1. Introduction: Hi, my name is Sean
and welcome to my compiling CSS and S
with Hugo course. Before completing this course, it's assumed you've got
some basic knowledge on using Hugo if
you need any help. There's a link in the
resources section below to my getting started with
Hugo introduction course. In this course, I'm
using Bootstrap five as a CSS framework. After completing
this course, you could apply the
skills learned to any other CSS framework or
your own custom code project. One focuses on the
following topics, NPM packages, compiling
CSS and S to CSS. Creating browser prefixes
with autoprefixer, removing unused CSS
classes with purged CSS. Using bootstrap
browser list file to replicate their
own browser support. Selectively importing
bootstrap source to minimize the
size of the file. Customizing bootstrap
via their variables. And creating custom
CSS utility classes with bootstraps utility API. In project two, you
get to implement the skills you've
learned in project one, along with your own creativity. You'll be modifying a website template that I've provided. I'll be there to help
you along the way. Just post a link to your
work in the project section. I'm constantly
updating this course as Hugo and Bootstrap evolve. You can be sure
you're getting the most up to date information. I'm so glad you've chosen
to take my course. I can't wait to see a
progress along the way.
2. Project 1: Welcome to project
one. Project one is a skill based project and then the skills
you've learning, project one will be used
creatively in project two. Before we get started
with project one, let's look at the
prerequisites of this course. You'll need a working knowledge
of Hugo, just the basics. If you have any difficulties, you can refer to my Hugo and Bootstrap
introduction course. There's a link in the
resources section. You'll need to have
Hugo installed locally. You can learn this in
my introduction course. You'll also need to
have nos installed, and that includes NPM, that's an integral
part of this course. Again, you can refer
to the intro course. You need to have
visual studio code or a code editor which you are
familiar with, installed. I'll be teaching you the
course via visual studio code, but you are welcome
to use your own. If you need any
help installing it, just click on the link to my introduction
course and I'll show you how to install everything that you ever need for Hugo. Project one is a skills
based project and be working on all of
these skills that are listed here and I talked
about in the introduction, it's really important
when you finish project one or if you have any difficulties along the way, you upload a copy of your
work in the project section. The way to do that is you
need to use a cloud service, such as Dropbox
Cloud or One Drive, or Google Drive or any
other Cloud service to provide a link to your work. I can then never look at
your work and provide feedback if you've got any
difficulties along the way. I'll see you in the next class.
3. Download template: This lesson, you can
download the zip file for less than three in
the resources section. I'll then go through
a quick unpacking of the template and I'll
explain every section. If you've completed my intro to Hugo and Bootstrap course, you'll understand the
template completely. I'm providing this explanation
for those who haven't done my introduction course or
haven't done it for some time. If you've got any
questions, make sure you check out my introduction
to Hugo course. I'll leave a link to that in the resources section,
under lesson three. Let's have a quick look at the template we're going
to be working with. You can find these files
in the resources section. For lesson three, you need to download the zip
folder and then extract it. Once you've extracted it,
you'll have what I've got here. If you write click, you can open with VS code. Then once we're in VS code, if we open up a new terminal
and type in Hugo server, we can then have a
look at the template, you can control
click on that link. If we inspect the page, look inside the head,
we can see that the CSS file is coming off a CDN content
delivery network. And it's downloading
the Bootstrap CSS file that hasn't been
modified at all, it's just using all the
Bootstrap defaults. Then if we scroll down to
the bottom of the body, you'll see that the
JS file, again, it's the full JS file and
it's coming from the CDN. Now that we're in VS
code, I'll give you a quick overview of how
the template works. If you do have any trouble
with any of these concepts, please have a look at my
Hugo introduction course. You'll see the link to that down in the resources section. Archetypes is for
setting up a new page. Whenever you run
Hugo new Hugo will use the data in archetypes
to generate a new page. The content for your pages is stored in the content folder. There is two types of index
Dodd being marked down, index dot D with an underscore
is for a list page. In this case this index
dot MDs for the home page. But if you go into
the products folder, we've got a bunch of
child pages here. Our underscore index dot MD is a list template which lists
all of these products. And I'll show you what list
templates are in a second. Whereas this index dot MDs
is the normal single page. We're not using data
in this project. If you were to
display information pulled out of a data file,
you'd store it in here. Layouts here are defaults, base of is for the entire page. All the different
HTML components, we've got partials and blocks. Blocks are controlled
from at a page level. This is our block here, the main block for
our single page. Partials are pulled in
from the partials folder. If we're using an
underscore index dot d, we'll be using a list template. If it's a standard index
dot d or any other file, we'll be using our
single template. Here are all our partials. In this course, we'll be
working on the script footer. We'll be overriding the
CDN Javascript file. We'll also, in the head, we'll be overriding the CSS CDN Bootstrap file with our own. We've got a results folder
which is generated by Hugo. You don't have to
worry about that. There is a static folder, We've got a CSS file there, and we've got a JS file. In this course will be getting
rid of this CSS file and putting it into an Assets
folder so we can build it through CSS or SS. So, if you have any questions about what any of that does, please have a look at my
Hugo introductory course, otherwise we'll get started.
4. Intro to NPM and Node.js: In this lesson,
we're initializing your Hugo project
as an NPM project, thus creating a
package Json file. We're then going to install Bootstrap as an NPM dependency. That is, we'll be downloading Bootstrap from the NPM registry, installing it into the
node modules folder. And then in later lesson, we'll be accessing
Bootstrap source files. We're going to be setting
up our project so it's ready to accept NPM packages. You must have Nots installed
in the NPM Package Manager. You can install both
of those at once just by installing notes. If you haven't already done
that, it's really important. You see my Hugo
introduction course, and the first Leslie is all
about downloading all of the software packages that
you need, be ready to go. What you have to do is start a new terminal and
run the command NPM. Now if this doesn't
work, it's more than likely because you haven't
got NPM installed, go back to that other course and follow those instructions. When you run this, the
first thing it does is it asks you for a
name for the package. Now if you're going to
be publishing to NPM, you need to put an at sign at the start and the name
of your NPM user name. But we're not going to
be publishing to NPM, we're just using this
to download packages. You can probably accept
the default if you want, which if you've already saved your project to get it will probably pull that in for you. Otherwise you can just
give it a name such as Hugo SCSS would do the
trick or course Hugo SCSS. Then I ask you for a version. Normally I will start with 0.0 0.1 But that doesn't really matter at this stage
unless you're using some version management
tool description, again, we're not
publishing the NPM. It isn't overly important, but you can always provide a description if you wish. Entry point doesn't really
apply to what we're doing here because it's not
a true NPM package. We don't need a test command. Again, if you've got a Git repository set up,
you will pull that in. Again, it's not that
important because we're not publishing keywords. Doesn't really matter.
Author, you can set it up if you wish and license. Now I've got that package
JSON package Jason. If you look in there, you'll see all the data that
you just put in. What this is for is
for managing packages. The first package we're going
to install is Bootstrap. The way you do
that, you write NPM and then install Bootstrap. Before I enter, I'll
just show you how this works by looking it up
on the NPM registry. I've gone to I'm going
to search for Bootstrap. We've got their
Bootstrap version five. We've got a command here for installing this
particular NPM package, which is quite handy
if you're a beginner. They've also linked to
their Github repository, which was where all this
code is pulled from. Then we've got to link
to their homepage seeking access to
documentations. Got some interesting stats.
You'll see they've got 3.5 million downloads
every week. That lets you know
that it is actually a very popular package and it's one that's currently
being downloaded. You know, it hasn't gone stale. We're in version 5.1 0.3 version five is
definitely what you want. You can see the last
published was a month ago. At least you know
that it's being currently developed and
it hasn't gone stale. We've got some basic docs here, but I do recommend you use
a link to their website. We hit Enter and it's
going to download from the NPM registry.
