1. Intro + Steps 1-4: Hey, folks, welcome to how to write a 16 bar wrap. My name is Brandon Alexander Williams. First and foremost, rap is the acronym for rhythm and poetry. So you have to have rhythm and poetry. So we're gonna start with the poetry part, right? Gotta have words get 1/2 meaning. And then the rhythm is what you're gonna create when you deliver it when you perform it and wrap it on a track. Step number one, you have to pick an instrumental beat. I've already provided you guys with that so you could download 93 bpm. Instrumental BPM stands for beats per minute, and that's gonna help determine your tempo. And the pace of your song I want to do is count the beats. Okay, when account the 123 and four. So, for example, when they beat right here 123 scores. 1234 One, 2341234 Observe the snares under 214 Right. We're gonna play it again. 4 to 4 to 412341234123 4 to 1 to four is how you're gonna wrap to your ribbon. Your Ron ending should land on the two in on the four. That's the box to bubble bone for bone. Now how you count bars. People say 16 bores, right? One bar is every four count. Or, as I say, every second snare. Listen for the second snare. So we're gonna listen out for the snares only. Don't do the ones with the for in your head unless it makes sense for you. All right, there, there, there, there. That's the snare. That 1234 So every second snare IHS one bar. So that means 16 bars. It's 32 snares, right? But that's how you counter bars. You gonna write 16 bars.
2. Steps 5 - 9: next step is right. Your 1st 4 bars or your first motif, if you will now most rhymes consists of two Bar Ronning's. But I'm going to teach you how to do four bar rhyme ings because, um, it sounds better for the song. Usually when musicians and producers put together beats, they do change the beat every four bars, as opposed to every two bars. And so, when you put together a four bar rhymes game or four bar motif, your rap sound way better. Okay, Next step is you have to pick four rhyme endings offer multiform. So, for example, I'm gonna give you a four syllable rhyme scheme Motif. Right. So for the first bar ending, we're going to say, Happy or not a nappy or not trapped in a plot to happy a lot. Okay. Yeah. So you want to beat 44? You want to come in? Here we go. First off seems to be happy and not Lady. I think your hair is beautiful. Napa or not, there's a realist company, so don't get trapped in the plot. Just be alone off on someone that makes you happy. Your life. So, um, that's the 1st 4 bars. That's motif one. The motif is a musical pattern or grouping of things, right? So once we developed this first motif, people can follow along and know that these forearms air coming and that at some point they're going to change. All right, So for the second motif or bars 5 to 8, the 2nd 4 bars, the rhyme Indians that I have are person certain curtain and circuit. Okay, now, there's gonna be some internal rhyming that I'm actually gonna do on the tools, but only pay attention to the ones on the four. The second snare So cat but boom, boom rhyme, rhyme. And then boom, boom, boom, boom boom Ryan and Ryan ending right meeting primary. That's also by your surgeons looking to find that person. Make sure you find your purpose, and just in time will certainly start to come from deep inside of you behind the curtain and controlled by a switch that when you just look to a higher searches, once you pick the beat, you have to figure out how to mould that to the beat, right?
