Insane Productivity: How The Top High-Achievers Get Things Done | Brady Salcido | Skillshare

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Insane Productivity: How The Top High-Achievers Get Things Done

teacher avatar Brady Salcido, Helping High Achievers Get Things Done!

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Taught by industry leaders & working professionals
Topics include illustration, design, photography, and more

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Taught by industry leaders & working professionals
Topics include illustration, design, photography, and more

Lessons in This Class

    • 1.

      Welcome To Insane Productivity


    • 2.

      The "Why" Of Your Productivity


    • 3.

      Busy-ness VS. Productivity


    • 4.

      Top 8 Productivity Wasters


    • 5.

      How To Sustain Your Motivation


    • 6.

      Focus On What You Can Control


    • 7.

      Little Steps Lead To Big Goals


    • 8.

      The Truth About Will Power


    • 9.

      Creator VS. Manager


    • 10.

      Make Productivity A Habit


    • 11.

      Plan, Plan, & Plan.


    • 12.

      How To Set S.M.A.R.T. Goals


    • 13.

      First Thing In The Morning DO THIS!


    • 14.

      Removing Distractions & Roadblocks


    • 15.

      The Myth Of Multitasking


    • 16.

      The Power Hour Of Productivity


    • 17.

      Cluttered Space = Cluttered Mind


    • 18.

      Delegate & Automate


    • 19.

      Must-Have Productivity Apps


    • 20.

      Celebrate Your Victories For Your Brain


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About This Class


Do you wish you could have more time in the day? Do you feel like your missing the edge that could help you be more productive, get things done faster, and accomplish the goals you have in mind?

If you want to be as productive as some of the top performers and high-achievers in the world like Steve Jobs, Tony Robbins, Bill Gates, etc. you need to know the habits and strategies they use.

If so you've found the BEST course for insane productivity!

In this course, you'll learn:

  • The top mental strategies and habitsthat the elite CEO's and high-achievers use for better time management and productivity!

  • The secret productivity hacks and strategies that help you get more done in less time!

  • How to set clear, specific and powerful goals!

  • How to maximize thepower of your focus using specialized focus training!

  • How remove distractions and hone in on the activities that allow you to stay productive!

Welcome to Insane Productivity!

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Brady Salcido

Helping High Achievers Get Things Done!