And it's installed. Let's have a look at our
package Json file again, We'll close the terminal, you'll see we've got a dependency
there of Bootstrap. If we look over in our
project, under node modules, see we've not only
installed bootstrap, but also there's a
folder at poperjS. What that is, it's actually a peer dependency of Bootstrap. It's an additional library into Javascript library that
Bootstrap Javascript depends on. We haven't just
installed Bootstrap, we've also installed some
dependencies at the same time, if we go into
Bootstraps package Json and have a look through there, you'll see there's a
peer dependency of Pops, and that's why that's
installed automatically. For us, that's
only if you've got node JS version seven or higher, which is probably the case. There's one last thing
you'll have to do, that's if you're using
Git to save the progress, you'll have to go into your Git and ignore the node modules fold because currently Git wants
to commit 472 files there. The files have just been
downloaded into node modules. You don't want to upload them to your Git repository and I'll
show you why in a second. We'll go into our Git ignore. We'll add a new line
node, underscore modules. Finish it with the
slash, save that. You'll see it's just gone down to the three files that
I'm currently working on. But I'm not going
to include git in this particular course just
to keep things simple. Now if you were to save this project to get
the contents of the node modules folder
would not be saved to your Get or
Github repository. Just to show you how that works, say we were to delete the node modules
folder and that's to emulate downloading
this project from Get. I'll show you how we can then install everything
with one command. I've limited the
node modules folder, so you've just downloaded this project off
your get account. All you have to do
is run NPM install. It then looks to your
package dot json file and it installs everything in there in our package
dot json file as we just discussed.
We've got Bootstrap. As you can see, it's
installed two packages, and that's Bootstrap and pops. That's why you do not
commit the contents of this node modules folder to get because it will fill up your
get account really quick. We have to ignore that folder and then if you've downloaded
your project of Get, you've just got to run NPM
install and you're good to go. There we have it.
We've installed Bootstrap as a NPM dependency. We're ready to get started.
5. Set up NPM scripts: In this lesson, we'll be
setting up some NPM commands. The reason we're doing
this is so we can quickly run different
hugo commands. We're going to create some
complex hugo commands. You're probably not
going to want to type into the command line. If you go into your
package on file, you'll see we have
a test script. Now what we're going to
do to start with is we're going to create a dev script. You must put a comma after that. Then we're going to
create a build script. We'll walk on those two first and then we'll add a few more. In terms of dev, you know you
have to run Hugo server in order to run the automatic
reloading server. There's a few extra things
we can add to that. The first one is GC and that's
for garbage collection. When you close that server, it will remove any unused files. The next one we're going to
do is disable fast render. Actually put capitals
at the start of every word except
for the first one. That means every time
you save a file, your entire site is reloaded, so you guaranteed to have the most up to date
version of your site. The next thing we'll do
is the build script. This time we're just going
to run the Hugo command. We're going to add GC
for garbage collection. This time we're going to also clean the folder that
we're using for building. It's going to be built
to a public folder. We want to make sure that's
completely empty so there are no stale files in there from previous versions
of the website. We'll run clean destination
D with just a capital D Only the next thing
we'll do is unify to try and shrink that
HTML file minify. We'll save that and
we'll check them out. You'll see at the bottom if using VS code there's a
section called NPM scripts. And this is really handy. These two scripts
that we've just written and now available here, if you hold your
mouse over them, you'll be able to see
the actual command that you've written
and they line up. We'll try the dev want
to start with play. It's running it in the terminal, you can see it's
built the files, it hasn't done any cleaning
with garbage collection. It gives you the address. You can click that to
open up in the browser. Now that we're on the website,
we'll write and click, and we'll view the
source and you'll see how there's lots of white space
in between all the lines. Let's go back to VS code and we'll try and run the
production script. The first thing we'll
do is we'll either hit control C or hit the bin. Then we'll build. This isn't going
to run a server, it's just going to write
the files to disk. We'll then go into
the public folder. We'll check out our index, Html. You'll see how he goes, remove all that white space because they're running the
minify command. There's one more
thing you have to do and you can see gets, trying to pull in all these files that we've just created. We'll have to ignore
those files if you're using Git for
version management. And to back up your work, you just got to add public. And you see it's gone
down from 29 down to two. We're only pushing the two files we're
working on to get that. If you're using
you don't have to do for this course,
that's really important. I'll add some more scripts
to our package, Jason. The next one we'll add is
render that as Hugo runs, it will render all
of those files to the disc so that we can
inspect them if we need to, we'll copy and paste the
contents of the dev script. The one important thing
we have to add that a render to disc because
we're working off the disk. We also need to
make sure we clean the destination directory
before that happens. Must put a comma after
your second command. Now for render, we'll make
that render dev because we're running as a
development server. We'll then create one of
these but for production, so we can test out what the website will be
like in production. But with a development server, we'll put a render dev and we'll change this one to
Render Prod for production. We going to make a
couple of changes. The first one we have to do is we've got to tell it
that it's going to be a production server. We're going to do environment space
production that will mimic what your website will be like when you
actually run the build. For example, you might have a few scripts that only
run in production. Or some things that
might be unified, for example, with
Javascript or SCSS. The next thing you
have to add is Unify. That's only for your HTML. You also have to be able
to run a dev server, but for files which have
dates in the future. And also for files or pages
which are marked as drafts. We'll copy and paste our dev
script and paste it below, we'll call that
dev colon drafts. Then we're going to
add two options. The first one will be build future capital and build drafts. I don't like using
these two options for production because I think it's a bit
misleading because that's not what's going
to happen on the server. But I do like to use
it for the Dev server. There's one last command
will you put in? And that's for PM, is really tricky to use when it comes to updating your packages. But there is a program
you can install that's kind of graphical and
it makes it really easy. Open new terminal and run NPM install NPM or hyphen check, it'll tell you it's installed eight packages and
that's because they're dependencies
of NPM check. If you have look in your
non modules folder, you'll see it's starting
to get a bit full. But the main one we actually
installed was NPM check. But there's many others that
dependencies of NPM check. Then we'll go a
and a new line and we PM check you could write update but
that might be misleading. It's actually updating with NPM. I just call it NPM check. I know exactly what I'm doing. Put in a column and then
some inverted commas. And the command we're
going to run, NPM check, you have to run,
that's for updating, otherwise you won't get that
option when you click on it. We can test that out by
clicking on PM check, It's telling us that
Irving is up to date. And that's because we
just installed Bootstrap. But if you do have
packages out of date, it will give you a list of
packages that can be updated. We'll run a quick test
of the render command. We'll do render
dev to start with, you'll see it's building Hugo, but it's also rendering to disk. If we go up into
our public folder, they're all the
files that are being used on the local host website. If we look at our index HL, you'll see lots of space. I'll close that. I'll
do render production. If you look really carefully, you'll see environment's production
instead of development. And here's all our files here, but they're also visible on
the library load server. If we open up index dot HTML, you'll see that
there is not all, but most of the
white space has been removed to keep the
file size down. So let's sit for this lesson. I'll see you in the next one.
