1. Introduction: Hello everybody and welcome to this new class. Today we will have a look at how to write a formal email in French. Let's have a look at the different topics of today's class. We will have a look at the structure of a formal email. We will look at some e-mail related terms and terms you would use in an e-mail depending on the context. I will show you four examples of formal emails in French in order to put everything we have seen into practice. Finally, you will have a class project for you to practice writing a formal email in French. This class is aimed at intermediate and advanced level. So let's get started.
2. Email Structure: Now we will have a look at the different parts of an e-mail and how to structure this email. Technically, you can divide your email into five parts. First, we have the subject, which is in French "l'objet" In order to indicate what the email is about. It is a small summary in a couple of words, usually a request or confirmation. Then we have greetings as starting phrases, such as some 'Madam' 'To whom it may concern', 'Dear'. You are indicated to whom you are talking to. Obviously, it will be different depending on the person and the context. Then we have the message. It can be one or several paragraphs explaining what your request, your demand, your message is. It is the reason of sending this e-mail. Then we have another greeting, but in this case it will be an ending phrase, such as yours sincerely. Kind regards, Warm regards, depending on the person or the context again. Finally, you have the signature where you will write your name or title or your title plus your name and surname, or your name and surname, depending on the structure. It can be followed by your email or your phone number to be contacted back, but that's optional. So your email in French, will be structured into these five parts. Now, in the next video, we will have a look at some French vocabulary related to each part that we will use when writing a formal email. So let's have a look.
3. Email Vocabulary: Now we will look at some fringe vocabulary related to emails and vocabulary that you can use in writing a formal email. First of all, let's have a look at some main vocabulary. An e-mail in French is an cookie electronic, or you can also send an email. And email address is in address electronic. You nevertheless e-mail and inbox in what do reception. And that box in what? Don't want. A draft. And a sender is an editor, if it's a man or an expedited trees, if it's a woman, a receiver are open destination. A junk man or spam is an undesirable or spam and attachment is in PS Xuan. The symbol, the symbol is R, When you say it in English, or we have actually a name for it, which is an arrow bags. Then a couple of verb to look at, to send is avoid me to delete suprema, to cancel and newly. And you save oncology S3 or safeguarding to forward. Now we're going to have a look at vocabulary related to each part of the structure of any mentor we've just seen. So the first part is the object. And as we said in the object, you just gonna put a short summary of why you asking. So for instance, if it's an application in French, you would be doing candidate. You. For example, consider two polar bust, the system, which means a Java application for the position of assistant. If it's a request, it would be in Dumont do mandu the mechanism request of shock opening hours. If it's a claim in a thick Lummus, your reclamation poetry defect you claim for a faulty product, a constellation would be an annulus. Annulus shown on the neutron mass of anti-A 3rd of March 2021. Appointment cancellation. If it's to ask O'Bannon appointment and Home Depot Wu Han, the UX professional of a clear professional appointment with client. And finally, if it's been meeting in a reunion in your abdomen, which means a weekly meeting for monthly report preparation. So that's just a couple of example, but it gives you the idea of what you could put in fringe. Now let's have a look at the greetings to starting phrases. For example, you can say Mr. or Mrs. President, muscular president, Madame President. The plural would be Miss Julie President made them Li president. So you've got the masculine and feminine as one. Then if you want to say dm, Mr. John of Mrs. Parker, share share Madame Parker. If it's a woman and a pro would become share MSU Barker, a button. Share made them Parker a burden than if you just want to put their firstName shared john, share mission. And the probe would become share john, Asia, share Michelle a. Alleles. It's only the writing that would change, not necessarily the way I'm pronouncing it, but you can see the spelling is different. Now if you want to just put their title and then the name must Chewbacca, Mr. Barker, Mrs. Parker, Mazu Parker, Madame. You can also put hello Mr. Or Mrs. Massu Parker, Bonjour. Madame Parker. If you know the person a bit better. And you can also do the same thing but with just the firstname. Hello John. Hello, mission module, John Boudreau, Michelle. Finally, if you want to say Sir, Madam, in French, you would be Madame, Monsieur Pro would be Madame misuse. The big difference is in English you put sir first, but in France were actually