Level: All Levels

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1. Welcome To Insane Productivity: Hello there. Welcome to the insane productivity course. And the gold purpose of this course is extremely simple into the point. It's to make you insanely productive by showing you the strategy that the top 1% of high achievers, CEOs, entrepreneurs and performers are using to get more done in less time. And we've laid this course out in a very unique way. And the fact that the first sexual and go into is going to beat the mindset strategies that these top 1% of people are using to get more done in less time. How do we create a mental shift that allows us to focus on what's important and remove the distractions that are keeping us from being truly productive? And in the next section, we're gonna go right into productivity hacking strategies. Now, these are hands on applicable strategies and tactics that you can use right away, literally as soon as you're done with that lecture, you can start applying these right away to get more done in less time. In the last section, which is my favorite section, we're going to show you how to fuel the engine of your productivity, which is your brain to be honest product, if it takes a lot of energy to be able to be consistently productive day in and day out. And what we find for a lot of our clients is that could be really productive one day or maybe even one week and then all of a sudden they start to fall off the map. That can't be consistent with it. Day and day on what I want to show you in this section specifically is how do you fuel the engine, which is your brain so you can stay productive 365 days a year, if that's what you want. Now, as you go throughout the course, you're gonna find different downloadable materials, and resource is throughout the course. And the whole purpose of these resource is is to help you take the knowledge that you just learned throughout that module or that lecture and people toe. Apply it to a real world scenario. So these are meant to be download printed, whatever works best for use that you can actually take that knowledge and actually make it applicable to a real world scenario. Whatever it is, you're trying to be more productive with whether it's in the home, whether it's in work or whatever it is you're trying to use those for. You are also gonna have access to our private coaching group as you go throughout. The course is a private Facebook group where you can come in, ask questions, get feedback and also support from other people who are taking this course as well, and maybe have some further feedback or insights that you'd like to share with other people . This is exactly what that group is, therefore, and this is included in the course as well. Now, as you go through the course, there will be opportunities where you don't. We will ask you to give some feedback on how you felt the course did. Was it valuable or not? These air really important because this helps you to me, figure out what are the most valuable courses and what's going to be helping people the most. So if you found this course useful, helpful, I would really, truly appreciate it if you do me a favor and leave a five star review. So that way, this course gets shown more people who could use these productivity hacking strategies like you're finding in this course. Now, before we even get into the course, I want to give you your first productivity hacking strategy, which is start this course right away. The longer you delay, the more you leave yourself open to not actually doing this course at all or maybe going through this court course halfway. I want you to start this course immediately so you can start taking action on this because the sooner you do it, the sooner gonna be able to start using these strategies, and then you're gonna really steamroll yourself into creating an insanely productive life. 2. The "Why" Of Your Productivity: So in the previous video, I touched on why we want to be productive. Now. If you're extremely clear on why you want to be productive, you're very clear on what your goals are. Feel free to skip this video move on something else. But if this is picture interest, just a little bit understanding the why of your productivity and why it's important to pay attention to this one because this ends up being very, very important. Because if you don't have clear intentions and cleared goals of what you're trying to be productive towards, it's going to be very hard to know what are the exact steps and action items. They're gonna be important to allow you to stay productive. So, for instance, I always say, if you're just doing your job and you just go throughout your day to day operations, a lot of people end up doing things that are not actually productive to move the business forward because they have no clear intention of what they're trying to achieve. Whereas if somebody's working on a very specific project that needs to get done at a very specific time, they have a much more clear directive in their brain, a much clear filter that allows them to understand. Okay, well, if I need to get this project done by this day, and I have these tasks that need to get accomplished in these deadlines, I know I can't work on this, and I can't work on that because that's gonna distract me from being able to get this project done. If that makes sense and this doesn't have supplied to the work aspect, this also applies to your personal life as well, to if you have a goal that you want to read more books out there, you want to spend more time on your personal development. Or maybe you want to spend more time volunteering. That means you need to be very clear and have that clear filter of what your goal is. How much time you want spend doing those things, to be able to understand what activities air, not helping you do that. So, for instance, if you're trying to lose weight, let's say that's a very simple and very clear goal. I want to lose £15. Okay, well, going out on the weekend and going out to in an hour or go into a restaurant or going somewhere where maybe there's gonna be some fast food, not healthy food. That's not gonna be for you. So now you have the clear filter, you know, to cut that off. And also on top that, you know. Okay, I need to work out four or five days a week. Okay. Well, now, you know, you have a clear up schedule. You gotta clear out those other activities that will be distracting you from allowing you to be able to build in that time to your day. You see that? Why this is important. So understand the why of what you want to be productive about also comes into goal. Setting to see won't have a very clear goal and objective in mind. Now, if you're doing this for work, you're most likely want to have your clear goals and objective already laid out already. Understand? Understandable. So that you know exactly what you're trying to achieve when it comes to your personal life . Sometimes this gets a little bit blurry and special. A lot of our clients it just becomes I want to be more generous. I want to lose weight. You have to have very clear set goals and directives feel Teoh actually build a see that goal clearly, which is going to give you a very specific filter to be able to block out all the distractions and activities that are not going to help you get to that goal. So just want to record this quick video. Just let you know that having a clear wine having clear goals is extremely important and stay tuned. Because in the productivity hacking section, we've included a specific video on how to set clear goals that's also included with a downloadable resource and Bell show you how to step by step, set up a very clear and concise school. The last would be extremely productive towards hitting Boekel. 3. Busy-ness VS. Productivity: Now, when you think of productivity or being more productive, what do you think about? Do you think about getting more stuff done during the day? Do you think about being able to accomplish more task and getting to the end of the and go ? Wow, I totally went through all my to do list. I got all those action steps down while I feel really accomplished what comes to my in terms of productivity. What I find with many of our clients that we work with is that many people most often make the misconception that dizziness his productivity. And that's a big, big misconception. I'll tell you why. Because a lot of people think that by doing a lot of things are getting a lot of stuff done , that there truly being productive. But that's not the definition of productivity. Productivity is getting the right things done so you can move forward in the direction of whatever your goal is. And that's a big difference because let's say you get do 100 things during the course of the day. But only three of those things actually moved you in the direction of your goal. That means you're doing 97 other things that didn't help you whatsoever weren't moving you forward in the direction they needed to go. Now that doesn't mean that they didn't have to get done. But maybe they weren't actually moving you in the direction of your ultimate goal of why you are trying to be productive in the first place, which is really, really important to understand. And so I always give this scenario if we have to businessmen and there's one businessman he does three things done, moves his business up 20%. Another person does 100 things, moves his business up 20%. Who's more productive? The person who gets three things done right? He's able to build more time into his day, and that's the ultimate goal with productivity's. How do we figure out not just how to get more done? How do we get more of the right things done? And that's a really important mental shift we need to make. So before we continue on with the course, I want you to think about what are some of the things that you're doing right now that we need to get done but aren't actually helping you? be productive because I must show you throughout the course different strategies on how you can start to delegate and automate different areas of your life so you can build more time to do those activities that are actually in a movie. Ford, in the direction of your goals, have included a sheet with this, a down a little resource where you can actually write down. Some of the things that are being more distracting aren't truly moving you in the direction of your goals. Maybe there's some things that you can actually delegate. You can pass on to somebody else, maybe get hire somebody else to help take that load off your shoulder. Or maybe there's something that you don't even need to be doing in the first place really important to get clear on this because this is gonna start to come more into play as we continue on with the course. So let's make sure we're not doing the activities that are keeping us busy. Let's make sure we're keeping those activities there