage
is that you'll be able to share or exchange
followers with each other. And by that, what I
mean is that when those top accounts are posting your content
as a guest post, the followers of
those top accounts are going to see your content, and they are going to check
out your Instagram page, and if they like your page, they are going to follow
you and your followers, as well, and your followers
as well is going to see. And your followers are
all and your followers are also going to see
those top accounts and they are going
to check it out, and they're going
to follow those top accounts if they like them. So basically, you are
exchanging followers, and that is a great way to
grow your Instagram page. Now, the second
advantage is that your content is
going to go viral. So if a top account is
posting your content, it's going to be seen by
a lot of people, right, as compared to when you're
posting to your 500 followers. It's not going to be
seen by much people. So that is the advantage when
you're doing a guest post, your content has the
chance of going viral, and it's going to be seen
by a lot of new people. So these are the two
advantages of guest posting, and now let me show
you an example where an account grew by the
help of guest posting. Now, on the screen, I've shown
three different accounts, and the first account is
called the Hina Shake. So this person
basically post tips and all other hacks related
to editing in Canva. And the second account is run by this person called Christos. So what he basically
does is that he helps people to grow
their Instagram page. And finally, there's an account
called Design spective. So what design inspective
does is that they post con and related to designing and
all those kinds of stuff. So the case study
is this account called The Hina Shake
she basically had around 500 followers back then when I came to see
her Instagram page. And one fine day, I
saw her post being guest posted on this
account of Christos. So Christos was a huge page. He was having hundreds
of followers. And what happened was, as
you can see on the screen, Christos posted
this guest post by the Hina Shake and you can see that it is written
in the caption. At the bottom, you can
see it's written guest post by the Hina Shake and
that person is mentioned. So when the followers
see this post, they're going to click into it, and they're going to see
Hina Shek's account, and they're going to follow
her if they like her Can. And the Can is
actually really good. It is a very helpful content, and that's the reason why her page actually
grew exponentially. And what happened after Christos posted this guest post was that this top icon called Design Spective saw this
post, and they liked it. And what they did was they re shared this post on their feed, and they gave credits to both the Hina Shake
as well as Christos. So when the followers of this design spective
see this post, they're going to check
out the caption, and they're going
to click into it. And if they like this
page of Hina Shake where she helps people
create conans using Canva, then they are going to follow. And this guest post
was actually very successful and she grew into
thousands of followers. Now you might be wondering, not all the followers
are going to check the caption and then go into the real account and check
the contents, right? Well, Instagram actually
thought about it and they introduced a new feature called
Instagram Collaborations. Now, it's become
much more easier for guest posting
and funneling down audience from the
top accounts using this collaborations feature,
and let me show it to you. Now, as I've shown
on the screen, when you're posting
an Instagram post, at the end, you'll be having this option of tagging people. And when you click
on the tag people, what's shown on the
right image appears. And in the right image, you have an option called
Invite collaborator. And by clicking on
Invite Collaborator, you'll be able to collaborate
with top accounts. And now let me show
you what's going to happen when you invite
a collaborator. Now, after inviting
a collaborator, this is what happens at the
back end of the top account. The top account is
going to see this and they are going to get an
invitation like this, and the top account is
having an option to accept your invitation or
decline or invitation. So make sure that you ask the top account before
posting the content. Let us collaborate or
something like that. And if they are ready
to collaborate, post the post and
invite them for collaboration and ask them
to accept the invite. And when the top account
accepts your invitation, this is how it's
going to look like, and you can see at the top, it's been posted by both the
top account and yourself. So the followers of
the top account is going to click into it
and check your account. So this collaborations feature is a really important feature. Try to do guest posts or guest reels and it's
going to blow up, and it's going to help you
grow your Instagram page. Now let's move on
and take a look at the second way to build connections with
the top accounts. And the second way, as
I've shown on the screen, is to ask those top
accounts to at least share your Instagram content
as Instagram stories. Now one thing that I want to repeat is that when
you're a small account, those big accounts are
not going to mind you as much as when you have a
huge number of followers. So when you're a small account, they might not agree to
collaboration posts or collaboration so if they do not ask for a collaboration post
or a collaboration reel, at least request them to share your Instagram content
on their stories. Now, a lot of top
accounts would not have any problem with sharing
your Instagram content on their stories because it's
going to disappear for 24 hours and it's not going
to be there permanently. But when they're posting
a collaboration post or a collaboration reel, it's going to be there
on their feed forever. And that is a reason they
might be hesitant to post a collaboration reel
or a collaboration post. So this is the final trick that you have in
your back pocket. If they do not agree,
at least ask for a story reshare on their
Instagram stories. And when you ask those
top accounts to share your conens on their
Instagram stories, make sure that they mention
your particular account on their Instagram
stories so that when people see their
Instagram stories, they click into that
story mentioned and they check out
your Instagram page. So that is the second trick
that I have in store for you. Ask the top accounts to mention you in their
Instagram stories. Now let's move on to the
final trick to funnel down audience after you
have build connections. And the final trick is to go live with those top accounts. Now, you have to note
that all these tricks are only going to work if you build a strong connections with those top accounts and if
they are willing to help you. So when you go live
with the top accounts, what's going to happen is that the followers of
those top accounts is going to get notified that the top account is
going live with you. And as I've shown on the screen, the followers of the
top account is going to see this on their
Instagram stories that they have gone
live and they're going to click into it and they're going to
see who you are, see the conversation that you're going to have with
the top accounts, and they're going to check
out your Instagram page, and if they like your Cens,
they're going to follow you. So this was a final trick
that I had in store for you, and that is to go live
with the top accounts, and it's definitely
going to help you funnel down audience
from those top counts. And by that, let me
conclude this video, and I hope you liked it, and let us move on to the
next section of this course, and I'll be seeing
you over there.
12. Introduction to Hashtags: Hi there. Welcome to another
section of this course. Now, in this section, we'll be focusing on hashtag research, where I'll show you how to find the right sets of
hashtags that can gain you a huge number
of followers and ultimately grow your
Instagram page. So let's dive right into this introductory
video and see how hashtags are used and what are the benefits
of using a hashtag. Now, if you're
someone who is new to Instagram or if
you're someone who is new to the social media world and you don't know
what a hashtag is, a hash tag is basically
a sentence or a phrase or a word that has been written with the hash
symbol in front of it. So on the screen, I've
used the word hash tag as a hash tag because I've used that hash symbol in front of it. So this is the most important
part of writing a hash tag. You have to use the hash symbol in order to write a hashtag. Now, one thing that
you have to note over here is that hashtags are present on other social media
platforms such as Twitter, now known as X or
whether it be LinkedIn, whether it be Facebook,
all those platforms have hashtags in them. But what you have
to know is that hashtags work differently
on Instagram. B on Instagram,
hashtags can be used to bring a huge number of
views for your content. And in this video,
I'll be showing you a metric of one
of my posts where I got a huge number of views from one of the
hashtags that I used. No one thing that
you have to note about Instagram hashtags is that people do follow
Instagram hash tags. And as I've shown on the
screen, on the left image, I went into the search engine of Instagram and I typed
hashtag hash tag, and you can see, there's
a plus icon next to it. So when I click on
that plus icon, I'm basically following that particular hashtag
that I just typed in. So this is one of the
feature of hashtags. You can follow
hashtags on Instagram, and a huge number of people are, in fact, following
a lot of hash tags. So what we are going to
do is that we are going to use that to our advantage, and we are going to find those right hashtags
that are going to work for you in order to
grow your Instagram page. Now, another thing
that I want you to know about hash tags is that when you go to the
search engine of Instagram and you
search hashtag, and you have different
sections such as for you, accounts, audio,
reels, and so on. So under the tag section is where you see
all those hashtags. And when I go to
the tag section, there is actually
another insight that Instagram gives me. And that insight is that
under the tag section, you can see the related hashtags of that particular
hashtag that you search. And you can as well
as see the number of posts under those
particular hashtag. So, for example, in the first
case of hashtag hashtag, around 27.4 million posts
has used this hashtag. And for the second one,
around 230 K posts has used the hashtag
hashtag hashtag. So this is a visible
metric that you can see, and that is a number of posts that uses a particular hashtag. So what we're going to do
is that we are going to use this metric of the number
of posts to our advantage, and we'll be navigating our Instagram hashtag
search or Instagram hashtag research
in such a way that this metric is going to help us find the right
set of hashtag. Now, one disadvantage over here is that Instagram does not show you the number
of people who are following a
particular hashtag. Now, it would have
been easier if we knew the number of people
who are following a particular hashtag, right? Because if we knew
the number of people who are following a
particular hashtag, we just have to
use those hashtags solely because a lot of
people are following that, but Instagram does not
give us that metrics of the number of people
who are following a particular hashtag. So we have to use this
different metric of the number of posts in order to
understand hashtags, as well as in order to grow our Instagram page
using hashtag. I hope you got a
fair bit of an idea of how hash tags
work on Instagram. And now moving on, let me
show you the right way to write a hash tag and the wrong
way to write a hash tag. On the left you can see the
right way to write a hashtag. Imagine that I want to use the keyword machine
learning as a hashtag. So you can either simply write
hashtag machine learning or you can also write hashtag machine
underscore learning. Now, both of these are going
to work as a hash tag, but when you're moving on to the wrong ways to use a hashtag, if you're going to
write it in the ways I've shown, then it
is not going to work. For example, the first one
reads hash tag machine, then you're going to give space, and then you're
writing learning. That would only be a hashtag
for hashtag machine, and it would not be a hashtag for hashtag machine learning. And moving on to
the second example of wrong ways to
write a hash tag, if you write hashtag machine, dot learning, it would still not be a hash tag for hashtag
machine learning. It would still be a hashtag
only for hashtag machine, and Instagram is not
going to consider the second part of dot learning. So try to not use dot or try to not use a gap
in your hashtags. Either write everything
together or try to use underscore for Instagram to
consider that as a hashtag. I hope you understood
this simple concept, and I hope you would be
keeping this in your mind. Now moving on, a
lot of people get disheartened when they don't
see the reach from hash tag. Now let me tell you my story. When I had around 500 followers, the number of people who came to my account through
hashtags were minimal. Sometimes some posts got
five views from hashtag, sometimes others got 24 views or some got 100
views from hashtags. But after reaching
around 10,000 followers, some of my posts or some
of my accountants got around 26,000 views
from hashtags alone. And other post or other Cans did not receive any
views from hashtags, but they got views
from other sources like Explore tab and so on. So this is something that you
have to keep in your mind. Hashtags might not
always bring in views. Sometimes hashtags would not even perform for a top account. It would be zero
views from hashtags, but it would be compensated by other sources such as Explore, Home tab, and so on. So try to not get disheartened by zero views from hashtags. But what I would simply
suggest to you would be that just use hashtags
in all your posts. It doesn't matter if
you get your views from hashtags or if you get
your views Explore tab, try to use hash tags, and at some point in the future, hash tags are going to
bring in views for you. Now, just to make you believe
the power of a hashtag, when I had around
10,000 followers, I posted a post, and this is the metric of
that particular post. And you can see that
more than 100,000 people viewed this post, and among those 100,000 people, around 27,000 people came to see my condent from hashtags that I used on that
particular post. So this simply proves
that you have to use hashtags and hashtags are going to bring in a
significant number of views for your conden now, finally, to conclude this video, let's end this
video by a question how many hashtags can I use
on my Instagram contents? Well, there are different
Instagram contents, right? We have Instagram posts, we have Instagram reels, as
well as Instagram stories. So what we are going to do
is that we are going to find 30 different hashtags
for our Instagram posts, as well as Instagram reels. And in the section on
Instagram Stories, I will show you how to find the ten different hashtags
for your Instagram stories. So by that, let's conclude this introductory video
on Instagram hash tags. I hope you understood what
Instagram hash tags are, and I hope you understood
the power of Instagram hashtags to drive in
views for your contents, and I'll be teaching
you more about Instagram hash tags
in the coming videos, so I'll see you over there.
13. Types of Hashtags: Hi there. Welcome back.
Now before showing you how to find the right
sets of hashtags for your Instagram page, I want to show you the
different types of hash tags that
exist on Instagram. So I would want you to
know these different types of hashtags in order to avoid them and which kinds of hash tags are better for
your Instagram page. So let's dive right into
the video and see what are the different types of hashtags that you see on Instagram. Now, the first type of
hashtags that you're going to see on Instagram
are the Spam tags. So what are these spammy
tags or spam tags? Well, basically, any Instagram
hash tag that you use, which is not related to
your particular niche, that is what I would classify as a Spamitag or a spam tag. Now the problem of using the
spam tag is that you are giving a wrong information
to the Instagram algorithm. Now, this is because
initially when you set up your account and when
you optimize your account, say for a Finance niche, you are creating your
Instagram username, your bio, and all those kinds of
things in such a way that it is optimized for that
particular finance niche, right so when you
post your contents, imagine that you use hash tags
such as hashtag Happiness, hashtag SO, and those kinds of hash tags which are
not related to finance. What is going to happen is that the Instagram algorithm gets
that wrong message that your account is a
SPAM account or your account doesn't
follow the Finance niche. So it would insure
your account to people who are interested
in that particular niche. And that is the problem
of using a Spam tag. And one thing that I want you to know is that people come to Instagram not to buy things or not to follow
conant creators. They come to Instagram to post, as well as see other people
post their personal pictures, such as the moments where
they go for a vacation, they go for a hiking, their happiness,
and their sorrow, and all those kinds
of moments are being captured and being posted on Instagram by
most of the people. So when people post
these kinds of pictures, they are not content
creators, right? They post random pictures
and they even add random hashtags under each
and every picture they have. So they're going to
use hash tags such as hashtag happiness
and all those kinds of unnecessary hash tags that would be classified
as a spamitag. So this is the reason why
you shouldn't use a spamitag because a lot of people
are using the spami tag, and when you use that spam tag, your account is going to get
sunk among tons and tons of unrelated content that are using the same unrelated spami tag. So the bottom line is this, don't use a spami tag. Now moving on the next
type of hashtags that you can find on Instagram
are the band hash tags, and I don't think you
need a definition of a band hashtag because the definition is in
the name band hashtags. But you might be wondering why
do Instagram bans hashtag? Well, usually, Instagram bans a particular hashtag
because the Cans that use that particular
hashtag might have violated the
policies of Instagram. So let's take a look
at a few examples of what a band hash tag is, and then you will get a
clear picture of why you shouldn't use these
kinds of band hash tags. So the first band
hashtag that I have to show you is the
hash tag depression. And you can see
that once I search hash tag depression,
this is what comes up. Help is available,
contact the helpline, reach out a friend, and so on. And at the bottom,
Instagram does give you an option to
continue to search results where you can see post or contents related to
hashtag depression. So this is clearly
a band hashtag. Now, obviously, you
might be thinking hashtag depression is
such a sensitive topic, and that's why it
is a band hash tag. Well, this is not the only
hash tag that's banned. Let me show you another example of a hash tag that's banned, and that is hashtag
Beauty Bloggers. So a hash tag beauty
blogger is a band hash tag. Because when you search
for this hashtag, Instagram gives you
a pop up like this, which says recent posts from Hashtag Beauty Blogger are
currently hidden because the community has
reported some content that may not meet Instagram's
community guidelines. So this is another example
of a hashtag that's banned. Now you might be
wondering, how do I know whether a hash
tag is banned or not? Well, to be on the safe side, try to use hash tags
that are related to your post as well as
related to your niche. So if you are in
the Finance niche, try to use the hashtags
related to Finance niche and not some random hash tags such
as hashtag beauty blogger. And if you really want a
complete list of band hash tags, I have a list for you,
and I will give you the link to this list in the resources section
of this video. But what I would suggest to you is that just go to Google and search for the current complete band hash tags of Instagram, and you're definitely
going to get the list of all the
band hash tags. Now moving on, let's move on to the final
type of hashtags. And the final type
of hashtags are the hashtags that are right
for your particular account. Now, I phrase the last type of hashtags in such a
way that it reads the right tags for your
particular account because there are hashtags
that are going to work for me, and those set of hashtags are
not going to work for you. So there's no point of you using the hash tags that
are working for me. And in the next video, I'll
be showing you how to find the right sets of hash tags that are
going to work for you. And I think let's wrap up this video over here
and see how to find the right sets of hash tags in the next video. I'll
see you over there.
