How to Write Captivating Website Copy that Converts | Cassandra Le | Skillshare

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How to Write Captivating Website Copy that Converts

teacher avatar Cassandra Le, Copywriter & Content Strategist

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Taught by industry leaders & working professionals
Topics include illustration, design, photography, and more

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Taught by industry leaders & working professionals
Topics include illustration, design, photography, and more

Lessons in This Class

    • 1.



    • 2.

      Your Class Project


    • 3.

      Key Parts of Website Copy


    • 4.

      HOME Page: Most Important Page!


    • 5.

      The "Folds" of a Website


    • 6.

      Writing your HOME Page


    • 7.

      Writing the ABOUT ME Page


    • 8.

      ABOUT ME: Include your Story & Message


    • 9.

      ABOUT ME: How to Structure the Page


    • 10.

      Writing your SERVICES Page


    • 11.

      SERVICES Page: How to Structure the Page


    • 12.

      CONTACT Page: What You Need to Include


    • 13.

      CONTACT Page: Examples


    • 14.

      Almost done: Proofreading & Personality


    • 15.

      Recap & Wrap-Up


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About This Class

How many times have you entered onto a website and quickly scanned, looking for keywords and phrases that describe your situation, what you need, and solutions to your problems?

How often do you exit a website because the information you looked for was unclear, or whomever wrote that website cared too much about themselves and not about you (hello, the consumer, the client)!

Now, take a look at your website… how often do you think people scan and close out because your website copy wasn’t captivating or didn’t give them what they wanted?

Yes, website design, user experience, and all those colors and logos are important. They’re eye-catching, easy to relate to, and are sometimes… misleading.

When people are ready to buy from you, work with you, or reach out for more information - they’re not looking at your website design, the colors, or the logos… They want words that connect, captivate, and strike action.

If you’re looking to convert more clients with captivating website copy - grab a seat, because we’re about to get into the good stuff.

How to Write Captivating Website Copy that Converts Clients

In this course, you’ll learn…

  • To talk directly to your ideal clients, using words they use!
  • To write website copy that is engaging and captivating, not long and boring…
  • How to structure your website copy so it’s skimmable, and not overwhelming

During our time together, I’ll be covering key components you need for captivating website copy:

  • Mission statement
  • Vision statement
  • Brand personality & tone
  • Unique Selling Point
  • And lots more…

This course is designed for beginner-intermediate level writers, who would like to learn more about strategic communication skills and need help writing their website copy. It is best if you have a basic knowledge of your ideal client, branding, and storytelling.

As your instructor, I’m here to answer your questions and provide feedback! I will read and do my best to reply to all your questions and concerns (:

Let’s dive in!