chewing, allowing us to be productive 4. Top 8 Productivity Wasters: All right, So in this video, I want to give you the top eight time wasters or productivity's suckers. They're absolutely during your productivity. And so one of the first ones is gonna be social media. Social media is one of the biggest ones. There's an interesting study that was done. We did a video of this on my YouTube channel, where we talked about how simple distractions were. Notifications are popping up on your cell phone, and time spent on social media takes on average, 2.5 minutes for you to get refocused. Now 2.5 minutes doesn't seem that crazy. But when you think over the course of the day, the average person gets distracted by their social media or their notifications anywhere from 15 to 30 times a day. Also, that really starts at up. And that starts to truly drain your timeto where we did the math in this video, where it showed that you can actually add up to 50 hours of time back in your schedule. By trying to reduce these distractions from social media and notifications by simply turning them off your phone, you could add 50 hours of time back in to your schedule and number two time waster is going to be negativity. Now this comes down to really negativity. Is this habit that we develop in our brain that just tells us to look for the bad things. It doesn't to look for the problems and is this primal nature in our brain that was there specifically to protect us back in the day. But now, when we focus too much on the negative things, most often we're focusing on the things that we can not control. We no longer have any control of whether it's in the past or somebody else who did it. These are things that are outside of our control, and dwelling on the negativity doesn't help your brain focus on the solutions. You're focusing on the problems and no longer folks on the solutions. And now it happens. People start to spin their wheels, thinking about the problems when they could be actually gaining traction. Thinking about the solutions Number three is over thinking. A lot of times we have a tendency. We want over analyze every situation. We don't understand all the moving pieces, but a lot of times that can hinder our own progress. And one of my favorite sayings is from one of my coaches, you know, I said, Done is better than perfect because a lot of times we want everything to be absolutely perfect, and we think about every scenario. And usually it doesn't even truly matter if we just go ahead and we just get started and we start moving the chains for we start making progress. Ford. Ah, lot of times things end up working themselves out. Of course, you want to be prepared. You want to do your due diligence. But you don't wanna overthink because overthinking will truly make you feel like you're spinning your wheels and will delay your progress in your productivity. And the next one is obviously television. Television is a big one. It's an easy one to It's really easy to get sucked into that show on Netflix really easy to get sucked in the game of Thrones on HBO. I mean, assumes you watch one. Then it becomes a cliffhanger on the end, and also you're watching two and three and Alison, Before you know it, you're watching 2 to 3 hours of TV a day and then, over the course of the week, that's 15 hours of TV just during your work, your work day that on the weekend starts to drain mawr time and awesome. Before you know it, you foisted nearly 810,200 hours over the course of a year, just watching television. Now, if you're somebody, for instance, who wants to start signed business? Maybe you're trying to become an entrepreneur, but you're trying to start something inside. Those hours become extremely, extremely valuable, not just in terms of being productive towards setting your goals, but also building its side business, but also spending time with your loved ones. A lot of people find they don't have enough time, right? That's one of the biggest things we hear when we take a look at people who are having trouble being productive. I wish I had more time. I wish this had one more hour a day. Well, if you think about how much time TV waste, you could use some of that time spent watching television to work on your own personal development, you can spend time going out on a date with your spouse. You can spend more time kids, you can spend more time on your side business, whatever it is, television waste way too much time, and you should really monitor very closely. The next one is procrastination. In the very first video that welcome video, I made a brief mention that because a lot of times procrastination is one of the biggest killers of our productivity because we just end up saying I'll just push off towards next time. And as soon as you push it off and procrastinate, guess what? You have to forget about it or it gets done later than what you wanted. And also in your goals. Your progress gets delayed more and more and more, and you procrastinate on one thing. It ends up me that you're progressing on other things as well. Our brain has this tendency to develop habits as well talk about in another video, and when you progress it on, one thing typically will transfer in other areas of your life, and the more you progressing on those other things, it starts to build up and pile up into this big snowball procrastination that now leaves you more stagnant. And now you're further away from the goal that you originally set, and it leaves you being extremely unproductive. The next one is oversleeping and obviously oversleeping. You're living too long, so that's gonna delay the time you can spend doing the things that you want to do. And now obviously want to make sure you're getting plenty of sleep. You want to get high quality sleep, but when you're oversleeping, when you're sleeping way too much, there's a couple things going on. One. You're being a little bit lazy, and you need to actually get up and go towards your goals. You need to really dig into your why. I understand. Why do you want to be productive, and that's gonna help you get up in the morning because you have a goal in mind. You want to hit that goal you want. Make that extra $1000 a month. You want to start that side business. You want to spend more time doing the things you want to dio. Then you need to get up and go for it. Now the other thing is, if you truly Despina, you wake up in your extremely tired There may be some other health issues and go on as well , which will hopefully try to address in our last section here to give you some tools and strategies to be able to help your brain develop more injuries, that you can wake up feeling more refreshed and number seven is taking too many steps. Sometimes we have this tendency to where we want to see every little step along the way. This comes in over thinking as well to is, we want to see every little step along the way, and sometimes we take too many steps to get to where we want to go on. This is a big, big time killer. Sometimes, instead of doing in eight steps, we can get it done in three. If we just had a little bit of creativity, a little bit ingenuity, or if we just ask somebody else for help, it could really save us a lot of time. And in the productivity hacking section will go into a lot of different strategies where you can help bring those eight steps down to three. Whether it's being more creative or actually delegating are automating some of the system so you don't have to worry and spend time with those anymore So start thinking about how can you save time by taking those 85 steps, whatever it is, down into smaller chunks. Which brings me to my last one, my biggest time killer that I found in many businesses, especially, is not automating or delegating with simple tasks. There's a lot of simple data entry. Things are analytical things or simple daily processes that need to be done every day that need to be done right. That could be automated. They could be done somewhere else. We could pay a little more for a monthly service that does all that for us, whether it's accounting or whether it's something for our marketing, your business, whatever it may be. There's a lot of things that are wasting our time that we feel like we need to dio, but we also feel like we want to be hands on with it. We want to do it ourselves, and it weighs a lot of our time when really we could spend just a little bit to actually automate and delegate those to other people or use or higher service to do that for us, that will save you tons and tons of time and a lot of people have this idea that if I have to spend money on doing it when I can just do it myself, why would I do it? Well, this is again why you come back to your why Why do you need to free up more time? If you want to start your side business, you can't waste time doing those little tax. So maybe that means you hire a cleaning service to come clean your house. You can spend more time working on the things that you want to dio. Simple things like that can add up a long way. What could you dio with an extra couple hours a day, Let's say Or what about an hour day? That's five hours a week. It's 20 hours a month that now you have freed up to do what you need to do to be more productive. And really, this is about opening up your schedule, opening up more time to do those things that are important. So I'm only gonna be able to build more time in. We're gonna help you focus in and tune in on what are the important strategy and tactics you need to get the right things done and not just become more busy 5. How To Sustain Your Motivation: One problem I hear from a lot of clients is ice. Have trouble sustaining my motivation to stay productive. Let me productive Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday. But as soon as Thursday and Friday come, I feel like I'm trailing off the map and I just can't stay productive. It just seems like I'm constantly trying to fight against my motivation. It feels like my motivation tank starts full and then goes on empty towards the end of the week or towards the end of the month. Whatever it may be for you now, I see there's two major factors that will typically apply, and usually it's one of the two or both. 1st 1 is that you're not supplying your brain with enough energy to sustain your motivation in the first place. So, like I said, productivity takes a lot of energy. It takes a lot of energy up here, and if you don't have the energy to sustain your engine, which is your brain towards the end of the week, you'll start to notice. You'll really start to drain out, and then once you go to the weekend and you don't need to be as productive and you spend more time with family. You relax. It's a stress free environment. Also, your tank fills back up again. But if we can learn the strategy to actually fill your tank up throughout the weeks that every morning you're waking up with tons of energy, it's gonna