put Madame first. So that's the thing to be very careful. And finally, if you want to say To whom it may concern in French, it is at, to draw. Then in the message, I've put a couple of phrases that you can use, such as following our meeting, sweet and not Hong Kong. Following our conversation, sweet and auto conversation. I would like to receive some information. Shall sweetly also Gua. Gua doesn't form answer. I am contacting about do contact the sushi. Do please find attached my CV. Cv. Thank you for taking into account my requests. Do lumpy rate. I'm adamant. Looking forward to meeting you all. Please hear the wall country. Looking forward to hearing back from you. Don't let, don't do what ho, ho two. And finally, use connective terms such as high of a bird, does Leo. Today you can put between sentences. Then we have our greetings, which are the ending phrases. In English, you only have a main one which is use sincerely. But in French, we actually use a longer sentence and are four different way of saying it. Basically we only change the verb more or less. So you can say UPI, Doha, Savoir, Madame, Monsieur, midsagittal. Sure. This tiny word by word, it means please receive madam. Sir, might distinguish greeting, salutation. That's basically what it means. And we can say it in different waves, such as yes, I agree. Madame Monsieur leaks, presumed dumbest salutation. This tiny, as you can see, it's more or less the same. It's just the way it's worded. There is a bit different. I agree. Monsieur takes place holder may sanitize shown this Tanguy. X2, x2, less yawns, the midsagittal shown this Tanguy. V. I agree. Madame Monsieur may sanitize, shown this Tanguy. Then there's a shorter version, salutation these tiny, More, if you know the person already you've met the person rather than the first one you've seen a more, if you've never met those people, you can choose one of these example. And finally, you have kind regards, which is infringed called the Alamo. And finally, you have the signature. So you can write it in different ways, just your name and surname. Or you can have Mr. Mrs. and you name and surname. You can then add your phone number in different ways. So you can add the 10 at first. And then you can add your e-mail as well or put two different wave put email in front of it or not. In terms of vocabulary and how you're going to write your emails infringe. Remember that if you are writing a formal email, you will have to use the plural, you infringe, which is V02, as we use it when it's more formal. So never used to when you are writing a formal IMAP. Remember to also have an email address that is not silly. Something like ju the best at or something more like just your name. John Doe at And finally, always proofread your emails a couple of times, either by you or by someone else. So that's it for this video. Let's move on to the different example of emails in French. Thank you.
4. Examples of Emails: Now let's have a look at four examples of formal French emails. We're going to write an email in order to send a CV and a cover letter to apply for a job in a company, then an e-mail to thank the company for an interview. And he met in order to accept a new job. And finally, a non work-related e-mail to ask about viewing a flat to rent. We will use the structure and vocabulary that we've seen before in the class. So let's get started. So first let's have a look at the job application. We're going to start with the object, which is Java application for the position of assistant. So infringe, I have used candidate, you pull a post that system. To very short summary, we're going straight to the point about the job application. Then we are getting the people. Madame, Monsieur, Sir, madam, because we don't know who is going to answer that in. Then we are talking about sending all seeding. So in English it is I am contacting you about the position of assistant in your company. I recently passed my marketing degree and I'm very interested in this position. Please find my CV and my cover letter attached in French, you would say from a performer contacting, you post the system, don't want the associated. They sum up to New and the plumed the marketing is just be present it as a parcel post. V-to-v. See J1, your CV in my pseudo motivation, I want also to add that see J1 is a word that will not get the plural even if I'm attaching a CV and a cover letter. So two documents are we not put an S at the end of see J1? It is always singular. It just stays the same no matter how many you are attaching to the e-mail. Then we will add our greeting or ending phrase. In English, it would be yours sincerely. And in French, I've taken one of the example that I've mentioned before. Driven. Agree, Madame. Monsieur, Next question, the midsagittal shown this tonguing and then you sign because you're applying for a job. I would add my phone number and I would add my e-mail at the end because it's just at the end of DMEM for them to recontact tube even if they're going to have it in the CV. But because they don't know you, it's the good times you actually add that as a side note as well. You can notice that between 10 and coil just before the phone number and the e-mail, I have