Meet Your Teacher

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Cassandra Le

Copywriter & Content Strategist

Level: All Levels

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1. Introduction: Hey, I am Cassandra and I am the creator and founder of the quirky Pineapple Studio at Copy Writing and Content Strategy agency for small business owners and brands in the hospitality and tourism industry. What we do is we help businesses and brands get clear on their message, their story and health, Um, quit rambling about what they actually do and confidently share it online and in person, through events, content and copy. So welcome Teoh how to write captivating website copy that converts clients In this class, we're gonna be talking about how to write your home page, your about your services page, contact, how to proof, read correctly, how to structure and even how to inject your personality into your website copies so that you don't sound bland and boring on Internet and actually make us black on your ideal client. That's right, a slash. So why is this important anyways? So everybody talks about ranting about and whatever they focus on that they talk about the colors and the aesthetic and your typography in the fonds and your logos. That awesome more power to you. But what often gets forgotten is the copy. That's everything. That's written on your website and all the content that you produced that actually brings people in. That's the stories you share. The message is that you have and the text that you write that stuff is what captivates your clients and brings them in and actually built that no, like trust factors so they can buy from you work with you or opt in to anything that you have to offer. So today we're gonna be talking all about captivating website copy, and I'll be walking you through how we wrote the quirky Pineapple Studios website copy, giving you practical examples from a few of our other clients and giving you examples on how websites can vary in structure and format. But the copy is what really, really cells on bringing in your audience and your communities of that you actually build brand loyalty. So if you're ready to get cracking, get writing, get creative, get sharing all of that, then you are totally in the right space will be covering important things for your website copies such as a mission statement, your ideal client avatar taglines will also be talking about called the actions and the rest. So if you're ready to get started. Let's continue. I am so excited to teach you about how to write captivating webs, that coffee and how to build it in so that your website makes a bang. Bang. Um, Internet. I will see you in the rest of the video. Feel great toe. Leave a comment drop anything below. If you've got any questions and I will be happy to answer them, I will see you in the next video. 2. Your Class Project: Welcome back in this video, we'll be talking about your class project for this course house. Right? Captivating website copy that converts clients, which, by the way, your class project is to actually write your own website. Copy. So what we'll be talking about in this video is the tools that you need, what will be covering and how to participate and share your progress as we go through each of the video modules. All right, let's talk about the tools that you need. Like I said, you don't need much to get started writing your captivating website. Copy. Some of the tools that you'll need are either using your Google Drive folder or a word document. I am going to show you how I use our Google Drive folder toe organize and write our website copy. So to get started, what you're going to do is create a new folder either on your death, tough or in your Google drive. Entitle it skill share website copy you title loves. I copy. I total it skills share so that I know that it's with this course specifically. Then we're going to go in, and this depends on what language you're writing your website copy and but I have mine in English and Spanish, so we're going to go into the English version and create a new document. I already have our website copy Britain. But where you're going to Dio is at a new document and then title it with page title and whether it's a first draft, second draft or final, for example, with the contact page here, you can see I titled it contact. And because this is a final draft I've already put in final. If I were to be writing the first draft, then I would actually title it first draft. And then as you go through the video modules and write your website copy, you can change it from first draft second draft to final, based on where you are in your proof reading and editing form. So that's really all you need for the tools. And then let's talk about what will be going through as you watch each of the modules. So we talked about the tools that you need to be writing your captivating website coffee, and now I just wanted to quickly go over some of the topics that will be covering throughout these video modules will be going over your mission. Statement your ideal client avatar. Understanding what your unique selling proposition is, how destruction your website pages, and I'm giving you practical examples on how you can also structure and format your website coffee. So, before anything else, let's dive into the first lesson, which is going over the key and important things that you'll be meeting for all of your website. I'll see you in the next video. 3. Key Parts of Website Copy: okay, Before we get into writing your website, lets talk about key parts of website copy in this presentation, and in this video, we'll be talking about all the important points you need and should not forget for a captivating website. Copies we'll be covering today in this video are things like the mission statement of the unique selling Proposition K, the U. S. P. Message story Ideal client avatar understanding the page structure of a website and, of course, called actions. Let's start with a unique with the unique selling proposition and mission statement. The mission statement explains the heart of what you do, why you do it and why you're doing all of this for or who you're doing all of this for, actually, so a mission statement doesn't need to be long. It is usually only 2 to 3 sentences, and if you're getting into the five sentence range than your mission statement is dragging along, so I've included a template for you to use to create your and write to your mission statement. It says I am who you are, and I helped ideal client with what you help with slash offer through how you help because why you help. So just because that this template has a specific structure doesn't mean that you can't take it and you can make your own. A lot of people play around with their mission. Statement is not always in the structure of I am la, blah blah, and I help you. Yeah, in a way. Whatever you help them with, sometimes people will rearrange it, and that's totally fine. Um, when you rearrange it. And if you're able Teoh and put your own flair onto it, that's when you're mission same. It becomes a lot stronger and a lot more interesting. For example, with the quirky pineapple studio, our mission statement sounds like we are the quirky Pineapple Studio and copyrighting and content Strategy boutique agency, helping small business owners and hospitality tourism brands to get clear and not ramble when talking about their message. And the service operates so that they build a strong community of loyal clients and fans. Super simple. It is a little bit longer, but technically there's no period in there. There's only one comma and in the long sentence, so that is an example of a mission statement. You can play around with it, you could say, you know, you could talk about your ideal client first and all of that. So moving on to the unique selling proposition unique selling proposition is the same thing as the unique selling point. Unique value propositions are all the same. They all have different names, but they're talking about the same thing. So the U. S P is what makes your business stand out from the competition and stand apart from others in your in the same industry slash meet. Sometimes a lot of people forget about how great having and a unique selling proposition. This or they don't realize that lots of things could be considered into their unique selling proposition. Some of the things that I like to keep track of our strength, your personality, your experience, your weaknesses and your opinion slash position. So this could be a biased or unbiased but a opposing opinion on something that in your industry or your you have a different position than everybody else. A different stance. Things like that make you stand out from the crowd, so being clear on what your unique selling proposition is is very, very helpful, so that when people are reading your website copy. They're not just reading something that super bland and blah and sounds like everybody else . They're actually understanding what you can provide to them that nobody else in your industry, Ornish, can provide, moving on getting into the depths up, which is the message and the story. So the message is what? The point behind all of this a message is what you want your audience or your clients to carry on after working with you or after interacting with your website, your brand, your business, all of that. So I want to really stress that getting clearing your message will really, really help your website copy instantly become captivating. It creates a foundation in a base and when you have a clear message than people know exactly what they're getting into when they read your website coffee. Most of the time, when you don't have a clear message, you're trying to do too many things all at once, and then it becomes a muddled mess. It's unclear it doesn't really have a strong point or hook, and when that happens, a lot of the times people will click out of a website because they don't really know what they're offering, I promised. Like I said, I promise I'm not lying. If you have a strong foundation, the base, which is your message, then you already have completing going into the story. It's why you and this thing on. What is this saying? This thing is your website. This thing is your business or your services or your products or whatever you're creating this website for. Um, what I want to stress is the parts to a story. A lot of the times people always talk about, you know where they are now, where they plan on going, which is great. That ends up being the conclusion and the epilogue. But most people always forget about the prologue beginning middle slash conflict and then the turning point slash solution. So just to quickly walk through it, the prologue is setting the scene for your ideal audience. These are for the people who are coming to your website because they're interested in what you have to offer. These are your clients, so having a prologue is setting the scene so that they understand what the back story is. Then we go into the beginning. The beginning is where you were before you started this whatever this is, the beginning is when you were living your life and doing things. And then bam, something happens that is the middle slash conflict. That's why new realized that something was wrong and you needed to find a solution to fix it. That takes us to point number four, which is the turning point slash solution. This is when you talk about what it was that fixed your problem. Usually, this is where you captivate a lot of your ideal audience because they're looking for the turning point slash solution in their lives, and because you have it or have gone through it, then they are more intrigued and more likely to be captivated by what you have to offer. The fifth point is the conclusion which is where you are now that you are hash tag, living your best life or doing something to help other people. Why you have this business products, this website, all of that, and the epilogue is where you plan on taking it. So the epilogue, if you want to think about it, is kind of like your vision for your business or your brand or or whatever this website is going to be about. And that's where you kind of can bring people into your vision and take them with you. So those air parts of a story that I think are extremely important don't forget any of them . They don't. Your story doesn't need to be extremely long. You can