14. Find the Right Hashtags: Hi there. Welcome to another
video of this section. And in this video, we'll be
taking a look at how to find your right hash tags that works perfectly well
for your account. Now, before diving
into the video, I want to remind you
that don't forget what we learned in the last two
videos of the section, and we learned about spam tags
as well as band hashtags. So I recommend you to keep these two things in your
mind while we search for the right hashtags
that works for your Instagram
account. Okay, great. Now, to find the right sets of hashtags that works
perfectly well for you, I have three ways to do. Let's take a look at
the first method, and the first method to
find the right hashtags is to search it up manually in
the Instagram search engine. Now, this would be the
most recommended way to find the right hashtags
for your Instagram page. So I'd be using the other
two methods if and only if I can't find
the right hashtags using this first method. Okay, now, in order to find
the right hashtags manually, you'll be using
the hashtag bucket that you see on the screen. So let's learn how to use
this hash tag bucket. So you can see that
the hash tag bucket is divided into columns
as well as rows. So you can see that
there are three columns, and the columns read small tags, medium tax, and big tags. So small tags are the
hash tags that have around 20 k to 500 k posts, and you can see that
medium tags are the tags that have 500
k to 1 million posts. You can see that big tags are the hash tags with more
than 1 million posts. And on the side, you can
see the follo account. So if you have zero
to 500 followers, you should use 20 small tags, seven medium tax,
and three big tags. And if you have around
502,000 followers, you'll be using 15 small tags, ten medium tax,
and five big tags. And if you have a fo
count that is between 1,000 followers to
10,000 followers, you should be using
13 small tags, 11 medium tax, and six big tags. And when you have a
follow account of 10,000 followers to
50,000 follovers, you should be using
ten small tags, ten medium tax, and ten big tag. And lastly, when you have a follower count of more
than 50,000 followers, you should be using
five small tags, ten medium tags,
and 15 big tags. So I hope you got an idea of how to use this hash tag bucket. But now you might be wondering, why have I divided this hashtag
bucket into small tags, medium tags, and big tags? Well, I have the answer
for that question, and as you can see
on the screen, I've told you earlier
that Instagram allows people to follow
specific hash tags. Well, one difficult part that Instagram C and creators face is Instagram does not show how many people follow
a specific hash tag. So as you can see on the screen, for this specific hashtag
called hashtag hashtag, there are around
25.6 million posts. So Instagram only shows how many contents have
used this hashtag. So around 25.6 million
posts used this hashtag. So if Instagram had
given the data of how many people were
following a specific hashtag, then it would have been
helpful for for now, Instagram does not
show that analytics, and we'll be only using
the number of posts. So we'll be dividing our
Instagram hash tag bucket into three sections
of small tags, medium tags, and big tags, depending on the
number of posts that a particular hash tag contains. So I hope you understood why there is a division
of small tags, medium tags, and big tags. And one thing that you have
to specifically note here is that when you have a small
number of followers, say zero to 500 followers, the number of small
tags is very high, and the number of big
tags is very low. But as you grow
your Instagram page to say 1,000 followers, then to 10,000 followers, then to 50 k plus followers, you can see that
there's a gradual shift from small tags to the big tags. So for more than 50 K followers, you'll be only using five
small tags and 15 big tags. So I hope you'll keep
this thing in mind, even if you are not using
the hashtag bucket, what you have to
note here is that when you are having a
small number of followers, try to focus more
on the small tag more and use the big tags less. And as your Instagram page
grows bigger and bigger, try to shift it from small
tag to the big tags. So I hope you
understood how to use the hashtag bucket Okay, great. Now let's take a look
at a practical example. So imagine that I'm running an Instagram page on
motivational quotes Nish, and imagine that currently, I have a follow a count
of 600 followers. So as per the hashtag bucket, I'd be using 15 small tags, ten medium tags,
and five big tags. So let's go and
find our hashtag. So if you remember from
the previous videos, the first thing that you have to notice that you have to think of keywords that you can search for in the Instagram
search engine, and keeping the concepts of band hash tag and Sammy
hashtags in our mind, I'll be searching
for keywords such as motivational success quotes, hard work, growth, et cetera. And I won't be searching for random keywords like happiness, Bliss, journey, et cetera. So now when we go to
the search engine of Instagram and search for
keywords related to success. So as you can see on the screen, I went to the search engine of Instagram and I took
the tags section. And after taking
the tag section, I've searched for success. And you can see that I pointed the arrows towards
three big tags. So if you remember from
the hash tag bucket, if you have 600 followers, what you have to do
is that you have to find 15 small tags, ten medium tags,
and five big tags. So for now, I pointed the
arrow towards three big tags. The first big tag that I pointed to is the hashtag
success quotes. Let me click on that hash tag. And after clicking
on that hashtag, what you have to do is that
you have to check whether that hash tag is a
band hashtag or not, and secondly, you
have to check whether that hashtag is a
Sami tag or not. So you can see that this is not a band hash tag and secondly, you can see that the post or the cons related to this
hashtag are quotes. Therefore, this is
not a Sami tag. And another thing
that you have to note while trying to find
big tags is that don't try to find the hash tags that have
a huge number of poses. So when you have, say, 100 million poses and all, it is not necessary
to use those kinds of hash tags because those would
be under the spam filter. So try to use the big hash
tags that fall between, say 1 million to
20 million poses. So as per the hash tag bucket, this is one of the
big tag and secondly, this is not a band hash tag. And thirdly, we have found
that this is not a Spamitag. So those are the three
things that you have to keep in mind while
searching for a hash tag. And what I'll be doing
is that I'll be using this hash tag in my condens. Now, to move on, we'll
be going back to the tag section and we'll be searching for the
keyword success. And you can see that there's hash tag called
success motivation, and it is having
around 939 k posts. So that means that this hashtag falls in the category
of medium tags. So what you have to do is
that you have to search whether this hashtag
is a band hash tag, and you should also
search whether this hashtag is a spam tag. So if you find that this hash
tag is not a band hash tag, as well as if you find that this hash tag is
not a spami tag, then you are good to
use this hash tag. So in the similar fashion, you have to find five big tags, ten medium tags, and 15 small tags as per
the hash tag bucket. So I hope you
understood how to use the hash tag bucket in order to find your right hash
tags manually. Okay, great. Now let's move on
to the next way to find the right
set of hash tags. And as you can see
on the screen, the next way to find the
right set of hash tags is to use third party apps
to find your hash tags. So as shown on the screen, I have two third party apps for you to find the right hash tags, and the first one is
called IQ hash tags, and the second one
is called Inflat. So what you have to do is
that I put the link to these sites in the resources
section of this video. You just have to go there
and click into these sites, and what you have to do is
that you'll just have to search for keywords
related to your niche, and you would be
able to generate hashtags related
to those keywords. So this is the second method, and I hope you'll be only
using this method if you can find the right hashtags
using the first method. Now let's move on
to the third method to find the right
sets of hash tags. And as you can see
on the screen, the third way to find
the right set of hash tags is to go to
your comment eaters or to the top icons
of your niche and use the best hashtags
that works for them. So let me give you an example. Let's take the same example of the motivational
quotes niche, and imagine that I'm running
a motivational quotes page, and imagine that I can't find the right set of hashtags
for my Instagram page. So what I'll be
doing is that I'll be searching for competitors, and as you can see
on the screen, this is one of the
competitors for my niche, and the name of this page is called the Billionaire Playbook. And you can see
that I've shown you three conins of this
particular account. And what you have to
do is that you have to check the engagement rate, and you have to find
the post that is having a huge number of likes. So now you can see
that the first post is having only 2,656 likes, and the second post is
having 10,580 likes. And the last post
or the third post is having 51,474 likes. So you can clearly see that the third post is having
a huge number of likes. So what I'll be
doing is that I'll be checking that post and I'll be checking the
hashtags used in that post. So as you can see on the screen, these were the
particular hashtags that was used on that
particular post. What we'll be doing is
that we'll be using these exact hash
tags and we'll be using those hashtags
on our condens. So I hope you understood how
to use the third method of finding the right hash tags
from your comment eaters. Now, there is something else
that I want you to note. And as you can see
on the screen, this is the first
set of hash tags for my Instagram
motivational quotes niche. So what I did was I used the hash tag bucket and
I found these hashtags. And next thing,
what you're going to see is that you are going to see the second set
of my hashtags. So again, I'll be using
the hashtag bucket, and I'll be finding
a different set of hashtags compared to the
first set. Okay, great. Now moving on, if
you remember from one of the first videos
of this section, you can see that
I had showed you this post from Instagram
Creator's account, and you can see
that they have put the hashtag does as
well as hashtag Ds. And they have said that keep
the number of hashtags 3-5, and they also told that
don't use too many hashtags. Adding ten to 20 hashtags will not help you get
additional distribution. And as I've said earlier, hash tags work differently
for different accounts. So sometimes using three to five hash tags would be
perfect for you, and other times you
might have to use more than 20 hash tags in order for your
hashtags to work. So what we'll be doing
is that, in this case, we'll just use three small tags as well as three medium tags. So now we have set one and set two with around 30 hashtags, and we have set three and set
with around six hash tags. Now, after finding these
four sets of hash tags, what you have to do is
that you have to use the four sets of hash
tags alternatively, say for two weeks
or say for a month, and find out the
sets of hashtags that works the best for
your Instagram page. So that is the best
thing that you can do to find the hashtags
that work the best. So imagine that I posted
hashtag set one on day one, and imagine that I posted
hashtag set on day two. And what I'll be doing
is that on day three, I'll be post the set
number three and Day four, I'll be posting the
set number four. And on the day five, what I'll be doing is that I'll be going back to
the set number one, and I'll keep on repeating this cycle for a month
or say, for two weeks. And I'll be looking
at the insights, and I'll try to find out which sets of hash
tags work the best, and I'll be only
using those sets of hashtags that gives a
huge number of reach. So I hope you understood how to experiment and find
out which sets of hashtags works for
your Instagram what we have to do is that we have to think like scientists. We have to experiment,
and we have to find out which sets of hashtags
works the best for us, and we shouldn't think
like a normal person who is scrawling through Instagram
and wasting our time. So I hope you
understood how to find the right hashtags using the three methods
that I've shown you, and I hope this
video did help you. And for now, we'll be
taking a short break and we'll be continuing
in the next video.
15. More On Hashtags: Hi, there. Welcome
back. In this video, we'll be talking
about a few mistakes that people make on hashtags and also we'll be talking about the most common doubts that people have regarding hashtags. Okay, now, the first
thing that I want you to keep in mind
about hashtags is that you have to narrow down your hashtags for targeting
a specific audience. So now, to make
this point clear, let's take a look at an example. So as you can see on the screen, imagine that I'm running an Instagram page that is
related to the stock market. So I post investing
and trading tips and tricks and all those
kinds of things on Instagram. Now, as you can
see on the screen, the stock market is a very small portion in the
whole universe of finance. Now, in finance, we have the
traditional investments, we have the alternate
investments, and it is inside the
traditional investments that the stock
market falls into. Well, you don't need to
know all those things unless you're running a
page on stock markets. But my point is this, while
searching for hash tags, I'll be searching for hash tags solely related to stock
market and not of the broader terms like
traditional investments or bonds or keywords
related to finance. Now, after you've searched for hashtags related to
the stock market, and you have reached a
point where you can't find any hashtags related
to the stock market, then and only then you
should start searching for broader keywords
like traditional investments and for finance. So whatever niche you might be, whether it be photography, designing, coding, et cetera, always try to narrow down
your hashtag keywords, and then when you can't find enough hashtags of
that narrow targeting, only then move to
broader keywords. Now, let me give you an example. Imagine that I post daily
quotes from the Bible. So, while searching
for hashtags, I found this hashtag, as you can see on the screen, and it reads hashtag
Bible Art Journaling. So my question to you is that as someone who posts quotes
related to the Bible, should I use this hashtag called hashtag Bible
art journaling? Well, if you want
to know the answer, the answer is no. Because I post conans related
to quotes from the Bible, but this hashtag is a completely different
hash tag as it is related to artwork
connecting to the Bible. Then and only then
as a last resort, I would use this hash tag. Okay, great. I hope that
point was clear to you. Now let's move on to
another important thing that is related to hash tags. So the important thing
that I want you to know is that there are two
types of hash tags, and those two types
of hash tags are the niche specific hash tags and the post specific hash tags. Now you might be
thinking, what is the use in knowing that there are
two types of hashtags? Well, we'll understand
a bit more about the two types of hashtags
using an example. So as you can see on the screen, this page is called
tech crawler. So I was asked to find some good hashtags for this page as it is
my friend's page. So when I started searching for hashtags related to this page, it was extremely difficult to find hash tags for this page, as I ran out of keywords
to search for hashtags. So what helped me to tackle the situation where it is
difficult to find hash tags because it is a
difficult niche to find hashtags is the division of the niche specific hashtags
and post specific hashtag. So the trick is to use 15 hash tags that is
related to the niche, and 15 hashtags that is related to the post
that you are posting. Now, in this case, the niche is related to tech or technology. So we will find
15 hashtags using hashtag bucket that are
related to technology, tech, et cetera, and we'll be finding 15 hashtags related to the
post that we are posting. So the last post
that was posted on this page was related
to editing apps. So we'll be searching
for 15 hashtags related to editing and
editing apps, et cetera. So those are the two
specific hashtags that are niche specific hashtags
and post specific hashtag. So if you run out of
need specific hash tags, try to focus on the post
specific hash tags, and that would help you to
grow your Instagram page. So I hope that this
trick would help you to find the right hash tags
for your Instagram posts. Now I think that it's
time to move on to a few doubts that I commonly
hear about a hash tag. So now, as you can
see on the screen, the first doubt is where
to put your hash tags. Well, there are actually
two places where you can post your
Instagram hash tags. And the first place
where you can put your hash tags is in
your post captions. Now, imagine that I'm running a business page related
to Instagram growth, and I help people to grow
their Instagram page. So let me post an
Instagram post that says two Instagram secrets
for business owners. And as you can see
on the screen, I've gone to the post section, and I've taken this
post from my gallery, and you can see at the
top, there's an arrow. So after clicking on that arrow, you'll be seeing what
I've shown on the screen. You'll be able to add filters and you'll be able
to edit your post. And again, we have an arrow at the top, click on that arrow. And after clicking on
that arrow at the top, you'll be seeing what
I've shown on the screen. So I pointed my arrow
to a place where you can write your caption and
it says, write a caption. Now, as you can
see on the screen, I've written a long
caption that reads $0.02 for business
owners on Instagram, blah, blah, blah, et cetera. And at the end, you
can see that I put a few hash tags on my
Instagram captions. And let me post this
post by clicking on the Tick icon at the
top, right hand corner. So after clicking
on the Ti icon, you can see that I
posted this post, and you can see
on the right side the caption for this
post, and at the bottom, you can see the
hashtags that I've put for this post
on its captions. So that is the first place where you can put your hashtags, you can put your hashtags in the caption and they're going
to work perfectly well. Now, let's take a look at the second place where you
can put your hash tags. And the second place
where you can put your hashtags is in the
comments section of your post. Now, this is where a lot
of people get confused, so pay attention to this part. Now imagine that I
post in my post, but I forgot to put my hashtags in my captions.
Well, don't worry. I can just go to
the comment section of my post and then post my 30 hashtags over there just like posting
a normal comment. And I've shown this
on the screen. Now, one thing that
you should note here is that in order for your hash tags to work after you put them in your comments, you have to put those hash tags in the comments within the first zero to 3 minutes
of posting your post. Or at least you should
put your hash tags in the comments within the first
5 minutes of your posting. So that is an important
point that you should take a note of well, you can expect your hash tags to work in your comments
after you put them, say, after 1 hour
or 2 hours later. So I hope that I'm
clear on this topic. You have to post
your hash tags in the comments within
the first 5 minutes. Now let's move on to
mistake that people make, which I would call a big Blanda. So the thing is
this hashtags won't work if you post them
from a different account. Now, to understand this,
let me show you an example. So as you can see on the screen, this is a page from my college, and the username of this page is signs underscore
clave underscore SSC. Now, you can see that
they've posted a post, and you can see that
they've also put 30 hashtags in the caption. But guess what? They
weren't satisfied. They wanted more
reach from hash tags. So what they did
was they started posting hash tags
from other pages. And I've shown
this on the screen by pointing an arrow towards it. So you can see that they have spammed a lot of hashtags
in the comments, probably more than 30
hashtags in the comments. So, guess what? This
isn't going to work, because firstly,
only 30 hashtags are going to work per post. The second reason is that you have to post your hash tags from the account that you
post your content from and not from
some other account. So they have spammed a lot of
hash tags from the account called the evocative resumings
or something like that. So I hope you understand this common mistake
that people make. Don't fall for this mistake. You have to post
your 30 hash tags from the account that you're
posting your contents, and you can't use more than
30 hashtags in your posts. Okay, now let's
see the difference between posting your hashtags in your captions versus posting your hashtags in your comments. Well, the advantage of
posting your hash tags in a caption is that you
can edit your captions. So if you made some
mistakes in your hashtags, you'll be able to
correct that mistake by editing your caption. Okay, now let's talk
about the points related to posting your
hashtags in your comments. Well, the first
disadvantage of posting your hashtags in comments is that you can't edit
your comments. But for the caption, you'll be able to
edit your captions, but in the comments, you
won't be able to do that. Maybe in the future,
Instagram might provide a new feature where
you can edit your comments, but as of now, you can't
edit your comments. So that is the disadvantage of posting your hash
tags in your comments. Now, let us take a look
at the advantages, and the advantage of posting your hash tags in your comments is that your captions
look very neat. So when you put all your
hashtags in your captions, your captions wouldn't
be looking neat, and people would find it
annoying to read your caption. So caption is for putting the caption and not
spamming your hashtags. So instead of putting your
hash tags in the caption, you'll be able to put your
hash tags in the comments. And hence, your captions
would look neat. Now the next advantage of posting hash tags
in your comments is that it is helpful when you forget to put your
hashtags in your captions. Now, this is a very
common thing that happens when people post a post, they forget to put their
hash tags in the captions. After writing long
and lengthy captions, we might often forget to put
hash tags in the caption. So suddenly, after
posting your post and you remember that you forgot to put the hashtags
in your caption, you can just directly go
to the comment section and you'll be able to post your
hashtags right over there. So those were the advantages of posting your hash tags
in the comments section. Now, let me talk a bit more
about editing your caption. So now, as you can
see on the screen, imagine that I posted
my Instagram post, and at the end, I
put my hashtags. But suddenly, I noticed
that instead of writing hashtag
personal branding, I wrote hashtag
personal banding. So clearly, I've misspelled the word branding and
I've written banding. So don't worry. Here is where
the editor caption helps. As you can see on the screen, you just have to go to the
post that you have posted, and you'll be able
to see three dots at the top right hand corner. Just click on that
and you'll see what appears on the right
side of the screen. And there you'll be having
an option to edit your post. And as you can see
on the screen, after clicking on the edit icon, you'll be able to edit your
mistake and make it correct. So that is the helpful
feature of the edit option. So we have just seen how to
edit your Instagram post. Now, the next thing
that I'm going to say is a bit interesting. So the interesting part is that don't edit your Instagram posts. I'm pretty sure that most of you didn't know
about this thing. So you might ask, why shouldn't we edit our Instagram posts? Well, the answer to that
question is shown on the screen. So as you can see on the screen, when you post something
on Instagram, Instagram shows your content
to a few of your audience. And after that,
it checks whether those few people engage
with your contents. And if a lot of people have
engaged with your contents, then the Instagram algorithm would show your contents
to more and more people. But if nobody engages
with your contents, then the algorithm doesn't
show it to more people. So one key factor that people miss out here is
that you should get a huge number of engagements within a very small
amount of time. So the small amount of
time is really important. Now, imagine that
I got 100 likes, 20 comments and ten re
shares for a post on Instagram within the
first 20 minutes that I've posted that post. So when I edit my post, what is going to happen is that the algorithm will reset the
metrics for engagements. So after I edit the post, the metrics of the algorithm
would turn into zero s, zero commands, and
zero reshares. But the time would
still remain the same and it would be 20 minutes. So if you check the post, it would show 100 s, 20 commands, and ten shares. But for the Instagram
algorithm, it's zero s, zero commands, and zero reshares within the first 20 minutes. So all the metrics
would turn into zero till the minute
that you have reset it, and only from there on
the Instagram algorithm would be checking
the number of likes, the number of comments, and
the number of re shares. So when you edit your post, it would be a low
number of engagements, and hence, your post
wouldn't get much reach. So don't edit your post. So if you make a mistake, delete that post and then
repost that post again. And that is the best alternative
for editing your post. And I hope you
understood this fact, and I hope you'll be using
this fact in your life. Now, those were the common
mistakes and doubts that I wanted to correct regarding
hash tags in this video. So that is all about hash tags. We'll wrap up this
section over here and we'll be continuing
in the next section.
16. Instagram Reels: Hi there. Welcome back to
another section of this course. Now, in this section,
we are going to focus on Instagram reels. And I want to tell you
that this is one of the most important feature of Instagram which can help you to go viral and grow your Instagram base to thousands and millions
of followers. So I would recommend
you to watch this entire section and know how to use Instagram Reels to go viral and grow your
folloover base. Now in this video,
we are just going to get started with
Instagram Reels, and we're going
to take a look at what Instagram reels are, and we're going to
see a couple of reasons why you should
use Instagram Reels. And in the end,
I'll be showing you how to post an Instagram reel. So without further delay, let's dive straight into this video and see what
this video contains. And as I've shown on the screen, I want you to keep in mind three things about
Instagram reels. The first thing is that
Instagram Reels is a feature that was introduced on Instagram
a couple of years back. And it is basically a
feature where you can post short form
video based content, which are engaging
informative and all those kinds of contents
that look like TikTok. So this feature is
essentially a copy of TikTok where you can post short form video based contents. Now, the second thing
that I want you to note is that your Instagram reels videos can be as
long as 90 seconds. Now, when this feature
was introduced, the length was limited
to 15 seconds, then it increased to 30 seconds. Then it was 60 seconds. And finally, at the moment
I'm recording this video, it's as long as 90 seconds. That's the second point that I want you to keep in your mind. When you're creating
an Instagram reel, it should be below the
limit of 90 seconds. And the final point
is that you have to design your Instagram reels in a creative way that it should be funny, entertaining,
or informative, and it can easily reach
a wider amount of audience as compared to other type of contents
on Instagram, such as post or
Instagram stories. I want to show you the power of Instagram reels
through examples. So I actually have
witnessed a lot of accounts grow from zero
to millions of followers, but I do not want
to bore you with all those case studies of
all those kinds of accounts. But let me give you one
case study to show that the Instagram reels is
a very powerful tool. And as I've shown on the screen, this account is
called Sneak peek, and I know these people
back from my school. So that is why I'm
so confidently showing you this account. And what they
basically do is that they post contents
related to dancing. So these two people basically
record a video dancing, and they post it as Instagram reels and they've
gone viral like anything. And on this image,
you can see that they have around
15,000 followers. And I was able to
find a couple of other images where
you can see that they have grown from 15,000
followers to 89.7 k followers. And in the final image, you
can see that they have grown to 107 k followers. So this is one example
of an account that grew exponentially in a
very short period of time. Now let me share my
experience to you regarding Instagram Reels.