6. Add hugo as dependency: In this lesson we're going to
add some more NPM packages. And we're doing that so we can add hugo as an NPM dependency. That will mean whoever works on the project or wherever
you work on the project, whether it's on a
different computer, you'll be using the
same version of Hugo. It will work on any platform, whether it's Linux,
Mac, or Windows. Hugo will download in the format necessary
for that platform. We're going to install
two NPM packages. Open new terminal. We'll
type in NPM install. The first one is Hugo installer. Second one is by the
same author and it's in make sure you get all these names spot on because if you
miss spell them, you could download something
which you don't want. Let's have a quick look
at our package Json file. You'll see under dependencies, we now have each pin
and Hugo install. The easiest way to
get Hugo installer to work is go up to your
dependency section. Put a after it on a new line, put in a new section called other dependencies makes you use a capital D
for dependencies. We then put a colon and some
curly braces on a new line, Inverted commas typing
Hugo, then a colon. Then you have to provide
the latest version. You go to type it exactly as Hugo has it on their website. I'm going to run a
search for Hugo version. Then I'll go to the Github page. You see the current version, when this lesson has
been recorded is 0.89 0.4 We'll type that in
exactly without the V butts. 0.89 0.4 You don't need a after that line or after the braces because
they're the last in their respective sections. Then we'll go to our script. We'll put a final script in
here called post install. Now post install, your
second last script, post install will run. After NPM install has run,
we'll put a colon in. And then to invented commas. And we're going to
run Hugo installer, which is what we just installed. For version we will use
other dependencies hugo. And that will refer down to this section we've just created. So you can update
hugo down here. Then we will tell it to install the extended version that installs the fold on Linux and Mac board on
Windows. It doesn't. It's really important you need that for what
we're going to go through in this lesson
with CSS and as building. We have to tell Hugo installer
where we want files to go that have downloaded
the Hugo executable file. We'll specify destination, then we're going to installed
in node underscore modules. In Hugo you should probably be telling get not to upload the
node modules folder. You'll get ignore file, you don't have to worry about your hugo file being
uploaded. We'll save that. If we run the
command NPM install, hugo will be and it will
depend on your system and it will be saved into the node modules folder.
Let's go ahead and do that. Run NPM install, it's going
through and checking, it's now downloading the
hugo binary on Windows, it's going to be a C file. Let's go and have
a look. Now, in our node modules folder, we're looking for node modules. Hugo we've got in and
then we've got Hugo. And you'll see there
we've got Hugo Doc. If you were running Macolinux, you'd have an
executable file to suit your system. That's great. But our commands here are all
about hugo server or hugo. They're not pointing
to that file. And we're trying to
set up our scripts so the cross platform or
platform independent, We have to add some
extra to that we'll do. I'm going to click before hugo. Each time I'm going to
hold down the Alt button, that means I can edit them
all at the same time. I'm going to run Exec bin. Exec bin, which is another package that
we just downloaded. I'm going to tell
exec bin to look inside node modules Shinhugo. Then we need a show exact bin is cross platform, it's
platform independent. It will run the file hugo file, depending on whatever
system you're on. Let's save that and run one
of our scripts down here. And give it a go. So it looks like it's
working really well. It's using the Hugo extended version which we
requested was downloaded. You can see exec bins
running the Hugo executable out of known modules. Hugo, Hugo. Or if you're on Macolinux
won't be, which is great. So that's it for this lesson. I'll see in the next
lesson where we start building with CSS. And as
7. Import and compile bootstrap styles: In this lesson, we're going
to import the bootstrap CSS source files from the
bootstrap NPN package. Then we're going
to compile them to CSS so they can be
used in a browser. What we're going to
be doing, if you look in your layout folder, in the partials and
the head partial, you'll see that the
Bootstrap CSS is being pulled from a CDN server or
content delivery network. It's downloading
Bootstrap version 5.1 0.3 That's a fault CSS file with all the Bootstrap
defaults in there. Your primary color
is going to be blue, Your secondary color
is going to be gray. Nothing's been customized.
It includes everything. That's quite a large file. What we're going to do
is we're going to pull in the Bootstrap CSS
from the NPM package. And then in a further lesson, we're going to be customizing
it and also removing parts, We don't need to do this. What we'll do is
we'll go back into the root of the project. We'll make a new
folder called Assets. This is a folder that
Hugo works with. Then inside they will
make a folder called CSS. They will make a file
in there called Mass. What we now have to do is import the Bootstrap CSS
from the MPM package. We're going to run import and then put a inverted comer in. We're looking for bootstraps. Bootstraps. That's going to be relative
to the node modules folder. Make sure you put
a cold at the end. We'll look for that. We'll go into the
Nodemodules folder, and then we'll go
down to Bootstrap. Then we're looking into the CSS. This is a source, has compiled
CSS which we don't want. We want the source. We're going into the SCSS folder and you'll
see at the bottom we have a bootstrap CSS file. That's what we're
going to be pulling in from inside that file. All of these files are imported
that parts ready to go. Now we've got to set
up Hugo so that it uses liss to run this SCSS file. Currently, nothing's
actually going to happen with this file, it's just sitting there going
back into the head layouts, Partials, head, we'll comment out this line control
KC to comment it out. We'll leave it there, but just in case we
need it for testing. Later on we're going to try to do this as simple as possible. To start with put in two K braces and we'll create
a new variable called CSS, because we're declaring it, we have to use colon enter. We're going to run resources, get resources, get
grabs a resource. The path we're
going to provide is relative to the assets folder. We go back to our Assets folder, you'll see it's assets, SS, SS, I'll type that in mass. That's how we access the file. The next thing we
do is we have to actually compile
what's in that file. Because the browser,
I'll just say this, the browser doesn't know
what to do with that. Plus, those files exist in the NPM folder and the browser won't be able to access them. Hugo will not be
providing those files. We're going to pull them
in and process them. We need to do, put it in a pipe, which is the key above. Enter the backslash, shift
backslash to get a pipe. And we're going to run two CSS. It's capital CSS that will work on its own
without any options. But it doesn't know where to find this bootstrap,
folded boto fold. It doesn't know that it needs to look in the node
modules folder. The configuration is going
to be provided as an object. But in Go and here go, that's called a
dict or dictionary. We put in some brackets, rewrite then our first
configuration item and our first in this report in time
will be include paths. When you specify
the include paths, they need to be
provided an array. The reason that being is because you can provide
multiple include paths. An array is the perfect
way to do that. Open and close our brackets
and we type in Slice, in Go and in Hugo Slice is
what you use for arrays, we're going to be
providing one item. So it is a little bit
strange for an array, but you can add more if need be. We're going to provide node underscore modules as the path that needs
to be included. Then what we have to do is provide a link for the browser. If we type in a link, colon provides a style link, we'll get rid of that file. We'll put in our curly braces. We will refer to the CSS
variable that we just created, L permalink with
capital R and capital. Then you've got to
close your le braces. Hugo will provide a link
to this file that has been generated via this
variable Rel permalink, or relative permalink means
it won't include the domain, part of the domain
with that link. Let's save that
and check it out. Then we'll control
click the link and we'll check it
in the browser. We'll right click and inspect.
We'll go to the head. First you'll see there's
a link to Cssmin. That's this bootstrap file. That's actually, this
file converted into a CSS file through
this variable. If we go to the Sources tab and then open
up the SCSS folder, we can view the contents of the file that has
just been generated. You'll see it's pretty
much exactly the same as the Bootstrap CSS
that you can get off the CDN or you can even download off the
Bootstrap website. There are a lot of advantages. We can modify all of
this information, plus a lot more
through variables. We can also remove parts
that we don't want. We can even go as far as removing unused
parts of the file compared to the tags that we've requested in the
HTML of our website. If you can get the
Bootstrap CSS to show up in the SCSS folder in your main SS, you're ready to move
on to the next lesson.