take parts of it and add it into your website coffee where it fits. OK, moving on to the ideal client avatar, the ideal client avatar. Everybody talks about it. I'm going to talk about it because it's super important. It's your ideal customers or the audience that your services, business products or your Web site specifically talking Teoh Um, some things to consider when we go into ideal client Avatar. I'm sure that you've all heard of it Are things like age, gender where they live, what they like, what they don't like other brands that they enjoy using. Um, this could be what they wear, what they eat, and then something that I want you to also consider about a deal. Client Avatar is the lifestyle that they want to live. This is their dream, their Y and then also the emotional point of what you can offer them. So where are they in their journey? What do they need from you? What do they want from you? What don't they want from you? What do they want to improve with their life? And this all goes back to the lifestyle that they want to achieve. When you touched on this, then you can get a lot clear on what you can provide and also how to speak directly to your ideal audience that creates even more captivating left. So if you plan on talking to everyone in your website copy, Let me tell you right now, don't do it. If you plan on talking to everyone, your website will won't be captivating. It will be very, very generic and very bland. You want to have Web site copy that stands out, grabs attention and also really speak So one or a group of specific people. You're trying to talk to everybody. You're surely not doing that. OK, moving on. And this is the last part of the call to actions which are C. T A's and then the page structure. So let's talk about call to action first a call to action or a C T. A. Is a phrase phrase or sentence to calling audience to take action and guide them where you let them. Next have included two examples from the 40 Pineapple Studio love site. The 1st 1 is on our services page. Just this think box right here and in it we talk about getting clear, get creating an action plan so that they feel excited and confident Teoh create an engaged community, and a call to action that we included was, Let's create create your strategy in the paragraphs before, I didn't include all of it. But we talk about, you know, the action plan, having a clear strategy, working together, developing something that is bite size so that they understand. And the call to action is reinforces that by telling them to let create your strategy, and if they feel called to, they will click it and then it'll take him to the contact page. The 2nd 1 is one at the bottom of our website, which is want to bring in the attention your business deserves. This is another type of call to action. You can preface it with a question and then be called to Action Button, which is right here. Book of free chat With Me is the answer to that question. You never want to give them the option. Yes or no. Um, you think people want options, But more options they have, the more confusing will be. So I pose the question of if they want to grab, like bringing the attention their business and serves. Then they can book a free chat. And then in that free chat, it insinuates that we'll be talking about how they can bring in attention for their business now, now that we understand called actions, let's talk about the page structure because the page structure of a website it depends on the type of page that you're looking at. There are different structures for a home about services and contact page, and then also you have different things, like lead pages for oh, poor error pages and so on and so forth. So I've shared a little screenshot of what the quirky Pineapple Studio website looks like when we first launched have gone through a couple changes now, but in here you can see that it's clearly broken into certain things. So I wanted to point out a few important ones, which is one of the menu which is at the top. Then we have the header, which is this part where you can see the Pineapple Studios logo. And then this whole section right here is what we call the first fold. So that means that one all the most important information on the first gold of the website . That is when we'll land on it and they don't have to scroll or anything called the Merciful . Then it is a scroll called Second Golden, so on and so forth. So here you can share more about your business. Um, I've included, you know, my services here and then a call to action to join the newsletter. Unfortunately, I didn't have the option to take a picture of all that the bottom. But of course, at the bottom of it of the website, that's where we have the footer. And sometimes people forget about the floater because you know it's nobody cares. And it's all day the bottom. But if you can use your like all of the copy on your website strategically, you can include some pretty interesting and fun links down there, for example, a footer. You know, sometimes people will have their privacy policy down here. A few other important laying. Sometimes they have their social media again. So that's part of the footer. Um, we will be going into how each page should be structured and how you can truck that yourself when you're writing it. But these are the basic things for what you need to know before we get into writing anything. So let's actually get writing. If you have any questions, feel free to drop a comment in the class discussion or tacos on social media to show us behind the scenes of what you're writing. You could talk on Facebook, which is according pineapple or on in script at the Porky Pineapple studio. And as a bonus, if you feel so inclined and you want to get started right away, you can work on and write your mission statement and share it with us in the class discussion. I will be going through and reading through the mission statements and providing any feedback or tips. And, of course, I encourage you to interact with your classmates to see what else what other feedback that you can give them. All right, you all. We are going to wrap it up here and let's go on to the next video where we will talk all about right in your home page copy. 4. HOME Page: Most Important Page!: Welcome back. Now that we've covered the key parts to website copy, we're gonna die right in to get right. A What are we gonna work on? First, you can jump around to the different types of videos with different pages. But the one I wanted to start off with is the home page, one of the most important pages of your website. The home page is majority of the time where most people will land when they click on any link to your website. This could be a link from your instagram. Your social media profiles your facebook a link that you share in Facebook groups or any time that you send out a pitch email for your business product or service. Your home page is where people are going to find out who you are, what your business is all about. What you offer, how you help and any other important information they need to be able to work with you. Collaborate, purchase or anything like that. So you're home late? Come paid. It's pretty important. Don't stress, though, because a lot of people end up putting a lot of pressure on themselves. Great. Be perfect. Whole page And, like I said, copy writing is always a work in progress. So even though you're writing your home page now, that doesn't mean that your home page needs to stay put and stay. Exactly how is your homepage should always be changing to incorporate new information that you know about your ideal clients, new services that you're offering or services that you aren't offering anymore. Make sure that you always send us high a little bit of time every quarter, every six months or every year to just look through your home page again to make the necessary tweets. So let's dive into how to actually write a home page. I'm going to be showing you some examples of home pages that I've worked on the Working Pineapple Studios home page and also explaining a little bit more about the structure of a home page and what information needs to go where. So not all written content is equal, and that means that bore specific parts of a website structure. Different parts of your home page and where they are laid out on the website have different value. For example, you always want to capture your audiences attention immediately right When they land, they say that you only have three seconds and sure aesthetics and visuals kind of play into that. But who actually lands on a website, read or doesn't find anything in the first part, and then you're completely turned off and quick out. So we're going to actually combat that when I explain about the different page structures and for the home page, this is super important. All right, let's get into the examples of different home pages, and then we're going to talk about how you construct your it and what you need to include in the different areas. 5. The "Folds" of a Website: you are currently looking at the quirky Pineapple Studios home page. In the previous video, we talked about paid structure. So you're looking at the first fold. This is right. Before we actually scroll here, you confined the menu, the header. And then if you scroll a little bit, we have a tagline or phrase explaining what we do and who we work with. Here it says copyrighting in content, strategy, heartfelt connections with your community, strategic words and content. Now, if somebody's looking for copyrighting and content strategy and they're looking for strategic words and content, then they know that they landed in the right spot. If they school a little bit further, they'll see that we have a whole paragraph and section talking about what we offer for our clients. As you can see here, we talk about that. They are fierce business owners and experience curate er's. Because our clients are small business owners and hospitality and tourism brands. They know that this is what they're looking for. Here we talk about who want to confidently share their message and offering without rambling to connect with more clients. Like I said before, it's super important to understand exactly who your ideal client is and what they're looking for. These air understanding, their actual problems, the emotional side of problems and what they need the most help with. Sure, everybody has a lot of problems, but your business and your website is here to solve one specific one. If you trying to solve all of the problems, it just doesn't make sense. So in this section we talk about the type of person that they're all that. They are their passion about providing memorable experiences. They believe in prioritizing relationships. They're overwhelmed and they want to get their business noticed. But they're just not sure how to do it. And this is where we explain we have their back. We know exactly what they need, and we're there to help him. Especially becomes two words strategy and events so that they can create communities. If we scroll a little bit further, we talk about the team behind the court pineapple studio and in here we give a little brief description about our experience, who we are and the type of people that will find when they work with us. One thing that I definitely wanna point out is that in our website copy. We're very clear about our business values. This is something that I find is extremely important to create captivating website copy. You need to pet a clear idea of what your business values are, so that when you're writing, then you can connect those business values to the values of your ideal client. Remember, it's not easy to work with somebody who doesn't share the same values as you. So make sure that you have your personal values, your business values, and you're able to admit that in your website copy, especially on the home page. Because in fact you want to turn away anybody who isn't your ideal client and doesn't share the same values as you. Why? Because they won't understand type of work you do. Nor will they appreciate it. Remember, ideal clients were aiming for those type of people. So in this section we talk about our about me a little bit. We have ah call to action here to get them to click through if they want to learn more, and then we could dive straight into who are deal clients. Are there the small business owners or hospitality and tourism. I'm