So this is my story. The Instagram Reels
feature was introduced in the month of August
of the year 2020. So before Instagram
Reels were introduced, I had to struggle
really hard to grow my Instagram page to
10,000 followers, and it took a lot of effort, and it took a lot
of time from me in order to reach that goal
of 10,000 followers. But when this feature
of Instagram Reels came into the picture after
the month of August 2020, what happened was I started posting quotes as
Instagram reels, and it grew exponentially,
and it went viral, and I got more than
30,000 plus followers. So can you imagine that I got millions and millions of
views for my contents, and my condens were
basically just posting quotes as
Instagram reels. So I hope you
understood the power of an Instagram reel and its ability to grow
your follover base, and I hope you will be following the strategies that I give you in this section in order to
grow your Instagram page. Now let's move on
and take a look at why are Instagram reels very
important for your growth. And the first answer that
I would give you for this question is that
the UI design of Instagram is in such a
way that it is pushing Instagram reels to reach a
huge number of audience. So what do I mean by saying
that the UI design of Instagram is designed in such a manner? Well,
let me show it to you. Now, on the screen,
I've shown you two UI images of Instagram, and you can see that the left
image is an image that was taken before the Instagram
reels feature was introduced. And on the right
image, you can see the reel stab at the bottom. So the basic gist of what I'm
trying to tell over here is that when this feature of Instagram Reel Stab
was introduced, it is placed in
such a manner that when you open the Instagram app, the very first thing that
your thumb is going to touch is that
Instagram Reel stab. So if you're a freakin
Instagram user, try to notice this. When you open the Instagram app, where does your thumb go? And I'm pretty sure that
the very first thing that your thumb does is
you are going to go to the reels Stab and
you're going to scroll mindlessly
through Instagram Reels. So this is actually an
advantage for us as creators. And what we have to
do is we have to pump out more Instagram reels content so that we grow our
Instagram page. So that is the first reason
that I have for you, and that is the thumb is closer to your
Instagram reel Stab, and you're definitely
going to click into it. Now moving on to
the second reason, the second reason is
that Instagram reels get more reach than posts
or Instagram stories. So what I'm trying to
tell over here with the second point is that when you post an Instagram story, it's going to die
down after 24 hours. That's what a basic
Instagram story feature is. And when you post
an Instagram post, it is going to die
down after, say, a month or maximum two months. It's going to die down for sure. Or when you post
an Instagram reel, it's going to keep
on circulating, and it's going to be seen
by more and more people, say after two years or three years or even
after ten years, and that is the power
of an Instagram reel compared to a post or
Instagram stories. So you have to leverage
this feature of Instagram reels in such a
way that even in the future, people see your Instagram reels and they're
going to follow you. So these are the basic reasons why Instagram reels are very, very important for your growth. Now, before concluding
this video, let me show you how to
post an Instagram Reel. Now, the very first
step is that you have to open your Instagram app and you have to click on that plus icon that I've shown at
the bottom of the screen. Now, after clicking
on that plus icon, you'll be having an option to choose between Instagram posts, Instagram Reels, or
Instagram stories. So you have to click on
Reels at the bottom, and after clicking on
Reels at the bottom, you have to choose the
video that you intend to post on Instagram reel
from your gallery. And after choosing your
video from the gallery, what I've shown on
the screen appears. So this is the third step, and over here, you'll be
able to choose music. You'll be able to write
texts on your content, you'll be able to add filters, you'll be able to add captions, and all those kinds of editings
can be done over here. And after adding all those
kinds of music, filters, and all those kinds
of editing stuff, you have to click
on the next icon at the bottom right hand image. And after clicking on the next icon at the bottom right hand, you have reached the final step. And in the final step, you have five options. And the first option is
to add a cover image. So make sure that the
cover image is so catchy enough that people tend to click into your Instagram reels. Now the second option for you is to write a caption
for your video, and this is also a hook which we'll see in
the next video. And what you have to basically do is that you have to write a catchy enough caption
that people want to watch. Now moving on, we have the
option of collaboration, and the fourth option
is more options. And finally, you have
the option to post your Instagram reels on
other platforms as well. So you have the option of adding your post on Facebook
as well as threats. So the advantage of
the last feature is that when you toggle it on, you don't have to
separately go to these platforms and post
your content separately. Just post it over here,
and it's automatically going to be posted in
these two platforms. Now, what I want to focus on
over here is that I want to focus on the third feature
called collaboration. So when you click on
that tag people option, this is what appears
on your screen. You can either tag people or you can invite them for
a collaboration. So the first feature is not
of that importance to us, and I would say you
have to focus on that second feature of inviting other icons
for collaboration. And you might be thinking, why is this feature of inviting other icons for collaboration
a very important feature? Well, in one of the
previous videos, we did see that you have to
connect with the top ccounts, make a connection, and then you have to collaborate
with them in such a way they can help us grow our
Instagram page, right? Well, this is the feature that can actually
help you do that, and that is by inviting that
account for collaboration. Now let me show you an example of where I did a collaboration. And as I've shown on the screen, I've pointed out three
particular Instagram reels that has got around 147 K, 162 k, and finally, 280 k views. So these three
particular contents that I pointed out were
collaboration reel and as I've shown on the screen, when you collaborate
with another account, this is how you look like. So I've collaborated
with these accounts, and these contents went viral. So the people who are following those accounts are going to see my content and my followers are going to see their contents, so it can help us
share followers, as well as make the
Instagram real that we are collaborating and posting
together to go viral. And this can be seen by a lot of people who are not
following our accounts. So this is a very
important feature, and I did talk about connecting
with the top accounts. And after connecting
with the top accounts, this is what you have
to primarily focus, and that is to get a
collaboration real. Moving on from collaborations, the next feature
was more options. So when you click on
that More Options icon, what I've shown on
the screen appears. So here you can basically total a lot of
different options, and some of those
options are you can upload your content at the
highest possible quality. You can turn off your likes, you can turn off your comments. You can allow people to download the particular reel
that you are uploading. So these are the
features that you can see in the more options section. And after choosing all those
features that you want, by clicking on the next
icon at the bottom, you'll be able to
post your Instagram and by that, let's
conclude our video. I hope you got a
fair bit of idea on what Instagram reels are
and why you should use it. In the next video,
I'll be giving you all the strategies
and tricks to make your Instagram reels go viral and achieve a huge
number of followers. So let's not wait any further. I'll be seeing you
in the next video.
17. Introduction to Instagram Stories: There, welcome back to another
section of this course. Now, in this particular section, we are going to take a
look at Instagram stories. And in this particular video, I'm going to give
you an introduction of Instagram stories, as well as I'm going to
give you an idea on how to use Instagram stories
to our advantage. And in the coming videos, I'll
be giving you the tips and strategies to maximize your
Instagram story views. But for now, let's focus on what Instagram
stories actually are. Well, Instagram
stories are actually a feature that allows
users to share photos, videos, and all those
kinds of things. But the problem is that unlike a normal post or a
normal Instagram reel, this picture or video that
you're going to post as Instagram stories will
last only for 24 hours. So your formas can see
it only for 24 hours. So that is how an Instagram
story is different from a normal usual post
or an Instagram reel. Now talking a bit
about the history of how the Instagram stories
came into the picture, I could even remember the time when this feature did not exist. Well, this feature actually
started with Snapchat, and other platforms like LinkedIn Facebook
all started adopting this feature from Snapchat and Twitter went a
different route, and it called this
feature fleets. But unfortunately,
stories on LinkedIn, as well as fleets on
Twitter did not last much. They discontinued this feature, and these features do not exist anymore in the social
media platforms. So this feature is
currently, I would say, most popular in Snapchat
as well as Instagram. But as content creators, what we need to
know is how to use this feature of Instagram
stories to our advantage. Well, I have two different
ways in which you can use this feature of Instagram
stories to your advantage. And the first way
in which you can use Instagram stories to your advantage is to
create a first impression. Now, to make you understand this concept of
first impression, let me give you an idea of what happens when you post
an Instagram story. So when you post an
Instagram story, a colorful ring appears
around your profile picture. And if that ring is present
on anyone's profile picture, that means that person
has posted a story. So when people see that ring, they can tap in and see
your Instagram stories. The question is, how would
I use this ring feature or this Instagram story
feature to my advantage? Well, in one of the
previous videos, we learned how to funnel down audience from the
top accounts, right? So the basic strategy
was to comment in the contents of the top accounts
as soon as they posted. So the thing is
this, imagine that a top con posted their
content, and as usual, I commended something
that is very funny and relatable and people
started liking my comment, and what they're going to notice is that they are going to see that story ring around
my profile picture. And you can see that, as
I've shown on the screen, the first three accounts or the first three commands
have that story ring, and the last one does not
have that story ring. So when your command goes viral, the first thing that people
might do is that they are going to click
into that round ring around your profile picture
and when they click on when they click on
when they click on that, they're going to see
your Instagram stories. And if your Instagram
stories are attractive enough
or catchy enough to make them follow you or check your account even more
and then follow you, so always be prepared with awesome Instagram stories so that when your
comment goes viral, people check into your stories and they like it and
they follow you. Now, the second way in which you can use your
Instagram stories to your advantage is that
there is a feature of Instagram stories called
Instagram Highlights. So this feature of an
Instagram highlight or Instagram highlight cover is that you can keep your Instagram stories for more than 24 hours
in your profile. And as I've shown on the screen, this is where your Instagram
story highlights Appia. And you can see that
the profile on the left has randomly used the Instagram highlights to just keep
their stories which are absolutely random
and on the right image, you can see that they have put a cover image on
their highlights, which is in pink color. So those kinds of cover
images help you to create a sense of branding because that page is having
a theme of rows. So you can either use it in the way the left image uses it, or in a way, the account on the right side of
the image uses it. But personally, I would prefer the way in which the right image uses it because you are actually giving out a sense of branding. And if you want to create those kinds of
highlight reels cover, all you have to do is
that you have to go to and you are
going to get templates. And if you want icons for that, what you have to do
is that you have to go to any of these two sites, and these two sites are
flat icon or icon finder. And I'll be putting the link to these sites in order
for you to create a highlight cover for your Instagram page in the resources section of this video. Just go and check
it out over there. All these resources
are free to use, and I hope you'll be using them to brand your Instagram page. And I believe that's all the introduction that
you need to know about Instagram story and
let's wrap up this video, and in the next video,
I'll be teaching you how to maximize
your story views, and I'll be seeing
you over there.
18. Maximize Your Instagram Story Views: Hi there. Welcome
back to another video of the section on
Instagram Stories. Now, in this video, we're
going to take a look at how to maximize your
Instagram story views. And to start off this video, I want to start
with the 10% rule that we discussed earlier. So in the case of
Instagram stories, this ten person rule
applies as well. I want to remind you again and again that this ten
persont rule is not strictly followed by any of the contents
on social media. This basically is
a rule to help you navigate or help
you understand how many views a particular content got based on the number of likes or the
number of followers. So let's take a look at how the ten person rule works
on Instagram stories. And as I've shown on the screen, the ten person rule is basically simple for Instagram stories. If you're having around
10,000 followers, on an average, you are expected to receive around
1,000 story views. And if you're having
around 100,000 followers, the number of story reviews
that you're expected to have is around
10,000 story reviews. And finally, if you have
around 1 million followers, the number of story
views that you are expected to have is around
100,000 story views. So I hope you got the idea of number of story views that
you're going to receive based on the number of
followers and the reason why I kick started this video by the ten person rule is because
when people have around, say, 10,000 followers, they
expect all those followers to view their
Instagram stories and they expect around
10,000 story views. And that is not the reality. I want you to know
that not all of your followers are going to
view your Instagram stories. And what I have to tell you is basically this when you
have 10,000 followers, just expect around
1,000 story views. So what we're going to do
in this video is we are going to maximize the number
of story reviews that you are going to
receive and let us take a look at all those
strategies and tricks to maximize your
story views to get the maximum number of
views for your stories. Now, before directly diving into the strategies and hacks to
maximize your story views, I want you to understand how the algorithm on
Instagram works. Now, in order to
understand the algorithm, let us start from the green box. So imagine that you
posted a content, and that is that green box. So when you post a content,
say Instagram stories, what is going to happen is that the Instagram algorithm is going to show your content
to a few people. And after showing your
conon to a few people, what it's going to
do is that it's going to check for interactions. And after checking
for interactions, if the Instagram
algorithm sees that a lot of people are interacting
with your contents, it's going to show it to
more and more people. And the cycle keeps on happening
and happening until it checks for your content and it sees that there are
no more interactions, it stops showing your
content to more people. So that is the basic idea on how the Instagram
algorithm works. You post your content, Instagram algorithm shows
it to a few people, and it checks for interaction. And if there are
high interaction, it's going to show
it to more people, and it's going to keep
this algorithm on a loop until it detects
no more interactions, and it's going to stop. Now, how do we take advantage of this understanding of
the Instagram algorithm? Basically, when you
look at this algorithm, what you want is
high interactions. So the question that
you actually should be asking is how to create strong interactions on
your Instagram stories that when Instagram algorithm checks for your interactions, it's going to see a huge
number of interactions. So let me show you a couple
of strategies to create engagements or interactions
on your Instagram stories. And the easiest way to create engagements
or interactions on your stories is by adding
stickers to your stories. And as I've shown on the
screen, on the left image, you can see that this is how your Instagram story
interface looks like when you're trying to
post an Instagram story. And at the top, you
have the stickers icon. So when you click on
that stickers icon, what I've shown on the
right image appears, and on the right image, you can see all those stickers that you can add
on your stories. But now, what I would
say is that you have to focus on those stickers that can help you create engagements or interactions
by your audience. There are a couple of stickers that I can think of in which your audience is going
to interact with your content on your
Instagram stories. And as I've shown on the screen, a couple of stickers that
I can think of are these, and the first sticker is
called message to Reveal. So in that particular sticker, I think your
audience can type in their message to you and
all those kinds of things, and it is definitely going
to create interaction. I'm moving on to
the second sticker, and the second sticker is poles on your Instagram stories. And if you ask me personally, I would say that this is the most effective
Instagram story stickers that can create engagements. And whenever I've
used Instagram pools, I've got a huge number of
Instagram story views. So this is one of
the stickers that I would definitely
recommend you to use, and that is to use
Instagram sticker poll. And a couple of other
stickers are ask a question, reaction, slider and all
those kinds of stuff. And I would definitely recommend you to
use these kinds of story stickers that can create engagements
or interactions, and it would definitely help your algorithm to show your content to more
and more people. And there is actually
one more way in which you can maximize
your story views, and that is by adding hashtags
on Instagram stories. Well, as we have
discussed in one of the previous videos on
Instagram hash tags, this was one of the slides, and the slides read, How
many hash tags can I use? And you can see that
you can only use around ten hashtags
on Instagram stories. So a lot of people do ask me, how do I know that
only ten hashtags work on Instagram stories?
Well, let me show it to you. And as I've shown on the screen, I've typed the hash
tag hash tag funny, and you can see at the bottom
when you type that keyword, Instagram actually
suggests hashtags related to that particular
keyword that you're typing. And after this just
to experiment, what I did was I typed
around ten hashtags. So you can see that
when I've typed my 11th hashtag, it
is not underlined, as well as Instagram
is not suggesting me any hashtags related to
that particular keyword. So this is the proof that I
have for you that only ten hashtags work on Instagram and make sure that when
you type your hash tags, your hashtags are underlined, only then Instagram
would consider that as a valid hashtag on
Instagram stories. Now the next question would be, how to find hashtags for
your Instagram stories. Well, as we have seen in
one of the previous videos, we are going to use a
different hashtag bucket to pick the number of hashtags for your Instagram stories. And you can see that I've divided the small
tags, medium tags, and big tag and
the small tags are the hash tags with
20 k to 500 K posts, medium tags are the ones with
500 k to 1 million posts, and the big tags are the
1 million plus posts. And on the right
side, it's the same. You have zero to 500
followers, 501,000 followers, 1,000 to 10,000,
10,000 to 50,000, and 50,000 plus followers. Now, say you have
only 300 followers on your Instagram page. So what I would do is
that I would be focusing more on the small tags
when I'm a small account, and as my Instagram page grows, and as I have huge
number of followers, I would move from small
tags to the big tags. And for a page with
300 followers, I will be using
seven small tags, two medium tags,
and one big tag. And as my follow base grew
to, say, 800 follovers, I'll be shifting it
towards the medium tags, and I'll be using
five small tags, three medium tags,
and two big tags. So I hope you got
the idea on how to use the hashtag bucket
for Instagram stories. Try to focus on small
tags when you're a small account and increase the number of big
tags as you grow. So that is how you find and use the perfect ten hashtags
for your Instagram stories, and I hope you'll be using
them on your stories. Now, before wrapping
up this video, let us take a look at
posting an Instagram story. Imagine that I have
this content for my financial account
called NextGen Finance. And what I'm going to
do is that I'm going to open the Instagram app, and I have two options
to post Instagram story, and that is either by clicking on the profile
picture at the top, as I've marked on the screen, or you can just click on the
plus icon at the bottom, and both ways will
actually direct you to upload your on your
Instagram stories. And after clicking on
any of these icons, you will be directed
to your gallery, and from your gallery, you'll be asked to upload your content. So I found my Instagram
content that I wanted to post, and you can see on
the right image, I've added it on my
Instagram story. And at the top, you
can see that you have features such as adding text, adding stickers, adding filters, adding music, and all
those kinds of features. I would recommend
you to use those. So as we have discussed
in this video, what we're going to do is
that we are going to add a sticker that can
create interactions. So what I'm going to do
is that I'm going to click that second Stickers icon, and you can see that I've added a quiz at the bottom
of my content, and it reads, agree yes or no. So people can vote whether they agree with what I've
shown on the screen. So if you remember this
was one of the tricks that I showed you to
maximize your story view. Now after adding a
sticker in order to create engagements to
maximize our story views, what we are going to
do is we are going to add hashtags on our stories. And you can see
that I've typed in ten hashtags on my
Instagram stories. Now, the big question
comes over here, where do I place these hashtags? Well, what we have to do
is that we do not want our Instagram stories very
messy with all these hashtags, stickers and all those
kinds of things, right? So what we're going to do is
that we are going to hide these hashtags because they are of no use to your
Instagram audience. We are adding
Instagram hashtags so that our content is going
to reach more people. As I've shown on the screen,
you can see there are two ways you can hide
your Instagram hash tags. And the first way
is to camouflage your Instagram hash tags with the background of your
Instagram stories. So since my background of Instagram stories
is black in color, I'm going to change my color of hash tags from white
to black as well. So I've added the black
color and you can see that you cannot see the
hash tags over there. Now moving on to the second
trick to hide your hash tags, you can see that
you can just throw your hash tags out of the frame. So nobody is going to
see your hash tags, just throw it to the side. And after adding all these kinds of hashtags and stickers, what I'm going to do is
that I'm going to click on your story at the bottom. And after clicking
on your story, your Instagram story
would be published and people would start
seeing your Instagram story. And that is all the tricks
and hacks that I have in store for you regarding
Instagram stories. I hope you really enjoyed
this video on stories, and let's conclude this section, and I'll be seeing you
in the coming sections.
19. Introduction to Insights : Hi there. Welcome back to a new
section of this course. Now in this section
we'll be taking a look at insights
and demographics. Now in this video,
I'll be giving you a small introduction of this
insights and demographics. Let's start this video by using a quote and the quote reads, you can manage what
you can't measure. I believe that the quote
is self-explanatory. If you need demanded something, then it is essential that you should be able
to measure it. Now in our particular case, the thing that we
are managing is our Instagram page
and our audience. And the way we measure
them is using the insights and demographics tools
provided by Instagram. Now there are actually
four types of insights and demographic tools that
Instagram provides us. And they are the
individual posts insights, the audience insights, the rich insights, and lastly the content
interaction insights. And in this section
we will be taking a look at all of these insights. But in this video, let's
ask a different question. The question would be, how do
you use inside start fully. Now as you can see
on the screen, you have to use your
Instagram insights and demographics for
two different things. And those are to understand your audience behavior and also to understand the
Instagram algorithm. Now in the first case
of understanding the behavior of your audience, there are demographics like the age category
of your audience, the location of
your audience, etc. So by using those demographics, you'll be able to understand the interests as
well as the kind of content that your followers
are expecting from you. Now on the flip
side of the coin, we have understanding
the Instagram algorithm. In order to understand
the Instagram algorithm, you have to constantly keep on experimenting by posting
comments regularly. And you have to be so alert and you have to keep on checking the Instagram
Insights frequently in order to understand
the Instagram algorithm. Now, for example, say that you
post-conference related to Instagram stories as well as Instagram post as well
as Instagram Reels. You pose the three types of
cone and it's frequently. Now after a few
times a week or two, you are going to
check the matrix of the Instagram stories as
well as Instagram posts, as well as Instagram Reels. And you find out that
using reels would gain new more number of reach as well as more number
of followers. So what do you
conclude from that is that you have to focus on instagram Reels in order to gain more followers as
well as more reach. And that doesn't mean
that you have to stop posting Instagram posts, as well as Instagram stories. You do have to post
Instagram stories as well as Instagram posts. But what do you have to
do is that you have to give more focus to
Instagram Reels. Because when you check the Instagram insights
and demographics, you found out that
reals work better than Instagram posts as well as Instagram stories
for your account. That is how you
should understand the Instagram algorithm
by experimenting, by posting different
continents and understanding the behavior
of your audience. So I hope this morning wrote it gives you a lot
of information. For now, let's take a short break and we'll be continuing in the next video with Instagram
individual post insights. I'll see you over there.
