Ice Dyeing: A Modern Take on Tie Dye | Spencer Russell | Skillshare

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Ice Dyeing: A Modern Take on Tie Dye

teacher avatar Spencer Russell, Let's make something!

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Topics include illustration, design, photography, and more

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Taught by industry leaders & working professionals
Topics include illustration, design, photography, and more

Lessons in This Class

    • 1.



    • 2.

      Tools & Supplies


    • 3.



    • 4.



    • 5.

      Arrange & Ice


    • 6.

      Apply Dye


    • 7.

      Rinse & Wash


    • 8.

      Another Example


    • 9.

      Muddy Technique


    • 10.



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About This Class

In this class, you will learn to ice dye! It's super fun and easy. No prior knowledge or experience is necessary. This is great for an introduction to dyeing or if you want to try out a trendy, new technique. Once you know how to ice dye, you will be able to upgrade any light colored fabric made of natural fiber to an awesome, one-of-a-kind piecegiving new life to tired clothes like this long sleeve tee:

Ice dyeing is similar to tie dye in that it uses the same dye supplies, butinstead of binding fabricice is used for the application of the dyes. The ice will melt, creating unique patterns that you could not recreate with typical tie dyeing. You never know what you're going to end up with, and that's what makes it so fun!

Dye supplies:

  • Procion MX fiber reactive dye (Jacquard or similar)
  • Soda ash dye fixer (Jacquard or similar)
  • Synthrapol detergent for pre-wash and post-wash (Jacquard or similar)

Tools and materials:

  • Light colored t-shirt or fabric (must contain cotton, linen, hemp, or rayon to dye)
  • Ice (cubed, crushed, or snow)
  • Metal rack from your oven, shelving, laundry basket, etc...
  • Tub or tray to protect surface below
  • Bucket or large bowl for soaking fabric
  • N95 face mask to avoid breathing in dye powder
  • Rubber gloves to keep hands clean
  • Small spoon to disperse dye powder

Meet Your Teacher

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Spencer Russell

Let's make something!


Hi, I'm Spencer. I love dabbling in all sorts of crafts and art forms. Lately I've been enjoying dyeing fabric and learning animation.