8. Add development and production parameters: In the last lesson, we set
up the SCSS compiling. Now we need to create
some parameters for both production and development
environments so that the CSS compiler behaves
differently whether we're using a development server or we're building
hugo Four production. In the resource section, you'll
see a link to this page. It's the Hugo pipes, CSS and page the number of options that we can pass
when we're compiling. First I'm going
look at transpiler. By default Hugo
currently uses Lipsas. We're going to set
that up so that it forces Hugo to use Lipsas. Just in case Hugo does
get upgraded to dartsas. In the future, we won't
have any breaking changes. We're going to look
at output style. The default is nested, which is great for
when we're developing. But we also want it to be compressed if it's for
production to reduce size. We're going to look at enabling sauce maps for development. We've already looked at includes parts for node modules.
Let's get to it. If you go into the
layouts folder and then the partials folder and he Html highlight everything
you've provided to two CSS. All the options you've
provided which is currently just the
include pass option, highlight that and cut it
with control X or command X. Instead of that, we'll provide
a variable we'll call that opts for options to CSS. Let's now declare that variable and create the options we'll
put into curly braces. We'll type in opt to CSS
because we're declaring it. We have to use coal and inter. We'll then create a dictionary which is an object
for our options. First one we'll
do is transpiler. The transpiler we're
going to use is Lisa. The reason we're locking that
in is there is going to be some point in the future
where Hugo will upgrade to dart As and we don't want
any breaking changes. We'll then declare
output style by default. Output style is nested, which is great for development, but we want to use
compressed for production. We're currently looking at
our production options. Then we've got our final one, include Pass, which you can
just paste in if you want. That's going to be a slice
and we've got node modules. All right, so that's
our production values. You can then copy that
and make a new line. And we're going to use an
if statement if that's if equals O environment with
a capital E development. If we're in the
development environment, we put an tag in inside here. We're going to tab in and then paste what
we've just written, but you have to remove that
column. Super important. We're now going to
remove output style compressed because we want to
use the default of nested. But we're going to
enable source maps, so such as singular, there's no source
at the end of it, it's just source
with an on the ES. Then map with
capital and capital. We're going to use
the option of true. You don't need to use
inverted commas around true because it is a Boolen. It's either true or false, No inverted commas required. Let's save that and
let's give it a go. I'll start with the dev script, then we will control click and
open it up in the browser. Then we'll right
click and inspect. We'll go to Sources
and open up CSS Mass. If you scroll to the bottom, you'll see there's a link to the source map which
we've generated, which is great for debugging. Let's give the
production script to go. Now we'll do control C
to quit, and then Y, otherwise you can
just use the in the trash can to
kill the terminal. We'll then run the production. For this, we'll have to
use the Render command. Render Production Control click. Then you can write,
Click and inspect, go to Sources and then
CSS and may not CSS. You'll see that it's been
minified or compressed. So we've got to remove
all the white spaces. It's on one big long line. If you're right to
the end, there is no link to a source map, which is great for production.
We don't want that. There's extra files written, and source maps aren't really
useful for production. Plus it means Allah can't sneak in and see exactly how
our code is being written. It makes it a little
bit harder for other people to pull
our code apart, but not impossible
if you can get the dev and
production scripts to work and you've
got munification, you've got no source maps on your production, on your dev. You've non unified code, and
you've got a source map. You're ready to move
on to the next step, we'll see in the next lesson.
9. Fingerprint, cache busting and security: In this lesson,
we're going to be fingerprinting the CSS output. We're going to be
applying a check sum, a hash to the file. That means that whenever
we update the file, it will be directing the browser to the newest
form of that file. There'll be no confusion with the browser caching old
versions of the file. You can also use fingerprinting
for security purposes, but we won't be going into the implementation of
that in this course. Your final link to this page
in the resources section on the Hugo Pipes page for
fingerprinting and SRI. Now if you're using
fingerprinting purely for busting to make sure that the most up to date version of the file is being requested
by the browser. If you've constantly got
new versions of the page evolving and you
want to make sure the browser looks for
the newest version, you should probably use MD five. Md five is going to
be a bit shorter. However, if you're trying to secure your website with CSP, which isn't something
that I'll be going into in this course, You may want to use a
high level encryption such as S HA 384. Let's get to it. We're
going to be going through this process here in our project on our line
with the CSS variable. We using resources do get to get the file out
of the resources folder. We then running it through
two CSS to process it. We're then going to
run another command. We'll instead of pipe
with shift back, the command is fingerprint. The option we're going
to use is MD five. And that says to keep the file
name a bit shorter because it will be using a hash at
the end of the file name. If you are using CSP
for security reasons, you may not want to use MD five, you can just keep
it at the default. In that case, you would just
get rid of that altogether. We're going to use MD five just to keep our file name short. We're then going to go down
into our tag down here. The file name that's
generated by a fingerprint will automatically be
pulled into the link. For integrity, we need to put in an integrity tag for that. We'll use some curly braces
and it's going to be CSS, which is the same variable
used for our file link, but it's going to be data
with a Capital D integrity. Then we'll do a space
and close our Ur braces. We'll save that and
we'll have a look. Then if we have a
look in the source, go down to the link, you'll see that the file names changed. It's got the first part main, but then they have included
a hash that's an MD five. Has then in the integrity tag, it's got MD five and
it's got a key that can be used to cross check that this is actually
the correct file, but we're not going to be using CSP and going into how to
configure that with hitters, because that's a whole
different topic. If you've been able to generate a hashed file and generate
your integrity tag, you're ready to move
on to the next lesson.
10. PostCSS and Autoprefixer: Now we're going to install
two more NPM packages, that's post CSS
and Autoprefixer. The reason we're using
them is because when you run the Bootstrap CSS source
from their NPM package, they don't provide prefixes
for older browsers. It is something that
Bootstrap does when they offer their precompiled
CSS source. We're going to do the
exact same process so that the file that
we're outputting has got the same compatibility
with older browsers as Bootstraps precompiled CSS. So if you look at the Bootstrap
docs page for Bill Tools, it's more about building a version of the CSS file
which matches theirs exactly, but they're using SAS to
compile, which we're doing. Then they're going
to run Autoprefixer. What we're going to do,
we're actually going to copy Bootstrap browser list
file so that we support the exact same browsers
that Bootstrap supports when you download their default CSS file from their website. Before we start
looking at how to implement post CSS
and auto prefix. So we're going to need
a file to define which browsers we're trying to
target in terms of prefixing. Before we continue,
we're going to head over to Bootstraps Github page. You can find that by looking in the resources
section for the link. Or you can do a Google
search for Bootstrap Github. Head over to the page, and
then you scroll down and look for browsers list dot
browsers list dot. The easiest way to
get ahold of it is just to copy the
content of that file, then head into the
root of your project, Make a new file call
browsers list R, and then inside that file, pasting the information from
Bootstrap skew hub page. This file will tell Autoprefixer what prefixes
it needs to create. A lot of older browsers require different prefixes
on the CSS classes, not so common on
modern browsers. By defining which
browsers we're targeting, we're using the default
list from Bootstrap. Here, we're avoiding adding
excessive amounts of classes. For example, we're
not going to be providing Internet
Explorer prefixes. We're back on the Hugo page under Hugo parts for post CSS, and you'll find a link for
this in the resources section. If you have a quick read, you'll see you need
to have post SS CLI, and you also need
to have post CSS, and you need to
have autoprefixer. Now, Hugo suggests that
you install them globally. I recommend you install
them in the environment. We're going to go back
and we're going to add some more NPM packages, open up a new terminal, then run NPM install. First one was post CSS, then post CSS CLI, and
then Autoprefixer. We requested three packages, 39 have been installed because there's lots of dependencies. We requested three packages. 54 have been installed because there are
lots of dependencies. If you open your package Jason, you'll see we've got our dependencies listed here
and they've been added. Then reading through the docs, you'll see that we have
to use resources postSS, there is a shortcut around that, but you can remove the resources part and then
you can lower case the. Let's give that a go Go into
layouts, partials, and head. Then at the end
of our CSS string just before fingerprint, we'll put in another pipe. And then we'll run
posts for our options. We'll go back to the doc. We now need to create a
configuration file for post CSS. Post CSS will
automatically look for this configuration file in
the root of the project. We'll create a file on the root of the
project and we'll call it post Css config. First thing we have to do is port autoprefixer as a plug in, we'll run constant autoprefixer equals require open bracket, two inverted commas and autoprefixer actually put
a semicolon at the end. We then need to run exports. We'll do module exports
equals open bracket. We'll declare the plug ins colon and we'll do a square bracket. This is where it
starts getting tricky. We go back to our Hugo script, we'll notice that post CSS
is being run all the time, both in development
and in production. The easiest way to set it to
only run in production is not through this part here
in Hugo, but through JS. It's much easier to
overwrite it for testing. You'll see we can access the Hugo environment.