20. Individual Post Insights: Hi there. Welcome back to another
video of the scores. Now in this video
we'll be taking a look at individual post insights. So let's get into this
video now to begin with, let me show you how to view
the individual post insights. So as you can see on the screen, on the left side, you have to
click on the profile icon. And I pointed an arrow
to the profile icon. And after clicking on
the My Profile icon, you have to take
that particular post of which you need to
view your insights. You can see that there's
a View Insights icon at the bottom and I pointed
the arrow towards the, so if you click on that
View Insights icon, it would be able to view the
individual post insights. Now as you can see
on the screen, this is how the individual
posts insights look like. And you can see that there
are a lot of things. So let's take a look
at them one-by-one. Now, as you can
see on the screen, the first thing that
you're going to see on the individual posts insights
are the engagement's. So you can see that
these four things are collectively
called engagement's. The number of likes, the number of comments, the number of shares, and lastly the number of saves. Now as I'm showing
on the screen, your main focus should be
on getting more number of researchers as well as
more number of Saves. Well, a lot of people are
obsessed with getting a huge number of likes as well as a huge number of comments. And what they forget about
is that they forget to focus on the number of shares as well as
the number of saves. You might ask me, why should I focus on the number of ratios as well as the number
of saves where I think I have told you
about this earlier, but let me repeat
it to you as it is important while the repeated
and answer that question. Well, I have two
answers for you. The first answer would be
when you have a huge number of breaches as well as a
huge number of sieves. What it indicates is
that your content is having a tremendous
amount of value. And also it indicates that your followers really
like economists, and that is the reason why
people save your content, as well as the reshare your comment on the Instagram story, as well as to other people. And that is opposing that
I wanted to tell you, and that is focused
on the number of breaches as well as
the number of Saves. And automatically you
will be pumping up the numbers of likes
as well as comments. Okay, great. Now let's move on to
the next thing that you see on the individual
post insights. So as you can see on the screen, these two things are the
next things that you see on the individual posts
insights and they are the region sites as
well as impressions. Now you might ask me,
what is the difference between a rich as
well as impressions? When we kick start this by
giving you the difference between a rich as well
as an impression. So as you can see on the screen, the definition of rich is the total number of people
who viewed your post. And on the right side
you can see that the definition for
an impressionist that the number of times a
particular posts was viewed. And if you still
haven't understood the difference between
a rich and enumeration. Imagine that I posted
on Instagram posts and imagine that I viewed
my post ten times. So in that case, the rich would be
one because I'm only a single person
and the post has been reached to 1%
and that is me. The impression would be ten because that post
has been seen ten times and it does not matter whether the same person
viewed it or not. It is just the number of times that particular
postwar as viewed. In that particular
case, as I've said, the rich would be one and
the impression would be ten. I hope you understood
the difference between water reaches and what
an impressionist. So now let's take a look at the reach matrix as well as
the impressionists matrix. As you can see on the
left side of the screen, I posted the reach matrix. Under the reach matrix, you can see that one
particular post of mine gotta reach of 104,718. And just below that you can
see that there is a division of the rich between followers
as well as non followers. And you can see that there
are 6,217 of my followers, my contents, and the rest of the people who saw this cone, and that was around
98,501 people. Those people were non followers, other people who were in
following my Instagram page, you can see the division of followers was known followers. So another thing
that you have to note here is that I posted this post when I had around
10 thousand followers. Around 6 thousand out of my 10 thousand followers
saw my economy. You can see that when I had
only 10 thousand followers, around 98 thousand people
came to see this post. So that means that a lot of new people are coming and
visiting your Instagram page. And that is actually
a very good site. But on the other side
you can see that all the 6,217 of my followers saw this post out of
the 10 thousand people. That is also actually
an okay sign. But imagine that if you had around 10 thousand followers and only a 100 people saw
from your followers, then that means
that you are having a huge number of
ghost followers. So I'll be talking about ghost followers and how to
tackle the problem, of course, followers in one of the coming
sections of this course and that section is called
important things to note. I'll be talking about ghost
followers over there. Now let's take a look at
the impressions metrics and you can see that
under the impression. So you can see from explore, from hashtags, from
home, from other. So I'll be focusing
on from hashtags. So you can see that around 26,957 people came to see
this pose from hashtags. How will I use this
matrix of hashtags? What do you have to do
is to add one thing that I wanted to remind you is that you should not
use individual posts, insights isolated, or you should not use
them individually. What do you have to do
is that you have to take the individual posts, insights of the comments
that you posted for say a week or
say for a month. And you have to compare those
insights with each other. That is how you use
individual posts insights. Imagine that I have three
sets of hashtags and I wanted to find out which set
of hashtags works the best. So what I'll be doing
is that I'll be using these three sets of
hashtags alternatively. And there'll be using them
over for a month and I'll become bearing with
each and every post and I'll be able to find
out which type of hashtags works the best
for my Instagram page. And I'll be trying to focus more on those kinds of hashtags. So I hope you understood
how to use this matrix. You have to use it
in comparison with other individual posts insights and not just in isolation. So now let's move on to the last and final thing that
you're going to see you on the individual posts insights and that is the
profile activity. You can see that the number
of profiles we said is 238. And you can see that the
number of followers is 77. So how will I use this
profile activity? What do you have to do
is that you have to focus more on the
profile visits. So if a huge number of
people are visiting your preferred and that means that
they like your comments. And that is a reason why
they're checking into your Instagram profile and they would be taking your
other opponents. And if they like
your other contents, then they would
be following you. You have to try to
pump those numbers up of profile visits. As I've said in the
previous slide, try to use these individual
posts insights in comparison, say over seven days period or say over a one-month period. What you'll be doing
is that when you post over, say, one week, and if you notice that
one or two type of similar posts gets a huge
number of profile visits, then that is an
indication that people liked that particular content. And what you have to
do is that you have to try to create more of those types of contents where you get more
profile with it. I hope you understood how to use the profile activity two. Now that is the end of the
individual posts insights. I hope you've got
an idea on how to use the individual
posts insights. And that is the
end of this video, and we'll be continuing
in the next video.
21. Audience Insights: Hi there. In this video we'll take a
look at an inside called Audience Insights to give an
idea of what this thing is. These insights will
help you to understand the features of your audience
without wasting time. Let me show it to you to
access these insights. There are actually two ways. The first way is go
to your profile on Instagram and you can
see the Insights button. So click on that insights. But what I've shown
on the right side of the screen will appear earned that screen you can
see that I pointed the arrow towards
total followers. So you can click on that
dural followers and you'll be able to get the audience inside
that I've told you about. Now let's take a look at the
second method in which we can access this audience inside. So as you can see on the screen, the second method is go to my profile section of
your Instagram page. And at the top there
are three lines. Click on those three lines. After clicking on
the three lines, whatever I've shown on the
center of the screen appears. And where do you produce that? You have to click on the
insights icon and whatever I've shown on the right
side of the screen appears. And as usual, you
just have to click on that total followers
section and you'll be able to access these inside
that I've shown you. Okay, great. Now after clicking into
the total followers, you are going to see
a lot of things. Let's take it one by one. Now one of the
things that they're probably going to see in there is the most active times. So this is pretty
self-explanatory. This matrix shows
the most active time in which your
followers are active. And the metric shows the
most active hours in a day as well as it also shows
the most active days. In the case of the
most active days, which you can see
on the right image, my metric shows 29.4
K followers are active on all days when
the data is evenly distributed like this
because I post daily and therefore I believe that most of my followers are
active every day. Now obviously, you might not be able to post-conference daily. In that case, you
will have to post at least three times a week. Now if you are confused
on which they deposed, come and check those insights that I've shown you on the
right side of the screen. You might observe that
some days say Monday, Wednesday and Saturday,
the number is really high. So those readings will be the best time to
post your contents. I hope you understood how to use the most active days insights and I hope you'll be
using them thoughtfully. Now let's move on to
the next insights. And the next insights
is the r's insights. And you can see that it
shows the most active R's of your followers
in a particular day. The one that you see on the
screen is the most active R's of Sunday where you can check for other
days like Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday,
till Saturday. Okay, suppose I wanted
to post a post and I see the numbers given
on the insights that I've shown you on the
left side of the screen. My question, Do you
will be at wartime, will I post on a Sunday? Well, if you look
at the metrics, nine PM as well as 12 PM is the most active time in which
my followers are active. The time that I will be
posting my corners would be around 08:00 PM or 730 PM. When I post it, 730
PM or 08:00 PM, it covers the people who
are active at eight PM. Then it covers the people
who are active at nine PM. Then it also covers the people
who are active at 12 m. Always try to pause, say one hour before
the most active time. So I hope you
understood how to use this matrix and I hope that you'll be using it
to your advantage. Now let's take a look
at another metrics. And in this matrix you can see that you'll be able
to see the graph of your followers and you can see that in
that Doris overall, then there is follows, then there is an followers. So you can see
that the number of people who have
unfollowed you with a red line and the number of people who are following
you with a green light. And the old road would
be the total number of follows subtracted by the
total number of unfollowing. So that is denoted
using a blue light. And another thing that
you have denote here is that this is for the
last seven days, but you can change
the filter to say, a maximum of 90 days. And if you look at
the graph unknown, but sixth, the Saturday, you can see that I've got an overall follower count of 41. Then just below that you can see that around 64 people following my account and around 23
people unfollow on my account. So you can see that 64 minus 23 is 41 of our total
overall followers. That obviously
anyone can come to here and read these
kinds of numbers. So my question to you would be, how will I use this
metrics thoughtfully? So let me explain to you
clearly on how to use this graph metrics by taking a look at two
types of graphs. So as you can see on the screen, this is the first type of graph that I wanted to take a look at. So you can see that this
is a graph that I made on MS Excel spreadsheet in order to make my
point clear to you. So as you can see on the
screen, on a usual day, you can see that the number of followers who are following my Instagram page usually
oscillates between 0 to four. But on a particular day you can notice that the number
of people following my Instagram page has
skyrocketed like anything. Around ten people followed
my Instagram page. And you can see that I pointed
an arrow to that peak. Where do you have to do is
that you have to ask yourself, why did I gain so much of followers on that
particular day? What I'd be doing
is that I'll be going and checking
my comments on that particular day on what
kind of condoms did I post? And it would be
pretty clear that on that particular day you have
posted something valuable. And that is the reason why the
number of people following you has skyrocketed on
that particular day. What I'll be doing is that
I will be trying to post similar comments
related to that post that I posted on
that specific day. So people like those
kinds of corners. So what we'll be
doing is that we will be trying to create more of those kinds of condoms in order to attract
a lot of people. Now the next type
of graph that you have to take a
look at, a trough. Imagine that my
follower count usually oscillates between ten
followers to 14 followers. But on a particular
day, you can notice that the number of
people following my Instagram page has dropped like anything to
just do followers. What I'd be doing is that
I'd be going and checking my Instagram page
and I'll be checking my comments on that
particular day. And after taking the
type of components that I posted on
that particular day, what I'll be doing is that I've never ever tried
to post the type of comments that I posted
on that particular day. Those type of coordinates
are the type of comments that your
followers does not like. The message is pretty simple. You should impose those
kinds of corners on an Instagram page because your followers do not like
those kinds of coordinates. I hope you understood how to use the insights graph
with thoughtfully, and I hope you'll be using
them thoughtfully do. Now let's move on to the
next type of metrics and the next three dive of
metrics that we're going to see are going to
be used similarly. So let's take a look
at them one-by-one. The first type of matrix
is the gender matrix. You can see that around 68.5%
of my followers are women. Around 31.5% of them are men. Well, let's ask the same
question over here. How do you use these kinds
of metrics thoughtfully? My answer to you would
be that there are two ways in which you
can use this metric. The first way is
that you can check whether you are
targeting was right, or whether you have targeted
the right audience. For example, say that you are running a page only for women. If you look at this matrix, if I'm running a page, ALI, for a moment, you can see that most of my followers are women. And I can see that I've
successfully targeted women to follow my
Instagram page. But imagine that I'm running
a page only for men. If you look at the
matrix, you can see that there are only 31.5% of men and most
of them are women. And that means that if I'm
running a page, Oliver, men and most of my
followers are women, then there is a serious
problem for you. So that is one way you
can use this matrix. You can check whether you have targeted the right audience. Now in one of the coming
sections of the scores, I have a section called
targeting the right audience. In that section I'll be
talking about targeting the right gender and
targeting the right location. So it'll be taking
a look at targeting the right audience in
that section for now, what do you have to know is that you can use these metrics in order to check whether you have targeted the right audience. Now the second way
in which you can use this metrics is to
run advertisements. So if you're running advertisements where
they have to do is that there is an
option called gender. If you are actually very
low on budget and if you wanted to narrow down your
audience as much as possible, you have to come
to these insights. And you can see that most
of my followers are women. What I'll be doing
is that I'll be targeting women and I'll be excluding men from
my Instagram ad. That is out of the
way in which you can use these insights. I hope you'll be using these
insights thoughtfully. Now let's move on and take
a look at another insights. And you can see
that these insights is called the location insights. And you have the
top locations of city as well as countries. And in the countries
you can see that around 43.1% of my followers are
from the United States, 14.2% are from India. You can see that in the
cities you have Nairobi, you have China,
you have Capetown and all those kinds of cities. So let me ask you
the same question. How are we going to use
these kinds of insights? And as I've said previously
for the agenda insights, we use the same type of
reasoning over here. You use these
insights for running advertisements as well as you use these insights to check whether you have targeted
the right audience. So as I've said, I
have a section called targeting the right
audience and index section. We'll be taking a
look at how to target the audience of a
specific location. So I hope you understood how to use these kinds of insights. Now let's move on to the
next type of insights and the next type of
insights at the age range. You can see that there is a
division of age range for all then we have for men
as well as for women. And as usual, if you ask the same question on
how to use this matrix, firstly, you can use these
metrics for advertisements. So if I'm low on budget and if I have to narrow
down my audience and we're trying to narrow
down the advertisements to all the NAs range of 25 to 34. And the next thing that you
can use with these matrixes that you can check whether you have targeted the right age. So imagine that you're running
a page for millionaires, or say you're running
a page for teenagers. So you can check
whether you have met your targeting currently. I hope you understood how to use these demographics of your
audience thoughtfully. Now those were the important
things that I wanted you to know about demographics
of your audience. And I hope you liked this video. We'll be taking a
short break and we'll be continuing in the next video.
22. Reach Insights: Hi there. Welcome back to
another video of this section. And in this video
we'll be taking a look at rich insights. Now let's start this
video by showing you how to access the rich insights. As you can see on the screen, go to my profile and you
can see that there's the insights icon and click
on that incites icon. After clicking on
that incites icon, what I've shown on the right
side of the screen appears. And you can see that I pointed the arrow, two accounts reached. You just have to click
on the accounts reached and you'll be able to
access the rich insights. Now let's take a look at the
rich insights one-by-one. And as you can see on the screen after you click into
the region sites, this is the first thing
that you're going to see. At the top, you can
see that there's a filter for the number of days. So I put it to the last 90 days. You can make it as short as last seventies to as
large as last 90 days. So I put the filter
to the last 90 days. So that would be the
past three months. You can see that the
accounts reached is 274,612. And just below that you can see that the reached audience, and you can see that
those adopt CDS. And if you scroll to the side, you can see the top
locations and you'll be able to see the top gender. You'll be able to see the location insights as
well as the agenda insights. And now the question would be, how do I use these insights of top cities obligations
as well as the agenda at the ends of
all the gender insights, as well as the location insights would be always the same. And the answer is
you'll be able to use them for two particular reasons. The first particular reason
is that you'll be able to use these insights in
order to check whether you have attained you
are targeting correctly. So as I've told earlier, imagine that if
you're running a page just for men or just for women, or imagine that you're
running an Instagram page just for the people of Canada, just for the people
of Washington. What you can do is that you can come and take these insights and see whether you have
targeted the right audience. And again, as I've said earlier, there's a section
coming up and it's called targeting
the right audience. And we'll be taking a look at targeting the right
audience over there. For now. Just understand that these
insights would help you to check whether you have
targeted the right audience. The second way to use these insights is to
run advertisements. So we'll be taking a look at Instagram ads in the inorganic
section of the scores. Let's move onto the next
thing that we're going to see when you click into
the rich insights. And the next thing
that you're going to see in the rich insights or the followers as well as the
non followers based on rich. You can see that all
the past 90 days my corners reached around 23.5 K off my followers and around
251 K off non followers. And just below that you can see the content interaction
division of reals post as well as stories. In the case of results,
you can see that around 222 k people saw my comments from
reals and then around 73.8 k people saw from
my Instagram posts. And lastly, around
10 thousand people came to see my comments
from my stories. So now let's ask the
same question as usual. And the question will be
how to use these insights? And my answer would be, there are two main ways we
can use these insights. The first ways that you can
focus on the corner and read, and you can see that the reals has the
most number of reads and it is followed
by the number of posts as well as the
number of stories. Since most of my
rich are from reals, what I'll be doing is that
I'll be focusing more on instagram Reels compared to Instagram posts as well
as Instagram stories. That does not mean that
I shouldn't focus on Instagram posts or
Instagram stories. I should focus on Instagram posts as well
as Instagram stories. But I should give a
bit more focus on Instagram results because
most of my followers are, most of the research that I
get are from Instagram Reels. And the second way
in which you can use this matrix is on the top, you can see that only 23.5
K of my followers saw my contents are reached my
comments or the past 90 days. So that means that my followers are in seeing much
of my comments. Most of them are from
known followers. Well, that is actually
a good indicator that a lot of non followers
are seeing my comments. But as I've said earlier in
one of the previous videos, if the follower count
is being too low, then that means you are
having a huge number of ghost followers and goes followers are a huge problem
to our Instagram page. Now I'm pretty sure that
you might be wondering, what are those followers? Well, don't worry, as
I promised earlier, we'll be taking a
look at the section called important things to note. Over there. We'll be taking a deeper
look at GAS followers. For now. I hope you understood how
to use these metrics. Now let's move to the next
thing that we're going to see. The next thing would
be at the bottom, you'll be able to see
the profile activity. And you can see that
around 16,766 people came to visit my profile from my comments over
the past 90 days. And just below you
can see that in comparison to the
previous 90 days, it has been reduced
over 27.1 person. So it is actually a bad sign. What do you have to do is
that you have to try to make more quality contents
and you have to try to increase those number
of profile visits. And I've told you how to post quality corner
and you have to focus more on boasting
Instagram Reels. And if you're
continents fall into the category of
funny, relatable, informative, which really
are audibly appealing, then that means that your
colon is having value. So try to post those
kinds of corners and you'll be increasing
the profile visits. Now let's take a look
at the last thing and the last thing would
be the filters. So you can see that
there's a top post as well as top stories
as well as top reals. So it'll be just
showing you how to use the filters for the top posts. And the process is the same for top stories as
well as top reals. As I've shown. You click on that
arrow that I've shown you on the left
side of the screen. And you'll be seeing what is on the right side of the screen. And on the right side you
can see that my comments are my Instagram posts has been filtered based on
Instagram reach, reaches my primary focus. So I'll be using rich as a filter and you get
to other filters to all you have to do is that
you just have to click on that filter icon that I
pointed my arrow two. After clicking on that, you'll be having a huge
number of options. And as against you
on the screen, there are options like
business address gaps called button tabs, comments, email button
tabs follows impressions, likes, and so on. So what do you have to do
is that you have to choose the filter that you
wanted to focus on. And as I've told you earlier, I'll be focusing on read. And after selecting
a filter for reach, Let's go back to
what we have seen. And you can see
that the comments that got most number of ridges at the top and the least number of
reads is at the bottom. When you filter your
icon and select this, say in the case of reach, what is going to
happen is that you'll be able to see the contents that go at the top reach and
aptitude using the filter, what you have to do is
that you have to try to create comments that are at the top of that filter in predicting the
first two rows. And I'd be trying to
collaborate with each other. And I'd be asking myself, why did my photo wars like
these comments very much. And if I find any similarity
between these expose, what I'll be doing is that
we're trying to create comments related to the
six types of posts. That is the right
way in which you are going to use this filter. You'd be trying to find
the top corners and try to create more of
those types of comments. That was the end of
the rich insights. I hope you liked this video and it's time to
wrap up this video. We'll be continuing
in the next video.