like to sustain your motivation. Ah, lot more. And that's gonna lie to sustain your energy. Now that's not necessarily a motivation factor. That's more of an energy supply issue. And that's something that can easily be changed and upgraded, especially if you use this strategy than to show you in the last section here. But if you still find even using these strategies in the last section that it's just still not quite cutting it then either. It's this next we're gonna talk about. Or maybe you need to hire some sort of coach or health expert to help you along the way, which is what we do for a lot of our clients. Now, Number two is, if you're fine that you're not able to stay consistent. It means you may not have the bigger picture in mind, or at least not have a clear vision of what that bigger picture is and I would say this is why you're why is so important, Right? Because if you don't have the bigger picture in mind, what are you fighting for, right? What you working towards? I always say we want to be productive, so that means we're going to X for why I want to get more of this done so I could spend more time with my family. I want to make sure more productive with this because I want to make an extra $1000 a month in twos. Heart help pay off debt, right? There's a bigger picture in mind. What is it, paying off debt? Is it spending more time with your family? There's a bigger picture in mind, and so what I do. A lot of times I have a sticky note or I have something post up alongside my computer or my workspace where I have that bigger vision in mind. What am I working towards? What is all this productivity hacking strides that will teach in the next section? What is this helping me to dio? It's gonna help me get why it's gonna help me get to the why of what I'm trying to accomplish. it's gonna help me pay off debt. It's gonna help me spend more time with my family. It's gonna help pay for that Vacation is gonna help do X, y or Z start that new business that's gonna free up our life, whatever it is for you. So having the bigger picture in mind can really help sustain your motivation. Because a lot of times you don't have that clear picture in mind. It's very easy to fall off the map and just feel like you're kind of spinning your wheels, doing the normal things and being productive because some guy intercourse told you you should be more productive, right? So have that big picture in mind. So those are really the two main categories that I say you should really focus on. And if you do have that clear picture in mind, maybe is just energy drainage thing and energy supply thing where you need to figure out How do you fuel your engine best? Which is exactly what we talk about in the last section as well. But if that's not the case, then maybe that's your why you got to get a clear vision, maybe got to write it down. Write down your why? What is all this for? What's your big goal? Write that down like on a piece of paper post up somewhere. You can see it every day, and that will help sustain your motivation. 6. Focus On What You Can Control: another really important strategy for maximizing your productivity's understanding. Where you putting your focus in your attention, your focus is extremely powerful. Man will harness the power of focus is gonna be one of the key factors and making sure that you can stay productive, especially for the long run, because where you put your focus and attention demands time and energy and those air, too precious commodities that are very valuable in terms of maximizing your productivity. So where that energy goes, you better make sure that it's in the right direction. And what I find for love our clients is they end up spending a lot of time focusing their attention on the things that are outside of their control. And I mean those things like, let's say, they're focused so much on how a coworker will respond to an idea they have for the business or a project they've been working on. And really, they dwell so much on this, and they focus so much their time and attention on how that person is going to respond when , in reality, you can't do anything about that that is outside of your control, your your control and your focus should not be on. How are they gonna respond? It's gonna be on. What do you need to do to make sure you get the idea across or to put it in? Another perspective is a lot of clients will focus on produce events that have happened. Maybe they didn't do so well in a presentation. Maybe. Hey, totally bombed that meeting. Maybe they lost the sale, whatever it was, and they dwell on it over and over and over. And there's, you know, some truth into learning from our mistakes. But when you continually focus on those things and you continually focus on the events that were in the past, that doesn't help either or another way we start to lose. Our focus is we focus so much on the problems and all the solutions. And we talked about this back in the negativity video is if you're so focused on the problems, you're so focused on the here and now you're not focused on how do you actually move forward? And a lot of times we get stuck in those problems with us. Think Oh, man, I can't believe how bad this is. A wow. I can't believe we're in this situation. I can't believe this circumstance has arised and a lot of times those problems and circumstances. You can't do anything about him out there. They're the only thing you can dio is how you choose to respond. How do you start to take the next step forward? So instead of focusing on the problems, what's already happened, what's already there? It's time to start focusing on what are the steps you can start taking to either Get yourself out of that problem, turn the problem around or start making yourself start going the direction that you need to go right? So it's all about where do you focus your attention? Where you putting your energy? Because if your folks almost problems, you're now wasting energy, and you're not wasting your time focusing on things that you cannot control. So the biggest thing we work with, a lot of our clients in the biggest thing you should be working on as well is focusing on things that you can control so you can maximize your productivity in the right direction, said that you're spinning your wheels on things that are completely outside of your control , that your Internet is gonna be completely useless on 7. Little Steps Lead To Big Goals: sometimes when we have a big project, we have a big goal in mind that we want to hit a lot time seeing the big picture first and constantly looking at that big picture. Sometimes we'll scare. It's a little bit. No, I think it's such a daunting leap to take. Let's say we want to make a $1,000,000. Oh, man, that's a big That's a big leap. I don't know if I could do that. How do I even do that? And this is where little steps equal big goals. Little victories get big winds. And if you want to be more productive and want to sustain your motivation, especially, especially, you want to make sure your listing out these little steps along the way. So instead of making a $1,000,000 what you basically do is try to back step a little bit. What if I create a product that was $250? That means that it's need 4000 people to buy that product, and then you can break it down into monthly and weekly goes. And now this and it starts become more attainable because now you know you have these little markers along the way. Little victories that you want to get to get to the big picture. And not only that, we're gonna talk about this in the next section, which is how do you begin to plan for those steps? And planning is so crucial and important. Because if you can plan as many steps is along the way as possible and make sure delegating the ones that aren't important or the ones that get easily delegate, you're gonna find that the more you plan those little steps, the more you plan those little victories along the way, you're more or less insuring your success because now you're seeing all the steps to get to the goal. If I look up a staircase, I know exactly where each step is, and I know exactly where I'm gonna go. But if I just see where I will need to go and I don't see the steps along the way, it becomes a much more daunting task. So that's why and the next sexually we talking a lot more about How do you plan for that success? How do you plan for those little steps in the little victories to get you that big goal. So if you're sitting here going, I want more productive. But I have this huge goal. I don't know where to go. It's so big. I don't know what to Dio. Don't fret over and show you had a plan for those steps, or is show you how to create smaller goals to get to that big goal and how you can be more productive in all those little daily activities that are gonna matter most for you. 8. The Truth About Will Power: If I just had more will power, I could stay more productive. If I could just maintain my willpower, I'd be alright. Is need to make my willpower stronger. Makes sense, right? But what if I told you the problem isn't that you don't have enough willpower? The problem is that you're using too much of it. The weight is just too much. You're plenty strong, but you're just using too much too much weight on the scale. And you know, for a long time I thought that I needed to build a more willpower just gets stronger and fight my Wilmore and I get stronger and stronger. Eventually I could sustain my productivity. But in the reality that's not actually true. When you look at the top performers in the top CEO of the top entrepreneurs, the top high achievers in the world, you will find a lot of them tried to avoid as much willpower as possible. And that's one of the keys to sustaining a productivity in your energy levels is because any time you have to use your will power, even little things like what? I wanna have a breakfast. What clothes do I wanna wear What do I need to do next in my day? What should I include in this part of my schedule? When should I go work out? What should I do when I work out all these little things drain your energy that more choices and decisions you have to make will drain your willpower throughout the day. So by the time you get to the end of the day, you're gonna find Wow, I'm absolutely spent. And that's when you start making worse decisions. That's when you start feeling like your productivity goes down at the end of the week because you're wasting too much time making decisions on things that don't matter. And they're draining your energy and it's gonna drain your productivity and waste your time . And this is why you see so many entrepreneurs and high achievers, those top 1% of people. Why base out there close the night before? Why they plan their schedule in advance? Every little detail, why the hire somebody else to plan their workouts form so they can just walk in and get going? They plan in detail. Out is