See full profile

Level: Beginner

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1. Introduction: Hi. Welcome to a sculpture class on how to ice die. My name's Spencer Russell, and I'm across enthusiast in Portland, Oregon. I love trying also different types of crafts out, and lately I've been getting really into doing ice, dying super fun and easy. And in this course, all teachers step by step. How to do your own ice type creation. Um, ice dying is pretty similar to Tide I, although instead of finding your fabric, you'll be using ice to create some really interesting patterns. Let's take a look at some other examples of eyesight creations I've made. - Did you want to make one of these really awesome ice died creations than this is a class for you? It's gonna be super fun and easy, so let's just dive right into it. In the next video, I'll go for materials and supplies that you need for the project 2. Tools & Supplies: Okay, so for this class here, the things you'll be needing. First off, we have soda ash. This is a chemical will be using Teoh. Prepare the fabric for the die. You also need to pick up some paro seal on MX dies these air five reactive dyes. Go ahead and get one or multiple colors. We'll be needing Simferopol, which is a detergent for pre wash and post watch. We'll also need some sort of light colored fabric. I'm choosing to die a T shirt. You can die anything. Just make sure that it has some cotton, linen, hemp or ray on in it. If it's synthetic, it won't die. You also need be needing a small spoon and a measuring cup. You'll want to have an N 95 mask just to protect yourself so you don't breathe in that died . You also need some rubber gloves to protect your hands. You want some sort of thing? Teoh. Soak your fat again. I'm going to be using a five gallon bucket. You could use a bowl. You'll also be needing some ice. Of course. Cubed crushed her snow. It doesn't really matter, will produce different effects, though. You want a metal basket or Iraq toe? Elevate your fabric. You also want some sort of trey or tub or anything just to protect your surface from getting died. Okay, well, now that we have everything, let's get going. 3. Prewash: okay. Once you ever fabric, you'll want to do a pre wash. You'll take your center pole detergent and measure out two tablespoons. You also want to get your soda ash, die fixer and measure out one tablespoon. This detergent soda ash mixture is going to remove factory finishes on the fabric to allow it to absorb the diet Better. You want to use the detergent just like any normal detergent. It's recommended toe wash on hot. 4. Soak: Okay. And now that you have your fabric prewashed, we're going to do a soda ash soak. So the ratio for the soda ash to the water should be printed on the bag. But it's basically one cup to one gallon, and you want to use lukewarm water. I'm going to use 1/4 cup of soda ash to 1/4 gallon just because I'm only doing one T shirt . So, yeah, once you measure that out, we'll need to break up the soda ash and there and get it mixed in really well. So once you break it up, you'll want to just swish it around in the bucket. Just keep swirling until you don't see any particles, and it's fully dissolved. Once it's fully dissolved, you'll want to put on your rubber gloves, and once you have your rubber gloves on, will take the T shirt and just get it fully saturated with the soda ash water. So squish it around and they're really get in. And make sure that when you're done, the T shirt is fully submerged in the soda ash water. Okay, once that T shirts fully saturated, we're gonna let that sit for 20 minutes 5. Arrange & Ice: Okay, Once you're fabrics been soaking for 20 minutes in the soda ash mixture, you'll want to get your metal mesh rack, and then you want to squeeze out all of the soda ash water from your fabric. Once you've gotten most of that water out, you wanna fold your fabric on top of the metal mash track, and the main goal here is just to get a flat surface to put the ice on. You can actually experiment with crumpling your fabric or folding in all different types of ways. It doesn't really matter, but think about the die is going to flow through the fabric in the direction of gravity. Once that set up, you want to get your ice and just start to pile as much as you can on top of your fabric. You know, basically want to create an even layer that goes all the way across the fabric, covering all of it. Once you're done with the ice, Now we're going to move on to dying 6. Apply Dye: okay, It's time to put on your N 95 mask and get your dies out. You wanna open up your dies and use the little spoon to get small amounts of the dye and disperse on the ice. Just a tiny amount like that and just tap your spoon to let little amounts of die fall off onto the ice. Don't worry about the die. Falling between the ice were directly on the fabric. This will actually create some really cool speckled effects. Don't be surprised when you see colors you didn't expect in the die. Most of these dyes air actually created from three base colors, so little speckles of different colors will show up. You can choose to go with one die or out as many guys as you like. Once you're done applying the die, you want to leave this overnight or between 12 and 24 hours and wait for all the ice to melt. 7. Rinse & Wash: Okay, Now that you've let your creation sit overnight, it's time to rinse it out and wash it. So let's take your creation over to a sink where we're gonna do our friends. You want to turn your sink on with cold water and rinse. Thorough We The main idea here is to get out most of the die so that you don't die the white areas of your creation in the washing machine, so keep squeezing it until the water runs mostly clear, and then you should be good. I'll show you a technique leader where you can skip this step and then the white areas of your fabric will actually get died as well. This will create a more muddied effect. Rinse out the bucket and let's go get the center called detergent, ready for the wash, just like the pre wash. You want to use the detergent just like any normal detergent. It's recommended toe wash on hot. Once done, dry your creation however you like. I'd love to see what you guys made, so please take a picture and post it on the class page 8. Another Example: Okay. I just want to show you all another example where I'm going to use three colors and a long sleeve T shirt. The steps will be the same as the last. But this'll just give you another idea What you can dio. 9. Muddy Technique : Okay, So I'd like to show you as one more thing with this teacher. Actually tried out, not rinsing it just to see what would happen when it gets back stained. Um, and it created this pretty cool, muddied look, uh, this is extreme mental, so it may not turn out great every time. But if you want to try out something different, you can skip the rinsing technique, and all the white portions of your creation are going to get died. With a mixture of the dies, you used just something to try out. 10. Conclusion: Okay. Thanks for taking this course. I hope you had a lot of fun and ended up with something really awesome. And I'd love to see what you made. So please post it on the last page and feel free to leave any questions and I'll try to answer them until next time.