Let's go back. We access the Hugo's
environment with process. This is upper case Hugo
underscore environment. We're looking for three equals for an exact replica of
what's been written. And that's development. There is a, you may have a few different
production environments. When it comes to development,
you've probably only got the one which is
when you're testing with the library load server. Then we're going to put
in a question mark. If it is development, we're going to return null, but actually going to be
returning some arrays. We'll put null inside
some square brackets. The next line we'll
put in a column. And this can all be
done on one line, but we're separating it to
make it easier on this line. These are the plug ins that will run when it's not development. We're going to
return Autoprefixer and we'll add another plug
in in the next lesson. Because we've
provided the values that return as a arrays, we need the individual strings, not the array of strings. To extract the strings from
the arrays were put in three dots, the
start of that line. And then when this line is run, it will either provide
the array with null inside or it will provide the array
with auto prefixer. We'll be deconstructing
that array into individual strings
because of the three dots. It should work. We'll save that. We'll run the Dev server, we'll test it out with the
original Dev server. First to check how many
prefixes are currently present. And they're prefixes that
are built into Bootstrap. That's part of normalized dots. We'll run the Dev server, we'll control click the link
makes you refresh. After you've
reloaded, the server won't refresh automatically
on the first load. Then check your sources. Going to CSS and Main. And we'll do a control
look for web kit. You'll see there's 40 present. These come by default
with normalized CSS. Normalized CSS is a HTML
file which has been written to make all of the elements across lots of different browsers
look the same. Normalized CSS overrides
browser defaults in a way that all of the
browsers look somewhat the same. Bootstraps use this, and they've done a bit of
work on it as well. And they've included it
as part of Bootstrap. That's what those 40
webkit classes are from. Let's now close that process. We'll run render production. That's in a production
environment which mimics what
happens when you build. You'll see their
environment is production. Let's control, click the link. Then we'll go into
Sources and CSS and Main, and we'll do Control and webkit. You'll see the 99
classes present there. Auto prefix has added those 99 classes based on
the browsers list file. If you look in the root direct, you'll see B browsers list RC based on these browsers that
Bootstrap has specified, they're the web It prefixes
that are required for those browsers that will be the older browsers
amongst this list, generally not the newer ones. You can modify this list if you're specifying some more older browsers
than what are present here. You will get more prefixes. But there are some
CSS attributes that have been used in the
current version of Bootstrap, Bootstrap five, which,
even with prefixes, won't work in older browsers,
you have to be careful. This file will be producing a CSS file, which
Bootstrap supports. To be careful, you
don't push things too far or you might not get
the results here after. If you can produce
a CSS file with 99 or thereabouts prefixes in
the production environment, you can run your development
environment, the dev server, and you've got 40
webkit prefixes. That means you're correctly
using Autoprefixer and you're ready to move on to
the next lesson. Seeing the next lesson.
11. PurgeCSS: Now that we've set up Hugo to compile the bootstrap
CSS source to a CSS file that meets the same specifications as
bootstraps available CSS file, which is for download
on their website. We're now going to
use a package called CSS to remove
unused CSS classes. To reduce the size of the file, we need to install the
purge CSS program. If you do a search for
NPM and purge CSS, you come about this
page here which is installed with NPM or NPM
install and then per CSS. But don't get confused because this particular package will not work with post CSS and Hugo. What you need is the following
plug in and I'll put the command for it in the resources section
for this lesson. This is a version of Per CSS which works as a
plug in for post CSS. Once we've installed
it, we can run it with this
Javascript code here. Let's go ahead and we'll
copy and paste that command, and we'll run it in our project. We'll open up a new terminal. We'll paste in that
code that's installed. Let's now go ahead
and write the code in our post Css configs file. We'll start with this text
here, we'll copy that. Then we'll paste that text below the auto prefix
align top of the page. Now to keep things simpler
down here as you saw, we copied and pasted the open and closing brackets
to run the auto prefix. To plug in up the top
where it's being defined. We'll do that for
pergSS as well. What we'll need to do is we can get rid of this line completely and it's associated brackets. And then we will
get rid of the word per CSS. We'll bring that up. We can use Alt Shift to reformat everything
that looks a lot ne. We'll then the source
onto a new line. And we'll bring that
closing square bracket onto a new line as well. We'll change the source
folder to layouts. That's where our HTML lives. The double star refers to
any folder in layouts, or it can even be no
folder in layouts. If we haven't got new folders, then do a comma and
new line and we'll put in some inverted
commas and we'll do content star,
star, star, Dod. That will refer to any of the markdown files if they're in a folder or
not inside content. Now that's only going
to be providing HTL CSS classes to poss that have been explicitly written into markdown
through HTML tags. It's Pss will not know about any HTL tags that are
produced through markdown. Now that we've set that up, what we can do is go there. It says autoprefixer. We'll put in a comma and
then we'll run the purge. The CSS constant, which
will refer back up here. We pull in the plug in
and then we're running it with these settings.
Let's give that a go. We'll save our configuration. We have to run the product, render production
to check it work. Then we'll control click the
link or open your browser. If you've already
got it running, refresh your page, we'll
right click, we'll inspect. Then we'll go to the three dots. And we're going to
go to more tools. And we're going to run coverage. Coverage will appear
at the bottom. You've got to reload. You can
do control R or command R, or you can hit Reload button, Then reload your site. And it keeps track of how much of the
resources have been used. For example, the
Javascript file, 65% of the Bootstrap
Javascript file is unused. You can ignore the library
load because that's from Hugo. But the main SS, it's saying 47% is unused. Let's just do a
check in a minute. We'll compare that
with the dev script where none of these
plug ins are running. But we'll do a quick check that all the pages are working. Before we continue, we've run into our first problem,
That's the pagination. Pagination wasn't provided
through the HTML file, it was provided through a
Hugo built in template. Let's go back to the project quick and
have a look at that. A quick recap in case
you the last course, so you can see exactly
how that works. If you go into layouts and
default, then list Html. You'll see at the
bottom, we're pulling in Hugo's internal
pagination template. Go back to the website
and we inspect. And we'll look at what
classes are being used. We'll actually right click on the broken navigation
and inspect that. We've got a few classes. We've got pagination, default page item disabled,
page item active. And then we've got page link that's for every link
that's been provided. Let's now go back to purge
CSS, the configuration, and set it up so that it white
lists these CSS classes. If you go to the Pss docs page, purge and op link
in the resources section, we go on to safe listing. You'll see there's
a few ways we can provide this information
to purge CSS. There's a standard safe list
where you can put a list of classes in or we can do is where we can provide standard deep and greedy forms. There's some examples here. If you look at
greedy, that's quite useful for us because it will use the text you provided. It will also have classes
either side of it. These examples are using the text at the
end of the class. If we get rid of that dollar
sign and put a carrot, which is shift six, the start, we'll be using the text at the start of the string
and these are re jx commands. Let's go into our configure
and we'll set that up, copy and paste this safe
list configuration. We'll go back into our
projects and set it up. We'll put a comma at the
end of the content section. We'll paste in what
we've got off the docs will delete what's inside deep and standard and
also inside greedy. For now, we'll
comment out standard and deep because we're
not going to use them. Let's just write a quick list of all of the classes that
we're trying to target. These are all our classes. Let's write some rejects. We'll start with the first two. If we do a slash
and then a carrot, which is shift six
and then pagination, it will pick up pagination
default as well. Then we'll put
that on a new line to make things a
bit easier to read. Put a final slash
and then a comma for our next rejects Carrot. Carrot matches this text to
the start of the string. It will not match anything
before the word pagination, but it will match things after it because we're using greedy. You'll then match page that will pick up all of these
classes down here. Let's delete our notes. We'll save that, we'll check the site.