going to show you all a few different examples of other home pages that don't necessarily categorize their ideal clients immediately on the home page. But they rather talk about their services, and you can do either way. But because we have to specific ideal clients, we didn't want to talk about the services that we offer right off the bat, because we want to tailor it to the ideal client that we work with scrolling down, we have our testimonials. And then here, if you have a block, it's great to include the Blawg here so that other people can click through and read about your information that they're looking for free Resource is tips, advice and so forth. And then here we are in now towards the last part of the website. So this is like the ending fold, where we have another call to action. And here is the Footer Footer is like this whole area where you have some useful links where people can connect with us further and also if they want to subscribe to our newsletter. So this is an example of the quirky Pineapple Studios home page. Let's take a look at our client's home pages and dive into the structure there were now looking at. It's a travel O. D. This is one of our path clients, and she is a travel blogger, and here she has in the beginning, the menu. And in the first fold, she said, Let's figure out how you can overdose in travel. So when somebody lands here, they already know that they want to travel whore. They are interested in traveling long term, and they want Teoh just include it more in their everyday lives. So let's figure out how you can travel, she says. You see instagram photos, you read the blog's. You watch the travel logs, but how can you incorporate more travel into your life? Let's dig into it. So this place on the psychology part of the human brain And if she asked your questions, how can you incorporate more travel into your life? Let's dig into it. So now you know. OK, she's going to teach me how to incorporate more travel into my life, so I'm going to keep scrolling here. She has a great photo of herself traveling, and then she tells you what exactly you'll find on her website. Ideas don't want to stay inspiring stories, different styles of traveling insights and tips on blogging so that other people can do it , too, because she is a full time travel blogger. Now I'm super intrigued because these are all the things that I want to learn. I'm gonna keep scrolling here. She talked a little bit about her experience and about who she is. She gives us statistics, which makes her more credible, and it gets us interested and feel like we actually can trust her. It's pulling further. She gave testimonials from all of her past clients and then in this area. She includes her products, her services and then, if they want to catch her on Instagram to find more information. And she includes a lot of different ideas on how you can work with her. So this is a great home page because it catches your attention from the beginning. It tells you exactly what you'll find, and then it gives you more information on the type of person behind this website and the brand so that you feel like you can actually trust them moving on to our other clients, Susan Pedro who is a personal stylist here. You can see in the first told her menu. This is the header and her actual logo. And then she talks about personal styling for ambitious and driven women who want to walk into any situation with total confidence. And if you're I'm a woman who wants to feel confident and feel good about walking around in any situation and getting into a room and totally owning it, this is the place for me. She has a quick button that says, Start here. So if I were to click here that I know that I would get something in return. And now when I'm scrolling, she talks about why you need a personal stylist. She talks about the pain points and right so some interesting points about who the type of client that she works with. She says that you worked hard. They're currently in a state of transition. We don't feel like ourselves. We feel anxious around getting dressed. And then she offers the solution, which is her services Here. She includes testimonials, which is amazing, so she reinforces her expertise and then she introduces herself to us. People continue scrolling. She also includes more testimonials and then she includes free resource is where we could learn more about her expertise, her opinion and some tips and advice. And then in the footer, she has her newsletter so that if you're interested, you can subscribe and keep in touch with her. And then lastly, we're gonna show you, uh, are other consultant Lupoli coach salty in the first cold. She has her menu. Then she talks about the the strategic CEO of a business that works for you. And if you are a CEO of a business or an agency, then you know that this is the type of coach and consultant that you want to work with. Find out how to take control of your business operations. This is a call to action. So if you want to find out, the new automatically click. And now we're enticed to school further falling down. She gives us a quote. We were never left without the data required to implement transitional changes in our business, which is a testimonial from her client. And then she talks about leading your team to evolve with excellent here, who's super important because she already talks about a team and anybody who lands on her page who doesn't have a team knows that she's not talking to them. She calls out her ideal client, specifically agency owners. She talks about what she specializes, insistence and processes optimization, team growth in business management. And as we scroll down, she actually asked, How can we support you? She lists out for three services because all of her ideal clients are the same. They don't end up into different categories or two different industries or niches. She talks about how they are CEOs and agency owners, so they're all the same, and they have different stages that they're looking to get help with. Then she introduces herself, and she talks about her experience and gives us a peek into her expertise. She has two buttons left connected toe, learn her story and then scrolling down even further. She has her testimonials from past clients and call to action to actually schedule a free concert hall. What's interesting about this is the footer is to immediately set up a call and not do anything else. So this is great if you actually want to get your clients off of your website and to talk to you on the phone or through a virtual All right. Now that we've gone through some examples, let's dive into how to actually write your home hate. 6. Writing your HOME Page: Let's get writing. Open up your home page document and here you'll see an example of mine. This is the final coffee because I've already written my website copy. But whatever draft you are working on your first or your second, open it up and let's dive into how to write and structure the text for the home page. In the beginning, I showed you examples of different websites and the structure of where text should go, and I'm going to walk you through how Teoh actually start writing it now. So in the beginning, I talked about the first full, the attention grabbing mission statement you're adding in about two testimonials, all of that. So here in the Google doc, you can see that I've added our mission statement a very, very quick mission statement or elevator pit. We wrote copyrighting and content strategy, heartfelt connections with your community, three strategic words and content. Those I would consider an elevator pitch so that people can quickly read and understand what we do and what we offer for who and then scrolling down. I gave a little bit more information in this section. I would add more about your ideal client, you can call them out. You can list out characteristics. For example, you are like I said, here you are passionate about providing memorable experiences that keep your clients coming back. You believe in prioritizing relationships and so on and so forth. What I said earlier about honing in on your personal and business values in this section, I would actually write about the values that you want to highlight in your ideal client. This could mean that you know they value time with their family. They believe in sustainability. Whatever your website is focusing on in whatever your business is or you're branded, then talk about the values here and then connect it back to what your values are. So first talk about your ideal clients values and then take it one step further, entire back into values that you provide in your own business. Then aim. After these few sentences, you can talk about what you specifically dio. Here is a shorter version of the mission statement, so I don't necessarily talk specifically about and follow the template that we talked about earlier. But we say we help brands that push boundaries get noticed with words. Strategy and events to create communities online. And in real life. It starts with confidently knowing the right words that connected right people to you, which work great at two things. So this is a little bit of personality, but at least here we know that this is a broken down, deconstructed version of the mission statement. Scrolling down we included be ideal clients that we work with and who they are. So if you don't have multiple ideal clients or multiple people in different nations or industries than you can include, your three main services or your two main surface is whatever you offer. Maybe your products in this section. I would highlight the main ones or the most popular, and you can put pictures of them here and also a short blurb about what they are, who, therefore and how they help. Just like I showed you in Loop Lincoln Coach Soul Ting's website, where she listed out her three different services with a small blurb at the bottom to explain what it is. Then, of course, at in your about me section, you can do something small. It doesn't need to be very long because we'll get into your about me page where you can go into who you are and what you do your expertise. But here just highlight. You know, some of the experiences that your ideal clients are looking for and the type of skills that they would be intrigued by to include here, for example, we talked about how we are bilingual. You speak English and Spanish and that we have experienced in hospitality and tourism specifically s CEO event coordination and getting brands notice to build communities of loyal clients. All of this is what builds trust with the ideal client so that they understand that we're not just some Joe Schmo who wants to make a quick buck. We actually are a business and established business that has experience in what we're offering, then be included in area. Teoh have testimonials. And of course, so I called action. If they want to learn more, talk to us and the three blawg posts. So this is your home page, remember? Make it quick. Simple. There doesn't need to be a lot of text here when there's a lot of text on the home page. Most people actually and a very confused and lost Like I said, you don't need a lot of text on the home page because the more text there is on a home page , a lot of people become extremely overwhelmed, confused, lost. They're not sure what they actually clicked onto. So you want to keep it as simple and concise as possible, really worked on in the beginning. In the intro videos about a clear and concise mission statement. Understanding from your ideal client avatar is and getting clear on your message. All of that needs to go into your home page so that your confidently connecting and cherry who you are, what you do, what your business is all about and how you actually help you could say things like, Yes, I held. You organize your life, for example, of your closet organizer. I help you organize your closet, your pantry so that you don't feel overwhelmed. That's great, But take it one step further and ask yourself, What does that get to your ideal client? If we're going to continue with the closet organizer example, I am a closet organizer to help organize your closet. Organize your pantries so you feel full so you don't feel overwhelmed and you feel at peace when you go and grab ingredients to make a home cooked meal with your family, for example, remember tying it back into the values of your ideal client and the values that you also believe in as a business owner of brand or anything like that. So take some time right through your home page and then come back later to watch the about me video, which we all know the about me is probably the most stressful, most stressful page on a website. But we're gonna break it down. So it's simple and easy to understand and also how you can start writing and about me that isn't bland and all about you because hint int it isn't all right, I'll see you all in the next video. 