3. Steps 10 - 11: So for your third motif, um, these rhyme endings that I use, um are Earth and surface burning and verses. All right. And no, your mind a worthless. It's just like fertile earth in whatever you decide to play any in due time, we'll surface so I can so a dreaming you The field of fire burning ambition of plants and mindless rhymes and harvest tired versus right So we get earth and surface burning versus okay, So now I'm gonna do it So the be is gonna be way faster than I just recited it Okay? Yeah. Oh, and no, Your mind works just like fertile earth in whatever you decide to play in it in the time of surface. So I consult a dreaming You feel the fight, get burning ambition of plants in mind Runs and harp Italian versus bones So that's multi three. Now you got 12 bars, right? So that was 9 10 11 and 12. Born nine. Bartender, 11 Barthwell. Right. So now you come up with the fourth motif right? With the last four bars, that's 13 14 15 and 16. And now you've made it to 16 bars. Okay, so the Ron innings that I have for this particular rat for multi four. The Ron endings that I have are perfection. I have repping I have lesson and I have perception now, of course, with perfection and perception. I'm just using deception part and affection part right. So I'm Rahman perfection with weapon lesson and perception. Okay, so when I stick those rhyme endings, they're gonna fit on the force And I'm gonna have in turn around and going to But I'm out here, hurdle stepping for personal perfection. No speed boiling. I'm just slow and steady, turtle. Repping you are what you think you are our hope to learn your lesson. You create your reality, senior. That's based on your perception. All right? Yeah. I should pick the slower beat, but, um, I hurdle stepping personal perfection. No, See, bowling. I'm just slow instead. Each other weapons. You all What? You think you are our hope to learn your lesson? You create your reality and that's based on your perceptions
4. Step 12 and outro: So now what you wanna do is when I recite those, once you have your motif one, go over that to the beat. Then in practice, motif 12 together, okay? And then practice motif 123 together, and then practice the whole burst. Okay? And so what I'm gonna do for you guys is wrap the whole verse all the way through 16 bars and we go, ok. So now me personally, I like to practice to wrap acapella because by the time you've played the bees three or four times is in your head, the temple was in your head. And you can run it slower and just remember to kind of speed it up, wants to beat actually comes. Okay, so i, I think it's very good for you to hear your words so that you can create your own rhythm to it. I'm going to split the rap acapella and then I'm gonna spit it into B. So I'll say, first off, you choose to be happy in that. And lady, I think Joe here was beautiful and happy and not misery, loves company, so don't get trapped in it. It just be alone. A font, someone that makes you happy a lot. And why you search to find that person. Make sure you find your purpose and assistance humbled certain least art to come from deep inside of you behind a curtain controlled by a switch. They went from just low to a high a circuit. And know your mining where for this is just like four to earth and whatever you decide to play in due time will surface. So I consult with dreaming Yoda field of phi in Bern and ambition of plants and minus rhymes and harvest tie inverses. But I'ma her hurdle step and for personnel perfection, no speed Ball and I'm just slow and steady sorta rep. And you are what you think you are a hopes you learn your lesson, you create your reality and is based on your perception. So now I'm trying to insert a b. You're going to learn more about Vref controller. That's going to be my next lesson. Okay. First off, you choose to be happy in that. And lady, I think go heavier as beautiful nap. But you know, there's a realist companies that don't get trapped in that plot. Just be alone. A font, someone that makes you happy you lack. And why you search and look insofar as that person's, make sure you find your purpose essence than SAML certain lease starting to come from Deacon Saturday you behind a curtain controlled by a switch them once he just loved to y Highest circuits and no yo mining workflow is just like fertile or from whatever you decide to play any Duhamel surface so I can show a dreaming you would have good of phi, a burn-in ambition of plants on minus rhymes and how this high inverses. But I'm, I heard obstetrics for personal professional snuffed me Ball and I'm just slogans that eternal reference you all what you think you are hopes you learn your lesson, you create your reality and is wasting your perception. So that's how you write 16 bars. Ladies and gentlemen, if you enjoyed this head array, the 16 bar rep, short class and skill share. Once you give the master class or try, and what I'll do for you Gaza, use promo code skill share to get 73% off and sort of classes only twenty-seven dollars instead of a 100, go to modern day grill that So that's how you write. 16 bars. When you're writing. You want to come up with Iran innings first. And then we wanna make sure that your content is really, really tight. That it makes sense that your drive and you're pushing the story along or you push an idea along. That way is just not like random rhyming that doesn't make any sense. And they usually happens. We're like freestyle, right? Because it's like, oh, I can just wrap no. Ok. unwrap pillow with Minow with true flow in, you know, I'm saying so me, I like to write wraps and poems that like makes sense that drive a point home. And so that's what I challenge you to do and that's what I'm going to teach you guys do. And like rate subscribe, calm it. Semi anything, any critiques on it? You know, say Hey, maybe you wrap into fast or hey, you weren't rapid fast enough or, you know, tell me about a technique, that idea that you want to learn more about and not create a lesson about that. My name is Brian and Alexander Williams. Thank you for your town, peace and love.