23. Engagement Insights: Hi there. Welcome back to the last
video of this section. Now in this video
we'll be taking a look at content interaction insights. Let me show you how to access these con and interaction
insights first. As you can see on
the screen as usual, you have to go to the
My Profile section and you have to click
on the Insights tab. And after clicking on
the inside is tab, you will see what is appearing on the right side of the screen. There you'll be seeing
accounts engaged. What you have to do is
that you have to click on the accounts engaged
and you'll be able to access the content
interaction insights. Now as you can see
on the screen, this is what appears after you click on the accounts engaged. And if you don't know what the content interaction
insights are, a lot of people would be
seeing your comments, but only a few of
those people would be liking and commenting
in Ugandans, saving your corners and
sharing your coordinates. If people do any one
of those four things, then those engagement's
would be shown in the content
interaction insights. And as you can see
on the screen, the content interaction
insights are very, very similar to
the rich insights. And in the slides that I've
shown you on the screen, you have a filter
at the top and I put the filter to
the last 90 days. You can put it to
last seven days, to last 90 days. I've taken the last 90
days and just below that you have the en
engaged audience. And in the previous video, I've showed you how to
use these insights of top cities to have location
as well as to agenda. So you'll be able to use these insights for
Instagram advertisement as well as to check whether you are targeting
has been acquired. So I won't be digging
further deep to them because we have talked
about those things a lot. Now let's move onto the next
thing that we are going to see in the next thing
that you're going to see, the followers as well
as non followers, based on the accounts engaged. You can see that around 9,427 of my followers engaged with my contents and around 21.6 K of non followers
engage with my corners. So how will I use these metrics? Well, if you don't know
how to use these metrics, what do you have to
do is that you can use these metrics in isolation. And as I'm showing
on the screen, you have to use these
metrics in comparison to the previous reach matrix that I've shown in
the last video. So I have the reach matrix as well as the
engagement metrics. And in the reach matrix you
can see that my corners has reached around 23 phi
k of my followers. And among that 23.5 K followers, we'll move on to the
engagement metrics, only 9,427 of them encased. What do you have to do
is that you have to try to bring those numbers up. You have the right to bring
it to at least 15 thousand or 20,023 phi k of my followers. So my comments then around 15 thousand should at
least interact with them. When you have a low number of interactions when
compared to the rich, then that means
that your economy does not have inequality, or that means that people are not interested in your contents. What you have to do is that
you have to try to bring quality contents
and people would definitely engage with
their coordinates. That is what you should do. You should come out
this engagement metrics to the reach matrix. Now let's move to the next thing that you're going to see. And this would be the last thing that you're going to see. And you'll be able to
see the number of likes, the number of comments, the
number of saves the shares. And at the bottom
for the stories, you'll be able to
see the number of replies as well as the number of shares at the job if you're taking the
posts interactions, what you have to focus
on is the number of sieves as well as
the number of shares. And I've told you
this thing before, try to increase the number of Saves as well as the
number of shares. And you'll be gaining
a huge number of reach as well as a huge
number of followers. And in the case of stories where you have to do is that you have to try to make people
share Instagram stories, as well as try to reply to
your Instagram stories. In order to make people
share Instagram stories, what you have to do is that
you have to post funny, relatable, informative
comments on Instagram stories and they would definitely start sharing
your conference. Now those were the things that I wanted to tell you
in this video. I hope you liked this video and let's wrap up this section of the year we'll be continuing
in the next section.
24. Ghost & Bot Followers: Hi there. Welcome to this new
section of the course. Now in this section we'll
be taking a look at few important things
that we have to note. Now in this specific video, we'll be talking about ghost followers as well
as board followers. Now let's start with the
term goes followers. What our ghost followers? And the answer to
that question would be the followers who does not interact with the economists are called ghost followers. Know there might be
reasons why your followers will interact or engage
with your confidence. For example,
sometimes the reason might be that the algorithm has reduced your reach and therefore it only shows to
a few of your followers. Now what other
reason would be that your post is in good
enough or your posts doesn't have the
quality enough to make your followers in dragged
with your coordinates. Now they might have
seen your continents, but because the coordinates
are in good enough, they might just ignore it. The key takeaway from this
is that due to many reasons, some of your followers
would not engage with your coordinates
and those followers are called ghost followers. Now if you ask me, Are these costs followers bad
for your Instagram page? While the answer to
that question is yes, you might ask me, why are they
bad for my Instagram page? And again, to answer
that question of why, I would want you to remember how the Instagram algorithm works. And as you can see
you in the screen, this was how I showed you how the Instagram algorithm works. Instagram for shows
your contents to a few of your followers. And it checks for the interaction
from those followers. And after checking for
indirection from those followers, if they find out that a lot of followers are engaging
with the economists. And by engaging what I mean
is that a lot of people are liking or commenting
on your continents, re-sharing economists
and saving economy. If a lot of people are doing
these kinds of things, then the Instagram
algorithm would show your contents to more
and more followers. If they detect that there
are no interactions, then the algorithm stops showing it to more
and more followers. Now imagine that you have
a lot of ghost followers. And what Instagram does is that after you
post your content, it shows to these
ghost followers. And what if they are not
engaging with the accordance? Then obviously
Instagram wouldn't show it to more followers. When you have ghost followers, they wouldn't be engaging with your content when
you post comments. So that would affect your
Instagram algorithm and the algorithm would not show your corners to a lot of people. Now, as you can see
you in the screen, I have a few tips to
tackle the problem of ghost followers
are the followers who does not engage
with your contents. The first step that
I have for you would be you have to post
quality continents. If you both quality governance, then I'm pretty sure
that people are going to like your comments
coming in your contents, then they're going to
share your comments as well as Savior contents. So the very first thing is
to post quality contents. And the second thing
that I want you to do is that you have
to ask your followers to turn on the post notification
of your Instagram page. So sometimes when you
post your comments, the Instagram
algorithm might not be showing a conference
to a lot of followers. The best way to
tackle this problem would be to ask your followers to turn on the post notification whenever you're going to
post your coordinates, what is going to happen is
that they are going to receive a notification and then it will help you to reduce the
number of goals followers. Because when they're received notification, they might check, kick on and as well as
engage with the content. So I hope these two
trips were clear to you. Now let's move on
to the third tip. And the third step
would be to share your posts or continents
on your Instagram stories. Sometimes as I've said, instagram might not be showing your contents to all
of your followers. What we're going to do is
that we are going to increase the probability of your
followers seeing economies. What you have to do is
that when you post and normal Instagram
posts or when you post a normal Instagram real, you just have to re-share
it on your Instagram story. When people see your
Instagram story, they will see that
you have posted a post or your posted
on Instagram real. And if they had missed
those contents, then they will be
able to tap into your Instagram story and
check out your new content. I hope this reduct so
a helpful for you. And the last step to
tackle the problem of your ghost followers would be to not join any follow loops. In one of the previous videos
called the node to-do list, I've shown you what
a photo loop is. A lot of people
would be messaging you to join the following loop. And what the problem
with a photo loop is that you are going to
gain a lot of followers. But those wouldn't
be the followers who are interested
in your coordinates. Those would be just
people who are following you for the
sake of following new. And hence when you
post your coordinates, they wouldn't be
liking your icon and, or they wouldn't become
ending in economy, there will be just
ghost followers. So these were the four kips to tackle the problem
of ghost followers. And I hope these four things
would be helpful for you if you encounter the problem
of ghost followers. Now let's move on to
the next thing and the next thing would
be barred followers. What our board followers. And if you ask me, I'd be
saying that boards are internet robots and they
are not human beings. People use boards in order to increase the number of
followers in Greece, the number of likes and
all those kinds of things. When you buy board followers, what is going to happen
is that you'll be increasing the
number of followers. But the problem is that they
are not actual human beings. They are Internet robots and they cannot
enjoy your contents. They can, unlike economists, they can share your condoms. What is going to happen
is that when you have a lot of board followers, you're going to break
your Instagram algorithm. And when Instagram shows your contents to this
board followers, they are obviously not going
to engage with the economy because they are robots and
they are not human beings. And other than
negative thing about this board followers is that
in the end of this course, we have to monetize
our Instagram page, but using borrowed followers, there is no chance of monetizing
our Instagram page B1, real human beings in order to
monetize I Instagram page. Now let me tell you
the relation between about follower and
a ghost follower. So as you can see on the screen, about follower is
a ghost follower, but a ghost follower
is not about follower. If you're still confused
between the difference of a ghost followers
versus Board followers. Ghost follower is a follower who does not engage
with your contents. Now it goes follower can be a real human being who does not engage with the economists. Or a ghost follow-up
can be a board who does not engage
with your corners. If you have a phone
over, who does not engage with the economy, then that is going to be
called a ghost follower. Now if your followers are
internet robots are boards, then that is going to be
called a board follower. So I hope you understood
the difference between a ghost follower and
a board follower. Now the last thing
that I wanted to say to you is that
this is something that I've told you in one of
the previous section called the to-do list. But I wanted to repeat
it again because it is a very important
thing that a lot of people make mistake it. And the thing is, you
should not buy followers. When you buy followers,
what is going to happen is that your page might
look attractive. You're having a huge
number of followers. But that is not going
to help you to monetize your Instagram page or grow
your Instagram page further. That is the reason
why I would recommend you to not buy followers because those are not going
to be real human beings. Those are just going
to be Internet robots. So I hope you wouldn't
be buying followers. Now those are the
two things that I wanted you to note
in this video. I hope you understood
those two things clearly. For now, let's take a
short break and we'll be continuing in the next video.
25. Non Followers Who Interact With Your Page: Hi there. Welcome back to another
video of the scores. Now in this video we'll
be taking a look at the non followers who interact or engage
with the economists. And by that what I mean is that a lot of people who are in following your Instagram page would be engaging
with the economists. They will be like
in your economy. There will be commenting
in your gardens and they will be re-sharing
your coordinates. So there are in fact a lot of people who does not follow you, but somehow comes to see you. They engage with your covenants. The focus of this video are
those people who does not follow your Instagram page but in dragged with
your Instagram page. Now before going into the video, I want you to know
something else. That thing is you
need to identify whether someone
follows you are not. In order to understand whether someone follows you or not, what do you have to do
is that you have to go and check that person's profile. So as you can see on the screen, this is the profile of
someone that I clicked into. And you can see that
I've pointed an arrow to a blue box
saying follow back. That blue box is the
place where you can identify whether someone
has followed you or not. So as you can see
on the screen, now, if that blue boxes follow back, then it means that that
person is following you. Now instead of saying
followed back, if that blue box
simply says follow, then that means the
account that you have taken does not follow you. I hope you understood
this clear distinction of follow and follow back. By using this method, you can identify which people are
following your account, as well as which people are
in following your account. Okay, great. Knob, you are pre-acute
to get into this video. Let's get into this video. Now, as you can
see on the screen, the first place where a lot of people who does not follow you engage with your contents are in the comments section
of your contents. When you post an Instagram real, Are you posting a normal posts? Lot of people would
be commenting in your Instagram contents. What you should do is that
when you're a small account, you'll be having the time to check each and every comments. What you should do
is that you should click into those comments and you should
check whether that account is following new or not. And if you find out that the account is not
following you, the more you have to
do is that you have to try to engage with those people who have commented in your posts by replying to their comments, you have degreed
them by saying Have a great day or you
have to try to make a conversation in the
comments section and somehow you have to try
to make them follow you. That is a trick. You have to engage with the people
who have commented in your comments section and somehow make them follow
your Instagram page. Now the next place
in which people who doesn't follow
your Instagram page would be engaging with
your Instagram page would be in the messages. So a lot of people who are not following me usually message me. As against you on the screen in the beginning of this course, I've totally how to use the
primary and general section. In the general section,
you can see that a lot of people
frequently message me. And on the top you
can see that I pointed the arrow to
the requests section. And the request says more than nine people
have messaged me. So around 20 people
actually messaged me. And when I checked
into those message, what I saw is that some
of them would be spams like asking for a follow loop and all those kinds of things. And other people
would be the people who does not follow
your Instagram page, but who engage with
the economists say, by replying to your Instagram story or
something like that, they somehow message to you. What do you have to do is that
you have to reply to them. You have degreed
them saying Have a great day and all
those kinds of things. You have to engage in a
conversation with them and somehow make them follow
your Instagram page. That is the second week of
converting the people who are following your account into
following your account. Now let's take a look at the
next place where a lot of people in audio followers might be engaging
with the economy. And as you can see, the next
place is the story reaches. So now let me show you how to
find the people who really shares your economies on
their Instagram stories. So as you can see on the screen, what you have to do is
that you have to dig a particular posts
that you have posted. And on the top of the posts you can see that there's three dots. Whatever to do is
that you have to click on those three dots and you'll be seeing what is on the right side of the screen. And you'll be having an option
called View story reshare. And when you click
on that view story reaches what's going
to happen is that you'll be able to
see the stories of the people who have
reshared your condoms. And where do you have to do is that you have to check into each and every story that
you will see you over there. And you have to check whether those people are following you. And if they're not following, knew what you have to
do is that you just have to reply to
their story saying, thank you for re-sharing
or something like that. And again, somehow you have
to create a conversation and somehow you have to make them
follow your Instagram page. Those are the three
places where a lot of people would be engaging
with the economy, but they wouldn't be
following our Instagram page. Now one thing which you
have to note here is that those people
who engage with your corners would obviously be liking your Instagram
governance. And that is the reason why they engage with their continents
in the first place. If you're able to make them
follow your Instagram page, then it would be a
huge advantage for you because those people are ready to interact with the economy. And if you remember the
Instagram algorithm, we need a lot of
interactions with economies and these people
can priority to us. So those were the
important things that I wanted you to note. I hope you liked this video and let's wrap up this section over here and will be
continuing in the next section.
26. Targeting Audience Based on Location: Hey there, hope
you're doing great. Now in this section we
learn how to target the particular audience
that you want. Now in this specific video, we'll take a look at targeting your audience based
on their location. Now imagine that you're running an Instagram
business page. So imagine that your
target audience for a business page is limited only to a particular
country, say India. So if you're only selling
products related to India, then you would want more of Indians following
your page, right? Because if my
business is targeting Indians and if my followers
are all Americans, then it would be of no use
for my local business. Similarly, if you're
posting funny memes that are relatable to only a
specific geographic location. Then obviously you would
want the people of that particular location to
follow your Instagram page. The key takeaway from this is that it is important to
target your audience based on your location if your contents are related
to a specific location. Now in my case, I just pose random quotes and therefore I don't have to
target a specific location. Now I hope you understood what
we have covered till now. I have two methods to target the audience of a
specific location. Let's take a look
at them one-by-one. Now the first method
is basically to use the name of the location
that you want to target, in your username, in your
name, and in your bio. Don't feel confused. Examples are always
there to help you. Now as you can see
on the screen, the first example is from
the brand called PMA. And this one is specifically
from Pune, India. Now if they abuse
the word India in their username and
also in their name. Obviously this page is
for Indians and most of their followers would
be Indians do right? Now, on the right we
have another page, and this page is all
related to Chinese food. So the target audience
would be people of China, and there would also
be followers from other countries who
loved Chinese food. Now we see that the
username of this page is Chinese food opposition and
the name is also the same. They have used the word Chinese, which would help them target the people of that
body location. Now we have taken examples
of countries only so far. Now let me show you an
example of a meme page. And as you can see
on the screen, the username and the name of this main page is Florida Man. And even in the bio, the word Florida has
been used quite a lot. So this page is
posting memes that are relatable to the
people of Florida. Therefore, the
target audience of this page would be the
people living in Florida. I hope these three
examples gave you an idea of targeting
your audience based on location by using
keywords related to your location in the
name, username, and bio. Now let's take a look
at the second way to target your audience
based on location. And the second way
is to use geotags. You might be wondering
what a geotag is. Don't worry, it's
something that you probably might already know. Now as you can see
on the screen, this is a post from the Instagram page called
not so stiff anion. This is a page from my college. Now, as you can
see on the screen, when you post something
on Instagram, you will be having an option to post the name of the location. So in this particular case, they have posted the location
as the University of Derby. There is what a geotag is. Now initially, I had
a confusion whether using geotags would work or not. But I got rid of this confusion after I saw the
insights of this post. Let me show it to you. So as you can see on the screen, the insights of the
previous posts shows the reach that postcard
from the location tag. Around 1000 people came to see the post just from
the location deck. Now if this page had only
around 1500 followers, around 1000 new people came to see this post from the geotag. If you are pages more followers
say phi K or 10 thousand, more than even more people would view it from
the location tag. So as your page grows, the number of people
who are seeing from location tag would
also increase. That was the second
method to target your audience based on location. And I hope you will use these
two methods if you need to target people of a
specific location grid. I hope you enjoyed this video. In the next video,
we'll take a look at targeting your audience
based on gender. Let's take a short break and
I will see you over there.
27. Targeting Audience Based on Gender: Hi there. Welcome back to another
video of this section. Now in this video we'll
be taking a look at how to target your
audience based on gender. Now, you might be someone who posts comments related to women. Therefore, your target audience in that case would be women. If you're posting comments
related to demand, then men would be the primary target audience for your page. Just like the last video. In this video, I
have two methods to target your audience
based on gender. The first method is very, very similar to the one that I showed in
the previous video. And that method is used
the keywords related to your particular gender
that you are trying to target in your username, in the name, and in the bio
of your Instagram page. A few examples could help
us understand this again. Now, as you can
see on the screen, I have two accounts whose
target audience are women. The username of these
accounts are the first one as the username goals and the second one as a
username classy women. If you look at their bio T2, and if you look at their
name and their username, they have keywords related to girls and women all over them. Okay, Great. Now
let's take a look at a few pages related to men. And as you can see
on the screen, we have three pages. And the first one
reads men's humor and the second one is related
to men with street style. And the third one is
men's health mag. If you look at the username, the name, and thereby, oh, they have used the
word men quite a lot. They have used the
keyword related to their particular target agenda in their name, username, etc. So that is the first method
that I have for you, and that is to use
keywords related to a particular agenda in the
name, username, and bio. Now let's take a look
at the second way to target a particular agenda. And the second way to target your specific audience is to use hashtags related to that
particular gender that you want. As you can see on the screen, I have typed the word men on the left and women on the right. And you can see that
a lot of hashtags related to those specific
genders show up. This is the second trick
that I wanted you to know. If you're posting comments related to a particular agenda, then use the hashtags related
to that particular agenda, whether it'd be men or women. So there are lots of hashtags related to that
particular agenda. And that would
help you to target the political agenda
that you want. So those were the two methods of targeting your audience
based on gender. I hope you liked this
video and I hope that you'll be using these
tricks in your life. And I think it's time to
wrap up this section, and I will see you
in the next section.