much thing, and they set up those choices in advance. So they can save their willpower for the important decisions of the day. They're gonna matter that way. When they get throughout their week, they know they've been able to use their energy on making those decisions that truly matter most. So here's what I want you to do right now. I want you to look at your day in your week, but I want you to do is look at those little decisions that you're making throughout the day. How could you make some of those decisions the night before? Maybe it's by setting out your clothes and getting her clothes ready the night before May's by meal, prepping and setting up meals ahead of time. So you have to think about All I have to do is put in the microwave and cooking or cooking on the stove top made sold things like putting your running shoes out with all your workout clothes and setting up a playlist in advancing enough to think about it. You just go work out right. Setting up many of these things in advance and planning is a huge aspect of avoiding willpower altogether because then as you get throughout the week as you get throughout the month. You've built up so much willpower in your reserve that now those decisions that would typically during the so much more You've built up so much energy because you've saved so much of it throughout the day and throughout the week. But you're still able to stay productive day in, stay out because you're not having a waste too much of it. It's like an endurance athlete. Let's say somebody's trying to run a marathon. What's easier to run a marathon when you're totally free, No weight on you? Or if I put a £20 weight on you throughout that event, it's a lot harder right towards the end of the race. He's gonna get a lot slower because he has that £20 vest because he's adding more weight on than a marathon runner who is able to be free right? You want to free up much of willpower as possible, so it's not about building a pure will power, although that is important. It's also about avoiding as much willpower as we possibly can so we can save it for the things that matter and that allow you to stay productive 9. Creator VS. Manager: So one interesting strategy that I've used especially more recently that's allowed me to be insanely more productive is by setting an intention, either for my day or for a specific block of time. What I mean is that there's really kind of two modes of operation, right. You have the manager side, which is more analytical, task oriented, and then you also have kind of a creative side. And this is especially important for anybody who is an entrepreneur. And you're kind of fighting this balance between doing creative activities in versus doing analytical activities. And I found my business having to switch back and forth between the two, have to be more creative and thinking about new ideas and thinking about different ads and creative banners and things like that for our business and then going right into task oriented things for business. More and little things became very hard and became much more draining. For me to go back and forth and I found, was a big time waster because I was already in that creative mode of my brain, and it takes energy to switch over to a new way of thinking. It's what I found is where I try to do now is I tried either set up a day or a longer block of time specifically oriented towards those tasks that are directed towards a specific side of my brain. So if I need to do more task oriented things, more analytical things, I'm gonna spend a block of time or a day doing just those. But on a day like this, where I need to be more creative and recording videos, I'm gonna set a full block of time or even a day set up specifically towards that's. My brain is already primed and ready to go from one activity to the next. But let's say you have to do something creative, and now we have to go into something analytical. Your brain has to switch over, has to switch the circuits over to a new side and shift to a new focus in that drains energy. And also it takes time to build switch over, so you'll find in the beginning your brain a little bit more sluggish. It's having a harder time doing those things, and then finally, once your brain hits its gear, it's able to really go. It's but What if you could do that throughout your entire block of time? What if you set up a four hour window where was only towards creative activities or if it was only towards analytical activities? How much more productive could you be because you've already got your brain warmed up for creative activities, and now you have a four hour block that specifically set aside for you? Bring to do just that. It's already warmed up. It's primed, it's ready to go. And so that's what has been extremely helpful for me is setting up either blocks of time or days like today where you're set up specifically for one specific side of your brain tats with its analytical or creative, and it's gonna help you be insanely more productive. 10. Make Productivity A Habit: I want to talk for a quick second on habits. Essentially, productivity is a habit. Your brain takes time to develop into productivity, especially when you're trying to train productivity for the long term. Now we look at productivity. It's really about be able to maintain your focus on a specific task and doing the right things over and over and over. But here's the problem is that many of us in today's modern society, with cell phones, television, Netflix things air on demand more than ever before, we have notifications are phone. We tend to get distracted now more than ever before, and what this is doing now is this is creating a habit of distraction that keeps pulling our wear focus and keeps us from being truly productive. Now, on a scientific level, the brain wires the way that it fires. Which means the more your brain engages in a specific activity, the quicker the brain learns that activity and makes it easier to perform the next time. This is why, when you start playing the guitar, the first couple times feel a little funky. It feels a little bit awkward. And then, after continual practice and repetition it starts to become easier and easier for your brain to pick up your fingers. Start toe. Go along with the music and things start to happen. Same thing happens with distraction. The more we get that first notification at first text message of the email that pops up on our screen or a phone all of a sudden were drawn away. Our focus is pulled away and what it does, it opens our brain up to further distraction. It makes it easier for us to get more distracting next time around, so we're talking about creating a habit of productivity. We need to develop the proper habits and techniques that allows to stay focused and productive throughout the day. And that means trying to cater our environment to make sure that we're avoiding distractions as much as we possibly can. Obviously, there's gonna be some distractions that will come up. But that means turning out things like your notifications turning off the e mails, things like that that will pop up, especially if you're trying to set up a block of time where you can be specifically productive, and this really comes down to having over time what you'll find is that your productivity? If you continue on this path and really block off those distractions and focus more intently and train your brain to become more focused, you'll find stink. Productive becomes far easier because your brain has developed a habit and has actually created the wiring to stay productive and stay focused for the long run. 11. Plan, Plan, & Plan.: In order to be truly productive, you need to plan, plan, plan, plan and plan some. Or you need to plan to plan and plan your plan in advance because the more you can plan your steps along the way, the more you can take care of things in advance. We've already talked about this before. It's going to save your willpower and avoid any of that time. They would typically take to transition to a new task. And this makes it super super powerful, because what you find is that the more you play in advance, you don't have to spend time thinking about what's the next step. You already know what the next step is, and you can just move from one task to another to another. Now I'm not just talking about planning your steps. I'm also planning in advance to make sure that you're avoiding as many of the obstacles along the way as possible. That could be causing some hiccups or some roadblocks along the way. It's always a plan for your steps, but also plan for the potential obstacles that may you may encounter along the way. That means avoiding any of those things that could be deterring you. Make sure you planning things that advance. Try to schedule some time in in between as transition points in your schedule. You want to plan as much as possible because that's going to allow you to stay productive. And not only that, you want plan is many things in advance and prep as many things in advance. That means setting your close out the night before playing the music you want to listen to while you work out. Maybe planning what you're gonna listen to on the weight aware. Planning phone calls throughout the day planning. When you're gonna send e mails planning out blocks of time, we're gonna focus on a specific project. You want to plan and prep as many things as possible. So one example I give is if somebody's trying to wake up at five AM every morning. It takes a lot of willpower not only just to wake up at five AM, but also to pick out what clothes you know where. Pull close out of the drawer and then put your shoes on and then prep all the things you need to eat before you go work out and then closer. After you work out, it becomes a labouring process, and if you think about that every morning, it actually drain your willpower, and it will make you less productive because you'll start thinking, I don't know if I want to work out today. But if all you have to do is wake up close already set out foods already laid out keys on the table, everything's ready to go. So all you have to do is just walk into each step of the process. It becomes so much easier, and you're able to stay so much more productive in the same goes for work based on what you can do is you can set up your projects in advance and set up all the tedious details in advance so that we can move from one task to another. So soon as you're done writing that email, you have another screen that's open that has the next project that you're gonna open up on a word document already ready to go, and then you can go from one task to the other to the other. They already set up prepped, ready to go, so you have to focus in transition during those times 12. How To Set S.M.A.R.T. Goals: So let's get into this now. When it comes to goal setting, I like to use an acronym called Smart Smart, a tool