7. Writing the ABOUT ME Page: and we're back. Welcome back and welcome Teoh The most stressful video ever. Just kidding it back to the most stressful website page. Welcome to the video. All about your about me page. That's right. Let's break down some minutes that I'm sure that you have already read on lots of free blood, post free articles, anything like that. But I wanted to talk about them again anyways, because I want to drill it into your mind about what an about me page is and what it actually is not. So let's start with dispelling some of these mitts and about me. Page number one is not about you. That's right. It's not actually about you. It's about your ideal client is about the people that you want to work with and the people that you want to help. If you're talking all about you for the majority of the page, you're doing it wrong. You're not talking about you shouldn't be talking about yourself for the entire page. Number two. And about me. Page is supposed to be super long and sharing all of your experience. That is not true either, and about me Page short is probably one of the longer pages on a website, but you don't need to list out your entire resume like you do on LinkedIn. Actually, you only want a list out. Be relevant experiences and skills that your ideal client actually find valuable. This could be anything from personal accomplishments, certifications, awards or just that you have been in this field for X amount of years. That is all relevant. That is something that your ideal client is actually looking for. Not that you volunteered or did this unless it plays into your business and your brand and that you know, all of these experiences and skills are relevant. Just make sure that it's relevant. Please don't live out everything, and the last one is that your about me ends up being bland, or you know that you shouldn't be including important links for, like, your portfolio. Or you want people to just stay on your about me page That's false to your about me. Page is actually one of the most clicked on pages in your website, if not the most clicked on, depending on your drinking. But you know that's another topic. So most people, when they land on your website. They want to know what your business is all about. What your website is all about. Why you're here, who you are. Why you started this and all of that good stuff. So everybody always put on the about me page and about me actually is supposed to guide people to where you want them to go next, Just like all of the pages your website could be actually, huh? So let's dive into a little bit more about about me page and what you need to include about me. Pages, of course, have different structures. So I'm going to walk you through some examples from the quirky Pineapple studio and we examples that we've been seeing throughout these videos from our clients use of drone stylist from Devour Tour's and then from Lupoli, Coach Salting, Um, an about me page. It needs to include your experience, your skills be values and the problems that you're a deal. Clients half and also share a little bit about your personality. This is where you can get fun and you can show off who you are, what your business is about. Um, if you like certain things or where you can just add a little bit more room to make it pop out. So before we dive into writing the website, I'm going to walk you through examples again and just show you the structure and tie in those key points that we talked about in the first few videos, for example, the mission statement and your story and your message and how that plays into your about me section. All right, let's get started. 8. ABOUT ME: Include your Story & Message: you're currently looking at. Of course. The quirky Pineapple studios about me page for us. We are at agency, so maybe we have pictures of myself because I'm the founder and the creator. But most of the time we're talking about who we are as a plural as a group. So one thing that you're going to find and see when I talk about be about me page is that I'd never say I I always say we because I do have a team so scrolling down we have, of course, the old. And here we dive straight into what we dio who craft strategic words and creative content for entrepreneurs, brands and small business owners, giving you heartfelt connections with your community through copy continent experiences. If somebody's already hooked, they can actually click here, and then it'll take them to our services page. If we continue scrolling, then we talk about them. Remember what I said went about me. Pages are not about you. They're actually about your ideal client. So I list out certain things about what they deal with who they are. The type of business owner. They are their values and also hit on a few of the pain point, for example, your knee deep in client work while also growing your online following. And you can't keep up with creating your own content anymore. You ready to recover your time, clarify your message and save your creativity for projects love like new ideas, services and offers. So these are all hitting on the pain point. And then I also talk about how they're ready to work with copyrighting and communications seem to help them grow their business and connect with your clients. And here we have a little fun called acted little grab a chair friends, because we've got lots of talk about of these point they're going to scroll down. I have a quote here, and then I talk about something about us so it's not a lot, but it shares about our experience and also about our own values because they want to look for somebody. Of course, that aligns with who they are and who what their business is based on. So I talk about how we're headquartered in Madrid, but we love traveling and we're internationally based. We have certain things like we believe in sharing moments with strangers who become friends and friends become family. This touches on, you know, that our ideal client, they're the type of people who really love experiences and sharing. And then we gave a little bit more statistics about our skills. We have over 10 years of copyrighting content, creation, community and communications experience. Um, we lived out some of the things that we've done, and then we just give them three adjectives to describe a personable, organized and a little sassy. And now we go a little bit further and here is like, the fun part because we thought we would add some fun, random facts about us. You don't have to add this, but we thought it would be interesting because we could touch on certain aspects of who we are, while also tying it back to who are ideal Clients are, for example, we whole heartedly believe in dancing and the work hard play hard mentality. And this is something that we realize that a lot of our ideal clients also share and have in common with us because they believe in the work, hard play hard mentality. They'll get their work done. But they also love, you know, kicking it back and having a good time scrolling further. We talk more about what you'll find, what we work on, and you know, the services that we offer. And then down here we talk about where we're based because we have certain tax things in Spain and then a call to action there ready to discover their story. They can contact Mexican subscribed to get resource is or if they want more information that can actually read our blawg to get free tips. So this is an example of the quirky Pineapple studios about Cage. And then I'm gonna take you over to Susan Padrone, Stylist. So Susan's About Me. Page is a clear, a clear indication of who she works with. She already starts out with Hey strong and fierce lady. So we know that her ideal clients they're strong and fierce, and they identify as wrong in theorist. She talks about you know, some of the things that they're working through and what they want, and then she shares about herself. But when she shares about herself, she ties it back. Teoh what her ideal clients want like and are looking for scrolling down. She gives an example of one of her mission statements of how she believes clothes could be functional, comfortable and a tool. And then she invites her ideal clients, who hovers reading her website to get styling together. Then here she touches more on the pain points and what they struggle with. And, she added, her personality on This is something that she wanted to add about styling, unpopular opinions similar to the working pineapple studios. Random fat. She talked about some of the different viewpoints or controversial quote unquote points and opinions actually has about personal styling. Because this gives her copy some personality, it makes her stand out from the crowd. I meant if you scroll down, you can read more about her. But this section should always be a little bit lower at sea and because we want to make sure that the ideal client connects first and then they'll want to learn more about who you actually are. And then here she talks about who she is and kind of how you can summarize her. And, of course, it called action if they're ready to actually start and get a confrontation now, taking a look at Luke Klink, coach, salting here we have before the cold skyrocket your business and build a lifestyle that is congruent with freedom, flexibility in fulfillment. So this is already something super interesting because in here you already know that most of the people are wanting to skyrocket their business, and they really believe in freedom, flexibility and fulfilment. Here she talks about some of the things that she offers and how she does it and what they really received from working with her, you know, focusing your time of creating the company vision and less time firefighting, internal work scrolling down. She also includes something about you she touches on their pain point, um, and what they believe it and also some of the problems that they have something about her. She talks about her business and gives some statistics. So she's taken a business from eight million to 50 million and four years. These air, certain things, skills and experiences that really build her credibility but also tie into, you know, the values at her ideal client is looking for. She includes a fun and interesting quote about you know what it takes to be a leader, and then something that I really like about her about me pages that she includes her poor values and her why which I think a super important because most of the time people want to know what the core values are. And I've talked about it before thes videos, and they want to make sure that their core values align with yours and your core values, align with theirs and then also the y. So this is the mission of what she doesn't. Why really a why she built her business and why she believes so much in helping her client then hear the Value center dream. This is similar to Susan, where she shared a little bit more about her story on a little bit more about her experience. But as you can see, it ends up at the bottom, closer to the bottom of the about me page, because we want to talk all about be ideal client and what they want and what they need in the beginning. And then you can talk about yourself a little bit more so scrolling down further. Uh, we have another quote, and then she has a call to action to set up a free council call so this is great. And this is easy because you're getting your clients to go where you want them to go next. So let's get into how to actually write your about me, Kate. 9. ABOUT ME: How to Structure the Page: All right. Now, let's get writing your about me. Page, open up your Google doc or your document. Wherever you have it saved. Make sure that the draft is the correct number. You're looking at my final draft of the about page, So let's dive into the actual structures already talked about a little bit of how you can structure the different formats for different about me pages. But let's get into more of