28. Instagram Ads: Hi there. Welcome to another
section of this course. Now, in this section,
we'll be taking a look at growing your Instagram
page inorganically. So by the term inorganic growth, what I simply mean
is that you have to pay in order to grow
your Instagram page. Now, this usually is done
if you can't take the time and effort to grow your
Instagram page organically. So if you can't take
the time to say, Come in daily under
the top accounts, find the top accounts and
all those kinds of things, you can use the
inorganic growth method. Now, in this video, I'll
be showing you one of the methods to grow your
Instagram page inorganically, and that is by running
Instagram ads. Now, as you can
see on the screen, you have to take a post that you have already posted
on Instagram. So that's the first thing
that you have to note. In order to run Instagram ads, you should have already
posted your content. And to add a bit of
information to that, there's actually another
way in which you can run advertisements on Instagram
without posting contents. Well, that is using a platform called Facebook Ads Manager. So actually, I can do a whole different course
on Facebook Ads Manager, but let's stick onto the advertisement
method of Instagram. So as you can see on the screen, there's a boost post
icon just below my post. So one thing that you have
to note here is that in order to run Instagram
advertisements, you should have switched from a personal account to a
professional account. And in the very first
video of this course, I've shown you the benefits
of professional account. So I've shown you how to switch to a
professional account. And if you haven't
seen that video, please go and check it out. Now, after clicking
on the Boos Post, Con, what you see on
the screen appears. Now, they have given
you three objectives. And the first objective
is more profile visits. And the second objective
is more website visits. And the third objective
is more messages. What happens when you check the first option of more
profile visits is that when your advertisement
is shown to a lot of people and when they click
into your advertisements, what is going to happen is
that they are going to be redirected to your
Instagram profile page. And if you're checking
on the second option of more website visits, what's going to happen
is that when people see your advertisements
and when they click into your advertisements, they are going to
be redirected into the website that you give
for your Instagram ads. Now, if you click on
the third option, what is going to happen
is that when people click into your Instagram ads, they would be redirected
to send you a message. So these are the three
options that you have. So let me click on
the first option of more profile visits for my
page called A Hasso Club. So after clicking on
the first option, we have a next option
at the bottom. Just click on that next option. So after clicking
on the next option, this is what appears
on the screen. So we have three
things on the screen, and the first thing is
special ad category. And the second thing
reads automatic. And it says, Instagram targets people like
your followers. And if you're clicking
on the second option, what is going to happen is that you don't have to create or set parameters for your
Instagram ads manually. Everything would be done
by Instagram automatically because Instagram knows the
behavior of your audience, and it would show
your advertisements to similar kind of audience. And you have a
third option where it reads, create your own, and at the bottom,
you can manually and your targeting options. So first, let me click on
that special ad category. So you can see that these are
the special ad categories, and those are
credits, employment, housing, social issues,
elections or politics. And if your ad falls into
one of these categories, then you have to
choose that category. Now let's take out the create
your own option where we'll be able to set our own options
for targeting audience. So after clicking on the
Create your Own Option, this is what appears
on the screen. And you can see that
the first option is to write the name
of your audience. So I'll be writing
Instagram ad set one, and all those kinds of things. And secondly, you
have the locations. And thirdly, you
have the interest. Fourthly, there's
age and gender. So let's take a look
at them one by one. So the first thing is location. So as you can see on the screen, after clicking on location, you have two options, and the first option
is the regional, and the second option is local. So as you can see on the
left side of the screen, I've chosen the regional option. So in the regional option, you can see that you have
to type in locations, and you have to choose
those locations. So you can see
that I've typed in India and I've selected India. And after selecting India, you can see that at the top, there's an estimated
audience size of 125.2 million to 147.3 million, and they have shown
that it is too broad. So if you remember
from the targeting a specific audience
section of this course, we have seen how to
target the audience of a certain location organically. So if you're a small business
account or if you're a small creator account whose contents are only
relatable to, say, Indian people and people of
Florida or places like that, then this is the
best option that you have to run inorganic ads. You have to choose that
particular location, so I've chosen India, and if you're running your ad
for only People of Florida, you have to choose
Florida, et cetera. Now on the right
side, you can use another method where you can use your current
location and you can choose the radius from
your current location. So I've chosen 12 kilometers, or you can increase
that radius, too. So these two are the methods
of choosing the location. You can use the regional method or you can use the local method. Now, if you're on
Instagram page, that doesn't target a
particular location and all those kinds of what I
would suggest to you is that go to the inside
section of Instagram page and check the top two or
three locations from where your audience are and just
choose those locations because most people from those locations are
interested in your contents, so it is better to choose those locations in order
to get a better outcome. So that is what I would
do. I would go to the inside section and I would be checking
the top two, two, three, top locations from
where my audience are in, and I'd be putting those
locations over here. Now let's move on
to the next option, and the next option
was the interest. Now you imagine that I'm running an Instagram page on
helping people to grow their Instagram page and helping them to monetize
their Instagram page. So I have to choose
the interest of my audience for running
the advertisement. So the particular interest of my audience would be
Instagram, right? So I'd be searching for
the keyword Instagram, and I'd be searching
for other keywords like digital marketing,
social media marketing. And I'll be selecting
all those topics under the interest section. So that is what
you have to do if you're running a
page on photography, then you have the search for keywords related to photography, and you have to try to
choose all those interests. Now, after selecting
the interests and all those kinds of things
of your specific audience, the next thing that
we have to take a look at is the age and gender. So when we take the
same example of growing an Instagram page where I show my followers how to grow
their Instagram page, so my target audience would
be both male and female, because it is not a
gender specific niche. Both male and female people are interested in growing
their Instagram page. So I'll be choosing my
demographics as male and female. So there might be
other cases where you're running only
Instagram pages, say for men or only for women. Then I think that is the time
where you have to choose the specific gender
that you are targeting. So it would be male,
then only choose male. If it is female, then
only choose female. Now, after all those things, the next thing that
we're going to take a look at is the age. And I've told you the imaginary situation where I'm running an Instagram page for the people who want to
grow their Instagram page. So in that case, the people who are interested in
social media marketing and digital marketing would
be definitely people between the age
range of 18 to 30. So you have to narrow
down the age as well as agenda as
much as possible, and I've narrowed it
down to 18 to 30. Sometimes you might be confused
because you don't know what age range to put
or what gender to put. What you have to do is
that you have to go to the inside section of
your Instagram page. And after that, what
you have to do is that you'll be seeing the
breakdown of age, and you have to choose
the age range in which most of your
followers fall into, and you have to
choose the agenda in which most of your
followers fall into. So that is also one of the
ways in which you can choose the age and gender
demographics for your Instagram ad if
you are confused. Now, after selecting
all these things of age, gender, location, interest, et cetera,
you just have to click on that Tick
icon at the top. So after clicking on the
Tick icon at the top, this is what appears
on the screen. So you can see that the
Instagram ad that I've created has come up and it
reads Instagram add one. Now, after selecting
the Instagram add one, just click on the next
icon at the bottom. And after clicking
on the next icon, the next thing that you have
to do is that you have to select the budget as
well as the duration. And you can see that
the budget that I've put IRP is 200 daily, and you can see that
the duration that I've put is six days. And you can see at the top, an estimate of 31,000 to 83,000 people would see
my Instagram advertise. So you have to adjust
these parameters of budget and
duration depending on your interest and depending
on the amount that you are willing to spend for your
Instagram advertisements. Now, on the right side, you have to review advertisement option. So the first thing is preview
your advertisements now, if you click on that
preview ad button, you'll be able to see your
advertisements in the way the people who are going to view your advertisement sees it. So if you click on
that, you'll be able to see how the people
see it from story, how they see it
from the explotab, how they'll be seeing it in
their home feed, et cetera. So you can preview
your advertisement, then we can see that
we have set the goal, then the audience,
then the budget. And the last thing
what you have to do is that you have to put
your payment method, and you just have to click on that Boost Post IC and after you click on
that Boost pros icon, your ad would be
sent for a review, and after your ad is reviewed, Facebook would uproot your ad, and after your ad is approved, then it would be live, and a lot of people would be
seeing your ad. Now, that is the end
of Instagram ads. I hope you like this video, and I hope you know how
to run Instagram ads. For now, let's take
a short break, and we'll be continuing
in the next video.
29. Paid Promotions: Hi there. Welcome back to
Anita video of Discourse. Now in this video,
we'll take a look at the second method of
inorganic growth, and that is using paid
promotion method. Now earlier in the
inorganic growth section, we saw that we have to connect with a lot of top accounts, and after connecting with them, we have to do things
like guest posting, shout outing, going live
with them, et cetera. So paid promotion is
very similar to this, and it is very simple. If you find it really hard to build friendship with
the top accounts, you can just cut to
the chase and ask for a paid promotion or a
paid collaboration, where you have to ask
the top account to do a collaboration post or a collaboration reel or
collaboration story. And in return, what
you're going to do is that you will be paying them. So now, as I've
shown on the screen, these are the key factors
that you should keep in mind before doing
a paid promotion. And the first thing
that you have to keep in your mind
is that you have to message the top accounts asking for the rate
of paid promotion. So you have to ask a
lot of top accounts. So now you might
ask me, why should you message a lot
of top accounts? Well, this is because
different accounts would be giving you
different rates. So as they say, the
more the maria. And that means that when you
ask a lot of top accounts, you are going to get
an exact figure of what the actual rate for a
paid promotion is going to be, and you can understand which
account is asking you too much and which account
is asking you too low. Okay, great. I hope you
understood the first point. Now let's move on to
the second point. And the second point is
you have to find out the top accounts with
good engagement rates. Now, earlier in this course, somewhere in the first section
or the second section, we had taken a look at
engagement rates and how to find out the accounts with good engagement rates
and how to follow. So we'll be taking a
look at it once again. Don't worry. And for now, let's move on to
the third point. And the third point is
that you have to ask for the cost per post per
story and per reels. So for post, it would be really
high compared to a story, and for Instagram reels,
it would be the highest. So you should
actually ask the rate for Instagram posts,
Instagram stories, and Instagram reels, and
you have to compare it with the rate which other
top accounts are asking now the last thing that
you have to do is that you have to compare
the average rate which these top accounts ask with
the Instagram inbuilt ads. So in the last video,
we took a look at the Instagram I Build
advertisements and we saw how much we have to
pay and how much of those people are going to
see your advertisements. So you have to compare
the rates which these top accounts give with
the Instagram Inbil ads. Now let's take a look at a few examples of engagement rates. So I'll be giving you
the same example that I showed you in the second
section of this course. Now imagine that I'm running an Instagram page that is related to the
motivational quotes and I want to do
a paid promotion with one of the top accounts. So as you can see on the screen, the first account
that I want you to see is the page
called wealth, and you have to check the number of followers that page has. And as you can see
on the screen, this page has a follow account
of 3.9 million followers. And the next thing that you have to do is that you have to check the contents of
this Instagram page. So you can see that
the first post has around 13,931 likes. The second page has
around 20,000 likes, and the third post
has around 15,700 s. So this page is having an average of,
say, 17,000 likes. Now let's move on to
the next top account. Now this top account is
called Motivation Mondays, and you can see that
this page is having a follow account of
1.2 million followers. And you can see that I've
taken a few of their posts, and you can see
that the first post has around 17,000 likes. The second post just
around 17,000 s, and the third post just
around 16,000 likes. So the average like
that this page gets is around 17,000 likes. Now let's move on
to the third page, and the third page is
called 6:00 A.M. Sax and you can see that this
page has a four over account of 2.2 million
followers, and again, repeating the same step that we did for the
other two accounts, you can see that the first post only has around 1,000 likes, the second post 2000 likes, and the third post
has 11,000 likes. So what you're going to
do is that you would be definitely rejecting this
page called 6:00 A.M. Success, and you won't be asking this page for paid promotion. What I'd be doing
is that I would be messaging the
other two accounts, asking for their rate and
all those kinds of things. But for this account,
you can see that this page doesn't have
any engagement rates. With a follo account of
2.2 million followers. This page is only
getting 1,000 likes. So that is a reason why you have to check the engagement
rates first. And after that, if you find that they have good engagement rates, then you can message them
asking for their rates. And after they have stated their rates for paid promotion, you have to compare
it with each other, and you have to choose the
page with the cheapest price, as well as the page with the
highest engagement count. Now, as you can
see on the screen, the last thing that I
told you to compare was with the inbuilt
feature of Instagram. And as you can see
on the screen, you can see that for 1,200 rupees over six
days advertisement, you'll be reaching an estimate
of 31,000 to 83,000 pelos. So how do I compare
this insights of Inbild Instagram
advertisements with the top ac but what you have to do
is that you have to know that you are paying
the top account. So what you have to do is
that you have to ask them for the maximum reach that
they get for their post. And you have every right to ask the top account for
the maximum reach that they get for
an Instagram post or for their Instagram story. So take this specific
case where you are paying 1,200 Indian rupees and you're getting a maximum of 83,000
from Instagram. And when you compare it
with the top account, if the top account
says if you are paying them 1,200 rupees for, say one day and you'd
be getting a reach of, say 1 million followers or say 100,000 followers or
500,000 followers, then instead of going with
the Instagram advertisement, I would suggest you to go with the top account because
that person is giving you more audience reach compared to the inbuilt
feature of Instagram. So these are the things
that you have to keep in mind before doing
a paid promotion. I hope you like this video, and that would be the end
of the inorganic section. We'll be continuing in
the next section with the different ways to
monetize your Instagram page, and for now, we'll
take a short break and we'll continue over there.
30. Location Based Targeting: Hi there. Welcome back to
another section of this course. Now, in this section,
we are going to dedicate our time
to focus on how to target a specific audience
for your Instagram page. And in this particular video, we're going to take
a look at targeting audience based on a
specific location. Now, to begin with, you
might be wondering, why should I target my
audience based on location? And the answer is,
well, not all of the accounts out there should
target based on location, but if your Instagram page is a page that is dedicated
for your local business, then you have to target
based on location, right, because your primary
customers are the people who are in
your location, right? So you want people who are in your location to follow
your Instagram page. And that would be one
of the reasons why you should target your audience
based on location. Now, another reason why you can target your audience
based on location can be if you are
running a mean page that is related to a
particular location. I'll also be showing
you mem pages that are targeting a
specific location. So these are the two use
cases that I can think of. But if you can think of
other reasons why you should target a specific
audience, well, do let me know in the Q and
A section of the scores, and I would be happy to
add it to this video. Now, so far we have seen the use cases of targeting
based on location, but we did not see how to target based on
location, right? So let's see the different
ways in which you can target an audience
based on location. Now, as I've shown
on the screen, the first way you can target an audience based on
their location is to optimize your Instagram page for that particular
target location. So if you still didn't
understand what I mean by optimize your page
for the target location, well, I have a couple of
examples for you to make this concept clear and
let me show it to you. And as I've shown on the
screen, on the left image, you can see that it is a local business and it
is a Chinese food store. So basically what they've
done is that they've added the word Chinese
in their username, their name, and their bio. And that is basically
the first hack or trick, and that is to add that particular location that you want to target in the name, username, bio, and
even in your contents. Now moving on to
the next example, we have the example of a popular brand on
the right image, and you can see it
is puma dot USA. And you can see that the name, username, bio, the contents, and all of these kinds of
stuffs are focusing on targeting the particular
audience of USA. And this is the first way to target the audience
based on location, and that is to optimize
your Instagram account by using the keywords related to your
particular location. Now let me show
you one example of a meme page that is targeting
a specific location. So you can see that
this particular account is named Florida man, and even in the name
and in the bio, as well as the contents, all of these things are
targeting the audience related to that particular
location, and that is Florida. So all the people
who are living in Florida finds the contents
really relatable. And even if they are
searching for something like Florida memes or
those kinds of things, this account is going to pop up. So I hope you got the
gist of the first idea on how to target the audience
by optimizing your page. Now let me show you the
second way in which you can target the audience
based on location. And the second way to target
your audience based on location is to use
geotags on your contents. And if you don't know
what geotags are, geotags are basically adding a location tag on your content, and it can be for your Instagram
stories or it can be for your Instagram reels or for
your normal Instagram posts. And as I've shown on the
screen on the left image, when you're posting
an Instagram post or when you're posting
an Instagram reel, at the end of
posting your content just before posting it, you'll be able to
add your location, and you can see that I've
marked the ad location simple. So by clicking on that,
you can add your location and that location tag is going to be added
for your contents, whether it be Instagram reels or whether it be
Instagram posts. Now on the right image, you
can see that you can also add location tags or Geo tags on
Instagram stories as well. And in order to add location
tag on Instagram Stories, all you have to do is
you have to click on that stickers icon at the top, and one of the stickers on Instagram Stories
is to add location. So you can choose
that sticker of adding location
given your location and that is going to
help you in targeting your audience on
Instagram stories. Now, a lot of people ask me, Do Geo tags really bring views? Well, the answer is yes, geotags do bring views, and let me show you an example. Now, one of the pages
a friend of mine created used this
tag that I've shown, and you can see it is
written, University of Delhi. And after posting this post, my friend actually
sent me a screenshot of the post insights, and
let me show it to you. And you can see that
in the post insights, there is an option
called from location. So around 1,000 people came to see my conens from location. So this simply
proves that adding geotags on your
content is beneficial. So try to add geotag
so that people come from those geotags
to your content. So I hope you like this video on targeting audience
based on location, and I hope you'll be
using them if you want to target your audience based
on a specific location. And by that, let me
conclude this video, and I will be seeing
you in the next video.
31. Demographics Based Targeting: There, welcome back to
another video of this course. Now, in the previous video, we saw how to target a particular audience
based on their location. And now, in this video, what I'm going to do is that
I'm going to give you a general strategy on
how to target audience based on specific demographics
that you want to target. And as I've shown below, some of the other type of demographics
can include gender age, language, et cetera. So all those kinds of demographics
that you can think of, not only what I've
shown on the screen, can be targeted using the strategies that I'm going
to give you in this video. So let's see those
strategies on how to target the audience
based on demographics. And the first strategy is what we saw in the previous video, and that is to optimize your
content in such a way that they are attracting the particular demographics
that you want to target. So let me give you
a few examples. Now, to begin with, let
me show you examples of targeting audience
based on gender. And as I've shown on the screen, I've shown you examples
of two accounts, and the first account is
called women success, and the second account
is called men. And you can see that the first account
is targeting women, and the second account
is targeting men and it's posting
means related to men. And what you have to note
over here is that they have optimized their Instagram page in such a way that the name, the user name, the bio all those kinds of
things are created in such a way that they are
targeting a particular audience. So if you want to
start your account targeting a specific gender, then these are two
examples for you. Now let's move on
and take a look at targeting audience
based on age. And as I've shown on the screen, the first account is
called millennial, and second account is called
Gens or Generation C. So this is basically targeting audience of different age groups and you can see that both of
them are clothing brands. And I don't have much
to tell over here. They have focused on
adding that keyword related to their particular
age group in their name, username, bio, and all
those kinds of places. Now, finally, let me give
you one more example, and that example is
based on language, and you can see two accounts. The first account is
targeting Spanish audience, and it's called
Spanish after hours. And the second account is
targeting French audience, and it's called All French. So these are the two examples of targeting audience
based on language. So I hope you got the
gist on targeting a specific demographic
by optimizing your Instagram page in
a way that the name, the username, the bio, and all those kinds of stuff are resonating with the
target audience. Now let's move on
to the second and the final technique to target audience based on a
specific demographic. And the second
technique is to use related hash tags and contents. So the basic idea
over here is that if you want to target a
specific demographics, you have to use hashtags related to that
particular demographics. Also, you have to post contents related to that
particular demographics. And there is not much
to explain over here. Use those hashtags and conans related to that demographics, and you're going to
attract the target audience that you desire. But the sake of showing
a couple of examples, I have two examples
on the screen for and you can see
that the hash tags on the left image is focusing on women and the hashtags on the right image is focusing
on Spanish speakers. So this is the second technique that I had in store for you, and that is to focus
on creating conans related to that particular demographics that
you want to target, as well as to use
hashtags related to those particular
demographics that you want to target on your condens. So I hope you got a
clear picture on how to target audience based on
a specific demographics. And by that, let's
conclude this video, and I will be seeing you
in the next section.
32. Monetization: Hi there. Welcome back to
another section of this course. Now, so far in this course, we saw how to grow our Instagram page through various strategies
that I've shown you. But what is the point of growing an Instagram page without
an ultimate goal? Well, for most of the people
who grow an Instagram page, the end goal or
the ultimate goal is to monetize their
Instagram page. Well, what's the fun in growing your page and not
monetizing it, right? So now in this
section, we are going to take a look at
how to monetize an Instagram page after we have grown it into
a huge following. And as I've shown on the screen, I would like to ask a question. What have you done by
growing an Instagram page? We basically, by growing
an Instagram page targeting a particular audience
that we want to target, we are basically
bringing a group of people who have similar
interest under the same roof, and the same roof is
your Instagram page. So, for example,
imagine that you're running a page on photography or imagine that you're
running a page on relationship advices
where you are the relationship coach or imagine that you are a designer. So take these examples that
I've shown on the screen. So if you are a photographer by posting quality photographs, you have brought people
who are interested in photography under
the same umbrella. And if you're a
relationship coach, you are bringing people who want relationship advices
under the same umbrella. And finally, if
you're a designer and giving designing
tips, you are, in fact, bringing people who are interested in designing
under the same umbrella. So we have brought
together people who are interested in a particular
niche together. Now, in order to
monetize this group of following that you have gathered
under the same umbrella, what you're going to do is the first monetization method that I've shown on the screen, and that is to sell something or provide
a service to them. So what I'm trying
to tell is I can basically introduce
a product to them, which is of their interest. It can be a camera.