It's looking great. We've got our disabled links to previous pages
in the first page, which is disabled because we're already on the first page. We've got the current page
which is highlighted blue. We've got the second page
and we've got the next page and last page links there
which are all working. Great. Let's do a quick
comparison now to see how much file size
we're really saved. What we're going to do
is turn off purge CSS. I'll put it onto its own line, and then I'll comment it out
with a double and save that. Then we'll go back to
the browser and we'll inspect and we'll refresh. I'm looking at 165
kilobytes and 96% unused. Then I'll re enable purge CSS. We'll refresh with
control or command R, We've got 13 kilobytes
and only 58% unused. That's quite a big
reduction if you've managed to get up
to this stage where you've enabled per
CSS and you've reduced your file
size substantially, and under the coverage section, you've got a much
smaller percentage which is unused and you've managed to get your
pagination working. You're ready to move on to
the next lesson. See there.
12. Create SCSS partial: Now that we've finished
writing our code for the compilation of
the SCSS source, we're now going to move all of that script to a partial
so it can be re, used for importing
other SCSS files. That way we don't have to
copy and paste our code. We can just call the
partial multiple times with different parameters. The first thing we
have to do to create our partial is it into the head and find the code
that we want to move. All this section here is going to be moved
into a partial. We'll cut that code, then we'll go back into our partials
folder. We'll make a new file. We'll call it lib sa hl. The reason I call it
libsas is because in our configuration we're forcing Hugo Che Lipsas which is
currently the default. But that may change and we
don't want breaking changes. We'll save that here. We're targeting the file. I'm going to highlight that and control or command X to cut
it and replace it with a dot. And we'll save the file. Then we're going to set up,
call our partial so that the file that we're trying to retrieve is the context
of the partial. We go back to our head, put in the two brackets, and we'll run the
function called partial. The partial will be, as you
don't need to put HTML in, then after the
libsas, normally for a partial you'd put
in a full stop. You're providing
the entire context of your Hugo project
to the partial. But in this case, we're going to paste in the
name of the file. Now for example, we wanted
to create a Vendors CS file. We'll go back into our assets and CSS and we'll
make a new file, and we'll call it vendors. Then it's as easy as
making a new partial. We could even copy
and paste that one. We'll change main to vendor CSS. Say we were to pull in
some third party plug ins. We could run their code
in the vendors file if we want to split it up
and keep the file size down to decrease
our page load time due to files loading
simultaneously. That's a great way
to do it for now. I'm going to comment that out. To comment Hugo tags we put in slash star and
then a star slash. Because I'm not using
that file currently. Let's run it and check it works. It looks like it's working well. Just go and inspect our sources. Everything is still getting
pulled in as we wished. If you've managed
to still generate the CSS even after placing
your code into a partial, you're ready to move
on to the next lesson.
13. Selective imports: So we finish dealing with the NPM packages and the script. We're now to look at
how to only import the parts of the Bootstrap
source that we require. This will substantially
reduce the file size, and it's in some ways
better than Perd CSS. But there are
obviously things that Perd CSS does that you can't do through
selective importing. I'll start this lesson on the Bootstrap Five Docs website and I'll put the link for
this particular page. In the resources section, we're going to customize and Sas. We've currently got
our project set up to import the entire
Bootstrap project, but the focus of this lesson
is creating a lean import. We're just importing
the parts of Bootstrap that we
want for our website. That's option A. We're
going to look at option B. And that's how we only
include parts of Bootstrap. You'll see here they've
broken it down into chunks. But if you read the
text very carefully, you have to actually include
everything you want. And they're only including
parts of it here for you. What we're going to do,
we're going to dive into the Bootstrap package and have a look at all the different
parts that are imported. And set up our own main SS file to only import the parts of
Bootstrap that we require. We'll start off by copying and pasting everything that's here. Then we'll open up
the Assets folder and CSS and the main CSS. And you'll see originally we're importing the
whole Bootstrap project. We'll just comment
that out for now as it's a good reference. Then we'll paste in the text that we just copied off
the Bootstrap website. Check the reference above, you'll see we've got bootstraps. Bootstraps here. In the examples provided
you've got node modules, we'll have to remove that node
modules part at the start. You can do them all at
once just by highlighting it and then right click and
change all occurrences. And we'll remove that,
that's ready to go. However, we haven't included all of the Bootstrap
components yet. We'll save our file and then we'll go and check
out what Bootstrap has in their projects. We'll open up node modules, a few look through,
find Bootstrap. We're looking in the
CSS folders like here. Bootstrapssn' navigate
to this original file, bootstrapsS. That's
right at the bottom. This is a few other files. We've got utilities,
reboot, and grid in there. Optional imports.
People who don't want to use the whole
Bootstrap library. They'll probably just import, for example, the
grid or the reboot. If we're looking here, you'll
see all of the components. We're going to highlight
all of those. Copy them. Then we'll close
the Node Modules folder because it's
always big and bulky. Head back in here and we'll
paste them down the bottom. And then we'll figure out
what we have and don't have. We've got functions at the
top so we can remove that. We've got variables and mix ins. We haven't got utilities yet, then all of these right
down to the bottom. We haven't imported them. We now have a bit of a problem. That is that we need to set
up the path because currently these links are relative to the bootstrap folder in
the node modules folder, whereas our import links here
are relative to our file. What we'll do is we'll
highlight all of these. Cut them, and then we'll
paste them in here. We'll have to highlight
the first part of the URL. And then hold down the old
key and click at the start of these imports and paste it in. Another way you
could do it is you could highlight
everything there, just the ones you haven't got, the full URL and cut them. Make a new file,
paste it in there, Go back, highlight the part
you need to add. Copy it. Then you could highlight
this part of the code, right click and change
all occurrences. Use your arrow key and paste it in. Save
you a lot of time. Then we'll cut that.
Close the file. And paste it in. We're nearly there. The
next thing we have to do is we'll create a file for the default variable
overrides and we'll create a file for
additional custom code. We go back into our SCSS folder and we'll make a new file. Now files that
aren't meant to be imported directly,
we use underscores. We're going to do underscore
custom variables, CSS, underscore custom CSS. Then we'll go back into
our main and we'll put a import link to it. You don't need the
underscore hover when you're running an import, we're going to do variables
you don't need the CSS. It resolves that automatically. We must put the
colon at the end. Then we'll scroll
down to the bottom. Step five, we'll do a import and it's going to be custom CSS. Going to put a column and
we'll just fix up that name of that file ended up
with an underscore. All right. We'll say that we'll run it, we'll
check it all works. And then we'll go back and we'll start disabling some parts of Bootstrap to help make it more lean and really import
the parts we need. This, however, isn't as good as the previous
step. We purged CSS. You've got to run both of these things together to
really get a small file. We'll run out dev script,
The page is still working. Quick look at it, we
can see we've got the navbar images cards,
we've got pagination. These are some of the
things we have to make sure we don't remove. Let's go through our list. We can't remove any of the
configuration items in one to four we can sit going
through the components. You need to have root and
reboot more than likely. Type in images, can
containers and grid, we're not using tables,
we can comment that out. You can actually
highlight a few things. New control K C or command C in VS code.