that you can use to actually make sure that you're setting the right goals. And you're clearly defining that goal as much as possible. So we'll walk through. Smart process. Real briefly here, in the first step of the process, is making sure that your goal is very specific. You know, I like to say that clear targets get hit. Unclear targets. Don't How can you see your hit a target that you can't 100% C unless you're like a Navy SEAL sniper, and that's a whole different story there. Take a look at these two statements. One. I want to be more generous. That's great, too. I want to spend two hours one Friday, a month at my local shelter, volunteering my time very different between the two of them. Just by saying you're generous, what does it even mean? It's very vague, but when you actually put more substance to it, it becomes more clearly defined. There's action steps oriented with it, and it allows you to be very specific in hitting your goal, so make sure when you're setting your goal, you're getting as clear as you possibly can because a clear target gets hit. Now the M of the smart acronym stands for Is your goal measurable? And this is really important, because how can actually track your progress or keep yourself accountable to your goals if it's not measurable and not trackable, so you need to determine a metric that you're gonna use to track your progress. So, for instance, let's say you decided you want to lose weight. One. You got to be very specific in the amount of weight that you want to lose, and you need to make sure that you're tracking it the way that you want. Now, in some instances, if you're saying you're lose weight, some people care more about that loss percentage, and some people care more about the pounds or the weight lost. So in that aspect, you need to define what's the metric that you're in a use to define your progress as you go along. That's gonna like it to be more accountable to yourself into other people. Now the A of the smart acronym stands for is your goal achievable. Now this may seem kind of silly, but let's be honest. There are times where we set some goals that are maybe a little too lofty for us. So put this in perspective. Let's say next month you decide you want to make a $1,000,000 and you've never made a $1,000,000 in your entire life. My guess is, unless you have a shoo in to win the lottery that goes, probably not going toe happen now. I'm not saying that you should be shy about setting your goals by any means, but also let's not be reckless, either. You can always say a stretch goal, so let's say, for instance, your goal is to make an extra $500 this month on your side Business of your side hustle. Well, your intended goal could be $500 maybe your stretch goal is 1000. The art of the smart acronym stands for Is your goal relevant? And this is really, really important because if you set a goal that isn't in your true nature, your true desire, long term, you're very unlikely to actually achieve it. Or you may be pushing yourself in the direction that you don't actually want to go. So to put this in perspective, let's say you have a goal that you want to get promoted at work but really inside and your true nature and your desire for your future is that you want to start your own business, is getting promoted work the best thing in terms of starting your own business, if that's where you truly want to go. And the T of the smart acronym stands for time. Is your goal time bound? This is really important because I don't want you to fall prey into I'll get it next month . I'll get the month after that because soon enough that goal that you originally intended in your mind to be only a month to achieve. We'll get stressed out, of course, of a year in two years, and that's not what you want. So step up to the plate and set the date. That's kind of clever, should trademark that. So the smart acronym is a really powerful way to set very clear and crystal clear goals, and this is really gonna help you stay productive because having clear goals allowed your goals to get met but also allows you to plan the proper steps and avoid the distractions that may be keeping you from getting that goal. So I've done is I've included a downloadable resource in this lecture where you can print that now and be able to write out each step of the smart acronyms so you can get crystal clear on the goals that you want to set for yourself. 13. First Thing In The Morning DO THIS!: now since we've already talked about having a healthy morning, saying we've already talked about the importance of willpower and how your willpower will get drained throughout the rest of your day. This brings me to a really important point in terms of productivity, which is doing the most important tasks first thing in the morning, and it will depend on what that means for you. And sometimes was the bigger maybe the more challenging task you want to do those as early as possible or as early as possible in your morning. You want to those first thing, because that's when your willpower and energy is at its highest. And what you find is that as you go throughout the day and you probably experienced this yourself as you go throughout the day as you get to two o'clock three o'clock, four o'clock five, you start to notice. Your energy starts to drop, willpower starts to drop, and you don't want to do the important task that because when your willpower and energy or low it means you're gonna be making poor decisions, and when you're making those poor decisions, that's not going to allow you to be productive, and then you're gonna be pushing things off. We're gonna be making the wrong decision altogether. So you want to make sure you're doing those most important tasks first thing in the morning and this comes back to your preparation to We talked about planning. You want a plan to tackle those important tasks first thing and then save me the more medial easier task for end of the day. 14. Removing Distractions & Roadblocks: Now we've touched on this in several videos, but I've talked a lot about distractions. Right distractions distract our focus. They take our focus away from the things that are most important one of the things we need to be productive in the things that we need to focus on or to be productive, to get us to our ultimate goal. So with that being said that, that brings us to this lecture here, which is to remove as much of those distractions as possible and try to avoid as many of those as possible one of most common ones that I would say is removed notifications from your phone. You don't need anything coming up out of the blue to distract you. When you think of a notification, it's the perfect signal because it distracts you not only visually by lighting up your phone. It also has a sound to it. We usually vibration sound, so not only getting a visual stimulation but an auditory stimulation. If it's vibrating, you also feel it as well. So it's the ultimate distracter, and so I always say, Turn those off. You don't need those showing up on your phone. You want to plan times to look at your social media. You want plan times to look at emails. You also want to take a look throughout your day and see where possible areas or what are some of the most common ways that you get distracted? Is people barging into your office? Is it somebody who keeps calling? You are texting you, is it? You know, the co worker who always wants to chat next door to you. If this is the case and you know already some of those distractions that seem to take away your productivity, you need to plan ahead for those in advance. Maybe you talked to your coworker and just say, Hey, I'm gonna be really focused for, you know, the next four hours. Just don't talk to me. I'll talk to you at lunch. Or maybe you turn off your phone, put on airplane about whatever it is. Maybe you let your employees know from this time to this time I'm gonna be am I am not gonna be here It all I'm just gonna be working, so please don't open my door. Wait until 10 o'clock. Whatever it ISS, you want to make sure you're setting that up in advance and taking care of his many of those obstacles as you possibly can. So that way you're really able to focus on what you need to focus on and be as productive as possible. And I tell you what. That makes a huge huge difference because, as we've talked about before, every distraction takes your bring time to go, to go back to what it was before, and especially if it's a longer distraction, like somebody coming in to talk to you or answering a text or an email, it can really pull your focus totally away to a new type of activity, which takes a brain even longer to go back to be more creative task or something like that . So those are just some things to consider there. Another thing that I like to use is music. So a lot of times when I'm working, if I have that set time set aside specifically to work and be productive, what I'll do is I'll put on music headphones in to be able to avoid any possible outside distractions that I can't really prepare for, and this is just a way to buffer yourself from the outside, so you're not getting distracted by means of those auditory or sounds are coming from outside. You never know if somebody has a dog, but also starts barking or construction happens outside anything like that. You want to make sure you're avoiding and blocking off and buffering yourself from his many of those distractions as possible. Which is why so many people work with music because allows them to buffer themselves from those auditory stimulations that could distract him all the Senate. I'm sure you've experienced those before, so that's definitely another helpful tool in order to block yourself and avoid as many of those distractions as possible. 