where things need to go and how you can start. So in the first cold, like I said, we want to dive into your elevator pitch. You can include a short elevator pitch and exactly who you work with what you do. It doesn't need to be as long or as fancy as your mission statement, but just something short and simple so that when they land on the page, they know exactly what they're looking for. And they know that this is the right face. This is optional, but I added a call to action right after the elevator pit, just for anybody who feels like they truly connect with Korpi Pineapple Studio immediately and they can click to get writing right away, then below what I always like to do. It's focused more on the ideal clients. First, this includes again their values, what they're struggling with and really hit it on the pain points you want it really, really hit on their problems. And, like I said in the story section, in the middle of a conflict part what they're struggling with and on Lee, you know this best Because if you've done your research, then you know exactly what they're struggling with and exactly how you can provide the solutions for them. So in this section, you don't have to do something about you or something about us. You can always talk just simply to them. You can list out, you know, kind of like what Susan Padrone did on her website in her about me page, where she listed, you know, attributes of her ideal client. Because remember the about me page is all about them. Even without some attributes, you can live out their pain points, their problems, their struggled you can list out, you know, the type of person that they are, the characteristics, their values. Just make sure that you're talking about them first and then tying it back to how your experience relates to what we're looking for. So in this section, I always say, you know, really hit on the pain points and then give them a little cook like a fun call to action. Teoh. Get them thinking again about why did landed on your page and what they're looking for. For the quirky Pineapple CEO, it's copy writing in communication and strategy and content for your business. It's whatever service product or experience that you're offering include it after you touched on their pain points because you know you're introducing the solutions in this section. You know, this is also connecting it back to them. You don't have to do that something about you and something about us. But if you end up doing it, always choose information that ties back Teoh, the type of client that your ideal client it. This is the type of person they are. This is what they value. This is what they're looking for. This is, you know, their likes and dislikes. Make sure to tie it back so that you know you're creating that relationship with them just while they're reading website copy again. Remember, we want to make it captivating. And when your captivating that means you're relating back to them. Then after you talk a little bit about yourself in your experience, you can include another call to action to get them Teoh, scroll a little bit further and learn more about who you are. I always say at something fun because you know your about me. Page should be personal. You should have a little bit of possessing your story in it. And you should, you know, really share your personality. You can do some random facts. You could do it. Susan did. And add, you know, some controversial opinions. You can do what Theresa did her loop link coach salting, which was adding her. Why in her core values, you can add anything you want here. This could be, You know, if your personal brand more about your personal fax, some people add like a favorite ice cream. This could be you know where you lived a map. If you love traveling anything like that, something to make it more relatable and captivating. Ha ha ha. Were using that word again for your clients so that they kind of remember who you are and what you like. This is not to say that you need to look out everything. Um, remember, keep it simple. Don't go overboard Pulling down again in this section. This all depends here. I've included interesting facts about the types of content and copy that we work on. And also it touches on our experience with different types of platforms and content. For example, we talk about here audiovisual and written. Um, you can include a little bit more about your processes, for example, how things work If you have a specific way of how you do things, if you have specific ingredients or materials that you use if you're using products or selling products in this area, you can talk a little bit of about something to make it stand out and then below this section. I only out of this because we are based in Madrid and we have the seven taxes here in Madrid. So that something that I wanted to add if you don't have anything else you don't need to add, you know the headquarter information. But if you are an online business, you know, this would be something interesting to share about where you are headquartered if you are headquartered somewhere. And, um, if you work remotely, if your team is international, anything like that. And, of course, at the ed always out a call to action. What do you want them to do next? They can be your portfolio that can take a look at the shop. They can schedule a call. They can look at your work with me paid. Make sure to take one clear call to action and have them do that. If you feel like your ideal quietness is also avoid back to their and you'll find an understanding what they want. If you feel that they I need more time to actually connect with you, then maybe ask them to go take a look at your portfolio or view your testimonials or view your blog's where you share a bit more of information. If you think that they are ready to just talk to you immediately, ask them to book a call. It all depends on really understanding your ideal client and picking what worked Best four then. So, like I said, the about me page is not about you. It's all about your ideal clients and how to build that initial relationship with them online before they even reach out to you and start working with you as a service provider or purchasing anything from you. So one thing that I really want to stress is that a about me page is fun. It's about showing off your personality, showing off the type of business that you are the type of services and products that you can provide. Make sure while you're writing Teoh, you know, if you want to, you can just start and make it bland. Include everything that we talked about and all of the important aspect. And then after you write and let it sit there for a few days, go back and then add in where you can, you know, connect and build in your personality. That boom that is as factor that will actually captivate your ideal audience. If you need Teoh, take a few days to do it. Have somebody else read through your about me page before you publish or launch or anything like that. But remember, it doesn't need to be long. Make sure you have a clear call to action at the end, where you want to lead your audience next and make sure that a key thing is that you're using more of the word you or your then you are of I me, we or anything related to you and not them. So make sure before you do anything, do a few proof reads and take out or count. If you really want to count how many times you say I me we myself in a in your website copy in the about me page And how many times you say you, your you're struggling things like that. Um, And if b I mean we is a higher count than the you or that it's time Teoh read through it again and see where you can change a view of it to focus more on your ideal client. So now that we've got the about me page settled, make sure to just proof read it right in a few times. It takes a while, but don't put too much stress in it. It's a fun page to really share your personality and who you are in the type of business that you have. Um, next, we're going to be moving on to actually writing your service pages so that people understand what you're selling and if they want to work with you. So good job today and then I'll see you in the next video. 10. Writing your SERVICES Page: welcome back to how to write captivating website copy to convert clients. In this video, we're gonna be talking about how to write your service pages. That's right. I said service pages plural with an S. So what I believe is very important is that no, all of your services are on one page or if they are on one page, then you need to clearly define what each of those services includes. For example, if you're offering different services or different products and you don't have a shop but these air very specific products, then you need to be clear on how you organize and how you structure the website. Coffee, So that is captivating brings in your ideal clients and also tells them Teoh click and purchased. So with products or services, it's very important to be clear on who you're actually talking to, what the product is, who it's meant for, and making sure that it's clearly written out what each service or product includes. This is important Onley because most people don't want to click on a website and then go to a service page, and then we have to sift through and look for information that they couldn't find or information that's not relevant to them. We want everything to be tailored to us. That is how our mind works. We love it when things air, customized, personalized, tailored and anything that makes it sound unique to who we are. That's what we love. And that's what we want to focus on in our services pages. So when I say services pages again, I'm talking about If you can create multiple pages for your services for your products, that is the best way to start. Or another thing you can do is Teoh. Think about who your target audiences and you have two different ones. Three. Whatever. Make sure to categorize, Um, and then you can start there with your services. So what I want to also go over is what you're going to need for your service page. So you already have your Google document or your word document. Whatever you're writing your website coffee in and what I want you to do is on a separate sheet of paper or document to write down all the call to actions that you think are important. Remember, we talked about call to actions. They are the C T. A. Is what you will want your audience to do after reading your website. Copy. Then what you're going to do is divide your services or products into different categories . There needs to be, you know, a service has done with you service or a done for you service or even, and it's a product that it's a d I y so remember we said, D i y done with you? Done for you? Those are three types of categories that most of the services and products offer. So you want to make sure that everybody who is reading your website Coffee falls falls into one of those three categories and is actually looking for one of those three categories because I don't make it easier for them to click through, understand and then be captivated by your website coffee so that they can like that call to action button in contact you or purchase something for you. So now that we went into a little bit more of, um, service pages and breaking them down, I'm gonna walk you through what the working Pineapple Studio service page looks like and then show you some examples of some service pages that I also really love. Um, they're different formats. But just to give you an idea of how you construct your service page, so it's not all the same, you could make it yours and unique and something that follows your brand and your business . 