It can be an eBook, it can be makeup kit. It can be all those kinds
of things that can create a curiosity in them and they
want to buy it from you. So I hope you got
the gist of what the first type of monetization
that I'm introducing is, and that is to provide a
service or sell a product. Well, now you might
be wondering, well, I don't have a product or I
don't have a service to sell. Well, if you're someone
who doesn't have a product or a
service, don't worry. I will be showing you
how to sell a product or service that you
don't have yourself. But for now, let's focus on selling a product or
service that we have. And if you don't have a product
or service, don't worry. We've got you covered
in the next video. Now the next important thing that I want you to note is that not all of your followers are going to purchase
your product. And the standard
conversion rate for Instagram is around
1.08 followers. But what that basically means
is that if you have around 10,000 followers and you're
introducing a product, only around 108 people would
purchase that product. So this is an average
estimate, right? I'm not saying that you
will definitely get 108 customers if you
have 10,000 followers, and this figure can
increase or decreasing depending upon the way you
create your Instagram page, if you brand it well, and if you connect with
your followers really more and more people are going
to purchase your product. So just to give you an
estimate and just to give you an idea so that you
don't overestimate yourself, only around 1.08 percentage of followers purchase
your product. So you might be wondering, so all those other followers who don't purchase my product are useless. Well,
that's not it. If you have more and more
number of followers, the number of people who are purchasing your product
would increase. So having more and
more followers would help you make
your contents go viral. And it would be shown to more and more people who are interested in purchasing
your product. So those followers who are not purchasing your product
are not useless. They can help you to promote your content and make
your following grow. So I hope you got
this in your mind. Do not over expect if you
have around 10,000 followers, only expect around 100 people
to purchase your product. Let me give you some
product ideas to sell depending upon the niche. So first, let us take a
look at a designing niche. So under a designing niche, I can sell an eBook teaching
people how to design, or I can sell a
course to people, teaching them how
to make designs. I can also sell
templates to people saying that you can use this template and
make your designs, or you can sell these templates
to big giants like Canva, and they are going to pay you if someone is using
your templates. And finally, you can conduct
a designing workshop to your followers where they can pay to enroll for your workshop. So these are some
of the examples of a designing niche where you can introduce a product or a
service to your followers. Now moving on, let's take a look at a relationship advice niche. So under a relationship
advice niche, I'll be able to sell an eBook helping people how
to get over stuff, or I can sell a course on how to be in a
healthy relationship. Or finally, I can have a one on one session
with my follower, where they can pay me to talk to them and they can get my advice. So these are the examples
that I can think of a product or service that comes under a
relationship niche. Now moving on, if
you're thinking about a fitness
and workout niche, I can think of a gym product such as a protein powder
or something like that, or you can advertise your gym. So if you are a gym owner, you can start an Instagram page, grow your Instagram page, and draw people to
come to your gym. And finally, you
can also conduct one on one sessions
where people can pay and you can give
them gym advices. So these are the examples
or products that I can think of for now for the
fitness and workout niche. And let me give you one
more example of products under a particular niche and
that niche is photography. And if I'm thinking of
a photography niche, I'd be able to sell my
followers an eBook, and the eBook can
contain tips and tricks on how to take a
really good photograph. And the second product
that I can think of is to sell a course on how to
take good photographs. And finally, I can sell physical products
such as photographs, films, and all those
kinds of things. So these are the products
that I can think of. You can also take one on one
sessions with your followers where they pay you and you can
give them advice directly. So I hope you got a
gist on what kind of products that you can sell
online to your followers. And all you have to
do is you have to be creative and you
have to introduce a product which is
easy for you to sell and people are
ready to buy it. So now, let me give
you a couple of real life examples so
that you know that people are selling products like this in order to
earn from Instagram. Now, the first account
I want to show you is an account that is under
the designing niche. And as I've shown on the
screen, this is the account. The account is
named the Hina Shi and this person is having
around 100,000 plus followers. And you can see that
what she basically does is that there is
a link in her Bio. And if I click on that link, you can see that she's
selling templates to us, as well as she's conducting
Kanva workshops. So her feed is basically
helping people on creating beautiful designs on
the platform called Canva. So she's giving people one on one sessions in the
Canva workshop. As I've shown on
the screen, this is one of the posts
that she posted. So what you have to
do is you have to basically make sure that
your followers know that you are conducting a one on one workshops like this by posting con ands on
Instagram stories in your reels, as
well as your posts. So at least once or
twice in a week, make sure that your followers know that you are conducting a particular workshop or you're selling a particular
thing on your bio, and they have to check
it out in your bio. So I hope you like this example and let us move on
to the next example. And the next example is of a relationship advice
niche where that person is giving advice to his followers on different type of
relationship situations. And as I've shown on the screen, this is the account
and the account name is jb dot writer. So what he basically does is that he's having a Linist Bo. And when you click
on that Linist Bo, he's selling eBooks
related to relationship, he's selling courses
related to relationship. And finally, you can also
book one on one sessions where he's going to help you if you have a
relationship problem. So that is also a great way
to monetize on Instagram. Establish your expertise,
grow your follow pace, and sell these kinds of things
such as e books, courses, and one on one sessions that's going to help
your followers. Now moving on, imagine that you have grown a page where you post online memes or
you post online quotes. So what can I sell if I have a page that is just
posting memes or quotes? Well, basically what you
can do is that you can create merchandise and
sell it to your followers. And as I've shown on the screen, this is one of the examples
of an account that created merchandise and
sells it to his followers. And this account is called
White People Humor. You can see that in the bio, it's written by some merch and he's given the
link to his site. So basically, if you are a
memes page or a quote page, this is one of the methods
that you can adopt, and that is to sell merchandise, which is of high
quality and which is of great design so that people are attracted to it
and they buy it. Now, if you have watched so far, you might have
noticed that some of the products fit for
almost all the niche, and two of those
products are selling an eBook are selling a course. So now let's shift our
gears and let me give you some tips on how to create an
eBook and where to sell it, as well as on how to create a course and
where to sell it. So as I've shown on the screen, this is one of the eBooks
that I've created, and the book is called The
Invisible Rat in your wallet. So basically what
I'm trying to speak about in this book is
I'm trying to give financial advice
on inflation and how that invisible
Rat called inflation is eating my money away. So this is the basic
idea of my eBook. Now, as I've shown
on the screen, this is the thought process
of creating an eBook. The first step is to
create a table of condens. So you have to divide
your book into chapters and condens for
each of those chapter. So the first step is
to create a table of condens and you have to create all those
chapters that you And after that,
you have to create condens under each chapter. And the third step after creating all those
chapters and condens and after creating a book is to create a very
strong cover image. Now, one thing that you
have to notice that people do judge a
book by its cover. So you have to make sure that the cover image is very strong and very attractive that
people buy and finally, you have to market your eBook. So obviously, you
have an Instagram following to buy
your Instagram book, but I can actually think of certain marketplaces
where you can publish your book so that when people buy from
your Instagram page, the platform that you're
going to put your book into is going to promote your
book by themselves. So let me show you a couple of places where you can
promote your eBook. And the first place is to
publish your book in Amazon, and all you have to do
is you have to go to Amazon Kindle direct publish
or it's called Amazon KDP. Go over there, publish your
eBook and promote your eBook, and they are also going to help you to promote your eBook. Now, the second place that I can think of is an audiobook place. So this is also by Amazon. So this is called audiobook
Creation Exchange. What you have to do is if you want to create an audiobook, this is the right place for you. So I'll be giving
you the links to these two websites in the resources section
of this video. You can go and check
it out over there, and these are really helpful
tools to publish your eBook. Now moving on the
next question on monetization was how
to create a course. So what I would suggest to you are two particular platforms, and they are UDAMI as
well as Skillshare. So what you can basically
do is that you can take your own link and
promote it on Instagram, and UDME and Skillshare themselves are also going
to promote your course, and people are going to buy
it from these platforms. So it is a double kill, promote it from your
Instagram page, as well as these platforms are going to help you
promote your course. Now, let me give you
that initial step of creating an online course. And as I've shown on the screen, go to the UME
platform and click on that Instructor button at
the top right hand corner. And after clicking
on Instructor, what you can see on
the screen appears. So what you have to do
is you have to click on that create your
course button. And after clicking on
create your course, you'll end up finally at this
place called curriculum, where this is the back end or the dashboard of
your online course, and you'll be able to divide your course into sections
as well as lectures. So you have to divide
it into sections. Make your videos and
teach something in your expertise and upload
it in these lectures, and then publish your course in your expertise and then sell it to your
followers, of course. So this is a trick to
create an online course. I hope you liked it,
and I hope you like the entire video on how to
monetize your Instagram page. And this was just the first
step of your monetization. In the coming videos,
I'll be giving you other ideas to monetize
your Instagram page, and I hope you're excited and I'll be seeing
you over there.
33. What if I don't Have a Product?: The welcome back
to another video of this monetization section. Now, in the previous video, we saw the first method to
monetize your Instagram page, and that was to sell a
service or sell a product. And I did mention that
if you don't have any product or service
to sell on your own, we'll be taking a look at different methods
of monetization. So that is what I'm going to talk about in this
particular video, and that is on What if I don't have a product or
service to sell? So let me give you
three different ways in which you can monetize your Instagram page if you don't have a product
or a service to sell. Now, the first method is
called affiliated marketing, and you might be wondering
what affiliated marketing is. So let me explain to you
in very simple terms. Now, imagine that
this person's name is Bob and Bob wants to make money, but he's not having any
product or service to sell. So what he's going to do
is that he's going to someone else who is having a
product or service to sell, and the other person tells to
Bob, Just sell my product, and you'll be earning 20% as
commission from the revenue. So that's what in simple terms,
affiliated marketing is. You are selling someone else's
product, but in return, you're earning by getting a
percentage of that revenue. And now, as I've
shown on the screen, these are the steps
that you have to follow in order to do
affiliated marketing. The very first step
is to sign up for an affiliate program
that you can find out on the Internet so just go on
search in Google and find out affiliate programs
that is promoting products that are related to your particular Instagram niche. Now, usually, while signing
up for affiliate programs, those particular programs ask
you to give your website. So what you have to
do is just copy and paste the link of
your Instagram page, and it's going to get approved. Now the next step is that
you'll be asked to create a link or you'll be given a
particular link and finally, what you have to do
is that you have to create a poster and promote that particular product
on your Instagram page, and you have to ask
people to click on that particular link
that you are given. And only if people are buying through your particular link, you are going to get that
percentage commission of the sales of the revenue. So these are the steps
that you have to follow in order to make money
through affiliated marketing. Now, if you don't have a
product to sell, don't worry. Just go to this particular
site called Amazon Associates. So this is the affiliate program of Amazon so by signing up, what you're going to do
is that you are going to promote products
that are on Amazon. And when people buy the
stuff from Amazon through your link you are going to earn a percentage
of that revenue. So that is what I would
suggest if you want to sell a product
of someone else, and that is to use
Amazon Associates. Moving on, if you
don't have a course to sell related to your
particular niche, don't worry, just go to
UEM Affiliate program. And you can sell
someone else's courses, and when people click on your link and they
buy that course, you are going to earn a
percentage of the revenue. Now moving on, you
might be wondering, my particular page or
my particular niche is a Christian niche where I post quotes related to
Christian content. So what kind of
affiliates would I personally join in order to
sell a product or service? Well, one of the
examples that I can give you where I signed up is called this particular
program called the Christian Books
Affiliatee Program. And you can see that I
did receive a mail after registering over and it
simply says, congratulations. They are delighted
to inform me that I have been approved for
my affiliate program, and they have given
me resources and other ideas in order to
promote their books, and I'll be earning a
percentage of revenue whenever I promote their
book on my Instagram page. So I hope you
understood the idea behind affiliated programs. You're selling someone
else's product and you're earning a
percentage of revenue. Now moving on, the
second way in which you can monetize your
Instagram page if you don't have a product
or service to sell is to do drop shipping. So I'll be only
giving you an idea on what drop shipping is, and let's take a look at it. As I shown on the screen, there are three parties involved. The center party or
the middleman is you, and you have to create a store. Now, if you ask me, how
do I create a store? That is where Shopify comes in. So you create a Shopify store. You have to go to
Shopify website. You have to create your store, and you have to add
products from a supplier. So you'll be able to find
suppliers on the Internet. You can just Google
them and they'll be ready to sell their
products to you. But you don't have to
buy them directly. So what's going to happen over here is that you're
going to list the particular products of
that supplier on your store. After that, what you have to do is that you have to promote that particular product
on your Instagram page. And when people from
Instagram click into your store and buy
your particular product, what's going to happen
is that the supplier is directly going to send the product to the
customer, and basically, you're earning a profit from the difference that
you're charging the customer who's buying the product and on the amount that you're
paying the supplier. In this particular example
that I've shown on the screen, you're asking your
customer to pay around $100 and from that
particular hundred dollars, you are paying a
supplier around $50. So you're going to keep that
difference of $50 as profit, and that is how you monetize
your drop shipping store. So this is the basic
idea of drop shipping, and this is another way
in which you can monetize your Instagram page without
a product or a service. Moving on, the final technique to monetize your
Instagram page if you don't have a product
or a service is to do something called POD, which means print on demand. So this monetization technique
is basically for clothes. And now let me give
you an idea on what this print on
demand actually is. Now, as I've shown
on the screen, imagine that I run a page on music or musical instruments and all those kinds of things. So I've created or designed a particular t shirt design that I've shown on the screen, and now I want to sell this particular t shirt
design to my followers. But I actually do not want to go out and purchase
all those clothes. I don't want to print it out. I do not want to keep
inventory on my hand. So if you are facing all
those kinds of problems, that is where print on demand actually comes
in as a solution. And as I've shown on the screen, this is how basically
print on demand works. There's a customer, and again, there's a store of yours, and then there's a print
on demand company. So what's happening
over here is that only when the customer
is placing an order, the print on demand
company is going to actually print that
particular product. So they are going to
print out my design. And after that, what they're
going to do is that they are going to ship it
directly to the customer. So you don't have to worry about headache such as shipping, inventory, and all
those kinds of things. The printing is done by
a different company, and they do it only when they
receive a customer order, and they are going to do all the shipping and all
those kinds of stuff. And over here, again, the profit that you're making is
basically the difference between what the customer is paying you and what you're
paying the print on demand company for printing out your design and shipping
it out to the customer. So that is the basic idea
of POD or print on demand. I hope you like these tricks that I've shown
you in this video. So I hope you'll be trying these techniques out when you grow your Instagram page to a
huge number of followers. And by that, let me
conclude this video, and I'll be coming up with really good monetization
techniques in the coming videos. So I'll be seeing
you over there.
34. Monetization - 2 More Interesting Ways: Hi, they welcome back to
another video of this section. Now in this video, we're
going to take a look at two more ways to monetize
your Instagram page. So let's dive right into this video and take a
look at them one by one. Now, the first
technique to monetize your Instagram page
is pretty simple, and that is to funnel down your Instagram
followers and ask them to subscribe to your
YouTube channel and then monetize
your YouTube channel. Well, it's pretty easier to monetize your YouTube
channel as compared to your Instagram page because when people are viewing
your YouTube videos, you get paid for that after
you meet a certain threshold. So let us take a look
at the criteria or this particular threshold
that you need to meet in order to monetize
your YouTube channel. And as I've shown on the screen, these are the two
conditions that you have to meet in order to monetize
your YouTube channel. And the first condition is
to gain 1,000 subscribers. And if you're having,
say, thousands of follovers on Instagram, it is pretty easier to get that thousand
subscribers by just asking those followers to just subscribe to your
YouTube channel, right? So that is a pretty easy task if you have a huge
follo over base on Instagram and if you are able to funnel that
followers to YouTube. And the second condition
that you have to meet is either of these two. Either you have to have
4,000 public watch hours in the last 12 months for
a normal long video, or you should have
around 10 million views for your YouTube shots. Well, YouTube shots
are basically the Instagram reels of YouTube these are short form contents, and you can simply post
the same thing that you post as Instagram
reels over here. But comparatively,
I would say this is the most difficult threshold to meet in order to monetize
your YouTube channel. If I were you, I would be focusing on gaining that
thousand subscribers, as well as gaining
that 4,000 watch hours for normal
videos on YouTube because it is really
difficult to get 10 million views in the last
90 days for YouTube shots. So that is my personal opinion. It is very easier to
get 4,000 public watch hours as compared to 10
million Instagram shots views. Let me repeat what
I said earlier. It is very easy to meet this threshold in order to
monetize your YouTube channel. If you have a strong fol
over base on Instagram, you just have to ask them to subscribe and watch
your videos on YouTube. Now, as I've shown
on the screen, this was my account
called Way of the Saints, and you can see that on my Bio, I've kept the link to
my YouTube channel. So at least once in a week, I tried to push my
YouTube channel, and I ask people on Instagram to subscribe to my YouTube channel by clicking on that
link in my Bio and I push them to subscribe to my YouTube channel
via Instagram reels, through my stories, through my normal posts, and all
those kinds of things. So that is the first
monetization technique. Try to build a huge followver
base on Instagram and then funnel down those followers
to your YouTube channel. And the good thing about
this method is that you don't need any kind
of digital product or you don't need any kinds of physical products to
sell to your customers. You're just asking your
followers to subscribe to your YouTube channel and not
to buy a particular product. So this is a fairly
good technique that I would suggest you to do, and it is going to help
you in the long run. Now it's time to
shift our gears and take a look at the second
technique of this video. And the second
technique is to do paid promotions on
your Instagram page. And paid promotions
are basically this. Other accounts pay you to post their advertisements on
your Instagram feed, and when they pay you,
you can keep it up for, say, 24 hours or 32 hours
or whatever time you agree on with the
person who is paying you to keep that post
on your profile. Well, enough, you
might be wondering, what if I don't get
any paid promotions? Well, you don't have to
worry about it, actually, because once you hit that
threshold of 10,000 followers, then people are going to start texting you
or messaging you saying that they want to do paid promotion
on your account, and they'll be asking you what's the amount that
you're going to charge, and you have to
save your amount, and you have to agree
upon the amount, and you have to agree upon other stuff like how long would the post of those account
would remain in your feed. Well now let me show you two
examples of paid promotions, and these both paid
promotions came to me. And as I've shown on the screen, this person's name is Richard. And what happened was he
texted me asking business, What are my shoutout rates? So I'll be giving him
my shoutout rates, and if he agrees to it, he'll be asking for further details that he wants from me. After that, we did
do a paid promotion, and I was actually able to
make money out of this. So this is the first example that I have in store for you, what I want you to know
is that these people come to you for shoutouts
or paid promotions, you don't have to go
to them because once you hit that threshold
of 10,000 followers, people are going to
start to notice you. Now, the second example of paid promotion was from this account called
the retention Formula, and you can see they
texted me and they asked me if I'll be doing
a paid promotion for them, and I texted them my rate and you can see that they've asked me for my payPal account, and I gave my paypal account. And after that, they were able to do a couple of
paid promotions with me, and I think that they
did like my service, and that's the reason
why they have been coming again and again
for paid promotion. And it really was
an opportunity to make money out of
paid promotions. So this is the second technique that I have in store for you, and that is to do paid
promotions once you grow your Instagram page
to a huge fur over count. And by that, let's
take a short break, and let's wrap up this video. I'll be seeing you
in the next video.
35. Monetization - Be Creative: Hi, there. Welcome back.
Now, in this video, I'll be giving you
one more technique to monetize your Instagram page. And the purpose of showing
you this technique of monetization is
that I want you to know that you
can be creative and monetize your Instagram
page as you wish. So what I would
suggest to you is that these are just ideas
that I can give you. You can also brainstorm
and come up with your own ideas to monetize
your Instagram page. So the monetization technique
that I want to talk about in this video is
called competitions. So basically what
you're going to do is that you are going to conduct a competition
for your followers, and these are the rules, as
I've shown on the screen. First of all, you're going
to conduct a competition, and what you're
going to do is that in order to monetize it, you are going to keep a
registration fee where your followers are
going to pay you in order to participate
in your competition. And finally, you have
to state the rules and prices of that particular
competition very clearly so that they
know what are they going to receive if they win
the particular competition. And now let me give
you an example of how this competition is done. And now on the screen,
as you can see, I'm going to talk about a
photography competition. So imagine that I'm running
a page on photography. So what I'm going to do
is that, first of all, I'm going to announce
to my followers that there is a competition
that I'm going to contact. And the competition
is like this. They can register
by paying a fee, and they have to
submit a picture based on a particular theme
that I can give them. And once the deadline for
registration is over, what I'm going to do is that
I'm going to post each and every single picture that they have submitted and
after posting that, the winning criteria is based
on the number of likes. So the submission that gets the most number of likes
would be the winner. And the winner of
the competition who gets the most number of
likes is either going to get $100 or they are
going to receive an instat camera worth of $100. So this was the next technique of monetization
that I had for you, and that is to
conduct competitions in your particular niche. And now let me quickly talk about the math of
the competition. Imagine that the
registration fee is $10. And the first prize is $100, and the person who is getting the second prize is
going to win $50. So imagine that I posted
my competition to my followers and
around 30 people registered for my competition. So the revenue that I'm going to generate is 30 times ten, which is the registration fee. So I'm going to generate
around $300 of revenue. And the profit is the prize
money that I'm going to subtract from the
revenue because I'm giving it away as the price. So overall, in our
hypothetical scenario, I'll be making around $150. So this is just a math
that I wanted to show you on how to monetize your Instagram page
using competitions. You can adjust the
registration fees as well as the prize
money as you wish, so you can increase
them or decrease them or do whatever
you like with them. And that's all you
need to know about competitions as a
method of monetization. And I hope you
understand that you just have to be
creative and you can also come up with
methods of your own and you can monetize your
Instagram page creatively. And by that, let me
conclude this video, and I'll be seeing you
in the next video.