15. The Myth Of Multitasking: no doubt if you're interested in having more productivity and being more productive and efficient, especially in the workplace. No doubt you've probably heard of multitasking, which is the idea that you can dio multiple things at the same time. Accomplished two things during the same out time that would normally take to do one thing. And I thought for the longest time that that was the best way to do things you multitask do as many things as possible. It turns out there are some things you can do that with, but most the time. It's not that simple. There's a great book on this called the One Thing up. A link to this in The Resource is Down Below, and the author of this book, Gary Keller, really does a great job explaining how multitasking actually is a total myth. And what he talks about is how your brain really has two modes as the physical sense where it's focusing on its ability to work through the physical plane. And it also talks about how it has to need to focus on mental activities at a different time span, so it uses two different systems at the same time, if that makes sense, And so the way he describes it, I'll put this down real fast. The way that he describes it is if you were to sit here and I told you Teoh, rub the top of your head and then do some addition or do some math, you would be able to do it, no problem. But if I told you to do some math and also recite the A B. C's, you'd have a hard time doing that right there. Two different processes your brain cannot focus on to mental activities at the same time. What he talks about is that you can do physical and mental activities at the same time. That's possible, and that's a good way to multitask. But in terms of multitasking for mental activities is just not possible. Your brain has to focus on one thing at a time. Hence the name of the book. The one thing and so the whole idea of multitasking is actually a complete myth when it comes to being productive, because he really didn't want to focus your attention on one thing. And the more you go back and forth, the more you're draining your energy and your wasting time. So the whole concept of the book was to really focus intently and have laser like powerful focus on one specific thing at a time and go from one thing to another to another. Don't backpedal. Don't go back and forth between the to take that one singular focus and focus on that intently for that period of time. Get the job done, move onto the next thing and put your whole intent and focus. In that time, you will find that your productivity and your efficiency is gonna skyrocket. You wanna find you're getting things done far faster than ever before trying to multitask because you put your sole focus and intent into that one thing? 16. The Power Hour Of Productivity: now, speaking of harnessing the power of your focus, this brings me to most likely be most important and the most powerful strategy that we've used only for myself, but also for many of our clients as well with extreme success, which is setting up singular blocks of time specifically set aside for a specific focus. So whether that's for a project or specifically, that you're trying to work on personally in your home, whatever it is, but setting up that block of time where you block out all distractions and you can focus intently on that specific activity. And some people like doing 30 minute blocks and our block. Sometimes they do 23 hour blocks, whatever it ISS. But this singular block of time is going to be a specific focus. It's not gonna be for anything else. It's not gonna be just general work time. You want to set this time up in advance and already have the action plan and step right so there's gonna be coming down to your planning period. So let's say, for instance, for me from 9 to 10 p.m. Every night, I'm working on a specific project, and so lately, it's been this productivity course. So every night from 9 10 I know I'm blocking all distractions, and I'm setting assigned that time to do whatever needs to be done, whether it's outlining the script, whether it's recording these videos, whether it's setting up additional resource is and tools for you during this course, that time is specifically set aside specifically for that. So my cell phones off. I don't have any notifications popping up on my computer. TV's off. There's nothing else to distract me. Doors closed, and you will be amazed at how much you can get done with these blocks of time. So let's say you're trying to write a book. Same thing goes when writing a book, same thing goes with your trying to meditate on a more regular basis or exercise. Whatever it is, you want to set that appointment up. I almost called an appointment or like a date, because it should be so important, valuable in your schedule that you should block and set up everything else around that specific block of time. If you truly want to be productive and a lot of our clients, that's on the most difficult challenges, they have is I feel like I can't get productive. I can't just work on that one thing. I've been wanting to work on this side business or even wind work on this book for so long . Yet they've never set up intentional time to specifically focus on it. That is doing it when they can. Oh, I'll get to it, maybe at night after the kids go to bed or after this time, but they don't set up that time. They don't set the appointment, they don't set the date. And if you don't set the appointment, how do you know it's gonna get done? It's just gonna fall by the wayside. Other things will come up, and so you need to set that in your schedule. Plan ahead, plan it up. So that way. You know, that's a time set asides for that specific focus, and I guarantee you you'll be shocked how much more productive will be done by using this one simple strategy 17. Cluttered Space = Cluttered Mind: Have you ever heard the saying a cluttered spaces, A cluttered mind Turns out it's actually true, and it happens for a lot of us. The more clutter your workspaces productivity starts to go down, mostly because when you have a cleared space, not only is it more difficult to find things, which is gonna the simplest way to think about it, but also on a subtle level, it just gives your brain more opportunities to get distracted. You want your workspace to be as clean and efficient as possible, which means you don't want clutter on your desk. You don't want those random papers float around anywhere because that's that's gonna leave your brain more opportunities to go Get distracted towards that. You also don't want a ton of other things that'll pull your brain. Whether it's like little trinkets or things on your desk, you want your destiny as efficient as possible. So ideally, it just be your computer, your keyboard, maybe a couple of things you're currently working on. Ah, lamp, whatever all the purposes or all the things on your desk should serve a purpose. So you want to make sure your workspace is as clean as possible Now created. I'm not the best at doing this, but I do find, especially when my workspace is very clean and efficient. Helps my brain be cleaner, more efficient. And so this is something to think about. As you start looking at your workstation, your workspace, even the walls in your environment are they helping to keep you productive or they distracting you more than they're helping you. So go ahead, take a little look through the workspace. Maybe you're watching this video in your workspace. Now, go ahead, take a little tour and see where things that possibly could be distracting for you. 18. Delegate & Automate: So I know we've already touched on automation and delegation in a previous video, actually several videos. We've talked about this, but I want to take a second just to dig in a little bit deeper, expand on this a bit mawr and really what I'm talking about, delegating and automating. I'm talking about using that for specific processes or task that aren't the best use of your time. They're actually not as valuable in terms of productivity. They don't further you towards your goals, but maybe they do need to get done. This could come down to accounting me. It's cleaning, whatever it may be. There are processes and tasked in our life that we need to get done but may not be the best use of our time. So this come down to the big question. How valuable is your time? And this is really I think, about how valuable is your time. If you could free up an extra half hour to hour in your day, how valuable would that be? Because one of the most common things I hear when I work with clients and I asked him, You know, you really should consider automating or delegating this task towards another person. Maybe you should hire somebody to take on this task for you to go. Oh, that means I would have to pay them. Okay, Well, how much do you feel like you're worth? You feel like you're worth an extra 25 50 $100 Whatever it is to take that task off. Especially that you're talking about your business that ends up freeing up a lot of time in our and your business to work on something else or to free up on that one specific tack task that's gonna further your business further is worth a heck of a lot. And even in your personal life, think about how much time you spend doing those activities that maybe aren't the best. Super you. Maybe you could afford to spend an extra $100. Have somebody come in and clean. Maybe your house so can free up an extra hour. Two hours, however long and take to you to do that. And I'll tell you what time is extremely valuable. If you can free up more of that time and not only transfers into your business life transfers into your personal life. Imagine what, having that extra hour, two hours could do for your own personal development? What could you do with that extra time? And so this is where that becomes really, really important. But not only that, especially if we're talking about business. This just last, things become much more streamlined. You start to create a bigger team that allows you to do things so efficiently that allows you to free up your time to focus on the things that matter most. If you have to sit there and do every step of the process every step of the business, you're wasting a lot of time doing things that you could be automated to somebody else when in reality you know their specific task that you are very, very good at the help to further your business forward. Maybe it means you take less time working on the books, working in the back end of the website, doing development and things like that, and you need to be front center with clients. You could be front and center doing sales because you know that's gonna be the biggest kicker and allowing you to be more productive. Or maybe put this another way with another client. He was a traveling salesman, so he's going into offices who's seen clients on a regular basis. And he's finding he was wasting so much time working on books, doing notes in different things for the office, managing side of things. And eventually we just had to say, You know what? You could free up hours and hours of your week delegating that to a virtual office manager . And so he was able to outsource that to a virtual office manager online that he paid him a very small wage for, But it freedom up 5 to 6 hours of his week that was able to now work on even more sales and get more clients and of exploding his business. So think about what are some steps they you are working on right now that are further you towards your goals that aren't allowing you to get things done that you need to get done. And maybe there's a way that you can automate them now. That may not be the case for anything. Maybe there are some things you have to do that nobody else can dio. But be honest with yourself. What could you, delegate. What could you automate? What could you hire somebody else to do for you to free up your time? She could do the things that matter most to you. 19. Must-Have Productivity Apps: our guy. So this bonus video, I want to give you my top product to the