11. SERVICES Page: How to Structure the Page: Here's a behind the scenes look at what our Google document looks like for the T. Q. P Studio Services page at the top. Remember, we talked about the heading of a website page. We want this to always be the clear part in the beginning so that our audience members knows exactly what they're getting into on this page of our website, it says. Want to confidently and naturally connect with your communities. You get more of those amazing clients. That is a call to action because there's a question of end. And here we say, Let's refresh your communication strategy to increase brand awareness and loyalty. And if they scroll down, we've written out three of our main services copyrighting and content creation, brand and content strategy and then event conceptualization and promotion. In each of these categories, we've written out a little bit about what our audience is looking for, what they struggle with, what they need help with. And this is what we talked about using your ideal client avatar and focusing on what their problems are. Teoh include into your website coffee, for example. In the copyrighting and content creation we talk about. Do you fumble over your words, trying to explain what you do and how you help. Do you know how to persuasively and strategically talk about your offers to your clients? Are you attracting the right people to your business? You know who we're talking about? The right type of people, your ideal client. So this is something that is very, very interesting because for us, we know that our ideal clients struggle with this. We want to get super clear on what your ideal of clients have problems with. And this is in on the service pages. You're going to write about the problems that they have, what they're struggling with and the solutions that you have for them. That will be, you know, your services or your products, your consulting, anything like that, whatever your website is. Therefore, that's how you can talk about be problems that your audience has and what you can do to help fix up. Remember when we talked about story and about, you know, the middle conflict area? So that's where your audience is hanging out right now. Your audience in your story, although urine, maybe it be Conclusion epilogue. Right now, your audience is probably in the middle in the conflict, trying to find the turning point in solution your business enters in into to give them and talk to them about the solution and turning point that they can have while working with you . So this is why your services page needs to be very, very clearly Britain out and make sure that you know exactly who your target audiences and what they have problems with. For example, each of these, if you read through them, are very different. Copyrighting client is not going to necessarily be looking for brand and content strategy. Their biggest problem is probably copyrighting, an event conceptualization in promotion client for the quirky pineapple CDO is not necessarily looking for strategy, either. They're looking for something very specific, which is the plan? An event so scrolling down a little bit more We talk Ah, week after all of the description of our services, we talk about how we can help, and this is where it's very unique for the quirky pineapple studio. Because we have two different types of clients, we have an entrepreneur or a small business owner, and then we also have the hospitality and tourism industry. Remember what I said when we want tailored, personalized pages for all of us and for our ideal clients? So this is the main service page. And then after they read it, most of our clients will either click through toe entrepreneur and small business owner or the hospitality and tourism brand. After they click either of these, it will take them to a tailored service page that lists out even further what we can offer them and how we can help and how we've helped other businesses in their field. All right, scrolling down even more. We include testimonials, testimonies, air super important. I said, Call to actions, But don't forget about your testimonials. Pick like 3 to 4 of your testimonials that apply to the services and from your best clients and include them in the service page. And then, of course, at the end, I add a call to action because I want them to book with me. Either a call reached out to me on a contact page or anything like that, because now that I've talked all about this, I want them to do something with it. So I'm going to show you what the quirky Pineapple Studios Services page actually looks like on our website. So here it is under work with us. Here we go. We have the header to start it off, like I said, And then as you scroll, we talk about the copy writing in the Content Creation Service that we go into the branded content strategy and then the event, conceptualization and promotion. And, of course, as we scroll down there ableto select either being a small business owner or hospitality and tourism brand. We keep scrolling. There are different testimonials here, and then as a call to action, I actually have them fill out a contact form that a little bit more detailed than what my contact paid looks like. And here it's when this is, if they're super ready to work with me. So that's what the service page for the quirky pineapple looks like. Um, we can click on one of these I can show you. Let's click on the hospitality and tourism. So if we click on hospitality and tourism, it will take us to thes specific hospitality and tourism service page. It talks about their specific problems. What they are having trouble with what they need the most help with and doesn't mention anything about small business owners. Here we go. We talk a little bit more about our specific services, Um, and then, after each service, there is a call to action so that they can click and either send us a message or book a call. Branded content strategy. Here we go event conceptualization of promotion and then, if they want to reach out to us for hosting on workshops or resource resource is. And if they small pass all of that, they didn't just book of free chat with us directly. So that's what the specific service page for the quirky pineapple studio looks like. You can either create one main service page if you don't have multiple ideal clients, or if you do have multiple ideal clients, then you can create to service pages or three technically, one main one with two subsets. Um, like we did for our website. Now I'm going to show you what one of our clients has done. So this is is a trouble o. D. She's a travel of locker digital nomad in a brainstorming machine, and her service page looks quite different so she actually creates a lot of sponsored videos and promotional blog's um so for her, she showcases a lot of her videos first and then shows you an example of what a promotional log would look like then, if you're not ready to do any of those, and you want to just learn how toe claws she talks about her book that she wrote, So you want Toe log and then below. She has other services. She's got to pick my brain session online trainings. She's got a shop. And then, if you want to check out more of her information, you can check out Hurt Lincoln, where she lists even more professional experiences that she's had. So a lot of the people who are already coming to her page, of course, her ideal client are people who want toe either have more information about how toe log themselves, so that's where she includes it. And then they either are a company who wants to have sponsored videos or promotional logs. Which one is more income generating service, probably her sponsored logs and promotional blog's. So that's why she lists those in at the top because those are the people that she really, really wants to work with. Then at the bottom, be there more for consumers who want to also learn hot of law or maybe live the lifestyle that she's living being a full time logger and digital nomad. That's what she talks about here, towards the bottom. And then because those are her most popular, she can list out a few other services that she has. So that's an example of somebody who has one service page for multiple services but mainly focusing on the larger income generating ones. Now I want to show you another website that we worked on for our clients. Susan Padrone stylists. She is a personal stylist, and if you look under services, if you click it, these are her main services, which is mostly for women and then a drop down menu. She's got services for men and then her events, but because when we work together we knew that mostly women reach after her. But she didn't want toe, you know, lose on the fact that some men still reach out. I want to work with her. So we decided to create two separate cages for her services. They're mostly the same. But if you start reading through her website copy, you'll see that this one Taylor's specifically would to a dedicated woman, a businesswoman, somebody who wants to feel good and confident in her clothes. And she lists out the different types of services that she offers with call to actions here . She actually includes her prices, which is very interesting because this gives people a clear indication of how much her services are worth. And then she kind of nix is all the people who are just trying Teoh, you know, get information and wasting her time with lots of e mails, trying to ask a lot of questions by listening out her prices for her services. Now most people who are contacting her already know how much it's going to cost, and they're ready to make the investment. So schooling town even further. She lists out a few more, and then here she includes for testimonials. And here she says, Well, I mostly worked with women. I also have specific styling services for men, too, So that means that if a man doesn't actually see the service option for services for men on the drop down menu. They can go to here and then click, and it will take them straight to the services Four Men Service page, Which is great because now when you're reading through the copy, it's specifically tailored to the type of man that she works with again. She also lifts her prices so that they know exactly how much everything costs. And then she includes testimonials again and a Let's work together button so that if people get to the bottom of the page, they could select it and send her a message directly to start working with her. So back Teoh, our service paid. Now I want you to start writing your service page. So what do we talk about? We said, get clear on your call to action. Put together some testimonials and then decide also what type of client you're writing about. Make sure that your services and whatever you're offering is clear. That you know exactly what goes into each service or product and to focus on the problems of your ideal client and how you can help them with your specific products or services. All right, y'all, I'll let you get writing, and then we're going to talk about the next page of your website copy 12. CONTACT Page: What You Need to Include: All right, let's get into the contact page. Be easiest Quote unquote page to write for your website copy on the contact page. It's very important to have certain things for example, a contact form. How people can read you your email address. I also like to include operating hours, general information about your business. And of course, now that we have GDP are in place. And if you are based in Europe, it's very important that you have something related to GDP are like a little check box in your contact form. So to start, this is what the quirky Pineapple Studios contact page looks like. It's part of our main menu, and when you scroll down, we have our Contact league captured form here with our C R. M and then on this side. We have sent us a note. We include our email address here, um, some quick information about when you could hear from us our operating hours, where were based, and then, if they're looking for something else, super simple and very easy in the contact form, we have some key information of a personal last. An email. If they have a website, how did they find us because we like to keep track of all that information where they're getting in touch. Um, this could be about copyrighting content, strategy, etcetera. A little message if they want to be add to our newsletters and if they click here than they agree with our privacy policy. So let's go into the Google document for your contact page, and here I just put contact page of the top, and then you can divide it into two. This is how I wanted my website to look with two columns. Some people have to rose. Instead, it's really up to you, and then one side should be or one part to be your contact Lee form, and then the other part should have all of your information again. I always say, Include your email address some brief information about you know, we would love to hear from you through an hour so that people know when you're actually working and you know when you will be responding to emails. If you are an Internet based or an online business, then you can say where your home base is. Um, or