We'll need buttons. We'll highlight
transitions, Dropdowns. Button group, we'll need
nav, navbar, and card. We're not using accordion
or bread crumbs. Control KC to comment those out, we're alert or progress group, close, toast, modal tool
tip, pop over carousel, spinners off canvas or placeholders control KC
to get rid of those. We'll keep helpers API on there. We'll save that and we'll
go and check our site. You've got to very carefully go through your whole site
and make sure that none of the CSS for
your site has been broken by what you've just done. It's a bit of a labor
intensive process, but every time you restrict the CSS imports or change or
purged CSS configuration, it's really important you
double check if you haven't broken the site,
everything's looking great. If you've managed to reduce
your bootstrap CSS import to only a few components
that you require and you haven't broken
the CSS for your website, you're ready to move
on to the next step and you're doing really
well with the project.
14. Custom SCSS variables: We're now going to
look at customizing the Bootstrap CSS
file that's been outputted so that it's got
things such as colors, sizes, style shadows that match the way we want
our website to look. By default, Bootstrap
is quite generic, and there are lots of
websites out there that use the Bootstrap defaults. We're looking at changing those, but without creating
additional CSS that will ultimately create larger
files for your website. We're going to actually change the Bootstrap source so that
what is output is different. But we're doing it
without touching the files in the
node modules folder. Just creating our
own variables file. Let's start this lesson on the same bootstrap doc
page as the previous one. The page we've completed everything in the file structure
and importing section. We're now on to
variable defaults. And it says that
every as variable in Bootstrap includes the
exclamation default flag. If you remove that, you can
override that default with your own variable without modifying bootstrap
source codes. You don't have to modify
bootstrap source code. You don't have to double up with your own CSS to
overwrite it either. We can actually modify bootstrap source code
via our own variables. Bootstrap gets installed
into the non modules folder. We don't modify anything
in there at all, we just provide
our own variables. As we're importing Bootstrap, you'll find a complete list of Bootstraps variables in the
underscore variables SS file. We're going to check
that in a minute because that's where we're going to
copy and paste them from. You need to import
bootstraps functions, which we have, then we've already set up our own
file for this section. Here what we'll do is we'll jump in and check out the bootstrap variable CSS file. And then we'll start theming
our website via variables. The first example,
we'll copy and paste the variables
that Bootstrap has provided for us for the background color and
the text color for body. Before we dive into the
node modules folder, we'll open up our
custom variables folder and we'll paste these in. We're theming it with a black background and
a very dark text color. We're always going to keep that, but we'll just save it
and we'll have a look. It's obviously worked. It's not the best idea, but at least we know
that it does work. Let's go back now and
let's have a re theming our website more
to our own liking. Told us delete those
completely and save it. As you can see,
it sprung back to the original default colors. I'm going to go down
to the Node Modules, folder it into Bootstrap and
then open up the variabless. This is where we find all
the default variables. The first thing we'll do
is we'll go down and find the variables for the text color and
the background color. After you've looked
through this a few times, you'll start to remember
the location of everything. All the common variables here. We've got the body background, body color, and text line. We'll just copy those first
two. Here's the catch. I'm just going to
paste those in. Here's our first problem. If I save this, the
SCSS compiler live Sas will not know
what white means and it won't know
what grain 900 means. The reason it won't
know is because at this point the only thing that's been imported
is functions. It hasn't imported any of those color variables
that we can see here. I'll just save
that. It's throwing an error and it says
undefined variable white. If I comment that out
and save it throws a different error which is
undefined variable gray, 900. What we have to do, this
goes against the grain of what the SCSS docs recommend. If you're not sure what
the SCSS docs are, it's slang do com in there, you'll find all the
docs for running CSS and As it's
commonly called as. But if you look at the docs, by default every page
actually defaults to CSS. For example, we'll go
into one of the pages, it's already on SCSS. We can change it to SS, but it defaults to SCSS because SCSS actually become
more popular. That's because SSS is actually
written just like CSS with a few minor differences
that's out of the scope of this class. To fix our problem, we have to go into variables
and we have to find the white variable and
the grain 100 variable. And we have to declare those variables before
we're modifying. These classes, what we'll do is we'll put in a few blank lines. Go back into Variables, and we'll scroll back up. Some people copy and
paste the whole file, but it's a bit excessive. We'll copy and paste in
our grays up the top. We can leave them with
the default tags if we want because we're
not modifying them. And then we'll go down
and find our colors. Here are the basic
colors. Paste those in. I'd say there's a high
chance you'll need to have the colors mapped to primary
and secondary and so on. So we might as
well put those in. Well, right. It you have to make sure you keep
the order the same as well. Because here primary refers to blue and then blue
is declared here. Now we're going to remove
default instead of white, we'll change it to light, which is a much softer color for the background body color
is currently on gray 900. Recon, we'll try it
on gray 800 instead. We'll save that, we'll check it. It's looking great. Our
text color is a lot softer. Backgrounds. A slide off white. If we inspect and go to, you'll see color is a variable. Bs, body color, background
color is BS, body BG. We'll click on that, you'll
see there's a gray 800. If we look for body background, it's actually an IGB, but that's our
light color there. That's working Well, let's
go through now and we'll change our primary color to something a bit
more palatable. It's very common that
people use this blue color. We then might go
through and we'll change the appearance
of our cards as well. The easiest way to do it
is we'll get rid of blue. We can actually
just choose one of these colors. This is
the most basic way. Then I'll show you a
more advanced way. We don't want to
be blue anymore. We want it to be,
for example, orange. We're just typing
the variable orange because it's already
been declared up here. We'll save that change. Our secondary might make
700 a little bit darker. Just be careful. But because our button text is also a
gray, we don't want to clash. Our primaries now become orange. And everywhere we've used primary for any of our elements, it's now changed
throughout the whole site, which is way easier than
overriding the CSS. We'll then go in and
change our cards. We'll go into our variables file the bootstrap file out
of the MPM package. We'll do control and
we'll look for card. We're now at the card section. We'll highlight all of that. And we're going to be careful
because it's referring to other variables and
that's going to cause an error. We'll
copy and paste it. We'll go back to our
custom variables. We'll try and keep things
in the same order. We will have to find spacer
border width complicated. As you can see, this
is why some people just copy and paste
the whole file. What we're really worried about, however I'd like to
change the radius, we going to card border radius, it uses border radius. One way of doing it is that
can actually delete parts. So we don't want
to modify to say I just wanted to
change border radius. Might change the thickness
of the border as well. I'll delete the top three. We'll leave the color for now. We'll change the radius. I'll delete the rest of those
just to keep things simple. We've got a few variables here, we've got border radius
and border width. We'll just save that. You'll see it's going to throw an error. We'll go back into our
variables file and we'll search for border
width and border radius. The easiest way to do
it is to scroll back to the top control border width. We've got border width of one. The easiest way to
change is just put in a value of two P x
three Px and so on. Then we've got border radius. I'll copy all of those in, I'll put it above the cards. Say for example, I want to
change my border radius. First of all, get
rid of default. I might change it to, say, for example, to give
it a small radius. Our border width that's
currently at one pixel, might change that to two P X. And we'll save that,
we'll check it out. Now we've got our two
pixel wide border and we've got our tight radius. If we right click and inspect
and go to the card tag, you'll see the border
radius of 0.2 m, which is a really
tight border radius. Then border 22
pixel thick border. That's done exactly as we asked. If you scroll down
to the bottom of pretty much every section
of the bootstrap docs, it actually tells you
which as variables you can override to customize,
it's really handy. Let's say for example,
you wanted to have a two pixel border
on your cards, but you wanted everything with
a border to be two pixels. That's really easy.