those two dots where I've left a space. It's normal in French when you punctuation His, we've more than one syllable. So in that case two dots. You have to leave a space between the word before and the punctuation just as a side note. Now let's have a look at an email where we would find a company or someone for an interview or object would be second of March interview. Thank you. And in French you would say, you do mass or maxima. I have to mention that sometimes if the English seems a bit off, it's because it's really based on what we are saying inferential, it's sometime literal translation. Then we would say hello to the person. We would more likely know the person because he would be the person that we have seen for the interview or maybe the person who contacting us for the interview. So you could say Hello, Mrs. Duple, Madame Dupont. And then we would say. Thank you. About the interior. So in English it is following the interview on the second of March for the position of marketing assistant. I wanted to thank you for your welcoming and for the two of the company. I'm happy to have met the different teams and visited the head office of the company. In French, we say sweet adulthood, Kim, do you do mass polyposis, das System marketing? Certainly avoid mercy. In for a visit to the associated. Just realizing that we're home country, the difference they keep. If you're a seizure, the allantois, please. Then we will add our greeting, the ending phrase, looking forward to hearing positively back from you, yours. Sincerely, don't let on generations favourable Jiu directly Madame Les Jones to midsagittal shown this tonguing and then you would put your name I wouldn't necessarily put back the contact detail. As you've met those people. They're looking at accepting a position. The object could be job offer, conformation, assistant position, and film measure of Saddam bush post test system. You could put the DNS time, the MEC stupor shell, Madame duple, and then your message. I would like to thank you for your author for the position of marketing assistant. I accept your offer and I am pleased to join your company. Please find attached the position of the and the contracted document that I have dated and sign. And in French you would say immersive over TAF who don't follow past that system marketing. Accept what Hoffer Dongpo is you having the associated would hover. I see Xuan, lawful Saddam bush, it will contract that the ACE. We can then add our greeting. We agree, madam micelle, I-TASSER, this language, yours sincerely. And sign with our name again. Finally, let's have a look at anemia is not work-related. Asking for renting a flat, for example. So in the object we would say request of information for flats in Paris for example. So it's a request. And in French we say demand the homes and pneumo apart. So maybe you contacting an agency for renting a flight, you don't know who you're contacting. So in that case, you can put To whom it may concern because we're not show who's going to answer the email. So inferential, you can say Aikido the WAF. And then you add your message. I am contacting you about the flat in the center of Paris, which is available for rent. Would it be possible to view this apartment next Monday between 08:00 AM, 11:00 AM. In French we would say remove Burma to protect the medulla part homo or some quadrupedally key at this point Ebola or look as you saw it, it pushed him to visit the setup Ottoman lands, the Porsche on Twitter. As you can see, the question mark has a space before, because it's a punctuation with two symbols. Therefore, we put that space. And finally we add in our ending phrase, greeting card general kind regards. And we can add a name, something. In this case, I would put our contact details if we want them to conduct this back baby by fun, to actually organize and view the property. So these are just a couple of example of email for you to just you have an idea of how to apply what we've seen in terms of structure and vocabulary infringed. Obviously, depending on the context, the emails might be different, but you can actually refer back to those e-mail and pick up the terms that you would use in your own formal emails. So that's it for this topic. Let's move on to the next video. Thank you.
5. Class Project & Conclusion: Well done everybody. We are now at the end of this class. In order for you to practice, you will have the following class project. Don't forget to download the PDF in the class section and submitted back. So I can have a look at it and give you some feedback. In this class project, you will have to write a formal email in French in order to apply for a manager position in a shoe manufacturing company. Good luck. Now let's summarize what we have learned today. You know how to structure a formal email in French. You know some vocabulary in French that you can use and include in your e-mails. You have seen some example of formally medals in French. I hope this class has given you a better understanding on how to write formally males in French. Don't forget to submit back to your project. And oh, let me know if you have any question. Thank you for watching this class. Mesiobuccal poverty liquid on top. Baha