you can just say, you know, we work people all over the world. And if you're looking for something else, sometimes you know, this helps people. If they don't really want to go for the contact, can't find something. Then you can include some links here, so that is super simple. It's the contact page, the shortest page on the Web site. But you want it to be clear so that people don't feel confused when they're trying to contact you. And you have all of the things that they need. You know, your contact information. Ah, form for them to fill out. Um, and of course, you want to know where they found you from. So yeah, that is your contact page. 13. CONTACT Page: Examples: I wanted to show you all a few different contact pages that I really like, because some of them are kind of like the quirky pineapple studio where you have to size one with the contact page and then other side with information. One very simple, one that just has contact page form one with a few more fun things. So let's dive into it. So this is the 40 Pineapple Studios Contact page. Like we said, we have one side for the form and one side for information. This is lucky Suppose studio. This is actually one of our friends that we've worked with, and she just has some thing super simple where she get shares, you know, Let's chat. And then she has her contact form here. She doesn't ask for a lot of information so people can share whatever they need to share another one that I really like is the one that we worked with for Susan Padrone, stylist. We wrote her website coffee for her. She shares a picture of personal um, and, you know, has a call to action that we talked about here, ready to discuss the wardrobe, stress for excitement, getting dressed Let's get styling together to include your email address and then some extra information, like where you can follow her on social media and then on the left side. She has her contact form. She also has the little spam protector. So she asked the specific question before anybody else did contact her. Another one that I wanted to show you is another one of our clients devour Tour's. We worked with them on branding message, and for them they haven't super simple to have a team photo here, and then they have customer service where you can email and if you can, if you want to call them, they have specific things. You can view their frequently asked questions, which is awesome because sometimes most people will send a question because or email because they don't have the answers. And having this on the contact page is super great, and then any press in theory. So if they want Teoh have any journalists or bloggers who want to work with them specifically than they can contact them in the specific contact, but it then they have their social media following here, and then if you click on the contact us, then it actually takes you to the contact form where you can fill out your information. Which I actually like this because it doesn't take up space, and they can add important information on the contact page without making it look super busy and over the top. So those are some great examples where other types of contact stages that you can kind of structure yours on. They don't need a lot of information, just the most essential and most important things. All right, so let's get writing. The contact page is the last page, and then we'll move on Teoh proof reading and personality. 14. Almost done: Proofreading & Personality: Welcome back in this video, we're going to be talking about proof, reading tips and adding personality into your website copy. You've already written your home about services, multiple or singular paid and your contact page. And now we want to talk about how to make sure that your website copy it's ready to be published and launched online with practically no mistakes. And before we do any of that, I also want to talk about how you can add personality into your website copy so it doesn't sound bland, boring a block of full. You know all those noises that sound very, very lame. We want to make sure that your was that copy is captivating and still converts clients. So to start, let's get into the proof reading tips before you publish or launch or upload your website copy into your website platform. Make sure that you proof read everything multiple times before uploading it. This means that you make sure everything makes sense that, you know sentences aren't runoff or, you know, you decided that you would talk about something, and then your ideal client has no idea are your sentences. Short and clear are the concise or you ramblings. You have large chunks of tech. Lift the size of my head without breaking it up with photos or spaces. Make sure that you have your website copy broken into skin mobile chunks, and then another thing that I want to talk about is, Would you even buy it yourself? Whatever you're selling on your website, would you often Would you buy it? Would you click to learn more? Would you click to contact them or subscribe to their email newsletter? If it doesn't sound like you would, then chances are your ideal client or your ideal audience. I'm not going to as well. So some other tips to consider before launching is have a trusted friend or business mentor . Anybody read through your website copy and give them no context to what your website is about. Let them just read it. Don't tell them anything, and if they can understand what your message is, well, your services are who your ideal client is and the story in your experience. Then you've done a good job with your website. Copy the next one. After you have a friend, read it, see if it makes sense. That means everything. All of the call to action. But is all of the layouts. Everything makes sense. It flows nicely. You're not talking about, you know, your services on the about me page. And then all of us had a need jump Teoh, You know what your experience is? What we're 10 years ago. Make sure that it has a clear flow. This can be kind of following what we talked about in the first couple of videos about your story and the story structure. Remember, we said, Prologue, beginning middle conflict Turning point solution, conclusion and epilogue. Make sure that each of your pages have some sort of structure like that. And then the last one is Is the formatting clear? Are you making sure that its skin mobile is it easy to redo? Things pop out at you if there are large chunks of text like seriously, besides of my head? But I'm going to tell you that you need to restart or make sure that you cut some of the sentences out and add in some spacing of something that I do with a lot of my clients. And when I write website coffee myself is ask myself So what's this got to do with it? If you cannot answer, why does this have to? I have to do with anything. Then that sentence can be deleted. That should help you wait, shortening your sentences, your paragraphs and making sure that everything is concise and clear for your ideal audience. Now moving on from proof Reading tips left it in two. Personality. Yes. Okay, so personality is basically how you are, how your brand is, how your business is on line. So if your personality is a little bit more reserved, that's totally fine. You don't need to be like the quirky Pineapple studio and clearly Comptel in videos. But I'm very, very extroverted, and I like to move my hands, and that's just who I am. So when you read my website copy, it ends up sounding exactly like that. But if your personality is not like that, that's totally fine. We still want to add a little bit of your personality into it. So what does that mean? If you're writing your website copy and you didn't include anything about your story, that's okay. This is where I want you all to go in and prove read everything and see where you could add parts of your story and your message into your website copy to make sure that had it adds a little bit of both. That little has that surprise factor that will make your website copy captivating, interesting and not a total snooze to read. Another tip that I want to share about adding in personality is making sure that you're not always just talking about yourself. You're not saying I am, I am. I am my favorite. This is this and that. Always talking about you. That's not true. We want to focus on your ideal client, so making sure that your personality matches to what they're trying to look for or what they're searching or what their problems are not what you want to do to make sure that your personality and your website copies personality sounds offend ticks, house rial and not just like a selling haptics. We don't want Personality website copied to sound like a selling tactic. That's not the point. The point is, really connect with your ideal audience and captivate them so that they're feel entitled and ready toe actually work with you are do whatever you want them to dio? So do work through that we're through some proof reading were through your personality. And then once you've done that, make sure you eat at least 4 to 5 times. I sometimes even read it twice. One day Leave it for another and then I come back the next. Do that. Take your time. Don't rush through it. And when you're ready, come back and then we will have a rough up and recap Teoh actually want your new website copy? I'll see you all in it in the next video. 15. Recap & Wrap-Up: Congratulations. You've finished this course how to write captivating website copy that converts clients before we end the class and before you do anything in publisher website copy. I wanted to do a quick recap and wrap up so that you can make sure that your website copy is optimized and ready to be loaded onto your website and that you feel confident in sharing your message and everything that you offer so before doing anything. These are some things to keep in mind before doing anything. Copy and paste your website coffee into your website platform and make sure that everything works. Everything is formatted correctly. Don't forget toe. Add any of the links for your call to action and make sure that the photos matched with everything that you want to do. That is the first thing. The 2nd 1 is something to keep in mind as that you launch your new website coffee out into the World website copy changes. What's that? Copy should not just be a one and done type of thing. It's actually constantly growing, changing, expanding and you're always editing it. So what does that mean? It means that although I'm super excited and proud of you all for completing this course and writing your website coffee in the next six months, your website copy should actually be tweaked and looked over before continuing on for the rest of the year. My recommendation on what we usually try to do with all of our clients of quirky Pineapple studio is to tell them Teoh read through Improved free their website coffee again after six months. So whenever you're taking this course in the next six months, double checks in town set aside maybe two hours to go through your website, copy all the pages and see where you can make changes. You can update some of your services. You'll probably get a lot clear with your ideal clients, and you can update your website copied to reflect all of that. Remember, lives a copy is not one and done it needs is like a living, breathing thing that you need to take care of every six months. Okay, so last thing is to make sure that you take a screen shot of your new website with your website copy and uploaded into the class project area. That way we can treat you want we can get things going. We can comment. We can leave our feet back and all of that. Another thing is, if you enjoyed this class, please remember to leave a review. You can follow me. Um, you can follow us the work. Incredible studio on Facebook and Instagram on Facebook. We are the quirky pineapple and on Instagram, we are at the working pineapple studio. And if you feel so inclined, you can even tag us with the behind the scenes of How do you are doing with your website, hoppy? Make sure to tag us on Instagram the quirky pineapple studio and you can hashtag it with take u p studio web copy. Of course. All right to you all. Thank you so much for joining us. And I hope that you enjoy this class. Um, if you have any questions, feel free to leave them in the comments below and I will get back to them as soon as possible. Thanks again. And I can't wait to read your website copy by