We'll just leave it at the border width default. You could even comment that out because we're not overriding it. We then go back up
to border width, which we didn't copy and paste. We'll go find
border width again, make sure you're looking
for the first instance. We'll go back up to the first. So we'll copy and
paste border width, make sure it's in
the right order. Then we'll change that two. Now every single item on your
website which has a border, we'll now have a width of two. And we'll still got a
border width of two. Last thing we have to
do is we'll look at colors and we'll look
at changing colors. Not using bootstraps,
default colors before we changed
primary to orange. And that was using
a built in orange. There's two ways we can
do this. First of all, we'll look at modifying orange. We'll take out the
default flag in VS code. It's quite easy, you just hover over the little swatch
that it gives you. Then we can make some changes. So we wanted to bring
some more red into it. We can drag up, it's
not really an orange anymore that's changed then
it's more of a sunburst. We'll save that. Now, orange is turned into more
of a sunburst red. The other way we
can do it, I'm just going to comment out that orange won't comment it out because it may be
required down the track. I'll just control Ed
to bring it back. The other thing we
can do, instead of using a variable here, we can actually put in a
hash and then a color. For example, if we
just start with white for example,
then hover over. We can then come in there and customize to whatever color. Where. After it's
totally up to us, I'm thinking I might go
for a nice deep blue. Well, you be careful with
blues because there on so many bootstrap
websites, we'll save that. That's our primary.
I do recommend, if possible, you map
them to color variables. That way you can use them
further down in your code. But anyway, this is
one way of doing it. Then we'll check it out. There's our deep blue being reproduced throughout the site. If you've managed to override bootstrap variables
and you successfully change some components in the site through the different methods
that I've shown you, you're ready to move
on to the next lesson.
15. Custom utility classes: Now we're going
to look at making our own utility classes. That is, classes just like the ones we use that
are part of bootstrap. But we're going to make
our own ones because sometimes bootstrap just
isn't quite enough. There's an API, a system
that's built into Bootstrap which enables us to make our own classes
quite easily. We're going to start this lesson again on a Bootstrap Do page. We're now looking at the
utility API that's in the utility section under
API on the Bootstrap five. Do we use the utility API to generate our own
utility classes? Utility classes are the classes that we use with Bootstrap. The two things are required when you're creating
our own classes are the property you're targeting and the values that
you're giving to it. If you scroll down, the first
example is quite simple. We have a property of opacity. We have values of 025507500, and we've assigned
values of 0.25 0.5 0.75 0.1 You're probably
not going to use 100 unless you're trying to override something that's
already transparent. If we use a value
of 25, for example, which will be opacity 25, we opacity of 0.25 That's
quite transparent. Now you might be thinking
that's quite a long word. You've got to type every time and it's probably not necessary. And that's when
you can add class. The next example we're providing a class of O
and that's the letter, the number zero and we've
got our same values. And then outputs
02550 and so on. We have shortened down
with the custom class. We're still targeting opacity, but now we've got
a custom class. These are a little bit
tricky to implement. We'll go through
the states later. If you scroll down to the bottom under using the API,
there's an example here. We need to have
imported functions and variables, and utilities. After you've imported utilities, we can perform a map. Merge with our own
utilities map. That's going to be the one map. Ultimately, we'll copy and paste this example
of how to use it. Well, then go into the
assets and SCSS in Maine. We'll go underneath where
we've imported utilities. We'll rearrange
this in a minute. We'll just get
everything working. We'll paste that in. Then
we'll go back to our capacity. We'll use it on with
the custom class. We'll copy just the
section with opacity including its required
brackets. We'll copy that. Then we'll get rid of
the cursor section, make sure you're selecting the correct brackets when you do it. We'll paste that in O Shift
to Reformat. We'll save that. We'll then add the class to
the image on our website. We'll, we'll use probably
opacity of 0.75 For now, go into layouts and index HTML. We'll look for our image
and we'll go to classes and we'll put in 75 save. Then we'll run the Dev server. Our image is much more
transparent than it used to be. If we inspect it, we can see that class over here saying
the class creates an opacity of 0.75 But we can do better than that
because the next thing on our bootstrapped docs is states. We've looked at
property and class, now we're looking at the state, and for example,
Hova, this is useful. What we'll do is we'll copy
and paste this example. Just the opacity part. We could even just copy and paste the Hova line
if you wanted to. Then we'll go back into mains, highlight the existing code. We could probably just
add the extra line, but paste in our
new code format. It will now create the
original opacity tags of 25, 50 and so on. We'll also have a Hova state
option. Will save that. We'll go a rid of a peek into the CSS and we'll check it out. Before we do that,
there's an example here. I've got opacity, but you're also going to
get these opacity, opacity 25 as well
as the Hova states, we've got a class of opacity. I think we might leave
opacity as a class name. A little bit easy to remember. If you're going through a website you haven't
seen for a while, it's probably a little bit
easier to jog your memory. We got the site, we'll inspect, go into sources, open up the SCSS folder. I'm already at that
point you can do control and type in opacity. Then you'll see we've
got opacity zero, which is opacity of zero. Then we've got opacity zero. Hob, not very useful, zero, but for example
25 and then 25 Hoa. We can set an object so that
as the mouse goes over it, it becomes more transparent.
Let's keep that a go. We'll go back into
the index Html. This time we'll do
opacity 75, hover. And we'll save that.
Then as you mouse over, we get the opacity effect. Let's go to our cards
and we'll set it so that all of the
cards have that effect. I'm just going to
remove that effect from the hero image because I don't think it's
very appropriate. Do control X. I'll then scroll down to our
cards, to the image. We'll go to the class
and we'll paste that in. This is going to be applied to all the cards because
we're ranging over the cards from
the parameters. If you haven't done my
introduction course, I'll just show you very quickly. We're going to content
and then indexd. You'll see the cards
here and we've set up, every dash is a new card, and that data is looped over
it's card, one card two, card three, producing
three cards out of one card worth of HTML. We'll save that, then you can see when you
mouse over them, we get the hover effect. If you're able to create
your own utility classes, especially using a state
that's a great one to really bring boots
travel to a new level, then you're done
with this lesson.
16. Project 1 Conclusion: Congratulations on making it
to the end of project one. A sure has a lot to take in. Remember to share a link with your work in the
project section so I can have a look at your
work in project two.
17. Project 2: Welcome to project two. Project two is a
creative project. You need to style the
landing or home page and the about page using
the following techniques. Modify bootstrap variables. I provided a video lesson
on how to go about this. You do it through the SCSS file. You've also got to change Bootstrap CSS utility classes in the HTML of the singlet and
the index dot HTML templates. The singlet Html file
is for the about page, and the index HTL file is for
the home or landing page. You've also got to create
your own new utility classes using the Bootstrap utility API. For example, on a Hoa, I provided a video lesson
on how to go about this. I've also provided some links to some example styling ideas in the resources section
under project two. I really look forward to seeing your work in your own project. Make sure you share the link. You can use services
such as Cloud, Dropbox, One Drive, or Google Drive, and share a link to the folder
that has your work in it. I can't wait to provide you
guys with some feedback.
18. Project 2 Conclusion: Congratulations
on making it this far and to the end
of project two. Remember, if you haven't
already upload a link to your work in the project section so I can give you some feedback. Thanks for taking this course. It's been great
working with you. I'm always uploading
new courses on static web design,
Hugo and Bootstrap. I'll see you on my next course.