36. IN Built App Monetization Features: Hi, there. Welcome back to the final
video of this section. Now, in this video, we are
going to shift our gears and take a look at in app
monetization features. So what do I mean by in
app monetization features? Well, those are the
features that Instagram provides for us to monetize
our Instagram page. So I hope you're excited to
learn about these features, and let's take a look
at them one by one. Now, the very first
feature that I want to talk about is called
Reels bonuses. So what are these reels bonuses? Well, basically, this
feature came out when Instagram introduced the
Instagram Reels feature. So Instagram wanted more and
more people to create and pump out tons and tons
of Instagram reels. So that is the reason they introduced this Reels
bonuses feature, and there are a couple of
things that you need to note about this Instagram
Reels bonus now, the first thing that
you have to note about the reals bonuses is that it was an
invite only feature. So Instagram would select
your Instagram account, and it would send you a
notification saying that you are selected or you are eligible for this reals bonuses feature. And when you click into it, you have to set up your payment options and all those
kinds of things. And after setting up all those payments and all those
kinds of things, Instagram would give
you or show you a maximum bonus amount that you can earn in that
particular month, and it would also
give you a deadline. And by that deadline, you have to reach that
particular or certain amount of Instagram real Sue. So these were the three
things that I wanted you to note about the
Instagram real Sue, and the first one was that
it is an invite Oly option. And the second one was
that the maximum amount of money that you could have
earned is set previously. And finally, there
was a deadline by which you have to earn
that particular amount. Now, there is one more thing
that I want you to know, and that thing is that
Instagram Reels bonuses do not exist anymore. They have been
discontinued by Instagram, and Instagram did promise
that they would come up with monetization features
for the Instagram reels. Till now, there is no
other monetization for Instagram reels. So I hope this feature would be coming back in the future, and I want you to keep
an eye on this feature, whether it comes back or not. So just keep the history
of this feature in your mind and just know
what this feature was. And let's hope that
this feature of Reels bonuses comes
back in the future. Now let's move on
and take a look at the second feature of
in app monetization. Now, the second
feature that Instagram provides is called
subscriptions. Now, subscriptions are basically separate content that you post to people who pay you to view those
separate content. So you're basically providing
exclusive service to people who are paying by
showing them extra content. This is actually a very good
feature for monetization. You basically have to push
your followers into buying that subscription in order to see extra contents that
you are providing. So I hope you understood the basic idea of what
a subscription is, and I think you do
need around 10,000 followers in order to enable this feature
of subscriptions. So reach that
milestone of 10,000 followers and make use of
the subscription option. So I hope you like this feature, and let's take a look at
the next feature that Instagram gives us to
monetize our Instagram page. And the next in App
monetization feature is called Live Badges. Now, in order to monetize using
this live badges feature, you have to go live and you have to show your face
to your audience. And I'm pretty sure
that some of you are not interested
to show your face. So for those people,
I don't think this is the app
monetization feature. But if you're someone who
is ready to show your face and go live and interact
with your audience, then this is a great option. And as I've shown on the screen, when you go live from the perspective of your
audience or your followers, they are going to
receive this option to buy a badge and support you. So when they buy a badge, they might be having
options such as one heart, double hearts, and
Triple hearts. So this is the basic
idea of live badges. Your audience would be buying
badges when you go live, and they're going to pay for it. So that is also another method to monetize your Instagram page. Now let's take a look at the next way to monetize
our Instagram page, and the next way to monetize your page is through feed ads. Well, if you're a
frequent Instagram user, you might know
what feed ads are. When you're scrolling
through Instagram, you might have received ads
like this on your feed. And the basic idea of Instagram feed ads
is that the owner of that particular feed
is going to receive a particular amount when
these ads are being shown. But one thing that
I want you to note over here is that this
particular feature of feed ads are not available in almost
all the countries. They are testing it out in
a couple of countries only, so you have to wait out until this feature comes
to your place, too. So I hope you'll be receiving this feature in the near future, and I hope you'll be
able to monetize using. But for now, just know that a feature like this
is being tested by Instagram to roll out in the coming
years. Okay, great. Now let's move on
to the final in app monetization feature that
I have in store for you. And the final in app
monetization feature is to sell a product or
service through Instagram. So let me show you this feature of selling a product or service, and this feature is called the Instagram shop and as
I've shown on the left image, you can have a shop option
on your Instagram feed. So when someone who visits your Instagram page or when your follo over visits
your Instagram page, and they click on
that shop icon, what I've shown on the
right image appears. So basically, what
you can do over here is that you can set up a shop, and you can add all those kinds of things that you want
to sell in your shop, such as t shirts, caps, necklaces, makeup kits, and all those kinds of things
that you can think of. So try to use this
shop feature and add your products and sell
them to your followers. So that was the final technique
of in app monetization, and I hope you like this video, and I hope you'll be using them. And by that, let's
conclude this video, and I'll be seeing you
in the next section.
37. Introduction to Prompt Engineering: There. Welcome to a new
section of this course. Now, in this section, we'll
be taking a look at chat GPT, prompt Engineering
for Instagram. Now with the onset of chat GPT, literally every single place, I think it's
inevitable to not use SAT GPT for our tasks related to digital marketing and specifically our tasks related
to Instagram marketing. So that's what we're going
to focus on in this section, and that is to integrate chat GPT with your Instagram
growth strategies. And in this introductory
video of this section, we'll be taking a look at
what prompt engineering is, and we'll also see
what we are going to cover in this
particular section. So let's dive right in and
see the first question, and that question is what
is prompt engineering? And usually, what I would
say is that don't get intimidated by this term
prompt engineering. Prompt engineering is
basically a fancy term that people refer to in order to say that they are
talking to hat GPT. So basically, if you're
asking any question to AI or hatGPT or if you're asking
them to do a particular task, all those things fall
under prompt engineering. But here comes the tricky part. Chat GBT is having all the
answers that you want, or it can do all the
tasks that you want. But the problem is, you have to ask the right
questions in order to get the right answers
from Chat GPT or in order to get
the right tasks done. So that is what basically I would say prompt
engineering is. You're crafting
your questions or you're crafting your
prompts in such a way that hat GBT gives you the
ideal or the optimal results. Now, as I've shown
on the screen, if you're crafting the hat
GBT prompts very effectively, these are some of the examples
that Chat GBT can do. And the first example is hat GBT can help you write a book
and you can publish that and it can help
you write essays, and it can do social
media creation. It can help you with
your assignments and homework if you're in
a school or a college. And the final example is chat GPT can help you
plan your workouts, diets, studies, and all
those kinds of things. Now, these are only a few
examples of the potential of what effective prompting can help you create using chat GPT. But there are other
things also that you can do like you can compose a music. You can create animations, you can create
PowerPoint presentations and all those kinds of things. But since this is an
Instagram course, we'll be only taking a
look at the part where Chat GPT can help you grow your Instagram page effectively. Now in this section, I'll be discussing a couple of things. And the first thing in the section that we
are going to see in the next video is the paid version versus a
free version of hat GPT. So what we are going to do
over there is that we are going to compare the paid
version and the free version, and it's up to you to
decide whether you want to purchase that paid version
if it's worth it for you. So, in essence,
I'll be showing you all the features of the
paid version of hat GPT. After comparing the paid
version and the free version, we'll move on and take a look at the limitations of chat GPT. And one of the most
famous limitation of chat GPT is called
hallucinations. So we'll be taking a look at the different types
of hallucinations, and we'll also be
taking a look at other types of limitations
of chat GPT as well. Now, after showing you the
limitations of chat GPT, I want you to learn about the
basic prompting techniques. So there are three
different types of basic prompting techniques, and we'll be talking about
that in one entire video. And only after learning about the basic prompting
techniques of hat GPT, we will be diving straight
ahead and learn how to integrate hat GPT with our
Instagram growth strategies, and we'll be using hat GPT for various purposes for
our Instagram page. So this is the essence of the entire section that we'll be discussing about hat GPT. And by that, let's wrap up this introductory
video and let's dive straight into the section and see what's coming ahead. I'll be seeing you
in the next video.
38. Paid v/s Free: Hi there. Welcome to another
video of this course. Now, in this video, we're
going to compare the GPT paid version to the
Chat GPT free version. And one thing that you
have to note over here is that I'm taking this
video as well as the next video from one of my other courses called
Chat GPT Mastery, the Ultimate Guide to
prompt Engineering. And I'm starting
out the section on prompt engineering with these two videos because I believe that these two videos
are important for you to understand if it's worth
paying for Chat GPT, as well as for you to know
the limitations of hat GPT. So let's dive right into this video and see the
difference between the Chat GPT paid version as well as the Chat
GPT free version. Now, as you can
see on the screen, this is a difference between the free version and
the paid version. In the free version,
you can see that you have the GPT 3.5 model. But on the paid version,
you have more features. In the paid version, you
have the GPT four model, which gives more
accurate answers compared to the GPT 3.5 model. You have the integration
of Dali with chat GPD and if you don't
know what Dali is, D is actually an
AI tool where you can generate images by
using command prompts. So you can just give a prompt like Joe Biden, Arm wrestling, Donald Trump, and Dali is capable of generating
those kinds of images. So you have integration
of HA GBD with Dali. And by that, what I mean
is that you can just give a command prom to JA GPT to
generate a particular image, and HA GBT is going to
generate that image. Now the third feature of the paid version
is web browsing. So in the case of
the web browsing, if hat GPT doesn't know a
particular information, you can ask hat GPT to browse the web and
give you the results. So that is a very good feature which you do not have
in the free version. Lastly, you have advanced
data analysis tools, and that would be
really helpful if you have some data and you
want to analyze it. So I'll be showing
you a few examples of these paid version features. Now on the screen, you
can see that I have generated a few images
using Chat GPT, and this is the first thing
that I wanted to show you. So now, as you can
see on the screen, I have generated a few
images using hat GBT. I just went into Chat GBT, and I typed, I want this image. I want image of Christmas. I want an image of
Romeo and Juliet, et cetera, and Chat GPT
generated those images for me. So this is the first feature
that I talked about. It is having
integration with Dali. Now moving on the
second feature that I told you was about
uploading documents. Chat GPT is capable of uploading
any kind of documents. And as you can see
on the screen, I have already uploaded three different
kinds of documents, and those three kinds of
documents are the Word document, the MSXL spreadsheet, and
PowerPoint presentation. So you can upload any
kind of documents into hat GPD just by dragging
it into hat GPT, and you can see that
there's an attachment icon. If you just click
on that, you can also upload using that method. And by that, let's move
on to the next feature, and the next feature
that I mentioned was the Advanced Data
Analytics tools. Now, as you can see on the
left image of the screen, I gave hatGPT a particular
code of Python. And you can see that
I told hat GPT, give the output for
the following code, and I copied and
pasted that code. And you can see that just below
Chat GPT is analyzing it. So that is the advanced
analytics tool of hat GPT, and on
the left image, you can see that Chat
GPT has given me the output of that
particular code. And it reads the output of the provided code for the
word race car is true. This means that race
car is a palindrome, as it reads the same
forward and backwards. So you can see that I
gave Chat GPD a code, and hat GPT gave me the output
for that particular code. Now, this can be done for
any programming language, and on the right
side of the screen, for the output that
Chat GPT gave, you can see that next
to the word backwards, at the end, there
is a blue icon. So when I click that
blue icon, at the end, you can see that JA GBT has
shown me its analysis tool. You can see the code, and at the end, you can
see the output. Now moving on to the final feature that I mentioned about, the final feature was hat GPT four is having web browsing. And as you can see
on the screen, I asked CHA GPT, what is the current
price of Bitcoin, and CHAT GPT is
browsing the web to get that answer because AGBT doesn't have real
time information. So HAGPT does browse the web, and after browsing the web, you can see on the right side, CHA GPT gave me the
current price of Bitcoin, and that would be
an easy example of web browsing by the paid
version of CHAT GPT. And now, these are the
few advantages of using the paid version over
the free version of Chat GVT. Make a wise choice. If you feel like you
want the paid version, just go for and by then, let me conclude this video, and I'll be seeing you
in the next video.
39. Limitations of ChatGPT: Hi there. Welcome
to another video of Discourse. Now in the
40. Basic Prompts: Hi there. Welcome
back to another video of the section on Chat GPT. Now, before diving into
the intricacies of using Chat GPT to enhance your
Instagram growth game, I want you to know
that there are three different types of proms
in the world of Chat GPT. So that's what I want to
show you in this video, and let's take a look
at them one by one. I mentioned, in this video, we'll be particularly
taking a look at a prom technique called
basic prompt techniques. Now, under the basic
prom techniques, you have three different types
of prompting techniques, and those are the
zero short prompts, the one short proms, and the few short proms. So let's learn what
these types of proms are in a step
by step manner. Now, as you can
see on the screen, we'll be taking a look
at zero short proms. So what are zero short proms? These are basically just
straightforward tasks or questions that you're
giving chat GPT to answer. So this is the basic of the most basic command prompt that we'll be taking a look at, and anyone who just
signed up into hatGPT just to figure
out what chat GPT is, you'll be using
this type of proms called zero short
proms unknowingly. So let's understand what zero short proms are
with a few examples. And now, as you can
see on the screen, these are few examples
of zero short proms. Basically, what
you're doing over here is that you're just asking Cha GPT a
question, and that's it. If that's all you're doing, it's called a zero short prompt. And you can see that the first
example reads like this. What is the capital
of Australia? And moving on to
the second example, the second example
reads like this. What is the boiling
point of water? And finally, you have
the example of colors, list three primary colors. So what I did is that
I went to hat GPT, and you can see that I've typed out these
proms into hat GPT, and JA GBT just gave
me these responses. So this is the basic definition
of a zero short prompt. You're just typing some question or some task, and that's it. Now, if you still
didn't understand what a zero short prompt is we'll move into the next
type of proms and in the end, we'll compare all the type
of proms and it would definitely make you understand
what zero short proms are. And by that note, let's move on to the next type
of command prompt. And the next type of basic
command prompt that we're going to take a look at
is called one shot proms. So what are these
one shot proms? Basically, these are the proms that would allow you to provide one example to guide
Chat GPT's response. So over here, the basic
definition is that you're giving hat GPT an example in order
to guide its response. And to make this point
much more clearer to you, let me give you a few examples. And as you can see
on the screen, the first example reads like this in the style of a tweet, announce a new scientific
discovery about Mars. Researchers have found
evidence of water on Mars. So over here, you're
giving Cha GPT a command prompt and you're
asking Chat GPT or you're guiding hat GPT in order to give the response in the
style of a tweet. So you are actually guiding Chat GPT in order to respond
in a particular way. So that is the idea
of one shot prompts, you're guiding hat GPT to respond in a particular
manner that you want. Moving on to the second example, the second example
reads like this. In a bullet point format, list the benefits of
regular exercise. Regular exercise is
beneficial for health. So over here too, you
are giving Chat GPT a guidance of wanting the response in a
bullet point format. And that's the reason
why this would fall under one shot proms. Now moving on to
the final example, the final example
reads like this. Write a metaphor about time. Time is like a river
that flows endlessly. Now in this final example, too, you are guiding hat GPT to give the response in a particular
manner that you want, which is in the
form of a metaphor. And that's what one shot
proms are all about. So if you're taking
the zero shot proms and the one shot proms
and comparing them, in the zero shot prompts, you did not guide the AI. You just directly asked
a particular question or you just ask Ja GPT
to do a particular task. But in the one shot proms, you're giving an example
and you're guiding Chat GPT to give the response
in a particular manner. And now, as you can
see on the screen, I've typed these
examples into Chat GPT, and these are the responses
that Chat GPT gave me. I hope you enjoyed
these responses, and I hope you will be going
into hat GPT and trying out these examples yourselves
and see what Chat GPT gives. Now by that, let's move
on to the last type of command prompt that we'll be taking a look at in this video, and the last type
of command prompt are called the few
short prompts. So over here, you're actually
going a bit further into the advanced level of hat
GPT prompt Engineering. And as you can see
on the screen, in this type of command prompt, you're giving more and
more examples to chat GPT, and that would guide hat GPT into giving a response
in the way you want. Now, I'm pretty sure
that this concept of few shot prompts
are not clear to you, so I'll be showing you
how to use these kinds of few shot prompts in
an effective manner. This is a kind of
advanced level prompting, and by the end of this video, you'll be learning about this interesting type of prompts. Now, as you can
see on the screen, you can use the few
short proms in order to customize your emails
in order to write a book. So I'll be showing
you one example of email customization, and it would definitely
make the idea of few short proms
clearer to you. So let us take a
look at the example. Imagine that I'm a
working professional and I have to write a
lot of emails daily. What I can do is that I can
give HAGPT my way of writing emails and ask had GPT to
learn my style of writing. And in the end, you can ask
JA GPT to write an email just with one prompt in
your style of writing. So consider these two
emails and imagine that these two emails are the ones
that I frequently write. And if you want, you can
use more than two emails, maybe three or five emails. And what we are going
to do is that firstly, we are going to type out this command prompt into chat GPT. Let me read out the
command prompt to you, and it reads like
this. Hi chat GPT. I will copy and paste the
emails that I usually write. Learn my style of
writing and use my style to write
emails when prompted. So the IDA is basically symbol. You're asking Chat GPT
to learn your style, and whenever you prompted
to write an email, use that style to
write an email. And now, as you can
see on the screen, I've typed out this
prompt into Chat GPT, and this is a response
that ha GPT gave me. Sure, I can help with that. Please go ahead and share the
emails you typically write. Once I review them,
I'll be able to mimic your style for future
email writing tasks. And by that, ha GPT is ready to take the
inputs of your email, and you can see that
I've copied and pasted the two emails that I
previously showed you. And you can see
that after copying and pasting those two
emails that I showed you, Cha GPT gave this response. Thank you for sharing
these examples. Based on these emails,
your writing style is formal, polite. And well structured.
You tend to start with a courteous greeting expressing hope for the
recipient's well being. Your requests or follow
ups are clear and direct, often referencing previous
communications for context. You also tend to emphasize your enthusiasm and readiness to provide additional
information or engage in further discussion. Lastly, you conclude with a note of gratitude
and a polite sign of and use this style when writing emails
for you in the future. If you have any specific
nuances or preferences in your writing style
that you would like me to incorporate,
please let me know. So if you want Chat
GPT to specifically take a particular
characteristic of your email, you can again write it down. And after doing
all these things, imagine that you want
to write an email. All you have to do
is just come to this chat and type
into Chat GPT. HA GPT, I want an email
for so and so purposes, say for a client
who wants to know about your investment
performance and so on. So what Tha GBT is going to do is that with just
that command prompt, HAD GPT is going to generate
an entire email for you. And that would definitely
take a heavy burden of you to write an email
again and again, right? So that was one of the tricks
of few shot prompting. Now, this is not
the only way you can use few shot
promptings, okay? As I mentioned, this
is just one example of email now you can use it
to write a book or do something in a particular
manner just by giving Chat GPT a lot of examples and asking Chat GPT to
learn that method. So that's the trick of
few short prompting. And now to summarize, we took a look at zero
shot prompting, where we just directly ask hat GPT without giving
any guidance or examples. And in the one shot
prompting case, we gave Chat GPT one
particular example to guide Chat GPT's response. And finally, in the
few short prompting, we gave more than one example, say, a couple of your emails, and you're asking Cha GPT to learn from all
those examples that you're giving it and to do a
particular task in the end. Now that you have learned
the three different types of prompting
techniques of hat GPT, I believe that you
are equipped with the knowledge to move
further and learn how to integrate hat GPT with your Instagram
growth strategies. So that's what we are going
to do in the coming videos, so I'll be seeing
you over there.