APS that you should be using every day. Now there are thousands and thousands of APS available that you can use. I'm sure you'll find your own that you love to use. I'd love to hear what some of your favorite proactively apstar, but I won't give you the ones that I use pretty much consistently almost every single day. So the 1st 1 I use every single day without fail is Evernote. Ever know is a very simple cloud based, Basically note taking app where you could put in all your notes. Evening. But pictures writing some things like that you can upload. Pdf's into them. It's a great way to steak, and they did. You can connect it to other people, send drafts and notes. It's a really powerful task management tool as well. So I use it to do basically put my to do this on their I'll take any notes from, like a meeting or a conference that been to, and I'll put everything basically on the ever know app, and it sinks directly with your phone when your computer so I always have it accessible from any of my devices. The next one is mine meister, and this is one that I don't. I primarily use every single day, but I use it on a consistent basis. Any time trying to figure out a problem or map, maybe a bigger goal or solution. I'm trying discover essentially what mind meister is the brain mapping tool. So essentially put your big idea in the middle, and then you can be basically be able to draw all the different aspects of that problem of that goal. So let's say you talk about creating business. Obviously, there's different aspects to starting a business, right? You have marketing. You have, you know, the day to day operations. You have the logistics, finances, things like that you have payroll. There's so many different aspects to it, right? Each of those have their own subdivision. What brain my story allows you to do is it allows you to basically create a brain mapping, allows it to put it all on one sheet that you can actually drawn. See everything? Is that what you can kind of be able to see all your thoughts in one place and see how they might be able to connected. Interact with one another. Because when you try to put on peace papers, sometimes it's hard to see the correlation between other things. And so brain mapping really helps. You do just that. Another one is rescued. Time Rescue times were really interesting. One. What it does. It helps monitor. How are the acts that you're using on your phone, actually helping you be more productive? Or maybe they're actually helping at on. It's a really cool software, really cool app to use. And if you really want to take it to the next level, really great option is to do their premium plan in the premium plan. Not only monitors all your absence, seeing how it can actually save you time versus just doing it the normal way, which is really cool. It gives you some graphs and some graphics. We will see how exactly it's monitoring and boosting your performance or if it's not boosting your performance at all. Using certain APS, it'll track specific absolute in your phone. But then, on the premium plan what it also does, it allows some sight blocking acts as well. So It also allows you to build a block Certain sites that may be more distracting and killing your productivity for a specific period of time so you can do is you can use this to actually block specific science during a specific window, and maybe you want to be more productive. So that way you have to really stay focused and stay on task and will not save me countless times is Graham. Early Family is a really powerful tool, and the thing I love is there actually is a free app for available. They do have other premium plans available to pay on how much writing and how much you actually use Grandma and I don't believe it's that expensive as well, but I don't do a ton of writing. So for me, I just use a free planet, works really well for me and helps really maintain your pronunciation, your grammar, things like that. But the thing I really love about it is they have extensions that connect to your safari or your chrome. And basically, as I'm writing, an email will make sure that everything's correct and rep renunciation things like that and then recently haven't workout writing a book. And as I'm writing the book, all actually input certain paragraphs and sections into Graham. Really, and the thing that's really cool in their latest up days, they can actually monitor for a specific Tony, you're going for two going from or an educational tone. Are you going for more of a conversational tone and will monitor the flow of your writing style? It will make sure it's consistent with the mood of the tone that you're trying to set for it. We'll also maintain proper pronunciation, grammar and things like that. So, really, really powerful tool. I use this every single day, and if you're someone that's constantly doing meetings or schedule phone calls, things like that and you have a lot of different moving pieces to that. One thing that I found really helpful for myself is a program called Callin Lee. Gallantly is a cloud based app that basically allows you to track your appointments and actually allows other people to set appointments into your calendar. So one of the best ways I use you can send someone a link, and they basically click the link honorable schedule. So I use this a lot for podcast for interviews, things like that. Or we were trying to schedule me for a certain interview instead of having something else to that for me, or try and take the time to actually set up the interview myself. I basically connect Cal only to my calendar. So Callum we will take a look at your calendar and you can even set windows of time. You'll be available for specific types of meetings. So if it's for an interview, I know like little bee half an hour to an hour. And I could set specific windows within my calendar that I've set aside for interviews and basically set those aside and count only knows that those the only dates available for that specific type of appointment if it's for something else, like a typical phone call or a meeting that maybe we'll take a little bit less time. I can set other windows specifically for those times. Maybe. Let's say that's between 2 to 4 on Monday, Wednesday. And so when somebody comes in to schedule an appointment, they can actually click that link, and it shows in my calendar. What are the best availability? An appointment dates and they could schedule from their senses both an email that will integrate to your calendar, whether it's Aikau or Google Calendar, which is really, really great. And it saved me a ton ton time in the last one. That's really helpful. If you are really in, take advantage of the singular block of time on a specific focus is the Pomodoro Timer. Now, the Pomodoro timer is basically based on the theory that our brain can only work for only about 25 minutes of time on a specific focus. So with Pomodoro timer allows you to dio, is the set a timer on your computer? So that way, after you blocked out all distractions in seven, check your timer checking phone to see how much time it's been. The poor door Oh timer will be running in the background of your computer or your phone, and then, as you're working ill, basically set a timer at the 25 minute mark to let you know Time's up, take a break, take a 10 minute break and then it actually will allow you to kind of take that 10 minute break and then come back. And the cool thing is some of these aptitude. There's a bunch different po adoro APS out there, and it's basically a strategy of being able to get things done. And the cool thing is that these APS have to her points that you can accrue as you start to spend more time focused on that, some of them that you have to pay a little bit more of a premium feet for them actually allow you to block outside. Why, using the Pomodoro timer, they could block out of occasions things like that. So there's tons of different options available there, but it's really helpful. If you just want to sit down for a specific period of time, just be able to focus on writing the book or work in a certain project, and it's really helpful in that regard. 20. Celebrate Your Victories For Your Brain: now, let's be honest. It feels really, really good to be very productive. It feels good to get a lot of things done, especially the things that matter, especially things that move you further towards. You're going a lot tendency we have, especially as high achievers and high performers like I know you are, You want to keep being productive and you want to keep doing those things, and it feels really good to be doing those things. But I want to encourage you to take a step back and when you stay productive and when you get those bigger goals done. And when you finally had a month of meditating every single day, you hit your goal, losing £15 where 1,000,000,000 more than it work. You're able to get the promotion. You will make $1000 in a month. I want you to take a second and celebrate those victories. Those air important. I'm not just talking about more than fluffy like it feels good to celebrate, You know, pat yourself on the back I'm talking about from a mental and brain perspective. It's good for you. Here's why your brain has a reward mechanism, has a reward system in place. And when you reward your brain for those goals that were achieved, guess what it does to your brain. Your brain goes, Wow, that felt really good. Hit that goal. And you know what? I was productive for this whole month, this has been the most productive I've ever been. Wow, maybe I should keep doing this. What's the next thing on the list? And so you already have your girl set up. So now when you transition the next goal, your brain has already been wired and fired that way to where it's already started to create the habit of productivity. But not only that, you've also inadvertently hacked your motivation. You've stimulated your brain to want to be more productive. You stimulated, going to hit that next goal, and this is a trailing effect. This is a snowball effect where builds and builds upon itself. So you definitely want to take that time and celebrate those victories and make sure you know exactly why you're celebrating. So they lost £15 you want. Make sure it's very clear in your head. I am celebrating today because I lost £15 you want to think of the steps that led up to that. Think about all the weeks for your productive. You hit your goals, you stay on track. You avoided those distractions. Unit did what had to get done. Because then your brain's gonna recognize all those pieces of the puzzle and say those were important to hitting this goal X was important for why I remember that previous video. And so you want to make sure that you're celebrating those victories to help your brain hack its motivation neurotransmitter called dopamine. You can stay more motivated and keep on track progress your life.